#anon: NSA
the-empress-7 · 1 month
Negative by-products of the Colombian emerald trade: The Green Wars
The Green Wars
Colombia has dealt with a civil war starting from the mid-1950s that is still taking place in the country today. This sixty-year conflict between left-wing guerrilla groups, right-wing paramilitary groups, Colombian drug cartels, and the government, has displaced millions and has killed thousands of people. The emerald trade is at the center of funding this ongoing civil conflict in Colombia. Emeralds have helped fund many of the armed non-state actors (NSAs) involved in the Colombian internal conflict through means of emerald smuggling and the selling of these precious stones on the international black market. The international demand for emeralds is currently at an all-time high, which secures the continued funneling of millions of dollars annually to illicit organizations in Colombia that acquire and sell emeralds on illegal premise in order to fund their existences.
Dangers of the Colombian emerald trade
Because of their value on the international market, Colombian emeralds create a large illicit trade. Emerald smugglers, called guaqueros, poach on the mines, particularly along the Itoco River in the Muzo valley. During the day they scour the river beds and scavenge the mining fields for overlooked emeralds in private mines. By night, these smugglers try to rob safe houses that store the rough emeralds before they are able to be transported to safer areas. Guaqueros often compete with other guaqueros for the same loots, most of which return a large profit on the black market. This illegal mining activity is monitored by the National Police, but arrests are infrequent and jail sentences are usually short.
Thank you anon, this is helpful information. Sadly she doesn't care about exploitation.
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pixiecactus · 3 months
just read a comment that s*nsa is the odd one out in the family as a result of her not originally being a character but then grrm created her and she doesn’t have a connection with her siblings the same way arya does or robb or jon or bran. and i was about to argue but it was just a general analysis and ofc some fans took it as an insult. anyway the analysis was like that the siblings are kind of annoyed with her, to bran and rickon it’s like she acts as a mother imitating catelyn and imitating being an adult and more above and mature which then comes off annoying and immature. jon obvs barely mentions her and includes her “even s*nsa” so that explains their relationship, robb is immediately infuriated with the letter he gets from her saying “what’s wrong with the girl” expecting the “worst” from her. she can’t connect naturally and organic with people, she is constantly playing a role as if she is a maiden in a song, in a mask. which yeah she can be good at socializing but only performing it as a script in which she plays not that she is geniuine. Even with margaery and her cousins, it’s not like she is able to make true friends and be the life of the party and the social butterfly. It’s like she acts how they expect her to act and she just wants to be loved and liked by the others especially since in WF with her friends and mother and septa mordane she was adored, so now she seeks that but it’s not like she can organically connect. People do play the role of the nice lady in court and minding their courteousies but to an extent, not how s*nsa does it which she lives and her personality is playing this role and outwardly being seen as more mature and more adult and more above but actually inside she is very naive and childlike and it comes off not geniuine. even with sweetrobin she acts the mother/adult with her just as she did with bran and rickon and skmetimes arya but in her mind she despises him. even mya is better at connecting and talking with robb in an organic natural way, because she is just brusque and natural at it just how king robert is you know a natural at making enemies into friends and just socializing. even s*nsa says that arya is a natural at being friends with everyone. a lot of characters they do practice the courtesy but they are feeling characters with emotions and snapping and being real. s”nsa doesnt do that at all, her entire personality is just being this more adult mature maiden in a song but lacks an actual personality to connect with people and make friends. even with her siblings she isn’t as connected and i feel like only with arya she showed her true colors and that was pretty ugly. she is inept in socializing, she is just a people pleaser. and when you see it like that, plus how she is an unreliable narrator, she really can go helaena route and just snap and be mad and be a sociopath. which i really suspected too when you compile everything and make sense of her character. she def is a psycho or a sociopath. i can’t believe that we have her literally remember things differently and yet her fans really think she is the hope of the future. she started the book with being a traitor (no matter how small her role was) and she is so detached from her family and home that she will probably make some mistakes and betray some people and pay the price lol
first than anything i want to show you this post in my drafts anon:
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now let's get going with your ask: i do think that wanting to classify sansa as an outsider based on the fact that she was created as a last addition to the family, is a reach. but then again, this is the part of the fandom that thinks that jon and sansa, doing an activity such as breathing is romantic foreshadowing. i do think that her lack of connection to her siblings can be considered an oversight of grrm’s writing mixed with something else, i’d hope to explain this better below.
