#anti amy pond
Just finished rewatching DW series 5 and it annoys me so much how twice at her own wedding Amy tries to get The Doctor to kiss her
Just another icky example of Moffat's writing there uggh
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Disclaimer: This post is going to be Anti Moffat for anyone who’s reading and is a fan you’ve been warned.
“Day of the Moon” is the second part to “The Impossible Astronaut” and, well there’s no other way to say this, but after enjoying the first part I highly disliked a lot of things in the second part.
The Good: Setting these episodes in 1969 America was a great idea, I enjoyed not seeing an episode in Cardiff or London tbh lol. Amy was being super brave because idk if I’d go investigate in the orphanage, what a terrifying place to be in! The scene with Nixon after The Doctor broke into the Apollo 11 module was hilarious, and Rory doesn’t do much but when he does he’s so funny! Canton was such a great character in just two episodes, I certainly wouldn’t mind if he’d stayed on as a companion honestly. I liked the villains (SUPER terrifying), and how the Doctor defeated them, but I’m wondering if they’ll be back because they were mentioning The Silence a lot in S5 and I’m going to be upset if they did all that just for it to be resolved in the first 2 episodes of the series.
The Bad: What was the point of them investigating for 3 months when all of that drama amounted to “we don’t know anything about them, here’s some nano recorders in our hands”? Murray Gold is still the composer I assume, he’s made some incredible scores but in this series the music keeps playing repeatedly during the episode as if I’m being cued to say “wow this is so cool” and it’s really starting to bother me.  Amy calling out the Doctor on flirting with River when she was tied up by the Silence, good on Amy, but it feels like a repeat of GITF with the Doctor only worried about flirting with Reinette when Mickey and Rose were in danger. It felt really wrong too because we kept hearing Amy sobbing and being so scared, I’d assumed the Doctor was playing off how worried he was for her...but then he really didn’t seem to actually be that worried for her. I’m upset on Amy’s behalf with her saying she’s been travelling with the Doctor for so long and how he’s her best friend when it really feels like he doesn’t seem to like any of them much. It feels like he literally never tells them what he’s going to do, and I know the Doctor sometimes does that, especially in a time crunch, but I feel like he used to interact with his companions a lot more? I mean bouncing ideas back and forth with them, but that mutual camaraderie feels nonexistent now.
The River: I think I could have tolerated River in small doses like I did in S5 and even with some of the things I didn’t like last episode, but this episode immediately pushed me into anti River territory. Why oh why does she have to be some super badass knowledgeable person who apparently just breaks out of prison whenever she wants and does whatever she wants all the time?? I actually rolled my eyes when she was scanning the astronaut suit and telling the Doctor everything about it or when she apparently gets to pilot the Doctor’s TARDIS, why wouldn’t the Doctor not do those things himself?? And shooting while twirling around? Enough said. I’m starting to wish instead of River as a character they’d instead given some of her lines to the Doctor so he could actually explain to his companions and have rapport with them, and maybe pass some of her character traits to Amy if Moffat is determined to have a super bad ass person in the show. Because all I feel is like none of the characters are being developed to their full potential, and they’re all half baked ideas.
The Worst: The nano recorder thing with Amy talking from a dark place while they hear her is literally the same thing as Miss Evangelina in The Library two parter (I am seeing so much of Moffat’s themes just repeating). Rory giving a sweet speech about how Amy knows he’s always going to find her and then her calling out for the Doctor? Ouch. Then Amy with the I love you situation. Please no, just no. We’re supposed to think, along with Rory, that it’s the Doctor then it’s really Rory in the end. Ugh. I thought we left that behind in S5  😒 😒 and it doesn’t even make sense that she would say “to tell you properly” because they’re married by this point she’s told him so many times and “falling out of the sky” is the figure of speech she decided to use? I figured as his wife she’d know Rory is still feeling a bit insecure about her feelings for the Doctor (and wouldn’t use those words!), and honestly it’s quite sad that he still isn’t sure.
