#rc deniz
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Hi, do you have any physical description of the ROs?
hellooo! first, sorry for taking so long to respond! i've been putting together profiles on days when i don't write, and i was hoping i'd have them done sooner to post instead. but it's looking more like i'll be done closer to the end of the month, so in the meantime...
amber eyes, dark brown hair in a short buzz cut, never clean-shaven, brown skin with a warm undertone, very tall (somewhere above 193cm/6'4"), muscular, lots of tattoos, wears earrings, usually dresses in a formal style, favorite accessory is a simple necklace
brown eyes, soft curly dark brown-black hair, sometimes has stubble, tan skin with a warm undertone, tall but not as tall as his brother (about 190cm/6'3"), lean, usually dresses in a vaguely skater/surfer/street style, switches between different nose rings but favors septum rings, often with sunglasses
dark brown eyes, slightly wavy dark brown-black hair that's always a little crazy, keeps eyebrows perfect, light brown skin with a cool undertone, about 180cm/5'10" (but tends to slouch a little), lithe, usually dresses in a grunge style, wears glasses and earrings
black eyes, coily jet black hair (often dyed, currently dark purple), brown skin with a cool undertone, about 178cm/5'10" (and usually wears shoes with a bit of a lift/heel), stocky/curvy, usually dresses in a sexy style, loves accessorizing
black eyes, straight jet black hair, very light skin with a cool undertone, about 165cm (about 5'5"), slim, usually dresses in a glam style, wears earrings, favorite accessory is an elegant watch
#radiant circle if#rc answers#rc deniz#rc gazi#rc cesar#rc rafa#rc noel#rc arseau#thank you for the ask!!!#and i really am sorry for taking so long 😭
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Fransa Donanması Yeni Hava Savunma Sistemi Tedarik Ediyor
Fransa, donanmasının savunma yeteneklerini artırmak amacıyla önemli bir adım attı. 28 Ocak 2025 tarihinde yapılan açıklamada, Fransız Savunma Tedarik Ajansı (DGA), SIMBAD-RC deniz hava savunma sistemi ve RAPIDFire sistemi için yeni 40 mm mühimmatının tedarik sürecini başlattığını duyurdu. Bu hamle, Fransız donanmasının modern hava ve su üstü tehditlerine karşı korunmasını daha da güçlendirmeyi…
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👉🏻İçimizi ısıtacak sıcacık hırkalar 👉🏻Sınırlı sayıda kaçırmayın‼️ (By Deniz Collection) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHnu7Qbn-rc/?igshid=6hdmjkvx6n6t
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Korona virüse rağmen İstanbul'da asker uğurlayan magandalara ceza yağdı Dünyayı saran Korona virüs tehlikesi nedeniyle Türkiye'de birçok konuda önlem alınarak “evden çıkmayın” uyarısı yapılmıştı. Kalabalık yerlerde bulunmayın uyarılarına rağmen mega kentin çeşitli noktalarında asker uğurlama eğlenceleri düzenlendi. Sarıyer, Başakşehir, Beykoz ve Çekmeköy'de yapılan eğlencelerde magandalar, meş'aleler yakıp yüksek sesli müzik açtıktan sonra tabancalarla havaya ateş açmıştı. Trafiğe çıkan magandalar, tüneli trafiğe kapatarak drift, patinaj çekerek ve abartı egzozla ortalığı dumana boğmuştu. Şehir de terör estiren şahıslar o anları kaydedip bir de sosyal medyada paylaşmıştı. 10 sürücü gözaltına alındı Görüntülerin medyaya yansımasının ardından harekete geçen Trafik Denetleme Şube Müdürlüğüne bağlı Sivil Trafik Ekipler Amirliği ekipleri çalışma başlattı. Görüntüleri incelemeye alan polis, 34 DH 8566 plakalı araç sürücüsü T.T., 34 EZ 6688 plakalı araç sürücüsü K.K., 34 KA 4583 plakalı araç sürücüsü Y.B., 34 HK 9573 plakalı araç sürücüsü C.