#angel thoughts 🍍
angelbat3s · 2 months
Me being happy whiplash has small fandom
Me also being disappointed because there’s currently like only 6-4 people active in the fandom on tumblr (+me)💀
(Like I don’t want it to be a bigggg fandom to the point it gets “weird” but like come on why is it so dead😢.)
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Title: On A Beach Somewhere
To: @alicetallula
Pairing: Benny Lafitte/Castiel/Dean Winchester, Gabriel/Sam Winchester
Rated: Teen and Up
For Artsy Streamer Gift Exchange (on Ao3/Discord)
Ao3 Link
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“But on a beach somewhere, you know? Can you imagine? You, me, Cas, toes in the sand, couple of them little umbrella drinks. Matching Hawaiian shirts, obviously,” Dean recommended.
Dean’s heart races with excitement as he pulls into probably the most expensive hotel they’ve ever been in—a hotel with its own beachfront property.
“Oh, yeah,” Dean says, grinning like a cat who got the cream.
Sam and Gabriel pull up beside them, park, and peer at them through the windows.
“All right, gentlemen, let’s unload. I’ll get the room keys,” Dean advised as he walks towards the hotel.
Benny chuckles from the backseat and Cas watches Dean while exiting from the passenger side.
Two doors slam, and Sam and Gabriel get out of their car and stand, waiting.
A few minutes later, Dean rejoins them, flapping two sets of room keys at them. He hands Sam and Gabe theirs—“at the end of the row near the stairwell”—and Cas and Benny theirs, “which is near the elevators. Made sure to get three keys for ours.” They grab their luggage and bags, then head to their rooms.
Benny closes the trunk, finally grabbing his room key from Dean. “Thanks, Cher.”
“Very thoughtful, Dean,” Castiel compliments as he grabs his too.
About twenty minutes later, everyone makes it with their things into their assigned rooms. Sam and Dean text back and forth deciding what to do.
“Ok, we are ordering pizza delivery, and Sam and Gabe are gonna join us here to eat,” advises Dean, sitting at the kitchenette table, having missed Castiel and Benny making out in the bedroom.
“Oh, well,” Dean hastily texts Sam asking if they can delay an hour. Sam readily agrees.
Dean returns to the bedroom, correcting himself, “Make that in an hour.”
The two separate and look at Dean, both their eyes are dilated. Castiel’s cheeks are rosy, and both their lips are swollen from kissing.
“Don’t stop on my account, gentlemen. I am all for a show.” Dean palms his growing erection under his jeans.
“If you’re wanting a show, Beloved,” states Castiel. He pulls Benny back to his lips by his grip on the vampire’s neck. Benny quickly pushes Castiel’s jackets off his arms, and then Castiel, in turn, unbuttons Benny’s light-blue shirt, pushing it off the man’s shoulders. Benny may seem thick but he was all muscle, not overly so. His torso is nicely defined while his abdomen is relatively flat with a bit of pudge that Castiel secretly loves on the vampire. Castiel runs his fingertips down the middle of Benny’s chest and abdomen, then runs his fingertips along his waistband.
Dean begins to strip—taking off both shirts at once—and toes his shoes and socks off. He pulls his belt through the loops, enjoying the show his partners are putting on.
Benny begins unbuttoning Castiel’s shirt and the angel helps, removing it and throwing it on the floor.
Benny chuckles at his haste. “What’s wrong, Angel, impatient?”
Castiel huffs at him, rolling his eyes before smirking.
Dean has always enjoyed Castiel’s body—broad shoulders, well-built with muscled arms and matching pecs. Castiel’s abdomen hints at the muscles underneath that are revealed when he is much more active, especially with those thighs.
Dean whines at the thought, dragging the vampire and angel’s attention back to him.
“Oh, Dean. You’re welcome to join.” Benny pats next to him.
Dean grins and wiggles his eyebrows as he walks over to the king-size bed.
🍍🦀🧽⭐️🦑 ONE HOUR LATER…🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕
Dean lay on the bed on his stomach, typing on his cell. “Order is in. Should be here in less than an hour.”
He texts Sam, relaying the information, and offers for them to join them once the pizza arrives. Sam agrees, leaving everyone in their own room.
Sam sighs, heavily, puts his phone on the nightstand, and flops back on the bed.
“Now, where was I?” Gabriel asks, teasingly.
Sam looks into Gabe’s golden eye with a smile. “Oh, I think I know.” He motions for Gabe to come up to him.
Over the blanket, Gabriel slowly crawls up his human’s tall, lithe form planting kisses along revealed skint.
Sam groans and slams his hand down on the nightstand a few times, searching for his phone. He wraps his fingers around it and unlocks the screen. “Pizza is here.”
“Mmmkay,” says Gabe from the bathroom.
Dean grabs plates and opens the three pizza boxes up revealing the meat lover’s, pure veggie, and pepperoni. Dean grabs a few slices of the meat lover’s and sits on the bed, flipping channels, finding something to watch. Castiel and Benny are cleaning up and making sure Benny gets fed… in the shower.
