#annabella wayne
(Motif-Radio)Reggae Pon Top # 25 2023 Track Listing below:
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 2 years
Dark Day and Night V
by whosebackthere
Words: 10001, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con
Categories: F/M
Characters: Annabella Florella, Batman, Bruce Wayne, Red Robin - Character, Robin, Tim Drake, Red Hood, Jason Todd, Alfred Pennyworth, Nightwing, Dick Grayson, Oracle, Barbra Gordan, Jim Gordan, Lucius Fox, The Mask - Character
Relationships: Annabella Florella Sub, Batman Dom, Bruce Wayne Dom, Red Robin Dom, Tim Drake Dom
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/45214171
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lizartgurl · 2 years
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A birthday present for my beloved @the-shadow-of-atlantis 💙
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coffee-randomness · 4 years
Major Arcana prompts: Judgement
@the-shadow-of-atlantis asked: The sun for Annabella and Kaldur and Judgement for Annabella and Lucy
Judgement: resurrection, music, grey, refusal, graves
Word count: 414
Warnings: Religious themes, death and blood mention, funeral.
You could say this one is a little bittersweet?
“I still can’t believe he’s gone,” she heard the nuns in the row behind her whisper.
“Such nice young man, poor Audrey, must be devastated.”
“But what can one do against God’s will?”
If this was God’s will –a mad priest killing her father, her finding him, the redness of the blood still oozing from the wound in his forehead–, Lucy didn’t want any of it. 
Her hands closed around the fabric of her nun robe and she clenched her eyes shut, casting the tears threatening to spill from her eyes away. The piano melody seemed to resonate throughout the church and wrap itself around her throat, cutting her breath short. Somewhere between her heart and her stomach, it hurted. It had been hurting for a while now so she tried to look anywhere but the altar, to think about anything but the body, limp and lifeless, that lay inside that black coffin. 
She let her eyes wander, the people surrounding her becoming a blurry mess of mashed up colors until she stopped, familiar raven hair and a pair of warm eyes making her gasp in surprise. From the other side of the room, she was also looking at her. 
“Isn’t that Annabella Wayne?”
“Is it? Last thing I knew she the was on a spiritual trip.”
“Why would the Waynes even be here?”
She could almost see her again: smaller, a perfectly neat braid trailing behind her as they snuck out of service many sundays ago, crawling under the benches. Her sunflower dress floating as they played, running around the sidewalk as Annabella talked about how chatty birds were.
It was all burned in Lucy’s memory, from the way her heart raced when she made that bookshelf stop from falling over Annabella by just giving it a harsh look, to the way it sank when her mother yelled at her and talked about bad influences that day she found them holding hands with their faces inches from each other behind the curtains, curiosity sparkling in their eyes. 
Annabella was standing there with the same chocolate gaze Lucy remembered and she felt her chest swell with revived mixed feelings. She held onto her, not even caring about the irritated huff from her mother, and Annabella didn’t say anything, the way her arms found their way around her shoulders in what felt like the first genuine hug ever since her father’s death was more than enough.
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The classic: Annabella
Full Name: Annabella Wayne Robles
Gender and Sexuality: Female, bisexual
Pronouns: she/her
Ethnicity/Species: Mexican-American, human/witch technically
Birthplace and Birthdate: Mexico City, August 10th
Guilty Pleasures: hmm I do not know 😅
Phobias: She's claustrophobic
What They Would Be Famous For: what she's already famous for being Bruce's daughter
What They Would Get Arrested For: Speeding
OC You Ship Them With: she's been shipped with Maia and Lucy by now. Idk who else hmm guess Shane? I always did like that possibility
OC Most Likely To Murder Them: I know you said Annabella could kill faith so I think the same would be in reverse
Favorite Movie/Book Genre: Action
Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: serial killer type movies cause she pretty much has to deal with that irl
Talents and/or Powers: can communicate telepathically with animals, magic, and is trained in different fighting meathods/weaponry, can also play ukulele
Why Someone Might Love Them: she's caring
Why Someone Might Hate Them: not so much hate but I guess annoy is that she can just sense what your feeling and calls you out
How They Change: she was always a pretty 'good' kid and listened to what Bruce would say, sure she'd do somethings she wasn't suppose to but it was nothing to crazy. When she finds out about what Bruce lied to her apart she leaves for a little over a year and basically has the freedom of not being watched all the time so she starts to gain more confidence in her. Then she goes through soemthing tramatic again and basically starts to open up more.