İ.R., 34 BUY 314 plakalı araç sürücüsü İ.G., 34 FH 4602 plakalı araç sürücüsü M.Y., 34 TK 2491 plakalı araç sürücüsü S.S., 34 RB 7457 plakalı araç sürücüsü E.T., 34 RC 5223 plakalı araç sürücüsü S.K. ve 34 FM 2505 plakalı araç sürücüsü M.H.S'nin adreslerini tespit etti. Polis şahısları tek tek gözaltına alarak şubeye götürdü. Sürücülerden Y.B.'ye “Muayenesi yapılmamış araçla trafiğe çıkmak” maddesinden 288 lira, “Taşıt yolu üzerinde kavşaklar, tüneller, rampalar, köprüler ve bağlantı yollarında veya buralara yerleşim birimleri içinde beş metre veya yerleşim günleri dışında yüz metre mesafede duraklamak” maddesinden 132 lira, “ses, müzik, görüntü ve haberleşme cihazlarını yönetmelikte belirtilen şartlara aykırı olarak araçlarda bulundurmak, bu tür cihazları kamunun rahat ve huzurunu bozacak şekilde kullanmak” maddesinden 132 lira ve “Kara yollarında kamunun rahat ve huzurunu bozacak veya kişilere zarar verecek şekilde; su, çamur ve benzerlerini sıçratmak, kişileri korkutmak/şaşırtmak, özel amaçlarla keyfi ya da kasıtlı davranışlarda bulunarak yaya veya araç trafiğini seyir emniyetini ihlal etmek suretiyle tedbirsiz ve saygısız davranışlarda bulunarak araç sürmek” maddesinden de 132 lira olmak üzere toplamda 684 lira para cezası uyguladı. 27 bin 724 lira para cezası kesildi Sürücü K.K'ya da “Taşıt yolu üzerinde kavşaklar, tüneller, rampalar, köprüler ve bağlantı yollarında veya buralara yerleşim birimleri içinde beş metre veya yerleşim günleri dışında yüz metre mesafede duraklamak” maddesinden 132 lira para cezası kesildi. Sürücüler S.S., E.T., S.K. ve M.H.S'ye de ayrı ayrı “kavşaklarda gereksiz olarak duraklamak, yavaşlamak, taşıttan inmek veya araçların motorunu durdurmak” maddesinden 132 lira, “Kara yollarında kamunun rahat ve huzurunu bozacak veya kişilere zarar verecek şekilde; su, çamur ve benzerlerini sıçratmak, kişileri korkutmak/şaşırtmak, özel amaçlarla keyfi ya da kasıtlı davranışlarda bulunarak yaya veya araç trafiğini seyir emniyetini ihlal etmek suretiyle tedbirsiz ve saygısız davranışlarda bulunarak araç sürmek” maddesinden 132 lira olmak üzere toplamda 264 lira para cezası uygulandı. Polis drift ve patinaja acımadı Sürücü T.T'ye de “Herhangi bir zorunluluk olmaksızın, kara yollarında dönüş kuralları dışında bilerek ve isteyerek aracın el freninin çekilmesi suretiyle veya başka yöntemlerle aracın ani olarak yönünün değiştirilmesi veya kendi etrafında döndürülmesi” maddesinden 6 bin 141 lira, “Araç kullanırken sürücü belgesini yanında bulundurmamak ve yetkililerin her isteyişinde göstermemek” maddesinden 288 lira olmak üzere toplamda 6 bin 429 lira para cezası kesildi. Sürücü C.İ.R, İ.G ve M.Y.'ye ise ayrı ayrı “Herhangi bir zorunluluk olmaksızın, kara yollarında dönüş kuralları dışında bilerek ve isteyerek aracın el freninin çekilmesi suretiyle veya başka yöntemlerle aracın ani olarak yönünün değiştirilmesi veya kendi etrafında döndürülmesi” maddesine istinaden 6 bin 141 lira para cezası uygulandı. Ehliyetlerine el konulup araçları men edildi Öte yandan İ.G.'nin kullandığı 34 BUY 314 plakalı motosiklet ve M.Y'nin olayda kullandığı 34 FH4 602 plakalı motosiklet ruhsat sahibi olmaları nedeniyle 60 gün süre ile trafikten men edildi. Ayrıca Sürücüler T.T., C.İ.R., İ.G. ve M.Y'nin sürücü belgeleri 60 gün süre ile geri alındı. Sürücüler sürücü belgelerini geri alabilmek için psikoteknik değerlendirmeden ve psikiyatri uzmanının muayenesinden geçmek zorunda kalacaklar. 2 yıla kadar hapisle yargılanacaklar Şubede işlemleri tamamlanan T.T., C.İ.R., İ.G. ve M.Y'ye, “Kara, Deniz Hava veya demir yolu ulaşım araçlarını kişilerin hayat, sağlık veya mal varlığı açısından tehlikeli olabilecek şekilde sevk ve idare eden kişi, 3 aydan 2 yıla kadar hapis cezası ile cezalandırılır” maddesinden ilgili polis merkezlerinde adli işlem yapıldı. Doğan Can Cesur #urfahaber #urfayazar #urfa #sanliurfa #urfagündemi #urfasondakika #haber #sondakikahaber #haberler
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Cenk Tosun tarihe geçti! 2018...