The Unresolved: Amy and Rory dying at the beginning...did we literally just not get an explanation as to how that was done? Maybe as we move forward... Woman with eyepatch what was that? I’ve been spoiled about River being Amy’s daughter, but I didn’t actually know anything else about how that came about so now I’m confused as to why Amy may or may not be pregnant and how the little girl (River?) is regenerating. If Amy’s photo was in her room why didn’t the girl call out to her mother, hmmm.... and if she was in the astronaut suit before idk if that means she’ll go back in it and in the future kill the Doctor? Because I think that’s been the insinuation in S5 if I’m remembering properly, that that’s what River’s supposed to be in prison for.
Overall I feel like with the Xmas special and this two parter I fell into a place where I liked the start and then was disappointed with the ending. I’m being so negative in this post, but I’m still trying to stay optimistic about the show. Maybe now that River is back in prison, Amy and Rory can get a little more development and I’ll see some episodes I enjoy all the way through.
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azurecanary · 2 years
1-6, pls! for dr who ask
1. What was the first episode you watched/remember?
Probably Christmas Invasion? My parents were massive Tennant fans.
2. What was the first entire series you watched/remember?
Series 4 i think was the first one i watched fully. For a while it was just watching random episodes up till that point.
3. Who is your favourite Doctor? Why?
Peter Capaldi. He was just the best actor out of all the Doctors i watched and he just brought this sense of authority and eccentricity to the role that i really think fitted the Doctor. He also had the most incredible speeches.
4. Who is your least favourite Doctor? Why?
I'm going to catch heat for this but i didn't really like Matt Smith's Doctor. I think because he came right after Tennant and was followed by Capaldi that he had a lot to live up to that he couldn't quite manage. His acting and character was just too exaggerated to where it kinda felt like a caricature.
5. Any complaints about the show?
I did not like most of Series 5-7. I didn't like Smith's Doctor, i did NOT enjoy the character of Amy or her relationship with the Doctor or Rory, especially the end of Stone and Flesh. I still love Karen Gillan tho, but i just did not like Amy.
6. NuWho or Classic Who? Why?
I grew up with NuWho and i didn't get to watch as many Classic episodes growing up so it would have to be NuWho. But eventually i do hope to watch more Classic Who.
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corrodxdcoffin · 2 years
I'm reading Dead Of Winter and with every page I'm reminded more and more of why I stopped watching Doctor Who and why I despise Amy Pond.
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ghost-bison · 2 months
Doctor Who - Opinions
-the ninth doctor was the best. no one will ever be as good as he was
-same for donna, best companion, no one will ever compare
-imo 9th > 10th > 12th > 14th > 11th > 13th (dunno about 15th yet, haven't seen enough of him)
-donna > rose > jack > martha > nardole > bill > river/clara > rory > graham >>>>>>>>>>>>>> amy (idk about yaz and ryan I honestly dont see any distinctive personality traits apart from the fact that ryan is always complaining and generally unpleasant)
-ninerose >>>>>>>> tenrose
-clara is a cool character, it's just her plots that made people dislike her
-i don't get the obsession people have over thoschei. or the master in general and his relationship with the doctor? apart from missy and twelve ofc
-i could never warm up to amy, nor do i get how people can like her. she was abusive, not a girlboss. didn't deserve rory
-i have mixed feelings about river. like obviously, slay my goddess, but also, she's everything that's wrong with moffat's writing of women? she's actually dependant and praises the doctor and never makes a decision for herself? never questions the doctor? that's not ok
-idc how good moffat's storylines get, i'll choose rtd any day. i'll refer you to this post as to why.
-chibnall's era feels flat. i don't hate 13, she's adorable, but I used to laugh and cry several times an episode during the first ten series. now it's like twice a series if we're lucky.
-i liked the campy effects way better than the disney-style expensive cgi they now use to try and balance out mediocre writing (I'm sorry but wtf was that Space babies episode and how did they manage to make it even more cringe than the series one Slitheen two-parters?)
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khruschevshoe · 9 months
There's something about how the costuming of Amy Pond (always in miniskirts/heeled boots even when the circumstances actively call against it, never getting to wear period wear except for once in Vampires of Venice for a one-scene disguise before immediately moving into a nightgown and once in a cutaway honeymoon monstage) is directly linked to the more sexist aspects of her storyline writing and that tie is most likely the interviews with Steven Moffatt where he admits to wanting to make Doctor Who "sexier." In this essay I will-
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futurafont · 10 days
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It's time to stop waiting.
