#[their name] what have i ever done to you (<- reccomended two songs to them on anon one of which they hated before
crescentmp3 · 1 year
want to reblog a beautiful post i saw someone i follow reblog so bad but the op was Mean To Me once and i cannot interact with them ever again because im a scared little bug. :( me-> 🐛
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ohworm-writes · 3 years
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▬▬ Clair de Lune ▬▬
And sometimes I have kept my
feelings to myself, because I could
find no language to describe them in. 
Jane Austen, Sense and Sensibility
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Pairing - irl!Jschlatt x gn!Reader
Warnings - one [ 1 ] suggestive joke , regular Schlatt foolishness
Note - i wrote this in the dead of night, so i apologize if it sounds off in any way. the title of this is based off of my favorite song sharing the name. it’s a beautiful piece, of which i fully reccomend listening to if you’d like! otherwise, i hope you enjoy this.
Word Count - 1.2k
Prompt -  Your lover makes a fool of himself while you’re out shopping, and with some convincing, you decide to join in. 
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You had never particularly minded the fact that you were often the one who went grocery shopping in your relationship. It was never something to be viewed in a negative light, rather it was more of an ‘if we plan to eat something sustainable tonight, I should probably head out to the store.’
Your partner, Schlatt, was a wonderful man. He was caring, funny, charismatic; everything you could have hoped for in a partner. However, ‘good at grocery shopping’ was not something on that list.
Whenever you sent him out to shop on his own, he’d end up forgetting the main objective and come back hours later with $200 worth of items neither of you would ever need, the ingredients for that night’s dinner plan left forgotten on the shelves in the market. 
Instead of viewing the task as a chore, you found it rather calming. Sure, a bustling grocery store with rowdy patrons and underpaid workers wasn’t calming in and of itself, but being able to be out and doing something productive was. Days could be stressful, no matter the cause, and could leave you drained. So, a quick car ride to do some light shopping was a great way to clear your head.
Now, however, you wished you would have done it alone as you normally did.
“Pushing you around in the cart wouldn’t get us kicked out of the store, believe me. Scout’s honor.” 
A sigh leaves your lips as you listen, once again, to the absurd thoughts that seem to pass through your boyfriend’s head and out of his mouth.
“Schlatt, you were never a scout in the first place.”
He feigns offense, bringing a hand up to splay against his chest as you push the rickety metal along down the aisle.
See, you and your partner had both had a rather busy past few weeks. Caught up with work, social lives, and whatever else had plagued the two of you, you seemed to have no time to spend alone with one another. So, when the opportunity presented itself, with both of your schedules cleared for the hour, he took his chance to join you on your little outing. 
Since entering the store not 15 minutes ago, Schlatt seemed to have made it his top priority to embarrass you in any way possible. While this chaos was in character for him, you’d rather not have the other patrons in the store send you looks while your partner makes a fool out of himself. 
“You wound me. But- c’mon! What would they do to us? Kick us out?!”
With slow movements, you bring the cart to a stop in the middle of the aisle, taking an unimpressed glance at him over your shoulder. He has a smug grin on his lips, one where self-confidence seems to radiate off of him.
“That is exactly what they would do.”
Your voice comes out breathy and desperate, but the two of you know that it’s lighthearted. You had always come to adore the little bits he’d do, never minding the stupidity of them. Sometimes you’d even play along! Now, however, you just wanted to finish your shopping and get home.
His grin seems to widen as he tucks both of his hands behind his back, bowing slightly as to appear more innocent. Taking his spot at the side of the cart, he nods his head down the aisle, keeping eye contact with you as he bats his lashes playfully.
“I do believe we have places to be. Chop chop!”
The horrible British accent he puts on cracks your facade the slightest bit, a glimpse of a smile showing on your lips. However, before he can call you out on it, you’re pushing the cart down the aisle once more, Schlatt following suit.
The wheels of the cart squeak against the cheap market floors, providing an unpleasant sound each and every time you turn it more than an inch. Schlatt, of course, takes this as an opportunity to mess with you, purposefully bumping his side into the cart when the store seems to be the most silent. 
Once you reach the produce section, though, that’s where all hell breaks loose. 
While you take your time to look over the different products, Schlatt hums from behind you. 
“I think we should get this.”
A beat of silence.
“We are not buying a fucking eggplant, Schlatt, put it down.” 
You bring your hand up to rest right below your hairline, looking at your boyfriend with an unimpressed look. He holds the vegetable with both hands, his grin widening like a child on their birthday. 
“Look, I’m just saying, we could have fun with it-”
An expression of horror takes over your features as you make quick work to shut him up. 
“We are in the produce section of a supermarket! This is not the time nor the place!”
The desperation in your voice makes him erupt with a laugh you know he’s only doing to annoy you. The shrill sound attracts the attention of other shoppers, most of which shoot the two of you looks. With your face flushed and burning from the second-hand embarrassment, you grab a hold of his arms and lead him away, mumbling ‘sorry’ to the other shoppers as they continue on with their afternoons. 
“You are impossible.”
He only tightens his grip as you lead him back to the cart, grinning from behind you. He lets go of your hand abruptly, long legs carrying him to the cart before you can get there. Sending a look of mischief to you, he grips the handle of the vehicle and runs.
You can only follow after him, watching from behind as he leans over the front of it to gain speed. For a few moments, you only walk after him, keeping him in your sights with slow paces. The second he turns a corner and out of your vision, then you book it. 
You would not be losing track of this idiot right now. 
When you turn the corner of the aisle he had disappeared behind, you see him patiently waiting for you, the shopping cart blocking your access to the rest of the empty aisle. You cast a glance his way, watching as a much softer grin forms on his lips. 
“So, hear me out.”
You can already tell he has something up his sleeve, but decide to humor him, staying silent as he smiles.
“Let me push you around. In the cart. This aisle is empty, so we don’t have any old fucks bothering us.”
You let out a soft laugh, shaking your head at him. 
“Baby, we’ve got to go home and have dinner though-”
“Yeah, but when else are you going to do something like this? It’ll be worth your time, I swear. Just- let me do this for you, okay?”
If it wasn’t for the lovesick expression on his face, you would have told him no and just have gone home with him then and there. But his words stick to you like honey. ‘When else are you going to do something like this.’
“If we get in trouble, you’re doing the dishes tonight.”
For the next few minutes, you let him race you up and down the aisle. More than likely, the store’s patrons and workers can hear your combined laughs and giggles as the two of you have fun. Walled in by the sides of the cart, you let yourself back in the bliss of the pure moment.
With your boyfriend’s wide smile and your own giddy laughter, you swoon. For now, as the lights dim outside the store, you relish the moment, keeping it close to your heart and never letting go. 
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ivory-sunflower · 4 years
Arty Art Things ✨
I've decided to post some of the arty things I've done either recently or in the last few years, well the pieces I'm somewhat proud of at least. All my posts tend to be a lot more wordy than they need to be but hey it's what I do here!
Conchúr White
Anyone one who's been on this blog for a bit will have probably have seen me talk about this lovely Irish fella. The pencil drawing is actually a year old as of yesterday, I only know that because screenshots of me flipping out about Conchúr following me on twitter popped up in my memories yesterday. I think I'd sent it to him at about 3 in the morning (I was not in a good head space at that point in time), so probably not what he was expecting to see when he opened his phone in the morning aha
The biro version is much more recent: I got bored while sat at my desk and doing research about university courses, saw a biro, saw my old drawing of Conchúr, had an idea. I revisited my GCSE art techniques and here we are. Again, I put this up on Twitter and now (at the the time I'm writing this) when you google "Conchúr White" it's the third top image of him which is a bit mad really. I think I spent all of about 20 minutes on Conchúr but another 45 minutes on the words behind him. The words are the names of the songs on his EP 'Bikini Crops', he doesn't just really love the idea of Channing Tatum driving him around at night in a daisy print bikini... Well maybe he does but what he does in his spare time is none of my business...
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So I mentioned that the pencil drawing of Conchúr came from a rough patch in my mental health and this one is no different! In fact this one came from an even worse circumstance so we love to see it. I had a bad, bad time in July and this started as a way of distracting myself from what was going on in my head. Without it, I can't honestly say I'd still be here so even if the final product of this had been a terrible mess I would still love it for keeping me alive. However, it did not turn out to be a terrible mess!
Now that the origin of this is out the way, where do I start with TechDif? Unlike Conchúr, I haven't really talked about them on here (unless you count one brief post about Citation Needed) before so I guess I'll do it here. The Technical Difficulties are a wonderful group of 4 British fellas who have had their fair share of fun online and even before. They did a radio show at university together, which went on to become their Reverse Trivia Podcast, later moving on to a panel show called 'Citation Needed': and a game called 'Two of These People Are Lying'. All of which I would thoroughly reccomend, they're one of my go to things when I'm having a rough time. All 4 of them are excellent! Tom Scott (red top, blue jeans on the picture) has his own YouTube channel which does content aside from TechDif. If you're quite nerdy and like science, linguistics, computers, or any number of other things you may enjoy Tom's channel. He is probably best described as "The Moderator" of the group, much like a tired teacher he tries desperately to keep everyone on track with what they're meant to be doing, but usually it does not end well for him. Then we have Matt Gray (space top, holding an ice cream) who also has a channel away from TechDif stuff, he does techy electronic things and has a series called 'Will it Soft Serve?' where he puts all kinds of strange things through a soft serve machine. Matt brings a very specific energy to TechDif and I can't fully describe what that vibe is but I love it. Matt and Tom also share a YouTube channel where TOTPAL is posted and they had a series called 'The Park Bench'. Moving on to everybody's favourite Gary Brannan: Gary Brannan (SATIRE hoodie, glasses) and can I just say, what a fella he is! He's just excellent! He is the one that will argue and rip into Tom the most (not in a malicious way) and hilarity ensues. There are some episodes where he is absolutely on it, getting all the points and others where he very clearly has no idea and that's where some of his funniest quotes come from. Given how badly I was doing at the time I made this, his response to it on Twitter was so so lovely. I specifically remember one tweet where he said I'd made him happy and although it was probably a flippant comment, it just made feel alright for a bit. Yeah I might be feeling awful right now, but I've made someone else happy so that's a nice feeling. Then last but certainly not least, we have Chris Joel (buffalo check shirt, beard)! I would be lying if I said he isn’t my favourite... His sense of humor is the one I vibe with most, he can get rather dramatic in parts and can chat bollocks like a champion. He has absolutely no online presence away from TechDif and, like Rens from Temples, I fully believe he’s a cryptid and lives off in a tree somewhere. 
The picture took me about 4 days to complete, well 4 nights because I did most of it between the hours of 12 a.m. and 7a.m. - I remember watching the sun come through my window each morning. It’s made up of lots of little pieces, all cut out and stuck on; even the sky and hills are made of separate pieces of paper. Nothing was actually drawn on the piece of paper it’s all stuck on, it’s not how I usually do things but if I messed up one little but I could just redraw it rather than ruining the whole thing. The most tedious parts to make were Chris’ shirt because I had to draw each square individually and then join the as well, and cutting out the ban-hammer in the bottom right was surprisingly hard. Every single detail of the picture is a reference to the podcast/shows, I still have the plan sketch and reference list knocking about somewhere. I listened to a lot of true crime videos while making it to the point that certain parts remind me of different cases: the brandy now reminds me of Peter Tobin, and the big spiral thing reminds me of Tim McLean (very harrowing case) - sorry that fact is a bit morbid but interesting nonetheless. 
I did post this for a little bit back in July, but I received some rather awful messages so I took it down. Generally, Tom Scott/TechDif fans are lovely but there’s been a few that have taken a disliking to me for some reason so I’m hoping they don’t resurface again. I’m in a better head space now though, so even if they do I’m more equipped to deal with it this time.
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This was a quick sketch I did in April, I was getting bored with lockdown and decided to summon the bog man himself. There’s not really much more backstory than that, no poor mental health story, no fun twitter story - he’s just here. He’s vibing. I will say I’m particularly proud of his nose, I just think it’s one of the best noses I’ve ever drawn. His hand is okay, but I think that the hands on my Conchúr drawings are better. So there is the Hozi-Boi...
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The Corpse Bry
I’ve talked about Bry on here before as well, I love him, he’s excellent, top lad. He is a living Tim Burton character, he’s 6′6, very skinny, and his legs are longer than my will to live. I was watching ‘The Corpse Bride’ a few weeks ago and suddenly had an idea and so ‘The Corpse Bry’ came to be. I gave him a little panda friend because the panda has always been his animal - he used to wear a panda beanie all the time and his album had a panda on the cover. Again, there’s not really a fun story behind this one, I guess it’s somewhat fun because it’s the first art I made after finishing my psychology exams in October so it was nice to actually have the time to draw.
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James Bagshaw
Ginger talking about Temples for the third post in a row? it’s more likely than you think! I did this one last week, I’d had a bit of a wobbly day and had group therapy on Teams in the evening and I just couldn’t concentrate on what was going on and I ended up doodling Mr James E. Bagshaw, the glitter crying fraggle man himself. It’s a bare-bones drawing that I could definitely work into more but I’m happy with it as it is to be honest. I’ll be damned if I’m going to sit and add the individual bits of fringe to his jacket, just thinking about doing that makes me tired. Maybe I’ll get around to drawing the whole band at some point...
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Alice in “Wonderland”
This one is from about 5(?) years ago, it’s not my typical style and was a “study” based on another artists work (basically i just had to copy this fellas work). I’ll be honest, this one has a sketchy backstory that I won’t go in to because it’s not exactly a nice one, and because of that I also won’t say who the artist is that it’s based on. Despite this, I’m still really proud of this one and I’m so sad that I never got this piece back after I got taken out the class. I’ve considered trying this style again, I’ve even joked about doing another Conchúr drawing in this style as a nod to my progression through GCSE art, eventually leading to Conchúr drawn in ink on music manuscript and stained with neon paint and dyes - it would be quite the project!
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So this has been quite a lengthy post so apologies about that but life goes on. Similar to the vinyl post, I’ll probably add to this as and when I make more art. Even if no one is reading these posts, I’m enjoying making them so that’s the main thing. It’s just nice to document things and the feelings that go with them. 💕
~ Love Ginger xx 
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dalishious · 4 years
not da but I'm getting into Canadian music, I think you've mentioned before you like the tragically hip, what do you think of sloan? any other bands and artists to consider?
There’s a reason The Tragically Hip is so beloved in this country. Their songs aren’t just songs, they’re poetry. If you want to check them out, I recommend starting with the album Yer Favourites, which is a collection of their top songs voted by fans. And also I’d like to give a special shoutout to what I consider to be an extremely underrated album: We Are The Same. Most people will tell you Fully Completely is their best one, but there isn’t a single song in We Are The Same that I don’t love. (Especially Country Days, The Depression Suite, Coffee Girl, and of course, Now The Struggle Has a Name...)
Sloan has some good ones, and I’d be a poor Nova Scotian not to say that lol. If you like any of The Hip’s songs that have a more pop-ish vibe, you’ll probably like them.
Anyway, some more recommendations, only English unless you’re open to some French as well, let me know:
MATTHEW GOOD. MATTHEW GOOD. MATTHEW GOOD. (Before going solo, Matthew Good Band.) One of my all time favourite artists. I recently shared my playlist of my favourites on my main blog if you’re interested. Also just like The Hip, his lyrics are more often than not very poetic, and I love that. Especially given a number of them come from personal places and I’ll just say if you have any mental disorders yourself there’s a good chance you’ll be able to really feel when he sings about his own. Anyway, my two favourite albums in particular are Hospital Music and Avalanche, with Moving Walls and Underdogs (Matthew Good Band) close behind.