Cenk Tosun tarihe geçti! 2018...
Milli eskrimciler Deniz Selin Üstündağ, Nisanur Erbil ve Aylin Çakır, milli cimnastikçi İbrahim Çolak, milli motosikletçi Can Öncü, katıldıkları şampiyonalarda Türkiye’nin adına ilklere imza attı.
Rusya’nın Soçi kentinde düzenlenen Yıldızlar ve Gençler Avrupa Eskrim Şampiyonası’nda milli sporcu Deniz Selin Ünlüdağ, yıldız kadınlar kılıç kategorisinde Avrupa şampiyonu oldu.
Deniz Selin, Türkiye’nin 95 yıllık eskrim tarihinde İbrahim Ahmed Acar’dan sonra ikinci, kadınlar kategorisinde ise ilk kez bu başarıyı elde eden sporcu olarak tarihe geçti.
Nisanur Erbil ve Aylin Çakır’ın yer aldığı Türkiye Yıldız Kadın Kılıç Milli Takımı, İtalya’ya 45-36 üstünlük kurarak bronz madalyaya uzandı. Türkiye, böylece yıldız yaş grubunda takım halinde Avrupa şampiyonalarındaki ilk madalyasına kavuştu.
Şampiyonada Aylin Çakır ayrıca genç kadınlar kılıç kategorisinde bronz madalya kazandı. Milli eskrimci, elde ettiği bu başarıyla 95 yıllık Türkiye eskrim tarihinde, genç kadınlar kılıç kategorisinde Türkiye’yi ilk kez kürsüye çıkardı.
– Cimnastik
Avrupa Artistik Cimnastik Şampiyonası’nda milli sporcu İbrahim Çolak, halka aletinde gümüş madalya kazanarak bir ilke imza attı.
Milli sporcu, Avrupa Artistik Cimnastik Şampiyonası’nda Türkiye’ye tarihindeki ilk gümüş madalyayı getirdi.
– Motosiklet
Milli motosikletçi Can Öncü, Red Bull MotoGP Çaylaklar Kupası’nın İtalya ayağında şampiyonluğa ulaştı.
Yarışı 30.19.316’lık derecesiyle ilk sırada tamamlayan milli sporcu Can Öncü, pilotlar klasmanındaki puanını 221’e çıkararak şampiyonluğunu ilan etti.
Milli motosikletçi Can Öncü ayrıca, Red Bull MotoGP Çaylaklar Kupası şampiyonu unvanıyla MotoGP’nin Moto3 Dünya Şampiyonası’na katılım hakkı elde etti. Öncü, ilk kez katıldığı bu organizasyonun İspanya’daki son yarışında birinci olup, Moto3 Dünya Şampiyonası’nda yarışa çıkan ve yarış kazanan en genç pilot olarak tarihe geçti.
– Yasemin Adar’a Dünya Fair Play Özel Diploması
Milli kadın güreşçi Yasemin Adar’a Dünya Fair Play Konseyi (CIFP) tarafından Dünya Fair Play Özel Diploması verildi.
Macaristan’ın başkenti Budapeşte’de düzenlenen 2018 Dünya Güreş Şampiyonası’nın 76 kilo yarı final maçındaki davranışı sebebiyle Yasemin Adar’a özel diploma verildiği bildirildi.
Yasemin Adar, yarı final müsabakasında dizinden sakatlanmasına rağmen mücadeleye devam eden Macar güreşçi Zsanett Nemeth’in sakat dizine hiç hamle yapmadı ve rakibine zarar vermekten kaçındı.
– Rekor bonservis
Beşiktaş forması giyen 26 yaşındaki Cenk Tosun, İngiltere Premier Lig takımlarından Everton ile anlaşma sağladı.
İngiliz ekibiyle 4,5 yıllık sözleşmeye imza atan Cenk Tosun, 22 milyon avroluk Türkiye için rekor bonservis bedeliyle Süper Lig’den ayrıldı.
– Türkiye 2 önemli organizasyona ev sahipliği yaptı
Türkiye, 2018 yılı içinde Dünya Motokros Şampiyonası ve Dünya Ralli Şampiyonası gibi 2 önemli organizasyona ev sahipliği yaptı.
Dünya Motokros Şampiyonası’nın 18. ayağı 1-2 Eylül tarihlerinde Afyonkarahisar’da gerçekleştirildi.
Organizasyonda, MXGP kategorisinde Red Bull KTM’den Hollandalı Jeffrey Herlings, MX2 kategorisinde ise Red Bull KTM’den Letonyalı Pauls Jonass birinci oldu.
2018 Dünya Motokros Şampiyonası’nın 18. etabına ev sahipliği yapan Afyonkarahisar ayrıca, “MXGP En İyi Altyapı” ödülüne layık görüldü.
