#answered; positivity
thehazbins · 5 months
🌺 send this to ten blogs you think are wonderful 🌺
Also asdfasdfsa???? - @countlessrealities
Why meee I haven't even been around for the last like month??! Thank youuuuu also sorry for the delay in responding.
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sakuravalelp · 2 months
Phantom letters - DPXDC PROMPT
The bats wake up one day to the internet going crazy; people around the world were getting letters from they're diseased loved ones. The reactions are mixed, from people being outraged for the "prank" to people crying in melancholy at getting closure.
All the letters have something in common: They're closed with a green sealing wax that had an stylize DP and the name Phantom beneath it. Posts about the cards were using the # Phantom Letters.
The bats are discussing the viral posts in the cave when Alfred comes holding a basket filled with letters, announcing they were left at the doors. The letters had the sealing wax that they recognize from the posts. Checking the cameras they can see how they glitch before the basket appears.
Alfred starts to distribute the letters that had only one destinatary. Letters from each Thomas and Martha to both Bruce and Alfred. Letters from each John and Mary to Dick. A letter from Catherine to Jason. A letter from the Drake's to Tim, and another one to Bruce.
Once they had calmed down enough from the shock, Alfred proceeded to read the shared recipients. From Thomas and Martha to "The grandchildren we never got to meet." From John and Mary to "the family that took our little Robin in." Letters from Catherine to "My little boys family." The letters were directed to people the deceased didn't get to meet.
As much as the mere existence of the letters tugged at their hearts, they decided to not read them until they verified that the handwriting actually belong to the ones it claimed. They checked each letter, and in the end confirmed the letters were in fact from they're lost love ones.
After much discussion, each person makes the decision to read they're own letters later in private, and they proceed to read the ones that shared recipients out loud. The letter mentioned specifics like names and events that the deceased shouldn't have been able to know, including they're vigilante abilities, which had them pause each time to panic a bit. But what was more interested were certain pieces of the letters that mentioned a Prince Phantom.
"Prince Phantom said to don't mention things past our death, but it wasn't a command, so we're hoping this won't be much of a problem." - John and Mary
"I still can't believe Prince Phantom is letting us do this, but I'm so glad." - Catherine
It finally paints the mystery in a more concerning light when at the end of Thomas and Martha's letter there is a call for help.
"We're sorry for ending the letter on a serious tone, but seeing the kind of job you all get involved in, we wanted to ask: Could you please help Prince Phantom? Phantom had asked us to not give information about this, but he's so young, and has already been hurt so much. Please, check on Amity Park, Illinois."
Meanwhile, team Phantom has decided that they needed to get the news about the GIW out of Amity and ask for help. Two problems:
the GIW blocks any technological attempt made.
People might be afraid to learn that ghosts exist and side with the GIW.
As a way to deal with the public image, Phantom opens a possibility that the death have never had:
"All afterlives are open to write letters to their love ones that are still alive today. Nothing that includes threats, and don't go talking about the anti-ecto acts or Amity Park yet, we're trying to ease people into our existence first. Also, I know you all check on your love ones when the veil is thin, but please keep the things you shouldn't know out of the letters if possible. If you want your letter to be sent in the first batch, make sure to deliver your letter before the week ends."
Letters are a good way to reconnect people with the death, they aren't digital, and the GIW won't be able to intercept letters if they're send through inter-dimensional portals. Two birds in one shot.
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takemetodragonstone · 2 months
*if your gender and sexuality brought on different feelings, vote for whichever you want. (whichever feeling was stronger, or first, or however you want to decide).
If you’re comfortable with it, put your sexuality and/or gender identity in the tags along with the feeling you experienced upon discovering it so we can see if any trends appear with correlations between certain identities and feelings!
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uncanny-tranny · 6 months
Please intentionally attempt to see the magic in everything. Everything is magic, even if you understand the "boring" reasons why things happen. Look at the magic in growing plants, the magic of your muscles flexing and retracting, the magic of your eyes and skull, the magic of a cat's purr.
It's all magic. Understanding the "why" is just understanding what makes things magical, it doesn't change that it's all significant and magic.
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ahalliance · 2 months
one thing that’ll always sadden me about qsmp lore wise is that we never got to see all the qfrench bombshell revelations take place . all their conflicting views coming to a final head . the number of conversations étoiles “fuck the federation”, baghera “i used to hate them but it’s all so much more grey now” and antoine “the federation are my friends” left taper off bc there was that unspoken undercurrent of ‘ermmm let’s just move past this and not get into it’ well what if they HAD gotten into it . what if the others finally found out about qbagz past as a fed experiment, and her fear of them blaming her for the plane crash . qayp/ayrobot’s whole fucking deal, that he’d been watched by the feds for years before getting taken . qantoine literally aiding the federation in their plans and experiments . what if huh
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artilite · 4 months
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"Do you know something?"
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strawlessandbraless · 4 months
Honestly if I want to clown over destiel, it’s my god given right. Like I appreciate your concern, but no thank you. Choosing hope and love just like my boy castiel, this is where I live now
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clowndensation · 1 year
thinking about connor in prague saying "dad's theory was you got two fighting dogs, you send the weak one away, you punish the weak one." in relation to this episode, and the way the siblings view abuse inside their own family.
shiv and kendall and their belief that connor and roman are the weak dogs that got the brunt of logan's worst behavior, because abuse is reserved for the kids who can't behave - the ones who aren't smart and mature enough to make it in the world. abuse evokes pity, because abuse is what happens when you expect too much from people who obviously aren't capable of more.
and then they go forward in life, believing that they're just naturally more intelligent and more capable than connor and roman, as if being raised seeing what happens to you if you aren't a perfect child wasn't the entire point of the "punish the weak dog" mentality that logan instilled in them. the looming threat implied behind any praise they do receive that tacitly tells them "you're not like roman and connor" because everyone knows what happens to roman and connor.
the absolute height of the rich capitalist mindset. "we're succeeding because of our own merit, and other people fail because they don't have what it takes" when in reality they're succeeding because of arbitrary rules made up by someone who knows that infighting makes meaner dogs.
