#anthony davia
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explosionshark · 9 months
First book of the year down! City of Songs by Anthony Ryan. The third book in the Seven Swords novella series. Every Anthony Ryan book I read makes me like him more and more - this one went in a very Perpetual Oratorio of Davia Pledge direction - iykyk
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fundieshaderoom · 1 year
Fundie Families and Adjacents I Follow: Keller
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Michael Edward Keller "Mike"- October 28, 1959
Lillie Suzette Stembridge "Suzette"- April 9, 1955
Mike and Suzette married on July 25, 1980, at ages 20 and 25. They share 8 children, 8 children-in-law, and 38 grandchildren. They are based in Florida.
1. Esther Joy- May 9, 1981
2. Rebekah Ann- May 15, 1983
3. Daniel Michael- February 2, 1984
4. Priscilla Lynn- July 7, 1986
Joanna- either miscarriage or died at birth
5. Anna Renee- June 23, 1988
6. Susanna Grace- May 29, 1992
7. Nathan Edward- April 23, 1996
8. David Nathaniel- July 28, 1998
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Esther married John Eric Shrader (June 29, 1977) on November 3, 2001, after a very short courtship. She was 20 and he was 24. They share 13 children and live in Zambia.
1. Enoch John- January 17, 2003
2. Alatheia Esther- March 13, 2004
3. Timothy Michael- August 2, 2005
4. Nehemiah James- January 20, 2007
5. Agape Faith- June 3, 2008
6. Elijah David- February 28, 2010
7. Charis Elizabeth- June 25, 2011
8. Sophia Joy- March 6, 2013
9. Stephen Lushomo- September 10, 2014
10. Isaiah Kasimpe- June 2, 2016
11. Caleb Zambia- January 2, 2018
12. Joseph- March 8, 2020
13. Daniel- October 12, 2022
14. Josiah- January 17, 2024
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Rebekah married Joshua Owen McDonald (1981) on August 21, 2004, when she was 21. They divorced on May 22, 2015, when she was 32. They share 2 daughters. She remarried Kevin Hunt in 2018. They are based in Texas.
1. Annabel Rebekah- July 22, 2005
2. Alyssa Suzette- May 26, 2007
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Daniel married Candice Renee Richards (August 15, 1986) on October 3, 2008, at ages 24 and 22. They divorced in 2016. They share an adopted son. Daniel remarried a woman named Diana in 2018 and she has at least one child.
1- Brighton Gabriel- July 14, 2012, adopted at birth
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Priscilla married David William Waller (September 8, 1986) on February 4, 2012. They share 7 children and are based in Texas.
1. Paul William- March 16, 2013
2. Davia Lynn- November 12, 2014
3. Phillip Andrew- October 19, 2016
4. Destiny Faith- October 2, 2018
5. Peter David- May 6, 2020
6. Deborah Joy- January 19, 2022
7. Desiree Hope- July 17, 2024
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Anna married Joshua James Duggar (March 3, 1988) on September 26, 2008, when they were both 20. They now share 7 children. Josh was arrested on CSAM charges in April 2021. In January 2022, he was sentenced to 12 years in January of 2022. Josh lives in Texas and Anna and the children are based in Arkansas.
1- Mackynzie Renee- October 8, 2009
Miscarriage in 2010
2- Michael James- June 15, 2011
3- Marcus Anthony- June 2, 2013
4- Meredith Grace- July 16, 2015
5- Mason Garrett- September 12, 2017
6- Maryella Hope- November 27, 2019
7- Madyson Lily- October 23, 2021
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Susanna married York Bridges on September 2, 2019. They share a son. She had one daughter out of wedlock with an unknown me. She was also previously engaged to a different man.
Noelle Brooklyn- January 24, 2013
Nash Edgar- April 20, 2021
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Nathan married Nurie Katelin Rodrigues (April 19, 1999) on July 25, 2020, at ages 24 and 21. They share 3 children. They are based in Florida.
Nehemiah David- October 11, 2021
Newman Christian- November 16, 2022
Naomi Christine- July 14, 2024
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David married Hannah Marie Reber (July 25, 1998) on November 19, 2021, both at age 23. They share 2 daughters. They are based in Arkansas.
Eden Rose- November 3, 2022
Edelweiss Miracle- 2024ish
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tallmantall · 1 year
#JamesDonaldson On #MentalHealth – Is #Suicide Hereditary?
