#anti b.echo
immortalcockroach · 4 years
the other night i was thinking about bellamy on the ring and i realised something
so this whole time, i was wondering why he hadn’t ended up with raven. it would make so much sense - they had the foundation. they knew each other for a while, they’ve been through some major life points together, they have already been together sexually meaning that they likely are sexually attracted to each other and are shown to be friends throughout the first four seasons. they obviously care a lot about each other. 
there’s also the point of both of them having lost someone they loved, recently. you could argue that bellamy’s loss of clarke wasn’t romantic, and okay, but you can’t deny that shattered him. a lot like finn’s death shattered raven. this is something only monty can share with them, as far as i remember, as he lost jasper, whom he loved, too. therefore, it would make sense for bellamy and raven to bond over their grief, and it would only make sense for that to lead something more on the ring. 
but here’s the problem. this is a very good foundation for a good, healthy, loving relationship. they’d have six years of growth, and by the time they’d be back on the ground, chances are they would function a lot better than b.echo. they would understand each other better, because they’d been with each other even before space, as friends. 
this is a relationship that makes sense. it would be endgame, because it would work. 
however, you don’t want to make an endgame relationship if you have another endgame relationship in mind for one of these two characters. this way, braven would stand in place of bellarke, clear as day. with braven happening on the ring, bellarke would not stand a chance on the ground or anywhere else. 
so you give bellamy another relationship, one that isn’t that strong, one that hasn’t been truly tested before, one that has come to life within very controlled, timid conditions. something that can break easily, or at least naturally. something that will not overshadow bellamy’s love for clarke, even years later. 
realistically, something would’ve happened on the ring. people get lonely and horny and when you’re with only six other people for six years, something is bound to happen. there was a choice between raven and e.cho, and there had to be a narrative where something stands in place of bellarke so the angst and pining can keep going for a little longer. 
this way, the writers prolonged the bellarke love story without actually fundamentally undermining it.
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bellamynochillblake · 5 years
The BE hug was funny, it didn’t even show E face and Bellamy just patted her hair like what you do when someone your not that comfortable with hugs you and it’s too awkward to embrace them so you pat their back.
I didn’t think it was awkward, tbh. But it wasn’t romantic either. It looked like a family hug, at least from Bellamy’s POV. Echo did like stroke his hair. I think they’re in different emotional places, but Bellamy still loves her, but he loves Clarke more, that’s just a fact at this point. He was happy and relieved to see Echo alive and safe, but that wasn’t a ‘you’re the love of my life hug’. 
This was: 
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And it was not erased just because there wasn’t a love confession for Bellarke last episode.
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barnes-107th · 5 years
I mean we didn’t really win tonight, but blechos lost so I call that a win.
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shayera-the-magpie · 6 years
B.echo definitely hardly makes sense in the the season premiere, since a few episodes before Bellamy was choking E.cho for trying to kill Octaylo.
And if Ec.ho teaches Raven how to fight, then Raven should have taught her how to use computers. Seems like these things should be equal footing.
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imruination · 4 years
Bellamy and Selfish Love
Let’s talk about Bellamy and just how he has been convinced that individual love is selfish, and therefore has been selfish. (Adding on that this has become really bellarke focused so I’m sorry that’s just where my brain lives.) I think Bellamy has loved a lot of people in the time the audience has known him. I especially think he has loved all the delinquents in his own way, but in this we’re gonna focus on the 3 women he mentions in 7x11. Octavia. E/cho. Clarke. Under the break cause this is a full blown essay!
Obviously Bellamy and Octavia grew up in a really unhealthy environment. This environment leads to an unhealthy idea of love from the time Bellamy is a child. Love doesn’t save his mom’s life. Love doesn’t keep the ark from locking up his sister, a child. But most of all, it’s what makes his sister, the only thing in his life he actually really cares about, hate him. He loved her too much, and too close and she almost immediately resents him for it. Eventually he grows up some, and starts to realize a lot of his childhood was not his fault, but childhood trauma lasts forever. Somewhere in the back of his mind there’s always the reminder that his love is not appreciated. His love helps no one. Using visions of his mother obviously was a very good way to tap into that insecurity.
