#angel scouts
kittyspring-creates · 2 months
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Stay behind
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homkamiro · 4 months
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Me and my ability to get invested in a game that nobody knows about
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yume-fanfare · 12 days
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day 3 of torikasa week is promises! so, promessa? hsdlkjfhsldfjks
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Angel made it seem like they summoned Lucien, Faust would 100% say that, Auron def has another account to lurk, and Casper is silly
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Faust w cute nails, Scout hates it here, Al is done w people and Casper just wants their pen.
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elbydraws · 2 years
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Sailor Moon fanart
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wh40kartwork · 10 months
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Stalking Prey
by George Earl Abalayan
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rawrlands · 5 months
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Cupid’s Love
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glitteringpeachy · 3 months
Angels just wanna have FVN!
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Just a render I did for fun! Also the OG picture was originally supposed to have smiley faces but I got rid of them coz I thought they were too much. Here's the og though for those curious.
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Also heres the pic it's based on
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no-see-um-incorrect · 11 months
How I think the Yuurivoice boys and their listeners would be grocery shopping 
A little backstory I grew up, broke as fuck (still am) and my mom taught me how to get the most groceries to feed the most people with what you have. So let’s see how the Yuurivoice boys are when it comes to grocery shopping 
Man is literally rich 
he doesn’t budget. He just goes to the grocery store (let’s face it it’s probably Whole Foods) gets what he wants and leaves. If Rook lives with him it’s not that different they just get more stuff.  but he’s very particular on things that he buys. 
Not the price on anything like that no  he will sit there, staring at two packages of essentially the same butter  for like 15 minutes. And when rook asks what he’s doing.  he gives the excuse of.
“well, if it’s going to take up room in my fridge need to make sure it’s worth the space” 
My man, it is the same butter in a different packaging. 2/10
Lucien is like a child in the grocery store. He wants to touch everything he wants to look at everything he wants to get everything.
And unless it’s with like serious stuff Lucien doesn’t really know how to take no for an answer so somethings he actually succeeds in convincing Angel to get him when he wants.
angel has the problem of going to the grocery store when hungry. Causing them to buy a lot of extra snack things (that Lucien will just end up eating in one sitting anyway)
Lucien obviously gets a lot of looks when he goes grocery shopping by himself because 
I mean, he’s a big red demon with horns and a tail  it’s kind of hard not to stare. But the people at the local grocery store that they frequent kind of just accepted that that’s how he looks and he’s actually quite friendly with them. 5/10
(I am totally not biased because I kin Charlie  and because he’s my favorite I don’t know why you’d think that)
Charlie by himself is absolute Ass at shopping 
But when he goes with Casper, they’re the best duo for shopping. It’s like a game. One day out of the last week of the month when they both have the day off is when they go grocery shopping. 
Step one: wake up early in the morning, clear out all of the cabinets and the refrigerator of expired or uneaten food
Step two: use the rest of the afternoon to carve out a budget and a shopping list as well as a “reward budget”
(the reward budget is used to reward them if they go under budget and get all the groceries under the time limit that they set themselves)
Step three: night time.  one hour and 20 minutes before the store closes. Charlie sits in the cart with the grocery shopping list as well as a chart with the number of isles, and what is in each aisle. They have one hour to complete their grocery shopping.  if they complete it under the hour, they can use the rest of the remaining time and the reward fund.  check out the last 20 minutes. 
Absolute best at grocery shopping 10/10
These two both are a little dumb when it comes to grocery shopping. But they get the job done 
They eat a lot of the same things so they’ll get all of the ingredients they need or mixes they need in bulk  like
Bulk pancake mix, a pack of three jugs of milk(thank you Costco), a pack of salad mixes.
Unless Seth has a big meal planned or they’re going camping or they’re having guests over they mostly just get prepackaged things that are easy to whip up. overall pretty good at staying on budget and sticking to the list  7/10
Alphonse usually does the grocery shopping but when they go together  they do OK  decent is the word I would use to describe it. You see alphonse also has the problem of going to the grocery store hungry and boo Has to be the voice of reason. 
Sometimes Alphonse likes to forget that he has a candy shop so boo will look away for one minute and then he’s just gone. Boo will eventually find him in the candy aisle, comparing prices of taffy only to be reminded that he owns a candy shop.
Boo is not that much better…… they go in the baking aisle, and they will marvel over the new sprinkles or new piping tips  until Alphonse inevitably makes a dirty baking joke, and then they get their minds back on track.
Not the best for time, but not the worst when it comes to staying on budget and getting what they need 8/10
I am convinced these two don’t know what a grocery store is. Once again, he’s rich. he just orders food.  I don’t think he knows how to cook either.  so they just order food.  all the time. and it’s a very particular order to.  not to mention someone who looks like Faust is kind of hard to forget so most of the delivery drivers know him by name. 
