#angel emily
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pampinoscaryt2 · 11 months ago
Angel Emily
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bunnyinfoxclothing · 9 months ago
An Angel's Punishment
Here is a short story request from @hinata-chan-utaitelover!
"To make it set after Emily falls, she makes it to the hotel and during her first week or so there she catches a hell flu (and since she's an angel, it's really bad ;-; bc hell sicknesses affect angels worse than demons...my little hc) and Charlie and Vaggie are taking care of her"
Going to be 100% honest this one got a little bit away from me. Still I hope you enjoy.
Word count: 2018
Let me know if you want this posted on A03 :)
Emily was sure of herself in a lot of things. She was sure of herself when she took up the mantle of bringing joy to the angels of Heaven, Winners and all. She was sure of herself when she first heard Charlie’s idea of redeeming sinners. She was sure of herself when she first went against Sera. And she was sure of herself every moment after.
She remained sure of herself as a portal to Hell opened in front of her, and without looking at her dear sister, she left.
She was a little less sure of herself as she walked through hell, asking various demons for help locating the Hazbin Hotel. She was met with all manner of rude and outright vulgar responses.
“Can you tell me where I can find the Hazbin Hotel?”
“Fuck Off!”
“Hello! Do you mind–”
“Go fuck yourself.”
“Hi there!”
“FUCK there’s more of you Bitches? I thought the last of you were killed off?”
“Uh, hey!”
“Well hello there~”
“Hi! Yes! Okay, do you know where I can find the Hazbin Hotel?”
“Oh, you’re in the market for redemption are you?”
“Not really, I’m just looking for a few friends.”
“I see, well sinner or saint if you’re looking for a place, I think I know somewhere to do that’s a little better suited.”
“Oh, no thanks, I’m specifically looking for the hotel.”
“I’ll take you to a hotel. You won’t be able to tell the difference, you’ll end up worshiping on your knees either way.”
That’s when Emily first learned the strength of an angel present in Hell. She reacted instinctively when he moved to wrap an arm around her shoulder. Her fist went right through his head.
It didn’t take her long to actually locate the hotel after that. Once she stopped looking for people to point her in the right direction, she began noticing posters. 
Most of them were being used to light up dumpster fires. A few had stains from a liquid Emily was too scared to investigate, but as luck would have it, she managed to find one still pasted to a wall.
Then another.
And a few more. 
They were spaced few and far between. Emily assumes most were taken down for more personal use than the one intended, but soon the big glowing letters of the hotel greeted her.
Her wings fluttered and in a quick burst of speed she ran right into the door. Knocking in a playful manner, getting a small beat out on the door, before it opened and she jumped into the arms of the first person on the other side.
Vaggie caught the angel easily. Eyes going wide as she had to drop her spear to avoid impaling what she barely perceived as a pale blue rocket.
Pale blue wasn’t a color that appeared in hell. And exterminators don’t knock. So when fluffy hair filled her vision along with a bouncy nature a little too like Charlie’s, Vaggie easily put two and two together.
She cradled the angel in her arms as horrible facts came to mind. She tried her best to go through every list she could to ensure the girl was fine. She still had her wings. There was no wetness on her body, no blood. No missing eye. Hopefully. Two arms. Two legs. No major injuries.
As she went through her mental checklist, Charlie entered the common area.
“Charlie!!” Emily flew from Vaggie’s arms straight into hers. 
Vaggie looked down at her dropped spear with a hint of contemplation. Taking a deep breath. She picked up the spear and lifted one of her wings just slightly, she tucked it between her wing and her back.
Now wasn’t the time for jealousy. There was a fallen angel to take care of.
Charlie and Emily, bounced the conversation around like the world's most competitive game of pingpong. Neither one stayed on a single topic for more than five sentences.
Thankfully, having had years to get used to Charlie’s rambling she managed to pick up on a few things.
1. Emily had come to help with the hotel.
2. It was not a Heaven sanctioned trip.
3. Emily had left Heaven behind, willingly becoming a fallen angel.
It was also extremely clear that Emily had no idea what she had done.
“Your halo.” Not even Vaggie knew where she was going with that sentence.
“I removed it.” Emily answered anyway.
“You can’t return?” Vaggie prayed the answer was no. That she had discreetly left. That she could still return at any time. That she hadn’t doomed herself.
“No? Why would I? I mean you had it right from the beginning. Heaven is full of hypocrites. So, like you, I left.”
Vaggie swallowed her anger. She bottled up her frustration. She took all her negative feelings, and put them in a box to be dealt with later. Emily didn’t need a lecture. She needed a warm bed, and some even warmer clothes.
Loathe as she was to admit it, she needed some of her clothes. Specifically her Charlie clothes. The clothes that used to be Charlie’s that she commandeered. Warm sweatpants. A cuddly sleep shirt that draped down to her mid thigh. Something to sweat out the coming storm, but breathable so she wouldn’t feel like she was suffocating.
