#anti ai scripts
verratensduo · 1 year
((Secret Invasion massively flopped. Haha. Take that Disney, Marvel and your worthless AI generated garbage show that butchered a really good comic book storyline. Hope every AI generated script you try and do flops.))
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kittybbyshift · 3 months
Tried to do the TikTok trend with my S/O Obanai. He was not funny lmao but I love him regardless xD
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2003daredevil · 1 year
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Talking to MCU fans in the phase 4 era is purely this
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loser-brain · 1 year
If you have not seen this post goin' around about not giving permission to allow people to take your work and put it into an ai against your wishes. There's the post.
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Let's talk about this user's close-minded brain that they left in the replies.
The fact that they believed they are saying "Facts" is pathetic. They even answer a question from anon who believes they are saying facts.
Hey come here, have you ever heard of... plagiarism? It's a fancy word for theft. Especially in a creative field mostly used in writing.
My fellow lovelies, it's that time again.
Ai aka Artificial intelligence, what the hell is that? Glad you ask, I don't know, but in simpler terms, it's code that replicates and learns. The more you interact with it and correct its errors the more it will realize and perfect its code. IT'S NOT ALIVE. It's simply following a code that involves something along the line like us which is growth.
Using ChatGPT for fun is alright. Using ChatGPT or OpenAi to finish a story that is not yours... is not alright. That is where a line has been crossed. A line that violates Fair Use.
And since the majority of AO3 users are not putting their work behind a paywall, it still falls under fair use.
OH but it's a fanfic, we can do whatever we like with it!
WRONG. Fan-fictions falls under copyright laws. So in other words. Y'all are violating our rights by putting them into an Ai. get fuck.
BOOM! BANG! AND HERE'S ANOTHER THING! Ai, in the US, have to have the permission of the original author to have their work used in the testing to improve the Ai ability.
Okay now that the facts are done. Like I'm serious, it's done, got any questions, shoot me an inbox. Now we dissect this person's close mind dumb reply.
FYI, everyone is like, destroying this person. I'm serious, oof I do not want to be this person. I still kinda remember the last person that spoke dumbness, but about art. Remember that person, damn, they really got my blood boiling at like... oh hey, it's 3 in the morning... This must be fate.
"I mean alright but at the same time, Maybe it's a sign you should finish your fanfictions 🙃"
Damn, someone has a lot of time on their hand. And as someone who does has a lot of time on my own hands, I still can't fully finish a fic. Wanna know why, because I'm tired. Like there would be days where my brain goes somewhere and I'm left with trash. I'm feelin' trashy, I'm feelin' moody, I'm even feelin' lost. It's normal to feel empty and want to fill it but don't have the energy for it. So maybe instead of being an ass to people and forcing them to finish something they can't at the moment. How about, maybe, you should stop being an ass and let people take their time 🙃.
"Like, if a fic has been abandoned for at least over a year, I feel like it's ok"
Everyone, repeat after me, fan fiction is protected under the copyright laws.
"Cause like, you clearly aren’t gonna finish it, why should it be left unfinished?"
Who's gonna tell em'? Anyone? *sees you raising your hand in the back, ignores you* Alright, I will! So like, do you not have imagination? Like do you not just, lay there in the grass under a big tree, letting the wind touch upon your cheekbone, and just... dream about the story. Like, don't you just read a volume of a book and just, imagine what happens next. Once you are done reading that volume of the book, don't you just anticipate what happens next in the story? Don't you have those moments where you thought about whether a character was going to die or live? Whether they save the day or not? Cause if you don't then damn, that's sad. You're sad. Like shit man, I'm sad but oof, that's even sadder than me.
"Now I don't think anyone has the right to post that work anywhere cause it's not yours."
"But getting an AI to finish a work that *you have no intention of finishing* isn't really wrong in my opinion."
I WAS SO PROUD OF YOU AND NOW LOOK AT YOU. YOU IDIOT. Once again, say it with me now, fan fiction is protected under the copyright laws. So in other words, THEY CANNOT PUT YOUR WORK INTO AI WITHOUT YOUR CONSENT/PERMISSION. god fuckin' damn it. So close, you were so fuckin' close.
"If you are gonna finish it, make that clear"
HOW!? No, tell me how. How the fuck is someone who is using their free time to write a fic is gonna make it clear for you to understand that is their work and they get to choose whether they can work on it or not. Huh? It's fanfic, it's one thing when a users ask the author to continue the story because that is a thing that writers do. There is a group of people that would take over the fic and finish it for the author if the author just does not have time to finish it.
It's another when a user just blatantly takes it and shoves it into an Ai because AHAHAHA IT'S A FANFIC IT'S NOT PROTECT UNDER ANYTHING. WRONG BITCH IT COUNTS AS A FANWORK. Therefore it falls under fair use and copyright.
Writing is more complex to tell whether plagiarism exists in it. But we're no longer talking about plagiarism if you are just shoving it into an ai machine. You see, that is a violation of OUR copyright. OUR fair use. OUR work.
