princekirijo · 1 year
I don't even think ATLUS realizes that the Female Protagonist is popular and if they do they don't know WHY
You get to have social links with the male party members and Ryoji (Junpei's social link is one of the best), you get to choose your Velvet Room attendant, you get to save Shinjiro, you get two fan favorite characters, Saori and Rio, Yukari misgenders femc and Fuuka misgenders Theo, every female party member and Elizabeth have a bisexual awakening because of femc
And then in FES the Answer gives us AMAZING character development for Yukari Aigis and Mitsuru plus it introduces an underrated character that Atlus has ignored ever since in Metis
So why not have both. Baffling.
Yeah it is kinda like crazy that they could literally make everyone happy by just combining portable and fes into this upcoming remake and add the new stuff they want to add but ig that's just not what they wanted to do 😫
Reading that article and the ign one it seems that they're really bent on remaking the persona 3 experience as opposed to like idk make a definitive edition to the game (which is what most p3 fans want). There's not really much we can say there because I suppose from like an "artistic" point of view so to speak they chose to bring the original p3 experience (well fes' journey) to newer audiences. As I said before there's absolutely nothing wrong with that HOWEVER I do think that adding the extra content from fes and portable would have served that goal way better than just... remaking p3. As you said both the answer and portable add much more dimension to the story and characters of p3 so by essentially ignoring that not only are you doing the game a disservice (im like 90% sure portable is canon and 100% sure the answer is canon) but it's also gonna confuse new fans when we start talking about Metis or Erebus or idk what actually happened in the final battle of p3.
Unless of course Atlus is planning on retconning the answer and portable. Which... wouldn't be great. But hey at this point I am curious as to see what they're gonna do but I'll say it rn none of the remake stuff will be canon in my eyes.
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weirdmarioenemies · 11 months
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Name: Neo Bowser City (aka Koopa City in PAL regions)
Debut: Mario Kart 7
Do you ever think of all the weird locations we only ever see in Mario Kart games? Despite being the biggest of all of Mario's spin-off franchises, when you really get down to it, remarkably few Mario Kart courses are actually based on established Mario locations!
It's not none, there's the occasional Donut Plains and Tick-Tock Clock and Airship Fortress, but most of the courses are these weird one-off locations we never see outside the context of that specific racetrack.
But have you ever taken a moment to step back and like, think of the Lore Implications of some of these places?
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Like okay! Bowser just owns this whole dang cyberpunk city and we only ever see it in the context of Kart Racing! How messed up is that?!
One day Mario and Friends were looking for new places to race, and Bowser must have said something like "Gwah-hah-hah! I bet you puny punks could NEVER beat me in a race in my cyberpunk metropolis!" and right then and there it was established that Bowser owns a cyberpunk metropolis. Neo Bowser City is a city that exists in the Super Mario World and aside from returning in other Mario Kart games, it hasn't been acknowledged before or since.
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Neo Bowser City first appeared in Mario Kart 7, as the third course in the Star Cup. Despite its flashy visuals, it actually doesn't really have a whole lot going on. It's a difficult track with some tight turns made more difficult by the rain making things more slippery, but besides that it doesn't really have any of the Wacky Obstacles that define so many Mario Kart courses.
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Then it returned in Mario Kart 8 looking more gorgeous than ever! The bright colors really pop out, and the whole track is just oozing with detail that really emphasizes the scale of this city!
But like, the emphasized scale really only further raises the question of where this exists in the Mario World. Clearly, the fact that Bowser is plastered all over the billboards and the fact it's named "Neo Bowser City" helps us deduce that this city probably belongs to Bowser. Is this located in Bowser's Kingdom? Just how big is Bowser's Kingdom? And why does he own so many separate castles?
Maybe Neo Bowser City exists in the future? Is this a bad timeline? I mean, Mario Kart is allowed to have time-travel shenanigans. There's a Splatoon battle arena and that exists thousands of years in the future so sure, dust off Mario's Time Machine and head to the bad future where Bowser wins. Should've pressed that New Super Mario Bros. big yellow P-Switch!
I asked my friend Mod Chikako for their input and their theory is that Neo Bowser City isn't the future of Mario's world, but of our world. Clearly Bowser just couldn't take Wreck-It-Ralph losing the Oscar vote!
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But in that case I guess it's a cooler cyberpunk future than the one we're living in right now. Corporate monopolies that run mass-surveillance with little government intervention due to their extreme wealth giving them extensive political power? No thank you! Neo Bowser City has bright neon colors, and flying cars! If I'm going to live in a dystopia, I want it to be a fun one. The only advertisements I want to see plastered everywhere are ones advertising Bowser!
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Boo! That's the bad guy! Thumbs down!
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The course returns again in that pitiful mobile game with another redesign, this time letting us see his Coney Island Disco Palace off in the distance. Does Bowser live in his Neo City? Is this worldbuilding we've been missing out on for decades, finally answered by a kart racer? Is this the capital city of Bowser's Kingdom? Am I once again falling victim to my perpetual hubris of overthinking the Mario franchise?
Really, I can't offer too much in terms of wacky fan theories, because I'm still thinking about this location existing in the first place. I'd love to know the Lore and worldbuilding here, but I guess the nature of Mario's canon is that it doesn't need to be over-analyzed. Bowser simply owns a cyberpunk metropolis, we'll only ever see it in the context of kart racing, and maybe that's okay.
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Of course, this post wouldn't be complete if I didn't mention Dinohattan from the 1993 Super Mario Bros. Movie, which we've barely talked about on this blog somehow. You see, when the meteor hit, some of the dinosaurs escaped into a parallel timeline where they then evolved into humans, and then they built Dinohattan instead of Manhattan. Get it? Yeah, that movie is all sorts of bonkers. I wouldn't say it's very good, but I kinda love it. I'd recommend checking it out, if only to see a vastly different take on Mario than you'd be used to.
Anyway I bring this up because it's a completely separate instance of a version of Bowser building a large cyberpunk metropolis, and it actually predates Neo Bowser City! Do you think they could be connected? Are Dinohattan and Neo Bowser City one and the same...?
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cocoa-rococo · 4 months
Koopaling Headcanons: Iggy
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Larry | Morton | Wendy | Iggy | Roy | Lemmy | Ludwig
The wild child, the mad lad, the resident scientist himself! I think about him a regular amount.
His powers are more plant-based, and he's very good at controlling them, but inventing is a big hobby of his that plays into how he attacks. To put it in other terms, he's got Artificer software running on Druid hardware.
His eye color is a rare mutation of his draconic koopa biology, though it does give him some issues with his vision, hence the glasses.
He's definitely wacky, but he's not actually ‘demented’ or ‘insane’ like most think he is. That being said, he likes to play up the whole ‘mad scientist' act around other people because he enjoys their reactions. Maybe a little too much…
April Fool's is a banned celebration in the castle because of him. Not that it stops him from pulling pranks on any other day of the year.
His favorite fruits are more tropical things; kiwis, pineapples, and starfruit.
Prefers Chain Chomps and other animals to people, as he's not great with conversation nor predicting people. Rumor has it that he can actually speak with them, but whether it's true remains to be seen.
He occasionally gets nonverbal when an experiment goes awry, or when he’s so upset he can’t find the words for it. His siblings check in on him every once in a while, and he does end up speaking again after a few hours / a day.
His hair naturally falls into a mohawk like in his earlier depictions; he just likes styling it back to differentiate himself from Lemmy.
Doesn't have much of a sweet tooth, but he's a big fan of savory things. That said, he does have a fondness for carrot cake.
He actually made his glasses when he realized his eyes didn’t see well with traditional lenses… and because he needed something that was fireproof, blast-proof, and freeze-proof, just to name a few. When he realized he could market it on a professional basis, Iggy’s Glass was created.
He's a big fan of his veggies! He's not a strict vegetarian, nor is he opposed to meat whatsoever, he just likes his greens more. Like I said, Druid hardware.
Speaking of food, if he's craving something, he often decides what to have not by flavor, but by texture. He looooves crunchy stuff or things he can rip into, like sandwiches with hard bread or jerky sticks.
He helps Wendy with her baking hobby! Baking is just another form of chemistry, after all, and he likes having something to do with his hands. He doesn't like cooking much, though. Too much guesswork.
He makes so many things for his siblings for holidays and birthdays, and is always touchingly surprised if they get him something personal or practical (not that he shows it).
