#anti aziracrow
beastsovrevelation · 1 month
My goals in my Good Omens fics:
Create content for my beloved rarepairs
Work with my beloved OCs
Smash AziraCrow with a hammer, thow it in the garbage can, set the garbage can on fire, and send it rolling down the hill, where it gets run over by a tractor
Fix the way c*non portrayed Heaven and Hell, and certain characters (*cough* Michael *cough*)
Make Michael one of the main characters
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I'm gonna say it: I personally am a little upset that they made aziraphale and crowley good omens romantic. I liked it and felt represented by their queerplatonic relationships, and it hurts a little to have that taken away, especially as everyone seems to think that it's only queer now that it's explicitly romantic.
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A lot has already been said about Good Omens. And I think the most beautiful thing about it is that, as WE, the fans, try to analyse it to make sense of the events that came to pass in the last episode of season 6, we're also learning a bit more of ourselves, through the lens and perspective of the different characters.
It's sort of a comfort movie, a kind of therapy and self-reflection. So here we are empathising and learning to hold space for the characters that we dearly hold close to our hearts. (More like brain rot, if you ask me.) For me, I've gained a better understanding of myself over these past weeks (oohh it's actually months now!)
And I think we'll keep going back to it until we make sense of Crowley's heartbreak (even the depth of him sauntering vaguely downwards) and Aziraphale's choices. As we continue to simply wish for Muriel to get their ineffable parents back together:)
Like can I also say there are so many layers to it? It's astounding, brilliant, and deserving of the word, ineffable. The genius of its writing—metaphors, imagery, symbolisms, easter eggs and most significantly, the integrity of the characters.
Because just when you think you've figured it out, you reread the book, rewatch the series, stumble through a TikTok video or Tumblr post, and you learn something new! Ineffably chaotic. Ineffably human. Ineffably curious!
So here's to the world and to the ineffable idiots' endgame, where they get to live together for all eternity in their garden of Eden, where Crowley no longer puts the fear of Crowley to his plants, books and books upon shelves scattered through the garden, and the Bentley parked underneath the Tree of Knowledge.
At night, they have a better view of the galaxy when the solar system finally gets moved to the centre of the universe.
Let there be light. Let there be a happy ending. 🪽🐍
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cleabellanov · 3 months
It must be exhausting always rooting for the anti hero gay ships that are doomed to fall from the beginning
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hermiola · 8 days
New chapter💜
Take a Little Love From Me (WIP) - Chapter 5: Melancholy Blues
Chapter: 5/10 (30.3k words in total) Rating: M upped to E just to be safe Tags: Human AU, Pretty Woman (1990) AU, Sex Worker Crowley, Businessman Aziraphale, First Meetings, Idiots in Love (as usual), Sex Worker Inadvertently Seduced by Oblivious Businessman, Mutual Pining, (Eventual) Non-Explicit Sex, Lots of Banter, Terrible Opinions, The Fine Art of Not Thinking About The Important Stuff. No Age-Gap Updates every Friday and Monday.
In the aftermath of their dinner with the Shadwells, things between Aziraphale and Anthony get heated. In more ways than one.
“It suits you,” Anthony told him, mumbling as if he’d tried his best to keep the words contained and was now chiding himself for letting them slip out. “The smoking?” “The softness,” Anthony clarified, attention focused on him. Aziraphale smiled what was probably his first genuine smile of the night. “I think so too.”
You can read it over at AO3:
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queer-reader-07 · 11 months
i feel like all the theories that exist for why aziraphale went to heaven that basically boil down to “he was out of character so here’s what the plot twist is” really cheapen the story and underestimate the depth of aziraphale’s character and his potential. and also underestimate neil’s talent as an author and writer.
neil doesn’t recycle plot twists. he doesn’t do cheap cop out plot twists. he doesn’t leave out loose threads. everything is so carefully thought out and intentional.
i would be genuinely so put off if he wrote a plot twist of “actually it’s not aziraphale it’s crowley” (body swap 2.0 can go die in a hole i hate it) or “omg woah aziraphale was drugged” (one of these days i will write a meta on why coffee theory can go die in a miles deep PIT OF DESPAIR because i hate it even more)
because neil is a better writer than that. neil can and will do better than that. you might think there’s loose ends hanging out but i don’t think there are.