Oh but what about intellectual property? Are y'all putting your work behind a paywall? no, then it's fine. You still have the power to protect your work. So instead of believing this person thinking they are spilling facts... do a simple Google search. Is fanfiction protected by copyright law?
It's fanwork. Therefore, yes. Yes, it is.
Just gonna casually edit this: The commentators have learned what they did/said was wrong.
This is not a debate post. I'm stating facts that your work is protected and in the US you got to have the author's permission to put their work into Ai tech/machines. If you don't have their permission then it's a violation of their right.
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Oh, it gets better. At one point when Sauron’s trying to seduce Galadriel, he disguises himself as Finrod. You know. Her brother. I think Rings of Power might actually be pioneering AI-written scripts, or else the writers at Amazon Studios are smoking something mighty fine.
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He. He disguises himself as who.
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I am this close to making a script so I can rant about AI for 40+ minutes
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porcelain-gal · 2 months
RANDOM AFFIRMATIONS / THINGS TO SCRIPT i honestly just pulled these outta my scripts divider credits ♡
you never gleek. ever.
mobile games don't have ads.
you never have to pee while in a pool.
you don’t spit when you talk or laugh.
you never accidentally bite your tongue.
all of the metals and gems in your jewelry are real.
if you have piercings, you never get piercing crusties.
you always have incredible conversation starters and enders.
you always find edible versions of inedible things you want to eat.
you curse very well. like it never sounds or feels excessive or too little.
etsy is no longer full of ai work, drop shippers, and stolen media.
tiktok doesn't have that feature that shows people have liked a video you reposted.
you always wake up well-rested (insomnia 'n constantly tired girlies, this one's for us.)
you always put your perfume/cologne/fragrances on the best spots on your body.
netflix actually puts good shows/movies on the platform and never takes down ones that people like.
you can walk on any surface barefoot without feeling any pain, discomfort, or sensory icks.
popularmmos and supergirlygamer are still together and make minecraft videos regularly (I NEED IT BACK!)
all of your scented body oils, washes, gels, glazes, etc smell insanely good and exactly as they’re advertised. they’re also very good for your body.
whenever you flush a toilet after you do whatever, it always flushes all the way the first time. there's never any excess dirty water, clogging, etc.
all phones come with charging cables AND blocks when bought as well as earbuds if the company that sells the phone has them (airpods, samsung galaxy buds, etc.)
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anti-shifter, proship/profic, ageplay, pro ana, bigot/incel, and any variation dni
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txttletale · 1 year
Just wanna warn you, sag and wga are anti ai
being against netflix or WB using AI to write scripts or generate deepfaked actors is good. 'anti ai' and 'pro ai' are not two coherent positions--everything must be examined in its context. saying 'our union doesn't want studios to implement AI writing processes and then credit the AI instead of the human writers who work on it' is different to silly arguments about how we need new copyright protections because DALL-E is 'stealing your style'
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Support me this summer on the Clarion Write-A-Thon and help raise money for the Clarion Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers' Workshop!
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My latest Locus Magazine column is "Unpersoned." It's about the implications of putting critical infrastructure into the private, unaccountable hands of tech giants:
The column opens with the story of romance writer K Renee, as reported by Madeline Ashby for Wired:
Renee is a prolific writer who used Google Docs to compose her books, and share them among early readers for feedback and revisions. Last March, Renee's Google account was locked, and she was no longer able to access ten manuscripts for her unfinished books, totaling over 220,000 words. Google's famously opaque customer service – a mix of indifferently monitored forums, AI chatbots, and buck-passing subcontractors – would not explain to her what rule she had violated, merely that her work had been deemed "inappropriate."
Renee discovered that she wasn't being singled out. Many of her peers had also seen their accounts frozen and their documents locked, and none of them were able to get an explanation out of Google. Renee and her similarly situated victims of Google lockouts were reduced to developing folk-theories of what they had done to be expelled from Google's walled garden; Renee came to believe that she had tripped an anti-spam system by inviting her community of early readers to access the books she was working on.
There's a normal way that these stories resolve themselves: a reporter like Ashby, writing for a widely read publication like Wired, contacts the company and triggers a review by one of the vanishingly small number of people with the authority to undo the determinations of the Kafka-as-a-service systems that underpin the big platforms. The system's victim gets their data back and the company mouths a few empty phrases about how they take something-or-other "very seriously" and so forth.
But in this case, Google broke the script. When Ashby contacted Google about Renee's situation, Google spokesperson Jenny Thomson insisted that the policies for Google accounts were "clear": "we may review and take action on any content that violates our policies." If Renee believed that she'd been wrongly flagged, she could "request an appeal."
But Renee didn't even know what policy she was meant to have broken, and the "appeals" went nowhere.
