#angelica arroyo
Matthew Sheffield at Flux:
Episode Summary
Protestant televangelists have been infamous for decades for their lavish lifestyles and nefarious scandals. They’ve also been extremely successful at promoting far-right political viewpoints to people who just want to watch some devotional preaching. The radicalization of American evangelicalism is finally beginning to attract the journalistic and scholarly attention it deserves, but there is something very similar happening among some Roman Catholics in this country that has not be reported on enough. One of the prime culprits is a cable TV channel called Eternal Word Television Network which many people outside of EWTN’s elderly demographic have never heard of.
While it may not be the most famous brand among political junkies, EWTN’s influence on Catholicism in America and around the world is substantial. By its own account, EWTN reaches 400 million households in more than 150 countries. It also owns a radio network with 380 affiliates, several news services, and the influential national Catholic Register newspaper. At its founding in 1981 EWTN wasn’t about mixing far-right political agendas with religious services. But in the years since, it’s gone all in for Donald Trump and a host of extremist Catholic figures who are bent on canceling anyone with progressive views in the church, even Pope Francis himself. Joining us in this episode to discuss is Molly Olmsted. She is a staff writer at Slate, and she wrote an extended article about EWTN that is definitely a must-read.
Matthew Sheffield interviewed Molly Olmstead on his Theory of Change podcast to discuss the radical right-wing turn of Catholic cable network EWTN.
From the 05.06.2024 edition of Flux's Theory Of Change:
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angeltreasure · 10 months
Catholicism Masterlist
NOTE:::: Items highlighted in red are my favorites for learning Catholicism.
Books for Learning Catholicism:
The Word on Fire Bible
Catechism of the Catholic Church second edition (pdf here)
Catholic Faith Handbook For Youth by Brian Singer-Towns and other contributors (pdf here)
Books About Prayer:
The Liturgy of the Hours by Word on Fire
The Secret of the Rosary by St. Louis de Montfort
The Rosary for the Holy Souls in Purgatory by Susan Tassone
10 Wonders of the Rosary by Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC
The Memorare Moment by Rev. Francis Joseph Hoffman
Blessed Sacrament Prayer Book edited by Bart Tesoriero
Heart of the Christian Life: Thoughts on Holy Mass by Pope Benedict XVI
Meet the Witnesses of the Miracle of the Sun by John M. Haffert
Our Father: Spiritual Reflections by Pope Francis
The Prayers & Personal Devotions of Mother Angelica, introduced & edited by Raymond Arroyo
Books About Saints:
Lives of the Saints: For Everyday in the Year by Fr. Alban Butler
Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska - Divine Mercy in My Soul by St. Maria Faustina Kowalska
Send Me Your Guardian Angel by Fr. Alessio Parente
Forty Dreams of St. John Bosco: From Saint John Bosco's Biographical Memoirs by St. John Bosco
Saint Charbel by Paul Daher
Mornings With St. Thérèse by St. Thérèse Editor: Patricia Treece 
The Secret of Mary by St. Louis de Montfort
The Confession of St. Patrick by St. Patrick
Saint Rafqa the Lebanese Nun (1832-1914) Teacher of the Generations and Patron Saint of the Suffers Father Elias Hanna (L.M.O.)
Rediscover the Saints by Matthew Kelly
Other Books:
The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis
7 Secrets of Confession by Vinny Flynn
Our Grounds for Hope by Archbishop Fulton Sheen
How to Share Your Faith by Bishop Robert Barron
How to Discern God’s Will for Your Life by Bishop Robert Barron
An Exorcist Tells His Story by Gabriele Amorth
This Is My Body by Bishop Robert Barron
Relevant Radio
Mass Times for Travel
Relevant Radio
The Divine Mercy
Word on Fire
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB)
Some social media:
Bishop Robert Barron
Divine Mercy
Breaking in the Habit
Sensus Fidelium
Sacred Music:
Harpa Dei
The Association of Marian Helpers
Rosary Confraternity
Brown Scapular
Adoration Sodality of the Most Blessed Sacrament
What really happens at a Catholic Mass, short film
— —- —— — —- —— — —- —— — —- ——
This is by no means a complete list because I keep reading more books and finding new resources as a pilgrim in this life. Maybe you’ll find something here to help you grow in faith. May God bless you abundantly.
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angiereyna1986 · 7 months
Proyecto Sustentable
Módulo 11. Evaluación y seguimiento de proyectos de intervención e investigación educativa
Profesor: Luis Manuel Cuevas Quintero
Alumna: Martha Angelica Reyna Arroyo
Grupo: BNMB
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Reforestando Huitzilac
Para hablar de reforestación es necesario hacer mención a la deforestación ya que por este mal uso de los recursos naturales, nos vemos en la necesidad de reforestar.
La deforestación es un grave problema para la salud del planeta que nos afecta a todos y, aunque los intentos por frenarla logran discretos resultados, no consiguen revertir la tendencia. El desastre ambiental ocasionado por la progresiva desaparición de la masa forestal provoca pérdidas ambientales incalculables y de difícil o imposible recuperación.
La tala indiscriminada o la tala inmoderada de árboles es mucho más que un atentado ecológico puntual en un área concreta, ya que termina afectando a todo el planeta. Sobre todo, además, porque se trata de una práctica muy extendida que se lleva a cabo a escala global, con pérdidas de más de diez millones de hectáreas de bosques.
La tala de árboles es el proceso que se lleva a cabo para cortar los árboles necesarios para las actividades humanas como, por ejemplo, la construcción. No obstante, en cantidades bajas en comparación a la cantidad de árboles y a la capacidad de regeneración de los bosques esta no tiene por qué dañar al planeta.
La tala clandestina de los bosques de Morelos, en especial los del municipio de Huitzilac, es tan grave, que forma parte permanente del listado de zonas críticas forestales identificadas por la Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (Semarnat), actualizado a finales de 2021.
La situación si es preocupante, no solo por la extracción de los árboles, sino por la pérdida del hábitat y nichos ecológicos de especies endémicas, como el conejo de la montaña. La Semarnat, a través de la Procuraduría Federal de Protección al Ambiente (Profepa) y otras autoridades, como la Guardia Nacional y la Fiscalía General del Estado, llevaron a cabo un magno operativo en el que ubicaron y desmantelaron cinco aserraderos ilegales en Huitzilac, como parte de la estrategia nacional de protección de los bosques del país.
Por todo lo anterior me intereso el tema de la reforestación ya que soy habitante del Estado de Morelos justamente del pueblo de Huitzilac y es triste ver como los bosques han sufrido la tala indiscriminada sin notar las consecuencias de lo que poco a poco está ocurriendo en el paraje.
Los bosques son importantes repositorios de biodiversidad y su gestión sostenible resulta esencial no solo para conservarlos, sino también para sostener el funcionamiento de los ecosistemas.
Los árboles juegan varios papeles importantes tanto en ecosistemas naturales como en agro ecosistemas, incluyendo: sombra y rompe-vientos, movilización y reciclaje de nutrientes particularmente desde capas profundas del suelo, fijación de nitrógeno por especies leguminosas, secuestro de carbono, hábitat para muchas especies de aves, insectos, pequeños mamíferos.
En el Estado de Morelos encontramos el Municipio de Hutzilac dentro de este el Corredor Biológico Ajusco – Chichinautzin y el Parque Nacional Lagunas de Zempoala, entre estos bosques se encuentra el Paraje de Tlacotepec el cual es parte del proyecto de Reforestación Natural.
Recordemos que en este municipio es muy importante mantener los arboles ya que de ellos depende que el agua se pueda seguir reciclando y que las especies sigan habitando en ellos.
La reforestación es el proceso de plantar árboles y arbustos en un terreno que anteriormente había sido degradado o desmontado. Esto puede incluir la plantación de árboles en una zona de tala, la recuperación de un área degradada debido a la agricultura intensiva o la minería, o la reforestación de un área que ha sido afectada por un incendio forestal.
Algunos de los beneficios de la reforestación son:
Los árboles almacenan y filtran la lluvia a través de sus hojas, su tronco y sus raíces.
Protección del suelo: los árboles y los arbustos ayudan a estabilizar el suelo y a prevenir la erosión.
Conservación de la biodiversidad: los bosques son hogar de una gran variedad de especies animales y vegetales.
Mitigación del cambio climático: los árboles son una importante fuente de carbono y ayudan a absorber el dióxido de carbono de la atmósfera.
Provisión de madera y otros productos: los bosques son una considerable fuente de madera y otras materias primas para la industria.
Recreación y turismo: los bosques y los parques naturales son lugares de gran atractivo para la recreación y el turismo.
El método elegido se basa en el método cualitativo
La metodología cualitativa, propia de las ciencias sociales, la cual en opinión de Taylor y Bogdan (2002), la investigación cualitativa se refiere a “la investigación que produce datos descriptivos: la propia palabra de las personas, habladas o escritas y la conducta observable” (pág. 20).
Realizar observaciones directas en el área deforestada
Pláticas informales con los colonos del paraje de Huitzilac
Entrevista con el presidente municipal
Documentos de archivo y fuentes gubernamentales.
Realizar encuestas con los colonos del área a reforestar
De esta manera podre tener las conclusiones necesarias para saber cuáles son los árboles que se pueden adaptar al tipo de tierra y cima de la región y cuáles son los costos de la materia prima que se requiere para la plantación de estos, pero lo más interesante podrá saber quiénes son los colonos que están dispuestos a participar en el proyecto de sustentabilidad
Reforestar Naturalmente el paraje de Tlacotepec, para poder restablecer la pérdida de biodiversidad, reducir el dióxido de carbono en el aire, revertir la erosión del suelo y revivir las cuencas hidrográficas como lo son las lagunas de Zempoala, así como seguir almacenando el agua de lluvia para las actividades del hogar.
Organizar reforestaciones con los vecinos y autoridades del municipio
Implementar cursos para cambiar la cultura y el pensamiento de las personas que habitan el paraje.
Producto –pinos para sembrar
Personas capacitadas y responsables de la naturaleza
Efectos- pinos en crecimiento
Personas reflexivas que cuiden los pinos
Impacto-  pinos que comienzan a reestablecer la perdida de la biodiversidad.
Personas con un cambio de cultura y pensamiento
Indicadores cualitativos- Mejorar las condiciones de vida de las personas que viven en el paraje de Huitzilac
Resultados- cuantos arboles se lograron sembrar, cuantos cursos se llevaron a cabo, el presupuesto que se tiene fue suficiente, cuantas metas fueron alcanzadas
Impacto- Los voluntarios del proyecto cambiaron su forma de pensar, aprendimos a cuidar los árboles, nuestra cultura ha cambiado.
Indicadores – arboles plantados
                         Adaptación de los arboles
                        Cooperación de los voluntarios
                         Cursos impartidos
Actividades y tareas
Para que la reforestación se logre se deben realizar los estudios de campo necesarios, que permitan conocer las condiciones del sitio a reforestar y definir las especies a establecer, el vivero de procedencia, el medio de transporte, las herramientas a utilizar, la preparación del suelo, el diseño, los métodos, los puntos críticos de supervisión durante las actividades de campo, la protección, el mantenimiento y los parámetros con los cuales se evaluará el éxito de la plantación. Reforestación compacta con pinos.
Para poder lograr un cambio en la cultura y forma de vida de los colonos del paraje es necesario implementar los cursos de reforestación y conozcan la importancia que tienen los arboles en nuestro paraje.
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Cuando pensé en mi proyecto no dimensione en cada una de las etapas y las necesidades del proyecto, bueno ni si quiera tenia definido el objetivo, cuando llegue a la evaluación del proyecto pude darme cuenta que las necesidades de este son bastantes y comencé a darle forma a mi proyecto para que los objetivos específicos puedan cumplirse y tener una meta a corto plazo.
Así, pues, los métodos evaluativos representan a menudo una transacción entre lo ideal y lo factible” (Weiss, 1982: 22).
Cuando el proyecto está en fase de diagnóstico se piensa en el objetivo, pero no es estable hasta que comenzamos la evaluación, las metas y los indicadores me hicieron realizar cambios.
El diagnóstico describe, explica y, tal vez, predice hechos que acontecerán en la realidad. No se preocupa por los tiempos en los cuales esa transformación se va a producir, ni por los elementos requeridos para que ésta ocurra.
La evaluación es necesaria para poder encontrar fallas en el proyecto y realizar cambios para su mejora La evaluación no debe ser concebida como una actividad aislada y autosuficiente. Ella forma parte del proceso de planificación de la política social, generando una retroalimentación que permite elegir entre diversos proyectos, de acuerdo con su eficacia y eficiencia. Asimismo, analiza los logros obtenidos por esos proyectos, creando la posibilidad de rectificar las acciones y reorientarlas hacia el fin postulado.