Why You Love Them: she's pretty much my first OC and i love still being able to tweak some things about her
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melyaliz · 5 years
A Smily Face in City Heights
Fandom: DC
Summary: Annabella finds out her cousin is doing some rather dangerous after-school activities.
Notes: This turned out way longer than I planned.
Annabella is owned by @the-shadow-of-atlantis
All Masterlists @melyalizarchive​
Connect with me! AO3 / Instagram / Pinterest
Annabella didn’t normally go into City Heights especially alone. Besides the fact that there wasn’t much of a need she also needed to be a bit realistic. She did happen to be the daughter of Bruce Wayne and City Heights wasn’t the safest part of Gotham.
But when you get a call on someone breeding pit bulls for underground fights a girl’s got to do what a girl’s got to do.
Loading up the truck with the puppies and their mothers weren’t easy. Especially since most of them didn’t (Understandably) trust humans. Annabella had to stay close helping her associates while letting the anxious dogs know that they were here to help them not hurt them.
But the stench of fear coming from these poor animals was rather overpowering and after a while, she needed a breather.
“I need some air,” she said nodding toward Ron who was trying to get a rather upset large stud into a crate while Olivia helped by trying to tempt the dog with treats.
“Ok, don’t go too far this part of the city isn’t that safe,” he grunted as the dog reared its head trying to back up into his larger frame.
Taking a few deep breaths Annabella sighed trying to push back the rush of emotions she was feeling. How could these people treat those poor dogs like that? It honestly made her want to bash someone’s head in.
A few more deep breaths and a few steps away from the building later she felt more like herself. The overpowering emotions of the poor abused pit bulls no longer flooding her system.
“You’re the one aren’t you”
She looked up at the sharp voice cutting through her thoughts. Four large men were stalking toward her, two guns, one crowbar, and one knife.
“You’re the one who thinks they can just come into our business.” the shortest of the men growled, “You spoiled rich kids think you can just come in here and take from us.”
“Those using those dogs to fight is NOT a business!” Annabella snapped getting ready for a fight. She wasn’t too far from her coworkers if she caught them off guard maybe she could…
A loud whistle pierced their eardrums causing the men to freeze before turning around. A large red brick flew through the air hitting one of the men with the guns scare in the face breaking his nose.
Of all the things Annabella had expected, and let’s be honest this is Gotham so she expected a lot of things, she did NOT expect her younger cousin to come running up landing a kick at the man furthest from Annabella. She was wearing a small mask that looked very similar to Tim’s but her bright yellow smiley face beanie gave away her away. That was as if Annabella couldn’t tell who her cousin was no matter what she wore.
“Shit!” one of them snapped “It’s the smiley face!”
The smiley face? Ok wait… was this normal?
With a trashcan lid in hand Faith swung it forward knocking knife guy backward where his head connected with the brick wall knocking himself out.
Short guy snarled pulling out his gun clicking off the safety. Faith darted forward spinning on her muddy vans the first shot missing her by a few inches.
He tried to aim again but she was upon him pushing his arm up the shot going into the air while she stomped on his foot and then pulled her knee forward hitting his groin. As he leaned forward in pain she headbutted him in the nose before sweeping her leg causing him to fall in a heap at her feet. His gun in her hand now.
Sending up 3 more shots into the sky Faith clicked the gun a few more times to make sure it was empty before tossing it aside.
“You don’t need to worry Zen!! I mean… Annabella… you… person… thing..” her voice petered off and Annabella couldn’t help but smile. There was her cousin.
