#pokemon league
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erob96 · 17 days ago
Did I schedule my 4 remaining vacation days that rolled over from last year before I would lose them at the end of March?
Did I give myself two 4-day weekends?
Also yes.
Do those weekends also coincide with when the Pokemon leagues I’ve been playing in are having their Journey Together prerelease events?
Oh yeah!
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missedplays · 28 days ago
Second attempt at writing this post.
Went back this past Thursday for league night. Had a ton of fun, fought a Palafin deck, Alolan Exeggutor Ex deck, and an Iron Thorns ex deck. So much fun and variety, but I was able to get through and get first going 3-0 with my Dragapult deck.
Round 1 was the Palafin deck, and that was fun watching the pilot work the switching and single retreat per turn. Was a ton of fun watching them run it, but I just spread my damage too much and picked up all my prizes too quickly.
Round 2 was the Alolan Exeggutor Ex deck with Teal Leaf ex and Blissey ex. It was a fun match but I took too many prizes due to the exeggcute’s having only 30hp and in one turn I was able to pick up 4 prizes… I would love to see that deck fine tuned.
Round 3 was Iron Thorns ex, and honestly the only reason why I won was due to luck and me getting Dragapult ex up and attacking faster than they could set up.
I then setup a raid (from the TCG’s alternative formats rule book) with Pikachu V union. We all had a blast, as had a great time winning. Going to try and bring a different one for next week.
Really happy that we have a crowd, and I’m hoping this continues and grows.
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seratheinsane · 2 months ago
I've been getting out of the house more - mainly just to the local community center. I love the people there. I really do. There's this family there - they love each other. I play Pokemon with the boys, and my husband gabs with the mum. They're so... good. I don't really view my husband's family as, well, family. Nothing against them, they're great, too, but it could be I don't see them much, something I don't know yet or just that these others feel so much more what I know, what my childhood looked like. They feel like my family, which is weird and confusing to work through, considering that I am very low contact with my birth family and feel disconnected from them. Until this point, I assumed that family doesn't mean much to me but agh. I feel like I owe my in-laws the feelings I have towards these people at the community center, but I just don't. Every time I expect something bad to happen from them, it doesn't. They're kind, and accepting, and they like us.
Playing pokemon tcg has been my main thing to get me out of the house and while the anti-capitalist inside screaming at me for spending so much money at Nintendo stuff, I also don't care? It's the only thing that makes me excited to leave the house, bear in mind that prior to this, I was fucking terrified of leaving my home. I only go to the community center, and it's literally one street over, but it's progress. Talking to strangers, playing-- oh! I won 2 of 4 matches in my league night and I got two really nice cards in one of my prize packs! I got a league stamped charizard ex and a league stamped chien pao ex! Both regular but still so fucking cool! I love pokemon. I love Mimikyu. Grrr!!! I love playing pokemon with my new friends! Even if I get my ass kicked 90% of the time. It's not about winning, it's about-- FUCK BOTH MY MIRAIDON EX ARE PRIZED AGAIN-
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bishiglomper · 4 months ago
I keep redoing nephew and my decks. He's been wanting a Pikachu deck but the themed boxes are $20-30
He's barely interested in pokemon though. So I'm not sure I wanna spend that much on him. He can only sit through half a game and doesn't really take interest. I'm the one who jumped on that bandwagon when he said the words "I wanna learn to play" 👀
But after that kid threw all his duplicates at us the last time... 😅 he has at least 4 Pikachu and got enough electric cards to start a deck. And the last game store we visited I bought him another handful
I daresay his deck is now more formidable than mine. Mine was only decent because I stuck 4 sets of gardevoir in there. 👀 had a vague strategy.
Now he's got a vague strategy too! Ha
I also updated mine a bit. I've been letting him have first pick of support cards so he's gotten all the best ones pfft
I wanna try it out but they canceled pokemon today to celebrate day of the dead. Wah.
Also since it's turning out to seem like a good deck and our local pokemon veteran says all the Pikachu decks suck anyway... I looked up what Pikachu was the least suckiest and ordered him a battling pair. $6 is better than $30. :3
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veterantrainerray · 5 months ago
Anyone else see that match? Didn’t think Raihan would crush the kid so… Disrespectfully. Damn. Wonder what has him ticked off today.
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thena0315 · 5 months ago
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Official Artwork of Paldea's Elite Four
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zackloup · 6 months ago
Ever wanted an 80s style power ballad about the Pokémon League? We've got you.
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mypokemonscreencaps · 8 months ago
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Indigo League Stadium
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fiddletwix · 9 months ago
Pokemon Episode 75 Analysis - Round One, Begin!
CotD: Mandi – A cocky magician, Mandi, whose stage name is The Astounding Mandi, is Ash’s first opponent in the preliminary matches of the Indigo League tournament on the water field. Despite his popularity with the masses, he seems to be quite rude to people in private. Reappears?: No. Pokemon: Several Pidgey, an Exeggutor, a Seadra, and a Golbat. Although, considering he got to the Pokemon…
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freyachristeam · 9 months ago
Diantha and Synchronization.
Chris here again.
For those who don't know, we've spent the last several months in Unova competing in this year's World Coronation Series and have recently reached the top 50 after defeating Celica Swann a few days ago.
I had no expectation to get this far, but now that we have got there, the next milestone is a huge one. This part of WCS is basically a classic e4 challenge. Out of our 5 scheduled Ultra Rank placement matches for the near future (not including exhibitions or challenges from lower ranks which we get a lot more of), we've completed and won 2. If we win 2 more, then the 6th will be none other than current Kalos Champion Diantha.
