#butch jenny stewart
ringmodulation · 1 year
"For Only Girl (In the World), at the time we were recording that, I was living in this very shitty small town in the South, in the United States, and really fucking hated it. The only kind of good thing about this town was there was a very small lesbian bar, that was open just on Saturdays I think, and they always had a good dance night, and I could walk there basically so I could get really fucking drunk and walk home and not worry about it, so I would go there a whole lot, and then one night I went there and the dance floor was totally empty, there were a lot of people there but no one was dancing, and then the DJ put that song on, and then like all the really super intense butch dykes were on the dance floor all dancing together to that song, and it was the lyrics are “you make me feel like I’m the only girl in the world,” and it was just all of the things: the shitty little town, in the shitty part of the United States, and then this sort of rarified very small lesbian bar, and like butch dykes are a very small specific segment of the queer world with a very specific history, and then this pop song, I’m sure every Rihanna song is like 50 people write it, it’s a song by committee essentially, and even though something that was somewhat sanitized was able to create a very real emotional movement for this marginalized group of people in a marginalized part of the United States, it was very very beautiful to me and it made me hear that song in a totally different way. So, it was as much about wanting to pay tribute to that moment, and to what music can be generally, as much as it was to that song specifically."
Jamie Stewart, interview with WARP Magazine 2023 (https://youtu.be/QxOXVUV1610 42:00)
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nofatclips · 2 years
Scisssssssors by Xiu Xiu from the album Girl with Basket of Fruit - Directed By Angela Seo and Anna Lian Tes
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zinecuntroll · 6 years
3 decades of Queer Women making Herstory through Music
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Written for Pink Washed Zine issue #3
by Raquel Silva aka Raquel Smith-Cave
             I turned 30 this year, more precisely last August and it’s also been 12 years since I had my first girlfriend. When I started thinking about my queerness more seriously back in 2005/2006 I quickly realized how it wasn’t that usual for girls to be fascinated by Linda Perry in boxer shorts and combat boots like I was at 5 years old. My mom says 4 Non Blondes “What’s up” was my favorite song back then and she even bought the CD so I could listen to it on repeat and not just wait for the video to magically appear on the TV. Thanks Ma!
              Through my teenage years I had “Baby Can I Hold You” by Tracy Chapman constantly playing in my head. Mind you, I always have a song in my mind and I burst into singing at the most unexpected times, it’s mostly an unconscious act which can be embarrassing in front of people who don’t know me well. Honestly I  don’t care much, it’s just a part of my nature and if I’m not murmuring or humming some melody it usually means there’s something wrong. So at around 15/16 I remember starting to sing the chorus for “But you can say baby…” out of nowhere in school breaks or while walking home. This happened constantly and exactly why my brain was stuck with this melody was a complete mystery to me. Maybe I heard it in passing or on the radio…? I could never find the answer but I did buy Tracy’s self-titled vinyl this year during Record Store Day and discovered it was released exactly 30 years ago. It’s a precious record, her voice is warm and familiar and her guitar is so soothing to the soul. I think I finally answered my teenage self on all that musical haunting.
             Cássia Eller is a Brazilian artist who made the 90s a really wholesome, magical, golden time for every lesbian in love with husky voices. Her hit song “Malandragem” was part of this series called Malhação but I only found out she was the mystical singer behind that iconic childhood tune years after listening to it on the show. She tragically died in 2001 and even after that she still created major impact in society, when her longtime girlfriend won custody of their son, after battling against Cássia’s father who had never cared about his daughter until money was involved. Cássia was a shy person who became a complete lion on stage. Humble and almost too pure to handle the hype. She just wanted to sing to people and exorcise her demons while making others happy. Which she did and so much more. Her legacy is tremendous, as it still resonates with so many of us today and the world hasn’t really witnessed anyone quite as ingenious as her ever since.
               It’s 2007 and I’m watching a live concert in a Portuguese music festival on TV featuring a wild ass singer with the screaming voice of my wildest grrrl dreams. It’s The Gossip! And Beth Ditto is rolling around the stage, singing her lungs out in front of a pretty chill crowd. I wanted to BE THERE. I probably discovered Gossip’s music through CSS who I was obsessed with at the time or probably from watching The L Word. The truth is: the more intrigued I was by the words of this fat, dyke, goddess the more comfortable I felt about my own identity. I was fat for most of my childhood and got bullied for it on a regular basis, just part of being in an all-girls catholic school life I guess. At 13 someone called me “Fufa” which is basically “Dyke” in Portuguese and it was the most traumatic experience ever. Years later I wish I could have thanked the girl who bullied me out of a closet I wasn’t even aware I was in. I don’t believe I was ever in the closet though. Honestly, falling in love with a girl was just as natural as having crushes on boys. It was just another question I had finally found an answer for. Beth Ditto’s pride in her queerness and blatant attraction to butch people while being a proud femme, fat, dyke made me feel represented in a way I hadn’t seen myself before and ok with my own desires. Ditto!
                The first glance of The L Word I watched I didn’t really enjoyed. The image was dark and the plot seemed so tragic. It was Jenny somewhere in the first season. After one year I finally watched the whole 2 or 3 seasons that were out by then. Tegan and Sara play in one episode and are featured in the soundtrack, which I still go back to sometimes to remember really great tunes. What a blessing to have Tegan and Sara guide you through your first acid trip and “coming out of that closet” am I right Dana? (RIP) My love affair with Canadian people started right there with Tegan’s goofiness and Sara’s witty remarks. By 2007 “The Con” came out and became a staple to the LBGTQ+ community. So much so that the band released a special covers album last year, with many queer artists recreating those magnificent songs. In the records that followed their sound was purposefully re directed to more pop melodies which I couldn’t relate to anymore. They did make good use of their huge platform by launching the Tegan and Sara foundation, which fights for LGBTQ girls and women all over the world with the help of some amazing queer people.