“Ha ha! Die Hard. Yes!” Dean punches the air and grabs a slice, taking a large bite.
Castiel and Benny join a few minutes later, dressed, and Castiel grabs a slice of each pizza while Benny gets everyone beers from the fridge.
“Thanks, man,” Dean thanks and plants a peck on the vampire’s cheek before he sits down.
Sam munches on his veggie pizza as Gabriel changes his slices into dessert pizzas.
“Gabe,” warns Sam.
Gabriel grunts and snaps, changing them back. He pouts and picks up the pepperoni slice then bites. He hums in surprise at how tasty it is.
Dean sloppily bites into his pieces, absorbed in the movie. Sam watches Dean watching the TV with a small smile. Gabriel sits between Sam’s legs trying to understand the entertainment value of the violent movie. Benny is cuddled up to Castiel’s side as Castiel’s thigh steadily touches Dean’s, despite Dean leaning forward in his enthrallment.
“Look, look, look.” Dean points at the screen as his favorite quote is about to be said.
Dean says in unison with John McClane, “Yippee-Ki-Yay, Motherfucker.” He laughs, then takes a swig of his beer.
Gabriel and Sam exchange a smile and look, then return to watching the TV.
As the credits rolled, Sam closes the veggie pizza and picks it up. “I’ll take this with me.”
“Good idea,” agrees Castiel.
Sam nods and heads out the room door, followed by Gabriel who winks before closing the door.
Dean stretches and yawns.
Benny wraps his arms around Dean’s waist and nuzzles into the back of his neck with a hum.
“Dude, beach, sun, ocean.”
Benny grins into Dean’s skin and kisses him. “Ok, Cher.”
Dean turns around in Benny’s arms, taking his face into his hands before pressing his lips against Benny’s. The vampire tilts his head and deepens the kiss with an appreciative hum before pulling away. “Love you, Dean.”
“Love you too, man.”
After breakfast and two cups of coffee for Dean, the five head to the nearby beach. Dean had bought everyone matching Hawaiian shirts and themed swim trunks before the trip. Somehow, he got everyone’s sizing correct. He loves it and demands a group selfie in front of Baby with everyone before they step on the sand with their cooler of goodies.
As Benny, Cas, and Dean lay out on their towels, they discover there is a cute little food hut a few hundred feet away, and when lunch rolls around, Sam and Gabe take everyone’s orders. It takes about half an hour before they return with the food and drinks. The seafood meals are delicious and hit the spot.
The tide comes in, so Dean finally gets into the water as he body surfs the waves. Benny and Castiel start splashing each other and when they get tired of it, they gang up on Dean who nearly drowns from being bombarded with ocean water before he can escape on land. Sam busts out laughing at their antics and makes sure Gabriel sees,
Gabe thinks it is so funny, that he thinks of joining them. Sam declines, “Oh no. I’d like to breathe air for a little bit longer than drown by splashing, Honey.”
Gabriel purses his lips, furrows his brows, and crosses his arms. Sam grins and shakes his head. “No,” he states firmly.
“Fi-i-ine,” breathes the Archangel. He gets up and goes to join the vampire and his little brother in the water as Dean goes to lay on his towel in the sun to dry off. Sam hands him an ice-cold water bottle from their cooler.
The Winchester brothers watch their partners play in the ocean.
“This is the best, Sammy.”
“It was a great idea, Dean.”
“Just needs some drinks with little umbrellas and we’re set,” contemplates Dean.
Sam smirks. “I’ll be right back.”
Dean lays back and waits in the shade of their beach umbrella.
A few minutes later, Sam returns with a mai tai and a piña colada, both with little luau-themed umbrellas just inside the large plastic cups. “Which one?” He asks Dean.
Dean sits up, eyes wide, and takes a moment to decide. He grabs the mai tai and sips on it, humming his approval.
Sam smiles and sits back down next to his brother on his own towel. “This is the best, Jerk.”
Dean grins. “Yep. Yes, it is, Bitch.”
They both chuckle and sip their drinks.
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iwozlegit · 5 months
|| 🍍• Song lyrics from Hazbin Hotel Season 1 that I think we NEED to be paying more attention to because ‘potential foreshadowing reasons’:
• Husk in ‘Loser, Baby’:
“I sold my soul to save my power!”
• Charlie in ‘Finale’:
“So long as I’ve got ALL OF YOU WITH ME!”
(Following line(s) “It starts with you. You know it’s true. Fulfil your destiny.”)
• Alastor in ‘Finale’:
“I’m hungry for freedom like never before. The constraints of my deal surely have a backdoor. Once I figure out my to unclip my wings. Guess who will be pulling all strings!”
• Vox and Valentino in “Stayed Gone”:
“That fucker’s back!”
“Yeah I thought he was gone for good, too…”
“…you still pissed he almost beat you that time?”