Los instrumentos que me permitieron obtener información para evaluar mi proyecto son:
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Al realizar las entrevistas y las encuestas pude notar que mi proyecto en un inicio carecía de información para poder cumplir el objetivo, las cosas no eran como yo imaginaba, las personas no realizan una reforestación por falta de información, no saben lo que es un proyecto sustentable y que daño le causamos al planeta con la deforestación.
Por ello la implementación del curso servirá para que cada uno de los pobladores pueda informarse del daño que se causa al planeta, pero sobre todo que de los arboles depende que el paraje siga reciclando el agua de la lluvia que es utilizada para las actividades del hogar.
La cultura y el pensamiento de los pobladores debe ser distinto al de destruir la naturaleza, los niños deben ser educados en la sustentabilidad de los recursos que la naturaleza nos proporciona.
La reforestación también es parte de la educación ,enseñar a los pobladores del paraje y a los niños a plantar un pino es necesario para que nuestro planeta nos siga proporcionando sus recursos.
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Pedir una cita con el presidente municipal y con el encargado del área comunal para poder llevar a cabo mi proyecto y sembrar los árboles en el paraje, ya que estos terrenos son del área comunal y están respaldados por el Municipio.
Evaluación del proyecto Reforestación natural.
Paraje Tlacotepec.
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La Cartografía Social como método de producción de mapas sociales – es siempre – colectivo, horizontal y participativo. Esta particularidad, que a primera vista parece responder a la moda actual en los métodos de intervención e investigación, rescata los modos más antiguos de construcción y producción de mapas: el colectivo. Dicho modo agrupado hace fuerza sobre todo en dos cuestiones: inicialmente, considera al conocimiento del espacio banal (Santos, 1996), al territorio como plural, de modo que quienes participan en la “obra” del mapa poseen saberes diversos sobre “el lugar”; y por otro lado, contempla que el resultado de ese mapeo es colectivo y horizontal; por lo que para obrar del mapa debe existir un intercambio, un debate y un consenso.
Visitas aleatorias al paraje
Entrevista inicial con un referente social local.
Planificación del camino para aplicar la Cartografía Social, consensuado con los referentes sociales del paraje.
Difusión del curso Reforestación Natural por parte de los referentes locales.
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Al realizar las entrevistas a los colonos del paraje ,me pude percatar de la falta de estudios ,esto nos lleva a tener una falta de conciencia del cuidado del medio ambiente ,algo que podre lograr con los cursos que se impartirán para poder realizar un cambio en los habitantes del paraje.
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Recursos humanos
Promover la reforestación del paraje con los colonos y autoridades del municipio ayudara a que el proyecto sume voluntarios y se haga conciencia de la importancia de cuidar el medio ambiente, cambiando la cultura de los colonos.
La mano de obra de los voluntarios es de vital importancia para el proyecto ya que es necesario que se involucren en cada una de las etapas para poder aprender el proceso paso a paso.
Promover la impartición de los cursos y la plantación de los pinos.
Recursos materiales
Los recursos utilizados en el proyecto deben ser bien utilizados y cuidados para no desperdiciarlos, el trato que se le dé a cada uno de los árboles depende de su crecimiento, así como la preparación del terreno, los fertilizantes y el agua requerida en la plantación.
Las herramientas son indispensables para la excavación, entre más palas y picos se tengan a la mano será más fácil concluir con la reforestación.
Recursos Financieros
Donación de los recursos por parte del municipio y de los viveros aledaños al paraje, así como la participación de los pobladores para poder sembrar los pinos .
Aspectos sociales
Promover un clima de respeto entre cada uno de los voluntarios, para poder trabajar con cordialidad hasta llegar al término del proyecto, ser participativos y motivarnos sabiendo que el proyecto es por el bien del paraje y de cada una de las personas que lo habita.
Después de realizar las entrevistas a los colonos del paraje pude obtener resultados concretos, ya que a la mayoría les pareció interesante plantar pinos. Consideré que seria fácil cumplir con uno de los objetivos, ya que los pobladores si estaban dispuestos a ayudarme a reforestar el paraje.
Lo que me causo problema fue la pregunta ¿Conoces los beneficios de la reforestación? solo dos personas contestaron correctamente, el resto contestaba que no sabía, entonces me di cuenta que el curso ayudaría bastante a que los colonos obtuvieran respuesta a la pregunta principal. La siguiente pregunta sobre el tiempo para poder tomar el curso no fue tomada agradablemente, la mayoría de los colonos tiene el tiempo de tomar el curso, pero no tiene las ganas de volver a tomar clases, me volví a percatar que este seria un reto, ya que la siguiente pregunta era ¿Consideras que el curso puede cambiar la mentalidad de las personas? considero que si, esto lo contestó una de las personas entrevistadas del Municipio y las restantes respondieron negativamente, esto no me desanimó y continúe adelante con el proyecto, para poder lograr el objetivo cambiar la cultura y el pensamiento de los pobladores del paraje de Tlacotepec.
La encuesta me permitió conocer a los colonos en su mayoría son nativos del paraje de entre 45 y 50 años, los cuales tienen hijos de entre 9 y 17 años quienes siguen los pasos de sus padres, se dedican al campo, la jardinería o al comercio y abandonan la escuela al terminar la secundaria. Con esto nuevamente comprobé que la reforestación se realizaría sin ningún problema y la participación de los pobladores seria constante ya que no cumplen con un horario fijo de trabajo. Los pobladores conocen perfectamente el terreno y como se realiza la siembra de los pinos y que pinos son adaptables para que puedan crecer sin problemas, lo que nuevamente me puso a pensar fue el curso, instruir a los pobladores en el tema no sería fácil.
Al observar el terreno pensé en si sería apto para la reforestación, los pobladores contestaron mi duda y contestaron que si, que solo era cuestión de preparar la tierra, fertilizarla y plantar los pinos adecuados para que se adapten al clima y puedan crecer sin plagas o se sequen. Dentro de mis observaciones esta la financiera de donde obtendría los recursos, necesitaría ayuda monetaria y no era justo que los pobladores pusieran de sus bolsillos a si que ellos propusieron, pedir donaciones de pinos a los viveros aledaños y por ultimo al municipio.
Como pueden ver mis observaciones se fueron disipando con la entrevista, la encuesta, la cartografía utilizada y enseñada por los pobladores que eran conocedores del terreno.
En cuanto al curso necesitaba un curso dinámico impartido por alguien que tuviera las estrategias adecuadas para atraer a los pobladores, que captara su atención para poder brindar un buen aprendizaje en el tema.
Decidí realizar una presentación con proyector en donde la imágenes fueran animadas y coloridas, que llamaran la atención de los pobladores y en donde su participación fuera constante, sin miedo a preguntar, con respeto, sin burlas porque todos estamos aprendiendo, normalmente el miedo a preguntar es lo que nos hace quedarnos con las dudas y no querer acudir al curso.
El municipio me apoyo con con el proyector y algunos materiales para poder realizar el curso didáctico algunos foami de colores que me permitió explicar a los presentes en el curso la función de los árboles en el planeta, después cada uno de ellos lo explicaba con sus palabras, así fue avanzando la clase, hasta que elaboramos un reciclador de agua a escala con botellas y tubos esta vez ellos fueron quienes me enseñaron a mí a realizarlo, el curso se fue volviendo interesante para ellos, mostraron como plantar los pinos en la clase hasta llevarlo a la practica, en mi casa me ayudaron a cambiar mi reciclador. Impartimos 22 cursos en total, realizamos un resumen oral de lo aprendido, puedo decir que el curso logró y supero el objetivo.
La evaluación conlleva a una serie de circunstancias cambiantes a veces favorables y en otras adversas, pero cuya sucesión lleva a la recolección de información para la evaluación del proyecto de sustentabilidad REFORESTACIÓN NATURAL.
Las técnicas e instrumentos de evaluación para recopilar los datos e información que se plantearon en los indicadores o categorías sobre los procesos de cambio y transformación del Proyecto, así como el informe de los resultados de la evaluación de los procesos de cambio y transformación del proyecto de sustentabilidad y reflexiones finales de su evaluación fueron indispensables para poder darle forma al proyecto y poder cumplir el objetivo. Según Cohen, E. y Franco, R. (2000). Las relaciones existentes entre evaluación e investigación son estrechas ya que aquélla supone la utilización del arsenal de modelos, instrumentos y técnicas que constituyen la llamada metodología de la investigación en ciencias sociales.
Primeramente, debo comentarles que en el paraje habitan muchas personas que son nacidas en el pueblo por tanto tienen una cultura muy arraigada y cambiar su pensamiento no es fácil, al realizar las encuestas y entrevistas, los pobladores se sentían como agredidos, lo primero que preguntaban ¿para qué quiere esa información?, nosotros no somos talamontes. Les informe que me encontraba realizando un proyecto escolar y que ellos eran los indicados para poder ponerlo en práctica y ayudar un poco a nuestro paraje, poco a poco fueron dándole importancia y sin dudarlo me proporcionaban la información.
Otra de las vicisitudes fue obtener una cita con el presidente municipal ya que, de igual forma, la pregunta era ¿Que necesita?  Le explique a la secretaria de mi proyecto escolar y aunque no me prometió nada, mi cita fue agendada, el presidente municipal es nativo de Huitzilc y conoce muy bien los terrenos, así que el día de la entrevista le mencione el nombre del paraje y lo que tenía en mente, lo más importante era que me permitiera sembrar los árboles de lo demás los vecinos y yo nos encargábamos.
Con el paso de los días los vecinos propusieron que pidiéramos apoyo a los viveros cercanos y la idea funciono se logró juntar 50 pinos, el municipio se enteró y nos donó 100 pinos, 20 palas y 15 picos.
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Después de analizar las necesidades del paraje y su situación actual con los instrumentos ya mencionados y obtener los indicadores, pude llevar a cabo el proyecto para poder cumplir mis objetivos. Considero que los logros fueron más allá de los que me había planteado en un inicio, ya que logramos reforestar el paraje a un 100% y terminar el curso con un 95% de asistencia a los cursos, pero lo que mas me agrado fue escuchar los buenos comentarios y el aprendizaje que obtuvieron los pobladores, ya que hoy saben la importancia que tienen las lagunas de Zempoala, que era uno de mis objetivos "revivir las cuencas hidrográficas como lo son las lagunas de Zempoala" la plantación de los pinos son primordiales para poder restablecer la pérdida de biodiversidad, con los árboles plantados las especies tendrán un refugio seguro y podrán reproducirse, en cuanto a la erosión del suelo los arboles son indispensables para poder revertirlo sus efectos tan cambiantes, en cuanto al seguir reciclando el agua aparte de aprender que los arboles son parte del beneficio, aprendimos a realizar la instalación a un costo precio gracias a los conocimientos de los pobladores.
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nofatclips · 4 years
Get Up by Xiu Xiu from That Polyvinyl Sampler Really Tied The Room Together
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amyguarino · 7 years
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Keep working hard and busting your ass, because you never know when your dreams are going to come true.
(Photo: 360 Of Opera)
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oneboxofmatches · 3 years
All You Need to Know About Matchups!
Hi y'all!
This account is solely for matchups for several different fandoms. That means requests for imagines, oneshots, headcanons, etc. will NOT be taken.
Here are some basic things to know about requesting a matchup!
Unless otherwise specified for a certain fandom, a request yields one romantic pairing AND one friendship pairing as well as information on why I think you work well with the individuals I choose. Of course, if you only wish to receive either just the romantic matchup or just the friendship matchup, just let me know!
You can request matchups for several different fandoms at once! For each fandom you request, I will match you up with one romantic partner and one friend unless you request differently.
You can ask to exclude any character(s)!
Where can I request a matchup?
Requests can be made in the MATCHUP REQUESTS/ASK ME ANYTHING tab.
What do I need to include in my request?
Your gender and/or pronouns
Your sexual orientation and/or preferences
Description of personality
Optional (but definitely helps me out!)
Description of appearance
Personality alignment (Myers-Briggs, Enneagram, Hogwarts House, etc.)
What you would look for in a partner and/or friend
Any other information you think would be helpful – the more you provide, the more I can work with!
Now with that out of the way, onto the fandoms!
Listed directly below is a shortlist of all the fandoms I take requests for as well as some extra information as needed.
If a title is in italics, it means that while I feel comfortable providing matchups for this show, I have not watched every season. If a character drastically changes after a certain point, I may not be aware. The last season I watched of these shows will be included in parentheses.
