#angel skizz save me
v1neyy · 26 days
Angel Skizzleman who knows when his friends need support because… he’s an angel.
Something in his gut telling him he needs to check on Impulse right now, so he goes and is met with a teary imp who just had a nightmare. He spends the night with his buddy wrapped up in his arms and wings after cradling him through his sobs and vows to always show up when he is needed.
The need to go see Tango nagging at him relentlessly, when he finally gives in and flies to Tango’s base he finds the blaze in the midst of a panic attack. He chugs a fire resistance potion that he didn’t even realize he brought and steps into the fire consuming his friend, helping Tango calm his breathing and talking through what happened.
He needs to visit Zedaph like an itch that needs to be scratched, so he does and finds Zed working himself silly, so hyperfocused he’d been neglecting self care. He forces the lamb to stop and take a break, shoving him into the shower and cooking a meal to share.
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sophieeee0105 · 9 months
I just want to discuss how throughout the life series, Etho’s episodes 4, 5 and 6 are always just constant fricking chaos for absolutely no reason.
third life:
Episode 4: he launches multiple missiles at the crastle, stealing his redstone back each time and is then blamed for being apart of Grian’s triple kill
episode 5 +6 (well session 5 + 6) were in episode 5: he made the Dorito walls, then death my firing squad occurred, then he made an enderporter, launched a tnt cannon at the crastle as a distraction, (also joined dowarts officially during this), and also was part of pizza’s murder, then had his castle burned down for the first time, then got sniped by Scar for tryna steal stuff from the desert (cuz his enderporter broke), and then had the entire bit of being terrified of Cleo despite being the only red in the conversation
last life:
Episode 4: Was genuinely a menance the whole episode using invisibility pots to sneak around peoples bases, and also stole the brewing stand from Cleo’s body in full view of like 4 people
episode 5: had to deal with a red roommate, no tango and also being the boogeyman, and made an enemy of scar in the process
episode 6: whatever the stack kill carnage was, bdubs boogey betrayal, tango rage crystal which became Etho’s rage crystal where he threatened 3 reds, ultimately getting skizz killed after a failed tnt cannon
double life:
Episode 4: fishing rodding the warden, near death via attempted entrance of mineshaft, death by fishing rod, murder of Pearl, near death by witch, threatening of grian and scar, becoming successful hitmen killing the ranchers
episode 5: the red army, skulk sensor trap kill, THE SHIP BURNS EVERYTHING BURNS
episode 6: red army attempt 2, literally wanting Scott dead the entire episode, Etho and bdubs cannot be separated and everyone knows that and deals with it as the server splits in two, death by trapped portal
limited life:
episode 4: green hunting day, “thank you Joel you saved me so now I can kill you”, failed attempt at trapping Scott’s bed, ETHO IS WASHED UP CONVERSATION
episode 5: blowing up bread bridge and his children, awkward family supper
episode 6: dies multiple times (mainly to his son or his own stupidity) and generally doesn’t have a good day, bucket clutches multiple times, kills scar with a fishing rod
secret life
episode 4: fails listening comprehension with Martyn, aha meme with Jimmy and becomes like an uncle tryna fit in with the kids
episode 5: be nice to bdubs day, weeping angel task causing way too many problems, somehow getting involved with the tag task because of bdubs, pearl’s hot potato book and his inability to return it to her
episode 6: bringing a warden to the surface while everyone else goes about their day normally, get set on fire but Pearl for seemingly no reason, becomes friends with Jimmy who was feral to half the server, the wither and warden fight in the centre of the server, killing 2 reds and he succeeds his hard task
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for mwarch: Skizzpulse 20? secret relationship skizzpulse will save me :3
teehee yesyes i will oblige very much so
i loved writing this so much and may write more with this dynamic uwu :3 I HOPE U LIKE IT AS MUCH AS I LOVED WRITING IT
PRONOUNS imp: he/him/his/himself | ce/cir/cirs/cirself | te/tyr/tyrs/tymself skizz: he/him/his/himself | ey/em/eir/emself | ae/aer/aers/aerself
word count: 786 (holy shit i entered a fugue state what happened)
Impulse hooked one of the window slats on his claw and peeked down into the streets. The city was completely quiet at night. Bdubs was nowhere to be found and few seldom visited this late.
