terymlxyrstdus · 1 year
my favourite thing about art heist baby are regulus’ annotations - more specifiecly him drawing hearts in the margins in the ball scene of anna karenina. Because it just proves that regulus is big sopp a he preffers anna a vronskij even though anna is married and it’s not "right" but it’s that kind of love that gives you rush and you don’t give a fuck that people will say it’s wrong and that EXACTLY regulus when it comes to him and james
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annabellelupin · 1 year
4 year old Anna: *drops something* fuck
Remus: where in fucking hell did she learn that word from
Sirius: I wonder
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strwbi-laces · 1 year
Prompt: heartwarming @wolfstarmicrofic Word count: 141
Summer was something else this year. The heat had everyone in a chokehold, literally. If the windows of every building weren't open, they'd all likely suffocate in the stagnant air.
The one in Sirius' office looked directly into the neighbour's stairwell, and while he'd never seen them, he heard them on a daily basis.
Like clockwork, a deep voice echoed across.
Christ Almighty, the whole street heard you, you arsehole.
Please Teddy, just go down. Spare the rest of us from losing our hearing.
Sirius contemplated just closing the window and accepting death when a rush of blue raced down the other house's stairs yelling "I'm coming Dad, hold your horses."
It was sweet, he guessed, how they did this everyday. Headache inducing sure, but a little heartwarming too.
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(requests are open)
who i write for:
stranger things: eddie munson, steve harrington, robin buckley
moonknight: steven grant, marc spector, jake lockley
the shadowhunter chronicles: matthew fairchild, james herondale, anna lightwood, jem carstairs, will herondale, cordelia carstairs
the grishaverse: kaz brekker, jesper fahey, inej ghafa, nina zenik, matthias helvar, wylan van eck, aleksander morozova
tlou (game): ellie williams, dina nolastname, abby anderson
a good girl’s guide to murder: ravi singh, sal singh
marauders: james potter, sirius black, remus lupin, regulus black, pandora lovegood, potentially others although i may not get their characterisation as well
bottoms: hazel callahan
the summer i turned pretty: jeremiah fisher, cam cameron
i will write any type of queer/trans representation and requests. there aren’t enough lgbt friendly x reader fics
poly!steddie (steve harrington x eddie munson x reader)
steddie x afab!reader pregnancy headcanons
steddie x afab!reader w/ a newborn headcanons
first words (steddie x afab!reader)
steve harrington x reader
genderfluid!steve x genderfluid!reader
kaz brekker x reader
kaz comforts genderfluid!reader
moonknight system x reader
hurt/comfort after reader is (slightly?) attacked
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Kristoff and Anna are such wolfstar variants
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yeagrist · 1 year
﹐ 𝐭𝐚𝐠 𝐝𝐮𝐦𝐩 ! muses , part two .
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flowerbetweenfangs · 5 months
Marked By the Moon: Part One
CW: Dubcon due to heat/breeding. Originally posted on A03.
An oldie, but one of my favorites.
Buzzing shook the nightstand. Bluelight pierced through the blackness, making it impossible to ignore. 
Reaching forward, Carmen groped across the polished wood, then seized her phone. Sitting up on her bed, she pressed the glowing screen to her ear. Sleep clogged her throat and eyes as she grunted out a greeting. 
It was just after four in the morning. She knew better than to say “Someone better be dying”, because a call this early meant somebody probably was. 
“‘Lo?” She gurgled, blearily staring in the darkness. Sweat clung to her face and clothes in the summer heat. Her window was open, the breeze doing little to cool her off. 
“Carmen!” The voice on the other end was frantic. “You’re not going to believe this!” Several dogs barked and howled in the background. “I’m sorry for waking you up, but we’ve got an emergency surgery.” There were several grunts as her coworker pulled something. “I think some poachers got to him. It looks like he was torn open by a bear trap.” 
The words floated in the air, before bringing horrific images to mind. Carmen’s phone beeped, indicating there were messages sent, images attached to them. 
“I’ll be there soon,” Carmen was out of bed and throwing on her clothes. “Start prepping.” She pulled her dirty blonde hair back without brushing it, making sure it was secured in a knot at the back of her head. Squeezing into her jeans and a presentable shirt, she quickly grabbed her phone and quickly looked at the incoming messages. 
What followed were images of a male ginger wolf, with a large wound on his leg and shoulder. His fur was damp, having been cleaned up. There was a muzzle around his snout, but his eyes were open and alert. He looked directly at the camera with what could only be described as a lupine scowl. 
No matter how many injured animals she saw.  Carmen always sniffed and felt a pang of pity for them. From little Spot and Mittens getting into a spat to the various wildlife people brought in, every creature needed a caring touch. 
“He really tried to fight me when I put on the muzzle.”   Anna’s words read. “ But a good jab of sedatives has him going night night. He’ll be completely under when you get here.” 
“Sorry buddy,” Carmen said aloud to no one. “But your jaw could tear off our arms.” Shoving her phone back into her pocket, she started to psych herself up for the upcoming meeting with this new patient. There were several wolves in the area, but they tended to stay in the mountains and parks, away from the city. A local wildlife reserve rehabilitated them and worked closely with the clinic, taking on all sorts of feral creatures that didn’t belong in the city. 
The poor thing was probably all sorts of confused. 
Going to the bathroom, she splashed cold water on her face and sputtered, slapping her cheeks to wake herself up. Quickly, she brushed her teeth and let the rush of mint further energize her. This was going to be one for the books. 
Seizing a canned coffee from the fridge, Carmen grabbed her keys and stumbled out the door. Guzzling it down, she drove through the dark streets, slowing strategically at speed traps. The one good thing about her random late night trips, the normal people of the world were still asleep. Although it was nearing a full moon, so the crazies of the world would be out. 
Something dug into her hip. At first, she tried to ignore it, but it dug into the sensitive skin at every movement. It felt sharp. Adjusting how she sat, Carmen tried to keep her eyes on the road. She was waking up, but the risk wouldn’t be worth it. 
Once she pulled up to a stoplight, she looked down to see a flash of silver wrapped in a leather string. 
Reaching down, she fished it out and saw the trinket she’d bought a month ago, a piece of rose quartz with wire wrapped around it, a small crescent moon, tree, and wolf charm tied to the gemstone. It had been a weird impulse buy. She couldn’t help but think of how thematically appropriate it was. 
Ducking her head, Carmen slipped the leather over her head and tucked it under her shirt. The light turned green, and she floored it once she got on the highway. The night whipped by. Rolling down the windows, Carmen let out a scream to further wake herself up. It was going to be a long day. 
It was barely four thirty when she pulled into the animal hospital. 
Anna let her in before she reached for her badge. She looked frazzled, her eyes wide and bloodshot. There were small scratches covering her arms, but it was a side effect of the job they were more than used to. Passing off the coffee, Carmen took the clipboard and quickly skimmed the contents. They didn’t have a lot of time. 
“He’s completely out,” Anna said as they rushed to the surgery room. “I think he’s a juvenile. But it’s hard to tell.” 
“Then let’s make good use of the time,” Carmen stopped to wash her hands. Once she was certain they were sufficiently clean, she went through the door. 
On the metal table was the body of the wolf. His hind legs were being propped up by a stool. His paws and ears twitched in his sleep. Instead of chasing rabbits, he was probably thinking of chasing sheep. Or perhaps deer. Hell, he probably could take down a bear if he wanted to. 
“I knew wolves were massive, but this guy is just…” Carmen fanned herself with the clipboard, trying to wrap her head around the sight. 
“Huge?” Anna asked, arching a brow. “Even when I worked at the park as a teen, I don’t think the wolves there got this big.” She took a long drink from the coffee. “He’s bulky too. Nothing but muscle in there.” 
“Yeah.” Carmen rubbed her eyes. The sight of the patient had completely sobered her up and released sleep’s hold on her. “Alright. Let’s patch this guy up.” Approaching the table, she placed a hand on the wolf’s haunch. 
There was almost an audible snap as his jaw clenched, lips curling back to show his fangs. His whole body went rigid under her touch. Slowly, his upward eye opened and tracked, staring at her. 
Carmen’s stomach dropped and she sucked in a breath. His paw twitched, brushing against her thigh. His claws could easily tear open her clothing and skin if he so chose. Silvery drool dribbled from his mouth, hitting the floor with a wet smack. 
Blinking rapidly, Carmed put a hand to her chest and kept her breathing under control. The gemstone firm in her grip, she willed the wolf to go back under. Something tugged at her, and she smelled something… Musty. 
The wolf’s eye rolled back and slowly closed again, his body relaxing. The drooling stopped. When Carmed rubbed her eyes, the puddle of drool was gone.
She was more tired than she thought. But she needed to give this patient the best care. 
At least the sedatives were doing their work. Anna hadn’t seemed to notice the incident, having rushed to the front desk when the bell chimed, indicating they had another patient. No doubt this one would be making the rounds on social media, if not the local news. 
She washed off the wounds again, then made quick work of them. His skin and fur were so thick that her tools were warped and bent when she started. Putting away the tools, she went and found the newest set she’d managed to scrounge up the money for. 