i remember reading american gods and thinking to myself more than once “this scene feels kind of random why’d he include it?” only for it to be actually very important later on in the book. whatever you think is a loose thread right now is more likely something that connects to whatever neil’s got planned for s3.
and also. aziraphale is a more complex character than either of those theories allow him. i’m sorry but if you think that he needed to be DRUGGED to make the decision he did you have not been paying any attention. everything leading up to this point has shown us that aziraphale believes that heaven can be good if only someone (him) can change it. that smile we saw on his face at the very end of s2ep6? that was the smile of an angel who has plans. who knows he can’t go back now, and is ready to gut this place from the inside out.
and body swap 2.0 doesn’t even compute for me. because like 1) body swap happened it’s not gonna happen a second time. and 2) it logically and logistically makes absolutely no sense that at some point in those last few minutes they agreed to body swap and send crowley to heaven. that would completely defeat the entire point of the conflict that is the Final Fifteen, and it would just make it all the more confusing as to why crowley looks so angry at the end? because if it was body swap and that’s actually aziraphale, aziraphale wouldn’t look that mad?? and he’s not even around anyone else so he has no reason to pretend.
and like i get why on some level these theories are fun to play with. but i just can’t shake the feeling that all these theories are on some level rooted in people thinking aziraphale isn’t a complex character. aziraphale has so much nuance and depth to his character, why do you have to convince yourself he was drugged in order to make a nuanced decision?
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crikey01 · 1 year
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greenhorizonblog · 7 months
Okay but imagine: a Solarpunk AU fic with beekeeper Aziraphale and angry botanist Crowley.
Crowley asks to borrow some hives for pollination of a food forest fruit orchard, Aziraphale shows up and they meet and it's cute :) You'll know where you want to take it from there ;)
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hikarry · 8 months
So, while I was sick I was cooking up some ideas so let me throw this imagine at you. I won't be as nice as the others because jello brain, but follow me!
After Season 3, like, way way way after. 30 years after, perhaps. Let's pretend Crowley and Aziraphale didn't destroy Heaven and Hell or turned (argh) humans and that Gabriel is having his happily ever after with Beez, yes? Crowley and Aziraphale are living in the South Downs, Muriel is taking care of the bookshop and Michael is the new supreme archangel, yes? Fantastic. Let's go.
So, Aziraphale is in the workshop working on some book and Crowley is yelling at his plants outside the window when someone calls. Crowley quickly lifts his head and looks at Aziraphale through the window. The angel just waves his hand and goes to the living room where his old phone still is. It was Muriel, once again asking for help.
"Of course, dear. I'll be there in a jiffy." He answers, as per usual. "Crowley, my dear?"
"Yes, angel?" He yells from the garden.
"Can you take a quick break and take me to the bookshop?"
"Argh. You have a bloody license."
"...Do you...want me to drive her?"
"...Gimme a minute!"
It's just the time for Crowley to clean himself and fix his hair (took longer than he would ever admit. Aziraphale was expecting it), and off they went, back to Soho.
"Will you come in, dear?"
"Nah. With luck, it's the same problem as last time and it will take you both hours. I'll make a reservation at the Ritz, go to that bakery you like and-"
"Oh, yes! Please buy some-"
"Chocolate croissants, I know. Anyway, I might pass by the plant nursery and then I'll come back. It takes me a maximum of half an hour. Would you like something to drink?"
"No, love." He leans over and kisses Crowley on the cheek. "I believe Muriel has a lot of tea inside. Mind how you go."
Crowley nods and gives him a quick kiss before Aziraphale leaves the car.
Once inside, with Crowley gone, the bookshop was darker than he expected.
He took a couple more steps when the bookshop's doors closed with a burst of wind and the unforgettable smell of ozone invaded, right before Michael, Muriel, Uriel and Sandalphon appeared in front of him. Muriel looked terrorized. Aziraphale tried to move in their direction but found his hand hit against an invisible wall. A trap, really? He opened his mouth to talk, but after Uriel snapped her fingers he fell unconscious.
