#another gacha game added to the list
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jacquiarno · 11 months ago
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Parisa's unlockable outfit is stunning!
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clownjail · 1 year ago
oooooooo u wanna play path to nowhere so bad oooooooooooo 👁👁 come join us we have so many momm— hot and gorgeous women here who may or may not obliterate u 😁
you know I really do love hot and gorgeous woman who can step on me,, and path to nowhere is filled with gorgeous women who are more than happy to do so,,
oh fuck it,, you know what the promo got to me, I hope you’re happy anon 😭🫶🏼
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karmicrespite · 8 months ago
Just saw an ad and I know these have been a thing for a while and youtube ad for a mobile game rather than ad in a mobile game, but I just gotta share this:
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there needs to be so much more legislation when it comes to advertising, especially mobile adverts which are 99% lies and often predatory.
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sourco0kie · 4 days ago
Self Awareness AU - Prologue
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You huffed as you placed your controller, playing this game each day has gotten boring, Especially when there’s no to little update to the game. When it does updates it’s only bugs fixes or some features getting removed.
With a disappointed sigh, you closed steam and opened google to watch youtube. You searched the general if there’s any interesting video that would catch your attention. One for your favorite youtuber catches your interest and instantly you click on it.
You groan in displeasure as an ad starts playing, with no other choice you decide to wait for the five seconds for the skip ad button. The ad starts playing and.. It instantly catches your attention. The quality of the game and the voice acting intrigued you. Especially this one character with an ice cream cone for a hat having that magical girl transformation.
You went on deep research about the game, seeing what it will bring to the table. You watch a few videos about the story and it’s interesting enough and well written. You were so hyped when you found out the game is available on PC you went and download it, so you won’t force your phone to die more for the game.
You instantly download it, and once installed you open the app for another download. Typical. You happily waited for it and were super hyped about the intro animation. You played on, already loving the characters, oh how you favor Gingerbrave!
You played everyday, not missing a single day! Heck you even began trying to draw in the unique artstyle, even as you never draw in your entire life. Each time you gacha, you prayed on getting either an ancient or a beast. And either would be good for your team. As of current you favor Strawberry Crepe Cookie for their amazing defense and skill.
On a particular day as you log in, everything feels.. Different. The front loading screen felt odd. You brush it off and log in the game, doing your missions and creating stuff you need for the laboratory research. One of the cookies, Affogato Cookie, has a speech bubble. You clicked on it expecting the usual repeating dialogue but this time it’s different. “My, My you look quite lovely.”
Ok. A bit creepy but okay.. Maybe that’s just a new dialogue the game added? But there’s no small update requirement from the game, odd. You paid no mind to it as it’s a regular occurrence. Sometimes the cookies would have a self awareness dialogue.
You continued on playing the game with no more weird occurrences, just the normal game. You speed run through the cryspia story already passing the hollyberry kingdom. You kept on losing in the dark choco chapter so you decide to just gather up your power first before continuing.
The sound of your alarm snapped you out of your game run. Glancing at the time you realized it’s already time for one of your online classes. You closed the game, going to your kingdom one last time just to be met by Gingerbrave saying; “Pure Vanilla Cookie would love to know how radiant you are!”
You paused, staring at the screen with a shiver under your skin. You brush it off and log out the game to open your class in session group. For 30 minutes you listen to the professor explain about today’s lesson. Suddenly the sound of your phone notification caught your attention, you were about to pick up before it started to shake.
You gasped, watching as a blue hand reached out from your phone. “What-”
“TA-DA! The star of the show has arrived!~”
The hand clenched the edge of the table, using it to leverage the infamous of a Diva jester pulled himself out. “Wooow.. quite a lovely place of living you got here, need a little more blue for color though. But you won't be needing to change things since you're coming with me.”
You stare with your mouth gape open. Meeting with a powerful jester was NOT on your list today.
“What? Cat got your tongue? Ooh don’t be afraid dear, I don’t bite, unless..”
“NOPE-” You grabbed the nearest item which was your notebook and threw it at him, he barely dodged it. He frowned before smirking again as he tilted his head with his hands clasped together, placing his cheek against the back of his hand.
“Adorable attempt, dear. But you gotta do more than tha-”
A pen smacked square on his face, He stares at you, unphased “That..” he continued. “Your humble knight has arrived to bring you home!~”
“Home!?” The jester laughed, “don't fret, I don't bite.. too hard!” He grabbed your shirt and yanked you towards your phone.
Everything was.. black, no light as you stared at the abyss before a sudden flash of colors blinded you. The birds chirp to one another as they fly above you. The light from the sun blinded your vision a bit before you adjusted. You glance around, noticing your surroundings.. are odd.
Everything smells so sweet. Too sweet for your liking.
The sounds of leaves rustling snapped you out of your daze, your attention instantly went towards the bushes. Looking around, spotting one that's moving.
Stepping a bit back away from the bushes you stayed quite, not daring to make noise and startled the.. whatever it was in the bush and attacked you. Carefully you picked up a nearby stick as a weapon, if it would do anything.
Something pounces out the bushes scaring you as you leap back and fall on your back. It barks as it approaches you and sniffs the air. You opened your eyes seeing it was just a cake hound.
Wait.. Cake hound!?
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cerastes · 2 months ago
I tried the desert but got my shitmud rocked so I am bad at this game type so just what is the skill floor for it, do I need a large list of e2 units (I suck at that cause my squad is if it works dont try new ops and its been working for a long time)
RA2 is not only very endgame, it also seeks to challenge you with lots of moving parts that make you immensely strong if you know how they work, but conversely the game mode is balanced around the fact that you have access to these incredibly powerful tools and are expected to use them. Not master them, for sure, or even be great with them, just use them; I have made a joke out of RA2 several times on my stream, my people over there can testify when I say RA2 is easy when you know what you're doing.