 Sutures were simple. Once she’d pieced most of him together, she bandaged him up. It was almost comical to see an entire roll wrapped around his leg, tufts of fur peeking out between the cloth. His paw twitched when she touched it. 
Now she had to convince a wild animal to ignore his base instincts. With man’s best weapon. Painkillers and more sedatives. 
His eyes moved under the lid, his nostrils flaring and lips twitching. 
They didn’t have an Elizabethan collar big enough to put around his head. Carmen doubted it would stay on even if there was one. He would probably find some way to tear it off. 
Hurt, thrown into the hospital parking lot, muzzled, sedated, then probably going to wake up drugged out of his mind. 
“Don’t worry,” She said, patting the side of his head. “I’m sure the assholes who did this to you are going to get what’s coming to them.” His heartbeat thrummed under her fingers. Hands sinking into his fur, Carmen found it somewhat comforting. Warm. She found herself leaning down to rest her head on his side. Stopping herself, she pulled back. 
How tired was she? Maybe she should have drank the coffee instead of passing it off to Anna. 
Sighing, she rubbed her eyes. 
Then, there was a growl. 
Eyes opening, she saw the wolf staring at her again.
No, not staring. The light was gone from his eyes. His paws twitched, like he was running in place, but in his sleep. She debated on tying his paws, but knew the poor thing would only wake up more confused and scared. The sedatives would work on him for another couple hours. Moving the patient to another large kennel, she locked him inside. 
Exiting the room, Carmen went to the back room and sat down, curling up in a chair and closing her eyes. 
It felt like she’d only blinked when she opened them again. Her whole body was stiff and sore. Tilting her head back and forth, she heard her joints popping and cracking. Taking in a deep breath, she got up and went to check on the patient. 
He had been moved to the kennels, a private section to keep him away from the domestic pets. His head laid on a pillow, his whole body limp. The exhaustion came through the glass, his expression pitiful. 
“I called the Wildlife Reserve.” Anna said, coming in with a steaming mug. “They’ll be here to pick him up in half an hour. They had some… Colorful words for me when I told them we had already gone ahead and done surgery on him.” 
Carmen crossed her arms and rolled her eyes. “I still want to know who the hell did this to him? Who sees an animal and thinks “You know what, I should hurt him?””
“I dunno. Crazy.” A buzzing rang through the room. Sighing, Anna turned on her heel and went to greet the customer who had just walked in. 
Walking up the glass, Carmen put her hand on it. The wolf tilted his head to look up at her, eyes looking sorrowful. His sides heaved, the barrier muffling the whines. 
Then, his head snapped to the area behind her. Looking back, Carmen saw uniformed men with a large cage. They towered over Carmen, their bodies thick with muscle. Their uniforms had the logo of the local wildlife reserve. 
“Oh. I thought you wouldn’t be here for a while.” Carmen straightened. 
“When we heard about the wolf, we had to make quick time.” One said, offering his hand. “Especially knowing he was injured.” The gloves were thick, ready to take on any bite. He was maybe mid thirties, with salt and pepper hair and dark eyes. 
Carmen took the hand, shaking it. She wasn’t even sure if  his fingers could move within the fabric. 
“Well, he seems to be responding well to the medication. Here’s what we dosed him with.” She found the chart and passed it over to the agent as the other moved to the wolf’s room. He was younger, maybe in his early twenties with dark hair pulled back into a tail. 
“Good. Thanks for taking care of him. We’ll try to see if he belongs to a pack not too far from here. If he doesn’t, then we’ll make sure to release him somewhere safe.” The man handed her a card. “If you want to visit him.” 
“Of course,” Carmen heard the sounds of a struggle. Whirling around, she saw the wolf snarling and growling, lunging at the Agent despite the muzzle. They had him in a hold with a catch pole. He went to try and paw it off, before collapsing with a yelp when he put weight on his injured legs. 
“Stand back, ma’am. I have to go help him.” The agent rushed into the room as the wolf continued to pull and twist, trying to get himself free. 
When he opened the door, the wolf suddenly shot forward, knocking him aside and heading straight for Carmen. 
“Shit!” Carmen didn’t have time to move as the wolf barreled into her. When she hit the ground, the Agents managed to get hold of him again. 
Then, he lifted up a massive paw and raked it across her arm. Two long crimson lines formed across the skin. Blood welled up, dripping onto the floor. 
“Carmen!” Anna shrieked, rushing over. “Oh my god, are you okay?” 
“It’s fine.” Carmen insisted, getting to her feet. Drops of crimson fell on the floor. The skin was already red and puffy. “Jesus.” She struggled to draw in breath, her heart leaping into her throat. 
The wolf continued to pull and tug at the Agents, but the second wind seemed to have gone out of him. Once they got him into the cage, the fight completely went out of him. With a metallic WHUMP, he collapsed, staring at Carmen through the bars. 
“You need to go to the hospital.” Anna insisted. “That looks bad.” 
“ER visit is not in the cards.” Carmen argued. “Can’t afford that.” She winced and cradled her arm. “How far away is the closest urgent care?” 
Walking to the desk, she pulled out a first aid kit, popping it open with one hand. At least they had plenty to handle small incidents. No way was she going to walk through the front lobby while bleeding like a stuck pig. Pulling out disinfectant, she went to the bathroom and applied it. 
The burning sensation nearly made her black out from the pain. Her head hit the wall, and she barely registered what Anna was saying. The other Agents were apologizing, or at least Carmen hoped so. 
“- about ten minutes?” Anna frowned. “I’ll fill out the incident report.” She looked Carmen up and down. “You don’t look so good, you should take the rest of the day off to rest. I’ll call someone from the other clinic and see if they can cover the surgeries. Thank God those guys knew the nearest Clinic offhand.” 
“Probably go there all the time themselves." Carmen shrugged. Anna reached over and helped hold her arm still. 
"Thanks, Doll.” Carmed winced again, seizing a roll of bandages and binding her arm the best she could. The Agents were gone, with the cage loaded in a trailer. “I’m not even mad. Poor boy was probably scared out of his mind.” 
The Urgent Care had just opened when she pulled up. Once admitted, she sat in the room, still cradling her arm. She didn’t dare unwrap the wound to get a better look at it. 
When the door opened, Carmen jerked her head up to look. 
The man who came through was older, maybe mid to late 40s. His hair was completely white, small bits of stubble on his face. Tired brown eyes looked her over, dark circles under them. A fatigue they both seemed to recognize and share a sympathetic half smile over. 
“Alright, tell me what happened.” His voice rumbled, still raspy from sleep. He held up a clipboard, clicking a pen to take notes. Old fashioned, then. She caught the name on his nametag, Esau Remington . 
“So, I’m a vet,” Carmen began, unwrapping her arm as she recounted what she thought was needed. He paid attention, unblinking and nodding. 
By the end, his brow was furrowed, the pen’s clicker tapping against his lips. 
“Are you sure it was a wolf and not a really big dog like a shepherd or a husky?” 
Fishing her phone out, Carmen showed him the pictures that Anna had sent her. His frown deepened, his brows rising to meet his hairline, the pen twirling back and forth between his fingers. The corner of his lip twitched, and he sucked in a sharp breath. 
“Well, I’ll be damned,” His cheeks flushed and he gave a nervous chuckle. 
“Sorry about the language. It’s not every day you see a wolf.” Clenching his jaw, he looked at the wound on her arm. “Just the scratch? He didn’t bite you anywhere?” 
Carmen shook her head. “No. They had a muzzle on him.” She winced as he rolled her arm between his fingers to look the gash over, making sure there was nothing inside it. The skin was more swollen, the congealing scabs weeping with clear fluid. “I’m up to date on my rabies shots and the like, unless you think I should take a booster?” 
Shaking his head, Dr. Remington sighed. “No, I think you do need sutures though. He did a number on you.” 
The pen scribbled as he took down a few notes. “I’m going to write you a prescription for some antibiotics and steroids. Take them all , even if you feel better.” The tone did not offer an argument. “And I’m going to recommend you take the next few days off. If you have a wily patient, you’re going to rip the sutures back open.” 
Carmen let a groan slip past her lips. The Doctor seemed taken aback, pen pausing mid scribble. Brow cocked, he looked her over. 
“I’ve got a lot of patients I need to look after.” She complained. “The wolf was a wild card, normally I just handle check ups.” 
“I’m sure your patients would appreciate you in a healthy state.” Remington argued back gently. “Take some time off, don’t strain yourself.”
  He looked over his shoulder, then back to her. “I know when I have some days cleared in my schedule, I like to go camping with some of my friends. We go hiking, swimming, and get to see nature.” Looking pointedly at her wound, he shrugged. “Although it wouldn’t surprise me if you’re a little sick of nature right now.” 
With a sigh, he began to prep her arm. Another round of disinfectant, making her hiss with pain. 
“I don’t mind nature.” Carmen shrugged, wincing as he began to apply the first suture. “Just don’t know if it’s a good idea to make a spontaneous trip into the woods with a messed up arm.” She tried to force a smile, but hissed when he pinched her wound closed. 
Dr. Remington tilted his head to the side with a grunt of agreement. “True. But it was just a suggestion.” His Adam’s Apple bobbed and he swallowed hard, his lips moist. “Not to mention the meds you’re on… Probably will make you too woozy to do anything strenuous.” He chuckled. “I got a little ahead of myself, sorry.” 