Dünya Ralli Şampiyonası’nda 10. ayak yarışı ise Marmaris Rallisi adıyla 13-16 Eylül tarihlerinde Muğla’da düzenlendi.
Türkiye, 8 yıl aradan sonra yeniden Dünya Ralli Şampiyonası’na ev sahipliği yaptı. Şampiyonanın Türkiye etabında Estonyalı Ott Tanak, derecesiyle birinciliği elde etti. Finlandiyalı pilot Jari-Matti Latvala ikinci, Yeni Zelandalı Hayden Paddon üçüncü sırayı aldı.
– VakıfBank şampiyon
FIVB Kadınlar Dünya Kulüpler Voleybol Şampiyonası finalinde VakıfBank, Brezilya’nın Minas takımını 3-0 yenerek adını zirveye yazdırdı.
VakıfBank, üst üste ikinci, toplamda da üçüncü kez dünyanın en büyüğü oldu. Son altı Dünya Şampiyonası’nda üç kez (2013, 2017, 2018) şampiyon olan sarı-siyahlılar, bu kupayı en çok kazanan Türk takımı unvanını aldı.
– Ramil Guliyev “Yılın Erkek Atleti”
Balkan Atletizm Federasyonları Birliği (ABAF), “yılın erkek atleti” ödülünü milli sporcu Ramil Guliyev’e verdi.
ABAF’ın Yunanistan’ın başkenti Atina’da düzenlenen galasında, Ramil Guliyev “yılın erkek atleti” ödülüne layık görüldü.
– Okçulukta madalyalara ambargo konuldu
Türkiye, Polonya’nın Legnica kentinde düzenlenen Avrupa Okçuluk Şampiyonası’nda 3 altın, 1 gümüş ve 1 bronz olmak üzere 5 madalya kazandı.
Yeşim Bostan, Gizem Elmaağaçlı ve Ayşe Bera Süzer’den oluşan Makaralı Yay Kadın Milli Takımı ile Aybüke Aktuna, Gülnaz Büşranur Çoşkun ve Yasemin Ecem Anagöz’ün yer aldığı Klasik Yay Kadın Milli Takımı, Avrupa şampiyonu oldu.
Ferdi müsabakalarda ise kadınlar klasik yayda Yasemin Ecem Anagöz altın, Gülnaz Büşranur Çoşkun bronz madalya alırken, kadınlar makaralı yayda Yeşim Bostan gümüş madalya elde etti.
Samsun’un ev sahipliği yaptığı Okçuluk Dünya Kupası Finalleri’nde ise Türk Milli Takımı, 1 altın ve 3 gümüş madalya elde etmişti.
– 2020 Tokyo Olimpiyatları için kotalar
2020 Tokyo Olimpiyat Oyunları öncesi yelkende 2 kota alındı.
Milli yelkencilerden Alican Kaynar, fi sınıfında, Nazlı Çağla Dönertaş ise laser radial sınıfında 2020 Tokyo Olimpiyatları’na kota almayı başardı.
– Avrupa Atletizm Şampiyonası’nda 5 madalya
Almanya’nın başkenti Berlin’de düzenlenen Avrupa Atletizm Şampiyonası’nda Türkiye 5 madalya kazandı.
Türkiye şampiyonayı 1 altın, 2 gümüş ve 2 bronz madalyayla kapattı.
Erkekler 200 metrede Ramil Guliyev altın madalyaya ulaşırken, erkekler 4×100 metre bayrak takımı ve 400 metre engelli kategorisinde Yasmani Copello Escobar gümüş madalyanın sahibi oldu.
Türkiye’ye bronz madalyalar, erkekler 100 metrede Jak Ali Harvey ve kadınlar 5 bin metrede Yasemin Can’dan geldi.
– İlke Özyüksel’den dünya rekoru
İspanya’da düzenlenen Avrupa Gençler Modern Pentatlon Şampiyonası’nda mücadele eden İlke Özyüksel, genç kadınlar dünya rekorunu kırarak altın madalya elde etti.
Yüzme, 800 metre koşu, atıcılık, eskrim ve binicilikten oluşan 5 farklı branş üzerinden yapılan müsabakalarda İlke Özyüksel, toplamda 1376 puan toplayarak genç kadınlar dünya rekorunun yeni sahibi olmayı başardı.
– Rıza ve Taha yine Avrupa Şampiyonu
Rusya Federasyonu’na bağlı Dağıstan Özerk Cumhuriyeti’nde düzenlenen Avrupa Güreş Şampiyonası’nda grekoromen stil 130 kiloda Rıza Kayaalp, 8. kez Avrupa şampiyonu oldu.
