#angel argyros
gravedigg · 5 months
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And then, you get shipped back home a little less than you were when you left.
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leidensygdom · 11 months
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funny celestial-flavoured robot girl with a custom made shirt (because these pesky fleshbeings don't think about 4-armed people too much-)
I had the itch to draw Argyros again so this happened >:) enjoy!
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nullshocked · 1 day
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Help I accidentally created another blorbo and we love him.
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creatorblaze · 10 months
Making some of my random sketches into actual Characters bc I'm bored (literally Makin these things up on the spot & have a Google tab open for names)
(idk why I'm making this a post but I'm bored)
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Ilios Phàos (Sun Light)
A Xekolu (false-angel) who was the second in command of the First Xekolu, Phúlax. Made immortal and considered the unofficial god of Light & Blessings, Ilios is the sharp-witted grandparent figure of most Xekolus now.
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Xalizu Xeriru (Night of the Silver Moon)
A Noble Origin, supposedly a hybrid of an Origin and an unknown/undocumented species (or the child of a Historian. No one's entirely sure.)
Easily irritated and gets snappy if people mention their odd traits, and avoids most beings. Generally quiet, stand-offish and does not like people at all. Is kind to children, but will very much guide said kids away from them / to someone who actually cares.
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Argyros Thanata (Silver Death)
The Reaper of Xalau's worlds, and considered the ruler of the Afterlife since the Judge normally just rules the Xekolus and Xealruqs (false demons) despite the mortal's belief that they rule the Afterlife.
Energetic and somewhat sadistic, not quite understanding the limitations of Mortals. Often asks humans to play with her, and accidentally kills said mortal. Oh well, that just means they can play more!
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yugiohcardsdaily · 2 months
Posted Cards Master List - 51.5
rest of September 2023
Etude of the Branded
Fallen of Argyros
Firewall Defenser
Firewall Dragon Singularity
Firewall Dragon
Firewall Phantom
Full Active Duplex
Gold Pride - Better Luck Next Time!
Gold Pride - Chariot Carrie
Gold Pride - It's Neck and Neck!
Gold Pride - Pedal to the Metal!
Gold Pride - Pin Baller
Gold Pride - Roller Baller
Gold Pride - That Came Out of Nowhere!
Golden Cloud Beast - Malong
GranSolfachord Coolia
Guiding Quem, the Virtuous
Gunkan Suship Catch-of-the-Day
Harvest Angel of Doom
How Did Dai Get Here?
Hu-Li the Jewel Mikanko
Icejade Ran Aegirine
Imperial Princess Quinquery
Infinitrack Road Roller
Kashtira Akstra
Kitsuni Kitsunebi
Kittytail, Mystical Beast of the Forest
Libromancer Origin Story
Mannadium Abscission
Mannadium Breakheart
Mannadium Fearless
Mannadium Imaginings
Mannadium Meek
Mannadium Prime-Heart
Mannadium Reframing
Mannadium Riumheart
Mikanko Dance - Mayowashidori
Moissa Knight, the Comet General
Nemleria Dream Defender - Couette
Nemleria Dream Defender - Oreiller
New Frontier
Numbers Eveil
Peaceful Planet Calarium
Pendulum Pendant
Pig Iron vs. Pen Peg
Protectcode Talker
Purrely Sleepy Memory
Rebirth of the Seventh Emperors
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creatorbiaze · 2 months
The story of Astaroth Astrophel, Incarnation of Fear and the Night
Astaroth is one of the Original Gods alongside Zenza and Zelura, but is from the same Realm Before as Zelura, instead of the earth-like place Zenza and Venenum are from.
Astaroth and Zelura have always been at odds due to conflicting views; Astaroth is Fear, a thing that Protects you from danger and the unknown, while Zelura's nature is to purposfully harm and manipulate people. Astaroth is a suprising kind-hearted being, but doesn't know how to help or protect people other than through paranoia and driving them away from danger.
When Zelura caused the destruction of their world, Astaroth managed to follow them to the next one; Zenza's Realm. Neither of them had a strong form in this world due to its drastically different logic and rules, but Zelura managed to directly affect things by connecting themself to Zenza at an early age.
