#answered: rcs
ask-bending-horizons · 2 months
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RC: Testing, testing... RC: 8 way calls aren't easy on the old arrays~!
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RC: Okay! That should be good. Welcome, welcome!!! This is an open call line for the Bending Horizons local group! RC: (as many as I could get on... anyways.... I hope the others will respond soon...)
BOO: Hi!!!
AGA: It's a miracle you got anyone besides your wife to agree to this in the first place.
RC: ....As said, it is rare we get together like this. So you better make the most of it!
CSS: Make it quick.
[Bending Horizons is open for asks...]
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laylakeating · 4 months
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@rinacentral — EVENT 1: FAVOURITES 🩵 ↳ rina and a song from each taylor swift album
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midnight-in-town · 4 months
I remember that one panel from that boat trip of Kuroshitsuji from the twins flashbacks where one of the twins, possibly real Ciel looked quite upset or something when our Ciel was coughing and Rachel said that our Ciel can't go to the boat trip. Could it be that real Ciel was upset about how our Ciel won't be going (but I also remember that Rachel as well didn't want to go that trip & cancel it due to our ciel's sickness & I also remember how real Ciel excitedly went to the trip when it wasn't cancelled finally, so it couldn't be that he was upset about our Ciel being absent right?) so was real Ciel upset about our Ciel being absent or was he just upset because he felt like Our Ciel was being a burden and nuisance for being sick at a time like that (talking about the trip day) again? Thoughts?
Hey Anon ! Do you mean this scene ?
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Well, I have an explanation, but I doubt it's what you're expecting. ;)
In my opinion, this scene is actually maybe more understandable if you consider the Munchausen by proxy theory [x][x], on top of the RCMT.
Basically, both theories emphasize that 1) real!Ciel was pathologically obsessed with our!Ciel and wanted him to "stay by his side forever", leading to 2) real!Ciel trying to control our!Ciel, maybe even going as far as to more or less poison him, so that our!Ciel would have to let his twin take care of him, becoming very thankful to him, thus furthering their bond (in real!Ciel's mind).
Want a proof that this theory is likely ? In ch138, Ciel realized, after that one month of abduction and torture, that he didn't get sick at all, despite living in terribly harsh conditions (cold, lack of food, physical and emotional abuse, etc).
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And the one big element missing from that awful month compared to their peaceful days at home ? It's real!Ciel "taking care" of him, bringing him tea and food for his health.
Don't get me wrong, with the circus arc, we know that our!Ciel definitely had a weaker constitution that he inherited from Rachel. However, he was also probably chronically poisoned by his older brother on the side, which is why he definitely got better from the moment real!Ciel was not able to bring him food and beverages anymore.
Let's rewind back about that scene you were asking about from ch131, now : Rachel and our!Ciel were sick, so Vincent and real!Ciel, with Diedrich, cooked food for them.
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Then later during the night, our!Ciel was couching, so real!Ciel brought him milk.
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The following day, our!Ciel's fever was not that bad but his cough was terrible so Rachel forbade him to go boating -> how s w e e t ! more time and occasion for real!Ciel to "take care of his little brother", nurturing that special bond between them, because they're made to be "together forever". Except...
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our!Ciel acted selflessly, as it is a great quality of his [x] [x] [x], and insisted the family went to enjoy a day outside, since Rachel was doing okay, while he spent the day with Tanaka.
TL;DR In this scene, I think real!Ciel expected Rachel to say our!Ciel wouldn't be able to go boating, since he's the one who triggered the coughing, leading him to spend the day taking care of his little brother yet again (in other words, controlling him), except that he didn't consider our!Ciel would strongly insist for the family to go without him.
I told you it might not be what you expected as an answer. :) I, for one, am quite convinced that real!Ciel had a pathological behavior since childhood, that is ten times amplified now that he's a bizarre doll.
Have a good day Anon!
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arcsimper5 · 7 months
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Wait he did?? Did that happen in the republic commando books or in the game?
In the game 😂 when they rescue him from the cells, Boss asks him 'did you get the data' and Scorch replies 'yeah they searched me, but I hid it pretty well.'
Boss asks 'where' and the answer is 'you really don't want to know' 😂
It's here from 0:45
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radiantcircle-if · 2 months
Hi, do you have any physical description of the ROs?
hellooo! first, sorry for taking so long to respond! i've been putting together profiles on days when i don't write, and i was hoping i'd have them done sooner to post instead. but it's looking more like i'll be done closer to the end of the month, so in the meantime...
