#gym leader jay
pokecare · 10 months
Pokemon "national dexes" are just the pokemon that naturally live in the region (even if they've been introduced from other regions/are invasive). Pokemon not in the dex can still be brought to other regions as partner Pokemon or as part of a team, they don't take your Pokemon away. You just can't catch them in the wild and Pokemon that aren't in the national dex are disqualified from official gym challenges and other events. Though a lot of gym leaders are cool with having a battle with non-regional pokemon for fun, you can't earn a badge with them.
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redjaybird · 2 months
[so what dragons would jay have? here]
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sodaboard · 27 days
Ninjago x Pokémon AU: Part 3!
Jay Walker
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The ferocious electric gym leader! Jay’s design so far HAS to be my favorite out of all the gym leaders. Gang you don’t understand how much I enjoy drawing this AU and knowing you guys enjoy it too, only three main characters remaining!
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Cassette Beasts Version 1.7 Update Announced in Monster Taming Direct 2024
Cassette Beasts is one of the many monster taming games featured in the 2024 Monster Taming Direct on 2 September 2024. Jay Baylis of Bytten Studio announced that Cassette Beasts version 1.7 update will be coming out this year.
You can watch the rest of Monster Taming Direct 2024 on Gym Leader Ed's YouTube channel. Cassette Beasts' section starts at 1:08:18.
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gentlerubz · 1 year
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OC time
So I was thinking for a while of a way to introduce my guys:
Finn and Jay, athlete gym buddies, both having courses in sports and dietary studies. The gloomy guy is Chris, comes from a rich family, hates his parents (they hate him too).
The pink haired beast is Jett, my fairy type gym leader with a stress room themed gym and challenge.
Feel free to drop asks about them in my inbox and I might flesh them out together with you + doodle stuff when possible!
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jay-sketchin · 5 months
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New Pokemon OC! My in-game character for Scarlet, June!! (Any pronouns)
He’s a Pokemon maniac collector attending Naranja Academy. Filling the Pokédex and reaching Champion rank are fun little side quests for them while it’s main goal is to collect as many Pokemon related things as possible to fill not only their dorm room, but also their room back home in Unova. Evo stones, EV training gear, badges/trophies from other regions won by past champions, lots of collectors merch like figurines and limited time commercially-made badges signed by various gym leaders, and of course Pokemon themselves. Bro just goes nuts for all of it LOL
Also read as: Jay’s elaborate excuse to make their shiny hunting canon to their OC lore LMAO
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saline-coelacanth · 1 year
List of my Ninjago Aus
I figured I should make a list of my Ninjago Aus that I can link to my pinned post since sometimes the Ninjago hyperfixation comes back. I'm only including aus that I still have interest in working on, so if an au isn't on the list, it's probably safe to assume that I don't have interest in working on that au (so you shouldn't send asks about it)
Bad Endings Au: An au based on evil versions of the ninja from different timelines, usually referred to as the BE!Ninja. Each ninja has their own origin story explaining their downfall before they all get transported into the main timeline where they team up to take out the normal versions of the ninja
Next Gen Au: Follows a timeline separate from Dragons Rising (since I made it way before that came out) that follows the future ninja, Shayla, (bruise kid and master of lightning) Tara, (other bruise kid and master of earth) Fallon, (oppo kid and master of ice) an Trixie (daughter of Pythor and my oc Asashi)
Purified Au: An au where instead of being destroyed at the end of Rebooted, the Overlord is just left in a weakened, child-like state with amnesia who the ninja find and decide to raise. The Overlord gets named Oliver by the ninja and it mainly follows Oliver as the ninja try to hide the truth from him, fearing that he'll revert to his evil self if he finds out who he truly is.
Weresnake Au: An au where instead of being fully cured from the fangpyre venom, Jay instead becomes a 'weresnake', turning into a feral serpentine form when he gets too cold.