Carmen shrugged. “I get it. A little early, trying to wake yourself up.” 
"I find it hard to sleep some nights. Especially around this time of the  month. Always finding people doing stupid things. Must be the full moon." 
Once he’d finished stitching her up, he presented her with a prescription and doctor’s note. After calling the clinic back, Carmen assured Anna that she would be back as soon as possible. 
At home, she popped the first round of pills and collapsed onto her bed. 
When Carmen woke up next, sweat soaked her sheets. Panting, she pulled herself from her blanket cocoon. The cool air of the night was like ice. Shivering, she popped another round of meds, then  got into the shower, letting the water pour over her. 
The sweat and grime from sleep rolling down into the tub made her feel a little more like a human. Her phone was blowing up with texts from Anna and other coworkers. Pushing her phone aside, Carmen collapsed onto her bed again, shivering and trying to cover herself up enough to combat the shivers, but not feel overheated. 
Shaking, she tried to claim sleep, but it refused to come. Getting up, she began to pace back and forth across the floor, feet slapping loudly across the hardwood. The walls around her seemed to close tighter. 
Opening her window, she popped out the screen and leaned out. A spell of dizziness hit her. Head swimming, she nearly fell forward. Holding tightly to the sill, she yanked herself back in, rear slamming hard against the floor. Leaning against her bed, she took a few shaky breaths. 
Closing her eyes, she drug the sweat soaked blanket down from her bed and wrapped it around herself, falling into a fitful sleep. 
When the first rays of sun pierced the open window, chilly winds of dawn rolled over Carmen and made her hair stand on end. The necklace pressed into her hip, leaving red indents over her skin. Fishing it out, she simply tossed it aside, watching it skitter across the floor and come to a rest against her dresser. 
Crawling to the window, she pulled it closed and then collapsed under it. Curling into the fetal position, Carmen fell into another fitful sleep. 
She found herself standing next to a woman made of stone. A crescent moon covered her eyes like a mask, her mouth open in a howl. A silver wolf draped itself across her lap, head thrown back to mimic hers. Cracks and chipped off pieces had worn it down, but it still held a beauty to it. 
The grass around it was green and lush. Thick trees grew around the statue, the song of the forest crying out. Animals, insects, bubbling streams, wind, all of it calling out to something in her. Taking a few steps forward, she looked at the wolf. Its stone eye seemed to move, looking right at her. Even though she was clothed, it made her feel naked and nervous. Stomach flipping, she took a few steps back. 
“Come to me, my child.” A woman’s voice whispered in the wind. 
The golden sun had become the silvery moon when Carmen opened her eyes again. Her whole body ached. A throbbing in her head and arm helped drag her away from the land of sleep. She saw the necklace tightly clutched in her grip, leaving an impression of the moon in her palm. 
Every muscle protested when Carmen drug herself off the floor and took the meds. They went down hard, nearly making her throw it back up. 
Filling up a tall drink of water, she guzzled it down to fill her stomach. Hunger gnawed at her, staving off sleep. Breathing hard, she took another shower and let the hot water soothe her muscles. 
The strange fever and fatigue had worn off, replaced with an energy that she hadn’t felt in years. Blood sang in her veins, wanting to run. Even in the shower, she found herself shifting from one foot to the other, eager to start… Something. 
Stepping out of the shower, she found herself dressing quickly. Hair still damp, she pulled it back and mapped out a potential run she could do. She just had to go outside. Get away from the walls of plaster and sheetrock. 
A smell made her pause. It was buried under her smell. But she could still pick it up. Pulling out her pants from the other day, she pulled out the business card and sniffed it. A small drop of blood was on the corner. Hers? No. The scent drove her wild. She held it close and inhaled deeply, before pulling it back. 
“What the hell am I doing?” Setting it back down, Carmen rubbed her face, sweat pouring down her brow. She stared at the address, the image of the wolf coming to her mind. 
He stared at her, looking pitiful. Then, his claws flashed and raked across her arm. When she fell to the ground, she saw the statue. 
“ Come to me, my child .” The woman’s voice whispered in the wind again. “ Join the hunt. ” 
Walking outside, Carmen let the night air roll over her and went to the car, heart thrumming. Pulling out her phone, she punched the address of the wildlife reserve and then prepared to travel. 
Her drive was a blur. Tunnel vision made her unaware of how fast she arrived, or even if she was driving safely. Static crackled in her ears, making her hair stand on end. 
The mechanical voice telling her she’d arrived at her destination was what brought her back. She stared at the spot illuminated by her headlights. A line of trees, then a chain link fence. More foliage behind that, but it was too thick to see past. 
Getting out of the car, Carmen slammed the door and began to take a few steps toward the fence. The wind shifted, blowing a scent toward her. Wrapping her fingers around the links, Carmen inhaled.
  Closing her eyes, she let the smell wash over her. It caressed her very being, tugging at something within her. Dropping to her knees in front of the fence, she clenched the links tight enough for her knuckles to turn white and her injured arm to throb. Metal warped under her grip, the coppery scent of blood following. 
Bringing her hands down, Carmen saw crimson pooling in her palm. A laugh escaped her and she sat with her back to the fence. Lapping at the wound, shook her head. 
“What on earth am I doing?” She started to stand. Her body protested at the movement. The soreness was back with a vengeance. Closing her eyes, she pressed her bandaged hand to her face, pulling it away to see it soaked with sweat and grime. 
Staggering to her feet, she ignored the tantalizing scent as she headed back to her car. When Carmen put her hand on the roof, the smell hit her like a load of bricks. Opening her eyes wide, she turned back around to look at the line of trees. The area around her was tinted with a silvery-blue hue, but it was almost as bright as day. 
This had to be a dream. None of this made sense. Leaning down, she touched her forehead to the warm metal of the car. 
“Just wake up.” She urged herself. “You’re having a bad reaction to the medicine.” 
Slowly, she raised her head. 
Time seemed to slow down. Turning back toward the fence, she felt her feet moving on their own, dragging across the asphalt. 
Something glistened on the links in the silvery light. Reaching out, she brushed her knuckle to it. Once she touched the metal, it sent a jolt through her.  
Then, she saw the small gap in the links. Someone had cut through it with bolt cutters. But they’d put it back to where it was almost invisible to anyone far enough away. No wonder she had been able to bend the metal so easily.
 Clenching the fence, she pulled it back and crawled through, metal raking across her back. Wincing, she dropped to her stomach and drug herself through, feeling more tugs at her clothing. 
Once she stood up, her arm was throbbing, the pain making her head spin. Staggering, she sniffed the air. The scent was stronger than before. Her whole body ached, but she had to follow it. Cradling her arm, she began a slow walk. 
Cicadas cried, a creek flowed, and the wind continued to blow, stirring a few stray wisps of her hair out of its knot at the back of her head. 
Then, she came to a break in the trees, showing a sheer drop. In the meadow, a group of wolves ran around, wrestling and snapping at one another. Her breath caught in her throat when she saw one stop, then stand up on its hind legs and sniff the air. It turned a massive head around to look right at her. 
“I knew you’d come.” A voice called behind her. It was gruff, like it wasn’t used to speaking. As it rumbled through her ears, Carmen’s hair stood on end. 
Slowly, Carmen turned to see a bipedal wolf looking at her, its hindleg bandaged and stiff. Its shoulder was also wrapped up. 
The wolf took a few shaking steps toward her. Then, it dropped down onto all fours. Even then, it still looked her in the eye. Drool glistened on its teeth as it licked its muzzle. Then, she saw the same eyes, in what she recognized as a lupine scowl. 
Her ginger wolf from the clinic. 
Now she knew she was dreaming. 
It took another step toward her. She backed away, stopping when she felt the give of the ground, warning her of the drop below. Heart hammering in her throat, she could only stare at the wolf as it took a few steps closer to her.
Her stomach fluttered. Fear? No. Something else she couldn’t identify. Head swimming, she tried to string thoughts together to make a plan of escape. However, her vision began to blur. Daring to blink, she took in a shaking breath. 
Something tore through the grass. But she didn’t dare take her eyes off the creature approaching her. Caught between a rock and a hard place, she focused on the visible threat. 
“The Goddess has blessed you. And you’ve been marked by her hounds.” Ginger grumbled, nose nearly touching her. The inhales were strong, almost like a human. 
“You’ve gone into heat.” His tongue lolled out of his mouth, hot breath rolling over her skin. Something about it made the ache worse, spreading it through Carmen so fast she nearly screamed. “You’ll send the rest of the pack into rut.” 
Then, a large silver wolf slammed into the ginger, swatting him with a human shaped front paw. The action was so quick, Carmen could only gape. Her knees nearly gave out, but she managed to keep herself upright. If she went over the cliff, she’d drop and probably break below. But if this was a dream… 
Ginger flew back, screaming in pain. The noise shook her thoughts loose and she gasped, reaching out for him. Crimson blossomed on the bandaged haunch and shoulder. His back legs gave out as he struggled to get on all fours again.
“You bastard!” He barked at the silver wolf. “You broke my leg!” Yelping, he looked at Carmen with pleading eyes. “Help me!” 