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There's evidence that bio-genetics play a significant role in #suicidal activity Anthony D. Smith LMHC Reviewed by Davia Sills KEY POINTS - Heredity, environmental factors, and epigenetics contribute to #suiciderisk. - There is a 2.1 to 2.7-fold increase of #suiciderisk in relatives of #suicide victims. - Family #suicide history should be considered a strong risk factor and heavily inform one's overall level of risk and safety planning. A family history of #suicide is correlated with a 2.1 to 2.75-fold risk increase in relatives (e.g., Qin, 2003; Jang et al., 2002). When presented with this information, #students and concerned #parents have asked me, “Is #suicide something genetic?” My answer is, “It depends.” As noted by Hoehne et al. (2015), “The heritability of #suicide is well-established.” If, however, by “genetic,” one means the inheritance of a specific, self-destructive gene that pointedly leads to #suicide, then no, that’s not been discovered. If someone means #suicide is influenced by genetics, that’s a different story. A multifactorial blueprint To start, one might figure that such genetic influence is rooted in, say, #depression, a disorder known for genetic factors that are highly correlated with suicidal activity. For example, Zai et al. (2012) wrote, “In a study of #suicide records dating from 1880 to 1980 in an Amish community, Egeland and Sussex (1985) found 26 reported suicides that aggregated within four families who also had a high incidence of #mooddisorders….” They continued, however, “The authors also found other families that were affected by multiple #mooddisorders but had no history of #suicidalbehavior.” Next, add to this the statement from Diblasi et al. (2021), “Broadly, molecular studies suggest a complexity of #suicide etiology that cannot simply be accounted for by #depression.” Based on the above two researchers’ statements, it’s clear that genetics influence #depression, and while some depressed people become suicidal, it’s more complicated than the influence of any inherited mood alone. The “ingredients” are perhaps best encapsulated by Kouter et al. (2019), who wrote, “ is a result of the interplay between hereditary and environmental factors, tied together by epigenetics.” A survey of biogenetic factors In more recent years, increasingly-sophisticated medical technology has allowed researchers to examine specific aspects of brain anatomy and genes that contribute to suicidal activity. For example, Cha et al. (2017), citing Gosnell et al. (2016), provided: “The hippocampus, which is connected with the body’s #stress response system and important in mood regulation and memory, has been found to be structurally abnormal in #suicide attempters. The is involved in goal-directed #behavior, decision-making, and emotion regulation and is also found to be structurally abnormal in #suicide attempters.” Further, there is the ventral prefrontal cortex (VPC), which is important in “binding together the large-scale networks that subserve emotional processing, decision-making...” (Gage & Baars, 2018). The VPC seems influenced by molecular-level complications, illustrating the role of biological or genetic intricacies underlying some people’s suicidal activity. To expand, Leonard (2005), for example, noted postmortem studies of depressed people found that the VPC showed serotonin deficits. Serotonin is believed to be essential in controlling aggressive or impulsive #behaviors (e.g., Popova, 2008). Leonard surmised this implies a dysfunction in the serotonergic system, for which “there is increasing evidence of a genetic basis.” This said, biological contributions quickly become more complicated, going from gray matter to microbiology. Readers interested in an in-depth review of molecular contributions may be interested in reading Turecki’s 2014 paper, The Molecular Bases of the Suicidal Brain. In brief, the author explained how early-life adverse environmental factors (epigenetics) can alter gene expression, which influences #stress response associated with a lifetime susceptibility to #suicidalbehavior. As for the #suicide-#stress response link, O’Connor (2020) pointed out that hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis dysregulation is a particular culprit, which, as noted by Berardelli et al. (2020), disrupts healthy neurotransmission. To add to this more specifically, Oquendo et al. (2014) observed that an altered #stress response seems responsible for downstream effects in the form of the aforementioned serotonin system abnormalities. If this seems overwhelming, bear in mind that it is only a glimpse of the research on the bio-genetic factors of #suicide. In addition, is it chicken or egg? Do people with the above complications have more proneness to being depressed, a state of being that then interacts with those factors for a dangerous cocktail? Or does being depressed initiate some of the bio-genetic abnormalities that are correlated with #suicideattempts? #James Donaldson notes:Welcome to the “next chapter” of my life… being a voice and an advocate for #mentalhealthawarenessandsuicideprevention, especially pertaining to our younger generation of students and student-athletes.Getting men to speak up and reach out for help and assistance is one of my passions. Us men need to not suffer in silence or drown our sorrows in alcohol, hang out at bars and strip joints, or get involved with drug use.Having gone through a recent bout of #depression and #suicidalthoughts myself, I realize now, that I can make a huge difference in the lives of so many by sharing my story, and by sharing various resources I come across as I work in this space.  #http://bit.ly/JamesMentalHealthArticleOrder your copy of James Donaldson's latest book,#CelebratingYourGiftofLife:From The Verge of Suicide to a Life of Purpose and Joy www.celebratingyourgiftoflife.com Clinical implications Outside of #psychiatrists prescribing antidepressants, clinicians likely aren’t able to change someone’s bio-genetics. Further, antidepressants alone likely cannot alter such a complicated equation to eradicate bio-genetic risk factors entirely. There may also be cultural factors related to the family for clinicians to consider. For instance, Jang et al. (2022) discovered that South Korean survivors of #suicide victims were three times more likely to die by #suicide. Interestingly, this was especially true for wives whose husbands died by #suicide. The best that clinicians can do is: 1) Always ask about a family history of #suicide, and 2) if present, weigh it as a significant factor when deciding someone’s level of risk or the observation or safety planning required. If you or someone you love is contemplating #suicide, seek help immediately. For help 24/7, dial #988 for the #NationalSuicidePreventionLifeline, or reach out to the #CrisisTextLine by texting TALK to 741741. To find a #therapist near you, visit the Psychology Today Therapy Directory. Read the full article
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sesiondemadrugada · 3 years
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Imaginary Crimes (Anthony Drazan, 1994).
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fundieinfoplace · 2 years
The Keller Family
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Michael Edward Keller was born Oct 28 1959.
Lillie Suzette Stembridge was born Apr 9 1955.
Mike and Suzette married July 25 1980. They had 8 children.
