superfandomcorp · 1 year
Buffy: I hate you.
Angelus: I like your determination.
Buffy: I'm going to kill you
Angelus: the Slayer is so bad, everyone run.
Buffy: Are you going to fight or just make fun?
Angelus: I can do two things at once
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ch2mpion · 1 year
to kill this girl you have to love her.
obsessed with angelus' own obsession with buff.y because his good side loves her. the soul is a compass to shows you to love selflessly and with meassure. angelus has no soul and so love becomes obsession, passion becomes brutality. the demon who took his place as a vampire had the perfect blank canvas to wreak havok and so givign him a soul is the best punishment, because of the same thing.
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I think I’ve seen this film before...
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nicnacsnonsense · 4 months
Darla/Angelus/Drusilla/Spike: The Whirlwind. The Scourge of Europe. Somehow the perfect balance of terrible people and toxic dynamics to create an unhinged but stable polycule. (Stable for them, pretty de-stabilizing for the innocent populace caught in their wake)
Darla/Angelus: Unhinged murder couple. Toxic and loving every romantic minute of it
Drusilla/Spike: World class simp and his dark princess
Darla/Drusilla: Gal pals! (lesbianism)
Angelus/Spike: Family who fucking hate each other and who are also sometimes hate fucking each other
Angelus/Drusilla: Works okay in short bursts, but if it was just the two of them long term, even odds if Angelus would lose interest or his patience first. Either way, would not end well for Dru
Darla/Spike: Bit of a mystery; they don’t ever really directly interact with each other. Vibes suggest that Darla sees Spike as something of an annoying younger brother and only puts up with him because he takes care of Dru, which means there’s no reason for her to stick around if it’s just the two of them. Which is a shame because I know in my heart if we could get the two of them working as a united front, the head bitch energy would be legendary. They would serve so much cunt together.
Darla/Angelus/Drusilla: Mostly a happy throuple, but Drusilla does get neglected by the other two, hence her creation of Spike
Darla/Drusilla/Spike: Gives big mom and her two annoying little shits kids energy. Not a lot of drama (beyond normal vampire baseline) but also not a lot to keep Darla interested and around long term
Darla/Angelus/Spike: That one @/writing-prompt-s about the two destined lovers that reincarnate over and over plus this other guy who’s just sort of there
Angelus/Drusilla/Spike: Messy as fuck. Toxic, and not in a fun way this time (not for them; very fun for us watching at home). Angelus and Spike are having a pissing contest through Dru, and Dru only understands enough to egg them both on. Takes all of five seconds for Spike to go from excited to see Angelus again to “I would literally rather team up with the Slayer to save the day than spend one more second looking at your stupid massive forehead.” Darla is the glue, the linchpin holding this family together and this is the proof.
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chxrcasm · 11 months
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Anya wasn't wrong when she called him large and glowery.
Angel, the vampire with a soul. Once known as the Scourge of Europe, now he's The Champion.
Angel doesn't quite fit the Disney mold as far as design. Most of the imposing figures are villains. The only one I can think of who isn't is Hercules and he's much too innocent to be broody. Much like Xander, I couldn't really draw inspiration from any specific characters but I was able to figure out stuff like eyes and nose from various design sketches. I'm happy how he turned out.
Yes, the sketch with the rose is Angelus. Yes, he's wearing the Claddaugh ring. (Hope that wasn't too obscured.)
Next post might be a more involved piece of a different fan art, though I have no plans to stop disnifying the Buffy characters.
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februaryfangfest · 9 months
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While February Fangfest is all about spilling fresh creative blood, we wanna show love to older works in the fandom too. While you wait for the 'fest and create all those wonderful new things, Throwback Thursdays are all about shouting out classic Fanged Four works set during the time pre-series!