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amber eyes, dark brown hair in a short buzz cut, never clean-shaven, brown skin with a warm undertone, very tall (somewhere above 193cm/6'4"), muscular, lots of tattoos, wears earrings, usually dresses in a formal style, favorite accessory is a simple necklace
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brown eyes, soft curly dark brown-black hair, sometimes has stubble, tan skin with a warm undertone, tall but not as tall as his brother (about 190cm/6'3"), lean, usually dresses in a vaguely skater/surfer/street style, switches between different nose rings but favors septum rings, often with sunglasses
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dark brown eyes, slightly wavy dark brown-black hair that's always a little crazy, keeps eyebrows perfect, light brown skin with a cool undertone, about 180cm/5'10" (but tends to slouch a little), lithe, usually dresses in a grunge style, wears glasses and earrings
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black eyes, coily jet black hair (often dyed, currently dark purple), brown skin with a cool undertone, about 178cm/5'10" (and usually wears shoes with a bit of a lift/heel), stocky/curvy, usually dresses in a sexy style, loves accessorizing
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black eyes, straight jet black hair, very light skin with a cool undertone, about 165cm (about 5'5"), slim, usually dresses in a glam style, wears earrings, favorite accessory is an elegant watch
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romance-club-daily · 5 months
@ the anon asking about the cultural sensitivity in KFS compared to KCD: it's honestly not much better. Like compared to Amala being a mixed British girl and experiencing a culture shock there's a lot less harping on about how uncivilized the locals and their beliefs are but Devi definitely has an annoying not like other girls mentality. I get that the author wanted to present her as this rebellious progressive girl ahead of her times but it's written from such a painfully obvious white POV. Every culture has its own issues but at least we grow up being able to navigate it with some nuance that Remy's missing. The way she writes Devi's animosity towards colonizers is pretty realistic tho, I liked how she stood up to Ian when he decided to open his mouth about the losses on both sides 🥴 like bro bffr. Other than that everything concerning culture and traditions is written pretty superficially. It's clear that Remy spends waaaay more time on character design than on research because she knows the majority of her readers won't care. She severely underestimates the number of Desi players lol
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justanotherrcblog · 4 months
do you have a rc book/character you associate with that one mutual . Make a list
Hello anon! Good question 🤔
Here’s my list, I’ve left out a bunch of people ofc (I’m sorry 🙏), but this is long enough already so:
@somin-yin KCD, PSI, Daisy, Ratan, Todd, Ivo (I know Kay is your fave now, but the Ivo association has stuck :))
@theroyalbeaumont Jonas (he’s how we ‘met’ after all :)), M!Onyx, TO:2
@aslanvlad DLS & Leo/Aslan ofc ;), Cat!Vampire, Kay, Bonne, Walter
@haruyuki-sakura Lima, Saraswati, Maria T, The Host & Sara (ET)
@snow--witch WTC, Vesper, Jonas
@ratanslily KFS, Ratan, Murphy, Leo, Mona
@thestonelady Andvari, Stortia, POV, LOS
@ladylamrian-archive Dino, Brian
@zhoras-bitch Renato, Sarah (LOS)
@lilmeowmeowsagelesath SL, ABH
@sazanes HHW 💙
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sparxaf · 3 months
I am unsurprised 😂 Amen gives me dragon energy and I love writing were-creature stories, so I'm having a lot of fun with this. In a realm comprised solely of magic factions, there's always a war going on. In order to fund his current one, the werewolf king has traded his daughter Eva as collateral for a trunkful of gold from the dragon king. Amen, the dragon king's top (and most brutal) hunter, is grounded from a wing injury and forced to act as Eva's bodyguard. Blah blah blah, enemies to interspecies boning.
