#angelina x ginny
briarpotter · 11 months
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Next Gen Kids!
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cherry-pop-elf · 6 months
Home Sweet Home
Ron Weasley x Reader
Ron had always been self conscious about his family, and felt like you would leave him if you saw his humble home. That you deserved better. Little did he know, you were about to live the cottage core dream. Just factor in a bunch of hot older brothers, and Ron’s relaxing it wasn’t the house he had to worry about
Set after The Battle Of Hogwarts, and uh No Dead Fred because FLUFF DAMMIT!
Warnings: jealous Ron, self conscious Ron, teasing, a very loaded house, hurt comfort, canon typical angst(?) and of course tooth rotting fluff
Writing Coms Open
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“Well…..Here we are-“ Ron swallowed, as the two of you would step from the fire place. You had been begging to visit his family, but his original excuse was that it was too dangerous to travel. Valid, but the war had ended. Sure, just because the war was over didn’t mean things were all tied off. Still, he can’t just hide you forever. You out right threatened to write a letter to Molly, and ask to come over yourself. That made him cave.
“Woah-!” You just beamed, as you set your bag down. You were already utterly enchanted. It was so cozy, and busy! You could hear the many siblings all around the building. Ron had warned you the place would be packed. After the war, it was a need to be closer to family. So, a Summer at the burrow it was. Oh all the romantic partners, jammed in. You included.
“Who should I meet first?!” You asked, as Ron seemed flabbergasted. You were in love with the madness, and hardly were here a minute. Before he could speak, he was tackled by the twins. Ronniekins was quick to fill the living room, as they ruffled his hair. Pinching his cheeks, and just being a menace.
You knew the twins, and Ginny, well. It was Percy, and up, that were as forgien as their hair was orange. Percy was always so busy with his studies, you sometimes forgot it was a gaggles of seven, and not six. Made it more surprising to see him, but not a surprise that it was in a suit.
“It’s complicated-“ Ron was quick to whisper, to make sure you knew not to bring up the Ministry job. You just nodded your head, as you watched the up tight man hang up his suit jacket. Hardly gave the man time to register you were there, before your were suddenly engulfed by the sent of fire crackers. Along with long arms.
“OUR LITTLE RONNIE-KINS IS ALL GROWN UP-!” The twins would give a mock sob, as George would cradle Ron’s head. It was, painfully, easy to tell who was who. Poor George. Still handsome as ever, but that’s gotta mess with your head after all. From identical, to not.
“Alright, that’s four brothers down. Two to go-!” You tried to make sure the mood stayed chipper, while your poor boyfriend was being a knuckle to his scalp. You could hear Molly tsking, before she shouted. “BOYS-! DONT MAKE ME GRAB CHARLIE-!” She warned.
“As if I’m any better-!” That had you turn your head, and woof. He was, oh he was something. The thick muscles, sun kisses skin, freckles, the fire crisped mullet, currently being tied back by blistered hands. Oh he was hot, and literally as well. You could feel the heat on his exposed skin. Given it was a tank top and jeans, damn was there a burn.
“THEN WILLIAM-!” Molly groaned, as he was next to pop his head in. You tried not to wince, but it couldn’t be helped. Half his face was just….Not there anymore. The right side of his face was rough. Blinded eye, his cheek in a permeant split to always expose his teeth. How the scar went through his hair, so to leave a permeant part. Despite it all, there was beauty. Pale complexion from exhaustion with curses, tall frame, long hair. He was stunning.
“Looks like Ronnie-Kins has competition~!” The twins mocked Ron, which made his ears go red. He was always self conscious. Even before you knew he even had brothers. He was always the last out. Even Ginny seemed to have more superiority than him. Despite the fact she was outside, riding her broom, he still would be last to the table. That’s what he thought, anyway.
“Yeah, the married men are in a contest with their little brother.” Bill snorted, as he waved his hand. Showing off his band. “Yeah, sorry, I like my men like I like my dragons. Dragons-“ You had no idea what that meant, but you were certain you’ll learn eventually. You knew not everyone was here yet, after all.
“Can SOMEONE help me with the cooking already?!” Molly shouted, only for every man in the room to scatter. You found that so rude to do to Molly, but then it clicked. Bonding time for you and her. Ok, that was sweet. They get a pass, this time.
“I’m here, Mama Molly!” You chirped, as you hurried into the kitchen. That smile of hers just warmed your soul, as she patted your cheek. “Oh thank you, love.” And like that, you were busy in the kitchen. Happily listening to the endless stories she had to share. Your favorites were of Ron, of course. It was, however, nice to be caught up to speed about the other couples.
Fleur and Bill were married, of course. Ron wanted to invite you to the wedding, but your family wanted to stay out of England until things settled. Smart choice. Charlie finding someone was a surprise, but rumor has it the guy is literally part dragon. That explains that. Percy seemed to hit it off with Oliver, that caught you by surprised. The nerd, and the jock? No way. Fred and George seemed to be sharing Angelina. For some reason, you couldn’t imagine it any other way. Muggle twins weren’t the same as magical ones, that’s for sure. Ginny wasn’t a surprise. She and Luna became official a while ago. Everyone knew that poor Ginny felt like she had to like Harry. Seemed the same was for The Boy Who Lived. So it was mutual, and healthy. Good for them.
“Jeez, that’s a lot of food-“ You wheezed, as you had to use magic to float said food over. “Seven kids, six partners. Half of said kids eat like they are five kids at once-!” She huffed, but was happy. Ever since things finally settled down, a proper income was flying their way. Curse breaker, Dragonologist, WWW, Aurur, Quidditch Athelet. Good fortune smiled on them, finally.
“Sorry for being late-! You would not believe the-Oh-! Well if it isn’t Ron’s little honey bee. So happy to see you-!” Arthur didn’t even take the time to pull his robe off. Just so quick to hug you. That made you feel so adored. Didn’t even take the time to deformal. You had to be hugged.
“Seems like just about everyone is here for supper. Fleur and Luna are upstairs, Angelina, Ginny, and Oliver are outside, we just need-“ Before she could finish, you screamed. Why did you scream? Because something was grabbing your ankle. You gave a violent kick, and the thing went flying into the sink.
“THAT WAS NOT CHARLIE-!” A voice alerted you, and the parents, as someone was quick to hurry to said sink. Long salt and pepper hair was a curtain down his back, while he seemed to wear a robe of some kind. Yukata-? Hanfu-? You didn’t really know the names. You just knew it was no bath robe.
“Shouren, we talked about this-“ Molly gave a playful scold, as she wasn’t mad at all. The Weasley twins had to get that playful side from both families after all. “Apologies, I….We haven’t seen each other in months, and I-“ He defended, as you were able to process the scene.
What went flying was a mechanical arm of sorts. The silvery eyed man, full of scars, would soon lower the side of his robe. There was a scarred up shoulder, with plating on it. With a simple click, and pop, the arm was attached. Fingers were given a test movement, before Molly dried it off for him.
“Oh, hello-!” He waved, with his working arm. “Sorry about that, I’m Long Shouren-“ He offered his hand, and you took it. “Weasleys, am I right?” You joke, as to show no hard feelings. Least your screams of bloody murder was making everyone hurry to the kitchen. PTSD does that.
“Wonderful! William set the table, Charlie grab the drinks-“ Molly was quick to run down the list, and send out orders. Like a well oiled machine. Robes were hung up, people were set, and everything was in order. Just one issue. There was zero chance everyone will fit at the table. No worries, with Luna.
“Let’s sit where we feel ourselves feel most at peace, so we can take a moment to savor.” Luna said, ever in her whimsical way. So, everyone was kinda scattered around. As if that was an issue. Weasleys were loud. Voices could carry for miles.
As expected, couples found their ways to snuggle. Molly and Arthur remained at the table, with Bill and Fleur. Same goes for Percy and Oliver. The twins had Angelina squished between themselves on the couch, while Charlie was sitting cross legged with Shouren. Ginny and Luna? They stole the free counter space, and happily kicked their feet.
“This house-“ Ron huffed, as you snuggled into him at the dinner table. That seemed to relax him, a little. Still, he seemed to more so play with his food. Compared to actually eating it. His eyes catching glances at his siblings. Everyone seemed so in tuned with each other. Even Percy and Oliver. Oliver the one to lead the conversation, and Percy listened.
“Come on, eat. Someone’s gotta keep fit to kick some death eater behind.” You teased, with a poke to his nose. Made that freckled thing wiggle, and you were a giggle at it. Maybe he was over thinking it. Despite all the chaos around you all, your eyes were focused on him. All his brothers were so loud in their personalities. Ginny all the same. Loud, beautiful, chaotic, then there was him.
“So who wants to be the next test subject-?” Angelina called, while Luna was quick to raise her hand. “LUNA NO-!” Ginny wheezed, as everyone was laughing at her eager nature. “I lost enough limbs, thank you very much-“ Shouren called, waving his fake arm. “I mean-“ Oliver began. “Do NOT entertain them-“ Percy warned. Bill was just shaking his head at them, as the conversation flowed like water. The time going by.
When dinner had long since been finished, and Bill finished helping Molly with washing the dishes, everyone was sent to bed. Travel was exhausting after all. You couldn’t help but wonder how the hell Bill and Charlie were going to handle sharing a room with two extra people. Those thoughts were washed away, as you entered Ron’s room.
“I know it’s not much-“ He began, only for your gasp to hush him. “YOUR ROOM IS SO COOL-!” You beamed, as you spun around in it. You loved it. It was so him. It also had a semi tiny balcony, that you were quick to look over. Enjoying the warm summer night air. The smell of his home. The smell of him.
“It’s so cozy! I love cozy.” You beamed, as you hurried back in. Happily admiring his many posters, pictures and what have you. It was so perfect, because it was Ron. You couldn’t help it, as you flopped on his bed. Messy with quilts, and smelled of wood and rain.
“Yer not just saying that, right?” He asked, with his ears a soft red. He just always had such low self esteem. Everything felt like it was hidden behind other words. That nothing was honest, but you were. You would sit up, and smiled.
“Ron, you think I dated you for some kind of hero credit? Lame. Give me the cute red head helping teach the first years chess, thank you very much.” You smirked, as his face burned red. Course you remembered that. You wanted to learn chess as well, but you felt shy because you were the same age. So you often just watched, and the rest was history.
“Now come on. I’m exhausted. I love your family, but wow….” You yawned, as Ron agreed. He grew up with them, but the energy is hard to match. Before either of you could fall asleep, you bother were quick to change into your sleep wear. That more so being stealing his shirt before he could even get it on. He allowed it, because you looked good in it.