Avrupa Güreş Şampiyonası’nda erkekler serbest stil 125 kiloda Taha Akgül de finalde Gürcü Geno Petriashvili’yi yenerek 6. Avrupa şampiyonluğunu elde etti.
Kaynak: HABER7.COM
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Germany warns citizens to be careful on social media when in Turkey | News | DW
People who criticize the Turkish government online are risking jail in Turkey, Germany’s foreign ministry said in its new travel advisory, warning that visitors from Germany have also been “arbitrarily imprisoned” in recent years.
“Arrests and prosecution of German nationals have been repeatedly linked with anti-government criticism on social media,” the ministry said. “In some cases, it is enough to share or ‘like’ a post with such content.”
Even private messages could be passed on to the Turkish authorities via anonymous informants, according to German officials.
Expressing support for the Gulen movement or the Kurdish militias, both classified as terror organizations in Turkey, could also be cause for arrest. If a person is found guilty of “insulting the president” or “propaganda for a terrorist organization,” they could face years in prison.
Germany also urges its citizens to stay away from political events and “from big crowds in general.”
Cell phones confiscated
The ministry also said that many German citizens have been denied entry to Turkey without explanation since the beginning of 2017. A large percentage of these people have close family and personal links with Turkey, as wells as Kurd or Alevi background.
Read more: Reporters Without Borders: ‘A dark day for press freedom’ in Turkey
“The affected individuals were forced to travel back to Germany after waiting in custody between several hours to several days,” according to German officials. “In such cases, their cell phones were confiscated and searched for saved content and contacts.”
Read more: Turkey’s Erdogan lands in Berlin for contentious state visit
Over 20 German citizens have been arrested in Turkey since the failed military coup in July 2016. While some of them have been freed, tensions between Berlin and Ankara remain high.
Turkey-based activists also reported arrests of people who criticized Ankara’s military intervention in Syria, the anti-Kurd military campaign, or Turkey’s poor economic performance this year.
Charting Turkey’s slide towards authoritarianism
July 2007: Abdullah Gul becomes Turkey’s first Islamist president
After years of free market reforms, Turkey’s transition slowly begins to reverse. Islamist Abdullah Gul’s candidacy as president in 2007 marks a clear shift away from secularist policies, and strains relations between the ruling AKP and the military. However, with broad support from both conservative Muslims and liberals, the AKP wins the parliamentary elections and Gul is elected president.
Charting Turkey’s slide towards authoritarianism
September 2010: Constitutional reforms take hold
Then-Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan tables a constitutional reform increasing parliamentary control of the judiciary and army, effectively allowing the government to pick judges and senior military officials. The amendment, which is combined with measures also aimed at protecting child rights and the strengthening of the right to appeal, passed by a wide margin in a public referendum.
Charting Turkey’s slide towards authoritarianism
May 2013: Dissent erupts in Gezi Park
Pent-up anger directed by young people at Erdogan, Gul and the Islamist-rooted AKP hits a boiling point in May 2013. The violent police breakup of a small sit-in aimed at protecting Istanbul’s Gezi Park spurs one of the fiercest anti-government protests in years. Eleven people are killed and more than 8,000 injured, before the demonstrations eventually peter out a month later.
Charting Turkey’s slide towards authoritarianism
July 2015: Turkey relaunches crackdown against Kurds
A fragile ceasefire deal between the Turkish government and the Kurdish rebel PKK group breaks under the weight of tensions aggravated by the war in Syria. Military forces resume operations in the mostly Kurdish southeast of Turkey. In early 2016, the Kurdistan Freedom Hawks (TAK) — a breakaway PKK faction — claim responsibility for two bombings in Ankara, each killing 38 people.
Charting Turkey’s slide towards authoritarianism
July 2016: Military coup attempt falls short
A military coup attempt against the government shakes Turkey to its core and briefly turns the country into a war zone. Some 260 civilians die in overnight clashes with the army across five major cities. Erdogan, however, rallies supporters and the following morning rebel soldiers are ambushed by thousands of civilians on the Bosporus Bridge. The troops eventually drop their guns and surrender.
Charting Turkey’s slide towards authoritarianism
July 2016: President Erdogan enacts a state of emergency
In the aftermath of the failed coup, Erdogan announces a state of emergency, leading to arrests of tens of thousands of suspected coup sympathizers and political opponents. Among those detained are military and judiciary officials and elected representatives from the pro-Kurdish HDP party. The purge is later expanded to include civil servants, university officials and teachers.
