dunscaiith-blog · 5 years
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dunscaiith-blog · 5 years
Intelligence is not measured by how much you know, but by how much you have the capacity to learn.
Francesca Zappia (via quotemadness)
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dunscaiith-blog · 5 years
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Oh what hell had he gotten himself into now?  The drunken combat witch was now challenging him and either way he was going to pay for this.  Losing will mean his pride will be shot, but winning…wining would mean he’d shoot up pretty high on her “Must fight to the death” list.
Hearing her talk in her natural accent was…odd too.  The woman was normally the picture of grace and serenity…oh what the hell did he have to lose, he was already dead.
“…all right.” he finally shrugged after a deep sigh.  His own copy of the Gae Bolg spear soon appeared in his hands.  
This was going to end badly.
ᚫᛏᛈᛋᛚᛟ ᛫     Scathach did not wait a single moment to attack after his own version of the famous cursed spear she had crafted appeared in his hands, but she didn’t attack to kill him --- even in her drunken state, she knew better than to kill another Servant. Her movements were slower than they ordinarily should have been. Sloppier, one could even say. Nevertheless, still better than ninety-nine percent of warriors and heroes to have ever walked the earth.
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All she wanted was to press the length of her spear against his throat whilst she stood behind him to choke him. That’s it. Should be easy enough. Just enough to dominate the poor lad.
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dunscaiith-blog · 5 years
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The Lancer could feel his air resources reducing the more his teacher’s hold on him tightened and suddenly he was extremely grateful for being a servant because, if he were a human, he would already be passing out. But instead of asking Scathach to let him breathe a bit, he felt obliged to defend his pride and good looks! “O-obviously, they all fell for my charming smile and dazzling personality!” Or maybe because he’s cute ( like a puppy ).
And he would’ve felt touched, almost a bit emotional, once he learned that Scathach had continued to look after him even after he had left the Land of Shadows, but… Wait. There was something rather wrong with his teacher’s sentence. When she said the whole time, did she really mean the whole time? “Teacher… this might sound a bit like an odd question but… were you, perhaps, maybe, possibly…. stalking me?” Cú Chulainn really liked to flirt with death.
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ᚫᛏᛈᛋᛚᛟ ᛫     “Aye, the whole time!” announced the Crone proudly, rather oblivious to the implications at hand. What was wrong with keeping an eye on her favored student? Scathach didn’t see anything wrong with it, so why not proclaim it to the heavens?
“I watched ye mostly from me scrying bowl, but sometimes I was on the periphery o’ yer life, keepin’ an eye on things. An’ when yer summoned to Holy Grail Wars, too, I show up to keep supervision over ye. It’s perfectly normal!” she assured him, rubbing her fist into the top of her head.
Scathach was hardly anyone to be counted on to know what’s normal.
Loosening her hold on him, she pressed a finger to her bottom lip and became rather contemplative and melancholy. “But yeah... Watched over ye yer whole life... Worst part o’ my existence was when ye died... Sent me spinnin’ into darkness for... couple hundred years or so... but dunn’t matter now! We’re both here!”
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dunscaiith-blog · 5 years
rianaithe replied to your post: rianaithe replied to your post “ᚫᛏᛈᛋᛚᛟ ᛫     Will...
<3 waifu
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ᚫᛏᛈᛋᛚᛟ ᛫     Love my witch with one of your muses?   💍
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dunscaiith-blog · 5 years
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Heard you were talkin shit, Archer!
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ᚫᛏᛈᛋᛚᛟ ᛫        I heard that you were talking shit And you didn't think that I would hear it People hear you talking like that, getting everybody fired up So I'm ready to attack, gonna lead the pack Gonna get a touchdown, gonna take you out That's right, put your pom-poms down, getting everybody fired up
Few times I've been around that track So it's not just gonna happen like that 'Cause Cu ain't no hollaback girl Cu ain't no hollaback girl 
Scathach is just going to sit on the sidelines, sip her whisky, and watch what happens.
