#anon you broke my heart
corrodedcoughin · 2 years
Something something about Frodo and Steve and how they both cannot rest after All is said and done and the evil is banished because their hearts are too tainted, and Steve is struggling, really struggling to see the light at the end of the tunnel after years of fighting and violence and loneliness, and it only really clicks for other people when he’s at Eddie’s house one day, having either finished reading return or the king, or having Eddie explain the end to him - and Steve mutters something about wanting go into the west.
Eddie can see the change in Steve’s expression as he explains it. Can see the mix of pain and understanding. Steve nods after eddie finishes explaining, conversation carries on but Steve doesn’t stop thinking about Frodo and the similar feelings he’s having.
Steve is quiet more and more, cloud vision that Robin, Eddie and Dustin all notice and all checkin with each other on. They don’t want to prod him into talking if he isn’t ready but they knowing something isn’t quite Right with him.
It’s takes a few weeks but eventually, when he’s really tired and about to fall asleep he tells Eddie. Says he feels like Frodo and tries to explain but he’s so tired, talks about how he can’t get the feeling to stop and he’s so so tired. Eddie holds him as he sleeps, thinks all the possibilities over then settles on it being the Frodo speech and the inability to rest. Eddie kisses Steve’s temple, tells him it’ll be okay, that they’ll go west. Steve is half awake, pulls Eddie tighter, hums into his chest
‘Mmm, Thank you. Can’t go without everyone though. Not like Frodo. Can’t leave them. Promise we won’t?’
Eddie can hear the fatigue in Steves voice but can hear the love mixed in it to
‘Promise. Let’s sleep now though. I got you’
The big conversations can wait, right now steve sleeps.
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blushedfemme · 2 months
shit, man. see, I usually go for other stoner mascs but your posts about intox butches is making me a little stupid and I just woke up.
I'm just thinking of innocently coming over, maybe to help you build a shelf or play games together, and eventually we'd roll two blunts or three and sit down together. I'd be all sweaty, and I'd apologize but you tell me you don't mind. You don't offer a shower. Instead you sit closer to me and my smell and your perfume end up mixing in the air and I'm fighting for my life to not stare at your tits. I don't want to make you uncomfortable, I feel guilty being attracted to femmes since I transitioned. I fix my packer down my pants and try to be casual, showing you some local punk bands that I like.
Little did I know you're doing it on purpose. Of course you picked that shirt on purpose. Of course you're touching my combat boots with your heels on purpose. You know what you're doing when you ask to touch my mohawk, scratching my head with your long nails and giving me visible goosebumps. I'd chuckle nervously, "sorry, I really like when people play with my hair". You know what you were doing when you asked if my lip piercings change anything, if my tongue piercing does. You keep asking me about my tattoos and eventually I take my shirt off (staying with my binder) so you can see them better. I don't notice you sitting closer to me. I don't notice how my eyes keep inevitably moving down your body, I don't notice anything and I don't even have the time to feel bad for being a pervert because I've fallen right onto your trap. 😵‍💫
I don't really wear spiked collars but I'd let you put me on you, and maybe muzzle me after you realize I bite when I get too excited.
(I hope this ain't a bother and you enjoy my anon, maam) - 💣
i am giggling and kicking my feet like umm. hiiiiiii~
i’ve never had the chance to hook up with an alt or punk butch and i think that would be so hot honestly. i LOVE contrasting aesthetics. i dress so preppy and sweetheartcore and girl-next-door, except when i’m having a siren/femme fatale moment. and an outside (biased) observer might think you were the sinister corrupting force in that dynamic but in reality it’s me 💖💅🏻 touching your combat boots with my heels is a delicious detail oh my god
yeah i would love to smoke out a punk butch who’s a lil sweaty and a lil nervous, dangle my soft tits in front of you like bait and play with your mohawk (!!!!) and sit too close and be so mock-innocent in my curiosity about all your piercings and tattoos. as if i’m so wholesome. as if i don’t have a collar and muzzle waiting for you…. maybe when i get impatient enough i’d ‘notice’ your packer and ask if i can feel it, again feigning mere curiosity, and kiss you so i can taste your pot-laced breath and catch your whimpers in my mouth…
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sunshinebingo · 7 months
idk if your request is still open but i’ll try my luck 😭
could you please do a gwynriel angst where they have to attend a friend’s wedding party and their friends didn’t know they have broken up and they were forced into a seven minutes in heaven game but instead of what their friends have expected, the seven minutes turned out to be tears and heartbreak
i’m feeling kinda sad rn and this idea suddenly popped into my head. If you couldn’t do it, totally fine
Hi anon!! My request is always open so please feel free to send me any suggestion you might have.