All movies/shows based on novels will most likely focus on the on-screen adaptations of characters.
The 100 (6)
Good Omens
The Good Place (3)
Lucifer (4)
On My Block
Parks and Recreation (4)
Prodigal Son (1)
Space Force
Supernatural (14)
The Walking Dead (8)
The Greatest Showman
Harry Potter -- Unless specified in request, will entail 2 sets of matchups as a student (Golden Trio and Marauders eras respectively)
The Hunger Games
Marvel Cinematic Universe -- Unless age is specified, underage characters will NOT be available for romantic matchups
Carrie (2012 Off-Broadway)
Les Misérables
The Phantom of the Opera
Detroit: Become Human
Red Dead Redemption 2
What’s below the cut?
A masterlist of characters in each fandom that will be considered for each request (unless marked with an asterisk (*), all characters are assumed to be available for both romantic AND friendly matchups while names marked with an asterisk are only available for friendly matchups). Listed alphabetically by first name.
Don’t be afraid to tell me about a typo!
Any questions? Just want to talk? You can also use the  MATCHUP REQUESTS/ASK ME ANYTHING tab to get ahold of me!
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Bellamy Blake
Clarke Griffin
Finn Collins
Harper McIntyre
Jasper Jordan
Johnathan “John” Murphy
Jordan Green
Marcus Kane
Monty Green
Octavia Blake
Raven Reyes
Wells Jaha
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Anathema Device
Newton Pulsifer
Mme. Tracy*
Witchfinder Sgt. Shadwell*
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Chidi Anagonye
Eleanor Shellstrop
Jason Mendoza
Tahani Al-Jamil
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Det. Chloe Decker
Det. Daniel “Dan” Espinoza
Ella Lopez
Dr. Linda Martin*
Lucifer Morningstar
Mazikeen “Maze”
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Cesar Diaz
Jamal Turner
Jasmine Flores
Monsé Finnie
Oscar “Spooky” Diaz
Ruben “Ruby” Martinez Jr.
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Andrew “Andy” Dwyer
Ann Perkins
April Ludgate
Benjamin “Ben” Wyatt
Christopher “Chris” Traeger
Donna Meagle*
Gerald “Jerry” Gergich*
Jean-Ralphio Saperstein*
Leslie Knope
Ronald “Ron” Swanson*
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Ainsley Whitly
Det. Dani Powell
Edrisa Tanaka
Lt. Gil Arroyo
Det. James “JT” Tarmel
Jessica Whitly
Malcolm Bright
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DI Greg Lestrade
Mrs. Hudson*
James “Jim” Moriarty
Dr. John Watson
Mary Morstan*
Molly Hooper
Mycroft Holmes
Sherlock Holmes
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Dr. Adrian Mallory*
Capt. Angela Ali
Brig. Gen. Bradley Gregory*
Dr. Chan Kaifang
Duncan Tabner
Erin Naird
F. Tony Scarapiducci
Kelly King
Maggie Naird*
Gen. Mark Naird*
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Abbie “Bela” Talbot*
Adam Milligan
Alex Jones
Benjamin “Benny” Lafitte
Charlene “Charlie” Bradbury
Claire Novak
Dean Winchester
Sheriff Donna Hanscum
Eileen Leahy
Ellen Harvelle*
Garth Fitzgerald IV
Jack Kline
Jessica “Jess” Moore*
Joanna “Jo” Harvelle
Sheriff Jody Mills*
John Winchester
Kaia Nieves
Kevin Tran
Meg Masters
Michael “Mick” Davies
Patience Turner
Robert “Bobby” Singer*
Rowena MacLeod
Rufus Turner*
Samuel “Sam” Winchester
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Abraham Ford
Beth Greene
Carl Grimes*
Carol Peletier*
Dale Horvath*
Daryl Dixon
Eugene Porter*
King Ezekiel*
Father Gabriel Stokes
Glenn Rhee
Hershel Greene*
Maggie Greene
Morgan Jones*
Negan Smith
Paul “Jesus” Rovia
Rick Grimes
Rosita Espinosa
Sasha Williams
Tara Chambler
Tyreese Williams
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Cher Horowitz
Dionne Davenport
Josh Lucas
Tai Frasier
Travis Birkenstock
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Anne Wheeler
Charity Barnum
Jenny Lind
Lettie Lutz*
Phillip Carlyle
Phineas “P.T.” Barnum
W.D. Wheeler
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Alastor “Mad-Eye” Moody*
Albus Dumbledore*
Arthur Weasley*
Cedric Diggory
Cho Chang
Draco Malfoy
Fleur Delacour
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Ginevra “Ginny” Weasley
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
James Potter
Lily Evans
Luna Lovegood
Minerva McGonagall*
Molly Weasley*
Neville Longbottom
Nymphadora Tonks*
Oliver Wood
Remus Lupin
Ronald “Ron” Weasley
Rubeus Hagrid*
Severus Snape
Sirius Black
Viktor Krum
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Effie Trinket*
Finnick Odair
Gale Hawthorne
Haymitch Abernathy*
Johanna Mason
Katniss Everdeen
Peeta Mellark
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Anthony “Tony” Stark -- Iron Man
Dr. Bruce Banner -- Hulk
Carol Danvers -- Captain Marvel
Dr. Christine Palmer*
Clint Barton -- Hawkeye
Drax the Destroyer*
Edward “Ned” Leeds
Harold “Happy” Hogan*
Dr. Henry “Hank” Pym*\
Hope van Dyne -- Wasp
Sgt. James “Bucky” Barnes -- Winter Soldier
Col. James “Rhodey” Rhodes -- War Machine
Loki Laufeyson
Dr. Margaret “Peggy” Carter*
Cdr. Maria Hill*
May Parker*
Lord M’Baku
Michelle “MJ” Jones
Natasha Romanoff -- Black Widow
Col. Nicholas “Nick” Fury*
Peter Parker -- Spider-Man
Peter Quill -- Star-Lord
Agt. Phillip “Phil” Coulson*
Pietro Maximoff -- Quicksilver
Samuel “Sam” Wilson -- Falcon
Scott Lang -- Ant-Man
Dr. Stephen Strange
Steven “Steve” Rogers -- Captain America
King T’Challa -- Black Panther
Thor Odinson
Virginia “Pepper” Potts
Wanda Maximoff -- Scarlet Witch
Yelena Belova
Yondu Udonta*
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Grand Duchess Anastasia Romanov
Dimitri Sudayev
Gleb Vaganov
Countess Lily Malevsky-Malevitch*
Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna*
Vladimir “Vlad” Popov*
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Adam Maitland
Barbara Maitland
Delia Schlimmer
Lydia Deetz*
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Carrie White
Christine “Chris” Hargensen
Susan “Sue” Snell
Thomas “Tommy” Ross
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Aaron Burr
Alexander Hamilton
Angelica Schuyler
Elizabeth “Eliza” Schuyler
George Washington
Hercules Mulligan
James Madison
John Laurens
Margarita “Peggy” Schuyler
Maria Reynolds
Marquis de Lafayette
Philip Hamilton
Thomas Jefferson
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Éponine Thénardier
Insp. Javert
Jean Valjean
Marius Pontmercy
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Carlotta Giudicelli*
Christine Daaé
Erik “The Phantom”
Mme. Giry*
Meg Giry
Raoul de Chagny
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Anna of Cleves
Anne Boleyn
Catherine of Aragon
Catherine Parr
Jane Seymour
Katherine Howard
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Carl Manfred*
Det. Chris Miller*
Elijah Kamski
Lt. Hank Anderson*
Capt. Jeffrey Fowler*
Leo Manfred
Rose Chapman*
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Abigail Roberts
Arthur Morgan
Beau Gray*
Charles Smith
Daniël “Dutch” Van der Linde
Eagle Flies
Hosea Matthews*
Javier Escuella
Johnathan “John” Marston Sr.
Josiah Trelawny
Karen Jones
Kieran Duffy
Leonard “Lenny” Summers
Marion “Bill” Williamson
Mary-Beth Gaskill
Micah Bell
Molly O’Shea
Penelope Braithwaite*
Rev. Orville Swanson*
Sadie Adler
Sean MacGuire
Simon Pearson*
Tilly Jackson
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lost-in-interwebs · 3 years
What factions are your fallout OCS associated with and how did they join them?
Phew! Here we go!
Carmen - Yes Man/Followers
Carmen left Arroyo to the Mojave in the search for her missing mother, who fled the Council after the NCR forced their way into Arroyo politics. She just happens to stumble on the platinum chip job, by accident. She needed a job that took her places where she could work on her own time, looking for clues.
Bunny - Mr. House
Bunny was disowned by her father, Mr. Bishop, after she helped Isaac Clarke steal his money and slept with him out of spite. She takes the courier job out of desperation in the hopes that it will lead her to Vegas's front gate and into the arms of some rich, handsome New Vegas player. She gets a little more than she bargained for when she took the platinum chip job, happily.
Damarcus -NCR
Damarcus is the son of Moses and Sheila Westin and the grandson of Roger Westin and Joanne Lynette. He's just a sweet, rich boy looking for a summer job gone so, so wrong. He's lived in the NCR all of his life, living the best of what it has to offer but is horrified by what he discovers in the Mojave.
Cornelia - Legion
A Legion priestess turned spy. Caesar plays on the fact that the NCR thinks he's a misogynist and employs her to get closer to Vegas. He has no idea, however, that she carries the key to the bunker beneath him.
13 - Westside/The Thorn
13 once lived in the sewers under Vegas until Mr. House filled then up with concrete with her family still inside. She has been recovering in a village off the banks of Lake Mead after going through a traumatizing event. You can find her in the Thorn as it is the most comfortable place for her. It reminds her of home.
Shiloh - Freeside/The Kings
Shiloh Wright never quite fit in New Reno. Their highly Christian family never understood them. He left for the Mojave to just get away from California. They found themselves in the care of the Kings as they struggled in Freeside. You can find him upstairs at the Kings Impersonation School.
Ethel - Wright Family/NCR
Ethel is Shiloh's younger cousin. She is deep in the doctrine. She will never be met.
Cantil -Khans/Vipers/Jackals
Cantil is the daughter of an older Elder of the Viper gang. She was kicked out after trying to continue old Viper traditions instead of simply raiding to survive and for taking in a young Jackal child. She left for the Khan camps in the hope that Papa would spare them and allow them sanctuary.
Monika - NCR
Damarcus's older twin sister. Smart, beautiful, agile. She and Damarcus do not like to be separated for long, so after his letters stop coming, she left to look for him. They would eventually run into each other in Vegas.
Angelica - Mr. House
Angelica Hightower is the richest girl in the Wasteland. Old money from past water merchant dealings, she is completely out of touch with the common wastelander. She left for Vegas on vacation and stumbled on a corpse on her way to Vegas through Goodsprings.
Camille - NCR
You can find Camille Van Graff at the Silver Rush. One of the matriarch's 10 children, Camille is still learning the ropes and hoping to learn something from her older sister Gloria before venturing out further east after the NCR successful win the Hoover Dam.
Poppy - NCR
Ambassador Crocker's daughter. She can be found at the embassy, enjoying her time on the Strip. She's a penpal of Monika's and offers to help her find Damarcus.
James - NCR
James is my evil NCR courier. He was the son of an NCR banker stand a Follower's teacher. He has an air of haughtiness due to his more privileged background. He loves the NCR and thinks it is the most sensible choice for the Mojave and the rest of the Wasteland. He hopes to conquer it in order to bring democracy, order, and capitalism back the Wasteland... 🤢
I did not realize how many NCR couriers I have. Im making more for the more bad karma playthroughs and general ocs but here we go!
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theatercommandments · 5 years
I am beyond excited to announce that I will be playing the title role in Queens College Opera’s production of Suor Angelica in April 2020! I had the privilege of being in this beautiful opera (as Suor Dolcina) back in 2017 with Martina Arroyo’s Prelude To Performance. I can’t wait to revisit this opera in a new challenging role 😁
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arendelleheir · 5 years
new hamilton master
please message me if you want it - happy to gift!
