#another mask to wear (rp)
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lucasandlily · 4 months ago
Rui x Reader who is really affectionate, but can't touch him because of The Curse.
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A/N: I'm alive!! Rui my beautiful beautiful tragic boy. I've actually been having a lot of brainrot for this game, particularly an isekai AU that made me contemplate making RP blog (I love you guys btw. This is probably my first fandom where they're so active, I've been really well connected with this fandom somehow and it's so fun!!), so I figured I might as well be writing it down now. This is an idea I've had spinning in my head for a while, so it's VERY self-indulgent/insert, but enjoy!! AO3 link here
Rui's POV. Second-person pronoun "You" is used. Angst! But also fluff!! (825 words)
You’ve always been an affectionate little thing. It’s something Rui finds adorable about you, staying optimistic despite all that looms over you, not letting any of the ghouls he KNOWS can be more than a little much sometimes destroy your positive attitude. It’s as if you decided to be the light in a place that literally has dark in its name, and he lov admires you for that.
He can’t help but feel the bitter green of envy though, when he watches you ruffle Lyca’s hair after he whines at you for treating him like a dog. 
He pointedly turns away from the look Ed gives him over your head when you relax into his chest after he leans over your shoulder.  
He just laughs along at your drunken antics when you nuzzle into Haru’s hand, somehow even more touchy when your cheeks are flushed with alcohol. 
He tries not to remember the flash of hurt, confusion, the first time he’d backed away from your hand when all you wanted to do was give him a pat for a job well done. He doesn’t know if it hurt more when your face morphed into regretful understanding, or when you apologised and told him you’d try not to do it again. 
Rui tells himself it’s for the better when he notices you’ve been avoiding him for the past week. He’d have done the same to you anyway, if he realised his feelings were starting to fester. He tries to not let it get to him when he hears you enter the Obscuary mansion, only to quickly patter up the stairs without stopping by the bar first, as you would have done previously. 
Maybe before, he would have made it a little competition to see who could mess up the other’s hair more. He’d watched you run your fingers through Lyca’s after you’d tousled it out of place, anyway. Maybe in another life, you’d gently hold his face as you showered him with kisses. He’d do the same to you anyway, if he wasn’t forced to keep his hands to himself. 
If he didn’t notice you hold your hand back every time you saw his mask slip. If he didn’t see your hand stop short before pulling it back to tell him he had a bit of hair out of place. 
It’s all just part of the cursed life, he tells himself. He should be getting used to it by now, he sighs as he walks down the hall over to his room. 
Behind him, he hears the jingle of the bell you like to wear on your keychain. He turns at the sound of your quick steps approaching. 
“Rui! Ruiruiruiii!!” You call.
“Ah, there you are! Haha, I’m not going anywhere you know~ though I guess I don’t mind being chased?” He teases as you approach. 
You smile up at him brightly, “I have something to show you!” You tell him, he notices now that you have a hand behind your back. 
“Hm? Aw, did you get me a gift? And here I was thinking you were hiding from me!” He regrets the words the moment they leave his mouth. Your smile falters a bit as you blink at his confession. 
But before he can backtrack with a “Just kidding!” your smile lightens again, eyes filling with some sort of resolve as you pull out… a glove on a stick? in your other hand.
He doesn’t pull away when he feels the simulation of a hand on his head. He can’t, when you look into his eyes with such unmistakable fondness. The awkward, stilted movements as you try to run the imitation hand through his hair communicates how long you’ve wanted to do this, and the tears that well up in his eyes betray how much he’s needed it. 
He feels the cloth soak up the tears when you move the glove down to hold his face. It feels soft under his skin, and he can’t help but laugh at the absurdity of it all. 
“How long did it take you to make this?” He asks as you let him lace his fingers with your hand extension. He squeezes the plush hand, feeling the soft give before it reaches the stick inside, inspecting where the glove and stick are attached. 
“Um! A week? It took a bit of experimenting to get it to stay on… And they don’t really sell gloves on campus either.” 
Your eyes crinkle when you look at him, the corners of your lips pull up triumphantly when he lets go of the hand to let you pat his head again. 
“You deserve at least this much,” you tell him. “I know it’s not really the same or anything, but I don’t wanna leave you out, y’know?” 
“It was worth it though, if it made you happy.” You look into his eyes as you say this, and he can’t help but believe you.
Reblogs and Comments are appreciated! I love you (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠✧⁠*⁠。
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saphirafoxgirlspost1 · 2 years ago
(Open Rp) Danny Phantom: The Ultimate Enemy in “The Angel and the Devil”
It all Started, after the Explosion of the Nasty burger. Saphira’s Good friend Danny Lost his sister, his parents, his friends, and His teacher...She was in the Human Disguised..at the Funeral..She sees danny upset and heartbroken..She hugs him and tell him that she’s sorry for the loss as a comfort..but then week later, Saphira Visit Vlad masters home where danny is now living with him...She sees danny Being strapped on while asleep with a sleeping gas mask on it...She looked at him and she change into a Goddess form and said..
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Saph: “What happen to danny??” Vlad masters:” He..wasn’t so well..he’s in pain emotionally...now i have to tell you..I’ve decided to remove his ghost...I don’t want his burden to Dragged him down.” Saphira: *gasp*” Vlad Don’t!..His Ghost is pretty unstable and IT Will attack you..or worse...*Sighs* but if you insist..” Vlad: “Thank you my dear friend..” Saph:” But Be warned Vlad Masters, If you Proceed to remove his ghost..there’s going to be consequences...and trust me..you’re going to be shocked..”
She said as she began to leave the manor and began to Ride her horse Out of there...but Half way far...She hears the Screams Of dannys Ghosts as she gasp..and began to Ride off her horse In fear..She close her eyes..and sees him as she gasp..and said “Oh shit...we are serious trouble...I must leave and return in 10 years..” She began to ride off to the swamps right passed the amity park..She called valerie to keep an eye out on fentons home and she will return when 10 years is up...Then Saphira Disappeared into the Shadows...
10 years later..
The Night where Saphira returns to Amity park..Saphira Spotted the city Where it was Domed and Protect by the ghost shield..
her eyes:
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Part Of the cities Is turn into ruins...as she rides off quickly before “He” Finds her..as she made it to the city after she went through the Ghost shield..She Rides to fentons Home while wearing a Lovely White Angelic Cloak made of White fur and gold threads..She dismount her horse and began to go onto the Front Door and Knock on it and she said,”Valerie...valeria are you awake? I’m here..its me..Saphira..may i Come in?..” When the Door is opened and Valrie was suprised that saphira was still young and beautiful..So she lets her in..and she said to her” How’s everything for the past 10 years since i vanished? what happen to the city?” then..She told her that it was Horrible when that ghost destroys the part of the city and saphira realized he was looking for her and she said,” He’s been Looking for me...and he thought i was here..but i wasn’t..If he finds out i’m here..He’s going to break the ghost shields one way or another..” She was scared...But the next day..Valerie gave her the watch just to communicate with her..Saphira thanked her very much..but then During the day.She got called by Someone, She answers..and she saw darkness with two red eyes..She went pale...It was him..and he said With a calm and Seductive voice.....
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noirandchocolate · 6 months ago
I said I would do a headcanon post about Yiga Clan wedding ceremonies, so Here! I! Go! (If you're interested but missed it, here's a post about proposal headcanons.) Time for so many details and a very long post. Also, just at the outset, I wanna say that the other reason I've been thinking about this stuff recently (in addition to real world reason of me and my girlfriend getting engaged), is that my Kohga and Sooga just got married in an RP. So I'll be using examples from their wedding alongside others, in this post!
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It should come as a surprise to no one that Master Kohga officiates all weddings. If a Master Kohga is getting married, their Right Hand will do it. If the Master is marrying their Right Hand (which is on the rare side but hey, Kohga's Nana also did it!), another high-ranking member of the Clan will do it. For Nana Kohga's wedding, it was the most senior historian, who had been friends with her father. For the recent nuptials, it was current Kohga's former Right Hand/sort-of-pseudo-uncle and Sooga's mentor, the very respected elder Blademaster Chisao.
Weddings are held outside, in the circular area by the chasm, like many of the Clan's festivals are. They start in the late afternoon (for whatever season they're happening in), so that afterward, a big dinner feast can be held indoors before the party commences back outside (after some of the seating is removed to allow room for dancing, etc).
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The outdoor area is hung with lanterns as well as the strings of protective noisemaker talismans, and a tower is placed and hung with even more lights. This structure is reminiscent of those used for the Japanese Obon festival ("Creating a Champion" states that some design elements for Master Kohga and the Clan were inspired by Bon Odori dance!), but with Yiga flair. A similar decorative piece can be seen in the hideout in the games (see above left). It serves a couple of purposes. First, masks of the couple's ancestors are brought from the Complex's shrine and carefully hung around the sides of it. Second, that's where the band is placed!
That's an excellent segue to say that music also plays an important role in wedding ceremonies. An ensemble traditionally consisting of taiko (also seen in the above left image), shamisen, shakuhachi and shinobue plays background music throughout the ceremony, with specific cues/phrases/flourishes accompanying specific events. (It may be noted that a similar combination of instruments is used in kabuki theater; several elements of the Clan were also inspired by this art form.)