Thank you so so much for having sent this one. It made me cry a bit ngl 😂 I hope you like it 🤭
Gwynriel - 1.8k - No warning - Angst only
Read on Ao3 or below the cut
Love is a losing game
Some said better to love and lose than to have never known love. Right now, Gwyn wished she had never known love at all. As she watched the two newlyweds dressed in lace and silks whiter than the roses that filled the small garden, their eyes sparkling with happiness and love, their laughs rising above that of the small party who had gathered to celebrate this new step in their life, Gwyn saw what she would never have. And she wished, more than anything, that she had never known what being in love felt like.
Her own bridesmaid outfit was a mockery of it. The ivory dress that Emerie had wanted her chosen sisters to wear when walking her down the aisle had seemed to laugh at Gwyn with every step she had made, blue bouquet in hand, towards the alter. It was all a cruel, sick joke and she hated it. Hated herself for having so stupidly walked into it.
“Hey,” Nesta’s gentle voice broke through her thoughts.
Gwyn turned to look at sister, blinking away the tears of anger that had started to fill her eyes. Nesta narrowed her eyes inquisitively. “Are you okay?”
“I am,” she offered Nesta one the fakest smile she had ever forced onto her face. Gwyn shrugged at her sister’s silent insistence. “I’m just so happy for them.”
Nesta laughed and picked up her crystal glass. “You’ve always been the most romantic of the three of us,” she said, referring to Gwyn, Emerie and herself. Emerie and Nesta. The only true loves of her life besides her twin and her mother.
“And the funniest,” Gwyn added with none of the joy that usually accompanied her sass.
“And the sweetest and the smartest,” Emerie chimed in across from them, fingers entwined in her new wife’s.
Nesta hummed her approval. Gwyn wondered how long it would take for them to notice the walls she had built around herself to hide her misery. She hoped that the cracks forming in this wall as she watched everyone’s happy faces would not make the whole thing crumble before she could get far away from them.
An eruption of voices caused another crack to form. It got worse when Cassian’s boisterous voice called her name on the other side of Nesta, along with another.
“Gwyn and Azriel. It’s time to find out the truth.”
Gwyn tensed and blurted a, “What?”
She felt a wave of panic rising. Gwyn internally added more bricks to her wall. She slammed her hands against the cracks even as more tears threatened to bring it all down. She couldn’t be weak. Not now. Not in front of him. Not ever.
Not now. Please. Please.
“We need to find out if you two can spend seven minutes in heaven and keep things clean,” Rhysand explained across from Cassian, no doubt mistaking her dread for confusion. His words settled in Gwyn before she could sigh at the fact that no one had yet learned the real truth.
Only then, hours after having stepped foot here, did she look at him for more than a second. His hazel eyes were already on her. Gwyn refused to read any emotion in them. She could not bear anymore lies from him.
“Come on Gwynnie,” Cassian went on. “We already placed the bets. And I know I will win because Az hasn’t stopped looking at you.”
Feyre giggled next to Rhys. “That’s nothing new Cass.”
“I know but it’s different today. His stare has been...,” Cassian placed a finger on his chin as though he was looking for the perfect word. “...harder,” he finally added with a wink that earned him a laugh from everyone around the table.
“It’s probably the white dress,” Mor wiggled her perfect eyebrows at Gwyn.
A flush crept up Gwyn’s cheeks. Not because of the insinuation from the beautiful blond, but because there had been a time where she would have believed everything that they were saying. What a fool she had been. What a stupid, romantic, naive fool.
“Oh that pretty blush is promising,” Nesta teased next to her. “Come on.”
Before she could give any response, Nesta was out of her chair and pulling Gwyn up by the arm. Next to her, Cassian had already pulled a semi-reluctant Azriel out of his seat and was dragging him across the garden towards the small shed.
All words evaded Gwyn. All she could focus on was trying to keep herself together. She could do this. Seven minutes. She would be strong. For seven minutes.
