#andrastes favorite princess
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thedragonagelesbian · 7 months ago
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yeah sure i'll be normal about that............................
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wardencallings · 7 months ago
Leliana comparing herself to Andraste in the Inquisition epilogue is my Roman Empire
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ramblinganthropologist · 1 year ago
The pirate and the pumpkin
Summary: Halloween hits Skyhold, and Bull's got his eye on the cakes. Well, the cakes and a pumpkin.
Bull might not have been as familiar with bas holidays, but that didn't mean he didn't enjoy participating in them... especially when there were little cakes to be had.
"No one's going to guess what you are, Chief." Kremsicle was full of snark that evening as the two made it to the grand hall. Bit odd, considering he had been the one to design the costume for him and the rest of the Chargers. The pirate outfit took into consideration his knee brace and eye patch, so he wasn't going to complain.
He was going to ask why the Vint hadn't dressed up as a pirate, mind you. All the other Chargers had gone with the theme, becoming the Bullseye Pirates for the night. He... looked the furthest thing from a pirate, actually. Sure, he was wearing black, but the long coat and symbol of Andraste kind of made the theme switch up.
"Well, they'll be too busy guessing what you are, Creme de la Creme." He chuckled, feeling it rumble in his chest. "You're not a Chantry brother or something, are you?"
Krem made a face at that - whether it was from the suggestion or the difference in the Andrastian factions, he wasn't sure. At least he was certain that his second in command wasn't supposed to be with the church. That didn't leave him with a lot of options, however. It was kind of annoying.
"Krem, there you are!"
Bull felt his eyebrow cock as he watched a familiar figure cross the hall to meet his favorite Vint. Bones - Ian Trevelyan - wasn't dressed as a bag of bones surprisingly. While his dark wig was a bit askew, the mage had taken the time to wipe the skull from his face and instead deepened the circles under his eyes. He had also drawn red dripping from his lip, and when he smiled sharpened teeth glinted in the light.
"Trevelyan, good to see you. Amazing that you could cover all the freckles up." Krem's eyes were as soft as his tone as he looked the mage over. His crush on the man was obvious and kind of endearing in an awkward way. But that crush was the key to his costume, Bull realized, as a grin split his features.
"Better make sure he doesn't put a stake through your heart, Bones."
Of course his second in command was a vampire hunter - he was already aiming for the mage's heart, might as well make a costume out of it.
"Oh, I think I'll be fine, Bull." Bones beamed at him, clearly pleased with how things were going. "Nice pirate costume. I'm guessing you're the captain?"
That's what the hat perched between his horns stood for anyway.
"Something like that." He nudged Kremsicle towards his crush, beaming. "You two have fun, I'm going to get some of those little cakes before they're all snatched up."
Bull left the two, no doubt red in the face, as he headed towards the snack table. It gave him a chance to work the room, see who was what. He spotted more than a few couples trying to be discrete - the Boss and Dorian were off in the corner, chatting and definitely flirting awkwardly. He spied Bones' cousin dressed as a fairy princess getting snacks with her favorite dwarf scout, the two awfully close if he was anything to judge by.
Ah, young love. If it didn't put an ache in his knees.
"Nice hat, Bull." Varric was grabbing a snack too as he made his way to the table to get something to drink. The dwarf was dressed in a long coat that had far too many feathers attached with a toy cat hanging off one of his shoulders. While it was odd to see him with his shirt closed, it was even weirder to see him holding a fake mage's staff in his free hand.
Of all the things he would've expected Varric to dress as... fucking Anders was not one of them.
"Kremsicle made it for me. Thought he was going to be my first mate, but-" he gestured to the vampire and his hunter. "I guess he had other plans."
Varric chuckled deeply as he picked up a cupcake for his plate. "Do I detect a hint of jealousy your second in command has eyes for someone, Bull?"
He made a show of being offended, chuckling. "Me, never. It's good to see him find someone, though I have to admit going for a necromancer wasn't something I expected. Must be a Vint thing."
Bones better be good to Kremsicle, or he was going to need his necromancy to put his bones back in order...
"I suppose the heart wants what it wants." Varric gestured with his fake staff. "Speaking of, I don't see the objects of your affection anywhere. I'm surprised you didn't come with them."