Since Zenza never had a strong connection to the world they live in and were a fantasy author with an intricate imagination, they were a perfect subject for the "creator" of the next world, one that Zelura could completely control and puppet. Astaroth saw through Zelura's plot, though, and tried to keep Zenza away from Zelura the only way they knew how to; paranoia.
For over a decade, as Zelura's plot trew closer and closer, Astaroth tried desperately to drive Zenza away and see the danger of her "imaginary" friend, but it backfired and drove Zenza closer to the point they were nearly dependant on Zelura.
Zelura moved onto the empty void-realm that Zenza made after death (by Zelura's hand), while Astaroth couldn't follow yet. Astaroth followed Venenum, Zenza's younger sister, until her death a decade later and used that chance to bring them both to wherever Zenza and Zelura were.
At that point, Xalau's Realms were recently created, so their appearance wasn't too abnormal, and both could hide out in the Realms. Zelura knew Astaroth had finally arrived, though, and quickly found a way to get rid of them to stop them from interfering again. Astaroth was then bound to a 'failed' world, one broken and crumbled almost immediately after creation, using her Puppet Strings Power, binding Astaroth to the stones themselves. The strings are also the causes of Astaroth's scars.
Astaroth stayed there for hundreds of millions of years, unknown and undiscovered.
Recently, though, they were found by Timorós while he was wandering, and brought to Zalzol's 'council' (Illios the unofficial god of light ans oldest Xolaruq/false angel, Zalzol themself, Argyros the Reaper, and technically Phobos, Xalau's incarnation of fear) to decide their fate. Astaroth was incredibly weak and fragile due to the isolation and their powe being inaccessable to them.
Astaroth is currently still unknown by most beings and under the protection and hospitality of Zalzol and their council, but is also the cause of the barrier between Xalau's Multiverse and Other-Realm & Drakerivelm being shattered (the barrier had been put up by Zenza when they left around 400 years after the creation of Xalau's worlds due to Xalau's controlling and uncaring nature, Zenza had essentially locked the Multiverse away to create a new one and try again. Drakerivelm is an extension of Other-Realm, but still considered a different realm cluster / Multiverse.).
It is unknown how long it will take Astaroth to regain full strength, but even in their weakened state they're as powerful as Valarae's Primal gods (Realm-specific gods of powerful or uncontrollable domains, normally forces of nature), which raises the concerning question among Zalzol's council; If Astaroth's full power is equal or close to Zelura's power, how immensely powerful is Zelura, who's full powerset isn't even known? Is it even safe to have two beings of such unknown strength?
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sleepyowlwrites · 10 months
Happy STS, Sleepy!
I admit to being somewhat overwhelmed by the number of OCs you create, and I need a bit of an intro. Who would you say are your flagship OCs?
I think I have three, and they're all guys. I'll give honorable mentions, though, because yeah, I have so many.
R, from Youth Story.
Roland Everett Blakesley is seventeen and a dramatic, flirtatious, extrovert with a vague hero complex. he's a middle child, with light orange-brown hair. he's a tall bean, and a lean bean to boot. R doesn't like his name so that's why he goes by the dumb substitution of a single letter. Youth Story is no plot, just vibes, and the intersection of ten different character arcs. here's R's:
he starts the story by having a rivalry/mortal enemyship with Mark, the - at the time - newest member of the friend group. Mark didn't give R enough attention, so R decided to hate him, and because they both share a single brain cell where the other is concerned, decided to use each other as their personal emotional punching bags - and literal punching bags - and hate each other. R's arc is about recognizing how his actions affect others, and how you can't justify hurting someone just because they allow it, and how self-destruction is no substitution for emotional maturity. he also really wants to be the best big brother to Cal, but he's kind of a perfectionist about it, so if he's failing he'll just fail harder, but his friends being sad about this turns him around. he and Mark make up, and have a very awkward acquaintanceship that eventually becomes a genuine, caring friendship by the place where we leave off.