“FUCK YOU!” Crowbar man screamed running forward. Glancing over her shoulder Faith smiled before dropping to her knees, back still to the man. Once he was upon her she snapped up her elbow connecting it with the man’s crotch. He let out a scream of pain buckling over as Faith kicked him in the chest so he was laying in pain next to his buddy.
The click of a gun and anger alerted Annabella before her cousin. Grabbing the younger girl she pulled her to the right as the other gunman shot at her missing by mear inches.
“Thanks!” Faith flashed Annabella a wide toothy grin before grabbing the crowbar laying on the ground rushing the broken-faced gunmen swinging and connecting with his shooting hand crashing bone as it connected.
Both girls stood there for a moment taking in what had just happened.
“Does dad know about this?” Annabella ventured trying to make some sense to why her cousin was in this neighborhood cracking skulls and not in a dance studio.
“W… why would he?
“Wait so why are you…”
Sirens blared in the distance and Faith turned toward the noise.
“That’s my queue…. You… Person I don’t know… stay safe”
Annabella tried to fight back a smile a million thoughts running through her mind. Was she the first or last to know about… all of this.
As her cousin disappeared into a dark alley something else washed over her.
Peace, purpose.
Annabella was no stranger to this life, her father was after all Batman, but if she remembered correctly Jen had a bit of a strong opinion about it herself. This is besides the fact that after everything that had happened with the older cousin, Bruce had seemed to have a strong opinion about keeping the younger sister out of this masked life.
Then again Faith had always had a will of her own, and after the death of her parents, she had felt a bit lost. Still that hyper smiling girl but slightly… broken. As if trying to find some sense in her life now that her parents were no longer in it. Annabella had sensed it the moment Faith and Jen had met up with their cousin after the funeral yet while Jennifer seemed to be distracting herself with her school and work Faith seemed to just be floating day to day.
Until today.
She was so clear and focused. So alive.
And from what it seemed she had found this focus all by herself.
“So what’s going on with Faith?” Annabella asked walking into the cave. Her father and the latest Robin, Tim Drake looked up from the computer they were looking over as she entered. Annabella’s brother Dick was stretching on the mat a few feet.
“What?” Dick asked
“Well, I’m assuming dad knows she’s fighting bad guys in City Heights.”
“What? Why would you keep that from us?” Dick asked looking over at Bruce who’s poker face wasn’t… quite it’s normal blank slate.
“She’s, what?”
“I’m keeping an eye on her,” Tim muttered almost so softly it went unnoticed.
“Oh, that’s where the mask came from.” Annabella crossed her arms fighting back a smile.
“She has a mask? Does Jen know? Shit, she’s going to kill someone…” Dick stood using a towel to wipe his face before reaching for his phone.
“How long has this been going on?” Bruce asked Tim already forming a plan in his head. One Annabella knew she was going to want to be involved in. After all, this was her cousin they were talking about who apparently was just running around unsupervised
“Maybe a month or so? She really just helps local businesses and stuff. She has been using a burner to call the local police and stuff too. I hacked it to make sure she wasn’t doing anything too crazy and she hasn’t.”
“So far” Dick muttered.
“Yeah,” Annabella said nodding, “No offense Tim but you don’t know Faith, safe isn't really a word I would use to describe her.”
“More like dive into anything head first” Dick muttered shooting off a text to the young girl in question’s older sister.
“I’ll handle this,” Bruce said putting on his cowl.
“I’m coming with you,” Annabella said running to grab her costume. Bruce looked like he was about to stop her but Annabella beat him to the argument. “She’s my cousin and I’m not arguing with you on this.”
Normally Annabella didn’t go to City Heights.
But things in Annabella’s life were never very normal.  