1. Esther Joy was born May 9 1981
2. Daniel Michael was born May 15 1983
3. Rebekah Ann was born Feb 2 1984
4. Priscilla Lynn was born July 7 1986
5. Anna Renee was born June 23 1988
6. Susanna Grace was born May 29 1992
7. Nathan Edward was born Apr 23 1996
8. David Nathaniel was born July 28 1998
Esther married John Shrader Nov 3 2001
1. Enoch John Jan 17 2003
2. Alatheia Esther Mar 13 2004
3. Timothy Michael Aug 2 2005
4. Nehemiah James Jan 20 2007
5. Agape Faith June 3 2008
6. Elijah David Feb 28 2010
7. Charis Elizabeth June 25 2011
8. Sophia Joy Mar 6 2013
9. Stephan Lushomo Sept 10 2014
10. Isaiah Kasimpe June 2 2016
11. Caleb Zambia Jan 2 2018
12. Joseph Mar 8 2020
13. Daniel Oct 12 2022
14. Josiah Jan 17 2024
Daniel married Candice Oct 2008; divorced 2016
1. Brighton Gabriel July 14 2012
Daniel married Diana 2018
Rebekah married Josh Mcdonald Aug 2004; divorced 2015
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1. Annabel Rebekah July 22 2005
2. Alyssa Suzette May 26 2007
Rebekah married Kevin Hunt 2018.
Priscilla married David Waller Feb 4 2012
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1. Paul William Mar 16 2013
2. Davia Lynn Nov 12 2014
3. Phillip Andrew Oct 19 2016
4. Destiny Faith Oct 2 2018
5. Peter David May 6 2020
6. Deborah Joy Jan 19 2022
7. Desiree Hope July 19 2024
Anna married Josh Duggar Sept 26 2008
1. Mackynzie Renee Oct 8 2009
00. Baby Duggar 2010 miscarriage
2. Michael James June 15 2011
3. Marcus Anthony June 2 2013
4. Meredith Grace July 16 2015
5. Mason Garrett Sept 12 2017
6. Maryella Hope Nov 27 2019
7. Madyson Lily Oct 23 2021
Susanna married York Bridges Sept 2 2019
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1. Noelle Brooklyn Jan 24 2013
2. Nash Edgar Apr 20 2021
Nathan married Nurie Rodrigues July 25 2020
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1. Nehemiah David Oct 11 2021
2. Newman Christian Nov 16 2022
3. Naomi Christine July 14 2024
David married Hannah Reber Nov 19 2021
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1. Eden Rose Nov 3 2022
2. Edelweiss Miracle Mar 2024
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duggardata · 4 years
Everybody’s Birthdays  (By Month)
Here’s the full list of DOBs for all Predictor People...   Accurate as of March 2, 2021.
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1   William Gilvin (“Gil”) Bates  (1965)
1   Anthym Bliss Collins  (2021)
4   Olivia Mercy Rodrigues  (2012)
2   Caleb _____ Shrader  (2018)
6   Praise T.L. Helferich  (1995)
7   Grace Annette (“Gracie”) Duggar–Burnett  (2020)
11   Karissa Beth (Goering) Collins  (1984)
12   Jana Marie Duggar  (1990)
12   John David Duggar  (1990)
13   John Steven Maxwell  (1991)
13   Lincoln “Taylor” Bontrager  (2002)
17   Enoch _____ Shrader  (2003)
18   Simon Peter Maxwell–Hamilton  (2020)
19   Sarah Rae Maxwell  (1982)
20   Joseph Garrett Duggar  (1995)
20   Nehemiah _____ Shrader  (2007)
21   Asher Benjamin Dominguez  (2013)
23   Michaela Christian (Bates) Keilen  (1990)
25   Caleb Alexander Maxwell–Frost  (2020)
26   Lexi Mae Webster  (2017)
26   Axton John Maxwell–Bontrager  (2019)
27   Jesiah Mathew Caldwell  (2015)
29   Chelsy Renee (Bontrager) Maxwell  (1991)
31   Layla Rae Stewart  (2020)
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1   Trace Whitfield Bates  (1997)
1   Marjorie Ellen Jackson  (1998) (Josiah Duggar’s Ex)
1   Jeb Colton Bates  (2012)
4   Sara Nicole Smith  (1983) (Chris Maxwell’s Ex)
5   Robert Alan (“Bobby”) Ballinger, Jr.  (1994)
6   Henry Wilberforce Seewald  (2017)
6   Ansyr Blue Collins  (2018)
9   Maci Jo Webster  (2021)
10   Tiffany Lian Espensen (1999)
16   Robert Ellis (“Bobby”) Smith III  (1995)
17   Bryn _____ (Leppert) Bontrager  (1994)
17   Jackzon Ezekiel Bates  (2002)
17   Addallee Hope Bates  (2006)
18   Ruthanne Elizabeth Maxwell–Hamilton  (2014)
19   Brooklyn Praise Duggar–Caldwell  (2021)
21   Benjamin Steven Maxwell–Maher  (2017)
23   Gideon Martyn Forsyth  (2018)
23   Elizabeth Grace Maxwell–Hamilton  (2018)
27   Claire Yvonne (Spivey) Duggar  (2001)
27   Judah Miles Young  (2020)
28   Elijah _____ Shrader  (2010)