other notable features:
R is a generous sort, willing to give up his time or energy to help his friends out. he'll complain because he enjoys the dramatics of it, but he really doesn't mind. he's also very physically affectionate, and likes to hold hands or droop himself over somebody's shoulders or participate in cuddle piles. R tends to phrase his sentences like he's acting in a play, and will flirt with anybody, not that he means it. he just constantly sounds like he's flirting plus, he's found that flirtation can be a very useful tool in public. R's favorite and signature color is red, and he wears it a lot, along with a lot of patterned button downs and sweaters. his hair is wavy and nearly reaches his shoulders, and sometimes he pulls it back in a bun. like all the Youth Story kids, he has a superpower! it's projected thermography. this comes in handy because he has a terrible memory.
and that's R! a disaster boi. oh and he's English.
next up is Nyks, also from Youth Story.
Nykolas Argyros is twenty, but he's missing the last four years of his memory, so he feels and acts like he's sixteen. he's got a bit of a baby face, so that adds to the effect. he's got dark brown curls and the sweetest smile. Nyks, despite being the oldest of the group, is often treated like the baby, because he's got this childlike innocence and an angelic personality. you'll love him. everybody does. he's also tall and lean, and quite pale, but more so because of his superpower: phasing. he got struck by lightning while phasing, which caused the memory loss, and he has not great control of his powers now. he loses energy rapidly, especially if he's cold, so he's always attached to one of the kids to share their energy. this doesn't drain them, because I said so. he's the cuddliest bean of the bunch and we have lots of those here.
Nyks' arc is slowly regaining some of his memories, but mostly just gaining a better sense of self. he's so kind and gentle and wants everybody to be happy and forgoes his own happiness as a result. he doesn't really stand up for himself and gets inadvertently bullied by his friends without that being the intention. he's also lowkey the group therapist and gradually learns to set boundaries and not be responsible for anybody else's change in behavior or emotional growth.
other notable features:
since he's so well-loved and such a sweetheart, he's often the reason anybody else in the group makes compromises or backs down from a stance. R and Mark try to get along for Nyks' sake and Nyks is like "or, and here's a thought, you could do it for yourselves and leave me out of it." Irina and Evie don't shout at each other for no reason, Jae tries to be more social, Daniel tones down his enthusiasm. but as time goes on, they learn to do these things for themselves instead of making Nyks the catalyst for all growth. it's wearying to everybody's angel all the time. Nyks just wants to be a person. he really likes desserts, and wearing super soft clothes. his signature color is aqua, but he wears pretty much any other pastel. he also steals people's clothes, especially scarves or hats or jackets.
and that's Nyks! angel boi. oh, and he's Greek.
our final contestant is Jet, from City Story.
Jet is 22, with tanned skin and black hair. kinda has resting grumpy face until he has reasons to smile later on. he works at a motorcycle garage and gets into fights on the street. he's angry. at the world, I guess. anger is an easy emotion and he's very good at it. he runs on adrenaline and spite and consequently is so very tired. he's doing nothing with his life until a) his twin brother Copper shows up after six years of separation with no contact, and b) this girl he met one (1) time at the garage becomes inextricably entwined with his life and suddenly he has a purpose again.
to punch people still, but for a reason this time. to keep her safe.
Rune is also a popular OC, I'll talk about her a little more after. Jet is being forced - by Copper - to develop his unused, stunted emotions, and it turns out he's actually pretty good at them, even the positive ones he used to think he couldn't afford, and is trying to figure out the mystery of Rune while determining that even if he never knows her whole story, he still wants to protect her. 'cause he's a protector, always has been, and likes having a reason to feel emotions or be angry or get into fights instead of being so aimless and tired.