God Help The Girl / George Kamelakis / Florence and The Machine / Giorgino (1994) / Radiohead / Ouyang Chun / Doctor Who
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sprnklersplashes · 9 months
me whenever someone compares ruby to rose tyler: oh my god shut up shut up SHUT UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUP me whenever someone compares ruby to amy or clara: OH HOHOHOHO *rubs hands together gleefully* YES YEEEEEEESSSSS YEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
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seaweedstarshine · 5 months
Hi! Long time no yap but I've been really bothered by this thing and I know you're just the person I can go to with this (even if we don't always end up agreeing at times).
I got into a tiff with someone in a comments section of a post that was about Amy (Which character do you think deserved to become a villain? or something similar). They brought up Amy's abuse of her boyfriend. I may have tried to defend Amy (key word is tried. I am officially rubbish at debating) but then I may have said something? Because they said that I (and apparently a lot of other fans) was excusing Amy's abuse because of her trauma. It got me stumped because isn't young Amy's treatment of Rory rooted in her trauma? Did I miss the memo where we separate trauma and abuse? Am I missing something?
That statement bothered me a lot because if there's one thing I never want to do it's defend an abuser. So here I am, humbly asking and hoping to clear the muddy waters.
Your really confused and disturbed moot, Tia 💌
TIA!!!!! Thanks for the ask 💌 , and I send you all the hugs.
Discussion of abuse, trauma, ableism, infidelity, and unhealthy relationship dynamics beneath the cut.
(First off… while I really appreciate your faith in my explaining skills <3 <3 <3 my passion for traumatized characters and mentally ill+neurodivergent rights doesn't make me especially qualified to fully clear muddy waters especially not knowing the full context, but I feel you, and what follows is my informed perspective!)
Speaking generally first, harm done in media is best examined by the impact on the audience, with a different lens than harm done to real people. While relatable experiences in media can be useful and validating and incredibly important, you can’t be “defending an abuser” when the abuse is fictional. It's actually normal for traumatized/ND/mentally ill people to project onto mentally ill villains, when villains are the only significant representation for those stigmatized symptoms in a media landscape that excludes and demonizes us simply for existing. RTD can't stop people who hallucinate from reclaiming the Master's Drums and projecting onto the Master, for example — 90% of the best Doctor Who psychosis fic by psychotic authors is about the Master, whether RTD likes it or not. It's not true crime.
(This is speaking generally. Amy Pond is very much not the Master.)
Abuse is a behavior, and there can be many reasons for it, but reasons based in trauma don’t make it not abuse (some forms of generational trauma can propagate abusive parenting styles, when the parent thinks abusive parenting is normal, or lives entirely vicariously through their child). This absolutely should not be taken to mean trauma correlates with abusive behavior; rather that abusive behaviors from traumatized people are more likely to present in specific ways.
Abuse is also a targeted behavior, based in control — not consistently displayed C-PTSD symptoms as seen in Season 5 Amy Pond through many aspects of her life. Mental health symptoms don't become abuse just because they hinder one partner from meeting the other partner's needs. Any life event can do that.
Without knowing the context of the arguments, this is the aspect of their relationship I've seen you talk about before (which I also feel strongly about), and what I assume is what you were debating? So, here I will talk specifically in regard to Season 5.
We all know Amy — she's never attached to Leadworth because she never wanted to leave Scotland, no steady therapist because none of them stick up for her, can't stick with one job yet her first choice is a job that simulates intimacy because her avoidant behavior (a known trauma response) isn't sustainable to her wellbeing. Rory knows her fears of commitment stem from her repeated abandonments, it’s why he’ll always wait for her, and it's why he blames the Doctor “You make it so they don't want to let you down.”, who apart from having caused a lot of her trauma, has actively taken advantage of her being the “Scottish girl in the English village” who's “still got that accent,” because he wants to feel important, so yeah, I think interpreting Amy's issues (and how Amy and Rory transverse them) as Amy abusing Rory indicates a fundamental misunderstanding of their relationship, as well as a misunderstanding of the (raggedy) Doctor’s role in Amy’s formative self-image (which of course she works through in Season 6, but I am sticking to Season 5).