“Think you can handle a whole summer of this?” Ron asked, as you curled up into his arms. Just like a puzzle. It felt so perfect. His strong arms around you, as he gently played with your hair. Legs a tangle mess, as you both hid under a thin blanket. Able to enjoy the summer night air.
“If I have you, I’ll face anything.” You smiled, and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips. It was returned, as he held you a little tighter. As if you said a spell to lock him in place. He felt a little more confident in the relationship now, and that made you so happy.
Hardly a minute went by, and you two were knocked out cold. His snores just perfect for your white noise. The sounds of nature, Ron, an old house full of love, and the crickets outside. With the smells of love, and home, to soothe you. What more could you want? The whole world was in your arms, and no way will you part from it.
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aim4theheart · 1 month
recently got back into hp reading OotP currently n this is my first post be kind to me or face ur doom
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hogwartswitch1997 · 2 years
On George's deathbed, everyone stared at him quietly as he begged Fred to see him. Fred had died over fifty years ago, but George did not remember that. All he wanted was for his other half to be by his side as he crosses the veil.
Without thinking twice about it, Teddy shifted into the only person his dying uncle wanted to be around, adapting his features to match George's appearance. He now had white hair and wrinkles on his face
To everyone's surprise, Teddy sat in the chair by George's bed and held his limp hand.
'I'm here, Georgie' said Teddy, imitating Fred's voice.
'I- I knew you'd come. It's twin thing, r-right?'
'Wherever you'll go, I'll follow you.'
A weak smile appeared on George's face. Ron, Harry, Bill, Charlie and Percy were tearing up. They were about to lose another family member. Nothing they could think of could match George's happiness to finally see Fred again, though. He'd been waiting for that day since the second his twin brother was killed by a death eater many moons ago. He'd wanted to die every day, but kept fighting for Fred's memory. For his siblings, parents, wife, and kids too.
George Weasley took one last look at his 'twin brother' before he draw his last breath. His unfocused eyes were still staring at the metamorphmagus sitting by his side when he parted ways from the physical existence. He had found his home again. It almost felt as he'd never left it at all.
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ladiesofhpfest · 4 months
Theme Roundup: Out & Proud, 26 May - 8 June 2024
For our theme period celebrating Pride Month, we were delighted to receive five new works! This brings our total up to 28 works for the summer so far!
Sunshine by @midnightstargazer, 2.2k words, T, Hestia Jones/Emmeline Vance.
Podfic: Claire de Lune by RonsGirlFriday read by @cailynwrites. 13 minutes in length, G, Luna Lovegood.
Take the pose sister (And strut) by @nihilisticnomad, 251 words, G, Angelina Johnson.
A Little FUN at Pride by @snarkygranger1-blog, 1.2k words, E, Hermione Granger/Luna Lovegood/Ginny Weasley.
Coming to Terms by @nena-96, 1.5k words, G, Hermione Granger.
Thank you to our creators!! Stay tuned for the next theme!
To see all our works so far, check out our AO3 Collection!
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as a slytherin and a Scorpio I feel it is my duty to explore what Slytherin Female Harry would be like in terms of self preservation. And how I can make her interact and still fall in love with good ol’ Gryffindor Gideon
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hinnyweasley · 1 year
second chapters up!
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dramioneasks · 8 months
To Have A Wedding Where No One Cried - asleepinstars - E, WIP - You would think after sacrificing her childhood for the greater good they would have given her the courtesy of opting out. You would think that her high up role in the Department of Care and Control of Magical Creatures would be enough. She’d said— screamed —as much at Kingsley, but he was firm in his choice, along with the Wizengamot. The wizarding world’s population had been slashed astronomically by the war and the breeding practices of purebloods for centuries. If there was any hope of the magical community surviving past three more generations, then they needed to start having babies, and they needed to start having them now. It was barbaric, but it was their reality. Fuck, or face extinction.
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Recounting the Tale Part I (From Ch. 5)
It was a challenge to tell the whole story. Hermione was so much better at explaining everything so that it all made sense. He made it through his own sixth year fairly quickly, pledging to go back through and give further details on some of the memories later. There were quite a few gasps when Harry told the tale of the horcrux hunt. None of the three had ever gotten the full story of the night Death Eaters broke into Hogwarts, and they looked stricken as he explained the last few minutes of Dumbledore’s life.
“Bloody hell…” murmured George in a way that felt very much like Ron.
“But at least you got the horcrux!” interjected Angelina, who was clearly shaken by the story.
“No, actually we didn’t.” 
Harry took a long breath before continuing the tale. George and Angelina both unleashed quite a few swears once Umbridge became a character. All were impressed once he reached the part where they infiltrated the Ministry of Magic. 
Soon, Harry had come to one of the parts he was most wanting to avoid. How could he in good conscience drag Ron’s memory through the mud, especially less than a week after he’d readily sacrificed himself on account of others?
He did his best to gloss over the incident and didn’t dwell much on the intervening time until he reached the point when Ron triumphantly saved him from the locket in the pond. He didn’t explain that the horcrux had taken the form of himself and Hermione in a state of undress, but made sure that they knew that it took the form of some of his greatest insecurities and that he bravely destroyed it.
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29 on the ao3 wrapped, perhaps?
Excited to have discovered your stuff this year!
First of all, thank you!!! Second, do you know how much stuff I’ve written this year??? I don’t think I can name one line or passage, that’s my favorite! It changes on my mood and temperament every second of the day, but I’ll try to limit it:
Putting everything under a read more because I don’t know how to limit myself and I put 12 lines/passages 🤷‍♀️, though I did write/post 30 fics this year so it is less than half 😂😭😂
“They call her Rose because they want something beautiful in the world.”
From Goddaughter, it’s the very first line but it always makes me smile.
“Her mum had taught her how dance and her father was her favorite partner, but Ron takes that spot quickly.
He has a surprising grace to him, years from helping his mum in the kitchen.
He hums under his breath, and it’s the only noise between them for months when she’s seventeen and he’s sixteen almost seventeen. Lavender Brown and her blonde curls and purple eyes don’t matter to her, in fact they don’t matter to each other at all, and Hermione knows that she’s in love.
She’s in love and she’s tired of hiding it, but they don’t have the time.”
From Books (let’s read together), just early Romione fluff that I’ve tided into other fics. I love writing about developing relationships.
“Roxanne felt normal.
For the first time in over a year, she felt normal, like herself again. Her hair was washed with gentle hands, it was sectioned out and brushed carefully, the colorless section of hair had been dyed a dark red that was nearly identical to her natural color, and then trimmed to an easy and manageable bob. It was actually quite cute, and she could braid it back easily, or fluff it out into an afro.
It was just one more step forward.
“Look at you,” said Angelina as they sat across from each other in a private booth in the Leaky Cauldron. “You know my mamma always said that a good haircut could cure any sadness.””
From a curling crown lays atop my head, just some Roxanne/Angelina bonding. I really love both of them as characters and writing this story just gave me so many feelings about me and my own mom’s relationship with each other.
“It would be a nearly a year before they could be together properly, but he could wait, he would wait.
He would be ready to worship her again soon enough.”
From we’d still worship this love, this fic made me love the song False God, and it also gave me such an appreciation for young/post-war Hinny! I adore their love and this fic set off so much for me and my love for Ginny Weasley!
“Harry sighed, and Arthur felt his stomach twist. For six years, Harry had been a guest in their life, he was Ron’s best friend, he was in love with their Ginny, he was their seventh son. He had stood with them as they buried Fred, and he was living with them because he had nowhere else to go, though the truth was that they wouldn’t let him stay anywhere else.
Percy came back into their lives just as they lost Fred, and Arthur would be damned if they lost Harry too.”
From Glasses, just Arthur being a father figure in Harry’s life! I love this relationship and wished it was seen more in the books, we need more Arthur/Harry, father/adopted son bonding!!
“I better get my sweater back,” George told her as they walked hand-in-hand along the beach. He had both of their shoes in his hand, while she held her wand tight in her hand, with their fingers locked together between them. “Mum would be upset if she knew that it was stolen.”
“I’ll write her and let her know that you gave it to me,” said Angelina, and George smiled, squeezing her hand and wishing that he could kiss her. Beside them, the first rays of the sunrise were coming in, which meant they were way past due to get back to school. “And that chivalry is dead…killed by one of her sons.”
From Last Kiss, this whole fic is a gem, but this passage always makes me laugh. I love writing George/Angelina, their story, their relationship, it’s one of my favorite ships. This piece is probably my favorite one shot of the year. (Also one of my favorite TS songs too!)
“I love him,” said Rose, because she did, she loved him and adored him as much as he loved and adored her.
She had it in writing.
“You’re fifteen, Rose.”
“You knew at fifteen.”
Ron looked down at the scars on his arms, faded but still there, given to him at sixteen, just barely a few months older than Rose was now. They twisted around his arms and midsection, and Rose remembered tracing them when she was little.
“What did your mum say about it?”
It was the perfect distraction, the perfect segue. Trying to push the conversation away from him and to her mum.
“That it’s okay,” said Rose, because that was what her mum had said. It was okay if Rose threw herself into this relationship if only to get her heart broken later. “If I get my heart broken then it happens, but it’s okay if I want to throw myself into it.”
“Your mum is so much smarter than me,” said Ron and Rose shook her head before pushing herself into his arms and resting her head on his chest. She wrapped her arms around him, and held him close to her as he did the same.
“You’re just as smart as her,” Rose mumbled into his chest, as he ran a hand through her hair and patted her back. “And I love you just as much as I love her.”
“Thank you Mija,” whispered Ron and Rose smiled as she looked up at him
From august, this one is long and it took me a while to decide, but it’s probably one of the most important passages in the whole fic. I think we often forget that teenagers have BIG emotions that matter. We all once had crushes and possibly bfs/gfs that we “loved” at that age, and to know that it’s okay, it means a lot. This is such a defining moment in Rose and Ron’s relationship, and it’s important to both of them. I love this fic so much, it’s very personal to me, and it means a lot to me, but this passage is one of my favorites. It’s a little hopeful and a little bittersweet and everything I know Ron can give to his daughter and Rose can give to her dad.
Percy loved Ginny with his whole heart, even if she was annoying, even if she once followed him from room to room. He was around her whole childhood, while Bill left in the weeks after her birth and Charlie just a little while after. Percy was around, he held her during thunderstorms, and he read her the same story about an old witch that turned into a rabbit. He kissed her knees when she fell and bruised them, he held her hands as she slowly learned to walk in the living room. He remembered her life where she couldn’t, he remembered the details of a childhood she wouldn’t ever recall.
