#laffy taffy & scott + cousin libby
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zanyana626 · 2 years ago
Literally The Misfits!
Although there are other OCs of mine that could fit in this category, they're sneaky li'l shits!
which oc is a tax evader?
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zanyana626 · 3 years ago
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At last, ladies & gentlemen, I give you The Misfits!
You all know my OC Taffy Sweetnsour, but here's her adoptive siblings Laffy Joyjoy (although I love her name, I might change it to Happy or Smiley cuz I know there's another OC with a similar name) & Scott Braxley, along with their guardian Cousin Libby Joyjoy (Laffy's actual cousin). Thanks again to @thetimelimit for bringing these li'l rascals to life!
Also the ask box's open if you guys wanna know more about The Misfits & I will post a bio for each of them real soon!
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zanyana626 · 2 years ago
How would The Misfits react to seeing The Warners in their anime forms? (I'd probably scream and/or faint.)
I can’t really speak for Cousin Libby, but I feel like this is how it would go:
Laffy would immediately simp fangirl over Yakko (who wouldn’t, tho!), Taffy thinks that Wakko’s anime form looks so badass and would like to see herself in that form too, and Scott would be slightly flustered over Dot but will probably brush it off and say something insulting like how her anime design’s an improvement over her “dumb cutesy personality”!
Maybe one day, I’ll see if I can get an art commission of The Misfits in the animeniacs form bc I’d love to see how they’d look in that specific art style!
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zanyana626 · 2 years ago
Hi ana a question for the warners and the misfits what are there costume for halloween? and do yakko and laffy have nicknames for each other?
Hey Anon, sorry for the long wait but I hope you like it!
I think that the Warners & Misfits would do a group costume thing like the Power Rangers or even something creative like these two:
And I’m also certain that they’ll leave the job of making the actual costumes over to Scratchansniff, but they’ll still help out once in a while, cuz it’s THEIR costumes after all!
As for Yakko & Laffy having nicknames, I feel that Yakko will give Laffy a simple one like “Doll” or “Smiley”, whereas Laffy will call him “Yakk-Yak”, 😊
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zanyana626 · 3 years ago
Ok, so I'm taking asks for my OCs cuz I'm EXTREMELY bored & have nothing else to do in my spare time. Plus, I just really like writing/talking about them!🤷🏻‍♀️😅
Also, your asks don't have to necessarily be from this list, just a quick heads-up!
50 Questions about your OC
How old are they?
What gender are they?
What is their romantic/sexual orientation?
How tall are they?
What do they look like? 
What are their defining features?
Does their name have a meaning?
What family do they have?
Do they have a good relationship with their family?
If not, why not?
Where do they live? 
Is it a safe place?
Are they poor, middle-class or wealthy?
Do they look up to anyone?
Who is their best friend?
Do they have any enemies?
Who is the person they hate most in the world?
Do they have any love/hate relationships?
Have they ever fallen in love?
Who is the person they love the most in the world?
Does that person love them back?
Have they ever hurt or lost anyone?
Are they a good shoulder to cry on?
Are they well liked?
How do they handle being complimented? 
Are they an affectionate person?
Are they very driven?
Are they very political?
What kind of state is the world that they live in?
What are the world leaders like?
Does the character worry about their place in society?
If the could change one thing, what would it be?
Do they like themselves?
Are they a good person?
Are they very forgiving?
Do they believe in destiny?
Are they trustworthy? 
Are they a good liar?
How do they react to criticism? 
What is their moral alignment?
Can they fight?
Would they ever purposefully hurt someone?
Have they ever been seriously injured?
Do they know first aid?
Do they have any other survival skills?
Are they a fast learner?
How intelligent are they?
What is the school system like?
What is their job?
Do they enjoy their job?
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zanyana626 · 3 years ago
Animaniacs Incorrect Quotes ft. The Misfits (My OCs)
I feel like I haven't written enough on The Misfits, so hopefully these incorrect quotes give you guys a better understanding of their personalities/relationships with the Warner siblings. Let me know if you guys want more incorrect quotes and as always, the ask box is open if you wanna know more about The Misfits!
Yakko: You guys, we have to go to Buster Bunny's Toontown party extravaganza.
Wakko: Scratchy won’t let us go.
Scott: Yeah, no offense Dot, but your p-psychiatrist is horrible.
Dot: How could I be offended by that?
Laffy: Can we just try to figure something out?
Taffy: What if Scratchy had a li’l… accident?
Yakko: What?
Taffy, smirking: Cousin Libby???
Laffy: We’re not gonna pay my Cousin Libby to hurt Dr. Scratchansniff!
Taffy: Well, we know she’s not gonna do it for free!