“And no less,” Cassian exclaimed after pushing both her and Azriel in the shed. Gwyn stared at the closed door after the loud click of the lock sounded from outside.
The silence in the small dark place was louder than the faint voices on the other side. It stretched on for what felt like ten times more than seven minutes. Everything was so still around her that despite having her back to him, Gwyn felt Azriel lift his hand and reach towards her.
“Don’t,” she took a step to the side before he could touch her shoulder.
“Gwyn plea-,”
“Don’t,” she said more firmly. Though her next words came out in a whisper. “Please, don’t.”
She turned around and faced him. She begged her heart to keep quiet and pleaded with reason to not abandon her. This situation seemed like a mirror of the last time that they had been in the same room. Suddenly, the last month faded into nothing. Gwyn felt like she was still in his living room, staring into his eyes and wondering why on earth she had ever trusted him. It was pity for herself that she had felt before she had stormed out of his apartment that night.
“Gwyn. Please,” he took a step forward and she took one back. “Let me explain.”
“What I saw was explanation enough,” she snapped.
“It’s not what you think.” His voice was laced with impatience. If she believed in his lies, she would have also discerned hurt in it. But it was probably a bit of wishful thinking from her part.
Gwyn let out a sardonic laugh. “And what would you have thought, Azriel,” she spat his name like it had become the hardest thing for her to say, “if you had seen me doing what you were doing with her.”
He ran a hand through his hair, pulling on the dark strands in frustration like he usually did.
“It was a mistake. A huge, fucking mistake. And I regret every fucking second of it.”
“A mistake...,” Gwyn tasted the word on her tongue. It was the same word he had used that day. That same word that she had turned around and around in her head for the past month while she had thought back on the years that they had spent together.
“This should have never happened, you have to believe me.”
“But it did.”
“It was a fucking mistake.” That godforsaken word again. As if saying it enough times would remove his involvement in the act he had committed. “I swear love, I never wanted to hurt you. She - ”
“She what?” her voice rose above his and made him freeze. “Did she force you to do anything?”
Azriel didn’t react. His silence was answer enough. And when he kept staring at her with those deep hazel eyes that she adored so much, with that same intensity that had made her lose her godsdamned mind so many times since she had first looked into them, her wall crumbled. Her strength to keep it up left her, running away to the darkest corner of the shed along with her resolve to keep her mouth shut.
“I thought that you would be the one to finally make me believe that I deserve this kind of love. But y-you...,” she wasn’t sure what to say except that she had to let out what had been plaguing her mind for a whole month.
“I trusted you. I...”
He took another step towards her but she stopped him with a hand on his chest. She ignored what touching him was doing to her. Ignored that she wasn’t the only one that had touched him and kept talking despite her voice coming out as sobs
“I never forced you to stay with me. You always had a choice. And you chose to hurt me.”
“I didn’t want –,”
“BUT YOU DID,” she shouted.
She didn’t notice the sudden quiet of the voices outside nor did she care. Azriel fell to his knees, tears streaming down his face. “Please, my love. This will never happen again.”
Looking at him like this made something twist inside Gwyn. Her whole body was trembling with anger and pain. An endless flow of tears started streaming down her face. How dare he make such empty promises after having ripped her heart out like he did.
“I know you still love me, Gwyn.”
She huffed. “Of course I love you.” There was no point in denying it. “I hate myself for loving you so much.”
Azriel grabbed one of her hands and brought it to his lips. “Please let me fix this. I love you more than anything.”
Another sentence that she had heard back then. As if trust could be fixed by simply snapping one’s fingers. As if those images that had haunted her for an entire month would disappear by simply piling new ones on top.
“If this is your idea of love, then it’s wrong,” she said, slowly removing her hand from his. She closed her eyes as she did so, knowing well that this would be last time she would ever let him touch her. Perhaps the last time she would ever let any man touch her. It seemed impossible in this moment that she would ever trust a man again with her heart. Not when it would always remain with the one kneeling at her feet. The sight was another mockery of the future she had dreamed for them. Another sick and cruel joke of life.
A knock sounded at the door followed by Cassian’s deep voice. “You still decent in there? Time’s over.”