Ginny loved Percy like a house on fire, she loved him with sadness and then anger and then hope. She loved him in shared smiles and matching brown eyes and nights spent sharing a single twin sized bed. She loved him in rain puddles and muddy glasses and little braids that fell out of their hair. She followed after him in a way that none of the others understood, she followed after him as a devoted baby sister did her favorite older brother.
From August Siblings - Major and Minor, just some Percy/Ginny sibling love. Their relationship is never explored and I adore them both sooooo much!
“Oh well,” said James, finally blushing at something Lily said, “you know what they say about missed opportunities.”
Lily rolled her eyes, leaning in even closer and smiled at him. “I decided to not give up.”
“So does that mean I should be calling you Doctor Lily?” asked James, and Lily giggled.
“Dr. Lily seems like a lot,” said Lily, even if it was officially part of her title now. “But you can call me that or whatever you want.”
“Can I ask you a question then, Dr. Lily?”
“Baby, will you kiss me already?”
“I thought you would never ask.”
From (And I Watched It) Begin Again, just some cute Jily.
“You shouldn’t keep exhausting yourself like this,” whispered Percy as he sat beside her in her bed, his fingers warm as the moved through her hair. Ginny didn’t open her eyes, she didn’t need to know that he was still dressed in his pajamas, his glasses dirty to everyone but him, and his curls an overgrown mess.
He looked more like the Percy she loved and knew as a kid than the man he was now.
“Trust me, I know how easy it is to burn all the fire all at once…how it makes sleeping feel better,” continued Percy, moving his fingers down her forehead and tapping her nose softly. Ginny opened her eyes and looked at him, seeing exactly what she expected and knew she would see. He looked tired himself, as if he too had gone on a midnight run.
“What do you know about sleeping?” asked Ginny, slowly sitting up and tucking herself into his side, into his arms.
“I know how not to sleep, Gin,” whispered Percy as Ginny carefully took his glasses off of him and cleaned them for him. “You don’t want to be like me.”
“I’ve always wanted to be like you,” mumbled Ginny, pressing her face into his shoulder blade and holding on tightly to him. “Stupidly stubborn and way too brave for his own fault.”
“Ridiculous,” said Percy, and Ginny nodded as she closed her eyes and let his calm heartbeat lull her back to sleep.
From Enough, more Percy and Ginny being siblings, just featuring them post-war. This fic is really about Ginny and Tom, but this little bit always makes me smile.
He didn’t hear the shutter click, but when he returned back to Hogwarts that year, sitting on his desk would be a new photo. Him and Gus, matching the one that was taken nearly forty years earlier, of Frank and Neville pruning the exact same rose bushes.
From Plants (let’s garden together), I love Neville and this image is just adorable to me.
Her life was a hodgepodge of stolen and gifted items, of knickknacks and pebbles given to her by a sixteen month old baby.
It was a life of sweet nothings.
From (all that you ever wanted from me was) Sweet Nothing, more Jily, this time during the war.
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maldeldest · 2 months
My old Harry Potter fanfictions
Sooo... as many other Potterheads before I wrote fanfictions. I am now 20 years old and I wrote them when I was ten. Well, writing isnt exactly the right Word to use. I actually only wrote down 2 of them. The rest were just plans I had in my head. I knew exactly How it was gonna go and what the final Showdown will be.
Ofc, my 10 year old self wasnt very good with 2 Things.
1. Almost everyone is OOC. The worst got my favorite character of them all, Severus Snape. He did stuff and said stuff I was, at my rereading like: Yeah, no, Severus would never say that. (Funny enough the only two FF I actually wrote down Was a Snily fanfiction and I basically made him a Damsel in Distress). Thats also another trait of mine. I Show my love with torture. Mostly everyone just gets kidnapped...seriously there isnt one that doesnt involve someone getting kidnapped.
2. I let some of the good characters do some Pretty bad stuff. While I never liked Canon James or Sirius, both of them were straight up villians in the only two Maurauder fanfics I wrote down. Well, "Maurauder". One Was the Snily fanfiction and one Was James PotterxOC for whatever reason. Yeah... but we talk about my OCs some other time. They were all Pretty cringe and Mary Sues.
But ofc as a very Romantic Girl, I had a story for my back then favorite ships. (Funny enough is I dont even ship some of these anymore but well).
Now this is embarrising, but Bill and Fleur as well as Remadora are the only ones that didnt have any Story. I ship them and wanted to do a story for them but I never had the thoughts left for them since I was so invested in the other Storys. Especially Percy and Audrey. I used to be obsessed with my Headcanons of Audrey Weasley, Pretty easy since we dont even know her maiden Name. But Yeah thats why they have to pass. Im gonna Post Haruna first in my next Post.
Lets suffer together, wont we :)
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missetbilu · 6 months
perv!fred weasley x fem!reader, smut
when fred overhears you and the girls chit chatting about boys that you fancy, he can’t keep his mind from wandering, nor his hand.
warnings: perv concept, jerking off
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"Come on, Y/N, there's gotta be someone you fancy." Ginny elbowed you, trying to get a response.
Angelina, Hermione, Ginny and yourself were in your favorite little spot in the library. A very secluded area, where you could study, sneak in some food, talk, without prying eyes or ears.
Although in that afternoon, you were not very much enjoying the topic of choice. Boys. Too shy to come clean about your little crush, you would much rather gossip or even focus on the charms essay due next week than engage in the conversation. But the girls were not having it.
"Yeah, even Hermione admitted to being completely, head over heels, in love with Ron." Angelina teased.
"Hey!" The girl blushed and looked away for a second, but curiosity got the best of her and she gave in to the argument. "She's right tho, you're the only one left."
"I just don't think of any guy here like that."
"In this castle full of boys, you expect me to believe not even a single one of them is your type?" Ginny said.
"Unless you're into girls."
"I'm not." You laughed at Angelina's curious expression. "I like men."
"Then name one you would" Hermione stopped herself mid sentence, suddenly a bit shy, "...you know."
"Fuck?" Angelina completed her thought and they all laughed, Hermione also shushing her and looking around to make sure they were alone.
"Alright." You took a deep breath and tried to sound as nonchalant as you possibly could. "I guess Fred is kind of cute."
"Aw dude, are you serious?" Ginny's disappointment was so clear in her face that the three other girls bursted out laughing.
"Shhh, guys, I don't wanna get kicked out." Hermioned said between giggles.
"Sorry, babe, but this was too good not to laugh at." Angelina responded, still chuckling.
"Too good? All my friends wanna fuck my brothers."
And you all fell into laughter again.
It had been a week since Fred discovered that spot of yours to hang out. Whenever you and the girls disappeared from his sight, he would get anxious, wondering where you might be.
Until the day he was looking for a potions book, but found something far better: you.
He managed to hide in the corridor next to the one where the group of girls would sit on the floor and chit chat. Usually he took no interest in the conversations you would have. But not that day. Throughout the whole week he listened to each silly subject the girls brought up, only paying attention to the sound of your angelic voice when you made a comment. That day it was different. Once the tables turned from homework to guys you fancied, Fred felt his heart skip a beat.
He was nervous, his palms becoming sweaty as each of the girls rambled about one boy after the other. He barely listened to the guys his sister brought up, nor to the mentions of his brothers. What mattered most to him was what you were going to say. He was so afraid of hearing another man's name fall out of your pretty lips; so afraid you would confess to feeling attracted to someone else.
But he was also infatuated with the possibility of his name being the one in your mind. You quietly listened to what your friends had to say, too scared to say something yourself, Fred saw that in your expression as he tried to eye your figure from the place where he was hiding. Just thinking about it, being him the person you kept yourself from mentioning, made his trousers feel a bit too tight. His hand travelled down to his growing bulge, but he didn't move it, he didn't want to risk not hearing you.
Your silence allowed his imagination to run wild. Maybe this whole thing got her thinking about how good I would fuck her, and she's afraid of sharing those filthy thoughts. He stroked his cock once, over the fabric of his clothes. Or perhaps she's so lost in the desire of getting filled up with my cum, she didn't even notice how quiet she's been... oh fuck... He did it again and had to hold back a moan.
Fred knew he shouldn’t, but it was as if he had no control over his actions. His hand slipped past his boxers and he stroked his dick, trying so hard to imagine it was you doing it.
Has she ever had a wet dream with me? He wondered. She would wake up sweaty and out of breath. Her panties are completely damp, but it's not because of the sweat, it's arousal. I bet she would be embarrassed, looking around the dorm to see if the other girls are sleeping, before she goes under the covers and... He gasps quietly, his hands going a bit faster now. And she lets her hand touch her dripping cunt... He bites his lip to stop himself from cursing. Her sweet fingers would tease her clit and she wouldn't be able to stop a moan of my name from coming out.
"Alright." When the word left your mouth he slowed down his movement, focusing on the head of his member. It was almost painful the way he teased his tip, trying to pay attention to what you were about to say. He even held his breath, that and the expectation making him even more sensitive. "I guess Fred is kind of cute."
Fred was really thankful for the loud laughter of the group that followed your confession, because the minute he heard your sugary voice saying his name, it was too much. He came in his hand with a low grunt.
He didn't listen to anything said after that. He didn't move or took his hand off of his trousers. He was in shock. As much as he wanted that outcome, it felt unreal now that it happened. He had imagined how you would sound saying you fancied him, what words you would choose and what exactly would be the look on your face. But none of it compared to the reality of it all.
You, such a perfect picture of beauty, intelligence, kindness. The most incredible, endearing and angelical woman he had ever set his eyes upon, out of all people, wanted him.
Fred waited until you all had left to pick himself up from his spot on the floor and attempt to use some spells and his robes to hide the stain in his pants. He did a good job, it wasn't too noticeable, but deep down he didn't care. There was something, or rather someone, much more important in his mind.
He stood in front of the corridor where you had been just a few minutes before. "I guess Fred is kind of cute." That played in his head over and over again, like a broken record. And Fred definitely didn't want to fix it.
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emeritusemeritus · 1 year
Girlfriend Wars [Fred Weasley]
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(Gif not mine)
Title: Girlfriend Wars
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Gryffindor!reader (established relationship) & George Weasley x Angelina Johnson (established relationship)
Timeline: Non-specified, though I imagined it set after Goblet of Fire.
Summary: Angelina Johnson, girlfriend of George Weasley, struggles telling her boyfriend and his twin brother apart. Reader, girlfriend of Fred, does not. Only a game of blind testing can determine who is better at telling the twins apart.
Warnings: Mentions of sexual acts, though no graphic description or smut is used, established relationships. Pretty much fluff.
As always, I’ve used artistic license to allow access to both dorms, regardless of sex, for the benefit of the story.