Yakko: Man, I hate Solitaire!
Laffy: Well, what do you expect from a card came invented for the lonely???
Yakko: JOY!?!?!?
Nora Rita Norita, after catching the Warners & Misfits: I might even call the police.
Taffy: Or, you could let us run away while you angrily shake your fist in the air & scream “YOU ROTTEN KIDS!”
Dot & Scott: [aggressively fighting each other]
Dr. Scratchansniff: Zis izn’t vhat I meant by “Express Your Feelings”!
[Cousin Libby sulks into the Water Tower]
Laffy: Where have you been all day?
Cousin Libby: Mexico.
Laffy: I thought you were just going surfing on Venice Beach.
Cousin Libby: I was. ‘Till I fell asleep on the bus & woke up in Tijuana!
[Laffy being a simp for Yakko]
Yakko: Please, for me?
Laffy: Don’t do that.
Yakko: What?
Laffy: You think whenever you say, “Please, for me?” That I’ll just do anything you want. Well, not this time.
Yakko: Please, for me?
Laffy: … Okay.
[Taffy mooching off of her friends/crush]
Taffy: Hey.
Wakko: Hi.
Wakko: What're you doing here?
Taffy: I was in the neighborhood, wanted food, didn’t want to pay for it, here I am.
Wakko: The door to the Water Tower was locked.
Taffy: Yeah, you’re gonna need a new lock.
[Scott & Dot's frenemy relationship in a nutshell]
Scott: That is so cool!
Dot: You know what else is cool?
Scott: What?
Dot: Not you.
Scott, to the others: See? I told you guys. Anytime a chance comes along for Dot to insult me, she just has to jump on it.
Cousin Libby, to Laffy: There is a living, breathing boy out there who wants to go out with you. This may never happen again! … Unless Yakko changes his mind.
Yakko: Yeah, Laffy & I are just buds.
Cousin Libby: I totally understand.
Yakko: Thank you!
Laffy, embarrassed AF: LIBBY!
Scott: Okay, that was too much fun.
Taffy: I know. I would go ice skating every night.
Laffy: Except now we can’t because we’ve been banned from the ice rink.
Taffy: Not my fault, that big dude kept bumping into me.
Laffy: So you had to jack-slap him in front of his kids?
Taffy & Scott: [look at each other and start laughing]
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zanyana626 · 3 years ago
The Warners and The Misfits favorite time with each other as friends
The Warners and Misfits’ favorite time with each other as friends is whenever they mess with Dr. Scratchansniff or Ralph. They always come up with newer ways to troll them and it’s more better now that there’s 7 puppy children, which means there’s 7 times worth the zaniness 🤪
But aside from messing with the grownups, they also like hanging out at the Water Tower and they usually have game nights or movie nights.
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zanyana626 · 3 years ago
what are the warners and misfits favorite Broadway musicals
TBH, I'm not much of a musical person. But I did my research and believe that these are the Warners and Misfits’ favorite musicals! 🎭
Yakko: Hamilton (I think we ALL know why)
Wakko: Phantom of the Opera
Dot: Mamma Mia!
Laffy: West Side Story
Taffy: Beetlejuice and Wicked
Scott: Grease
Cousin Libby: Heathers the Musical
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zanyana626 · 3 years ago
Happy belated 2 years to The Misfits!! 🥳🎉🎂🥰
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@thetimelimit, you never cease to amaze me with the way you draw my babies, <3.
Crazy to think it's already been 2 years since I first started to write about The Misfits! These guys (along with my other OCs) have been and still are my little escape from reality during these tough times. And answering your guys' questions/imagines/responses about them always brings a smile to my face. Happy birthday to Laffy, Taffy, Scott, & Cousin Libby! 🥳🎉🎂🥰
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zanyana626 · 3 years ago
Did The Misfits meet Pinky and the Brain yet
Yes, they have met Pinky & the Brain! We all know that Pinky's always glad to meet a new face & I'm sure the Brain is glad too (so long as it's someone who's not gonna hurt him or Pinky). The Misfits will prolly say something witty when they first meet PATB like "You guys are a LOOOOT smaller in person than on TV". 😂😊
I feel like out of the 4 Misfits, the mice duo will get along more with Taffy bc she's actually a pretty good inventor herself, therefore she could be of possible assistance to their schemes for world domination. But they still adore the other Misfits plenty. They also don’t mind trying out Laffy’s newest fashion designs (Brain might just a little bit 🤷🏻‍♀️😅) or playing on Scott’s remote controlled vehicle toys (even if he goes nuts with the controller 😂) or taking a day off and chilling out at the beach with Cousin Libby.
