arcxnumvitae · 9 months
The way that I, a M.att M.urdock fan, have been subsisting on crumbs since 2018 is really something to be impressed by.
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axellis-archv-2 · 2 years
typing a post and then deleting it and then typing it again bc it might sound like i like this guy too much
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mlmvoreconfessionals · 2 months
What's your favorite video game?
Really hard question. I think the D.anganRonpa series is pretty high up there just overall. But then I also think B.ug Fables is one of the best games I've ever played. And also I'm obsessed with P.okemon (though I think the quality of those have decreased with time). And also I think S.ilent Hill 2 and 3 are some of the best video games ever made. And there’s also E.cho which changed my brain forever. So! whichever of those answers you like most.
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gloryseized · 5 months
ooc;; still rotating the idea of adding e.cho st.ar war to this blog
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b4didea · 1 year
a trailer came out for or.phan bl.ack e.choes today & i’m thriving
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e.cho is everything to me this is the best thing marveI has put out recently
maya is my everything i would die for her
onto episode 2!!!
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melpomeneprose · 9 months
Tag Nine (or more) People You'd Like to Get to Know Better!
𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐑(𝐒): Too many, so I'll say 3, the colours of the bi flag, unironically, yes, with a U, I speak fluent Canadian/British Isles and also American spellings. Anything a shade of purple, pink, or blue.
𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐅𝐋𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑(𝐒): I have a sweet tooth, beyond that, it changes on a regular basis.
𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐌.𝐔𝐒𝐈𝐂: I listen to just about most things if I connect with them, to be distinct I shall say G.oth s.ubculture music (p.ost-p.unk, dark/new wave, g.othic r.ock, etc) and musicals. I have seen J.anelle M.onáe, T.he C.ure, E.cho & T.he B.unny M.en, and D.epeche M.ode amongst others, a lot of musicals.
𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐌.𝐎𝐕𝐈𝐄(𝐒): I.WTV (1994) <- self-explanatory, M.arie A.ntoinette (2006) <- I just dig the aesthetics and tearing apart patriarchy artistically, idgaf it is inaccurate, it is easily one of the best costume dramas ever, and K.irsten nails every second on screen, C.hevalier (2022), and D.angerous L.iaisons (1988). Definitely a bunch of B.ollywood I am forgetting but... *shrugs*.
𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒: ... H.annibal (NBC), G.ood O.mens, TURN (AMC) H.arlots (Hulu), J.ohn A.dams (hbo) I really personally liked season 2 of B.ridgerton (Netflix) but it is solidly within the realm of historical fantasy I’m okay with that and I note it but it is solid for what it is, A.MC's I.WTV <- though I am withholding further opinions on it until I see its next season.
𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐆: The Olde Year Now away is fled (C.olonial Harpsichord edition), written by Arthur Henry Brown. Before that? R​é​volte (revolt or revolution) ​ by C.arnal M.achinery (which is solidly in the realm of darkwave/g.oth p.unk)
𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒: TURN (again), before that? L.iberty's K.ids, lol.
𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐌𝐎𝐕𝐈𝐄: M.arie A.ntoinette (2006).
𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐋𝐘 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆: I got oh so many books for the Holidays, but, currently... les liaisons dangereuses for my current WIP.
𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐋𝐘 𝐖𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆: TURN (rewatch, on season 4), but also rewatching… J.ohn A.dams (hbo) and H.arlots (Hulu).
𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐋𝐘 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐍: My WIP novella and not letting SAD, etc ‘win’.
tagged by (borrowed from): @honorhearted, to which no one is shocked. <3
tagging: @gentlejack, @sangcreole, @pyratezlife, @annastrxng, @apurekindness, @neroengland, @tenthvictor / @dxlac, @wiedzmacienia, @johngravessimcoe, @cabbxges-and-kings, & @dynastymuses *finger guns* (affectionate).