We had a lot of swings on! (I’m now obsessed with Manaia as Lafayette/Jefferson w o w ok)
Hamilton (West End) - 5/30/19
Jamael Westman (Alexander Hamilton), Waylon Jacobs (Aaron Burr u/s), Ellena Vincent (Eliza Schuyler u/s), Allyson Ava-Brown (Angelica Schuyler), Courtney-Mae Briggs (Peggy/Maria), Tarinn Callender (Hercules/Madison), Aaron Lee Lambert (George Washington u/s), Manaia Glassey-Ohlson (Lafayette/Jefferson u/s), Cleve September (Laurens/Phillip)
Here is my list of masters, but I’ve got a ton of audios/videos for Anastasia that are untracked. Lmk if you’d like any! (gift or trade, no worries)
Aladdin (Tour) - Los Angeles - 2/28/18 Matinee (Adam Jacobs/Courtney Reed - OBC Broadway Leads)
Amélie - Los Angeles - Closing Night Performance (1/15/17)
Anastasia Broadway (12/13/17 Matinee OBC with Max von Essen)
Bat out of Hell (West End) - 5/30/18
Something Rotten Tour Los Angeles (11/30/17)
Waitress (Broadway) (12/14/17 Evening - Stephanie Torns (u/s Jenna) and Jason Mraz)
Waitress (Tour) - Los Angeles - 8/26/18 Matinee
See below for cast information...
Aladdin (Tour) (February 18, 2018 Matinee)
Adam Jacobs, Courtney Reed, Michael James Scott, Jonathan Weir, Reggie de Leon, Adam Stevenson (u/s Sultan), Zach Bencal, Philippe Arroyo, Mike Longo
Amélie Los Angeles Run (1/15/17) - Closing night performance
Philippa Soo, Adam Chanler-Berat, Savvy Crawford, Tony Sheldon, Manoel Felician, Alison Cimmet, Harriett D. Foy, Maria-Christina Oliveras, Alyse Alan Louis, David Andino, Randy Blaire, Paul Whitty, Heath Calvert
Anastasia Broadway (12/13/17 Matinee)
Christy Altomare, Derek Klena, Max von Essen, John Bolton, Caroline O’Connor, Kathryn Boswell (u/s Tsarina), Dustin Layton? (u/s Tsar)
Performance stopped for emergency between Close the Door and Land of Yesterday - couldn’t quite edit it out, so there’ll be a seven-minute gap between those scenes. I was suuuper close to the pit so the orchestrations may be the loudest
Bat out of Hell (West End) - 5/30/18
Jordan Luke Gage (u/s Strat), Christina Bennington, Rob Fowler, Sharon Sexton, Alex Thomas-Smith, Danielle Steers, Wayne Robinson
Something Rotten Tour - Los Angeles (11/30/17 Evening)
Rob McClure, Josh Grisetti, Adam Pascal, Maggie Lakis, Blake Hammond, Autumn Hurlbert, Scott Cote
Waitress (12/14/17 Evening)
Stephanie Torns (u/s Jenna), Jason Mraz, Caitlin Houlahan, NaTasha Yvette Williams, Will Swenson, Christopher Fitzgerald, John Cullum, Eric Anderson
Waitress (Tour) - Los Angeles - 8/26/18 Matinee
Desi Oakley, Charity Angel Dawson, Emily Koch (u/s Dawn), Bryan Fenkart, Jeremy Morse, Larry Marshall, Nick Bailey, Ryan G. Dunkin
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tasksweekly · 6 years
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In celebration of September 15th to October 15th being Latinx Heritage Month, here’s a masterlist below compiled of over 620+ Chilean faceclaims categorised by gender with their occupation and ethnicity denoted if there was a reliable source. If you want an extra challenge use random.org to pick a random number! Of course everything listed below are just suggestions and you can pick whichever faceclaim or whichever project you desire.
Any questions can be sent here and all tutorials have been linked below the cut for ease of access! REMEMBER to tag your resources with #TASKSWEEKLY and we will reblog them onto the main! This task can be tagged with whatever you want but if you want us to see it please be sure that our tag is the first five tags, @ mention us or send us a messaging linking us to your post!
THE TASK - scroll down for FC’s!
STEP 1: Decide on a FC you wish to create resources for! You can always do more than one but who are you starting with? There are links to masterlists you can use in order to find them and if you want help, just send us a message and we can pick one for you at random!
STEP 2: Pick what you want to create! You can obviously do more than one thing, but what do you want to start off with? Screencaps, RP icons, GIF packs, masterlists, PNG’s, fancasts, alternative FC’s - LITERALLY anything you desire!
STEP 3: Look back on tasks that we have created previously for tutorials on the thing you are creating unless you have whatever it is you are doing mastered - then of course feel free to just get on and do it. :)
STEP 4: Upload and tag with #TASKSWEEKLY! If you didn’t use your own screencaps/images make sure to credit where you got them from as we will not reblog packs which do not credit caps or original gifs from the original maker.
THINGS YOU CAN MAKE FOR THIS TASK -  examples are linked!
Stumped for ideas? Maybe make a masterlist or graphic of your favourite faceclaims. A masterlist of names. Plot ideas or screencaps from a music video preformed by an artist. Masterlist of quotes and lyrics that can be used for starters, thread titles or tags. Guides on culture and customs.
RP icons [of all sizes]
Gif Pack [maybe gif icons if you wish]
PNG packs
Dash Icons
Character Aesthetics
Graphic Templates - can be chara header, promo, border or background PSD’s!
FC Masterlists - underused, with resources, without resources!
FC Help - could be related, family templates, alternatives.
Written Guides.
and whatever else you can think of / make!
Belgium Castro (1921) Chilean - actress and teacher.
Carmen Barros (1925) Chilean - actress and singer.
María Teresa Fricke (1927) Chilean - actress.
Teresa Münchmeyer (1928) Chilean - actress and landscape painter.
Shenda Román (1928) Chilean - actress.
Delfina Guzmán (1928) Chilean - actress.
Mario Lorca (1930) Chilean - actress and director.
Violeta Vidaurre (1930) Chilean - actress.
Mireya Moreno (1931) Chilean - actress.
Luz Jiménez (1934) Chilean - actress, theater director, and teacher.
Gabriela Medina (1935) Chilean - actress.
Sonia Mena (1936) Chilean - actress.
Grimanesa Jiménez (1937) Chilean - actress.
Gloria Münchmeyer (1938) Chilean - actress.
Isabel Parra (1939) Chilean - singer-songwriter and interpreter of Latin American musical folklore.
Gabriela Hernández (1939) Chilean - actress.
Silvia Santelices (1940) Chilean - actress.
Palmenia Pizarro (1941) Chilean - singer.
Dagmar Lassander (1943) Chilean, German / French - actress.
Coca Rudolphy (1943) Chilean - actress.
Monica Carrasco (1947) Chilean - actress.
María Elena Duvauchelle (1947) Chilean - actress.
Gloria Laso (1947) Chilean - actress and director.
Ana Reeves (1948) Chilean - actress and director.
Gloria Benavides (1948) Chilean - actress, singer and comedian.
Patricia Maldonado Aravena (1950) Chilean - television presenter.
Teresita Reyes (1950) Chilean [Palestinian / Unknown] - actress.
Jacqueline Boudon (1951) Chilean - actress, comedian, director and pedagogue.
Elsa Poblete (1952) Chilean - actress.
Rosa Ramírez (1953) Chilean - actress and director.
Consuelo Holzapfel (1954) Chilean [German] - actress and director.
Silvia Novak (1955) Chilean - actress.
Malucha Pinto (1955) Chilean - actress, theater director and dramatist.
Claudia di Girolamo (1956) Chilean [Italian] - actress.
Fedora Kliwadenko (1956) Chilean - actress.
Loreto Valenzuela (1956) Chilean - actress and director.
Maricarmen Arrigorriaga (1957) Chilean [Basque] - actress.
Marcela Medel (1957) Chilean - actress.
Roxana Campos (1958) Chilean - actress.
Carmen Disa Gutiérrez (1959) Chilean - actress.
Maria Izquierdo Huneeus (1960) Chilean - actress, director and screenwriter.
Paulina García (1960) Chilean - actress, theatre director and playwright.
Esperanza Silva (1960) Chilean - actress and director.
Adriana Vacarezza (1961) Chilean [Basque, Italian] - actress.
Magdalena Max-Neef (1961) Chilean - actress.
Andrea Tessa (1961) Chilean [Italian] - singer-songwriter, TV presenter, and actress.
Irene Llano (1962) Chilean - actress and singer.
Elena Muñoz (1962) Chilean - actress, dramatist and scriptwriter.
Luz Croxatto (1962) Chilean - actress, director and screenwriter.
Sandra O'Ryan (1962) Chilean - actress.
Graciela Araya (1962) Chilean - singer.
Pilar Cox / María Pilar Cox Balsamina (1963) Chilean [Uruguayan] - ex-model, television presenter and actress.
Ximena Rivas (1963) Chilean - actress.
Coca Guazzini (1953) Chilean [Italian] - actress.
Valentina Vargas (1964) Chilean [French] - actress.
Carmina Irrigation (1964) Chilean - actress and manager.
Lisa Guerrero (1964) Chilean / English - actress, model, tv host, sportscaster, and journalist.
Viviana Rodríguez (1964) Chilean - actress.
Marcela Osorio (1964) Chilean - actress.
Katty Kowaleczko (1964) Chilean [Polish] - actress.
Carolina Arregui (1965) Chilean [Crotation, Basque] - actress.
Amparo Noguera (1965) Chilean - actress.
Cecilia Bolocco (1965) Chilean [Italian, Arbëresh / German] - actress, tv host, and Miss Universe 1987.
Myriam Hernández (1965) Chilean - singer-songwriter and television presenter.
Carmen Gloria Arroyo (1965) Chilean - tv host.
Claudia Celedón (1966) Chilean [Basque] - actress.
Elvira López (1966) Chilean - actress.
Natalia Cuevas (1966) Chilean - singer, comedian, impressionist, and actress.
Ana María Gazmuri (1966) Chilean - actress.
Lorene Prieto (1967) Chilean [New Zealand] - actress.
Charlotte Lewis (1967) 1/4 Chilean, 1/4 Iraqi, 1/4 Irish, 1/4 English - actress.
Macarena Mina (1968) Chilean [Italian] - Miss Chile 1989.
Javiera Parra (1968) Chilean - musician and singer.
Francesca Ancarola (1968) Chilean [Italian] - singer and songwriter.
Catalina Saavedra (1968) Chilean - actress.
Alessandra Guerzoni (1968) Chilean [Italian] - actress.
Paulina Gálvez (1969) Chilean / Spanish - actress.
Andrea Freund (1969) Chilean [German] - actress, director and producer.
Catalina Guerra (1969) Chilean - actress.
Karen Doggenweiler (1969) Chilean [German, Swiss / Spanish, Aragonese] - tv presenter.
Paula Urrutia (1969) Chilean - actress and director.
Claudia Burr (1969) Chilean - actress.
Aline Kuppenheim (1969) Chilean [French] - actress.
Paola Volpato (1969) Chilean [Italian] - actress.
Colombina Parra (1970) Chilean - musician and singer.
Alejandra Fosalba (1970) Chilean - actress
Alex Castillo / Alexandra Castillo (1971) Chilean - actress and dancer.  
Cecilia Amenábar (1971) Chilean [Basque] - actress, model and artist.
Paz Bascuñán (1971) Chilean - actress.
Claudia Acuña (1971) Chilean - jazz vocalist, songwriter and arranger.
Magdalena Matthey (1971) Chilean - singer-songwriter.
Heidrun Breier (1971) Chilean [Romanian, possibly German] - actress and director.
Ángela Contreras (1971) Chilean - actress.
Katyna Huberman (1971) Chilean Jewish - actress.
Leonor Varela (1972) Chilean [Syrian, Hungarian, French / Galician, possibly other] - actress and model.
Tamara Acosta (1972) Chilean - actress.
Karla Constant (1972) Chilean - tv host.
Amaya Forch (1972) Chilean [German, English] - actress and pop singer.
Ivette Vergara (1972) Chilean - tv presenter.
Francisca Imboden (1972) Chilean - actress.
Tilde de Paula / Anatilde de Paula Diaz (1972) Chilean [Brazilian / Cuban] - tv presenter, journalist, and author.
Berta Lasala (1973) Chilean - actress.
Paola Bruna / Paola Åhlund (1973) Chilean - singer and artist.
Francisca Merino / Pancha Merino (1973) Chilean - actress and television presenter.
Andrea Eltit (1973) Chilean - actress.
María Eugenia Larraín (1973) Chilean [Basque, German] - model and socialite.
Taira Court (1973) Chilean - actress and designer.
Francisca Gavilán (1973) Chilean - actress and singer.
Sigrid Alegría (1974) Chilean - actress.
Antonella Ríos (1974) Chilean - actress and presenter.
Angelica Neumann (1974) Chilean - actress, producer and designer.
