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tsukidrama · 11 months ago
happy bday Annie 💙
luv you forever & sorry that i abandoned your fic, i think of it often 😭
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lesbianwithchainsaws · 1 year ago
Annie Edison is already one of the characters of all time and, if the writers hadn't kept trying to give her a romance with Jeff, she'd be even more the character of all time
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h-a-unted · 11 months ago
checking if this fixes my new tags
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undescribed1mage · 2 years ago
oh also do you agree that if they lived at the same time Ocean would kinda get along with Katherine from Newsies (if Ocean were less…Ocean if you know what i mean)
REAL !!! I have. A Katherine! Ocean fic up on my ao3 somewhere I think.
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sunliights · 2 years ago
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@canthelps sent: 🤪 for willow
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thedreammweaver · 7 months ago
I really enjoyed the whole season except for how egregiously they handled Hughie being sexually assaulted multiple times, how they handled that shit really annoyed me. Eric Kripke responded to an interviewer saying “we view it as hilarious” about the Tek Knight dungeon stuff. I got really anxious during the episode and looked up spoilers beforehand cause I just had a bad feeling. I ended up skipping a lot of the scenes, it would’ve annoyed me more than triggered me to watch them honestly.
I hate when people pull the “it’s satire” card when someone criticizes a show making shitty jokes, like yes it’s a satirical shocking show but it’s had many scenes, in this season alone, that treated trauma seriously. Like when women get assaulted it’s taken as the serious subject it is. But when it happens to Hughie it’s a big joke. I mean not even just with Tek Knight.
With the shapeshifter Annie got mad at Hughie for having sex with them??? Instead of being like oh my god you were having sex with someone you thought was me but wasn’t me which is rape, are you okay??? I should really care about how that’s affecting you mentally since you just got sexually traumatized a few days ago and now it’s happened again and you’re someone I love.
But no they make her just an angry jealous girlfriend and he gets treated like he’s a shitty boyfriend for GETTING RAPED. And he even says the shapeshifter initiated most of the times. I mean like this aspect of this season is just ridiculous, I wasn’t this mad about it until I thought more about it.
Everyone else gets multiple scenes of trying to work through their trauma but Hughie doesn’t get a second to think about getting assaulted multiple times within a few weeks.
For such a left leaning show that constantly makes fun of fake progressive-ism that move was really fucking ironic.
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mucillo · 1 year ago
Vittorio Arrigoni detto Vik è stato un attivista, giornalista e scrittore italiano. Sostenitore della soluzione binazionale come strumento di risoluzione del conflitto israeliano-palestinese, nonché pacifista, si era trasferito nella Striscia di Gaza per agire contro quella che definiva pulizia etnica dello Stato di Israele nei confronti della popolazione araba palestinese.
Sembra oggi ma parliamo di 25 anni fà
Una lettera di Vittorio del 02 marzo 2009 due anni dopo fu assassinato.
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Vittorio tornato a Gaza
«E alla fine sono tornato.
Non sazio del silenzio d’assenzio di una felicità incolta
accollata come un cerotto mal riposto su di una bocca che urla.
Non potevo fare altrimenti.
Essere ferito, venir rapito, derubato della propria missione, incatenato e imprigionato in un lurido carcere israeliano,
quindi deportato a forza su di un aereo verso Milano
senza neanche la pietà di mettere ai miei piedi nudi e martoriati dalle catene un paio di scarpe,
non è certo la conclusione auspicabile per il compito solenne e di riscatto umano che ha impegnato gli ultimi mesi della mia barocca vita.
Il leone accumula stagioni e cicatrici,
non ha certo il passo slanciato di una volta,
ma non abbassa di un pelo la criniera.
Poggiando il primo piede sulla terra di Gaza, per la seconda volta, sbarcando, come un Armstrong esiliato,
ho ruggito, eccome,
devono esser tremati i vetri delle finestre pure a Tel Aviv.
Fiero del mio passato, non curante del mio presente.
Perché è questo il tempo di spendersi, piuttosto che accaparrarsi un futuro agiato e comodamente distorto,
a quelle vittime innocenti a cui non abbiamo concesso neanche l’ascolto, per un attimo,
delle loro grida di dolore.
Spendersi affinché ogni diritto umano sia rispettato.
Tutto il resto non ha più importanza, semmai ne abbia mai avuta una.
Bisogna saper riconoscere la matrice della propria anima,
anche se ciò è spaventevole e significa solitudine, ostracismo, utopia, Don Chisciotte,
ingratitudine anche da chi verso cui si è dato tanto, si è speso tutto.