You do need a lot of units to get the most out of the game mode, not just to deploy them in different fights to counter specific bosses' weaknesses and counter their strengths -- one boss is extremely strong against blocking comps but weak against structures, another is the opposite and wrecks structures but is weak against AoE and a solid blocker, some have sky high RES and low DEF, some have sky high DEF and low RES, one boss fully heals if you don't kill its phase 2 in time and goes back to phase 1, another boss has huge Arts aoe, and so on -- but also to make the most out of powerful Logistic bonuses in which you stow away Operators for bonuses depending how high level they are and what class they are, and expeditions for extra resources every 6 days, or on a 3 day cycle since you can have two teams out like this.
There's food recipes that give you immense stat bonuses and other advantages like extra block, more SP recovery, status resistance, reduced DP and redeployment cost, ignore DEF or RES per attack, and so on. There's a multitude of tools like 12 seconds of Stun with Mr. Booms, applying Freeze with Ice Blaster IIs, extra SP charging with Support Stations, and lots more. There's incredibly powerful structures like Urban Barriers which redirect your enemy's intended path in Blue Box maps, net launchers that Bind for several seconds, smoke launchers that inflict 10 seconds of high Fragile, and most powerful of them all, your own freaking ranged tiles on demand.
You are expected to interact with all of these aspects to properly succeed in RA2. Not master them, not become great with them, just interact with them, in addition to having a varied team. Critical Contentions, which is completely optional, requires a deeper mastery of these tools, but RA2 baseline? Just using them at all will make you much stronger.
...Now, with respect and because this is not our first dance together, I'll immediately say this since I know it's coming: If you really don't like being forced to use other units besides the small team you like and want, then don't play the game mode but also don't complain that the game is badly designed because it doesn't let you clear everything with the same team. I very much dislike that complaint because the game could not possibly be more explicit in its intent that you use different teams, adjust your strategy and experiment. Out of all gacha games, Arknights is the sole game that actually accommodates this explicit drive for variance by outfitting you with several strong welfare units and a spread of 3*s that are actually very strong and completely viable without needing you to get lucky at the gacha. If you decide you like to play the game with just your chosen few, that's completely valid and I would even say borders on adding a challenge, go for it, but don't complain that the game fails in its design when it doesn't let you clear either by lack of skill or because you decided to go against the grain of its explicit intent for you to use varied teams. I do not respect that complaint in the slightest and I do not wish to engage with it.
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juvnvalen · 5 months ago
a yandere profile for dikke maybe? i think it would be interesting! :)
Fixiating on my silly gacha games again. Adding some of the new characters to my list :3 It's been a while since i've written, spoiler alert I haven't gotten better. This is a super ooc but we ball. (Not proof read) Pairing: Dikke x Gender Neutral S/O TW: Noncon, Yandere Themes, Kidnapping, physical abuse, NSFW, and unhealthy behavior.
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♡What are they generally like? Lucid, aware? Obsessive? How do they behave? Dikke has never been the romantic type, nor been one to express herself gently. Once she's realized her feelings for you, which takes her time, Dikke is swift to take action. While she isn’t secretive about her interest in you, she never directly confesses to you, instead expecting you to pick up on her feelings and reciprocate. In Dikke’s mind her constant vying for your attention and her eagerness to grace your skin with her touch should be enough for you to pick up on her adoration for you.
♡How likely are they to kidnap their darling? How quickly will they do so? She’s eager to hide you away, Dikke has seen how cruel the world and the people in it can be. She won’t let you end up the victim of some criminal scum. Dikke’s time consuming work makes it hard to get time alone with you, though she won’t admit it, it’s a large factor into why she takes you. 
♡How difficult is it to escape from them? How do they keep you restrained? How do they deal with attempted escape? The chance of escaping Dikke is miniscule, she keeps you locked away and your limbs shackled. She won’t risk you getting away while she’s busy with work, and she’s learned not to be lenient with imprisonment. You may not be a criminal, but the way you’re locked away makes it feel like you’re being punished for something. Escape attempts are treated with violent harshness, she’ll let the wounds she inflicts scar. Dikke wants her punishments to be memorable, of course she hates marking your pretty skin up with bruises and scars, she needs to make sure the punishment has an impact. 
♡How easy are they to trick, deceive, or manipulate? Dikke can read you like a book, she sees through lies for a living. Any attempts at twisting the trust to Dikke’s face are swiftly met with punishment. She won’t fall for lies, but she can sometimes be swayed by pitiful whimpers and tears during punishments, of course she won’t forgo them all together but she might go a little easier on you. 
♡How lenient are they? What privileges can you have, and what will you be denied? Dikke? Lenient? What a joke. Dikke is strict, controlling, and unrelenting. If she decides you can’t have something, you won’t. No amount of pleading will get through to her, while it may persuade her to be a bit more gentle it won’t get you very far. Requests like access to the outside world, or space from her is harshly rejected, but she’s not against providing you with meaningless leasures like books or clothing you fancy.
♡What kind of rules do they have? What kind of punishment would they use? Her rules are relatively simple, and she keeps them easy to follow. You’re forbidden from any contact with the outside world, she says it’s for your own safety but you both know she has her own selfish reasons. Any affections she has to give are to be received with no rough play or backtalk, you can weep and whine as much as you’d like but anything more than that will be met with punishment. Dikke’s punishments are violent and cruel, she’ll beat you until she’s sure you won’t forget. Almost no method of punishment is off the table for her, it’s whatever gets her point across best. 
♡How do they deal with rivals, or perceived rivals? Will they get rid of them? Will they kill them themselves, or find another way? Rivals are easily and quickly done away with, she won’t stand for anyone showing interest in her darling. It’s simple work to make sure any individuals interested in you just so happen to end up accused of crime with Dikke as their judge. 
♡How easy is it to make them mad? What does their anger look like? Dikke’s wrath is easily evoked, but not outwardly shown. She’s good at keeping her cool in front of people, and this includes you. The closest she gets to outwardly showing her anger is her touches growing rougher, and her tone wavering on harshness. 