Blanca Lewin (1974) Chilean - actress.
Ingrid Isensee (1974) Chilean - actress , director, broadcaster and industrial designer.
Yazmin Vazquez (1974) Chilean - tv host.
Renata Bravo (1974) Chilean - actress, comedian and radio presenter.
Úrsula Achterberg (1974) Chilean - actress.
Carolina Paulsen (1974) Chilean - actress.
Victoria Gazmuri (1974) Chilean - actress.
Claudia Pérez (1974) Chilean - actress.
Javiera Contador (1974) Chilean - actress, comedian and television hostess.
Mariana Loyola (1975) Chilean - actress.
Claudia Cabezas (1975) Chilean - actress.
Itatí Cantoral (1975) Chilean, Mexican [Spanish, including Andalusian, possibly other], French / Argentinian [Italian] - actress, singer, dancer, and producer.
Gabriela Aguilera (1975) Chilean - actress and singer.
Íngrid Cruz (1975) Chilean - actress.
Antonia Fernández (1975) Chilean - actress
Jenny Cavallo (1975) Chilean - actress.
Paola Giannini (1976) Chilean - actress
Ilona Elkin (1976) Chilean / Finnish - actress.
Elvira Cristi (1976) Chilean - actress and model.
Daniela Aleuy (1976)  Chilean - singer and songwriter.
Denisse Malebrán (1976) Chilean - singer, songwriter and vocalist.
Tonka Tomicic (1976) Chilean [Croatian] - model and television presenter.
Daniella Campos (1976) Chilean [English] - TV presenter and beauty pageant titleholder.
Mónica Godoy (1976) Chilean [English] - actress.
Deetah / Claudia Ogalde (1976) Chilean - rapper and singer.
Alicia Ika (1976) Rapa Nui [Chilean / Unknown]  - actress, musician and surf instructor.
Carolina Nissen (1976) Chilean - singer.
Paola Bontempi (1977) Chilean [German, possibly other] - actress and tv host.
Ana Tijoux (1977) Chilean - musician.
Charissa Chamorro (1977) Chilean - actress.
Paula Sharim (1977) Chilean [Lebanese Jewish, Egyptian Jewish, possibly other] - actress.
Connie Achurra (1977) Chilean - tv host.
Diana Bolocco (1977) Chilean [Italian, Arbëresh / German] - tv host.
Sussan Taunton (1977) Chilean [English, possibly other] - actress.
Ana Sol Romero (1977) Chilean - tv host.
Nicole  / Denisse Lillian Laval Soza (1977) Chilean [Spanish]  - singer-songwriter.
Patricia López (1977) Chilean - singer and actress.
María José Prieto (1977) Chilean - actress.
America Olivo (1978) Chilean, Mexican, Italian, Basque, Spanish / Belgian, Irish - actress, singer, and model.
Carla Ballero (1978) Chilean - actress and reality tv personality.
Daniela Jacques (1978) Chilean - actress.
Carmen Gloria Bresky (1978) Chilean - actress.
Natalia Contesse (1978) Chilean - folk musician and historian.
Siboney Lo (1978) Italian, Chilean - actress.
Jennifer Mayani (1979) Chilean [Sindhi] - actress and model.
Daniela Lhorente (1979) Chilean - actress and singer.
Francisca Ayala (1979) Chilean - tv host.
Catherine Mazoyer (1979) Chilean / French - actress.
Mane Swett / Maria Elena Swett (1979) Chilean - actress.
Jani Duenas / Alejandra Duenas (1979) Chilean - actress and comedian.
Cote de Pablo (1979) Chilean - actress and singer.
Macarena Teke (1979) Chilean - actress.
Paulina Mladinic (1980) Chilean [Croatian, Basque] - model.
Celine Reymond (1980) Chilean - actress and singer
Javiera Hernández (1980) Chilean - actress and director.
María Paz Jorquiera (1980) Chilean - actress and comedian.
Adela Secall (1980) Chilean - actress.
Mariana Derderián (1980) Chilean [Syrian / Unknown] - actress and singer.
Francisca Lewin (1980) Chilean - actress.
Elita Löfblad / Helita Mariam Löfblad Letelier (1980) Chilean - model and reality tv star.
Maria Luisa Godoy (1980) Chilean - tv personality.
Paola Lattus (1980) Chilean - actress.
María José Bello (1980) Chilean - actress.
Gabriela Barros (1980) Chilean - actress, model and Miss Universo Chile 2004.
Adriana Barrientos (1980) Chilean [Yaghan, Spanish] - model, actress, vedette celebrity.
Fernanda Urrejola (1981) Chilean - actress.
Michelle Morgan (1981) Chilean - actress.
María Luisa Mayol (1981) Chilean - actress.
Begoña Basauri (1981) Chilean - actress.
María José Illanes (1981) Chilean - musician, model and actress.
Isabel Bawlitza (1981) Chilean - fashion model and beauty pageant titleholder.
Ignacia Allamand (1981) Chilean - actress.
Dayana Friend (1981) Chilean - actress.
Fernanda Urrejola (1981) Chilean [Basque, Spanish] - actress.
Ximena Abarca (1981) Chilean - pop singer and actress.
Pamela Díaz (1981) Chilean [Basque, Spanish] - model and media celebrity.
Elisa Zulueta (1981) Chilean [Basque] - actress.
Catalina Aguayo (1981) Chilean - model and actress.
Carolina de Moras (1981) Chilean [French] - model, actress and television presenter.
Nathalia Aragonese (1981) Chilean - actress and theater director.
Andrea Velasco (1981) Chilean [Italian, possibly other] - singer.
Javiera Díaz de Valdés (1981) Chilean [Basque, Spanish] - actress.
Medina / Medina Valbak / Andrea Valback (1982) Chilean, possibly other - singer-songwriter.
Lucy Cominetti (1982) Chilean - actress.
María Dalmazzo (1983) Colombian / Chilean, Italian - actress.
Yamna Lobos (1983) Chilean - dancer, television host, and actress.
Manuela Martelli (1983) Chilean [Italian] - actress.
Belén Montilla (1983) Chilean - Miss Universo Chile 2006.
Javiera Mena (1983) Chilean - singer and guitarist.
Pia Mechler (1983) Chilean, German, Polish, Scottish - actor.
Sofia Garcia (1983) Chilean - actress
Mon Laferte / Norma Monserrat Bustamante Laferte (1983) Chilean [French] - singer-songwriter and actress.
Loreto Aravena (1983) Chilean - actress.
Belenaza Mora (1983) Chilean - comedian and tv personality.
Emilia Noguera (1983) Chilean - actress, theater director and playwright.
Pia Miller / Pia Loyola (1983) Chilean - actress, model, and tv presenter.
Alison Mandel (1983) Chilean - actress.
Rocsi Diaz (1983) Chilean / Honduran - television personality and model.
Charmaine / Charmaine Náyade Carrasco (1984) Chilean - singer-songwriter.
Natalia Lafourcade (1984) Chilean, French Basque / Mexican, possibly small amount of English - singer and songwriter.
Maura Rivera (1984) Chilean - dancer and tv personality.
Carla Jara (1984) Chilean - actress and animator.
Renata Ruiz (1984) Chilean - model.
María Gracia Omegna (1984) Chilean - actress.
Camila Hirane (1985) Chilean - actress.
Karla Souza (1985) Chilean [likely Portuguese] / Mexican - actress.
Eliane Gagnon (1985) Chilean, French - actress.
Daniela Aranguiz (1985) Chilean - tv host.
Nataly Chilet / Nataly Chilet Bustamante (1985) Chilean [Ukrainian, possibly other] - beauty pageant titleholder.
Andrea García-Huidobro (1985) Chilean - actress and director.
Juanita Ringeling (1985) Chilean - actress.
Oona Chaplin (1986) Chilean [Mapuche, Spanish, Romanian] / Irish, Scottish, English - actress.
Vale Ortega / Valeria Ortega Schettino (1986) Chilean - model and tv host.
María de los Ángeles García (1986) Chilean - actress.
Tomasa Del Real / Valeria Cisternas (1986) Chilean - singer and rapper.
Vanessa Ceruti (1986) Chilean [Italian, Russian] - model, actress, Miss Universe Chile 2011 and Elite Model Look Chile 2004.
K-Réena / Katherine Macarena Contreras Contreras (1986) Chilean - pop, soul, and R&B singer.
Gianella Marengo (1986) Chilean - model and tv host.
Ximena Huilipán (1986) Chilean [Mapuche] - model and actress.
Cat Rendic (1986) Chilean - dancer.
Majo Martino (1986) Chilean - tv host.
Viviana Shieh (1986) Chilean [Taiwanese] - actress and singer.
Tanya Del Solar (1986) Chilean - model and Miss Piel Dorada 2010.
Oona Chaplin (1986) Chilean [Mapuche, Spanish, evidently Romanian] / English, Irish, 1/16th Scottish  - actress.
Luli Love / Nicole Moreno (1987) Chilean - model, dancer, and panelist.
Nicole Polizzi (1987) Chilean - reality television personality, author, dancer and professional wrestler.
Daniela Ramírez (1987) Chilean - actress.
Maira Bodenhöfer (1987) Chilean - actress.  
Snooki / Nicole Polizzi / Nicole LaVelle (1987) Chilean [Romani, Unspecified Middle Eastern, Unspecified South Asian, Unspecified East Asian, Jewish, Russian, Croatian, Macedonian, Slovakian, Spanish (including Andalusian)] - tv personality, dancer, and author.
Francisca Valenzuela (1987) Chilean - singer, poet, and multi-instrumentalist.
Isidora Urrejola (1987) Chilean - actress.
Sofía Viacava (1987) Chilean [Italian] - model and Miss Chile Continente Americano 2010.
Maite Orsini (1988) Chilean [French, Italian]  - actress, model, and reality tv personality.
Valeska Díaz (1988) Chilean - actress.
Natalia Reddersen (1988) Chilean [German] - actress.
Sara Paxton (1988) Chilean, Mexican [Spanish and Dutch Jewish, some German] (born into the Jewish faith) / Irish, Scottish, English, very distant French (convert to Judaism) / - actress, singer and model.
Daniela Vega (1989) Chilean - actress and singer. - Trans!
Lorenza Izzo (1989) Chilean [Spanish, Italian, English, possibly other] - actress and model.
Karla Vasquez (1989) Chilean - actress and singer.
Daniella Monet (1989) Chilean [Spanish, Croatian] / Italian - actress, singer, and tv personality.
Catalina Vallejos (1989) Chilean - model, television personality and Miss ATP in 2009 and Calle 7 in 2010 and 2011.
Jena Lee / Sylvia Garcia (1990) Chilean - singer and composer.
Carolina Vargas (1990) Chilean - actress.
Ana Luisa König (1990) Chilean [German, Irish] - model and Miss Universo Chile 2012.
D-Niss / Denise Rosenthal (1990) Chilean - actress, model, dancer and singer-songwriter.
Mariana di Girolamo (1990) Chilean [Italian] - actress.
Catalina Cáceres (1990) Chilean - model, Nuestra Belleza Chile and Miss Universo Chile in 2016.
Dominique Gallego (1990) Chilean [Galician. English] - media model, television reality personality, promoter and actress.
Kathy Contreras (1990) Chilean - actress, model, and dancer.
Miranda Bodenhöfer (1990) Chilean - ballet dancer and actress.
Tanza Varela (1991) Chilean [Spanish] - actress and model.
Camila Recabarren (1991) Chilean [Basque] - model and Miss World Chile 2012.
Maria del Pilar (1991) Chilean - singer.
Kel Calderón / Raquel Calderón (1991) Chilean [Basque] - actress, singer and lawyer.
Luciana Echeverría (1991) Chilean - actress, model, singer and television presenter.
Natalie Sifferman (1991) Chilean / Unspecified White  - actress.
Luciana Echeverría (1991) Chilean [Basque] - actress, singer and television presenter.
Carolina Mestrovic (1991) Chilean [Croatian, Italian]  - singer, actress and TV host.
Alma Jodorowsky (1991) 1/4 Chilean [Ukrainian Jewish], 3/4 French - actress, singer, and model.
Camila Andrade (1991) Chilean - model, TV Host and Miss World Chile 2013.
Piyoasdf (1991) Chilean - singer and youtuber.
Kika Silva (1992) Chilean [Spanish] - model and television panelist.
Constance Piccoli (1992) Chilean - actress and singer.
Alicia Rodríguez (1992) Chilean - actress.
María Jesús Matthei (1992) Chilean - TV Host, model and beauty pageant titleholder.