Time wasn’t the only thing that was over. Gwyn was almost at the door when Azriel abruptly stood up and grabbed her wrist. Without even thinking, she turned around and slapped him so hard that the incessant knocking on the door stopped.
Azriel released her wrist and brought his hand to his cheek. His hazel eyes found hers again. His eyes were red and filled with tears, his expression full of something that she refused to acknowledge.
Since she had nothing left to say and so much more tears left to shed, Gwyn turned around and walked out, to somewhere she could mourn the loss of her heart.
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bylertruther · 2 years
no cause the last anón is so right. I scrapped a 50k byler fic because I actually got worried people might call me weird or a freak like they do others. I was on twitter when the whole fiasco went down and it pissed me off but if you even tried to speak there were so many accounts saying you were “speaking over minors” and calling you a predator/pedophile. So many of my moots deactivated bc of the hate- they eventually started attacking people for their ages alone saying it was weird that 20 year olds theorized and talked about byler. Literally word for word “you’re a freak if you’re 20 and read byler fics. Why are you fantasizing about two little 14 year old boys making out” if they would take a step back and think that maybe people are so interested in this relationship is bc they see their younger selves in these two characters then maybe they wouldn’t say such stupid shit. Anyway sorry for ranting I just have been fuming since that whole thing happened. I just wish they would take a step back and stop and think about why they see a kiss between two boys written and immediately shout creep.
oh no, anon! i'm so sorry to hear about your fic & your experience. i hope you feel comfortable enough to post it one day, if you still want to. 🥺 and don't ever apologize for expressing yourself!
not to be a cunt, but i am a cunt, so, ahem. from the bottom of my heart... fuck them kids. 🫶 i literally do not give a single shit about any of the ""discourse"" they inflict on us all. "speaking over minors" why are you even speaking to begin with, huh? 🤨 why are you buzzing into an adult's space and picking a fight when a) literally no one fucking asked you to, and b) you're just going to cry "waaaaah but i'm a minorrr :(" as if you're somehow the victim in this situation after they dare to defend themselves against your serious and unsupported allegations? be normal or piss the fuck off and do your homework.
and why do people take them seriously? disregarding the fact that anyone of any age can be a shipper & the awful homophobia laced in such rhetoric...
this is the internet. no one owes you shit & the wild web will never, ever cater to you. you need to curate your own space and protect yourself. this is, like.. basic shit. like, bare-fucking-bones basic shit. it's not anyone else's responsibility but your own. they taught me that in school, my parents told me that, and also i have a functioning brain that can come to that conclusion, too. people need to stop pretending like what these people are asking for—which is your silence and your shame—is reasonable. it's not. content gets tagged, there are multiple extensions to blacklist any tags you don't like, some of it gets put behind a privacy wall, block buttons exist, many websites have filtering options, and so on and so forth. there are multiple measures people can take to both find things and avoid them. and a lot of the time, content is something you have to seek out yourself. so, if you don't like it, why did you click on it? why spend any time on it when you could've just backspaced? how is your ineptitude anyone else's problem?
also, people need to stop throwing the words pedophilia, pedophile, and predator around. you're being an insensitive jackass when you do that. someone writing about two fictional characters is not abusive scum of the fucking earth. you're watering those acts down and showcasing your ignorance for the world to see when you throw their names around carelessly. a child predator does awful, sinister, repulsive things to real life people who did not deserve that. someone writing a first kiss or practice kissing fic is not anywhere near that and i'm tired of people pretending like this is an okay thing to say or even think. just shut the fuck up and stop saying those words if you don't actually understand the gravity of what they mean.
another thing: a lot of these people aren't just kids. grown folk fall for the same shitty rhetoric, too. it's all just groupthink and herd mentality. no one wants to get attacked so they just repeat the same shit without thinking about it beyond "protecting" themselves (which is senseless as well because conditional acceptance is not true acceptance, but i digress). this fandom would be in a much better place if people were willing to stand their ground and defend their friends when this stuff happens. it gets worse and worse if you just turn a blind eye to it and fall in line. we're all waking up and finally seeing the consequences of that now.
of course, this doesn't really apply to when you're getting attacked by hundreds of people. that's... just shitty and hard and demoralizing. i'm not victim-blaming, because no one wants to be on the receiving end of that and i know that you can't control what others do.