Jet's signature colors are black, red, and grey, but his favorite is dark teal. he is secretly extremely soft for his friends, after he admits that's what they are. Yarrow has to yell at him a few times for it to sink in, but he gets there eventually. and they come along and devote themselves to Rune's cause because they want to, apparently. Jet is so grateful to have these people, and so scared to lose them. but those sorts of emotions are strange and unfamiliar, so he'll stick with what he's good at while it serves him.
and that's Jet! angry boi. he's...basically Thai, but both the city in City Story and the part of the world it's in is never mentioned, and I don't know if I ever will, but when I initially wrote this story as a fanfic, it was for a Thai series, so. we're probably still in Thailand despite the only thing remaining from that fic is that there are twins, one angry, one not.
honorable mentions!
Rune, from City Story. it's told from Jet's pov only, so all we know about Rune is whatever she chooses to tell Jet, and it's that she's been through the wringer and deserves to have people standing up for her and helping her, despite how much she hates to ask for or accept that. she's fierce and independent and clinging to her secrets for reasons Jet can't parse through yet. he'll wait.
Grimes, from Summon Story. she's a twice possessed skeleton who used to be a summoner seeking immortality, 'cause of course there's one of those. they help out Shae when she's starting out as a summoner and searching for her very long lost half-sister. Grimes may be a positive force, may not be, but she's very cool, so whatever.
I don't know exactly who counts, because I can think of specific friends who like specific ocs, but I don't know if they're popular overall.
all the City Story kids are beloved because a bunch of people are reading the draft zero (it's not finished though, oop.) so that's:
Yarrow - 20, street artist and part-time art studen and enthusiastic optimist. simultaneously extremely perceptive and oddly naïve. Hawk - 23, accounting graduate stuck in a depression slump because nobody will investigate the decidedly sus deaths of his parents Moss - 29, the owner of the garage and patron of a lot of low-income families in the area and by that I mean he collections donations gathered through not really legal means and distributes them to the families. Rune helps out with this, though not with the illegal part. if you read the draft there's a non-canon part where she does. Shadow - 21, homeless, because every member of his family has abandoned him one by one. Yarrow keeps trying to keep him, but Shadow doesn't trust anybody to stick around so sometimes he goes home with Yarrow and sometimes doesn't. Copper - 22, Jet's twin, bleached blond hair and glasses, the younger brother and even though they're twins you can tell, has a degree in anthropology, is a social butterfly but is currently devoting his time to the "make Jet feel emotions and be a whole person" project. he dislikes Rune for a while because he's selfish but gets over it.
if you happen to peruse my long list of ocs and find someone else you're interested, I'm always happy to talk about them! probably not immediately, because asks always come in right when I don't have any available brain cells.
thanks for asking, Verdance
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sadisticsmore · 4 years
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A Lovely Night  A small doodle scene in the story that I am proud of :) I thought it would be a good first post on my new art blog for the story! I hope you all like it and thank you so much!!!
Ocs- Bradley Argyros and Faith Karpach 
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pokenerd-jordan · 4 years
The Drifting League Team Lineup
(In no particular order)
Melanie (Fighting/Psychic) “Rome” Gallade “Fido” Lucario “Dutch” Indeedee “Rouge” Mienshao “Spaceman” Claydol “Delta” Urshifu
Mark (Grass/Dark) “Kamui” Decidueye “Inari” Zoroark “Coca” Alolan Exeggutor “Kuebiko” Cacturne “Giles” Sawsbuck “Laverna” Thievul