Valentina Villagra (1992) Chilean - youtuber.
Ilonka Obilinovic (1992) Chilean - youtuber.
Claudipia Chic (1992) Chilean - youtuber.
Ivica Llanca (1992) Chilean - youtuber.
Diandra / Diandra Flores (1994) Chilean / Finnish - singer-songwriter.
Cecilia Sanchez (1994) Chilean - model (Instagram: cecisanmar).
Fernanda Sobarzo (1994) Chilean - model and Miss World Chile 2015.
Hellen Toncio (1994) Chilean - volleyball player and Miss Universo Chile 2014.
Camila Cuevas (1995) Chilean - youtuber.
Bramty Juliette (1995) Chilean - youtuber.
Camila Gallardo (1996) Chilean - singer.
Rogue Anastasia (1996) Chilean - youtuber.
Catalina Joy (1996) Chilean - Tik.Tok and Musical.ly star.
Belén Soto (1997) Chilean - actress and model.
Inna Moll (1997) Chilean - youtuber.
Trinidad de la Noi (1998) Chilean [French] - model, actress and Elite Model Look Chile 2012.
Xiomara Herrera (1998) Chilean - dancer.
Christell / Christell Jazmín Rodriguez Carrillo (1998) Chilean - singer.
Nuvia_OuO (1998) Chilean - Twitch star.
Teresita Commentz (2001) Chilean - actress.
Jeannette Pualuan (?) Chilean [Lebanese, possibly other] - singer-songwriter.
Macarena Darrigrandi (?) Chilean [Egyptian Jewish, possibly other] - actress.
Clara Lyons Parsons (?) Chilean [Spanish, Italian, English, possibly other]  - model.
Daniela Gomez (?) Chilean, Colombian - actress.
Allie Escaffi (?) Chilean, Argentinian - actress and model.
Tamara Almeida (?) Chilean, Ecuadorian - actress.
Kaylah Zander (?) Chilean / Unspecified European - actress.
Daniela Manyoma (?) Chilean - Miss International Queen Chile 2014. - Trans!
Tatiana Leiva (?) Chilean, Unspecified Other - writer and actress.
Macarena Carrere (?) Chilean - actress.
Lizzy Snaps / Lizzy Sullivan (?) Chilean - tv host.
Alexandra Dionelis (?) Chilean  / Greek - actress.
Marina Catalán (?) Chilean - actor.
Clara Aranovich (?) Chilean / Argentinian - actress, writer and director.
Bella Wholey (?) Chilean - actress.
Camila Correa Soya (?) Chilean [French, Hungarian] - actress and singer.
Alicia Ceron (?) Chilean - actress.
Karen Sotomayor (?) Chilean / Brazilian - actress.
Catalina Palacios (?) Chilean - actress, singer and television presenter.
Violeta Vidaurre (?) Chilean [German, Beligan] - actress.
Melissa Araya (?) Chilean - actress.
Francie Perez (?) Chilean, possibly other - actress.
Danielle Marina Jones (?) Chilean / African-American - actress.
Javiera Beltrami (?) Chilean - model (Instagram: javibeltrami).
Millie Wood V (?) Chilean, Russian - actress, model, Playboy Spain (Instagram: millie_wood92).
Jose Cruz (?) Chilean - model (Instagram: josefinacruz.t).
Monica Ramos (?) Chilean - harpist.
Bea de Tapia (?) Chilean - model (Instagram: beatapias).
Chiara Leone (?) Chilean - model.
Rosa Labordé (?) Chilean / Unspecified Eastern European - actress, playwright, director, and screenwriter.
Agustina Schwember (?) Chilean - model (Instagram: agustinaschwember).
Elizabeth Schall (?) Chilean - singer-songwriter, guitarist, and pianist.
Grace Barrejon (?) Chilean - model (Instagram: gracebarrejon).
Carmen Aguirre (?) Chilean - actress and writer.
Em Meades (?) Chilean - model (Instagram: emmeades).
Domi Palacios (?) Chilean - model (Instagram: domipalacios).
Jocelyn Osorio (?) Chilean - actress and model.
Emmanuelle Lussier-Martinez (?) Chilean / French - actress.
Daniella Tobar (?) Chilean - actress.
Uranía Haltenhoff (?) Chilean [German / Greek] - beauty pageant titleholder and Miss Chile 1990.
Constanza Silva (?) Chilean - model and beauty pageant titleholder.
Camila Stuardo (?) Chilean - model and a beauty pageant contestant.
Cecilia Echenique (?) Chilean - singer.
Cristina Gallardo-Domâs (?) Chilean [French] - singer.
Pascuala Ilabaca (?) Chilean - singer and songwriter.
K-Bust / Karla Bustamante (?) Chilean - singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist.
Verónica Villarroel (?) Chilean - soprano.
Isidora Cabezón (?) Chilean - actress.
Tichi Lobos (?) Chilean - actress.
Nadia Milton (?) Chilean - actress and singer.
Valentina Muhr (?) Chilean - actress.
Javiera Ramos (?) Chilean - actress.
Claudio Spies (1925) Chilean [German Jewish] - musician.
Lucho Gatica (1928) Chilean [Basque] - bolero singer, film actor, and television host.
Leon Schidlowsky (1931) Chilean [Russian Jewish, Polish Jewish] - musician.
Fernando Farías (1932) Chilean - actor.
Nissim Sharim (1932) Chilean [Lebanese Jewish, Egyptian Jewish] - actor.
Alejandro Sieveking (1934) Chilean - actor, director, and playwright.
Jorge Aravena Llanca (1936) Chilean - photographer, writer, researcher and singer-songwriter.
Héctor Noguera (1937) Chilean - actor and teacher.
Patricio Manns (1937) Chilean [French, German] - composer, author, poet, novelist, essayist, play writer and journalist.
Julio Numhauser (1938) Chilean [German Jewish] - musician.
Germán Casas (1939) Chilean - singer.
Lorenzo Aillapán (1940) Chilean [Mapuche] - poet, actor, film producer, anthropologist.
Eduardo Carrasco (1940) Chilean - musician, university professor of philosophy, author, and one of the founders of the Chilean folk music group Quilapayún.
Julio Jung (1942) Chilean - actor.
Sergio Hernández (1942) Chilean - actor.
Eduardo Parra Pizarro (1943) Chilean - musician.
Hugo Medina (1943) Chilean - actor.
Nelson Brodt (1943) Chilean  - actor, director, playwright and teacher.
Buddy Richard (1943) Chilean - singer-songwriter.
Willy Benítez (1946) Chilean - actor and comedian.
Pepe Soza / José Soza (1946) Chilean - actor, tv host, and director.
Benny Mardones / Ruben Mardones (1946) Chilean - singer-songwriter.
Óscar Castro Ramírez (1947) Chilean - actor, playwright and theatrical director.
Mario Mutis (1947) Chilean - musician.
Óscar Hernánd (1947) Chilean - actor.
Patricio Contreras (1947) Chilean - actor.
Exequiel Lavandero (1947) Chilean - actor.
Alejandro Castillo (1948) Chilean - actor.
Raúl Sendra (1948) Chilean - actor and tennis player.
Mauricio Pesutic (1948) Chilean [Spanish] - actor and director.
Pepe Secall / José Secall (1949) Chilean - actor.
Eduardo Gatti (1949) Chilean [French, Italian] - singer-songwriter.
Osvaldo Silva (1949) Chilean - actor, director, and producer.
Antonio Macia (1950) Chilean / Argentinian - actor and screenwriter.
Paco Saval (1950) Chilean - keyboard player, producer, composer and singer.
Humberto Gatica (1951) Chilean - musician.
Anderson Cooper (1951) 1/16 Chilean [Unspecified Indigenous, Bantu, Spanish], 17/16 mix of English, Dutch, Scottish, Irish, French Huguenot - tv personality, journalist, and author.
Gonzalo Robles (1952) Chilean - actor.
Cristián García-Huidobro (1952) Chilean - actor and comedian.
Patricio Strahovsky (1952) Chilean - actor.
Rodolfo Pulgar (1953) Chilean - actor.
Fernando Ubiergo (1953) Chilean - singer-songwriter and musician.
Mauricio Redolés (1953) Chilean - singer-songwriter, musician, and poet.
Oscar Lopez (1953) Chilean - singer, guitarist, and composer.
Francisco Reyes (1954) Chilean [French] - actor.
Alfredo Castro (1955) Chilean - actor, screenwriter and theatre director.
Cristián Campos (1956) Chilean - actor.
Alejandro Goic (1957) Chilean - writer, actor and director.
Felipe Armas (1957) Chilean - actor , producer , television director and businessman.
Joe Vasconcellos (1959) Chilean [Brazilian] - singer-songwriter and composer.
Erto Pantoja (1960) Chilean - actor.
Tom Araya (1961) Chilean - singer, songwriter, and musician.
Luis Gatica (1961) Chilean [Basque, possibly other] / Puerto Rican - actor.
Pablo Ausensi (1961) Chilean - actor.
Rodrigo Bastidas (1961) Chilean - theater director, dramatist, screenwriter, broadcaster and actor.
Luis Gnecco (1962) Chilean - actor.
Alain Johannes (1962) Chilean [Austrian, Dutch] - singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist.
Otilio Castro (1962) Chilean - actor and director.
Renato Munster (1962) Chilean - actor.
Fernando Larraín (1962) Chilean [Basque] - actor , broadcaster, comedian and animator.
Brontis Jodorowsky (1962) Chilean [Ukrainian Jewish] / French - actor and director.
Sebastián Dahm (1963) Chilean - actor and teacher.
Fareed Haque (1963) Chilean / Pakistani - guitarist.
Cristian Amigo (1963) Chilean - guitarist, composer, improviser, and ethnomusicologist.
Luis Dubó (1964) Chilean - actor.
Álvaro Rudolphy (1964) Chilean - actor.
Felipe Izquierdo (1964) Chilean - actor, comedian, communicator and businessman.
Pablo Striano (1964) Chilean - actor.
Andrés Díaz (1964) Chilean - cellist.
Luis Jara (1965) Chilean [Spanish]  - singer, ex-actor and TV host.
Cristóbal Jodorowsky / Axel Jodorowsky (1965) Chilean [Ukrainian Jewish] / Mexican - actor, writer, playwright, trainer, painter, and tarologist.
Álvaro Scaramelli (1965) Chilean [Italian] - singer, composer and therapist.
Boris Quercia (1965) Chilean - actor, director, screenwriter, producer and writer.
Claudio Narea (1965) Chilean - rock musician, singer, and songwriter.
Alfredo Perl (1965) Chilean - pianist.
Remigio Remedy (1965) Chilean - actor.
Juan Falcón (1965) Chilean - actor.
Carlos Embry (1966) Chilean - actor.
Juan Carlos Valdivia Lena (1966) Chilean - tv host.
Daniel Muñoz (1966) Chilean - actor and folklorist.
Jordi Castell (1966) Chilean [Palestinian, Catalan] - tv presenter and photographer.
Francisco Melo (1966) Chilean - actor and producer.
Ramón Llao (1967) Chilean - actor.
Pablo Macaya (1967) Chilean - actor.
Rodrigo Muñoz (1967) Chilean - actor and comedian.  
Beto Cuevas (1967) Chilean - singer, plastic artist, painter, and actor.
Rodrigo Andrés González Espíndola (1968) Chilean - musician.
lvaro Morales (1968) Chilean - actor, theater and television.
Marcelo Alonso (1969) Chilean - actor.
Claudio Valenzuela (1969) Chilean - guitarist, singer, and composer.
Anton Reisenegger (1969) Chilean [German] - singer and guitarist.
Horatio Sanz / Horacio Sanz (1969) Chilean - actor and comedian.
Alejandro Silva (1969) Chilean - guitarist, bassist, and songwriter.
Rafael Araneda (1969) Chilean [Basque, possibly other] - tv presenter.
Adam Buxton (1969) Chilean / British - actor, comedian, writer, and broadcaster.
Manuel García (1970) Chilean - singer-songwriter and guitarist.
Fernando Solabarrieta (1970) Chilean [Palestinian / Basque] - tv personality.
Carlos Patricio Díaz (1970) Chilean - actor.
Pablo Schwarz (1970) Chilean - actor.
Felipe Braun (1970) Chilean - actor.
Ricardo Villalobos (1970) Chilean - DJ.
Luis Uribe (1970) Chilean - actor.
Francisco Pérez-Bannen (1971) Chilean - actor.
Felipe Viel (1971) Chilean - actor and tv presenter.
Frank Pando (1971) Chilean - actor.