Aziraphale woke up in some sort of old building. He was laying on the floor and his head hurt considerably. He tried to move his hands to try and help himself to his feet, but felt a sharp pain on his wrists.
Demonic handcuffs.
By that logic, he couldn't touch any of his power or call for his wings.
Great. So stay on the floor he would.
Bellow him there was an angel trap, with his sigil on it. Which made this much more complicated indeed.
Aziraphale managed to get on his knees and finally saw a window on the other wall in front of him. From this perspective, he was surely not on the first floor. He started banging with his chains on the invisible wall in front of him. It wouldn't do anything, obviously, but he would be damned if he just stayed there doing nothing.
Putting demonic chains on him was a low low blow, even for them.
After a while he started getting tired and sat back on his legs, sighing
"Mr. Fell?" A whisper came from the closed door.
"Yes. It is me. I'm so so so so sorry I tricked you. I tried to say no but...the supreme archangel asked. Are you...alright?"
"It's alright, dear. I'm...fine, considering."
"The supreme archangel is infuriated. She yelled at everyone and said that she would punish you at nightfall. I'll try to get some help."
"No, don't do that! They will punish you if they find out! I can handle them!"
"After I let them take you like that? I can't. I'm sorry, Mr. Fell. I feel too guilty. I need to help you."
"...How long have I been gone from the bookshop?"
"...3 hours, I believe."
Aziraphale took a deep breath.
"Right. Crowley is probably panicking flying around like a blind eagle. If you can get to a phone, try to reach him. If not, run. Go to Nina and Maggie's or to our house, alright, dear? Don't let them catch you. Don't get in trouble."
It was less than 2 hours when the doors opened. The first to walk in was Michael, followed by her two minions.
"Very well, Aziraphale. Are you prepared to return to Heaven?" Michael said.
Aziraphale chuckled.
"You must have lost your mind, certainly. Crowley and I made sure you all would leave us alone. So-"
"That's because we didn't have other choice." Uriel interrupted. "Now we have the Programmer." Aziraphale raised an eyebrow in confusion. "We can reprogram other angels to their original position and manipulate their memories."
Aziraphale got to his feet and flinched back. Now, that wouldn't do.
"We have already lost Gabriel, Metraton. We need you back. Especially away from that demon pet of yours. You're too powerful together, as shown by the way you almost blasted the whole of Heaven."
"And the machine is running, ready for you-" Sandalphon entering the circle, and held him by the arm. "-my dear." A fist was raised, but before it could collapse into its target, there was a very loud screech outside.
The angels looked amongst themselves and Sandalphon left to check on all the noise with Michael.
They listened to multiple voices outside. They were speaking so loud none was really distinguishable.
"You are going, not even if I have to take you myself!"
Uriel crossed the circle, making the lil mistake of erasing a part of the circle with her shoe. Enough to let Aziraphale go. He stepped out of the circle, but Uriel followed him, grabbing him by the lapels and pushing him against the window, that broke against his elbows and back.
Now the voices were more clear, and one of them was, without mistake, Crowley. He took a quick peek outside and there he was, fighting both the archangels.
Right. He had to get a wiggle one.
"I'm sorry, dear girl." He swung the chains towards Uriel and she fell to the floor, sluggish.
Quickly, he turned around and looked down. He was on the third floor with two archangels and a demon blocking the exit.
"Crowley!" The demon's head snapped up in between the confusion that was him and the archangels.
Aziraphale climbed on the window and sat on it. He still couldn't use his wings so all he could hope for was Crowley's pristine timing. With his eyes closed, he took a final last breath and leapt out of the window. Within seconds he felt arms holding him and the unmistakable sounds of wings flapping.
"Are you insane?! You could have been discorporated! What would have happened if I didn't catch you, eh?! There's no other corporation, angel! You have to stop-" Aziraphale giggled, wrapping his arms around Crowley's neck, trying to get in a better position. "What?"
"Thank you for the timely rescue. Again."