Abuse is always based in control. That just doesn’t fit here. While Amy's detachment from her real life includes things like calling Rory her “kind of boyfriend” (which she is upfront about to his face; differing commitment levels isn't abuse, though it can be a relationship red flag for both parties IRL) — her Season 5 disregard of Rory’s feelings occurs only in response to the fairytale embodiment of her trauma. It's never a response to Rory; it's a response to the Doctor, who stole her childhood and led her by the hand to her death. She cheats on Rory with the Doctor in her bedroom full of Doctor toys, drawings, models, she made from childhood to early adulthood.
(And yes, like many repeatedly-traumatized people, Amy is prone to being sensitive and reactive. Take her “Well, shut up then!” line in The Big Bang; but given Rory responds to this by hugging her, clearly he doesn’t take it as her actually dismissing him. He knows her better than that.)
And by no means do I meant to imply this is fair to young Rory, poor Rory, who's left struggling with the feeling that his role in her life is in competition with the role of her trauma (aka the Doctor). But not every unhealthy relationship dynamic is unhealthy because of abuse. Labelling Amy's treatment of Rory in Season 5 more accurately isn't the same as excusing her harmful choices — but making mistakes is part of being human, Amy's mistakes are certainly understandable, and she works through them out of love for Rory.
If there's one thing to say about Moffat women, it's that Moffat allows his female characters the same grace that the male characters *coughTENcough* have always had, to hurt and struggle and make realistic mistakes and overcome those mistakes and to heal without being demonized.
Amy isn't perfect, but she is a fully realized character, and her story gives us a resonant depiction of childhood trauma.
#abuse#rtd critical#anti rtd#im NOT really anti rtd but im tagging it that because some people block that tag and uhhhh this post strays into rtd critique#maybe he does regret how he wrote the master! we'll never know because rtd is very anti-admitting-his-own-mistakes#words by seaweed#anyways tia i am. SO relieved you’re not upset with me about our last disagreement?#i high key jumped to conclusions after the lack of reply to the last DM? so thank you for this ask it's great to hear from you#sorry you were in a debate about this! that sounds extremely awful.#anyway i'm gonna WAIT at least a week to tag Amy and Rory to avoid this showing up in the character tags right away haha#because I am KINDA scared the anti-media-literacy ppl will find this (I had to include the first part tho its important)#(lack of distinction between harm to audience *in fiction* and irl harm *to actual ppl* leads to problematic public apologies where-#-public figures apologize to fans they let down *instead* of the people they actually hurt. no it doesn't work like that)#(parasocial relationships are not more important than real victims agency or privacy)#and I am planning to make a post at some point about the nd aspects of Amy+the Doctor's connection which this stuff IS relevant to soooooo#am I going hard on specifying Season 5 Amy to under the assumption that the uncharacteristic Rory-slapping isnt whats bein talked abt?#maybe. its not in character.#editing to say..... yanno what? ive come to terms with not all the posts with the following tag been about the doctor#(eleventh) doctor is neurodivergent tag#editing again to add character tags:#Amy pond#Rory williams
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aliveaudiencegang · 10 months
amelia pond they could never make me hate you
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Eleven/Amy/Rory Writing Update
Me, sneaking acknowledgements of the fact that the Doctor seriously and completely loved Rose Tyler, that Eleven still grieves Rose and Donna's losses, an actual arc involving said grief, a little bit of Bad Wolf tinkering out of order, and an apology to Martha all the while building up a serious romantic relationship with Amy and Rory, allowing them both shenanigans and character-development, giving the Eleventh Doctor a chance to maybe even have a family of his own while still occasionally dropping in on old friends AND getting to heal? Actual continuity from Nine and Ten to Eleven AND cutting out a lot of the sexist under-and-over-currents from the River Song plot? More likely than you'd think.
