masteroffakesmiles · 2 years
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Animaniacs Reboot songs ranked
since the whole Animaniacs reboot is out I thought I'd rank all the songs by how much I enjoyed them(least favorite to most favorite):
42. Category 5 41. Animaniacs main theme (It's nothing new....) 40. Pinkey and the Brain theme (I like it more than the main theme cause of the new animation style( 39. Yakko's world in the 1800's 38. Alien Chorus 37. A-Zit (my favorite part is Yakko and Wakko's parts they harmonize so nicely!) 36.Fresh Pinkey 35.Coffee 34.Narf Day song (both) 33. Yakko's big idea 32. The Hamburg tickler song 31. Gruesome Ol' Gruel 30. Warner's ark 29. I am the very model of a ancient roman emperor 28. Anima-Nyet 27.Rap Battle pt.1 26. Bonding 25.Lakes are fun 24.I'm gonna eat'cha 23. FLOTUS, FLOTUS, what do you know about us 22. Banana Hammock 21. Reboot it 20.the catch up song 19.Limbs fall off 18. I ate a rock 17. Rap Battle pt. 2 16. Conceive of yourself 15.Flora Dora 14. Christopher Columbus song 13.Sing a song for your Gruel 12.a Brief History of History 11.why the earth is worth saving 10.Be a Kid 9.We could try to do it Santa 8.Suffragette song 7.Let's go home 6. the Bayeux Tapestry 5.Be like me 4.the Cutening 3. Magna Cartoon 2. Do it yourself 1. Here comes the sea
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geekgirles · 4 years
Literally same energy
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Part 21 of The Warners Are Puppies And Here’s Why!
We only get to see one thing in That’s Not The Issue. We see Wakko’s fangs as he joins the debate.
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In Anima-Nyet when The Sibs obtain foreign channels they end up watching the Russian version of their show. Yakko gets angry over how insulting the Russian version of himself is and you can see his fangs as he yells.
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And then Wakko gets angry over the Russian version of himself too and his ears fold backwards with anger.
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Once they all make it to Russia as Yakko leads them into the studio recording the Russian version of the show you can see his fangs as he’s yelling.
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The Director shows up and knocks them to the ground. As Wakko recovers he he shakes his head like a dog.
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The Sibs get really angry at the director makes some pretty sexist statements about an actress that's supposed to be the Russian version of Hello Nurse. As they come after him you can see Dot’s fangs.
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A few minutes later they start a singing a song about not being a copy cat and being original. During Dot’s part we see her open a pickle jar for Wakko and his fangs are showing as he smiles.
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Then During Wakko’s part he eats a whole table of food we see his fangs as he gulps it all down.
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During Yakko’s part we see his fangs as he smirks after saying “Use the pen and not the sword when your in a fight.”
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And In The Warners' Press Conference only see Wakko’s fangs as he eats a whole ham.
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That’s it for part 21,stay tuned for part 22.
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myepisodecalendar · 4 years
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Animaniacs Season 6 - Episode 27: Anima-Nyet AirDate: November 20th, 2020, 12:00 AM
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lusus-automata · 4 years
Spent my thanksgiving binge watching the new animaniacs reboot with my sister and mom. Its everything I expected and more.
I dont know how they did it, but they really managed to preserve the feeling of "animaniacs" while making it more modern
My favorite sketch was Here Comes Treble hklhkljjk idk why but I found that one so funny
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velocity52 · 3 years
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My AU version of the episode Anima-Nyet. Never go across the world in a box without letting your parent/Guardian know. Let’s just say, lots of yelling while tears of relief came from Luis. Plus hugs.
I like to thank @thetimelimit again as usual. Great work again!
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snow-white-shadow · 4 years
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Also, his head movement when he says “tan”
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(From Animaniacs 2020 - Anima-Nyet)
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ankle-beez · 4 years
Just finished season 1 of animaniacs 2020! man that was everything I ever hoped for and more. The comedy is hilarious, the writing and voice acting are top-notch, the animation is fantastic all-around, and I'd even go around to say that the satire is even better than the original because it feels like its been written by a diverse group of people who are in touch with the topics they decide to poke fun at instead of a bunch of grown men in their 40's.
Some segments land better than others (my personal favorite is Anima-Nyet), and there's like. 2 one-off segments that really sucked, but at the same time I applaud the crew for these one-off segments for experimentation with the format and animation style.
Can't wait for season 2!
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jellyfishinc · 4 years
Day 10
S1E10 Amina-Nyet
Not gonna lie here, folks, this wasn’t one of my favorite episodes, and it’s only because of the sibling moments that I even bothered making a post at all.
The episode starts with Wakko microwaving their remote to see if it’ll give them the ability to travel through time, only to discover instead that it gives them the ability to watch overseas TV.