I love how the fandom is pretty much all in agreement that Pinky & the Brain have adopted the Warner siblings, so they'll also take the Misfits in as well, at least in my opinion! 🐭🥰
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zanyana626 · 3 years ago
Animaniacs Incorrect Quotes ft. The Misfits (my OCs) Part 2
Again, the ask box's open if you wanna know more about The Misfits!
Yakko & Laffy: Turn the heat up to 90!
Cousin Libby: 90 DEGREES???
Taffy, sarcastically: No, 90 pickles. Yes, 90 degrees!
Cousin Libby: … No need to be hurtful.
Yakko: Tell Scott he's just as important to the team as we are.
Dot: UGH, why don't you just make me drink out of a toilet?
Wakko: Tell him.
Dot: Scott, you're just as important to the team as we are. [hugs Scott and gives him a wedgie]
Scott: … She gave me a wedgie!
Dot: No charge!
Laffy: Is that cheese?
Cousin Libby, holding a big block of cheese: Thirty pounds! It’s for my camping trip!
Taffy: Cool, so who else is going?
Cousin Libby: Me, Lena Sabrewing, her other Duckburg gal pals, & Shirley McLoon.
Scott: Why are you taking Shirley?
Cousin Libby: In case there’s bears.
[Based on the Anima-Nyets episode]
Cousin Libby: Ok look, I think it’s jank that they’re ripping off Animaniacs. But I can’t just drop everything and take you guys all the way to Russia.
Laffy: When we get there, maybe you could find the head of Rasputin.
Yakko, Wakko, Dot, Taffy, & Scott: The frozen head!
Cousin Libby: … We leave at midnight.
[Wakko & Taffy being "foodies"]
Scott: Guess what’s in this box?
Wakko: Donuts?
Scott: No.
Taffy: Muffins?
Scott: No.
Wakko: Corn Dogs?
Scott: No.
Taffy: Chocolate?
Scott: No, it’s not food!
Wakko: Then who cares?
Dot: So what’s in the box?
Scott: Oh, just some photos.
Wakko & Taffy: OF DONUTS???
Scott, obviously done with their food-related responses: NO!
[Dot being done w/Scott's shit whenever he comes over to the Water Tower]
Scott, handing Dot a drink: Here you go.
Dot: [looks at the drink, then looks at Scott with annoyed disappointment]
Scott: What’s wrong?
Dot: You asked me what I wanted to drink and I said “iced tea with lemon”.
Scott: Oh, I forgot the ice.
Dot: And the lemon!
Scott: [grabs and puts a whole lemon into Dot’s drink]
Dot: … You know what’s weird?
Scott: What?
[This is why Taffy's the pro-chef of the group & Cousin Libby mostly ends up getting takeout to feed the Warners & Misfits]
Cousin Libby to the Warners & Misfits: I think my lasagna's just about done!
[Cousin Libby opens the oven, flames shoot out]
Cousin Libby: AAHH!
The Warners & Misfits looking at the oven:
Cousin Libby, immediately closing the oven: I’m just gonna give it a few more minutes…
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zanyana626 · 3 years ago
What if you're AU of Animaniacs met cuphead and mugman
Ooh, If the Warners & Misfits met Cuphead & Mugman, it'd be pure chaos! I mean, we already know the Warner siblings are zany li'l rascals and the Misfits are no better than they are either. But if we add Cuphead & Mugman in the mix, that's basically triple the zaniness we get from the Warners.
I also feel like Mugman would be the Mom Friend in the group cuz he already has his bro's back when protecting Cuphead from the Devil, so he'll try to keep the others in check whenever they're goofing around.
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zanyana626 · 3 years ago
18. for all the misfits (I know Scott has one with Dot, but are there any more?).
18. Do they have any love/hate relationships?
Aside from Dot & Scott's frenemy relationship, not really, no.
Yakko & Laffy's relationship is basically the one where Person A's kinda oblivious to Person B's true feelings for them, but they do have flirty/witty banters every now and then. 🤎💛
Wakko & Taffy's relationship is the childhood sweethearts who start off as besties unaware of the other's feelings, but eventually have something special. 💙💜
As for Cousin Libby's relationship with the Warners & Misfits, she tends to be the big sister who has a soft spot for them and loves joining in on their zany antics. But if we're talking Libby dating or seeing someone, she tends to act a bit shy and slightly giddy like her younger cousin Laffy. 💙
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zanyana626 · 3 years ago
The Warners and Misfits as The Madrigals ( Encanto)
Ooh, good question Anon! 🥰🦋 I might switch it up a bit later, but:
Yakko - Camilo, obvi
Wakko - Antonio, cuz they're both adorable <3
Dot - Isabela, I think we all know why! Or prolly Pepa.