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ahliits · 2 years
thinking of om.ega as i’m passing out. i’m thinking about how if she survives the end of t.bb show, it’s inevitable that she’ll outlive her brothers. she’ll slowly lose them to battles, old age, sacrifices, maybe even the rebellion. but no matter which one of them remains with her, they keep the marauder. that is tech’s gift to for as long as it can still run long after he’s gone. and she cherishes it. but as o.mega loses each one of them… the quieter it gets. no more wreck.er lifting g.onky. no more tech fiddling with things and muttering himself. no more hunte.r and e.cho discussing the next move. no more e.cho working around the ship. no more hunter lecturing wrecker to keep clean. none of that. it all slowly disappears til she only has the home her brothers and father raised her. and it pains her to be there without them, without the noise but she would rather die than let it go. so she tries not to let the silence get to her. for a while she goes off on her own in her grief— she has no one else. there’s no one in the galaxy that she has. so she throws herself into justice bounty hunting to get rid of the silence. it fills the void of noise on the havoc ma.rauder it does just enough. omega isn’t whole now, but she has become bitterly content to that for the rest of her days. and then when a bounty is for the rebel cause, she finds herself rethinking. and obviously she protects the mark instead oof kills them. now, she rescues them. This is how she remembers what her brother father’s legacy was to her. be kind, be aware. take care of your own. and then those who cant help themself.
and then hera syndulla again. after all these years they connect. they connect and talk and bond and cry for they’ve lost. yhey are happy… and someone along the way is happy too. when jacen is born omeg.a’s heart belongs to him. aboard her ship? nothig will ever get him. and finally, there’lll be noise again.
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dragonflute · 1 year
if any of u care....... e.choes of the eye is everything to me
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fatesown · 2 days
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i'm planning on streaming e.choes of w.isdom tomorrow but it's so hard not to open it right now. i just know i wouldn't be able to stop if i did open it
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"You are my family too"
That is so important let me tell you why:
Ever since Octavia began training with Indra, ever since she became the warrior she is, she sees people different. You can even say she used to it even before that. But with Indra's knowledge, with how she helped her not only fight but to know how to read your enemy, she has been very cautious of knowing who are her enemys and who are her friends.
Octavia is smart, yes there are moments when the show made us doubt that, with all the bloodreina stuff or going crazy over lincoln, but wit bloodreina that was her way too keep anyone together, too not let anyone die who wasn't necessary and she lost her mind because of that. With lincoln it was the same thing, the love of her life had died, it was her way to cope.
I'm not saying that she is right and should be pardoned by every mistake she made, but she was barely a child when she was confined, and a teenager who didn't know anything apart of what her brother told her. So of course she is going to be a little different. And in that way assessing people and what will they do survive became her specialty.
Now the "you are my family too". Bellamy knew that Echo weakness was her loyalty. So it's only logical that Octavia knew that as well, because if Bellamy "The Heart" Blake knew how to judge someone weakness, a warrior like Octavia that explores the weakness knew too. Let's not forget that they fought against each other, that Echo did everything for Azgeida and Octavia knew that.
Everybody knows that Echo is a great ally to have at your side. She needed Echo's loyalty if she was going to survive. Echo is fragile, all her life she's been following someone, Octavia knew she needed a link, or she would go crazy and probably kill everyone in her path like we saw her do.
So yeah, it is a bit weird hearing Octavia tell her, Echo, the person she hates and told all kind of awful story to Hope, that she is her family too. However, it is a brilliant move, one she must have made to survive
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talistheintrovert · 5 years
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The 100 Season 6 Crack 6/?
ft. my personal spec for 6x08, don’t @ me, this is exactly how that scene will happen
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axellis-archv-2 · 2 years
under the cut my o.verwatch rambling bc i hate this game and its lore is not making sense to me all bcthey genuinely refuse to give an actual timeframe of the crisis and its ruining everything
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look at that wiki trivia page and tell me that isnt promising.
ok sorry. anyway according to this wiki && whatnot the o.mnic crisis takes place like 20-30 years ago . yes we get 10 years of "ish". (or more if youre r.einhardt!!!) This is awful because when it comes to o.mnics in general the ages they put are very...CONFUSING to say the least.