my argument is that it gets to that point because the fandom as a whole just lets it slide by never holding the right people accountable for their actions. they allow the needless bullying to happen. they allow the rhetoric to get crazier and crazier. they allow people to get fucking crucified for shit that isn't even remotely inappropriate. they reblog posts they don't believe in because they don't want to be the odd one out and get accused of something by someone with more followers than them. it's just... we, as a whole, need to support each other more and put our foot down when shit like that starts happening.
it isn't normal. it isn't okay. it hasn't ever been okay.
like... i KNOW that you KNOW that it isn't weird for them to kiss, for people to want them to kiss, or for people to make them kiss in their creations. i KNOW that you KNOW that it isn't weird for anyone of any age to enjoy a love story of any kind. we know these things. some of us just pretend like we don't online for whatever fucking reason. and i don't get it! i don't get why they would do that and willingly allow this place to become worse for it. you don't get anything good out of that.
also, a lot of those people are being trolls. they get a kick out of attacking people as a group, because that's the only time they feel brave and the only way they get attention in life. they don't think before they say things, because they don't see you as a human being—you're just pixels on a greasy screen. they use catchy social justice lingo to make what they're saying sound like something you should support, but at the end of the day, they're literally just gussying up the same right-wing shit we've been subjected to for ages. it's regressive rhetoric that's clear to see once you've allowed yourself to see it.
like, i agree with you. i do. you're absolutely, undoubtedly right in what you say, but... i just can't bring myself to argue that, because it's in response to what was a senseless attack to begin with. and we shouldn't need to defend ourselves and our communities against what isn't true.
homophobia, bullying, and trolling are irrational, illogical pursuits and i can't stand the idea of treating them with any ounce of seriousness in this context. to apologize would be to accept their absurdity and validate their accusations—accusations we know in our heart of hearts to be incorrect and baseless. and i won't ever do that! i won't give them that satisfaction and i wish others wouldn't either.
they keep doing this, because they haven't met any opposition yet, because we keep acting like we have any reason at all to feel shame for wanting stories about people like us, about something as basic and universal as love and connection. they don't care about our reasons. they don't care about our defense of ourselves. it's not ever about us. this is their cry for attention, good or bad, at our expense and they need to be starved out already.
like.. this is just unsustainable. it's mind-boggling and i remember kicking and screaming about it months ago in what felt like an empty room. and look at where we are now! we're already at the point where you can't win in any kind of way no matter what you do. you can't age them up, you can't leave them as they are, you can't ship them if you're older than eighteen, you can't write AUs, you can't write canon compliance, you can't write canon divergence, you can't make them kiss, you can't make them anything more than friends but you also can't make them not-friends, etc etc. we've officially been shoved into the "fuck it, we ball" stage, because this is a pissy fandom and you are never going to please everyone so you may as well just do whatever the fuck you want.
i sound soooooooo unbearably preachy in this response lol, but like... literally... all we have is each other! we all love byler and we're all here to have fun and find like-minded people. we can't keep acting like this in-fighting lunacy is reasonable and just a difference of opinion, or like it's based in any kind of sense at all. we know that it's okay to ship byler at any age. we know that it's okay to have fun and enjoy ourselves. these people want to make us feel bad. they want to silence us. why let them and give them that satisfaction? why is what they want more important than us and our happiness? i hate the idea of anyone ever feeling any kind of shame or fear over something as innocent as this. i hate the idea of them winning by getting into any of our heads like that. i just hate it.
now, this last bit is specifically for you, anon, but it goes for everyone else, too: please, please, please, i am holding your hand in both of mine and begging you to not let anyone take away the things that you love and bring you joy or your wonderful creations that you've put so much of yourself into. i promise you that there will always be people who will see you, understand you, and cherish what you have to offer, and they are the ones that matter most (after you of course hehe). we all have to find our people and just go crazy together and block out everything else. that's the only way to get through this without getting burnt out. 💛💙
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ask-raystantz · 26 days
How do you feel knowing Egon needed you and you weren’t there? How does it feel knowing he died alone? - 🥀
I wish I’d been there for him. Not a day goes by where I don’t regret helping him- but I know that I can’t take back the past, no matter how hard I wish I could.
I’m sorry, Egon.