                 The other tiny Canadian who owns my heart is Ellen Page. Ever since Juno, my gaydar was just screaming out loud in every direction possible and I’m so happy that she is now able to be herself freely. Just like Juno, my musical top 3 included Patti Smith and Iggy Pop… but not The Runaways. For me it’s actually Nick Cave. I never gave too much attention to The Runaways, though I knew about Joan Jett and her extremely queer badass persona from being a teenager obsessed with punk rock and riot grrrl herstory. Until Kristen Stewart got cast to play Joan for The Runaways movie and I finally listened to their 70s records. I fell in love with Kristen and Dakota’s version of “Dead End Justice” as well as the original. Gaystew was born to play that part. Just last week I saw Bad Reputation, a documentary about Joan’s life with lots of awesome people speaking about how incredible she is, as both a pioneer for women in rock’n roll and an advocate for human and animal rights. At 60 she’s still rocking the fuck out of leather pants, inspiring kids to start bands, making everyone smitten by her confidence and flipping the finger to the all the hypocritical social definitions of gender, sex and music.
                It’s really difficult to write about Janelle Monáe. Not because I don’t have words but mostly because I have too many. Janelle caught my eye and ears with “Tightrope” where she’s prancing around wearing her uniform, as she proudly used to talk about her suit, an homage to her working class parents and Kansas City upbringing. I saw her live at the end of 2010, at a winter festival, where all my other friends went on to watch Sting’s daughter I Blame Coco and I stood front row waiting for Janelle. It was life changing. She danced, jumped, screamed and even painted something into a blank canvas throughout the whole set. Her band was impeccably orchestrated and the show was extremely cinematic, since many of Janelle’s inspirations are from sci-fi movies. Her music is layered and complex just like her personality. Over the years she has been extremely mysterious, one of the things I appreciated the most about her. This year that changed. After much speculation in the media, she said in an interview she’s pansexual, as someone who has had relationships with men and women, that’s how she identifies more comfortably. Above all she’s an artist with a very specific vision and talent, carving the path for Afrofuturism; to create space for black people but especially queer POC to conquer over the systematic racism, lack of opportunities and prejudice in our society. Her new record “Dirty Computer” is the materialization of that evolution, the most “Janelle” album ever. Covering everything from sexual freedom to political issues while using a pop funky beat. Reminiscing one of her heroes, Prince, who became a friend and mentor before passing away in 2016. And all I want for 2019 is to be in the same room as Janelle and take on another voyage dans la lune with all the other androids.
                 Annie Clark has also played around with the idea of being an alien or a cyborg, especially on her self-titled album from 2014. That’s when I saw her live for the time and I had to give into my friend’s obsession with her music. Last year St. Vincent released “Masseduction”, an almost perfect record, in my opinion. The song with the same title is most definitely an anthem for our generation “I can’t turn off what turns me on…” and after a long relationship with model/actress Cara Delevingne or that summer fling with Kristen Stewart, it was clear, Annie is queer. (Pun so intended) While songs like “New York” or “Los Ageless” can be associated to both of those relationships, Annie’s talent as an exquisite guitar player, fearless innovative sounds and unique live shows, have made her the intergalactic rock Goddess of our queer dreams.
                 Widely inspired by Annie Clark is my next musical Queeroe. Mackenzie Scott aka Torres. There’s something about debut albums that I really love and Torres self-titled LP from 2013 is definitely in my top favorites list. It’s really fucking sad music with raw emotion, as you can hear in “Honey”, “Jealousy and I” or “When Winter’s over”. Her second album “Sprinter” showed a very exciting evolution in her sound but it’s “Three Futures” from 2017 that encapsulates Mackenzie’s desire towards experimenting with her sexuality in a more explicit way. As seen in the video for the first single where she takes on gender roles as both feminine and masculine characters who are living the dreadful “American Dream”. Plus the cover picture for that record is her staring at a semi naked woman on a pole, marking 2017 as very gay year for music.      
                Laura Jane Grace’s voice first made waves through my ears because of the collab Against Me! did with Tegan Quin back in 2007 for the single “Borne On The FM Waves Of The Heart”. The song didn’t stick to me that long and although I had heard Against Me! was my kind of band I never took the time to really listen to them. Until 2014, when “Transgender Dysphoria Blues” was released and it rapidly became one of the most important records of my life. I started watching many interviews with Laura Jane about the struggles of coming out as a trans woman in this fucked up world, specifically while being part of the punk scene, where there’s not much space for anything other than toxic masculinity. I related to Laura’s journey and with every single lyrics on “True trans soul rebel” since it felt like the most authentic punk anthem I had heard in a while. I went to their first ever gig in Portugal in 2015 and screamed as much as I could surrounded by my family of misfits, all wearing black and their heart tattoos on their sleeves. I dug into Against Me! discography but other than the single “I was a teenage anarchist” which I already knew, nothing got me hooked as much as “Transgender Dysphoria Blues” did. Laura Jane’s name is very much appropriate, for her Grace is felt through her screams as much as her written words, something I found fascinating while reading her auto biography: “Tranny: Confessions of Punk Rock's Most Infamous Anarchist Sellout”. I loved every page of it, with original diary pieces, she takes us on a wild precious ride from her childhood and family issues to all the drama in the music industry or the tribulations of managing a band in this time and age. There’s really nothing more punk rock than being yourself and Laura Jane does it with so much effortless coolness and Grace.
            I tried not to listen to Courtney Barnett for months. I had seen the hype around her but didn’t feel quite ready to embark in that journey and my queers did I regret it… She played at Primavera Sound Porto in 2015 and I started listening to her on loop only weeks after that. The heartbreaking part is that I was also at that festival. The good part is that she came back in 2016 to another festival in Lisbon and I was there just for her (and Father John Misty). Which felt like the stars had aligned with my musical desires. She’s unapologetically herself but not in the way that you would say so about Cardi B for example. She’s wickedly smart with her words and unexpectedly brutal with her chords, right before she opens her mouth she looks like the sweetest person you will ever meet and after you are transported to her own island, full of genius puns, sarcastic inputs about daily life or the state of the world. My favorite verse is from “Pedestrian at best” and I almost got it tattooed… “Give me all your money and I’ll make some origami honey”. Which to me roughly translates to: Fuck Capitalism! She’s also very open about her long term relationship with her wife and fellow musician Jen Cloher, making them the ultimate indie rock’s queer power couple.