A bright white flash streaked through the sky and landed gingerly on the sidewalk. The figure was lightly luminescent, looking around the streets and then down at a piece of paper they held in their hands.
It took a while for them to find the place indicated on the paper. They slipped into the door at the bottom of the building Impulse watched from.
Impulse's pointed tail flicked back and forth in excitement as ce waited. A few minutes later, the door to the small apartment opened a crack and a soft white light streamed through.
"Imp? Ya in here bud?" Skizz asked from behind the door.
Impulse couldn't help but let out a deep purr at the sound of aers voice. He pulled the door fully open and swung his arms around Skizz.
Skizz laughed as ey stumbled back against the weight of eir partner, "Woah there, I haven't even stepped in the door!" Ey fluttered their glowing wings.
Impulse hung with tys arms around Skizz's neck, "I missed you," te said with a faux-pout. "We haven't gotten to be together in so long."
Skizz ran his hands through Impulse's hair, settling his fingers around cir horn. A contented rumble escaped cir throat as Skizz nuzzled into cir hair. Skizz's ordinarily silent aura shimmered faintly into view and emanated a happy thrum.
"Finally alone, though. No one around to find us out," Skizz said.
Impulse grabbed Skizz's hands and pulled aer across the room. Impulse flopped over the side arm of the couch, dragging Skizz over the edge with him.
Skizz yelled as ey went tumbling on top of Impulse, landing with a thud. Impulse grunted with a smile on cir face, laughing with Skizz.
Skizz's wings came to rest over both of them. They stared into each other's eyes, blanketed in Skizz's soft angelic light. The world outside the window wasn't important. Not when they had each other's eyes.
Vibrant azure. Shimmering gold.
Impulse raised his hand to Skizz's face, tracing a line down from aers temple to aers cheek. Pressing his claw against aers skin with just enough force to make Skizz melt.
Skizz sank into Impulse and met his lips to tyrs. Impulse was warm, hot even, in a way Skizz never felt except when he was with tyr.
Impulse threaded cirs hand through Skizz's hair and pulled em deeper into the kiss. Eir lips were cool, freezing even, in a way Impulse never felt except when ce was with em.
They eased into each other's touch. Every time, it was a slight shock to feel just how opposite they were. Every time, it got easier to give in. It got easier for Skizz to submit to Impulse's warmth, it got easier for Impulse to embrace Skizz's chill.
The kiss felt like it lasted for hours. The only light in the room was emanating from Skizz's wings, which had wrapped around Impulse. Impulse responded in kind, tangling cirs tail around Skizz's leg.
The only sound in the room was Impulse's demonic purrs and the faint pleased hum of Skizz's angelic aura.
That is until there was a knock at the door. Impulse and Skizz instantly separated, staring at each other with wide-open panicked eyes.
"Where do I go???" Skizz whispered urgently, jumping to eir feet.
"Uhh.. Uhm," Impulse looked around as ce stood up off of the couch.
"I thought no one would know about this place!" Skizz said.
The knock came again. Impulse's heart started beating out of tyrs chest.
"Just stay behind the door!" Impulse said.
Skizz stood flat against the wall, aers aura going silent but aer wings growing in brightness.
Impulse swung open the door, "Gem! Heyy.. What's up?"
Gem's ears flapped, "Was just going by on my nighttime flight... And thought I'd ask you if you could help me with a redstone thingy in the morning," Fae said.
"Oh! Yeah, uh- Sure thing!" Impulse replied with an awkward chuckle.
"Were you talking to someone?" Gem raised faer eyebrow while fae looked around in the apartment.
"Nope! Just me haha! I come up here when I need some peace and quiet," Impulse said, a bit louder than te intended.
Gem's eyes fell on the gap between the door and the carpet, where Skizz's light was peeking through. Her expression dropped into a smug look, "Alright, Impulse. You have fun being alone with your peace and quiet," She chuckled and left.
Impulse closed the door, revealing Skizz staring at him.
"So fae..."
"And fae's going to..."
"We are never going to live this down, Dippledop."
"Just shut up and kiss me again."
the intention is that gem is going to mercilessly tease them, not out their relationship before they're ready
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all54321 · 10 months
Secret Life Session 8 Task List
<Previous Session] [Master List] [Next Session>
Each task is directly quoted from the book.