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There were many things you loved about your boyfriend Fred being an identical twin, especially as you were so close with his slightly younger brother; constant companionship, lifelong friendship, dual protectiveness that couldn't be matched. On the other hand, there were a few things you disliked entirely; the inability to find much alone time and the constant fear of being walked in on (this was more due to them sharing a room and a dorm... but it still counted).
The thing you hated most of all however, was people mistaking your boyfriend for George. And by people, specifically George's girlfriend Angelina. How the hell she couldn't tell her own boyfriend apart from his twin brother baffled you completely.
Fred's reaction to her constantly mistaking her for his brother did however amuse you enough to make up for any grievance you had on the matter.
You were sat in the common room long after classes had finished, Harry, Ron and Hermione sat on one sofa, Ginny and you sat on the other. Fred was talking to Lee and some first years over in the corner, no doubt plotting something or making a deal you didn't want to know about whilst George had ran up to their dorm to fetch something relating to their scheme. You all flickered your eyes over to the sound of the door opening and saw that Angelina, Alicia and Katie had walked in, books in hand, as they made their way into the room.
You followed her diligently with your eyes as she headed straight towards Fred with a smile on her face. Both Lee and Fred had begun walking back over to you, Fred pocketing a few sickles into his trousers with the smug smirk on his lips. As she approached him in the middle of the common room, he briefly looked up at her and without hesitation he bluntly said "nope," and carried on walking back over to your group. She stood dumbfounded for a few moments, shocked at the sudden rejection until Fred dropped down onto the sofa between you and Ginny and threw his arm around you, not even slightly fazed by her. You had to bite your lip not to laugh at Fred's blunt delivery and her following reaction, much like Ginny who had watched the entire thing and was trying to cover her mouth with her hand to stifle the giggles threatening to spill out.
George had walked down the stairs carrying their briefcase only a few moments later and smiled at his girlfriend who stood there with an almighty awkward expression. George absently threw the briefcase over to Fred who luckily caught it before it could hit anyone as George went to go kiss his girlfriend, blissfully unaware of the situation that had just nearly unfolded. Ginny walked off at this point to join Harry and Ron after her brother had called her over, sitting on the floor in front of Hermione as they conversed. Fred threw down the briefcase onto the now vacant seat beside him and shoved the sickles he'd made into the little velvet coin pouch before closing the briefcase.
"How does she get so confused?" You asked out loud, quiet enough so that only Fred could hear. "You don't even look the same."
Fred turned to face you and gave you a look of utter confusion at your statement, declaring that he and his identical twin didn't look the same, "are you joking?"
"No," you laughed, though it was true. You'd spent so much time with both the twins that you were able to tell them apart easily.
The truth was that you'd developed feelings for Fred early on in your friendship and those feelings had caused you to finally tune your ability to tell them apart, never wanting to be caught staring or flirting with the wrong twin. Over time, you had begun to notice all the differences between them that only seemed to be exaggerated as they grew up and now to you, you could hardly see them as identical anymore.
"You look more like Percy," you joked, deadpan in expression. Fred immediately took offence and lunged at you, tickling you into submission as he laughed at your squirming body. Tears threatened to spill at the intensity of the tickles as Fred knew the exact spots to target to make you relent.
"Seriously though, you don't look remotely identical to me," you said after you'd recovered and caught your breath. A familiar, foreboding twinkle suddenly appeared in Fred's eyes, which from experience you knew meant something potentially dangerous was about to happen.
"Oi Georgie!" Fred shouts as he looks over towards his brother who was still stood with Angelina, smiling and whispering cutely to each other. George whips his head round to look at the mischievous brother with a questioning gaze. "I've had an idea." Never a good thing to hear come from Fred Weasley's mouth, you thought.
George made his way over to you both almost immediately, trailing Angelina with him by their interlocked hands. "Sup Freddie?"
"My girl says we don't look identical, I think we should put it to the test," Fred says with his trademark smirk, casting a wicked glance at you as he slings his arm back around your shoulders.
"What do you mean not identical?" George says in bewilderment as he looks at you. You shrug in reply, unfazed and unashamed of your statement. Surely it shouldn't be a surprise to him, you'd been foiling their attempts at switching places many times over the years, never believing them when they actively tried to persuade you that the one wearing the G jumper was George and the alternative when you knew for a fact it was not.
"What do you say? Girlfriend test!" Fred says, pointing between you and Angelina. You cast a glance at Angelina who looked absolutely mortified by the proposition, clearly unsure of her ability to differentiate between to the two. You on the other hand laughed at the suggestion, thinking it could actually be quite fun.
"Yeah wicked!" George laughs, sharing a look at his brother before turning towards his girlfriend and immediately seeing her trepidation, "unless you don't want to." Angelina looks towards you and sees that you are clearly up for the challenge with your smile.
"Uh sure," she says nervously, feigning a smile towards her boyfriend. You turn to Fred and share a knowing glance at each other, knowing she wouldn't have the faintest chance of winning, she could barely tell them apart right next to each other.
"Jordan you're referee," George says, calling over Lee who seemed to unquestioningly fall into line with their plan, just as usual.
It takes all of five minutes to arrive at the boys dorm where you would conduct your little game, away from the prying eyes and ears of the other students. You and Angelina were sat on two wooden chairs in the middle of the messy room, awaiting orders. You were laughing at something Lee said as he prepared notes, taking his role of referee very seriously whereas Angelina was sat quietly with a smug smile on her lips, apparently finding her confidence.
"Right, Angelina you are contestant A, y/n you're contestant B. Winner gets to chose their own prize. Rule number one, no hard feelings whatever happens," Lee says, looking towards all of you as you nod. "Rule two, no inappropriate touching or contact with the other brother's girlfriend." Again, earning a very honest nod, each of you knowing the clear boundaries there. "Rule three, um, I guess that's it really. I'm keeping score, ladies, blindfolds on." He handed out two spare house ties to both you and Angelina and your respective boyfriends began to tie them around your eyes so that you would be completely blindfolded. You could hear George and Angelina struggling with the task, no doubt because of George's stumbling and nerves, catching Angelina's hair in the bind. Fred however, had no issues getting you blindfolded, and had even leaned down into your ear to teasingly whisper, "this is familiar princess", earning him a not so gentle shove to shut him up which he laughs at.
"Okay, girls what number am I holding up?" Lee asks, checking that you couldn't see anything.
"Umm 4?" Angelina replies, taking a wild guess and sounding unsure of herself.
"How do I know? I'm blindfolded you tosspot," you joked, earning a laugh from all three boys in the room but not from the girl beside you. You felt a hand on your shoulder briefly, knowing that it was Fred who had not yet moved away from you, his thumb absently stroking the patch of skin he could touch over your collar.
"Right, round one!" Lee announces. "Starting easy, we're starting with their voices, gentlemen I'd like you to gather around contestant A and say her name out loud," Lee says, falling deeper into a role of gameshow host rather than referee. You feel Fred move away from behind you as the twins shuffle about and approach Angelina.
"Umm, the first one?" She asks, unsure of herself.
"Correct!" Lee says and you hear Angelina huff out a relieved breath.
"Contestant B!" You heard a shuffling at the twins moved to stand each side of you.
There was no denying that their voices were eerily similar but you had a finely tuned ear and could tell that the slightly breathiness of the first voice was undoubtedly your boyfriend.
"First one was Fred," you said quickly.
"Correct! Okay ladies keep the blindfolds on, next we're doing a touch test. One twin will stand in front of you and you can touch their face to determine if it's your boyfriend or not."
They started with Angelina, one of them stepping closer to crouch down in front of her so that she could try and feel for who it was. A minute passed and she was clearly struggling.
"Um, George?" She says nervously. A moment of silence passes until Lee speaks out, "incorrect that was Fred Weasley! Contestant B!"
You feel one of the twins moving to stand in front of you, crouching down so that you were eye level with each other. You begin to feel around for the face and begin by touching their hair and bringing your right hand down to the right eyebrow, trying to be gentle and not gauge any eyes out in the process. You smirked, feeling the telltale scar that sat on the eyebrow of your boyfriend and ran your finger over his cheek towards his nose to check for the little chicken pox scar. Once you were certain, you slowly ran your fingers down his face towards hip lip and leaned forward with a smirk to capture his lips with yours, knowing exactly who it was. You pulled away, hearing Fred let out a little breath of laughter and you spoke clearly, "Freddie," before leaning in to whisper to him, "hoped it was George." You immediately squealed, feeling him tickle you as a punishment for your teasing as Lee announced your were correct.
"Okay last round, a kiss test," Jordan says. Immediately you and Angelina squark out your complaints but he silences you a moment later, "forehead kiss only." Angelina went first and incorrectly guessed that it was Fred, even though it was actually George who had kissed her.
"Y/n, last chance to take a clean sweep!"
You felt movement in front of you and then felt a pair of lips delicately place a kiss on your forehead. The kiss immediately felt wrong, like there was a shyness to it. You didn't doubt that Fred would try his hardest to try and confuse you by not kissing you in his regular style but this felt entirely different. You could also smell the strong laundry smell that radiated off the Molly crafted, knitted jumper that George was wearing, whereas Fred was still wearing his shirt and jumper, meaning that it could only be one person.
"Georgie gross!" You laughed, attempting to wipe the spot he had kissed, earning a laugh from the boys in the room.
"Contestant B is the winner!" Lee announced as someone reached around to untie your makeshift blindfold, immediately coming face to face with Fred who lunged into a kiss as you both smiled at your victory.
As you pulled apart, you saw that George and Angelina looked slightly awkward with each other and you had to cringe a little at their interaction, feeling a little guilty for them.
"Good game, good game," Lee went around shaking everyone's hand as the room filled with laughter.
"Mate you could always be a game show host if the quidditch commentator thing doesn't work out," you laughed as he lit up and nodded enthusiastically at the prospect.
"So," Fred whispers into your ear, coming to stand behind you as he leans down to rest his head on your shoulder, his arms shaking around your waist. "What will your prize be princess?" His voice is dripping with innuendo as he teases you and you can picture the smirk on his face already as he nuzzles into your hair. "Watching one of your favourite muggle movies, a sugar mouse from honeydukes or something better?"
His mouth comes to nibble at your neck gently, just enough to cause a shiver to run over you as he licks at the mark he's just made. You twist your neck to look up at him, not answering his question directly and grin devilishly as you reply, telling him all that he needed to know, "better put that tongue away Weasley, you'll be needing it later."