Our Lady Peace is fantastic. I recommend starting with the albums Gravity and Clumsy.
The Stanfields are a fun mix of what they call Folk’n’Roll. Check out their albums Vanguard of the Young & Reckless and Death & Taxes for sure. (Oh fuck, also check out the video for Afraid of the World because the end of it gets me every time... white woman walks around scoffing at all the pumpkin heads, then goes home and puts on her pumpkin head.)
If you’re interested in another really great mix of Atlantic Folk and alternative rock, I suggest Joel Plaskett / Joel Plaskett Emergency. Start with either the Joel Plaskett Emergency album Ashtray Rock, or the solo Joel Plaskett album Three. Also the album Solidarity he did with his father, Bill Plaskett, is beautiful. The Next Blue Sky is one of my favourite songs ever.
Matt Mays is one more Atlantic Folksy rock guy. Once Upon a Hell of a Time and Twice Upon a Hell of a Time (acoustic versions of Once) are a perfect starting point in my opinion, though most fans of his would tell you to start with the album Coyote, which is also great!
Arcade Fire is... I’m not really sure how to describe Arcade Fire. I like some of their stuff, but they are something of an acquired taste, I think. Try the album The Suburbs.
If I tell you I adored Avril Lavigne and Billy Talent growing up, would you judge me? Because I did, and I still do. If you’re willing to keep an open mind, try Avril Lavigne’s albums Under My Skin and Let Go, and if you’re in a real angsty mood, try Billy Talent’s albums Dead Silence and Hits. (I would especially recommend trying Billy Talent if you like bands like say, Green Day and MCR.)
Okay, some more classics... Rush, The Guess Who, Bachman-Turner Overdrive (BTO), and April Wine are all great. They all have greatest hits / best of albums, so just start there.
Oh shit, I almost forgot Bryan Adams, AKA the Canadian Bruce Springsteen. Though you’ll have trouble finding one of my favourite songs by him, so here it is.
I also feel like I needn’t even bother mentioning Neil Young since I’m assuming you him before, but... yeah. Neil Young, obviously.
EDIT: AAHHH forgot Great Big Sea! Check out their album Play.
EDIT: Yes I love Nickelback too. Sue me.
EDIT: I forgot, Alanis Morissete is Canadian. Listen to her Jagged Little Pill album if you’ve never done so before.
EDIT: I had no idea Three Days Grace was Canadian??? One-X and Human are my favourite albums by them, but Life Starts Now is also pretty up there. (Similar vibes to Bily Talent, but I’d say even more angsty lol)
I also wanna give a particular shoutout to at least some albums from my fave Canadian Indigenous artists:
Shawnee deserves so many more listeners please check her out. Her only full album as of now is Let It Burn, but she’s also got a bunch of released singles. 
Buffy Sainte-Marie’s Medicine Songs and The Best Of
Jeremy Dutcher’s Wolastoqiyik Lintuwakonawa... I know I said I’d limit reccomendations to English but I can’t help it.
Susan Aglukark’s This Child
Adrian Sutherland is a newbie, but I am begging everyone reading this to check out his song Politician Man. Needless to say, I look forward to hearing more from him.
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bakug0stw1nk · 3 years
Hello, everyone! This is the LONGEST TEXT EVER! I was inspired by the various other "longest texts ever" on the internet, and I wanted to make my own. So here it is! This is going to be a WORLD RECORD! This is actually my third attempt at doing this. The first time, I didn't save it. The second time, the Neocities editor crashed. Now I'm writing this in Notepad, then copying it into the Neocities editor instead of typing it directly in the Neocities editor to avoid crashing. It sucks that my past two attempts are gone now. Those actually got pretty long. Not the longest, but still pretty long. I hope this one won't get lost somehow. Anyways, let's talk about WAFFLES! I like waffles. Waffles are cool. Waffles is a funny word. There's a Teen Titans Go episode called "Waffles" where the word "Waffles" is said a hundred-something times. It's pretty annoying. There's also a Teen Titans Go episode about Pig Latin. Don't know what Pig Latin is? It's a language where you take all the consonants before the first vowel, move them to the end, and add '-ay' to the end. If the word begins with a vowel, you just add '-way' to the end. For example, "Waffles" becomes "Afflesway". I've been speaking Pig Latin fluently since the fourth grade, so it surprised me when I saw the episode for the first time. I speak Pig Latin with my sister sometimes. It's pretty fun. I like speaking it in public so that everyone around us gets confused. That's never actually happened before, but if it ever does, 'twill be pretty funny. By the way, "'twill" is a word I invented recently, and it's a contraction of "it will". I really hope it gains popularity in the near future, because "'twill" is WAY more fun than saying "it'll". "It'll" is too boring. Nobody likes boring. This is nowhere near being the longest text ever, but eventually it will be! I might still be writing this a decade later, who knows? But right now, it's not very long. But I'll just keep writing until it is the longest! Have you ever heard the song "Dau Dau" by Awesome Scampis? It's an amazing song. Look it up on YouTube! I play that song all the time around my sister! It drives her crazy, and I love it. Another way I like driving my sister crazy is by speaking my own made up language to her. She hates the languages I make! The only language that we both speak besides English is Pig Latin. I think you already knew that. Whatever. I think I'm gonna go for now. Bye! Hi, I'm back now. I'm gonna contribute more to this soon-to-be giant wall of text. I just realised I have a giant stuffed frog on my bed. I forgot his name. I'm pretty sure it was something stupid though. I think it was "FROG" in Morse Code or something. Morse Code is cool. I know a bit of it, but I'm not very good at it. I'm also not very good at French. I barely know anything in French, and my pronunciation probably sucks. But I'm learning it, at least. I'm also learning Esperanto. It's this language that was made up by some guy a long time ago to be the "universal language". A lot of people speak it. I am such a language nerd. Half of this text is probably gonna be about languages. But hey, as long as it's long! Ha, get it? As LONG as it's LONG? I'm so funny, right? No, I'm not. I should probably get some sleep. Goodnight! Hello, I'm back again. I basically have only two interests nowadays: languages and furries. What? Oh, sorry, I thought you knew I was a furry. Haha, oops. Anyway, yeah, I'm a furry, but since I'm a young furry, I can't really do as much as I would like to do in the fandom. When I'm older, I would like to have a fursuit, go to furry conventions, all that stuff. But for now I can only dream of that. Sorry you had to deal with me talking about furries, but I'm honestly very desperate for this to be the longest text ever. Last night I was watching nothing but fursuit unboxings. I think I need help. This one time, me and my mom were going to go to a furry Christmas party, but we didn't end up going because of the fact that there was alcohol on the premises, and that she didn't wanna have to be a mom dragging her son through a crowd of furries. Both of those reasons were understandable. Okay, hopefully I won't have to talk about furries anymore. I don't care if you're a furry reading this right now, I just don't wanna have to torture everyone else. I will no longer say the F word throughout the rest of this entire text. Of course, by the F word, I mean the one that I just used six times, not the one that you're probably thinking of which I have not used throughout this entire text. I just realised that next year will be 2020. That's crazy! It just feels so futuristic! It's also crazy that the 2010s decade is almost over. That decade brought be a lot of memories. In fact, it brought be almost all of my memories. It'll be sad to see it go. I'm gonna work on a series of video lessons for Toki Pona. I'll expain what Toki Pona is after I come back. Bye! 'm back now, and I decided not to do it on Toki Pona, since many other people have done Toki Pona video lessons already. I decided to do it on Viesa, my English code. Now, I shall explain what Toki Pona is. Toki Pona is a minimalist constructed language that has only ~120 words! That means you can learn it very quickly. I reccomend you learn it! It's pretty fun and easy! Anyway, yeah, I might finish my video about Viesa later. But for now, I'm gonna add more to this giant wall of text, because I want it to be the longest! It would be pretty cool to have a world record for the longest text ever. Not sure how famous I'll get from it, but it'll be cool nonetheless. Nonetheless. That's an interesting word. It's a combination of three entire words. That's pretty neat. Also, remember when I said that I said the F word six times throughout this text? I actually messed up there. I actually said it ten times (including the plural form). I'm such a liar! I struggled to spell the word "liar" there. I tried spelling it "lyer", then "lier". Then I remembered that it's "liar". At least I'm better at spelling than my sister. She's younger than me, so I guess it's understandable. "Understandable" is a pretty long word. Hey, I wonder what the most common word I've used so far in this text is. I checked, and appearantly it's "I", with 59 uses! The word "I" makes up 5% of the words this text! I would've thought "the" would be the most common, but "the" is only the second most used word, with 43 uses. "It" is the third most common, followed by "a" and "to". Congrats to those five words! If you're wondering what the least common word is, well, it's actually a tie between a bunch of words that are only used once, and I don't wanna have to list them all here. Remember when I talked about waffles near the beginning of this text? Well, I just put some waffles in the toaster, and I got reminded of the very beginnings of this longest text ever. Okay, that was literally yesterday, but I don't care. You can't see me right now, but I'm typing with my nose! Okay, I was not able to type the exclamation point with just my nose. I had to use my finger. But still, I typed all of that sentence with my nose! I'm not typing with my nose right now, because it takes too long, and I wanna get this text as long as possible quickly. I'm gonna take a break for now! Bye! Hi, I'm back again. My sister is beside me, watching me write in this endless wall of text. My sister has a new thing where she just says the word "poop" nonstop. I don't really like it. She also eats her own boogers. I'm not joking. She's gross like that. Also, remember when I said I put waffles in the toaster? Well, I forgot about those and I only ate them just now. Now my sister is just saying random numbers. Now she's saying that they're not random, they're the numbers being displayed on the microwave. Still, I don't know why she's doing that. Now she's making annoying clicking noises. Now she's saying that she's gonna watch Friends on three different devices. Why!?!?! Hi its me his sister. I'd like to say that all of that is not true. Max wants to make his own video but i wont let him because i need my phone for my alarm.POOP POOP POOP POOP LOL IM FUNNY. kjnbhhisdnhidfhdfhjsdjksdnjhdfhdfghdfghdfbhdfbcbhnidjsduhchyduhyduhdhcduhduhdcdhcdhjdnjdnhjsdjxnj Hey, I'm back. Sorry about my sister. I had to seize control of the LTE from her because she was doing keymash. Keymash is just effortless. She just went back to school. She comes home from school for her lunch break. I think I'm gonna go again. Bye! Hello, I'm back. Let's compare LTE's. This one is only 8593 characters long so far. Kenneth Iman's LTE is 21425 characters long. The Flaming-Chicken LTE (the original) is a whopping 203941 characters long! I think I'll be able to surpass Kenneth Iman's not long from now. But my goal is to surpass the Flaming-Chicken LTE. Actually, I just figured out that there's an LTE longer than the Flaming-Chicken LTE. It's Hermnerps LTE, which is only slightly longer than the Flaming-Chicken LTE, at 230634 characters. My goal is to surpass THAT. Then I'll be the world record holder, I think. But I'll still be writing this even after I achieve the world record, of course. One time, I printed an entire copy of the Bee Movie script for no reason. I heard someone else say they had three copies of the Bee Movie script in their backpack, and I got inspired. But I only made one copy because I didn't want to waste THAT much paper. I still wasted quite a bit of paper, though. Now I wanna see how this LTE compares to the Bee Movie script. Okay, I checked, and the Bee Movie script is 50753 characters long. Not as long as some of the LTEs I mentioned, but still longer than mine and Kenneth Iman's combined. This LTE is getting close to 10000 characters! That means it'll be half the length of Kenneth Iman's LTE. That's pretty exciting. Also, going back to the topic of the Bee Movie Script, I tried to write the entire thing out by hand once. But I never finished it, especially since I'm focusing on this thing now. Maybe I should write this LTE out by hand. Nah, I don't think I will. Yay, we're at 10000 characters! Let's celebrate by talking about MUSIC! Music is cool. That concludes our celebratory discussion about music. Thank you, and have a good rest of your day. Hi, I'm back now, and I got a book! It's a dictionary for a language called Elefen. It's like Esperanto, but better. Now I can learn Elefen even without internet! That's pretty cool. I will now write something in Elefen. See if you can understand it! Here goes: Si tu pote leje esta, tu es merveliosa! Elefen es un lingua multe fresca! Did you understand that? Maybe you can't speak Elefen, but you still understood that because of your knowledge of other languages. Elefen is cool because it's an actual language, not an English code like Pig Latin or Viesa. Oh, I forgot to mention that my sister is back from school. She's blasting Rhett and Link songs right now. Have you seen that picture of Rhett and Link standing with a bunch of *******? Sorry, I almost said the F word there. That would've broken my rule of not saying the F word. I wrote something in Elefen, so I will also write something in Toki Pona. See if you can understand it now! sina sona e toki mi la sina pona mute a! I can speak Toki Pona fluently, by the way. It's also a pretty cool language. My sister is still playing annoying songs. It's hindering my focus right now. But it's fiiiiine. Okay, luckily she's run out of songs to play. At least for now. She's trying to think of another annoying song to play. Now she's playing a song by Green Day. Not NEARLY as bad as the other songs she just played. I should go for now. Goodbye! Hello, I'm back once again. I don't know why I feel obligated to say that every time I come back. But I'll keep doing it anyway. My sister stopped blasting annoying songs, so that's good. She's cooking something in the microwave. I'll go check to see what it is right now. Nevermind, it's already done cooking. Right, I remember! It's mac and cheese! Now she just started singing "I have a tongue, you don't, because I cut it off yesterday". I don't know what goes on in her mind when she does stuff like that. I've been messing around with my Elefen dictionary for a while, looking up whatever random words I can think of. By the way, the whole reason I'm doing this longest text ever is because of pointlesssites.com. That's how I found the Flaming-Chicken LTE, which inspired me to start writing this LTE. So thanks, pointlesssites.com! I check that website every day to see what new pointless websites they add. You know, I could double every letter I type so that this text would be twice as long as it normally would be. But nah, that's kinda cheating. So I won't. Also, SUBSCRIBE TO PEWDIEPIE! There, I did my part. Not that anyone will read this, but still. 