Title: A-Hunting We Will Go Author: brutti_ma_buoni Rating: E (Foreplay, vampire violence) Length: 2,001 words Setting: Vienna 1889 and New York 1918 Summary: “We’re going hunting, children,” says the biggest bad of all. “Come into the woods.” The why: This Fanged Four interlude in the woods of Vienna may not seem particularly out of the ordinary at first glance, but once Spike understands the implications of what they've just done, the story becomes thoroughly chilling. With an eye for historical detail and a firm grip on Spike's inner voice with all his opinions and insecurities, brutti_ma_buoni serves up a brief but fascinating tale that perfectly reveals how our immortal blorbos could potentially have impacted history in an enormous way through one small act and why Angelus himself was known as the Scourge of Europe.
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ifeveristoday · 5 years
Buffy’s soullessness makes her act like Regina George on steroids, Angel’s soullessness leads to eyeliner and killing sprees.
Should have had a meetup where Buffy scoffs, “Why are you so obsessed with me?” Angelus speechless for a second and then a slap fight to the death.
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intcthatgoodnight-a · 5 years
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@perfectdespair SEND ME ♔♔ FOR A PHOTOSET/EDIT/GIFSET OF OUR MUSES  (kathy/darla/angelus)
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caritaskaraokebar · 5 years
The Fanged Four as Songs by Florence + The Machine
What Kind of Man
Sky Full of Song 
Queen of Peace 
Breath of Life 
Breaking Down 
Lover to Lover
Seven Devils 
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idabbleincrazy · 3 years
16. 19, 25, 34
16. Any guilty pleasure trope(s)?
Sex pollen/fuck or die. Luv it when it's done right, with two idiots longing for each other and oh, look, we have to have sex now, too bad it doesn't mean the same for them as it does for me...wait, you mean you've wanted this forever too?
19. Do you prefer canon-compliant, AUs, or something in-between?
Canon-compliant mostly, since most of my fandoms are sci-fi/fantasy and wouldn't really be the same without those elements.
25. Have you ever daydreamed about side adventures/spin-offs from your fic? Tell us about them!
I'm always thinking of new scenarios to add on to my Never Fade Away series, and have a couple of time-stamps planned from things mentioned within Go Out with a Bang.
34. Copy and paste an excerpt you’re particularly fond of.
From my Spangel A-Z series Faith:
And he was his God; for twenty years he worshiped at the feet of Angelus, lived by the teachings of The Scourge of Europe. Fell to his knees nightly to receive the damned Sacrament. Unholy Scripture writ across flesh as he prostrated himself before his dark Savior, devilish cries of ' Allelujah tumbled from his lips under the skillful touch of his true Sanctus Dominus. Together with the Dishonored Mother, never a blonde curl out of place, and his Dark Princess, Sainted in her own right, a twisted Trinity the three of them made, the trio of demonic disciples followed their God across the continent and beyond, cutting a swath of blood and terror through countless villages and towns, leaving Hellfire in their wake.
They reveled in every sin they committed upon the Earth, no thought for the stains left on their lost souls, no care for the prospect of Hell and its torments. They were the torment, they were Hell and all its splendor. Out at dusk to slake their endless thirst, and back to their own private Heaven, their den of iniquity, at dawn to twine around each other, bodies writhing, biting, scratching, to quell their eternal lust. He took it all in, every lesson, every verse, memorized it, mapped out on his body as it was. Kept his faith for a century, assured in his belief in his Lord’s eventual return. 
(The whole drabble is one of my favorite things I've written about these two)
Thanx for asks!
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superfandomcorp · 10 months
Angelus: Sometimes I want to kill you, other times I just want to torture you, and the other times...
Buffy: Kidnap me?
Angelus: Fuck you to death.
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ch2mpion · 11 months
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@dcviline asked: META + how angel and angelus view each other
they are so interwined and at the same time, angel would like not to see himself as angelus. he sees angelus as the demonic desires he keeps on hidding and due to how the demon takes shape on the human you once were, perhaps the human desires he once had. angel's struggle against angelus despite many people separating them is that he has angelus memories, he has every kill, torutre he had ever done in his mind.
angelus sees angel as week, we have canon evidence he is mostly annoyed with him and any plan that tries to get him back ensouled, then he would do whatever he can to stop it. angelus in his place, remembers the guilt, remember the love buffy made him feel, remembers the reminds of being human, the blissful happiness and he is appaelled for it.
in many ways, they are two parts of a whole, in a another, i think they are each other's fears, what the other fears. angelus fears to be weak and controlled by love, angel fears controlled by passion and let his demons control him.