in my opinion, what sansa fans always ignore to consider is that sansa had her own friend group consisting of highborn ladies like her, arya didn’t. the book even tells us that beth cassel was closer in age to arya but she preferred sansa and jeyne’s company, based on shared interests between the three of them. if arya wanted to play or talk with someone else, (which of course she would want to, because she’s an active nine year old child) the only option she does have is going to her brothers.
now, when i write this, i’m mixing my own experiences with what i saw other people do as a child growing up in the same environment as them, but we used to treat siblings as something completely different than friends, as if they were two entities vastly different from each other. friends were of your own choosing, shared your own interests and on the other side you had your siblings/cousins which sometimes you had to endure their company even when you don’t get along with them most of the time due to "being family". so i do understand, sansa wanting to spend more time in the company of her friends than her brothers. but as i already pointed out, arya didn’t have that, her brothers were her friends too. and that’s when i think people that are reading the books, they can discern that for all the boys (robb, jon, bran and rickon) arya was obviously their favourite sister.
if we look in the grand scheme of things, the boys preferring arya as a sister, almost doesn’t mean anything, i wrote about this in the “black sheep” post i have in my drafts, let me paraphrase what i wrote there because i’m still unsure about posting it, but in adwd we see theon of all people, remembering about how sansa used to bully arya, calling her “horseface”. so with that piece of information, i can assume that the rest of the boys (i have some doubts about bran and rickon is just a baby) knew about sansa's shitty behavior towards her little sister, i mean, arya went crying to jon and asking him if she was a bastard like him after having heard sansa’s comments about it.
i have responded before to the question “why do you think sansa wouldn’t be as important as a sibling to jon as the rest of them?” with, “i don’t think sansa is gaining any sympathy points with jon, when he already knows she constantly bullies his favourite person in the world.” i, myself, think that this fact contributes to the rocky siblinghood between jon and sansa. coming back to point i wanted to make with this, is that the rest of the boys knew about how sansa treats arya, no one confronts her about it, no one treats the bully (who is hurting a member of her own family) different, they continue to treat her as sansa their sister, nothing more, nothing less, as if she wasn’t involved in any wrongdoing. the most we see is jon not giving a rat’s ass if he says goodbye to sansa, which is so telling to me about how jon feels about this sibling in particular and then later jon still not giving a rat’s ass about sansa being married to the imp (he thinks and remembers more about tyrion than his own half-sister). but still, they don’t cast her out, and we see this with arya and jon’s very own “even sansa” remark, that includes her in their longing to get reunited with their family again. so sansa was never in any way an outsider during the period she was living with the rest of her family in winterfell.
i want to start this next part with something i have wroten before: seriously, i don’t understand how stansas only like this character because they can use her as a self-insert, seems sansa's own personality is a nothingburger for them.
we are presented with the fact that arya is an extroverted character with an outgoing personality, we see her easily making friends with anyone and everyone. now, i don’t feel right saying that her older sister is exactly the contrary concept, but yeah, like you said, everything with sansa is playing a role, hiding under a mask, what i do see myself with her character is: "sansa is not kind, sansa is “performative courtesy” at it’s finest."