'Twould be nice if you subscribed to PewDiePie. That's another word I invented. Actually, I looked it up, and I didn't invent it. Someone came up with it before I did. That's pretty sad. Also, LEARN VIESA TODAY! IT WILL CURE YOUR DEPRESSION! Seriously though, learn Viesa. It won't actually cure your depression, but I'm desperate for speakers. I only have one other person to speak it with. I should go now. Goodbye. Hi, I’m back. I just came up with an idea: SIMPLIFIED ENGLISH! Or, in Simplified Engish: Simifid Enis. It’s where every group of consonant letters is reduced to the first consonant in that group of consonants, and same goes with the vowels. If a word ends up being just a single consonant with no vowel, put ‘a’ at the end. So “I like eating my waffles” becomes “I like etin ma wafes”. Isn’t it the most amazing thing ever? Nah, it’s not quite as amazing as Viesa. Actually, Viesa isn’t a real language, so it’s less amazing then Elefen and Toki Pona, both of which are cool languages. I kinda figured that half of this text would be about languages. Oh well. I just really want this to be the longest text ever, without using copy and paste, keymash, etc. If you remember, my sister did a little bit of keymash in this text a while ago. I would’ve deleted it, but nah, I didn’t feel like it. And besides, it’s not like it took up half this text. I have an estimate for how long it’ll take me to be the world record holder: about one month. I think I can manage one month of writing this. You know what? I’m just gonna break my rule of not saying the word “furry”. There, I said it. Now I’m allowing myself to write “furry” whenever I want. So with that out of the way, let’s talk about how I first became a furry. For some reason, I have the exact date when I became a furry memorized. It’s May 4, 2018. At that time, I discovered that I was a furry by watching some furry YouTube videos. I knew about the existence of furries years before this, but I didn’t know much about it until this time. I said to myself, “You know what? I’m a furry now,” and that’s what started it all. And I’ve been slowly learning more about the fandom ever since. I would like to participate more in the fandom when I’m older, but I’m too young for most of it right now. Guess I’ll just have to wait. But in the meantime, I can write about it in this text. I should sleep now. Goodnight. Hello, I'm back once again. Happy Pi Day! I memorized a bunch of digits of Pi once, not sure how many I still remember... I have literally nothing to write about now. I've been trying to come up with something for the past 10 minutes, and I still have no idea. Literally nothing is happening right now. It's pretty boring. My sister is watching Friends, as usual. Okay, since there's nothing for me to write about, I should go now. Bye! Wow, it has been a while since I last added to this. It is now July 10, 2019. Last time I edited this page was Pi Day, which was March 14. Those 4 months of this thing being untouched end today! Wait... 4 months? That means I was supposed to get this past the world record three months ago. Oh well. I have put many things into this text. A lot of them were cringy, like how I keep mentioning furry-related things. You know, I should stop putting things in here when I know I'm gonna cringe at them later. I'll try not to do that from here on out. I just know I'll fail though. I'd hate to be aware of someone reading this entire thing... like, if I had to sit and watch a family member or something read this entire text, I would cringe so hard. I would not want that to happen. I am currently pasting the entirety of the FlamingChicken LTE onto a page on OurWorldOfText. The frustrating thing about pasting stuff there is that it pastes one letter at a time, so it takes forever to paste long text. And when the tab isn't open, I'm pretty sure it just stops pasting, so you have to keep the tab open if you want it to continue. Why am I even doing this? No idea. I might not even paste the whole thing. I probably won't. Hey, I just had a thought. What if, in the future, students are reading this for a class assignment? What if this LTE becomes part of the school curriculum? If so, hi future student! I hope you're enjoying reading my CRINGE. What is my life coming to? That's enough writing for now. Goodbye. Hey again. Might as well continue writing in here for a bit. Hey, have you ever heard of 3D Movie Maker? It's a program from the 90s (that still works on modern computers) where you can make 3D animated movies. It's pretty cool. I've made a few movies with it myself, and many other people use it to make interesting stuff. In case you want to try it for yourself, I'm sure if you google "3dmm download" or something like that, it will take you somewhere where you can download the program. It's kinda aimed at younger children, but hopefully that doesn't stop you from making absolute masterpieces with this program. I have a keyboard in my room (the musical kind, not the one you type words on), and I don't really know how to play it properly, but I do it anyways. I can play a few songs on the piano (albeit with weird fingering because like I just said, I have no idea what I'm doing), including HOME - Resonance and PilotRedSun - Bodybuilder. You might not know one or both of those songs. If you don't know one of them, why not google it? You will have discovered some new music, and it will all be because of me. Why are you reading this, anyways? How did you even find it? Were you like me, and you were browsing pointlesssites.com, eventually finding the FlamingChicken LTE and going down a rabbit hole of discovering random LTEs? Literally the only reason I'm writing this right now is because that happened. I just discovered a new LTE: the RainbowFluffySheep LTE. I'm gonna see how many characters long it is. 75,957 characters. Pretty long, but not as long as the top two LTEs (FlamingChicken and Hermnerps, both with around 200,000 characters). I wanna write as much as possible into this text today. I'm gonna see how much LTE-writing I can do in one day. Hopefully it's a lot, because I wanna hold a world record! Imagine having a world record. Well, would it really be a world record? Because I don't know of any world record books that have "Longest Text Ever" as a record. Oh well, I just hope this LTE passes exactly 230,634 characters. That's all my goal is. I'm not even a tenth of the way there yet, but give it a month and I'm sure I'll get there. Hey, remember last time I said it would only take a month? That was four months ago. I should just stop promising things all together at this point. Forget I said anything about that. Did you know my sister has an LTE? That's right! It's not very long, though, and you can't read it because it's on her phone. She made it while bored at the library. That library was where I used to have web design classes. Those were fun, but I don't do them anymore. Now all I do it sit at home and write stuff in here. Well, I'm exaggerating. I go to the convenience store with my sister sometimes. But that's pretty much it outside of being bored on a computer. I should be a less boring human being. One day, I should translate this entire LTE into Viesa. That would be a big waste of time, even bigger than writing the LTE itself. But I could still do it. I don't think I ever will. This text is simply too long, and it'll be even longer than that by the time I pass 230,634 characters. By the way, if you think I'm gonna stop writing this once I pass 230,634 characters, you're wrong! Because I'll keep writing this even after I pass that point. It'll feel nice to be way ahead the record. My sister's alarm clock has been going off for half an hour and I haven't turned it off. Why? Because LAZYNESS! Actually, I really should turn it off now. There, I turned it off. First when I tried to turn it off, it started playing the radio. Then I tried again, and it turned off completely. Then I hurt myself on the door while walking out. So that was quite the adventure. I'm gonna go sleep now. Goodnight! Hey, I'm back again. My computer BSOD'd while writing this, so I have to start this section over again. That's why you save your work, kids! Before I had to start over again, I was talking about languages. Yes, I decided to bring that topic back after a while. But I no longer want to talk about it. Why? Because it'll probably bore you to death. That is assuming you're reading this at all. Who knows, maybe absolutely zero people will read this within the span of the universe's existence. But I doubt that. There's gotta be someone who'll find this text and dedicate their time to reading it, even if it takes thousands of years for that to happen. What will happen to this LTE in a thousand years? Will the entire internet dissapear within that time? In that case, will this text dissapear with it? Or will it, along with the rest of what used to be the internet, be preserved somewhere? I'm thinking out loud right now. Well, not really "out loud" because I'm typing this, and you can't technically be loud through text. THE CLOSEST THING IS TYPING IN ALL CAPS. Imagine if I typed this entire text like that. That would be painful. I decided to actually save my work this time, in case of another crash. I already had my two past attempts at an LTE vanish from existance. I mean, most of this LTE is already stored on Neocities, so I probably won't need to worry about anything. I think I might change the LTE page a little. I want the actual text area to be larger. I'm gonna make it a very basic HTML page with just a header and text. Maybe with some CSS coloring. I don't know. Screw it, I'm gonna do it. There, now the text area is larger. It really does show how small this LTE is so far compared to FlamingChicken or Hermnerps. But at least I made the background a nice Alice Blue. That's the name of the CSS color I used. It's pretty light. We're getting pretty close to the 1/10 mark! That's the point where we're one tenth of the way to making this the longest text ever, meaning all I have to do is write the equivalent of everything I've already written so far nine more times! Not gonna make any promises, though. How come every time I try to type "though", it comes out as "thought"? Why do I always type the extra T? It's so annoying that I have to delete the T every time. Okay, only mildly annoying. Not as annoying as I previously described. I apologize for my exaggeration of the annoyance level of me typing "thought" instead of "though". I just realized that most of the games I play are games that I've been playing for at least six years. I started playing Garry's Mod in 2013, Minecraft in whatever year version 1.2.3 came out. Now I have to look that up. March 2, 2012. So I started playing Minecraft approximately during that time. Wow, seven years ago! Coincidentally, I was also seven years old then. I remember the days of 2012-13. That was when I still played Roblox and made terrible YouTube videos. I was called "Infinite Budgets" back then. I also remember the days of 2016. A lot of people thought that was a terrible year, but for me personally, it brings me a lot of nostalgia because I talked a lot with my online friend at the time, and I did livestreams on YouTube and stuff. It was fun. 2016 was also when I got the phone that I still have to this day. Yup, my phone is three years old. My life was completely different when I got this phone: I was 11 years old, my YouTube channel actually had activity, and I wasn’t writing this text. I’m currently writing this in the car. We are on out way to the dollar store. And since I’m writing this on my phone, I’m making a lot more typos than usual. Some of them might make it through, so be prepared for that. Anyways, we appear to be getting close to the dollar store. I have a gift card for that place. I think so anyways, it might be for a different store... Yup, this dollar store is different. Oh well. My sister has an obsession with sponges. I’m sure she’s gonna find the sponges and go crazy over them. Why does she like sponges so much? No idea. She just found a bag of tiny baby dolls, and she wants to put them in ice cubes and call it “Ice Ice Baby”. She is truly a strange human being. My sister also has an obsession with stuffies. She has such an addiction, that she’s banned from them. Now she found the wigs and she’s considering buying one. She’s been looking at them for quite a while now. We’re out of the dollar store, and now we’re going to the computer store. I have no idea why we’re here. I guess we just are. Now we’re going home. Welp, that was a fun adventure. Stay tuned for more fun adventures as you read through this LTE. I should go now. Bye! Hello again. I made a private world on OurWorldOfText for my sister and I, but she doesn't want to join it. She doesn't think it'll be fun. Now I'm just editing it alone. How sad. But oh well. Now I’m here adding more to this text. I once made a Discord server specifically for a language called “Bo”, where the only word is “bo”. I made it almost four months ago, and somehow, it’s still going. People are still spamming nothing but “bo” there. It’s great. I also once made a server where you’re not allowed to use any vowels. It was a very strange server. I deleted it after some time though, so all that insanity is no more. I also used to own a Pig Latin server, but it got inactive so I deleted that too. We had some good memories in that server though. Now there’s a new Pig Latin server, but it’s not owned by me. Dang, my YouTube channel has been dead for so long. I haven’t posted a video in a year. I want to revive it, but I don’t know what to post there. I’ll figure it out. I doubt my channel will ever go back to it’s 2016 legacy, but I’m sure I’ll post something eventually. Random fact of the day: there are thirty-nine question marks so far in this text. Am I about to make it forty? Yes, I just did. Now the fact I initially stated is no longer true. Or is it? Because I said “so far” in the fact, that implies that we’re talking about the moment that fact was said, disregarding any future events. Now I’m pretty sure that fact is still technically true. Welp, I guess I should just accept that I’m editing that world of text alone for the rest of my life. I originally put a bunch of complaining in there, but I deleted it all. The thing is, now that world will never be same without all of that complaining about my sister not being here. But that’s fine. Hey, I just had a cool realization. Basically, there’s this conlang (constructed language, for those not in the know) server where we have a Sentence of the Week activity. In this activity, someone posts a text with a maximum of nine sentences, then people translate it into their own conlangs. My realization is this: if we take nine sentences from this LTE every week, there would be a whole year of sentences for people to translate. There are approximantly 523 sentences in this LTE. Divide that by 9 sentences each week, and you get 58 weeks worth of sentences, which is approximantly the number of weeks in a year. Quick maths. I actually suck at math, but that’s besides the point. I should go now. Goodbye! Hello, I’m back again. I really need to come up with different hello and goodbye messages, because I’ve already said “Hello, I’m back again” once before. Same with the “I should go now. Goodbye!” I said at the end of the previous section. I was going to explain what a “section” is, but I’m terrible at explaining things, so I’m not going to anymore. I guess you’ll just have to figure it out yourself. It’s probably not very hard to figure out, anyways. I guess I can just say that a section starts with me saying hello, and ends with me saying goodbye. That should be enough explaination, now that I think about it. Hey, do you ever feel like you never have any idea what you’re talking about? That’s my entire life. I just summarized it all in one sentence. On an unrelated note, I feel like half this LTE is just me talking about the LTE itself. I mean, press CTRL+F on this webpage, then type “LTE”. Look at all the times I use it in this text! Not counting the ‘lte’ in the word ‘multe’, of course. Dang, now the search results will include that, too. Anyways, half of this text is just me talking about how I’m trying to get this text to be the longest. Well, the longest LTE, anyways. I still have a long way to go. I’m only 12.7% of the way there. I mean, minus the four month gap, my estimation is that I’ve only been writing this for not even two weeks. So it makes sense that this LTE isn’t very long yet. Whenever I look at this webpage, it looks long at first glance, but the longer I look at it, the more I realize how short it actually is. It’s something that I can’t explain. For real this time. I just realized that none of this is helping the fact that half this LTE is about the LTE itself. I should bring up a new topic, but I don’t feel comfortable talking about much else. Why? Because, like I said, I never have any idea what I’m talking about. Most of this LTE is just me talking about LTEs or languages. Sometimes furries, but I don’t wanna go back into that territory at this point. But it doesn’t matter, because I’m still gonna write this LTE for as long as possible, even if it means talking about the same things half the time. Also, LEARN VIESA! Haven’t said that in a while, so I might as well bring it back. The documentation for Viesa is on this very website, so go ahead and read it! You might need to know some linguistic knowledge to understand it, though. In fact, you probably won’t understand most of it unless you know some amount about lingusitics, so you have been warned. If Viesa is too much for you, Pig Latin will probably be better for you. If it's so easy that kids can learn it, you can too! It's a language you can learn in probably five minutes, so why not give it a try? You may also enjoy Ubbi Dubbi, where you place 'ub' before every vowel sound. It's also a very easy language to learn, although not quite as popular. The thing is, none of these are even real languages. They're just codes, and very simple codes at that. You could probably crask Pig Latin or Ubbi Dubbi rather easily. Viesa too, actually. But I still enjoy them occasionally, even if Pig Latin and Ubbi Dubbi are inefficient and easy to crack, and Viesa is easy to crack yet unneccesarily difficult. I do make real languages, but I never put in the effort to learn them to fluency. At least I make them at all. Here’s a fun game: I will open up a random page from a book, and tell you the first word I see. English. That’s the word. Stay tuned for more fun games as you read through this LTE. We’re back, and we’re gonna play the same game as before. Ready? Subject. Now we’re gonna do it again. Reading. And again. Itself. Constituent. Grammar. Colloquial. Black. Outline. Add. About four of those words were language related. You’ll never guess why! (Spoiler alert: it’s a conlanging book). I’m running out of ideas now. I’m just gonna generate a random word and try to talk about it. Forbid. That’s the opposite of “allow”, I’m pretty sure. I don’t really know what else to say. Well, I guess I failed at generating a topic I could talk about. You know what's weird? My favorite word hasn't been used once in this entire text. I'm about to change that forever. Epic. Yup, my favorite word is "epic". I use it on a regular basis. I say "That's epic" all the time. It's a word I can't live without. Hey, I've now written more of this text after the 4 month gap than before it! Just thought I'd share that fact. Also, I'm gonna try and write as much as possible in this LTE today. I've already written more today than the day I first said I was gonna write as much as possible, so that's a good sign. The thing is, I don't know what to write about. I need to write about something, otherwise I won't write at all and I won't accomplish my goal. Wait, what goal should I set? How many characters should I write today? I'm gonna try and get 10,000 characters. I've already written almost 5,000 today, so from here I just have to write the equivellant of everything I've already written today. I'm just gonna try it and see if I make it. Maybe sometime in the future I'll do a bigger goal, like 15,000 or even 20,000 in one day. Actually, I don't know if 20,000 would even be possible for me. It might be, but it sounds like somewhat of a stretch for me to write that much in a single day. We'll see how long 10,000 takes, though. I'm already doing a bad job at this. I haven't typed anything here in several minutes. I need a topic. Um, Vabungula, I guess? Basically, it's a conlang created by Bill Price in 1965. It amazes me how one can work on a single conlang for that long. Most of the conlangs I start making die after 15 minutes. Anyways, I really like it because... um, I don't know, actually. There's not really anything about it that's super interesting (other than how long it's existed), it's just his personal conlang. Maybe it's the amount of development that went into it. It has over 5,000 dictionary entries and several texts written in the language. I'm sure most people reading this don't care about my language related talk, but I gotta make this long. I'm desperate to reach my 10,000 character goal. I've got 4,000 to go. I just found a website that generates random art from a seed. I just put this entire