After a few different overseas gameshows and scratch channels, they come across Anima-nyet, an authorized Russian version of their show.
After discovering the horrors of the show and their Russian counterparts, Yakko decides they need to do something about it.
As they discuss what to do, they slowly realize the Russians can hear every word they’re saying, even taking a moment to look directly into the camera before looking back at the TV.
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Wakko sneezes, and the Russians give themselves away, making the Warners scream, and of course do THIS as the next logical move.
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I think the best thing about this is the fact that they literally do not move from this position for 13 whole seconds until the Russian intern “fixes” their broken TV.
And what kind of fan would I be if I didn't prove it?
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They go outside, and discover that yes, in fact, the Russians are spying on them, and they need to go to Russia themselves to put a stop to the show.
They get a tour of the studio that films the show, until they finally reach where their Russian knockoff is being filmed, and storm in, ready to make some heads roll.
At the depressing look of the set, they briefly wonder if they should just let it die out on its own, until the director demands they get back to work.
They watch the scene play out for a few minutes, until finally, Yakko shows his theater kid side and starts berating them for everything that’s wrong. Starting with the most important thing.
And directly after, we see THIS.
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It was one thing when Wakko was helping show off the slacks, but it still counts as a sibling moment because he still holds onto them even after the point is made. Just a little grab for support, but it's there.
But the final straw is when they disrespect Hello Nurse and women everywhere, and the anvils and mallets are out.
But they got something else in mind, and immediately launch into “Be Like Us.”
During Dot’s verse, we see THIS from Wakko.
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During Wakko’s part, as the Russian phonies laugh at Yakko and Dot, Wakko does THIS.
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Yakko’s verse is all about his personal beliefs, namely that words are all the weapons you need in a fight.
I think by this point we all know this isn’t as 100% true as he thinks, but not to worry, his secret’s safe with us, right?
We also get THIS, but I've yet to figure out exactly where it was in the song.
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The segment ends with them getting the director arrested, and the woman who gave them a tour getting them a quick flight back home.
Ugh. I know, I know, I should be supportive of the Animaniacs regardless of what I think, but I can’t lie here. I thought this was one of the weaker ones in the reboot.
Thankfully it’s only one of the few I can honestly say that about, so nevertheless, I shall press on!
See you in the next post!
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speakingvariety · 4 years
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Animaniacs (2020)
Episode 10: Anima-Nyet, Babysitter’s Flub, The Warners’ Press Conference
part of a series
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zanyana626 · 3 years
Animaniacs Incorrect Quotes ft. The Misfits (my OCs) Part 2
Again, the ask box's open if you wanna know more about The Misfits!
Yakko & Laffy: Turn the heat up to 90!
Cousin Libby: 90 DEGREES???
Taffy, sarcastically: No, 90 pickles. Yes, 90 degrees!
Cousin Libby: … No need to be hurtful.
Yakko: Tell Scott he's just as important to the team as we are.
Dot: UGH, why don't you just make me drink out of a toilet?
Wakko: Tell him.
Dot: Scott, you're just as important to the team as we are. [hugs Scott and gives him a wedgie]
Scott: … She gave me a wedgie!
Dot: No charge!
Laffy: Is that cheese?
Cousin Libby, holding a big block of cheese: Thirty pounds! It’s for my camping trip!
Taffy: Cool, so who else is going?
Cousin Libby: Me, Lena Sabrewing, her other Duckburg gal pals, & Shirley McLoon.
Scott: Why are you taking Shirley?
Cousin Libby: In case there’s bears.
[Based on the Anima-Nyets episode]
Cousin Libby: Ok look, I think it’s jank that they’re ripping off Animaniacs. But I can’t just drop everything and take you guys all the way to Russia.
Laffy: When we get there, maybe you could find the head of Rasputin.
Yakko, Wakko, Dot, Taffy, & Scott: The frozen head!
Cousin Libby: … We leave at midnight.
[Wakko & Taffy being "foodies"]
Scott: Guess what’s in this box?
Wakko: Donuts?
Scott: No.
Taffy: Muffins?
Scott: No.
Wakko: Corn Dogs?
Scott: No.
Taffy: Chocolate?
Scott: No, it’s not food!
Wakko: Then who cares?
Dot: So what’s in the box?
Scott: Oh, just some photos.
Wakko & Taffy: OF DONUTS???
Scott, obviously done with their food-related responses: NO!
[Dot being done w/Scott's shit whenever he comes over to the Water Tower]
Scott, handing Dot a drink: Here you go.
Dot: [looks at the drink, then looks at Scott with annoyed disappointment]
Scott: What’s wrong?
Dot: You asked me what I wanted to drink and I said “iced tea with lemon”.
Scott: Oh, I forgot the ice.
Dot: And the lemon!