Once the room emptied, Amen sat and watched Eva breathe, slowly and evenly in her sleep. Furious as he was with her, he hadn’t wanted to do what he'd done. He tried to simply order her to comply with the healer, but she never did as she was told. It was an infuriating and insurmountable flaw. Truly, it was her fault that he’d been forced to use the sleep draught on her. And yet, a strange emotion passed through him, one that took him a moment to identify. Regret. He was unsure how to conquer such a feeling. Everything Amen did was with intention. He knew every move that needed to be made and he made them without hesitation. He didn’t look back. But that was before Eva. Odd how his life felt segmented. Before Evthys. After Evthys. And after Evthys, everything felt… off. Not just because she’d nearly knocked him unconscious with bath implements and had called him names he didn’t think a backwater rogue would use, let alone a werewolf princess, but there was something else. Something about her that made him itch all over. Tightened his skin like a blistering sunburn without oil.  He hated werewolves. He wanted to hate her. And yet. Eva grimaced in her sleep and released a quiet whimper of pain as the poultice drew the poison from her wounds. Agonizing wounds she’d successfully hidden from him for a double fortnight.  Without thought, he leaned forward and brushed the curls off Eva’s face. Stubborn, his dragon said. Beautiful. Strong. Ours. The word was a hiss, sibilant and stretched until it was more like a lick of fire than a sound. Oursssss. He tensed, his body drawing up so tightly his shoulder began to throb. Panic settled into his chest, and he reared away from Eva like she'd been the flame burning him and not the word his dragon had so recklessly spoken. She wasn't theirs. And she never would be.
I know I should have made Eva a witch to make it truer to the source material, but I like writing werewolves, so here we are 😂
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boasamishipper · 13 days
found out that every single LSAT post August 2024 scores two LR sections and one RC section. not fair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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trudemaethien · 10 months
How about Sev/Glitch and "fill, separation, registration"? (Asdfghjkl those are genuine results i got and i have the screenshots to prove it lmfao)
how far is kashyyyk from draay 2 i wonder? (i did not check *handwave handwave*) you get one definite prompt fulfilled and vibes on the other two.
Sev is four places back from the head of the line when his attention gets drawn. “Where is your registration,” the droid intones, and a far too familiar voice responds.
“Here, you see my registration,” the clone says in a smooth cadence. He sounds like… Bard’ika trying to mind-rub some two-cred lowlife.
Does he really think he can use the Force? Does he think it’ll work on a droid? As far as Sev knows, it doesn’t. That guy is so screwed.
He doesn’t have a registered chain code either; Sev had been planning on trying to jam or slice his way past the tinnie. He needs to get off this waystation just as badly as the other clone seems to.
The droid is making increasingly obstinate noises, so Sev shoulders past the queue and steps up. “Give my brother here a pass, bolt-brain, or we’ll start realigning your vital circuitry, cozen?”
“Attempted security breach has been reported, please proceed to the waiting area without further deviation,” the droid says, and that’s enough for Sev. Who knows what it’s called down upon them.
He busts its bucket and proceeds somewhere decidedly other than where they’ve been instructed to. “Let’s go,” he growls, manhandling the other clone along with him by a firm grip on his bicep.
He hasn’t seen another clone in months. He’s not leaving him behind, not like some guys might.
“Hi,” the clone says, sarcastically hysterical, “how are you? I’m just fine, thanks for ruining my plan to keep my head down and get through here quietly, appreciate it!”
“You’re kriffing welcome, di’kut,” Sev says. “You’re plan wasn’t working, I improvised and adapted it. You packing heat?”
“Do I look like I—through a security checkpoint? You’re insane. You’re insane! Let go, I can kriffing well walk on my own. Insane,” he mutters, capping off his tirade.
“Sev, actually, a commando,” he introduces himself.
“Glitch,” the trooper grudgingly responds. “And I do have, uh…” At this juncture he flashes open his poncho a bit to reveal a honest-to-goodness lightsaber.
He does think he’s a Jedi!
Alarms have begun going off around them. Sev moves faster, as quickly as he can on his fucked leg. Glitch sees it, ducks under his arm, and loops his arm around Sev’s waist, seamlessly falling into step and taking weight off the injury.
It’s been even longer than the last time he saw his squad since Sev’s been touched, and he flinches, accidentally making overly honest eye-contact with the Jedi-clone. Now’s not the time to be thinking about the heat and press of a body against his vulnerable side, the comforting heft of a brother under his arm, the familiarity and the disparity of it being a total stranger.
Glitch is startled by it too, and his tongue reflexively darts out to wet his lips.
“So, Commando, you want to, hmmm, share the rest of our escape plan?” he asks, and Sev ruthlessly jerks his brain back into tactical mode.
First they have to make it out of here, and then they can figure out …everything else.