"Why are you laughing? This isn't a laughing matter! I'm gonna kill those-"
"Crowley." The angel put his hands on his face, forcing him to slow down and face him. "Let's just go home, yes, my dear? There's a lot to discuss and I need a cup of tea for that." Crowley took a deep breath and smiled down at the angel. "Muriel found you?"
"Yes, they called. I told them to go to the cottage and stay put. I came as fast as I could but they literally dragged you to the middle of nowhere."
"Oh!" Aziraphale looked over Crowley's shoulder. "What about the Bentley?"
Crowley laughed, looking in front once again and picking up speed.
"She's on her way back home, obviously. She ran as soon as I caught you."
Of course she was. Why was he even surprised, he thought with a chuckle.
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darklinaforever · 10 months
I ship the Innefable Husbands, Blackbonnet, Hannigram, Destiel, Riddlebird, however, I do not ship Lokius, but Sylki. I specify, because I notice that most Lokius shippers also ship these ships. Now, I too, for all that, am not at all for Lokius. I don't see any romance/queerbaiting between these two.
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stedebonnit · 1 year
I am neither a coffee theory hater nor supporter. The number of times that specific coffee was shown in the intro does tell me that its not nothing. BUT!! I think it can have some truth and still be a moment of true disconnect between them!! I don't think that coffee theory even holds any weight if they weren't both already flawed!! Because if they had spent any damn time communicating instead of hiding shit from each other then Crowley would have known something was wrong, would have gone with him, or believed that Aziraphale genuinely wanted to make Heaven worthy of him.
If Aziraphale hadn't spent centuries hurting Crowley and making him feel like he was lesser then Crowley wouldn't have been so hurt by it.
I'm not saying that this makes coffee theory true, in fact I don't personally believe in coffee theory as an overt "Aziraphale was drugged and had no control" thing - I suspect if it is true that its far more subtle than that, something that drove a wedge between them rather than something that just mind controlled him (I mean, if that were true, wouldn't Aziraphale leaving have been overtly crueler? Perhaps even just leaving without a word? No, its far more painful if the persuasion is subtle, if Aziraphale isn't controlled, but nudged in the "right" direction).
I'm not entirely sure where I'm going with this, but as someone firmly in neither camp, I just want to say that coffee theory doesn't negate Aziraphale and Crowleys autonomy or choice in that finale. It isn't a magic "no one did anything wrong" plotline that makes the characters 2D. If anything it draws intentionally on their flaws to pull them slowly apart.
Because what is better for Heaven and Hell than to separate the love that saved the world last time?
This isn't just about drawing Aziraphale in, its about tearing Aziraphale and Crowley apart at the seams, and coffee or not, Heaven knew exactly how to do it without making either of them suspect a thing.
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ironasss · 1 year
i feel like some people dont know what proship means cus how are you gonna tell me an actor is a proshipper for being chill about a super non problematic ship 😭
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theshippirate22 · 1 year
me, listening to songs that I have literally always thought of as stancy breakup songs: omg this is just like episode 6 😭😭😭😭😭😭
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hg-aneh · 9 months
Can you please not tag your anti-aziraphale art as aziracrow? It's your blog to post what you want, but it would be nice not to see hate in the tag
it's not anti Aziraphale what the fuck wkbgnfh
sorry I'm being rude but wngnmebbemlvemvg
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badaziraphaletakes · 7 months
The autistic community in this fandom has repeatedly said that Aziraphale is extremely autistic coded. Maybe we should start listening. Let's go. *SIGHS*
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There's so much I could talk about the critiques I see over this mostly pretty harmless scene, but I'll try to focus on the ableism here:
Aziraphale's playfulness is called "roleplaying" and "dismissive of Crowley's feelings" here. And I must say, as an autistic person, I find it offensive bc this is an extremely autistic coded moment where Aziraphale was unmasking in front of the only person he allows himself to do so and that usually implies he was inviting Crowley to do the same, he was most likely aware of Crowley's anxiety there and making himself vulnerable to him by unmasking, inviting him into his space and vice-versa. (I think calling his special interest, magic, "horrible" is also anti-autistic bias btw)
We never see Aziraphale acting like this with any other character besides Crowley, with whom he does this repeatedly. It's not a new situation. Crowley knows this, and he is used to this kind of behaviour from Aziraphale. And he loves to complain about it btw, and Aziraphale indulges him on that. This is love. This is intimacy.