• Alastor in “Stayed Gone”:
“And here’s the sugar on the cream. He asked me to join his team!”
• Angel Dust in “Poison”:
“Wish I had something to live for tomorrow.”
• Alastor in “Ready for This”:
“She’s filled with potential that I could guide.”
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drabbles-mc · 1 year
Ohhhhhh ok for the ask game can I get a perspective flip for the fic fineapple? I think it’d be hilarious
Omg you certainly can! Plus this gave me an excuse to go back and reread Fineapple again and I'll never say no to that! 😂🍍
Also, shout-out to @withmyteeth because her response to this fic when I posted it forever ago has lived in my head rent free ever since and definitely made the cut into this version of the fic lmao 😂💕
Perspective Flip: I’ll write a scene from [that fic] from another character’s point-of-view (Find the ask game Here)
(This got away from me a bit, so I put it under a cut hahaha. Hope you enjoy! xo)
Angel had never been a morning person the way that you were. For a little while, he tried, but eventually came to the conclusion that it was no use. So when he'd woken up to an empty bed that morning, he wasn't surprised or worried, especially not when he could hear the faint sounds of the shower coming from down the hall. He knew that by the time the evening rolled around the roles would be reversed--you'd be passed out on the couch while he was still sitting next to you, wide awake and losing feeling in his arm because you were leaning against it cutting off the circulation.
By the time you were finished with your shower and dressed, he was already cooking. He'd never been a great chef, but he could handle breakfast. He could handle French toast without burning the house down.
Most of his focus was dedicated to the stove, but once he saw you out of the corner of your eye, swaying to a song that was only playing on the inside of your head, he couldn't help but to let himself get a little distracted. He could barely hear the sound of the blender in the background as he watch you on the brink of dancing. The smile that stretched across his face was involuntary, one that almost made his face hurt because of how much happiness and love was bubbling up in his chest, even if he hadn't figured out how to tell you that yet.
"What?" your voice snapped him out of his thoughts.
Shaking his head, he still couldn't tone down his smile as he said, "Nothin’. Just, you look so happy with your fruits over there, that’s all."
He was perfectly content to listen to the laugh you let out at his statement. He was able to divert enough of his attention to you and the smoothie you'd made him, strayed from the stove just long enough to try it and figure out that he liked it before going back to cooking. Even when he wasn't looking at you anymore, he still joked with you, gave you grief about leaving him out of the smoothie loop for so long, making it seem like you were keeping some grand secret from him.
"Pineapple is good for you, you know," you told him.
He laughed at the seemingly obvious statement, feeling like maybe you were just getting on his case for never eating healthy foods. "Isn't all fruit good for you?"
"Yea, but..." you trailed off, which got him to spare a look over at you just long enough to see the confusion on your face. "Do you not know what they say about pineapple?"
He didn't. He had no fucking clue what people said about pineapple. He couldn't hide that from the expression on his face, either. "The fuck do they say about pineapple?"
You laughed, not in a way that was mocking, but just in amusement. "Google it later."
He shook his head as he looked back at the stove, taking the last of the food off of it and killing the flame. He didn't say it out loud, but all he could think was "I WILL Google it later."
After breakfast, when the two of you had decided what you were doing with your day, Angel watched you disappear out of the kitchen and head towards the bedroom to get changed. The second you were completely out of sight, he instantly pulled out his phone and opened up Google.
He frowned in thought as he typed out, "what do they say about pineapple?" He felt utterly ridiculous, but he was too curious now to bail on finding out. Part of him was expecting to see a bunch of search results talking about vitamins and clear skin and whatever the fuck else people always said fruits could do for you.
What he wasn't expecting was the first article in the search results to be titled, "Here's the Truth About Pineapples and Oral Sex". His eyes nearly popped completely out of his skull as he clicked on it. He was skimming over the article, already charging to the other end of the house to find you as he did.
"Babe!" He all but threw himself into the room and across the bed to reach you and put the screen of his phone uncomfortably close to your face. "Is this true?"
He saw the way that you were fighting back your laughter, shoulders trembling with effort, but you weren't denying it. He felt like there was so much that he was supposed to be doing with this newly-found information, but he didn't know what.
Tossing his phone onto the bed, he grabbed your shoulders, looking dramatically into your eyes as he said, "We need to buy every pineapple at the store today. I’ll eat a whole one every day."
He could tell by the look on your face that you thought he was exaggerating, but he really was ready and willing to figure out how to eat a whole pineapple every day without losing his mind. He moved his hands so that he was cupping your face instead. "It's for science, querida. We gotta do our research."
You just laughed, nodded, and gave him a kiss as you agreed with him. When you returned to the task of getting dressed, he turned and quickly snatched his phone off the bed, opening up the group chat he had with the rest of the guys in the club and dropping the link to the article into it.
He sent the follow-up text, "You guys see this shit? 🍍=👍🏻🍆??"
He vaguely heard you ask the question about what he was doing. His eyes were still glued to his phone, watching the three little dots appear as everyone started typing out their replies. "Puttin' this shit in the group chat. The guys gotta know about this."