b.astion, who is continuously remarked as one of the oldest units ever used in the o.mnic crisis is listed as 30 . 😐😑😐
z.enyatta, who has remarked in actual literal voicelines of "remembering his life before the crisis", is 20 😐😐😐😐
...but m.ercy & b.aptiste, both orphaned from the crisis, are 36 & 37 respectively
o.risa, a refurbished or-15 who was built and created specifically to counteract d.oomfist is 1 month
i guess i should also mention r.amattra since hes the only other o.mnic character we even have (in game physically) and he gets put at a vague 20-30
fyi e.cho isnt an o.mnic shes an ai but also her age is "classified"
so from what im cracking from o.risa specifically you would imagine that o.mnics would start counting birthdays for when they awakened rather than when they were created . this makes sense i feel given that this is when they have an actual consciousness. but this would make b.astion younger (b.astion having awakened years after the crisis. long enough where grass high enough to cover at least half his body, was covering a bunch of his own fellow dead Siege Automaton E54 units) (z.enyatta could be also argued to be older too if the crisis is more in the 30yr range)
so. ok. maybe im just having a time and the o.mnic crisis happened 20-30 years ago && only lasted a year or so...and yet somehow was responsible for building the entire organization of o.verwatch bc of how big & scary this crisis was. and this was built long enough that people would be called to join in on this?
is it just a me thing am i just being fucking cazy . maybe the united nations actually did team up together made something in the span of a less than a year and then stopped the war. but anyway check out this forum post abt age critiques that i was seeing that opened up a giant wormhole bc DID THEY ACTUALLY MAKE K.IRIKO LIKE 7 IN HER ORIGIN SHORT WHEN SHES SUPPOSED TO HAVE GROWN UP W THE S.HIMADAS...
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wankadi · 5 years
Idk why Raven was written to forget that E.cho was the one who gave Shaw to Diyoza and THAT led to him being forced to be on the run and forced to be a traitor. Clarke later on made a choice that made them being tortured - fact. But Raven's words: "Because of you" are so unfair. Clarke is not the only reason and she had way better motives to choose so.
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themichellenewbold · 5 years
So, I’m kind of playing a little game with myself called, “Let’s guess which of the remaining Skaikru members are going to die by the end if this season?”
Just some personal thoughts —
Not gonna lie... I’m hoping that it’s Raven. I used to really like her character. But I gotta be honest, now she just sounds like a broken record. Her plot line has not progressed, in fact it has become stagnant, or even gone backwards. She wants to blame Clarke for everyone’s problems, and completely ignores taking reaponsibility for her OWN actions. Let’s point fingers at Clarke, because CLEARLY Raven is a perfect Angel (though season 1 and 3 would suggest otherwise).
However, the more likely option, is probably going to be Abby or Echo. I do like these characters, but they seem to have not really added much to the story this season (with the exception of last week’s episode with Echo, but that kind of felt more like a conclusion, than it did an actual insight into who she is as a character to make us feel bad for her). I kind of hope that it’s not Echo, cause she is a cool character, and I REALLY do NOT want Bellamy and Clarke to get together by default because Echo is dead... however, her story seems to be the most complete. Abby is still working on her whole redemption thing.
But this is just a little game that I am playing with myself. Who knows? I’m no expert. I guess we have two more episodes to find out if anyone else will die or not.
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yiangchen · 5 years
I just can’t wait until Blecho breaks up and Bellamy realizes that E.cho hasn’t changed. I want her to be the villain again. She was such a good villain, you guys.
And look, I know this is probably an unpopular opinion, but villain E.cho was fucking dope.
She walked right into Polis and cut off that woman’s head like it was just a normal day for her???
She smiled when she knocked Bellamy onto his back and held a knife to his throat????
She smiled again when she took Clarke from the cell they were in and Bellamy was freaking the fuck out???
She accidentally knocked Octagon off that cliff (I was cheering!!!!) ????
She cheated in the conclave and shot at people with a bow and arrow???
And it was all amazing. She was such a good villain, and TT is actually good at playing the villain. Every time she tries to bring out E.cho’s “emotional” side it just comes off so fake and it’s just terrible, but as a heartless, ruthless villain that actually enjoys what she’s doing??? TT is honestly amazing at that.
Anyways, moral of the story is #bringbackvillainE.cho2k19 !!!
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