#another antisemite to the blocklist
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gingerswagfreckles · 9 days ago
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How "leftists" react when they hear a 4 year old Jewish toddler and 9 month old Jewish baby were strangled to death by antisemitic terrorists.
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pettytiredandjewish · 6 months ago
Not me being a petty little shit :)
Since I didn’t make the list I decided to reach out and put myself on that damn list… and for those curious this is what I said:
“Dang I’m kinda hurt that I didn’t make your *checks notes* Jew hating- oh I mean Zionist block list. Do I have to try harder cuz I can?”
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max-1mum · 6 months ago
Miku isn't a zionist. Miku wouldn't support israel. Miku wouldn't like you.
You aren't a Miku fan.
Miku is for everyone you dork ass loser
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thegayhimbo · 1 year ago
I thought Right-Winged Hypocrisy was pretty revolting on its own, but man, the Left's Hypocrisy is currently giving them a run for their money. 😒
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At this point I'm not really surprised that someone who is so adamant about Harry Potter goblins right now also posts shit like this:
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hazel2468 · 1 year ago
From the river to the sea, palestine will be free.
Alright- point and laugh at the unoriginal antisemite.
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pettytiredandjewish · 6 months ago
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Another one for the block list y’all
(I just blocked them- but this fucker thought it was appropriate to say this on a post I made that was for the 6 hostages that was murdered)
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thegayhimbo · 1 year ago
You're right: They don't actually care about antisemitism.
on one hand, can't believe i had to read the words "Jews don't define antisemitism" with my own two eyes. on the other, not surprised at all.
anyway if you respond to multiple jewish people telling you the same thing with such a dismissive statement, i think you don't actually care about antisemitism, you just say you do because saying otherwise makes you look bad.
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nachobsns · 4 months ago
Hello - I was impressed and extremely relieved by what you wrote in the post about the cult mentality of the Left RE Israel and accusations of genocide. You mentioned that you bought into the mindset until recently. If it's all right for me to ask, what was it that helped you break out of it? (Please feel free to delete/ignore if you'd rather not answer!)
thank you!! and no worries about asking— i think i put something in my pinned post about how people are welcome to send asks about this stuff, although my story isn’t super interesting. i fell down the typical online rabbithole, a couple weeks after october 7; i knew what had happened, at least vaguely, but the posts trickling onto my dash were all about the (undeniably tragic) loss of life in gaza, with little to no acknowledgment of the hamas atrocities that had started the war, so my narrative was pretty one-sided from the beginning. it just continued to snowball as the months went on and people became more radicalized, calling into question the reality of the 10/7 attacks and the humanity of all israelis. i never went all the way down the pipeline to full-on endorsing hamas or justifying their attacks, at least on a personal level, thank god, but i would reblog other people’s posts referring to hamas as a “resistance movement” and calls to boycott starbucks and mcdonald’s and condemnation of the “zionist media” etc etc etc. what pulled me out of it wasn’t any one thing— if someone had directly called me on my flawed logic and antisemitic biases while i was in this mindset, i doubt it would have done much, just reinforced my belief that i was on the “right side of history” and zionists were aggressors who couldn’t be reasoned with. it was mostly just passive observance and a slow exposure to other perspectives. i’m pretty sure the first post that led me to question my thinking was an ask on jewish-vents, which popped up on my dash in like, late july. this led me down another rabbithole, first scouring every single post on jewish-vents, then moving on to more popular jewish blogs that i had seen on “zionist blocklists” (applesauce42069, xclowniex, and spacelazarwolf were probably some of the blogs that influenced me the most, though i told myself i was just hate-scrolling at first, lol). i felt incredibly guilty seeing all the harm the movement i was a part of had caused to random jews and israelis just trying to live their lives and i realized how it went against everything i believed about how minority groups should be treated. from there, the aspect of actually undoing my thinking and changing my behavior for the better still took several weeks. denial of jewish indigenity to the levant in the face of tantamount archeological and cultural evidence was the first to go, as well as any ambiguity in my feelings about hamas. after that, it’s mostly been a slow process of redefining the idf’s actions from a “genocide” to a “war.” i still believe that what’s happening in gaza is unconscionable and horrific, and that too many innocent civilians have died, but i also understand how difficult it is to fight against a terrorist group that systematically embeds itself in civilian populations, and that the ratio of militant to civilian deaths is incredibly low compared to most urban warfare. i quietly deleted my old blog in early august— if i had directly engaged in harassment against jews, i likely would have kept it to make amends to the harmed parties and put a face to my actions, but as was, i had just contributed to the larger atmosphere of antisemitism on this site, and i felt uncomfortable knowing that i had a blog full of sentiments that no longer matched my values and beliefs. i decided i would be better if i took my endorsement out of the equation entirely, because when you’re looking through the notes of a post, it obviously doesn’t matter if someone who’s reblogged it no longer agrees with what was said— their notes still count as tacit approval, and i did not want approval of this “activism” attached to my online presence. i still have unwanted kneejerk reactions that crop up sometimes, particularly around the fundraiser posts from people “in gaza”; even though i know logically that they have all the markers of scams, there is still a part of me that really wants to believe i could help.