Bull snorted as he grabbed for some mead - he had a taste for it now thanks to said objects of affection. "Akri's in the library trying to pull ahead of Dorian in research. Tried to get him to come down, but their battle is far more important."
He was fond of the man, but he was a giant ass nerd sometimes. And by sometimes, he meant all the time. Honestly, he was surprised the Vint was even down there instead of the library. No doubt his fondness for the Inquisitor had drawn him away from his pile of books.
He should try that some time... Akri needed a little air.
"Such is the fate of one who has something with a mage." Varric chuckled knowingly as he continued to scan the area. "I don't see Jackel though, but she no doubt sees me. Is she hanging from the rafters sniping candy?"
Bull glanced up - it was a little hard, thanks to his lack of depth perception. But he didn't spot a bit of red hair or the glint of her knives. As far as he could tell, the elf wasn't hiding in the ceiling, waiting to get the drop on somebody. Maybe she had already gotten her fill of candy.
Though, knowing Jackel, she could never get her fill. It was part of her charm - she had the sweet tooth to rival any qunari.
"Nope, she's no there." He shrugged. "Guess she'll pop up sooner or later."
Bull grabbed a few tiny cakes for good measure as he nodded to the dwarf. "Enjoy the party. I'd advise staying out of Cassandra's sight."
"I'm a master of that." Varric chuckled. "Have fun, Bull. Say hi to Jackel for me if you find her."
Could do.
He left the snack table after that, staking out a corner of the room to eat his snacks and people watch. Old habits died hard - he was still Qunari deep down, even if he was technically a gray one. As he sipped at his mead, his one good eye scanned the gathered partygoers, trying to pick anything out.
Thanks to that, he saw motion at one of the doors. There was a flash of orange and red, with the familiar speed of someone he knew very well. Something about it made him chuckle as he finished off his mead rather quickly - it was for humans, so it did nothing for him at just one - and headed to the hallway.
Unlike the party, it was dark in the hallway leading from the great hall. Bull cursed as he put his good hand to the wall. Once again, a lack of depth perception was kicking his ass and then some. He felt along the wall, aiming for the stairs. As he walked, he heard the familiar scampering along the beams.
Then she jumped down.
"Evening, captain." Jackel was a small woman, so it didn't hurt when she landed on him with her full meager weight. She too was wearing a costume, bright orange and round. Unsurprisingly, she had decided to come as a pumpkin - or, as he realized with a chuckle, a jack'o'lantern.
Or should he say a Jackel lantern? She was one for puns.
"Evening, Jacks." He chuckle as he handed a small cake up to her. "Having fun?"
She started to munch on it as he walked. "Was keeping an eye on Trevy and Harding. She better not hurt her."
"I think Trevelyan can handle herself, she can summon the dead after all." Bull resisted the urge to make a face at that. He was never going to be ok with necromancy, but the woman was ok. She just... ok, he was still a little Qunari deep down, it was going to take him some time. He was working on it.
He would've expounded on that, but as he walked he got the sense that something was off with his girlfriend. Normally, she was steady on his shoulders as he moved. However, he could feel her fidgeting against the back of his neck, and the outer part of her pumpkin costume kept bumping into her ear.
There was only a few things that could make her fidget like that.
"Too loud for you out there?"
She managed a nod, which was all he needed. Bull left the hallway behind, making his way out of the main building of Skyhold and towards where his room was. All the while, Jacket fidgeted in her pumpkin costume. At least when they went outside, the quiet was better on her ears.
Lucky for her, his room was far from the party. He could feel her relax as he closed the door behind them, submitting them to the quiet of the empty ramparts. Jackel's tense body began to relax as she climbed down from his shoulders and sat on his bed, sighing in relief as her bare feet dangled inches off the ground.
He nodded as he sat next to her on the bed. "Anytime. What set it off this time?"
Jackel shrugged as she reached into her pumpkin costume and pulled out some candy. Perhaps he should have been surprised she had a candy pocket in there, but it made sense considering she was both small and a master thief when it came to sweets. Even better, she tossed him some as she began to eat.
"Fucking ex Templars are loud when they get drunk. I could hear them across the way when I was keeping an eye on Trevy and Scout Harding." She popped a piece of chocolate in her mouth. "Fuckers."
Bull could understand that one - even his ears had hurt a little when those assholes had come in. He could only imagine what it had been like for her and her elven ears.