He got Morton a camera for his tenth birthday to support his scrapbooking hobby, and is secretly very pleased that Morton takes such good care of it. He also denies crying when Morton showed him the page he made of the two of them with the photos he took.
His handwriting is the worst out of the seven. Given how fast he needs to write to keep up with his experiments, and his habit of using short phrases that only he understands, it's really legible to just him.
He genuinely is pretty funny. His humor is skewed towards shitposter memes thanks to Roy and Larry, but his sense of comedic timing to drop a bomb or punchline is perfect.
Will respond to highly cursed memes and images along the lines of "Oh, that's AWFUL. I LOVE IT."
His currency is amusement. You wanna get on his good side or impress him, making him laugh. This is harder then it sounds; if he can tell you’re trying too hard, he’ll just blast you with sarcasm.
Ludwig is teaching him how to play the accordion. It’s just as chaotic as it sounds.
He's a big fan of bad B-movie horrors, making fun of them while also unironically enjoying how terrible they are. He's got a few posters of them in his room.
He was the dog version of a warrior cats kid. I'm sorry, but it's true.
He likes to collect bugs! It's not a very big collection, seeing as the Darklands is uninhabitable by a majority of insects, but he likes learning and talking about them to anyone interested.
One of the most terrifying generals out of the Koopalings to the troops; not because he’s especially mean or strict or anything, but because you’ll have no idea how he’ll react to something. He is, however, perhaps also one of the the least military-inclined out of his siblings, much preferring his lab to a war room.
Will wear the UGLIEST shirts with zero concerns. Will also wear socks and sandals. Wendy loathes him.
Doesn't like coffee; the taste makes him nauseous. He's more of a soda guy, anyway.
He and Larry are huge sci-fi nerds, and enjoy bonding over comics and mecha anime and going to cons together. Also a big fan of horror; the more gore, the better.
Cannot draw people for shit. Animals and plants he can do okay at, but more in an anatomical kind of way then any artistic sort of style. Blueprints, however, are a different story.
Genuinely likes pistachio ice cream. None of his siblings know why, nor do they want to know.
Like Lemmy, he's very much a fan of pulling a prank and doing the "ohhhh I'm just a little guy, and it's my birthday, I'm a lil birthday boooy" routine. Unlike Lemmy, this rarely works for him.
His lab is his safe haven; it may be a mess in some places, but it's his mess. If you touch something you shouldn't, be prepared to get whacked.
Can and will pick up bugs and eat them. Bonus if they’re dipped in chocolate.
He doesn’t have any particular favorite flowers, but he's got a side hobby of cross-breeding and mutating plants for both science and in the sense of, in his own terms, “fucking around and finding out.”
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istadris · 3 months
On the Koopalings and Bowser
I never know on which foot dance when it comes to Bowser's relationship with the Koopalings.
On one hand, yes, Bowser being a tired dad to 8 kids with most of them being adopted is cute (and a nightmare for me to handle in fics), and I respect and appreciate fanworks including that. I also understand that Nintendo retconned the familial bond and most Mario fans are used to the Koopalings being considered Bowser's family.
On the other hand, I didn't grow up with material where they are Bowser's kids, most of my exposition to them were games where they're his lieutenants, with Junior as Bowser's only son.
It so happens that I love complex relationships; found families that are difficult to define and don't fall neatly under the usual family labels; ambivalent feelings about a parental figure who clearly isn't your official parent.
With that said, hear me out on how I see the Koopa royal family dynamics :
Koopas can reproduce either with a partner or through parthenogenesis, birthing on their own a near clone of themselves (although if you ever call a Koopa kid born this way a clone in front of their parents, they're likely to beat the shit out of you and everyone in the vicinity will agree the reaction is justified, if a bit overemotional). Because laying an egg and providing for a baby all by yourself is very demanding, Koopas reproducing through this method go into a very intense nesting/brooding mode, basically turning off every function that isn't "take care of youngling" and becoming very aggressive.
When Bowser decided to have Junior (and morphed into a very broody Giga Bowser), everyone in the castle stayed clear from him...which facilitated sneaking into the castle for a bunch of half-feral orphaned Koopalings scrapping by to survive and hoping to nab enough food and money to live another day. Thankfully for them, when Bowser came across them, instead of registering them as "threat" (and eating them alive), due to how young and malnourished most of them were, his brain went "hungry baby. Must feed baby" before he dragged them back to his nest. When Bowser turned back to normal, he basically went through his day as normal, except now "normal" includes a bunch of kids.
Main reasons for this attitude :
He's Very Bad at talking about his emotions beyond "I HATE MARIO"
As far as he's concerned, the Koopalings are his kids now too. Even if he doesn't mention. If they're okay with it or course. If anyone else has an issue with it, he'll deal with them, and if they don't like it, they'll bring it up, but otherwise why make a fuss?
Kamek is the one doing the paperwork, so he's waiting for a sort of green light to put them down as his kids or something.
Kamek has been diligently dodging the question of adding 7 kids to the royal line of succession for several years now.
So for a while at the beginning, the Koopalings ended up in a weird limbo state where their status within the Koopa Troop was unclear. Ludwig, worrying the wind might turn someday, encouraged the oldest (and later the youngest) to make themselves useful. Which led Bowser and his officers and mages to give the Koopalings more stuff to do, and through the years, they gradually went up the ranks and became Bowser's Terrors and main lieutenants. Still, neatly calling Bowser "Dad" is a tad more complex than their actual feelings on the matter.
By the time Junior is 10, the dynamics go like this :
Ludwig (in his early-mid twenties) has always minded the Koopalings and is very protective of them. He's also deeply devoted to Bowser, who got them out of the gutter and gave them a chance. He's extremely informal towards Bowser and would never dare calling him Dad or even Father : it's "Lord Bowser", "Sir" or "His Majesty", and he would die for him (although not without making sure his death has an efficient, long-lasting impact useful for the kingdom). Even Bowser thinks he needs to chill.
Roy (very early twenties) is one of the only ones who remember having a dad, and it wasn't a fun experience. Still, he remembers what it was like, and Bowser being actually a decent father figure messes a lot with Roy's daddy issues. He wants to hate Bowser, especially once he's in his teens, because that's what being a cool guy is for, but even he can admit Bowser is badass. Still, most of the times, it's easier for Roy to call Bowser "Boss" and treat him as such, respect and all.
Wendy (around 16) is more than fine being Bowser's Most Specialest Daddy's Girl. She was born for this. She doesn't remember a lot from the pre Bowser life but she does keep in memory being insanely jealous of pretty girls with fancy toys, and never truly got over it. She noticed Bowser hardly refuses her anything when she calls him "Daddy", so of course that's what she uses...except when she's on the job and has to be taken seriously, in that case she falls back on "Lord Bowser"
Morton (??? either close to Wendy's age or one of the youngest, I can't decide) had no previous model for what having a dad is like. He's following the other's lead on it, but Junior calls Bowser "Dad" and Ludwig calls him "Lord Bowser" and the twins call him "King Dad" and it's Confusing. So it's Big Bowser and Little Bowser. All he knows is that he loves them both very much and the mere notion of losing them is enough to make him stress out.
Iggy (around 14) doesn't need a dad, he needs supervision to avoid blowing something up. He just loves being Bowser's "kid", whatever that entails, because he gets to mess with a LOT of people. He resorts to "King Dad", but mostly because Lemmy does it, and easily switches between "Boss", "Sir", "Daddy" and "BBB" (Big Bod Bowser. Who spent several days recovering from it the first time Iggy used it).
Lemmy (around 14, same as Iggy) is here to partaaaay. He doesn't remember anything of their life before Bowser, so for him, there's always been their big lug of a "King Dad" who needs them to bail him out of messes. He's close to Junior (due to being one of the youngest) and even if he does know Junior has a different status from him, it never bothered him and he never got trouble from pranking him.
Larry (around 14, can't decide if he's younger or older than Iggy and Lemmy) has also always known Bowser, but he's a bit more self-conscious about the situation of being sort of adopted but not officially? Usually he sticks to "King Bowser", so when he slips and calls Bowser "Dad", he usually feels pretty embarrassed, even if no one bats an eye.. He was actually a bit jealous of Junior as a kid for "stealing" Bowser's attention, but he's gotten better.
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superthatguy62 · 2 months
Bowser Day: A quick note on the influence of Sayuuki
So, as it's commonly known, Bowser was inspired by the Bull Demon King from Journey to the West. Specifically, he's inspired by The Bull-Demon King from the Toei movie "Sayuuki" or "King Gruesome" from "Alakazam The Great".