Ad aspettare nel fuoco si rischia di bruciarsi.
Ecco allora il perché della scelta dei miserabili, dei reietti, dei condannati,
essi sono ancora capaci di lealtà, di gesta aggraziate e di generosità audace, alle soglie della fine del mondo.
Reietto e miserabile la vita mi ci ha costretto,
sono tornato a casa.
Natale a Gaza pare un funerale.
E non esclusivamente perchè oggi ad un funerale effettivamente ci sono stato,
il vicino di casa di Fida, nostra coordinatrice ISM,
è stato ridotto in brandelli, in tanti piccoli pezzettini di carne lacera da un colpo di carroarmato israeliano.
Piove lacrime amare il cielo di Gaza in questi giorni di lutto e terrorismo da oltreconfine.
Si ascoltano i rutti delle minacce di imminente strage da Lvni e si trema dal freddo
(senza + gas, senza + gasolio, senza + energia elettrica).
Si odono i cingoli di Netanyahu sulle ossa dei palestinesi ammazzati ieri e di quelli a venire.
Lvni e Netanyahu in marcia funebre verso le prossime elezioni israeliane,
il teorema è semplicistico, ma purtroppo realistico,
vincerà chi porterà in dote ai propri elettori più teste palestinesi mozzate.
One head one vote.
A Gaza è come se si fosse in autunno,
e io sono nato sotto il segno dell’autunno.
Per cui se fuori piove,
a volte piove anche dentro.
Restiamo umani.
Vostro Vik dalle tenebre dell’assedio.»
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avemusica · 3 months ago
all of them. daiya. please
1) Does your OC have a voice claim, if so who?
im literally so bad with voices its insane . i love you but why would you do this to me MORE UNDER CUT
2) Who's your OCs best friend? How did they become best friends?
KURUMI + RIKU !!! rumi especially . they were all sent 2 the same prestigious art school on account of all being from relatively affluent families & have been inseparable ever since . w rumi specifically they have Always been on the same wavelength since their eyes met theyre like each others emotional support creature
3) What song describes your OC?
ive yet to find one accurately descriptive of him in his entirety but his solo is salvador by nilfruits which sums up his thoughts on art pretty succinctly !!
4) What song describes your OC and their partner/love interest?
RUMIS SOLO i told you this i think its dedicated to them,,, also fireflies never came . YAYYY harumakigohan
5) Do you ship your OC with a Canon character? If so who?
7) Vice-Versa! If your OC is in the modern day, what fantasy class would they be? Would they be a different race?
i think he & kaito would be warlock and wizard respectively,,, + either tiefling or earth elemental would be super fun
8) What hobbies does your OC have? What do they do to unwind?
well obviously The Art Thing but other than that urban exploration 👍
9) How does your OC handle their physical health? Do they take care of themselves?
RATHER POORLY . BECAUSE OF THE ABOVE . ADRENALINE JUNKIE-ISMS AND THE LIKE . 4 stuff like contagious diseases hes actually surprisingly cautious but physicall injuries nahhhhhhh
10) How does your OC handle their mental health? Do they take care of themselves?
How Do You Fucking Think Annie Bongwater . no one ever asks how was the self destructive spiral was it fun did you have fun
11) What was your inspiration for your OC?
i really didnt want a three person group so i went You know what this needs . Siblings who suck . (in all seriousness kaito was supposed to represent classic, traditional ideals of art that supposedly priorities technical ability while daiya was supposed to represent bold conceptual ideas of modern art with seemingly no regard for its basic foundations, and their conflict is meant to be about how no matter how hard you try you fundamentally cant divorce one from the other)
12) Does your OC interact with other people's OC? If so, who's their best OC friend?
13) Does your OC have a rival? How did it start?
no unless i decide to make ibuki and kaito friends in which case Yes
14) Who's a character your OC cannot stand! It's on sight when they see them!
15) Will your OC ever retire? Do you see them making it?
THAT IS KIND OF HARD TO SAY . from viennrose specifically bc his addition was Very spur of the moment within canon . from art literally never thats in his blood babey
16) How's their relationship with their parents? Are they alive?
pretty nice ! one of the best of viennrose actually . their mother is incredibly sweet but has grown more distant and frail since they lost their father, so they make a joint effort to take care of her as much as she does for them
18) What are their pronouns? What would they like to be called?
he/it ! mostly goes for he but likes switching it up
19) What's their sexuality? What's their love language both giving and receiving?
poly bi + giving varies but recieving just sort of likes reassurance that hes not going to be left behind
20) If they fight, what's their weapon of choice?
he does not ! metal pipe
22) Fight or Flight? Are they a lover or a fighter?