I know it isn't perfect, I know it lacks verbal communication, but this isn't abusive behaviour in the slightest. Better communication is something they both need to work on after 6k years of having to hide their feelings bc they were being persecuted and abused, the story is telling us this. We have a whole other season for that, the story isn't over.
Now, regarding the second paragraph, the plot made it painfully obvious that the clue was real, so Aziraphale was not going to Edinburgh for fun. He had to go, and Crowley knew it (he never even argued against it), bc of the mystery of Gabriel's situation thay could backfire on them in the future. Who knows what Heaven was doing to their angels (and what they could do to aziracrow!! That's why Crowley had an informant. Didn't Metatron prove this in the end, that the threat was real?). Sure, Aziraphale had fun, bc he was bonding with Crowley through the Bentley and he loves him, so that makes him happy, but that's it. We're allowed to make the most out of a bad situation, guys. It's also a way to deal with stress. Aziraphale and Crowley have different ways of dealing with stress, and both are valid, they're different people, it's normal that they react differently to a crisis.
This scene was a very married moment tbh, filled with comfort with you partner (enough to unmask), an old known and comfortable dance for the both of them, and even an invite to take a step forward in their relationship.
Food for thought: I've been wondering why the fandom likes to say Azi and Crowley are like a "married couple" but some ppl at the same time hate when they in fact act like one?
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And finally, again, this is such an autistic coded moment that I, an autistic person, had the exact same interpretation as Aziraphale. I had never noticed, until I read this take, that Crowley could've meant anything other than "you don't know how to drive" lol. Aziraphale was being himself here. His true confident unmasked self. Bc Crowley allows him that. Bc Crowley makes him feel like he can. He wasn't pretending or intentionally misinterpreting or manipulating anyone. Assuming the absolute worst of him bc he interpreted something in a literal way is anti-autistic bias. Assuming the worst of him bc he doesn't use the same code as you to communicate is ableism. Assuming his decision-making logic is invalid bc of the way he acts when unmasking is both.
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queer-reader-07 · 11 months
coffee theory and the disparaging of aziraphale’s character
ok y’all buckle up, we’re finally talking about why coffee theory not only disparages aziraphale’s character but would cheapen the story.
this is a meta i’ve been trying to write for ages now because i know i have Thoughts but trying to communicate them in a coherent and not passive aggressive way is… difficult to say the least.
i have a few main points i’m gonna touch on in this post:
1) why coffee theory disparages aziraphale’s character and removes him of his agency
2) why it would cheapen the story
3) how it underestimates neil’s talent as a writer
4) why the implications of it irk me
ok. let’s get into this.
firstly, a run down of coffee theory for anyone who’s managed to miss it. coffee theory basically states that the metatron drugged/manipulated the coffee he gave aziraphale such that the coffee was what led to aziraphale making the decision to go to heaven. (i.e. he wasn’t himself, he was under the influence and that’s why he did what he did)
why coffee theory disparages aziraphale’s character and removes him of his agency
look. i understand that aziraphale’s decision to go to heaven and take up the position of supreme archangel hurt. i understand that a lot of y’all were angry at him, and many of y’all still are angry with his decision. that is so totally valid and i’m not saying you’re wrong for being upset.
but what i do have to say is this: you can be angry at him while simultaneously acknowledging that his decision makes sense in the context of his character. those two truths can coexist without contradiction.
i think that a lot of people (myself included) have this unconscious tendency to view characters through our own warped perceptions of them rather than their actual character. like we all have our own headcanons about the characters and media we enjoy, but sometimes they get away from us and we start projecting complete headcanon onto real actual canon plot.
so let’s talk canon for a minute. the show has shown us time and time again that aziraphale fundamentally believes Heaven is good. he knows the angels are mean or bad sometimes but he thinks that capital H Heaven is good. that God’s plan is good. he believes that being an angel makes you good.