With most of the server red and that number increasing, this will take longer to update, since I’ll have to watch a lot of videos to get all the tasks. If I miss a red task please tell me.
I am now separating each person with tildes because with reds getting multiple tasks it’ll be easier to see what tasks someone has.
Bdubs Red Task 1: Kill a green name with a trap of any kind.
Etho: You are the silent server hero. You must protect other yellow players from traps and damage. - You succeed if you are able to save a player from significant damage (more than 2 hearts) at least 3 times.
Etho Red Task 1: Get another player to look at an enderman.
Etho Red Task 2: Create a damaging trap in someone’s base. You succeed when it’s unintentionally triggered. If it’s discovered, you must make a new one. You can make multiple until one is triggered successfully.
Etho Red Task 3: Do any amount of damage with a dripstone (Must be placed)
Gem Red Task 1: Eliminate at least 3 non-red horses or all of a player’s wolves.
Gem Red Task 2: Mine a big hole underground then spleef a player into taking damage into it.
Gem Red Task 3: Add berry bushes anywhere and everywhere. Cause someone to get pricked by one. You can punch people into the bushes if you need to.
Gem Red Task 4: Cause a Player to take fall damage of over 1 heart.
Scar: You must sabotage at least 3 red player’s bases without being seen. You can hide their stuff, destroy farms or burn things. If you are caught, you fail.
Scar Red Task 1: Dig mant 1x1 holes at least 15 blocks deep in high traffic areas until someone falls in one. Hide them with tall grass.
Grian: A fallen player is your ghostly angel, they will secretly guide you through this episode, you must do what they say. You fail if anyone asks if you are talking to someone else. They will contact you using ethereal means to set up a means of conversation.
Martyn Red Task 1: Find a red name with at least 20 hearts. Take approximately 10 of them in any way you see fit. If there are none, damage any player for at least 5 hearts.
Martyn Red Task 2: Go invisible and punch a green life off a cliff. They must take at least 3 hearts of damage.
Pearl: During this session, you must leave conversations in a creative way. You pass when you have successfully left 8 conversations or encounters in a different manner. You can leave conversations as normal, but it will not count towards your al goal.
Skizz Red Task 1: Kill a green name by any means. They can fight back once you have initiated combat.
Scott: You are a bad spy. You must listen in on red players’ plans, but convey bad intel to your fellow yellow players. You must give at least 3 significant false intel such as incorrect targets or intentions. At least one of the bad intel must be acted upon by another player.
Joel Red Task 1: Fire arrows from an unenchanted bow continuously at GoodTimeWithScar until they deflect with a shield. If they die you also succeed.
Joel Red Task 2: Build an explosive under a high traffic area. Detonate it from afar when a conversation is happening. If you deal any damage, you succeed.
Joel Red Task 3: Build a TNT cannon and successfully hit a base from at least 50 blocks.
Joel Red Task 4: You must damage a yellow or green player by firing a bow straight up into the air. The angle can not be below roughly 70 degrees.
Joel Red Task 5: Tame at least 5 wolves and use them to deal damage to a non red.
Joel Red Task 6: Use redstone to damage a non-red player. You can not hit the, with the item, it must be a machine or trap of some kind.
Tango Red Task 1: Enderpearl into a conversation, deal as much as you can to as many players, if you are hit or they all run away, enderpearl away.
Cleo: From supergratmonkey: You are a secret Santa. You have to randomize who is naughty and nice on the server. You must give a gift to all nice players and pull a trick, damage or steal from naughty players. You can not do the same gift/trick twice in the session.
BigB Red Task 1: Summon a mob using an egg to deal any damage to any green
BigB Red Task 2: Strike a deal with a non-red to cause at least 3 hearts of damage to another non-red. You succeed when they have dealt the damage.
BigB Red Task 3: Go invisible and hit at least 5 different people with a sword within 1 minute without being hit back.
BigB Red Task 4: Cause a player to take suffocation damage of any kind.
Impulse: During this session, you must enter conversations in a creative way. You pass when you have successfully entered 8 different conversations or encounters in a different manner. You can enter conversations as normal, but it will not count towards your final goal.
Note: In tasks specifying a green life, it now applies to a yellow life.