Charting Turkey’s slide towards authoritarianism
2016: Crackdown on the press
As part of Erdogan’s crackdown against supposed “terrorist sympathizers,” Turkey becomes one of the world’s leading jailers of journalists, according to Reporters Without Borders. The government shuts down around 110 media outlets in the year following the coup and imprisons more than 100 journalists, including German-Turkish correspondent Deniz Yücel.
Charting Turkey’s slide towards authoritarianism
March 2017: AKP officials try to stoke support in Western Europe
With a referendum on expanding Erdogan’s presidential powers set for April 2016, AKP officials look to galvanize support among Turks living in Europe, particularly in Germany and the Netherlands. However, the Netherlands forbids Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu from landing in the country, while Germany opts to cancel two rallies. Erdogan accuses both countries of Nazi-style repression.
Charting Turkey’s slide towards authoritarianism
April 2017: Erdogan clinches referendum vote
Erdogan narrowly wins the referendum vote expanding his power. As a result, Turkey’s parliamentary system is abolished in favor of a strong executive presidency. Erdogan is also allowed to remain in power potentially until 2029. However, international election monitors claim that opposition voices were muzzled and that media coverage was dominated by figures from the “yes” campaign.
Charting Turkey’s slide towards authoritarianism
June 2018: Election wins secure Erdogan’s power
Erdogan secures a new five-year term and sweeping new executive powers after winning landmark elections on June 24. His AKP and their nationalist allies also win a majority in parliament. International observers criticize the vote, saying media coverage and emergency measures gave Erdogan and the AKP an “undue advantage” in the vote.
Author: David Martin
dj/rc (Reuters, dpa, AP, AFP)
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New Post has been published on Superbike News
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Double Deniz wraps the season in Aragon
A second perfectly judged victory from Deniz Öncü completed the twelfth season of the Red Bull MotoGP Rookies Cup after an incredible and typical 15 rider battle around Motorland Aragón. The 15-year-old Turk had to use every gram of his quickly accumulating skills to fend off Carlos Tatay, Ryusei Yamanaka and the rest.
A single second covered the first seven at the line and there were at least that many leaders through the 15 laps. “It was another great race and I am so happy to win it and have second in the Cup behind my brother,” enthused Deniz Öncü.
“It was hot and we were fighting all the way. I tried to get away but it was crazy overtaking all the time,” continued Öncü. “The Spanish tried to block me but I just thought; that’s OK I am Turkish I will win.” It was a very happy young man who sang along with his national anthem on the podium.
Tatay also doubles Spanish 15-year-old Tatay was almost as pleased with second, having been third on Saturday. “I was thinking, thinking about the last lap and where I had to be. I really worked at it from when I saw three laps to go on my board. I managed to put myself second coming down the back straight on the last lap and tried to slipstream past Deniz but couldn’t do it.”
“It’s been a great season, I learnt so much,” explained Tatay who was second and first on the KTM RC 250 R in the opening races of the season in Jerez. “I already can’t wait for next year.”
Yamanaka not thrilled For Yamanaka, the 16-year-old Japanese, third was less than perfect. “I wanted to win, I did everything possible. It was a very hard race, everyone was pushing so hard in the last race, very hard riding, very hard overtaking. Then there was a crash going onto the back straight on the last lap and I just wasn’t in the right place to try and win.”
That last lap crash was Adrián Carrasco. “Xavi (Artigas) came inside me and I was a bit wide,” explained the 16-year-old Spaniard who was unhurt. “Trying to get on the gas hard for the last straight but the tyre had nothing left.”
All quick Yuki Kunii was a fine fourth, the 15-year-old Japanese backing up his sixth from Saturday. “I got a good start from 15th and I worked hard. Mid race I was fourth or fifth but it was hard to get further forward. I could not overtake Deniz who was in front and someone else then passed me and I got pushed back to seventh or eighth so I had to work my way forward again. I tried to pass Yamanaka at the end but the tyre was sliding a lot and I couldn’t.”
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Red Bull Rookies: Can Öncü takes win and Cup at Misano
Red Bull Rookies: Can Öncü takes win and Cup at Misano
The Öncü brothers did the leading and the winning at Misano with Can taking victory and the Red Bull MotoGP Rookies Cup for 2018. The 15-year-old Turks had to fight all the way with seven other KTM RC 250 Rs and while Deniz did most of the leading, a tiny error at the end left him crossing the line a furious eighth.
Filip Salač, the 15-year-old Czech, took a super-close second ahead of Spanish…
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İngiliz casus uçağı 2.99 sterlinlik bir uygulamayla takip edildi
İngiliz casus uçağı 2.99 sterlinlik bir uygulamayla takip edildi
Rusya’nın Baltıklar’daki askeri üssü hakkında istihbarat toplayan İngiltere’ye ait 650 milyon sterlin değerindeki casus uçak, akıllı telefonlara yüklenebilen 2.99 sterlinlik bir uygulamayla takip edildi.