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Now, most people are aware of the design similarity and that's where their knowledge of the comparison stops.
However, Bowser shares another thing or two in common with the Bull King in this movie.
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The Bull King (and Princess Iron Fan, his wife) make their lair inthe Flaming Mountain. At the climax of the movie, Wukong engages the Bull King while his allies fight against the Queen and the other demons. Wukong leads the bull outside and takes the fight to the skies. Using his cape, acts as a matador, stabbing the bull king with spears while provoking him with a red cape.
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Eventually, he allows the Bull King to run into the cape, which disorients him and causes him to fall into the volcano.
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And, well, we all know how King Koopa tends to go out.
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Bonus random fact:
For further irony, this adaptation of Journey to the West is one of the ones to not feature Red Boy: Bull Demon King and Princess Iron Fan's son who trolls Wukong and his allies (They do have an imp minion who generally fulfills a similar role, but they don't treat him as a son and the Bull-King even reneges on a deal they had). While Bowser lacks a Princess Iron Fan equivalent (though he does carry a torch for Princess Peach), Bowser Jr. could be considered his equivalent to Red Boy , especially when using the Magic Paintbrush which resembles a spear.
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creativesnek · 1 year
The Chat really loves Bowser
Luigi sat by his desk, getting his cameras and headphones ready for a live stream. The soft glow of the studio lights illuminated the room, creating an atmosphere of anticipation and excitement. His heart with a mix of nervousness and exhilaration as he prepared to connect with his audience.
As he adjusted the angle of his cameras, Luigi couldn't help but reflect on how far he had come. What started as a simple hobby had now transformed into a full-fledged career. His passion for gaming and technology had propelled him into the world of live streaming, where he could share his experiences and connect with like-minded individuals from all corners of the globe.
He still can’t believe he acquired such a huge fanbase.  A lot of people seemed to like his personality and actually liked his commentary; even his videos on mushroom foraging garnered thousands of views within the hour. It made Luigi very proud of himself; plus, his interactions with his fans have been nothing but enjoyable. 
The door to his room opened. He looked over his shoulder and smiled at Bowser. The red-haired Koopa stepped into his room, then kissed his forehead. “I’m going to go pick up Junior,” he said. 
“Okay, be safe!”
He reached up and scratched his chin, earning some happy chirps from him before he walked out again. Luigi smiled softly at his boyfriend’s retreating back before returning to his previous activities. As soon as he sat down, he switched into his streamer mode. The screens came to life and the cameras started recording. Luigi grinned, “Welcome back everybody! Tis I, WeegeBoard9000!” he said while laughing. The chat immediately started rolling with comments as people greeted him and made donations.
With a swift motion, Luigi's fingers danced across the keyboard, skillfully navigating through the game menus. As the game loaded, he took a moment to acknowledge some of the comments popping up on the screen.
"Hey WeegeBoard9000! Long time no see!" one viewer exclaimed.
"Luigi, you're my favorite streamer! Can't wait to see what you have in store for us today!" another chimed in.
*Peach_hime donated 30 bits! Hi, Weeg! Gimme ten minutes and I’ll hop on.*
“Ew, the gamer twink’s back.” said the very obvious account of Wario.
Luigi sneakily kicked him out before moving on with his stream. He delved into the game, he skillfully maneuvered through its challenges while simultaneously keeping an eye on the chat. He responded to questions, shared tips and tricks with fellow gamers, and engaged in lighthearted banter with his audience.
*King donated 2500 bits! Stay hydrated darling ;)*
Ohh~ his highness has made an appearance!
Man, i wish i had a stream daddy 😔
Where iz this mf getting so much coin??!
Comments of similar caliber followed. Luigi tried to hide his blush, recognizing his boyfriend’s account. Bowser always makes it a personal mission to donate something during his streams. Luigi couldn't help but feel a surge of warmth in his chest as he read the comments praising Bowser's generosity. It was moments like these that reminded him why he fell in love with Bowser in the first place. Despite his tough exterior, Bowser had a heart of gold.
*prince donated 100 bits! HiWEEGIE!”
The lil man’s here too
Baby boi, protecc the bean
Luigi chuckled and thanked Junior for the donation; he probably asked his dad to donate for him too. With the chat taken care of for a bit, the streamer continued his game for several hours, tuning out the outside world.
The stream was in full-swing now as Luigi and a few online friends were collecting items to fight a boss. Luigi was so engrossed with preparations that he didn’t hear the noise of the front door opening or the familiar pitter patter of feet on the wooden floor. The door opened a bit as Junior yelled a greeting before closing the door. The man glanced back at the noise, smiled, then proceeded with the game. 
Without him noticing, Bowser went into his room. At the sight of him, the chat went absolutely ballistic. 
Hunk alert, hello🥵
Ayo, who dat 🫦
Luigi glanced at the last comment then swiveled his chair around; Bowser wrapped his bulky arms around him and kissed the top of his head. “Dinner’s gonna be ready in a few minutes, so don’t stay too long,” he whispered into his hair. Luigi’s face and ears reddened at the gesture, considering Bowser was, in fact, shell-less and basically pulled his face into his chest. He thinks he replied… Probably. The donations going off was what called his attention.
Muscle man and he cooks? Luigi, bag him.
Weeg has that unspoken rizz
Luigi looked up. “Whoa, whoa. Calm down everybody,”
His subscribers didn’t listen, sending many sporadic comments and blush-inducing questions. The donation bell kept blowing up.
*BooKing donated 500 bits! Luigi, u have all of dat to urself?!*
*BadBitchPrincess donated 1500 bits! L ultimate rizzlord😌*
Can he come back pls?
Bring back the dilf, ty.
Glory o glory, what a helluva way to die 🫡
Luigi nervously snorted and pulled his hat over his head, giving up on taking back control. Guess the chat really likes Bowser.
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bowsersfavprincess · 1 year
Contains: Fluff, gn reader, Bowser having a fat crush on the reader (ofc), Junior being a cutie patootie, Kamek not giving af, mention of potential imprisonment/death/kidnapping, bad words 🙀☠️
Sorry it took me so long to make another part but this pretty much goes with my last post (Although you don't have to read it to understand)
Bowser's a lonely guy, all he has is his makeshift family
Kamek, the Koopalings, and of course his son Junior
Which you'd think is a big family, but he still feels lonely
He longs for companionship
He craves the thought of marriage
Which is why Peach finds herself in his grasp so often
Junior obviously deserves a mother figure, and who better than the sweetest most beautiful Princess in all the land?
And although Bowser can't deny that Peach is something special, he finds himself thinking about how Peach sort of isn't his type
She's too uptight and prissy for him
He wants someone who he can be himself around, and they won't see him as a total monster
But he's convinced himself that no one like that exists, and that Peach would be the best option for a mother
Well he was convinced, until he met you
You had both been at a concert
Bowser's favorite heavy metal band at that
A band that happened to originate from the darklands
The band was entirely made out of Koopas, so the only fans were darkland creatures
Who would be dumb enough to travel to this deadly lava land and possibly be imprisoned forever just to see a rock band?
And it made sense, heavy metal was usually only enjoyed by the people of Bowser's kingdom
But there you were in the crowd, sticking out like a sore thumb
Easily noticeable
Though most of the Goombas, Koopas, Shy guys, and other creatures didn't seem to take notice or care
If you were any real threat King Bowser would easy spot you out and dispose of you
And oh, he spot you out alright
As soon as he sits in his big throne (which he has for all his concerts because he's 'The King of Awesomeness') he spots you immediately
'Kamek... who the hell is that?'
Kamek nudges him for swearing because Junior's standing by
The small Prince looks at his father with wide eyes
'Oops.. uh.. sorry Junior. But who is that?'
Kamek just shrugs
'I'm not sure sire, why don't you ask?'
'Wha- I can't just go up and ask!'
Bowser wonders why he's so nervous about asking
You're technically an intruder, and he could throw you in a pit of lava if he so wished
But that feeling in his stomach reminds him that he wouldn't
That jittery feeling of nervousness and excitement
He begrudgingly does what his advisor suggests, tapping you on the shoulder
You turn around to a tall King looming over you
His shadow engulfs you, but you aren't afraid
He seems puzzled at this
'Oh! You must be King Bowser. It's a pleasure to meet you, really.'