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1   Kyle Jeremiah Maxwell–Frost  (2018)
3   Joshua James Duggar  (1988)
5   Nathan Paul Caldwell  (2007)
6   Sophia Joy Shrader  (2013)
8   Travis J. Clark  (2001)
8   Joseph Tumelo Shrader  (2020)
9   Derick Michael Dillard  (1989)
10   Christopher Owen Rogers  (1988)
12   Micah Joe Bontrager–Leppert  (2019)
13   Alatheia Grace Shrader  (2004)
13   Clint _____ Rogers  (2010)
15   Timothy David Rodrigues  (2000)
16   Paul William Waller  (2013)
23   Lydia Joy Maxwell–Hamilton  (2015)
24   Joshua Maxwell Bontrager  (1997)
25   Micah Joel Caldwell  (2004)
25   Kolter Gray Smith  (2020)
28   Harper Lynn Ballinger  (2017)
28   Zoey Joy Webster  (2018)
30   Marlin Joe Bontrager  (1967)
30   Everly Hope Paine  (2018)
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1   Carolina Katherine (Bowers) Bontrager  (1995)
4   Courtney Ann (Harkins) Rogers  (1984)
6   Israel David Dillard  (2015)
9   Lillie “Suzette” (Stembridge) Keller  (1955)
11   Carlin Brianne (Bates) Stewart  (1998)
11   Allie Jane Webster  (2015)
11   Janessa Ruth Rodrigues  (2018)
16   Abbie Grace (Burnett) Duggar  (1992)
18   Charles Stephen (“Chad”) Paine III  (1987)
19   Anna Marie (Hamilton) Maxwell  (1986)
19   Nurie Katelin (Rodrigues) Keller  (1999)
21   Jason Michael Duggar  (2000)
22   Winston Marshall Bontrager–Bowers  (2020)
23   Nathan Edward Keller  (1996)
24   Joseph Howard Maxwell  (1989)
28   Ellie Bridget Bates  (2007)
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2   Erin Elise (Bates) Paine  (1991)
2   Ashley _____ Salyer  (1995) (Nathan Bates’s Ex)
4   Jeremiah Seth Helferich  (1996)
5   Christopher Lloyd Maxwell  (1979)
6   Timothy _____ Caldwell  (2009)
6   Peter David Waller  (2020)
9   Esther Joy (Keller) Shrader  (1981)
9   Calena _____ Rogers  (2017)
13   Allison Nicole (Bontrager) Helferich  (1994)
13   Deborah Carol Maxwell–Maher  (2019)
14   Anna Patrice (Craig) Maxwell  (2000)
14   Charles Stephen (“Carson”) Paine IV  (2015)
15   Ava Joy Young  (2018)
17   Jill Michelle (Duggar) Dillard  (1991)
18   Lauren Milagro (Swanson) Duggar  (1999)
18   Abigail Grace Maxwell–Maher  (2008)
19   Benjamin Michael Seewald  (1995)
19   Warden Justice Bates  (2003)
22   Lauren Hope Caldwell  (2000)
23   Jackson Levi Duggar  (2004)
26   Gabriel Victor Rodrigues  (2006)
26   Brecken Lee Young  (2016)
26   Ivy Jane Seewald  (2019)
29   David John Rodrigues  (1972)
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2   Joshua Christopher Maxwell–Hamilton  (2012)
2   Marcus Anthony Duggar–Keller  (2013)
2   Isaiah Kasimpe Shrader  (2016)
3   Agape Faith Shrader  (2008)
5   Kristen Nicole (Barnard) Young  (1992)
6   Coralee Jean Rogers  (2019)
8   Garrett David Duggar–Caldwell  (2018)
10   Caydie _____ Rogers  (2018)
15   Michael James Duggar–Keller  (2011)
15   Christina Mercy Maxwell–Maher  (2012)
18   Renee Crystine Rodrigues  (2002)
19   Elliot Rex Maxwell–Bontrager  (2020)
20   Kaci Lynn Bates–Perkins  (2016)
23   Anna Renne (Keller) Duggar  (1988)
25   Charis Elisabeth Shrader  (2011)
27   Mark _____ Dominguez  (1981)
29   John Eric Shrader  (1977)
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2   Mitchell Joe Bontrager  (1992)
2   Titus James Hall  (1993)
2   Cassidy Grace (Bowers) Bontrager  (1997)
3   Christina Marie (Hamrick) Caldwell  (1979)
3   Priscilla Lynn (Keller) Waller  (1986)
4   Kelton Edward Balka  (1995)
5   Kaylee Arlissa Rodrigues  (2001)
5   Andrew James Maxwell–Maher  (2014)
5   Daniel Titus Maxwell–Hamilton  (2016)
7   James Andrew Duggar  (2001)
8   Olivia Grace (“Gracie”) Caldwell  (2010)
8   Samuel Scott Dillard–Duggar  (2017)
9   Tessie Elizabeth Rodrigues  (2007)
9   Robert Alan (“Bear”) Ballinger III  (2020)
15   Sofia Amy Julianne Rodrigues  (2015)
15   Jubilee Katherine Bontrager–Bowers  (2018)
16   Meredith Grace Duggar–Keller  (2015)
16   Wallace Bradford Bontrager–Bowers  (2018)
17   Andersyn Brooklyn Collins  (2015)
18   James Robert (“Jim Bob”) Duggar  (1965)
19   Felicity Nicole Vuolo  (2018)
19   Willow Kristy Balka  (2019)