                 2016 was the darkest year of my life. I stopped listening to music for months, stopped sleeping and my panic attacks would strike me even if I was in the middle of a busy street. It was scary to lose myself in such dark thoughts but then one day I listened to Shura’s song “Too shy” and felt like a little bit of me was alive again. Her debut album “Nothing’s real” came out around that time and her lyrics for the title song were exactly what I felt through my depression. In this song she is writing about her own experience with a panic attack that makes you feel like dying. And they do. “Too Shy” is a beautiful tune about unrequited love because you are simply too fucking shy to ever go for it and ask your crush on a date. Being shy and anxious almost always go hand in hand, as an awkward, quiet, weird introvert myself, discovering Shura’s songs and story gave me hope and made me gather the lost pieces of my own identity, leaving all the pain, shame and constant anxiety behind. Music really is medicine for the soul.
                 Julien Baker also has one of the best debut albums I’ve ever heard. Personally, it’s very special because it marks the beginning of my current relationship, as my girlfriend surprised me with Julien’s “Sprained Ankle” vinyl just weeks after we started dating. That vinyl did not leave my record player for the last months of 2016 and whenever I listen to it now, I am instantly transported to that moment in time. I was finally getting back on my feet and everything was falling into place, Julien’s gigantic voice echoed my natural melancholy, embracing my demons with a new found strength.  I’ve seen her twice, both times a very out of body experience and had the pleasure to let her know how much her music has helped me. We hugged, talked and she even has the zine I make (CuntRoll) in her living room table because she likes it so much. She is someone I could definitely see myself hanging out in my group of friends and that’s what I love the most about this new generation of artists, who aren’t trying to be something they’re not for the sake of money or exposure. They embrace who they are and let the world decide if they wanna take it or leave it. And that’s exactly what we need right now, to accept and embrace people for who they are and the art they make. So we can all to the same in our own lives.
                 “Yeah I’ve got it I’m a man now…” are the verses that got stuck with me for weeks after listening to Christine and The Queens single “iT”. Yes, the capital T is on purpose as it represents testosterone, the hormone used by many Trans AFAB people to start the process of becoming more themselves. This androgynous handsome French creature original name is Heloise and since her worldwide success with her first record “Chaleur Humaine” she has shredded so many stereotypes through her music, her dancing and her style. I hate comparing artists but some people call her “ the French Michael Jackson” for a reason. My chin dropped while watching her cover for Beyonce’s “Sorry” which she transformed into her own song like it’s nobody’s business (please go watch it asap). This year she blessed as with her second LP just called “Chris” inviting the world to be a little bit closer to her. Chris is her nickname and presents us with a new image for Heloise, embracing her masculine vibe more than ever before, with short hair, loose clothing and talking proudly about queer issues in many interviews. The video for the single “5 dollars” is the epitome of gender fucking and the reason why I am even gayer now tbh.  (You should watch that also!) The future is genderqueer.
                 I stayed away from the hype of “Girls like Girls” back in 2015 because I’m mostly suspicious of pop artists using gay stories to go with the trend of pink washing, ie Katy Perry “I kissed a girl” is a fucking jam but also really fucking problematic, coming from a cis het white female who has no idea the struggles of being queer. Hayley Kiyoko is most definitely not one of those artists though, as she has slowly but certainly become the Lesbian Jesus we’ve all been praying for. With “Curious” she let us know there’s a new fucking boss in town and she’s so fucking gay. What a time to be alive, 20gayteen is real and we are here to witness it all. Hayley’s not the greatest singer in the world, but she uses the best of her skills to give voice to all the kids who struggled with feeling alienated because they couldn’t fit in anywhere. She creates videos which are more like short stories, where she not only acts, but also writes and directs with her own team, never compromising her vision to tell the stories she wants to tell. Stories that resonate with so many queer people and we all know how important representation is, especially coming from an authentic source. To have such a person in the mainstream is what Tegan and Sara were thriving for a few years ago but the result wasn’t very genuine, something that doesn’t happen with Hayley’s songs. Her album “Expectations” doesn’t have big hits, other than “Feelings and “Curious” but it’s the debut album of someone with a huge potential and vision to take up the space for ourselves to tell our own stories and no one else.
                Linn Da Quebrada is the musical Goddess of the moment. Eloquent, inspiring, caustic, no one is left indifferent after listening to her. And that's exactly what she wants, to leave us on our tiptoes waiting to be carried away by words of pleasure, empowerment, trans feminism and especially so much self-love. Each verse is a lyrical genius clapback in the face of this transphobic, sexist and racist society. Prejudices that kill so many queer people of color in Brazil every year. Her existence is transforming, rewriting the HERSTORY of the world and of her country, through the re-appropriation of funk, where SHE finally gets to be the protagonist of her own story and that courage surpasses linguistic or cultural barriers. In 2017 she released her first album “Pajubá” after a very successful crowdfunding campaign and also has her own documentary called “Bixa Travesty” which has gathered accolades through many film festivals around the world. The song “Bixa Preta” is a fucking iconic anthem for 20gayteen and for all of my maricones family out in the world fighting everyday for our existence to be respected.
We will NEVER be erased.
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citizenscreen · 7 years
A celebration is in order as Once Upon a Screen turns six years old. It’s been an enjoying ride thus far with periods of frustration strewn in for good measure. I am at once both shocked at my stick-to-itiveness and happy I still enjoy sharing my thoughts on all things classic on this blog. It’s become an important respite from all the negativity that surrounds us.
Before I get to the celebration…
For ALL that is classic film and what it is in me…and to all those who have stopped in for a look and a read.