Charlie and Emily were quickly back at it within their conversation. Emily bouncing in place, and Charlie just as happy to have her here. 
Vaggie left to prepare a room. One close to her and Charlie’s.
Emily was tired. It could have been any number of things. Her first real time in Hell. Her lack of halo. The excitement of seeing Charlie and Vaggie finally dying down. Either way. It was time for bed.
She excused herself from the conversation with Husk and Angel at the bar, and walked right into the awaiting Charlie and Vaggie.
“Perfect timing!” Charlie smiled. “Our resident Hotel Manager,” She grabbed Vaggie by the shoulders pulling the smaller angel into her much larger form, “already set you up with a room.”
After thoroughly thanking them both, changing into the clothes Vaggie lent her, and another three thank you’s, she was finally crawling into bed. Emily was quick to fall asleep after that.
“So how early do angels usually wake up?” Charlie looked over at Vaggie, just in time to watch her nightie fall onto her form.
“That’s not something we need to worry about.”
“We’re going to have a sick angel to handle in the morning.” 
“Don’t you remember finding me down here?”
“Yeah! You were sick from infection and bleeding to death.”
“The bleeding stopped on like the third day. There is no infection from angelic weapons, not for angels at least. I’m pretty sure I had the Hell Flu.”
“That’s like a mild three day sickness. You were sick for like a week, and groggy for another few days after that. That’s two completely different things.” Charlie crawled into bed. Flopping onto her back and opening up her arms for Vaggie to crawl into.
“Yeah, for demons. We’re a bit different Charlie. I’ve cared for you, Angel, heck even Husk, during Hell Flu season. It’s the same symptoms, just a touch worse.” Vaggie fell into Charlie’s arms letting herself be held close.
Charlie gave a noncommittal noise. Clearly not entirely believing her girlfriend.
“Think about it, hon. There isn’t even dirt or dust in Heaven, you think they have sickness? Nope. Emily is about to gain an immune system. I'm pretty sure Heaven does it specifically to punish Angels.”
Charlie chose to unpack that part later“We’ll see in the morning. It’s eepy time.”
“Okay Char. eepy time it is.”
Emily was up right around the time Angel finally meandered his way out of his room. Though unlike him, she didn’t flop right at the bar, and instead made her way to the kitchen. She was dressed in the same clothes as yesterday, having slept like a log in the comfy clothes Vaggie left her. There was a slight tightness in her throat and one of her nostrils felt a little dry. So her best bet was some water. 
Hell’s air was a little different than Heaven. Maybe she slept with her mouth open and everything just dried up. That sounds like it makes sense.
She found Charlie in the kitchen whipping up some brunch for Angel.
“Oh, hey! How are you feeling Emily?” Charlie’s eyes darted over to Vaggie, who was sitting on the counter next to her happily eating bits of bacon. Popping a few of the chopped up meats into her mouth as well.
Charlie hit her hand with the spoon and continued her attempt at making some scrambled eggs for Angel. Dumping the remaining of the meat into the pan and continuing to stir.
“I’m great, how are you!” Emily reached for a glass. Her hold on it felt weak, so she was sure to support it with both hands. How embarrassing would it be to break a dish on her first real day in hell.
Charlie smiled at Vaggie, before turning back to Emily. “I’m doing amazing!”
Emily filled up her glass. Downed it. Filled another and downed it again. Filling it a third time she held the glass and turned back to the duo. Charlie still focused on cooking. Vaggie was looking at her with a small expression on her face. “How’d you sleep?”
“Honestly, like a log. I don’t think I have ever fallen asleep that fast.”
“Must have been tired.”
“I guess. I mean I just–” Emily cut herself off with her own yawn. “Sorry, wow I don’t know what came over me.”
“Must still be waking up.” Charlie moved the pan off the stove and reached over Vaggie to retrieve some plates.
“Yeah. Must be.”
“Maybe you should head back to bed.” Vaggie had a softer look in her eye this time.
“No! No- ahem- sorry no. I mean I’m fine. Everything is fine. I want to help.”
Whatever conversation was going to happen was cut off as food was served. Emily and Angel ate together. And Emily took the time to connect a bit more with each of the residents. More specifically Angel and Husk now that they weren’t drunk. Well, now that Angel wasn’t drunk.
It was halfway through breakfast when the first coughing fit began. Vaggie shooting a look at Charlie, making her way to talk to Emily while Charlie left to go unpack some tissues. Just in case.
“Hey, Em.”
“Hey, Vaggie.”
“How ya feeling?”
“Not too hot. Or maybe way too hot? Both?”
“Yeah.” Vaggie nodded, slowly bringing the girl to stand. “You wanna get to bed.”
Emily nodded and the two slowly made their way to the elevator. Once inside Emily let out a low groan. “What happened?”
