#aniki. duo.
mo-ok · 5 months
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What's a Red without their Blue?
Chikyuu Sentai Fiveman
Gaku Hoshikawa & Ken Hoshikawa
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angelnbm · 3 months
nah because yuji form sukuna and megumi form sukuna are twins and i refuse to take criticism for this
college athletes sukuna forms!megumi & yuuji x nerdy reader DISCLAIMERS : whole lot of cursing, suggestive scenarios & flirting.
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"You just had to give me that pass, Aniki. These amateurs don't know what they're fucking doing."
Yuuji had a loose tongue after a bad game, one that could never keep the two out of trouble with their coach. Despite the talent he has, the boy was always whining to his twim brother about every little detail of each quarter in the lockerooms.
"Watch your mouth."
Megumi would hiss at him, hands pushing his borther away from his personal space. It was agitating him how much the duo kept getting into discourse over the smallest of things.
"Coach told us to distribute the ball - to pass the ball to everyone else, it's not my fault that they don't know what they're doing. Now fix that fuckin' attitude."
With all the head butting and cursing they'd throw at each other, they'd watch each other's backs and take care of one another. Yuuji was starting to let his GPA go lower each month and Megumi was ready to kick his head in for acting so arrogant and cocky thinking that he'd stay on the team with the grades he was getting but instead he reaches out to you.
The tutor from the History Deparment.
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You were the only one who really knew what the professors expected from students. You were observant, attentive, very meticulous with your work which is why you were tutoring other students after hours and get paid for it.
You became their saving grace. Once he had your number, he didn't hesitate to call and explain the situation.
"He's arrogant and incompetent but please, you are my last -"
"Don't finish that sentence, just bring him to the south dorms. We'll meet in the common area, yeah? Be sure that he at least brings a pencil."
You've heard of the twins once before from the students you've met through tutoring them, not that you've actually seen them before - till that night you all met.
You sat down as the two walked over, their stpes would slow down halfway, as your hands organize your books on the table you caught both of them staring at you for a good minute "I don't have all night for this." You'd whisper to yourself, turning your head over to the duo.
Both were broad and taller than most, considering the sport they played, you expected nothing less. As your eyes met with theirs, they cleared their throats and walking a lot faster toward the table.
Once seated, Megumi, the one you spoke to and looked the most put together shoved his younger brother's head down to follow his own to both introduce themselves and apologize "We're sorry-"
"No we're not."
The youngest would interrupt him, swatting away Megumi's hand "You're single, right? I've seen you around, you're just my type."
You could only look at the two and chuckle at his attempt at flirting but it didn't hurt to follow his little game and so "You have a test and a project coming up, don't you? Let's start there."
Yuuji's smile got bigger and throughout the three hours of making him understand the material it never faded, not once. All the while Megumi kept sparing you some glances as he did his own project, you could see his notes from where you were seated.
They were neat and his handwriting was so much more cohesive than his brother's but Yuuji had his own charm. Being so forward and not afraid to express himself wasn't something you could ignore.
The common room had emptied itself out before you could notice and all three of you had an empty stomach, the grumbling coming from each was enough proof.
"Now that we made some progress, can we pay your services with some dinner? You down for ramen?" Megumi suggested, leaning towards you just a tad before he stood up to take a big stretch.
"Only if you're buying, I gave out my allowance yesterday.." Yuuji pouts, leaning back towards his seat, Megumi flicking his forehead accordingly.
Your eyes were stuck on them while your hands closed the books just to have them organized. You couldn't look away - similar tattoos, the slight difference in hairstyle, their demeanor - each little detail of the two had you stuck like a magnet and ultimately you agreed to dinner.
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A couple of weeks pass and rumors got to spread around campus suggesting that you were a slut, being seen with the twins for all this time made you their little sex slave but it's not something you paid much attention to since it had happened before.
"What the fuck is this?"
Megumi would be the first to find out about the rumor as the word slut and sex slave were written in black and red on your dorm door, visibly angry at the stupidities one would go to to sabotage someone he's considered special.
"Ah, don't worry about it, it's nothing." You shrug it off while unlocking the vandalized door, he'd stop you mid way leaning against the frame while turning you to face him.
"To me it's not."
He was close, your hand would lay down on his chest to see if it calmed him down like it did Yuuji but to not avail "Megs.. I'll report it to the RA and call it a day, yeah?" You'd tell him softly, your heart beating a lot faster than normal. He'd get closer, whispering "That's not enough.." his free hand wrapping itself around your waist to bring you even closer to him.
Megumi would pull away from you to reveal Yuuji standing in the middle of the halway, making your eyes widen "Yuuji.. This isn't.." You stammered, pushing the eldest away “This isn’t what I think it is, right? Is that what she’s trying to say, Aniki?” Megumi looks over at his brother, scoffing lightly.
"And if it is? What the fuck are you gonna do about it?"
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six-eyed-samurai · 3 months
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Here's a thought: what if Sanemi didn't constantly try to push away Genya and “hate” him?
Personally I think the only way this would work out is if Genya never accused Sanemi of being a murderer, which means that he had to see his mother Shizu as a feral demon before Sanemi killed her.
Going with this, let's say that everything went as the manga said, up until the point their siblings were murdered. Say Genya immediately ran after Sanemi after he showed up shoving their mother away, followed them all the way to the road and see his mother attempt to eat Sanemi for his marechi blood.
Obviously he would be horrified, but in this scenario he would be able to fully realize that this was not his mother, especially not when she turned her attention to him and lunged.
Skipping the gory details, this will then play out as Sanemi and Genya being forced to kill their mother together, and therefore no argument or accusations.
Later on, I feel that when Sanemi joined the Corps, Genya would attempt to follow too but like canon Sanemi would try to discourage him, albeit less “I have no brother” harsh and more “I'm not losing anyone else, brat”.
To follow the actual storyline as close as possible, Genya would somehow manage to convince his brother to be able to fight alongside him and eventually become Sanemi’s tsugoku instead of training under Gyomei Himejima. In the original storyline, Genya is motivated to become a Slayer in order to become a Hashira and apologize, but in this theory he's probably motivated to not let his brother down or die.
How would they find out Genya can eat demons? Let's say they found out Genya couldn't do any Breathing Techniques, but Sanemi decided that nonetheless he can still be a great swordsman...or gunman. Battling a demon together on a mission, say that somehow Genya’s hands get pinned down, forcing him to attempt to catch the sword Sanemi threw at him with his mouth (weird, but roll with me now). Somehow at the same time, maybe a part of the demon gets chopped off by Aniki or its blood sprays into the air, landing in Genya’s mouth instead and he…you get the point.
Moving on to the juiciest part: how would the brothers’ close relationship now impact the storyline?
We first meet Genya in the Swordsmith Village Arc, getting new weapons made. He and Sanemi aren't at each others throats here, so it would make sense that Sanemi too would be there getting his swords reforged or working off his perpetual crankiness in the hot springs.
SO, when the battle with Hantengu and Gyokko begins, we have not one, not two, but THREE Hashiras in the village.
Clearly Sanemi would be able to whoop some vase otaku or crybaby demon's ass with his usual sass, swords and screaming, but the Shinazugawa duo combined? The Upper Moons would've lost before they've even known it.
And to conclude, there would be no mark manifesting on either Muichiro or Mitsuri! 
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imu-chan · 1 year
As the morning wound away into afternoon, Kyojuro considered, not for the first time, his good fortune that none of his family had ever been slain by demons in front of his eyes.
He was no stranger to death, nor violence, but both phenomena tended to haunt people, to float just out of thought, and kept their hooks in the brains of those they had victimized. While death hovered on his shoulder, violence had no grasp on him. He was grateful for that. He must have been in a very contemplative mood today.
With the exception of Mitsuri, he felt he was in a unique position among his fellow slayers. He had grown up strong, not because he had to or was forced to, but because he was strong. He didn’t have to do what he did, but that was why he did it. He wanted those who had no choice to have one offered. He wanted to be the kind of person his mother had been for him.
Sometimes, however, that was easier said than done. He may be an accomplished demon slayer, but his social and domestic skills were in need of a tune-up (or so he had been told).
He’d spent the morning recounting his last mission (his first since his battle with Akaza). Kyojuro had griped about it a little, how he wanted a challenge, and Senjuro had poked him menacingly with a kitchen utensil. Ever since he’d started helping and hanging out at Kocho’s, he had gotten much more talkative and confident. Kyojuro didn’t mind this, but he also didn’t necessarily need a 13-year-old sassing him on his own health.