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macfrog · 3 months
well obviously reader is gonna walk into Jackson the very next day and her and Joel meet again and it still feels like August thirtieth two thousand eight and they didn’t have to wait until the next life. Even tho maybe with the world ending, it feels a bit like the next life…
And they get to be happy together for the rest of their lives until someday, they fall asleep together and just never wake up again.
And they still love in the next life. And the next one, and the next one, and the next one too.
oh, yeah. soon as the fic ends, they find each other - against all odds - and pick up right where they left off. they grow old together, tend to their vegetable patch, go horseback riding at sunset. they still love.
nothing bad ever happens. all is well. ❤️‍🩹
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milkymooshi · 25 days
Concept: I Found by Amber Run fits the vibes of nygmobs but it really makes me think of S5 as they realize how far they've come and reestablish trust and love (song came on at work while I was thinking bout them and it consumed the rest of my shift)
HI IM SO SORRY IT TOOK ME SO LONG TO REPLY!! I finally got around to listening to the song and thank you anon it ate my heart and shat it out (I’ll be thinking abt this for my entire shift today <3)
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httpiastri · 1 month
i will be replying to your previous replies later but i had to rush here to say that you are so so right?? you’re allowed to say that… that it was hot… because it was
and even in australia (i think?) there was a clip of him swearing when he got out of the car and… that was hot too but im so scared omg is this a safe space for me 😓😓
- 🪷
oh this is a VERY safe space for any (positive) pepe thoughts!!!!!!! i feel like every time we get an irritated pepe radio im just very……… 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
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schoenht · 10 months
What do u think abt yanderes?
they're okay !! they're not rlly my cup of tea, i do have friends who like them but they're not my favs tbh </3 i, unfortunately, have a mad tsundere radar. i am staring directly at the otome guys whose routes i chose first
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batbeato · 3 months
Thoughts on Shkanontrice being separate people in au’s? As in not (or not entirely) different personas of Sayo?
From what I understand, there were a few people who denied the theory - even if it was likely that Shannon and Kanon were accomplices.
Because you can approach it from a lot of angles. Depending on how you approach it, regardless, the theory can get complicated.
Are they all siblings, illegitimate children and grandchildren of Kinzo?
which I’m not exactly sure on, considering the possibility of them all being Kuwadorian Beatrice’s children. that…wouldn’t be fair to her at all, even if she wouldn’t understand entirely what Kinzo was doing, and paints Kinzo in an even more horrific light.
I’m not entirely sure he wouldn’t repeat the rape, though…he wasn’t mentally stable enough to treat his daughter as his daughter over her deceased mother, so his capability to control himself from assaulting her again - discerning the difference between them and not instead viewing her as a reincarnation - is questionable at best.
Then there’s the question of ages. We know when Lion was born, and Sayo’s birthdate as well - but we don’t know if they’re accurate.
In canon, when Lion was adopted by Natsuhi and Krauss, their papers were still being written I think - it’s entirely possible, likely, that their date of birth is accurate, but there’s no way of knowing for sure.
Probably to keep Kinzo from drawing the dots between Sayo and Lion, it wouldn’t surprise me if their date of birth was also fake.
Which again, if as separate persons they weren’t triplets, the conception and birth of Shannon, Kanon, and Beatrice is tied to Kinzo raping Kuwadorian Beatrice again.
That’s not getting into the matter of Kinzo throwing three children on Natsuhi. No matter how much he thought he might be able to do so with Lion, there’s no way three random infants being brought into the mansion could sneak under anyone’s radar.
Not to mention Natsuhi literally pushed Sayo and a servant off a cliff because to be handed a child not her own was an insult. One of the defining factors that leads to the massacre. Unless they were in one of those baby strollers that can carry several babies, it’s as unlikely to occur as Kinzo dropping all three babies into his household.
Twins, two of them, maybe. But not all three. Their matter of their survival would be even less than what it would be in canon.
Which also lends the thought of Kuwadorian remaining active after Beatrice’s (II) death, Kinzo keeping them there…and risk repeating his sin. So if all three were related, and separate individuals rather than personas…there’s a lot of what-ifs and hows that need to be filled in.
There’s also the possibility that only one of them is Kinzo’s child, and really met Shannon and Kanon at Fukuin House instead.
