#♱ ––– angelus ⋮ the scourge of europe .
ch2mpion · 1 year
to kill this girl you have to love her.
obsessed with angelus' own obsession with buff.y because his good side loves her. the soul is a compass to shows you to love selflessly and with meassure. angelus has no soul and so love becomes obsession, passion becomes brutality. the demon who took his place as a vampire had the perfect blank canvas to wreak havok and so givign him a soul is the best punishment, because of the same thing.
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ch2mpion · 11 months
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@dcviline asked: META + how angel and angelus view each other
they are so interwined and at the same time, angel would like not to see himself as angelus. he sees angelus as the demonic desires he keeps on hidding and due to how the demon takes shape on the human you once were, perhaps the human desires he once had. angel's struggle against angelus despite many people separating them is that he has angelus memories, he has every kill, torutre he had ever done in his mind.
angelus sees angel as week, we have canon evidence he is mostly annoyed with him and any plan that tries to get him back ensouled, then he would do whatever he can to stop it. angelus in his place, remembers the guilt, remember the love buffy made him feel, remembers the reminds of being human, the blissful happiness and he is appaelled for it.
in many ways, they are two parts of a whole, in a another, i think they are each other's fears, what the other fears. angelus fears to be weak and controlled by love, angel fears controlled by passion and let his demons control him.
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