#answered: blaine
giselle-clarke · 7 months
13. Are you a romantic or are you a cynic?
As much as I hate to admit it, romantic at heart. Or at least I used to be.
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stardomiscalling · 7 months
44: If you had to get a piercing (not ears), what would you get?
If I had to? As in, I was being forced or coerced? I suppose I would pick a relatively inconspicuous location. Perhaps my bellybutton? At least that way I could hide it when performing. I can’t imagine seeing Fanny or Elphaba sporting a midriff.
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kwoojii · 5 months
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Short answer: yes
Long answer: whatever this is
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Just for funsies ☀️
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what kinda stupid question.
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nancysgillians · 2 years
limit is 10 so gleeple you must answer & reblog to put in the tags what plot or storyline should be on this list!!! i want to read about the pure chaos cringe shenanigans of our beloved show!
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coeluvr · 4 months
"I cannot be with you" "I reject you"
Why coe?! Why??😭😭😭
(Why must I always like the Ro with most angst...)
It's not my fault! 🥰 Technically none of the ROs can be with MC but Hunter is just the worst one out of them. No I won't say why. 🙏
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jamesbutnotreally · 1 month
002 blaine, mercedes? :)
How I feel about this character: He used to be my favourite. Now I can see more irritating sides of him. He definetely isn't perfect. Very memtally ill. Love him regardless. I think s2 blaine works better for klaine but i like s3 onwards more as a character because he's so silly lmao.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: kurt, sam.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: blinn, blainetana
My unpopular opinion about this character: Prefering later blaine rather than s2? Is that unpopular? Also bliane cheating was extremely out of character. But I think that's a common opinion too.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I wish we got to see more of his issues with his family. If not directly maybe we could have had him talk about it with Kurt. I feel like his parents wouldn't approve of him and kurt so I don't think they would just allow him to transfer to a public school for a boy. I think he had a huge fight with his parents where they kicked him out and he lived in his grandparents's house during s3-4.
my OTP: klaine sorry i'm basic
a headcanon fact: He has an acrion figure collection. He prefers tea over coffee. He is some form of neurodivergent.
bonus! random scenario i made up in my head: whenever klaine fights they both go to santana seperately and rant her ears off and she just nods and in the end says "ok then dump him" and they go "but i love him he's the love of my life " and santana just looks at them like "bruh" and they make up lol. (happens nearly every month in my hc they fight over the most stupid shit and santana is so used to it she texts finn "theyre at it again" "i cant with these 2" while klaine is ranting)
How I feel about this character: I like her more in my every rewatch. She's just simply lovely.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: quinn. santana. sam.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: kurtcedes ofc. also finncedes. sooo furtcedes? and maybe tinacedes. ooo all of them are middle school friends actually. the au just came to me...
My unpopular opinion about this character: I don't think I have unpopular opinions on her my view's are mostly the same with the fandom
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: The stroyline about her being a bad dancer and lazy is the stupidest thing I have seen. She is not lazy at all the girl has ambition but she's not as obnoxious as rachel is with it. Also she is a great dancer. Can we just remove this storyline please.
my OTP: samcedes. again basic.
a headcanon fact: she always reserves tickets for all of the nd whenever she has a concert. even when some of them don't make it. but they all try to do so cause some of them don't see eachother a lot and her concerts are sort of a reunion thing for them.
send me character or ship asks!
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Hi! So I would like 7 please and Klaine of course…Thank you!
Hey @esilher! Thank you so much for your prompt dear. Sorry to delay posting the stories. I am glad that I finally made it. I hope you like it. So since the stories are short, I had to write two stories.
Kiss prompt7: To shut them up
Story 1: The Droop Interruption
Rating:General Audiences
Archive Warning:No Archive Warnings Apply
Fandoms:Glee (TV 2009),Glee-Klaine,klaine fandom
Relationship:Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel
Characters:Kurt Hummel,Blaine Anderson
Kurt Hummel-Anderson was super exhausted and his husband was going on and on about his day. He wanted to sleep but how could he politely "shut up"Blaine? Here is how.