“i know the angel you were.” “you’re a demon you lied.” “you’re the bad guys.” “we’re hereditary enemies” “there is no our side”. aziraphale believes that being an angel and being on the side of Heaven is what makes you good. yes he knows crowley is good but aziraphale thinks it’s because of his past status as an angel. that it’s in spite of his demonic nature.
aziraphale believes that with the help of someone good (properly good, not pretend-y good) Heaven can be perfect and good and share that goodness with humanity. and he’s been given the opportunity to do that, alongside crowley no less!
aziraphale doesn’t fully understand how corrupt Heaven truly is. and nobody can get that across to him. not even crowley. miscommunication is an issue between them, yes. but it’s not the only issue. aziraphale fundamentally believes in Heaven, and crowley does not.
so of course aziraphale chose going to Heaven and being in charge because now he can truly enact change. his decision makes so. much. sense.
and coffee theory? coffee theory would strip aziraphale of all his depth and complexity as a character. it would say “yeah he has this long history of being hurt by this institution but his faith in it is so strong that he was willing to leave the one being he loved most in the universe behind if it meant fixing the institution and creating a safe future for him and his lover. but actually he just got drugged lol.” like. how utterly disappointing would that be? it strips him of his agency, it strips him of his complexity, it makes him boring. and boring is one of the worst things a character can be.
aziraphale is allowed to be a complex character. he’s allowed to make decisions you don’t like. in fact i think he should. that’s what happens in stories. especially in good ones. characters make decisions you don’t like all the time but what matters is if the decision makes sense. and aziraphale’s decision makes all the sense. no matter how upset it made you, it checks out.
why it would cheapen the story
look me in the eyes when i say this: most of y’all would probably hate coffee theory in practice because it is such a cop out plot twist.
coffee theory fundamentally disallows complexity to aziraphale’s decision to leave earth. it makes it a “oh no he was drugged!” situation instead of a “he has a lot of shit to work through and he’s hurting and the being he loves is hurting and the world is gonna end and he needs to work on himself before he can save the world properly.” situation.
coffee theory is bred out of the knee jerk instinct to say aziraphale was completely wrong and crowley was right and “i need to explain away aziraphale’s decision because he would never hurt crowley!!!”
y’all. i love aziraphale, do not get me wrong. but have we been watching the same show? aziraphale has hurt crowley, multiple times. he’s said many hurtful things. and it all comes back to the same reason: he believes Heaven and angels are good, and demons and Hell are bad.
it’s all connected. and i want to see the show acknowledge all of that. push it to the surface and let them confront it all. not brush away the hurt with some cheap “he was drugged!” plot twist. it’s boring and disappointing.
how it underestimates neil’s talent as a writer
neil is a good writer. i’m not gonna entertain arguments about this, if you like good omens you like neil’s writing. (and i highly suggest you read his other novels). and if there’s one thing i’ve found in my time reading neil’s books it’s that everything is intentional.
how much time does this fandom spend dissecting every single frame of the show because we know nothing is accidental? that is not a good omens specific thing, it’s in all of neil’s works (at least the ones i’ve read). neil is incredibly intentional in what he does, and in my experience he doesn’t rely on cheap plot twists.
he can plot twist the ever living daylights out of you but it will never be a cheap cop out like “he was drugged!” and acting like coffee theory is actually plausible is frankly an underestimation of what neil is capable of as a writer.
why the implications of it irk me
can we all just agree that the fandom likes crowley more? and that whenever aziraphale does anything slightly complex it’s often times either met with “oh nonono here’s this reason that doesn’t allow him any complexity” or “i hate him!!!! (also doesn’t allow complexity)”
you can adore crowley. i adore him too, i relate to him very deeply. but i love aziraphale too and i’m kind of tired of how frequent the aziraphale slander is.
and coffee theory, if i’m being honest, feels very much like y’all just can’t handle aziraphle being anything more than “silly little gay angel running the bookshop”. it feels like people just can’t handle the fact that he has his own motivations and feelings and that he truly thinks he’s doing the right thing.
and it’s to the point that you need to convince yourself he was DRUGGED so that you can accept his decisions?? y’all. did we watch the same show?
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