Sergio Lagos (1972) Chilean - musician and tv presenter.
Michio Nishihara Toro (1972) Chilean [Japanese, possibly other] - musician.
Álvaro Véliz (1972) Chilean - singer.
Juan Pablo Sáez (1972) Chilean - actor.
Cristián Sánchez (1972) Chilean - tv presenter.
Daniel Alcaíno (1972) Chilean - actor.
Pedro Carmona-Alvarez (1972) Chilean - musician, poet, and novelist.
Claudio Espinoza (1973) Chilean - actor.
Promis / Jose F. Promis / José Francisco Promis Hoyuelos (1973) Chilean - singer-songwriter, keyboardist, pianist, and composer.
Jason Liebrecht (1973) Chilean - actor.
Carmen Disa Gutiérrez (1973) Chilean - actor.
Marcial Tagle (1973) Chilean - actor.
Juan Pablo Ogalde (1973) Chilean - actor.
Rodrigo Sepúlveda (1973) Chilean - tv personality.
Carlos Díaz León (1973) Chilean - actor.
Víctor Montero (1973) Chilean - actor.
Claudio González (1973) Chilean - actor.
Sebastián Layseca (1974) Chilean - actor and director.
Pablo Francisco (1974) Chilean - comedian.
Cristián de la Fuente (1974) Chilean [French] - actor, presenter, model and producer.
Lincoln Cáceres (1974) Chilean - actor.
Patricio Castillo (1974) Chilean [Spanish] - actor, singer-songwriter, and performer.
Nicolás Fontaine (1974) Chilean - actor and director.
Álvaro Espinoza (1974) Chilean - actor.
Daniel Rojas (1974) Chilean [Unspecified Indigenous, possibly other] - pianist and composer.
Andrés Gómez (1975) Chilean - actor.
Rodrigo Salinas (1975) Chilean - actor and comedian.
Néstor Cantillana (1975) Chilean - actor.
Felipe Ríos (1975) Chilean - actor and director.
Pedro Pascal (1975) Chilean - actor.
Nicolás Saavedra (1975) Chilean - actor.
José Martínez (1975) Chilean - musician, comedian and actor.
Andrés Palacios (1975) Chilean - actor.
Leo Quinteros (1975) Chilean - singer-songwriter and guitarist.
Méndez / DJ Méndez / Leopoldo Jorge Méndez Alcayaga (1975) Chilean - DJ, singer-songwriter, and producer.
Diego Muñoz (1976) Chilean - actor.
Daniel Valenzuela (1976) Chilean - tv host.
Andres Burgos (1977) Chilean - youtuber.
Iván Álvarez de Araya (1977) Chilean - actor.
Américo / Domingo Jhonny Vega Urzúa (1977) Chilean [Basque] - singer.
Pablo Díaz (1978) Chilean - actor and producer.
Marko Zaror (1978) Chilean [Palestinian, possibly other] - actor, martial artist, and stuntman.
Francisco Celhay (1978) Chilean - actor.
Jesus Cosialls (1978) Chilean - actor.
Gonzalo Valenzuela (1978) Chilean - actor and model.
Benjamín Vicuña (1978) Chilean - actor and buisnessman.
Luciano / Lucien-N-Luciano / Nicol Et Lucien / Robert Crazy / Luciaen / Lucien Nicolet (1978) Chilean / Swiss - DJ.
Benjamín Vicuña (1978) Chilean - actor.
Gonzalo Valenzuela (1978) Chilean - actor and boxer.
Ricardo Fernández Flores (1978) Chilean - actor.
Santiago Cabrera (1978) Chilean [Spanish, Basque, small amounts of French, Belgian, Flemish, 1/32 English, 1/64th Irish, 1/64th German, possibly other] - actor.
Pablo Vargas Becerra (1978) Chilean - dancer and choreographer.
Sebastián Silva (1979) Chilean [Basque] - director, actor, screenwriter, painter and musician.
Diego Casanueva (1979) Chilean - actor.
Nick Puga (1979) Chilean - actor, writer, and producer.
Leo Rey (1979) Chilean - singer.
César Sepúlveda (1979) Chilean - actor.
Adan Jodorowsky (1979) Chilean [Ukrainian Jewish] / Mexican - actor, musician, and director.
Ignacio Franzani (1979) Chilean - tv presenter.
Christian de la Cortina (1979) Chilean - actor, producer, director, and writer.
Rodrigo Diaz Rioseco (1979) Chilean - dancer.
Álvaro Gómez (1980) Chilean - actor.
Sergio Freire (1980) Chilean  - actor,comedian, and screenwriter.
Fille Danza (1980) Chilean - rapper.
Pablo Cerda (1980) Chilean - actor, director, and screenwriter.
Matías Novoa (1980) Chilean - actor and model.
Arap Bethke / Ricardo Arap Bethke Galdames (1980) Mexican [Chilean / German] - actor.
Fernando Milagros (1980) Chilean - singer.
Alvaro Estrella (1980) Chilean - singer and dancer.
Cristián Arriagada (1981) Chilean [Basque, Croatian] - actor.
Mario Horton (1981) Chilean - actor.
Alain Soulat (1981) Chilean - tv host.
Cristóbal Tapia Montt (1981) Chilean - actor and producer.
Tiago Correa (1981) Chilean / Brazilian  - actor.
Gepe / Daniel Alejandro Riveros Sepúlveda (1981) Chilean - singer-songwriter.
Kanata Irei / Daniel Irei (1982) Chilean / Ryukyuan - actor, singer, and model.
Chinoy  / Mauricio Castillo Moya (1982) Chilean - singer-songwriter.
Mathias Alvarez (1982) Chilean, Italian, Scottish, Irish - actor.
Héctor Morales (1982) Chilean - actor and director.
Raul Peralta (1982) Chilean - dancer.
Gabriel Peralta (1982) Chilean - dancer.
Eduardo Paxeco (1982) Chilean - actor.
Stefan Kramer / Stefan Kramer Solis (1982) Chilean [Swiss, German] - actor, comedian, impressionist, and announcer.
Pali (1982) Chilean - musician.
Fernando Godoy (1983) Chilean - actor.
Andrés Reyes (1984) Chilean - actor.
Santiago Tupper (1984) Chilean - actor and model.
Ariel Levy (1984) Chilean Jewish - actor and singer.
Emilio Edwards (1984) Chilean - actor and dancer.
Ariel Levy (1984) Chilean Jewish - actor.
Fernando Mena (1984) Chilean - actor, dramatist, director and writer.
Sergio Járlaz (1985) Chilean - singer.
Nano Stern (1985) Chilean Jewish - singer, multi-instrumentalist and composer.
Jean Philippe Cretton (1985) Chilean [French, Swiss] - tv presenter and musician.
Nicolas Linan De Ariza (1985) Chilean - youtuber.
Eyal Meyer (1985) Chilean [Kalaripayatu, German] - actor, model and dancer.
Gastón Salgado (1985) Chilean - actor.
Julio César Serrano (1986) Chilean - actor.
Martín Castillo (1986) Chilean - actor.
Justin Page (1986) Chilean - actor.
Luz Violeta / Sebastián Aguirre (1987) Chilean - drag performer.
Diego Ruiz (1987) Chilean - actor.
Karol Lucero (1987) Chilean - radio personality and televisión host.
Alejandro Fuentes (1987) Chilean - singer.
Samuel González (1987) Chilean - actor.
Michael Silva (1987) Chilean - actor.
Pablo Holman (1988) Chilean [Cornish] - musician.
Pedro Campos di Girolamo (1988) Chilean - actor.
Sebastián Ayala (1988) Chilean - actor and director.
Matías Assler (1989) Chilean - actor and model.
Ignacio Susperreguy (1989) Chilean - actor.
Fabrizio Copano (1989) Chilean - actor, comedian, tv presenter, and writer.
Alex Pino (1989) Chilean - rapper.
Omegaevolution (1989) Chilean - youtuber and Twitch star.
Nicolas Jaar (1990) Chilean [Palestinian / French] - composer and recording artist.
HolaSoyGermán / Germán Alejandro Garmendia Aranis (1990) Chilean [Spanish, possibly other] - youtuber, comedian, and writer.
Cristian Moreno (1990) Chilean - youtuber.
Sebastián Badilla (1991) Chilean - film director , screenwriter , producer and actor .
Paolo Ramírez (1992) Chilean - singer.
Nicolas Yunge (1992) Chilean - reality tv personality.
Hernan Arcil (1992) Chilean - dancer.
Fabricio Vasconcelos (1992) Brazilian [Chilean] - dancer.
Kevin Vasquez (1993) Chilean - actor, singer, producer, and composer.
Juan Francisco Matamala Reyes (1993) Chilean - dancer.
Pollo Castillo (1994) Chilean - facebook star.
ZeRo / Gonzalo Barrios (1995) Chilean - youtuber.
Sebastian Gomez (1995) Chilean - youtuber.
David Montoya (1995) Chilean - youtuber.
Keean Johnson (1996) 3/8 mix of Chilean, Mexican, 5/8 English - actor.
DeGoBooM (1996) Chilean - youtuber.
Matu Fuschloches (1996) Chilean - Tik.Tok star.
Dylantero Sin Imaginacion (1998) Chilean - youtuber.
Alfred.Okay (1998) Chilean - Tik.Tok star.
Camilo Elzo (1999) Chilean - youtuber.
Benjamin Mora (1999) Chilean - Tik.Tok star.
Cristobal González (2000) Chilean - youtuber.
Victor Klugg (2000) Chilean - Tik.Tok star.
Dani Ride (2001) Chilean - musician and youtuber.
Toshiro Murata (?) Chilean [Japanese] - singer.
Kiuge Hayashida (?) Chilean [Japanese] - bassist.
Alexander Nunez (?) Jamaican / Chilean - actor.
Sebastián Gálvez (?) Chilean [Spanish, Italian] - actor.
Leonardo Fuica (?) Chilean - actor.
Cesar Erba (?) Chilean - actor.
Iván Cabrera / Manuel Iván Cabrera Salinas (?) Chilean - dancer and actor.
Daniel Kemna (?) Chilean / Dutch - actor.
Sean Morales (?) Chilean, Unspecified - actor.
Oscar Morales Sánchez (?) Chilean - model (Instagram: moralessinmoral).
Aki / Aleksi Swallow (?) Chilean / Finnish - rapper-songwriter.
Paulo Felipe Casanova (?) Chilean - model, Candidato Mr Chile 2018 top 12, Mr Chile World Pacific and Mr gala viña 2017 (Instagram: paulocasanovaoficial).
Carlos Sanz (?) Chilean - actor.
Felipe Pereira (?) Chilean - model (Instagram: felipepereirarojas).
Roberto Díaz (?) Chilean - violinist.
Cristobal Jesus Lopez (?) Chilean - model (Instagram: tobal.lopez).
Lucio Prado (?) Chilean  - model (Instagram: lucio_prado).
Daniel Andres Parraguez (?) Chilean  - model (Instagram: iamdaniv).
Pablo Salvador (?) Chilean - model, gay activist and blogger.
Memo Aguirre (?) Chilean [Basque] - singer and musician.
Rodolfo Parada (?) Chilean - musician, composer, engineer and anthropologist.
Daniel Puente Encina (?) Chilean - singer-songwriter, guitarist, film composer, producer and actor.
RodStarz / Rodrigo Venegas (?) Chilean - rapper (Rebel Diaz).
G1 / Gonzalo Venegas (?) Chilean - rapper (Rebel Diaz).
Aldo Parodi (?) Chilean - actor.
Eduardo Cumar (?) Chilean - actor and theater director.
Juan Carlos Bistoto (?) Chilean [Argentinian] - actor.
Roberto Prieto (?) Chilean - actor.
Don Francisco / Mario Luis Kreutzberger Blumenfeld (1940) Chilean [German Jewish] - tv host - Sued for sexual harassment.
Tito Beltrán / Ernesto Beltrán Aguilar (1965) Chilean - singer. - Charged with the rape of an underage child as well as the rape of an additional 18-year-old woman.
Jorge Garcia (1973) Chilean, Cuban - actor and comedian - played a Native Hawaiian in Hawaii Five-0.