Carmen took a step forward, only to feel a hand clamp on her shoulder. Claws dug into her skin, making her stand still. Then, she was whirled around to face the silver wolf, who towered over her. 
“You shouldn’t be out here.” The voice rasped. “Not without being taken into the pack first.” His nostrils flared, his pupils blowing all the way out as he stared at her. Brown eyes, glinting with the want for a hunt. His scent overpowered Carmen. 
Squeezing her eyes shut, she whispered to wake up over and over again. 
The fear held fast to her, not allowing her to move a muscle in fear of both wolves tearing her to shreds. 
Then, the hand on her shoulder went to her waist, picking her up. Before she could scream, it squeezed tight enough to push the air from her lungs. Finally, she opened her eyes to see that she was moving. Well, the wolf was walking, simply carrying her like a ragdoll. His massive paws had wrapped around her, although he’d taken care to not scratch her further with his claws. 
Ginger flew at them with a snarl, his back leg suddenly seeming to work perfectly. 
Silver swatted at him, then heaved. The wolf flew through the air, screaming as he went down into the meadow below. When he hit the ground, the crunch echoed through the night. Carmen felt sick, her stomach heaving. Covering her mouth, she squeezed her eyes shut again. 
There was a grunt. Air whipped around Carmen, stirring the scents again. An impact jostled her, and she opened her eyes. They’d landed in the meadow, the other wolves approaching, much more cautious in their steps. A few sniffed, inching closer with flared nostrils, but never close enough to touch. 
The smell made her mind swim. Heat flushed in her cheeks, and she shivered. All the eyes on her were like hands, caressing her very being. Each one hungrily taking her in, assessing her. 
The ruined pile of fur and bone groaned. 
“Your brother decided to go against the rules and try to bring another member into our ranks. Without permission. Or consent, for that matter.” Silver growled. “So now, he must put himself at the mercy of Diana.” He set Carmen down, setting his massive hand on her shoulder so she couldn’t run. His touch froze her further. Not even a breath passed her lips. 
The wolves sat or laid down in the grass, staring at the pair. They knew who the one in charge was. 
“What’s going on?” Carmen choked out, eyes watering. “Please. Tell me or let me wake up.” She slapped her cheeks, stopping when Silver’s hand wrapped around her entire uninjured forearm. It was a gentle, but firm grip. 
“No one touches her.” Silver insisted, before forcing her to face him. His eyes seemed to stare into her very being. They looked alert, but so tired. More fluid dribbled onto her legs and shoes. But she didn’t dare break the gaze. To assert dominance with a canine, you couldn’t be the first to break eye contact. 
Hopefully the same rules applied to lupines. Alpha and Omega only applied to captive and family packs, but this was all she knew to work with. 
As they stared at one another, Carmen felt the fear and desire to know more about everything warring with one another. Part of her wanted to escape the dream no matter how, the other part wanted to stay and listen. Sit on her haunches like the other wolves, watching him speak. 
His eyes explored hers, flicking over her form to take her appearance in. The gleam only added to his dangerous look. His pupils were slightly dilated, his muzzle twitching. His tongue tasted the air around her. 
Silver broke away first. A sigh of relief escaped her, and she dropped to her knees. Silver’s grip on her arm didn’t release. Closing her eyes, she urged herself to wake up. 
Then, she was being pulled back to her feet. Arms cradled her, twisted and alien enough to make her uneasy, despite the strength behind them. She tried to not shake, but her body refused to listen. 
“What do we do?” One of the wolves asked. “Her scent is going to roll on the wind. If she’s changed, there might be others we don’t know about.” 
“Guard the entrances. Make sure no one else gets in.” Silver rumbled, before he started to walk, each step jostling Carmen enough to nearly make her cry out. 
Then, he took her away from the meadow. There was a hole on the side of the cliff. Bowing his head, Silver brought her inside. Only then did he set her down on the stone floor. Once he’d done that, he went to the mouth of the cave and sat down. 
“Can you please tell me what’s going on?” Carmen begged, not daring to move from her spot. “Did… Did you kill that wolf?” She’d have to call the Wildlife reserve when she woke up to check on him. 
“No. If Diana is merciful, he will be healed when the moon and sun switch.” Silver didn’t look at her. “You care about the one who did this to you? Was he your mate?” 
The question made Carmen blush. “N… No. I just…” Her brain felt addled. Why was she getting flustered over a wolf? “I took care of him. He was already hurt.” 
Silver snorted. “We’re sturdy. Don’t worry.” He slammed his paw on the ground. The open palm slapped hard, the noise amplified in the cave. Carmen resisted the urge to clap her hands over her ears. “As you saw, he wasn’t nearly as injured as he pretended to be.” 
Still, getting flung over the side of the cliff… 
Carmen shuddered. “I just… I want to go home. Or wake up.” She scratched at the side of her head. The blood on her palm smeared on her cheek. 
Silver turned to look at her sideways. “You think this is a dream?” 
“Talking wolves, seeing them walk upright, it’s like a werewolf movie.” Swallowing, Carmen flinched when she felt the sting of pain, more blood dripping on her clothing. 
Standing upright, Silver approached her, taking her hand in his massive paws. Rolling it back and forth, he stared at it. Then, he slowly leaned down and ran a large pink tongue over the wound. The sensation sent a shiver up Carmen’s spine. 
The wound slowly began to shrink, before sealing itself closed. Carmen stared at it in awe. She flexed her fingers and brushed them against the twisted digits that now clutched her hand. Silver’s fur suddenly bristled, and he dropped her hand, turning away from her again. 
“You are werewolves, aren’t you?” Swallowing hard, Carmen tried to calm the roaring in her ears. 
“Correct.” Silver sighed. “We don’t bring pack members in willy nilly. It was supposed to be a tight ring.” He scratched at the ground, his claws bringing up grains of stone. “And not without my permission. Every werewolf in this pack is under my protection. They abide by my rules. In exchange, they are given this area to run every cycle.” 
“Why haven’t I changed?” The words were hard to force out. 
“You’re refusing to.” Silver turned to face her fully. “You’ve surely felt the way your body is hurting? How you need to do something, but you’re not sure what?” His nostrils flared, his pupils nearly overtaking his iris. “The Goddess has touched you. But you’ve managed to keep control, I’m impressed.” 
His hands shook as he reached for her. Claws traced her cheeks, making her hair stand on end. The scent of him was overpowering, making her mouth almost water. Something in her ached. 
“You are safe now. If you give into the change, you will not harm yourself or others.” He assured her. “I will take you into the pack. Every moon, we will come here. Once you are recognized as a member, we’ll do what we can to make sure that this is as painless as possible.” 
His hands on her, the rumbling of his voice, his scent, the way the air tasted around him drove Carmen crazy. Trembling, she felt herself nearly falling again. Why was she so weak in the knees? 
Something in her finally let go. The world exploded in silvery blue, the scents, sounds, and feelings overpowering her. Gasping, she felt her back arch. 
She suddenly jolted forward, slipping from the grip of Silver. He stared at her with wide eyes, flinching when she touched him. Burying her hands into his fur, inhaled his scent, listening to the rapidly increasing beat of his heart. 
The touch seemed to awaken something in him, his rapidly growing erection brushed against her midriff, pushing the hem of her shirt up. 
“N-no.” He weakly tried to push her away, nearly tripping over his feet as he tried to get away from her. “You can’t.” 
A fire formed in Carmen’s belly. She felt the emptiness inside her clawing up into her womb, begging to be filled. Dropping to her knees, she panted, sweat trickling down her brow and upper lip. 
“Please.” She said, her mouth dry. “Please. Help me.” Her eyes widened and she felt heat flash through her. The scent rolling off her mingled with the air. It was hard to resist the urge to tear off her clothes and start plunging fingers inside herself. 
Silver’s erection grew, beads of precum dribbling from the tip as he inhaled her scent, tasting it in the air. Silvery saliva drooled out of his mouth, and he stared at her. But he didn’t dare move. His hand gripped the mouth of the cave, looking ready to rip it down rather than come near her. 
“You must have your first change,” He urged her. “Please. Let the Wolf inside come out.” He flexed his free hand. “My fangs and claws would rip you to shreds.” His voice was growing more raspy, each word a chore to push past his teeth. 
Carmen’s body twisted as she cried out with a need she’d never felt the intensity of before. Her throat felt raw from the primal screams escaping her. She tried to find the part of her mind and push for the change to occur. Begging the wolf to come out. 
The other wolves were making their way over. Their scent made Carmen launch herself, only for Silver to clothesline her. With a grace that suggested practice, he managed to push her back into the cave. With his hand still tight around her waist, he laid Carmen on the floor. 
“Diana, forgive me for what I’m about to do.” He muttered, holding her to the ground. “You can’t scream like that. You’ll make every wolf in the area come running.” His cock brushed against Carmen’s clothed groin, the sensation sending another blast of lust through her. 
“Please.” Carmen panted, unable to catch her breath. “Help me.” Eyes watering, she reached for the Wolf’s arm, gripping it tightly enough she thought she might burst her stitches. 
“I could rip you in half.” He shook his head. “You’re not changed. You’re not made for it.” His nostrils flared, his hands shaking and gripping her tighter. 
