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norithelord · 5 months ago
more Animality doodles ideas :3
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damn... im a heartless monster
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cureofthenonesense · 6 months ago
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And like a phoenix from the ashes..
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theartistaslisalee · 6 months ago
Khaos Reigns is coming soon which will include new Fatalities and the much in demanded Animalities. Which means YouTubers and streamers will be eager to show them off in their videos but to avoid strikes from the platform they will once again come for poor Syzoth to use as their kill dummy. Sure Ashrah will do everything to help him but we know his fate is inevitable…🤪🤪🤪
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dazedconfuzed · 8 months ago
Lovers’ quarrel.
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konspmarsh · 3 months ago
Damirae Animalities
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jimc0 · 8 months ago
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New MK1 Expansion - Khaos Reigns: Animalities Return! NetherRealm Studios has announced the highly anticipated Mortal Kombat expansion "Khaos Reigns," which will be released on September 24th. This expansion promises an enriched storyline and Kombat Pack 2, featuring six additional playable characters.
Unveiling the Expanded Storyline Building on the original story mode, "Khaos Reigns" sees the emergence of the chaotic Titan Havik from an alternate timeline, with a mission to spread anarchy and chaos across the realms. Havik and his allies capture Sub Zero, transforming him into Noob Saibot to further their cause. Earthrealm forces, including Scorpion, Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Raiden, Johnny Cage, Sektor, and Cyrax, band together to confront this imminent threat, offering players a truly immersive experience.
Revealing Kombat Pack 2: New Characters and More! Kombat Pack 2 introduces three familiar characters, such as the Shadowy Wraith Noob Saibot, utilizing his Shadow Clone and dark portals. The Cyber Lin Kuei, Sektor, and Cyrax also showcase their cyber weapons and technology. It's worth noting that the two Cyber Lin Kuei fighters are now female in this alternate timeline. The roster also welcomes three new guest characters from iconic franchises, including Ghostface from the Scream series, T-1000 from the Terminator franchise, and Robert E. Howard's Conan the Barbarian from the beloved 1982 film.
Experience the Return of Animalities NetherRealm Studios recently announced the return of Animalities as a free update. The exciting trailer showcases a variety of animals, including a Hyena, Hippopotamus, Gorilla, T-Rex, Wolf, Scorpion, Puffer Fish, and Praying Mantis. With this update, victorious fighters can transform into animals to deliver a unique and stylish fatality, offering a fresh and captivating way to conclude the round.
Prepare for Kombat! In summary, "Khaos Reigns" promises to be an exhilarating expansion for Mortal Kombat enthusiasts, with its extended storyline, new playable characters, and the reintroduction of Animalities. Adding guest characters from renowned franchises adds an extra layer of anticipation, while the return of Animalities brings a nostalgic yet refreshing element to the gameplay. With the captivating trailer providing a glimpse of the action to come, this expansion is poised to deliver a truly distinctive and thrilling experience for fans of the Mortal Kombat series.
#MortalKombat #MK1 #KhaosReigns #NetherRealmStudios #MKCommunity #MKFans #FightingGames #KombatPack2 #NoobSaibot #Sektor #Cyrax #GuestCharacters #Ghostface #T1000 #ConanTheBarbarian #Animalities
Mortal Kombat 1: Khaos Reigns Official Announcement Trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PF7nFD80g3M&t=163s
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bihansthot · 8 months ago
Ok I was MIA for a bit because too many boys blowing up my phone but who’s coming with me to Chicago if Bi-Han isn’t still a polar bear or at least some kind of bear?! Seriously Ed, I am not playing.
Anyone else feeling melancholy? I love Noob, really I do, I love any and all Bi-Han but fuck I was so happy to finally have him as Sub-Zero again after fucking ages and now boom! He’s Noob again 😭 My bestie tried to cheer me up as I get three baby hungry husbands now but like come on can I get a break? He still sounds super hot but I doubt he’ll still look super hot. I wonder if he’s still going to be an Anteater or if he’ll be some kind of skrungly bear?
Someone send me condolences or a drink or something, fuck. At least Bi-Han’s not dead, that’s a plus right??
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barcodeboyz · 5 months ago
Top 10 Mortal Kombat 1 Animalities
As it goes, I generally don't find myself getting super excited about announcements when it comes to media I love. I get happy about it, but there's a different level of excitement that comes out of those announcements that's just not common for me to experience. I experienced this excitement when Khaos Reigns was announced, and alongside it, animalities. I LOVE animals, and I love Mortal Kombat specifically for the fatality system. So, pairing them together just makes an amazing combination for me. All that being said, this list was really hard to put together, and a character being absent from this list is no indication that their animality is bad, in fact they're all very good! But I have to pick 10, and here are mine.