♡Do they see you as above them, beneath them, or equal to them? You may not be treated like it, but Dikke sees you as an equal. Of course her treatment may be harsh, but she deems it necessary to keep you safe and inline. 
♡How determined are they for you to love them? How hard will they try to make it happen? Or are they content just having you? She does yearn for her love to be reciprocated, and she hopes for the day when it will be, but until then she’s content on playing pretend. ♡!NSFW!♡
♡General perverseness: how sexual of a person are they? What’s their drive like? How touchy do they get? Do they have any reservations about sexuality? Dikke hasn’t considered sex much, she’d been far too consumed by her work to think about it until you. She knows how intimacy can help couples bond, and it’s never off the table for her. At first she may be hesitant to touch you, but as time goes on she gets more confident in her skinship. Dikke will be allowed her fill of hand holding and cuddling, whether you like it or not, and overtime it may progress to her desire more. 
♡How forceful are they? Do they care about your willingness? Your willingness is desired, but not necessary. She decides it to be a required experience for your bonding as a couple, she dislikes the whining in struggling but won’t be deterred by it. Any struggling is shut down with undeterred roughness, she has no issue with binding your limbs if it gets to be too much. Dikke knows this must be tough, but she is desperate for closeness to you. ♡What sort of kinks or fetishes do they have, or would they fill? She loves to hear you plead, it gives her a sense of superiority over you, whether it be in a sexual context or something mundane it affects her all the same.  ♡♡
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metropolitanmutantofark · 28 days ago
things that will make me delete your mobile game (tag the game that checks all these boxes for you):
- 6+ ads after login (ads for the in game shop count)
- daily login bonus that resets to a pittance if you miss one day
- daily login bonus that ticks over at precisely 6:42 in the evening every day
- the game yells at you or tells you “the fictional entities miss you! ;(“ if my phone has been broken for two weeks so I can’t log in
- seasonal content that never comes back except in the “Premium (extremely expensive)” shop section
- pay money to buy coins to buy gems to buy things
- ONLY lets you buy things with money
- game runs so inefficiently that your iphone 14 burns your hand
- 40 game mechanics/tutorials for an app you will ONLY be opening during a car ride or waiting for class to start or what have you
- Snorpi Gritta, the Plunquette™ on the app icon, isn’t who you play as, but rather someone you COULD play as if you had $6000 to roll the gacha
- game walks you through how to play the game and use every single sub-menu even if you have 15 other apps of the same genre installed
- “this game wants to know your location, track data across other apps, serve you personalized ads, know your star sign, access your bank account, edit your last will and testament, name your firstborn, succeed your place as King of Flartania, be betrayed by the evil wizard Karklon, send you notifications…”
- the gacha/lootbox system is rigged so that you literally cannot get what you want too many times in a row
- having a gacha system in lieu of a shop you can spend those fictional coins you’ve been earning
- having a gacha system after I paid to download the app in the first place
- being genshin impact
- ads for your mobile game popping up in other apps when I already downloaded the thing (maybe the most minor complaint on this list but it bugs me)
- game sends me a notification to not miss out on a daily login streak
- you have to sign up with your phone number as if Snorpi Gritta herself is going to call you personally and tell you what a good boy you are for downloading her game or something
- every single character is extremely sexy (insert your favorite gacha game here)
- every single character is extremely un-sexy but always seem to be pulling a facial expression like they think they’re extremely sexy (subway surfers)
- game constantly updating for the most minor patches imaginable
- overly excessive customization with characters’ upgrades and gear to the point where there’s a separate wiki for the game’s lore and for the game’s meta
- “link a friend” or “join a team” systems as if I’ll ever tell anyone what games are on my phone
- your game is a pared-down version of a game I could be playing on the Switch, 3DS or Steam Deck right now
- your game is a pared-down version of a game I could be playing on the Switch, 3DS or Steam Deck right now and it serves 50 ads a minute when the original doesn’t
- charge mechanics that limit how much you can actually play, as if the game thinks “it’s not healthy to be on phone games all day!! :)” when I’m just really good at the game and am waiting for someone in the doctor’s office
- ^that but you can also PAY to keep playing the free mobile game and it’s prohibitively expensive
- Snorpi Gritta gets replaced on the app icon and now I have to look at Narmu Spartea who (despite her HUGE rack) I absolutely hate as a character since she’s taken over the meta
- your mobile game is just another match-3 or endless runner
- your mobile game is just another gacha game
- your mobile game is just another shooter with terrible controls
- the characters in your gacha have seasonal alts which I can’t purchase with in game currency and they won’t return until the “throwback gacha!!” which will only come around in 6 months when I will have forgotten all about the game
- you as the developer confirm that Snorpi Gritta is aro-ace which means that I, personally, have absolutely no chance with her, the fictional Plunquette on my iphone
- game asks your age before you start the game, which means you bet your bottom Gem they’ll be maliciously advertising things to you
- your mobile game is just Club Penguin with extra steps
- your game’s title is extremely unwieldy to say, only tangentially relates to the gameplay and/or has no discernible way to be shortened if someone asks what I’m playing (the “rooty tooty fresh and fruity” conundrum, EVERY gacha game falls under this without exception)
- online multiplayer that you have to engage with despite not playing the meta (Narmu Spertea can kiss my Assassin-Reverend Jennathy Larginhoffer I’m not putting that wretched busty harlot on my squad)