FIGHT he never backs away even if its to his own detriment + kind of both ?
23) Is your OC reliable? Can I call them up at two in the morning if I have a flat tire?
already answered this yes absolutely 👍 he is stealing your possessions
25) Are they the kind of person who can't resist a good song? Can I catch your OC singing to themselves while they do the dishes?
YES ABSOLUTELY he loves singing he loves doing random little dances he loves creation he loves life !!!!!!!!
26) What flower do you associate your OC with?
fuck i dont have one for him actually
27) What's their spirit tamagotchi? Or an animal you associate them with?
28) What clique would they be in? (Draw them in the clothes of said group!)
art kids . this is him normal
29) Imagine a mood board for your OC! What's on it? (Make it if you want!)
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gingeragenda · 1 month ago
Ancient Life on Mars fic
@laurelonde as you asked - this is going to be very underwhelming, very short Gen fic from 2007
Title: Women's Troubles Author: OLD NAME REDACTED Rating: Green (WE USED TO RATE STUFF BY COLOUR OF CORTINA ON LJ, it was so cute) for swearing and Viz Profanisaurus-isms Word count: 328 Pairing: NoneSummary: Don't think this warrants one - just a bit of random team silliness.
It’s been a slow day for A Division, and by mid-afternoon Ray has given up any and all pretence of doing actual work. Consequently, he’s sitting on Chris’ desk, engaged in serious discussion regarding the subtle intricacies of romance, when Annie walks by.
“Hey! What about you then, Cartwright? You let ‘em go inside, downstairs on a first date?”
“Piss off, you pig.” She doesn’t even break stride, and is soon gone from their sight.
Chris sniggers. 
Ray does what he can to save face, grinding out “Someone’s got the painters in.”
Chris nods sagely, “Oh, yeah. Me Mam always ends up in a right mood with me Dad when he’s tryin’ to do the decorating an’ that.”
“Not actual painters, you div!”
“What d’you mean, then?”
“I mean, she’s sprung a leak – on the rag, the blob, having a visit from her Auntie Ruby – she’s fallen to the communists, y’know!”
“I don’t, Ray.” He doesn’t.
Sam is keeping his eyes trained on the paperwork in front of him, desperate not to be drawn into the conversation.
“Do you, Boss?”
Sometimes, Sam wishes Chris weren’t quite so keen to learn. He lets out a long sigh, and turns to face his colleagues.
“I believe what DS Carling is attempting to imply, is that is that WDC Cartwright is currently suffering from Pre-Menstrual Tension. Unfortunately, he is under the common misconception that the mood swings associated with this condition occur during menstruation and not before, as indicated by the word Pre-. Consequently his charming list of euphemisms refer to a woman’s period. What he should’ve said is that someone’s about to have the painters in.”
“Is that right, DI Tyler?”
Sam turns, visibly cringing, to see Annie stood there. She raises her eyebrows expectantly.
“No! I didn’t… I meant… He started it!”
She just shakes her head and walks away once more. Sam’s head hits his desk to a soundtrack of Ray’s laughter.
Chris is still none the wiser.
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tsukidrama · 2 years ago
So I was just curious, in the road not taken, Annie and the reader have moved in together and have pretty much completely committed to spending the rest of their lives with each other, but they still refer to each other as their girlfriend. So, obviously, they aren't married, but I was just curious. Does one/both of them want to be? Or is it just a case of labels not meaning much to them? If this is something lore important that'll come up later, you don't have to answer, but if it's not, I’m curious to what the reasoning around that is.
TLDR; oh HELL to the yes. i will definitely be addressing the status of their relationship in the main plot!
let's be real, though. Annie DOES NOT care about getting married. i feel this pretty strongly actually. i love her to death and obviously, the idea of a wedding fills my heart with joy. but she would not be the one pushing to get married, she would think that's too excessive. the way Annie sees it - they live together, they sleep together, they're vulnerable with each other, they support each other, and basically every other thing that defines a married couple. what's the point of a little ceremony? it's not like it would change their relationship. even at the current moment of the story, they've BEEN together in every way that matters, for years. Annie considers them already married in every way that matters.
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kitspiderguy · 3 months ago
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hello world!