He could hear you laughing at the lot of them, but he was too busy watching all of the replies come in one after the other.
Coco: "I don't buy it. Old wives tale."
Gilly: "Too bad pineapple sucks bro 🙄"
EZ: "You guys just figuring this out? 😂"
Gilly: "Too bad you still can't get fuckin laid boy scout"
Angel shook his head at all of them as he replied to all of them in one fell swoop, "Losers. I'll let yall know after i get my dick sucked FOR SCIENCE. 👍🏻🍆🍍"
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kyuusou · 1 year
🍏 🍍
🍏 How do they react to flirting from the same sex?
In general, Izumi gets confused when people are flirting with her; it doesn’t matter if it’s the same sex or the opposite sex. Why are you flirting with me? There are so many other women! I-I don’t think I’m actually into women—I'm...SORRY! 
Kanae’s reaction to both sexes is the same; she’ll probably be annoyed and tell them off. Kanae’s heart is locked tight, and the key is floating at the edge of the world. Good luck! It takes a special someone to break it open without the key.
Kuroba will state that she doesn’t have time for this shit. Romance isn’t an option for her, she’ll claim. I think she actually craves attention, but she simply doesn’t allow it to show. Her sexuality is also not set in stone yet.
Gai will react positively to flirting and flirt back gentlemanly style before breaking it off in a kind manner. He likes it when people flirt with him, but at the end of the day, his heart is closed off, and he isn’t even fully aware of it.
🍍 Has this muse's sexuality changed over the course of playing them?
Izumi’s sexuality hasn’t changed over time, and she remains heterosexual. Though she went through a phase of questioning, she confused the aesthetic appreciation of the female body for sexuality.
Kanae thought she was heterosexual, but it turns out she’s greysexual and greyromantic. She doesn't know if she’s into men, women, or both; she simply doesn’t care at this point.
Kuroba didn’t have the chance to discover what her sexuality was. One thing is sure: she needs a strong emotional bond before even considering ANYTHING! You could say she’s demisexual.
Gai figured out pretty soon he wasn’t straight; his first crush was on a man, and when his feelings weren't reciprocated, his love turned into admiration. He still admires his former crush greatly and is happy to be his friend. He thought he was gay for the longest time until he saw the purest angel there is. He fell head over heels for her, and it was the strangest feeling ever. It took some time for him to realise he was bisexual.
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pin-acolada · 2 years
not rhaena calling inessa a bastard like, girl.... you don't know what luke, jace are? inessa is a pureblood princess
She honestly thought she did something 😂
Note: if you want to be tagged on The Realms Angel for the next chapter, please let me know by messaging. For some odd reason I can’t answer your guys reply, and I keep trying to figure how to turn my replies on to like answer your questions. So by the meantime feel free to message me on here, and I will try to answer back.
xo pinacolada 🍍
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ivegottale · 11 months
FDR Quote:
"In politics, nothing happens by
accident. If it does, you can
bet it was planned that way."
Our borders are not secure and we have a lot of undocumented rejects from foreign countries taking up residency in the U. S. 🗽 They were then loaded them up by bus 🚌 or train🚂 and spread them out all over our country. Not just anywhere, but major cities. 🏙️ Well guess what guys? If it is planned, as FDR claims, I would get ready for WWII because I'm guessing 1 Terrorists probably got past officials at the border. Since Russia🇹🇷 is fighting Ukraine🇺🇦. Israel 🇮🇱 is at war with Gaza🇪🇭. I'll bet China🇨🇳 is getting ready to invade Taiwan.🇹🇼 I'm taking a guess we will be fighting Iran again in the near future. So something big is gonna happen..
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If we do get hit again to something similar to Twin Towers, (I pray we don't) what has history taught us? Their "🎯" cities.
#1 New York, NY.
#2 Washington DC
#3 Oklahoma City, OK
#4 San Francisco, CA
#5 Fort Lauderdale, FL
#6 Los Angeles, CA
#7 Seattle, WA
#8 Boston MS
#9 Chicago, IL
#10 Detroit, MI
Now if I remember correctly, are these the same cities undocumented 🚸 immigrants were dumped after their long bus and train ride. The Secret Service also posted a list with the same 🎯 + (plus) more.....and maybe.....just maybe.......Lahaina in Maui burnt to make room for Military means.
💡Like I said it's just a thought. 💡
If you have stopped blinking. Stock pile on these items:
√ Water 🫙
√ Fire Extinguisher 🧯
√ Large 🇨🇭 First Aid Kit
√ Weapons and ammo 🔫
√ Propane canisters & the hot burner that
attaches to it for cooking.
√ Keep your vehicle gas tanks full.
√ Anything of value- cash , gold, diamond jewelry. Make a capsule in your home or yard. Where only you know of it's place & contents.