i had read a post about: "sansa representing “traditional femininity”, because femininity is a 24/7 performance", and i do agree with that sentiment, but i don’t think i’m the right person to talk about this, because even when i’m afab, and grew up in a mostly women environment in a conservative family (i went to a religious all girls school, like it can’t get worse than that for a trans boy) i never conformed to it and i never had the compulsory need to, even when i got bullied for it, it just made me wanting to go even further in the other direction as possible (and yeah, this started to make a lot more sense when i realized i was a trans dude)
what's funny to me is that i can relate to sansa in a way, i’m as socially inept as her, i do think it it can come from having a sheltered childhood and family that treats you like you were better than the rest and i have to admit we share that. it certainly feels that her friend group existed because it was what people expected from these young ladies. and yeah, i tend to agree that when people think of sansa’s character they think of this perfect lady who is simply sansa performing a facade. just doing what it's expected of her, without a second thought of why she's doing it. i think that sansa's mindless behavior is the perfect caricature of how women are expected to act in the highborn westerosi society, but what we get from her fans when they realize this fact, is praise for her, how she is behaving perfectly dutyful without taking action herself and dirtying her hands, how she even "suffers prettily"... like their are romanticizing this tragedy and saying this is the only correct way to behave, in which we see how bad even gender conforming women are treated in this world, it just doesn't make sense to me. a patriarchy, which it's what westeros is, fucks all women over, no matter if you're gender conforming or not, no matter how highborn you're or not. it's that so difficult to understand?
it's completely true that most of sansa fans don't like her canon personality. the other day i saw someone talking about how sansa's whole schtick is: "she's so kind that she touches another people and makes them kinder"... and i have some thoughts about this... first: what book are you reading? i don't think is asoiaf related, from what i remember the only kind action sansa made was plead for dontos hollard's life. and second: that's not true at all, i'm sure sansa touched joffrey multiple times in fact, it never made him any kinder. (fun fact about the creation of this sideblog, i tend to speak with my bestie daily and we have known each other since we were 7 year olds, and last year i started to obsess over arya and gendrya again, and i could tell that my hyperfixation with them has started to bore her over our conversations, i give her grace for it, she had to endure this same obsession coming from me when we were teens and after that i created this blog to release all these feelings and thoughts that had come back to me here. and the first time i started to talk about asoiaf again with my friend was me complaining about how awful sansa is and she remembered me talking about this same thing as a teen.) 
now what makes me dislike her character is how she is completely self-absorbed and seems to lack empathy for others, i can see that it stemmed from her being considered her parents's (mostly catelyn) golden child who couldn’t do no wrong, the thing is we are able to read sansa’s thoughts and even with jeyne, her best friend and fellow highborn lady, she is awful, thinking herself to be above her, thinking of jeyne as useless when said girl was crying and mourning her father. i’m not comfortable calling sansa a sociopath, but i do think that the character is a textbook definition of narcissistic personality disorder, with her inability to recognize the feelings and needs from other people, being critical of and looking down on people she feels are not important, being preoccupied with fantasies, high sense of self importance, having major problems with interacting with others and the list could go on.
this is my own speculation for the future, so nothing to take seriously, but i do think that sansa’s role will be to cause a succession crisis in the north alongside littlefinger, like… the girl’s mentors (cersei, you could argue the hound, if grrm doesn’t take the romantic route with him as one too and lastly littlefinger) are antagonistic characters and they don’t see how this could come up as sansa behaving antagonistic to the rest of her family later (which is a thing she had already done before)… but i see arya and bran coming together to support robb’s will and stand behind the decision of jon being legitimized as a stark.
and lastly, yes, i consider it completely idiocy that stansas fail to consider how book!jon would canonically react when he learns about the joffrey vs arya incident and how sansa behaved during that, and then later sansa said this about his favourite person, which put arya’s life at great risk:
“I’m not like Arya,” Sansa blurted. “She has the traitor’s blood, not me. I’m good, ask Septa Mordane, she’ll tell you, I only want to be Joffrey’s loyal and loving wife.”  
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midnight-raven · 9 months
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Futuristic Four ft Riley & Miguel as Sinner Demons
Idea inspired by Anon. Original ask here -> post
The Underworld; a dark and chaotic realm ruled by Xibalba, where the souls of those whom have sinned in their previous lives are sent to spend the rest of eternity.