I gots drawings and I feel the need to share em, so here we are!
this place isn't really for kids! it's PG-13 at most! maybe R on ONE occasion! bring your mother!!
this place also isn't for hate! take your phobias and your isms far, FAR away! except for autism! you're the best ism in the whole world!
expect mostly draw posts and whatever is rotting my brain at the time. mostly spiders. arachnophobia warning!
short-n-sweet character bios under cut to get a better idea about them if you wanna ask em anything, from left to right.
and to preface this, this is all a vaguely Starbound styled sci-fi! it'll be hard to tell most times, but that's the setting.
Kit, a naive but well-meaning spiderboy. he believes that everyone on and around the block are his friends. he's mostly right! co-owner and bartender at the Last Tree, and close friends with Felvia.
Felvia, a rebellious demon tgirl. starting the bar was mostly her idea, but Kit said it should be as homely as it is today. co-owner and bartender at the Last Tree, and close friends with Kit.
Annie, the nuisance cat woman. she was found eating whatever out of the dumpster behind the bar, and was put to work around the Last Tree. she's kind of lazy about it, to Felvia's annoyance.
Casey, a slightly annoying bee boy. you know that friend you keep around despite him saying or doing stupid things and occasionally getting on your nerves, but he'll be a good friend when he needs to be? that's him. also obsessed with bee puns. works at Becky's Big Slices with Kaz.
Kazuo, aka Big Kaz, the big brother fishman. always has a shoulder for you to cry on, and even if you don't need it, he's just a chill dude to be with. will roll with the fat cracks, as long as they're not done in bad faith. works at Becky's Big Slices with Casey.
Sticker, an easily distracted retro enthusiast moth. because he thought streaming old games online would bring in the big bucks fast, he's having to work with his sister at her tailorshop for a while until he makes enough to pay three months rent, minimum.
Summer, the pompous older sister moth. while she's not happy about the circumstances, she is glad that her little brother is working at the tailorshop, even if it's just for a little while. she acts pretty high-and-mighty around others, but is very down-to-earth with Sticker.
Alex, a movie buff mantisman. after hearing that there was a video store with all sorts of old and new movies, he just had to apply for the job. he's watched just about every movie they have and Wow Now!, except the horror ones. he's fine with the cheesier ones, though.
Xenon, the star Cowboy. along with his ship, the Stardust Flyer and motley crew, he's a somewhat well-known bounty hunter that got into it because he was bored one day. good with the charm and even better at shooting his way out when it doesn't work (it rarely works).
Mawa, the big and boisterous floran! she joined up with Xenon because she was either envious of his lifestyle, or because she wanted to see other planets, and hunt whatever creatures they have. quite handy with a sword and is the muscle of the crew.
P, the… enigma. tell you the truth, not much is known about them. Xenon said they 'were just there one day' on his ship, and he never got rid of them, for some reason. they don't/can't talk, and usually act like a child, probably being new to this whole 'being alive' thing.
Source, the mechanical critter. while he's not one for social situations, Source is usually content working on the Stardust Flyer, or just chilling with his friends. he also doesn't really remember where he came from, or why he's a cyborg, but he's happy with his life right now.
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louisironson · 1 year ago
wip title tag game
i was tagged by @thebreakfastgenie weeee
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPs
When Eddie Met Audra (It)
Carla Dates Cliff’s Mom (Cheers)
Elopement Risk (Succession)
Annie & Abed Thing (Community)
cfcu scraps and happenings (Cheers/Frasier dump document)
Untitled Document (Frasier)
Untitled Document (Frasier)
More In Common (Breaking Bad)
What A Tangled Webshow We Weave (Frasier)
spare mash-isms (MASH dump document)
roman stewy kendall something (Succession)
Fight Club or w/e (Fight Club)
i tag ummmm @kingofbackpain @shivroy @grasslandgirl @amrv-5 @crossingdelancey @lesbianfreyja @philgbtqochs @dude1sh @aberfaeth @fearlessjournalism @ergothereforethus @mikeshanlon or like. if you want to. honestly i struggled to name 12 people so go for it
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ciderjacks · 2 years ago
omg top 5 writer/directors/filmographers of his generation abed nadir x just some kind of attractive chick annie edison Au [But at the same time] LITERAL dragon annie edison x just some guy abed nadir Au
Also im finally done with finals and having after-anxiety eughhfgkjlfdc
OUGH OK I LOVE BOTH OF THESE. ANNIE AS JUST SOME GUY.. MY FAVORITE THING EVER. Im torn between her knowing his work prior and just not caring about his fame, or the funnier option of her being totally unaware somehow bc she lives under a rock and him being like “?? Wait you didn’t know??” When she inevitably finds out, probably after someone recognises him in public LMAO
For the dragon one i love that so much too I think Abed’s Just Some Guy-isms work best in fantasy bc he’s the kind of person to just roll with it. Hed stumble upon dragon!Annie (6 stories tall, wingspan of a small lake) and be like “you have nice eyes” and thats it and she’d blush and be like “omggg thank you no ones noticed them before :3”
ALSO AY CONGRATS ON FINISHING FINALS!! i get the after anxiety I just finished a huge project and Im nervous ab it shjdjf
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telebisou · 2 months ago
Yusra Warsama is killing me in Castle Rock season two. It's not the first time I've watched it, she is why. It's such a strange role! The plot is such a hodge podge.