Read the story on Ao3 (Wavingthroughawindow)
Story 2: The Pacifier Problem
Rating:General Audiences
Archive Warning:No Archive Warnings Apply
Fandoms:Glee (TV 2009),glee-klaine,klaine fandom
Relationship:Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel
Characters:Blaine Anderson,Kurt Hummel,Original Anderson-Hummel Child(ren)
Kurt and Blaine Anderson- Hummel are in a situation of trying to make their toddler daughter accept her pacifier and they did. Through a proposal!
Read It on AO3 (Wavingthroughawindow)
Hope you like these stories. Happy Sunday everyone!
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4minutesgcv · 4 months
do people on here like darren criss or is that just a Twitter thing?
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giselle-clarke · 8 months
22. What does your character like in other people?
Well in women, I like a nice set of boobs and a not so flat ass. As for men...a nice sense of style? Humor? Sexuality? Gay men are literally the best people in the world (next to lesbians, obviously) so I tend to love them.
On a more serious note, I like when people are honest, know how to communicate properly, are sincere, have a sense of humor and can make me laugh, like to binge watch almost anything (except GoT or that spin off). Oh, and I also like when people are just comfortable in their own skin.
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stardomiscalling · 7 months
63: What was the last movie you saw?
Oh this one is easy! Sam and I celebrated his birthday by watching Footloose.
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hevanderson · 3 months
sorry for bothering you so much 😣 😣 but i saw your seblaine post and want your thoughts on what you think would’ve happened if kurt was right and blaine had actually cheated with sebastian in s4 and not some random lighthouse guy cause personally i genuinely fear the lives we would’ve all be living had that happened 😵‍💫
vish you are never bothering me i love my friends! BUT. yeah i would hate if that happened LMFAO i do not want se/blaine to be canon in any way other than sebastians weird little crush on blaine. i cannot fathom how obnoxious se/blainers would be if that happened (this is not about my se/blainer mutuals). i will take Eli C The Lighthouse over that any day personally
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kitkatt0430 · 3 months
the flash for fandom ask
Character I first fell in love with:
Cisco Ramon, he's just the nerdy heart of the team from day one. He'd get all my sci-fi references and answer in kind if we ever met. And his hair is so lovely. He also just believes in Barry right off in a way that no one else really does - Barry goes 'so we're a superhero team now?' and Cisco is all 'hell yeah we are' :D
He's the one out of the OG team I'd want to be besties with the most, really.
Character I never expected to love as much as I do now:
Harry Wells. It took a while for him to really grow on me - I think I disliked him at first but he was growing on me by end of season 2, kinda regressed in S3 and then S4 he was family now. Grumpy, grouchy family.
Character everyone loves but I don’t:
hmmmm... this is a hard one, it takes a lot for me to dislike a character. I'd say Mark Blaine but I do get the impression he's not particularly well liked by most of the fandom so I'm not alone in my dislike there.
I've got a love/hate relationship with Eobard so definitely not him. (Overused and badly flanderized, but yet his earlier characterization is so good...)
Martin Stein's not a fav, but I don't really hate him either. He's... kinda self centered really, but part of his character arc over both the Flash and Legends is growing out of that to become more of a team player.
... Guess I don't have any real answer to this one.
Character I love but everyone else hates:
Frost sorta works because she's such a polarizing character. I know a lot of people hated her and weren't exactly sorry she was written off. And while I definitely would have preferred that S4 not have retconned S3's ending with regards to Caitlin and Killer Frost, once we had Frost I enjoyed what she brought to the show. She was an immature character at first but it worked for me because she was literally very young in experience - having been repressed for so much of Caitlin's life, she never had the chance to emotionally mature until Caitlin finally started treating her as someone to be loved instead of feared.
It's really interesting watching her learn to really be a person all on her own and while her character arcs took her in directions that I really didn't enjoy at times (Mark Blaine) and i do feel like her death was written for shock value in what sounds like an otherwise directionless season, the character herself is one that I ultimately really liked.
Character I used to love but don’t any longer:
Cynthia. And it's not that I hate her. It's just... I thought she'd be a lot more complex character than we got and so I just sort of wound up feeling let down. She's introduced clearly on the wrong side of things, but isn't necessarily a bad person. As she and Cisco got closer, he got her to bend the rules for a good cause, but the organization she worked for was still clearly authoritarian and probably not the good guys at all. And then she started dating Cisco and all that nuance was out the window because 'can't have a main character dating a morally gray person, gotta make it clear she's a hero too'.