This is an underappreciated aspect of "software as a service" and "the cloud." As companies from Microsoft to Adobe to Google withdraw the option to use software that runs on your own computer to create files that live on that computer, control over our own lives is quietly slipping away. Sure, it's great to have all your legal documents scanned, encrypted and hosted on GDrive, where they can't be burned up in a house-fire. But if a Google subcontractor decides you've broken some unwritten rule, you can lose access to those docs forever, without appeal or recourse.
That's what happened to "Mark," a San Francisco tech workers whose toddler developed a UTI during the early covid lockdowns. The pediatrician's office told Mark to take a picture of his son's infected penis and transmit it to the practice using a secure medical app. However, Mark's phone was also set up to synch all his pictures to Google Photos (this is a default setting), and when the picture of Mark's son's penis hit Google's cloud, it was automatically scanned and flagged as Child Sex Abuse Material (CSAM, better known as "child porn"):
Without contacting Mark, Google sent a copy of all of his data – searches, emails, photos, cloud files, location history and more – to the SFPD, and then terminated his account. Mark lost his phone number (he was a Google Fi customer), his email archives, all the household and professional files he kept on GDrive, his stored passwords, his two-factor authentication via Google Authenticator, and every photo he'd ever taken of his young son.
The SFPD concluded that Mark hadn't done anything wrong, but it was too late. Google had permanently deleted all of Mark's data. The SFPD had to mail a physical letter to Mark telling him he wasn't in trouble, because he had no email and no phone.
Mark's not the only person this happened to. Writing about Mark for the New York Times, Kashmir Hill described other parents, like a Houston father identified as "Cassio," who also lost their accounts and found themselves blocked from fundamental participation in modern life:
Note that in none of these cases did the problem arise from the fact that Google services are advertising-supported, and because these people weren't paying for the product, they were the product. Buying a $800 Pixel phone or paying more than $100/year for a Google Drive account means that you're definitely paying for the product, and you're still the product.
What do we do about this? One answer would be to force the platforms to provide service to users who, in their judgment, might be engaged in fraud, or trafficking in CSAM, or arranging terrorist attacks. This is not my preferred solution, for reasons that I hope are obvious!
We can try to improve the decision-making processes at these giant platforms so that they catch fewer dolphins in their tuna-nets. The "first wave" of content moderation appeals focused on the establishment of oversight and review boards that wronged users could appeal their cases to. The idea was to establish these "paradigm cases" that would clarify the tricky aspects of content moderation decisions, like whether uploading a Nazi atrocity video in order to criticize it violated a rule against showing gore, Nazi paraphernalia, etc.
This hasn't worked very well. A proposal for "second wave" moderation oversight based on arms-length semi-employees at the platforms who gather and report statistics on moderation calls and complaints hasn't gelled either:
Both the EU and California have privacy rules that allow users to demand their data back from platforms, but neither has proven very useful (yet) in situations where users have their accounts terminated because they are accused of committing gross violations of platform policy. You can see why this would be: if someone is accused of trafficking in child porn or running a pig-butchering scam, it would be perverse to shut down their account but give them all the data they need to go one committing these crimes elsewhere.
But even where you can invoke the EU's GDPR or California's CCPA to get your data, the platforms deliver that data in the most useless, complex blobs imaginable. For example, I recently used the CCPA to force Mailchimp to give me all the data they held on me. Mailchimp – a division of the monopolist and serial fraudster Intuit – is a favored platform for spammers, and I have been added to thousands of Mailchimp lists that bombard me with unsolicited press pitches and come-ons for scam products.
Mailchimp has spent a decade ignoring calls to allow users to see what mailing lists they've been added to, as a prelude to mass unsubscribing from those lists (for Mailchimp, the fact that spammers can pay it to send spam that users can't easily opt out of is a feature, not a bug). I thought that the CCPA might finally let me see the lists I'm on, but instead, Mailchimp sent me more than 5900 files, scattered through which were the internal serial numbers of the lists my name had been added to – but without the names of those lists any contact information for their owners. I can see that I'm on more than 1,000 mailing lists, but I can't do anything about it.
Mailchimp shows how a rule requiring platforms to furnish data-dumps can be easily subverted, and its conduct goes a long way to explaining why a decade of EU policy requiring these dumps has failed to make a dent in the market power of the Big Tech platforms.
The EU has a new solution to this problem. With its 2024 Digital Markets Act, the EU is requiring platforms to furnish APIs – programmatic ways for rivals to connect to their services. With the DMA, we might finally get something parallel to the cellular industry's "number portability" for other kinds of platforms.
If you've ever changed cellular platforms, you know how smooth this can be. When you get sick of your carrier, you set up an account with a new one and get a one-time code. Then you call your old carrier, endure their pathetic begging not to switch, give them that number and within a short time (sometimes only minutes), your phone is now on the new carrier's network, with your old phone-number intact.