Tagging: @royslittleharper​​  @the-shadow-of-atlantis​​ @coffee-randomness​​ @daisyboobear​​ @werewitchling​​  
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ocelysium · 7 years
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Netflix Poster Series pt. 1: Maia Bailey | Annabella Wayne | Gigi Chin | Faith O’Neal | Jennifer O’Neal | The ultimate crossover (pt. 2 | pt. 3)
Maia Bailey belongs to @royslittleharper Annabella Wayne belongs to @the-shadow-of-atlantis Gigi Chin, Faith O’Neal and Jennifer O’Neal belongs to @melyaliz
Credit to the owners of the resources used.
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cupidjayne · 7 years
The Beach
A/N Just a short little thing that introduces Layla’s mother, Gypsy. Enjoy!
 Tags: @the-shadow-of-atlantis   (Who owns Annabella)
 Layla had always liked the beach. It was her escape from the real world. When she was young, her mother would make a day of the beach, drive for at least two hours and never stop until they got there. It was at the beach her mother had told her stories and legends, ones that would stay with her forever, no matter where in the world she was. Even in Happy Harbour.
“There’s mermaids in the water Layla,” Gypsy informed her daughter.
 “What’s a mermaid Mummy? Will they hurt me?” The 6-year-old asked with a worried look on her face. Her mother smiled down at her and rested her pale hand on Layla’s tiny shoulder.
 “No sweetness. The mermaids won’t hurt you. I’m here to protect you, Love. Mermaids are people with tails instead of legs. They liver under water and if you ask in just the right way, they might even help you if you ever need it.”
 “How do you know the mermaids are good?” Layla asked cocking her head to the side. Crouching down, Gypsy hugged her small daughter.
 “I’ve met them before. That’s how I know,” She whispered to Layla, earning a shocked look from her daughter.
 “I’m going to meet all the mermaids, Mummy. Do they have magic?” Such a simple question made the older woman tear up a little. Of course Layla would try to bring magic into it. She was her father’s daughter after all, even if she didn’t know it, or him for that matter.
 “Yes, Love, they do have magic, just like the two of us do. Now…” not wanting to go any further into the topic, Gypsy picked up her daughter and ran the giggling child into the water.
 That day on the beach had started everything for Layla. It was the day she became obsessed with mermaids and the day she started to believe that she could have magic too.
 When Gypsy had passed, Layla stopped going to the beach. It was too painful. Until Dick came along. He showed her that it didn’t have to be a sad place anymore. There could still be happiness at the beach.
 Looking around at her new team, Layla was glad she decided to come, no matter how hard it was to begin with. If she hadn’t come she would have missed out on seeing how in love Annabella and Kaldur were, as they stood ankle deep in the water lost in their embrace. She would have missed Tim and Garfield competing in front of Wally, Artemis, Cassie and Barbra to see who could do the most impressive flips and tricks.
 She would have missed out on sitting in the sand with Dick, smiling and leaning on his shoulder, felling completely content.
 Yeah. Layla was definitely glad Dick had showed her how good the beach could still be.
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jayne-writes · 7 years
Take A Break, Have A Picnic
A/N: Here’s the next installment of the 30 days of Domestic Fluff Challenge Maia belongs to @royslittleharper Annabella belongs to @the-shadow-of-atlantis
Also this is dedicated to @speedypan for being an amazing person. I love you, Twin!
Watching Dick train was an amazing thing to see. The way he flipped and twisted over any and all obstacles was like nothing else. To see the concentration on his face, the drops of sweat running down his bare back was something Layla never wanted to miss.
Dick had been coming home exhausted and Nightwing hadn't been a whole lot of help to the team since Layla had been put on the sidelines.
“I have to train for the both of us,” he had told her. “I need to be able to take care of you Layla.”
Layla knew her husband. She knew there was no point to try and talk him out of it. Hearing that Layla was pregnant had flipped a switch in Dick. Everything was for her and the baby. He had to be the strongest, fastest and the all round best for his family. And it worried Layla.
He was going to drop from exhaustion anytime now. Layla just hoped it was while he was on the ground.
“Fox? Do you know where my suit is?”
“Hero or business?”