Follow the lives of six demons as they try to live the rest of their eternal afterlife to the fullest.
(Closing off the rest of the post because of mentions of dark topics. Proceed with caution.)
⚠️ TW: Mentions of Death, Suicide, Slight Torture, and Mentioned Substance Abuse⚠️
If not a fan, please do not read ahead.
Thank you.
Age: 18
Alias: Kage
Species: Cybernetic Kabuki Demon
Cause of Death: Building Explosion
Hiro and his brother, Tadashi, were researchers in a lab that mysteriously caught fire. Hiro had made a deal with Xibalba, to spare his brother's life, even if the deal condemned his own soul.
Afterwards, Hiro was reincarnated as a demon in Hell. At first, he worked as a Bot Fighter for Yama in the Greed Ring, until Hiro decided to start an assassination business, to investigate those whose deaths were unnatural and unsolved.
Age: 18
Alias: Dark Wings
Species: Harpy Demon
Cause of Death: Bullet to the Heart
Violet was a young super who was declared an enemy after she deflected a bullet with her shields and accidentally struck an innocent bystander. Shunned by her family, Violet lived a life on the run from the NSA, until she was finally cornered.
Reincarnated in the Wrath Ring as a Harpy Demon, Violets’ power grew with her rage, as she continued her path as a Vigilante of Justice. Vowing to never be hurt again, and to work alone.
Age: 17
Alias: Surge
Species: Electricity Demon
Cause of Death: Electrical Surge
Wilbur always knew he could never live up to his fathers golden legacy, which led him to reckless actions with dire consequences. This created a rift between him and his Dad, that could’ve been repaired in time… but it was too late.
In the Greed Ring, Wilbur was captured and used as a living battery for an underworld casino, and spent decades being drained of his powers towards the brink of death. Until he was saved by a vigilante known as ‘Dark Wings.’
Age: 17
Alias: Renegade
Species: Camera Demon
Cause of Death: Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
In her previous life, Penny was a popular actress, featured in many movies and gossip magazines. But beyond the spotlight, Penny was cracking under the pressure of her stardom and demanding agent. Until the day she took her own life.
Reincarnated as a demon with a camera lens for her right eye, Penny became a freelance photographer, to expose people's true colors. As well as making her first friend; her protective and loyal hellhound; Bolt.
Age: 17
Alias: Little Miss Sunshine
Species: Clown Demon
Cause of Death: Struck By A Car
Her parents would describe Riley as a ‘happy girl’ but everything changed after they moved. Riley became cynical, a shadow of her former self. And then one day, everything hit the fan.
Reborn in the seven rings, Riley became a special clown performer, with the help of her impish friends; Anger, Fear, Disgust, Sadness, and Joy.
Age: 18
Alias: De La Cruzcito
Species: Skeleton Demon
Cause of Death: Smoke Inhalation
Kicked out by his family at 15, Miguel tried to make his dream of becoming a musician true, but living on his own, Miguel had to take on certain jobs to survive. After a long day, Miguel fell into a deep sleep, not realizing a room nearby had caught fire. He woke up dead.
In his afterlife, Miguel got the opportunity of working with famous musician; Ernesto De La Cruz, who took the young boy on as his protégé. And as long as Miguel does everything Ernesto ask, he can live out his dream. And never have to return to his former life again. It’s worth it, right?
(Thinking about making a separate post for each characters to further explain their lives, afterlives and the sins they committed. Even maybe some Fanart for how I picture them.)
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poppy-metal · 2 months
I’m the og chai anon
I’m so glad it’s confirmed cus I’ve seen stuff online saying both and it’s confusing me. IK SK SORRY. I GEUIY THOUGHT SOME NSA AGENT WAS LIKE LISTENING TO ME MALE ART DONALDSON HUMP MY PILLOW
slut ‼️‼️
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warsofasoiaf · 2 months
How much do you think a Kamala presidency would differ from Biden's, if any? Would there be a difference with the foreign policy (Israel)?