Scott: [grabs and puts a whole lemon into Dot’s drink]
Dot: … You know what’s weird?
Scott: What?
[This is why Taffy's the pro-chef of the group & Cousin Libby mostly ends up getting takeout to feed the Warners & Misfits]
Cousin Libby to the Warners & Misfits: I think my lasagna's just about done!
[Cousin Libby opens the oven, flames shoot out]
Cousin Libby: AAHH!
The Warners & Misfits looking at the oven:
Cousin Libby, immediately closing the oven: I’m just gonna give it a few more minutes…
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pinatadoodles · 3 years
Your Soviet Warners design are amazing. They strike a special chord within me. I enjoy seeing Soviet Bloc animation getting the love it deserves. Signed, an actual Russian.
Aw thank you! I grew up with Soviet Bloc animation too, it’s very important to me.
The idea came to me after being a bit disappointed with the Anima-nyet episode. (There are better jokes than ‘Russian men dressed cartoon character’)
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gfanz4ever · 4 years
No, no, but you know what is, without a trace of sarcasm, the most gut-busting thing about Anima-Nyets? Thw Warners confront their imitators who hail from a historically-Communist nation. These copycats dress like them (but are clearly knockoffs) and even spy on them to do everything they do. In the end, the Warners sing a song about how being yourself is always better than just copying others, and while the episode was humourous that's not what got me rolling. The Amazing World of Gumball did almost this exact plot (complete with moral song!) with "The Copycats" a full YEAR before this episode would have been written, and the comedic irony is killing me.
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ducktracy · 4 years
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you asked for it... here are my animaniacs thoughts! i still have about 3 episodes left but felt bad about letting these rot away in my inbox. (also “the duck” is hilarious and i love it thank you)
the pinky and the brain segments were the best segments period. the visuals in the intro are SO COOL!!! maurice lamarche and rob paulsen kill it, and while i never watched the originals i’ve heard a lot of similar opinions echoed
the warner episodes were good, hit or miss. loooove the animation of the anime sequences in bun control. here comes treble was probably one of my favorites and panders right to my music loving heart
with that said, anima-nyet is probably my least favorite. the russian xenophobia is... something else. i know these weren’t written in 2020 (yakko even says the scripts were written in 2018 in one episode) but it just feels so... out of date. not that xenophobia is ever IN date, but, you know. it felt like something mediocrely funny talk show hosts would have run into the ground in 2016. they try to patch it up with “oh not all russians are bad we just have a bad leader hehe ^__^” but it’s just so... in your face. we get it. same could probably be applied to the THERE’S A CHEETO IN THE WHITEHOUSE!!! jokes. funny at first, but feels kind of like... SNL-skit humor. though i did like seeing the warners fuck with tucker carlson
to no one’s surprise, wakko is my favorite
there BETTER be a soundtrack release like they did with LTC. i love the music SOOO MUCH
the first episode felt a little too “we’re a reboot now, get it? get it?” for my tastes but i still enjoyed it. i’m not a big fan of the borderline cynical in-your-face self awareness brand of humor which is something animaniacs is KNOWN for (well, maybe not being cynical, but sometimes feels it comes off as such), but i found myself laughing more than i thought i would.
the puppet animation can be really distracting at times
overall, it feels like they’re getting their footing, but regardless i’m excited to see more. i wasn’t even thinking of visiting the reboot, so i’m glad i did. i’m friends with some of the people who worked on the show and i’m so so SO happy to see their hard work come to fruition! i’m very proud of everyone who worked on the show
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melcecilia14 · 4 years
What bothers me the most about the Animaniacs reboot is how... under-utilized the concept is?? Like... it's about 3 cartoon characters that were so chaotic and insane that they were locked away!! In most of the reboot the Warners are just mildly annoying at worst, and that's being generous. There's very distinct lack of visual gags, violence and broken physics in these episodes which have been replaced by more cynical humour as well as gross-outs.
Another thing I noticed is that they don't really do much to the people they're tormenting, and instead often leave it to other forces to teach the villain a lesson. This can be seen in Warners Unbound, Bun Control, Good Warner Hunting, France France Revolution, Manny Manspreader, and Anima-nyet. In fact, I can really only think of 4 ish shorts that they do it themselves which are the Nicklewise ep, WhoDonut (Ralph didn't deserve it though), Hildenburg Cola, and Here Comes Treble.
This is really bothersome especially since they're REALITY-BENDING TRICKSTER BEINGS who can literally do ANYTHING as long as it's funny. So why don't the episodes use that?
Also, the other characters barely react to them either!! The new CEO just ignores them, Ralph barely chases them, and Scratchy is just tired of them. Where's the fear, the confusion, the anger?? They're LIVING CARTOONS. Living cartoons who extremely powerful and destructive! Where has that energy gone??
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