text as the seed, and it generated something quite nice. I would put the picture here, but I want this LTE to be nothing but text, so I won't do that. I've been playing with this for a while now. Many of the seeds produce boring pictures, but some of them are nice. For example, I just used "e" as the seed and it produced a nice looking picture. "a" looks nice too, arguably nicer. I've been using nothing but the word "nice" to describe these pictures. Maybe it's time to get a bigger vocabulary? "b" looks, um, good? I don't have the right vocabulary for this. I also don't feel like doing every single letter, because the pictures take some time to generate. But if you want to do it for yourself, just go to random-art.org and try it out! By the way, this is another website I found through pointlesssites.com. You know, the same website that lead me to the FlamingChicken LTE, which lead me to begin writing this whole thing. But what made me discover pointlesssites.com? Vsauce mentioned it. But what made me discover Vsauce? YouTube Reccomendations, probably. But what made me discover YouTube? As far as I remember, my dad showed it to me when I was 6. So I would like to thank my dad for being the reason I started writing this. He's the one who showed me YouTube, which reccomended me Vsauce, which mentioned pointlesssites.com, which brought me to the FlamingChicken LTE, which inspired me to start my own LTE. If he had never shown me YouTube, I wouldn't be here writing this text, and you wouldn't be reading it. Well, that's probably not true, because I probably would have discovered YouTube by other means, thus leading me to Vsauce, leading me to Vsauce, leading me to pointlesssites.com, leading me to the FlamingChicken LTE, leading me to... okay, I really need to stop now. I've gone too far. But you know what I haven't gone too far with? This LTE. I don't think I even can go too far with writing this text. Unless this text gets so long that it surpasses the 1GB storage limit of Neocities. In which case, I'll need to upgrade to Supporter in order to get a 50GB storage limit. But what if the text gets so long that is surpasses that? I don't think I'll ever make it there. I mean, 50GB is about 50 trillion characters. So I think we're good. I still need to get to 10,000 by the end of today. I've got 1,500 to go. Currently watching a livestream. It's reminding me of when I used to livestream back in 2016. I still kinda miss those days. But at the same time, I was quite awkward and had zero social skills, so I'm not sure if I'd want to go back. At this point, everything I've written today is longer than what can fit on the screen at once. At least on my computer screen. It probably changes with different screen resolutions and devices. But anyways, it's pretty unusual for that much of the LTE to be written in a single day. I don't want to pressure myself into writing this much every day, though. Last time I forced myself to complete a certain amount of something every day, it was overwhelming and I ended up losing motivation, thus letting down all my fans who were anticipating the August 30th, 2016 release date. Okay, the amount of eager fans was probably a number you could count on one hand, but still. By the way, if you're wondering what this "something" was, it was GoAnimated Garbage: The Movie, which was supposed to be an hour long episode of a series I made to make fun of random GoAnimate videos. In case you're not the type of person who knows what GoAnimate is... hoo boy. Basically, it's a drag-and-drop animation website infamous for the "grounded videos" that people made with it, among other types of videos. It's this whole community that I neither can explain nor want to explain. But I had somewhat of an association with that community back in the day. On my YouTube channel, I used to make a genre of GoAnimate video known as the "OS video". Typically an OS video is where some sort of hated character within the GoAnimate community forcefully installs their operating system onto a user's computer, and the user has to deal with this OS until they eventually find a way to "destroy" it. I made five of these videos. In chronological order: Caillou OS, Boots OS, Franklin OS, Little Bill OS, and Crap OS X. Caillou OS is the most viewed video on my main channel, which is unsurprising since Caillou is pretty much THE character associated with the GoAnimate community. When I made that video, it was a big transition for my channel. The channel's name was changed from Infinite Budgets, which had been my name since 2013 when I made crappy Roblox videos, to Allisima. All of my old videos were deleted, with the exception of my "Barney Errors", which was yet another genre of GoAnimate video. Basically, a Barney error is when a user's computer/console/whatever session is interrupted by a "Barney Error", a message informing the user that Barney has been killed, and the device must not be turned off because it's an "important message". There's also a bomb that's placed in Barney's "lair", the timer for which is displayed in the error. The user gets some amount of "chances", and every time the device is turned off, the user looses a chance and the time until the bomb explodes decreases. Eventually, the user turns off the computer enough times that there are no more chances left, the bomb explodes, and some sort of punishment happens. These punishments can range from having to downgrade your operating system, to having your computer destroyed, and in extreme cases, even to death. I once made a whole channel for Barney Errors, where I made about twenty of them before quitting. After that, I eventually quit GoAnimate all together, but I still made Crap OS X, an OS video made with Powerpoint. I also made an interactive OS parody called Windows Poop Editon, again with Powerpoint. Before that, I also made one called "Atch OS" using my old Windows XP netbook. I just checked to see if my old Weebly website still exists, since there's an Atch OS download on there and I wanted to see if it dissapeared from existence or not. Appearantly it does! I'm getting so much nostalgia from this website. It's like a window into 2016, when I had fun making these videos on a regular basis. I'm way past my 10,000 character goal now. I'm kinda glad I set this goal, but again, I'm not gonna force myself to do it everyday. I think I'm gonna stop writing for today. Bye! Hey, I'm back. Yes, that hello wasn't original either, since I already said it once. Specifically, after my sister seized the LTE and started spamming. You remember that, right? I hope you read through this whole thing instead of just picking a random part (which just happened to be this part) and reading only a tiny bit. Nah, I'm just kidding. Read this text however you want to, it doesn't matter if you read this entire text from start to finish or not. I mean, I did put some cringy stuff in here, as I keep mentioning. But it's on the Internet, and since recently, on my homepage, so I know people are gonna read it. Really the only reason I'm making this is because I have a weird obsession for writing giant walls of text. Guess what? I just added translations of this LTE into various conlangs on my website! But they're all very incomplete, and I probably won't finish them ever... I mean, if I'm gonna finish any of them, 'twill probably be the Viesa translation since it's the easiest to do. Hey, 'twill's back! I remember the very beginnings of this LTE, when I first mentioned 'twill. That was 40,000 characters ago. Appearantly I'm measuring time with characters now. Hey, what's the average amount of text I write per day in this LTE? The four month gap probably significantly drops that amount. Let's see! The trouble is finding out when I started writing this LTE, because I don't know the exact date. I'm just gonna estimate that it was March 12, based on the amount of times I said goodnight before I said "Happy Pi Day". It's not a very accurate measurement, though, because sometimes I stop writing for the day without saying goodnight. But anyways, from March 12 to today, July 16, is 127 days. As of that previous sentence, there are 42,549 characters in this LTE. 42,549 characters divided by 127 days equals about 335 characters per day. That's not very much at all. To get an idea of how short that is, the first 335 characters of this LTE consist of about 64 words and 8 sentences. As I predicted, the four months of no activity had a big impact on this number. But what if we ignore the 4 month gap, which was from March 15 to July 9, I've only been working on this LTE for ten days. 42,549 characters divided by 10 days is about 4254 characters. That's much better. It might be that big because of the 12,600 characters I wrote yesterday. I said I wouldn't do it every day, but honestly, I'm feeling like doing a goal again today. I think I might even go a bit higher than yesterday. Let's do 15,000 characters! I have zero life outside of this LTE, anyways, so I think I'll make it. As long as I keep typing about random stuff for the entire day, I'll probably get past 15,000 easily. I think I'm insane. Literally all I do anymore is write this LTE. My mom is almost certainly concered for me, because I was in my room pretty much all of yesterday and my sister told her about how I'm trying to write the longest text ever. But enough about my descent into insanity for now. Let's get this LTE to over 55,000 characters today! This is probably the most meta LTE in existence. Like I've said, I talk about the LTE itself as much, if not more than anything else. By the way, if I were to write as much as I did yesterday every day, I would reach my goal in just 15 days. Now I'm tempted to do that, even though I said I wouldn't set a goal like that every day. I think I might end up doing it subconciously. I kinda wanna convince some other people I know online to start their own LTE. Wouldn't it be fun if we all had our own LTEs? They would probably all die within a day, but at least I wouldn't be the only one writing an LTE in 2019... The most recently updated LTE I've seen is the RainbowFluffySheep LTE, which I believe was last updated in late 2018. That wasn't really that long ago, but still, I don't think it's being updated anymore. Now let's do an LTE Timeline! The original FlamingChickens LTE was probably started sometime in 2004, and Hermnerps was started the same year. The FlamingChickens LTE stopped in 2005, while the Hermnerps LTE actually lived on until 2009, although edits after the end of 2004 were rather sparce. The Kenneth Iman LTE was started in 2013 and was last updated in 2015. The RainbowFluffySheep LTE both started and was last updated in March 2018. And of course, the WhileTrue LTE was started in March 2019 and is still being updated today. Wow, 15 years of LTEs! I think my LTE is the only one still being updated. It would be nice if someone else was writing their own LTE along with me. But 'twill be hard to convince other people to waste their lives writing a useless wall of text. You never know, maybe an LTE that stopped being edited years ago will come back from the dead. That seems kind of unlikely though. Very strange fact incoming. A certain word has not been used since the very beginning of this text. Ready to learn what it is? I shouldn't tell you, actually. Of course, that would ruin it. Unless you want me to ruin a really cool fact. Surely you wouldn't want that to happen. Okay, I'll just tell you, because I'm probably gonna end up using it again someday or another. The word is "various". If you search for "various" in this LTE, you'll only find it at the very beginning as well as here. And I was gonna keep this a secret, but just now I did this thing where if you take the first letter of each sentence, it spells out "VARIOUS". Kinda clever... I guess? Anyways, for those who are insane enough to be reading this entire thing from the start Wow, you have quite the dedication. My LTE isn't even the longest yet, but perhaps in the future, when it is the longest, people will be challenging themselves to read the entire thing. And maybe you're one of them! Perhaps you're reading this long after I've passed my goal, in which case you still have quite a bit to go. So I wish you luck on your Longest Text Ever reading adventure! I've been talking about LTEs all day. For the past 6,000 characters, in fact. I need to find something different to talk about. But first, I just had an idea pertaining LTEs. I should compare this LTE to the longest joke in the world! The longest joke in the world is 56,554 characters long, which is about how long I'm trying to get this LTE by the end of today. So if I reach my goal today, this text will be longer than the longest joke in the world! That's pretty cool. I would also be a quarter of the way to my goal. But let's get back to finding something different to talk about. I can't think of anything. My sister is singing a song about wanting Subway. I will never understand her. What goes through her brain that makes her decide "Yeah, I think it would be a good idea to sing about how I really want Subway"? I don't get how her brain works. She also likes eating paper. I asked her and appearantly she was perfectly okay with me writing that in here. She probably thinks nobody's ever gonna read this. But she's gonna be wrong! Eventually. Now she's asking me to write about how she likes yogurt. "Because I didn't used to", she says. She's eating mango yogurt, and she has water in a Gatorade bottle. Now I'm asking her what else I should put in this text. She says I should write about how there's wild sage where we live. Now she's having hot chocolate. She didn't ask me to write that, but I told her I was going to write it and she said okay. My sister might start her own Longest Text Ever, again. She says it will have only one word repeated throughout the entire text. But I told her that it defeats the purpose of an LTE. In the original FlamingChickens LTE, one of the very first things that is written is "I will just type, and type, and never, ever use copy and paste". Okay, I just made a webpage for her LTE (it's gonna be an actual LTE this time). Stay tuned for "The Best Longest Text Ever", as she calls it. I think it should have just been called "KKs Longest Text Ever" or something, but whatever. She types really slow, but I hope her LTE will be successful nonetheless. Warning: if you do go and read her LTE, she spoils Spiderman: Far From Home at the very beginning, so be careful about that. In fact, she's basically typing the entire plot of the movie. Well, that's one way to increase your LTE's length, I guess. My sister is listening to her terrible songs instead of writing her LTE. Well, she has her LTE page open, but she's not writing anything and is singing instead. Actually, she's writing stuff now, so ignore everything I said previously. She's still writing the entire plot. Her LTE is now 2,000 characters, which isn't very long, but she's only been working on it for an hour. Plus she's a slow typer. She types everything with one hand. It might take a while for her LTE to get to this level. But assuming she keeps writing it and doesn't forget about it after today, it'll get pretty long eventually. I still need to write 7,000 characters today. My sister is watching a cringy video made by our old elementary school. They became a French immersion school after I left. She found one of the videos I was in... oh god, I can't stand to look at that video. It hurts me to think about those days. My sister's LTE webpage has text now! Maybe I should create a page linking to all the LTEs I know about. I think I'll do that. Boom, it is done. I think I'm gonna also put a link to it on this page. There, that's done as well. Guys, I'm not sure if I'm gonna make it to 15,000. I still have 5,000 characters to go (I was completely off earlier, I don't have 7,000 left to go), and there's not much left of the day. In retrospect, it was probably a bad idea to make a goal for the day in the first place. After all, LTE writing is supposed to be fun! Sort of. There's zero need to make unneccesary deadlines. I think it just reduces the fun, as well as the part of my life that isn't just writing huge walls of text. From here on out, I declare character-per-day goals abolished. I will no longer make attempts to write a certain amount in a single day. I should have listened to my past self, who said not to do goals every day. But I didn't, and now I regret it. But anyways, here's a fun fact about this LTE: excluding my upcoming usage, the pronoun "he" is only used twice in this LTE, and they both refer to my dad. On the other hand, the pronoun "she" is used forty times! Almost all of these refer to my sister. Only one refers to my mom. I guess I just really like talking about the weird stuff my sister does. But not as much as being meta and talking about my own LTE. Here's another fun fact: "LTE" is the fourteenth most common word in this text! That's insane. It's more common than words you'd expect to be common, like "you", "I'm", "for", "be", "about", "was", and so on. I really need to talk about other things once in a while. But since I have zero creativity, I always resort to talking about the same topics. From what I've seen, most other LTEs are pretty diverse, but mine isn't at all. Honestly, this is likely the most boring LTE to read. But my absolute lack of creativity means it's probably gonna stay that way for a long time. I'm tired, so I'm gonna go to sleep. Maybe I'll be more creative by tomorrow. Probably not. Anyways, goodnight. Hey, I'm back, and I don't feel any more creative. But I did have a dream last night, so I'm gonna talk about that. Last night, I dreamt that I was in one of our old houses, and I saw that someone made a video roasting Viesa. They talked about how you shouldn't say "dog" in Viesa, because appearantly "deeg" is bad or something? I don't know. Then they said the rule where W becomes V is weird, but I don't remember the reason they said it. I didn't really care about how they roasted my language. Then I watched a Minecraft video for whatever reason, and then the dream ended. How do other LTE writers have so many topics to talk about? All I ever talk about is either LTEs themselves, or the fact that all I ever talk about is LTEs. There's no diversity. I very rarely talk about anything else. And when I do, it's usually about languages and lasts only a few sentences. There, I deleted it. Oh, you don't have any context. Basically I wrote a bunch of depressing stuff, then I decided to delete it all. I knew I was going to regret it later, in the same way I regret writing all that stuff about furries. Not that I think there's anything