Anacondrai Curse Au: Initially taking place during the Tournament of Elements, Chen experiments on Cole to try and use an alternate spell which ends up 'cursing' Cole and making him appear partially like an anacondrai, and causing him to turn into a full anacondrai at random moments.
Fangdroid Au: An au where Zane gets bit by a fangpyre during Rise of the Snakes where he runs away and ends up teaming up with the serpentine after they manipulate him.
Dragonblood Au: An au where the elemental masters are knows as Dragonbloods and can turn into giant, rampaging dragons. This has caused people to fear them and hunt them down. The ninja form a team and fight against the dragon hunters, their main enemy being Garmadon and his army of dragon hunters. There's a lot to this one that I don't really have time to explain further, so if you really want to know more you can probably find more info about it on my blog.
Pokemon Au: Pretty self explanatory, it's Ninjago characters but in the world of Pokemon. Lloyd is the champion and the other ninja are gym leaders (alone with Pixal, Skylor and Morro to make it 8).
Black Knight Au: It's the plot of Sonic and the Black Knight but with Ninjago characters. Kai takes Sonic's role and get transported to this other world where he meets people who look like his friends but aren't quite the same. He also needs to learn how to become a knight in order to defeat the evil and corrupt King Arthur.
Storm Vessel Au: Taking place during the events of The Island, when Jay gets 'sacrificed', the storm energy around the island ends up corrupting him and turning him into a chaotic and destructive entity that is basically the embodiment of the storm. It's very similar to Nya turning into the ocean as it's basically Jay turning into his element. He occasionally has moments of clarity where he turns blue and is in control of himself, but for the most part he's chaotic and doesn't listen to reason.
Mirage Memory Au: The ninja find a strange artifact that creates a new fake reality where they all have fake memories and don't remember ever being ninja and they don't remember each other. The only one without fake memories is Lloyd and he has to try and get the ninja back together so they can get their memories back and fix their reality.
Scorched Au: An Au about Kai where he never unlocks his True Potential and gets left behind by the others at the volcano. Filled with his desire to be the Green Ninja and a need to prove his worth, Kai goes down a dark path to try and show that he is the Green Ninja. Basically a villain Kai au where he becomes another Morro.
If I end up making more aus, I'll edit this list with them
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luxshine · 10 months
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I love to crossover all my fandoms with Pokemon.
Forget what is your Hogwarts house... What's your Pokemon type says much more about you! So here are Jai, Lava and Kusa from, well, Jai, Lava, Kusa, with their Pokemon.
Jai's Sylveon is called Axe. And they bite HARD. Jai is the only one of the triplets with a full team, as he's the Gym leader. Despite being known as the demon Ravana, his full team are adorable cute Faery type. But Axe is his lead.
Lava is not very interested in Pokemon fights, or contests, or anything, but he has a Pidove that follows him everywhere. Originally, he hadn't named her, but once the triplets reunited, and Kusa saw how... naive Lava is, he named the Pidove "Braincell". And it stuck. Braincell is a bit scatterbrained, but if you try to hurt Lava? She will become FERAL.
Kusa's most trusted sidekick is his Nickit, Dollar. They have done many, many great robberies together. Sometimes Kusa will step on the Gym duties as a test for trainers, because if they can't survive against Dollar and Kusa? They have NO Chance against Jai's Faery Cute Team.
(If you want your own fave characters with their pokemon, you can check out my commission form at Artistree!
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fingerless-glovez · 8 months
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• Lives in the forest outside of Tristitas Town
• Very rarely goes into town
• Everyone between Tristitas Town and Akedia City is so worried about him
• The only people who can actually find him are Jay, Lou, and, to his annoyance, Tino
• His partner Pokémon is Linos the Snivy
• Has an army of Morelull, Paras, Foongus, Shiinotic, Parasect and Amoonguss at his beck and call
• Due to their propensity to put people to sleep and suck out their life force, Dia usually patrols the forest to make sure nobody dies
• He then drags them back out and slips a note in their pocket that says something along of "Do not go back in this forest. You almost died. I don't want to drag you out again. You're really heavy."
