#anni swan
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thefugitivesaint · 5 months ago
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Rudolf Koivu (1890-1946), 'Peikkojen Luolassa' (In the Cave of the Trolls or, translated differently, The Trolls Den), 1938
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tuherrus · 9 months ago
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iris rukka (i believe it's best translated as "poor iris"?) is a finnish story written by anni swan about a girl who has to leave her cottage home by the forest to begin a proper education in helsinki with her wealthy uncle and cousins, though it quickly becomes apparent that she's the odd one out
admittedly i never read it as a child but now reading a bunch of finnish fairytales and children's books i'm starting to see a lot of similar themes and values and with iris rukka it's again more or less about how important tenacity and humility is, but also about not sacrificing your integrity
i could talk more about the story itself but i don't wanna make this too long, i unfortunately can't seem to find an english translation of it anywhere either....
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formulanni · 4 months ago
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I see why you need the thunder!
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Tag list: @st-leclerc @rubywingsracing @saviour-of-lord @three-days-time @the-wall-is-my-goal @albonoooo @ch3rubd0lls @brawngp2009
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cryinginmommyissues · 5 months ago
do you guys get it??? DO YOU???
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ok theres so many more but i can’t think anymore
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edit : can’t believe i forgot my mothers☹️☹️☹️
ultimately babies
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cartoonfan21 · 2 years ago
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Underrated Animated Heroines Of The 90's.
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pixies992 · 9 months ago
Are you a dave malloy fan? do you like surveys? well if they answer was yes to EITHER of those questions DO MY SURVEY RIGHT NOW
Even if you only know like two of his shows please do it all data is good data. Once I get enough responses I will make a post going through the results.
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stylishkatz68 · 7 months ago
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more dancers lol
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swan2swan · 1 month ago
Okay, time to watch the movie with Disney's first gay protagonist, engaging in her same-sex relationship crush with *leans over to whispering*....oh the totally not-gay protagonist.
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denimbex1986 · 1 year ago
'Last month, the BBC offered an apology of sorts after a red-carpet reporter at the Baftas asked Andrew Scott, star of the film All of Us Strangers, about fellow Irish actor Barry Keoghan’s appendage. This had been the subject of conversation thanks to Keoghan’s naked dancing in the film, Saltburn, in which Keoghan’s floppy bishop steals the final scene. To settle this nagging concern the BBC turned to a gay man. ‘There was a lot of talk about prosthetics. How well do you know him?’ the reporter asked an annoyed Scott who shook his head and walked away.
Had a female actress been asked to authenticate another woman’s breasts, the scandal that would have ensued goes without mentioning, but the BBC dusted it off. ‘Our question to Andrew Scott was meant to be a light-hearted reflection of the discussion around the scene and was not intended to cause offence,’ the organisation said.
The gynarchy has made clear that objectifying men is perfectly fine and, after all, what’s a little light-hearted homophobia when gay movies are having a renaissance? All of Us Strangers – nominated for six Baftas but ultimately snubbed, and Saltburn, nominated for five – joined a handful of other gay titles that studios have banked on attracting an audience beyond the 4 per cent of the population who might traditionally see those films.
Where the box office didn’t pay off, critical acclaim largely has. 2020’s Supernova, staring Colin Firth and Stanley Tucci as a 60-something gay couple, and last year’s drama Passages directed by Ira Sachs, have also inched into a market where such movies typically didn’t belong.
‘Why are gay movies always so sad,’ people used to ask in the 1990s. Thirty years later, nothing has changed. Gay flicks tend to have three themes – loneliness, death, and villainy – and this recent batch of movies is no exception. The miniseries Feud: Capote vs. The Swans, released last month and based on writer Truman Capote’s final years, nicely encompasses all three.