As I’ve done in the previous years I begin this anniversary celebration with a presentation of gifts appropriate for the occasion. Gifts suitable for a sixth anniversary are either iron (traditional) or wood (modern). I’m happy to accept these on my own behalf.
Traditional gift for a 6th anniversary is iron
Modern gift for a 6th anniversary is wood
Six highlights:
While I’ve maintained a steady flow of posts throughout this past year, I have to admit I’ve had moments of doubt as to whether this blog is worth maintaining. However, those thoughts are immediately followed by own assertion that I need to do this for purposes of sanity. Then wonderful things remind me that sometimes I may actually put stuff here that people enjoy.
Recently the Classic Movie Blog Association (CMBA) held its annual awards and I was honored with three, which is beyond belief. My Self-Plagiarism in Style: Hitchcock, Grant and North by Northwest (1956) won Best Film Review, A Government by Classic Movie Characters won Best Film Article and the 2016 What A Character! Blogathon won Best Blogging Event of the year. Thank you to the CMBA membership for the recognition.
Visiting the Joel and Frances McCrea Ranch earlier this year and getting the opportunity to interview their grandson, Wyatt McCrea are highlights for a lifetime.
I’ve come to enjoy the more creative posts I manage to come up with and Cary Grant’s Resume is one of my favorites. Then again, any significant amount of time I can spend with Archie is a treat.
Attending the Turner Classic Movies Film Festival (TCMFF) is another highlight I’ve come to look forward to every year. While I’ve yet to recap the 2017 festival, a recap that is likely to come closer to the 2018 event, it was a fantastic experience. For that I have to ultimately thank this blog and my other social media accounts on which I cover the festival.
More people are visiting Once Upon a Screen than ever before. Again – thanks!
Last, but certainly not least is the new, semi-regular contributor to this blog. Susu brings a new perspective and approach to movies that is refreshing and welcome.
  With Six You Get List Roll
(6 lists of sixes)
Six from 1966:
Batman: The Movie
Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
One Million Years B.C.
Our Man Flint
Dracula: Prince of Darkness
  Six Actors with 6 Academy Award Nominations:
      The Six Shooter
Here are six episodes of the old-time radio Western, “The Six Shooter” starring James Stewart as frontier drifter, Britt Ponset:
“”The man in the saddle is angular and long-legged: his skin is sun dyed brown. The gun in his holster is gray steel and rainbow mother-of-pearl. People call them both The Six Shooter.”
Episode: “Jenny”
  Episode: “The Coward”
  Episode: “The Stampede”
  Episode: “The Capture of Stacy Gault”
  Episode: “Sheriff Billy”
  Episode: “A Friend in Need”
    The Sixth Film of Six Legendary Pairs:
Kirk Douglas and Burt Lancaster – Marvin J. Chomsky’s Victory At Entebbe (1976)
Myrna Loy and William Powell – W. S. Van Dyke’s After the Thin Man (1936)
Hepburn/Tracy – George Cukor’s Adam’s Rib (1949)
Errol Flynn and Olivia De Havilland – Michael Curtiz’s The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex (1939)
Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers – Mark Sandrich’s Follow the Fleet (1936)
Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau – Donald Petrie’s Grumpy Old Men (1993)
  Memorable Movies with Six-Word Titles:
What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? (1962)
In the Heat of the Night (1967)
The Passion of Joan of Arc (1928)
Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans (1927)
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (1921)
Scarface: The Shame of the Nation (1932)
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937)
All Quiet on the Western Front (1930)
You Can’t Take It with You (1938)
The Best Years of Our Lives (1946)
The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (1948)
The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957)
The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951)
The Man Who Knew Too Much (1956) and (1934)
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (1975)
Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975)
Once Upon a Time in America (1984)
To Be or Not to Be (1942)
Before the Devil Knows You’re Dead (2007)
The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962)
Love is a Many Splendored-Thing (1955)
The Charge of the Light Brigade (1936)
The Old Man and The Sea (1958)
The Strange Love of Martha Ivers (1946)
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969)
Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977)
Once again, thank you for visiting and happy anniversary to Once Upon a Screen! To ensure six blessings to it, you and yours here are six Cary Grants.
  Anniversary Celebration: With Six You Get List-Roll A celebration is in order as Once Upon a Screen turns six years old. It's been an enjoying ride thus far with periods of frustration strewn in for good measure.