22   Phillip Jonathan Rodrigues  (2003)
25   Andrae Cardell Collins  (2011)
25   Calena Ann Rogers  (2013)
26   Clay Mason Rogers  (2011)
27   William “Lawson” Bates  (1992)
29   Khai David Dominguez  (2010)
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2   Timothy _____ Shrader  (2005)
2   Jennifer Danielle Duggar  (2007)
2   Callie–Anna Rose Bates  (2009)
4   Josie Kellyn (Bates) Balka  (1999)
6   Brooklyn Elise Paine  (2016)
7   Steven R. Maxwell  (1951)
11   Kendra Renee (Caldwell) Duggar  (1998)
13   Bethany Faith (“Betsy”) Maxwell–Maher  (2010)
17   Teri L. (Frazer) Maxwell  (1955)
21   Mary Carol Maxwell  (1996)
21   Evelyn Mae Forsyth  (2020)
24   Evan Patrick Stewart  (1995)
27   Jemima Virtue Bontrager–Bowers  (2020)
28   Josiah Matthew Duggar  (1996)
29   Kenneth Nathaniel (“Nathan”) Bates  (1993)
31   Anchor Christian Collins  (2019)
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1   Melanie Sue (Maher) Maxwell  (1975)
1   Ellyn Joy Dominguez  (2014)
5   Jeremy Joseph Vuolo  (1987)
6   Daylon Gabriel Dominguez  (2011)
8   David William Waller  (1986)
9   Chaney Grace Kahle  (1998)
9   Rebecca Shania Bontrager  (2007)
9   Marlie Denise Ballinger  (2018)
10   Sierra Jolene (Baird) Dominguez  (1989)
10   Stephen Lushomo Shrader  (2014)
12   Colt _____ Rogers  (2015)
12   Case _____ Rogers  (2015)
12   Mason Garrett Duggar–Keller  (2017)
13   Michelle Annette (Ruark) Duggar  (1966)
15   Brandon Timothy Keilen  (1989)
15   Judson Wyatt Bates  (2010)
16   Cade _____ Rogers  (2012)
18   Jesse Paul Maxwell  (1994)
21   Whitney Eileen (Perkins) Bates  (1993)
28   Meagan Elizabeth (Forsyth) Ballinger  (1991)
28   Merrick Zion Dominguez  (2019)
30   Hannah Faith Rodrigues  (2008)
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2   Destiny Faith Waller  (2018)
4   Calia Grace Maxwell–Frost  (2015)
5  ��Katie Grace Bates  (2000)
8   Mackynzie Renee Duggar–Keller  (2009)
10   Elissa Marie (Frost) Maxwell  (1991)
11   Johannah Faith Duggar  (2005)
14   Rebecca (“Becky”) Marie (Stolzfus) Bontrager  (1967)
14   Esther Joy Keyes  (1997)
16   Isaiah Courage Bates  (2004)
15   Hudson Reed Bontrager  (2005)
19   Phillip Andrew Waller  (2016)
24   Cash _____ Rogers  (2014)
26   Kelly Jo (Callaham) Bates  (1966)
28   Michael Edward Keller  (1959)
28   Joy–Anna (Duggar) Forsyth  (1997)
29   Bradley Gilvin Bates–Perkins  (2014)
31   Anna Elizabeth Maxwell  (1992)
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2   Annistan Breanne Collins  (2012)
2   Addison Renee Duggar–Caldwell  (2019)
3   Jill Christine (Noyes) Rodrigues  (1978)
4   Sarah Elizabeth Reith  (1988)
4   Jessa Lauren (Duggar) Seewald  (1992)
5   Carson Wayne Bontrager  (1995)
5   Spurgeon Elliot Seewald  (2015)
7   Khloé Eileen Bates–Perkins  (2019)
8   Bella Milagro Duggar–Swanson  (2019)
9   Alyssa Joy (Bates) Webster  (1994)
9   Robert Ellis (“Kade”) Smith IV  (2018)
12   Davia Lynn Waller  (2014)
12   Edyn Grace Dominguez  (2015)
13   Mandrae Cardell Collins  (1983)
15   Justin Samuel Duggar  (2002)
19   Isaiah Gabriel Caldwell  (2018)
21   John Elliott Webster  (1989)
22   Evangeline Jo Vuolo  (2020)
24   Samuel Richard Rodrigues  (2004)
26   Holland Grace Paine  (2019)
27   Sadie Patricia Rodrigues  (2013)
27   Maryella Hope Duggar–Keller  (2019)
28   Caris Audrey Rogers  (2020)
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5   Nathan James Maxwell  (1976)
5   Denver Elliot Bontrager  (1999)
7   Tucker Allen Bontrager–Leppert  (2020)
9   Ayngel Belle Collins  (2016)
10   Justin Lee Young  (1991)
10   Josie Brooklyn Duggar  (2009)
11   Austin Martyn Forsyth  (1993)
12   Anissa Beth Collins  (2009)
14   Anjalie Brielle Collins  (2014)
18   Elizabeth Caresse Bontrager  (2003)
18   Jordyn–Grace Makiya Duggar  (2008)
20   Tori Layne (Bates) Smith  (1995)
21   Jinger Nicole (Duggar) Vuolo  (1993)
29   Brooks Zechariah Dominguez  (2017)
30   Zachary Gilvin Bates  (1988)
30   Jedidiah Robert Duggar  (1998)
30   Jeremiah Robert Duggar  (1998)
Gene “Paul” Caldwell  (c. 1977)
Elizabeth _____ Munck  (c. 1992) (Joseph Maxwell’s Ex)
Stay tuned for Everybody’s Anniversaries!