wrong with being a furry, it's just that it personally makes me uncomfortable looking back on it. I'm not even into that stuff as much anymore. I don't watch furry YouTube, and I don't talk about how much I want a fursuit/go to a convention. That's a part of me that's slowly disappearing. Okay, I'm gonna stop talking about that, because I literally just said how I regret talking about it in this text. You know, I've been feeling kind of down about this LTE lately, because as I just mentioned, all I ever talk about is this LTE itself, there's no diversity, blah blah blah. It's especially been like that ever since the four month gap. In fact, I barely talked about LTEs before that gap. It's like I lost all my creativity after four months. You know what? I'm officially gonna say this: If, for some reason, you are reading this before you decide you want to start reading this entire text, READ EVERYTHING FROM "WOW, IT HAS BEEN A WHILE" TO HERE AT YOUR OWN RISK, BECAUSE YOU WILL LIKELY DIE OF BOREDOM DUE TO THE MONOTONOUS TOPICS! There, now I'm gonna try and forget that half this LTE is the same exact boring topic. I will also try to avoid writing about the same exact boring topic for the rest of this text. Let's celebrate the End of Monotonous Topics (EMT) by talking about how we (my sister and I) had lunch and did various other things with our grandpa! So grandpa asked if we wanted to have lunch and spend an afternoon with him, and we said yes. Then he picked us up, and we went to a nearby town where we had lunch, went to a museum which was a house built in 1909 as well as the town's first hospital, and got ice cream from what is appearently one of the best ice cream places in the country, according to grandpa. So today was a fun day. I'm gonna go now. Bye! Hey, I'm back. That's the fifth time I've said that. I need to come up with more original... nah, whatever. Anyways, I had a dream last night which was basically a whole movie I don't remember most of. All I remember is playing a keyboard at the store for some reason, and that the dream ended with a random car horn. Oh, and there was Minecraft involved in the beginning, which I'm pretty sure is becoming a recurring theme in my dreams. I don't know why that happened, because I rarely play Minecraft anymore. Do any of y'all remember the DVD screensaver meme? That was one of my favorite memes. For those who don't know what I'm talking about, many DVD players had this screensaver where it was a DVD logo bouncing around the screen. The big moment that everyone anticipates is when the logo hits the corner of the screen perfectly, because, well, it's just so SATISFYING! I used to watch a livestream that was literally just this screensaver running endlessly. And when it hit the corner, it was a huge celebration for both me and everyone else watching. I got so excited when the logo hit the corner. My computer's screensaver is even still a DVD screensaver. But nowadays when I see it hit the corner, I don't have as much enthusiasm as I used to. I've just seen it too many times for it to be exciting anymore. Plus, the meme isn't even a thing anymore. I doubt that livestream is even still running. But you never know, so I'm gonna check to see if it's still going. Oh wow, it is! That was the last thing I expected to see in July 2019. But only four people are watching it, which makes sense. The title now says "DVD Logo Screensaver For 1 Year", even though it hasn't quite been going on for a year. But when it hits that point, perhaps that's when it will finally end? It should have ended months ago, if you ask me. Yup, I was right. There's a countdown on the livestream to when it ends, and it says 181 days, 9 hours, 12 minutes, and 3 seconds. Wow, the corner hit and wall hit numbers are much bigger now. The most corner hits I'd seen is around 1400 or so, but now it's at 4776! The wall hits used to be in the hundred-thousands, now it's at over two and a half million! Hello, I have returned. There, I came up with something original to say! Anyways, I just combined every single LTE I know of (including this one) and put it onto one single page on a Wikia wiki called "No Rules Wiki". That wiki exactly as you would expect from the title. I found it a while ago, and I thought it was about time I made a contribution, even if pasting over half a million characters into a single article is breaking some rule... I've been wanting to make Viesa an actual conlang for so long now. I think it's long overdue at this point. Hey, I'm back again. These sections are getting shorter and shorter each day. But oh well. I just discovered how much I like the word "number". I don't know why, but it's just so fun to say! I think I've liked that word ever since I was a toddler learning my numbers! I remember thinking it was a fun word even back then. At that time I had two little electronic toys: one was orange and for numbers, and one was purple and for letters. I'm pretty sure those were the colors. I also vaguely remember having a fan that lit up and displayed custom messages. I haven't seen anything like that since then. All I hear right now is Baby Shark being blasted upstairs. You know that song, right? I don't know who doesn't know it at this point. I can't think of a single person I've seen that doesn't know what that song is. Dang, ever since the EMT I haven't been writing as much in this text. Looks like LTEs were all I could talk about. Oh well. How many times have I said "oh well"? Probably a lot. About eight times, in fact. I'm back again. I went a full day without writing anything into this LTE yesterday! There were a lot of things happening that day, so I didn't feel like writing. I could've written at least a little bit, but I didn't. Time for me to use this LTE as my dream journal yet again! I had a dream where my domain was "exin" (or something like that) instead of "whiletrue", so that was a thing. I also had a dream where there was this game that I thought existed in the real world, but it didn't. Dreams do that sometimes. I don't remember much about the game, but it involved the Simpsons, I guess? Also, I was in a weird store where they had an... iCarly laptop? And a bunch of gift cards. That's all I remember. For now, at least. My sister does not like synthwave. She says "it's repetitive", "the sounds they use don't sound like music", and she doesn't like how it doesn't have lyrics. First of all, she's hypocritical because she always listens to the same songs on repeat. And why does it matter that it doesn't have words? Why does she think every single piece of music in existence has to have words? YOU BETTER WATCH YOUR OPINIONS THERE! (That was a reference to a cringy GoAnimator that no one reading this will get, unless you came to this website from my YouTube channel which you subscribed to during my OS video days). Anyways, synthwave is objectively the best genre of music. I remember hearing HOME - Resonance for the first time in a Discord voice chat, and it was magical. I wish I could listen to that song for the first time again. That was how I got into synthwave. You know what my favorite color combination is? Yellow text on a magenta background. Oh, and don't forget the Comic Sans. That is just pure beauty right there. In fact, it's used in the first frame (well, close enough) of "history of the entire world, i guess", which makes me love that video even more. We're at 60,000 characters, 1,000 sentences, and 12,000 words! Weird how all those counts hit such round numbers in one day, huh? I need to stick to the EMT, so I should stop talking about that. My sister is attempting to build a Lego city. Her goal is to have three buildings, since she doesn't have THAT much Lego. Have you noticed how quickly I've been switching topics in this text? That's because I can't talk about anything for a long time. That is, unless that thing is languages or LTEs. I am currently trying to revive a language my sister and I started making a while back. Sometimes my sister has days when she doesn't hate languages for some reason, then she ends up starting one. But of course, she regained her hate and abandoned it. Now I'm the only one working on the language. By the way, the language is called Lazay, which was the successor to Zula, the first language we made together which is now deleted. We started writing the language on paper, but then I started a Google Doc. I'm sure the papers are still here somewhere. I'm just too lazy to find them. I’m back again. I haven’t been ending these sections with goodbyes recently. But whatever. We’re on our way to IKEA to get a dresser for my room. We’re listening to Queens of the Stone Age right now, and I’m just waiting for “Fortress” to come on. I sing that song in Viesa, but I make up half of the lyrics. It goes: Ванавар јак фиртрас кува, ма башег ђара, ја сок. Try and translate that! The song is playing now. I like this song. We’re back from IKEA now. Actually, we’ve been home for hours now, and we’ve already built the dresser. My computer crashed (but don’t worry, I started writing this in Google Docs on my phone), and now Google Chrome won’t open. So I have to use Microsoft Edge for now. I’m gonna sleep now. Goodnight! Hello, I'm back. My sister is brushing my back with a hairbrush, and I don't know why. I asked her what I should write about (because I have zero creativity), and she said I should write about that. I'm gonna type whatever comes to my head now. Hi, I'm a boring human being who has zero creativity whatsoever and still happens to be writing an LTE. Isn't that insane? How could this be? Nobody knows, and nobody will ever know. It is a strange mystery that has yet to be solved. Hmm, I wonder if I should go and eat pancakes now? I'm so random right now. In fact, there's an entire subreddit for that: r/iamsorandom. You should check it out! I mean, you don't really have to, but it would be nice if you did. I use Reddit a lot, but I only use it for language-related stuff. Well, I make posts in language-related subreddits, but the non-language subs that I look at are ones that I don't post anything to, because I know nothing about literally anything that isn't languages. And heck, I don't even know much about languages! I only make English codes and call them "conlangs". Sort of. I usually don't actually call them conlangs, but I use them for such purposes. I speak Viesa as if it were a real language, but it simply is not. Why did I make Viesa in the first place? Well, you see, it all started out as a joke for April Fools' Day. I called it "the new universal language", despite it literally being a cipher of English. What!? A cipher of English being a universal language? How silly! What a funny joke, right? Maybe? Somewhat? Anyways, I then made a SECOND VERSION! DUN DUN DUN! This second version had CLICKY SOUNDS which, spoiler alert, dissapear in the next version of Viesa. Sad, right? RIP CLICKS 2018-2018 NEVER FORGET! I also added WACKY GRAMMAR STUFF and PRONOUNS! WOAH! How crazy! Then I made the next version: VERSION 3.0! This version added CYRILLIC! (you know, that alphabet the Russians use, as well as the Serbs, whose version of the Cyrillic alphabet I stole for Viesa. Hehehe!) And that's the entire history of Viesa, explained in a Zany way! Do you like how I capitalized "Zany" there? Aren't capital letters so cool? They let you YELL AND SCREAM AT THE TOP OF YOUR LUNGS! They add EXCITEMENT! And most of all, they let you capitalize words like This. lowercase letters are also cool. without them, we'd all be yelling and screaming all the time. That would be pretty tiring, wouldn't it? I see two water bottles. One is empty, while the other still has some water in it. The empty one is blue, and the one with the water is pink. I should also mention that the blue one is mine, while the pink one is my sister's. I got that water bottle because I lost my other one at school. But GUESS WHAT? I FOUND IT IN THE LOST AND FOUND! Wow! Now I had two water bottles. How Wacky and Crazy and Zany and Bizzare and all those adjectives that perfectly describe this epic moment! Wow, writing your mind is a great way to increase your LTEs length! Before I was actually THINKING about what I was writing. But now I barely do, and it's greatly improving my LTE! Except the overuse of capital letters might throw the reader off guard a little because of how sparingly I've used them in the past, but oh well. I could fix it, but I don't feel like it. I want to continue writing, but I need to sleep now. Goodnight! Hi, I'm back again. My computer crashed AGAIN, and I was ignorant enough to not save my work, so that means I have to start this part of the text all over again. That's quite unfortunate. But did I mention that my Google Chrome is working again? That's the good news. It's good news because Google Chrome has all my logins, websites, and stuff like that. Hopefully you know what I mean when I say that. Maybe you do, maybe you don't. I don't even know what I mean right now! I'm probably insane right now. Especially since I'm writing this right now, as I have been for about 18 days minus the four month gap... I think. I hope I did that right. As I've said before, I'm bad at math. My sister just read the entirety of what I've written today for some reason. My sister just sang "I want your computer to crash again because I'm evil". She IS evil if she wants my computer to crash. At least I'll have this section saved. In fact, right now I'm pressing Ctrl+S after every sentence! Including this one. And this one. Also this one. I think you get the point now. My sister keeps typing into this LTE without my consent, and I keep having to delete it all. It's pretty annoying. Hey, flashback to when I said that way at the beginning of this text! You know, the part where I talk about the Teen Titans Go episode called "Waffles" where the word "Waffles" is said a hundred-something times. You know what else is said a hundred something times (in this LTE)? The letter J. So far it's been used 115 times in this LTE. That's your Interesting LTE Fact of the Day! Well, not really "daily", but whatever. Here's a story: Once upon a time, people got tired of starting off their stories with "Once upon a time", so they stopped doing that. But one person decided not to stop using "Once upon a time", and used it at the beginning of this story. And that person is ME! The end. Wasn't that a lovely story? You're probably not thinking that. Again, I'm not creative in any way whatsoever. That's why I don't usually write stories and instead write giant walls of text full of meaningless information, like the one and only WhileTrue's Longest Text Ever that you're reading right now. Hopefully nobody died of boredom from reading between "Wow, it has been a while" and the EMT. That's the most boring part of the LTE! 90% of it is just me talking about LTEs themselves. How uninteresting is that? Very uninteresting. Penguins. What are they? I don't know. What am I even writing right now? I haven't a clue. Isn't it weird that I said "haven't a clue" like that? Normally "haven't" isn't used if it's alone as a verb, as in "I haven't my keys". Who says that? Nobody, that's who. And yet "I haven't a clue" is an actual thing I've heard people say. Anyways, AFRICA! That was random, but let's discuss it anyway. Africa is a well-known song by Toto. It's a good song. I can kinda sorta play it on piano? Maybe? I don't know. Another song I can play on the piano is All Star by Smash Mouth. You know, the Shrek song? Anyways, I once made a video called "All Star but it's played on a Sesame Street piano" and it got almost a million views. It's been stuck at 900,000 for what seems like forever now. I'm gonna check to see if it's at a million now. I doubt it, though. Nope, still at 926,000 views. And I doubt it's gonna get any more, to be honest. It had a good run though. My sister is chugging applesauce. She thinks she's epic because of it. I don't know anymore. I seem to keep saying that after everything I type at this point. It's strange. Hello, I have returned after yet another long absence. When was the last time I added to this? I think it was somewhere in July. So yeah, it’s been three months, as it is now October 17, 2019. The end of the decade is approaching fast. I’m a bit excited, because I’ll have significant memories from more than just one decade! My earliest significant memories started in Kindergarden, which was in 2010. This means that I only really remember one decade. But now that an entirely new decade is coming up, I’ll be able to remember another! Part of me feels like I shouldn’t be excited over this, since the boundaries between years is arbitrary, and a decade is 10 years only because we count in base 10, so if we counted in base 12 or something, a decade would be 12 years long. That was kind of a run-on sentence, but I don’t really feel like making this text perfect, anyway. Have you heard of the Library of Babel? libraryofbabel.info is a website containing every possible combination of the lowercase letters a-z, space, comma, and period. The library is divided into hexagonal chambers. Each hex contains four walls. Each wall contains three shelves. Each shelf contains 32 volumes. Each volume contains 410 pages of 3200 characters each. Everything you could ever say or write is on this website. Even this LTE! See for yourself: https://libraryofbabel.info/bookmark.cgi?lte. Okay, that’s only the first bit of it, but every other bit of this LTE is somewhere in the library! In fact, here’s the next bit: https://libraryofbabel.info/bookmark.cgi?lte:1. It’s split up into about 20 different pages. I don’t feel like putting links to all of them here. It also removes punctuation that the library doesn’t use, like the exclamation point, question mark, colon, and so on. But it’s pretty mind-blowing stuff, if you ask me. If you try and browse the library yourself though, you probably won’t find much more than total gibberish. It’s crazy to think that everything we could ever possibly say or write is massively outweighed by meaningless strings of letters and punctuation.
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ot74evr · 4 years
BTS Game
Tagged by: @mintjoonlep thanks for thinking of me!
Tagging: if you want to do the thing, do the thing
First BTS song? DNA. I had bought Just Dance as a way to trick myself into cardio, but I grew tired of it after a while. My kid LOVED all the foreign music, especially the K-Pop. So I asked my friend who had been listening to the genre for a long time what she would reccomend and within minutes I had like 14 youtube videos send to me xD. The kid hit on DNA like nothing else and then Idol shortly after and we’ve been hooked ever since.