Now he's even more confused
A pleasure? To meet him? Surely you're joking
But that sweet innocent smile says otherwise
'I.. uh.. yeah. You too...'
He's at a bit of a loss for words, which never happens to him
He's trying to find something to say, to not just stand there staring awkwardly
'So uh.. you... like this band?'
You smile at him once again with genuine interest in the conversation
'Yup! This is my favorite band actually.'
Bowser can't help but smile too
'Huh... really? Wow, not a lot of uh... outsiders like this music..'
He quickly speaks again to make sure you're comfortable
'Not that you're not welcome of course! I won't uhh, throw you in lava or anything..'
He chuckles awkwardly, hoping that he won't scare this mysterious human away
You laugh too
'Oh that's alright, I'm not scared'
He stops, blankly staring
You're not scared
You're not scared of him
You're not frightened, visibly repulsed, you actually like the music here
Bowser just stares for a long while, absolutely dumbstruck
Then the buzz of speakers connecting is heard and he knows the concert will start soon
'Uh.. why don't you.. join me?'
He points to his elevated seats
'Best seats in the house'
He smiles awkwardly and is overjoyed once you accept
It's then you meet Junior and Kamek
Kamek isn't necessarily interested in you, you aren't a threat and Bowser seemingly enjoys your company
Junior however, could not be more interested
Some random human that his father brought back to sit in the royal spots with him
Some human who seems genuinely friendly
It's not something Junior is used to either
He doesn't get along with Mario at all, doesn't see Luigi much and well
Princess Peach doesn't necessarily like Junior
As much as she's sugary sweet on the outside, the idea of mothering a small version of her enemy doesn't quite appeal to her
And she's not exactly the best actress
But this random human seemed to have no problems with Junior
In fact they seemed as interested in Junior as he was in them
Bowser notices
'Oh, that's my son, Junior'
Junior just gives a small wave
Your eyes go wide and you smile at him
'Hello Junior'
You can't help but squeak with excitement looking at the shy koopa
'Oh, you look just like your father! I bet you're going to grow up and be big and strong just like him, huh?'
Junior's tail wags slightly
'Yeah! I'll be just like papa!!'
Bowser watches this scene with the most joy he's felt in years
Maybe... maybe he could stop pursuing Peach and kidnap someone else
No, he had a chance
It was slim, but much larger than the chance Peach was giving him
Which is none
He didn't have to force you, not yet
You weren't scared
You seemingly liked him and his son
Maybe he could actually get someone to love him
The real him
After the concert ends Bowser doesn't want you to leave
In fact he's a bit beside himself at the thought
Maybe he will have to kidnap you, make you stay
But you assure him that you'll be back
He doesn't believe it, not one bit
But then you take out a sharpie you had brought to get the bands autograph and write your number on his palm
Once again he's speechless
Maybe he has a chance at real love after all
We can fix him. Or make him worse 😈
I'll probably make a part two to this because I was going to do something entirely different but then accidentally made a whole story lol
Also how do you guys feel about Bowser x reader smut?? 🤔🥴 (Monster fuckers unite)
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factual-fantasy · 6 months
Heya Factual! Just saw the Pokemon post- and while obviously the art is amazing as always- it's even cooler seeing you do some on paper art! I've always just doodled on paper myself, so it's sweet seeing you making some art the ol'fashioned way- and despite you claiming to be rusty, it came out great regardless! I especially like that haunter- a haunter named Grimace is the best thing I've seen all week!
And Thanks a million for answering my last Ask regarding goombas despite your cold- and I greatly appreciated you letting us know how much you appreciate our Asks- even if I can get a bit long winded at times... And staying on the theme of Koopa Troop related questions, another thing I wonder is what place the hammer bros and their variants have in the main Mario AU?
I imagine if they were included, they would maintain their status as elite soldiers- but function more like their original cartoon interpretations rather than the modern ones- as its suggested the modern variants use power ups- and magic- which the average Koopa in the AU simply cannot do- so they'd probably just be unique sub species with perhaps specialized gear and training- but what do you imagine that would include? And would all the variants be included- such as fire, ice, boomerang, and sledge- or none at all?
Oh, and just a goofy little side question- you mentioned the quadrupedal, more animalistic Koopa breeds such as the Spineys and Buzzy Beetles would be kept and treated as pets by their more intelligent relatives- how do you think one would go about taking care of such a creature? Would they be more like dogs or cats? Would they perhaps still be used for battle like in the movie- where Bowser took advantage of the buzzy beetles great strength by mounting bullet bill blasters upon their shells? And, most importantly- would your AU perhaps include the long held fan head cannon that cross breeding of Spineys and Buzzy Beetles eventually lead to the creation of the most powerful, fire proof, spike bearing, and creatively named beast of all time- the Spike Top!?
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(Pokemon post in question)
:DD Thank you so much! I'm glad that you like my traditional art! :}} The hardest part about it is trying to take a nice picture of the drawing with my phone- 😅
I'm also happy to hear that people like the name Grimace! I was inspired by the McDonalds guy- XDD
As for the hammer bros, you got a lot right. They can't use power ups so the fire and ice bros gotta go. I also don't intend for them to use magic so the hammer bros endless supply of hammers also has to go-
I pictured the hammer and boomerang bros being regular koopas that just happen to be big and brawny. They were probably selected based on their body type and given special training. The B-bros still have their usual boomerangs, but the H-bros would get one giant hammer. As opposed to a million tiny ones-
Their status is nowhere near blue shells. They're probably above standard koopas but below parakoopas. :0
As for the more "animal like" Koopa relatives.. I'm not sure what would go into taking care of them.. I assume a good diet, scrubbing their shells.. stuff like that? I also imagined them ranging in size. Some of the spiny breeds growing big enough to be used as cattle/worker/farm animals. :0 not so much dogs and cats- I pictured them being a bit grumpy and slow. Not really a great pet-
Also I don't know if mixing a Buzzy beetles with a spiny would make a spike top- at least in my au.. but I can see where the headcanon comes from!
Speaking of spike top, they could be the same as spinys. But perhaps they don't grow that big- These little cranky turtles that could be taken in as a pet. And perhaps some Koopa families have! Though most koopas aren't interested in adopting a grumpy spike top- 😅😅
Also thank you for the ask! Bringing stuff like this to my attention and really getting me to think my AU through more! :}}✨💞✨
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echoeternally · 2 months
Echo’s Newer Bowsario Fanfics!
Lol, I was gonna use "latest" for the title, but "newer" got a giggle out of me, so, there we go.
Anyway! Hello to my selective few Bowsario (aka Bowser/Mario) shipping fans. I know there aren't very many of us out there, lol, but hey, we exist! And we have what fun we can.
It's been a few years since I made this kind of post, but I collected the fanfics that I've written in the past (found on this link and then also on this one too) for the pairing.
The content is easy enough to organize elsewhere, but I thought it'd be nice to put it in a convenient spot here too. And maybe some new readers will be delighted by the finds?
So, I figured I'd add a new one, since I've added a bit of new stories since the last post. And I'll share the old stories like I did before as well, because why not?
Presenting the list of the lesser-viewed Enemies-to-Lovers greats!
Amid the Roses - Set in an alternate universe where Mario and Bowser are removed from the Mushroom Kingdom conflicts, this stars the pair as a flower shop owner and tattoo parlor artist respectively. They end up meeting and bonding in a new way here!
Constellation Quelling - A much more traditional fare for the couple, this story has Bowser interrupt Mario while he's alone and relaxing. They bicker at first, but soon open up to one another in a way neither really expected, and the stars above certainly set a mood...
Distant Dawn - Based on a fanfic prompt from years ago on Tumblr, this is a short story to show some early morning musings from Bowser, who considers how his new relationship with Mario can develop, while a secretly not-slumbering Mario listens.
Along with those latest stories listed above, there were a couple of updates to my ongoing Bowsario fanfic, which started a decade ago.
That feels weird to post! But, with some new updates from earlier in the year and more since the last posts, I'll add that below here.
Eternally Never Yours - An ongoing fanfic that details a full affair between Bowser and Mario, as they try to make their seemingly impossible relationship a reality, while struggling to deal with the Mushroom Kingdom at large.
As for the rest, I'll be copying and pasting those below here, so that they can be included too. Makes it a little easier to find it all in one place, I think, right?
Mario’s Defender - A fanfic for Mar10 Day, it tells the story of Mario overhearing some unkind comments about himself, and then a certain someone (Bowser) going back against them. 