Fred openly groans as his head falls on your shoulder at the implication of your words, his arms pulling you in tighter as arousal washes over him, knowing exactly what it did to him. You let out a little chuckle and move to spin around around in his arms to that you're facing each other, both smiling as he pulls you in for a scorching kiss.
"Um, I'm still here you know," Lee says jokingly, earning a quick pillow to the head as Fred breaks the kiss only for a second to reach down and launch the closest pillow at him with impressive precision.
"Point taken, maybe I'll go find George and Angelina," he mumbles, causing you and Fred to pull apart, realising that the other couple had since evacuated.
"I feel kind of bad," you admitted.
"For being able to tell which twin is your boyfriend? Thought that was a basic requirement to be honest," Fred replies, mocking Angelina in a subtle way. You tap his chest at his words, but couldn't deny he was wrong.
"I'm just saying, a few mistakes I can understand, especially from behind or something but she clearly can't even tell in broad daylight," he snickers.
"Maybe it's all a ploy, maybe it's you she actually wants and just uses it as an excuse," you laugh, earning a bark of laughter from Fred.
"Well I am the better looking twin," he says, wiggling his eyebrows.
"Amen," you say, pulling him by the collar for another kiss until you pull away, giving him your most seductive look as you pull him by the hand towards the edge of his bed.
"So... my prize," you say seductively, enjoying seeing the look of shock and excitement quickly pass over his face until the look of arousal washes over his twinkling eyes and a small smirk tugs at his lips.
"Colloportus," Fred says absently, pulling his wand from his pocket and pointing it towards the door, locking it with just a flick of his wrist, allowing you to claim your prize in private.
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elfenbensord · 1 year
hiya! i’m OBSESSED with your writing btw..
i was wondering whether i could please request smth with george w x fem reader
was thinking something like george (and fred, because we love a secretly supportive brother) have been writing to their mum about how all round great r is and molly just HAS to meet her
(maybe slight hurt/comfort with r having not so nice parents) reader is invited to spend *pick a holiday* at the burrow… chaotic fluff and motherly doting from molly ensues
tysm if you consider this xx
a/n: THANK YOU for choosing to be obsessed with my silly little pieces! also, this request is so wholesome! was a real cozy moment to write this.
pairing: george weasley x fem!reader
warnings: none.
pretty good idea
“Do you really think this is a good idea, Georgie?” you say as you shift your weight from one foot to another. 
George almost melts at the nickname. He most definitely melts at the thought of you caring so much about him, to be nervous about just meeting his family. 
He places a reassuring hand on you shoulder, and lets in travel down to taka your hand in his. Squeezing it tightly, he says, “They will absolutely love you.”
Standing just outside the Burrow, he looks at you with a soft smile.
“What are you doing?” you ask.
He exhales lightly. “I’m just enjoying this moment when I still get to have you all for myself. It will all change in just a sec.”
“It will…” you mumble, not fully managing to shake of the nervous feeling harbouring in your chest.
The worrying wrinkle between your brows is back. “Actually, maybe I should just go–”
The door to the Burrow slams open, revealing a cheery, round-faced woman. 
“There you are!” Mrs. Weasley almost yells. She pulls you in for a hug, squeezing tight. “I’ve been so looking forward to meeting you! George has mentioned you in every letter – every letter – he’s written to me. I thought, if (y/n) is so amazing, I simply have to meet her!”
She continues her chattering as she pulls you inside. Inside is bubbling with activity and chatter and light and laughter. It’s overwhelming at first, your own family always keeping a respectful distance and somewhat cold aura. But this warmth, this obvious love, welcomes you and pulls you in.
“Hey, (y/n)!” Fred approaches you, reaching his hand up for a high-five. 
You hesitantly comply, saying, “Hi Fred.”
He smiles lightly. “I see you survived mum.”
You smile, still feeling the warmth and welcoming aura of Molly Weasley. “She’s really sweet.”
He snorts, saying in a sarcastic tone. “Yeah, yeah. Just you wait til she starts knitting you socks for Christmas!”
You can’t help but smile at the thought. “They would be my most loved socks of all.”
After dinner, you end up in the small living room. Ginny and Fred are busy playing a cardgame. Mr and Mrs Weasley make low conversation in the kitchen, the radio buzzing with some cheesy song about “Love is a strange kind of magic…”
George pulls you closer, almost pulling you into his lap. Sitting in the worn-out couch, you can feel his breath on your ear. He’s warm and wonderful, his knitted sweater slightly scratching on you exposed neck. You relax into him, smiling contentedly.
“I told you they would love you. Just like I do.” George cuddles his freckled nose into your ear. It tickles ever so slightly.
You hum. “I love you too.”
Fred throws a candy wrapper across the room, hitting George in the back of the head. “Stop being gross!”
“You’re just jealous, since you don’t have the balls to ask out Angelina!”
Fred’s ears turn red, starting to match his hair. “Shut up, I’m working on it.”
“Oh, yeah? Work a little harder then!” George bites back.
He turns his attention to you, softening instantly. Pulling ha loose strand of hair and toying with it between his fingers, he almost whispers, “You still think it was a bad idea?”
You lean into him. “Hmm. No. Pretty good idea, actually.”
“Yeah. Pretty good.”
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shadowbriar · 2 years
George Weasley - Delicate
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Pairing : (F/M) || George Weasley x Reader Word Count : 4.1k Warning : Heavy angst as requested. Notes : I got a little bit carried away with this one.
Their laughter echoes within the walls of the Common Room. Her face was burning, both from fluster and the fatigued muscles of her face from the non stop smile. She was sitting the furthest from the fireplace yet she could’ve sworn that her skin was flaming in fire. Her eyes are glued on him, watching every gesture, every breathy laughter and every cheers he made. He was the centre of her life, the very source of her drive.
But she supposed, so is the whole castle.
She’s reminded every other time they have a conversation that she’s merely one from his long list of admirers. Being the calmer twin only meant that it was easier for girls to approach him. Girls would come at him, giving him love letters and other trinkets in hope to catch just a glimpse of his attention. And every single time, she has to pretend that the gesture didn’t bother her because what exactly could she do? It isn’t like she has a chance with him in the first place.
George Fabian Weasley was the definition of perfection. At least, in her dictionary. He was smart, within and outside of academic achievements. He knew exactly how to brighten the room, which jokes to crack and what prank to do to lift the mood. He was kind and affectionate. Everything a girl could dream of their knight in shining armour would be.
“Have you heard?” Some girl from her left whispered to another yet loud enough for her to hear “Fred Weasley has asked someone to be his date, meaning only George’s still up on the market.”
“Really? Who’s he going with?”
“Angelina!” The other girl answers “It’s no surprise really, seeing how close they are from quidditch practices.”
“I suppose so. Do you think George would ask someone from the quidditch team too, then? Alicia perhaps?”
“Wouldn’t be a surprise if he does. They’re like honey and bees, especially lately. I think they might’ve been an item already.”
She chews on her lower lip, trying to maintain the calm composure she’s losing through her fingertips. She too has noticed the not so subtle closeness George and Alicia have these days. He’s spent more time taking care of the quidditch equipment with her, coming to the Great Hall together for meals, and doing his paperworks together. All the mentioned activities, aside from quidditch practice, were normally done with her, not Alicia. To say that she felt replaced would be an understatement.
But she knew deep down that she has no right to ever feel disappointed and hurt. George was never hers to begin with. The sense of belonging was only felt one sided, never reciprocated by the other end. She was the only one holding onto every little mundane thing they shared as if they were her life milestones.
“Neville asked me to be his date.” Ginny says, whispering excitedly as she squeezes in to sit next to her.
She flashes a smile, squeezing Ginny’s arm in a warm response, “That’s brilliant, Ginny!”
“Mhm,” Ginny nods eagerly “Have you found a decent date yet?”
“Yeah, I’m not so sure that I’ll be going.” She says with a soft laughter “Balls and dances are not my thing.”
“What are you talking about, balls and dances are every girls’ thing!”
She smiles, averting her eyes back to the pranksters who are still cracking their jokes.
Ginny’s right, balls and dances are every girls’ thing. A huge part of her was screaming and hoping that she could go to the ball with her charming prince, spending the night as they waltzed to some romantic song, being completely intoxicated with each other’s presence. But the thought feels like nothing but a mere dream now that she uses her head more than her heart. Exactly how long would she entertain herself with the blissful fake scenarios where her love was reciprocated? 
“It would be a fun night, don’t you think?” Ginny asks, still persuading her “Imagine how beautiful the Great Hall would be, the music, the food, everything! And we get to dress up! Out of these insipid robes for once.”
“I suppose.”
“What is making you so uninterested?” Ginny asks with raised brows “If you can’t find a bloke worthy enough, I can ask one of my brothers to escort you. I’m sure one of them would be delighted to be your date.”
“No, please don’t.” She says fast, afraid the younger Weasley would pursue her wild idea. With Fred escorting Angelina and Ron who seems to be so determined to ask one of the Beauxbatons, George would be the only brother left for Ginny to ask the favour and although it would’ve been nice to have George asked her for the ball, being asked merely out of pity would be the one embarrassment she could not live with.
“You’re right. None of my brothers are deserving enough to escort you.” Ginny says as she watches the twins fuse a firecracker “You know what, the ball is still weeks away. I’m sure we’ll figure something out.”
She remains quiet, only replying to the redhead girl with a small smile.
She knew that the possibility of her being escorted by George to the ball was slim to none. The distance that’s slowly growing between them is becoming a hurtful thorn that’s piercing deeper into her heart each day. From day one she knew that there would be no chance of him ever returning her feelings. Why should he when he could choose literally any other girl?
Her mind was loud. The ball is approaching close and there’s still no news of George having a date just yet. It was as if she was stuck in a labyrinth, every step she took led to another door that just further fuelled her insecurity. Perhaps George has asked someone in private, unlike his twin brother who asked Angelina in public. George has always been the more reserved twin after all.
But wouldn’t he want to share the happy news if he indeed does have a date? She knew that their friendship had been strained for the past few months, but something as special as a Yule Ball date would surely be something he’d want to share with her. She’s been his best secret keeper after all.
Understanding that slumber wouldn’t be her friend tonight, she peels herself off of her blanket and walks outside of the room. Perhaps she could ask the house elves a tiny favour of hot milk and biscuits to help. Or maybe a late night stroll would make her tired enough to fall asleep. Either of which seems like a better idea than to ponder herself with these unanswered questions.
Walking down the staircase, she could hear faint noise of music from the Common Room. Laughter was heard louder as she descended closer. There were two people, a boy and a girl’s voice echoing through the walls. One’s voice she would recognise anywhere anytime.
“Alright, I think that’s enough practice for the night.” The boy says with slight pants “I think tomorrow I’ll ask- Hey, you.”