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nofatclips · 4 years
Get Up by Xiu Xiu from That Polyvinyl Sampler Really Tied The Room Together
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collectorscorner · 5 years
CC Blogger - New Arrivals @ Collectors Corner : Wednesday - 7/3/19
CC Blogger - New Arrivals @ Collectors Corner : Wednesday - 7/3/19
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DC COMICS Adventures Of The Super Sons #12 (Of 12), $3.99 Batgirl #36 (Cover A Francis Manapul), $3.99 Batgirl #36 (Cover B Joshua Middleton), AR Batman Deluxe Edition Volume 4 HC, $34.99 Batman Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III #3 (Of 6)(Cover A Freddie E. Williams II), $3.99 Batman Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III #3 (Of 6)(Cover B Kevin Eastman), AR DCeased #1 (Of 6)(Greg Capullo 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 DCeased #3 (Of 6)(Cover A Trevor Hairsine), $3.99 DCeased #3 (Of 6)(Cover B Francesco Mattina Card Stock Variant), AR DCeased #3 (Of 6)(Cover C Francesco Mattina Card Stock Horror Variant), AR Deathstroke #45 (Cover A Ed Benes & Richard Friend), $3.99 Deathstroke #45 (Cover B David Finch Card Stock Variant), AR Doom Patrol The Weight Of The Worlds #1 (Cover A Nick Derington), $3.99 Dreaming #11, $3.99 Female Furies #6 (Of 6), $3.99 Green Lantern #9 (Cover A Liam Sharp), $3.99 Green Lantern #9 (Cover B Frazer Irving), AR Harley Quinn #63 (Cover A Guillem March), $3.99 Harley Quinn #63 (Cover B Frank Cho Card Stock Variant), AR Joker TP (Black Label), $14.99 JSA By Geoff Johns Book Three TP, $39.99 Justice League #27 (Cover A Bruno Redondo), $3.99 Justice League #27 (Cover B Arthur Adams Card Stock Variant), AR Lois Lane #1 (Of 12)(Cover A Mike Perkins), $3.99 Lois Lane #1 (Of 12)(Cover B Jenny Frison), AR Red Hood Outlaw Volume 1 Requiem For An Archer TP, $19.99 Suicide Squad Katana The Revenge Of Kobra TP, $16.99 Superman Up In The Sky #1 (Of 6), $4.99 Wild Storm #24, $3.99
DYNAMITE ENTERTAINMENT Charlie's Angels Vs The Bionic Woman #1 (Cover A Cat Staggs), $3.99 Charlie's Angels Vs The Bionic Woman #1 (Cover B Jim Mahfood), $3.99 Charlie's Angels Vs The Bionic Woman #1 (Cover C Ron Lesser), $3.99 Charlie's Angels Vs The Bionic Woman #1 (Cover D Jim Mahfood Black & White Variant), AR Charlie's Angels Vs The Bionic Woman #1 (Cover E Ron Lesser Virgin Variant), AR Charlie's Angels Vs The Bionic Woman #1 (Cover F Jim Mahfood Virgin Variant), AR Charlie's Angels Vs The Bionic Woman #1 (Cover G Cat Staggs Virgin Variant), AR Elvira The Shape Of Elvira #1 (Cover E Photo)(Elvira Signed Edition), AR Obey Me #4 (Of 5)(Cover A Ben Herrera), $3.99 Obey Me #4 (Of 5)(Cover B Ben Herrera Black & White Variant), AR Obey Me #4 (Of 5)(Cover C Ben Herrera Virgin Variant), AR Red Sonja #2 (Cover K Amanda Conner Virgin Variant), AR Red Sonja #2 (Cover L Joseph Michael Linsner Virgin Variant), AR Red Sonja #3 (Cover K Amanda Conner Virgin Variant), AR Red Sonja #3 (Cover L Joseph Michael Linsner Virgin Variant), AR Red Sonja #6 (Cover A Amanda Conner), $3.99 Red Sonja #6 (Cover B Joseph Michael Linsner), $3.99 Red Sonja #6 (Cover C Christian Ward), $3.99 Red Sonja #6 (Cover D Richard Pace, $3.99 Red Sonja #6 (Cover E Cosplay), $3.99 Red Sonja #6 (Cover F Bob Q Seduction Variant), AR Red Sonja #6 (Cover G Amanda Conner Black & White Variant), AR Red Sonja #6 (Cover H Joseph Michael Linsner Black & White Variant), AR Red Sonja #6 (Cover I Richard Pace Virgin Variant), AR Red Sonja #6 (Cover J Bob Q Seduction Black & White Variant), AR
FANTAGRAPHICS BOOKS Complete Peanuts Volume 11 1971-1972 TP, $22.99 Kramers Ergot Volume 10 GN, $34.99
GALLERY 13 Stephen King's Dark Tower The Gunslinger Volume 6 Last Shots HC, $24.99
HUMANOIDS Ignited #2 (Cover A Yanick Paquette), $3.99 Ignited #2 (Cover B John Cassaday), $3.99
IDW PUBLISHING Amber Blake #2 (Of 5)(Butch Guice 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Amber Blake #3 (Of 5)(Butch Guice 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic #79 (Cover A Toni Kuusisto), $3.99 My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic #79 (Cover B Sara Richard), $3.99 My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic #79 (Cover C JustaSuta), AR Sonic The Hedgehog #18 (Cover A Jonathan Gray), $3.99 Sonic The Hedgehog #18 (Cover B Diana Skelly), $3.99 Sonic The Hedgehog #18 (Cover C Nathalie Fourdraine), AR Star Trek Year Five #3 (Cover A Stephen Thompson), $3.99 Star Trek Year Five #3 (Cover B J.J. Lendl), AR Star Wars Adventures #23 (Cover A Tony Fleecs), $3.99 Star Wars Adventures #23 (Cover B Drew Moss), $3.99 Star Wars Adventures #23 (Cover C Michael Avon Oeming), AR Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #95 (Cover A Dave Wachter), $3.99 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #95 (Cover B Kevin Eastman), $3.99 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #95 (Cover C Ben Bates), AR Transformers #8 (Cover A Anna Malkova), $3.99 Transformers #8 (Cover B Casey W. Coller), $3.99 Transformers #8 (Cover C Jeffrey Veregge), AR