Sorry for rambling or if this makes you uncomfortable or anything, it’s just a thought that been tickling my brain. I was going to add more, but my words are as unraveling like a knitted sweater. Wiped clean, basically.
Hmm. In modern/fantasy AUs without the same context it's easy to reshape things to separate all three of them. But if it's an AU still in a Rokkenjima context it does get more difficult...
My personal preference on this front is based off of an old theory/headcanon some people subscribed to - at least, how I remember it. It goes something like this:
Beatrice, who was Kuwadorian Beatrice's child, was raised in Kuwadorian. Shannon and Kanon are her servants. When Battler was a child, he met a young Beatrice and promised to take her away, but forgot about that promise. Beatrice had Shannon and Kanon as her accomplices for her revenge.
You can see that sort of AU in action here!
As for an AU where they're triplets/siblings, I feel like that actually invites something similar to happen. I've always felt that, if Kuwadorian Beatrice's child had been born a girl, Kinzo would most likely have continued the cycle. Morbid, but. For the AU, I think Kinzo would be capable of seeing one child as her next 'reincarnation' while the others might be able to be considered his 'children' with her, and thus subjected to being integrated using Natsuhi. It could also be that he might have rejected the non-reincarnation children entirely in his madness/grief/regret and raised them alongside the Beato reincarnation as her servants/companions. I can imagine him spinning a narrative about them being demons raised from hell by the witch's power or something.
I do feel as though Kinzo's sexual abuse happened more than once, as it seems that he only truly began to regret it and made efforts to make amends (by integrating Lion into the family) after Kuwadorian Beatrice died. Doesn't really show a lot of remorse for the rape itself until his abuse results in her death after an escape attempt. So it's also possible for it to be a non-triplet scenario.
In the end I think these AUs can be fun to explore, so it's a shame people don't do more of them. But it also makes sense - canon is already pretty messed up, haha.
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paralien · 3 months
Hey, ik idk you and your friends, but since apparently your other friends don't take your side - B sounds like a dick the way he's treating you and you're right to be mad about it!! And like, why would your friend even ask why you're not going to his place if she KNOWS what's up, wtf!! I'm so sorry that you're going through such a shitty situation!!
Sorry for the late reply; I didn't see I'd received an ask! ;; But it's so so so sweet of you to reach out to me to reassure me. I genuinely appreciate it so much you have no idea ♡
But yeah it is, an extremely shitty situation. Esp bc they seem to assume I've got the same information/am in the same situation as them when I'm, very much not and I've been vocal about that since everything happened ... + the whole ... "oh he's not ignoring you/he still cares abt you/you just need to reach out" spiel that same friend has been going on abt for months too just. Makes me feel so alienated from the reality that I'm experiencing, if that makes sense? Like. She knows he flirted w me, had sex w me, and then stopped talking to me after that under the excuse that he was oh so busy .. and yet I'm still the one that needs to reach out?
Sometimes I genuinely wonder if I've overreacted just bc of the way that I feel everyone underreacts. Not to even mention the fact that mutual friends of me and B will say that hey what happened sucked and i didn't deserve that and B is being a dick, but as far as i know none of them have actually said to his face that hey B you've been a dick. Not that i want him to be alienated by his own friends bc I know he's genuinely struggling rn and I'm a pushover but, if he can't take my feelings seriously when they come from me .. would he take them seriously and actually reconsider the entire situation if someone else said it...? Idk .. I'm just talking out loud here but, still, thank you for reaching out ♡ It made me feel less alone
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crescentmp3 · 1 year
want to reblog a beautiful post i saw someone i follow reblog so bad but the op was Mean To Me once and i cannot interact with them ever again because im a scared little bug. :( me-> 🐛
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Not the same anon but I absolute agree about season 2. Will I be a weeping incoherent mess when it happens? Yes. Does it need to happen / then keep the story the same as the game? Also yes.
I am absolutely here for your idea of more flashbacks especially because the one where they go to the Dino museum for her birthday is one of my fav Joel and Ellie moments.
Yeah, we're gonna be in the same boat when season 2 airs.
TLOU1 was emotional for a TON of reasons, but TLOU2 was emotional for a whole DIFFERENT set of reasons .... Naughty Dog knew what they were doing and what they were creating and putting players through. oof. I hate them and I love them and it's just complicated.