The marrying couple wears their very best clothes, of course, and polish up their masks for the big day! Formal attire is, again, similar to Japanese garments but not exactly (since the Sheikah and Yiga are Japanese-inspired but not...literally Japanese). A wedding is cause to wear long furisode-like sleeves and fancy-patterned haori, kimono, and hakama combos. Oftentimes, because these garments require fine fabrics that require a great effort for the Clan to create, parts of a person's wedding outfit are passed down through their family and re-tailored to them. The Clan does of course have a whole group of people who make clothes, and their training includes embroidery and silk-painting for just such special occasions! If you didn't think Kohga had a haori with Dinraal embroidered in gold thread on the back and phoenixes and Inverted Eyes painted in patterns all over it, you would be WRONG. He also wore his father's black wedding hakama! And Mama Hotaru's long and gorgeous wedding robe was black with a pattern of softly painted insects on it, in an homage to her family's naming tradition; it originally belonged to her own great-grandmother, who shared her name.
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The ceremony begins with the officiant welcoming the Clan on this happy occasion and declaring that the date is "AUSPICIOUS!" I plan to do a post about Hyrule's calendar and associated "astrology"-type beliefs but for now suffice it to say that one could come up with a way that almost any day is auspicious (since nobody would want to say someone's wedding day is cursed or something), but couples do very often try to schedule their weddings for particularly positive dates (as I said in the last post, they have to wait at least six months--it doesn't have to be exact).
The couple is then called to approach from either side of the area. They are each accompanied by two family members--usually parents if possible. If not, more extended family or in the absence of any family, friends can do it. For example, Kohga's the last of his family lines aside from distant-er cousins, and Sooga wasn't born in the Clan, so Chisao's children (who both men are close with) stepped in. These four people act as assistants to the couple in various parts of the ceremony! It may be noted, that on each side, there is a group of three.
Yiga wedding ceremonies, like so much else they do, are meant to reinforce not only the joining of two individuals but the bonds that join the whole Clan together. For that reason, they involve several call-and-response-type declarations that all present participate in, and many references to the Clan's history.
The officiant recites the following: "Our Clan was born of conflict. May you weather any in your path. / Our Clan as ever weeps the blood of our fallen ancestors. May their spirits raise you up. / Our Clan has turned betrayal on its head. May you remain ever true." The last of these lines is accompanied by a gesture toward the speaker's mask, evoking the symbolism of the Inverted Eye.
There are two major sections of the ceremony that each require an exchange of three things, between the couple. The first of these sets involves three liquids: saké, water, and blood. The couple's assistants will pour them dishes of saké, which they then exchange and drink, and then the same is done with water. The saké represents the time, patience, and effort that must be put into a marriage, as preparation of the drink surely requires such care. The water represents life and replenishment--and it's not just any water, but some taken from the especially healthful spring at Satori Mountain (which I've said previously, the Clan has strong ties to)!
(NOTE: For this and one other notable part that involves eating/drinking, the partners lift their masks only enough to imbibe.)
For the blood, the couple are each handed a special knife with which they cut their palms. Carefully--it isn't meant to be a super deep cut, just enough to produce drops of blood. The couple then hold out their hands toward each other, palm down so those droplets fall to the sand. Their assistants then wrap the cuts with red bandages. The symbolism is multi-fold: to show the joining of blood/family, the willingness to endure pain and hardship for each other, and, since the blood is dropped to the ground, the Clan's connection to the land and its energy.
(NOTE: PLEASE DO NOT take this headcanon as some suggestion that I think the Clan is some kind of ~weird blood cult~. I absolutely do not think that. The Clan was born of a bloody conflict/betrayal. They have not forgotten this, nor will they forsake the blood, both in terms of family and in terms of bloodshed, that ties them together. I thus think it's reasonable to headcanon that the concept and symbolism of blood--as well as actual physical blood--are present in some of their rituals/traditions. There's nothing creepy or evil about it. It is meant to be a meaningful, loving exchange and promise. Please please do not willfully misunderstand me. Thank youuuu~ <3)
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The second set of exchanges is of three gifts. This section of the ceremony begins with everyone present reciting the following together: "Our strength is in our edges. Our might in what we take. Our bond is what defines us. All three, our family make." Each of these three concepts is represented by the gifts, which are brought forward to the couple in succession by further family members or friends. (As in, someone brings the gift to the giver, who then offers it to the receiver.) For example, Sooga's helpers for this section were three of his most recent Blademaster trainees, who had all recently passed their tests!
"Strength" is represented by a weapon. The Yiga have always been willing to fight for their beliefs, and more importantly to protect themselves/one another. They have a strong culture of martial arts and weapons training. So, each member of the couple offers the other a weapon of some significance to them. The exchange is typically symbolic; if a woman gives her intended the vicious sickle she uses on missions as her Strength gift, the idea is that when she uses it going forward, it's in his honor. However, if a man gives his intended a meaningful family heirloom weapon that isn't in use anymore, the couple will continue keeping it among their belongings together. See? Kohga's father gave Hotaru his eightfold longblade, and she gave him a (carefully sheathed) poisoned dagger. Sooga gave the longblade Kohga first presented to him, at the ceremony when he became a Blademaster years before. The words of exchange for this gift are: "I give you this, my strength. / Will your strength defend my body? / I will protect you with all my strength. / Then this I accept."
"Might" is represented by, you guessed it, mighty bananas. A bunch is brought to each person, who selects one and peels and feeds it to their intended. I know we Earth gamers think the bananas are kinda funny, but to the Clan, they're quite the opposite. Food is serious business when you're a marginalized community considered wanted criminals by the outside world. For the purpose of a wedding, the exchange means the couple are promising to provide for one another as well as possible. (To clarify, the Clan is very highly communal about resources, but the thought here is that one party would go without to allow the other to eat if necessary, and that regardless both will do their part within the Clan as a whole, etc.) It's not even just about food; it symbolizes caretaking in general. The words of exchange for this gift are: "I give you this, my might. / Will your might nourish my soul? / I will care for your with all my might. / Then this I accept."
"Bond" is the most personalized of the three, and the associated gift is something that represents the individual giver! It may be an item they crafted, or something else that shows off one of their skills or interests. The idea is that the giver is offering themself to the receiver--something that makes them, them! There are so many possibilities, too, as the gift may be an object to keep, or something more abstract or ephemeral. For example, a member who makes clothing for the Clan might weave a garment or blanket for their intended. A cook might offer his partner her favorite food, prepared fresh right before the ceremony, to eat a few bites of on the spot. Hotaru's Bond was her music, in the form of a shamisen song she composed. Her son followed in her footsteps and went a step further, with a poem too! The words of exchange for this gift are: "I give you this, my bond. / Will your bond shelter my heart? / I will hold your heart in mine forevermore. / Then this I accept."
Following this exchange, the couple recites: "We grow in strength. We grow in might. Our bond is unbreakable. All three we pledge, that we will grow in love."
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If the Master is a party to the ceremony, there's an additional section here. The other partner says, "I vow to serve you with my body, soul, and heart, and to follow where you lead forevermore." Then the Master says, "I vow to keep you with my body, soul, and heart, and to lead you ever with your joy in mind." And finally, they say in unison, "You are my guiding star, from now into eternity."
The final bit is a general vow recited together, as follows: I am with you through your joys and all your trials. I am with you by your side or over miles. I hold you as the sky holds sun and stars. Where my heart is, ever there you are. I pledge my life to you and to our Clan. To the future and our master plan. We join our souls together with our kin. Together may we all life's battles win!
AND THEN! As the couple JOINS HANDS for the first time as SPOUSES! The ENTIRE ASSEMBLY! Shouts with ALL THEIR MIGHT: "Glory to Master Kohga! Glory to the Yiga Clan! Long days and nights to the love of [name] and [name]!"
Well then it's feast time!
And then it's party time! Bring on the bonfires and bananas and saké and music and chatter and dancing and--
Speaking of which, during the after-party, the newly-married couple will start off the dancing by performing one together while holding on to a red silk cord between them. Symbolizing, again, the joining of their souls and fates, and also the need to work together carefully in walking the path of life.
Additionally, as I have brought up several times in previous headcanon posts of mine, following the wedding ceremony, couples are now considered family and can see each other's true, un-magicdisguised, -masked, or -veiled faces. This is a big deal! (I do find it quite romantic, that partners court each other without knowing for sure what the other looks like. As I have said before, if both grew up in the Clan they will likely recall things like hair and eye color, but Yiga start wearing veils around everyone but their close family quite young and get their masks at the start of the year they are to turn eleven. So, what your partner's face looks like as an adult, or at all if you've truly never seen/paid attention to them before...well, it's something to anticipate!) Couples are given leave from work to go have a brief honeymoon away from the Complex if they wish, to go unmask each other and spend some good time together. A traditional place to do this is Satori Mountain, since most other people keep away from it anyway. <3 <3 Those who don't want to leave, get to stay in a sleeping room set aside just for this private purpose, instead!
Final Notes
Just wanted to point out, if it wasn't obvious, the threes in the ceremony. Three people on each side of the rituals, three liquids, three gifts. While the Yiga's particular wedding traditions have grown and changed from Ancient Sheikah customs over the millennia, to the point where Yiga marriage ceremonies have only a little in common with the older ones (and are quite different from contemporary Kakariko Sheikah ways), one small detail is the presence of threes. I headcanon that the Ancient Sheikah often utilized the number three in their various rituals and customs, to reference the Triforce, the three Golden Goddesses, the three major Springs across the land where Hylia is worshipped and their three attendant dragon spirits, etc. Some Yiga traditions also involve threes, despite that they've renounced their service to Hylia and to any deity in general. After all, even apart from that, three is an auspicious and satisfying number.