Nevertheless, he acquiesced, and he and Senjuro had spent most of the afternoon out in town, Senjuro gathering ingredients for some kind of meal he wanted to make, himself picking up some Dutch historical texts he knew deep down he wouldn’t be able to read until he saw either Mitsuri or Giyuu again.
The two of them had become somewhat of a dangerous duo, the only Hashira with fluency in two languages, allowing them to gossip and joke without anyone knowing what they said. Kyojuro had to admit he was eager for the two of them to get along, with Mitsuri much like a sister to him and Giyuu with Kyojuro wrapped around his little finger.
Only Iguro seemed to be opposed (what else was new), as he hated sharing Mitsuri with anyone, especially Giyuu, who he hadn’t quite warmed up to yet. To that effect, the Serpent Hashira bristled every time he heard even a lick of Dutch from his sweetheart; even if it was nothing more than a simple greeting or exclamation.
Quite the opposite was true for Kyojuro, who unabashedly melted whenever Giyuu mumbled something foreign under his breath. Then again, Kyojuro would listen to Giyuu dictate legal statutes if he so desired. His voice, breathy and quiet as it was, had become one of Kyojuro’s favorite sounds.
He was jolted from his pleasant thoughts when Senjuro elbowed him. “Aniki, it’s almost five.”
Kyojuro glanced at the bundle of ingredients in his brother’s arms. “So it is! I suppose the rice needs to be started?”
Senjuro nodded, and not very subtly passed the bundle of rice, nori and noodles to his aniki. “Maybe.”
Kyojuro caught on and grinned. “And I suppose you have more shopping to do?”
“Is this you telling me to go home and make my world-famous rice?”
“I don’t think you’re the reason rice is world-famous,” Senjuro joked, but nodded again. “Please? I didn’t realize how many things I needed to get.”
Kyojuro puffed out his chest. “Say no more! Don’t be too late, now! And don’t talk to strangers!”
“I probably will.” Senjuro replied flatly.
“Stranger danger is a very serious social issue, Senjuro—“
“Good-bye, Kyojuro.”
By the time he had all his supplies, it was nearly six, and thus the youngest Rengoku hurried along the frozen path towards his home. His basket was heavy with goods, but it didn’t distract from the gentleness of the darkening night around him.
The market was only a few city blocks length from the Flame Estate, so it wasn’t an arduous walk in the slightest. Senjuro rounded the bend in the path at the edge of the woods, noting how much quicker the wind whipped out in the open air.
He caught only a brief glimpse of a breathtaking sunset sky before someone slammed into him from the opposite direction, knocking the basket out of his hands. Thankfully, it landed upright in the loose snow and suffered no losses.
Senjuro hadn’t fallen, but he had stumbled back a bit, and, trying to regain balance, his hands gripped dusty fabric. He blinked, took a look at the person whose haori he had caught hold of, who now bent forward, catching their breath in front of him.
“Tanjiro!” He beamed, moving his hand to the other boy’s shoulder. When maroon eyes lifted, however, Senjuro’s smile fell, and he felt a twinge of nerves in his gut. “Tanjiro?”
A dry cough. A small smile.
“Senjuro, hey,” Tanjiro’s voice wobbled. He looked fresh from combat, dirty and bruised, his uniform knees torn through. “Good to see a friendly face.”
“Hey yourself. Ara ara,” Senjuro inhaled quietly, his hand coming away from Tanjiro’s shoulder with a faint shadow of blood across it. “Geez, let’s get home, you’re a mess.”
Tanjiro nodded, and accepted Senjuro’s offer to carry Nezuko’s box. He scooped up Senjuro’s basket of goods, and the two set out on the final stretch of road.
“We didn’t receive your crow, I thought you were still on mission.” Senjuro hummed. “Did you run all the way here?”
Tanjiro shook his head, sending snowflakes off in clumps. “I passed out at one point. I think I ran into a tree or something.”
“Ara ara. I know you say you have a hard head, but you’re gonna give yourself another concussion.” Senjuro gently scolded, rubbing his dull fingernails back and forth over the leather strap of Nezuko’s box. Tanjiro cracked a smile at that.
“You’ve been spending too much time at the Butterfly Mansion, you’re starting to sound like Kocho-San!”
“I’ll be sure to tell her you think so.” Senjuro countered, enjoying the glint of surprise in Tanjiro’s eyes.
“You wouldn’t. Would you? Oh man, you totally would. I’ll be dead before dawn.”
Nezuko stirred in her box, perhaps turning in circles, as if defying the thought.
“I think you have half a shot with Nezuko-chan’s help.”
“I think you underestimate Kocho-san’s willingness to poison people.”
Senjuro laughed knowingly at that. “You’re going to see her soon anyway, from the looks of you. You know Aniki is a terrible nurse.”
“I guess she’ll be miffed no matter what happens,” Tanjiro frowned. “Um…especially with me.”
Senjuro glanced at him. “Don’t tell me you’re worse off than Giyuu-San? I figured he must already be there or something.”
It took a moment before Senjuro realized his own footsteps were the only ones he could hear crunching in the snow, so he turned. Tanjiro had his head low again, exhausted out of nowhere. Senjuro halted.
Tanjiro’s fists clenched, unclenched. They began shivering, pink with cold.
“…you lost your gloves, huh?”
Tanjiro shook his head, began walking again, his face still turned to the ground. “I still have them.”
“Well then why — hey.” Senjuro grabbed his friend’s cold hand and made them stop again. “Did something happen to Giyuu-San?”
His hand was squeezed tight, grip more fierce than the cold. “He’s — alive.” Tanjiro shuddered, as if just now experiencing the winter weather around them for the first time. “But — I’ll tell you at home, I…don’t think I can repeat myself.”
Senjuro’s stomach flipped a little at the way Tanjiro was speaking, so quiet and worn. He wrapped his arm around his friend and hurried them as fast as was manageable back to the house, where his aniki was clumsily attempting to pour an insane amount of brown rice into a serving dish.
Kyojuro turned around as he heard the doors close, and upon seeing the boys, he quickly dried his hands on his black apron. His eyes, bright as usual, then became concerned, narrowing as Senjuro carefully set Nezuko’s box on the ground before darting out of the room to retrieve their stash of medical supplies.
Tanjiro looked like he’d been hit by a wagon, and he stood still, his breath still cold enough to puff into steam as he exhaled. He wouldn’t lift his gaze up from the floor mats.
Kyojuro took the two Kamados in as he approached them, already getting the heavy sensation that tonight wasn’t going to be the happiest of returns. Nezuko, adorable as ever, was snoring rather softly, half-asleep and dazed on the floor, her injuries all but gone thanks to her healing factor.
While he cared for her deeply, Kyojuro had witnessed her demonic battle prowess many times now, and knew by her sleepy state that she was no worse for wear. Her brother, however, was very human, required more care, and by the way he swayed on his feet, it seemed that something very unfortunate had happened to him on his mission.
Tanjiro was still shivering from his travels outside in the winter, and was stubbornly standing, not even reacting to the warm crackling of the fire nor the sound of Kyojuro’s approaching footsteps. He did finally speak, when Kyojuro was close enough to him for his shadow to catch the firelight.
Kyojuro folded down, balancing on the balls of his feet, and reached out to take one of his tsuguko’s frigid, scabbing hands.
“Welcome back!” Kyojuro began with his usual gusto. “Both of you!”
Nezuko rolled onto her back, and her little demon hand patted Kyojuro’s ankle in acknowledgement. Kyojuro sent her a smile, then focused on her brother.
“Tanjiro-Chan, I’m very glad you’re home,” he carried on steadily, keeping his voice low but warm. “What a state you’re in! Let’s get you fixed up, how about that?”
“Can…I need to send a letter first. To Ubuyashiki-sama.” Tanjiro croaked, sounding on the verge of collapse. His harsh breathing sounded borderline phlegmatic, which Kyojuro tucked away for later thought.
Kyojuro placed his other hand on the boy’s shoulder, steadying him. “Alright,” he answered, not pushing for more information. “We can certainly do that! Use your breathing first, though, you’re still bleeding. Looks like you have a broken rib that’ll need some mending as well.”
Tanjiro nodded, but his nose started to crinkle, so tears weren’t far off. He took in a deep breath, but his exhale slipped into a thin wheeze. “Hurts.”
“Forget Total Concentration, then. Just do what you can.”