√ Flour 🍞
√ Yeast
√ Rice🥡
√ Oatmeal
√ Canned "everything" -Meats🍖, seafood🍤🐟, poultry 🐔Soups🥣, diced tomatoes,🍅 veggies🌽, fruits🍍🍊🍒 (w/o syrup have a longer shelf life.)
√ Don't tell anyone how well you're stocked.
More than likely, if there's a whole lotta people starving out there. Chances are they will snatch and grab "YOUR" provisions. 😯 Just like the entitled Mob at Walmart, Target and Large City Malls.
🙏✌️ & 🍀 Ya-All
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abihastastybeans · 1 year
luna lovegood 🍍
Hello friend! Thanks for the ask😊
Favourite thing about them
There's a lot I love about Luna Lovegood! Right off my head - this is very basic but - one of my favourite things about her is how she's unapologetically herself! Because sometimes when you yourself try to be like that, there's a tiny voice in your head that says that people probably judge you but Luna doesn't seem to care! It was a very important lesson for 15 year old Abi😁
Least favourite thing about them
I would have to be heartless to say something bad about Luna, she's an actual angel hahahah (maybe I'll come back to this when something comes to my mind!)
Favourite line
"I enjoyed the meetings, too. It was like having friends." -> ripped my heart out when i read it
Ginny & Luna! Listen. As much as I find the idea of Linny to be very cute, I just can't get behind it! It's just not for me, I think. But! The friendship between them is so sweet! Ginny being protective over Luna and Luna providing that sense of carelessness (especially after what Ginny went through) and cheery girlhood is just lovely :')
Luna/Rolf Scamander😁😁 (Yes I'm following the canon) Luna, to me, feels like the kind of person who needs a common ground about something she loves with a person she would have to build a relationship with. Besides, in my Next Gen phase I read multiple fics with Lorcan and Lysander being friends with or dating the Potter/Weasley kids xD so it's just familiar territory
Harry/Luna - I'm a firm believer that Harry needs someone with a 'stronger personality' than Luna's to be his partner. Luna and Harry are better as friends because she genuinely gets him in certain cases where even Ron and Hermione don't. And watching her doing things her own way would've helped Harry immensely, I'm pretty sure
Random Headcanon
She was the Favourite Adult for all the next gen kids when they were little because she talks to them seriously and shares many little facts that their parents don't know about (so that the kids can go tell those facts to their parents. They like that.)
Unpopular Opinion
I didn't like the way Hermione treated her :p Like, i get it, we were supposed to think that Luna was the "wierd" girl but I really didn't like the way it was done (even though Luna gets her moments and we learn that she's important)
Song i associate with them
I haven't really thought about this😅 But for the sake of this ask - "room of requirement" from the Original Soundtrack for OotP!! It's so whimsical and reminds me of Luna
Favourite picture of them
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This one because Lavender has absolutely no chill and Luna's just there, all zen xD
Send me a character and I'll answer these questions
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Hello, hello! If it’s ok Val, may I request a SFW love reading with Izou x gn!reader with the Angel Inspiration deck? Thank you so much and have a lucky pineapple for hosting this 🍍🥺
Hello Hello Anon dear!!! Yess of Course I can do this for you!!! Anything for Izou!!! Omg a lucky pineapple *gladly accepts the lovely pina* Thank you so much anon you are so sweet. 🥺The cards that popped out were Speaking From the Heart and Forgiveness: Allow yourself to be open share with other on how you truly feel. You may have done something you regretted to someone, its best to be honest with them and yourself. This could also be the other way around as well. If they truly want to fix things actions speak louder than words. I hope you enjoy!!!♥️
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Izou x Gn Reader: I'm staying For Good SFW
warning: none
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You didn’t expect to fall in love all over again when you laid eyes on the man you thought you would never see again. He remembered the home you live in. Something came over you immediately hugging him and not letting go. Izou’s arms wrapped around you he felt you trembling. His hand rubbing your back. “I’m sorry _______.” You both didn’t want it to end due to unforeseen circumstances you both agreed to end the relationship. It was really hard on your the first few weeks. You couldn’t stop thinking about him and when you did the happy memories made you cry. “Why are you here?” your voice was shaky.
“To come back to the place I know where I felt most at peace,” Izou responded softly. “After all these years you haven’t changed one bit…. I missed you.”
Picking your head up looking at his dark orbs seeing  his red painted lips had a small smile. The wind was blowing izou tucked touch hair behind your ear. “You haven’t either Izou. Are you going to leave anytime soon?” feeling your heart pounding against your chest.
“I don’t plan on leaving you again. That was a mistake I could never forgive myself from making the first time. But I want to make it up this time with you ________. Are you willing to give it a try again?” his hands were placed on your cheeks. Izou never stopped thinking about you since the day he left. He did keep a small picture of you with him wherever he went when he would look at it he would never forget the way you laughed it still imprinted in his mind.