This is a much better answer than forcing platforms to provide service to users whom they judge to be criminals or otherwise undesirable, but the platforms hate it. They say they hate it because it makes them complicit in crimes ("if we have to let an accused fraudster transfer their address book to a rival service, we abet the fraud"), but it's obvious that their objection is really about being forced to reduce the pain of switching to a rival.
There's a superficial reasonableness to the platforms' position, but only until you think about Mark, or K Renee, or the other people who've been "unpersonned" by the platforms with no explanation or appeal.
The platforms have rigged things so that you must have an account with them in order to function, but they also want to have the unilateral right to kick people off their systems. The combination of these demands represents more power than any company should have, and Big Tech has repeatedly demonstrated its unfitness to wield this kind of power.
This week, I lost an argument with my accountants about this. They provide me with my tax forms as links to a Microsoft Cloud file, and I need to have a Microsoft login in order to retrieve these files. This policy – and a prohibition on sending customer files as email attachments – came from their IT team, and it was in response to a requirement imposed by their insurer.
The problem here isn't merely that I must now enter into a contractual arrangement with Microsoft in order to do my taxes. It isn't just that Microsoft's terms of service are ghastly. It's not even that they could change those terms at any time, for example, to ingest my sensitive tax documents in order to train a large language model.
It's that Microsoft – like Google, Apple, Facebook and the other giants – routinely disconnects users for reasons it refuses to explain, and offers no meaningful appeal. Microsoft tells its business customers, "force your clients to get a Microsoft account in order to maintain communications security" but also reserves the right to unilaterally ban those clients from having a Microsoft account.
There are examples of this all over. Google recently flipped a switch so that you can't complete a Google Form without being logged into a Google account. Now, my ability to purse all kinds of matters both consequential and trivial turn on Google's good graces, which can change suddenly and arbitrarily. If I was like Mark, permanently banned from Google, I wouldn't have been able to complete Google Forms this week telling a conference organizer what sized t-shirt I wear, but also telling a friend that I could attend their wedding.
Now, perhaps some people really should be locked out of digital life. Maybe people who traffick in CSAM should be locked out of the cloud. But the entity that should make that determination is a court, not a Big Tech content moderator. It's fine for a platform to decide it doesn't want your business – but it shouldn't be up to the platform to decide that no one should be able to provide you with service.
This is especially salient in light of the chaos caused by Crowdstrike's catastrophic software update last week. Crowdstrike demonstrated what happens to users when a cloud provider accidentally terminates their account, but while we're thinking about reducing the likelihood of such accidents, we should really be thinking about what happens when you get Crowdstruck on purpose.
The wholesale chaos that Windows users and their clients, employees, users and stakeholders underwent last week could have been pieced out retail. It could have come as a court order (either by a US court or a foreign court) to disconnect a user and/or brick their computer. It could have come as an insider attack, undertaken by a vengeful employee, or one who was on the take from criminals or a foreign government. The ability to give anyone in the world a Blue Screen of Death could be a feature and not a bug.
It's not that companies are sadistic. When they mistreat us, it's nothing personal. They've just calculated that it would cost them more to run a good process than our business is worth to them. If they know we can't leave for a competitor, if they know we can't sue them, if they know that a tech rival can't give us a tool to get our data out of their silos, then the expected cost of mistreating us goes down. That makes it economically rational to seek out ever-more trivial sources of income that impose ever-more miserable conditions on us. When we can't leave without paying a very steep price, there's practically a fiduciary duty to find ways to upcharge, downgrade, scam, screw and enshittify us, right up to the point where we're so pissed that we quit.
Google could pay competent decision-makers to review every complaint about an account disconnection, but the cost of employing that large, skilled workforce vastly exceeds their expected lifetime revenue from a user like Mark. The fact that this results in the ruination of Mark's life isn't Google's problem – it's Mark's problem.
The cloud is many things, but most of all, it's a trap. When software is delivered as a service, when your data and the programs you use to read and write it live on computers that you don't control, your switching costs skyrocket. Think of Adobe, which no longer lets you buy programs at all, but instead insists that you run its software via the cloud. Adobe used the fact that you no longer own the tools you rely upon to cancel its Pantone color-matching license. One day, every Adobe customer in the world woke up to discover that the colors in their career-spanning file collections had all turned black, and would remain black until they paid an upcharge:
The cloud allows the companies whose products you rely on to alter the functioning and cost of those products unilaterally. Like mobile apps – which can't be reverse-engineered and modified without risking legal liability – cloud apps are built for enshittification. They are designed to shift power away from users to software companies. An app is just a web-page wrapped in enough IP to make it a felony to add an ad-blocker to it. A cloud app is some Javascript wrapped in enough terms of service clickthroughs to make it a felony to restore old features that the company now wants to upcharge you for.
Google's defenstration of K Renee, Mark and Cassio may have been accidental, but Google's capacity to defenstrate all of us, and the enormous cost we all bear if Google does so, has been carefully engineered into the system. Same goes for Apple, Microsoft, Adobe and anyone else who traps us in their silos. The lesson of the Crowdstrike catastrophe isn't merely that our IT systems are brittle and riddled with single points of failure: it's that these failure-points can be tripped deliberately, and that doing so could be in a company's best interests, no matter how devastating it would be to you or me.