“Help me change.” She urged him. “Please.” Why was she in so much pain if it was a dream? There was no way she’d been this horny in real life. Sure, she’d wanted sex before, but never this bad.
Sighing, he looked over his shoulder to the entrance of the cave. It was empty. But each movement and second he made her wait was agonizing. 
Slowly, he took his hand off her. With considerably less grace and control, he tore off her pants and underwear. The full scent of her arousal hit him. His hand slammed the open area above her head, his cock dribbling onto her thighs. A few drops landed on her exposed groin. Crying out, she bucked her hips up, reminding him what needed to be filled. 
Leaning down, he nuzzled against her neck, his nose cold. Fangs traced over her skin, making her gasp. Warmth followed as his tongue went across her neck, trailing to the collar of her shirt, leaving a large wet spot. Tensing, he ran his hand up her stomach, slipping it under the fabric of her top. 
It rested there, his open palm’s warmth mingling with her own. Slowly, he slipped it off her, taking care to not tug on the bandages on her injured arm. His claws tore through the cheap fabric of her sports bra, but the loss wasn’t going to break her heart. 
His eyes rested on the necklace now laying against her chest. 
“Diana forgive me,” He said again, before pushing her legs apart. His fur tickled her bare skin. It was softer than she thought it would be. Lowering his head, he lapped at the wetness forming between her legs and spilling out into the floor. 
The touch of his tongue made her cry out. Her legs locked around Silver’s head, forcing him to inhale her scent and arousal completely. Whether the motion or her cries finally made him let go, it seemed to awaken something in him. 
Growling, he sent a rumble through her that shook her very being. Breath escaped her, and she fell back flat, drowning in the pleasure. 
Grabbing Carmen’s thigh, Silver plunged his tongue in deep, rolling his head with each lick. She thought she would scream, but all that came out were quiet moans of satisfaction. Her hands tried to grab at something, to distract her from the sensation long enough to hold her rapidly approaching climax. She settled on resting her hand on his head, pushing him in further. 
Her legs went slack, shaking with desire. He gave a few more licks, before pulling back and running his tongue over her clit. Each movement sent a wave of pleasure over Carmen, making her cry out and arch her back, wanting to be filled again. 
Then, he pulled back, fur slick with her arousal. Breathing heavy, the Wolf stared at her entrance, his warm breath tickling her wet folds. Leaning down, he licked the ground and lapped up every drop of her that had spilled out. 
He picked her up off the ground, pressing her to the wall. Carmen’s legs snaked around his waist, barely able to hold herself up. Rocking his hips, Silver, growled in her ear. The breath tickled the curve of her neck, making her shiver. 
“Tell me you want it.” He rasped, the tip prodding against her. She could feel their fluids mixing together, dirtying the cave floor. 
Wrapping her arms around his neck, Carmen nodded. 
“P-Please.” She begged. 
Then, he entered her. She was so slick it slid right in. Once she’d wrapped around him, he grabbed her shoulders and pulled her down. Rolling his hips, he thrust up into her. Arms wrapped around Carmen’s body, he kept her from scraping against the stone of the cave. Cradling her head, he had her look at him. 
“Your pupils are so wide, I can’t see your iris anymore.” He growled, each thrust sending pleasure through Carmen. “I didn’t think my cock would fit, but you’re taking it so well.” The words weren’t teasing or hurtful, he seemed just as surprised as her. “It’s like you were made for me. There’s a little bit of the wolf getting teased out.” 
Carmen couldn’t deny the pleasure sweeping through her. She wriggled her hips and took him to the base, gripping him tighter. The growl that escaped him was one of pleasure. His thrusts were strong, each one filling her with white hot heat. Every moan and gasp that escaped her echoed loudly in the cave, no doubt funneling into the meadow. 
“Hold me tightly.” He encouraged her. “Scratch, bite, yell, let yourself fall to your base instincts.” His thrusts became almost vicious, impaling Carmen and reaching deeper than she thought possible. 
She screamed, tearing at his fur. The cries encouraged him further, and he bucked his hips hard, slamming into her. Bareback scraping against the wall, Carmen took it all in, pleasure building in her stomach and bringing her closer. 
There was no way she should have been able to take his cock. It was too big. The thought of it entering would have made her scoff, but now she was drawing it into her like it had always belonged. 
Then, she grew uncomfortably tight. Wincing, she dug her nails into his thick fur. Part of her was tempted to bite down on his shoulder, but the sensation would probably shock him into letting go of her. 
She grew more slick, wanting to take him all the way in, thicker cock be damned. It needed to be all the way inside when he came. Rolling her hips, she tried to press herself down against him when he thrust up. 
“Fuck… The knot.” Silver panted. “I’m about to-” 
He winced when she wrapped her legs tighter around him. “Wait, I’m going to-” His eyes were clouded with lust, his tongue lapping her neck. Words became grunts and growls 
Carmen’s body tensed. Throwing her head back, she nearly slammed it against the wall of the cave as the orgasm ripped through her. She clenched down onto the cock inside her. 
The pressure made Silver howl, and he erupted. Thick ropes of fluid filled Carmen, then dripped onto the floor. Two more aftershocks followed, although they paled in comparison to the first, merely spilling more onto the stone and Silver’s feet. 
Panting, Silver brought her down, collapsing onto the cave floor. His rapidly shrinking and softening cock was still slick with Carmen’s wetness. 
Carmen crawled over to him, falling onto his chest. His rapidly beating heart gradually slowed, his shallow breaths becoming deeper. Within moments, he was snoring. 
Closing her eyes, Carmen laid against his sleeping form. Even though he was a beast, it felt safe. His clawed hand rested against her thigh, the other encircling her chest and pulling her to him. 
Slants of light fell on Carmen. Groaning, she tried to move. Soreness filled her body, her joints and muscles straining against the movement as she tried to rouse herself. The floor underneath her was cold and hard. Hadn’t she closed the window last night? 
Looking down, she saw her naked body. Bruises traced up and down her hips and thighs. Stone was beneath her, scents of sex and animal mixing with her nose. 
Warm hands clutched her close. A half hard cock rubbed against her leg. 
“Mmm…” The person holding her groaned, pulling her back down to the ground. Stubble scraped against her bare shoulder, followed by a kiss. Squirming, she resisted the urge to twist away. 
“Morning.” The grogginess was clear in the voice. 
Carmen felt a familiar soreness between her legs. Panic seized her when she realized what had happened wasn’t a dream. 
Slowly, she turned to look down at her partner. 
And into the half asleep face of Doctor Remington. 
Next part here!
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Finis vitae sed non amoris-its the end of life but not of love
Chapter Three: November
November 1st 1976
Dear diary,
As mentioned I had a tutoring session with Potter. Today we discussed Felix Felics or differently known as Liquid Luck. It is one of the hardest potions to brew. You need extraordinary levels of patience and skill.
You know Potter isn't as much of an arrogant prick as I thought. Which came as a shocking surprise. Perhaps I was too quick and wrongful on my judgment.
Perhaps my prejudice came because he was one of Sirius's friends and me and Sirius aren't on the best terms. Perhaps I thought because Sirius was one of the most annoying and arrogant people to walk the earth people who could handle him were just like Sirius. But Remus and Potter proved me wrong and I'm glad they did.
Goodbye for now
R. A. B
November 7th 1976
Dear diary,
Barty finally told me he likes Evan. About damn time! You know how long I've been waiting to hear these words?TWO MONTHS! He started his confession like this: "Reg I have something important to tell you." I was reading and I looked up at him because he sounded really nervous and serious. He then continued : " I have a crush on Evan".
I really wanted to say something sarcastic but since this is important to Barty I restrained myself. I asked him for how long. He replied with two months. So my time evaluation was correct. Good to know.
He then asked me "Do you think he feels the same?". To be completely truthful with you I don't know. But that isn't what I told Barty. What I told Barty was: " There might be a possibility but I'm not completely sure. You should just wait and see what happens." Stable advice.
He nodded and then asked: " Are in the mood for an adventure?" I left my book down and said :" Well I really have nothing else to do, so why not?"We got Dorcas, Pandora, Evan and then went to the Black Lake to mess with the giant squid. It was fun!
Goodbye for now
R. A. B
November 13th 1976
Dear diary,
I had another tutoring session with Potter. Shockingly we had fun! He did an amazing impression of Mr. Bins teaching and I almost died laughing. I have never laughed this much on my life! He had everything on point! Even now when I'm writing this I am reminded of the impression and I'm silently laughing.
Goodbye for now because it's late
R. A. B
November 19th 1976
Dear diary,
Lupin has great reading taste. We met at the library today and we just hung out picking books to read. He picked for me the Greek myth of "Orpheus and Eurydice" while I picked while I picked out for him "Anna Keranina" by Dostovyesky.
Goodbye for now,
R. A. B
November 25th 1976
Dear diary,
I have been so busy. We have an upcoming Quidditch match on the 30th and we've been training A LOT. It's Hufflepuf versus Slytherin. Yesterday was Ravenclaw versus Gryffindor and the Lions won so I'm determined to train our team hard so we win. I cannot leave my dignity in the metaphorical battle field.