Laffy - Mirabel
Taffy - Dolores or maybe Julieta, cuz Taffy's a good cook!
Scott - He kinda has Félix vibes in my opinion.
Cousin Libby - Luisa
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zanyana626 · 3 years ago
The only thing Libby has in common with my Warner Cousin character is that they are both tomboys. My Warner Cousin doesn't get romance. What exactly happens when The Warners and The Misfits meddle in Libby's love life?
Good question, Anon! So basically, the Warners & Misfits try to "help" Libby either by setting her up with a date and/or making sure the date goes perfect, to the point where it gets out of hand. Although she understands that they're just trying to help, Libby prefers to be alone w/her date! In the end, the Warners & Misfits fix their mistakes & somehow make the date better than expected.
I'd recommend watching that House of Mouse episode where Mickey & the gang try to help Max's date with Roxanne. That inspired me to think about how the Warners & Misfits would meddle in with Libby's love life!
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zanyana626 · 3 years ago
Animaniacs OC Bio #4: Cousin Libby Joyjoy
Picture of Cousin Libby & my other Animaniacs OCs (The Misfits) here! This is the first time I've ever written anything this long on my OCs, so please be kind! I’ll probably edit/delete stuff. If there's anything else you guys want to know more about Cousin Libby, the ask box's open!
Full Name: Libby Joyjoy
Species: Cartoonus Characterus; Same unknown dog-like species as the Warners
Age: 19
Family: Laffy Joyjoy (younger cousin), Taffy Sweetnsour (little sister figure), & Scott Braxley (little brother figure)
Personality: Tomboyish, zany, athletic, slightly aggressive, sarcastic, witty, empathetic
Likes: Spending her spare time on her phone, singing & dancing, going to the beach (esp. surfing), fashion, listening to music, hanging out with the Warners & Misfits, etc.
Dislikes: The grownups/”Special Friends” yelling or picking on the Warners & Misfits, most girly things (sometimes), the Warners & Misfits meddling in on her love life, extreme cold & heat, thunderstorms, etc.
Voiceclaim: E.G. Daily; picture Libby’s voice sounding like a cross between an older Tommy Pickles from All Grown Up & teen Buttercup that one episode of the original Powerpuff Girls
Backstory: Libby’s backstory is different from the other Misfits. Laffy didn’t even know she had an older cousin ‘till she did a DNA test & found out she had one family member still alive. At first, Cousin Libby seemed like every other teen cartoon character: sarcastic, moody, always on her phone, etc. But once they got to know more about her, the Misfits realized she’s just as zany as they are and has pretty cool interests. The Misfits brought her over to the studio to meet the Warner siblings & they were shocked to meet an older toon who looks like them. They slowly got along with her & eventually became good friends with one another.
Libby’s relationship with the Misfits & Warners is like a big sister who cares for her younger siblings, but has an odd way of showing it sometimes. Around the time Cousin Libby met the Misfits & Warners, Nora Rita Norita was trying to find a proper babysitter to keep the zany kids in check. Laffy then recommended her cousin over to Nora & Dr. Scratchansniff and after an intense interview, Libby was hired. However, instead of keeping the kids away from their usual pranks & mischief, she encourages them to continue and even joins in on their pranks, which Nora cannot stress enough.
The Cousin part isn’t part of her real name, but because most people address her as “Cousin Libby”, she doesn’t bother correcting them and is totally fine with it!
Is the eldest out of the Warners & Misfits friend group.
Cousin Libby’s schtick consists of:
Teaching the kids’ “Special Friends” a lesson; Either telling them off for messing with little kids and/or beating them to a pulp.
Buying the kids time to fix/coverup their messes by stalling the grownups.
Whenever the Warners & Misfits are in trouble, she’ll use an app on her cellphone which summons random gag props (like a safe or a piano) to fall on their ”Special Friends”.
Cousin Libby grew up in Malibu, so she loves doing several beach-related activities like playing volleyball, swimming, chilling at boardwalks, & of course, surfing. She eventually starts taking the Misfits & Warners out for trips to her hometown.
She likes teasing the Warners & Misfits with silly nicknames, like “Squirt” or “Li’l Rascals”.
Dr. Scratchansniff sees Cousin Libby as a better role model for the kids since she can relate to them the most.
Which he’s partially correct because unlike the Warners’ previous nanny (Prunella Flundergust, remember her???), Libby can talk to the girls about personal girls’ stuff & teach the boys how to improvise their pranks/comedy acts, without being obnoxiously clingy and thinking that life’s a musical.
Despite hanging out with the Warners & Misfits, Cousin Libby tends to be socially awkward when it comes to hanging out with other teens.
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