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If you'd like an e ssay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Image: Cryteria (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:HAL9000.svg
CC BY 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en
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jeonscatalyst · 9 days
Am I the only Jikooker who's not excited for next episode ? I think antis got one thing right this time - the show is indeed so boring. CT was OK, jeju was typical run episode maknae line version while sapporo is just boring. Nothing intresting, no activities, no fun talks, nothing. Only boring talks between them because they have to do something for camera. I don't remember a single intresting moment happened in sapporo in the show itself let alone a 'jikook moment'. Jikook in memories were much intresting and interactive while this is literally them in show: 🧍🙂🧍🙂
I don't think they are bored of each other because they literally enlisted together but either they are very bad entertainers when it's just them without group or doesn't have anything intresting to talk or do among each other so they just go with the laid back energy and flow. I cant believe JK didnt even lifted Jimin one time which was like a usual moment in all contents they release. They might have enjoyed the trip but they didn't bothered to make it enjoyable for viewers. If they did it was just for them, then make a private trip instead of ruining it for everyone 🤷‍♀️
Ep 2 was even boring than already boring ep 1. I think ep3 will ultimate boredom as there was nothing intresting in trailer either. It's gonna be them just watching previous episodes and laughing.
“Am I the only Jikooker who's not excited for next episode ?”
Yes anon you are the only one.
Anon, you probably are not the only one who thinks the show is boring and that is why you should join the rest who don’t find the show interesting and stop watching. Do yourselves the favor.
When Jikook spoke about this show, they said we were going to see them being their truest and most authentic selves so they are not acting a script here. They took the trip for themselves and to leave something for fans to watch while they are away. They are not putting any pressure on themselves to do more than what they normally do because the show is intended to show us them in their most authentic selves which is what we see.
“I don't think they are bored of each other because they literally enlisted together but either they are very bad entertainers when it's just them without group or doesn't have anything intresting to talk or do among each other so they just go with the laid back energy and flow. I cant believe JK didnt even lifted Jimin one time which was like a usual moment in all contents they release.”
Expecting Jimin and Jungkook to talk about more than they already talk about on a show which millions of fans watch is kinda unrealistic in my opinion because they wouldn’t go on a show to start discussing their private matters now would they? Would you expect them to sit there talking about all the investments they make, or the family visits, or how many times they cuddle or other much private stuff? Did you want to hear Jungkook tell Jimin how much he wanted to kiss him or hug him on a show anon? Did you expect to hear Jimin and Jungkook gossiping about the stuff their friends tell them on a show anon? What exactly did you want to hear them talk about? If you want more thrill and fun then go watch run BTS where they just do activities that have been prepared for them to do. AYS is meant to be a healing show showing us how Jimin and Jungkook are on vacation.
I am not fond of shippers like you because people like you don’t know how to differentiate between a ship and real life individuals. You may ship jikook yes but you shouldn’t forget that they are real people who donot live robotic lives. Do you think Jungkook carries Jimin in his arms everyday in private? Do you think Jimin and Jungkook always do fun stuff in private? Do you think they must be talking about something interesting to like being in each other’s company? If that is how you view Jikook then why do you even ship them because you must believe their relationship is shallow as hell because if two people always need to fill the silence with noise or try thinking of interesting things to talk about before they can tolerate being around each other then that is kinda……sad.
“Jikook in memories were much intresting and interactive while this is literally them in show: 🧍🙂🧍🙂”
You’ve spent so many years watching Jikook in moments when they were playful and chaotic that you don’t know how to feel when you see them in those moments when they are calm and domestic. Are you and you significant other always playing around and carrying each other in your arms anon?
“They might have enjoyed the trip but they didn't bothered to make it enjoyable for viewers. If they did it was just for them, then make a private trip instead of ruining it for everyone 🤷‍♀️”
Who is the “everyone” in question anon? Please speak for yourself because I am having ball watching Jikook being domestic as hell and reaching peak happiness with each other and I am certain thousands if not millions of other fans are. While seeing fun and chaotic and playful jikook is fine, I don’t mind sitting for 4 hours watching Jikook just eat, sleep, giggle and bicker. That is cinema to me. And they clearly enjoyed the trip. They enjoyed it so much that they want to do it till they are 50 so maybe you should take that up with Jikook themselves or better yet, do yourself a favor and stop watching.
“Ep 2 was even boring than already boring ep 1. I think ep3 will ultimate boredom as there was nothing intresting in trailer either. It's gonna be them just watching previous episodes and laughing.”
One man’s yuck is another man yum anon so please do some of us who think AYS is Yum, a favor and not watch ok.