I would have liked to see the Yusra Warsama / Barkhad Abdi / Tim Robbins story separately from the Lizzy Kaplan plot. She was magnificent as everyone says. I just would have been able to appreciate the story better without the King-isms in place. However, if that had happened this scene wouldn't have taken place.
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It is such an eloquent scene with so much crushing gravity. Both women assume thoroughly plausible characters and give "invisible" performances, in which I forget for a moment that they are players playing.
Annie's transformations would have warned Dr. H that medications weren't the issue, but she didn't really know the woman. Annie would have known that Dr. H saw through her lies and maybe tried not to tell them a second time had she been aware of her life story, but that was never possible.
Still Dr. H set her reservations aside, hoping that her actions were the right ones, despite already feeling wary. Annie's explanations and reasoning were not lies, so she assumed that the fib about where the key came from was habitual, not a sign of evil.
Within screen minutes of this exchange, and fully under the benevolent glow of proper dosages,
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Annie reminds us that everyone we ever meet has unfathomable capabilities.
In real life Ms. Warsama is a criminologist and sociologist, who surely would have known, from the moment Annie explained her predicament, that that situation would have to be addressed immediately, that day! With the utmost care!
Dr. Nadia Howlwadaag, though, was influenced by her brother, adoptive father, and generally "the asshole of New England". She didn't want those men ruining her nurse. Tragically plausible. In every case not involving passage through the Todash or lesser-pennywises, she would have been correct. She wouldn't have been letting Misery Lady loose, she would have been battling misery itself.
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So formidable and fine!
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bronzepatriarchy · 1 year ago
Okay one more post about the early ISM stuff then I'm done:
Rainy was initially supposed to get an eyepatch for some reason or another I don't remember why.
I had a vague character named Annie with animal powers but couldn't decide on a design I liked and tossed her to the side
Buster is actually the name of my mom's dog and started as a placeholder for a real name, but somewhere along the line it just became Buster's actual name.
Blink used to be named Shadow, and could make shadows move at will. Supposedly also had portal abilities but I scrapped it cause I thought it was too vague and powerful.
Seraphine is actually a relatively new name. For the longest time I didn't know what to call Seraph, because I'd settled on Moonblaze originally then proceeded to go 'no way in hell' when I turned 16.
Mira used to look and act like a genderbent Kanan from Star wars rebels because I liked his design so much. Still consider it from time to time.
On a related note Nova's character was first inspired by Sabine from Star Wars rebels as well, and her paint bombs still closely resembled Sabine's, while her look was loosely based on the Mysterious Mare-Do-Well design from My Little Pony.
The inquisition was SIMILARLY inspired by the Star Wars Inquisition, and while I did flesh it out considerably to stand on its own, the baby stealing, number system, and super powered part definitely stems from them.
Blink originally had a bird companion named Midnight that could transform into a small dragon at will. Mentally the bird looked like a recolored, night verson of Filimina from My Little Pony (the Phoenix). I don't remember why I scrapped Midnight cause honestly she was amusing to write about with her own sass and personality.
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Borsa: in Asia si ferma il rally, Tokyo maglia nera
(ANSA) – MILANO, 04 LUG – Si ferma la corsa dei listini azionari globali, con gli investitori che in Asia monetizzano il rally messo a segno dalle Borse mentre a New York, che oggi resterà chiusa per l’Independence Day, i future sono poco mossi, dopo che ieri l’indice manifatturiero Ism è sceso ai minimi da tre anni, segnalando le difficoltà in cui si dibatte l’economia americana.    Tokyo…
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