From a foreign policy perspective, while I do think Harris would be rhetorically harsher on Israel, ultimately I don't see a large change in US foreign policy toward Israel. Public polling in the US favors Israel over Palestine by a significant degree, according to Gallup and Pew at least. Her likely electoral strategy will be to pivot toward centrists, independents, and swing voters (she's going to probably pick Josh Shapiro for her running mate if she believes she needs to secure PA's electoral votes, or Mark Kelly if she thinks she has them already), so I don't predict a substantive change for something that would be so unpopular.
She has said that top foreign policy officials are not likely to return, so no Blinken, Austen, or Jake Sullivan, and she's likely to tap Gordon as her NSA. Whether this means ending the Jake Sullivan school of thought - the absolute fear of Russian escalation that allows Russia to largely commit acts against the West with the tepidest of finger wags is unknown. Russia tried to target US personnel in France according to Le Monde and no one has done much of anything. She's likely to be at least a mild hawk on China and Russia, but that means little.
In the coming days, you'd probably expect her to release policy papers and vision statements to get a grasp of her 2024 policy ideas, which would include foreign policy.
Thanks for the question, Anon.
SomethingLikeALawyer, Hand of the King
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Leave Reddit alone ima actually expose all of you on there reposting and laughing bit funny really because if byler isn’t endgame what you gonna do? Shout homophobia scream because well most of you are girls so there will be lots of screaming
1. “Expose all of us” - lol go ahead? You’re not an NSA whistleblower. There isn’t some kind of conspiracy. You just sound silly.
2. “Most of you are girls” - I’m not sure where this concept came from? From what I’ve seen, Bylers are a diverse group of people of all genders. And you’re aware that whenever you attack “girls” for shipping Byler with accusations of “fetishization,”many of the same people you’re attacking are literally queer themselves? So your “point” makes no sense. It might be possible that “girls” may be simply more likely to get involved in fandom spaces like Tumblr (don’t know the official stats). But there are definitely many, many guys and people of all genders who ship Byler and see themselves in Mike and Will. And shipping Byler has nothing to do with one’s gender. It has to do with watching ST and opening your eyes lmao.
3. “so there will be lots of screaming” - so you’re both misogynistic AND homophobic? Got it.
4. “If Byler isn’t endgame” - all of these silly anons betray you. You’re all terrified we’re right because you know our arguments make sense
5. “Leave Reddit Alone”
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holytrohmanempire · 1 year
Oh! Oh! I volunteer! What's your all time favorite vampire media and do you have links?
Thank you anon I'm so delighted you took the bait!
It is with deep bemusement and slight dismay that I inform you and the world at large that the best vampire story I have ever read is called "temperance" and reader, "temperance" is an NSYNC fanfiction.