Master Kohga loves officiating weddings, it's one of his favorite parts of being Master Kohga. <3 It just delights him to his core, to see two of his fellow Clan members in love and getting together, and he really helps everyone make it a special day. (Weddings are an occasion when he's most likely to join the band for the party, twanging away on his shamisen...or two. He can make a double of himself. And use it to play duets! How fitting!) He's done the ceremony so many times over the course of his (so far) twenty-five years as Master, that he knows all the words by heart.
Which are more, for the officiant to say, than I've written out here. There's more that accompanies each exchange, for example. But this post was already six million miles long. So I'm going to end it now.
Thank you for taking the time to read! Hope you enjoyed!
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new-moon-over-septarsis · 2 years ago
@festivefraud (repost cos I forgot to tag lol)
"Uh oh."
Toffee rushed over to catch the bowl, but Festivia had managed to keep it from spilling. He laughed bashfully.
"My apologies. I'd lost track of time and actually thought I was running late, but it seems I'm here too early. So, what kind of pie will it be today?"
Shortcuts lead to bad habits, an turn of phrase Festivia was entirely aware of and knew to be at least a little true. She tried to keep them to a minimum. But she hadn't seen her father in ages, and she just wanted to be able to surprise him. So what she was a little short on time, and while doing it wandless was a little trickier she used magic to make pies for parties enough times that she should've had it down to a science!
...Should have.
However, she might have loss track of time with how focused she was, and the call snapped her out of the zone she was in so she spun around first towards the sound, and then quickly again to catch the bowl of berries before they could smash and spill over the floor.
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"Er, surprise...?"
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morningstarscratch · 6 months ago
Asa arrives at Lux Nightclub with 15 minutes to starting. It’s already quite busy, though it’s not even 10:00 PM and a Tuesday. She heads for the bar, figuring that’s the best place to find out what her first day will entail.
She heard a bit from Mr. Morningstar but, in her experience, it’s always good to speak to the floor chef before doing anything that could involve them. She’s supposed to be meeting Eliza for training and briefing on the general rules of the place but Asa can’t find anyone by that name.
Frustrated she simply takes a stand behind the bar and starts familiarizing herself with its layout. She will not be fired because of someone not showing up.
( @the-multiversal-shrink )
(OoC. Sorry if it’s a bit bland for a starter, I’m still not the most familiar with bartending or rps tbh)
A woman wearing a white mask covering half her face descends the staircase leading to the elevator. She's followed by another woman with short, curly black hair. The two quickly find their way behind the bar with asa.
The masked woman speaks first. "We are sorry for the delay, I am mazikeen. This is Eliza," she motions to the curly haired woman. "You are the new hire I presume? I will leave you two to your introduction." Mazikeen disappears off back up the stairs.
Eliza speaks once mazikeen is gone. "Hi! You're asa I guess, you're Danny's replacement. Boss man explained everything."
((ooc: ur fine! I don't know anything about bartending either 😅))
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pacifica-elise-northwest · 2 months ago
okay so.
Let's not force me into a make over.
HOWEVER. Do you have any uh.
Tips to not terrify or put off people on sight?
"Ugh...fine. Lets start off with your looks. So, Tip is, is to look friendly and approachable! First off..how old are your clothes?-"
She squints her eyes
"Hmm..hold on just give me a sec."
Pacifica observes up and down nodding her head
"Okay. We could get you the same exact outfit that your wearing now, only brand new and better quality. Also, do you like jewerly or anything? Cause a cute little crown would fit you. Another tip is try to smell good..? Get a perfume that can mask that smell."
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AITA for not telling a player why I'm dropping them from my table?
I am running a D&D game, and it has been going on for a few months. It was intended to be a short game an we only have a few weeks left. When I invited everyone to the game, it was with that knowledge, and with the pre-requisite that they are an experienced player. I established what kind of game it would be from the start.
This guy, Quinn (not irl name) said he met the requests and was excited to play. As we began, it became apparent he was incredibly inexperienced with D&D (not knowing what a proficiency bonus is, not understanding action vs bonus action, etc). All of the players and I were patient with him, and this wasn't a problem. But we did have to shorten goals in the game because he slowed down combat drastically. We were still on a set timeline. My only issue with this was that he lied to me from the beginning.
Many other things were red flags: him getting upset when players couldn't make a session (giving notice), but him showing up late to every session. Dominating rp and not being interested when it wasn't about him, not really listening to me as a DM (I am femme presenting), but listening to my partner (m) who I'm co-running the game with. We had tried to talk to him about issues in the past, and he was receptive and gently corrected his behavior.
Before this recent session, the players made a wild turn and we are rolling with it. But, due to this sudden change, another player asked if we could come back to those side adventures as a 2-3 shot later. I agreed. But Quinn then pushed for us extending the game as a whole. I was very firm that we were ending on the 10th, to respect other people's time. Later, a player had covid exposure, but ended up being negative after 5 days and tests, but I requested everyone wear masks anyway because we had all recently had more warnings of exposure. Everyone else preferred this, except him, who outright refused, and I told him he could call in instead and we'd set up a camera.
These last few things rubbed me the wrong way, so I asked all the other players privately how they were feeling, without goading them by expressing my gripes. It didn't want to start a hate train, only see where evryone was at. I was already of the mind that I would not have him back at my table after these sessions, but would finish out the game with him.
When my players reported back, I found out that Quinn had made the only female player feel incredibly uncomfortable, reaching out to her privately, relentlessly attempting to flirt with her character (which as always shut down by me or even another player). Additionally another player got back to me saying they were very uncomfortable because Quinn had been pressuring them to hang out outside of the game, and not taking "no" for an answer. Various other things were brought to my attention, but those two responses were what made me decide to remove him then and there.
I never spoke to the other players about what each of them had said, so some people were confused because, while they didn't like him much, they thought removing him was sudden.
Quinn blew up in a chat with me and the co-DM, demanding a reason. He messaged me privately with some aggressive claims that he deleted soon after. We called him that night to talk, and told him we'd offer his information to the other players should they want to reach out as friends. I only listened in on the phone call due to the agression in his messages to me.
On the phone, my partner simply explained to him he wass no longer a good fit, and we are doing what is best for our table and players. Quinn berated him for more information, targeting the content of his character and skills as a DM in order to get a reaction, but my partner just told him, "responses were kept private. I will not divulge any more information, but we will no longer have you at our able moving forward."
Quinn's behavior during the call only solidified that this was the right choice (saying we have god complexes, are alcoholics because we got drunk during one game, announcing he'd slander us to the community at the local game shop, reminding that he knows where we work as a veiled threat).
The thing Quinn kept pressing for was asking how he can correct his behavior if he doesn’t know what he did. But we refused to tell him because it would directly out some of our players, who we promised anonymity.
I know I'm not wrong for booting him from the table, but AITA for not explaining why so that Quinn can correct his behavior?
What are these acronyms?
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beagleboysinc · 5 months ago
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Made a new oc and I am thoroughly enamored :-)
Meet Atlas (they/them) my minecraft oc, for rp with friends! Based on the golden parrot from Dungeons, and the avian origin from the origins mod!
[Image Descriptions: Numerous drawings of the same character, Atlas, an anthro macaw avian wearing a bandana over their lower face, a short cloak with a hood, multiple belts, and shorts. They have 'hair' of one big feather in the back of their head.
The images are from one sketchbook spread, drawn in yellows and greens. There is a fullbody of them, one hand on their cane and one up, like they are speaking.
There are four different headshot drawings, varying with the hood of their cloak up and bandana mask down. There's one of them walking, showing their backwards knees, and one with them holding a satchel across their chest. One drawing features them sitting in a simple style looking blankly.
There are three different doodles of their hands, where they instead of a pinkie, have another thumb to mimic zygodactyl bird feet. There are drawings of the bsck and palm of the hand, and one holding a staff. End ID]
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musical-chan · 8 months ago
You Make Sure I Always See The Daylight
A Legend of Zelda AU gift fic for @lunarisdeus
(Lunaris Deus, I hope you enjoy this fic! I tried very hard to write a Fierce Deity that is like yours. It's not meant to be canon to your RP experiences or anything but I tried my hardest to make the characters like something that would fit into your personal AU. From one FD enjoyer to another, it was a pleasure and an honour to write him for you.)
This is but a fragment of what the Fierce Deity can be, a moment in time amongst many. For a being older than the stars and born of the void, there are many possibilities to be seen.
Link was conflicted. 
For as long as he'd been the Hero of Time, he had known that it was his duty, his calling, to help people. He had used whatever he could to do that, any item or magical ability he could obtain. The Master Sword, the spells from the Great Fairies, the masks. The ocarina. He used them and he learned to fight and he had saved everyone twice before he was even twelve years old, then he wandered into the wilds of Hyrule to save people some more. 
He turned the Fierce Deity mask over and over in his long fingers.
He was older now, more than twice as old as he was back then.  He had used the mask as a child and had enjoyed the power and abilities it gave him.  But as he got older, more wary, something about it had given him pause.  It made him uncomfortable with the vague whispers and feelings he sensed while wearing it and so he had packed it away, put it somewhere safe, decided to fight on his own and be the hero he should be. 