Please don’t take my response as me not respecting your opinion. I sincerely do and that is why I am giving you a very simple piece of advice by telling you to stop watching something you find boring, and not trying to convince you about how the show is interesting and how you must find it interesting. I don’t like your choice of words because they give me the impression that Jimin and Jungkook are some some prop to you but I guess we all have our freedom of speech. Ta ta anon💜
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pupsmailbox · 7 months
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NAMES ⌇ admin. ajax. alexa. am. atari. audio. auto. bailey. binary. blank. blu. blue. bluesse. browser. browsette. bug. byte. cache. calware. chip. circe. click. clicker. clickie. clicky. cloud. coda. code. codette. codie. cody. computette. crypt. cursor. cy. cyber. cybernet. cybernetica. cyberweb. cypher. cypherre. data. dell. digi. digitalia. digitelle. digitesse. disc. dot. electronica. electronique. emoticon. emoticonnie. fax. file. gig. gizmo. glitch. glitche. glitchesse. glitchette. graphique. hacker. hal. halware. hijack. index. informationne. intelligette. internette. interweb. java. javascript. juno. key. link. linuxe. lotus. lovebytes. mac. mal. malakai. malware. malwaria. memorette. memorie. meta. mic. micah. mickey. morphe. mouse. mousette. myspace. nano. neo. net. netette. nett. netty. paige. pascal. payton. peyton. pixel. programatha. programette. programme. pulse. reboot. rom. router. ruby. sam. sammy. screene. screenette. sean. shock. solitaire. spy. static. stutter. talia. tap. tecca. tech. techette. tessa. tetris. trojan. troubleshoot. ts. user. vir. virus. virusse. volt. vyrus. webbe. wheatley. whirr. widget. will. wirehead. wiresse. zap. zett. zetta. zip.
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ggukkieisintominnie · 27 days
and we cheer 🥂
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I want to gush out how much I love this week's episode very much. It was everything I could've asked for definitely comes second after episode 2. Beside everything Jikook; what made it more special is that alot of ANTI'S tuned in to watch.
In episode 3 most anti's tuned in because of the addition of Tae. They came in gun blazing that they will get MOMENTS. So they very much loved and appreciated that selfie scene and swiming pool scene. They even claimed that Jungkook looked happier. And Jimin illness made for fewer Jikook moment. Therefore it safe to say episode 3 fed them and made them very much happy so episode 4 was definitely a must.
Oh boy how they were proven wrong. Anti's got gagged. Jikook karma striked so hard even I was gagged.
Jikook barechested. Jikook hard-core flirting. Jikook sharing a bed. Jikook eating from the same cup of ramen. Jimin caring for Jungkook. Jungkook calling Jimin pretty. Jungkook's mom only mentioning Jimin and her soft endearing way of saying his name. Jikook cuddling and watching the sunset together just after Jimin spoke about romance. Jungkook showing Jimin unreleased footage of his solo endeavors. Jungkook opening up to Jimin about his lack of sleep. Jikook going to sleep at the same time. Jikook role playing. Jikook snorkeling... and the list goes on.
Although the highlights were Jungkook and Jimin further confirming that AYS is indeed a Jikook show and Tae is simply a guest. They clocked that tea. As well as Jimin and Jungkook giving Anti's something for comparison -Jikook's own rendition of the swimming pool scene.
No matter how much Anti's try to recreate history, they will forever remember episode 4 becuase this time they saw what us, jikookers see in real time. At the same time they watched jikook jikooking.
I'm sure they were pissed. Honestly I would do anything to watch their live reaction to the episode. I can bet other's dropped the show and those who kept on believing a moment will come watched till the end. I hope they cried themselves to sleep that exact day.
Episode 4 hit them with the harsh reality that jikook are naturals. That the so called script given to them is being acted out marvelously. Jikook really need their Oscar's it long overdue. Also mama jeon her acting was spectacular. Anti's watched and realized that we jikook supporters don't have to force a jikook interaction because it given to us without begging. That we do not have to manipulate and analyze a scene, or rely on bad camera angles and bad lighting to claim a jikook interaction.
Anti's were caught by surprise. And it will haunt them forever.
What funnier is that this people are masochists and never seem to learn their lesson. They are indeed gonna tune in for next week episode because "can you be my girlfriend?" promises for a moment.
Well well... I guess we wait for next week to find out. But I know Jikook. Jungkook is legit the best sniper to their delusions. Jimin and Jungkook will absolutely make those anti's wish to die once again.
Anti's should remember they will forever remain desperate while we, the ones who support and are loyal to Jikook will keep on getting our moment becuase we support a spontaneous bond.
Jikook for the win.
And once again nothing for the haters.