Yeah you read that right this is a fanfiction about the men in the boyband nsync (and the backstreet boys, and elvis' manager? for some reason?????) and it's 64,000 words long with two short sequels and listen. I don't want this to be the best piece of vampire media ever any more than you do. But my god, it is. The vampire rules are well thought out. The world is built richly but without Dune-style infodumps - you just learn to understand what the universe is like so organically as the story progresses. The romance is sweet, the debate regarding the souls of vampires is explored thoughtfully. The prose is beautiful and it's easy to sink your teeth into. It's equal parts beautiful and horrifying, the way vampire media should be, but the beauty is of a southern gothic cottagecore nature and the horror is feral and toothsome, as opposed to the genteel nature of most vampire stories. I genuinely believe you don't have to give a shit about NSYNC to enjoy it, either. Cannot sing its praises enough - link to the first story is here: http://www.nopseud.org/nsa/fic/temperance.html
My second fave piece of vampire media is the Carmilla webseries. Picture it: the year is 2014 and you have come to terms with being a bit of a lesbian and someone takes The sapphic vampire story of all time and turns it into a college au romcom (ft some gorgeous leads, by the way.) Laura only drinks from a tardis mug. Carmilla eats cereal with blood in it. Black cat/golden retriever dynamics. It made my cry. The theme song ("Love Will Have Its Sacrifices") is baller and I've put it on every playlist for THWTH I've ever made. I have, to be fair, only finished season one, but god, I fucking love Carmilla: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3uPd3g5wi1A
My third fave piece of vampire media is a little more traditional and it is the book "The Coldest Girl in Coldtown" by Holly Black. Holly Black as in author of grimdark fae novels for teenagers, yes. "The Coldest Girl in Coldtown" is excellent and on my list because it is, in spite of being written for teens, probably the sexiest piece of vampire fiction I have ever read. Gavriel is such a hot lead and we finally get an author unafraid to make the blood drinking sexy as well as gory and alarming. 10/10 would recommend this book to literally anyone, and it has shockingly good trans rep for being released in like 2013: https://bookshop.org/p/books/the-coldest-girl-in-coldtown-holly-black/110465?ean=9780316213097
Lastly, I think the Fright Night remake from 2011 is amazing. Like, look. I know it's not "good" as in well-written or anything, but like. It's funny, it's sexy, they play into the ridiculousness. I fully believe Fright Night walked so that Renfield could run. It's star studded for literally no reason. The CGI is terrible. The vampires are ridiculous. The soundtrack to this one is also way better than it had any right to be. It comes in fourth because it is kind of sexist and I think we should have had more characters fully soaked in blood a la Evil Dead Rise, but c'est la vie. Please please please note that I do mean the 2011 remake the one from the 80s was, like, fine, but the 2011 one was camp: https://letterboxd.com/film/fright-night-2011/
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cupidcures · 3 months
Can I ask if either y/n or hyunjin (or both?!) is going to get another love interest🤔 I LIVE for the drama! And it you’re gonna make an anon list, can I be 🍄?
mmm i’m gonna introduce a new character for y/n to the when tulips kiss series eventually, he already had a cameo in three chapters hehe. as for hyunjin tho, he’s only doing nsa hook ups, but there will be someone that stirs up trouble on his end. no spoilers tho!
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sapphire-weapon · 1 year
Talking about her writing... the point to me is that the main theme of the series, bioterrorism, is such a heavy and complex issue, so a moraly grey character would require the same complexity as well and i never felt that the writing staff perceived this in the original timeline. is straight up "oh she is in fact a mercenary, but see, she never really gives the samples to the bad guys even thought we dont explain how the fuck she pays her bills like this and never faced the consequences of betraying this psychos", and that's so fucking boring, nonsense and frustating.
So i'm really glad with remake timeline at least trying to develop some nuances over this, and i kind of understand people like the anon of a few days ago because it's so annoying get her stans just ignoring the fact that why the hell there would be a redemption arc setting like this if she didn't made any mistake.
i mean let's be honest here tho, resident evil has literally never treated bioterrorism as a complex issue. it's very black and white in the RE universe. bioterrorism exists so that we can have the main protagonists do cool action guy shit against big monsters.
but ada does give the samples to the bad guys -- at least, on the occasions that she actually gets them. she would have still given the G-virus to wesker, if she'd had it. you'd also have to believe that she's also gotten other shit for him over the years, considering he actually goes back and contracts her again for the plaga even after she fucked up with G. somewhere in the six years in between, ada "redeemed" herself in wesker's eyes and got back into his good graces.
and she did give not one, but two plaga samples to simmons (the one from RE4 and the one from damnation).
the issue is that we don't know why.
we don't know why she worked for wesker for years and years. we don't know why she gave plagas to simmons. it seems a little counterintuitive, since she gives the samples to these fucking guys and then helps leon clean up the mess that's caused after she hands the shit over.