The voice had whispered to him regardless.
Now he held the mask again, cradled it in his long fingers much the way he had with the ocarina of time. It whispered, sang, murmured of the battles they could fight and the foes they would defeat together. He closed his eyes, clenched the wood tightly in his hands and tried not to remember the feeling of being tall and strong and powerful. Of commanding the power of the Goddesses.  Of enemies fleeing before him at a mere glance. 
He couldn't stop himself from those thoughts. 
He didn't want to. 
Link stood suddenly, kicking at the chest he had dug up, and shoved the mask into his bag without a second thought. He was no longer a child. He could handle the power, the vague sense of ancient hunger that lingered around the mask.  In some ways, the hunger matched his own.  He would use it and help people and it would be fine. Because he was the Hero and that's what heroes did. 
The whispers were louder with every use of the mask. Before, they had never sounded much like words but rather the gentle susurrus of voices in the wind or the sound that speaks your name the moment before you fall asleep.  Now, he could hear words, a bit of praise for a well done strike or a disappointed mutter when he failed to get a killing blow. Before he had used the power all on his own but he could swear it was trying to guide him now, to help him become better than he was.
He listened to it. 
And those moments when he was a god, when he held the Goddesses' power in his hands, were when he felt the most alive. He could protect Hyrule like this. He could be the hero he had been with Ganondorf, though no one alive but him remembered that it ever happened.  He could be strong and powerful. He didn't need the Master Sword anymore!
Zelda was worried about him but he didn't think much of her opinions these days anyway. She had sent him back in time, to him losing Navi and falling into Termina and the only one who actually got their childhood back was her. He tried to tell her about the mask many years ago and she didn't listen.  Maybe she thought it was a toy, a bit of imagination. Maybe she didn't understand the concept of a devouring hunger in an ancient power that he pulled over himself like a shield against the world. Maybe he hadn't understood it either but they were children. How could they? And now, now that he was using it again and people were talking? Now she was interested. Now she wanted to know.
"Zelda, why do you care what I use to defend the Kingdom?"  It had been months since he dug it back up, since he began using it again. Only now did the princess summon him to the castle, a call he had been trying to avoid but could no longer do so.
"I've seen reports, Link. About some terrifying, white-eyed man decimating moblins and camps of bandits."
"Well gee Zelda, that doesn't sound at all like me. Why do you assume it's me?" 
"You told me about the mask, when we were kids." 
Ah, so she had been paying attention after all. Link was stoney-faced as he stared at the woman. She waited, hoping he would have more to add but when the silence stretched on into the realm of the uncomfortable, Zelda continued, her lips pursed in agitation. 
"Why are you using something so dangerous?" 
"It's not dangerous."
"Link, it's an unknown item that apparently has the power of some dark god inside it." 
"It's the power of the Goddesses." 
"And who told you that? How can you know?"  The man was mute once again and Zelda pinched the bridge of her nose.  "May I see it?" 
He wanted to say no. He didn't want the mask out of his possession for one moment but he knew she would grow more suspicious if he clung to it too tightly, was too jealous.  So he handed it to her, as casually as he could, and watched with careful eyes as she turned it over in her hands.
"There is so much power in this, Link.  It feels…"
"I am not ignorant of the power in things, Princess."  His voice was cooly formal, indifferent and yet annoyed that she thought he went into this unknowing.  Of course he knew.  He was the Hero of Time, wasn't he?  "I choose to use it.  I control it."
Didn't he?
"I'm not sure it's a good idea, that's all.  What if it takes over? What if you lose control of it?"
"Then you'll just have to kill me, won't you?"  He said it so casually, laughter in his voice; the most ridiculous idea to ever be thought, wasn't it? Of course he wouldn't lose control.  Of course she wouldn't have to kill him.  None of those things would ever happen.
With nervous laughter, Zelda handed the mask back to the blond-haired man and he casually, specifically with no hurry at all, put it back in his bags with everything else he had collected over the years.  He carried all his things upon him, as he didn't have much and never needed a lot to begin with.  It was enough and the mask made it easier.  For a moment, he just stood, waiting for her to dismiss him but the princess said nothing, staring at him with wide, watery eyes.
"Link…what happened?  Why is it like this between us?"
"I don't know what you mean."
"When we were children, you would come to me.  I gave you…I gave you the ocarina to help you along your way but when you returned later you were different.  What happened?  You could have stayed here, in Castle Town.  Or wherever. You could have stayed but you kept leaving.  Why?"
He couldn't think of a way to answer without baring his heart, his entire existence before her.  He had worked so hard to save her from Ganondorf. He had done every temple and killed every boss and had fought atop the tallest tower to free her from her crystal prison.  Of course, she hadn't been trapped the entire time, had she? She had been Sheik, enigmatic and helpful, the mysterious man that had given him all those songs and guided Link on the right path.  Even that had been a lie though.  Sheik had been Zelda and then he had saved her and she…
She threw him away.
Sent him back to a childhood he no longer fit into.  Pushed him away from the victory he had fought so hard to obtain.  Forced to deal with her younger self and try to save them all from Ganondorf anyway.
That's what had happened to them.  She had cast him off and wondered why he couldn't stand to be around her once his duty to the kingdom was done.  He knew that this girl, this woman, was not the one who had done that but he couldn't forget it.
"Nothing, Zelda. We grew up.  That's all."  And he turned to go, not waiting for her to dismiss him, not wanting to see the look on her face.  He turned and he walked away and no one stopped him as he left the castle, maybe for the last time or maybe not.  He didn't know.  He wasn't sure he would come back if she summoned him again.
That night, around a lonely fire in a quiet forest, he sighed, reconsidering what happened.  He had been so melancholy recently;  certainly he didn't want to alienate the princess.  Maybe he was just lonely; he had never had a chance to form any real connections in Hyrule after he came back from Termina. It had just felt awkward.  Why make friends and find a place to settle down if you're just going to get dragged away from it all over and over again?  Maybe he should have stayed in Termina instead.  Maybe he should have trusted that the three days would be over and he could have become friends with any of the people he had helped.  Maybe he should go back to Zelda and–
"My, you certainly are in a mood tonight."
Link jumped to his feet, startled by the voice.  He could see nothing, had heard no one walk up.  He had excellent hearing and was always ready when something came crunching through the dead leaves or the whispering grass.  He could always hear something and there was nothing. No one. Just a voice.  A voice that laughed suddenly, deep and powerful and somehow musical at the same time.
Goddesses, but he hadn't played music in such a long time.
But there was no one here! No one at all.  His reflexes and instincts were not that bad to completely miss something in the empty clearing and the voice had been so close. It sounded like it had been coming from…his bag.  Tentatively, he stepped towards it, reached out a hand slowly. Nothing spoke, nothing moved.  He reached down and flipped the bag open.  The mask stared at him from the depths, somehow in stark contrast despite the shadows.  The empty eyes gazed at him and he looked back.   It was still just a mask.  It didn't move, didn't speak. Just a mask.
"Certainly, you know that is not true."
Link jerked his gaze up.  Just beyond his firelight stood something, someone, a figure that was both brilliant and shadows all at the same time.  Was it solid?  Was it a ghost?  It was tall, taller than he, but Link could make out no detail.
"Who are you? What are you doing here? I'm armed!"
"Of course you are.  Though I believe you consider me part of that."  The figure stepped forward and Link took a single, shocked step back.  It was the face on the mask, given form, though perhaps not as solid as it could be.   White haired, white eyes, blue and red marks on his face.  The silver armor shone in the firelight, reflecting back into Link's eyes and he squinted.  It was his hat, his tunic, his face on the Deity and his mind tumbled into confused thoughts.  He had never seen the Fierce Deity face to face, had only ever been the god while fighting.  The size and power that was presented was awe inspiring and Link had a moment of bitter jealousy;  would that he could be like that, instead of just the Hero of Time.  Forgotten, unwanted, no longer needed now that the Kingdom was safe.
"How?"  Words failed Link momentarily as he stared up into the deity's eyes.  "How are you…"
"I can make myself known, when I wish."
"Such language for a Hero of Hyrule."
"If you could show yourself, why didn't you do it before!?"
"Ah, well, perhaps that is more complicated.  When you first obtained the mask, you were merely a child.  Perhaps it wasn't the right time.  And then you stowed me away so I continued to sit quietly in my prison until someone picked me up.  Turns out it was you once again.  You're quite a bit older than the last time."
The whispers, the feelings from wearing the mask. They all started to come together in Link's mind as he stared mutely at the tall man in front of him.  Slowly he reached down and pulled out the mask, looking between it and the deity.  The god grew more solid looking by the minute.  "Why are you here now?"
"It seemed like you could use the company."
"Company is the last thing I want or need."
"Ah, now, I don't believe that for a minute."
"What do you know? You're just a mask!"
The Fierce Deity laughed long and loud and Link's skin twitched with the sound, the power that rolled off the being in front of him.  He knew why the deity laughed.  He knew very well that the mask was more than just a mask, much more than any of the others he had gotten in Termina. Only Majora's mask had felt even remotely similar.  This was an ancient power, part Goddess divine and part something else.  He was honestly surprised Zelda hadn't been more worried about it when she held it in her hands.