(Also, I started this project at 12:10 a.m. yesterday and I already have 16k total. So I think we can say that I've officially fallen back into my middle school Doctor Who hyperfixation that consumed me for the first semester of eighth grade. It's amazing what rewatching old shows can do to your brain.)
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Disclaimer: This post is going to be Anti Moffat for anyone who’s reading and is a fan you’ve been warned.
So...I watched A Christmas Carol and I managed to suspend my disbelief for the first half but then the second half was me just being more and more frustrated by how the concept didn’t seem to be well thought out. I obviously know what the source material is, but the only things I knew about the episode going in was the scenes that people use to reference Rose which I’ll do a separate post about!
The Good: The first half was setting up an interesting premise and it showed promise. My only eye roll was how convenient that the Doctor found footage of little Kazran filming himself talking about the fish and his father hitting him but I could forgive it. The visuals were absolutely gorgeous, and I really liked the portrayal the young and old Kazran actors did (Mr. Dumbledore hello!). Abigail’s voice was hauntingly beautiful! The Doctor desperately wanting to save Kazran instead of just saving the 4003 people with the Tardis himself was actually really sweet, I’m sure he would have figured something out anyway but he kept giving him the chance to change his ways.
The Bad: I had 2 major problems with how this episode went
1.) The Doctor really just went and changed an entire man’s life? I was even more horrified when Amy didn’t see anything wrong with that when Kazran complained about it. This wasn’t Kazran being presented with how vile of a human he had become or getting a chance to see how his actions affected others but he was getting a new life with new memories! Not to mention Kazran interacted with himself, I thought that was a huge time travel no-no.
2.) I felt an uncomfortable twinge when a young Kazran looked at Abigail like THAT, and I thought “Oh dear please please don’t let this be a Reinette/Amy repeat”...cue to Abigail saying “You’ve grown and now you’re blushing”  😢. Abigail told her sister that Kazran was different from his father when they had spent I believe 5 Christmas Eve’s together, and I immediately flashbacked to Reinette and Amy apparently being a Doctor expert after spending little time with him. It’s just *sigh* super frustrating that it’s like I’m seeing the same story over and over again.
The Unresolved: I guess I’m feeling a little confused as to why Abigail absolutely has to go back to the ice box before Xmas Day and why she can’t spend more time with her family instead of Kazran. And it seems like they fit in so many trips she and Kazran might as well be full time companions at that point lol leading me to the fact that we hardly see Rory and Amy which was a bit disappointing. I really psyched myself up to see them and they barely had any screen time. The controls suddenly not working because Kazran had changed was odd I guess they weren’t set to Kazran himself but to a rude Kazran only. The Doctor pointing out the number 8 and then never looking at it again was a little too obvious, they should have just left it at the camera panning down to show 8 going to 7 and we would have understood as the audience.
Honorable mention to what I think might have been a joke about Amy and Rory roleplaying with their costumes lol??? And the horrifying loan situation they glossed over with actual people being kept in the ice boxes, what if your great-grandson paid off your debt and you were suddenly out in a new world/generation?
Overall it looked really pretty and I’m excited to see Eleven, Amy and Rory on new adventures but I feel like this episode could have been polished up a bit and thought through a bit more. I really did like the first half so it was disappointing to see how it ended. I’m still staying optimistic for the series in general!!! Looks like The Impossible Astronaut is up next and that’s one I’ve literally never heard anything about so it will all be new to me...
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camcorderrevival · 2 years
vibrating at the speed of light or whatever but....
The Metacrisis Doctor 🤝 TwoStreams Facility Amy
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(Journey’s End, S4EP13)
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(The Girl Who Waited, S6EP10, 19:50)
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(The Girl Who Waited, S6EP10, 39:50)
somethingsomething...the Doctor abandons the Metacrisis in Pete’s World because he reminds him too much of himself, and this version of Amy is shown to share several traits with the Doctor as well (the screwdriver is very obvious, the deep loneliness, a goblin or a trickster or a warrior)...........abandoning your creation because you’re vain and you want to be adored but they can’t adore you because they know too much about who you are......!!!!!!!!!!!!