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fdelopera · 1 year ago
there's something comical about Heritageposts' "blocklist" of Jewish blogs (on which my blog is listed), which consists entirely of Jews, plus some people who have been vocal allies to the Jewish community on Tumblr. (i love you all!)
Heritageposts is a known antisemite (i blocked them months ago for their explicit Jew-hatred), and they have clearly been collecting the names of Jews who have been speaking up about the tidal wave of Jew-hatred that we've been receiving from antisemites.
any Jew, and any non-Jewish ally, who speaks out loudly enough about antisemitism, Heritageposts adds to their list.
and ... i think this little piss-ant actually believes that a blocklist is going to intimidate a group of Jews into silence!!
honey. please.
we have been dealing with Jew-hatred for over 2000 years. our relatives went through the Holocaust within living memory. we've been slaughtered by the millions and shoved into mass graves.
we have been murdered by Nazis, by Communists, and by everyone in between.
we have just been through another recent pogrom by a group of fucking terrorists (Hamas is not your blorbo, kids!), and we are more united than ever.
we've been through this before, and by much worse than you.
and we are still here. and we are still proudly Jewish. we love being Jews, and we love our Jewish community.
and long after you are gone, when no one even remembers that you existed at all, we will still be here.
we will outlive you.
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anti-terf-posts · 3 months ago
another one for the blocklist if ye haven't already!
not a terf, just really gross and mean about transmascs (idk if that's enough for it but she seems Not Safe to be around)
dw about blocklist people “not being enough”! literally any kind of person who is Not Good can go on it (racists, transphobes, misogynists, antisemites, islamaphobes, zionists, etc)
and tysm!
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spacelazarwolf · 1 year ago
got another for the jewish blocklist. HUGE warning for violent antisemitism and antisemitic slurs.
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there’s more but this is the worst of it. this person is claiming to be jewish but i can almost guarantee you they are not. at the very least, it’s likely a “x% ashkenazi jewish on my 23&me so i can be as violently antisemitic as i want.” i have never in my life seen someone who’s actually jewish, even the shittiest people i’ve ever met, speak to other jews like this. i am speechless.
this is not the first time they’ve said horrendous, disgusting, violent things about minorities. they make a “joke” about raping trans mascs a while ago, which is why i originally blocked them. but yeah please block this person bc this is nazi level bigotry. this is terrifying.
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greencheekconure27 · 11 months ago
Another one for the blocklist, @ theendnews
An antisemitic antivaxx conspiracy theorist spreading russian propaganda, quelle surprise
And even if you don't care about Ukraine they should still be blocked and reported for THIS:
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Combined with this:
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The aforementioned russian propaganda below:
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insane-control-room · 1 year ago
hi @free-falastin ! i'm a little confused how you managed to miss the point of the post you left this kind comment on:
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ill take some time to carefully walk through your blog to ask you a few questions; but first and foremost, i would like to point you that you literally did exactly what that post said; ignored jewish voices to target them instead. and i would like to point out the paradox of your words: they dont deserve people being antisemitic towards them, but they do deserve to be doxxed and harassed for pointing out antisemitic tropes and behaviors. clarify please.