"Ah, yes. Well, the Princess didn't have to know what I didn't want her to know."
"Will you stop that!?"
"Perhaps if you didn't think quite so loud, I wouldn't hear it so well."
With an annoyed sigh, Link dropped down onto the ground again, still holding the mask in his hands.  It shouldn't surprise him that the being he had worn so blithely could hear his every thought but it felt like an invasion of his privacy in a way that also felt very hypocritical.  After all, wasn't he the one invading the deity's privacy?  But he had never really thought of it as its own person before, had he?  Just a power that he could hold and use.  "Okay, so."
"Hmm?"  The Deity was laughing at him with his eyes, a startling occurrence.  Link had never considered what was in the blank whiteness before. Blank was exactly what they weren't.
"So, what are you? What should I call you?  Are…are you trapped? Should I get you out?"
"While admirable, you are completely unable to free me and nor should you try.  You may call me whatever you wish.  And you know what I am."
"Not particularly, no! Just…a god. A power."
"That's close enough to the truth for the rest not to matter."
"Okay, well.  Are you going to just hang around me like this forever now?  How solid are you?  Is it going to be weird when I have to wear the mask?"
"You worry too much, Link.  Nothing has changed except I have shown myself to you now."
"Great, well."  Suddenly Link was exhausted and he shoved the mask back into his bag, frowning into the fire.  "Right, I'm going to bed then."
"No more questions? No more indignant muttering?"
"Well I'm not getting rid of the mask so I guess there will be plenty of time for that later."  And with that, the Hero of Time turned over, facing away from the apparition, and closed his eyes, ears twitching with the night sounds around him.  He didn't know what happened to the Deity, never turned to check, but he supposed the god must have faded into invisibility once again and when his eyes finally closed, he knew nothing more until morning. 
They became regular occurrences, the visits from the Fierce Deity. Sometimes around the fire, sometimes riding through a forest from one distant place to another. And still Link used the mask, killed bandits and monsters alike, doling out justice like it was his job. Maybe it was. He was the Hero after all.  The Deity no longer whispered to him but engaged in casual conversation mixed in with anecdotes of battles long past. It was fascinating…and useful.  He began to think of using the mask less as an item and more as a partnership. 
Link also began to look forward to his talks with Fierce, as he started to call him.  He still wasn't sure what to make of the god but at least he was companionship.  It was always a little unsettling being stared at by those eyes but sometimes he forgot as the two chatted around the fire at night.  He talked about his life, the heroing he had done as a child, the lack of belonging anywhere. Fierce spoke briefly of his role under the Goddesses, of being an instrument of divine justice for the universe. It was hard to tell but Link thought that perhaps the god was not entirely happy with the role he had been given. He understood that though; destiny had not been kind to the ten year old he had been back then. It felt like they had something in common and the hero felt a deeper companionship. Friendship almost. 
"What was it between you and Majora, anyway?" Link poked at the embers of the fire as he and Fierce sat together. The god seemed very solid at times like this. 
"Why does it matter?" 
"It doesn't. I was just a kid when it happened and was curious."
"I would not be able to explain in a way that makes sense to mortals. Perhaps it's best to say that the Goddesses wish him gone and it was my job to take care of that."
"Well, I guess we did manage to do that, right?" 
"To part of him, yes." 
Link stared into the flames, considering the words and what they might mean.  Fierce always did say incomprehensible things like that. He didn't doubt the god anymore but he also knew there were things that were never going to be explained. 
Days later, Link was walking to a town and thinking about the things Fierce almost, but not quite, told him. Someday he'd ask him for real what was going on, try to understand exactly what he was putting on his face to fight evil with.  Someday he wouldn't be afraid of the answers. Or be afraid of what the mask might be doing to him.  Someday… 
It was his own fault, he supposed. His fault that he wasn't paying attention, that his bag was on Epona's saddle, that he had stopped carrying his regular sword within easy reach. He didn't hear anyone approaching him or see them before it was too late to stop someone from grabbing him.
An immediate scuffle. Thrashing out at anyone he could reach, Link grabbed at an arm and swung the body it was attached to around as hard as he could. Gasps and shouts sounded loud in his ears and something hard slammed into his head. He staggered forward, lights flashing in front of his eyes as something cold and sharp punctured his side. He stumbled and hands reached for him again as he resisted the urge to curl around the bleeding wound.
Yes, he was injured and surrounded but it would take more than that to bring him down. 
With a wild yell, Link yanked out the dagger embedded in his side and slashed it at a masked man in front of him. Though his vision swam, he could make out dark clothes and hidden faces. They weren't monsters then and they didn't want him knowing who they were.  Perhaps a planned assault on him specifically.  He fought with the rage of an injured animal, spinning to attack another masked opponent. Another kicked him in the back of the knees and he bit back a cry of pain. A fist connected with his cheek and he dodged backwards to lessen the blow but the attacks were coming too close, too fast to avoid everything.  If he could just get to his things… Something large and solid slammed into his head from behind, a tree branch perhaps, and he fell forward, coughing out blood. Someone grabbed his hair and yanked him backwards and up, holding a blade to his neck as another person kicked his stolen dagger out of his hand. 
"If you know what's good for you, you'll stop struggling."
"Never have, really."  Twisting suddenly, Link slammed his head into his masked opponent.  He took a shallow slash to the back of his neck and quite a few strands of his hair were ripped out but it was good enough to duck out of the hands of the man holding him.  It didn't, unfortunately, keep him from being kicked in the wounded side from another attacker and he staggered again.  Outnumbered and surprised, this wasn't good news for him.  Where was his bag? Where was Epona?  The ringing in his ears from repeated hits to the head made it hard to hear and his vision was blurry as another set of hands grabbed hold of him, then spun him and threw him hard into a tree.
Rubbing his mouth with the back of his hand, Link stared outwards at the bandits or whatever they were attacking him.  How many were there?  He was having trouble focusing.  An arrow flew at him from a direction he couldn't place and embedded in his left shoulder; the strangled gurgle that escaped his lips was impossible to hold back.  He put his hand up to the shaft, blue eyes narrowed at his opponents.  Someone had Epona's reins and he could hear her neighing in panic.  They weren't going to hurt Epona, were they? Like hell he'd let them do that!  Yanking the arrow out of his shoulder with a cry of pain, he rushed towards the nearest masked opponent before they realised what he was doing.  He managed to slash it across their face, ripping a large rent into the fabric of the cloth mask and drawing blood on the man's skin, before taking a dagger in the back of his right shoulder from one of the others.  Then another thick tree branch slammed into him from the other side. Bleeding from several places now, he finally fell to his knees and did not get back up. If only had had his sword. If only he had the mask. 
If only… 
Someone stomped on his hand and he could hear something snap inside his skin as he screamed. His ears twitched as voices spoke above his head, someone yelling that they were not to kill, not to hurt him badly. Derisive laughter above his head mocked the first voice as a boot slammed into his head and he crashed into the ground, darkness engulfing him at last. 
When Link came to, he was in a ruined shack somewhere.  The sounds of murmurs and the crackle of a fire told him where his attackers were but his face was pressed into the dirt and his arms were tied behind his back so he had no real way of confirming aside from the tiny patch of earth he could see.  His legs too were bound and he contemplated how much more thorough these bandits were compared to the Gerudo who captured him all those years ago.
He was not in good shape and he knew it.  His attackers hadn't really tried to heal him and even in this strange position he was in, he could tell he was woozy from blood loss.  His head ached and his left fingers were strangely numb.  Was there a fairy nearby that he could get to for healing?  He didn't know. He wasn't sure he'd make it that far.  Where was Epona? And his stuff?  He shuffled a little then groaned in pain. At least one of those hits did something not very nice to his ribs and it hurt to breathe in too much.  With a sigh that pushed a small cloud of dust into his face, he slumped and closed his eyes, wondering what their plans for him were.
"You're not looking too good."
Link's eyes opened and he saw Fierce's boots in front of him.  "I'm not good, thanks for asking."
The god's hands reached down and, feeling more solid than they had any right to do, gently moved Link onto his side.  He winced again as several of his injuries protested the move but it did at least feel better not laying on his nose.  "You need medical help."
"Yeah." Link laughed a little, then coughed painfully.  "Yeah, probably. Doubt they're going to get me a fairy or anything though.  I think they want me alive but not healthy enough to escape."
One of the men, no longer wearing a mask, walked by the door and stopped in front of it, peering in. Link closed his eyes quickly but no one called the alarm at the sight of the white-haired, over seven-foot tall god that was in the small building with him.  When he opened his eyes again, Fierce was sitting next to him and the man was gone.  "That was weird."
"Not many can see me.  Unless someone is wearing the Mask."
"I don't suppose you can knock them out or anything either, huh?"
"It would be difficult."
"Ah well, worth a shot."  The pair fell silent again and Link glanced out the door.  He thought he could see his bag out by the fire, next to one of his kidnappers.  If he strained his ears, he was sure he could hear Epona making annoyed noises so at least she was all right.  He wasn't even sure what they wanted from him.  For a moment, he just let himself slump wearily on the ground. There were dark reddish-brown patches where he had been laying just a moment before and he had a sinking suspicion it was his blood.  Had he been hurt too much?  Would the bandits know if he was bleeding out slowly?  His eyes drifted shut while he concentrated on breathing without pain for a few moments; it was not successful.