November 30th 1976
Dear diary,
The match went great because we won again! The Slytherin team won't participate in any matches for a few months. Because the other teams have to compete. I studied with Dorcas today for a Defense against the dark arts quiz. Hopefully it will be easy because so far Defense against the dark arts has been.
Goodbye for now
R. A. B
So chapter Three is done!!! I was so motivated and inspired by everyone's kind words and I cannot be thankful enough!! Thank you everyone who has is reading my silly little fic!! Thank you for the incredible words!! U have no idea how much they mean! I love you all sm❤️
Now onto the fic itself : This chapter features Black Brothers angst, Rose killer, Starchaser and Compassionate Regulus bc I happened to be a compassionate Regulus believer.
Even tho I do believe Regulus is the type of mom friend who would follow the skittles around with pots and pans I still think he's compassionate and those things can co exist together. I have figured out how I want the fic to end and I have decided that this fic won't be canon compliant but it will be angsty.
Amazing ppl who wanted to be tagged(tell me if want to be tagged or unttaged) :
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nocturnalstarlet · 6 months
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🪐 ››       cassian, azriel, nesta archeron, elain archeron, feyre archeron, lucien vanserra, eris vanserra.
ships i'd write for: cassian x nesta , elain x azriel , gwyn x azriel , and elain x lucien.
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🪐 ››       aramis, porthos.
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🪐 ››       anthony bridgerton, daphne bridgerton, benedict bridgerton, colin bridgerton, king george iii.
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🪐 ››       legend, julien santos, scarlett dragna, donatella dragna, jacks/prince of hearts.
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🪐 ››       phoebe halliwell, paige matthews, wyatt halliwell, chris halliwell.
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🪐 ››       warren rojas, eddie roundtree, graham dunne, camila alvarez, karen sirko, daisy jones, simone jackson.
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🪐 ››       dominic toretto, brian o'conner, letty ortiz, mia toretto, roman pearce, deckard shaw, tej parker, han lue.
ships i'd write for: dom x letty.
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🪐 ››       tormund giantsbane, podrick payne, sansa stark, robb stark, jorah mormont, theon greyjoy, sandor clegane, samwell tarly, rhaegar targaryen, daenerys targaryen.
🪐 ››       aemond targaryen, jacaerys velaryon, alicent hightower, daemon targaryen.
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🪐 ››       ron weasley, hermione granger, dean thomas, blaise zabini, luna lovegood, neville longbottom, cedric diggory, viktor krum.
🪐 ››       james potter, lily evans, narcissa black, regulus black, andromeda black, sirius black, remus lupin, frank longbottom, peter pettigrew, lucius malfoy, pandora lovegood, alice fortescue, marlene mckinnon, mary macdonald, emmeline vance, dorcas meadows.
🪐 ››       theseus scammander
🪐 ››       teddy lupin
🪐 ››       godrick gryffindor, rowena ravenclaw, helga hufflepuff, salazar slytherin
**a very big fuck you to jkr. this account is HEAVILY anti jkr and always will be. **while some of the fics for these characters may occur during their time at hogwarts, the characters will be assumed to be 18+ regardless of fic type.
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— 𝑰𝑻
🪐 ››       richie tozier, stanley uris, ben hascom, mike hanlon.
**none of my writing for these characters will take place in the first film. i may instead do college!fics for this. everything else will come from when they're adults.
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🪐 ››       steve rogers, james buchanan "bucky" barnes, natasha romanoff, yelena belova, wanda maximoff, pietro maximoff, thor odinson, loki laufeyson, bruce banner, druig.
🪐 ››       john allerdyce (pyro), bobby drake (iceman), peter rasputin (colossus), scott summers (cyclops), alex summers (havoc), anna marie lebeau (rogue), logan howlett (wolverine), ororo munroe (storm), peter maximoff (quicksilver), charles xavier, erik lehnsherr.
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🪐 ››       pope heyward, sarah cameron, kiara carrera, jj maybank, john b routledge, rafe cameron, topper thornton.
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🪐 ››       thomas shelby, arthur shelby, john shelby, michael gray, finn shelby.
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🪐 ››       felix catton, venetia catton, farleigh start.
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🪐 ››       tara carpenter, sam carpenter, chad meeks-martin, mindy meeks-martin, ethan landry.
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🪐 ››       aaron warner, kenji kishimoto, juliette ferrars.
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🪐 ››       derek hale, peter hale, stiles stilinski, isaac lahey, lydia martin, scott mccall.
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🪐 ››       finnick odair, haymitch abernathy.
ships i'd write for: finnick x annie
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🪐 ››       elijah mikaelson, marcel gerard, klaus mikaelson, kol mikaelson, rebekah mikaelson, bonnie bennett, enzo st. john, stefan salvatore, damon salvatore, jeremy gilbert, caroline forbes, elena gilbert.
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🪐 ››       eric northman, jason stackhouse, alcide herveaux , jessica hamby.
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🪐 ››       charlie swan, carlisle cullen, emmett cullen, rosalie hale, alice cullen, sam uley, paul lahote, jared cameron.
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🪐 ››       morticia frump, gomez addams, wednesday addams, enid sinclair, bianca barclay.
ships i'd write for: morticia x gomez.
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🪐 ››       ransom drysdale (knives out), andy barber (defending jacob), killian jones (ounce upon a time).
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don't see what you're looking for? feel free to ask if i know a fandom/ship/character and if am willing to write what you're looking for!!
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lavendarhearts · 1 year
holy shit no bc like I was literally just supposed to be doing hw but I think I got distracted and suddenly I'm crying bc I dived into David Tennant lore like he's in Good Omens, Doctor Who, and Ducktales, right? WELL, in Doctor Who, they said there were different universes so I'm thinking maybe all the shows and movies that David Tennant are in are just different universes. Like, David and Catherine Tate are both in Doctor Who and Ducktales. HOWEVER, in Ducktales, they are each other's greatest enemies while in Doctor Who, they are best friends. In parallel universes, few things change and what if Ducktales was literally just a parallel duck universe??? LETS NOT FORGET THE DOCTOR WHO REFERENCES IN GOOD OMENS EITHER. Ik it's just stuff the cast put in but pls just feed into my delulu mind. AND LETS ALSO NOT FORGET THAT NINA'S ACTRESS, NINA SOSANYA IS ALSO IN DOCTOR WHO, AS WELL AS ANNA MAXWELL MARTIN IN S1. What if Community, b99, and Parks and rec are also connected to this? BC Danny Pudi, Jim Rash, and Bridget Brewster are all in Communty BUT THEYRE ALSO IN DUCKTALES W DAVID TENNANT. And in Community, it stars Jason Mantzoucas. Ik he only made like one appearance but hear me out. What if it was just Pimento under cover or in hiding? He was also in Parks and Rec. You know who was in Parks and Rec? JEAN RALPHIO. WHO IS JEAN RALPHIO? DEWEY DUCK. BUT GUESS WHAT?? THERES MORE. Jameela Jamil was also in Ducktales as Gandra Dee but you know who her most iconic role is? Tahani Al Jamil in The Good Place. The Good Place also has Marc Evan Jackson but he was also in FUCKING DUCKTALES. BUT JASON MANTZOUCAS IS ALSO IN DUCKTALES???? SO IS STEPHANIE BEATRIZ WHO IS ALSO IN B99. WHO ELSE IS IN BROOKLYN 99? MARC EVAN JACKSON AS KEVIN COZNER. Giancarlo Esposito is also in Ducktales apparently but he was also Gilbert from Community. BUT WAIT WHAT IF HARRY POTTER IS CONNECTED TOO? BC DAVID TENNANT IS BARTY CROUCH JR AND BARTY CROUCH SR IS ROGER LLOYD PACK AND HE IS IN DOCTOR WHO S2. FILCH WAS THE FIRST DOCTOR. ANDREW GARFIELD IS SPIDERMAN BUT HE IS IN DOCTOR WHO AS WELL????????? WHO ELSE IS ANDREW GARFIELD KNOWN FOR? REMUS GODDAMN LUPIN THE WEREWOLF. HARRY LLOYD ISIN DOCTOR WHO BUT HE IS THE FANCAST OF LUCIUS MALFOY ALSO, WASNT MOANING MYRTLE ALSO IN DOCTOR WHO? MADAME TRACY IN GOOD OMENS IS LITERALLY RITA SKEETER, MADAM HOOCH IS CASSANDRA THE SKIN HUMAN THIBG AND THE TENTH DOCTOR LITERALLY SAYING EXPELLIARMUS LORD SEND ME MENTAL HELP AND GIVE ME PEACE IVE CONNECTED THE DOTS OMG AND DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THE FACT THAT CATHERINE TATE IS IN THE OFFICE FUCK ME I DRANK A FAT ASS CUP OF BLACK COFFEE W SUGAR
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doctorwhoisadhd · 4 months
im gonna make this unrebloggable to prevent doomspiraling particularly bc its VERY early in the era to be thinking about this but i just wanna get my worries about dw off my chest
im kinda worried about our prospects for next showrunner after RTD cause like. before its been pretty clear cut. moffat won 3 hugos and was nominated for a fourth during RTD's first era, then chibnall had run the first two series of torchwood. but i worry that RTD isnt going to hire any writers of color who are willing or able to take on the position of showrunner. looking it up, it seems like there are plenty of people who would probably be great but the problem is interest. like it would be totally understandable for writers of color to not be willing to take on the big commitment of helming a show as popular as doctor who, especially when it has been (lets be real) pretty damn racist for the VAST majority of its 60+ year history. in fact it would be totally understandable for them to not be interested in writing for dw at all considering how white the show is. RTD is really going to have to make a good environment for them in order to get people on board in the first place but i just doubt if he'll hire writers of color who are willing to take on the show after him. my honest prediction here is i kind of think he'll hand it off to a white woman if even that, which sucks.