Never was he more glad to be around explosions in his younger years.
"Well, you can stay here until you calm down and want to go back, or we could just stay here." His knee was beginning to bother him to say the least, so he was fine with staying. "Your choice."
Jackel answered by nudging into his side, still chewing on her candy. That was her way of saying she wanted to stay - she was big on nonverbal cues. Bull nodded as he wrapped his arm around her, pulling her even closer and practically in his lap. He could smell the chocolate on her - it didn't quite go with the pumpkin costume, but it was nice.
"I'm just mad I didn't get to see Ian and Krem flirting." She popped another piece of chocolate in her mouth as she nuzzled close, somehow not hampered by her pumpkin costume. "Ian took forever to get his costume right. He really wanted to look good for your second in command."
Bull snorted as he started to munch on a tiny cake he had brought with him. "I have no doubt they're being sickeningly cute right now. Kremsicle's crazy for the guy. I have to question his taste in a necromancer, but I'm biased."
"Your bias is noted." Jackel tossed her wrapper in the trash before she continued. "They'll be dating before you know it, they're already in the couples' costume phase."
Great - just what he needed. At least Krem would be happy. His second in command deserved that much.
But after that, they lapsed into silence as they ate their snacks and enjoyed the quiet. Bull swore he could feel Jackel's hummingbird heart through her costume, though he knew he was probably just imagining things. It didn't matter - he loved the sensation whenever he got it.
Not a bad way to spend his Halloween, honestly. He had Jackel, he had tiny cakes... couldn't get much better than that. Well, maybe if there was a dragon involved... but he was asking for too much there, even he knew it.
But... hey, 2 out of 3 wasn't bad.
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breadedsinner · 3 years ago
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Hawke as an Inquisition Member
This is loosely based on a meme that went around when DA:I came out. I never got around to it and I think it was more focused on people’s Inquisitor in an AU setting, so I am just co-opting it using ideas from my fic Tether, since I headcanon my Hawke joins the Inquisition as an agent under Josephine. That being said, this is canon-divergent.
Judith Hawke was born and raised in Ferelden, the first daughter of an apostate and a runaway noble. She served briefly under King Cailan before the Blight drove her to Kirkwall. She found success in defending the city, eventually becoming Champion for driving off Qunari, but was cast out for standing against Knight-Commander Meredith. She campaigned for the rightful Prince of Starkhaven, unknowingly one step ahead of Seeker Pentaghast, and has been reigning Princess for several months.
Before she was born, Judith’s mother was captured by Grey Wardens, forcing her father to use blood magic and seal away Corypheus. As such, Judith feels a personal responsibility in defeating the ancient magister once and for all, in any way she can.
Technically Judith is an agent under Josephine, developing her diplomatic skills. Nevertheless, she is happy to lend her blade when called upon.
When not away on missions, Judith can be found in the courtyard gazebo, in quiet contemplation, though sometimes she can be spotted in the Herald’s Rest with Varric.
Paladin: Judith was exposed to lyrium at a young age and thus has the abilities of a Templar. While not as potent, she does not require regular dosage. Her focus is defeating enemies swiftly, and is especially adept at rendering enemy defenses and slaying demons.
Silver Sword; when activated, does increased damage to Fade Creatures.
Smite; a burst of lyrium-infused energy, dealing greater damage to Fade Creatures, and stunning all enemies in range.
Silence; interrupts spells and prevents further spell-casting for an extended period of time.
Hawk’s Wing; a powerful lunge, cleaving foes in her path. This is especially effective against guard.
Talon Lunge; a precise attack at a single target, effective against armor.
Crescent Strike; a wide arc, effective against barriers.
 Combat Comments
Engaging Combat
“Have at you!”
“I will keep you safe.”
“For his sake, I will not fail!”
“Get behind me!”
“Not one more step.”
“Last chance to surrender!”
Upon Enemy Death
“What a waste.”
“You could have prevented this.”
“Andraste Guide you.”
Low Health
“I must push on.”
“This is nothing.”
“No, not here…I must return.”
“I’m going home… no matter what.”
“Forgive me… my prince.”
Location Comments
Storm Coast
“I find the rain and rustling waves rather soothing, don’t you?”
“For years I’ve wanted to come back to Ferelden, but now… all I want to do is cross that sea again.”