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takeabreaktamil · 5 years
Imaginary Crimes movie (1994) - Harvey Keitel, Fairuza Balk, Kelly Lynch
Imaginary Crimes movie trailer (1994) - Plot synopsis: A recently widowed, small-time hustler struggles to raise his two teenage daughters on his own, and still make a dishonest living in 1950s Indiana. Director: Anthony Drazan Writers: Sheila Ballantyne, Kristine Johnson, Davia Nelson Stars: Harvey Keitel, Fairuza Balk, Kelly Lynch via Dailymotion https://ift.tt/31vJ3Bt from Blogger https://ift.tt/2P5rvtc via IFTTT Imaginary Crimes movie (1994) - Harvey Keitel, Fairuza Balk, Kelly Lynch
Imaginary Crimes movie trailer (1994) - Plot synopsis: A recently widowed, small-time hustler struggles to raise his two teenage daughters on his own, and still make a dishonest living in 1950s Indiana. Director: Anthony Drazan Writers: Sheila Ballantyne, Kristine Johnson, Davia Nelson Stars: Harvey Keitel, Fairuza Balk, Kelly Lynch via Dailymotion https://ift.tt/31vJ3Bt crime, Dailymotion, Fairuza Balk, IFTTT, Imaginary Crimes movie (1994) - Harvey Keitel, Kelly Lynch, murder, rape, robbery, sex
0 notes
foryourart · 6 years
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New MountainImage courtesy of Sade Gallery. 
PLAN ForYourArt: April 12–18
Thursday, April 12
Westwood Openings and Events
CONVERSATIONS   Part of the series Future L.A.: Engineering a Sustainable Supercity: Urban Revitalization and the Los Angeles River, Hammer Museum (Westwood), 7:30pm.
Culver City Openings and Events
Die Legende von Paul und Paula (The Legend of Paul and Paula), Wende Museum (Culver City), 6pm.
Miracle Mile and Hollywood Openings and Events
Open Clay Studio with Eunice Lee, Craft and Folk Art Museum (Miracle Mile), 11am–1pm. $30–40.
Talk: Gallery Talk: The Art of Looking—Helen Frankenthaler, LACMA (Miracle Mile), 12:30pm.
New Mountain, SHOW Gallery (Hollywood), 6-9pm. 
Atwater Village Openings and Events
Spencer Moody: My Laurels, Cash Machine (Atwater Village), 7–9pm.
Downtown and Chinatown Openings and Events
Tattoo Closing Party, Natural History Museum (Downtown), 5–10pm. $10–12.
Unfolding Language: Hanif Abdurraqib + Brendan Constantine + Amy Gerstler, The Broad (Downtown), 7:30pm.
Benjamin Reiss, Package Factory (Natural Marriage of Natural Resources), Bel Ami (Chinatown), 7–10pm.
Performing Radical Fictions, California African American Museum (Downtown), 7–10pm. $15.
Elsa Trash, Igor Amokian, Zzyzxzyzz, and O.C.D., Human Resources (Chinatown), 8pm.
Eastside Openings and Events
Garden Talk - Out of Africa: Pelargoniums for California Landscapes, The Huntington (San Marino), 2:30pm.
Leila Rahimi: The Myth of Paradise and Other Lies They Told Us, Sade (Lincoln Heights), 7–10pm.
Distinguished Fellow Lecture - Commemorating Charles Darwin, The Huntington (San Marino), 7:30pm.
Chanel Von-Habsburg-Lothringen: BYSTANDER, AWHRHWAR (Highland Park), 8–10pm.
Openings and Events Beyond Los Angeles
Sandwich Songs: A Noon Concert with Lainey, CalArts (Valencia), 12-1pm.
Desert Chic, Palm Springs Art Museum (Palm Springs), 6–8pm.
Meet the Galen, Palm Springs Art Museum (Palm Springs), 6–8pm. $40–95.
Graphic Design Lecture Series: Design, Bitches, CalArts (Valencia), 4:30pm.
Writing Now Reading Series: Mady Schutzman, CalArts (Valencia), 7–10pm.
Live! at the Museum: Los Angeles Ensemble, Laguna Art Museum (Laguna Beach), 7pm.
Sky Piece by Dawn Givens, CalArts (Valencia), 8pm. Through April 14.
Paul Brach Lecture Series: Elliot Reed, CalArts (Valencia), 9pm.
Micronutrient//Sai//QTQR8R//Dolly Dirtbag//Xoco//Dark Pulse, CalArts (Valencia), 11pm–1am.
Friday, April 13
Openings and Events in Westwood
Metaphors On Vision: Early Films by Stan Brakhage, UCLA (Westwood), 7:30pm. Also April 14.
Openings and Events in Hollywood
Francesca Gabbiani: Vague Terrains/Urban Fuckups, Gavlak (Hollywood), 6–8pm.
Surface Magazine presents: Design Dialogues: Kenya Hara, Japan House LA (Hollywood), 7–8:30pm.
Openings and Events in Chinatown
Pauline Gloss: Lullabies for the Psychotic and Other Work, Human Resources (Chinatown), 7:30pm.
ACCORDANT COMMONS: You are measuring…, Automata (Chinatown), 8pm.
Openings and Events in Glassell Park
Anthony Bodlović: Soma / Sema, elephant (Glassell Park), 7–10pm.
Openings and Events Beyond Los Angeles
Film Screening: Western by Valeska Grisebach, CalArts (Valencia), 4pm.
IncorpoReality, CalArts (Valencia), 4pm–12am.
Night at the Bijou: Tony Conrad: Completely in the Present, CalArts (Valencia), 7:30pm.
CalArts School of Theater Presents: Appropriate, CalArts (Valencia), 8pm.
Saturday, April 14
Westside Openings and Events
Roman Gems and Jewelry: The Art of Adornment, Getty Villa (Pacific Palisades), 1–4pm.
Kelly Berg: Unknown Horizon and Ned Evans: Paintings and Keyholes, Craig Krull Gallery (Santa Monica), 5–7pm.