anyway heres a (very short) list of people who i think would be good to take over after RTD or at least would be great writing an episode. that said i dont watch basically any TV aside from dw so im basing this off whether theyve done things that seem similar
jo ho: british-chinese woman, created CBBC series spirit warriors
sumerah srivastav: british south asian woman, wrote for lupin
namsi khan: british pakistani woman, wrote for the his dark materials show
anna ssemuyaba: has written a few different things of very different tones (period, action, sci fi, comedy) but what really interests me is this quote from her "I want to create TV shows that explore the inconvenient truths that rule British society, looking at our culture through the prism of subversive humor, rather than being preachy" which i think could serve dw well
daniel lawrence taylor: black man, wrote timewasters which is about a jazz combo that travels back to the 1920s
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L'interpretazione è quella canonica e il riassunto proviene dal capitolo 5 del libro di Laura Anna Macor, "Filosofando con Harry Potter" (Mimesis).
Piton è il personaggio piu' sfuggente e contraddittorio perche', se ufficialmente e' schierato coi "buoni", non fa corrispondere a questa scelta un cambiamento di psicologia o una differenza di comportamento. Fin dal primo anno si dedica a salvare Harry Potter lanciando un controincantesimo che impedisce al professor Raptor di uccidere il bambino nella partita di quidditch: eppure Piton odia Harry, perche' è il figlio dell'uomo che lo bullizzava a scuola - James Potter. E Potter fu anche quello che gli porto' via la ragazza che amava: Piton non ha mai cambiato il suo punto di vista.
Il secondo anno, scoperta la gatta pietrificata, sostiene che potrebbe non essere stato Harry Potter ma lo dice come se facesse del sarcasmo.
Il terzo anno nessuno ha ancora capito che Sirius Black è innocente del tradimento dei genitori di Harry e della loro conseguente morte: benche' Piton odi Remus Lupin profondamente, non e' per odio che si oppone all'idea di assumerlo come insegnante, bensi' perche' era amico di Sirius e ritiene che potrebbe avere la tentazione di aiutarlo ad entrare a scuola, per consentirgli di uccidere Harry.
Durante il quarto anno, il Veritaserum che serve a tirare fuori la verita' da Barty Crouch jr proviene da Piton.
Nel quinto anno, Piton scopre che la visione trasmessa ad Harry di un Sirius Black torturato all'Ufficio Misteri era falsa. Pertanto avverte i membri dell'Ordine della Fenice perche' vadano in aiuto dell'esercito di Silente.
Durante il sesto anno, dopo aver ucciso Silente che stava proteggendo Harry Potter, impedisce ai Mangiamorte di torturare il ragazzo.
Nonostante tutto cio', è palpabile la sua avversione per ogni membro dell'Ordine, il disprezzo per individui di sangue non puro, il disgusto per chi cerca e accetta la compagnia di creature "subumane" come lupi mannari ed elfi domestici.
< Che valore ha una scelta che non modifica in alcun senso il carattere di una persona?> (Cit.)
La chiave di lettura fornita dalla Macor deriva dal rapporto che ciascun personaggio, Piton in particolare, ha con la morte.
Dopo gli anni di scuola, Lily sposa il giovane che aveva bullizzato Piton e lo fa essenzialmente perche' membro dell'Ordine. Peraltro, lo stesso Piton da ragazzo tendeva a bullizzare i maghi nati babbani, da solo o in compagnia di altri Serpeverde. Non vede in questo comportamento una frattura o una contraddizione, come se Lily fosse altro da se stessa, un'idea della sua mente.
Severus Piton ammette davanti a lei le molestie ad altre babbane ma non ne comprende appieno la gravita'. È maligno, ma non corrotto, in caso contrario mentirebbe. È interessato unicamente ai propri desideri, ma non e' falso; tuttavia il suo è un amore immaturo rimasto ai primi anni dell'infanzia.
Piton diventa un Mangiamorte seguace di Voldemort, in parte per lenire la delusione d'amore, ma anche perche' convinto degli ideali della purezza della razza.
L'amore per Lily è cio' che lo ha convinto a passare definitivamente alla magia oscura, ma e' la morte di Lily che lo induce a diventare spia per conto di Silente.
Come puo' lo stesso sentimento spingere a due comportamenti antitetici?
La confusione è aumentata dal fatto che il Patronus di Piton è una cerva, come quello di Lily, il che denota sincerita' di sentimenti. Pero' non e' chiaro se lo sia sempre stato o se il Patronus sia diventato cosi' dopo la morte dell'amata, uccisa per mano di Voldemort.
Dopo aver implorato il signore oscuro di risparmiare la donna in cambio del marito e del figlio - inviano - Piton passa i successivi 17 anni a complottare contro il suo vecchio signore, facendogli credere di essergli ancora alleato. E senza dubbio Voldemort ci crede, perche' la loro ideologia condivisa vuole che Lily fosse un capriccio, un desiderio rimpiazzabile da una piu' degna pretendente di sangue puro.
Piton tuttavia non si sposa, ma chiede a Silente che nessun altro sappia le sue reali intenzioni, di fatto gettando fango su di se'. Ancora una volta, non e' con Voldemort che ha un conto in sospeso, ma con se stesso.
Se manifestare antipatia verso Harry Potter servisse al suo scopo di spia, egli dovrebbe dimostrare comprensione ed empatia verso il ragazzino, nelle occasioni in cui parla da solo con Silente. Invece il suo atteggiamento non cambia.
Piton si divide tra l'amore infantile - ma puro - l'amore maturo, corrotto e consapevole, e l'avversione per gli altri personaggi, per lo piu' conosciuti negli anni di scuola. L'amore infantile è quello dominato dall'egocentrismo e dal sacrificio chiesto agli altri. L'amore maturo porta al sacrificio di se', ragion per cui è probabile - anche se non reso esplicito - che Piton non avesse Patronus prima di apprendere della morte di Lily. O che ne avesse uno differente.
< Non stupisce che Harry ne rivendichi la centralita' (del Patronus) come testimonianza della fedelta' di Piton a Silente nel dialogo che precede il suo scontro finale con Voldemort. > (Cit.).
L'odio che Piton nutre per i propri alleati, anziche' diminuire la credibilita' delle sue scelte, sembra esortare a "curare cio' che ci unisce, non cio' che divide". Il filosofo Vaihinger scrisse che le nostre idee e convinzioni non descrivono la realta', ma danno comunque una direzione che migliora la vita. "Comportati come se fosse vero", disse. Piton fa qualcosa di piu', si comporta come se ci credesse, dal momento che anche quella di Vaihinger è una convinzione.
< Egli non si limita a riconoscere la propria parte di colpa ne' acconsente semplicemente a proteggere Harry (...) Non porta solo dentro di se' il ricordo dell'errore commesso, quasi morso interiore che preclude il raggiungimento di qualsiasi felicita', ma sceglie consapevolmente e ripetutamente di confermare la decisione presa a suo tempo > (Cit.)
La morte per amore, invece dell'amore per la morte come era nei progetti iniziali.
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annabellelupin · 1 year
Sirius: how did you get a c in French??
Sirius: I know damn well I taught you better than that
Remus: certainly is a bit... surprising
Anna: the French professor's first language is English and she got pissed of because I kept correcting her so she then kept counting my assignments as wrong
Sirius: you know what on second thought I am very proud of you
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pressedink · 9 months
obligatory pinned post or whatever (written with very much non-whatever energy)
my fics!
Tug | WIP, 11/?, Rosekiller | Two strangers meet for the first time on a secluded, 24-hour date where they aren’t allowed to leave or see anyone else. Two people, one apartment, endless possibilities for connection. This isn't exactly how it goes for Evan and Barty but hey, the app's new.
James Potter vs. the World | complete, 8/8, Jegulus, Wolfstar, Rosekiller | Scott Pilgrim vs. the World AU; James Potter battles 7 evil exes to win Regulus Black's heart and Remus Lupin is Anna Kendrick
Stick It to the Man | WIP-on hiatus (please send turkey subs for fuel), 5/?, Wolfstar, Jegulus | School of Rock AU; Sirius is Dewey Finn, Remus is Principal Mullins, Regulus is Ned Schneebly, and James is a completely made-up, enthusiastic music teacher
be specific | complete, 3/3, Lilylene | Marlene is dared to kiss everyone in the room; Lily is one of those people
notes app graveyard | collection of microfics, multiple ships | notes on love/longing across several marauders pairings
Public Transportation | complete, 1/1, Jegulus | James Potter rides public transportation for fun and finds a beautiful stranger along the way
the to be written or published WIP list:
whip it au (rosekiller)
freaky friday au (rosekiller)
spookfest trick or treating one shot (rosekiller)
putt putt date smutty little one shot (rosekiller)
fics i will be in love with forever and always!
saccharine | by moonymoment
Dear Your Holiness | by MollyMaryMarie
'tis the damn season | by moonymoment
just lovers (like we were supposed to be) | by bizarrestars
The Right Thing To Do | by LovesBitca8
A Black Mass Over Highway Ninety | by greenvlvetcouch
Seek and Find | by serpent_and_sage
fics i've recently come to love!
divinitus | by damagecontrol
Of His Bones | by MesserMoon
edge | by pinkpalaceapartments
music lately!