Daily Mail gazetesinin haberine göre, Kaliningrad’daki Rus deniz üssünü incelemek üzere çok gizli bir görev yürüten 650 milyon sterlin değerindeki RC-135W Rivet Joint İngiliz casus uçağı, akıllı…
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💘 HEART W/ ARROW - what traits do they look for in a relationship? do they believe in love at first sight?
i tried to be more general rather than answer about mc but made a note if there's potential for mc to be their exception. answering the second question first...
believes in love at first sight: gazi
yep just gazi (atp) lmao now for the first question.
out of all of the ROs, gazi is probably the only one who is looking for relationships. they believe in love and want to be in love. they love love. they look for people who are fun to be around, supportive and responsive, and physically affectionate. they look for people they can trust, who can they be completely vulnerable and themself around, who love openly and honestly.
emotionally unavailable #1 césar looks for reliability, dependability. his plans for the night circle include him getting married, having/adopting kids, raising the next night luminary while raising the status of the night circle. if he's going to have a relationship, it likely won't be about love but about realizing his dream and goals. he needs someone at his side who has those dreams and goals as well and can be counted on to walk the path alongside him. if love happens past that, it happens (ofc it will happen with mc).
emotionally unavailable #2 rather than looking for a relationship, rafa tends to chase what's fun, interesting. if he's going to be in a relationship with someone, they'd have to be fun, they'd have to keep his attention and interest. he likes a little mystery. he likes trying to figure out an enigma. in his experience, he usually figures out people pretty fast, and then he gets bored and doesn't let them truly know him. if he falls in love, it'll be with someone who found a way to read him despite all that (and ofc mc knows how).
deniz isn't looking for relationship(s) but hopes that one day they'll find someone who is patient and understanding (or more than one someone, if they're lucky). they know they can get really into their work, that their tunnel vision and hyperfocus might make someone in a relationship with them feel lonely. they need someone who will get that about them and navigate that complexity together. if that means their partner also sees other partners, that's okay with them.
emotionally unavailable #3 noel has been content to live without a single connection in the world for a really long time, and she would be content to continue living that way. there was a time, when she was young enough to still live at home, that she thought she'd fall in love and get married and have kids. she doesn't see that for herself anymore. so in a relationship, she's looking for something that's easy, lowkey, unobtrusive, for someone who'll go with her flow and never get in her way (and mc knows how to be that).
#rc answers#radiant circle if#rc gazi#rc cesar#rc rafa#rc deniz#rc noel#a few of the potential LIs that could unlock later also believe in love at first sight too#thank u for the ask 💕#why do i write essays as answers tho
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🔧 WRENCH - are they good at fixing relationships? or do they tend to avoid doing so?
thank you for the ask; this was really fun to think about and i had to think about this one for a few! sorry for taking so long to reply 💕
good at fixing relationships: gazi, rafa (depending on the relationship)
avoid fixing relationships: noel, deniz, rafa (most of the time)
cba either way: césar, deniz (if avoiding doesn't work)
#radiant circle if#rc deniz#rc gazi#rc noel#rc cesar#rc rafa#rc answers#what is the 🔧 wrench for??? 😭😭😭😭#thank you for the ask!!
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💙 BLUE HEART - do they miss their s/o easily? how do they act when their s/o isn't around?
answering this set about the mc as s/o in particular.
misses the mc easily: rafa, gazi (easily, super easily), deniz
how they act when mc isn't around:
rafa would feel bored without mc around, so he'd end up going through his days in a sense of ennui and he wouldn't care if anyone noticed. in fact, he'd want people to notice how much he missed mc. he'd tell mc that that he misses them. he'd be really responsive over text or quick to answer mc's call, but he'd also give mc room and wouldn't be too nosy. he'd also send voice notes knowing how sexy he sounds...if he can tempt mc into paying attention to him, he absolutely will do that.
gazi would get a little antsy when mc isn't around. they'd check their phone a little more normal to see if they've heard from mc, they'd get lost in their thoughts thinking of what mc's doing, they'd send more random pictures. gazi would ask if it was okay for them to call every night, would ask if mc wants to stay on the phone and fall asleep together (or do other phone activities that don't involve sleeping).
deniz would be more antisocial than usual. because not having mc around reminds them that they actually don't really like being alone when they don't have to be with you there. ...but mc isn't there, so they're just left a feeling of emptiness. outwardly, they'd act pretty indifferent, bury themself in work and acquiring a new temporary hobby or a new niche research interest to the point where others would notice, until mc returned. they wouldn't contact mc more than necessary when mc isn't around but would always confess to missing mc.
césar is entirely too busy to miss anything or anyone. for him, life always moves forward and there's no time to dwell on what--or who--isn't there. but mc is someone who makes him feel less busy, so mc not being around would be something that'd play in the back of his mind. he'd appreciate if mc kept in contact though, like a text will do to know mc's safe or a one minute conversation just to hear mc's voice. but otherwise he'd let mc set the frequency of contact.
nothing would change at all. she wouldn't get into contact unless it was necessary. she'd likely have made a plan with mc to meet when mc is around, rather than miss mc or spend time thinking about how they're not around. she'd let herself get a little excited before the planned meet if it'd been a while, but that's about it.