Time for Tea - Peach has a small tea party gathering between herself and her friends, the Mario Bros. She wanted the brothers to invite their partners, but didn’t realize who Mario would bring until it was too late. Daisy, however, wants to hear the story of how they got together! 
Red and Blue - In a slight change to the usual storytelling, this is a story that doesn’t use any dialogue to describe tender moments between Bowser and Mario while they explore a relationship together, going over their thoughts. 
Bowser’s Beard - For Bowser Day, a story where Mario and friends go to find out where Peach has been taken, but then find Bowser’s Castle mostly empty when they get there…save for one hairy Koopa King.
Quiet Life - In a “what if…?“ styled story, Bowser is essentially exiled in exchange for the Koopas finally being at peace with the Mushroom Kingdom. Mario is the one that brings comfort to him. 
Inn’s Covers - While going to an inn before a golf tournament, Mario ends up paired in a room with Bowser. They slowly learn to get along, and then some. 
Upon A Dream - After taking a mystical pendant, Bowser ends up in a dream where he’s married to Mario, and grows to not hate it. 
Heart of the Ancient Kingdom - Mario and Bowser are sent on a quest back to the oldest parts of the Mushroom Kingdom to retrieve a rare jewel. They go back to World 1-1 of their earliest adventures, and grow closer too. 
A Spirited Story - Based on Super Smash Bros., the spirits of Wolf and Fox get into a chase sequence of sorts. Mario and Bowser are among the couples they visit. Not quite from this year, but I’ve included it too. 
Wild Cards - A tennis story that focuses on Wario and Waluigi, but has a good deal of shipping support for Mario and Bowser. Also, Bowser wears his tennis outfit and Mario approves. 
Jolly Season - A Christmas special that features not only Bowser and Mario as a couple, but some fluff for Peach and Pauline as one too!
Actually, you know what? Speaking of Peach/Pauline, I may as well include those fanfics here too. What the heck, you know?
This group is a series of stories that I started, um...also a decade ago! But, I've only stirred up the latest fanfic recently, so, gotta get to work on that one again.
Nevertheless, if you're a fan of Mario and Bowser being gay, then I hope you might enjoy Peach and Pauline doing so too!
Toying With Her - The first in the series, where Pauline finds a new object of her affections in the famous princess of the Mushroom Kingdom. Set prior to Pauline's return as mayor in Mario Odyssey! (This story was from years before that even existed.)
Toying With Them - Sequel to the first, Pauline finds herself invited back to Peach's Castle, and finds several more lovely ladies to inspire her toys. Though she's only musing her crushes, that might not be the case forever...if one happens to read between the lines...
Toying With Peril - Finally set after Pauline's return in Odyssey, Miss Mayor comes back to the Mushroom Kingdom...only to find Peach kidnapped and Mario totally unavailable for the rescuing! Guess who gets to step up to the plate this time? Ongoing for now, but do you think Peach will finally learn of and return Pauline's feelings...?
Ha, I haven't done this for a few years. It's nice to see them all together again. Last time was in 2021, and now we've got this in 2024; I didn't think I'd have enough for another round.
Anyway, I know there are fewer fans of them, but for anyone that might be curious to try fanfics featuring Mario and Bowser as a couple, here's my current listing for them.
Meanwhile, if you want stories from other lovely authors, be sure to explore the tag link which I’ll be adding in right here for Bowser/Mario on AO3! It's grown a lot more since I last posted. There are even new regular posters for the pairing besides me!
Though I'm less practiced on Peach/Pauline (they're called Peachline, if I'm not mistaken), they've grown a bit more from my one-off notion of the ladies in love. (Started that back in 2014!) Find some authors that explore the pairing in better detail here. Hope you enjoy!
Part of me likes the idea of writing some more one-shots for Bowsario fanfics at least, and of course finishing that Peachline story in the future. ENY still has some ways to go, but it's moving towards its later stages finally. I wonder what this will look like next time...
Ah, neither here nor there.
For new readers, welcome, and if you've made it this far, thank you for reading and stroking your curiosity! Hope you enjoy.
For older readers, welcome back! If you find something new or want to revisit an older story, I hope you do so and enjoy too.
To everyone, thank you for reading this, and spending a little while with me! If you read any of the stories, please enjoy! Hope you all take care and have a wonderful day.
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crookednachogalaxy · 1 year
i absolutely love the versatility that kamek has as a character when it comes to bowuigi, you could have this koopa be part of literally ANYTHING and it would work like???
make him the number 1 most bowuigi-phobic person, the range goes from YOU'RE NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR MY BABY to genuinely evil, maybe homophobic, set-on-conquering-the-world-through-bowser.
or have him be the number 1 bowuigi fan, probably president of their fanclub, gushing to kammy about how finally his majesty has found someone for himself!, to the point he's glowering down on the princess when she tries to express doubt because he's not gonna allow anyone to mess with bowser's happiness.
you could have him hiding in bushes with mario to spy on their date just as much as you could have him plotting against said date in the first place. i love him so much for it.
ultimately tho, i am very fond of the notion that luigi, over time, becomes one of kamek's favourite people in the world. regardless of whether kamek needs time to warm up to luigi or if he's been secretly fond the whole time. i can absolutely see them developing an unlikely and deep friendship/companionship with one another, brought about by tea and biscuits that luigi brought to his study unprompted because kamek has been holing himself up in magic research.
i can see kamek approaching luigi after he had a fight with bowser, trying to convince him that the king is a good person and he'll come around, only to be shocked when luigi assures him he had no plans of leaving despite the anger he feels in the moment.
i can see them staying up late into the night, luigi's natural curiosity about magic mixed with kamek's love of teaching making for long and improvised lessons, both learning more about the topics spoken about and each other, how they tick and think.
i can see them forming an almost father-son bond, similar to how i'd like to think e. gadd and luigi see one another. luigi may have accidentally called kamek 'pops', the same way bowser does in a rare, vulnerable moment, leaving the magikoopa short-circuiting on the spot. cue kamek ruminating on it the whole night before finally accepting he may have accidentally adopted a son-in-law before the "in-law" part ever came to be. afterwards, kamek slowly starts to be a bit physically affectionate with luigi, which over time becomes a natural part of their relationship.
luigi is also the type to send a card and chocolates or some sort of knick-knack to kamek on father's day, 100%. just needed to mention that.
overall, i think the two of them could have a very precious relationship with one another that i don't see explored very often. naturally, the focus lies on the actual bowuigi content, and any conflict or fluff that may arise in regards to the children and mario/peach/the mushroom kingdom. but just once i would like to see what sort of dynamic could work for luigi and kamek, how close they would be. just a thought of mine, really.
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thebigpapilio · 7 months
Okay, Mario Fandom, hear me out.
@elitadream @akiiame-blog @palskippah I hope you don't mind me tagging you again!
I know we don't have anything modern and concrete about Peach's parents, but hear me out about this poly crackship I've developed:
Toadsworth x the King and Queen of the Mushroom Kingdom.
Imagine Toadsworth, a staunch ally of the Toadstool Royal Family since the matriarch and patriarch wandered into the Mushroom World (some people fan-call it Nin, if I recall correctly), falling in love with them.
(I like to think Toadsworth has the charisma to get with anyone, maybe even having a slew of past partners, but choosing King and Queen Toadstool in the end.)
Imagine the Queen getting pregnant. Imagine the day Peach was born. Imagine the day Toadsworth saw his youngest ward for the first time, and bursting into great tears that never quite washed out of his bowtie. Imagine Toadsworth watching his princess grow up.
Imagine the Koopa Kingdom declaring war on the Mushroom Kingdom. Imagine Toadsworth helping the King and Queen as best he can protect his home, their home, their kingdom, all the while biting down the feelings he never had for anyone else in his life. Star Spirits know they have more on their plate than I'd wish on anyone. They have a kingdom to run and another to fend off - professing my affections for them aren't going to do any of us any good.
Imagine the day Toadsworth's lord and lady were ambushed while on a walk with him, blasted with a deadly spell by Magikoopa. Imagine Toadsworth and his fellow stewards poring over every book of magic they have available, seeing if there's a counter-spell, a cure, anything to keep the pain away from their eyes.
Imagine the day Toadsworth lost them.
