#annad of rin
toshitophchan · 4 years
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Roddacember Day 11 | Young | Character
Emily Rodda doesn’t have many young characters like Annad. She of course has young protagonists but they’re all at least older than ten (thank god) so it’s always sweet when we have a character like Annad. I’ve always loved the line about how even little Annad who was only give years old could touch the bottom of the pond without getting her sleeve wet. It’s a great visual moment
I can’t draw people for shit but I was semi-happy with how this turned out. Just don’t look at her legs
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lindalofbroome · 3 years
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i saw this cute watermelon palette and went ANNAD so here’s lil annad and the squad
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lindalofbroome · 4 years
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Annad loves her older brother so much ;-;
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lindalofbroome · 4 years
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11 - Young
‘They are listening,’ she whispered. ‘Look at them. Wait till they hear what you did, Rowan. Wait till they know the dangers you faced to save the village.’
She puffed out her chest. ‘I hope they know I’m your sister!’ she added.
Rowan and the Travellers // Ch 7
im just so soft for how proud of her brother Annad is. she’s so full of love and admiration for her oddling (and yet not) of a brother.
i think she was too young to understand how different Rowan was to most of the villagers in Rin, and then when he brought the stream back home for the bukshah he became a hero to everyone, but no one more than Annad. i think she’s always loved him and has relied on his judgement and his knowledge.
‘If we do not act soon, [the bukshah] will die.’
‘Not Star,’ whispered Annad to her brother, who was the keeper of the bukshah. ‘Star will not die, though, will she, Rowan? Because you will give Star water from our well.’
‘Bukshah cannot drink from our well, Annad,’ said Rowan. ‘It is not sweet enough for them. It makes them ill. They can only drink the water that flows down from the Mountain. It has always been so. If the stream stays dry, Star will die like all the rest.’
Rowan of Rin // Ch 1
i love her boldness and her confidence in her big brother, but also in herself. she would 100% be down to fight for what she believes in and to defend her loved ones.
Rowan stared, open-mouthed, and did not move. He was terrified of Sheba. His mother nudged him. ‘I will go,’ piped up little Annad, beside him. ‘I am not frightened!’ Laughter rippled through the crowd.
Rowan of Rin // Ch 1
i like to imagine Rowan and Annad growing up and being very supportive and understanding of one another. they may not necessarily be in sync or understand each other on an empathy level, but they understand each other on a sympathetic and compassionate level. they know how each other will react to certain things and how to help each other and what they love and what they hate and such. they are best friends, filled with so much love and admiration for the other. and i hope they give each other courage, by showing different types of bravery and different ways to overcome obstacles.
this is Rowan and Annad in their wedding finery, on their way to Jiller and Jonn’s wedding 💕
also, the struggle of wanting to draw little Annad as big for her age, and Rowan small for his age, and ending up making them both look 8-10 or something oops
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lindalofbroome · 3 years
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04 - Caring
‘All well, Jonn?’ he asked, as cheerfully as he could. ‘Nearly there now.’ And was struck by a sudden memory. An echo of Strong Jonn’s voice, saying those very words to him. In just the same way, on thta first morning, as they walked away from Rin. Rowan caught his breath. Had Jonn’s heart been aching for him then as his ached for Jonn now? And for the same reasons? Had he then be wrong, quite wrong, about Jonn all along?
Rowan of Rin // Ch 12 Bravest Heart
when i first reread Rowan of Rin when i was older and read that jonn was in love with jiller i was like ‘hey wtf??’ and when rowan was trudging up the mountain in ch 5 thinking angrily “What right had Strong Jonn to look at his mother like that? What right had he to hold her hands as if he were more to her than her dead husband’s friend?” i was like yeah??? it was definitely mutual interest, but it still would’ve been so much to process for rowan, even without the whole threat to his entire village. 
but i also think that these two have an underrated relationship. 
because they go from this awkward wariness to genuinely loving each other. rowan thinks that jonn is just looking after him out of a sense of obligation. that he’s only doing it because of his mother and it would break her heart if something happened to him. and i think a part of that is true. 
but i think that jonn was also genuinely trying to connect with him. he definitely did with annad. the only problem was the point of the entire series, and that rowan is just so different from most people in rin. jonn could connect with annad because they were similar,, anne with an e is stuck in my head now, so they’re like kindred spirits <3 but rowan? they’re opposites. there’s like a window in between them and they can see but not touch.
then the stream dries up and it has catastrophic consequences for the village and it shatters the glass.
they are united under a common purpose. and jonn, out of a tentative act of love, extends his hand passed the threshold but rowan is too angry and shocked and terrified to accept it.