First bias? Yoongi. I was doing those youtube “pick a thing and we’ll match you with an idol” type videos to learn faces and names and one of them I had done I got 18/20 Suga or something equally crazy. And then I noticed my eyes kept finding him the next time kiddo went on a binge of MVs, lol
Current bias? ah shit. Honsetly this can change by the day. So I guess today is Joon. Tomorrow might be Hoseok or Jin lol
Put the members in order on your bias list. I am ot7. I truly love all of these bois. But if I’m really honest with myself it is Hyungline then Makenaeline with surprising upsets that change day to day lmao
Favorite BTS song? oh god. uuuuhhhhhh. I have a soft spot for Waste It On Me but you could tell me that’s a Steve Aoki song and I’d be like “Fair”. I Need You (Urban Remix) is that same kind of love for me. I just can’t skip it no matter what mood I’m in
Favorite underrated BTS song? Let Go. Begin. I don’t know if these qualify but I do love them so
Favorite song on Wings? First Love. It was the first song I absolutely HAD to look up the lyrics to. It was late at night and some shitty fan cam, but I loved it immediately, and probably boosted my early Yoongi bais.
Favorite song on LY: Her, Tear, and Answer? Her - Dimple. just super cute and fun. 
Tear - Airplane pt. 2. I lobe it all. And watching the guys dance in the rain is always a plus imo
Answer - Mic Drop (Steve Aoki Remix) [Full Length]. Sexiest thing they have ever done on stage. Dont @ me
Favorite MV? Danger? Grape Jin in eyeliner is too powerful to resist. And the shoulder/bicep section????? I also like the general aesthetic of War on Hormone because I am a degenerate 90s baby lmao. Airplane pt 2 again is very nice >.>
Favorite dancer? Yoongi or Tae. It’s easy to say Hobi or Jimin because they are very good at what they do and if they weren’t in this group I am very sure they would be talked about for their styles. Seeing either one or both of them on World of Dance would be a dream come true. But I like the “chip in the polish” that Yoongi and Tae have.They like to dance and are very good at it but it’s the lack of refinement that Hobi and Jimin have in spades that really draw me in to Y and T.
Favorite vocalist? Rap line. I’m not even kidding. Rapline singing is my BIGGEST weakness in this group.I know Joon fucks around and does silly shit with his voice but when he’s serious or his voice lends support on a track? yespleasethanksomg. And the other two have such natural abilty as well. Out of Vocalline though it’s Jin. He has such a unique tone to him that I really like. And that range?? gdlk
Favorite rapper? I dont know if I can pick.They’re each so unique and talented. I’d probably have to say Yoongi tho. His voice just gives me chills no matter what.
Favorite hair color on each member? Any shade of purple/blue really. That anime boi shit is my jam. MintYoongi will forever live in my heart with curly haired Tae tho. I know it’s not a color but I am SOFT for it okay?? Favorite choreography? Black Swan. The shoulder section of Danger. Idol is impressive everytime. I can’t wait to see what choreos they have planned for when they tour again. 
Favorite ship? Joon/books Yoongi/naps Jin/fishing Hobi/sound effects Tae/art Jimin/laying in laps JK/ARMYs
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alexconfusion · 5 years
1-100 please (I’m serious... or at least do like 20 of em. The first twenty. But I’d prefer them all)
Is this a challenge
1 Middle Name- Katherine
2 Age- 13 (yah I know I’m a baby blah blah blah shut up guys djskdjjd)
3 Birthday- May 8, 2006 (8:29am, to be exact)
4 Zodiac- sun: Taurus moon: Virgo, I believe
5 Fav Color- blue is my aesthetic but purple is my fav
6 My Lucky Number- five
7 Pets- two guinea pigs (ginny and lily), two dogs (bailey and maya) [i will provide pics if you want]
8 Where I’m From- Massachusetts
9 Height- 5’1
10 Shoe Size- eight
11 How Many Pairs of Shoes I Own- three
12 My Last Dream- Shane Dawson fixed my family issues and helped me come out to them (it was awesome, 10/10 would do again)
13 My Talents- piano (I have soundcloud check it out if u want), writing
14 Am I Psychic- HELL YEAH I AM shoot me an ask if u wanna know more cuz it’s kind of a long story (ok maybe not actually psychic but it’s a fun story)
15 Favorite Song- Amnesia - 5sos (it makes me cry every time and I don’t even care)
16 Favorite Movie- Into the Spider-Verse
17 My Ideal Partner - idk u tell me
18 Do I Want Kids?- potentially, but if I did I would adopt
19 Do I Want a Church Wedding- nah they look boring. I was part of the wedding party for my cousins wedding and it was absolute torture
20 Am I Religious- not really
21 Have I Ever Been to the Hospital- yeah, I was seven and stepped on glass at the beach (huge gash, kinda gorey, wouldn’t reccomend) anyways I didn’t know I cut my foot open at first and walked around the beach and a fuck ton of sand got in it (I had a very rough summer)
22 Have I Ever Been in Trouble With the Law- fuck no who do you think I am??
23 Have I Met any Celebrities- nope
24 Baths or Showers- showers duh, they’re good for so many things: crying, hair washing, pretending you’re standing in the rain,
25 What Color Socks am I Wearing- striped gray with blue owls (yes they are lit)
26 Have I Ever Been Famous- uh no
27 Would I Like to be a Celebrity?- sometimes I think it would be cool because if I make a lot of money I could help a lot of people, but usually no because having privacy is important to me
28 What Type of Music do I like- pretty much anything but acoustic versions have always had a special place in my heart
29 Have I Ever Been Skinny Dipping?- no gross
30 How Many Pillows do I Sleep With- one on each end of the bed so I can flip upside down and still have a pillow
31 What Position do I Sleep in-
Tumblr media
(It’s comfy)
32 How Big is My House- two main floors, attic, basement
33 What do I Have for Breakfast- usually nothing, either because I slept through the normal breakfast time or because I didn’t have time to eat
34 Have I Ever Fired a Gun- no
35 Have I Ever Tried Archery?- Hell yeah I did, summer camp was a wild time almost shot someone in the face
36 Fav Clean Word- twilight
37 Fav Swear Word- fuck
38 Longest I’ve Ever Went Without Sleep- forty eight hours (those were two of the best days of my life btw)
39 Do I Have Any Scars- yeah
40 Have I Ever Had a Secret Admirer- nope but I wish
41 Am I a Good Liar- fantastic, actually
42 Am I a Good Judge of Character- what,, what does this mean??
43 Can I do Any Accents- I can do a really terrible British accent but nobody likes it
44 Do I Have a Strong Accent- nope
45 What is my Favorite Accent- Australian
46 What is my personality type- on the Myers Briggs test I’m an Adventurer (it’s creepily spot on, I highly recommend taking it)
47 My Most Expensive Piece of Clothing- Are vans clothing? If so my blue high top vans that I fucking adore. If not, probably my adidas shorts or something
48 Can I Curl My Tongue- I can do the classic fold in half one and the three leaf clover. look it up, it’s cool as hell
49 Am I am Innie or an Outie- innie
50 Right or Left Handed- right, but I’m ambidextrous when playing golf and I play lacross lefty
51 Am I Scared of Spiders- a little, not a phobia
52 Favorite Food- pears or frozen yogurt
53 Favorite Foreign Food- sushi
54 Am I a Clean or Messy Person- tbh it fluctuates but mostly clean. Like I myself am clean but my room is a wreck yknow
55 Most Used Phrase- “oh shit”
56 Most Used Word- oof
57 How Long do I Take to Get Ready- ten minutes, fifteen tops and five minimum
58 Do I Have an Ego- I don’t think so?
59 Do I Suck or Bite Lolipops- bite
60 Do I Talk to Myself- sometimes, it’s usually just strings of curse words
61 Do I Sing to Myself- yeah on occasion
62 Am I a Good Singer- no but my friends seem to think so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
63 Biggest Fear- losing everyone I care about/everyone I care about hating me
64 Am I a Gossip?- only if it’s not something serious and only to my closest friend
65 Best Dramatic Movie I’ve Seen- schindlers list, haven’t seen the whole thing (I’m kinda scared to) but it looks incredible even though it’s so horrific
66 Do I Like Long or Short Hair- I don’t really care, but I do kind of like longer hair on other people (i.e I like girls) (yes girls with short hair are awesome too but long/medium length hair is just.. yeah.)
67 Can I Name all 50 Stares of America- I could when I was 8 but now I can only list like 10
68 Favorite School Subject- English
69 (haha) Extrovert or Introvert- introvert
70 Have I Ever Been Scuba Diving- no and I don’t think I’d want to
71 What Makes Me Nervous- talking to people I don’t know
72 Am I Scared Of The Dark- not really. unless I like hear a noise and start imagining all the possible causes of the noise and freak myself out
73 Do I Correct People When They Make Mistakes- yeah sometimes, but I try to do it as nicely as I can (unless I don’t like the person *cough* my brother *cough*)
74 Am I Ticklish- yes. very.
75 Have I Ever Started a Rumor- no, but people thought I did and that was a whole mess
76 Have I Ever Been in a Position of Authority- I mean I was a captain when we played kickball in gym (does that count)
77 Have I Ever Drank Underage- nope, and I don’t intent to
78 Have I Ever Done Drugs- nope, and I don’t intend to
79 Who Was My First Real Crush- olivia, fifth grade. I pretended I had a crush on the guy next to her so I could stare at her and pretend I was looking at him
80 How Many Piercings Do I Have- none
81 Can I Roll My Rs- no matter how hard I try I can never seem to get the hang of it. and I’ve tried, believe me, I sound like an idiot every time but I still try
82 How Fast Can I Type- 135 wpm
83 How Fast Can I Run- Moderately fast, but not for very long
84 What Color is My Hair- dirty blonde
85 What Color Are My Eyes- they switch between gray, green, and blue, but they’re mostly a combination of all three with green being the most noticeable (I ask people this question a lot and they usually say blue or green)
86 What am I Allergic to- nothing I’m invincible.
87 Do I Keep a Journal- yup, eight years and counting. fun fact my first entry ever was a full two and a half pages about dolphin facts, complete with a picture
88 What do My Parents do- my moms a vet, idk what my dad does (it’s something with pharmaceuticals I think)
89 Do I Like My Age- eh on the one hand I can say I’m a teen but on the other people are like “omg!!! babey???? ur a babey omfg..”
90 What Makes Me Angry- when people are condescending or hypocritical
91 Do I Like My Name- I hate my first name (irl it’s not alex but I’ll probably end up changing it) and I hate my last name (long story) but I kinda like my middle name cuz it reminds me of Six
92 Have I Thought if Baby Names, if so What Are They- idk I’d probably name them after my friends (i.e hailey, lander, flan, drew, finn, that’s about it)
93 Do I Want a Boy or Girl For a Child- first of all when did I say I wanted a child and second of all I don’t care
94 What Are My Strengths- shitposts
95 What Are My Weaknesses- dealing with emotions, controlling anger, handling criticism, there are definitely others but I’m tired okay
96 How Did I Get My Name- first name: bible, middle name: my great grandmother, last name: my dad
97 Were My Ancestors Royalty- not that I know of
98 Do I Have Any Scars- see #39
99 What Color is My Bedspread- I don’t have one but my sheet is dark blue
100 What Color is My Room- a light blue teal-ish color
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yukiwrites · 7 years
Fleeting Smile
Some time ago I asked you guys if you would read any original work I had, and since I got a very good response, I decided to type it! I don’t really know how to tag it, but feel free to ask away anything you wanna know about the plot, characters or sequels. This one will probably have only 3 chapters since it’s a short story, but depending on how you guys like it, I might post another originals later ;v;) I got inspired to write this after I watched the Shelter anime (it has absolutely nothing to do with it btw, only the song inspired me, so I highly reccomend listening to it as you read), so here you go! Please tell me what you think ;D
This is a land where magic is widely known, but hardly ever practiced. The reason for such is because the most powerful magical beings, the witches, were born without the ability to have feelings. Most of said witches do not concern themselves with human matters, though it is not uncommon for some of them to respond to human's strong feelings and make a contract with such human.
While the contract lasts, the witches are able to perceive emotions through their human host. As such, those magical beings curious enough to experience these sensations resonate easier with the human kind.
One of them, however, never once tried such fleeting and dangerous pass-time. Not because she never felt like it, no, but because the power contained inside her body was of a such great extent that not a single human's managed to demonstrate feelings strong enough to summon her throughout her ever-lasting life.
Witches are known not only by their deeds but by the contracts they have made -- and their aliases become their true names after they've forgotten their birth ones. This particular Witch, however, has had no name from the start of her life, and, because of that, she was known as The Void (or Devoid, depending of who was speaking of her).
Despite being some sort of legend around the magical world (dragons usually kept to themselves, but they loved to test their magical strength against witches from time to time, so their gossip was the one who flew faster), Devoid hasn't been heard of for over seven years.
Coincidentally, during that time, a single young man has been rumored to have incomparable power...
The wind had been strong at the wasteland, kicking up sand and making it difficult to travel as well as see the path ahead. From the distance, a single figure could be seen through the dust, its figure tall but hunched over, the steps strong and resolved.
Upon closer inspection, the figure was composed of not a single man -- he was carrying something, or rather, someone, on his back, hence the reason why he was hunched over.
Worried, he kept looking over his shoulder to the sleeping blonde little girl he carried. "Damn this place; there ain’t a single tall rock! How can I make camp, now? I don't want Suzu to be scratched all over by this fucking sandstorm." He grumbled.
The girl's white dress fluttered around the strong wind, her body as unresponsive as always. But he heard something inside his head and almost tripped due to the mental ear-pull.
"Aight, aight, sorry, Suzu." He laughed and groaned after rolling his eyes, "I ain't saying bad words anymore."
His black, tattered overcoat danced with the wind, though in a completely different direction, as though it had a life of its own. The long, eastern sword he carried on his hip did not move at all; like such measle wind was going to make it budge.
Once again, the man groaned. "Okay, fine, I give up." He crouched and placed Suzu on the ground right beside a wilted tree trunk. He let out a faint and tired smile as he put some strands of hair behind her ears before his eyes turned somber as he looked to the dark shadow far, far ahead into the wasteland. "If you're not letting me find a good place for her to rest, I gotta finish you off right away."
The air crackled around him and the figure, as though the sandstorm itself had breathed in and out, preparing itself for battle. Without taking his eyes off of the approaching darkness, the man took off his overcoat and placed it over the little girl. Her hair and clothes stopped fluttering; the coat served as a barrier against the climate, making Suzu look like she was simply sleeping peacefully covered with a tasteless black blanket.
Swiftly, the man took his overgrown sword out of its scabbard only to place the sheath beside the tree trunk. "Protect her, you hear?" He whispered and immediately a purple barrier enveloped the area around the sleeping girl.
The long sword he carried -- it had a deep, black blade.
No, it couldn't be called as such since it wasn't made of steel; it was made only of raw power. He had chosen his weapon to look like a sword because it was similar to what he was used to wielding in the past -- but it could shape itself in virtually anything he wanted it to.
Sensing his strong feelings and tight grip, the dark blade started to sway, ready to take the shape of anything its master ordered through their bond.
Free of his coat, the man could be seen on his entirety -- he had short, black hair and had countless scars around his body as well as a single cut in the middle of his face. Each step he took towards the darkness made his heart thump more.
"You knew I was coming, right? You guys always seem to." He yelled, his steps getting faster, his legs making him run.
Once he was close enough to the darkness, it towered over him by at least 30 meters, but he didn't cower.
He had but one fear, and that only surfaced after each fight he picked.