- your mobile game has spoilers so if I follow the “#⭐️Magic!!⭐️ Plunquettes™ of Harmenheim” tag on tumblr I’ll see EVERYTHING that happens in the final chapter as well as the ending of every seasonal side-story
- your game has crossover content with your other mobile game that literally no one ever is going to download (but you have to download it to access the best stuff in the game)
- your mobile game is a classic board game that I’ve already downloaded in the form of a classic board game collection
- your mobile game erases my account after 2 weeks without logging in like it’s a website from 2004
- I download the better version of the game on PC (rarely though Balatro comes around and does the opposite where I played the mobile game more, so kudos if your game does that)
- your game deletes my cloud save and all of my 140+ hours of progress if I change phones (Balatro… ;( )
- your game always logs me into Apple Game Center (the worst game service known to man) so someone at Apple ALWAYS knows that I play Plunquettes of Harmenheim
- your game sends me notifications because someone else is calling for aid in an Ultra Battle even though they are WELL AWARE I won’t be running Narmu and I still have Ningland van Grotteschuler on my team as a joke
- ^bonus points if that notification comes at 3AM (yes I’m awake but no I didn’t want the notification)
- my blorbo gets nerfed into the ground so the auto-optimizer never picks them for my squad, so I have to manually do it every time
- my mom starts playing the game (this isn’t your fault as a dev but our fault as a society)
- my favorite vtuber starts playing the game (this isn’t your fault as a game developer)
- my favorite vtuber starts playing the game badly and forces me to crash out in her chat (this isn’t your fault as a game developer)
- my favorite vtuber starts playing the game and puts that hag Narmu Spertea on her squad and forces me to yeet bees at her (this is your fault as a game developer)
- your game is an AI art visual novel
- your game is a brand-affiliated mobile game that makes the thing I like feel less like a thing I like and more like a brand
- your game preys upon FOMO even on a day-by-day basis with “flash sales”
- one of my tumblr mutuals doesn’t like the game and mentions any of the points on this list
- <insert infamous person on the internet> LOVES the game and makes me delete it out of fear of association in any capacity
- i downloaded your game 5 years ago and quickly deleted it, and when i install it today those memories come flooding back to me like it’s the Vietnam War
- you as a developer express an opinion I don’t like
- you removed a mechanic or a mini game that turned out to be the one thing keeping me playing
- your game is just Vampire Survivors
- your game is just Vampire Survivors, but it isn’t HoloCure
- the text in your really well polished mobile game has translation errors and/or typos, which renders certain scenes incomprehensible (but if those errors make it VERY unintentionally-funny, that won’t make me delete it)
- your game was big in 2011 because of the mobile game boom but is actually just a one-button game or playing with rocks
- your game is sex-bait but nobody has written fanfiction about the characters on ao3
- your game is sex-bait but the gameplay is subway surfers
- your game is sex-bait but the player character is the ugliest mf this side of Cleveland, Missouri
- your game is sex-bait and I get an advertisement for it on the mobile app for tumblr dot com
- your game is sex-bait and you introduce the “really 700 years old” trope
- your game is sex-bait and you introduce the inverse of the “really 700 years old” trope
- you buffed Narmu Spertea and left my darling Jennathy. To rot. In the dungeon for a thousand years
- your game is a free beta that has been a beta for 15 years
- your game has dating sim mechanics, but Assassin-Reverend Jennathy Larginhoffer simply WILL NOT date me because of her religious tenets and because it would put me at risk of being killed to get to her
- your game has dating sim mechanics, encourages polygamy, and the game judges you for it (even if you only try to woo Ms. Rev. Larginhoffer and your heart belongs to no one else)
- the dating sim mechanics in your game buff the characters, so you MUST engage with everyone on your team romantically in order to buff them, even if Ningland is the single least attractive unit in the game
- I find out your game has a huge memory leak
- I start playing the game, spend 4 minutes waiting for the game to load, and the battery goes from 76% to 14% in that time
- vanilla extract
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wriokitty · 2 months ago
i missed seeing you on my dash so i had to manually go to your blog because it felt like it’s been forever— what do you mean i’ve been missing out so much??? you better believe i’m consuming all those little drabbles you’ve been cooking + everything else i’ve missed
and !!! what do you mean the first thing that greets me after forever is you downloading l&ds???? the sylus pull is too strong— WELCOME!!! i feel for you so much because same. hopefully you do enjoy the game and story (and the men) because sylus and rafayel hold a special place in my heart and it’d be fun seeing even your think-pieces about the game/them
lastly, might as well add ‘neuvi-less’ on my long list of missing characters i want (and need) because this girlie just lost yet another 50/50. hurray for c1 diluc though(???) — i say as if he isn’t still at level one because of the grudge i hold against him dating back since v3.4 when i lost xiao’s 50/50. the only time i’ll ever get to finally building him is when i get xianyun for my xiao— who, by the way, is the last character i got where i won the 50/50 back in v4.4. every wish after have all resulted to losing the 50/50 (arlecchino, kazuha, neuvillette) or running out of primos because my terrible luck always brings me to hard pity (baizhu, alhaitham, ei, xilonen)
i’m guaranteed for mavuika though, so yay! but not so yay because that c1 diluc took me 82 pulls so i barely have funds left for mavui. the most i can probably do is 15 so adding on to the rewards we’ll be receiving + events + quests i need to clear, hopefully they’ll be enough for 80 wishes (that thread of hope is very thin i tell you).