“I am Izou that’s all I ever wanted…I prayed that you would come back when the time was right. You were someone I couldn’t replace in this world, you were my better half.” you did a weak chuckle. Izou leaned in just for a moment as your lips connected with his. The familiar sensation you felt all those years ago still gave you butterflies in your stomach. His hands were still cupping your cheeks. ‘You don’t know how long I’ve waited to feel you lips against mines’ you thought to yourself. Emotions were flooding your mind as you felt a tear fall from your eye. Your hands clenched onto the kimono he was wearing. As your lips parted from one anothers, Izou opening his eyes to  the stain of the tear on your face. His thumb wiping the mark off your face “I hope that was a happy tear.” the corner of his mouth curled up.
“Yes, its just I cant believe you here infront of me. Sorry my emotions go the best of me.” you let out a awkward laugh. “Lets go inside it starting to get cold out here. Both you in Izou entered the warm home. Izou looked around everything was how he remembered. He overall felt at ease knowing he was going to live out the rest of his life with you. You would be the first person he sees in the morning and the last person when he closes his eyes.
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Tagging: @undercoverweeeb @kristaline2dmensimp @fireflykaizoku
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yostresswritinggirl · 4 years
Community Masterlist
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E M O J I - A N O N S
8 1 : (🥗) (🌵) (👀) (🧪) (🧪✨) (💧) (👁️👄👁️) (🐞) (🌌) (🐟) (💠) (🌠) (🐰) (⚓) (🦉) (🌼) (🍊) (🍣) (🌟) (⭐) (💜) (🍙) (🦸‍♀️) (🐳) (🐄) (🥝) (🌰) (🥞) (🌸) (🎃) (🍁) (🥨) (💫) (✨) (🦋) (💥) (☄️) (🍆) (❄️) (🖤) (🧚‍♀️) (🐥) (🏃‍♂️) (🕺) (🍷) (🗿) (🦑) (🐝) (🌺) (🗡️) (🦊) (🎐) (🍵) (🍒) (🍍) (🍓) (🐛) (🥤) (🍡) (🍂) (🌷) (💎) (🍤) (🍀) (🎻) (💦) (🎲) (🚽) (🌈) (🍺) (⚔️) (💛) (🎨) (👨‍🚀) (⚜️) (🥢) (🐇) (🦦) (💀) (🌪️) (🍎)
N A M E D - A N O N S
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N O N - A N O N T A G S
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Community Playlists - Tart
S U B M I S S I O N S - A R T
Xiao w Hu Tao hat edit - Myuu
Lady Osial / Sketch - Bunz
Innamorata Fanart - Lufurus
Lady Oceanid - Lato
Osial Art w/ Oceanid - Rei
Oceanid x Kaeya - Rei
Oceanid 2 - Rei
Innamorata Fanart - Aminosh-h-h
Durin and Dvalin - Rei
Wholesome Xiao Doodle - tiger lily anon
Abyss Herald - Rei
Andrius - Rei
Pervases 2 3 - Rei
Pervases gift - Rei
Geovishap - Rei
Venti Cosplay - Jean anon
Hu Tao's ghost - Rei
Minthe OC - anon 💠
Dancer Xiao - nyomdumb
Xingqiu's Older Brother - Rei
Hot Pervases - Rei
Abyss Mages - Rei
Osial - anon 🍡
Exiled Fanart - Cherry
Diluc / Reader - Matcha
Blood Money Fanart (Albedo/Reader) - Lily
Oceanid - anon 🍡
Venti Sketch - anon 🐝
Chongyun and Anabelle - tiger lily anon
Klee Winter Outfit Sketch - Jean anon
Childe Sketch - Ascher
Abyss Mage - Oreo
Exiled and Tiny Miracle - Lehra
Electro Hypostasis - anon 🍡
Glaze Lily - Cilly
Dayflower Seelie - anon 🍡
Boo Tao - Cherry
Human Mora - anon 🦉
Cryo Regisvine - Starry
Human Oz - anon 🍡
Exiled Fanart - Tartuu
Mother's Day Fanart - Lehra
🥗 Anon Fanart - Tart
🐟 Anon Fanart - Tart
Rei Fanart - Tart
Mugshot Tart Fanart - Cherry
Mugshot Chuuni and Cherry Fanart - Cherry
Exiled Fanart - Tart
Nilou Fanart - Chuu
Kasala Fanart - Rei
Cyno Fanart - Tofuxiaociao
S U B M I S S I O N S - F I C S
Sweet Dream (Xiao/Reader) - tiger lily anon
Seafood (Childe/Reader) - tiger lily anon
Oceanid Sacrifice - anon 🦉
Yandere Red Xiao - anon 🥗
Mora Meat (Ningguang/Reader) - anon 🦉
Intoxicated (Beidou/Reader) - anon 🦉
Dont Take My Sunshine Away (Childe/Reader) - Anon 🥗
Freedom, At Last (Venti Drabble) - Forgetful Anon
Universe Reversal Headcanons (Reversal Cast/Reader) - anon 🐞
Scholars' Chit Chat Prologue 1 2 (Cyno/Reader) - Snowdrop Anon
Modern Band AU (Genshin Impact Cast) - Crocus Anon
I'll Protect You This Time (Xiao/Reader) - Anon 🥗
Dream Sight (Xiao/Reader) - Anon 🥗
Lantern Flame (Xiao/Reader) - Anon 🐥
I hope to see you again in the future, Teach (Childe/Reader) - Anon 🥗
I Thought I Would Never See You Again... (Xiao/Reader) - Anon 🥗
Where Your Heart Stays (Hilichurl/Salad) - Anon 🥗
Big Deal In His Small Hands (Dainsleif/Reader ft. Teth) - genshin-idiot
Minthe x Cyno - anon 💠
Diluc / Reader - Matcha
Xiao / Reader - あのん
The End of the Tunnel (Abyss Prince Aether/Reader) - Clyde
Pervases and Xiao - anon 🧪✨
About Nightmares (Lumine/Aether) - Snowdrop
Big Sister Rosaria (Reader) - anon 🍀
Seelie Reader - あのん
Childe and Teucer Angst - anon 🗿
Nilou x Eremite Clearwater 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 - Kaida
What The Heart Offers Sequel - Cyno lovebot anon
H E I G H T WA R S - A U
: The proud expatriates, exiled community; from the land of the exiled.