Without needing words to communicate, an Earth Dragon finally made itself seen through the sandstorm: It had a large turtle-like beak protecting its mouth, and, out of all of its species, it was the most physically strong dragon. Its scales were deep brown, contrasting with its hooves. It didn't have a tail and its wings couldn't take it out of the ground, but it had total control over each and every thing that belonged to the earth -- even the smallest shard of stone -- making it a terrible foe to winged enemies.
The Dragon let out a roar, accepting the challenge, already aware of the conditions.
"Ya'll are some gossipy grannies, ya know? Sheesh." The man complained, effortlessly jumping twice the Dragon's height so as to dodge a stalagmite it had created on the ground right in front of him moments before.
The sound leaving the Dragon's mouth could be heard as laugh, though its jaw wasn't made for speech. As soon as the man was vulnerable on the air, the Dragon made the hundreds of thousands of sand grains to condensate into earth needles before he shot them all at him.
"Oh!" The man let out an exclamation of false surprise as his sword moved too fast for the eye to see -- soon there were no shards around, though one or two made their way to scratch his face.
He never really researched about the foe he was going to battle, hence the amount of scars he carried throughout the years. He never really minded the physical pain, since any wounds on his body could be recovered.
As long as he held onto hope, nothing could faze him. Not pain, not giant dragons, not never-ending wastelands.
Not even death.
As long as he could avoid the fear he felt after each fight -- as long as he could hold onto the hope of being successful in his endeavors… He would defeat any foe in his way.
The Earth Dragon, despite having the best physical defense out of all, also had an incredible magical affinity, as every dragon in the world. The man's sword was made out of magic, though he himself used it as a melee weapon.
The battle was bound to last a while -- the man would try to cut his way through the physical and magical defenses by blindly hitting his overgrown enemy. If he had spared a thought and made an effort to look into the Earth Dragon's weaknesses, he would have found out about the five crystals engraved into the Dragon's scales: one inside each leg and another under its tongue.
But alas, the man was as brute as always, and his sword swayed impatiently. Having none of that, it abruptly raised itself over his head. He frowned and looked up to it. "Hey!"
A magical circle began to appear around the sword's hilt and the dark blade melted into a black smoke, bleeding into each and every symbol the circle created.
The Dragon felt a sudden chill over its spine -- if the next attack hit it, it would cease to be.
The magical circle grew and grew, until it covered almost the entire wasteland around them.
Then, time stopped.
Rather, it seemed to. It was the fickle time between breathing in and breathing out -- the calm before the storm.
The man held his breath, his hand still bound to the sword's hilt, now merged into the circle, before countless rays of darkness flew out of it at the speed of sound.
To protect itself, the Earth Dragon erected wall after wall around its weak points, but they were shattered to pieces under the immense dark power leaving the circle.
More sand kicked up, making the man cough and look over his shoulder to the place he had left Suzu: the barrier had held everything out, even the tiniest spec of sand. As though his hand wasn’t shooting a dark ray of death, the man breathed out in relief and cracked a smile looking at the little girl.
After everything was done, the circle bled back into being a sword and the man slowly glided back to the ground. His ears rang with the sudden silence after such tremendous explosion and he glared at his hand before taking a step towards the Earth Dragon.
However, no matter how many steps he took, he couldn't find the gigantic body. "Great, did you pulverize him to death, Witch?" He spat on the ground.
A weak laugh was heard a few paces away from where he stood. "Ahaha, nay, she did not. It was a close call, however."
"Oh, yer older than I expected." The man said bluntly to the shadow that made itself seen through the dust in front of him.
Once again the Dragon laughed, but now on its humanoid form -- it was a tall, black and old man, his beard treading over the ground in front of him -- as he approached the winner. "I should say 'watch your tongue', but alas, I have lost a fight against you once; I cannot fight again that soon."
The man scratched his head, fear finally creeping into his heart. He stuck his sword on the ground and approached the Earth Dragon while checking his pockets. He was looking down, afraid to hear the same answer he had been getting for the past seven years.
Feeling the young man's anxiety, the Earth Dragon simply shook his head and looked towards the purple barrier, far behind the human.
"So, uh, since you already know what this is all about..." The man started, finally raising his gaze to meet the dragon's. "Please... please, save Suzu!"
Unlike witches, dragons were born with feelings -- and theirs actually resonated with human's more easily. The weight of that young man's feelings; the intensity with which he begged to save the little girl's life... it all struck the Earth Dragon deeply. He grimaced and spared a glance at the sword before opening his mouth.
"I'm afraid there is only one way--"
"NO!!" The man yelled, covering both ears with his hands, his body instinctively hunching over. "DON'T... Just... don't say it!"
The Earth Dragon's lips trembled as he looked at how the man pitifully kneeled on the ground, his entire body shaking. From the side of his eyes, he could see when the sword evaporated into a thick smoke and flew to the man's side, now showing itself on its true form.
"You have had the answer alongside you all this time, have you not, young man?" The Earth Dragon mourned, looking at the witch standing beside him.
She had deep purple skin, and her hair and clothes were of such a deep black they couldn't be discerned from each other. Her once expressionless face now only weeped.
"It has... it HAS to have another way! It can't be just this..." The man clenched his fists and hit the ground with all of his strength.
Without taking his eyes off the witch, the Earth Dragon pursed his lips, his heart aching. "For someone so powerful to be known as The Void to be seen like this..." He whispered, his eyes looking into the bright purple iris of Devoid's, the black sclera of her eyes of such a depth that could suck a lesser man inside. "You shall be known as The Weeping Witch from now on."
Tears fell down tirelessly from Weeping's eyes, as they have been for the past seven years. "A fitting name," she agreed, her voice sounding despite her mouth staying shut.
She cried the tears her human did not, for his feelings were now hers. She hadn't stopped crying from the moment they were united, all those nights seven years ago.
The tears his heart shed every single day for his slumbering little sister.
Controlling his sorrow, the young man finally stopped trembling and reached out once again for his pocket -- to a dismantled map he had been using since the beginning of his journey.
He got up and handed it to the Earth Dragon, his jaw hard and his eyes escaping reality. "Anyway, mark here. Ya should know what, right? Ya gossiping pussies and all."
Suzu was far away, but he could almost feel the mental ear-pull for the curse word, but he ignored it. The Earth Dragon looked down from his tall height to the small human.
"Young man, you already--"
"JUST-- MARK IT!" The man yelled, looking away. "I won't give up. There has to have another way."
Once again the Earth Dragon looked at Weeping. Her tears streamed down in spite of her as she woefully looked at the human's back. "... Very well," the Dragon said, taking the map and using magic to mark a path on it to where they should go next.
For the past seven years, man, girl and witch had been challenging powerful magical beings -- to the point of such beings looking forward to the challenge and waiting in specific locations for them. The Earth Dragon was waiting for him after he had defeated the Water Siren. Now, the Dragon was marking one of his sibling's lair -- the Lightning Dragon's domain -- so the man could once again ask a single answerless question.
After the older man was finished, the young man snatched the paper away and turned his back to the Dragon, heading towards his sister.
"Young man," the Dragon called and the man stopped without turning away. "Might I ask what do you go by? Surely a human such as yourself was given a birth name."
He looked over his shoulder, his deep brown eyes without a single glint. "Hohoe. Though that's not my birth name." He said and went back on his way.
'Fleeting Smile', the Earth Dragon thought.
It was the name his little sister called him long ago -- the most precious person in her life, her beloved big brother, Hohoemaru.
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peoplesking · 7 years
NAME  : tiff or electra NICKNAME  : charles / charlie, trini, thTS ABOUT IT AGE  :  15 FACECLAIM  :  charles ii or electra heart PRONOUNS  :  she  /  them HEIGHT  :  5  ft  1  in BIRTHDAY  :  september 17 th AESTHETIC  :  punk rock, 80s, 1600s, 40s, 50s, historical fantasy, 2013 minecraft lets player LAST  SONG  YOU  LISTENED  TO  :  the english civil war song from horrible histories !!
FAVOURITE  MUSE(S)  YOU’VE  WRITTEN  :  ooh, is that a tricky one or what ? i honestly don’t think i could choose. i’ve had so many from so many different fandoms. i think if i had to choose i would probably go with tiff tannen. i basically constructed her story from scratch -- she means an immense amount to me, even if i’m not that active on her blog anymore. she’s an incredibly important character that i hold very dear to my heart.
WHAT  INSPIRED  YOU  TO  TAKE  ON  YOUR  CURRENT  MUSE  (  THAT  YOU  ARE  POSTING  THIS  ON  )  :  H O R R I B L E    H I S T O R I E S   ! i was originally planning on making a hh multimuse, however charles ended up consuming my entire life, and henceforth i ended up making a solo blog for him. it was also due to the fact i wanted, y’know, other horrible histories people to interact with, should people ever create them or verses for them. it’s a very hilarious and entertaining show, and if it wasn’t for hh, i would never have become interested in charles ; if you haven’t watched it, i’d definitely reccomend it ! also, i’d die if someone made a sotherby, just sayin
WHAT  ARE  YOUR  FAVOURITE  ASPECTS  OF  YOUR  CURRENT  MUSE  :  gosh.. i don’t think i could choose a favourite aspect of charles ? perhaps it’d be his devotion. he’s so devoted to everything he does - his people, his family, his pets.. he isn’t a man who does things half - heartedly and whilst he struggles with serious business sometimes, he still tries so hard to please his people and those he loves. he’s such a complex and emotional person. oh, and horrible histories charles is just. a blessing to us all.
WHAT’S  YOUR  BIGGEST  INSPIRATION  WHEN  IT  COMES  TO  WRITING  :  typically it’s music, or source material, things like that. music inspires a lotta the things i write, and usually influences the way a thread will go. i have a full playlist for charles that i’ll put on when i write him, and it’s enough to keep me going. the main songs are probably praying by kesha and handclap by fitz and the tantrums. another one of my inspirations is prolly just, other people’s writing ? i love reading people’s interpretations of characters and the like. i’m the kind of person who’ll read over old threads hundreds of times.
FAVOURITE  TYPES  OF  THREADS  :  angst and fluff are probably my favourites !! i’m a huge fan of hurt / comfort, but there’s nothing like good old fluff to keep people’s spirits up. i’m a super big fan of threads involving the childhood of characters, too -- it’s a really nice and typically innocent period of time, and it’s always so dang adorable ?? i’m just. a fan of threads in general. especially when they get long -- it may take me a while to reply, but i adore them so much.
BIGGEST  STRUGGLE  IN  REGARDS  TO  YOUR  CURRENT  MUSE  :  his speech, definitely. charles is this confusing mixture of regal and casual that perplexes me to an outlandish degree. it’s difficult to balance out the two sides of him. i also struggle with paranoia on my own part. i feel like i have to be incredibly historically accurate all the time, or i’ll have my head on a pike.
TAGGED  BY  :  my bby @calledstrength !! TAGGING  :  UHHH @thistlecrowned, @aroseofyork, @madamehenriette, @mcnsieur, @mvtesco if y’all want to !! and anyone else who hasn’t done it, feel free to steal it from me !!
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scholarstudy · 7 years
92 questions tag
thank you so much for tagging me z! sorry it took me a few days to get to this, 92 is a lot of questions!
1. Drink: milk! calcium is so important to drink when you’re young so that you’ll have strong bones when you get old! 2. Phone call: yesterday with my dad (to pick me up from a party haha) 3. Text message: “we need to figure out when we’re doing that” 4. Song you listened to: the good part by ajr (FAV SONG RN WOULD RECCOMEND) 5. Time you cried: two nights ago bc my one of my best friends looked hella pretty in a streaks picture and yeah
HAVE YOU: 6. Dated someone twice: no 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: nope 8. Been cheated on: no 9. Lost someone special: no 10. Been depressed: no (i’m v lucky to have never experienced this and i know a lot of you struggle with it. i’m always here for you if you need to talk :)) 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: no
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12-14: gold, rose gold, and blue
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends: hell yeah in the last year i’ve moved across the country 16. Fallen out of love: yes 17. Laughed until you cried: yes 18. Found out someone was talking about you: yes 19. Met someone who changed you: no 20. Found out who your friends are: yes 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: i’m not a grandma i don’t have faebook
GENERAL: 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: same as 21 23. Do you have any pets: i don’t have a pet but i do have two siblings 24. Do you want to change your name: i’ve never loved naomi but it’s a part of who i am so i wouldn’t change it 25. What did you do for your last Birthday: picked up my best friend since fourth grade from the airport bc she flew from indiana to florida to see me! 26. What time did you wake up: today? 8:07 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: sleeping aye 28. Name something you can’t wait for: back to school shopping 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: she’s currently in the same room as me 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: i wish my dad didn’t have all the health issues that he does 31. What are you listening to right now: the shark tank theme  32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: no 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: things are so expensive? 34. Most visited websites: youtube, tumblr, flvs
RANDOM INFO ABOUT ME 35. Mole/s: everywhere 36. Mark/s: i have one on my right ribcage 37. Childhood dream: i wanted to be a doctor (and i still do) 38. Hair color: brown 39. Long or short hair: its really long, about ¾ down my back 40. Do you have a crush on someone: eh 41. What do you like about yourself: a lot of people tell me that i’m the nicest person they know 42. Piercings: just a basic ear peircing 43. Blood type: i have no clue 44. Nickname: nay 45. Relationship status: single 46. Zodiac: gemini 47. Pronouns: she/her 48. Favorite TV Show: riverdaleeeeeeeeee 49. Tattoos: no 50. Right or left hand: right 51. Surgery: those tube things for my ears 52. Hair dyed in different color: no 55. Vacation: i live 5 minutes from the beach whoops so i usually have a staycation 56. Pair of trainers: lmao i have a pair of running shoes but haven't worn them in a year and a half
MORE GENERAL: 57. Eating: i'm eating chipotle rn 58. Drinking: water is pretty cool 59. I’m about to: go to youth group 61. Waiting for: school to start 62. Want: a new phone bc mine is broken and won't charge yayyyyy 63. Get married: yepperoo 64. Career: i babysit but i want to go to med school and be a family physician
65. Hugs or kisses: hugs 66. Lips or eyes: eyes 67. Shorter or taller: taller 68. Older or younger: older 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: nice arms 71. Sensitive or loud: no preference 72. Hook up or relationship: relationship 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. Kissed a Stranger: no 75. Drank hard liquor: no 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: ahahaha i lost my glasses in the ocean on my brithday 77. Turned someone down: yes 78. Sex on the first date: no 79. Broken someone’s heart: i don’t think so? 80. Had your heart broken: no 81. Been arrested: no 82. Cried when someone died: no which is really weird actually 83. Fallen for a friend: once
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. Yourself: yes, finally 85. Miracles: maybe 86. Love at first sight: no 87. Santa Claus: no 88. Kiss on the first date: is you want
OTHER: 90. Current best friend name: emilie 91. Eye color: green 92. Favorite movie: remember the titans
if they haven’t already done it, i tag: @academla  @typicalstudyblr  @peepstudies @meg-is-studying @nerdinaomi @lentilstudies
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cold turkey eugogoolgolization
cold turkey writes willfully his rights inside of a compliant complaint begging sweetly for help to come for him and all his friends (or at the very least ever “her”) for who not deserves it most? well, well spaced banter means something meaningful to most. bible folk never read the book in their hands and know nothing at all but hatred. they know nothing of love, have ye ever even read that book? cold turkey rights hold his hand and cares a lot. speak easy east wind handbook can say he knows his feelings well, bobby hare krishna speaks like a strawberry brother of old but not quite, as you know, down the street, his old friend yippies determined to meet yet not hip enough for his idols and friends, brothers theyll put but unaware he even is! at all! wellneverknowtomorrowbuttodayijustgottawait. not so compliant cold turkey grants daft syllables to his darlings in the dark hoping the people play along, but the joke is all his! and so are the apples and imported strawberries. green as they come up “he just loves to wait” they think only seeing. they walk on never guessing cold turkey. he finds them again until a good time and they say spoken word blooms and they asssume its a freak of nature and a small world, hare krishna! well well well spoken blasphemy going behind me i wish everyone well. cold turkey has a middle name, it is jeremy hare. cold jeremy hare turkey dreams and then forgets them so they can come true. cold jeremy hare turkey wakes to a shouting head and gets mad that somethings repressed, nobody has anything but tea and that offends the apples, but its not bad. they assume the breeze is why as the day lates they can cheese with ease; as in smile. hoping they stay longer than their lotted while but when hope comes true secretly wishing they could go back to secreting with theirs. well i care and theres nothing that can be done! Trust me theyve tried. and easily working their way around the question. you see how everything is about you? i need to get better at the game. “get better at the game.” speaking someones language i sense pandering and slander, for no one, what should have lasted years. the song too new to be background noise. shocking and unexpected dreams never dreamt come true. cold jeremy hare turkey cant do a thing against it. cold jeremy hare turkey isnt a fan nah man not a fan at all. as it goes sipping tea saying thats enough for me. as it goes sipping tea annoyed with the noise that only been heard of until now but is shocking still. can you remember getting hurt? o you old one trick pony. saying my dread is phony, (if only) broke into the shop to wait until day to steal something. old woman proletariat rock star, i heard a story of her the other day actually from “her” actually haha oh man an old man mistook her for a boy in fact my old man mistook “her” for a boy, with bangs like that well the old man hit on her and wanted to bang a man but he learned a woman and wasnt down at all. well i heard her song on “her” friends street by the woods “we” walked through on that day. aint you heard? “i thought id kiss you then” “the way it actually happened was more exciting though dont you think?” either way i regret every time i didnt in my own small way. all histry i wish you the best. a conversation cold jeremy hare turkey overhears from his reading room under the stairs, and asks why there are criss crosses on the walls and found a ghost leaving once but word is the ghost was only in the fan club, and the fan club refuses to read the books they preach in favor of. down the road theres a ferris wheel where sommat were ki-- behind we’re not sure what happened but it was for sure cut off. we’re undergoing investigations. cold jeremy hare turkey reads from the newspaper reccomended by his friend, he tries to go back to his book but finds it hard to enjoy someone elses thoughts while his own are so abnoxious and intoxicating, man- you know how it is. on a parking meter the next day cold turkey breathes tightly and looks at the men going past, with thick black and wavy hair that might not last, with green jackets like military men but theyre literary men, only two have matching shoes and cold cant tell if its awkward for them or their friends when they make eye contact, up again after waffles for breakfast and an unexpected dinner they see the ferris wheel. free and off, cold isnt invited on this ride in particular.