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secretkittywolf · 8 months
High Life
Chapter 7
Grian arrived at Jimmy's penthouse and finds an unconscious Scar. "What did you do?!" "I... knocked him out?" "Tim! Are you serious? You could've killed him! We only have one life, remember?" Jimmy looks down as Grian's wings flap all over the place, his chest was puffed out and he was squawking angrily as Bdubs looks with confusion. "Uh.... What'd he say?" "He's mad that I knocked Scar out" translates Jimmy. "Ah okay. I just don't understand squawks" Grian lets out a huff and picks up Scar. He glares at Jimmy before leaving, muttering "Stupid Tim" and "He's such an idiot" and other insults. "Well, thank you Jimmy for saving me and -hopefully- Scar and I'll bid you adieu" Bdubs smiles. "See ya, Bdubs" The shorter male left, leaving Jimmy alone. "How was I supposed to know that I could've killed him? I'm not a doctor! I know bits of first aid, but had to wing it when it came to removing the bullet" The canary sits down in a armchair and lets out a long sigh. He soon feels his comm buzz and takes it out.
Skizz: Hey Jimmy!
Jimmy: Hi
Tango: Okay something's up.
Jimmy: What do you mean?
Skizz: You normally put a smiley face at the end of every "Hi" message. What's wrong?
Jimmy: Nothing
Tango: That's it. We're coming over
Jimmy: What?!
Skizz: Send us your coordinates now and we'll be with you shortly
Jimmy sighs and sends them his coordinates. He then begins to tidy up as the two make their way to Jimmy. As Skizz gets closer to Jimmy's a hand lands on his shoulder. "Hey Skizz" he freezes. "Oh, hey Scott" he turns around, quickly kissing him. Scott begins to kiss back but Skizz pulls away before things could go further. "Sorry, I'm in a bit of a hurry" "Gonna try and get your motive done?" Questions Scott. "Something like that, yeah" he lies. Scott frowns. He knew that was a lie. He was going to see Jimmy and Tango. "Well I won't keep you from doing your motive. Love you!" He grabs Skizz by the cheeks and kisses him. Skizz was slightly startled as he felt Scott's arms wrap around his neck, deepening the kiss. He kisses his boyfriend back which lead to a short makeout session. "Okay, now I really have to go" Skizz chuckles, pulling away. Scott playfully pouts removing his arms. "Okay okay" Skizz quickly kisses him on the cheek and runs off "See you later!" As the angel leaves, Scott's happy nature disappears instantly.
"See you later, you cheater" Scott walks away, annoyed and angry on how Skizz could do something like this. Was it him? Was he not a good enough boyfriend? His thoughts began to fill with so many questions as he walks closer to Impulse's. "Maybe Impulse is down for a chat? Or maybe something to eat" He walks inside the building, sending Impulse a message before making his way to the penthouse. "Hello Scott!" smiles the imp. "Fancy grabbing something to eat?" He asks. "Sure! I could eat" Scott smiles and the two head down and out into the city. They make it to a café and sit down at a table. "So what's wrong?" Impulse asks. "Wrong? Nothing's wrong. Wh- What are you talking about?" Impulse gives Scott a 'Are you serious?' look. "Fine. Yes something's wrong" "What is it? Come on, tell old Impulse what's up" "SkizzandIloveeachotherbutIfeellikeheprefersJimmyandTango,butinsteadoftellingmethathedoesn'tlovemeanymore,hegoesofftobewiththem,leavingmealoneandangryandIjustreallywanttoknowwhy!Whythem?IsitsomethingI'vedone?HaveIdoneorsaidsomethingthatmadehimmadatme? Have I-"
A hand covers his mouth. "Woah! Slow down, Scott. You're talking at like x 5 speed. Take a deep breath and repeat it again, slowly" Scott listens and takes a deep breath and Impulse's hand is removed. "Skizz and I love each other but I feel like he prefers Jimmy and Tango, but instead of telling me that he doesn't love me anymore, he goes off to be with them, leaving me alone and angry and I just really want to know why! Why them? Is it something I've done? Have I done or said something that made him mad at me?" repeats Scott, slower so Impulse can understand him. "Okay, wow. That is a lot" Scott nods as their food appears. "And just today, he quickly kisses me then pulls away before I can kiss back. He lies to me and then makes out with me. I'm so confused!" Impulse watches as Scott stabs his steak with a fork before tearing off a chunk with his teeth. "You can cut it, you know? You don't have to eat it like an animal" "I'm mad" A pair of hands land on top of his. Impulse's hands are larger than his. He thought they'd be rough, but they're soft, as he guides Scott's hands to cut the steak.