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dunscaiith-blog · 5 years
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dunscaiith-blog · 5 years
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His face immediately turned as soon as his teacher started narrating his uhhh… less graceful moments during his training in the Land of Shadows. That accident had happened over 2,000 years ago! And Ferdiad had laughed his ass off too, dammit… But how could she remember it so clearly! “I- I don’t remember such a thing.” He was ready to make his escape when he was suddenly grabbed and oh no there’s no escape now.
He couldn’t think of a joke when he was under so much pressure. That’s why he started talking of the next best ( joke ) thing he could think of: His life. “So I don’t know how much you know of what I did after I finished your training… But there was this one guy who didn’t think I was Cú Chulainn because I had no beard and therefore didn’t want to fight me. For some reason, at that moment I thought that only logical thing to do was to ask Láeg to put a fake beard made of blackberries on me.” Then, he proudly added: “It worked.”
ᚫᛏᛈᛋᛚᛟ ᛫     “Oooh...! Don’t ye go forgettin’ now!” answered Scathach in a growl when he claimed to not remember, rubbing her hand into his hair at the top of his head. He could trust her on this; Scathach never forgot anything. Her arm tightened around him as he began his story, and familiar imagery and memories filled her head. Yes, she remembered that tale. It didn’t stop her from teasing him a bit, though.
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“Ye always were a wee bit o’ a baby-face when ye were wit’ me. I canny disagree wit’ whichever lad ye had this argument wit’. Always wondered why the lassies were obsessed wit’ the likes o’ ye. But believe me --- I know everything that happened in yer life after ye left me. I watched the whole time. Had t’ make sure ye didn’t disgrace m’ name, ye see. An’ ye never did. The pride o’ my life, ye are.”
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dunscaiith-blog · 5 years
ironwroughthero replied to your post: ᚫᛏᛈᛋᛚᛟ ᛫     This just in. When Scathach gets...
Shes like a proud dog owner talking about her pet
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dunscaiith-blog · 5 years
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ᚫᛏᛈᛋᛚᛟ ᛫     This just in.
When Scathach gets very drunk, you can’t get her to stop talking about Cu Chulainn.
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dunscaiith-blog · 5 years
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As soon as the Lancer got close and supported herself, Mash could feel her cheeks fluster pink. Perhaps it was the closing of personal space just to help Scathach out from her stupor, or that familiar scent of alcohol often lingering during celebrations (her guess is some high-grade scotch). An arm reciprocates to further support the Divine Spirit, slowly taking the lead walking to her designated room.
“I-I can only imagine, Madame…” For her drunken babble, it’s still an amazing tale to share– the fact that it took the literal end of the world to kill an immortal shows her worthiness among the throes of heroes in history. But for someone to speak not a word for over two millennia, she could only truly imagine the pangs of loneliness that comes with such an experience. “A-At least you can make up for lost time here, considering the servants we keep summoning to our cause. I-I mean, you even got to reunite with your own student!”
ᚫᛏᛈᛋᛚᛟ ᛫     “Aye... Right ye are, Shielder... Mistress Mash...,”  answered Scathach, looking up into the lights overhead in the corridors of Chaldea for a moment. Goodness... were her eyes watering? Indeed, she was crying all of a sudden? How strange. Well, she wasn’t blubbering at least. Just a bit o’ tears. No matter.
“Cu Chulainn... A good man, excellent hero... Have ye perhaps met him yet? Awful popular with the young women folk --- be careful o’ him, young warrior. Yer just his type. I tell ye... He coulda really been something... Better than me, even, if he had as much time on earth as I did. I just know it, he woulda surpassed me if he had lived a tad longer,” she lamented. “I wanted him to kill me. If anyone in this world... ... ... ye know, I’d want him ta kill me.”
“Ye’d think after three t’ousand years o’ life, I’d know a lot o’ folks, but he’s the only person I ever knew. Ever cared to know. Never had much a heart for ordinary people, but the extraordinary... ... ... I mean, Cu Chulainn was the greatest o’ them all... ... ... never met another like ‘em... He was, without a doubt, the best part o’ m’ life,” she trailed, eyes down on the floor now, before she turned to look at Shielder. 