She was frozen on her spot. The sight she’s just witnessed would be the bane of her nightmares to follow. There they were, her hands resting casually on his shoulders, big happy grins plastered on their faces. The very position she wishes she could be with him. Close and intimate.
“George, Alicia,” She says softly, forcing a smile and fighting the tears welling up her eyes “I didn’t mean to interrupt, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t worry, you’re not interrupting anything. We’re about to get to bed, too.” Alicia answers with a warm smile “Where are you heading?”
“Kitchen.” She says short “I couldn’t sleep.”
“Oh, can I join you?” George asks, a warm smile evident on his face “I could use a glass of milk too.”
She stares at George’s innocent eyes with defeat, thankful of the limited light showering them both so he wouldn’t see the disappointment and sadness she’s feeling. How could he stand there and still look as beautiful and charming as he always had when he’s just broken her heart into pieces?
“No, actually I’d rather you not, George.” She says softly, not being able to look at his face a second longer “I need some space and time alone with my thoughts.”
Without waiting for his response, she walks out of the Common Room in a haste. Her tears were flowing just when she reached the staircase, unable to hold them any longer. Her nightmare has happened. Every bad scenario she tried so hard to push out of her head has finally come true. 
George Weasley has a date for the Yule Ball.
The following days have been hell. Hours spent detached to reality while nights would be filled with her silent cries. She has emptied her bottle of non-puffy potion to help ease her swollen eyes, but it was to no avail. Her sadness is bleeding out of her.
She’s tried her best to avoid George. Exchanging her seat in every class they shared and would leave before George could reach her. She doesn’t even take her meals on her usual spot at their table anymore. She reckons that her spot has been long occupied by another now that he’s got a new bird to entertain.
She knew that from the beginning she stood no chance to be with him. She knew that she was just another background girl in his bright and daring life, praying that with whatever miracle there is he would spare just a glance and wave her a smile. Yet with all this knowledge and understanding, why does it still hurt? Why does it still torment her everytime the memory of him and Alicia plays in her mind?
“Love, wait!” George calls, running and barely able to catch her as he pulls her hand “Blimey, do I have a stench or something? You’ve been avoiding me like I was the plague!”
“I’m busy, George.” She says, prying her hand off of him “Now if you’ll excuse me-”
“Not so fast.” He says, stopping her by placing a hand in front of her “I just need a minute of your time, please. It won’t be long. There’s something rather urgent I need to speak to you about.”
She wanted to flee from him. Run as fast as her legs could carry her and go back to her room, hide under her blanket and wait until the weeks passed. She’s demented enough, couldn’t he tell? What could he possibly want to talk to her now that he’s got Alicia? Couldn’t he just leave her be?
“Please,” George begs once more “I’m only asking for a minute of your time.”
Looking at his pleading eyes, she finally gave in and gave a slight nod.
He grins in victory, clapping his hand, “Right, so uh- Godric, I don’t know where to start.”
She stares at his eyes. A sense of nervousness was evident from his face. George rubs his palms to his trousers, trying to maintain his cool composure though it’s clear that he’s losing it. She wonders if these jolts were caused by his excitement for sharing the big news with her. A little bit overdue, sure, but it’s not like she’s given him the chance to tell her that he’s seeing Alicia.
“I have something to ask you.” He starts, a nervous smile decorating his face “It’s, uh, it’s about girls.”
She takes a sharp breath, “Right.”
“I, uh, I have a bit of trouble on said topic.” He continues, beating around the bushes to find the right words to say “You know how the Yule Ball is coming, right? And I, uh, there’s this girl that I wanted to ask to be my date. I know that time’s wearing thin and I should’ve asked her the first time the ball was announced but I just couldn’t muster the courage to ask her, you know? I don’t want to come as too strong or anything, she’s a rather special girl.”
She grips her robe tighter, trying to keep her emotions packed. She couldn’t break down in front of him, not when he looks like he’s flustered and in need of a friend to talk to.
“She’s a close friend of mine.” George says, smiling as he begins to describe her “She’s brilliant, to say the least. I just- I can’t find the words to describe her but take it from me, she’s the most brilliant girl there is.”
She says softly, forcing a smile, “You seem to be so fond of her.”
Fighting her tears, she wasn’t sure why George hadn't mentioned Alicia’s name once when she had already caught them red handed the other night. It wasn't exactly a secret for her anymore, so why not just say her name instead of describing how wonderful she is? Doesn’t he know that it’s hurting her?
“I am.” He nods, looking completely intoxicated with admiration “I’m head over heels for her.”
“What exactly is your problem with her then?” She says, sounding a little bit more rude than she expected to but she clearly couldn’t stand another second hearing him swooning over Alicia “You said you two are close.”
“I- Well,” George stutters, completely caught off guard from her irritated tone “I suppose, I wanted to ask for your opinion. If you were in her shoes, how would you like me to ask you for the ball?”
She lets out a scoff. Is this boy for real now? Asking how she would like him to ask her for the ball? Isn’t that just plain cruel?
“What do you want, George?” She asks with more annoyance in her tone “Why are you asking me this? I mean haven’t you been occupied with Alicia lately? Shouldn’t you ask for her opinion or approval instead?”
“I- Well, I have asked Alicia actually but she said I should ask you.”
“Oh, so you’re here because your plan with Alicia didn’t go well? Is that what this is?” She argues, anger and hurt clouding her mind “Is that really all that I am to you? A back up plan? Someone you go to when things aren’t going well with your bird?”
George raises an eyebrow, looking bewildered, “Love, what- I just- What are you talking about?”
“Look, George, I really don’t have time for this.” She says fast before letting herself get even more angry “I’m sorry that things didn’t work out with Alicia, but frankly speaking you have tons of other girls you can ask with so just pick one and be done with it.”
Before George could utter another word, she left him in a hurry. She takes big angry steps away from the redhead boy, praying that her leg could carry her as furthest as it could. The puppy pleading eyes of his would haunt her. She knew that she’s being an arse for spitting him right on the face where he clearly needs someone to talk to, but she couldn't let herself drown even deeper. She couldn’t let him drag her further to the pit of despair. He’s hurt her just enough.
The dreadful night finally comes. In contrast to the happy and excited looks of her friends, she drank the glass of non-alcoholic drink with a frown. If it wasn’t for Ginny dragging her by the neck, she wouldn’t have stepped a foot to the Great Hall tonight.
Taking the empty seat beside her, Ron let out a huff of annoyance. His shoulders were dropped, hair dishevelled and face red in embarrassment. His date was nowhere to be seen, that is if he’s got one in the first place. The dress robe he’s wearing and the long face he’s showing is making it hard for her to tell.
“You having fun?”
Ron rolled his eyes, “The best night of my life.”
“Mine too.” She sighs “I just want to hex myself to death, you know?”
Taking a look at the room, her eyes stopped at the sight of George, talking casually with his date in the corner of the room. Things worked out in the end, she reckons. They’ve finally sorted their problem and he finally got Alicia as his date. She wasn’t sure if she should feel relieved that he’s finally got to go with her, the girl he so much praised about, or should she hate him even more for rubbing his happiness on her face.
“Where’s your date?”
She shrugs, “I don’t have one.”
“Bullshit.” Ron chuckles yet stops right away as he notices her seriousness “You haven’t got a date?”
Once again, she shrugs.
“But why don’t you? I thought you already had someone, that's why you rejected my brother.”
“Your brother?” She asks, raising an eyebrow “What are you talking about?”
“Well, George’s been saying that he’s going to ask you to be his date since the ball was announced, but a couple days ago he said he’s going with Alicia instead, so I figured you must’ve had a date already.” Ron confesses, face full of confusion “He even asked her to teach him the dance so he won’t make a fool of himself in front of you, you know.”
She closes her eyes as her brain tries to digest the new information. She facepalms herself, realising the grave mistake she’s made for giving in to the bad scenarios she over-thinks about. She should’ve let George finish his words that day. She should’ve waited for him a little longer. She should’ve given him the benefit of the doubt and let him explain himself. All these disastrous nights could’ve been avoided if she had been a little bit more patient with him.
“Merlin, I screwed up everything.” She whispers, turning to Ron “Do you think he’d forgive me? Do you think George would ever forgive me for being such an arse?”
Ron chuckles, “Are you kidding? My brother’s mental about you. You can rip his heart out and stomp it to the ground and he’d still kiss the dirt you stepped on.”
She smiles, cheek tainted in light blush.
“But please don’t tell him I told you that.” Ron said fast, realising the secret he’s spilled “He’ll have my head if he knew I told you about his crush.”
She chuckles and nods.
The night felt lighter with Ron to accompany her. That or the fact that she knew more of George’s feelings about her. Perhaps she’s placed too much attention to his surroundings to ever realise where his eyes are actually at. The girls fighting over his affection had blinded her from the fact that she was the only one he ever wanted to impress. She was the only one he wanted to be with.
“Evening, you two.” A voice greets, an unsure smile plastered on his face “Lovely ball, isn’t it?”
“Right, that’s my cue.” Ron says in a low volume, loud enough for her to hear him before standing up and leaving “She’s all yours, George.”
George squinted his eyes, eyeing his younger brother with a suspicious look but chose to say nothing. He turned to see her, smiling and taking the spot Ron left, “You look lovely tonight.”
“As do you.” She says with a smile “Much more handsome than usual.”
A hint of blush appears on his face. 
George chews on his lower lip, looking as if there’s something fighting its way out of his lips. The palm of his hands were getting clammier, his heart was beating at an alarmingly fast rate. He’s been trying to find the words to apologise to her from their misunderstanding yet now he seems to have lost every word he’s ever known. Perhaps it was because he wasn’t sure what he should be apologising for, but remembering her reaction the other day, he knew that he made a mistake and whatever it was he’s desperate to fix it.
“Do you want to dance?” She asks, breaking his internal argument to stop “I mean, if Alicia’s fine with that of course.”
He blinks, stuttering, “Of course, yeah, sure! She’s fine with it, she couldn’t care less.”
With a satisfied grin, George stood up and held his hand out. She gladly accepts it, letting him lead the way to the dance floor. The music has come to the calmer side now that people begin to leave the Great Hall. It’s beginning to be late after all.
She places her hands on his shoulders as he rests his on her waist. Both were looking visibly nervous, afraid that they would make the wrong move and step on the other’s foot. Neither would mind if such a thing happened, to be truthfully honest. The world could burn and crumble right on this very second and they wouldn’t even notice as they drown themselves in each other’s gazes.