"I know you're mad. But how do you know that Skizz is cheating on you? Have you seen them kiss or go on dates? You can't just base it off on assumptions. If you saw them making out then yes, I'd completely understand your anger, but if you're so worried, why not talk to Skizz? I'm sure he'd be willing to explain everything" Scott watches as his cheeks get cupped and looks at Impulse. "I know Skizz and he wouldn't do something like that. Just trust me okay?" Scott couldn't help but smile. Impulse was such a sweetheart. "Okay. I'll trust you and talk to him. But if I'm right, you owe me" Impulse chuckles as he removes his hands. "Fair enough" The two continue talking about anything and everything. Scott felt relaxed with Impulse, like he does when he's with Jimmy -or was- and Martyn. The imp was very kind and lovely but can also be quite scary too when he's a red name. He could make a good ally.
At Jimmy's penthouse, Tango and Skizz arrive and find the canary in his room. "Okay Jimmy, what's up?" The blazeborn asks, sitting down next to the canary. "Scar and Bdubs approached me as Doc was trying to kill them, so I offered them shelter here, but they both got shot. I tried to help Scar out and sent a message to Grian to give me a hand, but he wasn't responding, so I took matters into my own hand which resulted in him getting angry at me" he admits, sighing again. "Doc is trying to kill players again?! First Ren and Cleo and now Bdubs and Scar? We best watch our backs or we could be next" Skizz places a hand into Jimmy's shoulder, pulling the canary closer to him. "Don't beat yourself up. You were only helping" Jimmy hums an agreement. "Yeah. Skizz is right, Jim. Don't beat yourself up" Tango leans in and kisses Jimmy, as the canary wraps his arms around him. Skizz couldn't help but smile at the two. "Don't think you're going to be left out!" Jimmy turns around and kisses the angel. Skizz knows it's wrong. He knows he shouldn't kiss them, but he feels so happy with them. He needs to talk with Scott.
Tango moves so he's behind Skizz and places kisses along the back of his neck. Jimmy pulls away and chirps, nestling his head in the crook of Skizz's neck and the angel kisses the top of his head. Tango kisses Skizz and the angel moves so he can hug Tango. The three lay in the bed together and for once, they were happy. Worries about the mad goat, the motives, the one life and death just seemed to vanish. They were happy and had each other. Unbeknownst to them, a certain starborn saw and begun to run away, tears pricking his eyes as they fall down his cheeks. He was right. Skizz was cheating on him.
Some Skizz/Scott and some Skizz/Jimmy/Tango and maybe some Impulse/Scott???? I'd love to hear some ship names since I can't think of any, same with Gem/Pearl and Gem/Cleo! The bold and italic text means avian language which is just squawks, chirps and tweets.
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starlightandroses · 21 days
"The Wardens of Tomorrow" Comiccc Part 2!!!!!
"7 minutes until the end" I'M STILL SCARED
Good to know Impulse isn't a total monster. I still hate him tho <3
Awww, Pearlo saving him <333
SKIZZ ARRIVAL!!! Mans too angelic for his own good tbh
And everybody gets their powers back!!! WOOO!!!!
"45 seconds" WAIT IT ISN'T OVER???
SCAR YOU CAN DO IT! YOU CAN DO IT SCAR! YOU'RE HOTGUY YOU CAN DO ANYTHING! I feel like my father watching his soccer game rn XD
HE DID ITTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OH SCAR LOST AN EYE. HOLY CRAP. Small price to pay I guess.
My GOSH that ending photo tho. GORGEOUS.
And now we're back to social media!!!! XD
Oh my gosh people are dressing in HG/CG Halloween costumes that's so cute-
For the person on 4suma wearing merch, I SO HOPE that it was the Scar Cubito shirt from Tibby's comic-
... I am not proud to admit that I clicked on the "Show all" button before realizing that there's no way that it would actually work. HGCZ artists show me the hidden piano Mumbo I Dare You (/hj)
The Heroicbrine story really got me ngl. I love how there's these completely minor characters that we only see as vehicles for the plot but they have so much life and personality to them. They're real people in this world who have their own stories and opinions and happy endings and I am so so in love with everything in this world <33333
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