• Decided to run away after finding Meloetta
• Was already being exploited for his singing voice by his parental guardian, but when he found the mythical Pokémon collapsed in his backyard, he knew it'd be bad for both of them if she found out
• He was at the age where he could start a Pokémon journey anyway, so no one really questioned it when a 10 year old kid ran past them
• Especially not the mysterious man who first found him in the forest and gave him his starter
• Lives in the desert outside of Ira City
• His house is at the top of a mountain surrounded by a sandstorm that requires safety goggles to get to
• Uses Gogoat to get up the mountain itself
• Will not go into the city if he knows Addis is there
• His partner Pokémon is Gruscha the Lycanroc
• Gogoat was given to him by Zeneau
• His name is Zeneau Jr., but Lance usually just calls him Zen
• Best friends with Gym Leader Hawke
• Found Christoph and Absol hiding in the cave at the bottom of the mountain
• Christoph is being pursued by the token Evil Team, and Absol refuses to leave his side
• After a bit of negotiation, Lance eventually convinced them to move into his house
• Everyone thinks Lance has a girlfriend because of all the extra groceries he buys now, and he's just like "... no."
• Left Ira City because of daddy issues
• Seriously, Addis isn't even a part of the Evil Team. Dude IS an Evil Team
• Addis is an Elite Four member trying to become Champion so he can basically take over the entire region. He wanted Lance to do it with with him (à la Darth Vader style), but for those of you who know Lance's backstory, you can probably guess why Lance said "fuck no" and dipped
• It wouldn't have upset Addis too much if Lance hadn't stolen his fossil revival machine before disappearing. It's Rotom powered now
• Lives in Akedia City
• Works at the Akedia City Gym as Lynt’s assistant
• And by assistant, I mean babysitter
• It's not uncommon to see him running around town and diving into bushes looking for him
• His partner Pokémon is Audino
• She usually finds Lynt first due to her amazing hearing
• Tino accidentally hurts her ears sometimes, but she forgives him because she knows he can't help it when he's stressed
• Self-appointed therapy Pokémon. Is always there when Tino's feeling sad
• When he's not running around having a prolonged panic attack or refereeing Gym battles, he can usually be found running the Gym's café
• Fidough is the café's mascot/sous chef
• Audino helps the waitresses
• They all have an adorable working relationship
• It's a very popular place because the workers are just so damn wholesome
• Sometimes he has to run some late errands, and he's managed to befriend the local Gengar that likes to scare people walking around at night
• Tino hasn't actually caught him, but he usually hangs out in his shadow wherever he goes
• Gengar's far from the only mischievous ghost Pokémon haunting the streets, but he's established himself as the scariest
• But Tino is off limits
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finally gave my nextgen ideas some colorsssssss (itty bitty bios under the cut)
Raine is the oldest by a long shot, adopted by Nya and Jay when he was about 7-ish. he’s much older than the core elemental inheritors, and is already a a full-fledged ninja of sorts. she’s not home a lot, usually doing missions and fighting evil and stuff. Lilly and Ry look up to him the most. his weapon is a guandao, forged with the help of his uncle Kai.
Maya is the elder twin, bio kid of Kai and Cole. they’re probably the calmest and most reserved out of the five of them, probably why they inherited the element of ice. they’re the least social, willingly at least, but it’s not out of intentional malice, they just have a rich inner life. and secrets. so many secrets. Maya is a natural strategist and enabler number one for their twin’s behavior.
Lilly is the younger twin, but only by about thirty minutes. she’s outgoing and LOUD, and very so excited to be an in-training ninja, just like her cousin Raine, FINALLY. she inherited the element of fire, and also her dad’s general hotheadedness and urge to stand out. graduating from her role as ringleader for most of her, her twin, and her cousin Ry’s shenanigans, Lilly’s usually the one taking charge as group leader. she’s also a gym rat, even though her gains aren’t even that visible, COME ON!