either she's actually legitimately unintelligent and thinks that simmons isn't going to do anything bad with the plagas (which i do not believe is the case), or she thinks that because simmons is the US's NSA that leon will somehow sniff it out and it'll be fine (which he then doesn't actually do, so that begs the question why she continues to rely on him), or she's been in some way acting under duress this entire time (LOL), or she's literally just in it for the money and has a fucked up "i'll deal with it later" mindset.
the correct answer is:
none of the above, because she's literally just a dragon lady stereotype who's there to look sexy and drag leon around by the libido.
it seems like remake is gearing up to turn her into a character that's like... she's been doing this for so long that she just filters it all out as noise and literally has never had any reason to think about what she's doing any deeper than "do job, get paid" until leon inspires a change of heart in her and she snaps back into reality, but by then it's too late.
which is cool. i hope they follow through with that. because her character makes absolutely no sense on its own in OG in a context divorced from leon.
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catgirl-catboy · 1 year
Hii !! Email doxxing anon here !!
I'm not sure I understood correctly but I did click on the link (which I really shouldn't click strange links from strangers on the internet haha ☠) but when it completely loaded, it showed the wrong everything??? I'm not sure I read it correctly or something but nothing was correct. Even clicked view map and apparently I live in the woods haha. Goals ig.
Also please, yes ! I'd love some recommendations for a VPN if you have any.
Here's what the NSA recommends for VPNs! Works no matter where you live.
As for it being inaccurate, that's fairly common! It has to do with your ISP. I'd say its a good thing, but I'd still use a VPN anyway.
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k3uuu · 10 months
in response to ur server names post (sending this anon so the nsa doesn’t clock me) i think mcfaggot rapists is pretty catchy :3
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the-empress-7 · 2 years
This seems.like a very well coordinated Sussex PR/plan.
2/3 weeks some forums were saying Harry was secretly visiting UK for his titles and coronation thing. This was just after they demanded an apology I'm exchange for the coronation. Then came the avalanche of coronation PR from Charles - Andrew and his allowance issue, Camilla's grandkids, Royal Lodge issue, FC issue, eviction.
Meanwhile, Meghan then did her mushroom latte ad. Then the pap walk. Then Harry+Mate interview with even more BRF bashing.
Then they released the news about Eugenie getting Frogmore. The Sussexes said they received the email correspondence for coronation.
Tyler Perry gets papped with the private jet and said to have visited Sussexes for 4hrs on Friday.
LadyC does video saying the palace has a critical risk assessment on the couple and realized they increase the risk to Will, Catherine and the children. NSA anon comes on Tumblr and explains what that means and why releasing the tea about risk assessment is a last ditch attempt by the palace.
Harry does another better up speaking gig.
Cam looks uninterested in the engagement with the king. And people speculated she may be ill or that the couple may have had an argument on the way over. She cancels her engagements the next day.
Sussexes released they will now call their children prince and princess and BP says they respect and agree to the couple's wishes.
Meanwhile, Commonwealth Day service is next week where the whole BRF (working royals) is expected to attend in full force and coronation countdown officially begins.
Im recaping things from. memory because I feel somewhere there is hint as to when things went down hill. It's clear the Sussexes have blackmailed to get their way into the coronation. Likely, they will be there with their kids the new prince and princess. As stupid as Charles has been, this seems like so far the worst decision in the run up to his coronation.
Something's up. And not in a good way. March already looks like a shit show.
Blackmail is one explanation, the other being that Charles simply doesn’t have a spine.
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Ollie isn't a cop same way Oracle isn't a narc or the NSA. But you can still have meaningful conversations about surveillance and privacy with her. Instead of jumping to Ollie's defense try looking at the other angle. He's a rectangle but in what ways is he like a square. Does it matter if he's not a square when he's so similar to one. What other ideas are his stories unintentionally telling. Could he be so different from a cop that he's basically a circle instead.
Congrats, Anon! You're the one who got anonymous asks turned off because what the fuck is this?