“I wonder if Isabela is sailing these waters right now. I hope she’s all right.”
“It does my heart good that this place has recovered from the Blight.”
Emerald Graves
“So Orlesians just… build manors here because they can? Deplorable.”
“Varric, did you send that letter to Merrill? She should see this.”
“I’ve never seen a giant before. Awful.”
 The Hinterlands
“Lothering is not far from here. Perhaps… no, never mind. A foolish idea.”
“Ah, I do love the fresh air and open spaces. I’ve missed this.”
“I’ve lived in cities far too long; I’ve forgotten how big druffalo are.”
(finding Crystal Grace) “Ah… when they were young, Bethany and Carver would climb all over searching for this flower. They found out it was a favorite of Leliana’s, their favorie Sister in the Chantry. They would pull it from the earth, roots and all, stomping into the Chantry, dragging mud. They argued over who would present it to her. I wonder if she remembers.”
Inquisitor: Did you have any feelings for her?
“Aha, well, you know how I feel about pretty archers with soulful eyes and a soothing accent. I looked, for certain, but I was also a bit too young, and had enlisted not long after moving to Lothering. And she… seemed a bit sad, in pain, almost.”
Exalted Plains
“War ruins everything it touches, as surely as any Blight.”
Western Approach
“Fereldens don’t really like heat. Did I fail to mention that?”
(sees a fennec pass) “I’ve had dreams of foxes. Still not sure what they mean.”
(after killing Venatori) “I wonder if Fenris is dealing with these Venatori, too. Making a mess of their innards, I’m sure. I hope he’s eating. I always had to remind him to eat.”
“I lived in a dozen villages just like this one.”
Emprise du Lion
“If not for the horrible red crystals with sickening magic jutting from the ground, this place would be rather peaceful.”
“(dreamy sighs) I would love to just… build a cabin somewhere snowy and quiet, take Sebastian and lock ourselves in for a week.”
Inquisitor: What would you do for a week?
“(laughs) Your imagination is more daring than mine, Your Worship, I’m sure.”
Personal Quests
Darkness over Denerim
Judith’s personal quest is a modified version of “Shadows over Denerim”. Rather than a War Table Mission, she will accompany Josephine and the Inquisitor to meet with King Alistair and/or Queen Anora. Josephine and Judith will speak with the nobles while the Inquisitor investigates the area. With enough evidence gathered, the Inquisitor can call upon Judith to proceed. Once the cultists are revealed, she will assist in the fight.
As a reward, the King and Queen will reward the Inquisition with several trained mabari hounds; the Inquisitor and Judith will have the ability to summon one in battle.
The Flock
Inquisition scouts have spotted a large moving group of mages on the outskirts of Ferelden. Leliana confirms this group to be the remains of the Kirkwall Circle, led by former First Enchanter Orsino and Bethany Hawke. The mission has you join Judith finding them and guiding them to Skyhold, removing all obstacles in their way. Bethany is reluctant to accept help, as she does not want to spend her life relying on her sister’s protection, but does relent that the situation is bigger than that.
Judith generally approves of acts of generosity, selflessness. As a princess, she prides herself on serving others. That said, she was born a commoner, and spent much of her early years in Kirkwall looked down upon, so she also approves of spiting/humbling deserving nobles. She also approves of respecting the dead and grieving.
Here Lies the Abyss
Wardens join the Inquisition
 Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts
Public Truce
Gaspard and Briala Rule
What Pride Had Wrought
Inquisitor drinks from the Well (only elven Inquisitor, no approval or disapproval from a non-elven Inquisitor)
Allows Merrill to drink from the Well
The Verchiel March
Recruit Harmond with Nobility knowledge
Let Sera kill Harmond
Bring me the Heart of Snow White
Bring the real snowy wyvern heart to Vivienne
Pardon Thom Rainier
The Spoils of Desecration
Give the key to Keeper Hawen
The Knight’s Tomb
Give the scrolls to the Dalish
Left to Grieve
Approval for every letter returned
Judith disapproves of selfish and needlessly cruel acts, namely taking advantage of those in need, and propping of those who do not require help.