Rama (Water/Flying) “Raja” Aerodactyl “Pala” Corviknight “Tara” Sharpedo “Runa” Gyarados “Padma” Crobat “Mati” Milotic
Orrin (Electric/Rock) “Mason” Alolan Golem “Talulla” Vikavolt “Hunter” Manectric “Frank” Midday Lycanroc “Fionn” Aggron “Kean” Archeops
Jay (Normal/Dragon) “Felix” Drampa “Amaranth” Naganadel “Breakbeat” Exploud “Apogee” Ursaring “Lupa” Dubwool “Duke” Dragalge
Argyros (Ice/Bug) “Flurry” Frosmoth “Cornice” Heracross “Sastrugi” Scolipede “Firn” Golisopod “Sun Cup” Centiscorch “Megadune” Mamoswine
Mauve (Poison/Ground) “Victor” Nidoking “Magnus” Donphan “Titan” Toxapex “Gabriele” Gengar “Hilarion” Palossand “Phoebe” Runerigus
Gray (Fairy/Steel) “Settia” Mawile “Stargrass” Comfey “Fey” Grimmsnarl “Beau” Mimikyu “Rover” Granbull “Pasha” Copperajah
Nope (Fire/Ghost) “Tiger” Arcanine “Chief” Coalossal “Angel” Salazzle “Rosie” Dhelmise “Torpedo” Dragapult “Afi“ Alolan Marowak
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pikabelle · 6 years
Aragami Material Farming guide
Yoinked from here
-Acala From Nuadha -Alycone From Glacial Ra -Aker From Svartr Balmung -Ako From Fallen Havakiri -Angel From Zygote -Arachne From Blast Spider/Fallen Blast Spider -Argos From Grim Anubis -Argyro From Blast Spider -Avian From Chi-You -Bahamut From Caligula -Barghest From Anubis -Beast from Axe Raider/Fallen Axe Raider -Beetle From Dreadpike -Bennu From Ra -Bushi From Havakiri -Chimera From Vajra -Corvid From Nemain -Draconic From Gboro-Gboro -Emperor From Dyaus Pita -Gaoh From Barbarius -Goddess From Sariel -Gore From Barbarius/Fallen Barbarius -Gorgon From False Idol -Hunger From Ukonvasara -Hydra From Chrome Gawain -Idol From Fallen False Idol -King From Quadriga -Knight From Borg Camlann -Kubera From Namhaid Nuadha -Kur From Big Boi/Meggy/Giraffe (you probably know who I'm talking about) -Lugh From Fallen Barbarius -Maera From Anubis/Grim Anubis -Mammon From Dromi -Marduk From Foul Dromi -Mars From Marduk -Moloch From Dromi/Foul Dromi -Mot From Balmung -Muninn From Fallen Nemain -Ogre From Ogretail -Oreb From Nemain/Fallen Nemain -Pardosa From Fallen Blast Spider -Pixie From Cocoon Maiden -Reptilian From Ukonvasara -Ronin From Havakiri/Fallen Havakiri -Satori From Nuadha/Namhaid Nuadha -Serpent From Hannibal -Shrine From False Idol/Fallen False Idol -Simian From Kongou -Sol From Ra/Glacial Ra -Surtr From Fallen Axe Raider -Troll From Axe Raider -Vritra From Big Boi/Meggy/Giraffe (you probably know who I'm talking about) -Vulpine From Kyuubi -Yama From Balmung/Svartr Balmung Rank Colors: Grey: Rank 1 Green: Rank 2 Purple: Rank 3 Blue: Rank 4 Red: Rank 5 Orange: Rank 6 Yellow: Rank 7
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leidensygdom · 1 year
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In the same way the gods created angels to serve them, so did humanity with robots. Now, in some strange twist of fate, an artificial construct bears the same holiness given to celestials: And surely, they wish to be of assistance.
Meet Argyros! She's a new character for a coming campaign (an Aasimar/warforged Cleric on DnD5e, and an Aasimar/Automaton Oracle of Life in PF2e). I had been wanting to scratch the itch to design a robot, and she was the perfect fit for it. I hope you'll like her! I can't reveal too much, but feel free to ask, I'd love to shape her a bit more~
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nullshocked · 15 days
HAHA hi um im coming here from gravedig and was wondering about Angel and Jules, i sent them the same ask but then realised they’d directed me over to you so YEAH, How did the two of them meet? What were their first impressions of one another? The things they immediately noticed and liked didn’t like, ALSO I WILL HAVE MORE QUESTIONS IM JUST MEANT TO BE WORKIN RN anyway yeah very curious about them!!! (understand if you can’t answer because you’re still working on your novel tho of course!!!)
HI HELLO WELCOME. Naturally can't reveal everything, but plssss yes I am always excited to talk about the story!! Please never hesitate to send questions!