one by one, the members of their party bow to their fears and return home. but this is never rowan, reknowned for his cowardice. he persists. despite everything. “I will not go back!” he says “You cannot make me. I must hold the map for you. I must find the water for the bukshah. I promised them.” (ch 11) i think thats when jonn gained a bit of clarity about the young boy who was the village oddity, who puzzled him for a long time. he understood what it was to make a promise and to stop at nothing to see it through. “By my life, I promise I will bring him home to you[, Jiller].”  (ch 5) he understood the determination, the blood, sweat and tears, the ache in the heart. and i think that jonn started to admire him. he admired that above all else, this child, the runt of the village, could show such courage in the face of a danger that turned away six of their bravest. that this child, the shame of the village, embodied its most praised quality when even he lay down and gave up.
'Jonn, do not go to sleep! It is too cold. You are too weak! You will freeeze! You will die! Jonn, get up!' Jonn did not move. Rowan sobbed, beating at the ground. ‘Jonn, I cannot go on alone! You know I cannot! Sheba did not foretell this! Sheba said the bravest heart would carry on. That is what she said. And I am not the bravest heart. I fear everything! Everything!’
Jonn’s pale lips curved. 'Yes, skinny rabbit. So you do,’ he murmured. ‘Fearing, you climbed the Mountain. Fearing, you faced its dangers. And fearing, you went on. That is real bravery, Rowan. Only fools do not fear. Sheba knew that. Sheba knew everything, all along.'
Rowan stared. And slowly an icy calm settled on him. He knew what he must do. ‘Sleep now,’ he whispered. ‘I will look after you.’
Rowan of Rin // Ch 12 Bravest Heart
im on the verge of crying now but just,,, the way that rowan starting caring for jonn and realising that he was falling into the patterns that jonn had earlier in their journey,,,,,, and “Had Jonn’s heart been aching for him then as his ached for Jonn now?” (ch 12) and this understanding that’s grown between then because of this harrowing journey.... 
jonn was slipping and his hand was falling back to his side of the window but rowan siezed it in a tight grip and did not let go. they grew to be good friends and they loved each other and they trusted each other. and i love that when they returned home,, even though jonn was exhausted and injured, he made sure that the villagers all knew what he knew. he made sure that they knew that the quest’s success was rowan’s success. he made sure that there could be no mistake in their minds.
and throughout the rest of the series you can see that they were both very important to each other and they were no longer bonded only by jiller. that they had a connection outside of her and they loved to be with each other. im gonna add some quotes in a rb
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lindalofbroome · 3 years
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
first instinct was filli, but i just answered that. the goozli is sO SHAPED!!! i love goozli so much. beloved. people who havent read star of deltora should read star of deltora. oh my god annad gives me cuteness aggression. i love her also so so much. :'))) people should read rowan of rin 😌😌
masterpost of blorbos
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lindalofbroome · 4 years
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26 - Alliance
[Jonn] bent and picked the leaf of a slip-daisy, twisting it between his fingers. Rowan knew that the leaf was part of the Welcoming. Slip-daisy leaves were made of three round lobes joined together, as clover leaves were. They were used as a sign of the friendship between the Travellers, the Maris folk and the people of Rin.
Rowan and the Travellers // Ch 3
Rin (left to right): Marlie, Allun, Lann, Sheba, Rowan, Annad, Jiller, Jonn
The Travellers: Ogden, Zeel, misc Travellers
Maris: Perlain, Keeper, Umbray, Fisk, Pandellis
Zebak: Farmers and working Grach, Zebak Generals, Soldiers and fighting Grach
and i love the alliance between the Travellers, the Maris, and the Rin folk. how they rise against the Zebak, defending their homeland again and again. they each have their own strengths and weaknesses, but in times of trouble they remember that together they are strong.
Allun stared pointedly at the three-lobed leaf in Ogden’s hand.
‘Our peoples have been allies for three hundred years,’ he said. ‘For three hundred years our fortunes have been linked, so that we have been separate, but one.
Rowan and the Travellers // Ch 14
i also love the symbolism of the slip-daisy. how it’s a symbol of their faith and their trust in each other, and grows naturally in their homeland, and how it’s commonly found (and of course the importance of the slip-daisy to fend off dangerous plants)
this one has been ready for ages lmao
i just did a loose sketch of people and used some brush pens. i had a fun time with this one (unlike a lot of my other art which has stressed me out aksljdfh)
i also wasnt planning on drawing the Zebak, i was just vibing and i ended up drawing them in as well. uh, “it took my fancy” as Zeel said
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