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cosmossystem · 4 months
Curious System / Plural Ask Game
inclusive of all system types :] feel free to send an ask, or reblog if you want to play too!
❤ Is anyone in-system in a relationship? What kind(s)?
🌹 Does your system have any inhuman members? If so, what species are they?
🐾 Is your system mostly human or inhuman members? Somewhere in between?
🧡 How does your system handle memories? Does everyone share, or is it split across members? (Feel free to be as vague or specific as you want, or skip this question.)
⭐ Do you have a headspace / inner world? What does it look like?
💛 How long have you known about your system / plurality?
🌻 How did you discover your system / plurality? (Feel free to be as vague or specific as you want, or skip this question.)
🌙 How does your system handle dreams? Do you share dreams, or are they specific to one member? Do any members show up in dreams?
💚 Do you have any funny stories about another system member(s) or about being a system?
🍀 Do any system members practice a religion or belief system? What about spirituality?
❄ Do you have a favorite memory related to your system? (i.e. something that happened in headspace or something that another member did.)
💙 Does your system have any introjects? Do they typically come from the same source / origin, or is it more varied?
🧵 How does your system handle the body's / vessel's appearance? Does everyone dress the same, or is there a broad range of styles?
💜 What's your favorite part of being plural / in a system?
🌺 Do any members consider other system members to be family? In other words, does your system have any internal families (such as siblings, caretakers, parents, etc.) ?
🌸 Does your system have any inside jokes?
🎀 Does your system share everything in the outer world / meatspace? Does anyone have any objects / items that are solely theirs?
🤎 Do system members typically agree on things or is there a broad range of opinions?
🖤 How does your system make important collective decisions? Does one person call the shots, or is it a group effort?
🚀 Do any members speak another language? What about multiple languages? Does everyone speak the same language(s), or does it vary?
🌼 Do any members have accents or typing quirks? Are accents/quirks common in your system, or more rare?
☁ How does your system handle switching? Can you switch easily, or does it take more effort? Are there a lot of switches?
🔬 Does everyone in your system typically share skills and hobbies, or does it vary between members? Does anyone have any unique or strange hobbies / skills?
🏁 How has your system changed over time, if it has? Such as a new influx of members, a change in headspace, or a new structure. (Feel free to be as vague or specific as you want, or skip this question.)
🔎 Is there any other trivia about your system you'd like to share?
🤍 Say something positive about another system member (or all of them, if you'd like!)
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thehazbins · 5 months
🌺 send this to ten blogs you think are wonderful 🌺
laskjdflkjasdlkf - @cosmicxxxlight
Ah this one is new?? Why are you all so nice?!? TT_TT Thank you.
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canisalbus · 10 days
Since the modern Machete and Vasco are reincarnations of their former selves, do you think they might occasionally experience remnants from their past lives in the form of things like vague memories/dreams or feelings that they can't quite explain?
Such as how maybe Machete wouldn't be able to watch stabbing scenes in shows/movies without getting a faint ache in his chest, or an imaginary metallic taste in his mouth. Maybe Vasco would tend to get especially clingy and oddly concerned about Machete's well-being during a particular time of year(around whenever the previous Machete was assassinated).
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spooksier · 5 months
if i was president of fanfiction it would be required that before anybody writes fanfiction set in s4 of tma they must answer my comprehension test which is comprised of only one question “how do you feel about basira hussain” and if they answer wrong theyre immediately sentenced to 50 years of hard labor in the salt mines
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sandushengshou · 2 months
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devotion-disorder · 9 months
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mackthecheese · 9 months
Do you have any advice for someone questioning and considering if they're asexual or like tips i have no idea what I'm doing
Oh dang am I a "queer elder" now? Giving advice? Gosh I can try.
The biggest thing to remember here is that asexuality is a spectrum. A gay 50-year-old man who enjoys sex but doesn't actively seek it out and an 18-year-old straight girl who pukes at the mere thought of having sex are both asexual. The only requirement for being asexual is a lack of or shortage of sexual attraction. If you feel like the people around you are a lot more interested in sex than you are, you're probably asexual.
In my experience, I always knew I wasn't into sex the way everyone around me was, even as early as middle school. I was uncomfortable when the conversation shifted to sex and what my friends picked up on their latest trip to the back of Spencer's. I smiled along and sat silently until the conversation naturally drifted onto something I was interested in, like the new Kirby game that was coming out that week. It wasn't until my freshman year of high school that I learned the term asexual and I knew immediately that it was one I identified with. Even now, years later, I know my initial instinct was right. I am happy and comfortable identifying as asexual and I highly doubt that will ever change for me.
If you think asexuality is a term that fits for you, you can call yourself asexual. The ace community is very welcoming and supportive of everyone on the spectrum. If you realize later on that you don't identify with the term asexual anymore, that's totally fine! Experimentation with different labels and identities is an extremely important part of finding who you really are. I wish you all the best in finding yourself! <333
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mysterycitrus · 11 months
favorite batfam members ranked?
it’s hard to quantify, so i made this chart
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(tim and jason moots ur the only ones i trust)
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