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How would you describe the romance routes in three words? 👀
three words are VERY FEW words...👀
césar: challenging, intense, quiet. rafa: flirty, honest, raw. deniz: easy, lowkey, passionate. gazi: comfortable, electric, sweet. (deniz & gazi: adventurous, caring, complex.) noel: delicate, intellectual, demanding.
and then there's that sixth hidden LI i never mention that i'm most definitely not mentioning right now: angry, destructive, possessive
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What are the ROs voices like?
anon, i must say, this was a hard question lol but i loved taking the time to answer it. i welcome anyone to imagine their voices sounding different than below, but these are the vibes i'm going with while i'm writing.
cesar's voice is low, husky, and tends to be flat. he tends to speak evenly and clearly. when he's mad, he speaks more evenly and clearly, enunciating each word like taking a bite out of it. he speaks faster in spanish but only just noticeably.
rafa's voice is more smooth than it is low, but he has a lot of control over his voice. he's an animated talker, will lower his voice into a ragged tone or go higher when he's really excited while talking. he sounds when speaking spanish.
deniz's voice isn't low but it's definitely not high. there's an ambiguous almost smoker-quality to it. although it wouldn't seem like it, their tone shifts a lot when they're talking; they have a natural rhythm to the way they talk. when they speak turkish, their voice is slightly lower.
gazi's voice is more soft than it is high. it's warm and sultry. the louder they speak, the lower their voice goes. they tend to speak more on the quiet and unhurried side, but when alone with their friends, they can shift into a more fast-talking hoarse new yorker style.
noel's voice is on the higher side and has an authoritative quality to it, especially when teaching. there's something about her voice that makes her always sound like she knows what she's talking about, a cool collectedness. sometimes, this slips away to reveal a simple sense of solitariness. not sad, but not happy...
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Profile: Deniz
ⓘ Deniz is gender-selectable, but this profile uses they/them pronouns for simplicity's sake.
Your next-door-neighbor and childhood best friend. You haven’t kept in close contact, but they’re the first person you think of seeing when you visit home. Deniz's family immigrated to the United States from Turkey when they were twelve because the volatile political environment made the country no longer safe for their family, especially for their mother as a feminist scholar. You are their first friend in Seattle, and they are your first friend who is not in the magic community.
Family name: Yılmaz
Birth month: February
Birth place: Istanbul, Turkey
Education: master's
Occupation: private investigator
Favorite place: Antalya
Favorite drink: their mom's tea
Favorite color: red
Most prized possession: laptop
Handwriting: no conscious thought goes into it except is it legible enough...?
Always in bag: wouldn't you like to know
Family: close with their family, who usually call them Deni; their extended family is still in Turkey, and they visit annually during winter break
Friends: close enough to you that they let you call them Denzi, but they don't really do best friends...or friends, really... they even hate it when you call them your childhood friend (despite its factualness)
Appearance: dark brown eyes, slightly wavy dark brown-black hair that’s always a little crazy, keeps eyebrows perfect (and it takes a bit of work, don't judge), light brown skin with a cool undertone, about 180cm/5'10" (but tends to slouch a little), lithe, usually dresses in a grunge style, wears glasses and earrings
Romance: solo-route or poly-route with Gazi, childhood friends (or was it more?) to lovers, (possible second chance romance...), somewhere between slow and fast burn
You've always appreciated Deniz's quiet strength and resourcefulness. While others find them difficult to befriend or even engage, you know that under their calm and composed façade is a fiercely protective nature that has saved you from trouble more than once. Those who know them call them the jester because they always have something to say that'll bring the laughs, but they're also valued for their loyal support and street-smart instincts. Their card in the Major Arcana is the Magician.
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#radiant circle if#rc profiles#rc deniz#their mother's name is emek#i have a lot of headcanon about their mom#mom's probably been jailed several times in turkey#mom's the type of feminist scholar who doesn't have to stay in academia in order to be considered a scholar#mom's like sara ahmed!!#deniz has definitely read sara ahmed
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