Senjuro returned then, with a basin of water and the medical bag over his shoulder. He pulled at Tanjiro’s other shoulder to get him to sit, but Tanjiro didn’t budge. Senjuro began gently dabbing at the blood on Tanjiro’s damaged shoulder, and sent a cautioning look his brother’s way.
“Aniki, something happened to Giyuu-San.”
Well, that certainly sent Kyojuro’s gut into twists. “To…”
Thankfully, Tanjiro distracted him with his first small tears. “Giyuu-u-uu….” He warbled, blinking rapidly. “G-Giyuu got hurt. We got ambushed by an Upper Rank— Upper 2, in the forest…there were a lot of them…”
Kyojuro forced himself to keep calm. “Where is he right now?”
The dam broke. Tanjiro’s next exhale shattered the resistance left, sent him falling forward, into Kyojuro’s arms, his burning muscles giving out and his tears flowing fast. “Upper Two took him—he came out of nowhere—he wants something from — from — I couldn’t do anyth-thing I couldn’t get him out, hah, my sword…”
Tanjiro dissolved into half-sobs, letting Kyojuro and Senjuro smother him in a hug. “I’m so-sohorry…” he gasped, his throat closing, his lungs wheezing with the effort of crying. The hug softly broke.
“It’s not your fault. You mustn’t apologize. Tanjiro,” Kyojuro forced Tanjiro’s teary gaze to meet his own lone eye, sending goosebumps of realization down the boy’s skin. He made his meaning plain. “You are very, very lucky that you weren’t killed. That is not something to apologize for. It is the most important thing you can do.”
“But Giyuu—“
“Giyuu-San,” Kyojuro cut him off, even though his voice quieted a bit, “Protected you. That is the duty of a Hashira. If he weren’t with you…If either of you were alone…you’d be dead. But because you were together, you helped each other, just with your presence.”
Tanjiro sniffled, though he seemed to be calming a little. “I don’t get it.”
Kyojuro sensed a significant depth to this particular sentiment, and did his best to quell his own worries. He squeezed his tsuguko’s hand. “I’ll tell you later. You need some rest.”
“The letter—“
“I’ll take care of it. You’re not writing anything in this state, youngster. We’re going to pay Kocho-San a visit if your wounds start getting infected, so let’s not let that happen.”
Senjuro nudged him again. “Aniki, can you start a bath?”
“On it!” Kyojuro gently patted both of his little brothers on their heads before setting off to do just that. Senjuro pressed the wet washcloth to Tanjiro’s eyebrow, carefully wiping away the dried blood from a slash there.
“He’s right, you know.” Senjuro soothed.
“I know he is,” Tanjiro croaked, his heart feeling raw and small. “I wish he wasn’t.”
And, across the house, heart pounding violently, Kyojuro held his arm under running water, barely feeling it, and considered, not for the first time, his good fortune that none of his family had ever been slain by demons in front of his eyes.
He was grateful for that.
Pt. 2 of Pretty Boy Down
I hope you guys like!
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emblemxeno · 22 days
I take one look at deer-dude and I’m already chanting the Cho Aniki title theme. Shame Bruno is no longer with us to complete that duo.
Cute!!! He should be a reindeer for this year's christmas banner too ;-;
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twilightmalachite · 1 year
Love Letter - Mirror mirror 4
Author: Umeda Chitose
Characters: Yuuta, Niki, Rinne
Translator: Mika Enstars
Proofer: Kirin
"Ah well, I hope y’all will be able to make up soon! It’d be bad news if the fight gets so bad a kitchen knife gets pulled! ♪"
Season: Winter
Location: Staff Dining Hall
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Yuuta: Sigh~…
(What am I doing…! All I did was take my anger out on him!)
(If I wanted to hear Aniki’s opinion, I should’ve just asked him to be more honest!)
(But I couldn’t do that because Aniki started acting strange and kept surrendering… Why does this keep happening?!)
(Even though I wanted us to put the days of infighting amongst ourselves behind us and move forward with Hinata-kun someday…)
(We’re just not meshing at all. Us being incompatible isn’t anything new, but…)
(Even then, we were at least able to be “two-in-one”… Until recently that is. As I thought, the reason we’re like this now really is my—…)
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Niki: Sorry to have kept ya waiting, dear customer~… Oh, hm?
I was wonderin’ who on god’s green earth was it that ordered all these spicy dishes! So it was Yuuta-kun!
Yuuta: Shiina-senpai.
Niki: Alright, here’s your dandan noodles with green pepper salad, and meat-stuffed habanero peppers~! Feel free to use our cayenne pepper and tabasco.
Yuuta: Thank you, I appreciate it. ♪
Niki: Oh! I should prolly refill your water while I’m at it, just a sec…
Yuuta: Ah, I’m sorry for the trouble.
Niki: Dontcha worry. It’s my job! ♪
…Though, I know ya like spicy food and all, Yuuta-kun…
I expect eatin’ this much to definitely affect your body, so I’m a tad worried. Is somethin’ going on, or…?
Yuuta: Ummm… Just some stuff with Aniki, over our unit plans…
Niki: Woah, so even the 2wink duo has those kinds of disagreements, huh?
Yuuta: Is it really that unexpected of us to get into arguments?
Niki: Nah, I mean, I remember y’all had a fight last summer. It’s just surprising that you guys fight as a unit too, as opposed to as individuals.
Whenever I chat with Hinata-kun back in our room, he’s always goin’ on about the jobs he’s gettin’~ and all that stuff. So I’d gotten the idea that everythin’ goes relatively well in your unit.
Yuuta: …Well, thankfully we are receiving quite a bit of work.
Niki: Ain’t that right? That’s why it’s so surprising to hear ‘bout a unit dispute! Though, I think it’s good that you can exchange opinions to the point you have disagreements. ♪
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Yuuta: ……
Niki: We gotta suffer underneath Rinne-kun’s dictatorship, y’know! I know nothin’ when it comes to our plans, or if they exist at all!
Yuuta: Ahaha…
Niki: Ah well, I hope y’all will be able to make up soon! It’d be bad news if the fight gets so bad a kitchen knife gets pulled! ♪
Yuuta: A-A kitchen knife…?
Niki: Nahaha, Rinne-kun’s to blame for that okay, okay~?
Yuuta: That’s terrifying…!
Niki: Oops, I can’t go around scarin’ my customers! I’mma head back to the kitchen, do take your time~!
Yuuta: Thanks a bunch, I’m sure it’ll be delicious!
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Yuuta: (…Hmm. I dunno what Aniki’s conversations with Shiina-senpai are like, but…)
(Does that mean that everything seems fine and dandy from the outside about our current selves…?)
(It’s true that in plain terms, work is going well, thankfully. There’s no future out there for idols who can’t ensure they complete their jobs.)
(And when we stand on stage, those experiences that are ingrained in our very bones are what makes us shine.)
(Those who know us well are familiar with our troubles. But how do we look to everyone else?)
(As CosPro’s beloved honor students, with no misfortunes, no troubles? Fairly alright, popular idols who are fun to watch?)
(If the 2wink everyone sees has no problems at all…)
(Then the problem really does lie between “Aoi Hinata” and “Aoi Yuuta”.)
(…At least, that’s the case if it’s just us on stage, not when we are facing other units.)
…I wish this was spicier. Should I add cayenne pepper or tabasco…
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Rinne: Wassup~, it’s ya boi, Rinne-kun! ☆ I’ve come to extort you for food, Niki-kyun! ♪
Yuuta: I wonder if death sauce would be better…
Rinne: Ohoho? Whose this little cutie here? If it ain’t Yuta-kun! ♪
I sure am runnin’ into ya a bunch today, Yuta. Let’s toast to our first reunion after a couple hours, with this free-of-charge water…♪
Yuuta: ……
This is the worst. Is today just my unlucky day…?
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This translation is currently in progress, however you may continue my livetweet here. Please keep in mind my livetweet is not JP proofed.
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the-himawari · 2 years
A3! Hyodo Juza - Translation [R] Guardian of Peace (1/2)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog
Juza: …Aight, there’s nothin’ wrong with my bike. It’s good to go for a cruise now.
Omi: Hey, Juza.
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Juza; Ah, Omi-san. I’m ready to hit the road—.
Omi: Sorry, it’s about that… An urgent job came in so I can’t make it.
Juza: …If duty calls, then there’s nothin’ we can do. Don’t worry about it. I can always go by myself.
Omi: Even so, you were going to ride around as a patrol for your role study as a police officer, weren’t you? And when you think of a patrol, it’s usually a duo doing it together.