‘New film All of us Strangers centers on gay loneliness and trauma,’ a headline on NBC News read, as though that’s anything new. And while I don’t know what ‘trauma’ is, I do know that gay people have always fixated on it and, increasingly, so does everyone else. Gay films haven’t changed, but the audience has. Women are lonelier, more promiscuous, and more atomised than ever and now they’ve discovered a whole sub-genre of cinema speaking to that and aiming to nurture those anxieties. Just a hunch, but the ladies sobbing along at home to Supernova are probably childless and spend many hours a week on Zoom calls.
When a gay film meanders too deeply into gay insider baseball, like Billy Eichner’s 2022 romantic comedy Bros, it bombs. The most resonate gay movie of all time might continue to be 1970’s The Boys in the Band, but the 2020 remake flopped, probably because it’s a story devoid of hope and beauty, only messiness and casual destruction –something gay men understand but remains far too raw and excruciating for women to enjoy.
Then there’s the other side of it – the neutered gay fan fiction written by and for women, like Amazon Prime’s horrendously stupid 2023 film Red, White & Royal Blue, which offers women magical gay pets to carry around in their dreams. When I asked the feminist writer Louise Perry about these films, she said:
"These are usually gay relationships represented in a uniquely feminine way: intensely emotional, no casual sex, very unlike gay porn for men.
I suspect that young women find these gay fantasies attractive because they’re scared of the asymmetries inherent to straight relationships, in which women are always the more physically vulnerable party. So, they invent fictional gay men and give them a style of sexuality more typical of women.
She continued: ‘Will & Grace was obviously created for women because the gay male characters are weirdly asexual,’ reiterating something gay men have speculated for some time, noting that the bitchy and boozy, heterosexual Karen Walker was the only character they gravitated toward.
That’s not to say women can’t write great gay stories. Brokeback Mountain, the most critically acclaimed gay movie of all time, was based on a short story by Annie Proulx, who revealed in a 2009 interview her frustration with fan letters wishing the story had ended on a positive note. Those ‘idiots’ who want a happy ending, she said, overwhelmingly tended to be men.'
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defectivegembrain · 1 year ago
Troy: Annie, as much as I love our unexpected visits, is there something pressing today?
Annie: Wedding planning...um, I might have been putting together a few ideas *presents large binder*
Troy: You did all this since Abed and I got engaged?
Annie: I might have started a bit before that
Troy: Like, how long ago?
Annie: Um, well, it was definitely after our first college year
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wide-awakeprincessfan · 1 year ago
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I just read the Swan Princess Newsletter for February. And if you look closely (or not), you'll see that they're discussing what Alise and Lucas are going to do on Valentine's Day.... And then proceeded to insert a photo of Alise and Li. Ummm, wrong love interest!!! (Not only that, but they put in a comma splice??? C'mon, guys.) Anyway, one of the crafts for this month is a paper flower bouquet, and I think it's implied that Lucas is making one for Alise, which is so cute! I wish Odette's diary entries were still running so we could see what Alise and everyone else is up to! Anyway, have a happy Groundhog day, I guess!
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tangledstarlight · 1 year ago
apparently it gets to the last week of october and all i want to think about is being human uk and how i can turn it into an au for whoever is living in my head rn
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tuherrus · 6 months ago
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the girl and death 🕯️
this is another one of anni swan's fairytales, and tells the story of liisa, a little girl who returns home from dancing only to find that a dark figure is leaving from her home and has taken her sick mother's soul, carrying it contained within a lantern
i haven't been able to find much of this story online and not at all in english, but i have it in a book so i'll summarize it really shortly under the cut!
liisa chases after this figure through a dark forest, even throwing her dancing shoes away to run faster, and finds herself at the gates of tuonela/the underworld where an old woman guarding the gates tells her that once the figure reaches the river, her mother will be gone forever (and that she should let her go)
certain that her mother wouldn't have left her and her siblings the way she did, liisa pushes the woman aside and snatches the lantern just in time from the dark figure
she rushes back home, though the journey has taken a toll on her and she faints at her home's doorstep....in the end she wakes up to the news that her mother has miraculously recovered
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joojconverts · 1 year ago
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4T3 Conversion of TwentiethCenturySims' Catalogue
A 4t3 conversion of (most of) twentiethcenturysims' catalogue for all your sims! I truly hope you like it! Enjoy! <3
In this compilation are included sets, mini-sets and standalone pieces that the original creator made! Recolors, posepacks, fantasy items, repeated pieces (things very similar to what I've already converted in the past), and pieces categorized as "timeless" are not included!