One time they wanted pizza and Faust remembered seeing a guy talking to Auron in a Sweet Pete’s Pizza shirt,  so he ordered from there and he gets Charlie as a delivery boy 
Charlie: delivery from Sweet Pete’s pizzeria! I got a large cheese, and a-…….. oh my God…
Faust: well, if it isn’t my brothers little bitch boy
Charlie remembers this interaction very vividly and tends to avoid this address at all costs  
Overall 0/10 I think this man would vomit upon seeing a Walmart 
Finn /sunflower 
The only time that he really goes to the grocery store for big trips is during the winter and fall 
(he gets very overstimulated and anxious in grocery stores)
He grows a lot of the vegetables that he uses in his every day cooking  and buys a lot of other things like for baking or specific recipes in bulk specifically so he doesn’t have to go to the grocery store too often but when he does, it’s usually either in the winter time or an ingredients run/stock up 
 Him and sunflower will get ingredients to make certain baked goods and different tea blends  but he always seems to get distracted in the garden section. Sunflower hast to forcibly drag him out of the garden section…..it’s becoming a problem 
Sunflowers usually very productive with their shopping  but they often times get lost in the clothes section looking at stuff that Finn would look good in (provided that he doesn’t get it covered in dirt)
Overall, they’re pretty good at sticking to budget pretty good at sticking to their list  not that great on time (i’m not gonna hold it against them) 8/10
Hope you enjoyed  it’s really late when I’m posting this, but I wanted to give y’all a little something that wasn’t a shitpost. Have a good night stay hydrated eat a snack bye. 
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rivangel · 5 months
with how flexible and small levi is he could curl up like a pillbug and/or fit in a suitcase or something
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darrowfire15 · 3 months
TF2 Angels and Demons AU
- Heavy, an angel of Humility.
- Engineer, an angel of Kindness.
- Soldier, an angel of Temperance (and God's favorite).
- Demoman, an angel of Diligence.
- Cmedic, an angel of Chastity.
- Chemist [OC], a slightly tainted angel of Patience.
- Medic, a demon of Lust.
- Spy, a demon of Envy.
- Pyro, a demon of Gluttony.
- Sniper, a Fallen Angel of Greed.
- Scout, a demon of Pride.
- Cheavy, a fallen angel of Wrath.
Angels and demons cannot use their magic against each other (weapons, blasts of holiness/sinfulness), it destroys the ethereal peace treaty set between God and Lucifer.
Angels and demons can purify and taint one another. Angels can purify demons and demons can taint angels. However, it all depends on who initiates it first. This can lead to either one completely switching to the other side if the process was completed.
Some extra stuff
- Sniper fell because he did one sinful thing that cost him his position in Heaven. He thought he was doing good. He tried to explain it to the other angels, but they didn't accept his explanation and he was thrown out.
- Heavy isn't swayed by Medic's temptations to sin, instead rebukes it by leading him to do acts of good.
- Soldier and Demo are best friends and married.
- Scout is Sniper's self-deemed buddy in Hell. He follows him around and talks for hours. Sniper hates him even more for it.
- Medic and Cheavy constantly fight for territory in Hell. They're big known rivals. So big that all other demons stay away when they want the same territory.
- Sniper gets angry at Heaven a lot for casting him out. He once got so angry that he turned into his full demon form. Engie almost broke the ethereal treaty when he got close to the other angels. Spy and Medic had to calm him down.
- Demo, Soldier, and Heavy are the strongest angels both physically and magically.
- Spy and Medic helped Sniper adjust to Hell when he first fell. Spy immediately identified him as one of Heaven's swiftest.
- Engie and Sniper were best friends before Sniper fell. He watches Sniper from Heaven, but will sneak off to see him.
- Chemist was tainted by Spy, who almost encouraged Chemist to sin. He was saved by Engineer, but the damage was already done. Some of the feathers of his wings are black.
- Miss Pauling is a human who has a hard time believing that angels and demons exist. And she hates Scout for his failed flirting attempts.
- Because Chemist was tainted, he was put in the care of Engineer. Engie is his personal nurse.
- Cheavy and Cmedic were sweethearts before Cheavy fell. They still kind of are? It's hard to determine their relationship.
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kittyspring-creates · 2 months
Fionna and cake getting trapped in simons universe due to lych shenanigains. The lych breaking into the time room and making it unsafe for travel until this version was delt with. Fionna stayes at the candy castle for the time being. Getting her barrings. She acts fine but simon can tell shes hiding how upset she is at not being able to go home. He reminds her she gets a connection on her cell phone and she hurries to call gary.
Gary and Marshall promise ti take care of her place. Marshall basically moves into her apartment while shes away, updating her daily to bug her but also cause he misses her. Gary cleans her space, he cant help it
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purge-samauwu · 2 days
I just feel like nobody really understands the multitude of ways quick fix/blunt trauma is LITERALLY the perfect opposites attract type sitch.
Medic is an older man, scouts a young adult.
Medic's a doctor, in many interpretations scout hates needles and by correlation doctors.
Medic is a refined insane, Scout's an erratic insane.
Medic's basically a demon, Scout's basically a fucking angel.
Medic has the polite doctor persona but he's a very dark person that enjoys medical malpractice, scout hypes up super macho/toxic parts of himself but he's just an easily flustered little goober man that bashes people's skulls in because money.
Sharp eyes, doe eyes
Triangle shape language, circle shape language
Wolf or dove, rabbit or cheetah
The chill and mellow to the wild and chaotic(this one is interchangeable)
PLEASE feel free to add more.
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necro-acid · 5 months
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-I'm not gonna look up tf2 lore and content I'm not gonna look up tf2 lore and content (total lie)
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Its suppose to say in the middle not I I hate typing. Charlie is so me bc my head was hurting so bad yesterday. Scout was only given female gender bc of Haha teehee purposes. And Faust with his three moods (from my friend who said that)
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Rook is me when doing nsfw requests. Angel teaching Lucien backfired. Sugarboo making bad choices: electric bungalow. Al n his big ass forehead.
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malueion · 2 months
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