“I, uh,” George stammers, shoulders slightly shaking from the nerve wrecking havoc inside him “I want to apologise for the other day. I don’t know what happened but I figured you’re right, I’ve kind of been too occupied with Alicia lately. I’m sorry for that.”
She shakes her head, “No, don’t be. I was being unreasonable and dumped you my frustration when you were innocent all along. I should be the one apologising, George. I’m really sorry.”
“What were you stressing about?” He asks softly “Mind sharing them with me?”
“It’s silly, really.”
“Nothing’s ever silly about you.” He cuts in, eyes still glued on her “If it’s bothering you that much then it must be something serious.”
She shows a small smile, contemplating if she should be blunt and speak her mind, “I’ve been feeling more insecure lately. I feel like I’m not good enough for someone, like I’m just someone easily disposed of and replaced with.”
“Someone?” He asks, eyes softening and looking guilty “Please don’t say that I’m the culprit.”
She remains quiet.
��Oh, Love.” George sighs, understanding her silence “I’m really sorry. I never meant for you to think that I’ve replaced you, I never intended to. You’re someone I could never replace, believe me. Nothing’s happening with Alicia and me, she was just being a friend, I promise.”
George continues with his long apologise yet she couldn’t process any of his words. Her eyes were locked on his lips, wondering how blissful it would be to kiss them. Her heart was beating fast, she could only pray that he wouldn’t hear its loud thumps. Her skin was hot, an unfamiliar tension building inside her.
“I like you.”
George was stunned. He looked at her with widened eyes. The confession caught him off guard, causing his brain to completely shut down.
“I like you, George Weasley.” She confesses once more, this time with a tone more firm and assured than before “And I’m really sorry that my feelings only caused us to fight. I just- I’ve seen the girls who've tried to approach you. I’ve seen how much prettier, smarter, and better they are than me and I just- I couldn’t help but to feel inferior than them.”
He remains quiet, listening to each of her words with full attention.
“You could pick any girl in this castle, George. You have a long list of admirers and I just-” She paused, smiling pitifully to herself “The thought of you ever reciprocating my feelings is just too good to be true.”
George’s hands moved to cupped her cheeks. He caresses her cheek gently, staring at her with a smile, “Can I kiss you?”
She nods lightly, showing a faint smile.
With a warm smile, George leans in. The kiss was gentle, as if he feared she would pull away anytime. His hands never left her cheeks, gently rubbing her skin as if she was the most precious thing he’s ever held. He’s holding her ever so tenderly, making her feel like she was the most delicate thing he’s ever laid fingers on.
“I’m sorry that you ever feel that way, Love.” George whispers as they pull away, his eyes never leaving hers “For what it’s worth, there’s never been anyone more important to me than you. You’re the only one I have eyes for and I’m sorry for not making it clear before, but if you’ll have me, I promise I’ll spend each day proving that you’re the one best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
“You’re going to lose your admirers.” She says, smiling from his lovely confession.
“Fred can have them.” He says, rolling his eyes “I’m sure he’ll be more than delighted.”
She chuckles.
“So, is that a yes?”
She makes a thinking face, teasing the boy, “Maybe I could use one more kiss. To make myself sure and all, you know.”
“Just one?” George questions, chuckling “Here I am willing to kiss you all night.”
“Shut up and just kiss me already.”
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Pairings: George Weasley x Fem!reader Summary: George denies his feelings for you because he's self conscious but you want to know he wants you or not Warnings: a bit angsty i guess? NOTE: this is pretty long so i might have to make a part 2
Part 2
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you have been Friends with the twins since first year, and a lot has changed in those 6 years.
especially your feelings for the younger twin, George.
the way he'd smile at something Fred would do that wasn't even funny, or the way he's always check up on you when noting even wrong in the first place.
he was sweet and gentle, way more than Fred was.
you had accompanied the Weasley's at the Quidditch world cup and the whole time you kept glancing at him, right beside you, his cheeks covered in green and white paint as he cheered for the Irish and booed for the Bulgarians
you kept looking at him until Fred noticed and caught you, giving you a look. only then did you focus and not look at George the rest of the game
Later while walking back to the tent, Fred caught up to you and walked with you
"so.. George, huh?" he snickered
"what?" you furrowed your eyebrows
"I mean come on, there's a way more attractive twin right next to you and you chose the funky, fuglier one? you must be blind, Love" Fred teased with a smile
"George is not fugly" you rolled your eyes
"so you like him" he smirked
"just because I said he's not ugly doesn't mean I like him, Fred" you sighed
"but you do" he whispered over the loud cheers and celebrations
you looked at him tiredly and fought back your smile, he knew you too well
"he fancies you quite a bit too, you know" he nudged you
"he does not, Fred" you shook your head
"how would you know? you don't hear what we talk about when you're not around" he crossed his arms.
"I'll believe it when I see it" you chuckled
"oh you will"
you both walked into the tent and started celebrating with the others when George came up from behind you, scaring you. you screamed in surprise and hit his arm lightly, making him laugh
"what were you and Fred talking about?" he asked after calming down
"well- I- I don't kno- nothing" you stuttered like a fool, making you cringe
his smile faltered "oh, ok" he nodded vigorously
he walked away from you, thinking you were keeping secrets from him
after celebrating and teasing Ron, you all set into panic when you were getting attacked
Fred took Ginny's hand before running away
but you were focused looking around at the fires to notice George's panic when he couldn't see you
he called out your name loudly, refusing to leave without you.
you turned around and tried looking for him through the people running past you
"George!" you yelled out to him, letting him know you heard him
you didn't hear anything back from him but you felt a tight grip on your wrist before getting pulled along with the crowd
that was almost a month ago and your 6th year had began
George was still the sweet, gentle and caring young man he has always been and it made you swoon over him most nights
and you made sure you let Angelina know that, she would hear about George all the time from you and she would tell you about Fred.
and despite what Fred says, George still hasn't shown any liking towards you other than friendship
but you took Fred's advice anyway and did it yourself, flirting and being more affectionate with George. but he would just smile it off
until you started to feel hopeless and pathetic
you found Fred in the common room by himself for a change and decided to bring it up again
"Fred have you been messing with me?" you questioned, sitting beside him
"in what way?" he smiled, knowing he messes with everybody
"with George, I've done everything you told me to do but it seems like a waste of time, I really don't think he fancies me" you sighed
"I don't know what to tell you love, He tells me about his feelings for you almost every day, I think he's just too much of a coward to act upon it, I don't get why you like him when the better looking twin is right in front of you" he teased
you didn't reply to him, you just stood there feeling like an idiot
"hey, it'll be fine, He would be stupid to not like you anyway" he assured you, pulling you into a hug
he pulled you closer until you were basically on him, trapped in his arms.
he had a smirk on his face as he looked at you, and you knew what he was gonna do
he started to tickle you, making you laugh and squirm around, trying to get away from him
"stop!" you squealed
"never" he chuckled evilly
"hey guys"
Fred stopped tickling you and helped you sit up right. an awkward look came across Fred's face as he looked at George who stood in the middle of the room.
you sat up and looked at George, who looked uncomfortable
"hey, George" you cleared your throat, looking ahead of you, fiddling with your fingers
"was I interrupting something?" he replied, looking a bit aggravated
"no, not at all mate" Fred shook his head, noticing his twins face
"ok then" George nodded before walking towards the couch, squeezing in to sit down in between you and Fred, which made Fred smirk as he looked at you with his eyebrows raised
"I'm just gonna go to bed, see you tomorrow, Love" Fred said, getting up, placing a kiss to your head, and walked away to the stairs, looking back to see George glaring at him
"go for it" Fred mouthed to him, making George roll his eyes
George refused to move away from you.
"what was that about?" he asked you
you were still sat there, fiddling with your fingers as he talked
"just playing around" you mumbled
"cool" he clicked his tongue
he was still pressed up to you, making you feel boiling as the warmth of his side and the fire warm you up
"i should probably call it a night too. had a long day" you announced as you stood up.
"oh, ok then. goodnight" he frowned
"night" you rushed before going up to your dorm. without giving him the usual kiss on the cheek you normally give him before going to bed
George sat there alone, thinking about the past month, how he would catch you and Fred together, attached by the hip
he knew something was going on, he felt left out and you didn't like him as much.
he was starting to suspect something was going on between you two, something he wished he had with you
he couldn't blame you, Fred was the better looking twin, and after all the nights talking about you to Fred, he probably started to feel the same things George felt.
Fred was funnier, more outgoing, he was the more popular twin, the one that everyone thinks of first. how couldn't you like him? all the girls did.
but he was mad at Fred, he knew his feelings for you, he knew how much he liked you, yet he still went off to be with you. George didn't think Fred would do anything like this to him, they were brothers, twins.
the past week you would see George talking to all these different girls, he would lean against the wall as they tucked their hair behind their ears nervously, giggling softly and hitting his chest, obviously flirting with him.
it made you confused, he would never really show any girl attention unless they were his friends, not to say he wasn't friendly with people, but this was something else.
he wasn't hanging out with the group at all and when you all walked around you would find him with a girl, flirting.
you weren't going to lie and say it didn't hurt, because it did, the other night were he squeezed between you and Fred where he looked jealous must've been nothing.
you weren't able to talk to him as he was always out and about with different people and it kind of annoyed you.
Fred even said the only time he sees him is after curfew when he's already in bed, where he would sneak in after hours and head to bed
it was starting to piss the older twin off as he was without his partner in crime
Fred was going crazy as he couldn't do any pranks and you told him you would gladly help, so that's where you were, out in the corridors with Fred, getting ready to prank his brother.
not the brother they usually prank, Ron, but George. it was Fred's idea to get payback for abandoning the group.
he set it up and you kept look out for him, looking through the door to see him and a new girl talking, close together, her beginning to get touchy with him, you watched as he smiled down at her smugly
"which girl do you think he'll ask to the ball?" Fred asked you quietly
"I couldn't really care to be honest" you sighed, still peeking through the door
"I know you do, either way I'm sure Lee would take you if you end up without one" he replied
"they're coming!" you whispered loudly, not getting a chance to react before Fred grabbed your hand, pulling you around the corner, snooping as you poked your head around the wall to see.
as George walked out the door, he was greeted by quill ink pouring all over his body before stink pellets dropped on him, making him reek for at least a week, getting worse when you shower it off.
then lastly, slugs dropping from the ceiling that pooled at his feet and collected in his hair and going down his shirt
you and Fred began laughing until you heard the high pitched scream
for it hadn't been George being the victim, but the girl he was with getting pranked.
she screamed and yelled out at George, he stepped back and covered his nose from the stink and cringed at the look of her
the girl cried and she jumped up and down and shook herself to get the slugs off herself. making you and Fred snicker at the sight
George must've heard you through the screaming and crying because he locked eyes with you, making you go wide eyed
he looked pissed, like he was gonna yell at you
"come on" Fred panicked, grabbing your hand and running away from the scene, you both ran to the common room and sat out on the couch puffed out and tired from going across the school.