"You need help."
"I'll be back to help you. Just be patient."
He muttered something that might have been yes but didn't open his eyes again.  As he lay on the ground, he could hear the men outside talking amongst themselves, complaining about the fight and arguing over what percentage of the fee they all deserved.  It almost felt like a dream as one of the men began arguing adamantly.
"Well, I think we deserve more than what we were promised after that fight!  He slashed my face up real good with that arrow! How'd he pull that out of his shoulder anyway!?  What the hell is he made of?"
"I dunno, but I'm not touchin' him until we absolutely have to."
A third voice laughed.  "If you'd brought more people like they suggested, it wouldn't have been that hard."
The second voice sounded petulant in response.  "It's one man!  Six should have been enough! The more we bring, the lower our share each!  Maybe he has something we could take.  Rupees or something."  There were sounds of rustling material and Link could imagine one of them pulling his bag over and opening it.  A sluggish part of his brain wondered if that was a good idea.  He had things in there he didn't want people to find.  Important things.  Powerful things.
"Hey, we're not supposed to be manhandling his things."  The third voice sounded worried.  "Did you guys not listen at all to what they said?"
"Pfffft, what they don't know won't hurt them."  There were more sounds; the faint rustling of the bag being moved, the clink of items being knocked into each other.  "Wow, this thing is bigger than it looks.  Hmm, some weird hook thing, a strange glass item.  Man, this weirdo really likes his masks though.  There's several."
"Look, just put the stuff down and leave it be, man."
"No way!  Hey, look at this mask! It's like some creepy guy with marks on his face!"
Link's eyes snapped open and he immediately regretted it.  His vision swam and he had to push down the immediate urge to throw up.  The mask.  They had found the mask.  They couldn't…
"Hey! What are you doing?"
"Calm down, it's just a mask.  It's not even scary looking.  Look!  I'm a scary hero-man and I'm going to–AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHGGGGGGGG!"
Link tried his hardest to push himself up, to fight the waves of dizziness and nausea that ate at him.  They had gotten the mask.  They were going to– No, he couldn't let them get that!  It was dangerous! No one else could be allowed to wear it!
It was too late.  Link managed to push himself to his knees, swaying ominously as he did so.  The sounds outside his ruined prison were not good.  He caught flashes of something white and deadly going by the empty doorway, heard screams of agony, the hum of a large sword as it swung through the air quite near the building he was in.  There was a loud thud and the building shook dangerously.  It wasn't long before silence settled around him again, the only sound that of the fire crackling merrily outside.
He swayed slightly, realising there was still a sluggish trickle of blood leaking from his side.  Groaning, he started to tip forward again when a strong pair of hands grabbed him. He hadn't even noticed anyone come inside.
"We need to find you some assistance.  I would give you the Mask to put on again but I think it will be more useful for me to carry you."
Link looked up into the white eyes of Fierce, his vision going in and out as he did.  He…felt very solid. More solid than he had before.  If he squint, could he see the mask?  No, it looked like the god except…  "Why are you so…"  The words slurred in his mouth and he leaned forward into Fierce, eyes closing.
"The man put the Mask on.  Not very smart, honestly.  No one will mourn his loss."
"Whadda ya–"
"Shush, I will find the nearest fairy fountain and you will be fine."  The strong arms of the god scooped up the battered hero easily and carried him outside.  Link considered the notion of him being fine and found it was probably true.  For now anyway.  He murmured something and leaned up against the armor, not even carrying that the metal was not in any way comfortable.  It was at least vaguely cool and it felt good against his aching head.
"Sorry…couldn't fight better."
"You did well.  With me to help you, you will do even better."
"Thanks."  With a sigh, the Hero of Time closed his eyes and let the strange being carry him away into the night.  He'd have to ask about the solidity thing later but for now…for now he would rest and let himself be tended to.  As the two moved through the forest, he slept knowing, at least this time, he would wake up to see another day.
The god moved easily in this new vessel, holding the one he had shared a fragment of himself with. Link would perhaps not agree with his methods of gaining a body but it mattered little. He was able to save the man who already meant so much to him.  No one would hurt the Hero of Time while he was here to keep an eye on him. 
After all, he was the Fierce Deity. And should anyone cross him, they would find out exactly what that meant.
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hiddenwashington · 1 year ago
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with the last year being potentially the bloodiest yet for all those entrapped within the city, the cheer of the new year, a fresh start and some hope for improvement is exactly what everyone needs. though it's certainly hard to put any stock in hope for a peaceful year in this city. and while the galas held at the white house have a mixed history of success, and an unfortunate history of tragedy, the ones that go over well tend to be incredible mood lifters. a masquerade ball is always a hit, and they will be going all out to help everyone forget the horrors the last year has held, and to wipe away the stain of last valentine's day's bloody nightmare. to change it up a bit, those in charge have decided that, rather than hosting the event at the white house, they are going to be hosting a fundraiser for the smithsonian museum. invitations are sent out to the entire city, beautiful pale pink and silver cards detailing the location and date of the masked ball being held. bring your beloved, your best friend, or sign up for a blind date if you're feeling a bit adventurous! the museum is decked out, lit entirely by strings of lights and candles, the entire place turned into a hall of mirrors decorated in pinks and reds, with roses falling from the ceiling and and covering the tables. to entertain the guests, there's a photo booth with various props and backdrops, professional photographers roaming the area, live music, and plenty of food and drink for everyone. hopefully this will be a suitable close to an otherwise disastrous year, and a way for everyone to forget their troubles for a while.
tldr ; almost as a thank you for those who have stuck through the nightmares that have come with living in washington, those in charge have put together another gala, an evening of nothing but dancing and fun to try and lighten the spirits of the citizens as we continue on in this new year. those who have signed up for a blind date will be finding out their partner from their invitation and we hope to see everyone there in their valentine's day best!
hi friends !!! welcome to another hidden mini event !!! we've somehow already had 5 of them and we are so excited to bring you our 6th one !! we wanted to mix things up a bit, bring you guys a different element to a classic rp ball event with these blind dates so we hope you all took advantage of that if you wanted to participate! we are so excited to get this moving and see how all the drama unfolds from inside the museum walls! we hope you all enjoy this as much as we did putting it together ♥
it will run from feb 10th - feb 21st
this event will last eleven days ooc , but one night in character
a basic layout of the smithsonian : we will be using the museum of natural history for this event! the main gala will be held on the first floor, the rotunda being used as the dance floor, the rest of the museum is still open to those in attendance, your characters are free to explore all that it has to offer, from the dinosaurs, to the live butterflies, to the night sky exhibit-- please feel free to use this map to help you navigate the setting! there is also a ton of information on the smithsonian website about each exhibit!
food and drink : free food, an open bar, candy bowls and sweets available to everyone! any valentine's treat you can think of has been sourced and provided for all to enjoy!
dancing : of course this is a gala, so go wild during a faster number, or finally extend an invitation to someone special to dance to one of the slower songs. request songs from the band and enjoy in every way you can!
outfits : dress to impress, wear that gown you’ve been eyeing for far too long, don your best masquerade mask, find your best suit, whatever fits your style best. and feel free to post outfits and looks now if you so please!! we'd love to see what everyone wears!!
get creative : this is just a new setting, with something new to work with! you do not have to adhere to any real guidelines, beyond 'remember the rules of the rp'. so if you wanna do something really off the wall, maybe dm an admin. otherwise, there's more guests than agents and security, if you wanna try to ride that t-rex skeleton, just make sure your date is keeping watch!
most of all, have fun : we want this to be a creative outlet, so please, if there is something that you think could be at this ball, be it a game, food, etc, we’re open to it !! also, feel free to have your characters make up their own drama, to go a little wild, cut loose !! just keep it within the realm of possibilities, we don’t want anyone escorted out before the party has really begun!
if you submitted your character for the blind dates , please follow this link to find your matches!
please review your pairings and let us know if we missed you, or if you've been matched up with the same writer too many times, or for any reason that you may need a new match!
be sure that you reach out to your blind date partner so that you can both plot together and get on the same page about the vibe between characters, and how it will go! we want this to be a chance for you to mix up who you usually write with, so please be sure to branch out with these new pairings!
one stop shop for all your plotting, posting and tagging questions !!
feel free to begin plotting now! you can post plotting calls, starter calls, outfit edits or anything of the like !! just remember to keep any in character posts saved for the 10th!
we usually start the events around 10-11 am est / 2-3pm gmt , so please keep that in mind when queuing any starters !! you’re probably best off queuing for around 12pm est/4pm gmt!
unlike our full events, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PUT OTHER THREADS ON HOLD! you are more than welcome to continue to write outside of the event !!
feel free to have your characters begin talking about the invitations, the excitement, or asking people to go with them if they are not going on a blind date! so, feel free to begin plotting and getting everything sorted for when the event begins!
please tag all posts (in character , out of character , para , etc ) with hwminievent6, or with "valentine's ball", "valentine's gala", something to indicate that those threads are taking place in the mini event, since people will be doing both event and regular threads!
please please remember to still tag all triggers that may apply!!
again, this is a MINI EVENT and therefore NOT MANDATORY
as always, please make sure to have fun & feel free to really cut loose besties!! we hope that you and your characters find something to enjoy at the ball! we cannot wait to see what different ideas you all come up with and cannot wait to see your threads on the dash! please do not hesitate to ask any questions that may arise & let us know if you have any suggestions or need help! with that all said, as always, PLEASE LIKE THIS WHEN YOU HAVE READ IT ALL! ♥
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fordofthefalls · 5 months ago
[OOC: Thanks for the go ahead! Anyway, I offer my boiyo! Gave him his own blog on @aeschylusmaximillianpines soley for RP purposes :D Thinking this might be post-weirdmageddon where everybody's back in gravity falls for the summer?]