This is what I've been working on haha! My last statement for some time... thank you all so much, once again! 💖
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Known Problems:
The trim on the "Wilma Casual Dress" (purple dress with bow) gets a bit wonky at the end of the skirt! I tried to fix it in many different ways, but this is what I got!
The pleads on the "French Hen Dress" also get a bit wonky, same as above!
* Note that teens and elders have neck gaps. This is sadly the price for having them available! For teens, try using this and this slider by gruesim!
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Because TwentiethCenturySims is a great creator, his whole catalogue is quite low-poly and gameplay friendly, so don't worry about that!
All 3 hats are hat-slider compatible and unissex, as always!
The Ida, Annie and Elsie dresses (gingham and flowers pattern) all have 11 presets. First 10 are overlays, having multiple floral options, but with collars, buttons and bows being recolorable. Last one is completely recolorable!
The "baby sweater" (green sweater with black tie) has 4 presets, first two having christmas-like patterns, third one having a knitted pattern, and last one being completely CAStable!
The "baby dress" (red dress with white collar) has 12 presets. 6 first presets have a velvety texture which is recolorable, with 5 flower options to the collar, and one without the flowers. Same applies to the other 6, but they don't have the velvet texture to the dress!
The "baby hat" also comes with 2 presets, one having a velvety texture, and the other one not!
The "Havana jacket" (orange jacket with white shirt) has 31 presets. First one is completely recolorable, and the other 30 are a variety of overlay patterns to the white shirt. The jacket stays recolorable in all of them!
The "Eleanor 1930's Dress" (green dress with bow) has 6 presets. First 4 have overlay patterned presets to the dress, but the bow, collar and trim stay recolorable. The last 2 are completely CAStable!
The "Piper Dress" (kids' dress with blue bow) has 4 presets. The first 4 have overlay patterned presets on the dress, but the rest remains recolorable! The last one is completely recolorable!
The "Goose Suit" (kids' gray suit) has 3 presets. First two have different patterns checkered patterns, and the last one is plain. In all of them the collar is an overlay texture.
The "Ruffles the Clown Costume" has 2 presets, having two different stripe options.
The "Billy Sailor Suit" (Toddler's sailor-inspired outfit) has 2 presets, with two different mask options. The second one has three little recolorable circles on the belt.
The "Darlene Sailor Dress" is the same as the above, but reversed haha!
The "Swan Suit" (houndstooth patterned suit) is totally recolorable, though it may not seem like it lol! I added the houndstooth pattern from CAS, which you can remove and put anything you want instead!
The "Bonnie Two-Piece Dress" (checkered dress with buttons) has two versions: the AF-EF version, as usual, and a teen-age conversion, just because I feel like it'd be useful to you!
The "Viola 1930's Dress" (yellow stripes and brooch dress) has 5 presets. The first, second and last presets are totally recolorable, having different mask options! Third and fourth presets have floral patterned overlays on the dress, but the collar, belt, etc. remains recolorable! The brooch looks a bit off without the accessory overlay, which is the next note!
There is an overlay/color mix accessory for the brooch on the "Viola Dress, which can be found in the socks category. It gives a multiplier (details) to the brooch, as well as making it fully recolorable! If you're going to use the dress, I highly recommend only using it with the accessory activated! It has a separate thumbnail, as seen in the previews!
As you saw on the previews, there are two buy mode objects: a highchair and a potty, both for your babies! They're found where these objects are usually found (Kids -> Baby Furniture). The potty costs §30, and the highchair costs §100!