Julien is a barista at a coffee shop as his day job and they meet when Angel stops in one morning for coffee, and they kind of strike up a sort of routine from there. Angel comes in once a week, they chat for a little bit, and then he leaves. Julien is of course extremely normal about trying to catch Angel's eye (read: an anxious mess who has no idea what he's doing ever in his life).
For Julien, his first impression of Angel starts with: "oh he's kind of scary looking" and turns to "oh he's nice actually" and then "oh god he's hot." It's kind of difficult not to notice Angel's scars, so that's the first thing he notices before the rest of his features. In particular he's drawn to Angel's eyes and the way he kind of snorts or huffs instead of actually laughing when he's amused. Jules has a goal in the back of his head to one day make Angel laugh for real. One day...
As for Angel's perspective, I'm actually going to direct you back to @gravedigg bc they're going to answer the first ask you sent with that. ;)
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character study: zephyra argyros edition.
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• eyes: blue | green | brown | hazel | gray | gray-blue | other
• hair: blond | sandy | brown | black | auburn | ginger | grey | white | multi-color | other
• body type: skinny | slender | slim | built | curvy | athletic | average | muscular | pudgy | overweight
• skin: pale | light | fair | freckled | tan | olive | medium | dark | discolored | other
gender: male | female | trans | cis | agender | demigender | genderfluid | other | doesn’t like labels •
sexuality: heterosexual | homosexual | bisexual | pansexual | asexual | demisexual | other | unsure | doesn’t like labels
• romantic orientation: homoromantic | heteromantic | biromantic | panromantic | aromantic | demiromantic | unsure | doesn’t like labels
• species: human | undead | shapeshifter | demon | angel | with | ghost | incubus / succubus | werewolf | alien | mutant | android | other ( depends on verse )
• education: high school | college | university | master’s degree | PhD | entirely self taught | ged | other
• i’ve been: in love | hurt | ill | mentally abused | bullied | physically abused | tortured | brainwashed | shot
• positive traits: affectionate | adventurous | athletic | brave | careful | charming | confident | creative | cunning | determined | forgiving | generous | honest | humorous | intelligent | loyal | modest | patient | selfless | polite | down-to-earth | diligent | romantic | moral | fun-loving | charismatic | calm
• negative traits: aggressive | bossy | cynical | envious | shy | fearful | greedy | gullible | jealous | impatient | impulsive | cocky | reckless | insecure | irresponsible | mistrustful | paranoid | possessive | sarcastic | self-conscious | selfish | swears | unstable | clumsy | rebellious | emotional | vengeful | anxious | self-sabotaging | self-sacrificing | moody | peevish | angry | pessimistic | slacker | thick skinned | overly dramatic | argumentative | dangerous | prideful | gluttonous
• living situation: lives alone | lives with parents or guardian | lives with significant other | lives with friends | drifter | homeless | lives with children | verse dependent
• parents/guardian: mother  | father  | adoptive | aunt | uncle | foster | grandmother | grandfather | other
• sibling(s): sister | brother | none | other | biological | adopted
• relationship: single | crushing | dating | engaged | married | separated | it’s complicated | verse dependent
• things i’ve done before: had alcohol | smoked | stolen | done drugs | self-harmed | starved | had sex | had a threesome | had a one-night stand | gotten into a fist fight | gone to a hospital | gone to jail | used a fake ID | played hooky | gone to a rave | killed someone | had someone try to kill them
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tammswasteofspace · 6 years
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Some various WIPs from this month. Top to bottom, L-R: -Old Stormraven for a kill team -Chaplain Tibault Reiss (Black Templar) -Brother Heinrich Sangerhausen (White Templar) -Brother Heraclius Argyros (Novamarine) -Brother Alberic Faust (Guardian of the Covenant) -Brother Subohai Rujin (Dark Hunter) -Ancient Livius Iovita (Angel Revenant) A Chapter Master for my Salamanders Stormtalon for my Azure Knight homebrew chapter, and two sergeants, and a grav cannon tactical.