Here Lies the Abyss
Wardens are exiled
Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts
Celene Rules Alone
Gaspard Rules Alone (GREATLY Disapproves)
What Pride Had Wrought
Allows Morrigan to drink from the Well
The Verchiel March
Partner with Harmond
Bring me the Heart of Snow White
Bring the common wyvern heart to Vivienne
Abandon Thom Rainier in prison
The Spoils of Desecration
Disturb the Grotto
The Knight’s Tomb
Give the scrolls to the Chantry
Judith is a happily married woman, but will accept respectful flirtations with male and female Inquisitors with good humor. If an Inquisitor visits often, she will share details about her beloved prince and how they met, perhaps giving a bit more insight into Varric’s sour attitude towards him, and how there’s probably much more to the story than “Tales of the Champion” will ever tell.
With high enough approval, she will show the Inquisitor her Memory Shard, explaining she experiences nightmares and painful memories, and this is one of the few things able to ease her. She can also offer some advice to an Inquisitor seeking romance.
“If you want love in your life, any sort of love, you must keep your heart open. That means being vulnerable, and that can bring a lot of pain. But you must believe it’s worth it. It took me years to learn that lesson.”
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grapecaseschoices · 3 years ago
TAGGED BY @fairmonkey and @pearlsandsteel
favorite colors: blues (especially cornflower), yellow, silver, black, and white. 
currently reading: ‘artic heat’ by annabeth albert, but it isn’t pulling me in so probably ‘once ghosted, twice shy’ by alyssa cole or ‘the cruel prince’ by holly black will be next
last song: superposition by young giant 
last series: strong woman do bong soo
last movie: ummmm, princess switch: romancing the star (i believe)
sweet, savory, or spicy: sweet! (but honestly all)
currently working on: alleviating my hip pain? lmao. working on tags. 
@shady-saint @quaxorascal @pixelburied @magesmiths @coldshrugs @karolinarodrigueswrites @thelittlestspider @andraste @dakotawritesif @unitedindistaste @cassiopeiacorvus and whoever wants to do this, please tag me (sincerely)!
Thanks for the tag!
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djfatchip · 4 years ago
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Happy Dragon Age Day! @unofficialdragonageday
Vivianna Amell (Top): 
She is my canon Warden.
She currently “disappeared” off of the face of Thedas.
She is a Mage who wields a sword and shield that is made from the essence of the Fade.
Her main Primal is fire. Her main school is the Spirit School. Her secondary school is Entropy school. She specializes as a Shapeshifter, Battlemage and Arcane Warrior.
She romanced Alistair.
She a devoted Andrastian and prays only to Andraste.
She is known as a “Bookworm.” Her guilty pleasures consists of reading a lot and daydreaming. Her favorite colors are petal pink and soft green. 
Her nicknames are, Rosetti, Vivi, Viv, Firefly and Spitfire. 
Her pronouns are She/Her.
Lilyann Leandra Hawke (Middle): 
She is my canon Champion.
Lilyann at the current moment is Viscountess of Kirkwall.
She is a Mage who wields Bow and Arrows. Her main Primal is Lightning. Her main School is Arcane and her second School is Creation. She specializes as a Force Mage and Spirit Healer.
She romanced Fenris (Friendship Route).
Out of the twins, Carver is alive and became a Grey Warden.
She is known as the “Diplomatic One.” Her guilty pleasures consists of gardening. She is an alchemist so gardening goes hand in hand. Her favorite colors is Sky Blue and Petal Pink.
Her nicknames are Lily, Lil, Little Leandra, and Dove.
Her Pronouns are She/Her.
Gissella Trevelyan (Bottom):
She is my Canon Inquisitor.
She has disbanded the Inquisition so she is now a former Inquisitor.
She is a Mage and wields a staff. 
Her main Primal is ice. Her main school is Winter and her secondary school is Spirit. She specializes as a Knight Enchanter. 
Her romance is Solas (even if Bioware didn’t make him available for human Inquisitor, he is the most that suits her and I didn’t want to make an elf as I enjoy my human mage trilogy going on so I headcanon it this way). 
She is known as the “Ice Princess” as she is cold in the way she approaches people. Her guilty pleasures consists of reading and eating sweets. She is also a devoted Andrastian and only prays to Andraste. 
Her favorite colors are any color that is cool + metallic and deep red. 
Her nicknames are Ice Princess, Ella, G and Gigi. 
Her pronouns are She/Her.