“Hero and you know it,” Dick smiled at wife's ‘innocent’ question.
“I got Bruce to take it to the manor. I also called Kaldur and you're not going in today.”
“You… what?” He choked out.
“You heard me, Richard. You've been pushing yourself too much. The only time I see you is when I watch you train. I need my husband back.”
He knew Layla was right. She always was.
“Ok,” he relented. “What are we going to do then?”
Smiling, Layla grabbed his hand and half dragged the finally smiling man to the car.
Sitting in the garden at Wayne Manor, looking around at his family, Dick couldn't be happier. Jason, Tim and Bruce were playing a mostly friendly game of basketball, Damian was showing Layla his latest pet (a cow that his wife was now in love with, of all things). Even Alfred was sitting down relaxing and talking about his latest recipes with Annabella and Kaldur. His father in law was there with Maia too, lost in their own world as John fed her strawberries.
Walking with a smile plastered on his face, Dick wrapped his arms around Layla, hand resting gently on her baby bump.
“Thank you, Fox. I think we all needed this picnic.”
“You deserved this. You've been going crazy trying to be the best. But Dick, you already are the best.”
Smiling up at her very own masked hero, Layla knew her plan had worked. All it ever took to make Dick see the good on the world was family and a picnic.
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astrognossienne · 3 years
the star analyses...so far
the actors
ira aldridge
eddie “rochester” anderson
fatty arbuckle
humphrey bogart
marlon brando
charlie chaplin
montgomery clift
gary cooper  
sammy davis, jr.
james dean
errol flynn  
clark gable
cary grant
william haines 
juano hernández
rock hudson
rex ingram
canada lee
harold lloyd
robert mitchum  
tom neal
ramón novarro
laurence olivier
gregory peck
lincoln perry
sidney poitier
anthony quinn 
paul robeson
frank sinatra 
rudolph valentino
john wayne
orson welles
the actresses
lauren bacall
josephine baker
theda bara
brigitte bardot
ingrid bergman  
clara bow
louise brooks
diahann carroll
joan crawford
dorothy dandridge
bette davis
doris day
dolores del río
marlene dietrich
peg entwistle
maría félix
greta garbo
ava gardner
lillian gish 
gloria grahame
jean harlow
susan hayward  
rita hayworth
audrey hepburn 
lena horne
grace kelly
eartha kitt
veronica lake
hedy lamarr
carole landis
vivien leigh
carole lombard
jayne mansfield
hattie mcdaniel
marilyn monroe
mabel normand
merle oberon
barbara payton  
gail russell
norma shearer
barbara stanwyck
olive thomas  
gene tierney
lupe vélez
fredi washington
natalie wood 
loretta young     
the couples
annabella + tyrone power
bogie + bacall
frank + ava
frida kahlo + diego rivera  
gable + lombard 
john + yoko
oj + nicole brown simpson
viv + larry
the rivalries
bette davis vs. joan crawford
inspirations + muses
joyce bryant
gia carangi
coco chanel  
beloved public figures
jacqueline kennedy onassis
john f. kennedy  
princess diana
the notable + infamous
david bacon
susan cabot
shauna grant
dorothy hale
hugh hefner
athalia pondsell lindsley
donyale luna
anjette lyles
marquis de sade
niccolo machiavelli
evelyn mchale
evelyn nesbit
adam clayton powell, jr.
philippa schuyler   
literary figures
jack kerouac
musicians + artists
louis armstrong
syd barrett
maria callas
katherine dunham
duke ellington
ella fitzgerald
marvin gaye
jimi hendrix
billie holiday
whitney houston
frida kahlo
john lennon
keith moon
edith piaf  
hazel scott
tupac shakur
tammi terrell 
yoko ono 
special analyses
cancer men and suicide
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 2 years
Dark Day and Night V
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/iOmYeoq
by whosebackthere
Words: 10001, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con
Categories: F/M
Characters: Annabella Florella, Batman, Bruce Wayne, Red Robin - Character, Robin, Tim Drake, Red Hood, Jason Todd, Alfred Pennyworth, Nightwing, Dick Grayson, Oracle, Barbra Gordan, Jim Gordan, Lucius Fox, The Mask - Character
Relationships: Annabella Florella Sub, Batman Dom, Bruce Wayne Dom, Red Robin Dom, Tim Drake Dom
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/iOmYeoq
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lizartgurl · 3 years
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"So this is love...."