"do you think he's mad?" you quizzed him
"he looked pissed, but he won't yell at us, she'll probably think he did it himself" Fred chuckled
you heard loud footsteps coming from the entrance as you and Fred starting laughing again, barely being able to breath.
Fred fell of the couch and began wheezing when he saw George standing at the side of the couch, looking at you both angrily
his arms crossed and a frown on his face as he glared at you
"what the bloody hell is wrong with you two?!" he yelled at you both, making your laughs die down, looking at him shocked
when you didn't answer him he continued
"do you guys seriously not know how to grow up? she went to her dorm crying covered in ink and not to mention she stank, she hates me! she thinks I did it!" he didn't look mad anymore, he looked livid.
and then he caught a glimpse of your hands that were together as you looked at Fred as he sat on the floor.
you were trying not to laugh as you looked at George's mad face.
the small airy giggles slipped from your lips and Fred started shaking from holding his amusement in.
you covered your lips and looked at the ground, trying to calm down again
George looked at you and his eyebrows furrowed in confusion
"stop bloody laughing, Y/n! it's not funny!" he shouted at you
you stopped giggling and you looked up at him
"what is wrong with you? we were having fun" Fred interrupted
"it's not fun when they get hurt, Fred" George defended the girl
"we pranked people everyday and they always got somewhat hurt and you didn't care, why do you care now?" Fred faught
"that doesn't matter now! just leave me and any girl i talk to alone" George scoffed, his hands dropped to his side, he began walking to the stairs to get to his dorm.
you looked at Fred and smiled "someone's got their wand up their arse" you mumbled, wiggling your brows as he snickered
"you know what? you guys are perfect together, you are such a bitch, Y/n, and you both ruin everything" George came back and pointed at you as he told you off loudly
"don't yell at her" Fred got up and stood in front of him, trying to defend you
"Fred leave it, he's just being an asshole because he thinks he's finally mature and grown up" you rolled your eyes
"piss off" George grumbled
"go ahead" you snapped
he sighed before leaving, shaking his head, deciding to turn in for the night
George didn't mean what he said, he felt horrible as soon as the words left his mouth, but it's in the past now, and his words had already affected you both. he knew you both hated him in that moment for that.
he was just trying to get you out of his head by putting other girls in there, he was allowed to. you were off with Fred so why can't he go off and be with other people too without you ruining it.
he knew he would have to apologise, after tonight that girl would probably start telling people and the word would spread out that no girl should be around George or he'll just prank you.
and because of this he'll probably end up without a date to the yule ball, which he was hoping he would be able to go with you, but it seems impossible for that to happen, as you're probably going with Fred
it was the weekend and you and Angie went out to Hogsmeade to find dresses for the ball. before you left you saw George by himself on the couch, when he saw you, he looked like he wanted to say something but you were quick out of there, not letting him have the chance
"soo, Fred huh?" you smirked at the girl as you searched the rack
"you don't mind do you? I know you guys are really close" she smiled nervously
"no not at all, he's my best friend, and you guys look so cute together" you reassured her with a warm smile
you had told her about what happened with George as she woke up to you sobbing about it
"are you going with anyone?" she asked
"no, but I'll be ok if I go alone, Fred said who would save me a dance" you shrugged
"oh that's nice, you could just stay with us the whole time if you want" she beamed
"I wouldn't do that" you chuckled lightly
"oh my, look at this dress!" she ushered you over to her, making you let go of the rack and go over to her to see the beautiful purple velvet dress
"you should try it on!" you pushed her towards the changing room with the dress in her hand.
you waited for her and looked through the dresses
"I quite like this one" you heard from behind you, curiously, you turned around to see George holding a dress, looking at you
you looked him up and down and turned around
"it's ugly" you replied shortly
"I'm really sorry, Love. I don't know why I said any of that last night, I didn't mean it I swear, I'm an idiot I know, you can remind me all you want. please forgive me, It'll never happen again I promise" he pleaded as he walked to stand beside you after putting the dress down
"why are you here?" you sighed, not looking at him
"I came here for Zonkos, I just saw you through the glass and I wanted to apologise" he answered
"what do yo- oh" Angie spoke as she walked out wearing the dress
"Ang it looks beautiful, he's gonna be all over you" you clapped your hands as she twirled
"what's he doing here?" she looked at George weirdly
"he came to apologise" you smiled tightly
"well, we don't accept" she crossed her arms
he nodded his head and stood there uncomfortably for a moment before backing away
"ok, well, I'll see you around then"
you heard the bell above the door ring and the door shut
"does he have a date?" she asked, leaning against the rack
"not sure, he's been talking to a lot of girls, he could've asked any of them."
George started sitting with your group again and stopped talking to new girls every day.
you had forgave him when Fred did and you guys were good again.
you would notice that George would still seem to break you and Fred apart but he also seemed more affectionate and whenever you would start to bring it up with him, he would deny it and just say he was always like that.
you started to think he was playing with your feelings, that maybe he found out about your feelings for him and wanted to mess with you.
and you got tired of it.
you were sat with Fred near the black lake as you talked about it, and he told you that George started talking about you again
he decided to change the subject by telling a joke making you wheeze of laughter, you were huddled over, holding your stomach as you struggled to breathe
"you look so stupid" he teased
you hit his arm making him wince in pain
"hi guys" George spoke as he walked up to you both, making you pause what you were doing
"Hi George" Fred answered, nudging you to respond
"hi" you mumbled
"can I sit" he asked, waiting for a response, we nodded our heads and he sat down with you.
"so the ball" he started, playing with his fingers
"ah yeah, you excited Freddie?" you nudged his side, making him smile
"yeah" he muttered
you looked over at George for a moment and saw his upset look on his face
"I have to say that Angie looks beautiful in her dress and you're gonna be drooling when you see her" you teased him, making him roll his eyes
"Angie?" George tilted his head in confusion
"yeah, her and Fred are gonna dance the night away, hand in hand all lovey dovey" you giggled.
Fred pushed you and you fell onto your side as you laughed at him
"piss off"
"you're going with Angelina?" George asked
"yeah, I asked her ages ago" Fred answered him
"I thought you two were going together" George whispered.
you and Fred looked at each other and burst out laughing at the younger twins words
"never" you both said at the same time
"oh" he nodded his head slightly in response, making you and Fred look at each other wondering what he's getting to
"you two should go together" Fred suggested, subtly winking at you
"I would rather go with moaning myrtle then her!" George laughed a little too much, slapping his knee and he chuckled
"I'm gonna go, I need to help Hermione study" you awkwardly got up and said bye to them as you started walking away
you heard footsteps approaching you and you sped up
"wait up!" you heard George yell out to you, you rolled your eyes and slowed down
he get to you and walked along with you
"so how are you?" he questioned
"can't i ask my beautiful best friend how she is?" he wondered, tilting his head
his words made you stop in your tracks, leaving him confused as he stopped and looked back at you
"what?" he smiled
"what are you doing?" you glared at him
he frowned at your words
"what do you mean?" he stepped towards you
"you've been doing this for so long now and I'm getting tired of it" you replied annoyed at him
"tired of what? what did I do?"
"you come in and break me and Fred apart like your jealous then insult me and then go back to being nice, make up your mind" you huffed
"I'm not jealous" he denied
"ok well then, what was all the sitting between us and pushing him out of the way to be next to me? are you playing with me?" you crossed your arms defensively
he sighed, not knowing what to say
"you act like you like me and then you completely shut me off. make up your mind or just stop talking to me" you demanded
he swallowed deeply
"did Fred tell you?" he wondered
"he told me months ago" you responded
"I thought you were with Fred, so I gave up trying," he started "I do like you"
"doesn't seem like it" you moved past him, walking away
"what do you want from me? you told me to make up my mind and then I told you how I felt, is that not what you wanted?" he questioned, keeping up with you
"George, you just insulted me not even 5 minutes ago? if you fancy me then show it! or I'm not going to believe you" you spat, annoyed by him
"why do you think I went off talking to other girls? love- I-" he started before you cut him off
"George, I don't care anymore. I really don't. you can't say you like somebody to then act like a complete arse after, if you fancy me then prove it!" you spoke angrily before walking off, leaving him there
George had tried his best to show you his feelings. giving you little gifts, sending you owls, going with you everywhere you went and telling you sweet things he liked about you
but you didn't yet trust him fully, he was only doing this because you told him to show his feelings, if you hadn't said that, what would he be doing instead of being with you right now?
you were heading to the library when you heard the all so familiar voice call out your name from behind you
you turned around, bracing yourself for more gifts and compliments
he caught up to you, his hands holding something wrapped in brown wrapping paper
"mum made you it, for Christmas, you can open it now or on the day" he cleared his throat, handing you it
Christmas was in 2 days- and the Yule ball
you took the package, knowing what it is and smiled, thanking him, making a mental note to send Molly an Owl to thank her
"so, I was just wondering if you'd like to go to the Ball with me?" he asked, rubbing his hands on his jeans
"I'm sorry- I'm uh- I'm going with Lee" you frowned. Feeling bad when his face fell
"Oh- right ok" he nodded vigorously and you noticed his Adams apple bob as he gulped
"Sorry- he asked me a few weeks ago seen as we both didn't have dates" you apologised
"Well, you can ditch him if you want. Seen as though it's not a romantic type of date" George suggested selfishly
"How could you ask me to do that? Just because it isn't a romantic date means I'd trade him for someone who wants me romantically" you shook your head.
"I'm sure he'd understand, he's one of my best mates" he shrugged
"George if you wanted to go with me you should have asked me instead of going off with other girls just because you were jealous of me and Fred" you exclaimed
"Well you were the one who told me to prove my feelings. I could of asked you ages ago!" He argued
"Then you should of! And instead of getting mad at me for having another date because YOU WOULDN'T ASK ME! You could learn from your mistakes and not get caught up in ugly emotions. They don't suit you, George" You raised your voice "and next time there's a ball you can pack up the courage before it's too late!"
"I thought you and Fred were together" he spoke sadly
"Well instead of going off with other girls yuu could ask me and talk to us yourself!" You yelled
"Yeah but I never wanted them, you're the one I want! You're the one I've wanted for years!" He cried out
"Yeah well next time you know what to do then, don't you?"
He stayed silent for a moment "yeah" he whispered nodding his head slowly
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