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carelessgraces · 5 years ago
@gxtenoughnxrve​​​ said:   talk to me abt the ways astoria exploits religious iconography vs her v real & abiding faith   ( ask me about my portrayal | accepting )
oh MAN i’ve talked a lot about astoria and faith but the iconography itself is a favorite and i haven’t talked about that yet oh MAN c: 
     so there are a few important things to bear in mind here: first, that astoria genuinely believes herself to be andraste’s chosen; second, that even when astoria doubts this, she needs to make sure everyone else still believes it; and third, that astoria has already spent several years carefully constructing her image in the opposite direction. where andraste is a kind and benevolent woman who fights fiercely, astoria has been emphasizing her political prowess and her stern but loving rule. because it’s necessary that she not be seen as a warmonger, the role she plays is of a princess, not a warrior. as inquisitor, that has to change, and fast. 
     and there are some things that work in her favor. for starters: she’s pretty. she’s very, very pretty. she also has red hair, like andraste did, according to this banter between cassandra and sera:
Sera: So Cassandra, if you were trained young, how long have you been giving Andraste's hairy eyeball? Cassandra: Andraste's what? Sera: The sword-eye-hair thing. You know, "Knock-knock, Inquisition; Andraste's hairy eyeball says 'What are you doing'?" Cassandra: The eye is wreathed in fire. The Light of the Maker and the flames of Andraste's Sacrifice. Sera: Oooooh. You need better painters. I just figured she was ginger. Cassandra: She was. Sera: Well, there you go then. Cassandra: (Sighs) No. No, there we don't go.
think, too, about how andraste is portrayed in art — she’s beautiful, with long hair and lovely features, dressed in whites and greys and golds. check out these images: (1) (2) (3) (4)
     so the first thing astoria does is play up the resemblance to andraste. she wears her hair down, brushes out the curls so her hair looks longer and wavier; she wears white dresses when she’s not in her armor; she incorporates the threads of gold in her armor; she wears the inquisition’s insignia constantly. she walks in crowds of her own soldiers, gets to know a lot by name, remembers small details. she needs to be a warrior, and a hero of the people, and so that’s exactly what she makes herself. 
     she designs skyhold to fit that as well. she sits on the andrastian throne —
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     — she has chantry windows installed in great hall modeled after a chantry —
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     — and rather than carrying over the chantry’s insigna, she plasters the inquisition’s everywhere. she sets herself on a throne depicting the flames around andraste, her hair down and her clothes red and gold, and she passes judgment. and, because she was quite literally saved by a figure reported to be andraste, can close the sky at will, and eventually not only wins over, but holds an inordinate amount of control over the chantry, all of that imagery serves to support exactly what she’s saying: she is andraste’s chosen. she is the maker’s voice.
     she also emphasizes this by placing faithful women around her. she keeps cassandra as her right hand, and she loves and admires cassandra a great deal, so the warmth between the two of them is very visible. ( i will say it a million times: cassandra x astoria would be. so good. ) she keeps leliana as her left hand, and in an inversion of justinia, keeps cassandra closer than leliana. she visibly remakes the chantry, the seekers, the templars, all of which come to bear the inquisition’s sigil, and to fly the inquisition’s banner. 
     she keeps a strict control of the religious iconography and she very carefully centers herself, not as andraste’s replacement, but as her hand-chosen and her deliverer. 
     as for how that works with her real faith: astoria is an opportunist and a liar under the best of circumstances, and this is no different. because she genuinely believes in a lot of what she’s saying, she has no problem with having that reflected in how she presents herself. her exploitation of religious iconography fits in perfectly with her actual faith, and when it doesn’t, she tells herself that it’s more important that people believe she’s the maker’s voice, when she’s doing the maker’s work, than that she actually is the maker’s voice. she figures the maker is practical enough to accept a PR campaign. 
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red-wardens · 6 years ago
Late to the party but for the mistletoe kiss... I'd wanna kiss them all. Some platonically (Ronan, Cassian, Blue), some others less so. I'd ask for permission, though. I'd stay away from Kieran, since I am, after all, a human female... XD Das would smooch them all mercilessly (*especially* Kieran). Except for Blue. He'd be very gentle with Blue. Because she may be the most badass warden of the squad, but as far as *he* is concerned, she's made of snowflakes, rose petals and glass.