Imagine Peach becoming Toadsworth's raison d'être, because while the whole kingdom mourned, nobody grieved quite as much as him and the Princess. Imagine the night that Peach woke Toadsworth up screaming from a nightmare. Imagine Toadsworth fervently promising her he won't leave her for as long as he draws breath.
Imagine Toadsworth picking himself up every day for the sole purpose of making sure Peach wouldn't be alone or unprepared to lead the kingdom when the fateful day he couldn't hold out any longer came.
Imagine Mario and Luigi appearing in the Mushroom Kingdom. Imagine Toadsworth seeing everything he and his lord and his lady were and could have been in Mario and his princess, and deciding he deserves nothing less a Game Over in the deepest pit the Underwhere can find if he can't get those two together before he's gone.
Imagine the day Mario and Peach get their acts together. Imagine the day Mario asks Toadsworth's permission to marry Peach. Imagine the wedding, and Mario being nervous Peach will back out. Imagine Toadsworth telling him his side of the story about Peach's parents, and that neither he nor Peach nor Luigi would let Mario hear the end of any cold feet.
Imagine Toadsworth and Mario's mama and papa getting drunk on the best liquor they could find on Earth, crying about their children and how far they've come.
Imagine when Peach tells Toadsworth they're expecting, if you'd like to headcanon that they have kids. Imagine him freaking out for all the best and worst reasons for the next nine months, the fretting not stopping until his grandchild is asleep and swaddled up in their Mama and Papa's arms.
Imagine Toadsworth holding his grandchild (grandchild, yes; Peach and Mario made it clear Toadsworth was their nonno) for the first time, wishing with all his heart that the man and the woman who he loved and never had enough bravery nor got enough time to tell them are able to see him and Peach from the Overthere.
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This is my drawing for the Bowser day.This is actually part of something called Koopa week, where each koopa gets a day of their own for a week. And this is not official. It's just another fan-made holiday.
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darkwingsnark · 2 years
DR. Mario Universe Bowuigi AU
Random because of another night of being up from pain, but I wish there was more fan content centered around Dr. Mario Au shenanigans. With it being a more work-based medical drama, with maybe the idea that Luigi isn't a fellow doctor and just happens to be the brother of a world renown infectious disease specialist. Mario still has his rivalry with Bowser, just as co-workers with a competitive streak. Luigi visits the hospital often to have lunch with his brother at the hospital food court, more so as he can make sure his older bro is actually making time for it. He's known for being so into his work that he'll skip meals. So of course Luigi has heard his brother come home and complain about that no-good orthopedic doctor keeps dismissing his help when patients tend to have conditions that overlap-- like infections post operations. Or stuff like hearing about fights going down in the hospital during meetings.  So when Luigi breaks his leg, of course he's nervous when that means he'll be sent to the guy his brother hates. That he is told is very demanding and confrontational. Only for Bowser to be an amazing doctor, if blunt and sassy. And he recognizes Luigi as being the guy Mario has lunch with, putting pieces together when he sees his chart. Luigi expects Dr. Bowser to start treating him cruelly. To take out his aggression from Mario out on HIM. Only for Bowser to actually open up more and get chattier-- cracking jokes rather than keeping it strictly business. Well well well, after all that big talk from the guy, looks like there's something Mario CAN'T do: treat his brother. WELP, looks like I'm gonna have t'rub it in that jerk's face n' show 'im how it's done! Cue Luigi and Bowser seeing each other a lot more as Bowser-- from his own sense of pride and wanting to make Mario feel like utter shit-- taking on a lot more of the treatment than he would usually do. Usually he'd pass thing off to Resident Docs or physical therapists. But oooh no, not with THE Dr. Mario's brother! Gotta show that guy up! Luigi's gonna go home and have to constantly tell that clown how wonderfully he's being treated. Mario, of course, is frustrated on some level. But he can't complain when the koopa gets results. Seeing his brother heal and get better is all he really cares about.... Even if he doesn't like the fact he has to hear his baby bro talk about his obvious crush on Dr. Bowser, that he himself doesn't realize yet.
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In Universe Mario Stage Plays & Movies
So there is an old hypothesis that claims all the Mario games never happened, and are all stage plays or only Super Mario Bros. happened. This hypothesis was created due to a misunderstanding about something Miyamoto said which I addressed in a previous post. However, there is some merit behind this hypothesis, just not in the way it's treated. We know the Lakitu Bros. record Mario during his adventures and important events like the unveiling of a Time Machine. In addition to newspapers reporting on events as well. Characters in universe like Goombario are fans of Mario knowing about his adventures. Well also in universe the adventures of Mario and friends are retold told in stage plays performed by the Mario and friends. These stage plays are show in various posters advertising them, all probably organized by Broadway Musical Entertainment.
These plays include ones like The Mushroom Moon, Chase! Mario's Adventure, and the Mushroom Kingdom Musical.
The Mushroom Moon's cast includes Mario, Peach, Yoshi, and is implied to also have Petey Piranha in it. These plays are also probably of unseen adventures given they don't seem to be about any previous game due to who all participates in it. In Chase! Mario's Adventure the cast includes Mario, Peach, Bowser, Luigi, Toad, Yoshi, Bowser Jr., and Donkey Kong. The Mushroom Kingdom Musical's cast includes Mario, Peach, Toad, Yoshi, Rosalina, Daisy, Bowser, Bowser jr., a Koopa Troopa, a Shy Guy, King Boo, Wario, Waluigi, and Pauline.
Now one would ask, why would the characters agree to allow Bowser and Bowser Jr. to be part of said events. Let alone why Bowser would agree to be part of them. Well I address this in a previous post I have made when addressing why Bowser goes go karting with Mario and Co.
There is also a poster for a movie titled Wario in the Yoshi Theater in Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga.
There is another stage play, this one seems to be a retelling of the events of Donkey Kong because of the name and steel gutters. This play is called Donkey Kong and is labeled the best musical. It also appears to have Donkey Kong III playing the part of his grandfather the original Donkey Kong, something I talked about in a previous post.
We see something similar to this in Super Mario Odyssey with the Festival that is head to celebrate the beginnings of New Donk City. The Festival in question celebrates and retells the events of Donkey Kong.
This could also be used to explain Miyamoto's comment about Super Mario Bros. 3 being a stage play, while all the games imply the events of SMB3 happened as I've talked about in a previous post. SMB3 is probably a stage play made by Broadway Musical Entertainment retelling actual events.
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childofsardior · 1 month
What do you think of the versions of the koopalings from Super Show? I usually hc them as just younger versions of the current koopalings
Thanks for asking! This is an interesting question.
I'll start saying that I've recently finished re-watching the Super Mario Bros. 3 Super Show with my sibling and we wanted to re-watch the Super Mario World one, too. So I saw their show version very recently and have a fresh memory of them all.
Short answer: (in my HC) The Super Show ones are not the younger version of my Koopalings, but I took some charateristics from them to give to my current (or younger) Koopalings!
Long answer: I personally like to think about the Super Show whole universe as one of the many alternative timelines/versions of the Super Mario World, so I see the show Koopalings too as alternative versions of the games/current ones. For my HC/AU, I am working on my personal view of the Koopalings + Jr. as kids. Most of them are quite or totally different from their Super Show versions, but I wanted to take some inspirations from details I liked about their personality in the show, too, as little references!
For example, Larry cheats a lot. I think he started cheating when he was little, considering the amount of older siblings he had to fight to impose himself. And being the youngest - exception made for Jr., that being the official Heir is a spoiled brat and will be always protected by Kamek or one of his careteakers - he could not win a single fight without finding the smartest (or dirtiest) way to do it. I want to think he was especially unsufferable when he was younger, while now he only cheats when needed (that's still often). I took this from his Super Show version and from Super Mario Kart 8 description.
Wendy is another example. Right now she has style and everything but it's not hard for me to think about a child version of her being extremely bratty and demanding as Kootie Pie is in the Show. I also love the idea of her being (or thinking herself as) Bowser's "favorite" when she was little, along with Junior probably, being the only girl and everything. But I also see my younger version of Wendy being actually cute and affectionate to her adoptive father in a sincere way.
(BTW Kootie Pie is probably my fav from the Super Show Koopalings, NGL)
I can kinda see Bully resembling a younger version of Roy, to be honest. But I personally was mostly inspired by his Super Show name. In fact I mostly headcanon kid-Roy as a tiny Dragon-Turtle that wanted his indipendence most of all and fighted a lot with his siblings, even before being adopted by Bowser, and resembling an actual "bully" for the most time he had to spend around younger siblings or underlings.