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“But this old woman’s borin’ ye with tales o’ the past. Jus’ remember what I said o’ him. Yer just his type.”
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dunscaiith-blog · 5 years
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“Wha-” Scarlet eyes widen in ( terror ) surprise once he heard that Scottish accent that could only mean one thing: Scathach has been drinking. A bit too much, perhaps. Which isn’t too that because that meant that his teacher was too drunk to properly scold him so, as long as he can stay out of her reach… his ears will be safe.
Though that doesn’t mean that he isn’t worried about the wellbeing of his teacher. “We’ve already talked about your alcohol issues! If you keep that up, you will end up as comic relief!”
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ᚫᛏᛈᛋᛚᛟ ᛫     “Well I haven’t laughed in oh two thousand years o’ so, not since I saw ye trip over yer own feet durin’ yer trainin’, so many years ago,” she answered back in a bark. “So I could use a bit o’ comic relief.” 
“Ye remember that? Like a pup whose paws were too big fer his legs. Heh, ye didn’t see me, as I was in the shadows as I often do, but ye gave me a great laugh, pup. I didn’t think ye were gonna make it through me trainin’, but ye proved me wrong, ye sure did,” she said, suddenly throwing her arm around his shoulders and leaning on him a great deal, still reaching for his ears. “Tell me a joke. I wanta laugh!”
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dunscaiith-blog · 5 years
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ᚫᛏᛈᛋᛚᛟ ᛫      “Pre-drinkin’ is the best, laddies, ye know.  Whoever though o’ gettin’ pissed before actually goin’ out an’ gettin’ pissed is an absolute legend. They oughta be in the Throne o’ Heroes, I swear.”
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dunscaiith-blog · 5 years
heartfeltshield replied to your post “ᚫᛏᛈᛋᛚᛟ ᛫     Scathach is out and about, drunk as a skunk, and ready to...”
"M-Madame Scathach, I-I think I should help you to your quarters... You're too i-inebriated."
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ᚫᛏᛈᛋᛚᛟ ᛫     Scathach slung an arm around the young Shielder’s shoulders and began to babble, “Shielder...! Young warrior woman...!  D’ye know, I been livin’ three thousand years an’... an’ it took the end o’ the world ta kill me...? Can ye imagine? I mean, what in seven Hells...! I swear ta the gods... Lassie, I went nearly two t’ousand years without speakin’ to another person... Ye know what that does to yer soul? D’ye?”
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dunscaiith-blog · 5 years
ironwroughthero replied to your post: ᚫᛏᛈᛋᛚᛟ ᛫     Scathach is out and about, drunk as a...
“Maybe put the spear down for now?”
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ᚫᛏᛈᛋᛚᛟ ᛫      “Don’t ye be tellin’ me how ta be handlin’ m’ spear, Archer. Unless ye think ye’s can take it from me hands?” she challenged with a hiccup, holding out her weapon to point at him. 
She may be drunk... but she still had three thousand years of experience on her side. Trying to take her spears from her may be tempting fate --- but on the other hand, was one to resign themselves to whatever she wished to do? 
Scathach gave a coy smile and a wink. “Come, Archer. Don’t be faint o’ heart. Yer a better man than that, laddie.”
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dunscaiith-blog · 5 years
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It’s okay, teacher. Remember that it’s part of my prophecy!
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ᚫᛏᛈᛋᛚᛟ ᛫     “To die young? Ye already did that,” she answered, Scottish accent HEAVY with the amount of Irish whisky she had imbibed this evening. She suddenly reached out to grab his ear, her movements sloppy with the effects of alcohol and missing his ear a number of itmes. “You... ... ... C’mon... Gimme yer ear, ye pup. Ye a wee bit... wee bit... ... ... I swearta the gods, yer gonna wish ye hadn’t... What’re ye doin’ again, laddie?”
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dunscaiith-blog · 5 years
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ᚫᛏᛈᛋᛚᛟ ᛫     Scathach is out and about, drunk as a skunk, and ready to kill anything that moves.
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