Juza: Yeah.
Omi: Why don’t you head out together with someone else who can go besides me?
Juza: Speakin’ of motorcycles, Tasuku-san went for a traffic safety class, so it looks like he’s in the middle of preparing for his role too.
Omi: In that case, I’m sure you can ask someone to sit in the back and you can do your patrol together.
Juza: The back, huh… I’ll try askin’ someone.
Omi: Great. I hope it works out.
*knock, knock*
Juza: Muku, you there?
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Muku: Yes, come in!
Muku: What’s the matter, Ju-chan?
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Juza: So I’m goin’ for a motorcycle ride…
Muku: Wow, Ju-chan acting as a police officer is bound to be cool! Riding your motorcycle for role study will be just like a motorcycle officer making his rounds.
Juza: Yeah. But I’m not actually gonna police anythin’. It’ll probably just end up as a regular ride ‘round town.
Muku: It might give you some kind of hint, so I think there’s no reason not to give it a try. If you’re alright with me, then I’ll go with you!
Juza: Thanks. I’m countin’ on you then.
*engine rumbles*
Juza: …Are they doin’ paving work here?
Muku: Oh, you’re right. They’re planning to do the opposite lane soon too. I did feel like it was a bit bumpy.
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Juza: Same. It might get even bumpier, so hold on tight.
Muku: Okay.
Juza: Huh?
Muku: Ju-chan? …Ah, that old lady looks like she’s having trouble.
Juza: Yeah. The road’s not in great shape and her bags look heavy. Do you mind if I stop the bike for a sec?
Muku: Go ahead!
Juza: …’Scuse me, are you alright over there?
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Old lady: Pardon me?
Juza: I’ll carry your bags if you don’t mind.
Old lady: Are you sure? I appreciate your kindness. I’m almost home, but I’m getting worn out from my bags and this road.
Muku: It is a little uneven, isn’t it? Is it just down this road?
Old lady: Yes, my house is over there.
Juza: Aight, let’s go.
Muku: I’m relieved that old lady made it home safely.
Juza: Yeah.
Juza: (There’s a huge gap in the corner of the sidewalk. Are they doin’ construction work here too?)
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Oruto: Aniki, I’m really, really, sorry…
Shift: You dropped it around here, right? It hasn’t been that long, so I’m sure it’s still there.
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Oruto: Right…
Shift: Anyways, I’ll search over here. You go back where you heard the sound…
Muku: That’s Shift-kun, isn’t it? He looks troubled over something.
Juza: He does.
| next
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a pair of siblings is a bond like no other.
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/ICiKMY7
by shsldetective
multifandom drabbles because im pushing my kokichi n maki sibling agenda but i have too big og a fixaction on other sibling duos / trios
these are probably around 500-1000 words im not great at this
Words: 400, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: New Dangan Ronpa V3: Everyone's New Semester of Killing, World's End Club (Video Game), OMORI (Video Game), 地縛少年花子くん | Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun | Toilet-bound Hanako-kun (Manga), 地縛少年花子くん | Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun | Toilet-bound Hanako-kun (Anime), South Park, プロジェクトセカイ カラフルステージ!| Project SEKAI COLORFUL STAGE! (Video Game)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Harukawa Maki, Oma Kokichi, Aniki (World's End Club), Vanilla (World's End Club), Mari (OMORI), Sunny (OMORI), Omori (OMORI), Minamoto Kou, Minamoto Tiara, Minamoto Teru, Kenny McCormick, Karen McCormick, Mysterion, Momota Kaito, Amami Rantaro, Tojo Kirumi, Saihara Shuichi, Jessica Pinkerton
Relationships: Harukawa Maki & Oma Kokichi, Aniki & Vanilla (World's End Club), Mari & Sunny (OMORI), Tenma Saki & Tenma Tsukasa, Minamoto Kou & Minamoto Teru, Minamoto Kou & Minamoto Tiara, Minamoto Kou & Minamoto Teru & Minamoto Tiara, Karen McCormick & Kenny McCormick, Karen McCormick & Mysterion, Mari & Omori (OMORI), Mari & Omori & Sunny (OMORI)
Additional Tags: Lowercase, Harukawa Maki & Oma Kokichi Friendship, Minor Oma Kokichi/Saihara Shuichi, episode: s15e14 The Poor Kid (South Park), Episode: s15e14 The Poor Kid, Immortal Kenny McCormick, Good Older Sibling Kenny McCormick, Post-Good Ending (OMORI), I Love Sunny (OMORI), FR, Post-True Ending (World's End Club), Sibling Bonding, Trans Tenma Tsukasa, Probably ooc, Killing Game Was A Virtual Reality Simulation (Dangan Ronpa)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/ICiKMY7
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gtsvideos2 · 2 years
Ai Cho Aniki (PCE) - Final Boss
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simplysimpingsimp · 3 years
helloo can i have platonic headcanons for the hashira reacting to a new hashira who is half demon. They have a blood demon art and can walk in the sun but has very sharp teeth and horns. Also they dont eat humans instead they eat demons for power kinda like genya.
Hi hi anon! First of all I don’t know if that’s spoilers for people about Genya so I’m so sorry to anyone who saw that — pretend you didn’t see — so in the future if you include something in your post that hasn’t been animated yet, please include spoiler warning — I myself have read the manga but not everyone has so please please be cautious of that TOT But anyway, thank you so very much for being patient with me in getting your request out ToT I’m so sorry for taking literally forever to get to you TwT but anyway! Heck yeah you can have this 0:!! I like this idea for a hashira that’s the demon pillar or something like that! As always, I’m super sorry for any mistakes!! Please let me know if there’s anything you’d like for me to fix or change, I will gladly do so <3
🌼 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝙻𝚘𝚌𝚊𝚕 𝙵𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚕𝚢 𝙳𝚎𝚖𝚘𝚗 𝙷𝚊𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚊 𝙷𝙲𝚜
🌼 𝚔𝚗𝚢 𝚟𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚘𝚞𝚜 𝚡 𝚐𝚗!𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
🌼 𝚏𝚝. 𝚂𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚘𝚋𝚞, 𝚃𝚎𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚗, 𝚁𝚎𝚗𝚐𝚘𝚔𝚞, 𝙼𝚒𝚝𝚜𝚞𝚛𝚒
🌼 𝙿𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚜: 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚢/𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚖
🌼 𝚃𝚆/𝚆𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜: 𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚋𝚕𝚘𝚘𝚍!
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definitely had her doubt initially about a half demon joining their ranks but Oyakata explained to them their condition
Initially would often give them side glances of disgust though she hid them well with friendly smiles
That was until one day she was saved by them
Though Y/n did suffer a major injury, she watched them recover quickly as if it was nothing because they consumed the demon they slayed before it disintegrated
Shinobu was definitely interested in studying them and surprisingly they were alright with it in exchange for a cup of tea and a fun conversation
She definitely thought they were an interesting person when studying their blood samples and their personality TT
Sometimes she’d tease them for their sharp teeth, “My my someone’s drifted out from the sea” and sometimes would call them her own shark and that they should have been the shark pillar instead
But hey it’s all in good fun, they got to tease her for her height and for being a nerd lol
Shinobu ended up enjoying their pleasant company, especially when they would gossip together
Their duo name ended up being ‘The Council’ because they were often seen snickering together
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mans definitely had the intention to kill them on sight — flamboyantly of course
But then he heard they were the Demon Pillar
Visible ‘the fuck’ face — he’s supposed to trust a half demon??