Onto E. She has a long history of prioritizing loyalty (or her version of love) above morality. That being said, Bellamy doesn’t know about most of the things she has done since being back on the ground. He obviously doesn’t know about her breakdown over his death, so this is irrelevant. Bellamy was also selfish in this relationship. For all intents and purposes, he used her. When trying to get her to understand his point of view, he says “I’m still the man you love.” That’s what he’s losing in this scene. Someone who loves him. Bellamy has always been someone who needs to feel needed.  He’s always latched on to anything that made him feel loved. So the truth of the matter is that he let go and let himself be with E because he needed that feeling. He loved her simply because he knew “loyalty was her weakness” and she would love him. Yes, he was isolated, and had lost the most important people in his life, but it was a selfish move for him to pursue her. Because nobody really wants to be with someone who doesn’t actually love them as a person, instead of the feeling being with them gives them. To make it even worse, it’s not like Bellamy doesn’t know what love feels like and is being mislead. He has let himself actually want and love someone before. Love someone for who they were. He knows full well what that feels like, and he chose to ignore it because it caused him heartbreak. We know that he’s aware he’s in love with Clarke. In present tense. So we can only assume he knows he screwed up here as well.
Which brings us of course, to Clarke... Honestly maybe the only person in his life that he has 1. chosen to love, and 2. loved for reasons having nothing to do with himself. He just loves what she is. But he was never actually meant to love her. I wouldn’t be surprised if he has been fighting himself over this from the beginning. First she was his enemy, then his co-leader that he couldn’t afford to lose. They both betray and hurt each other several times over. Gina dies because of that love. He poisons Octavia for that love. He leaves his entire family behind for that love. And yet. He’s reminded over and over again that she doesn’t love him back. Not like that. All of these things he’s done for her, because he literally can’t help it. 7 years, and he can’t help it. Surely the world would be better off without something so weak and reckless. (Little does he know that by retracting that love, he’s breaking her heart too yikes!)
We’ve had one episode with Cult!Bellamy and Clarke’s conversation with Clarke is definitely the one that stood out the most. This isn’t about losing someone that loves him, it’s about losing someone he loves and even now is incapable of losing. As deeply rooted that this fear of love is for him, Clarke is deep in his heart as well. He never recovered from losing Clarke in Praimfaya. We saw him practically have a panic attack when he thought he was reliving it in 5x13. In s6 he broke down quietly alone, like he didn’t want anyone to see just how her death was affecting him. Then he was so ready to believe he could get her back, he caught the subtle tapping on her arm. He does believe in Cadogan. He’s tired and he wants peace, and he’s been manipulated to believe this is the way to achieve it. They preyed on his feelings about love. But he never actually STOPPED loving people. He literally can’t stop loving Clarke and I think deep down he knows that. He’s scared of it. He’s already lied for her, when he swore he never would. What now?
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irisouy · 4 years
Warning: not for b.echo shippers. I’m not trying to start fights, so don’t read if you like b.echo and don’t come at me.
I know it’s my own opinion and point of view, but I really don’t see the flashback we have had of Echo and Bellamy as being about them as a couple. I don’t buy the b.echo feast as some have been referring to about 7a. None of what happened in 7a was about b.echo, it was about Echo.
Echo is struggling with her identity hopping from one King/Queen to another, all in the name of loyalty. That’s all she knows. In Skyring, she clearly says she doesn’t know what she will do if she looses Bellamy and the show proceeds in her losing her « King » so she can discover who she is without someone to follow. Yes she went into a revenge spree... but that was something she did in her own accord; without anybody ordering her around. She used her spying abilities to seek revenge. This may not be the character development people were waiting for, but it’s still growth.
Also, regarding the “b.echo feast” I’ve seen people claiming: I really don’t see how it’s a feast... we’ve had Echo obsessing about her mission to get to Bellamy, yes her mission, not her love. We’ve had one flashback which insisted on the fact that her loyalty was her biggest weakness... yes there was a kiss, but that was not the point of the scene. If anything this scene screams « break up foreshadowing » more than anything. Her loyalty to Bellamy will become the weakness in their relationship: the way she handled her loss of him is going to be the problem. I don’t know if we’ll get Bellarke endgame for sure, but I know we’re not getting b.echo endgame. The groundwork has been laid to bring forward the gap that has been getting bigger between Bellamy and Echo since they landed on earth in season 5. Echo was right to worry : going back to earth has indeed changed things. I don’t agree with people trashing b.echo just for Bellarke, this ship doesn’t deserve being trashed. From what I see on screen those two do love and care about each other. But love is not always enough: there is a major underlying incompatibility between them that will eventually break them appart. And yes I ship Bellarke because I see a deep connection between them even after all the struggles, separations and yes, even betrayals. All I have seen since season 5 is the gap between Bellamy and Echo widening, while Clarke and Bellamy have been getting closer. You may disagree, and that’s your prerogative, but that’s what I’ve seen on screen.