I had a lot of fun re-doing an old piece of @the-shadow-of-atlantis 's Annabella and Kaldur in her Cinderella AU. I found some flower and lace brushes for the bodice of the dress and used the grass brush a bit because they sneak outside during the gala and it's cute :3 I had a lot of fun with the shading as well
I'm going to have to tackle Emma again one of these days, aren't I?
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coffee-randomness · 6 years
Drinking buddies
Lucy and Annabella´s drunk aventures, @the-shadow-of-atlantis planted this idea in my head ages ago. Annabella belongs to her.
Side note: I got a little too much to drink at home writing this and honestly, it’s the funniest thing I’ve ever written. Also, I wish I could scribble as much dialogue on a normal basis.
Word count: 937 
Warnings: swearing, alcohol.
Wanna be tagged? @speedypan @insideoflit @werewitchling
It hurts her ears, vibrant colors and clarity, her body moving in the rhythm. Lucy is singing but she barely understands any of the words she’s muttering in the mic. At her side, an arm thrown around her shoulder, Annabella keeps her eyes closed, trying to hold the world still.
“It’s too loud,” she complains, taking the microphone away from Lucy’s hand.
“Hey, the best part is about to come!” Lucy yells and Annabella covers her ears.
“Shut up!” Annabella stumbles over the screen and closes the laptop.
Gloria Trevi’s upbeat song stops and she lets out a relieved sigh. Lucy sinks in her knees, not minding the sudden silence that falls in the room and taking a long sip of the plastic cup in her right hand. Her nose screws up as she swallows and she clits her tongue.
“I’m dizzy, we should call for backup. Home is too far away.”
“Tell the floor to stop moving instead,” Annabella whispers.
The brunette lays down, her eyes fixated in the ceiling and her hands crossed over her chest. A tall glass of wine neatly resting at her side.
Lucy moves her head to the side to look at Annabella and lets her index finger ghost over the number one of her phone. The call starts and Lucy doesn’t look down to notice. She lays down too, and they’re both resting side to side.
“Drinking buddies!” Annabella says, trying to take a swing of her glass without sitting up.
"Drinking buddies!" Lucy repeats cheerfully and takes a sip of her cup.
“We should finish our song,” Lucy says after a long pause, her phone placed in the space between her and Annabella.
Their voices intertwine and the both of them yell the remaining lyrics. Annabella stops when someone knocks the door. It’s muffled, but she can almost swear there is someone talking outside.
“Is that my brother?”
“Out of the like five of them, which one?”
“Your boyfriend.”
“Oh no, he can’t know we found the stash.”
“I just hope he didn’t bring any of his guns here.”
Lucy snorts, “we’re dead.”
A thick laugh comes out of Lucy’s phone and Annabella sits down way more fast than she should have, the knocks on the door of her shelter grow louder and her head spins.
“Lu, I think I just sobered up.”
Annabella’s eyes go wide and Lucy laughs, a bubbling sound dancing in the air.
“Open up!”
“Alright that wasn’t Jay,” Lucy says.
“No,” Annabella whispers.
“That’s Kaldur.”
“Girls, come on! Open up!”
“Damn, he’s hot!” Annabella leans to Lucy as if telling her a secret.
“I know,” Lucy says, “and he’s your boyfriend.”
“Wait, he’s my boyfriend?!” Annabella stands up, “I gotta open the door for him.”
“Careful with opening another thing for him,” Lucy giggles.
“Bitch, weren’t you a nun?”