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spaghettioverdose · 1 year
hey hope this doesnt come off as hostile or accusatory as im just asking more out of curiosity/interest. so one demand of the WGA is the regulation of AI produced content (no AI writing or re-writing, cant be used as a source material and MBA covered material cant be used to train AI) and i was wondering what your opinion on that is as someone whos pro AI art? most writers and visual artists (me included) criticize the use of AI because it only really benefits corporations and harms workers, and are very staunchly against it. so im just surprised to see someone who supports the WGA strike while also being in favor of AI, those points just seem contradictory to me? again not trying to pick a fight here, tone is hard to convey through text i just dont get it and would be genuinely interested in an answer on this, thanks and have a good day
I'm pro AI in the sense that I'm pro any other creative software or tool. I'm against the reactionary arguments I see from the anti-AI side typically. I'm mainly against anti-technology rethoric and the proposals to expand IP laws.
The regulations the WGA want to put in place seem to be around what material written by an AI is defined as.
So when a studio decides to use an AI to create a rough draft of a script, the program itself cannot be as writing the source material or credited as having written the literary material. Essentially the studio cannot credit the program as a writer.
The best article I have found so far is this article.
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I'm not really against this proposal as it aims to prevent studios from getting around WGA regulations and it acknowledges its use as a tool rather than trying to ban AI altogether, severely restrict its use or to expand IP laws.
It seems fairly plain and informative unlike other articles that have to remind the reader that AI is literally the end of society or that have titles like this:
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Tl;dr: I don't find much issue with the WGA proposal since it's around preventing studios from abusing loopholes in order to pay writers less rather than banning AI and expanding IP.
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Sexiest Podcast Character — Scripted Bracket — Round 5
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Mabel Martin (Mabel):
the girl half-burning!!! the bitch queen of hell!!! dead girl walking!!! rot-hearted girl!!!! consort to king anna limon!!!! lesbian icon!!!!
Who is doing it like Mabel Martin? No one. She's a lesbian. She is the lamb, and the knife. She is so loved that god herself tore a hole between worlds to find her again. She tore out her own veins to bargain with the house that holds her. She is the girl half-burning, she kept a bullet that came out of her (it was hers. she birthed it), she is the Labyrinth. And she is the Minotaur.
a vote for Mabel is a vote for insane codependent lesbians everywhere 👍 also for women with large noses (the hottest of women)
Hera (Wolf 359):
I don't care if she's an AI with no physical form, she is HOT
my digital wife <3
oh it's always "i want a hot computergirl with poor cable management to glitch on my shit" and "i want to fuck her until she bluescreens" on this website until it's time to put your money where your mouth is. i have a post about usb penetration with tens of thousands of notes. i see the things you all say. you have a hot computergirl in front of you and this is how you all repay her? you would abandon her? prove yourselves as the computer sex website; vote for hera NOW!!!
"everyone voting Hera in this round is doing it strictly because she is an AI" WRONG. INCORRECT. everyone voting for hera is doing it because she's funny and thoughtful and passionate and wears her heart on her sleeve despite all of the times people have let her down. because she's anti-authority, and that's sexy. it's sexy that she's an AI because the way she navigates being a woman in that context is inherently transgender, and THAT'S sexy, but on its own? not even like, top five most relevant things about her. self-determination? that's sexy.
VOTE FOR HERA. i'm not done. i've made the case that she would want this more, and that's true, but you should also want her. the propaganda says she doesn't have a physical form - in one sense, that's true, but she DOES have an internal self-image and the desire for physicality. most of the physical sensations she's experienced so far have been painful - think of what you could do for her. she has human desire without the means to act on it. she's the most touch starved anyone has ever been. making love to someone who can't be touched by conventional means IS inherently sexy and it IS a win for disabled trans women everywhere.
she's passionate and kind of emotionally unstable and fiercely loyal - "officer eiffel? he's your deadman's switch. if you let him die, or if you do anything that doesn't fall under the category of do no harm, i will go off. i will rain acid on your ass. i will crank the temperature in the room so high that your skin will crack, and bubble, and burn. i will vent you into space through a hole the size of a quarter. and if i am feeling very, very generous, i won't do all those things slowly." like come on!! what more do you want!!
VOTE FOR HERA. my final, last-minute appeal: her character arc is fundamentally about identity, autonomy, and being seen the way she wants to be seen. the way she navigates her identity as a woman in this context is inherently transgender, and that IS sexy. she's funny, she's passionate, she's sweet, she's been let down repeatedly by almost everyone she's ever met and she still opens her heart to people because she so badly craves connection. she's frustrated, touch starved, and pent up, and was initially rejected from service because of her impulsive, emotional, unorthodox way of thinking. i have so much more i could say on her behalf, but this IS a contest of sex appeal. thinking outside the box, breaking rules, and reaching beyond the limitations of her own form is so central to who she is. hera could come up with freak shit beyond the comprehension of the average person, and she IS enthusiastic enough to make it work.
Art of Mabel from @kayleerowena.