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differentdove · 7 years
all the questionsss :D
Top of tha mornin to ya, anon! I guess you DO wanna know something! Is it you that wants to know everything? If not, thats a pretty popular view, hahaha! But i like your hutzpah, kid! 1:   Full name : Madison Grace 
2:   Age : I am nineteen 
3:   3 Fears : I mean, I dont really have but one fear, but I suppose silence, darkness, and opening up to people, but those are just due to inner issues and are things easily fixed that i deal with on a daily basis. 
4:   3 things I love : I love Paul and dinosaours and my family! 
5:   3 turns on : Passion, no fear of social standards, hilarity! 
6:   3 turns off : Common camo, no consideration of others, my ex bf!
7:   My best friend: all of my friends now??
8:   Sexual orientation: ?????????
9:   My best first date: That is by far this last one i went on! It was incredible, i will never forget it! 
10:   How tall am I: Smol standing at 5′6′’
11:   What do I miss: I miss traveling. I cant do it so much anymore as of this exact moment, but i do what i can
12:   What time were I born: I was born exactly on the dot at 8:45 in the morning! 
13:   Favourite color: ALL THE COLOURS! 
14:   Do I have a crush: Nope! 
15:   Favourite quote: I dont really have one, but ill just put the last one that i shared. I came across it by accident and it is actually a lyric, but it says: “We make each other better, we may not be perfect, but we are perfect together” and its such a sweet, aweome song and it made me too emotional than i am confortable with.
16:   Favourite place: I do not have one, actually! 
17:   Favourite food: How could you ever pick just one? There is so many delectable things out there! 
18:   Do I use sarcasm: Wha-whaaaattt! Pshhhh, haha, do i, do I use sarcasm?!?!? Hahahaha, noooooooooooooooo. 
19:   What am I listening to right now: I just have The Office playing in the background, ive gotta shower here soon, but I am tryna crunch out these questions first! 
20:   First thing I notice in new person: Existence? 
21:   Shoe size: That is a tricky question, but the shoes i am wearing today are a 9.5H
22:   Eye color: As of rn, they are lightish brown! 
23:   Hair color: Browwwnn
24:   Favourite style of clothing: I mean, i dont have an answer for this, but eccentric? 
25:   Ever done a prank call?: I mean, do middle school girls do dumb things at sleep overs?…yes. 
27:   Meaning behind my URL: I have used this url for soooooo many years now, it is basically my signature username. I came up with this in,,,a round fourth grade time, and that was when i was really noticing my connection to mother nature and i was the weird kid and so ‘different’ stood out to me, (”different” being a good connotation and “strange” being the opposing) and ‘dove’ was a nice word, showing a bit of religion and peace and so i feel they fit together very nicely! It also turned out for Morning Dove to be my first larger role, and my ancients gave me this bag of random jewlery from all over and it had a beautiful handmade dove in it with beads.  
28:   Favourite movie: N/a
29:   Favourite song N/a
30:   Favourite band Really, how does one pick these things?
31:   How I feel right now: I,,,I feel, not necessarily happy, but, almost. Content?
32:   Someone I love: Rachel
33:   My current relationship status: Single and ready to fla-stay that way.
34:   My relationship with my parents: Nonexistent?
35:   Favourite holiday: I dont have one! I really kind of like all of them! Well, except for valentines day. Thats so stupid, im not even gonna get that soap box.
36:   Tattoos and piercing i have: Sadly, i just have my lobes pierced, but i want soooo many more piercings that are underway. I want too many tattoos, and i cant really get them, so im just gonna deal without. 
37:   Tattoos and piercing i want: Well, the next is my conch ear pierced. I have an ear map of ones that i want. 
38:   The reason I joined Tumblr: I mean, this is not my original tumblr, but it was actually my friend Tahlia who suggested it. I was making really cool art out of fruit at lunch and she wanted me to post it, and so she told me about it and i cant remember what that blog was, but i will remember eventually. But i joined off of her recommendation and here i am! 
39:   Do I and my last ex hate each other?: No, i mean,,, he hurt me beyond belief and its really something ive been trying to get the heck ut of my life, but no, i dont hate him. I know he despises me, but i feel what i feel and as much wrong as he did me, i do not hate him. 
40:   Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?: I meaannn, technically yes, but ive not gotten a “good morning” text in a good while. I tend to talk to people very late, and so we will say good bye n good night, but not really, no. 
41:   Have I ever kissed the last person you texted?: I have not. 
42:   When did I last hold hands?: Goodness, that is a time ago, huh. Thats not something ive thought about in a good while. I held a mannequin hand earlier, but a human, uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh?
43:   How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?: It depends, anywhere from and hour to five hours.
44:   Have You shaved your legs in the past three days?: HAHAHAHAHAHA
45:   Where am I right now?: I am sitting on my couch in the living room. My home. 
*the part where i shorten answers, sweet and simple. AKA i didnt realize how long this was and i want to get them all, but im on a time crunch*
46:   If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me?: Then it would be whichever friend is there. We have good care for one another. Or the DD
47:   Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?: Suuuuuuuuuuper loud, man. 
48:   Do I live with my Mom and Dad?: Ugh. Unfortunately. 
49:   Am I excited for anything?: I am excited, yes. I get to give a gift tomorrow and get ready for KCACTF.
50:   Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?: Theres not really anyone, of any gender, that i have told everything to. 
51:   How often do I wear a fake smile?: too much. 
52:   When was the last time I hugged someone? I hugged this guy today…
53:   What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me? I mean she IS married, soooo
54:   Is there anyone I trust even though I should not?: Huh? No?
55:   What is something I disliked about today? I should have gotten something different at the restaurant, i didnt know it would be huge.
56:   If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?: The frozen head of walt disney
57:   What do I think about most? Theatre? God? Honestly, my thoughts are nothing to mess with
58:   What’s my strangest talent?: I can,,,uhhh, I am great at champagne towers? 
59:   Do I have any strange phobias?: Nope. But my friend is afraid of two things. Whales and jello.
60:   Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?: Boooooth
61:   What was the last lie I told?: Im hanging out with Shelby and Ariel.
62:   Do I perfer talking on the phone or video chatting online?: Both is pretty cool. Talking is easier for my situation (more available, etc.)
63:   Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? Yep. YEP.
64:   Do I believe in magic? Of course! 
65:   Do I believe in luck? Yes, but sometimes you have to make your own luck.
66:   What’s the weather like right now? It is actually starting to snow! :D
67:   What was the last book I’ve read? A Meisner book by friend lent me.
68:   Do I like the smell of gasoline? Overall-yes. but i hate pumping gas, and thats really the only time i smell it. 
69:   Do I have any nicknames? Not particularly, no.
70:   What was the worst injury I’ve ever had? Probably my heart, itm.
71:   Do I spend money or save it?: I am trying to balance. 
72:   Can I touch my nose with a tounge? Yes, i can, actually.
73:   Is there anything pink in 10 feet from me?: My ipad has pink in the case! 
74:   Favourite animal?: None. All of them.
75:   What was I doing last night at 12 AM?: Dude. Freaking out over Gravity Falls! 
76:   What do I think is Satan’s last name is?: Uhhhhhhh, what? (McBadguy)
77:   What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?: I mean, all of the musics. Ooh lala? By ginger minj.
78:   How can you win my heart?: I dont know you, it depends on you. But i feel my sparkling personality is a shooin. 
79:   What would I want to be written on my tombstone?: “Theyre not dead. Theyre never gonna die, but still chipped in for a cool tombstone, TAKE THAT DEBORA.”
80:   What is my favorite word?: I dont have one, but there is this thing where people say a word and it just sounds perfect with their voice. My freshman english teacher had one. And its just strange and itll stop me in my tracks. 
81:   My top 5 blogs on tumblr: Theres so many great ones! I highly reccomend lots of my mutuals, theyre all perfect hoomuns. 
82:   If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?: Made you look. 
83:   Do I have any relatives in jail?: Not that i know of.
84:   I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power?: The power to have every power.
85:   What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on?: Really anything on my personal life. 
86:   What is my current desktop picture?: I dont have a desktop.
87:   Had sex?: Regerts. So many ragreeerrrts
88:   Bought condoms? Nope. 
89:   Gotten pregnant? Nope. 
90:   Failed a class? Yes. And it is not hindering me. 
91:   Kissed a boy?: yes i have
92:   Kissed a girl? Yep
93:   Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? No. 
94:   Had job? I have, i need another, though.
95:   Left the house without my wallet? Only all the time. 
96:   Bullied someone on the internet? Of course not. Thats never okay. 
97:   Had sex in public? I mean, technically, but no, not really. If ever. 
98:   Played on a sports team? Yeah, several actually. 
99:   Smoked weed? The devils lettuce. That gateway drug? THe wacKY TOBACKEE?!?! Yes. 
100:   Did drugs? Yep. 
101:   Smoked cigarettes? No, goodness no. And thats not gonna happen. ick
102:   Drank alcohol? Yep. 
103:   Am I a vegetarian/vegan? Never had this question before, i am vegan, yes! 
104:   Been overweight? Never not
105:   Been underweight? HAha, yeahright
106:   Been to a wedding? Yes! I love weddings! My last one ive been to was my dear friend Kelley. 
107:   Been on the computer for 5 hours straight?: Minimum. 
108:   Watched TV for 5 hours straight?  Childs play.
109:   Been outside my home country? Yes and i cannot wait to go back
110:   Gotten my heart broken? Hahahahaha only a lot. 
111:   Been to a professional sports game?: A few actually! I love it
112:   Broken a bone? No, knock on wood
113:   Cut myself? Yes. Dont do it. 
114:   Been to prom? Twice. Prom ruler yoyo
115:   Been in airplane? Yes! Its great, good memories. 
116:   Fly by helicopter? Gosh i wish. I had an opportunity to at school, but i didnt learn until after the fact, They didnt think id want to. WOULDNT WANT TO. PSSSHHH. HA. 
117:   What concerts have I been to? So many. THe last big one was P!ATD and FOB in Georgia
118:   Had a crush on someone of the same sex? Maybe?
119:   Learned another language? I am working on it, yeah. 
120:   Wore make up? I am actually wearing it at this very moment. 
121:   Lost my virginity before I was 18?: Ugh. Regeerrrtttsssssss
122:   Had oral sex? Nope. 
123:   Dyed my hair? Nah
124:   Voted in a presidential election? Sadly i have not. not yet. 
125:   Rode in an ambulance? No, actually. And i hope i never will. Unless its just a fun parade-type thing. Or a car chase.
126:   Had a surgery? Besides oral surgery, no.
127:   Met someone famous? A few, yeah. Shout out Fanboy
128:   Stalked someone on a social network? Mildly, yeah. 
129:   Peed outside? So. Hard. 
130:   Been fishing? Nah
131:   Helped with charity? Yeah, i love volunteering!
132:   Been rejected by a crush?: Yuuuppppppp. 
133:   Broken a mirror? ……maybe a little
134:   What do I want for birthday? Is surprise party a bad answer? Ive always wanted oneee
135:   How many kids do I want and what will be their names? Ahhhhhh, who knows. Not present Madison. Thats future Madisons problem. 
136:   Was I named after anyone?: No, but who knows. 
137:   Do I like my handwriting? Yes. Its changed so much and is all over the place, but its great.
138:   What was my favourite toy as a child?: Iiiiiii, i dont know. 
139:   Favourite Tv Show? N/a.
140:   Where do I want to live when older? Nowhere. I want to keep traveling and live in cast/crew housing and yes.
141:   Play any musical instrument? Clarinet, beginners piano, beginners cello, beginners bagpipes. 
142:   One of my scars, how did I get it? Ive not one on my right leg, four o’clock from my knee that i got from my kittens the last time i saw them…
143:   Favourite pizza toping? Vegan thingssssss (a rare commodity where i live)
144:   Am I afraid of the dark? Not teccchnically, but i cant be in it. 
145:   Am I afraid of heights? Nooooo, theyre wonderful! 
146:   Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad? Nope. Its only illegal if you get caught. 
147:   Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end? School is being a dumb dummyhead.
148:   What I’m really bad at. Everything, really?
149:   What my greatest achievments are. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh…?
150:   The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me. Honestly, i have those stored atm and really couldnt tell you. 
152:   What do I like about myself. Uhhhh,,,,,,, my minds not there atm. Come again. 
153:   My closest Tumblr friend. Teccchnicaly its @shelby ashley 3, but idk if thats cheating. 
154:   Something I fantasise about. Fantasise? Idk if you know me, but thats a vvv tricky subject. 
155:   Any question you’d like? Well, you didnt specify for this, so i suppose were finished! You might have noticed by now, but i am not able to answer every question in the ‘traditional’ way, but i hope you had fun reading these and you learned something new! I enjoyed answering them! I hope you have a wonderful day!
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