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angelbat3s · 27 days
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rrebel-ppineapple · 7 years
Purposely Really Cheesy Pick-Up Lines Chapter 1
Like I said hedgehogs, I was bringing “Purposely Really Cheesy Pick-Up Lines” to Tumblr! (Picture and song isn’t mine, cress to owner)
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The Classics, Part 1
Ah, where can one go wrong with the classic pick-up lines you see in movies? The answer? Never! So here’s fifty classic cheesy pick-up lines!
1. I’d better get my library card out cause I’m checking you out!
2. Excuse me, but I think I dropped something. My jaw!
3. Did it hurt when you fell from heaven, cause you’re an angel.
4. You with all those curves! And me with no breaks!
5. Do you have any raisins? How about a date?
6. Do you have a map? Cause I keep on getting lost in your eyes.
7. Is there an airport near by? Or is that just my heart taking off?
8. What’s your sign?
9. Excuse me but I’m new in town, can I have directions to your place?
10. I hope you know CPR cause you take my breath away!
11. I lost my phone number, can I have yours?
12. Do you have a mirror in your pocket, cause I can see myself in your pants.
13. You know what will look great on you? Me.
14. If I could rearrange the alphabet, I’d put U and I together.
15. Can I borrow a quarter? I want to call my mom and tell her I’ve just met the girl of my dreams.
16. Your legs must be tired cause you’ve been running through my mind all day.
17. I didn’t know angels could fly so low!
18. Is it hot in here or just you?
19. Was your father a thief? Cause someone stole the stars and put them in your eyes.
20. If I said you had a beautiful body would you hold it against me?
21. Do you come here often?
22. What’s a nice girl doing here in a place like this?
23. Where have you been all my life?
24. Hey how you doin’?
25. If kisses were snowflakes I’d send you a blizzard.
26. How much does a polar bear weigh? Enough to break the ice.
27. You spend a lot of time in my dreams, I should charge you rent.
28. Do you have a band-aid, I hurt my knee when I fell for you.
29. You must be the cause of global warming.
30. I bit my lip, can you kiss it better?
31. When I see you my heart races, I hope I win the race.
32. I’m drunk. I’m intoxicated by you.
33. Your eyes are as blue as the waters I dumped my ex in.
34. If you gave me a penny for my thoughts, I’d only have one penny cause the only thought is of you.
35. Have we met before?
36. You’re a magician. Every time I look at you the room disappears.
37. If you take me home will you keep me?
38. I have lost my teddy bear. Can I sleep with you?
39. If home is where the heart is then home is with you.
40. Are you sure you’re not a microwave cause you make my heart melt.
41. Do you believe in love at first sight or do you want me to walk by you once again?
42. You don’t need a car to drive me crazy.
43. Can I get you a drink?
44. I know someone likes you a lot. If I wasn’t so shy I would tell you who it was.
45. Are you a parking ticket, cause you’ve got FINE written all over you!
46. Do you have a name or can I call you mine?
47. You must be a broom cause you swept me off my feet.
48. You must be sunshine cause you are lighting up my world.
49. I don’t know if anyone has told you this, but you look like my next girlfriend.
50. My doctor says I need more vitamins. I need more vitamin U.
Remember people, don’t force your “target” to kiss you or anything, cause if they truly don’t want you, you two might not be right for each other. Don’t do anything stupid, and don’t force them to do something they don’t want to do. Good luck!
Hope you hedgehogs 🦔 like it! Pineapple out! 🍍
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iwozlegit · 5 months
|| 🍍• Could you imagine being all geared up to watch, laugh, and love on-screen Huskerdust only to get fucking La La Land-ed with a fucking unexpected plot twist that they’re seemingly made for each other but something changes and we then see them meeting each other years later?