The multiverse theory was a doozy in and of itself, an infinite amount of possibilities for anything and everything. As Aeschylus stepped out of the rift with a tired huff, he pulled down the red neckerchief that he'd been using as a makeshift mask. He cringed at the state his coat was in, sure- it's seen better days ever since coming into his possession but he was fairly certain his father would've definitely have dragged it through worse. Fairly certain.
It wasn't a trenchcoat anymore, having altered it to be a windbreaker at best more than a decade ago- but Aeschylus was really thankful for the numerous large pockets his old man had added to it while it was still his. He took out the steel blue fountain pen from the breastpocket of the coat before taking out a blue hardbound from the inside of his coat to jot down a couple things. After a minute, the brunette closed it with a sigh and ran a hand through his brown hair. Some parts already started to lighten and streak grey, he could distinctly remember his siblings teasing him that it was because of stress.
After properly dusting himself off and keeping his belongings, Aeschylus supposed it was time to head home. His brain was running on caffeine and autopilot by now, all the more when he simply walked towards the mystery shack half nodding off. He hadn't noticed that in his semi-conscious brain that he'd wandered into a similar universe- but not home.
"Hey dad! I've got the plant specimen you wanted, gave me hell trying to catch it though. What did you need this mutated Caesar salad for anyway-"
Aeschylus trailed off when he came face to face with the man in question, but something felt off. Sure, it was like staring into an aged mirror- he got used to that- but there was something different. Mismatched eyes squinted at Stanford skeptically.
"Uh... you're not my dad."
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[OOC: Here's pictures of him for reference, he doesn't slick his hair back anymore post-weirdmageddon; but he does continue mostly wearing that fit. Like Ford- it's like he only has ONE OUTFIT EVER/j SORRY FOR THE TEXT DUMP IF ANYTHING- THIS IS NORMALLY HOW I RP T^T]
Stanford was sitting at the dining table, tinkering away at a machine, the sound of metal clanging on metal echoing throughout the room. It was late in the evening and the house was quiet, save for the whir of machines. Ford's brow was furrowed, his tongue stuck out the side of his mouth, and his full attention was focused on the task at hand. He was attempting to repair a device that had been damaged while at sea. When he was finished, he leaned back in his chair, setting the screwdriver down with a clatter. He'd have Fidds take a look over it before he switched it back on. (continued below the cut~)
Upon hearing a voice, his eyes snapped up to find Aeschylus. For a moment he just stared, taking in the young man's appearance, his eyes wide. He was a hundred percent sure he didn't have a son. He had just started dating again after all, and... well. His last partner had been a triangular demon from another dimension. Who was this kid?
"Excuse me?" Ford asked, his voice hoarse from disuse, his expression one of utter confusion. "I'm sorry, but I'm not your father." Ford shifted in his seat, his curiosity getting the better of him as he studied the boy closely. It was odd, he thought. The boy did bear a striking resemblance to him. He shook his head, dismissing the idea. He didn't know who his father was, but it wasn't him. He wasn't the type to have kids, and he had no memory of ever being in a relationship that would have led to a child.
His thoughts were racing. Maybe the boy was confused... or some kind of con artist. Or perhaps... this was more multiversal than he thought. After all, when it came to the multiverse, anything was possible. No, this was real. The boy in front of him was a stranger, not his son. Yet he couldn't help but feel a strange sense of connection to him, a pull that was difficult to explain. Perhaps it was the similarity in their appearances, or maybe it was something else.
"Who are you?" Ford finally asked, his tone serious and a little suspicious.
(OOC: Apologies for the wait!)
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arintheman · 3 months ago
A bunch of art I've done
I don't post as much of my art as I want to (for a couple reasons) but here's some of it.
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I got back into Warrior Cats and joined an rp group (through aj lol). It was kind of a way to get back to my art roots as an artist since WC is a bit of what made my friend group in school and I had some art of. Admittedly I am rusty to drawing cats.
This is Twistertail! He is part of Asterclan (or was a part of, he is now a member of Surgeclan read about the clan HERE) I'll try to keep his about brief but he is roughly 36 moons (3 years) and he's a little weird personality wise. He lost is tail in a bit of an accident right after he was promoted to a warrior. He does kinda have a mate, Bleakspot, who he constantly thinks about as well as an apprentice, Fernpaw. Please send an ask if y'all want to see his whole bio.
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AND OF COURSE I HAD TO MAKE A HUMAN VERSION OF TWISTERTAIL LOL. >:) His name is Scott (for now. I don't have a last name for him.) I am a bit horny for him but for good reason. He works as a mechanic and is a recreational sharp shooter. (He also has a crush on the Domino's pizza delivery boy as you'll see later.)
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(I'm including the sketch version because I like it more.) That's human Bleakspot btw. Their owner is much more creative and his name is Blake Spott. I just realized I'm making this post like how I used to post art on Wattpad. I don't care honestly. If this post gets more than 5 notes I'll be surprised.
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I'm honestly very mixed about how this fully turned out but :/ posting anyways. I also think Scott has a bunch of different meme tank tops he just ordered off Redbubble. (One of the people in the rp group does go fucking ape for human Twistertail and it's lowkey funny. Salt you're great)
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And of course I turned this gay boy into a meme, based off that one clip from Gravity Falls. Again, I really liked the idea for this one but I know it could be so much better. (Hollyhush btw is another cat who gave Twistertail a super hard time about his totally not apparent crush. I feel like I might revisit all of these in a couple months and just. Redo them.
I have a BUNCH of stuff in my sketchbook though. I will include it here but to avoid this post being too long its under a read more.
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Hollyhush often uses Twistertail as a ride. I’ve also included Twistertail’s dad, Owltooth. Owltooth is also based off Ogata from Golden Kamuy
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Meme of Twistertail and Gloomsong (I want to color it soon)
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There is something that happened called the Lunar Procession where everyone had to wear a mask and this was Twistertail’s
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A little bit of Twistertail being aggressive, especially against Hareskip (who is now Harestar) Big shout out to the WC manga for helping me with the poses and stuff for these
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This is Magpieheart. I would have loved to bring her into Aster/Surge but I couldn't as Magpie was already taken for a very important role character, which I was fine with. I do have a bunch of cat ideas and I want to make my own clan thing but that will probably never happen.
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Of course more art of Twistertail and Bleakspot. I am obsessed with them oops.
This is all of the art I've done in like the last month or two and I hope y'all don't mind me sharing all of it in one post. I didn't want to make a separate post for each one. (Unless y'all want that.) It is like 90% of just one character who has been rotating in my mind and giving me brain rot.
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tangleweave · 30 days ago
Someone To Watch Over Me (RP)
Noknoknok-NOK… nok… noknoknok-NOK-noknok-NOK…
If anyone else bore witness to the way Peter rapped his knuckles against Tabby’s door, they would almost certainly think him mad, or at the very least attempting to playfully annoy the apartment’s lone occupant. But it was one among a series of cadences that they’d established to let each other know just who was on the other side. Who else in Tabby’s life was going to summon her to the beat of Papercut?
Even from out here, he heard her feet shuffling across her carpet and a quick stumble onto bare floor, and a series of rattling coughs that sounded like she was struggling to draw and hold deep breaths. Beneath the expectorating he could hear the shuddering of her heartbeat, though it was quickly overtaken by a faint whimper of discomfort and discontent.
From the other side, there were mumbles of protest, telling him now wasn’t a good time, she’d already texted him the symptoms, being here would only expose him to the gunk – all the things she’d already covered, all the things he knew she would say. Which sounded suspiciously like the sorts of things Aunt May would say, and it drew a quirky smile on his face. Tabby had picked up entirely too much from that woman, though it was certainly because May had been all too happy to teach her, and it spoke to how much she was adored by the Parker household. Even back to the days of Uncle Ben, Tabby had been a fixture in Peter’s life… and she was a stubborn reminder of times that were simpler and more carefree.
So how could he choose to not be here now?
“I mean, if that’s how you’re feeling about it, I guess I’ll take this soup Aunt May made back home with me,” he called through the door. “And all this pain relief and decongestant, what do you want me to do with that? Oh, and the chocolate, and the rental movies…”
He couldn’t be sure exactly which of his points inspired Tabby to pull her door open, but when the portal cracked and he saw the darkened bags underneath her bloodshot eyes, a measure of his playful snark dropped away.
“Wow. I thought I was the one having rough nights.”
Peter generally didn’t care for heavy amounts of eye contact, particularly not with those he cared about. Something in his heart told him it was a little too easy for his own eyes to betray him whenever he offered up an excuse for his flakiness. It was as good a reason for him to wear the mask as any other. Without that, he did have other methods… glancing about himself, finding spots of interest on the face or clothing of who he talks to, even pulling up his phone or checking his watch if it really came to it.
Yes, it was rude manners. But there was a reputation of obliviousness to maintain.