Francesca | Hozier
The Air That I Breathe | The Hollies
Blue Bayou | Linda Ronstadt
Crying, Laughing, Loving, Lying | Labi Siffre
First Love/Late Spring | Mitski
No One Knows | Queens of the Stone Age
Summer Breeze | Seals and Crofts
White Room | Cream
Love Is The Drug | Roxy Music
Lagoon | Dora Jar
Alright | Kitty Craft
Tangerine | Tommy Newport
Cherry-coloured Funk | Cocteau Twins
Something to Believe | Weyes Blood
All I Ever Asked | Rachel Chinouriri
the entirety of The Land is Inhospitable and So Are We | Mitski
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These are all the fanfics I’ve written in one convenient location. I hope that maybe you’ll find something you like or you find something that resonates with you.
All of these will be split into categories (fandom and then character) and I will update after each fic I post.
Currently I have written fanfiction for Marvel, Harry Potter (only Golden Trio and Marauders Era), Shadow and Bone, Bullet Train, Beauty and the Beast (2012 TV show), Kick Ass, Anna Karenina and Kraven The Hunter. Kick Ass, Anna Karenina and Kraven The Hunter are under ATJ characters heading as I have only written for Dave Lizewski, Count Vronsky and Sergei Kravinoff who are characters played by Aaron Taylor-Johnson (ATJ).
I do not give permission to anyone to repost or translate any of my stories. I also do not give anyone permission to feed my stories through AI or to be posted to any third party website or app. If anyone sees any of my work posted anywhere but here or my AO3 (simplyreflected), then it has been posted without permission.
Updated 10 June 2024
MCU Movies
Steve Rogers/Captain America
Birthday Date with Steve Rogers - Steve takes you on a date for your birthday
Pietro Maximoff/Quicksilver
It’s Been So Long - it’s been a while since the last time you saw your friend, Pietro. He comes to visit you.
Let Me Help You - You get a message from your abusive ex’s friend and it triggers some bad emotions. Thankfully Pietro comes by and comforts you.
I Don’t Know What You See In Me - You have a bad day and can’t stand the sight of yourself, so you hide in bed, under the covers so you have no chance of seeing your own reflection. That is until Pietro finds you.
Sing Me to Sleep - one time Pietro sings you to sleep and one time you sing him to sleep
Fairy Lights - Pietro sets up a date for you and him inside Avenger tower.
Clint Barton/Hawkeye
Dandelions - Clint is away on a mission, so you think back on your time with him
Tony Stark
We Have An Announcement - you and Tony get engaged and have to tell the rest of the team
I’m Not Going to Kiss You - You want to get up, but your boyfriend, Loki, has other ideas.
Dance With Me - at a ball in Asgard, Thor asks you to dance.
Multiple Avengers
Christmas With the Avengers (Pietro, Wanda and Peter Parker) - you go on holiday with Pietro and Wanda before going back to the compound for Christmas with the Avengers.
Foggy Nelson
I’m Always Here For You - While out with Karen, Matt and Foggy, you get some unwanted attention from someone at the bar. As Matt goes to deal with it, you go to your boyfriend Foggy
Billy Russo
Oh No, You’re a Morning Person - Drabble about waking up in Billy’s apartment
Fred Weasley
We’re Finally Alone - The two of you never get to spend any time together thanks to Umbridge’s rules, but you finally found a way to be alone together
Remus Lupin
I’ve Got You - you’ve had a long day. So when you go home to your roommate, Remus Lupin, he is more than willing to comfort you.
Sirius Black
What’s Wrong With Me? - You've just broken up with your ex. You go to your dad because you need comfort and to know there's nothing wrong with you.
Minerva McGonagall
Tough Day - You had a tough day and go visit your mother, Professor McGonagall to spend some time with her.
James and Lily
I’m Proud of You - Someone connected to your ex contacts you and it triggers some bad emotions, but thankfully your parents called at the right time and came to help you through it.
Sirius and Harry
Trinket - You and Harry have finally moved in with Sirius and he finds some of your parents things that weren’t destroyed and shows them to you.
We’re Here For You - you’ve been in a bad mindset after seeing your ex, but the Marauders are there to cheer you up
Outdoor Concert - You and your boys go out to an outdoor concert you’d been planning to go to for ages.
Poly!Marauders Date Drabble - just a Drabble about poly!Marauders and you on a date.
James Potter
You, Nervous? Doesn’t Seem Possible - You want to ask James out, and James wants to ask you out. Will one of you finally ask?
Being Around You Makes Me Feel Better - insecure and autistic!reader.
Family and Loved Ones - James thinks on life with his wife and child.
Cinderella Moment - it’s time for the Yule Ball. While walking down the stairs to meet your date, you have your Cinderella moment.
Porch Swing - When James comes home after a day of Auror Training, he finds you on the back porch.
Wrong Number - You get stood up on a date and opt to call your friend to come have dinner with you, except you call a wrong number.
Pumpkin - Spending the day with your friends, James decides to take photos of you with your camera.
Nook - After a long day, you hide in your special nook. You’re found by your friend James Potter.
You’re Safe Now - You go on a date with a guy who gets a little too handsy. Thankfully, your bodyguard is there to help you.
Do You Think Anyone Will Love Me? - You have a bad day and go home to find comfort in your roommate and long time friend, James.
Sirius Black
Rescue Me - When a guy starts hitting on you and getting creepy, you try to get the attention of your friends to help.
Peter Pettigrew
I’ve Been Wondering - After your day doing your OWL exams, you and your friends head over to the Black Lake. As they go into the water, you stay with Peter and he asks you something.
Lily Evans
Confession - You’ve had a crush on Lily for about two years. She’s spent the last couple of months holding your hand or linking arms with yours when she’s with you, but hasn’t been doing it with others. You finally ask her about it.
Poly!Jegulus (James and Regulus)
It Seemed Like You Needed a Hug - One of your abusive ex’s friends talked to you before going back to them. It triggers some bad emotions, and instead of going to get food or going to your classes, you end up hiding and inside your own head until James Potter and Regulus Black find you and comfort you.
Poly!Jily (James and Lily)
Do You Feel Better, My Love? - You get a message from your ex and you spiral into a panic attack. When your partners come home, they find you in the middle of a panic attack and help you through it.
Fireplace - After a long day, you go home to your loves and spend the evening together
5+1 - five times James surprises Lily and the one time she surprised him
Platonic Prongsfoot and reader
Did You Plan For This To Happen? - you get thrown into an abandoned classroom, but there were already two others in there and they just want to help.
Tolya Yul-Bataar
Do You Feel Better? - You and Tolya are walking around the port the Volkvolny stopped at and you see your ex. It throws you into a panic attack and Tolya helps you through it.
Alina Starkov
Your Voice Is So Beautiful - During some alone time at the Little Palace, you get lost in singing until you’re interrupted by the Sun Summoner.
Lemon and Tangerine
We’ll Take Care of It - Your ex contacts you as you’re spending time with your brothers and they notice as your mood changes. They decide to help you.
Rainy Day - You and Tangerine finally have a day off at the same time and even though it’s raining you spend it together
Vincent Keller
Lucky Encounter - You had left work and on the way home, spotted your ex who saw you and tried chasing you.
Dave Lizewski (Kick-Ass)
“I’ve Got You” - Kick-Ass saves your life and stops you from being mugged, but it makes you think about the crush you have on your friend, Dave.
“Wait, You Love Me” - You and Dave have a study date and you accidentally blurt your feelings for him.
Picking - You and Dave spend time picking apples, however, theres one you can’t reach, so you ask Dave for a little help
Saving Dave - While out making sure everyone is safe, you see someone who needs help.
Count Vronsky (Anna Karenina)
Soothing Touch - You had a bad day mentally and when your husband finds you, he helps you through it by just being with you.
Sergei Kravinoff/Kraven The Hunter (Kraven the Hunter)
Fire and Ice - You were the Ice (cold towards everyone) and he was the Fire (trying to melt your ice).
Ives (Tenet)
Protective at First Sight - You’re out with your friend, when some guy starts hitting on you. Thankfully, Ives is there to help you.
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sp1rit-realm · 1 year
giant pacific octopus — classic tumblr games (fmk, cym, etc)
hannah! ur new theme is gorgeous and you deserve 300 so much! could i get this for cym as your comfort characters please? <33
thank you :,)
anna (frozen) -- [@youre-so-lovely]
James Potter -- [@cosmal]
Pandora Lovegood -- [@bruisedboys]
Sirius Black -- [@saturnband]
Remus Lupin -- [you]
Ariel -- [@woahlifehitsyahuh]
Todd Chavez -- [@puppy-coded]
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