Concept/image/mini-fic in more detail below ⬇️
Angel Dust is free of Val and visiting a bar which just so happens to have a certain cat, still chained to his master, tickling the ivories to a small bar crowd.
The sweet sombre melody of Loser, Baby floats around the bar, an unusual air in a Hell nightclub.
Angel, in his own little world, settles by the bar and orders his drink. A classic Sex on the Beach. A usual of his. Though, upon tasting it, it’s not massively to his tastes, and he opts to twirl it before his eyes wondering how and why they haven’t tasted like the dreamy ones of his memories.
Trapped in the midst of his recollections, Angel begins swaying along to the bar’s live music, feeling a welcoming warmth wash over him after a long day.
And slowly, very slowly, Angel begins to awaken to the warmth of the melody - it’s familiar. It’s personal. The feeling reminds him of coming home. And all at once, the cogs finally find their rhythm, and the reflections illuminated on his glass cast a vista he never thought he’d see again.
There he is. After all this time. After everything. There. He. Is. Tickling the ivories in a dingy dive bar to the notes of their song, and serenading sinners to the ode of them. Of everything they were. Of everything they almost became.
Eventually, Angel brings himself to turn around and behold the cat for himself; lower hands coming together to fidget as they always did as his upper hands endeavour to steady themself around the stem of the forgotten drink.
He should leave, he thinks. He hates how that is his first thought upon seeing Husk after so long. Pay up quietly, discreetly, and walking straight back up the stairs to the street. He knows in that moment at least that he’s changed from who he once was upon arrival to Hell, and, later to the hotel. He doesn’t have to pretend about anything, he tells himself. He’s not about the pretending lifestyle anymore, right?
Half settled on his decision, he downs the sugary beverage as he stands - striving to convince himself the building burn in his throat is just the drink and nothing more - and places the cash plus change to a little too harshly onto the bar.
The coinage rattles, spilling in all directions, and Angel fumbles and curses to catch the bits that clatter to the floor.
It takes him far longer to pick up that which has been spilled. He hates that. He hates how the music stills prematurely to a stop, and he hates how his eyes begin to burn in sync to the discomfort of his throat. He hates how he feels the bar looking even though they likely aren’t, and he hates how of all the eyes he’s convinced are staring, there’s only one that overpowers them all.
Swallowing around the unease, Angel stands, placing the change onto the bar with a silent “sorry,” and moves slowly towards the exit.
The eyes follow him. Their warmth blessedly familiar. A small part of Angel wishes they hadn’t. A much larger part relaxes against their power, mesmerising and strong, but not forceful. They never had been. Not so long ago, yet long enough potentially forget, those eyes had skilfully unravelled him with a care that help ignite a sense of urgency within him to change. The final straw on the camel’s back some would say. The catalyst.
His catalyst.
Angel stifled a sob as he paused at the stair’s handrail, or was it a laugh? He told himself it was a laugh and smiled around the spikiness of the unusual happy sadness.
After all this time. After everything. Angel was happy to say goodbye again. Because it wasn’t really a goodbye. It was also a hello.
And reassured, he turns, and he smiles, hoping it’s convincing even though he knows his cheeks are damp.
So many words.
So many memories.
So many what-could-have-been scenarios swirling amongst the thick air.
Husk merely blinks at him, finally acknowledged. And then, like heaven in hell, Husk smiles. His ‘Angel’ smile. That soft, gentle lidded sort of smile that enlarged the heart details above his brows and etched the motions of his crusty old heart for all to see. Ever the respectful Husker, man of honour and integrity that warmed Angel in ways no hands or bodies ever could, and likely never would.
How lucky he’d been. How happy he’d been.
They hold the look for longer than they should have, this they both know…
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…And then Angel Dust leaves, smiling as their song picks up again to serenade wayward sinner couples, who were none the wiser that two passing ships reunited for one last time…
How beautiful life could be…even in death.
(Should I like actually write this in more detail and post it? Would anyone even read something like this??)
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angelbat3s · 2 months
Me activities:
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I have really bad heat exhaustion why does this always happen ;(
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angelbat3s · 27 days
Don’t die whiplash fandom I’m sorry it’s been awfully quiet since I left… NOT THE FANDOM!!! I MEAN TUMBLR
um I really hope I wasn’t the cause of making it rise again and If I was then I can see why people went silent
Sorry I’ve been going through some shit so I’ll be back when I’m normal again /gen
In the meantime I’ll be binge watching the sopranos because holy moly I love Christopher
Again… whiplash fandom..
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angelbat3s · 1 month
Everyone point and laugh at my Ex friend who literally said I was the cause of their depression because I don’t have thr same interests as them anymore and I can’t be online all the time!😂😂😂
Also at the fact that they said I don’t give a shit about them after i literally would comfort them every day! 😂😂
Aw man I can’t this is peak comedy. I’ll take this post down soon 🤑
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