He held up the large paper bag, dangling it like a peace offering. “But like I said, I come bearing gifts, and if you don’t let me in, I’m just gonna have to play Linkin Park on your door until you do. Whole discography if I have to. You know, from the top to the bottom.”
He gave her a small smile, hoping at least that the continued appeals through a band she dearly loved would be enough for her to stand aside. When she unleashed another raspy cough into the back of her fist, he aimed for something less whimsical and more practical. “Hey, listen, it’s 4 pm and I’ll bet you’ve barely even had breakfast, other than flat Sprite and saltines. Before you go diving into the soup, let me throw something together that gets a little protein into you, too. I know you keep your fridge better stocked than mine but you’re in no shape to make food.”
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twinsoftriumph · 1 year ago
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vedesa and lalut! the slightly awkward buddy duo ESPECIALLY now that lalut is hiding the presence of a certain someone who has history with vedesa... who might need their own post because i think 3 in one post might be too much.
vedesa wears air prophet hair (modified), scolding student mask, to the love outfit, moments guide ult camera, and saluting protector cape. yes none of these are vault cosmetics. she's actually a sky version of an oc i made almost a decade ago so if i slip up and call her by her other name just ignore it
lalut was literally based off of my sky kid. moth height so i consider them the baseline. maskless, chill sunbather glasses, reassuring ranger hat, gloat hair, nightbird whisperer outfit, lively navigator cape, pleaful parent guitar
vedesa has existed for a Long Time. she's my beautiful princess with a disorder(s)
the most obvious one being narcolepsy which i initially made a thing just because i was leaving rps frequently and figured id give a character reason for but now it's a legit trait
she works as a messenger and does photography as a hobby so she is trying her darndest to appreciate life and keep that joie de vivre kindled by Touching Grass
it's not like a super serious job though she operates on her own terms and limits. she's unemployed at heart
also neurotic as hell. this was me projecting as a kid and it still is now.
probably susceptible to Toxic Yuri (shes bi but for the sake of the joke.) because she is a little too interested in the dangerous. megabird's weakest yuri warrior
she originally lived near wind paths but lives in vault now since it deals with memory lantern and darkstone technology shit
vedesa met lalut through her travels, and they basically encountered each other enough times that they started talking casually
lalut invited her to prairie peaks and it was basically heaven. she really appreciated the gesture and now they're friends :) the awkwardness is mostly just because of their personalities
SPEAKING of lalut. they're a prairie guide and they love hanging out and showing moths around. they call themself a moth wrangler which makes it sound 10x more intense than any of it actually is
they want moths to think they're cool so badly. they will pull out the guitar unprompted and be like WELL if you INSIST
they're actually very good-natured. they are trying so so hard. they want to also be a Cool Smooth Flyer. results vary
they know a bunch of weird light creature facts because they love ecology shit which is what they bonded over with vedesa initially. they bring these up unprompted as well but not to be cool it just Comes Out
vedesa invited lalut to vault. lalut keeps meaning to go but also vault gives them major heebie jeebies. vedesa is too awkward to invite them again
lalut has currently taken in ames. vedesa has History with ames and lalut figured this out and is trying to basically keep that whole living situation under wraps for now. more details will come in ames' post which ill do another time bc i need to SLEEP
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burneallcrows · 1 month ago
I decided to make this account to join my fellow vigilantes! <3 (and harass Jason lmao)
Ooc: Crow (Evelyn "Evie" Rachel Burne, not my real name) is an OC I made up. She likes stealing and giving (mostly to and from her siblings).
You can call Crow anything. I use she/her to make it easy, but I will switch it up, since Crow is all pronouns. Calling her a man or random pronouns as a joke will be a compliment.
Crow is 16. I will not be shipping her with anyone or your OCs, nor will I partake in NSFW rp. Jokes are fine.
Crow is a shipper. Batcat, Jason x all his Outlaws (especially Roy), Dickbabs, Dickkori, Timbern, Timkon, and Timkonbern are her favorites. (may be updated). If you hate these, block the tag, and any hate to me will be posted here for me to roast.
She will partake in bias. Especially FOR Jason. And she doesn't know every full story. Even if I know the canon fact, Crow may not.
Any hate to me or my friends will result in a block. I am not here to partake in your fights with them either.
Crow/Evie background: She had a family, and a younger sister. They were all killed in a villain attack, with Evie the last remaining member. She is not native to Gotham and comes from another state.
Note: she used to be a Red Hood fan (hence the favoritism towards him).
Appearance: Hero outfit: All black, gloves, and a metal face mask that meets at her nose, exposing only her eyes with clear lenses used for videoing or taking pictures. It curves down to her cheeks at the sides. There is a Bat symbol on her chest, and she has a utility belt too. May or may not have a side-cape that covers her left arm, and have a hood.
Daily appearance: Light brunette, brown eyes, suntanned skin. 5'9. Very androgynous and sometimes wears a binder. Regularly wearing baggy hoodies and shorts (if not sweatpants).
As about me, the mun. I am not connecting anything to myself IRL. I may show my dog, but that's it. I want to have anonymity. If anyone starts getting nosy, you will be blocked or your asks will be answered in the character of Evie (even if you ask in ooc)/deleted.
Like Crow, I too am all pronouns. Hate = mocked.
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saviorpilled · 1 month ago
one way ticket into your own personal hell. (3laf rp)
vyris once again stood staring at the sword. the game has only just begun, and their little experiment has been nothing but disappointment after disappointment. it was curious, however, just how apathetic the program had seemed to become.
maybe apathy wasn’t the right word. it was distant. detached. dissociated. even slowly trickling into erratic. 
as much as vyris hated how little effort pest seemed to be putting into his own survival, dying twice in just the first day alone, its curiosity grew. it was living now, even if doing so regrettably, doing nothing but tailing a rabbit and fishing. it doesn’t even bother wearing armor the vast majority of time. 
but vyris had begun to realize something. 
the program had an issue containing the bulk of its memories, which undoubtedly was no secret, but vyris had come to the conclusion that perhaps it was tied to death. dying made the body fall apart, why wouldn’t the metaphorical brain go too? if there was a way to manipulate death perhaps they could finally get it in a position where everything is completely gone from its mind and thus would have no other desire than to become part of their game once again. no memories means no attachments, no love, nothing but ones and zeros as it should’ve been forever.
the false blue trees seemed to glitch, twitching and flipping directions, flashing in lighter hues and mimicking the outside world’s border. it made sense. staring at it til it made his vision turn to static, meek voice from that unmoving gaping maw mumbling about its familiarity. it gave them a headache.
vyris huffed into their mask as they pondered. 
their world was growing unstable the more pest had begun to lose itself. maria had isolated, locking herself up in the tiny cabin she called home, crafted from the rubble of what used to be. on multiple occasions vyris had approached to ask to talk, only to turn tail and leave the moment they got a listen inside. her sobs and muttered anger was enough to give vyris a clue. they needed to speak with her. but they knew that she knew. 
the sword glimmered. almost as if beckoning. there was no one else here to toy with and they were growing insatiable. even if it meant putting two lives in danger…
vyris reached out with his robotic arm and-
the second it made contact a shock surged through the whole of its body. 
they cried out in pain as their arm fell slack at their side. 
“fuck-“ they hissed into the still air. they tried to move their arm, flex their fingers, anything, but nothing. nothing happened. the arm was dead.
they collapsed to their knees, bent over and huffing before the sword in the aftershock. the tingle under their skin was oddly familiar, reminiscent of their past encounters with this damned thing. and so once more they shall find defeat by the blade. they looked up at it, its glittering aura nothing more than a mockery now. a clicking sound rumbled up from their throat. 
as their gaze fell back towards the ground they kneeled upon. they saw blood. so much blood. their blood. unrecognizably so. 
they scrambled to their feet in a panic, their breath only quickening. their boot steps made ripples in the deep crimson. for a moment it felt like it would open up and swallow them whole. for a moment vyris felt truly terrified. 
but then merely vanished in another blink. 
vyris stood completely frozen. 
behind them grew the cacophony of static and ringing and incoherent mutters. it was their own voice beginning to scream at them. 
as they turned they found themself faced with the looming shadow of what they used to be: a massive abomination with frayed whiskers and stiff ears and a wide open mouth that glowed the same hue as its eyes and hundreds of hands all waving around aimlessly. for the first time ever vyris felt the same gripping fear maria felt all those years ago. 
that grotesque thing shifted and clawed towards him. purple irises rolled around in no set direction. it cried and called, an echo begging to be put out of its misery once again. it was dizzying, maddening, sickening. they wanted to run from it, turn and leave and never look back, but they couldn’t move. their entire body was paralyzed. never once had vyris ever been this scared. their chest rose and fell rapidly, like any and all breath seemed to be sucked right out of their lungs, and no amount of struggling would bring it back. 
then suddenly the world was dark. like the power had been finally pulled. it was dead silent and unnervingly still but the air still hung so heavy.
and then it all came back. 
that thing was gone. there was no blood on the floor. the environment had returned to what it was a little over a month ago. there was no pain, no misery, just a petrified vyris staring wide eyed where that monster had loomed. where they had loomed.
taking one quick glance back at the sword they finally could pry themself out of the spot they stood in. their arm still hung limp, which then brought the question of what the next step was. seek maria or repair themself? 
as pitiful as a decision as it was, it began in the direction of the cabin.
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