IMAGE COMICS Analog #6 (Cover A David O'Sullivan), $3.99 Analog #6 (Cover B David O'Sullivan), $3.99 Birthright #37, $3.99 Crowded #7 (Cover A Ro Stein/Ted Brandt/Triona Farrell), $3.99 Crowded #7 (Cover B Gaby Epstein), $3.99 Gasolina Volume 3 TP, $16.99 Man-Eaters #10 (Cover A Lia Miternique), $3.99 Man-Eaters #10 (Cover B Lia Miternique), $3.99 Monstress Volume 1 HC, $49.99 Postal Deliverance #1 (Cover A Linda Sejic), $3.99 Postal Deliverance #1 (Cover B Raffaele Ienco), $3.99 Sea Of Stars #1 (Cover A Stephen Green), $3.99 Sea Of Stars #1 (Cover B Mike Mignola), $3.99 Section Zero #4 (Of 6)(Cover A Tom Grummett & Karl Kesel), $3.99 Section Zero #4 (Of 6)(Cover B Terry Dodson), $3.99 Section Zero #4 (Of 6)(Cover C Ben Caldwell), $3.99 Space Bandits #1 (Of 5)(Cover A Matteo Scalera, $3.99 Space Bandits #1 (Of 5)(Cover B Matteo Scalera, $3.99 Space Bandits #1 (Of 5)(Cover C Howard Chaykin Legends Variant), AR Space Bandits #1 (Of 5)(Cover D Bryan Hitch), $3.99 Space Bandits #1 (Of 5)(Cover E Sara Pichelli), $3.99 Space Bandits #1 (Of 5)(Cover F Blank Variant), $3.99 Space Bandits #1 (Of 5)(Cover G Travis Charest), $3.99 Thumbs #1 (Of 5)(Hayden Sherman 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $4.99 Thumbs #2 (Of 5), $4.99 Walking Dead #192 (Cover C Charlie Adlard & Dave Stewart Commemorative Variant), $3.99 Walking Dead #193, $3.99
LION FORGE Catalyst Prime Kino #17, $3.99
MARSS MEDIA Rue Morgue Magazine #189, $9.95
MARVEL COMICS Adventures Of The X-Men Volume 1 TP, $12.99 Aero #1 (Cover A Keng), $3.99 Aero #1 (Cover B John Tyler Christopher Action Figure Variant), AR Aero #1 (Cover C Jay Anacleto), AR Aero #1 (Cover D Mirka Andolfo), AR Aero #1 (Cover E Stanley Artgerm Lau), AR Age Of X-Man Prisoner X #5 (Of 5), $3.99 Cable And X-Force Omnibus HC, $100.00 Captain America And The Invaders Bahamas Triangle #1 (Cover A Jerry Ordway), $4.99 Captain America And The Invaders Bahamas Triangle #1 (Cover B Ron Lim), AR Captain America And The Invaders Bahamas Triangle #1 (Cover C Patrick Zircher), AR Conan The Barbarian Volume 1 The Life And Death Of Conan Book One TP, $19.99 Conan The Jewels Of Gwahlur And Other Stories TP, $19.99 Cosmic Ghost Rider Destroys Marvel History #5 (Of 6)(Cover A Gerardo Zaffino), $3.99 Cosmic Ghost Rider Destroys Marvel History #5 (Of 6)(Cover B Scott Hepburn), AR Dead Man Logan #9 (Of 12), $3.99 Fantastic Four The Prodigal Sun #1 (Cover A Mico Suayan), $4.99 Fantastic Four The Prodigal Sun #1 (Cover B Greg Land), AR Immortal Hulk #18 (Joe Bennett 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Immortal Hulk #20 (Cover A Alex Ross), $3.99 Immortal Hulk #20 (Cover B Nick Bradshaw Carnage-Ized Variant), AR Kirby Is Mighty King-Size HC, $100.00 Ms. Marvel Annual #1 (Cover A Stefano Caselli), $4.99 Ms. Marvel Annual #1 (Cover B John Tyler Christopher Connecting Variant), AR Ms. Marvel Annual #1 (Cover C David Baldeon), AR New Mutants #98 (Facsimile Edition), $3.99 Old Man Quill #7 (Of 12), $3.99 Punisher #13, $3.99 Savage Avengers #3 (Cover A David Finch), $3.99 Savage Avengers #3 (Cover B Simone Bianchi), AR Savage Avengers #3 (Cover C Leinil Francis Yu Carnage-Ized Variant), AR Secret Warps Soldier Supreme Annual #1 (Cover A Carlos E. Gomez), $4.99 Secret Warps Soldier Supreme Annual #1 (Cover B Carlos Pacheco Connecting Variant), AR Silver Surfer Parable 30th Anniversary Edition HC, $39.99 Spider-Gwen Ghost-Spider #10 (Cover A Bengal), $3.99 Spider-Gwen Ghost-Spider #10 (Cover B Iban Coello Carnage-Ized Variant), AR Star Wars Age Of Resistance Finn #1 (Cover A Phil Noto), $3.99 Star Wars Age Of Resistance Finn #1 (Cover B Mike McKone Puzzle Piece Variant, AR Star Wars Age Of Resistance Finn #1 (Cover C Movie Variant), AR Star Wars Age Of Resistance Finn #1 (Cover E Camuncoli Bonetti & Elia Bonetti Promo Variant), AR Star Wars Legends Epic Collection The Newspaper Strips Volume 2 TP, $39.99 Star Wars Target Vader #1 (Of 6)(Cover A Nic Klein), $3.99 Star Wars Target Vader #1 (Of 6)(Cover B Carmen Nunez Carnero Design Variant), AR Star Wars Target Vader #1 (Of 6)(Cover C Marco Checchetto), AR Star Wars Target Vader #1 (Of 6)(Cover D Movie Variant), AR Thanos #2 (Of 6)(Ariel Olivetti 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 True Believers Absolute Carnage Carnage U.S.A. #1, $1.00 True Believers Absolute Carnage She-Venom #1, $1.00 Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #46, $3.99 Uncanny X-Men #21 (Cover A Whilce Portacio), $3.99 Uncanny X-Men #21 (Cover B Declan Shalvey Carnage-Ized Variant), AR