10. Baraka
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My standard for fatalities and animalities alike are that they play into the gruesome factor. I love creativity when it's added, but it's not necessary to me. I love the blood and gore, and we're starting with a good one. This animality sees Baraka turning into a monstrous porcupine, shooting quills at the opponent and landing them on his back spikes. Personally, I would have preferred to see Baraka turn into a walrus, but for the animal they chose it is extremely fitting.
9. Mileena
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This was the first animality revealed to us, and it did not disappoint. We see Mileena turn into an elegant orchid mantis, and honestly, it suits her character. Something so fierce and beautiful, eating the opponent and ripping them in half like only Mileena would do.
8. Kenshi
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I really like the animalities in the game that utilize aspects of a character in their fatality, whether it be their appearance or other attributes. This animality nails that concept beautifully by turning Kenshi and Sento into wolves that work together to maul the opponent. You'll see more maulings on this list because I think that really fits the animalistic nature of these kills, and Kenshi does it amazingly.
7. Johnny Cage
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Was I hoping for Johnny Cage to turn into a kangaroo? Absolutely. Am I disappointed he didn't? Not necessarily, because this is an amazing reference to the film Jaws and it completely fits Johnny Cage's character, being an actor and all. The animality itself is alright, I really appreciate the camera angles but besides the flair, it really doesn't a whole lot else for me. But I think they really nailed this one for Johnny regardless.
6. Noob Saibot
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Going back to what I said about Kenshi, it is great having these animalities utilize aspects of the character. Seeing Noob Saibot turn into 2 alligators, which then grab the opponent and rip them apart makes for good viewing. My only wish is that they had the two alligators death roll the opponent, twisting them in half. But for what we got, this was great.
5. Havik
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This is one of the best animal designs in the game in my opinion. It perfectly fits the rotting nature of Havik. And the animality itself shows the absolute brutality that hyenas can really show off, as Havik mauls the opponent to death. Brutal death, and one that starts the top of this list.
4. Kitana
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Growing up, my family has always had hummingbird feeders in the summer, so I've always gotten to see the elegance of the bird. And the hummingbird was a perfect choice for Kitana. On top of that, they also recreate Kung Lao's Flowerpot fatality from MKX, which is one of my favorite fatalities in the game. Turning the opponent into a hummingbird feeder that she feeds from before the action shot of her flying at the screen is just so great to me.
3. Geras
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We are now getting into animals I love, which definitely put a little bias into this list. I love hippos to death, and Geras' animality goes the extra mile to show the true strength that they have in the wild. Crushing the opponent to death in his mouth like they're a big watermelon is just a refreshing take on an animality that could have taken a boring turn, like Reiko's or Sektor's. Not only that, but they made the hippo design so reflective of Geras' own design, and that is extremely cool to me.
2. Kung Lao
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This one is complete savagery at its highest peak. Kung Lao turning into a tiger and not just mauling the opponent but pulling a Sub-Zero and ripping their spine out is a completely gruesome watch, but such a cool one at that. This one almost took the number one spot, but one other animality in this game takes that title.
General Shao
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I promise that when I went into my blind reaction of all animalities, I had made it a point to not choose character's animalities based on how I liked them. It's the reason why characters like Kitana or Kung Lao, who I don't really care about, made the list while characters like Reiko didn't. It's no secret that General Shao is my favorite character in the game. So why did I put him first then? Simple. They made him a fucking GRIZZLY BEAR. My favorite animal paired with my favorite character in the game? Not only that, but the animality is absolutely grizzly, pun intended. He grabs the opponent and mauls them before crushing their head in his jaws, before this final shot of him roaring holding the opponent's corpse. Such an amazing animality, and one that I'm happy we get to end the list on.
All of the animalities in this game were great. But these ones were special to me, and so that's my list. What are your favorite animalities?
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miaqc1 · 6 months ago
Animalities [BLOOD Warning]
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superbbouquettidalwavo · 5 months ago
You know. I thought Lui Kang's supposed to be a dragon. Why is he a phoenix?
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crowsnhoes · 7 months ago
When we talked about Deer Jay, this is what I imagined:
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this is by far one of my fav ms paint images lol. It inspired me <3
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norithelord · 9 days ago
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I was inspired by many 'Janet Cage' designs of the fans.
Kenshi's design is my creation, tho is very simple, I just change the haircut.
(+ heads)
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I really tried to make them look like the original versions. To me Janet would use a lot of makeup :3 but Kenshi doesnt lol
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cureofthenonesense · 6 months ago
I finally watched all the new animalities
My thoughts in the tags
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theartistaslisalee · 2 months ago
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Ok it looks like I’m committed now lol. Doing more of these Anibalities for MK1 kast. You can guess who these are…
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hollow-port · 8 months ago
Oh hey, cool, mk1 upda-- WHAT THE EVER LOVING FUCK AM I LOOKING AT!? / Positive
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