“It’s just the common HellFlu. You won’t die from it.” 
Emily let out another groan.
“Yeah, it will suck though. Don’t worry, knowing Charlie, you’re going to be just fine. ”
Vaggie got Emily into a bathroom to quickly change back into Vaggie’s Charlie clothes, then tucked her into bed. Charlie padded her way into the room shortly after. Two boxes of tissues in one hand. The other held a trash can with a plastic grocery bag lining the inside.
Charlie set herself on the bed next to Emily and pulled out a book, seemingly out of nowhere.
“Have you heard the story of Hell?” Charlie's smile was wide. And Vaggie couldn’t help the giggle that left her mouth.
Emily would undoubtedly fall asleep halfway through the story. And Charlie would start again and reread it to her a total of five separate times, before she got the whole story. Vaggie would happily listen to it over and over again, all while cleaning up used tissues and bringing up Razzle and Dazzle’s special made broth, listening to the two ask questions and talk, because at the end of the day. It was her that Charlie curled up against.
Which she didn’t mind, until she woke up with the sniffles.
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sophie-crowley · 6 months ago
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mooncalf87 · 1 year ago
Spoilers for Nyous fic Permission to Touch !!
IM SO INVESTED???? EMILY IS THEIR CHILD???? OH MY GOD?????? You don't understand how much I am stimming. I have tears streaming down my face
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edgy-senju · 1 year ago
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Episode 8 was so fun!
Also angel Pentious would absolutely complain that he misses his Eggs at least 10 times a day.
[Commissions open!]
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trisiyamoon · 1 year ago
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Finally it's done T^T
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museum-of-dreams · 1 year ago
Can we talk about this frame in the angels "if hell is forever then heaven is a lie" song.
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If the fire wasn't burning in the reflection of her eyes, then she would look almost innocent. This small detail says a lot, and it was added there for a reason.
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raihyeon · 1 year ago
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natistica · 1 year ago
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Welcome to Heaven Pentious 😇🐍
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xxjustshakeitupxx · 1 year ago
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Also Alastor:
And I barely escaped being killed by a hair
"Great Alastor, altruist, died for his friends"
Sorry to disappoint, that is not where this ends
I'm hungry for freedom like never before
The constraints of my deal surely have a back door
Once I figure out how to unclip my wings
Guess who will be pulling all the strings!
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chaoticace2005 · 1 year ago
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angel-fruitcake · 2 months ago
yes, castiel had a male vessel for most of his time on earth. yes, castiel went by he/him pronouns. yes, castiel's true form was canonically nonbinary. and i cannot stress this enough, YES, that angel was fucking Gay.
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polubrony · 11 months ago
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I like you *makes your Chaggie into a Chaggily*
I love these three together almost as much as the og pair, so here are some sketches of it
I mean, Charlie having a tendency to steal best angels from heaven (because heaven sucks *ehem*) seems like something she would do
And I just love Emily, sooo
+ Bonus for second pic
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demidoodlefox · 4 months ago
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Oh shit! RIP duckie mug
Title is courtesy of Xelarande13 over at deviantart.
Confrontation AU Masterlist
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mooncalf87 · 1 year ago
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redladydeath · 4 months ago
New information revealed by the Hazbin Playbill
Charlie went to college
Charlie won multiple musical theater awards in college
Alastor broadcasts every day at noon (or whenever he feels like it)
Angel Dust is a singer
Angel Dust made his first onscreen appearance in one of Valentino’s films (so in or after the 1970s)
Vaggie is trained in sychronized dance
Sir Pentious has made weapons for Carmine Industries and Voxtek
Sir Pentious created the Egg Bois with the help of someone (probably Baxter)
Lucifer performs alongside the other Deadly Sins (“perform” might be metaphorical though)
Carmilla discovered new ways to use Angelic technology to improve Hell’s weaponry
Carmilla is the host of the board of Pentagram City Overlords
Rosie does favors in exchange for people’s souls
Sera works directly under the Speaker of God
Sera is in charge of Heaven’s hierachy and laws
Emily is in charge of ensuring all citizens of Heaven are entertained and comfortable 
Mimzy owns a club called “Ragtime”
Mimzy once appeared in a radio special with Alastor called “Singa for ya Dinna!”
Vox acts in and directs his media projects
Valentino frequently goes on shooting sprees in the Entertainment District
Valentino describes the Entertainment District as ruled by himself, “Velvette, and I guess Vox”
Velvette has over 100 million subscribers
Velvette is the head of development for Love Potion (in collaboration with Valentino)
Velvette can do spells/magic
Saint Peter is the head singer in Heaven’s royal choir and founded the Angelic drama club
Saint Peter can play the harp and French horn
Zestial is the oldest living Overlord in power
Zestial is effectively retired
Zestial helps Carmilla with her business due to their friendship
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