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prelawland · 2 years
TikTok Sued For Death Of Users
By Angelica Meliksetyan, University of Pennsylvania Class of 2024
July 28, 2022
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Two families have filed lawsuits against TikTok, the most popular video-sharing app, after their daughters died attempting a dangerous challenge. Arriani Jaileen Arroyo and Lalani Erika Renee Walton died shortly after participating in a challenge on TikTok known as the "Blackout Challenge". In order to complete the challenge, participants must hold their breath until they eventually lose consciousness due to oxygen deprivation. As a result of completing the challenge, the girls were found dead with an object tied around their necks. Instead of blaming the creators of harmful videos, TikTok is being sued for its product design. It is alleged in the lawsuit that these children were not searching specifically for challenges of this kind. Instead, TikTok's algorithm was the one that prompted them to see the videos. TikTok removed the challenge from their search engines but denies responsibility as the challenge has already been around for years.
For full article please visit
TikTok Sued By Families Of 2 Girls Who Died While Attempting The “Blackout Challenge”
Pennsylvania PreLaw Land
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Heidi Schlumpf at National Catholic Reporter: 
EWTN founder Mother Angelica had a clever saying to remind viewers to mail their donations in support of her growing network: "Keep us between your gas and electric bill."
Although it sounds dated in an era of online bill-paying, surely, thousands, if not millions, of viewers over the years have sent in their hard-earned money to contribute to what has become the largest religious network in the world. But as essential as these smaller donors have been to EWTN's success, they pale in comparison to the contributions of a smaller number of wealthy contributors — individuals and organizations — whose financial support correlates with the pro-Republican and anti-Francis editorial direction of the network’s programming and news coverage.
Although Mother Angelica and her order initially sold everything from fishing lures to peanuts to cassette tapes of her talks to raise money for their ministries, the nun with a head for business seems to have successfully connected with deeper pockets early on.
A biography of Mother Angelica written by EWTN anchor Raymond Arroyo provides some insight into her early financial strategy, which she termed "a theology of risk" that involved trusting that God will provide. EWTN started its first year "more than a million dollars in debt and facing operating expenses of $1.5 million a year," according to "Mother Angelica: The Remarkable Story of a Nun, Her Nerve, and a Network of Miracles."
The ACI group is now part of EWTN News Inc., a separate entity that also includes the National Catholic Register newspaper (which EWTN acquired in 2011 from the Legion of Christ), ChurchPop (a "Christian culture brand"), the D.C. News Production group and EWTN's Vatican Bureau as well as news shows such as "EWTN News Nightly," "The World Over," "EWTN Pro-Life Weekly" and "Force for Good" (a business-themed show that is a co-production with Busch School of Business at The Catholic University of America).
EWTN News Inc. had $4.5 million in revenue in 2016, with total assets of $1.1 million. Because of expenses, it operated at a $6 million loss that year, however.
EWTN Publishing — a partnership with Sophia Institute Press— also is a separate entity, with its 2016 tax documents showing $153,000 in income and total assets of $291,000.
EWTN Religious Catalogue Inc. had an additional $3.1 million in revenue in 2016, total assets of $1.8 million and $1.5 million in salaries for its 40 employees.
The catalogue company sells books, DVDs, statues, art, rosaries, crucifixes, jewelry and other specialty items, such as Sts. Peter and Paul bookends, and a choice of a dozen different chapel veils for women and a "Man of Strength" pottery mug for men. A monstrance pendant and Infant of Prague statues are listed under "Mother's favorites," while a single-decade rosary bracelet with a diamond chip will put buyers back $995.
Other EWTN assets include trusts and endowments, such as the Sebastian Paul Long Testamentary Trust ($1.1 million), the Failla Endowment ($1.8 million), the Harnischfeger Trust ($981,000) and others, for a total of more than $4 million, according to 2016 tax documents.
Current tax documents also reveal EWTN's own charitable giving, with its most sizeable grants going to the religious orders and institutions founded by Mother Angelica. EWTN gives about $300,000 a year to the Our Lady of the Angels Monastery in Hanceville, Alabama, home of the Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament and the cloistered Poor Clare Nuns of Perpetual Adoration. The order of priests and brothers, the Franciscan Missionaries of the Eternal Word, also founded by Mother Angelica, receives another $150,000 or more per year from EWTN.
Other donations from EWTN indicate an ideological slant. They include $8,000 in 2016 to the neoconservative think tank Project for the New American Century, $7,500 in 2016 to Young Catholic Professionals, and $10,000 in 2017 to the Susan B. Anthony List, an anti-abortion group that heavily supports Republican politicians.
In 2016, EWTN donated $7,500 to the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, which represented the Little Sisters of the Poor in their fight against accommodations regarding the contraceptive mandate in the Affordable Care Act.
Generous contributors
Where does EWTN get the money to operate all these entities? Since it provides much of its programming for free, a substantial portion of its income comes from contributions, both from foundations and individuals, according to documents summarizing charitable gifts to the organization.
The Knights of Columbus, which supports a number of conservative Catholic causes, gave $1.25 million to EWTN in 2014, specifically to sponsor its news show. It gave two more gifts of $250,000 each in 2015, according to NCR reporting.
Read the full report at National Catholic Reporter.
EWTN: connected to conservative Catholic money, anti-Francis elements
EWTN’s rise from piety to pro-GOP partisanship
National Catholic Reporter's latest report examines the money trail that paved the way for EWTN's drive to the right and how wealthy donors influenced the channel as far back as the 1980s.  
A sizable portion of EWTN's charitable grants goes towards religious orders very closely tied to Mother Angelica, the deceased foundress of the network: The Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration (PCPA) and the Franciscan Missionaries of the Eternal Word (MFVA)-- the latter of which is heavily involved in the channel's televised Daily Mass and other programming aired on EWTN.
The channel also gives out donations to right-wing groups such as the Becket Fund and Susan B. Anthony List.
Also, the Knights of Columbus is a major donor to EWTN, which sponsors the channel's nightly news show EWTN News Nightly.
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angeltreasure · 4 years
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Finished another book: The Prayers & Personal Devotions of Mother Angelica, introduced & edited by Raymond Arroyo
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TikTok Sued By Families Of 2 Girls Who Died While Attempting The “Blackout Challenge”
By Angelica Meliksetyan, University of Pennsylvania Class of 2024
July 25, 2022
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Most videos on TikTok are challenges users create, representing one of the platform's most popular aspects. Even though many challenges are harmless to users of any age, particular challenges pose a considerable risk primarily to unsupervised children who use the app. There are various viral TikTok trends that are considered to be dangerous, such as taking enough Benadryl to experience hallucinations, removing an IUD without the help of a doctor, and eating massive amounts of frozen honey and corn syrup. TikTok is currently being sued by the parents of a 9-year-old girl in Wisconsin and an 8-year-old girl in Texas who claim their daughters tragically passed away after participating in a TikTok challenge [1].
Essentially, the lawsuit alleges that the "Blackout Challenge" was responsible for the deaths of the two girls. The "Blackout Challenge" has been around since 2008 but has resurfaced on TikTok in recent months. The challenge requires participants to hold their breath for as long as possible until they pass out from a lack of oxygen [1]. The users are also advised to choke themselves with "belts, purse strings or other similar items" until they lose consciousness [2]. Dr. Nick Flynn commented on the challenge, explaining, "If you have low oxygen to the brain for over three minutes, you can get brain damage, and if you have low oxygen to the brain for over five minutes, it can result in death." He explained that when insufficient oxygen is provided to the brain, it results in effects similar to drowning, choking, or going into cardiac arrest. According to the CDC, there have been over 80 deaths associated with the challenge [1].
Arriani Jaileen Arroyo died of suffocation at nine years old after participating in the challenge. Her younger brother discovered her unconscious and hanging from a dog's leash attached to her door. Soon after being alerted by her brother, the father rushed her to a nearby children's hospital, where she was placed on life support. Although the doctors tried their best to save her, testing revealed that Arriani suffered permanent brain damage and complete loss of brain function, which forced her family to make the difficult decision to remove her from a life support system. Similarly, after returning from a trip, Lalani Erika Renee Walton was instructed by her stepmother to clean her room while she took a nap. Upon waking up, her stepmother found Lalani hanging from her bed with a wrapped rope around her neck. Unfortunately, the police determined Lalani had died from self-asphyxiation [2].
Like many others, their children were initially posting videos of themselves dancing and singing on TikTok. Neither parent was concerned about their children's usage of TikTok and had no idea about the dangerous challenges that came with the app [2]. However, a forensic analysis of their phone revealed that they watched “Blackout Challenge” videos on TikTok prior to their deaths. In the investigation, it was discovered that Lalani had watched videos of the challenge repeatedly, anticipating that she would become famous in the future if she posted a video [3].
The lawsuit filed on behalf of the Arroyo family and Walton family claims that TikTok has a defective design and that it is an addictive app that is not safe for its users. The Arroyo family alleges in their lawsuit that "TikTok's algorithm was designed to promote TikTok challenges to young users to increase their engagement and maximize TikTok's profits" [3]. Similarly, Jeffrey Goodman, an attorney representing another family with a daughter who was involved in the same challenge, blames TikTok's addictive algorithm. He explains, "with TikTok, you see the videos that it puts in front of you, and the purpose of the algorithm is to try and get users hooked" [2]. Further court documents indicate that shortly after Lalani got a smartphone, she became obsessed with TikTok [3]. Additionally, TikTok is marketed toward children aged 13 and up. In a statement, Arriani's father expressed hope that their legal action would prevent other families from suffering similar tragedies. [2]. A spokesperson for TikTok explained that the "Blackout Challenge" was not a TikTok trend since it existed prior to the app's launch. Furthermore, TikTok took action to remove content regarding the challenge and blocked searches relating to the #BlackoutChallenge hashtag. Despite the statement, TikTok is still being blamed, with their attorneys claiming that they were aware of the virality of the challenge and failed to react immediately [1].
Angelica Meliksetyan is an incoming junior at the University of Pennsylvania. She is studying Criminology with a minor in Law and Society. She hopes to go to law school in the future.
[1] Felbin, S.; Talbert, S.; Aloian, A. (July 19,2022). "What Is TikTok's 'Blackout Challenge' And Why Is It Dangerous?". Women’s Health. Retrieved July 20, 2022.
[2] Stoddard, Catherine (July 21, 2022). "Families sue TikTok after 2 girls die attempting controversial ‘blackout challenge,' lawsuit claims'". Fox. Retrieved July 21, 2022.
[3] Patterson, Charmaine (July 21, 2022). "Parents Sue TikTok After Daughters Die Doing 'Blackout Challenge': 'We Want People to Be Aware'". People. Retrieved July 21, 2022.
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amyguarino · 7 years
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O sorelle, sorelle, io voglio rivelarvi...
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phgq · 4 years
9 'Botika ng Bayan' launched in Eastern Visayas
#PHnews: 9 'Botika ng Bayan' launched in Eastern Visayas
TACLOBAN CITY – Access to free and safe medicines are now within the reach of indigents in nine towns and cities in Eastern Visayas, with the opening of "Botika ng Bayan" (BNB) this week.
In partnership with the Department of Health (DOH), Catbalogan City and Daram town both in Samar, Arteche in Eastern Samar, and San Antonio in Northern Samar have all officially launched its BNB on Wednesday, while Maasin City and the towns of San Francisco and Hinundayan all in Southern Leyte, and MacArthur and Hilongos, both in Leyte, on Friday.
Angelica Marie Bolos, DOH Eastern Visayas national drug compliance policy officer, said the community-based health care program has been established to provide free medicines to poor patients, targeting rural health units as BNB outlets and the barangay health stations as satellite outlets.
These drug outlets have complied with the standards on Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Management and Good Distribution and Storage Practices of the Food and Drug Administration to ensure the safety and quality of medicines.
"In here, there should be an integrated management of medicines whether procured by the local government unit or additional supplies or augmentation from the DOH," Bolos said in an interview.
DOH Eastern Visayas head Exuperia Sabalberino said the revival of the program is part of President Rodrigo Duterte's thrust to provide quality and accessible health care services to all Filipinos.
The BNB, a project of the Arroyo Administration in 2004, was stopped seven years later due to lack of supervising pharmacists and an effective supply chain that could assure the constant availability of quality-generic medicines.
"Due to existing challenges on the access to medicines, the government revitalized this program and we are thankful to have stakeholders who are willing to engage in all our advocacies. It has become more valuable especially that we are still in this pandemic, a difficult situation that compromises health," Sabalberino said in a statement.
The region now has 11 BNBs, with two others in Baybay City in Leyte and Limasawa Island in Southern Leyte, launched in 2018 and 2019, respectively. (PNA)
* Philippine News Agency. "9 'Botika ng Bayan' launched in Eastern Visayas." Philippine News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1123184 (accessed November 28, 2020 at 03:24AM UTC+14).
* Philippine News Agency. "9 'Botika ng Bayan' launched in Eastern Visayas." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1123184 (archived).
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