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buffyrants · 7 years
The “Notorious” Angelus
This one’s also for @spikesjojo who commented on a reblog to this post that it was questionable that Angelus or Angel would ever have been asked to kill a Slayer. It was a very good point. This article, thus, speculates on what Angelus’s role might have been in the Order of Aurelius, why he came to join up with them, how he might have ever encountered a Slayer, and how much the Watcher’s Council knew about him.
So, just how notorious was Angelus? When Buffy found out that Angel was a vampire, Giles didn’t immediately make the Angel=Angelus association. Moreover, it is only after he does hours of research, culminating in the Watcher’s diaries, the most obscure and disorganized information available, that he finds out anything about Angelus at all. Angelus simply wasn’t well known among the Watcher’s Council. When you contrast this with Spike, who Roger Wyndham-Pryce recognized immediately, and whom Lydia Chalmers wrote her thesis on, and whom Giles found information on readily enough, it doesn’t seem as if Angelus was quite as notorious as we once thought. However, Angelus does have a huge reputation among demons. He is frequently recognized by demons who wonder what he’s doing with the Slayer (like those Texan cowboy vampires). Additionally, when he goes to that demon bar in Season 4 of Angel, everyone whispers about him. They definitely recognize him. They chat him up; they ask for autographs. Wolfram and Hart have 35 files on him. Among the demon population of the world, he is known very, very well indeed, even more so, I’d say, than Spike. Why the dichotomy?
Initially, I’m not sure that there was one. Angelus is recorded in the diaries as being the “one with the angelic face” who slaughtered people in Ireland where he first rose. In fact, he slaughtered an entire village which is certainly not subtle at all. According to Giles, Angelus remained unsubtle too as he wreaked “havoc in Europe for several decades.” However, Angelus is over two centuries old and he was over a century old when he was cursed. Why then does Giles only comment on his atrocities for “several decades?” Apparently, after that the records seem to have become pretty sparse. What changed? If “several decades” after he rose was the point where Angelus went off the Watcher’s radar, what was the impetus?
Well, in the first two decades after he rose from 1753 to 1773, Angelus was undeniably high-profile. I would dare to say that Angelus was very obvious and garnered a whole lot of attention during that time period. This is the vampire who was once Liam after all: Wild, rebellious, impetuous, undisciplined and unfocused. The Master claimed he would never even last a century and he was almost right. Angelus certainly gained the attention and undying hatred of one of the worst vampire hunters ever, Holltz, who only stops actively hunting Angelus and Darla down in 1773. Thus, Angelus, after so many close encounters with death, probably learned the importance of lying low a bit. He certainly didn’t want to fulfill the Master’s words that he would only “last a century, tops.” He started to tone it down, if only a little. He matured. In fact by 1786, I think Angelus even chose to wind down his attention-garnering ways, in the eyes of the Watcher’s Council at least, completely with the siring of Penn as he taught him to carve a cross in his victim’s left cheek. By doing this, Angelus took heat off of himself by giving his signature mark to another vampire and muddying the trail. The Watcher’s Council, according to Wesley, were more than aware that this was Angelus’s signature. Hence, Angelus stopped marking his prey after Penn; He didn’t want to be caught and he, rather brilliantly, got another young vampire to take the heat off of him.  
I believe this final push towards unmitigated caution, which lead to his siring of Penn, involved an encounter with a Slayer. I don’t believe that Angelus sought that encounter out. That was never his style. Nevertheless, the diaries of the Watcher’s state that Angelus had a tattoo on his right shoulder. Clearly, Angelus must have gotten up close and personal with a Slayer, or a group of Watchers possibly, but a Slayer is more likely. Either she came to kill Angelus while he was sleeping, and saw him shirtless, culminating in a fight, or they got into a fight, and Angelus’s shirt got ripped causing the Slayer to see his tattoo. Either way, there had to have been a scuffle. This is when Angelus learned once and for all that he had to lay low and he sired Penn to cool the trail. This is also why, when Spike is walking a similar path of unsubtle devastation, Angelus warns him that he might not be so happy if he encounters the Slayer as a result. He’s speaking from personal experience. Of course, unlike Angelus, Spike takes this as a challenge and a thrill, not a warning to be more careful.