i’m sorry i went on rambling lmao. it feels like i always have so much to say— i hope you don’t mind though 😭 but if you do, please don’t hesitate to say so, i wouldn’t want to unintentionally cross any of your boundaries <//3
—ayatoless et al anon
OMG I MISSED YOU SO MUCH WELCOME BACK!!!! Omg I feel like everywhere I see sylus and rafayel are everyone’s favorites so now I’m very high in my expectations for rafayel he better impress me for his own sake. BUT SYLUS IM SO EXCITED TO MEET. I’ve been debating back and forth to play this game for weeks now just for him but kass and my little l&ds nonnie convinced me to try it out
BUT IM SO SORRY YOU LOST ON NEUVI NOOOO he’s so good 😔 but tbh I’m also so biased for mavuika that I think you should hold onto your guaranteed for her. I think you could get enough wishes in time for her by the time her banner ends!!! I also have rly bad 50/50 luck tbh I think I lost my first 5 50/50s in a row consecutively as a new player in fact so I was SUPER heartbroken LOL. In fact I think alhaitham was my first win ever so I was convinced he was my soulmate for that reason hehe
DID U SEE WRIO IS RUMORED TO RERUN IN 5.4???? I mean he’s rumored for ages and we’re always let down so I’m taking this info very lightly so my hopes don’t turn too high BUT IM STILL HOPING
But I loveeee hearing from you never ever stop telling me ur thoughts I love hearing them. IM WISHING U BETTER GACHA LUCK and may you win ur next 10 50/50s at early pity!!! Also speaking of diluc I have him c5 now and I’d really like him c6 but I hope saying this doesn’t jinx me to lose to him on mavuika. That would be so sad to get the wrong pyro claymore 😭
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iantheartandtapecollector · 3 months ago
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Hey guys, I decided to try another top 10, and this time I'll be talking about my top 10 unpopular opinions. Now keep in mind, these are my unpopular opinions, so if you disagree with me, that's completely fine. Now without further ado, let's get to the list.
10. I hate Gacha Life
Yeah, I know I'm gonna get shot for saying this but I hate Gacha Life, In my opinion, it's overrated in a bad way, overused, and it really gets on my nerves. @asherbuddy uses this from what I've heard. Anyways, you won't be seeing me use Gacha Life AT ALL!
9. I find VHS better than DVD
As a kid, I always had a fondness for VHS, I especially loved seeing the nostalgic previews, the different promo material that can be included inside the VHS along with the tape, and the different colors that the actual tape can be. DVD on the other hand, I hate it. Discs get scratched easily, some previews can't be seen on DVDs. But yeah, VHS is my preferred format.
8. I like cartoony games better than games that are real
You know how I prefer animation over live action? Well the same could be said with video games. When it comes to video games, I prefer a cartoony and distinct style better than games that look real and boring. Games like any FPS game, feel like they look the same, and I find it overrated in a bad way. But when it comes to cartoony games like Spyro the Dragon or Crash Bandicoot, they have very unique styles for their games. So yeah, I would rather play games that are cartoony rather than games that look real, boring, and cheap for a quick paycheck.
7. I prefer Nintendo consoles
I'm a huge Nintendo fan, especially with their consoles. I always played them a lot even as a kid. As for the PlayStation consoles, I have played those consoles a few times, but as for Xbox consoles, I hate Xbox mainly because they have so many FPS's and I hate them. Nintendo's got a lot of distinct games which is why I've been on the Nintendo bandwagon for so long.
6. I prefer cartoons with anthropomorphic animals, food, or vehicles
When it comes to cartoons, one thing that I like seeing the most, is seeing different cartoon characters that are either animals, food, or vehicles. Shows like Elinor Wonders Why, Work it Out Wombats, or VeggieTales, make it different because they decided to try something different character-wise. But cartoons where it's nothing but humans, I get bored of it real fast. Although there are a few exceptions like The Loud House, Peanuts, or The Powerpuff Girls for example.
5. I prefer the original version of Super Mario 64 over the Nintendo DS remake
For those who've been following me for a while now, you'll know that Super Mario 64 is one of my favorite games of all time. Heck, it was thanks to Super Mario 64 that it introduced me to video games in general and I've played it countless times. In 2004, came the release of the Nintendo DS, and the launch title, Super Mario 64 DS, which is a remake of the original. But in my opinion, I prefer the Nintendo 64 original over the DS remake. The Nintendo 64 original is simple yet charming, but the DS remake in my opinion, there's been stuff that's either added or changed, and I'm not one for changes like this.
4. I hate RPG's as a whole
If there's a genre for video games that I hate, it's RPG's. I just find RPG's to be boring, repetitive, and overrated. Games like Final Fantasy, Paper Mario, and some others, are not really for me. I'm more of a platformer kind of person in my opinion. When it comes to video games, you won't see me playing any RPG's any time soon.
3. Thomas and Friends Season 6 doesn't look that bad
I know you guys are gonna kill me for this but I don't think Season 6 of Thomas and Friends is that bad. A majority of the fans say that the writing in some episodes is sloppy, the narration is flat, or the visuals are dull. But me on the other hand, I don't think it's not so bad. I think Season 6 has a majority of good or okay stories (except for Middle Engine. That story was shit).
2. Wilbur is underrated
Who remembers Discovery Kids? I know I do. One thing that Discovery Kids did on their channel was a special block called "Ready, Set, Learn" and there was two shows I enjoyed from the block, which were Peep and the Big Wide World, and of course Wilbur. When it comes to Wilbur, I feel like it's just underrated. The characters are quite cute, especially since Dasha's my favorite character, and the stories they tell have a good moral too. It just saddens me that this series doesn't get talked about as much as it used to back when it first aired.
1. I prefer the Lyrick Studios releases of VeggieTales episodes more than the Word Entertainment releases
When I was a kid, I had an unhealthy obsession with VeggieTales, especially when I first owned the episodes on VHS, specifically the Lyrick Studios releases. And as a kid, these were the best releases compared to the Word Entertainment releases. These Word Entertainment releases just don't do it for me. I honestly thought they lacked something, but when it comes to the Lyrick releases, they're amazing. Especially with the cover art for the different releases they had.
And those are my top 10 unpopular opinions. If you disagree with me, that's completely fine.
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phanpacrackboba · 4 months ago
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JJK Phantom Parade STARTING GUIDE - Timeline of JP release (Events, SSR Characters)
(self-made timeline, reblog and credit are appreciated, don't claim as yours)
Saving your Crystal-Cubes for your Favourite Character :
This timeline does not cover all banners (you can check the fandom wikia for all banners). The other characters (who you can see in the game tab) will all have their SSR released within a year except for the Headmasters. Several of them even had reruns already, such as Green!Gojo, Toji, Yellow!Nanami.