Anyways there are not many episodes left, so we’ll soon know for sure the intent of the show and if our interpretation of the clues is right, or too “shippey”.
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eatsnaek · 5 years
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hermesmultivitamins · 4 years
okay I am not trying to be negative but I was exhausted and had the longest day every yesterday so when ec.ho was screaming about Bellamy being gone I was genuinely confused bc I legit forgot they were together lmfao
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spacebell · 4 years
also, please tell me that its bellamy's and clarke's time to shine, i want to see them on my screen, even if it is angst!!!!
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rhcenyra · 5 years
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5x01 / 6x04
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Can someone explain why people do this?
Ok almost Everytime I see someone mention echo or becho I always see them put an asterisk or period or something in between the letters (Ex: E.cho, B*echo). Why do people do that (it’s also with other characters and ships to but I mainly see it with anything echo)? If it’s because you’re too disgusted with the characters or ship, I get not liking the character or ship but like why? I’m just assuming and I could be wrong, if I am can someone explain.
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bellamynochillblake · 5 years
idk maybe echo and bellamy break up when they're locked in the cattle car?
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barnes-107th · 6 years
*Bellake making parallels*
Call backs to forgiveness, making leadership decisions together, the heart and the head talks
*B.echo trying to make parallels*
Joke about E.cho killing herself, meeting in cages, joking about stabbing other’s family
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shayera-the-magpie · 6 years
I know I wrote a post about how I made myself ship b.echo (which I deleted shortly after). Thinking about it in the past few days, i decided that I don't ship it as it is canon.
Like, she was involved in Gina's death, she tried to kill Bellamy's sister twice (even if it wasn't personal) and six years later, they they are involved and E.cho is friends with the rest of the Spacekru without showing us how.
People tend to think with what they know and the writers should know that viewers don't like it being presented to them when just a few episodes before the premiere, Bellamy was choking her for trying to kill Octaylo in the Conclave on Roan's behalf (and she got banished for it). A friend told me that she felt like b.echo was being shoved down her throat and based on the Twitter feed, others feel the same way. And that's not good if the writers are making their viewers feel that they are shoving a pairing with a questionable history down their throats.
I can ship it if it's modern au or if it's a canon divergent au where they don't have the baggage or the fic writer has the common sense to show them discuss their bad blood and showing e.cho actually trying to earn the trust of Bellamy and his friends after Mount Weather. However, I can't ship it canon as there is no logic for it. We weren't shown it.
So, you're not going to be seeing shippy posts of b.echo on my blog as a result. No gifs or anything.
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yiangchen · 5 years
twitter b.echos are so pressed about this season focusing so much on bellamy and clarke. lmfaooooo, the story has always been bellamy and clarke and their relationship. where have these people been? their relationship is what drives the narrative forward every single season.
s1: bellarke form a partnership and protect/lead the 100
s2: bellarke are separated twice, trying to save the 47 and struggling without one another, and it’s not until they are working together again that their people can be saved (when they pull the lever)
s3: bellarke each give up their agency to other leaders and neither are what their people need because they’re broken and their relationship is broken, and it’s not until they’ve mended it that they can save everyone
s4: bellarke co-leading again like they did in s1 and every action they make affects the plot more than any other two characters (as always)
s5: bellarke struggle to fit together again and both their loves for one another and the miscommunications between them have extreme consequences on the narrative 
also, throughout all of that is the two of them doing stupid things to save each other/because of each other and it influences the course of events (i.e. clarke pretending she doesn’t care about bellamy because “love is weakness”, but then doing everything she can, including letting a bomb drop on her people in tondc, to ensure his survival because “she cares about him more”; bellamy poisoning his sister to save clarke and he’s too afraid to face the implication of that, so even though she is “another traitor who he loves”, she winds up thinking he doesn’t care about her when he later wants madi to ascend, and that sends clarke on her downward spiral that has, again, extreme consequences on the narrative; etc.) 