Rylan, usually Ry unless he’s in trouble, is Nya and Jay’s second kid, also adopted. to answer your questions, yes he’s a turned serpentine, no he doesn’t remember it, it happened when he was a baby and he was surrendered soon after. Ry’s the emotional heart of the group, most willing to talk about mushy stuff like feelings, to varying results from the rest of his teammates. he inherits the element of lightning. he’s big on scarves, but his favorite is the kitty cat one he knitted with his older sibling Raine.
Shan is a mystery wrapped in an enigma. they’re initially a suspect, a repeat offender for petty thefts that the ninja in training often pursued (because that’s all that Lilly, Ry, and Maya were qualified for, honestly) that somehow turned into a very reluctant friend along the way, mostly due to Ry’s efforts. and now they’re letting them live in the monastery full time? and now they’re the most worthy inheritor of the element of earth? sure. he butts heads with Lilly the most, she thinks they’re suspicious, he thinks she’s too bossy and full of herself.
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moonshotpods · 1 year
do you hate podcasts. that's okay. we also stream like five times a week
SUNDAY is sleepover sunday, a casual pajama party stream where andrew and sam play pokemon romhacks and fangames. put on your comfiest sweatpants and come root for a married couple that is trying their best in the face of some very hard gym leaders
MONDAY is kaizo and cocktails, where pb tries (and tries and tries) to beat kaizo mario games and has a wheel of cocktail ingredients that gets spun every 100 deaths. their first drink got dropped on their laptop and destroyed the whole laptop and they had to get a new computer
TUESDAY is the night for jay to stream any bad licensed games their heart desires. do you like pepsiman. do you like cool spot. you'll love tuesday nights with jay
WEDNESDAY is art stream and chill with sasha and sometimes marn and sometimes whoever else wants to pop in and hang out on voice chat. we keep it cool keep it casual. there's usually lo-fi music and good conversation
THURSDAY is tactical thursday with andrew and riley and whatever tactics or tactics-like game they feel like playing. they've played battletech, wildermyth, sekiro, a bunch of other stuff. they're good they're funny come watch
you can find our streams at moonshot.mov and also our vods are on youtube if you look us up ok bye
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mokonahapuuuuuu · 7 months
Every Minute
It was a nice spring day. 
After clothes and grocery shopping, Neil and Belle were at a cafe having lunch. 
“The pies are so good here…” mused Neil as he sipped his tea. “Made from scratch, and local. Makes me glad we fight monsters on a daily basis to keep in shape.” 
Belle smiled, and placed her fork back on her salad plate. 
Neil leaned into his hand as his elbow rest on the table. It was a surprise to himself, but he had feelings for someone. And that person was right in front of him. 
Sure, he would flirt with a couple of girls, though they just seemed boring. 
Belle was kind. Brave, insightful. Sure, he would still love himself at the end of the day, though what if he made a mistake like he made the last time he was on a date? 
Though he knew that Belle was a person who would never give up on him. 
“So I’m practicing with Pegasus and Apollo tomorrow, and guess who I’m sharing the gym with,” began Belle. “Archie.” 
Neil knew how they both didn’t get along. Archie could get crass with the people around him, but being with the guys, Neil knew Archie didn’t mean to be full on mean. 
She leaned into her hand. “Ever since I came here, he always knows exactly what to say to ruin my day.” 
“Hopefully, there are others here who make New Olympia feel like home for you,” said Neil. 
He hoped one of the people was him. 
“Oh yeah,” began Belle. “Jay being the leader makes sure we all are connected. Herry, a bit dim, but means well… Odie rambles on and on, but at least he helps us out in a lot of ways.” 
Anyone could get lost in Odie’s explanations. 
“Atlanta and Theresa are amazing,” she continued. “Atlanta’s trying to make me go on a vegetarian diet, what with us being around animals all the time, and I can see that… Theresa and I being distant cousins, I’m so glad we get along. It’s like I had family here all this time.” 