You probably noticed the 4 skirt thumbnails (with its half options) at the bottom. Because I don't want this post to be gigantic, I'll link to the original post where twentiethcenturysims explains how to use them and their purposes: HERE! Yes, they're found under "accessories"!
I think that's all haha! Now to the download! <3
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@twentiethcenturysims for all the meshes and textures; you can find everything here!
💖 @katsujiiccfinds​​​ @emilyccfinds​​​ @kpccfinds​​​  @xto3conversionsfinds
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swan2swan · 8 months ago
wow the boys writers really have no concept of male sexual assault victims, do they
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cryptfile · 8 months ago
those marked in colored letters are the ones i’m currently simping on. Feel free to send promps, requests of characters or anything honestly. Always nice to recieve a message! / This list will be updated regularly so you guys can know what i’m into, also, if I forgot someone.
Billy Butcher, Soldier Boy, Victoria Neuman, Starlight/Annie January, The Deep, A-Train, Frenchie, Sister Sage, Queen Maeve, Firecracker, Homelander, Hughie Campbell, Kimiko.
Cate Dunlap, Jordan Li, Sam and Luke Riordan, Marie Moreau, Emma Myers.
Rhaenyra Targaryen, Daemon Targaryen, Alicent Hightower, Jacaerys Velaryon, Aemond Targaryen, Aegon Targaryen, Harwin Strong, Criston Cole.
Loki Laufeyson, Sylvie Laufeydottir, Moonknight x3, Hawkeye/Comic!Clint Barton [recasted as Oliver Jackson-Cohen], Yelena Belova, Kate Bishop, Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff, Steve Rogers, Matt Murdock/Daredevil, Deadpool, Peter Parker/Spider-Man’s in general, X-Men’s in general, Thor Odinson, Carol Danvers, Tony Stark, Doctor Strange, Bucky Barnes, Fantastic Four, Adam Warlock, Ant Man, Druig, Natasha Romanoff, and more since there are too many characters, feel free to ask!
Remus Lupin [marauders era, post I war, nothing weird], Sirius and Regulus Black [marauders!era], James Potter [usually recasted as Dev Patel], Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott.
Eloise Bridgerton, Anthony Bridgerton, Benedict Bridgerton, Colin Bridgerton, Francesca Bridgerton, Daphne Bridgerton, Simon Basset, King George.
Carmy Berzatto, Sydney Adamu, Richie Jerimovich, Luca.
Carlisle Cullen, Charlie Swan, Bella Swan, Edward Cullen, Alice Cullen, Rosalie Hale, Emmett Cullen, Jasper Hale, Leah Clearwater, Alec and Jane Vulturi, Benjamin.
Natalie Scatorccio, Jackie Taylor, Shauna Sadecki, Van Palmer, Lottie Matthews, Taissa Turner, Misty Quigley.
Nikolai Lantsov, Kaz Brekker, Alina Starkov, Matthias Helvar, Aleksander Morozova / The Darkling, Nina Zenik, Inej Ghafa, Malyen Oretsev, Zoya Nazyalenski.
Daisy Jones, Karen Sirko, Billy Dunne, Warren Rhodes, Eddie Roundtree.
Peeta Mellark, Finnick Odair, Young!Haymitch Abernathy, Katniss Everdeen, Johanna Mason.
Anakin Skywalker, Qimir / The Stranger, Kylo Ren [yes, I have a type], Shin Hati, Han Solo.
Rafe Cameron [OBX], James Beaufort [Maxton Hall], Drew Starkey, Dean and Sam Winchester [Supernatural], Aaron Taylor Johnson in most of his roles aka Kick-Ass or Bullet Train, Robin Buckley [Stranger Things], Steve Harrington [Stranger Things], Rick Flag [DC], Harley Queen [DC], Battinson [DC], Art Donaldson, Mike Faist, Nicholas Chavez.
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