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The Curse Users such as Hanami do not need Crystal-Cubes as you can trade for them in exchange for medals from Domain Investigation (the silver Phantom Medals). In JP server, Mahito was added in April and since then no one new joined the ranks, despite many players eagerly awaiting Sukuna. If you want to save your medals for now, you can, as it takes around 3 months of highest level Investigation (+ Event Rewards) to get the 1500 medals necessary to exchange for 1 copy of the character.
When will the highest-tier Characters drop :
Disclaimer : Character Tier-List are from the JP server, with manual battle and highly optimized teams in mind. They are tested against Enemies Event to measure up end-game damage. Do not assume that other Characters are not good enough to carry you thru the Story and Events, they are plenty sufficient for that.
Nonetheless, battles will become a lot easier if you get a hold of Yuta, Green!Gojo, Yellow!Nanami and the Headmasters as Support.
Going with that calendar in mind, you need to prioritize, because the game does not give you enough Crystal-Cubes to pull for 1 character per month, even less 2 of them in the same month.
Also, pulling the Limited-Edition Character on the Banner is not guaranteed. The only guaranteed way is to trade them for 250 gacha points.
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At the moment, you can NOT gather gacha points from old banners and all your gacha points will be converted to Curse Energy Currency.
In the future, same as JP server, you will be able to use the orange Gacha Point Ticket to trade 20 gacha points into 10 reusable points for the future > it's a tradeable item to keep and reuse on other Banners, so only Gacha pulls done AFTER this feature is rolled-on will work.
If you have not yet spent the 16'000 Crystal-Cubes from the Game Launch, SAVE THEM NOW !
About Gacha Tickets & the Standard Banner :
You can NOT save Tickets and keep them for another banner, as most of them are only for the current Event. Check the little logo on them and spend them on the corresponding banner, or you will lose them.
The Tickets for the Standard Banner can be kept, so wait until you have 10 of them to pull together and get a guaranteed SR. On the Standard Banner, you can trade 200 gacha points for a SSR Ticket at the Shop.
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About Characters Soul Shards / Duplicates :
You can trade for duplicates of Characters you already have at the Shop.
It starts by listing the Regular Banner SSR, then in JP server it extended to more regular story characters such as Green!Gojo and Yellow!Nanami for the 300-days anniversary. Since Soul Shards don't expire, you can save them until your preferred SSR is added to the Shop.
I recommend you do NOT use the universal Soul Gem (see item on the left of the screenshot) on characters who have their own nominative Soul Gems, because it's the only way to Awaken Limited-Edition Characters such as Yuta, Toji, the Headmasters, etc.
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Hope it helps, good luck to all in getting the characters you want ~
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paradise-in-k4 · 4 months ago
Bunbunmaru Lost Word Report - 11/8/24
Ayayayayayayaya! This is our special report for 3 and a half years after the Lost Word Incidents started up here, and it all culminates from a special Dev Letter livestream. Missed it? Here’s the YouTube link! Server maintenance for the update will take place on November 10th, 11 PM EST.
Say “Ayayaya!” For Hourai Hobbies!
(11/11 - 12/5)
Did you wanna see more of my beautiful face? Now you can with this Say “Ayayaya!” Epic Prayer for C3< Aya Shameimaru and a 5 Star Story Card, “Phantom Photo” to remember her by too! Rated A by the community for “AYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYA”
On a similar note, a second Epic Prayer for C3< Alice Margatroid titled Hourai Hobbies is also available with another matching 5 Star Story Card, “100th Black Market” based on that same game! Rated D by the community for “Dud Dolls Despite Her Best Effort” but at least she’s on the tier list.
As a special bonus, the Faded Divine Spirit Pure Prayer featuring L0g Kanako Yasaka is here too! This is the 2nd Pure Friend that’s being added to the game, so just a reminder. There Are No Dolls To Substitute. The only way to Limit Break her is with a duplicate, which adds up to pulling her 5 times to unlock and max out. This banner is only for God Crystals only, so the Yorigamis might be harping over your bad financial decisions here… just like the Pure Exchange Emas that are for sale in the shop in step-down bundles. The first one goes for $79.99 USD immediately. Yikes! These bundles stay until December 12th.
Doesn’t matter which way you roll, all three banners also have a chance to reveal either L0g Kanako Yasaka or Sanae Kochiya as a rerun! According to the community, they’re both rated SS on their community tier list, so with just a bit of Tewi’s luck and a lot of financial support, you could meet them yourself! The odds aren’t increased for them outside of their own banners, which means they’re just as likely to drop as an unfeatured character. All 3 new characters also have trial quests, where you can get to play with them as Guest Characters assumingly at max level.
Take it Icy!
Yukkuri Cirno is coming. I repeat, Yukkuri Cirno is coming! Meet her in the new story, “Take it Icy!” Find it in: Explore -> Yukkuri -> Yukkuri-Verse
AA Cirno will now appear in the Yukkuri Prayer, changing the drop rates for each Yukkuri character to 33.333… ongoing forever percent.
All three Yukkuri characters will have English voices added to their voiceover selections. Yep, that’s audible English! Talk about Easy!
A Yukkuri Campaign for the 3.5th Anniversary comes in full of tasks is incoming following maintenance through the end of the year (12/31). Clear them for Spirit Points and Yukkuri Prayer Tickets!
Lossy’s Title
You can now put a title on your profile for everyone else to see! These are basically achievements that you can win for doing stuff in the game after you meet the goals for it. Longtime players can win a number of titles retroactively because of stuff they already completed a while back, while other titles start counting after maintenance ends. The latter’s probably numbers.
Anniversary Campaigns
Super EXP Quest - Play and play until you drop! This quick and easy stage awards lots of EXP and has no daily limit! (- 12/5)
Login Bonus - 15 days full of bonuses including 45 Seal Crystals and 15 Fortune Dust! (11/12 - 12/31)
Daily Presents - Free stuff just for logging in, sent right to your mailbox!