He would eye them rather suspiciously especially when they got close
Uzui wouldn’t admit it out loud in the early stages of friendship, but he thought the appearance of their blood art was rather flamboyant and almost god like
Would take a lot to convince him that they weren’t going to harm any human, what it took was saving one of his wives from a demon
Now he treats them like a younger sibling and though he encourages for them to call him ‘aniki’ or a god all he gets is a raspberry and a smug smile when his wives scold him for bullying them
But hey besties for life and free hugs from his wives TwT — Y/n gets 4 besties basically
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Would also be really hesitant to accept them even though they had Ubayashiki’s approval and everything
Whenever they would be sent on to missions together, he would be surprisingly quiet and more observant
He would admire their level headedness and how quickly they were able to analyze the situation and come up with a plan
Kyojuro would definitely be impressed by their fighting skills and how impactful their blood art was
Friendship would initially start with him saying he disliked them for being a half demon but they would grow on him, especially with the small smiles they’d throw in his direction that radiated humanity
He appreciated when they would offer him some of their snacks and when they would be on the look out for him
His apology for saying he disliked them was rather sweet because of the light blush on his cheeks
“Don’t worry, I understand where you’re coming from. I’m glad that you think of me as a friend now,” they would say happily
Now they are pranksters together and often are the loudest ones though they do it to match his energy
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definitely thought they were a little scary at first because of the horns and sharp teeth — but then she realized how beautiful they were TT probably would secretly fangirl
Mitsuri at first was really cautious of them because of Obanai’s own objections but she wanted to get to know them
She ended up getting close to them because of their shared love of food — though they often consumed demons more than human food
Mitsuri would cook all sorts of things for Y/n for the sake of finding what tasted best for them and to no surprise it was her Sakura Mochi TT
She was constantly impressed by their breathing style and the blood art they possessed when they consumed demons
She thought the change in their eye color was amazing and how brave they were when they would dive into battle with their blood art TT
Definitely would become closer friends as they shared tips with each other on flexibility and whenever she would style their hair
Mitsuri would love spending as much time with them as possible, especially sharing meals with each other and recipes
ᴛʜᴀɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜ ғᴏʀ ʀᴇǫᴜᴇsᴛɪɴɢ ᴀɴᴅ ʀᴇᴀᴅɪɴɢ! ᴘʟᴇᴀsᴇ ғᴇᴇʟ ғʀᴇᴇ ᴛᴏ sᴇɴᴅ ɪɴ ʀᴇǫᴜᴇsᴛs/ᴀsᴋs/ɪᴅᴇᴀs/ǫᴜᴇsᴛɪᴏɴs/ᴄᴏᴍᴍᴇɴᴛs/ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ !! sᴇᴇ ʏᴀʟʟ sᴏᴏɴ <3
ᴘᴇɴᴅɪɴɢ ʀᴇǫᴜᴇsᴛs: 34
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d4rk-x-w0lf-17 · 2 years
with you sorting the saiki boys into the twst dorms, could you do the same but like, with your fave characters?? :O
yea!! i've actually had a few in my head that i've been itching to talk about
iruma suzuki
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manages to befriend everyone, and i mean everyone. no one is immune to this pure innocent child, not even vil. he's sorted into the ramshackle dorm since he canonically (in both his source material and in this world), has no magic. the mirror in unable to detect the magic stored in his ring since the magic in the ring is from sullivan and isn't his own.
some headcanons:
jamil accidentally uses his unique magic on iruma when he was bored during a game of truth or dare with the other dorm leaders and asks iruma to reveal his darkest truth and iruma just blurted out his trauma caused by his parents, riddle started crying while vil secretly swore to kill his parents
vil didn't know that iruma is skilled in makeup/dressing up from his time as an evidol, so when iruma expertly applied his own makeup, he nearly had a heart attack over how pretty he looked
no matter how little money he has, iruma always makes sure to buy lots of tuna cans for grim
deuce founded the 'protect iruma' club and ace is the president. anyone who isn't in a club of their own is in that one
crowley reminds iruma a lot of sullivan, so he's used to his personality
jade and jamil help tutor iruma
satou kazuma
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also sorted in ramshackle, despite having magic. at first he hated the idea of being back at school, but the fact that he managed to escape his dumb as fuck party members was a blessing in disguise. he's only friends with ace, ruggie and floyd, but he's fine with it
some headcanons:
everyone is aware that he's a pervert. everyone. he thought epel was a girl and attempted to flirt, only to get slapped. hard.
if you see kazuma and floyd together, by themselves, RUN. they are, by far, the most chaotic duo the campus has ever seen and everyone is terrified of them together
kazuma refuses to admit it, but he genuinely likes the school and everyone there. it's been a while since he's had actual friends
he has a tiny crush on trey, but don't tell anyone
the only magic he retained from the world he came from was his steal ability. ace thought it was cool and kazuma didn't have the heart to tell him that he used it to steal girl's panties
sloth pair (mahiru shirota + kuro)
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mahiru is screaming internally while kuro, in his cat form, is asleep. they're sorted into the heartslabyul dorm and riddle is honestly thrilled. kuro is practically BFFs with idia while mahiru is close friends with riddle, trey, jade and azul.
some headcanons:
mahiru....is pretty mixed on NRC. while he thinks it's nice, he has no time to be here since he has urgent matters to tend to back home
kuro joins the board game club the second he heard about it. there's where he met idia
both kuro and mahiru noticed that they're able to bypass their contract here, meaning that they can be as far from each other as possible and not deal with the side effects
ace thinks that mahiru is a hardass but once he saw him fight, he was practically on his knees begging mahiru to teach him his moves
before he got his spear, mahiru had a broom as a weapon, so he's basically an expert on flying and passes the flight class with ease
kuro and grim get into cat fights a lot
izuku midoriya
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is sorted into the scarabia dorm despite having no magic (quirk[s] not counting). easily becomes one of the highest scoring students the school has seen due to his intellect and adaptability. people thought he was cheating, but nah. he just be like that. is best friends with nearly everyone
some headcanons:
is practically attached to the hip with kalim and malleus. considers them his closest friends
helps tutor ace and deuce, with some assistance from trey
whenever izuku smiles, people have to shield their eyes from his brightness (like, actual light shines behind him when he smiles)
accidentally called sebek 'aniki' once (since he reminds him of iida) and for the next 3 hours, sebek was seen crying bc no one called him that before
just like back home, he keeps a detailed notebook of everyone and their magic (he still calls them quirks out of habit)
deuce was extremely confused when izuku said that he was 'what a fusion between kacchan and iida would look like'
regularly goes to vargas for training bc he needs to keep up with his daily training regimen
shuichi saihara
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tbh it's hard to say for shuichi; the best dorms for him would either be diasomnia or octavinelle. pre-game shuichi would be friends with lilia, floyd and rook while post-game shuichi would be friends with trey, jack and jamil
some headcanons:
pre-game shuichi is still a bit shy, but he's incredibly enthusiastic. loves wondering what everyone's ultimate would be, but he keeps it to himself. post-game shuichi just prays that everyone here isn't thrown into a killing game. he doesn't want them to suffer like he did
doesn't matter how small/inconvenient the problem is, he will solve it
he's a stubborn motherfucker, so if you have an issue, he will get to the bottom of it. trey is banging on his door to go get some sleep, but he needs to do this trey!
he once relapsed and thought he was back in the killing game. jamil resorted to using his unique magic on shuichi to get him to calm down (kamil had to go console jamil bc shuichi called him both kokichi and korekiyo with this broken, tearful look)
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he's in the savanaclaw dorm and is besties with ruggie, floyd, ace, deuce, ortho, kalim and lilia
some headcanons:
he literally has no idea what the fuck he's doing, at any time of day
dumbass (affectionate)
floyd loves giving him headpats since pit loves physical affection. he also lets floyd touch his wings but kicked his ass when he tried to pull out some feathers
"i died once. i got better though" cue the confused, concerned and terrified looks
if it weren't for trey and jade's tutoring, he would've been kicked out for his abysmal grades
hates using a broom for flight but has no other choice since lady palutena can't gift him the power of flight
lilia is the only one who knows and believes pit when he says he's an angel and the captain of an army
pit and ace cause chaos on a daily basis
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again, a hard choice for sorey. i wanna say savanaclaw due to his love of exploring ruins and how much fighting he does, but i also wanna say pomefiore from his magic abilities. fuck it. savanaclaw. he's friends with practically everyone except for idia, jamil and vil.
some headcanons:
no one really knows what his unique magic is. sorey doesn't keep it a secret either, he keeps calling himself a shepherd and that he can bond with seraphim
whenever he talks about mikleo, he gets this look on his face that makes ace tease him. "so when's the wedding?"
mikleo, laliah and edna are actually there at school with him! just no one else can see them. but weirdly enough, they can hear them. so whenever people see sorey talking to nothing, they know he's talking to one of them
ace had his bi awakening when he saw sorey fuse with laliah
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kiri-tired · 3 years
Thank you for providing yujikiri goodness 😊😊😊😊
😅 😅 😅 💦 💦 HOO BOI... don't thank me just yet..!! at some point I will definitely provide some yujikiri TRASH that'll make you (and everyone else) feel instant regret LMAOOOO
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but ahhh, I'm glad I could provide some food for the fandom, I hope it keeps growing! (⌒▽⌒) I've actually been watching it from afar for a very long time. I think it's been almost 2 yrs now. (pandemic killed my sense of time LOL)
These two really have become special to me, I personally haven't found an anime duo this compelling and fulfilling in awhile---and I just only happen to find them by accident??