I don't think they'll change the overall inciting incident, and I stick by that. To tell the story of TLOU2 - which is what Neil and Craig have said they want to do - they need to do it the way it was done in the game, no matter how much it hurts and how sad it makes so many people.
Adding additional flashbacks does exactly what they've said they've tried to do with S1 - build on the emotional connections and attachments between the characters. Give me more Tommy and Joel. Give me more Tommy and Joel and Ellie. Give me more Ellie and Joel. Add to it and make me care and make me understand.
That's my absolute favorite of the flashbacks in part 2, and one of the BEST ways to show just how much that man loves Ellie and everything that he wants to give her. It was gorgeous in the game and I am going to fill a swimming pool with my tears watching it happen in the show.
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mrpenguinpants · 2 years
I think that it was two days ago?? But I was this close from falling asleep and was scrolling Tumblr obviously. And I was in the suggest posts tab, wasn't even on any tag or anything, then I stumbled on your "low battery warning" post and read it through cause why not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Bruh when I tell you I wanted to be able to physically EAT the whole thing. The Alhaitham part alone was bouncing around in my head for the whole time since I've read it, to the point I had to go back and search for it to see if I dreamed of it or not. I want I kiss you so hard for having written that, holy balls please never delete or I'll cry ugly tears
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GOD-YALL ARE KILLING ME. I COULD KISS YOU RN. I don't know what it is about this but holy shit- it a K.O for me.
I feel that on a spiritual level of being in bed, probably should be sleeping, but I'm too busy reading fics loll. I'm vv happy to hear that my fic was suggested to you and that you liked it so much. I don't know it feels weird knowing that my work is just out there for anyone to see and not just people who follow me but it's nothing bad.
But I'm telling you, I'm so fucking down bad for Alhaitham. It's not even funny- I have several wips of just him sitting in my drafts. Actually, let me word count it rn. Okay, I have 8k words of barely put-together wips sitting in my drafts for one (1) character I barely know.
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bbgmessi · 1 year
imagine like more intersectionality with asshole pep. like (and i am very much projecting here) phil having sensory issues for example and having a bad day where the lights and sounds and smells of all the alphas and even the feeling of the kit is just too much. him just starting sobbing as soon as they get in for half time because the crowd was so rowdy and the lights were so bright and he everytime any one even just touched him felt like they were punching him as hard as he could.
but the other omegas being so conditioned by pep they just think he's being dramatic and don't really help him - maybe they just get pep because he needs to stop crying so they can talk about tactics. pep hugging phil - which just makes him cry harder because he's being touched and just engulfed by the alpha scent and it makes him want to bash his head against something - but pep just being like calm down you're going to go and play. and phil having to walk back onto the pitch with tears still running down his face and feeling awful but only being able to decompress once he gets home because the omegas have been driven apart by pep and none of them want to help him because they think he's just attention seeking
or erling making some kind of pro-queer statement (maybe about qatar and how he wouldn't go there as a gay omega, even for the world cup if norway had qualified) and pep telling him to keep scoring goals and not get so political even though as a gay omega, erling thinks it's important to talk about how issues effect him differently/often more extremely than straight omegas but pep not wanting to deal with it.
or erling bringing his partner to the game and kissing them after the match, like literally everybody else is doing and pep having a huge go at him for doing that and publicising his sexuality and being so like slutty on tv (cuz ofc the cameras caught it) despite the fact some of the alphas had their full on tongues down the throat of their omegas and erling literally just gave his partner a peck on the lips.
💔😔 poor phil:(( but pep having driven the omegas a part so they think he’s just dramatic is so true, something about like them trying to fight for what they think is a space of true acceptance if they behave Just right not realizing that no matter what it’s never gonna come but pep just holds it out as bait right above their head and they get a little upset when someone needs comfort because it ruins their image of trying to not be needy… also gay erling being told off by pep😭💔💔💔
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aziraphae · 11 months
hi love! do you know the song “history of man” by maisie peters? i had a closer look at the lyrics and feel like some of them fit the ineffable husbands (in a very heartbreak-y way) so well?? anyways hope u have a good day and love your work!! 💕
"i couldn't believe it, how you could just stop wanting me?" and "i've pleaded, with the powers and their plans. i tried to rewrite it but i can't" is just so crowley i'm gonna cry
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