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johnfkennedaddy · 2 years
Amy only being pregnant off screen is a) more evidence of moffats disgust toward pregnant people and b) literally treating his emale character like a baby making machine
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thesleepyskipper · 2 months
WIP Wednesday
Okay, we're back in business! I wrote today and it feels good to get back into the groove!
Grateful for today's tags from @jmagnabo92, @kiwiana-writes, @caterpills, @getmehighonmagic, @cha-melodius
@onthewaytosomewhere, @theprinceandagcd, @three-drink-amy @run-for-chamo-miles and the open tag from @lilythesilly
Also sending my love and appreciation for all the tags for all the games while I was out of town! Every notification made me smile and I apologize for not having the spoons to check them all out!
I've got a new WIP (uncreatively titled the beach one) which is for @thebrownstone's summer switcheroo event and will be posting in a couple weeks. I decided to take my prompt down a little childhood friends-to-lovers path and so here's some of the backstory for that!
Henry considered himself lucky to have such a tight knit group of friends. When his parents had moved to Austin for work at the age of ten, he was terrified of starting over and needing to make a new set of friends. Traditionally, he hadn’t been particularly good at that. Pez, his best mate, had stuck to him like glue back in London and everyone else in his classes had seemed uninterested in getting to know him, since his nose was always stuck in a book. When Pez and his parents showed up on their doorstep a couple of months later, Henry was overjoyed - Pez’s mom had been recommended for a managerial position at Arthur’s company and was quickly offered the job, so the Okonjos had soon followed the Fox-Mountchristen family across the pond.
A wide open tag for anyone else wanting to share a WIP - please tag me today, I'm ready to read those snippets!!!
Tags under the cut too, please share if you wish and tag me!
@welcometololaland, @cricketnationrise, @myheartalivewrites, @tailsbeth-writes, @orchidscript
@rmd-writes, @celeritas2997, @noahreids, @blueeyedgrlwrites, @wordsofhoneydew
@stereopticons, @smblmn, @miss-minnelli, @sophie1973, @leaves-of-laurelin
@nontoxic-writes, @indestructibleheart, @maxbegone, @clockwrkpendrxgon, @piratefalls
@anincompletelist, @anchoredarchangel, @emmalostinwonderland, @littlemisskittentoes @sparklepocalypse,
@judasofsuburbia, @firenati0n, @heysweetheart-writes, @iboatedhere, @bitbybitwrites
@hgejfmw-hgejhsf, @dragonflylady77, @agame-writes, @nocoastposts, @lightningboltreader
@inexplicablymine, @na-dineee, @notspecialbabe, @benwvatt, @cactusdragon517
@onetwistedmiracle, @tinyarmedtrex, @ninzied, @porcelainmortal, @bitsnpisces
@kordeliafawkes, @stratocumulusperlucidus, @idealuk, @stellarmeadow, @eusuntgratie
@lizzie-bennetdarcy, @dreamtigress, @duchessdepolignaca03, @alasse9, @suseagull04
@priincebutt, @stellarmeadow, @softboynick, @fullsunsets, @na-dineee
@firstprincefairytale, @rachelica9, @readstheroom, @anti-homophobia-cheese, @fullerthanskippy
@zwiazdziarka, @mikibwrites, @swearphil, @flowerfan2, @rarelyrad
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khruschevshoe · 9 months
Just rewatched The Girl In the Fireplace for the first time in about nine years and Steven Moffat really read the Time Traveller's Wife one time and decided that every single woman companion he was going to write on the show (with the exception of Bill, and since she's a lesbian, she literally couldn't fall for the Doctor) was going to meet the Doctor as a child and then fall in love with him later on, didn't he? Reinette snogged him when she met him as an adult. Amy snogged him the day before she was getting married. River had, well, every single thing about her arc, birth to death. Even Clara, after being introduced as just friends, is revealed to have met the Doctor as a teenager and then is revealed to fancy him in the regeneration episode. Like, it's an absolutely bizarre and a little bit uncomfortable recurring plot point that these women met a man briefly as a child, imprinted on him, and fell in love/had a sexual interest in him/were obsessed with him as an adult, making large portions of their lives from childhood revolve around this man. Like...a bit of a yikes.
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