Gosh, I don't even remember what & how exactly I discovered them, but I know it was through this damn screenshot... (ⓛ ω ⓛ)
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I was so SHOOKeth to learn that Kirito: the long-time anime mmo/isekai harem king icon--was GAY. or that SAO had gay content in general! This was a very bold move and quite a pleasant surprise. I friggin love the irony of whenever a supposed harem anime has one(1) single secret gay route. (It's like cracking open a tasty chocolate easter egg.) 😎
But most of all, I was immediately drawn to that polite-looking blonde, just from this pic alone. Who is he? I thought. It was pretty much love at first sight. 🙈 I could tell he was a sweet, dreamy/sensitive boy---which is just my type??  Also he looks gnc AF 
The more I learned about Eugeo, the more huggable and lovable he became to me.
And as more as I looked into Eugeo, the more I got to see T H E M...
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I already said it but Yujikiri really was one of the most if not THE most compelling and wholesome anime duo's I've seen in awhile. Their handshake and their opening sword stance is so iconic, and they in general are just precious and badass. There's alot of other beautiful things about them that I just don't even know how to describe...
They’re such the healthiest relationship and the deepest pair of bros. Eugeo brings a new “Genki Aniki”-side to Kirito and I think it’s amazing. Honestly, their friendship rivals other anime bro/bestie duos like Killua&Gon and Kamina&Simon for me---what they’ve built with eachother and how they are mutthafuggin hopelessly gay mutually pining for eachother is just absolutely unparalleled. 
They'll make you smile, they'll make you hyped, they'll touch you and make you friggin cry & rip your heart out when they suffer... I seriously had my heart stolen by this pair, and I’m glad to be (finally) dedicating a whole-ass blog to it. 😂 👌 💯
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jewwyfeesh · 2 years
Unit Talking: 2wink
[Dialogue of the Everyday Life with Hinata and Yuta]
special thanks: to sarah, duck and ryn for minor revisions
Even though they are in different classes, they will always be together during break times or club activities. The colour of the headphones around their neck is of contrasting colours, so you may use that to differentiate who is who. Lately, Yuta has been a little dark and rebellious!
Featuring: Aoi Hinata and Aoi Yuta
Hinata: Yuta~kun~ My dearest little brother~
Yuta: Uwah, what’s the matter? Aniki, you’re really nasty…
Hinata: Hey! Yuta-kun, how could you think of your brother as nasty?
You are making aniki feel really sad…
Yuta:Enough with the nonsense, let's get to the main point!
It must be something important if you’re sending messages specifically from your phone, right?
Hinata: Yuta-kun has proven that he understands his older brother well…✩
To be honest, I’m craving something sweet… could you buy some treats for me on your way home?
Yuta: …Aniki, it’s already time for dinner!
Would you still be able to eat if you eat sweets now?
Hinata: Of course I’ll still finish my dinner!
I’m craving something sweet regardless!
It doesn’t matter if it’s ice cream, cake or pudding, I just want something sugary~
Yuta: Ah, what am I going to do with you…
I’ll swing by the convenience store to buy some on the way home. Be patient.
Hinata: Thank you~ ♪
When you return, I’ll hug you very tightly to express my thanks~ ♪
Yuta: You don’t have to thank me.
I should say “we aren’t kids anymore, so please don’t hug me~”
Hinata: Yuta-kun, why are you like this… perhaps you still in your rebellious phase?
We are the duo ‘2wink’, so you acting like this makes me very sad…
However, as your brother, I refuse to give up!
Until Yuta-kun says “Aniki is my favourite”, I will continue hugging you very tightly ✩
Yuta: Mmm, so annoying…
If you continue to be so troublesome, I won’t buy any sweets back.
Hinata: Oh oh, I’m sooo sorry! This is me apologising to you, so please forgive me!
Yuta: Instead of apologising, you shouldn’t have said that in the first place…
Aniki, you’re suuuch a disaster.
I’ll text you when I’m closer to home.
Until then, you’ll have to wait obediently, aniki…♪
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liddolwhynot2000 · 4 years
Chains: Part 2
Summary: Without thinking, you spoke up, feeling oddly hopeful.
'Any chances you want to.. Come in and have some tea?'
Pairings: Levi/Reader, Erwin/reader
Genre: Some fluff, liddol angst
ChainsPt1. ChainsPt3. ChainsPt4
Out of all your memories, an entertaining memory for you to look back on would be the first time you met Levi Ackerman.
It had been an unusually quiet day, not many people had come to the resteraunt, leaving you with less work then usual. When the bell had chimed, you had decided to take the order, bored out of your mind. Much to your surprise, it was Erwin, followed by three other soldiers.
After exchanging pleasantries, you seated them and brought out the menu's. Erwin left, after asking you to note their bill in his tab.
You observed that the young girl was rather chipper and nice, while the blonde man was polite and charming. The man with dark hair and dark eyes, he hardly paid you any mind, not even bothering to spare you a glance. Overall, they had been pleasant enough, eating quietly and calmly.
Once you had served them tea, however, some accdientally spilled on the dark haired man's shirt and arm. He had hissed in pain, and you had immediately begun rubbing a cloth over his arm, before grabbing him gently by the wrist and dragging him to the nearby restroom, despite his complaints.
'I'm fine, let go of my ha-'
'Please don't be difficult, I'm trying to help you. '
Dark eyes flashed dangerously at you but you held firm and began washing his arm, causing him to grunt a little.
'I don't need your fucking help-'
You ignored him and went to grab the medical kit.
'We have a gel for burns. It'll sting a lot though'
By now, you had managed to make him sit down. The look on his face gave away how he would rather jump out the window then sit here. He rolled up his sleeves, unwilling to take off his shirt infront of you, despite the tea stain. You quietly began applying the cream, trying your hardest to be gentle as he hissed.
'I'm from the underground. '
'Do you not know what that place is-'
'I know about the underground area in Wall Sina, yes.'
'Then you should know your helping underground scum, touching his filthy skin'
'Don't be ridiculous, I don't care where you're from. '
He grunted, obviously not believing you. Clearly, he hadn't been treated well because of where he was from. Sighing, you finished applying the cream and went to put the box away and get him a new shirt.
'Stay here, I'll be right back'
A barely perceptible nod was your answer. You went outside, and upon noting the concerned look on his friends faces, assured them that he was okay. You learned their names were Farlan and Isabel.
'He's not in the best mood right now, but he'll be okay'
'Levi aniki is always in a grumpy mood, like an old man-'
'Isabel if he hears you say that-'
Giggling, you made your back to Levi, having gotten a fresh shirt from one of the cooks. You were still smiling as you approached him, causing him to look at you apprehensively
'What's with that shitty smile?'
'Your friends are rather amusing. '
He eyed you warily, before gesturing for you to leave. When he came out, they had all decided to leave. You made your way to Isabel, handing her a box full of some dessert, much to her delight.
'Consider this my way of apologising for spilling tea on your Levi aniki.'
Isabel beamed at you, an impossibly wide grin spreading on her face. Farlan smiled too, while Levi clucked his tongue and made to leave without another word.
'Uh sorry he's a little-'
You waved off Farlan apology, assuring him it was fine. You smiled at them as they left, feeling good about today.
You silently wondered what Levi would make of the Lemon cookies you had specifically given him, along with the note that told him he was the first to try that recipe.
Maybe that would show him that some people didn't think of him as less for being from the underground.
The next time you saw Levi, it was about a month later. It had been at the market, you had been bargaining with the shopkeeper over tomatoes as you caught sight of him and his friends.
Isabel noticed you first, smiling brightly and rushing to you. Farlan had followed calmly, chuckling as Isabel gushed to you about how much she had enjoyed the treats. Levi, with two brooms strapped to his back, rolled his eyes and made eye contact with you as acknowledgement.
You smiled amiably and chatted with them briefly, promising Isabel you would write down the recipe for the cupcakes you had made and questioning them about how they had been settling in the corps.
Twenty minutes later, in a twist of events masterminded by Farlan, you were walking back home accompanied by Levi. The silence perpetuated between the two of you, with Levi unwilling to talk much. Or at all really.
Farlan had, through some miracle, coaxed him into walking you to your house and carrying your heavy bags. The moment Levi had argued that Farlan himself could do it, he had comically feigned an arm cramp and had left to find a doctor with Isabel. Levi had glared and grumbled. You imagined he was thinking along the lines of 'oh I'll give you a reason to visit the doctor just you wait', before taking your bags from you and grumpily making you lead the way.