He smiled. Despite how complicated mythological Greek family trees could be, at least Belle didn’t have to be alone. 
“And how about me?” 
Belle looked at him. “Hm?”
“How would you describe me?” 
May they be good words. 
He didn’t wait and just went on himself. “Amazing, charming? The greatest guy you’ve ever came across?” 
His eyes widen. It was like the world came to a complete halt. Him, gay? 
The person he liked thought he was gay. 
Belle shook her head. “I mean, I didn’t mean to sound offensive, and it’s totally fine if you are gay, and I totally support you.” 
There goes the rest of the day. They went shopping for clothes and groceries, having a nice lunch, and it ended up like this. 
“I mean, you love no one but yourself, but you do kind of give off that vibe of not exactly liking girls. The modelling, the make up, how you always dress better than the rest of the guys. Sorry…” 
It was like he was fading out of existence. Being a descendant of Narcissus, of course he’d be in love with himself and how he looked. 
Though Belle did have a point, and ever since being with the team, they said the same thing in common. 
Neil wasn’t a typical guy’s guy. 
He wasn’t tough like Herry, nor assertive like Archie. Jay’s confidence brought everyone together. 
If he did come across as gay, his chances with Belle were out of the door. 
Gentlemen always paid for the lady, not that this was a date. “I’ll go get the bill, then…” 
In a way, if she picked up the sign, paying for her lunch showed her that he was definitely not gay. 
Lunch was a total let down, but even though there was a chance that Belle didn’t see him as more than a friend, he’d take his time with her. She was worth the wait. 
She was worth every minute. 
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kynrki · 2 years
another moot challenge! who would you ship them with in Enhypen?? how would their relationship be?? i personally think you would suit jake ^^ that’s it bye bye!
HIHI!! ME WITH JAKE?!?! i feel honoured 🤭 (sorry niki) i love jake tho!! :))
001. @hikyeom | jay
LOOK why i say this is bc they are vv chill and layed back!!! they do from time to time have this chaotic energy but it’s mostly chill!! thats what i love most about them! i say jay bc we all know how his temper is😭so i feel he needs someone vv calm to calm him down in such situations, like jungwon, so they definitely fit that area!!!! their relationship would be that trope of ‘angry bf, calm gf’ if you feel me!
002. @completelyrain | jungwon
WHY? bc mali, as i have mentioned so many times before, IS THE DEFINITION OF CHAOS😭😭😭like i feel she needs someone who literally can tell them to stfu without feeling bad afterwards. like with jungwon we all know hes the leader and vv mature for his age, so having someone the opposite around him will give him a run for his money. mali will literally keep this guy on his toes 24/7😭😭😭 im thinking ‘extrovert gf introvert bf’ vibes from them too.
003. @ox1-lovesick | niki
THEY HAVE THE SAME HUMOUR LOWKEY☠️like if i think about it i think they both would pull pranks on the members together and laugh at them afterwards….. and then running away together so that jay doesnt beat them up😭plus i feel like they both would be vv close bc of how well they compliment each other!!! ‘partners in crime’ type of relationship 😭😭(i love this man)
004. @haknom | sunoo
MAN AYLA IS SO SWEET FR☹️☹️i think she and sunoo will make everyones hearts burst from softness and happiness. like i can feel them smiling with each other ALL. THE. DAMN. TIME. like sunghoon would probably have to stop himself from killing you both bc he’s jealous☠️ ayla gives me so comforting vibes and sunoo does too so thats why i think they would be a perfect match!!! ‘sunshine duo’ vibes from them too.
005. @delcakoo | heeseung
THEY GIVE ME HELLA LIKE ‘i wish i were them’ VIBES I SWEAR….like i feel heeseung would make ema blush 24/7 LOL and then once she teases him back its like game over for him. moving on, i think they would be vv caring towards each other but also wanna wrestle all the time bc ema thinks she’s stronger than him. ‘IT couple’ RIGHT HERE EVERYONE!!!!