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brookstonalmanac · 3 years
Events 8.10
654 – Pope Eugene I elected to succeed Martinus I. 955 – Battle of Lechfeld: Otto I, Holy Roman Emperor defeats the Magyars, ending 50 years of Magyar invasion of the West. 991 – Battle of Maldon: The English, led by Byrhtnoth, Ealdorman of Essex, are defeated by a band of inland-raiding Vikings near Maldon, Essex. 1030 – The Battle of Azaz ends with a humiliating retreat of the Byzantine emperor, Romanos III Argyros, against the Mirdasid rulers of Aleppo. The retreat degenerates into a rout, in which Romanos himself barely escapes capture. 1270 – Yekuno Amlak takes the imperial throne of Ethiopia, restoring the Solomonic dynasty to power after a 100-year Zagwe interregnum. 1316 – The Second Battle of Athenry takes place near Athenry during the Bruce campaign in Ireland. 1512 – The naval Battle of Saint-Mathieu, during the War of the League of Cambrai, sees the simultaneous destruction of the Breton ship La Cordelière and the English ship The Regent. 1346 – Jaume Ferrer sets out from Majorca for the "River of Gold", the Senegal River. 1519 – Ferdinand Magellan's five ships set sail from Seville to circumnavigate the globe. The Basque second-in-command Juan Sebastián Elcano will complete the expedition after Magellan's death in the Philippines. 1557 – Battle of St. Quentin: Spanish victory over the French in the Italian War of 1551–59. 1585 – The Treaty of Nonsuch signed by Elizabeth I of England and the Dutch Rebels. 1628 – The Swedish warship Vasa sinks in the Stockholm harbour after only about 20 minutes of her maiden voyage. 1641 – The Treaty of London between England and Scotland, ending the Bishops' Wars, is signed. 1675 – The foundation stone of the Royal Greenwich Observatory in London, England is laid. 1680 – The Pueblo Revolt begins in New Mexico. 1741 – King Marthanda Varma of Travancore defeats the Dutch East India Company at the Battle of Colachel, effectively bringing about the end of the Dutch colonial rule in India. 1755 – Under the orders of Charles Lawrence, the British Army begins to forcibly deport the Acadians from Nova Scotia to the Thirteen Colonies. 1776 – American Revolutionary War: Word of the United States Declaration of Independence reaches London. 1792 – French Revolution: Storming of the Tuileries Palace: Louis XVI of France is arrested and taken into custody as his Swiss Guards are massacred by the Parisian mob. 1793 – The Musée du Louvre is officially opened in Paris, France. 1809 – Quito, now the capital of Ecuador, declares independence from Spain. This rebellion will be crushed on August 2, 1810. 1813 – Instituto Nacional, is founded by the Chilean patriot José Miguel Carrera. It is Chile's oldest and most prestigious school. Its motto is Labor Omnia Vincit, which means "Work conquers all things". 1821 – Missouri is admitted as the 24th U.S. state. 1846 – The Smithsonian Institution is chartered by the United States Congress after James Smithson donates $500,000. 1856 – The Last Island hurricane strikes Louisiana, resulting in over 200 deaths. 1861 – American Civil War: Battle of Wilson's Creek: A mixed force of Confederate, Missouri State Guard, and Arkansas State troops defeat outnumbered attacking Union forces in the southwestern part of the state. 1864 – After Uruguay's governing Blanco Party refuses Brazil's demands, José Antônio Saraiva announces that the Brazilian military will begin reprisals, beginning the Uruguayan War. 1897 – German chemist Felix Hoffmann discovers an improved way of synthesizing acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin). 1901 – The U.S. Steel recognition strike by the Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers begins. 1904 – Russo-Japanese War: The Battle of the Yellow Sea between the Russian and Japanese battleship fleets takes place. 1905 – Russo-Japanese War: Peace negotiations begin in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. 1913 – Second Balkan War: Delegates from Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, Montenegro, and Greece sign the Treaty of Bucharest, ending the war. 1920 – World War I: Ottoman sultan Mehmed VI's representatives sign the Treaty of Sèvres that divides up the Ottoman Empire between the Allies. 