You lived in a decent, small, one room house not too far from the resteraunt. It was a clean area, with a small lawn attached, where you grew out fresh vegetables. You were paying a modest amount of rent for it, and someday hoped you could save enough to buy it.
'This place is filthy.'
Huffing, you turned him with an eyebrow raised. Everything was clean, in fact you had cleaned just before heading to the market.
'How so?'
'There's a pile of leaves right there. Someone spilled an obnoxiously shitty colour of paint on the fence. And, I just saw a mouse run by.'
Alarmed, you backed away from your lawn, eyeing your surroundings suspiciously.
His expression had broken a little, showing some thinly veiled amusement. Too bad you were too worried about rodents crawling into your bed at night and hence, unable to focus on this new development.
'Don't worry, just get blondie to handle it for you. Maybe they'll focus on munching on his eyebrows and leave you alone. '
'Blondi- you mean Erwin?'
'I'd rather not. I can wage war with demonic rats on my own. '
Shrugging, he handed your bags to you. You thanked him politely and watched as he started to walk away. Without thinking, you spoke up, feeling oddly hopeful.
'Any chances you want to.. Come in and have some tea?'
Levi froze before turning around and staring at you. His usually cold eyes flickered for a moment, a hint of something you couldn't identify had flashed in their depths. He actually seemed to entertain your offer for a minute. In the end, he opted to be as polite as possible, which was probably the work of the voice inside his head that sounded like Farlan.
'Maybe.. some other time. Say hi to the rat for me. '
'The only greetings that rat is getting is in the form of a wack from my broom.'
'Tch- don't damage the broom.'
'It's the only weapon I have. What else can I do?'
'Co exist with the rat. Maybe it'll introduce you to its family. It's tiny, shitty babies probably'
The image of that made you feel rather sick, and it showed on your face. Levi smirked, before turning around to walk.
'Thank you.'
It was hardly audible but you heard it. You watched with wide eyes, as his small form faded out of your vision. He didn't turn back to look for your reaction or elaborate but you knew exactly what he had thanked you for.
With a smile, you went inside. You would think more about Levi later, for now, there was a rat to be dealt with. As if on cue, you heard something shatter, making you sigh.
It was going to be a long day.
The night sky was beautiful tonight, stars sparkling, a calm breeze drifting throughout. It was rather quiet, but you found the calm to be soothing as you walked back home.
For some reason, you felt like taking the long way home. This path usually meant passing by the survey corps headquarters. Humming, you walked passed it, contemplating what to make for dinner. Just as you almost left the building behind, you noticed a hunched figure, sitting with their back to a wall.
You could hardly make out who it was, so you cautiously moved forward, heart in your throat, to catch sight of the stranger
It was a soldier. The way they were mindlessly staring at the ground gave away the despair they were feeling. The Survey Corps had come back from an expedition this morning but you hadn't seen them return, too busy filling out tax forms.
You accidentally stepped on a twig, the snap sound causing you to still with your eyes wide. With baited breath, you watched the soldier lift his head and turn in the direction of the sound, showing you their identity.
Familiarity flashed in his eyes as he got up and started walking towards you.
'Are you oka-'
'Is it too late to take you up on that cup of tea?'
You and Levi had ended up friends after that. You had comforted him upon learning of Isabel and Farlans deaths, wishing that the lighthearted duo had gotten to live longer and see what the world above had to offer them. You hadn't known them well, but you could tell they were the good sort.
Levi began approaching you after that, often dropping by the resteraunt. You would sometimes visit him, giving him some homemade lunch. The two of you often enjoyed eating together in comfortable silence, the conversation pleasant and amiable. Banter with him, much to your own surprise, made you laugh and feel alive.
'the rats are still living around your house aren't they?'
'I've been trying to scare them off but-'
'You want to help raise its shitty brats?'
'No- I don't want to-'
'Just admit it. You like those filthy monsters.'
'Then I'll just visit and throw them out for you.'
'.. You're mean.'
You smiled to yourself, biting your lip as you flushed a little, remembering your conversations with him.
'You like him don't you?'
'Like who?'
'Commander Blondie.'
You paused
'I used to. Not anymore'.
'I see. So he's a blind idiot huh?'
The last part had been muttered under his breath, clearly not meant for your ears. But you had heard him anyways and only barely managed to hide your blush from him.
You could only hope Levi's heart beat as fast as yours when the two of you were together.
'I'm being promoted to captain.'
You paused in cutting vegetables, startled, before turning to Levi.
'A-Are you serious?'
You put the knife down, making your way to the man casually munching on lemon cookies.
'That's amazing! And to think you haven't been in the corps that long either. Wait- how could you sit here for so long and not tell me huh?'
'I was enjoying the cookies.'
You went off on a rant, telling him you would make him his favorite dish as celebration, and maybe you would even get some meat. You were genuinely happy for Levi, knowing he deserved this promotion.
As you moved about the kitchen, looking for supplies, you completely missed the fond smile he had directed at you.
'Captain, I'm in love with you. '
You froze, your hand on the door knob, as throat suddenly constricted at the sound of Petra's voice. You immediately backed away from the door, an awful feeling swelling up in your chest.
Petra, sweet, kind hearted Petra, who never had a bad thing to say about anyone. You knew, given her personality, it was difficult to not love someone like her. She often reminded you of Marie, vibrant and beautiful. She was a strong and capable soldier, one who had garnered the respect of all her cormades almost immediately.
Only a fool would turn Petra down. And you knew Levi was anything but a fool.
Tense, you leaned into the door again, heart steeled as you listened in.
'...give you a chance.. '
Your eyes closed in resignation at Levi's voice, lips tugging into a frown. Holding your tears at bay, you tightly grasped the lunch box you had brought for him and began to walk away.
Erwin had chosen Marie and Levi had chosen Petra. And you couldn't blame either of them for it. Because what could a mousy woman like you offer? Especially when compared to women like them? Even you would choose them over yourself.
History really had repeated itself and with that thought, you began to chain your heart up again.
'Oi where the hell have you been?'
Caught unaware, you nearly dropped the dishes in your hands.
'L-Levi, its been a while. How have you been?'
You smiled at him pleasantly, uneasily noting how his irritated his expression was. Maybe he and Petra had gotten into a fight?
'Where. Have. You. Been?'
The dangerous tone had you nervously chuckling.
'Where I always am-'
'I haven't seen you in three weeks.'
'I haven't had enough time to drop by and -'
'And you always arrive early and leave early, right before I come see you.'
'The new hours are exhausting, blame the boss he-'
You trailed off, faltering at the sight of Levi. He looked his perfect self, clothes impeccable, hair properly brushed. But his eyes were a different story, one that made your heart clench and the newly formed chains to violently rattle.
He looked hurt.
'I haven't been trying to avoid you-'
'Yes you have.'
'No, I just didn't think Petra would like another woman being so close to-'
Levi's expression lit up in fury and he was in front of you in seconds, hands grabbing your shoulders. There was something deseprate about the way he was looking at you.
'Did Petra say something to you? Is that it? I'll put her on stable duty for the rest of her shitty life-'
'No she didn't say anything-'
'Then why have you been avoiding me?'
'Because I wanted to give you and your girlfriend space!'
Silence. Absolute silence.
Levi looked bewildered, an expression uncommon for his usually stoic self. He took in your sad expression as understanding dawned on him and sighed in exasperation.
The hands that had been grabbing your shoulders, lowered themselves to your upper arms. You were pushed into the counter behind you. Levi was only a little taller then you, just enough for him to have to look down at you. His expression was so soft and you were so focused on it that you didn't even notice the chains effortlessly untangling themselves.
'I don't know why you think this, but Petra and I aren't together. At all.'
'But I heard-'
'She confessed to me. I turned her down. She's just a comrade.'
Feeling embarrassed, you could only let out an 'oh' and stare at your shoes. The sound of a chuckle had you blinking as a hand gasped your chin and nudged it upwards so you would look at him.
'However, there is this girl I like. '
His other arm slid down to your waist, wrapping around it. You couldn't bring yourself to look away, hardly any words escaping your mouth.
'I've liked her since I met her.'
Your hair, which was messily getting in your eyes, was gently tucked behind your ear. The same hand then went to snag your wrist, gesturing for it to wrap around his neck. Your arms obeyed him without question.
'Isabel and Farlan wanted me to ask her out. They were always being little shits and teasing me about her.'