in other words, the state of bellamy and clarke’s relationship has always greatly influenced the narrative. the story of bellamy and clarke is the one they’ve been telling this entire time.
the antis are just mad because this season is making it even more obvious that romantic bellarke is coming. if not in s6, then in s7. each episode has its own significance in respect to bellarke, and in each episode, bellarke regain the trust between them and become a solid team again. plus, all of their interactions have huge romantic implications behind them (which yes, they’ve always had romantic implications, but this season is just so extra).
6x01: nearly everyone hates clarke and bellamy is the only one to consistently defend/assure her that things will be okay; b.echo have a talk about forgiveness that heavily implies bellarke know it a hell of a lot more than b.echo; the radio calls are addressed
6x02: more of bellamy defending clarke; bellamy and clarke run around trying to save their people as a team; bellamy and clarke are forced to say/do things that hurt each other, physically and emotionally
6x03: bellamy supports clarke as a leader over e.cho (which was foreshadowed in the previous episode by bellamy saying to e.cho, “clarke and i’ve got this”); bellamy promises to bring madi back safe; bellamy is adamant about still saving her and the others even when the sanctum people ditch them; bellamy rushes to madi’s side upon seeing her paralyzed; bellamy keeps his promise in returning her to clarke
6x04: clarke’s biggest regret is leaving bellamy to die; clarke apologizes to bellamy for leaving him and assures him something like it will never happen again because he’s her family and too important to her; bellarke hug just because they can; bellamy watching clarke dance with another guy and then fighting with e.cho about his sister and definitely not indirectly about clarke, nope, definitely not that; e.cho doesn’t know how to help him with octvia the way that clarke does; e.cho isn’t naturally open with him like clarke is
6x05: bellamy is the first to realize that clarke isn’t clarke anymore
6x06: the return of heart bellamy; he spends the entire episode grieving clarke; while e.cho spends it thinking of bellamy, he spends it thinking of clarke; bellamy makes the most difficult decision in his life, which is to not avenge clarke; bellamy decides to do what clarke would have done and survive, giving up once he realizes he can’t bring clarke back; bellamy is portrayed as madi’s father figure when he tells her clarke is dead and she hugs him; bellamy goes to cry alone because his girlfriend can’t comfort him over this and the only person that can is gone
6x07: clarke can’t face bellamy because she’s afraid he hasn’t truly forgiven her, josephine uses her insecurities about where she stands with bellamy to manipulate her into giving up; clarke changes her mind in the end and sends bellamy a message through morse code because she has that much faith in him picking up on josephine tapping rhythmically on her arm; bellamy decides to save clarke instead of peace/safety for their people
and in 6x08, bellamy will likely be trying to convince everyone that clarke is still alive, and i can’t wait to see everyone’s reactions. i wanna see who’s on Team Save Clarke Griffin and who’s not. 
whatever the case, the narrative will be driven forward by bellamy’s faith in clarke and her in faith him, because that’s how it’s been since day 1,
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it’s how it is now,
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and it’s how it always will be because bellarke is the story of the 100. 
thanks for coming to my ted talk.
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targsdaenerys · 5 years
hey, uh....... im just gonna say it,,,,
i think e.chos dying this season (this isnt an anti post but i dont want to put this in her tag)
next episode were going to watch her “face her past” and idk im just getting the vibe because isnt that out of kinda no where??
as i wrote this post i realized they are probably doing this BECAUSE bellarke it 99.4% canon. e.cho is just the .6%. theyre gonna search for our sympathy (its probably gonna be something where she cant trust people/basically something Not Good to learn when shes about to find out bellamy loves clarke)
(but also my death thing still stands:( )
were only just starting to like her and shes sacrificing herself/trying to help clarke and her arc is kinda done and i just...i have a bad feeling.
and in case no one caught on, they are going to mention everything she helped with this season.
ugh. i dont like b.echo, but i dont want them to split through death. neither deserves it.
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