Alon Aboutboul: LADIES & GENTLEMEN, ARCANE Space (Venice), 6–9pm.
Rob Sato - 442: Original Art From The Graphic Novel, GR2 (Sawtelle), 6:30–10pm.
Openings and Events in Culver City
Legacy, FP Contemporary (Culver City), 3–5pm.
Cig Harvey You an Orchestra You a Bomb and Joanne Dugan: Multiples, Kopeikin Gallery (Culver City), 6–8pm.
Openings and Events in West Hollywood and Hollywood
Reena Spaulings: The Male Gates, Matthew Marks Gallery (West Hollywood), 6–8pm.
​DAVIA KING: REBORN​, Ewkuks Gallery (West Hollywood), 8pm.
Sue Williams, Regen Projects (Hollywood), 6–8pm.
Miracle Mile Openings and Events
Wheel Throwing Workshop with Wayne Perry, Craft and Folk Art Museum (Miracle Mile), 1–4pm. $45–55.
Film: Documentary Film: Hockney, LACMA (Miracle Mile), 1pm.
Downtown and Chinatown Openings and Events 
Symposium: SENGA NENGUDI: IMPROVISATIONS AND CONVERSATIONS, USC Fisher Museum of Art (Downtown), 9am–4pm.
Screening & Panel Discussion: Take None, Give None, Central Library (Downtown), 2pm.
Christoph Weber: Contact, Flora Hauser: Telescope at the Sun, and Wayne Magrin: The Far Away and the Familiar (Narrative Paintings of Surfers, Sailors and Bushrangers), Ibid (Downtown), 3–6pm.
A Retrospective of Dance Duets by Sophia Wang/Brontez Purnell, 356 Mission (Downtown), 3–6pm.
Tomorrowland and Junghwa Hong: Veiled, CB1 Gallery (Downtown), 4–7pm.
CalArts Dance School Performs HUMAN, Hauser & Wirth (Downtown), 4:30–5:30pm.
Folkert de Jong: Cathedra and Nathan Redwood: After Tin Man, DENK Gallery (Downtown), 6–8pm.
Co_Works, Tieken Studio & Gallery (Chinatown), 6–10pm.  
HAND AND MIND: Illustration Beats Explanation, FOLD Gallery (Downtown), 6–9pm.
Saved by Grace Gospel Choir 20th Anniversary Concert, California African American Museum (Downtown), 7–9pm. $15.
Nicholas Deyoe and Matt Barbier, Human Resources (Chinatown), 8 and 9:30pm.
MacArthur Park Openings and Events
Brian Zamora: New Lighting Devices, haphazard/ as-is.la (MacArthur Park), 6–8pm.
Eastside Openings and Events
Children's Culinary Workshop: The Artichoke: A Flower Bud You Can Eat, The Huntington (San Marino), 9:30am. Sold out.
Fiber Arts Day, The Huntington (San Marino), 10am–5pm.
Family Day, Pasadena Museum of California Art (Pasadena), 12–5pm.
K. Bradford Workshop: Adventures in Upcycling; Tracee Johnson Workshop: Building Gathering Spaces, Side Street Projects (Pasadena), 1–4pm.
Ankita Mukherji: Places of being, gallery 1993 (Cypress Park), 4–6pm.
Ciara Moore: JET, Keystone Art Space (Lincoln Heights), 6–10pm.
An Evening of performance organized by artist Brian Randolph, ODD ARK•LA (Highland Park), 6–10pm.
Armory Annual Benefit Honoring Scott Ward, Armory Center for the Arts (Pasadena), 6:30–9:30pm. $150.
Corynne Pless and Mercy Weiss: Clear Abstractions, Namaste (Highland Park), 7–9pm.
Be Here Now: Esther Baker-Taparga, Kirsten Davis, Bianca Medina, Odeya Nini, Wilfried Souly and Allison Wyper, Pieter (Lincoln Heights), 8:30–10pm.
Openings and Events Beyond Los Angeles
CREATE - Awkward Family Comedy Show, ESMoA (El Segundo), 1–4pm.
Families: On-Site: North Hollywood—Art in the Ancient Americas, Valley Plaza Branch Library (North Hollywood), 2pm.
The Insanity Principle Workshops Taught by Linda Carmella Sibio, Copper Mountain Mesa Community Center (Joshua Tree), 2–4pm.
Raymond Loewy House [Salon], Palm Springs Art Museum (Palm Springs), 4–6pm.
A Fundraiser and Art Auction by Matthew Monahan and Lara Schnitger, RSVP for address (private studio), 6pm. $75.
Sunday, April 15
Westside Openings and Events
HAMMER FORUM: Ted Lieu: The Trump-Russia Investigation, Hammer Museum (Westwood), 2pm.
Drawing from the Masters: Paper Dimensions, Getty Center (Brentwood), 3:30–5:30pm.
Finding Michelangelo, and Other Tales, Getty Center (Brentwood), 4pm.
Openings and Events in Culver City
Book Signing with Melba Levick and Ruben G. Mendoza for The California Missions, Arcana: Books on the Arts (Culver City), 4–6pm.
West Hollywood Openings and Events
Marathon screening of In the Name of the Place by Mel Chin and the GALA Committee, West Hollywood Public Library (West Hollywood).
Miracle Mile Openings and Events
David Hockney: 82 Portraits and 1 Still-life, LACMA (Miracle Mile), 10am–7pm. 