Special Ritual Campaign - Tasks for an all-encompassing gacha banner containing a lot of characters, including Festival and Ultra Festival! (- 12/31)
Hifuu LostWord Clear Campaign - Finished the 3rd chapter of the Hifuu story? No? Clear stages in Universe L? to get materials and Lucky Mirrors! (- 12/31)
Everyone Wins! Campaign - Log on for 30 days between the end of maintenance and January 16, 2025 to qualify for a payout of 600 God Crystals and 50 Seal Crystals for FREE! You’ll also be qualified for a chance to win a Yukkuri Cushion! Crystal payouts will be distributed between (2/20/25 - 3/31/25)
Comeback Login Bonus - Players that haven’t logged in for 2 weeks or more can win special rewards including a 3.5th Anniversary COMEBACK Ultra Festival Exchange Ema (character details unknown, ends 12/31)
Anniversary Packs - See Nitori in the shop about those. (- 12/31)
Limited Time Costumes - Multiple limited-time costumes are returning for the anniversary, including two new ones for Kasen Ibaraki and Lily White! (- 12/31)
Other Stuff
New Lunar Capital Expo
Extra Stages are being added with 6 daily attempts. See it after finishing the main event storyline! (- 11/19)
VS: Divergent Spirits - 2 New Challengers (- 11/28)
L1 Minoriko Aki with a chance to win the 5 Star Story Card “Expo Photographer”
L1 Keiki Haniyasushin with the chance to win the 5 Star Story Card “The Model Maker”
Both can award the Luck Story Card “It’s Just Like I Heard”
3x drop rates in the main story, Hifuu, and Yukkuri stages (- 11/28)
Advanced Challenge Ongoing (- 11/19)
Event Pick Up Prayer for Son Biten, Enoko Mitsugashiram and Chiyari Tenkajin Ongoing (- 11/19)
Kourindou Slot Login Bonus and Aya Assistance Ongoing (- 11/30)
“Foxindigo” Home BGM Giveaway Ongoing (- 12/31) and a hint that this might be L80 Ran’s song
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infrared135-36 · 1 year ago
This is something I honestly want to ask FGO fans if they’re still playing - what would it take (if anything) for you to stop playing the game? Like what would be your absolute line in the sand. Or will you keep playing until EoS? I’m not asking this to proselytize, I’m genuinely curious. These are some recent events: There’s the addition of Wandjina as a character you can gamble for in the gacha, which you can see people discussing here in the FGO tag. Right before this there was yet another little girl added with a highly sexualized outfit, chloe (summer). In the summer event they even took the time to draw a giant version of her stomping through town so the fans could look up her microbikini bottoms. She was preceded by Nero-Draco whose second ascension is a little girl in another tiny micro-bikini. The designers and animators made sure the first ascension dress had huge slits in it so you can see those tiny strips of fabric covering her body when she makes any type of movement. Her third, adult ascension is completely locked behind the completion of a limited time event. Anyone who plays that missed it and don’t have her will default see her on their friends list in the second ascension. This is also the one that is advertised in the gacha banners. These two characters join multiple other little girls in fetishwear the game had added over time, to say nothing of the many pandering craft essences as well.
Before Nero Draco, the game advertised its newest Ordeal Call chapter with an animated commercial that included a scene created with AI. In the chapter itself they gave us a whitewashed Rani.
Before AI Ordeal Call, there was Lostbelt 7. The 3 summonable servants on the “Latin American Lostbelt” were all white: Tezcatlipoca, Kukulkan and Tenochitlan. There were 2 NPCs with darker skin (tbh optics are not great labeling the darkest skinned npc a “Beast” when you think about it), and every single other NPC in the chapter was a dinosaur or an “Ocelomeh” - ape-men wearing jaguar masks that the player cannot understand.
For the anniversary, the game’s “QoL update” was a brand new way to give them money- another paid gacha banner. The “secret” update the NA server got was also another paid gacha banner.
Again these are just recent things I’ve seen people stop playing over, of course in the game’s older events there’s things like the emiya alter design & tamamocat line for him in seraph, agartha chapter, Boudicca interlude etc. This isn’t a callout or anything, the descriptions above are because I wanted to add context with what’s happened in the game recently. I’m just genuinely curious if you’re still playing after the type of content they’ve put out, is there anything FGO could do to legitimately make you stop?
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sinful-lanterns · 1 year ago
I have downloaded the game but haven't opened it because i want to play it during free time. Now your blog makes me wanna start it now so i know some context of the characters 😭😭
Bcause i heard you can get free character if you play for whole 2 week straight? 🤔
Yep, that’s true! There is a daily list of things you need to do when you first start your account. If you manage to finish all of the things before the time limit is up (which is like 12 days I think) then you can get a free S-Class Sinner, which is NOX. NOX is a very useful sinner to have, as she makes the game so much easier once you get her, so I recommend logging in everyday once you activate your account! (Keep in mind you have to do this from day 1. Once you make an account, immediately begin working on the checklist so you have time)
Also, as for the characters and context of PTN, a lot of the more unique sinners have their stories locked behind limited events. But don’t worry, unlike Genshin, PTN will rerun limited events, so you get to play the events you’ve missed if you’re a later fan. (Ex. PTN recently rerunned the Dreamy Bubble event, so I got to play it for the first time as I missed it on its first run!)
Another thing is that all sinners who get released will also get reruns from time to time (with the exception of 2 limited, exclusive sinners). Whenever a new sinner is dropped, they have a banner where it increases your chances of getting them, and once that banner is up, the sinner(s) get added to the standard banner. Where you can roll for them anytime, but the chances of getting them are harder, as there’s so many S-Class sinners in the standard.
Hope this helps! PTN is one of my favorite gacha games ever, because it’s very easy to get the characters you roll for!