For my HC Ludwig, I actually took two details from Kookie in the show: one being baby/kid Ludwig HATING brushes and totally refusing to cut his hair, resulting in a blue mess of wild hair running around until he was like 12 or so; the other one is the French Fries joke in the last episode, when Kookie can only think about the Fries when King Koopa goes to France. Well, you can guess who is the one that always, casually and classily, orders French Fries at restaurants among my HC Koopalings.
I do not have much to say about Morton, Iggy and Lemmy compared to Big Mouth, Hip and Hop, except for the fact that I am saving the characters of Hip and Hop (or, to be honest, an inspired, fan-made version of them with the same names) to be future twin sons of Iggy - when all the Koopalings will be adult, with their own domains and everything and some of them with their own new families and kids! But this is a very long story and who knows, maybe I'll tell you in a distant future ;3
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kuramirocket · 7 months
Anti Magic AU
Okay, so for months I have had this idea running through my head and I have finally finished writing the first part of this au which in part has been inspired by talking with other fans. It's not written like a fanfiction exactly, more like bulletin points of ideas happening within this au, if that makes sense.
Please note that this is supposed to be a mariocest au! So, keep that in mind.
With that said here is the ideas for my Anti Magic au:
Magic is looked down and frowned upon in the Mushroom Kingdom. The only exception being power ups because these items occur and pop up naturally in the wild. It is viewed as being acceptable to use them in times of battle, but only in battle. However, even then those who are exceptional in their usage may get a bit of side eye glance or whispers about them because it's unnatural for a person to be so talented in their usage. As a result strict laws exist in their usage and cultivation.
Despite being the hero of the Mushroom Kingdom and being very well liked, some hushed underground whispers by some Toads may follow Mario behind his back about how is it possible a human not native to their world has such good control and grasp of these powers. The same scrutiny may follow Luigi, but not as intensely in this particular area as Mario, seeing as Mario is the one who has gone on the most ‘adventures.’
Due to Bowser and Koopas such as the Fire Bros ability to use fire, one of the magical abilities most looked down upon with distrust is wielding fire. And wouldn't you know it, the power up Mario most exceeds at is using the Fire Flower.
Another thing to note, one of the reasons magic is looked down upon with harsh laws surrounding its usage is also due to the animosity between the Mushroom Kingdom and the Darklands. As mentioned Bowser's ability to shoot fire from his mouth and his top ranking council of magikoopas being prime examples of the distrust of magic.
While some light magic may be acceptable such as the laws and rules that keep the universe in tact and in balance, again, unless a person is from the Star Realm (e.g. Rosalina, Star species, etc.) or a higher otherworldly authority, every kind of magic is forbidden from being used unless necessary in combat to defend the Mushroom Kingdom. And even then the only real acceptable magic to be used in these scenarios are power ups. A person who has natural magical abilities are discouraged from ever using their abilities due to magic's tricky, powerful and ever fluctuating state.
In terms of Princess Peach, while she wields some faint light and healing magic it is faint and strong enough to counter Bowser's dark magic as they are polar opposites. The Royal family line is expected to wield just enough magic to guarantee their lineage's survival and for the good of the Mushroom Kingdom as if Peach were to fall the MK could fall into havoc and disarray. As such, law decrees that the Royal family may only use their light healing magic on themselves for their own survival. The use of light and healing magic outside of this is forbidden no matter the circumstances. The safety of head of state and the royal family is top priority above all else. Because of this Peach is often counseled to stay behind where she will be safe when an attack or invasion occurs. This is why soldiers exist to to be on the front lines (Mario in particular and to an extent Luigi having unintentionally taken this role). If all else should fail, then the ruler will have no choice, but to fight and be the last line of defense.
Despite being a good fighter, caring about the safety of her people and their well being, Peach does not like having to sit back while others fight to protect her and her kingdom. But due to the council and laws of the Mushroom Kingdom being strict, unyielding and having more traditional ideaologies, she has no choice, but to head the words of her council. Despite being the ruler of the MK, Peach's words are not law and much must be debated and discussed between the royal council and herself. Thus, the council does have a lot of power and political influence.
After the events of Luigi's Mansion, both Luigi and Mario want to plant a garden of fire flowers. Luigi because he likes gardening and finds the task relaxing. Luigi has always found pleasure in the up keeping of the house, especially in times when Mario is away. It's his way of helping. In Mario's case, he finds the idea of a Fire Flower garden appealing because not only will it be beautiful, cared for his baby brother, but because this means having quick access to the power up he is most skillful at using. Mario has found he has a great affinity to fire. 
After his experience at the hands of King Boo, part of the reason Mario wants the garden is to feel safer. Luigi shares the same sentiments in wanting to feel more secure. Boos and ghosts cannot be physically fought and defeated, thus, they make for a challenging foe even for a skilled fighter like Mario. Fire flowers, while they cannot really damage Boos, they can stop them for a bit. It's not much, but it's something. A Super Star, light and the poltergust are the only real things that can stop Boos and ghosts.
Unfortunately, word quickly gets around until it reaches the ears at the Castle. Royal Toad guards arrive at the bros home and they ask the brothers to accompany them back to the castle as Toad neighbors watch in hushed whispers. Luigi quickly and bravely steps up asking if this is necessary right now seeing as Mario is still recuperating from the ordeal he suffered with King Boo, however, the guards quickly state both of their presence is required without delay. No exceptions. Resting a hand on his bro's shoulder Mario reassures Luigi he is feeling fine for a simple trip to the castle. As the brothers pass by them, 2 guards flanking them in front and behind them, they can hear the Toads whisper how it's odd for someone like Mario to be so fond of fire, especially fire magic. And even how Luigi does not seem bothered by the flowers heat and magical properties as those who even just get close to the flowers feel the sting of the simple heat emanating from the flowers. Those who use the fire flower have found it taxing on the body, though the adrenaline from combat may help to wield it somewhat, the heat from the power eventually becomes too much and a person is normally only able to be use the power for short periods of time before it takes its toll.
All the while, as the bros are walked through Toad Town up to the walls of the Princess’ castle, they can't help but feel as if they were being marched in a sort of show of exhibition - this is what happens when you do something you should not. Mario and Luigi can only silently look at each other as they feel an uncomfortable tension in the air, Toad eyes all around them with even more whispers as the MK's heroes are escorted, for what and why they aren't sure, but presumably for an audience with Peach. Seeing Luigi wriggling his hands together in anxiety and his own hands balled up in fists, Mario reaches his hand out for his baby brother at his side to take. Clasping their hands together, both brothers smile warmly at each other, hands entertwined as the whispers continue more intensely as ever.
Upon arriving at the Castle, the brothers are greeted with the sight of Princess Peach sitting on her throne, high atop the stairs. At the bottom, her royal council are seated along a semi long table. The guards that had escorted the bros excuse themselves, shutting the castle doors behind them, the echo of the door closing, sounding like a loud bang as the noise reverberated the high walls and ceiling around them.
“Hello, Mario, Luigi.” Peach states, “Thank you for coming on short notice and I apologize for the inconvenience. I know Mario is still recovering from King Boo's failed revenge” states the princess cordially, nodding at Mario. Mario simply shrugs, stating it was no big deal, even though he can't help, but think neither he or Luigi really weren't given much choice. Peach quickly explains the reason they were summoned - the fire flower garden is not allowed. Luigi quickly steps forward surprised, asking why. He afterall, like Mario really enjoyed creating and tending to it. She apologizes, saying the entire garden must be destroyed. The Mushroom Kingdom has strict laws on the use of magic and power ups, she explains. Once more Peach apologizes, seeing the expression on their faces, but it is law.
At this point, one of the council members, an older Toad, a strict expression and frown on his face, states if the brothers are to live in the Mushroom Kingdom, despite their past deeds and heroics they must adhere to the kingdoms laws and learn them. Ignorance and failure to comply will not be tolerated. Luigi quickly steps forward saying they were unaware and didn't mean to cause trouble. 
Seeing the way the brothers have their fingers tightly clasped together since their arrival; Adding on, the older Toad states that other laws in particular the bros should be aware of is anti incest laws. (Such relationships are heavily frowned upon, equally as taboo and illegal as back in Mario and Luigi's old home in Brooklyn). Upon, hearing this, Mario and Luigi quickly release their hands, not being able to help blushes of embarrassment darkening their faces. All Luigi can do is nervously nod, while Mario resists the urge to ball his fists in anger. Were they not even allowed any semblance of physical affection either? Mario and Luigi had always comforted each other through soft and gentle physical touches - hugs, holding hands, kisses to the cheek and temple, and most of all forehead touches.