ONI PRESS Long Con #10, $3.99
SCOUT COMICS Star Bastard #4, $3.99
SOURCE POINT PRESS Monstrous European Getaway #4 (Of 4), $3.99 Twiztid Haunted High-Ons The Darkness Rises #3, $3.99
TITAN COMICS Lenore Noogies HC (Color Edition), $17.95 Lenore Purple Nurples HC (Color Edition), $17.95 Tank Girl Full Colour Classics #4 (1991-1992)(Cover A Jamie Hewlett), $6.99 Tank Girl Full Colour Classics #4 (1991-1992)(Cover B Jamie Hewlett), $6.99 Tank Girl Full Colour Classics #4 (1991-1992)(Cover C Photo), $6.99
TOKYOPOP Nightmare Before Christmas Zero's Journey #11, $3.99
UDON ENTERTAINMENT Gears Of War Retrospective HC, $49.99
UNIVERSITY PRESS OF MISSISSIPPI Steve Gerber Conversations SC, $25.00
VAULT COMICS Heathen #7, $3.99 She Said Destroy #2, $3.99 Test #1 (Cover A Jen Hickman), $3.99 Test #1 (Cover B Nathan Gooden), $3.99
VERTICAL COMICS To The Abandoned Sacred Beasts Volume 8 GN, $10.95
VIZ MEDIA Anonymous Noise Volume 15 GN, $9.99 Black Clover Volume 16 GN, $9.99 Daytime Shooting Star Volume 1 GN, $9.99 Demon Slayer Kimetsu no Yaiba Volume 7 GN, $9.99 Dr. Stone Volume 6 GN, $9.99 Haikyu Volume 33 GN, $9.99 Kaguya-sama Love Is War Volume 9 GN, $9.99 Kakuriyo Bed And Breakfast For Spirits Volume 4 GN, $9.99 My Hero Academia School Briefs Novel Volume 2 SC, $10.99 My Hero Academia Vigilantes Volume 5 GN, $9.99 Oresama Teacher Volume 26 GN, $9.99 Platinum End Volume 9 GN, $9.99 Snow White With The Red Hair Volume 2 GN, $9.99 Vampire Knight Memories Volume 3 GN, $9.99 Water Dragon's Bride Volume 10 GN, $9.99
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KONAMI DIGITAL ENTERTAINMENT Yu-Gi-Oh TCG Speed Dual Attack From The Deep Booster, AR
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TOYS - T-SHIRTS & COLLECTIBLES Aero By Keng Poster, AR Avengers 4 Legends 6 Inch Action Figure Assortment 201902 (not verfied by Diamond), AR Avengers 4 Movie 6 Inch Action Figure Assortment 201901, AR Avengers 6 Inch Movie Action Figure Team Pack Assortment 201902, AR Avengers Endgame Iron Man Mk-50 Nano Weapon S.H.Figuarts Action Figure, AR Avengers Endgame Thor Mjolnir Hammer Prop, AR Batman Black And White By Kenneth Rocafort Statue, AR Black Adam Symbol T-Shirt SM, AR Bruce Lee Gallery Water PVC Figure (C: 1-1-2), AR Captain Marvel Goose T-Shirt LG, AR Captain Marvel Goose T-Shirt MED, AR Captain Marvel Goose T-Shirt SM, AR Captain Marvel Goose T-Shirt XL, AR Captain Marvel Goose T-Shirt XXL, AR Cardcaptor Sakura 3 Piece Lapel Pin Set, AR Code Geass The Resurrection EXQ C.C. Mystery Figure, AR DC Batman The Animated Series Clayface Eekeez Figurine, AR DC Batman The Animated Series Mr Freeze Eekeez Figurine, AR DC Batman The Animated Series Scarecrow Eekeez Figurine, AR DC Comics Shazam Movie Vinimate, AR DC Gallery Arkham Asylum Batman Cowl, AR DC Gallery Metal Drowned PVC Figure, AR DC Heroes Batman And Robin Secrets T-Shirt XXL, AR DC Heroes Gotham City University T-Shirt XXL, AR Death's Head By Mike McKone Poster, AR Disney MC-009 Chip N Dale Previews Exclusive 1/4 Scale Statue, AR Dragon Ball Super Blood Of Saiyans Son Goku Special II Figure, AR Dragon Ball Super Movie Grandista Resolution Of Soldiers Mystery Figure, AR Dragon Ball Z Banpresto World Colosseum V4 Son Goku Figure, AR FiGPiN Avengers Endgame Hawkeye Pin, AR FiGPiN Avengers Endgame Iron Man Pin, AR FiGPiN Avengers Endgame Rocket Raccoon Pin, AR FiGPiN My Hero Academia Aizawa Pin, AR FiGPiN My Hero Academia Bakugo Pin, AR FiGPiN My Hero Academia Ochaco Pin, AR Full Metal Panic IV M9D Falke Version Invisible Victory 1/60 Scale Model Kit, AR Funko Savage World Street Fighter Blanka With Chase Action Figure, AR Funko Savage World Street Fighter Chun-Li With Chase Action Figure, AR Funko Savage World Street Fighter M. Bison Action Figure, AR Funko Savage World Street Fighter Ryu Action Figure, AR Game Of Thrones 2020 Wall Calendar, AR Godzilla Vs Gigan T-Shirt LG, AR Godzilla Vs Gigan T-Shirt MED , AR Godzilla Vs Gigan T-Shirt SM, AR Godzilla Vs Gigan T-Shirt XL, AR Godzilla Vs Gigan T-Shirt XXL, AR Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Griphook 1/6 Scale Collector's Action Figure (2.0 Version), AR History Of The Marvel Universe By Steve McNiven Poster, AR House Of X By Pepe Larraz Poster, AR Idolmaster Cinderella Girls EXQ Mio Honda Figure, AR It 2017 Dancing Clown Pennywise Ultimate 7 Inch Action Figure, AR Jurassic Park Snapback Cap, AR Kingdom Hearts 3 Piece Lapel Pin Set, AR Legendary Film Nightmare Before Christmas Jack Skellington 1/2 Scale Bust, AR Legends In 3D Kingdom Hearts 3 Sora 1/2 Scale Bust, AR Legends In 3D Marvel Spider-Gwen Comic 1/2 Scale Bust, AR Love Live Sunshine EXQ Yu Watanabe Figure, AR Marvel Avengers Endgame Movie Playing Cards, AR Marvel