006. @goldenhypen | jake
OOO EM THANK YOU FOR THOSE JAKE PICS I WILL TREASURE THEM FOREVER!!! but on a real note, i think em is vv calm but can get chaotic at times. plus em is a dancer so i feel she and jake would have dance battles. BUT they would be the biggest SIMPS EVER for each other it’s actually disgusting. like jake would literally put his hoodie on and em is there like “😍😍🥰🥰😘” LMAOAOAO ‘she fell first but he fell harder’ 100%
007. @deeznutsriki | sunghoon
LASTLY MY BABY!!! reason why is bc i think sunghoon would want someone calm like him, even though we all know hes not, so that he feels comfortable around someone who gives off the same energy as he does. though i think he would drag sree to the gym jus to make her watch him work out his muscles and get SUPER cocky about it fr, bc he knows. he does. ‘shy bf wholesome gf’ like he fawns over everything she does!!!
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brighteyes-things · 8 months
Batboys and TMNT 💕
Summary: basically a pairing of which batboys and TMNT would be best buddies, inspired by the TMNT and Batman crossover movie
Note: some of the TMNT characters will also include Venus (idw), jennika (idw), and April o Neil. These are head cannons so if you don't like something that's fine no big deal.
Please enjoy, also sorry it's been a while since I last written something lots of family drama happened 💕
Dick Grayson 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
I pair him well with Michelangelo
Now hear me out on this one first okay
Like yes him and Leo are both leaders but dick and Mikey would VIBE on sight
Both are big goofballs and rays of sunshine that struggle with trying to help out their team
They're both the glue of the family that always wears a smile to keep everyone happy
I feel like they also play video games together at like 5 in the morning and have the strangest food for breakfast
They talk about their crushes together too
Prank wars all week long
Overall I feel like they'd learn something from each other too
Like dick would learn how important it is to let loose and have fun with his brothers and how to let his stress out in healthy ways
And Mikey would have more respect for his big brothers after watching dick take charge and struggle to get the mission to be a success
They love their brothers to death and will do anything for them
Both hide emotions from siblings too
They vent to each other over pizza
Ice cream kitty and bite-wing get along great
Jason Todd ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
This was probably expected but Jay and raph are best friends your honor
Both have anger issues they refuse are there
Both have beef with the blue themed brother (aka dick and Leo)
They'd be gym bros and challenge each other to weight lifting competition
Both have badass girlfriends they simp over (monalisa and Artemis)
Now to the serious life lessons
I feel like together they'd figure out how to handle their anger and channel it into something else
Raph would learn how to be careful from watching Jason strategize everything on missions
Jason would learn that it's ok to let out emotions from raph because his friends will be there for him
Would call each other "bro" unironically
Both have a love for motorcycles and playing vigilante
Overall I think raph and Jason would be each other's biggest supporter
Tim Drake 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛
Donatello and Tim are lab besties
Both have insomnia and a unhealthy addiction to coffee
They are also the brains of both groups
Tech geniuses
Donnie being impressed with Tim's detective skills
Tim being impressed with what Donnie made out of scrap he found in the trash
Both of them being very close to snapping on whoever walks in the room next
Neat freaks with everything else except their work area
I feel like Tim lets loose more around Donnie because he doesn't have to put up a act due to Donnie being too smart and knowing what a fake smile is
Donnie coming out of his shell (pun intended) around Tim and his friends and learning to be more social
They speak geek to confuse the others
They stay up all night plotting on how to build real life star trek equipment
Them both questioning how Bruce has so much in his utility belt
Damian Wayne 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚
Him and Leonardo would be a duo
Damian and Leo both struggle with a lot of pressure to be perfect
Leo struggling to be the perfect leader and protect everyone
Dami struggling with learning how to be good and trying to be perfect and bury his assassin past
I feel like Leo would take him in as a little brother immediately
Damian respecting Leo and his skills and wanting to know how he did it
Leo telling Damian about how he made a lot of mistakes and that it's ok to make them especially as a kid