Walking down from her throne, Peach puts a hand on both bros shoulders, much to the chargin of the council, saying that what happened is okay and not their fault. She should have explained all this to them from the start when they decided to move here from Brooklyn. Despite her kind words and reassuring smile, another council member speaks up reminding the brothers once again, that regardless, ignorance and failure to comply won't be tolerated. No one is exempt. It would do well to remember that. Bowing quickly, Luigi apologizes again and says they will remove the fire flower garden immediately. Mario stays silent all throughout, trying to keep his emotions in check. It was quite clear the position they were in as he looked straight at the strict and firm faces of the royal Toad council.
With that, Peach states this was all that needed to be discussed and walks the boys to the front doors, one hand on each of the brothers back, once more apologizing to them they had to come all the way to the castle for such an uncomfortable reason. Luigi smiles and tells her not to worry about it. He and Mario know she was unhappy with the situation as well, as another apologetic and sympathetic look crosses her face. The three say their farewells.
Once back inside the castle walls, the Toad council berate the princess for being so familiar with the two plumbers. Regardless, as their unofficial status as soldiers, she is a princess and customs must be followed. Next time, Mario and Luigi will be also be expected to learn and follow etiquette guidelines when meeting with and addressing the princess. Furthermore, the discussion of their roles in defending the MK need to be discussed and officially decided upon if they are to be so close to royal affairs. Peach can only inwardly sigh and shake her head at the strict regulations. She likes and trusted the brothers after everything that has happened since their sudden appearance in their world.
All throughout walking back to their small home, both Mario and Luigi are silent. Each processing what they were told at the summons. 
With everything that has happened since their arrival in the MK it feels like the brothers had hardly time to rest. They are still getting comfortable with their names and faces being known throughout the kingdom. It seems wherever they go, looks and whispers abound ever since both accidently fell through and became seperated via the green pipe that connected this world to their old home in Brooklyn. Furthermore, after Luigi's capture by Bowser and Mario's quest to find and save him and Bowser's subsequent defeat by them using the Superstar, it wasn't long before another skirmish with the Darklands’ king and new enemies (the Boos) occurred. 
Luigi can't help, but worriedly glance at his brother, who has yet to utter a single word, eyebrows narrowed. His brother tended to become silent when stressed, angered or overwhelmed. He wanted so much to hold his hand again, but refrained from doing so, the council's words still echoing in his mind, another blush threatening to cross his face. The thought of he and his big brother being something more… It was a ridiculous notion. Sure, they had always been close, even closer still after all that had happened living in the MK. And Luigi couldn't imagine not having his big brother by his side. Still, them together like that it was impossible, yet his traitorous heart beat faster at the thought.
Finally, arriving at the privacy of their home, Luigi quietly asks, ‘Mario are you okay?’ Mario who had been facing away from Luigi quickly turns, surprising Luigi with a sudden fierce hug. It only takes a second for the surprise to fade and Luigi instantly relaxes, nuzzling his face into the crook of Mario's neck, rubbing his hands up and down Mario's back in a comforting gesture.
“I don't care what those Council members said. They're not going to stop me from showing my love to you like I always have.” Heart dangerously racing once more at his big brother's words, Luigi tightens his grip on Mario. “But we'll get in trouble,” whispers Luigi. Gently pushing Luigi back to look him in the eye, hands on his shoulders, Mario speaks, “We're not doing anything wrong. We've always comforted each other this way. So, why should we stop because of some stuffy Toads and laws?” Now, moving his hands to gently rest on his brothers cheeks, Mario just as gently guides Luigi's head to his, foreheads touching, never taking his blue eyes off his baby brother's same colored eyes. “Being affectionate isn't illegal.” Luigi can't help but close his eyes and nuzzle a cheek to his brother's strong, but always so gentle and warm hands, a sigh of content at the physical contact and the pleasant warmth it always spreads throughout his being.
Opening his eyes again, Luigi can't help but want to be even closer with his brother, fully aware and conscious of how close their faces are, each word his brother had spoken, he could feel the warmth of his breaths over his own lips. However, pushing those feelings down and wishing he could stay like this for a while longer, the single focus of his big brother's loving gaze, Luigi addresses the problem at hand. “I think we still need to get rid of the fire flower garden.” With a click of his tongue, Mario finally releases his brothers face and turns around sighing. “You're right. It seems we can't avoid that,” states the older twin, running one hand through his hair. 
“I'm sorry, big brother. I really wanted to do something nice for you.” Quickly turning back around, Mario grabs Luigi's hands into his own. “I know and it isn't your fault.” Both of them had really thought that the idea Luigi had come up with for a fire flower garden, a beautiful sight of this world's natural wonder and emergency supply of power ups, had been a great idea. Thinking about how it was supposed to be cared for by him and not just to bring both of them a sense of security, but especially as a way to bring his big brother comfort after his capture at the hands of King Boo, Luigi's fingers squeeze Mario's hands in another show of apology and comfort. Mario can only smile sadly. The garden Luigi had tended to really was beautiful. Almost as beautiful as the field of wild fire flowers he witnessed when he had desperately sought to rescue the person he loved the most.
Despite the bros feeling a bit down trodden at the unexpected turn of events, they know there is no other choice, but to dismantle the garden. Luigi reassures Mario to rest and that he'll be the one to get rid of the Fire Flowers. “Are you sure?” Asks the other in a quiet tone. Nodding, Luigi simply states he wants his big brother to relax and rest. Mario needs to recuperate his strength after the traumatic experience of being trapped within a frame. Not to mention being the target yet again by powerful enemies who would love nothing more than to see them both, especially Mario, out of the way. Luigi will be okay with this task. With one last look into his twin's eyes, Mario places a soft kiss to his forehead, before retiring to their shared room.
Thus, knees down in the dirt, Luigi starts to rip out each fire flower from the ground, the heat they emit, even from the stems, engulfing his hands, yet never stinging or uncomfortably hot. As the green plumber places each one in a bucket of cool water he had brought and placed next to him to sadly extinguish their bright glow and power; Luigi is all too aware of the neighbor Toads eyes on him the entire time. Their whispers back, reaching his ears.
“It seems even the kingdom's hero got lectured for planting those fire flowers.” 
“Yeah, didn't they know it's not permitted?”
“It's odd both don't seem bothered or even suffer small blisters from being in contact with the flowers so much. It's not natural.”
“For being a coward, the younger brother doesn't seem to have any trepidation of using power ups either. I heard, both brothers found the prospect wielding their powers exciting.”
“Magic shouldn't come so easily. Even the royal family must practice and train from a young age to get a good grasp on its control.”
“An affinity for magic is a dangerous thing. I heard the younger brother like the older has his own affinities, but they seem more… problematic.”
With all these words, Luigi only sighs, now knowing why the neighbors had looked shocked to see him and Mario daring to cultivate these power ups. How could it be that in a lush world brimming with wondrous magic that people could only dream about back in their old world, could be talked about in such a hushed and taboo way?
With unease filling him, Luigi holds one fire flower close to his heart, part of him longing to at least be able to preserve one in secret and present it to his brother as a gift. It's what he had wanted with the garden after all - to console, to reassure, to show his love for his precious brother. The person he cared for most in the world, who deserved everything and more. But with eyes and whispers following them still, even now, Luigi knows it's a futile attempt. Word could reach back to the palace just like however it had already. It seems gestures of security and love through a simple garden would not be granted even to the supposed hailed heroes of the Mushroom Kingdoom.
So, with this au. The timeline of events up to this point are as follows:
- The Super Mario Bros Movie
- Another battle with Bowser soon following after the events of the movie.
- Mario has some skirmishes with the Boos resulting in King Boo wanting revenge on him.
- Luigi's Mansion.
- Mario and Luigi being summoned by the council and whispers of Toads throughout all this despite their heroics because of their apt usage in power ups.
I definitley, do have more ideas and do want to add a few other games following this timeline of events. Though, I need to polish these ideas and add more details.
I just really wanted to explore the potential of political drama, mistrust and fear of magic even with regards to the heroes, in this case Mario and Luigi. Plus we need more mariocest ;D Again the potential of drama and angst are too good.
Hope you guys liked this! Let me know what you think! :)
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