“Were, that’s a key word Bells”
Annabella struggles walking to the door, her path a mess of zigzags and doubtful steps. When she reaches the glass, a wave of meowing and barks covers her ears.
“I’m coming back with all of you tomorrow, don’t worry babies.” Her fingers move to grip the lock but fail.
“Lemme do it,” Lucy mumbles and stands up. She reaches the door and sways over the lock, her hand brushing against it.
“This is too hard to open, I need to change this...” Annabella frowns, searching for the right word, “this lock.”
Lucy hiccups, “they must be cold."
Eyes half closed, Annabella pushes her hands over the door and slides them down to the security panel, “right, I sat up a password, now what was it again?”
“One, two, three, four, five!” Lucy yells.
“Noup, but close enough.” Annabella smiles and types the code.
The door opens and Kaldur steps in, his eyes moving from the giggling girls to the disaster of bottles and cups all around the shelter.
Jason brushes past the three of them with a sigh and pours himself a tequila shot from the receptionist desk.
“You’re driving, man.” He looks at Kaldur and empties the glass in a swift movement.
“Thank you Jason, you’re being very helpful.”
“Jaybird!” Lucy squeals and throws herself at him, her arms wrapping around his shoulders and making him stagger back. “You’re here.”
She looks up at him, golden shining with joy and a smile pulling her lips up. Jason grips her flushed cheeks and pulls, her nose wrinkling.
“What the hell are you so adorable for?”
“So you don’t get mad at us,” Lucy pouts, “are you mad? The sisters would be mad, I’m breaking all of my vows.”
Jason snickers, “you’re so fucking drunk.”
Annabella leans on Kaldur, her hands resting on his chest.
“I hope Ian the doggie can find a good, happy family with two little kids that play with him,” Annabella says.
“ Yeah Annie,” Kaldur says.
“Fucking?” Lucy giggles, “hmm, that sounds good. I can do it, I just divorced God!”
“Why do you always do this?” Jason shakes her shoulders and rolls his eyes, the leans down to pick her up, her stomach pressing against his shoulder when he lifts her.
“Hey, no rough-housing. Let’s all just cuddle.”
“Also, Flinn the bird just popped, I need to go clean that,” Kaldur gives Annabella an amused look, “I’m not drunk..”
“Whatever you say. But let’s just go home, alright?”
“But Flinn...”
“He says he can wait until tomorrow, let’s go home”
“Alright...” Annabella mumbles in defeat and hugs him. “Kaldur?”
Kaldur places a short kiss on her forehead. “Yes, love?”
“I can’t believe you’re my boyfriend.”
Jason sighs, “I’m going to stop buying alcohol after this.”
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Birthday Mishaps
Request: Annabella tries to make a cake for Bruce’s birthday requested by @gobydana
Tagging: @lizartgurl @melyaliz @coffee-randomness @keanureevesislesbian @speedypan
Requests are Open
Annabella stared at the recipe, it was a lot more complicated than her usual stuff but she was sure she’d be able to nail it. Looking at all the ingredients she stretched her arms before getting to work.
“No no no no.” Annabella muttered as she quickly took out the burning cake from the oven.
Looking down at the burnt cake her lip trembled. What had she gotten wrong this time? Was the oven too hot? Was she leaving it in too long? Annabella frantically looked around the now messy kitchen. Batter was dripping off the counter, three cake pans were now filled with burnt cake, flour littered the floor and the sink was piled with dirty dishes. Alfred was going to kill her.
“Annabella were home.” Said Bruce as he walked into the kitchen from the garage only to pause when he saw the state the kitchen was in.
“Good heavens.” Alfred gasped as he saw his beloved kitchen in ruins.
“I-I’m sorry.” Annabella stuttered as she tried to pat her hands clean on her pants. “I was just- I just wanted to.”
Annabella’s lip trembled as tears welled down her face.
“Hey it’s okay sunshine.” Bruce spoke softly as he crossed the room to wipe her tears away. “Come on let’s get cleaned up and then we can help Alfred.”