Except following the path she'd been on in S3, of gradually recognizing the people she worked for weren't worth her loyalty? That would have been fascinating to watch unfold. Her following in HR's footsteps by leaving her Earth behind while still trying to help her people stage some kind of very necessary social revolution? I would have loved that.
Character I would kiss:
Still too aroace for this question. But if it were about platonic cuddles? Cisco. Cisco would be the best cuddler, I have written a whole fic about him being everyone's go-to platonic cuddler.
Character I want to slap:
Joe. His paternalistic treatment of Iris and his constant questioning of Barry's ability to make his own decisions is really shitty parenting. Especially considering his kids are adults now. Thankfully his bad behavior isn't all there is to him, but if Iris had ever slapped him for some of the shit he'd pulled I'd have outright cheered.
A pairing I love:
Hartmon - my first Flash ship and still my favorite.
A pairing I hate:
Frost/Blaine. Blaine was a wanna be Captain Cold on so many levels and he failed to be interesting or likable at every turn. At best he managed to make me feel pity for him which... not a great sign. And to be honest, after Frost had so good chemistry with Allegra it was weird that got ignored to stick both women in het ships that required strangling them with the red string to make work. I honestly thought they were getting ship teased, but I guess it was the writers not realizing that whoops they made it a little gay there between two main characters. I mean, it is the Flash and the show has always been a little homophobic in it's rush to assure us it's an ally, so... not surprising, but still annoying.
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dreaminginmysoup · 1 year
do you believe in mephinite sonic adventures 3 kiss?
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could we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars-
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nikkiruncks · 5 months
can I just start with how funny it is that blaine's personality changed from well blaine to darren? Like at first he's this smooth talker suave handsome guy and then he's just... a dude? I know it's talked about a lot but it is just THAT funny.
Rewatching season 5 rn and honest to god I didn't remember a single plot point from this season. And rightly so it's so chaotic (as is most glee) I know they stopped caring at this point lmao. Like what's up with artie doing 3 girls at once?? And blaine's jealous of kurt cause he's getting muscular?? And RACHEL LEAVES FUNNY GIRL??? Like what is even happening.
Also remembering things i forgot on my rewatch: the twerking episode has a plot. I totally forgot that I always thought of it as just the twerking epsiode and while i was watching it I was like "oh it actually has kinda good plot"
This is all I can remember rn, my memory's kinda bad. Would love to hear your stuff. Especially why you ship Quartie, i never even thought of it lol
Very true! Especially compared s2!blaine to s4!blaine, it’s like a whole ‘nother level. Even before in s2, there were hints there with his romantic gesture to the gap guy, but later on, he started to get less “classy” to say the least haha.
Season 5 is actually where I stopped. Exactly at the 20th ep. It’s very weird. And the stuff with Blaine, I feel like seeing Kurt in his footing made him insecure (not that he wasn’t already but you get it). While I don’t like how he handled it and the way he acted, I can relate to feeling insecure and being a little jealous of even the closest people around me.
And the Artie plot was so funny to watch. I did really like him with Kitty tho so rip to them.
Rachel leaving Funny Girl especially is ridiculous. Her whole arc was getting into Broadway and being a star. And then fast forward to season 6 and apparently she left for a goddamn tv show and is stuck in Lima like wtf. Anyways, S1 & S4 Rachel was superior all I’ve gotta say.
The twerking one was also so icky. Like no teacher in real life would be condoning this. Not to mention, last I checked, didn’t Schue twerk on those minors??? I can’t believe I’m actually siding with Sue here but…
As for why I ship Quartie, I actually didn’t ship them when I first watched but I loved their dynamic. Seeing @thomas-the-goat-of-satan and other tumblr users talking about them made me love Quartie more.
I just love how happy Quinn was around Artie. Probably the happiest she ever was around a man lmao. And I love how they both bond when Quinn was paralyzed and the way Artie seemed to challenge her.
Also I’m Still Standing totally fucks.
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