Lost Boys 🔒 https://archiveofourown.org/works/51594406
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sweetiebriar · 1 month
I appreciate you talking about the romance club situation cause people don't realize elves are not human asking them to change their race cause they look too white, I need them to be serious that if they want elves that look human play arcanum book 2 this is fantasy fantasy, they Do not Have human features that's like having aliens that look like a damn alien why I need to stop bullying the author for dumb shit.
Hello there, and thanks for the ask!
I totally agree with you, Krueger! Elves in fantasy are meant to be otherworldly and not bound by human racial categories. Asking to change their appearance because they look "too white" misses the point that they're supposed to be distinct from humans. Fantasy allows for the creation of beings that don't conform to our reality, and that's the beauty of it. Let's respect the artistic vision and stop nitpicking over things that don't align with our world. After all, this is about enjoying a fantasy world, not trying to force it to reflect our own.
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ask-bending-horizons · 2 months
scale of one to ten how gay are all of you
AGA: Oh, an easy 10, all the way. I'm a proud [EXPUNGED]~! AGA: Void below, Chimes, can you not even get a filter bypass working? Do you need me to hold your hand~?
RC: I would prefer you didn't call yourself slurs, actually. RC: I'm probably, like, a 6? I mean....
BOO: It would be a leap to call our relationship remotely straight, dear. BOO: I'd probably label it somewhere among the queerplatonic spectrum. BOO: Though... I prefer not to categorize. Iterators are more complex than that.
RCS: Isn't this irrelevant? We have more important things to do.
CSS: This sort of thing is also long behind me.
WW: I, ah- haven't had enough experience to say. Such a thing sounds draining, no? Queer or not....
CSS: I couldn't agree more.
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masked-alien-lesbian · 2 months
If you ever decide to give RC another shot, I recommend W: Time Catcher and both volumes of The One! They have great female love interests and are definitely LGBTQ+ friendly. Soulless is also fun, but you might not like it because MC is a succubus (who can be straight, gay or bi)
Thank you Anon! I have heard some of the more recent books had been better. I may revisit RC in a couple of years once they have a larger selection. But thank you for the suggestions! I'll definitely keep those in mind!
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nepthys-merenset · 2 months
just found this thing i posted back in december:
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apparently i thought we would find Isman's body and get some answers in the january update. i was so young, so full of hope.
and now...
(this story has almost completely lost me. just holding on for set atp.)
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the-shroobs · 3 months
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radiantcircle-if · 26 days
💘 HEART W/ ARROW - what traits do they look for in a relationship? do they believe in love at first sight?
i tried to be more general rather than answer about mc but made a note if there's potential for mc to be their exception. answering the second question first...
believes in love at first sight: gazi
yep just gazi (atp) lmao now for the first question.
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out of all of the ROs, gazi is probably the only one who is looking for relationships. they believe in love and want to be in love. they love love. they look for people who are fun to be around, supportive and responsive, and physically affectionate. they look for people they can trust, who can they be completely vulnerable and themself around, who love openly and honestly.
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emotionally unavailable #1 césar looks for reliability, dependability. his plans for the night circle include him getting married, having/adopting kids, raising the next night luminary while raising the status of the night circle. if he's going to have a relationship, it likely won't be about love but about realizing his dream and goals. he needs someone at his side who has those dreams and goals as well and can be counted on to walk the path alongside him. if love happens past that, it happens (ofc it will happen with mc).
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emotionally unavailable #2 rather than looking for a relationship, rafa tends to chase what's fun, interesting. if he's going to be in a relationship with someone, they'd have to be fun, they'd have to keep his attention and interest. he likes a little mystery. he likes trying to figure out an enigma. in his experience, he usually figures out people pretty fast, and then he gets bored and doesn't let them truly know him. if he falls in love, it'll be with someone who found a way to read him despite all that (and ofc mc knows how).
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deniz isn't looking for relationship(s) but hopes that one day they'll find someone who is patient and understanding (or more than one someone, if they're lucky). they know they can get really into their work, that their tunnel vision and hyperfocus might make someone in a relationship with them feel lonely. they need someone who will get that about them and navigate that complexity together. if that means their partner also sees other partners, that's okay with them.
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emotionally unavailable #3 noel has been content to live without a single connection in the world for a really long time, and she would be content to continue living that way. there was a time, when she was young enough to still live at home, that she thought she'd fall in love and get married and have kids. she doesn't see that for herself anymore. so in a relationship, she's looking for something that's easy, lowkey, unobtrusive, for someone who'll go with her flow and never get in her way (and mc knows how to be that).
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