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p5x-theories · 8 months ago
Other information from the preview stream:
Joker will have another gacha banner, running at the same time as Chord's banner for Version 2.0
Kichijoji is also being added in Version 2.0; this will add new shops, new items, two new sets of gachapon figurines, and new part-time jobs for Wonder. They also mention "a very famous karaoke" place, a jazz bar where Chizuko often hangs out (presumably Jazz Jin), and the temple
At least one new side quest (possibly related to Kichijoji?) is coming as well
"Brand new commissioning gameplay from another world: The client is Miss Marthym, whom we are familiar with. As a businesswoman in another world, Marthym sometimes encounters some difficult difficulties in the process of doing business, such as insufficient goods, or business being affected by other more aggressive shadows, etc. The protagonist can complete these commissions in his spare time and obtain generous rewards."
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It sounds like Version 2.1.3 (after the summer event) will be a gameplay version. Things listed after this information, which appear to be coming in Version 2.1.3?:
Puppet's Confidant (or at least, this is "about to be implemented"
"Challenge activities with new rules are online. You can manually select any number of entries to enter the battle, and customize the experience according to the actual training level."
"The Walkman function has been implemented, and various music collected in the game can be played in urban scenes."
"We are already developing the Monopoly card gameplay that has been highly requested by captains, and P5X will also welcome its own card player."
Kotone Montagne (Mont)'s Confidant is mentioned to still be in production, as well.
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odysseys-blood · 10 months ago
This is literally the first time ever ill do one of these after being tagged in ig bc i always forgot! anyways got tagged by @taketheringtolohac for a "9 people you want to get to know better" game!
Last Song: Sway - A Trak & AJ Christou ft. Duckwrth
i luv duckwrth and this song is super wavy someone come dance to it with me
Favorite color: Idk what to call it like a wine purple? this thang and similar shades
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i also rly like deep reds too. if u ever notice i accidentally tend to use mainly the red-blue portion of the color wheel in art and its not a concious decision either it just kinda happens and i try to steer away from it every once in a while and it never sticks.
Currently Watching: nothing rly!
it takes me forever to start watching things and get through them. The last series i finished I think were Witchblade and Link Click abt a month or so ago. I was also planning to watch yuri kuma sometime soon bc i remembered ppl posting about it but i never watched it while it was airing, as well as a rewatch of banana fish bc my brother brought it up bc he was using it as a topic for his paper recently????? i dont even know why he knows it but oh. well i guess. was also gonna watch mignon but the art style is getting me and my city hunter plans have been dashed by the sheer volume of episodes scaring me for now
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: i like them all!
not sure i rly prefer one over the others but i like to bake so maybe sweet. did you know my baking enemy is cookies idk what it is but if im making my own from scratch somehow they always turn out wrong. fav thing to bake is cinnamon rolls i just havent done any in a while bc they take so long (also bc i wanna do peach cobbler style cinnamon rolls which ive done before! but that takes extra long bc of the extra toppings you have to make)
Relationship Status: who want me
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Current Obsession: ok prefacing this with these r not good games and im gonna censor the names so they dont show up in tags
i got into some eroge gacha named wh*t in hell is bad back in october and it has not let up since. i filled an entire sketchbook almost w/ doodles of my mc. also replayed through nu c*rnival recently bc they added voice overs for almost the entire game for the second anniversary (ive been playing since maybe 3 months after its release). everything is on the backburner to me rn besides these games and maybe the everyday maintenance of shinozaki bc im thinking abt finishing it bc i love it. anyways forget abt those last two and look at shinozaki
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Last Thing You Searched: list of mythical weapons
this was not for anything important except that i rly wanna get a black cat and name it excalibur (nicknamed cali for short). however excalibur is exclusively for if i get the litte black kitty of my dreams but if i get a cat w/ another coat eventually i have to pick a different name so i was brainstorming.
i didnt think this was so long (/// ̄  ̄///)
anyways ill tag @meicheesecake @feluka @beepiiboop @nil-number @theunstablejester @luminousrabbittt @scamoosh @tilapiamafia and im forgetting names but if u wanna do one then tag ur it ☆〜(ゝ。∂ )
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jacquiarno · 11 months ago
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I got lured in by one of those mobile game ads on Instagram due to the pretty art design. I know, I am weak, haha. Another gacha game on my list as well (Genshin Impact, Honkai Star Rail...) but an idle type, which I haven't played before, so it's kind of a different experience.
Things I like about it:
The art design, this is the type of look I like in my fantasy games. The characters are unique looking with a variety of different kinds instead of just super skinny women with massive melon breasts (they are there but their body proportions look more realistic). Even the npcs have a nice design to them, everything looks so whimsical.
There is sex appeal but it it isn't so in your face like other gacha games, and at least the clothing looks like clothing and isn't doing that sock boob look. The outfits are different from each other and don't have that clone as well *coughsgenshincoughs*.
We get to change the appearance of the main protagonist! Look at how good my character looks! This is what I crave from Hoyoverse games so much.
Combat seems straight forward and very easy so far, plus receiving upgrades while not playing is a nice change. Also that every character of the same class share their gear, ugh, what a life saver!
I originally played this on my mobile because I wasn't aware of it having a PC version, and although the graphics are gorgeous on PC, the mobile version does a great job at making the graphics not look bland while still performing fine.
There's not too much I dislike about the game, of course you hit those gacha walls with enemies being too strong and having to wait (that battle screenshot is a loss and from my last fight). Because it is an idle game, you do become stronger by waiting it out, so that means waiting a day or 2 to be able to progress.
The story isn't too bad, generic fantasy story that has a Disney feel to it, which I find okay, but the dialogue is what brings it down. I'm not sure if this game had voice directing, but some voices sound great while others sound flat and don't match the mood of the scene. You could always mute the voices, haha, but to people who like games being voiced, you will have a bit of a rough time with this one.
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