Avengers Endgame Thanos Playing Cards, AR Marvel Captain Marvel Movie Playing Cards, AR Marvel Comics EAA-077 Spider Gwen Previews Exclusive Action Figure, AR Marvel Minimates Series 77 Assortment, AR Marvel X-Men MEA-009 Dark Phoenix Previews Exclusive Figure, AR Marvel X-Men MEA-009-009 Cyclops Previews Exclusive Figure, AR Marvel X-Men MEA-009-009 Magneto Previews Exclusive Figure, AR Marvel X-Men MEA-009-009 Wolverine Previews Exclusive Figure, AR Mashin Hero Wataru Ryujinmaru NxEdge Figure, AR Megaman 4 Piece Lapel Pin Set, AR Mobile Suit Gundam Earth Federation Force Robot Spirits Weapons Set, AR Mobile Suit Gundam RX-78-2 Gundam Bandai Gundam Universe Action Figure, AR Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Destiny Gundam Metal Robot Spirits Action Figure, AR Mobile Suit Gundam XXXG-01W Wing Gundam Bandai Gundam Universe Action Figure, AR My Hero Academia Age Of Heroes Deku Figure, AR Naruto Shippuden Kizuna Senjyu Hashirama Figuarts Zero Action Figure, AR Nun 18 Inch Rotocast Plush Doll, AR One Piece Portgas D Ace Figure, AR One Piece World Colosseum 2 V4 Jinbe Figure, AR Outlander Jamie Fraser 7 Inch Vinyl Figure, AR Overwatch Cute But Deadly Heroes 1000 Piece Puzzle, AR Overwatch Pachimari Heroes 1000 Piece Puzzle, AR POP Animation Castlevania Blue Fangs Vinyl Figure, AR POP Animation Fairy Tail S3 Frosch Vinyl Figure, AR POP Animation Fairy Tail S3 Gajeel Vinyl Figure, AR POP Animation Fairy Tail S3 Pantherlily Vinyl Figure, AR POP Animation Fairy Tail S3 Zeref Vinyl Figure, AR POP Games Gears Of War 3 Kait Vinyl Figure, AR POP Games Gears Of War Queen Myrrah Vinyl Figure, AR POP Games Persona Morgana Vinyl Figure, AR POP Games Persona Panther Vinyl Figure, AR POP Games Persona Skull Vinyl Figure, AR POP Marvel Avengers Endgame W2 Rescue Vinyl Figure, AR POP Marvel Avengers Endgame W2 Thor Vinyl Figure, AR POP Marvel Spider-Man Far From Home Mysterio Vinyl Figure, AR POP Movie Moment Batman 80th Batman And Joker 1989 Vinyl Figure, AR POP Movies Ghostbusters Scary Library Ghost Vinyl Figure, AR POP Movies Pretty Woman Edward Vinyl Figure, AR POP Premiere League Football Edinson Cavanii Vinyl Figure, AR POP Premiere League Football Gianluigi Buffon Vinyl Figure, AR POP Premiere League Football Kevin De Bruyne Vinyl Figure, AR POP Premiere League Football Kylian Mbappe Vinyl Figure, AR POP Premiere League Football Neymar Jr Vinyl Figure, AR POP Rocks NSYNC Chris Kirkpatrick Vinyl Figure, AR POP Rocks NSYNC JC Chasez Vinyl Figure, AR POP Rocks NSYNC Lance Bass Vinyl Figure, AR POP TV Cheers Cliff Vinyl Figure, AR POP TV Cheers Diane Vinyl Figure, AR POP TV Cheers Norm Vinyl Figure, AR POP TV Cheers Woody Vinyl Figure, AR POP TV Community Annie Edison Vinyl Figure, AR POP TV Community Ben Chang Vinyl Figure, AR POP TV Community Troy Barnes Vinyl Figure, AR POP TV El Chavo El Chapulin Colorado Vinyl Figure, AR POP TV El Chavo El Chavo Vinyl Figure, AR POP TV Wheel Of Fortune Pat Sajak Vinyl Figure, AR POP TV Wheel Of Fortune Vanna White With Chase Vinyl Figure, AR Portal Turret Series 4 12 Count Counter Display, AR Power Rangers Lightning S.P.D. Shadow Ranger 6 Inch Action Figure, AR Powers Of X By R. B. Silva Poster, AR Rick And Morty Playing Cards Tin, AR Robocop Part Man All Cop T-Shirt LG , AR Robocop Part Man All Cop T-Shirt MED , AR Robocop Part Man All Cop T-Shirt XL , AR Robocop Part Man All Cop T-Shirt XXL , AR Rock Candy Game Of Thrones Cersei Lannister Figure, AR Saint Seiya Saintia Sho Equuleus Shoko Saint Cloth Myth Action Figure, AR Sgt Frog Kerororobo UC Keroro Spirits Action Figure, AR Spider-Man Video Game Logo T-Shirt LG , AR Spider-Man Video Game Logo T-Shirt MED, AR Spider-Man Video Game Logo T-Shirt SM, AR Spider-Man Video Game Logo T-Shirt XL, AR Spider-Man Video Game Logo T-Shirt XXL, AR Stranger Things 7 Inch Series 4 Eleven Action Figure, AR Superboy Might T-Shirt XXL, AR Sword Art Online Memory Defrag EXQ Suguha Figure, AR Sword Art Online Memory Defrag EXQ Yuuki Figure, AR Sword Master By Gunji Poster, AR Teen Wolf 1985 Basketball Scott ReAction Figure, AR Teen Wolf 1985 Scott ReAction Figure, AR Transformers Bumblebee Furai Model Kit, AR Transformers Generations WFC Voyager Action Figure Assortment 201903, AR Transformers Thunder Cracker Furai Model Kit, AR Valkyrie By Mahmud A. Asrar Poster, AR Wonder Twins Jayna Symbol T-Shirt LG, AR Wonder Twins Jayna Symbol T-Shirt MED, AR Wonder Twins Jayna Symbol T-Shirt SM, AR Wonder Twins Jayna Symbol T-Shirt XL, AR Wonder Twins Jayna Symbol T-Shirt XXL, AR Wonder Twins Zan Symbol T-Shirt LG, AR Wonder Twins Zan Symbol T-Shirt MED, AR Wonder Twins Zan Symbol T-Shirt SM, AR Wonder Twins Zan Symbol T-Shirt XL, AR Wonder Twins Zan Symbol T-Shirt XXL, AR
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