Angelus, unlike his descendant though, masters the art of covering his tracks. Thus, when he slaughters an entire convent, and sires Drusilla, the Watcher’s don’t even know of it. It’s not a big deal at any rate. Giles certainly never connected Drusilla with Angelus when Spike came into town. That alone says a lot about Angelus’s ability to hide. It’s quite impressive. I would go so far as to say that Angelus began to take great pride and pleasure in the artistry of killing and not getting caught: The Death Angel who comes and is not seen. Where will he strike next? Angelus is very melodramatic, after all. Everyone trying to find out who did it,it probably made him laugh. He probably bragged about it too, or Darla did. I’m sure he became noted all throughout the demonic world for the cruel artistry of his kills. I mean, did you see what he did to Jenny and Giles in Season 2 of Buffy?  That’s just the beginning. It takes a certain kind of skill to do the things Angelus did and not grab the Council’s attention. The Scourge of Europe certainly earned his name. He was the master of psychological torment and this kept him low profile among the Council with only mentions here and there of his name. He deliberately made sure that it remained that way too.
Nonetheless, I would say that Angelus was noted for more then simply his cruelty in killing. His victims weren’t simply limited to humans you see. We’ve seen Angelus kill demons with no qualms either. Vampires are looked down upon by humans as “monsters” and “demons.” Vampires are looked down upon by other demons for being “half-breeds.” They fit in nowhere. I doubt Angelus appreciated that. He once told Spike that “there’s no belonging or deserving anymore. You can take what you want, have what you want…but nothing is yours.” Vampires live on the fringe of society human or demon. They have no power. Angelus wasn’t having that: He would be acknowledged and he killed any demon who disrespected him. His reputation grew and he became notorious among them. I imagine this is also why he and the Master made peace. 
I began to speculate on why Angelus and the Master finally made peace when I wrote this post. I believe now that the answer is that Angelus wanted to command some respect and wanted some stability. By allying with the Order of Aurelius, Angelus dreamed of a world where they, the vampires, might rule, and he would be at the Master’s right hand. I imagine Angelus preferred it that way, he could command respect, but wouldn’t have to deal with the burden and confinement of excessive leadership responsibilities. In this capacity, Angelus intimidated all kinds of demons, as well as the Master’s lackeys. The Master called him the “most vicious creature I have ever met.” I believe him. I imagine Angelus was a huge asset. He struck fear in the demons and in return for his support, Angelus and Darla were able to make London, above ground as they preferred, their territory with the Master’s consent and implied protection. They settled down and they stayed there for a good few decades before Spike’s actions forced them to move. 
The above is also why, I suspect, that after Luke was killed during the Harvest, Angel was asked to track down the Slayer and kill her to avenge Luke. The Master himself may have even asked him to, because of Angelus’s ferocious reputation, the fact that he had once enforced the Master’s will, was his representative in the demon world even, and because he was known to have survived an encounter with a Slayer before. Even surviving a Slayer attack is considered pretty impressive in the culture of Vampires. The Order of Aurelius is no exception and the Master was sure to be royally pissed off and wanting revenge. Some other lackey could have suggested it too, based upon the grandiose reputation and legend that was Angelus and everyone jumped on the band wagon: Yeah, Angelus! You should go kill the Slayer! Naturally, Angel refused. It’s a possibility anyway, and goes a long way to explain Darla’s comment about how Angel gave up the right to rule by the Master’s side “for her,” aside from the extraordinary amounts of jealousy that she indubitably felt. This is also when the fact that Angelus now inhabited a body with a soul started to become common knowledge. Before that, no one but Darla really knew.
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cast-that · 7 years
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tall-dark-n-broody · 4 years
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Angelus - The Scourge of Europe 
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