First: please define genocide. your banner reads "from the river to the sea", which has largely been pointed out by jewish people as a call for jewish erasure and rewriting jewish history- but nonjews say its alright so... maybe you're not calling to replace the only jewish land in the world with another islamic ethnostate.
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well, id hope that would concern you, except if you scroll a bit further down your blog, you find that you actively commit jewish history erasure!
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are you going to mention the fact that it was named palestine by the romans in order to punish jews? in no way does this mean that palestinians do not have a right to autonomy, but what you are saying is that jews do not have a right to autonomy.
now let's look at what you posted over here that's actually on the topic of the heritageposts jewish blocklist.
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both of these people are clear that this is on antisemitism. not palestine or israel. you call them despicable for calling out anti-semitism? for not being listened to? for using morbid humor- a trait that is extremely common in jewish people?
you don't answer the question of how anti-zionism is not antisemitism, and in fact, use a KKK dogwhistle- zios. literally no one is denying that people are dying and being killed in gaza. and yet you say that we are. no one is mocking palestinians- people are mocking the lack of critical thinking that people use when citing unfounded rhetoric.
next; lets look at one of your most recent reblogs-
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this ignores the massive amount of evidence that is provided by israelis and jews, including the documentaries and screenings like those by gal gadot and the hundreds of verified news articles and photographs and videos, including ones posted by hamas, i wonder why you won't take such things into account-
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oh. i see. you call us liars, say we are playing the victim.
there is no evidence that can ever be compiled that will make you understand what you are doing and how paradoxical you are. thank you for openly displaying your double standards, and proving the point of the post on double standards on jews.
by the way, for people curious, here's the post that was replied to:
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in what way is this okay? how can someone miss the point so badly? to come onto some random jewish person's post on double standard antisemitism and say we deserve to be attacked and harassed?
are you that blinded by hate?
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thegayhimbo · 2 months ago
I have a suspicion this user was formerly antipalestine-bigotry (i.e. the same asshole back in August-September of this year who was "collecting receipts" against Jewish users on here and making public blocklists similar to heritageposts as an intimidation tactic). They got their account nuked by @staff, but it looks like they're back, and they're not even trying to pretend to give a shit about "calling out bigotry" anymore (as they would put it). 🙄
These people need to get off social media and get a fucking life beyond harassing others.
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spot-the-ableism · 6 months ago
Saw some receipts from a group of radfem transfems laughing and mocking a trans man who they harassed into hospital despite knowing he was seriously sick. The actual harassment is gone now because the person was blocked but I've heard it was pretty horrific.
Of course the main perpetrator found the post and decided to display more ableism lmao
thank you, and my goodness that is quite horrifying.
above is a link to a archived version of the link anon gave, this is for the future references anyone may need.
above is a different link^ the person we are talking about responds to the messages.
this is a pre-written by the time you get this ask, but oh my it is horrible.
for the blocklist
for suicide baiting and harassing a person with anemia+is a stroke survivor+has other neurological disabilities and possible GI cancer into needing to get a ambulance to be checked out at a hospital due to the distress it caused to their body.
also for being antisemitic this is a crossover episode
@spot-the-antisemitism got a new one for you to add to the blocklist. I cannot check her blog fully since I'm blocked by her already somehow? but this is a crossover episode.
for saying as I quote "this can't be a real message LMAO" in response to a anon saying basically the harassment they are doing to that person can kill them due to having hemolytic anaemia.
which the person actually had to go to hospital for due to the harassment.
so blocklist!
for saying "oh fuck rin your posts are too strong they are killing people"
and also being very incredibly antisemitic.
for saying "he's got glass bones and paper skin and every morning he wakes up and break every bone in his body and at night he does it too" when in the context of harming the disabled transman nightmaretour.
interesting overlap today guys with how many ableists and radfem's (not TERF's, EDT: TIRF’s get it right.) and how they are antisemitic.
anyway, new ones for the blocklist
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