1932 – A 5.1 kilograms (11 lb) chondrite-type meteorite breaks into at least seven pieces and lands near the town of Archie in Cass County, Missouri. 1936 – Spanish Civil War: The Regional Defence Council of Aragon is dissolved by the Spanish Republic. 1944 – World War II: The Battle of Guam comes to an effective end. 1944 – World War II: The Battle of Narva ends with a combined German–Estonian force successfully defending Narva, Estonia, from invading Soviet troops. 1948 – Candid Camera makes its television debut after being on radio for a year as Candid Microphone. 1949 – An amendment to the National Security Act of 1947 enhances the authority of the United States Secretary of Defense over the Army, Navy and Air Force, and replaces the National Military Establishment with the Department of Defense. 1953 – First Indochina War: The French Union withdraws its forces from Operation Camargue against the Viet Minh in central Vietnam. 1954 – At Massena, New York, the groundbreaking ceremony for the Saint Lawrence Seaway is held. 1961 – Vietnam War: The U.S. Army begins Operation Ranch Hand, spraying an estimated 20 million US gallons (76,000 m3) of defoliants and herbicides over rural areas of South Vietnam in an attempt to deprive the Viet Cong of food and vegetation cover. 1966 – The Heron Road Bridge collapses while being built, killing nine workers in the deadliest construction accident in both Ottawa and Ontario. 1969 – A day after murdering Sharon Tate and four others, members of Charles Manson's cult kill Leno and Rosemary LaBianca. 1971 – The Society for American Baseball Research is founded in Cooperstown, New York. 1977 – In Yonkers, New York, 24-year-old postal employee David Berkowitz ("Son of Sam") is arrested for a series of killings in the New York City area over the period of one year. 1978 – Three members of the Ulrich family are killed in an accident. This leads to the Ford Pinto litigation. 1981 – Murder of Adam Walsh: The head of John Walsh's son is found. This inspires the creation of the television series America's Most Wanted and the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children. 1988 – Japanese American internment: U.S. President Ronald Reagan signs the Civil Liberties Act of 1988, providing $20,000 payments to Japanese Americans who were either interned in or relocated by the United States during World War II. 1990 – The Magellan space probe reaches Venus. 1993 – Two earthquakes affect New Zealand. A 7.0 Mw  shock (intensity VI (Strong)) in the South Island was followed nine hours later by a 6.4 Mw  event (intensity VII (Very strong)) in the North Island. 1995 – Oklahoma City bombing: Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols are indicted for the bombing. Michael Fortier pleads guilty in a plea-bargain for his testimony. 1997 – Sixteen people are killed when Formosa Airlines Flight 7601 crashes near Beigan Airport in the Matsu Islands of Taiwan. 1998 – HRH Prince Al-Muhtadee Billah is proclaimed the crown prince of Brunei with a Royal Proclamation. 1999 – Los Angeles Jewish Community Center shooting. 2001 – The 2001 Angola train attack occurred, causing 252 deaths. 2001 – Space Shuttle program: The Space Shuttle Discovery is launched on STS-105 to the International Space Station, carrying the astronauts of Expedition 3 to replace the crew of Expedition 2. 2003 – The Okinawa Urban Monorail is opened in Naha, Okinawa. 2009 – Twenty people are killed in Handlová, Trenčín Region, in the deadliest mining disaster in Slovakia's history. 2012 – The Marikana massacre begins near Rustenburg, South Africa, resulting in the deaths of 47 people. 2014 – Forty people are killed when Sepahan Airlines Flight 5915 crashes at Tehran's Mehrabad International Airport. 2018 – Horizon Air employee Richard Russell hijacks and performs an unauthorized takeoff on a Horizon Air Bombardier Dash 8 Q400 plane at Seattle–Tacoma International Airport in Washington, flying it for more than an hour before crashing the plane and killing himself on Ketron Island in Puget Sound. 2019 – Thirty-two are killed and 1,000,000 are evacuated as Typhoon Lekima makes landfall in Zhejiang, China. Earlier it had caused flooding in the Philippines. 2020 – Derecho in Iowa becomes the most costly thunderstorm disaster in U.S. history.
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