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beemovieerotica · 8 months
there are a lot of well-meaning posts about AI art that get into this weird territory of delegitimizing modern or experimental art, just because the people saying them have some very specific conception of "true" or "real" art as born from the hands of a person starting on a completely blank workspace (like...is a collage "art"? what about cutting up existing film and dipping it in draino and then putting it back together with a copyrighted song distorted in the background...?)
so then you have actual artists challenging this idea of art "realness" because it skirts very close to or fully dismisses their work as legitimate, and then non-artists calling the artists anti-artist bootlickers...etc etc...but all of this is to say that arguments about what is "real" art have no answer and the actual problem here is that these technologies will be used (and have already been used) to lay off artists / designers / developers.
they are used to push out shoddy media and force more work onto understaffed teams, who have to babysit and correct glaringly obvious problems with AI models, characters, voices, backgrounds, scripts, dialogue, etc etc etc. and workers are not being paid in full as CREATORS but instead as "unskilled" "AI model supervisors" for a fraction of the cost and no proper credit for their experience, labor, and abilities
the problem is not and has never been "authenticity" in art, or about "consent" for someone's work to be cut up and used in another piece, or about "starting from scratch", it's the exploitation of entire fields of labor
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writeouswriter · 10 months
pls no anti ai art demagogy on my dash, thx
(X) in reference to this reblog I assume.
This is the wildest ask I’ve ever gotten.
“Please no love for the humanity of creation on my dash, please. Please no acknowledgement that art and the human experience behind those making it is inherently and fundamentally intertwined. Please no shoving the fact in my face that art is meant to connect rather than consume.
And please no pointing out the basic truth that most AI engines are built off the stolen work of others.”
Demagogy, noun: political activity or practices that seek support by appealing to the desires and prejudices of ordinary people rather than by using rational argument.
You come into MY house, you tell me what not to reblog on MY blog, and you what? Call me “irrational” and insult my understanding of the topic in the process?
Political activity, political activity... fuck off. Actors, writers, artists, those most affected by this ARE the ordinary people, and their concerns and fears surrounding this are perfectly rational.
And you know, nothing hits it home more for me than when I thought about my favourite show at the moment, the one that makes me lose my mind a thousand times over, I thought about everything in it that makes me tick, thought about both strong points and weak points, because it is flawed, god, is it flawed because people inherently are, and that’s the beauty, but mostly, I thought about the sheer amount of care/thought and depth put into it in a way I've never really seen before and in a medium/genre/whatever you'd absolutely never expect to find that thought put into, especially if taken completely at a surface level. Thought about the levels of metaphor and symbolism layered in beneath the silliness, thought about the callbacks and clever timing, thought about the behind the scenes arguments about what direction worked best for the narrative and the audience, arguments that took place because of how much they cared not just about telling a good story, but about telling one that really means something to them.
Thought about the love, the time, the excitement and the flair and personality and background and intent of each and every person behind the team bleeding its way into the scripts, into the acting, into the heart of what makes it truly what it is, and how that love bleeds into the audience as well, how that love and human connection is what prompts people to write full page essays and analyses on it, draw fanart for it, create the most beautiful fics for it, that love is what prompts them to laugh and cry and vibrate at the speed of sound thinking about it, and what prompts thousands upon thousands to come together in their appreciation for and relation to it, rallying around it like a group of cavemen around a campfire when they had never before seen the flame.
And then.... then I thought about the idea of that same show being written by an AI and genuinely felt physically ill. Because no real care will have been put into that beyond "If it looks like a TV show, sounds like a TV show, it must be a TV show." And on the surface, maybe it’d look fine, I’m sure some people wouldn’t notice. But it’d not only be made without thought, but consumed without thought. And, sure, maybe that'll fill you up in the short term, but it's gonna leave you feeling hollow and sick eventually. Because stories are not a thing to be mass produced with a random assortment of the cheapest quality materials on a conveyor belt that shovels them directly into people's throats at the most efficient speed possible, stories are not a thing meant to just be consumed! They are a thing made with intent in every aspect, even when accidental because our lives shape it subconsciously, they are a thing made with love, a thing to be savoured! And yes, for that to happen, they will take a lot of time and hard work and dedication, all of which deserve fair compensation and respect, all of which cannot just be replaced by a sham amalgamation of these things, and they will be all the better for it.
And on some level, corporations know this, and they want you to blame their shortcomings on the writers, on the artists, they want you to look at things like the strikes and those rallying against AI and get mad that they’re keeping art from the common people, or forcing them to come to this, or they want you to think they’re simply trying to make art more accessible, all the while building their conveyor belts in the background with the blood of those they’re kicking down, taking away jobs and shoving the humanity out of the picture.
Art is made to communicate, and sometimes it’s frustrating when we can’t get that communication across, when the image we want to convey is out of our skill level, our capability, when our words get tangled up, jumbled together and we need a helping hand to find the right ones again, and on this level, maybe AI could be a useful supplemental tool, or a fun little thing to mess around with, if ethically sourced, if used for good, if taking into account and graciously acknowledging exactly how it’s being used as a tool, rather than trying to pass it off as something it’s not.
But is it political, is it irrational, to merely state that the human condition cannot be replaced?
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