It's like
Have any of you ever read one of Trump's campaign speeches as like a transcript so you can actively follow what words he trying to shoehorn into a sentence so you can try to figure out what the hell he's saying? That's what this reads like.
A rectangle can't be a square. That's the whole point? They are inherently different for specific distinctions? They can have four sides and four right angles but we can all see the difference except for you apparently who seemingly failed high school geometry.
Ollie stories do touch on police brutality and push significant dialogue. There are cops. They get talked about. There are your meaningful conversations. Ollie and his juxtaposition to the law.
Ollie isn't a cop in the same that barbara isn't NSA? She literally spies on everyone to gather information. she is actively doing exactly what the government does for her own gain. OLLIE ACTIVELY HATES AND DOESN'T WORK WITH COPS! YES, THOSE ARE DIFFERENT! One, she's endorsing the behavior and she can hate it. Oliver actively doesn't work like a cop and hates them. that's a post/neg and neg/neg. Those are not the same.
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daftbitch · 1 year
NSA here! Nekomamushi sailed with Roger for a bit IIRC, right? So Rayleigh knew him when he was younger. I GOTTA know, how does he feel about Nekomamushi being his daughter's partner?
He was apprehensive at first. Rayleigh would be apprehensive about Sterling getting into any relationship because of her past trauma with Rosinante dying and how deeply that effected her. He’s also a really overprotective dad so there is that. After Sterling decided to stay in Zou both of her parents come for a visit.
After seeing the way Nekomamushi is with his daughter being gentle and patient with her, Rayleigh accepts the together. Shakky is the same way. But Shakky had a feeling that Nekomamushi and Sterling would end up together when her daughter told her that she was going to Zou to visit Inuarashi and Nekomamushi. Just call it a hunch lol.
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kateofthecanals · 2 years
I love the salty asks so much 🌝
5, 6, 8,17, 26.
Bring on the sodium chloride!
Oooh I do declare, mah ankles are finna swell up!
5. Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
Oh gawd yes. J*nsa, of course. Obviously I never shipped it but I would have been perfectly fine with others doing so if they hadn’t been such insufferable bullies about it. I’ve also found myself wary of J*nerys—could not care less about either character but I see soooo much Sansa hate among that fandom that I immediately wince at the site of it, even though those guys should automatically be SanSan allies (enemy of my enemy, etc.).
6. Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?
Nah. I think if a pairing turns me off from the get, there’s little that can persuade me it has any merit unless it’s in the text itself.
8. Have you received anon hate? What about?
Of course! Are you really in fandom unless you’ve gotten anon hate? 😂 99% of the anon hate I get is about shipping SanSan and Reylo. It’s usually pretty juvenile shit and whenever I see it, I always imagine some pressed teenager behind the computer.
17. Instead of XYZ happening, I would have made ABC happen…
I don’t have much quarrel at this point about how things have played out in ASOIAF so far only because it’s unfinished and we don’t know what the payoff is. But since GoT is over and fanfiction anyway, Sandor should have got his ass up from the table and followed Sansa out of the room where they would proceed to rock each other’s worlds and he would ultimately decide to stay in Winterfell than go and die in King’s Landing!!!
26. Most shippable character?
Clearly Sansa, as she has been paired with just about every damn character in the book at this point. 🙄
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fancyshooting · 1 year
I have a question about an anon you answered recently. You said that according to the mgs4 database, ADAM's defection was televised. But all I'm seeing is this- 'A former NSA codebreaker, one of two who defected to the Soviet Union in a notorious 1960 incident. The other defector was EVA (not the same EVA that appears in the story).' ?? I can't find any mention of TV. I checked both the 'Ocelot' and 'ADAM' entries (+the 'Revolver Ocelot' page but that redirected me to 'Ocelot')
it's listed as the "nsa defection incident" under "historic events":
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it was probably a similar event to the news conference given after the irl martin and mitchell defection, which the not-irl ADAM and EVA defection is based on:
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