Long meaningful conversations over tea parties
Damian actually calling Leo by his first name and not "turtle" like he does the others
Damian learning how to be a kid by watching Leo goof off with the other turtles
They have big brother and little brother energy
Both happy they use swords and will spar each other
Leo calls Damian "little guy"
Damian secretly doesn't mind the nickname
Barbara Gordon 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Her and April o Neil are girl besties
But specifically April from 2003 TMNT show
Both are the first girls in the group of boys
They're the only ones with common sense and more than two brain cells
Are like the big sisters of the group
Both completely rock the color purple in my personal opinion
I feel like they talk about they're crushes as well and have girl talk when the guys are on patrol
Babs learns how to be more girly and laid back from watching April because it's the first friend she's had that is a girl and doesn't try to kill her
April learning self defense from Babs and being more of a badass
Both being mother figures to Damian and Mikey
Are always picking up after the boys
Sleepovers every single day complete with romance movies and gossip
Just let them be girls together and have fun being bff's
Overall they need to meet ASAP
Stephanie Brown 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷
Steph and Venus de Milo
But like specifically Venus from next mutation (I know she's hated) and from the many many head canon stories I read as a kid on Wattpad but this works for idw comics Venus too
They're both the most forgotten about female characters that are actually really badass
Both are dated or shipped with the brainiac of the group (Donnie and Tim)
Have a somewhat child like personality and just want to have fun
Everyone kinda hates them for being the first at something.
Venus being the first female ninja turtle
And Steph being the first girl robin and taking Tim's spot
Steph would be amazed by Venus and inspired because she wouldn't feel so alone about being a girl in action
Sure Steph has Babs and Cassandra but her and Venus went through similar experiences
Venus being glad to have another girl to talk to and help her understand earth lingo and catchphrases
Gossip to each other about the boys
Both feeling like they have to earn their spot on the team even after already proving such
Low self esteem besties
But they'd also be chaotic besties on missions no doubt
Cassandra 🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶🩶
Her and jennika would tramma bond
Both are badasses that need hugs
Started off on the wrong side at first but ended up being heros
Jennika being her big sister figure
Cass showing jennika her dance skills from ballet
Jennika playing drums for Cass
They both went through similar things and experiences
Both were trained to be killing machines and lost someone close to them and found the path they needed to go on after fighting for their lives
Jennika teaching cass about meditation and how to read emotions and what to say if someone is sad or angry
Cass showing Jenny that she's more than just her mutation and scars
Both of them hanging out on rooftops and eating fast food while they talk about life
They need each other your honor
I just really want them to bond
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fox-poke-fanatic · 1 year
❡ (@the-koiking-pond, with a twist! Jainitar isn't the gym leader. Sharkie is.)
Title: Magikarp Pond Guy (Jai fakeout), The Real Gym Leader (Sharkie)
Type Focus: Water
Signature Pokemon: Magikarp
Signature Move: Body Slam somehow
Gym Location: Sharkie's Magikarp Sanctuary
Gym Puzzle: Feed the Magikarp to unlock the door to the gym leader. At first it seems like Jai is the gym leader, even getting a boss subtitle, but then he steps aside to reveal Sharkie.
Badge Design: A golden Magikarp
Musical Theme:
Prize TM: Splash
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fishtank32 · 11 months
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drawing the ninja as pokémon gym leaders pt. 1/?
hi! Haven't posted in a bit. I wanted to do something similar to project voltage, so I'm planning on drawing all the ninja as gym leaders. Idk very much about pokémon so i did. like five minutes of googling and that's abt it. Anyways really wanted to pull from superstar jay, not only bcs it's one of my favorites but also I thought it fit the story idea I had for Jay.
anyways, in this au (am I making another au??) Jay was a prominent rising actor who quit early in his career to train pokémon. I think he'd be a lot better at masking and handling his anxiety due to media training. His gym is probably quite (?) popular due to his status. Anyways, next time, the obsidian gym!!
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