It won't be our first run in with a champion, in the Sinnoh league we've had the opportunity to test our skills against our own champion Cynthia seven times.
However of those seven battles, six of them we got absolutely destroyed, and the seventh we only drew because Cynthia got maybe 4 hours of sleep the previous night and was in a huge slump. Its why, while we're technically hall of famers, I don't really consider it earned, we got in on a technicality.
One thing we've learned from those encounters is that it requires far more thought about how to answer each threat a champion's team presents. Diantha's team in particular is extremely well balanced and adaptable. I'm working on prep for each member but for sake of brevity here I'm going to let Freya talk about who is overwhelmingly the most dangerous threat:
Meet Giselle (Right obviously).
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She is the Gardevoir who works as Diantha's ace, and in Ralts communities around the world she's become a very distinct celebrity of her own (although in a way more similar to Cynthia then to her trainer ;>). Throughout her career, Giselle has built up a reputation as being among the best fighters in our species recorded history, and she has pioneered a lot of tactics which have become standard. For example: I use a lot of short ranged teleport spam, which doesn't use the move and therefore doesn't require a slot. Well, she's the one who brought that tactic into the mainstream.
Her style also makes use of a lot of telekinesis, especially using it on herself to levitate above the ground and gain some pretty insane mobility. Offensively, she tends to forgo setup and complexity in favor of all out aggression and power with a wide variety of projectile options, alongside the classic psychic/moonblast combo, her gotos are shadow ball and thunderbolt, which work as a mixup and area denial option respectively.
TL;DR she's a complete beast ;>
Alright back to Chris
As a trainer, the pair of them also have another advantage, that being that Diantha, while she often tries to keep this secret, has some very minor psychic abilities, which allows the two of them to, in a very limited capacity exchange commands telepathically.
Even that small amount however provides a massive advantage in coordination, one of our biggest recent losses was against a psychic trainer who was able to communicate with her ace exclusively through telepathy due to that advantage.
Trying to replicate a similar effect on our end is the biggest way we can even the odds, however because I'm not psychic and we haven't really looked into this before so far there's been no luck.
However we might be able to make some progress soon, as I was able to order one of the Synchro Machines being worked on by the blueberry academy faculty of engineering, which claims to be able to enable telepathic communication and even sense sharing between even non psychic humans and their pokemon.
Will update here and on chatter about the results of that, hopefully we'll be able to apply some of things that happen with that.
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agriefthatcantbespoken · 11 months ago
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missedplays · 1 month ago
So, last night I headed over to my local friendly local game store (FLGS), Victory Point in Jersey City, and for the first time in 20 years played in a Pokemon TCG league. I’ve been trying to get games going for a while now, and doing a lot of showing up and waiting around to play until that finally paid off last night. At least I hope me showing up helped and it wasn’t just random luck lol. Either way it was so much fun.
We had 8 people show up- 5 for league, 2 for learning, 1 for trading. This was great attendance especially considering that this was during a mtg pauper tournament, and a United Arena tournament. Only took about 3 months of showing up before an event fired, our usual crowd size has been between 1-4 and usually only trading. So I was so thrilled that a league night happened.
The group was really nice, 4 new players to the store and 3 that I’ve met before. I got a bye on the first round, got lucky with a win in round against a charizard ex deck, and then lost in round 3 against a Gardevoir ex deck.
I had brought my Dragapult ex deck and wasn’t familiar with the Gardevoir match up, I feel like I could have won that if I knew the deck better. I play on TCGL, and honestly really don’t run into the deck. All fun games with fun people. I am so looking forward to next week’s games and potential deck updates.
So I wrote earlier that I got a bye round 1, but I spent my time talking to a collector regular about the game. They’re excited about learning, and I was happy to walk them through the game. I lowkey never saw the game as only as a collectible… so I assumed that people who collected knew the basics of game, and that is not the case. They got interested in playing from Pocket and I think that’s great! Pocket being “TCG Lite” is great for growing the game as a whole. Looking forward to potentially running some learning games next week too.
Overall, super hyped and enthusiastic about this and hoping to continue to grow the community.
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scraggscribbs · 11 months ago
I love the banter when you fight this line up
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bishiglomper · 7 months ago
I went to pokemon without the nephew
I wasn't going to because I think, technically, it's supposed to be for kids.
I'm highly motivated by free stuff. And the host always gives away free cards. 👀 Which is why I wanna go. But then I remembered this one guy was supposed to help me with deck building so I'm like alright, thats good enough reason to go alone
No packs today but he did put down a whole box of donated stuff to help us tweak what I had. I probably got like 3 packs worth of cards.
Guy helped me and then challenged me and I figured it was rude to turn him down so I let him kick my ass. 🙃
I was anxious the whole time because my brain processing is so fucking shitty. I can stare at a card for 5 minutes and still not know how the fooch to use it. I think I had a point where i could have employed a strategy to negate something but I can't absorb the words on the card let alone put together a multi-step strategy. Stupid shitty brain.
So anyway I'm like why am I the only one who ever comes, y'all need to advertise!! There used to be a decent pokemon league last year. He said they were just starting, it just hasn't picked up yet.
So later he was like "Come back next week! Tell your friends!"
"I'm like I don't have any 😭 That's why I come here!"
And to be honest I didn't know if I meant: "I come here to make friends" or "only losers come here" lmfao 🤣 I did mean the first, but. Lol
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thena0315 · 10 months ago
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staerplatinum · 1 year ago
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I posted three pages on twitter, so I'll just do the same here heh,,
Previous pages!
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