Your heart skipped a beat, you felt too light as he lowered his lips to yours. Just a little more distance and the two of you would be-
'She lives with a filthy rat and its family.'
'Hey! It's not my fault they keep coming back-'
Your indignant defense of your unorthodox pets was cut off as gentle lips pressed against yours. Your eyes closed as you melted into him, feeling like you were on cloud nine and too caught up in him to register anything else.
There was a time you had released the chains surrounding your heart on your own, but this time, they had turned to dust and ceased to exist. Never to be recreated, simply because you wouldn't ever need them again.
Too bad the reason for the chains existing in the first place, had to watch it happen with his own eyes. Levi wasn't a fool, Erwin deduced to himself. But as he watched you embrace Levi and smile so brilliantly, Erwin knew that the only real fool was him.
With that, he silently walked away from the door Levi had left open. He needed a drink.
A/N: ta daa! I hope y'all enjoyed that! I'm tempted to do a smol part 3 From Erwin's perspective. But that depends on if y'all even want it. Till next time people! ⭐
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abri-chan · 3 years
What I think fandom gets wrong about ProPesci, or how we see Prosciutto as toxic only by infantalizing Pesci
(By fandom, I mean in my proximity, and what I, from that position, perceive to be mainstream. I cannot account for each and every part of a fandom as big as JoJo's.)
First things first, I won't try to say the way Pesci is treated is healthy or redeem Prosciutto. Prosciutto, as a character, has apparent toxic masculinity issues, and even possibly written/created with machismo ideals in mind (not all machismo is bad but mostly, in how it comes down to practice it harms both those around you and yourself). My issue is that he is seen as a character that bullies Pesci, and I believe that isn't quite right. Furthermore, seeing Prosciutto as the bully, the toxic guy, is used alongside (or as a synonym) to Pesci being "baby" or infantilized, and overall a poor child that must be abused by this other guy. The latter bothers me more than whatever fandom sees Prosciutto as, bc a Pesci that can do no wrong, a baby boy, is an offense to Pesci's very ideals and what he attempted to achieve in the short period of time he was alive.
Now, Prosciutto is tough and all that, and acts like a dick around Pesci bc he believes you need to beat manliness into someone. But then why does Pesci let him do so? Why does he take the bullying? He's not a 8 year old child that is being bullied by someone stronger and doesn't know better. In fact, Pesci is way stronger than Prosciutto in any way; standwise, Beach Boy is stronger. Stands aside, Pesci could lift both Bruno and Prosciutto, two grown ass men. He even took a beating by Prosciutto, a kicking by a guy who mostly uses legs to attack and who is very much in shape, and walked it right off like it was nothing. So since Pesci is stronger physically and powerwise, it comes down to why mentally he lets Prosciutto treat him that way. And it irritates me to think the answer is "Pesci must have the mind of a 8 year old, or he's so innocent he doesn't know how the world works".
Pesci is a grown man too. He's in the mafia. He may not have killed before, but he hangs out with a group of murderers. He turns a blind eye to that, or is habituated to that. And when he first kills that random guy on the train, it's even more chilling it really doesn't even shake Pesci at all to snap his neck. "Oh, so that's how it feels to kill? Hmm.. Oh well, back to Buccellatti." For a guy who whines and nags, he surely was unfazed by something as final as death. You'd think it will be the cornerstone of "being accepted in the team", to murder someone, make a kill, show you belong. But he doesn't even care. It feels as inconsequential to him as breathing air.
Not only is this man not baby, but he may also be more dangerous than Prosciutto, if he is your standard for who is the "bastard" of the duo. Sure, Prosciutto abuses Pesci, but his actions are in the expected, if not normal spectrum. You abuse the little guy, you steer away from the big guy--commonsense. When Bruno opens the floor of a speeding train you think that's fucking crazy bc Bruno is doing a suicide mission and that is insane. He's dangerous, but in an expected way. Pesci on the other hand doesn't care for murder, in that he feels neither pride nor remorse, it's a fly on the wall for all he cares. He springs from coward to badass in minutes. The guy is anything but expected, and it's unclear if Prosciutto truly understood Pesci's personality. Although he may have seen potential.
So this is a roundabout way of me circling back to my original question: Why does Pesci enable Prosciutto's abuse? (And yes, Pesci is an enabler there's no way around it.) Not only is Pesci stronger, but not caring about his first kill--the mark of becoming a hitman--raises the possibility Pesci didn't even care about his role in La Squadra. Or being respected by the team. Or whatever badges of honor you may get by doing good service the mafia.
My answer is that whatever plagued Pesci was intrinsic: he saw nothing of value in himself; he saw something lacking but didn't know what. Then along the way comes Prosciutto, and Pesci sees that this guy has what Pesci wanted to be all along. He doesn't have a name for it, but he knows Prosciutto's got it. So Prosciutto tells him IT is called "being a man" or "not being a mammoni", and Pesci believes him. So he trusts Prosciutto to teach him to become just like him. He enables Prosciutto's behavior because of trust: Pesci has decided that Prosciutto is the only person to teach Pesci what he lacks, and for that he will take a beating, and abuse, and whatever it may take. Because Prosciutto has to know best. Because after all, Prosciutto is a man and Pesci isn't.
It may be twisted or fucked up, but deep down Pesci cared to change. To gain what he thought he lacked. It was all an intrinsic transformation.
Now, was he mislead to believe Prosciutto embodied the ideal to become? Maybe. Was Prosciutto wrong to label the IT about himself that fascinated Pesci as "manliness"? Possibly. After all, to me at least, Prosciutto shines best in those moments where he is free of the constraints of machismo. And I do think all the ways he goes about to make Pesci a man probably do not hold up to the psychology of how humans grow. But you have to see he is not a psychologist, but a hitman, who some other guy for some reason admires, and he will teach Pesci the only way he knows. (There's some trauma of your own there, aniki, that you may be passing on through your actions).
Let's leave that aside, because this is not about Prosciutto. The more interesting character is Pesci. That he is not an innocent victim, or someone with the iq of a child. That Pesci cannot be "baby" bc that goes against the very thing Pesci tried to become: a *man*worthy of Prosciutto's praise. He labelled what he lacked as "being a man" and while it may be incorrect, it mattered to Pesci; he believed it; he wanted to be a man by the end. To fully believe that what he saw in himself was a man.
So when the fandom infantilizes him by using Prosciutto as a bully and Pesci as a mindless victim, it goes against the only thing Pesci wanted to stand for. He never wanted to be helpless, and Prosciutto's rough mentoring or training was a way to get to that point. So Pesci was in all along, despite how much he beat himself over it.
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vulpiximisa · 2 years
finished it
not me bawling my eyes out when reycho finally spoke 😭😭😭 im glad hes Not just a robot that Pochi controlled, but now 1/4 of the club is actually robots lmao 
i dont know if i can say it was a Good Game but i did get enjoyment from it from just the story and characters. it really sucks that the game play really was the worst thing about it 😅 like the gameplay is basic and the controls are terrible but it couldn’t have been anything else because it is an adventure game(?) and it was necessary for the story
as for characters, pochi was my favorite from the beginning when he stuck with reycho and vanilla. i was like “i can trust him”, so when he got taken away by the robot for failing his task, i was so distraught. 
i started to really like chuko too, because she’s so spunky and sometimes the straightman. didn’t realize she was tsundere because she generally wasnt really mean unless it involved kansai (and yuki but) but kansai doesn’t have rights so shes allowed to be mean to him
a lot of the other characters took time to grow on me, as most of them were tropey as hell. most of them do have a little bit more on them then the initial but i think mowchan and tattsun had it the worst because they’re pretty one note. which sucks because i have a bias towards tattsun.
anyway when i got the parmi-chan sticker and then izumi harumi sticker, I SWORE tattsun had a crush on chuko? like i was wondering why he was being so mean to her when he transformed but he probably couldn’t say. (i also thought we were going to get a sticker of Giano the feline friend but i realized this duo makes up Parmi and Giano because cheese)
dont want to make this about ships but i think they were pushing for it because it was in line with how humanity procreates and grows, so the kids can make kids and future something something
still dont like kansai so him ending up with chuko kinda felt like he was settling as soon as he heard that yuki was a robot
so i looked up the characters profiles and they have the zodiacs assigned in their bios, which, im glad i was right. the last few i couldnt get were monkey, goat, horse and rooster, which i looked up were reycho, yuki (sheep), aniki and jennu. i kept thinking jennu was the horse for some reason, but i might have been projecting.
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