Annabella sat on her bed staring down at the recipe, hearing her door open she quickly tucked it under her pillow and shook her hair out of the towel it was wrapped in. Bruce sat down next to her as she started brushing it.
“Is Alfred mad?” She asked as she focused on the ends of her hair.
“I think the shock has worn off but no he’s not mad.” Said Bruce as he gently took the brush from her and turned her around so he could help. “Though he is curious what you were trying to make that resulted in the mess.”
Annabella stared at her pillow it seemed to be mocking her with what it was hiding underneath. After a few seconds she sighed in defeat, reaching under her pillow she pulled out the small card stock and handed it to her father. Bruce paused as he took the took and immediately recognized the hand writing, it was his mother’s.
“I found it the other day. I saw that it said Bruce’s birthday cake and I wanted to try and remake it. But I messed up.” Annabella dropped her head and held herself tightly. She felt Bruce wrap his arms around her and bring her up to his lap.
“You know the first time she made me this I was five. The middle was under cooked and she thought frosting would save it. I still remember the scream Alfred let out when he saw his kitchen.” Annabella sat still listening to the story, he hardly ever spoke of her grandmother so when he did she always listened carefully.
“The only time she got the recipe right was my last birthday with them.” Bruce kissed the top of her head. “You know you didn’t have to do this sunshine I enjoy your birthday cards.”
“Yeah but this birthday is special.” Annabella mumbled before realizing what she said.
“Why’s that?” Bruce asked as he turned to look at her.
Annabella fiddled with her fingers. “It’s silly.”
“Really cause it seems pretty important for you, what is it?”
“You had me when you were 22.”
“You’re turning 32.”
Annabella focused on a spot on her bed. “I figured it could be like a double birthday celebration thingy.”
Bruce softly chuckled as he held her tightly. “How did I end up having such an amazing daughter.”
“Dad.” Annabella whined as he started to smother her.
Bruce couldn’t help but smile as he scooped her up and started walking out of the room.
“Come on lets see if we can nail that cake together.”
“Dad.” Annabella giggled. “Put me down.”
Bruce laughed as he set her down and began chasing her back down to the kitchen.
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melyaliz · 7 years
2 . “Define normal.”
@the-shadow-of-atlantis:  2 . “Define normal.” With Damian (imma spam you but you don’t have to do them all :P)
Special thanks to @speedypan for some of these ideas.
Annabella is @the-shadow-of-atlantis
Maia is @royslittleharper
Gigi is mine 
Request list
Master list
“Wait, you own this?” Gigi gasped looking around the huge ice cream factory. Had she just died and gone to heaven? Was this real life? Someone pinch her.
Next to her Damian Wayne smiled, hands folded over his chest as he proudly paraded the red-haired girl around his newest Wayne investment. He had met the talkative girl a few weeks ago when she had come to visit her best friend, Damian’s cousin Faith. Why such a smart and cool girl like Gigi was friends with his utter dork of a cousin he would never know, but since meeting Gigi Damian had wanted to impress the girl.
Next to her, Gigi’s mentor Maia stood mouth open. The same thoughts as her biggest fan going through her head. Did this kid really just buy an ice cream factory? And how much could they eat before they got sick?
“Wow, Damian! I don’t care what Tim says, you are the coolest guy ever!” Gigi sang spinning around the huge factory. Damian's sister Annabella couldn’t help but roll her eyes.
“This isn’t normal,” she mumbled to her brother who looked so pleased with himself. The reaction from his crush couldn't have been better.
“Define normal?” Damian shrugged, “Because she seems to like it.”
He looked so happy Annabella didn’t have the heart to tell him how NOT normal Gigi was.
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ocelysium · 7 years
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Instagram Posts
Maia Bailey belongs to @speedypan Jennifer O’Neal + Faith O’Neal belongs to @melyaliz Annabella Wayne belongs to @the-shadow-of-atlantis 
Credit the owners of the resources used.
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