Echo Park and Chinatown Openings and Events
Los Angeles Filmforum and Acropolis Cinema present Stan Brakhage: Life, Death, And The Elements, Echo Park Film Center (Echo Park), 7:30pm. $6–10.
Morgan Evans-Weiler: General Motions in Relation, Automata (Chinatown), 8pm.
Lincoln Heights and Downtown Openings and Events
Workshop: Radical Choreography: Cultivating Listening and Action with Esther Baker-Taparga, Pieter (Lincoln Heights), 11am–2pm.
Sewing Rebellion, California African American Museum (Downtown), 12–4pm.
Cariño: Autocuidado y Curación en Tiempos Difíciles, Main Museum (Downtown), 1–3pm.
Orgasmic Yoga Dr. Victoria Reuveni, Pieter (Lincoln Heights), 7–10pm. $20.
Openings and Events Beyond Los Angeles
Poetry as Portraiture: Adam Zagajewski and Andrew Winer, Santa Barbara Museum of Art (Santa Barbara), 2:30pm.
Mary Kelly and Nizan Shaked in Conversation - The Synthetic Proposition Book Launch, University Art Museum, CSU Long Beach (Long Beach), 3pm.
Orca, CalArts (Valencia), 8–9pm.
Monday, April 16
Culver City Openings and Events
Alternative Realities: Utopian Thought in Times of Political Rupture, Wende Museum (Culver City). Continues April 17.
Frogtown Openings and Events
How Feminism Failed Reproductive Freedom, Women’s Center for Creative Work (Frogtown), 7:30–9:30pm. $8–10.
Openings and Events Beyond Los Angeles
High Desert Test Kitchen april ingredient: yucca, Copper Mountain Mesa Community Center (Joshua Tree), 7pm.
Tuesday, April 17
Westside Openings and Events
SCREENINGS: Grace Jones: Bloodlight and Bami, Hammer Museum (Westwood), 7:30pm.
Miracle Mile Openings and Events
Film: House of Wax, LACMA (Miracle Mile), 1pm.
Hollywood Openings and Events
Nancy Baker Cahill: Hollow Point/Strange Laugh, Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions (LACE) (Hollywood), 7–10pm.
Downtown Openings and Events
Youth Now, California African American Museum (Downtown), 12–3pm.
Openings and Events Beyond Los Angeles
Aggregate as Self, Claremont Graduate University (Claremont), 6–9pm.
ArtCenter Spring 2018 Graduate Seminar Lecture: Anne Imhof, ArtCenter College of Design (Pasadena), 7:30pm. 
East Asian Garden Lecture Series - Representations of the Garden of Solitary Delight (Dule yuan), The Huntington (San Marino), 7:30pm.
Daedalus Quartet, Santa Barbara Museum of Art (Santa Barbara), 7:30pm.
Wednesday, April 18
Westside Openings and Events
Plato in L.A.: Contemporary Artists' Visions and Palmyra: Loss and Remembrance,, Getty Center (Brentwood), 10am–5pm.
MUSIC & PERFORMANCE: From the Highlands to the Concert Hall: Classical Music of Armenia, 2018, Hammer Museum (Westwood), 7:30pm.
Downtown and Frogtown Openings and Events
“Walkout” Movie Screening & Conversation, Self Help Graphics (Downtown), 6:30pm.
Sick Circle, Women’s Center for Creative Work (Frogtown), 7–9pm.
Cross-Hatched | Impresarios, Inc., The Broad (Downtown), 8pm. $25.
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takeabreaktamil · 5 years
Imaginary Crimes movie trailer (1994) - Plot synopsis: A recently widowed, small-time hustler struggles to raise his two teenage daughters on his own, and still make a dishonest living in 1950s Indiana. Director: Anthony Drazan Writers: Sheila Ballantyne, Kristine Johnson, Davia Nelson Stars: Harvey Keitel, Fairuza Balk, Kelly Lynch via Dailymotion https://ift.tt/31vJ3Bt
0 notes
takeabreaktamil · 5 years
Imaginary Crimes movie (1994) - Harvey Keitel, Fairuza Balk, Kelly Lynch
Imaginary Crimes movie trailer (1994) - Plot synopsis: A recently widowed, small-time hustler struggles to raise his two teenage daughters on his own, and still make a dishonest living in 1950s Indiana. Director: Anthony Drazan Writers: Sheila Ballantyne, Kristine Johnson, Davia Nelson Stars: Harvey Keitel, Fairuza Balk, Kelly Lynch via Dailymotion https://ift.tt/31vJ3Bt from Blogger https://ift.tt/2P5rvtc via IFTTT
Imaginary Crimes movie trailer (1994) - Plot synopsis: A recently widowed, small-time hustler struggles to raise his two teenage daughters on his own, and still make a dishonest living in 1950s Indiana. Director: Anthony Drazan Writers: Sheila Ballantyne, Kristine Johnson, Davia Nelson Stars: Harvey Keitel, Fairuza Balk, Kelly Lynch via Dailymotion https://ift.tt/31vJ3Bt https://ift.tt/eA8V8J
0 notes
takeabreaktamil · 5 years
Imaginary Crimes movie trailer (1994) - Plot synopsis: A recently widowed, small-time hustler struggles to raise his two teenage daughters on his own, and still make a dishonest living in 1950s Indiana. Director: Anthony Drazan Writers: Sheila Ballantyne, Kristine Johnson, Davia Nelson Stars: Harvey Keitel, Fairuza Balk, Kelly Lynch via Dailymotion https://ift.tt/31vJ3Bt
0 notes