[And I’m late to the party for answering, it might as well be a New Year’s kiss now xD Jk, thanks for the ask my friend! Here we go. Cassian Cousland is so enthusiastic about platonic affection he’d be absolutely delighted. Blue Surana and Ronan Aeducan would be fine with it and they greatly appreciate being asked first. Good call on Kieran Tabris though. Now for Das… I can’t not write something for this so MERRY BELATED CHRISTMAS]
Mistletoe Kiss ft. Das Davarris + Warden Squad
Words: 1792 (holy moly i got carried away)
The liveliness of the party was felt all throughout Vigil’s Keep, the Satinalia celebration in full swing, unperturbed by midnight’s passing. All the Ferelden Grey Wardens and their friends and family, including the friends and family of the newer recruits, were present and festive. Even a majority of Soldier’s Peak Wardens was there, leaving only a skeleton crew at their castle interchanged by shifts. Warden Davarris, as he often was in any room he entered, was the life of the party.
“Chug another one, Davarris!” “Quit flapping around like a dandy and get yer ass over here!” “It’s your turn for the Satinalia mistletoe game!” came the friendly jeers and shouts that pulled him from his enthusiastic if not eclectic dancing. Not one to turn down a challenge, he marched jauntily over and took up the bottle from one of the new recruits.
“A mistletoe kiss, eh? Maker’s tits you buggers still play this game?” he laughed but twirled the bottle in his hand readily enough. “Alright I’ll have a go at it, Maker knows you blighters need to be shown how to pucker properly. Like you, Mason. Last time you got yer cheeks smooched was probably yer mum, wasn’t it?”
“Up yours, Davarris!” the new recruit answered back, but raised his glass to show it was all in good fun. He took another chug of his ale before shooting back. “Besides, with yer mug this might be the only way you’s getting a kiss.”
“Just spin it already!” called an impatient voice before Das could joke back. A snicker responded to it along with the jibe, “Are you that eager to kiss him, Tabris? Haven’t you two already gone at each other enough?”
“What can I say Nora, maybe I want an audience.”
Grinning, flattered and more than a little buzzed, Das made a show of dramatically placing the bottle in the center of the table and with the hilt of one of his blades, gave it a good spin. The small crowd that had abandoned dancing and drinking and socializing to watch, pressed in curiously. Drawing suspense, the bottle came to a slow stop, pointing not at one person, but at the painting on the nearest wall depicting the Heroes of Ferelden.
There was a brief uproar of laughter and arguing about how the results were to be played out before it was unanimously decided that all the Wardens of the Hero Squad present must be kissed. After making sure none of them were against the idea, Das picked up the sprig of mistletoe on the table. “To work!” he announced, imitating the Commander of the Inquisition’s armies.
Leaping to one side of the crowd, he bent forward to throw an arm around each of his favorite dwarves. Raising the mistletoe between him and Ronan Aeducan, he promptly gave the man a long smooch on the cheek. The warrior made a huff of amusement before running a hand over the side of his slightly ruffled beard. “Too much to drink, Davarris?” he joked.
But Das had already tossed the mistletoe to his other hand and held it up over Nora Brosca. The short woman was already grinning and poking her own cheek expectantly. “Plant ‘er there, Das!” And he did, with enough enthusiasm to send the woman into a fit of laughter before she gave him a surprisingly strong shove toward the tall human gentleman.
“Good evening, Das.” Warden Cousland greeted, ever friendly. The former-inquisitor laughed at his nonchalance before replying “It sure is, Cassian.” and reaching up to take the lanky man’s stubbly face in his hands, still holding the mistletoe in one. To his surprise, Cassian was the one to close the distance. Not one to ever put a damper on party games, he gave Das a short but surprisingly passionate kiss on the lips. Cheers and hollers surrounded them, and one friendly “boooo!” from their favorite elven reaver.
“Maker’s holy balls!” Das cried out, placing a dramatic hand on his chest at the end of the encounter. “You kiss like an Antivan!” he told his friend who laughed, looked both flattered and proud, and assured Das that so did he. They were then interrupted by an indignant yelp as Kieran Tabris picked up the petite woman beside him and carried her over.
“Oi, Davarris! Kiss Mell first, you and I are gonna be a while.” the dark-haired elf suggested, grinning and presenting his mage friend who looked thoroughly embarrassed. He set her down before Das who took her hand and kissed it gently. Alyss Amell’s face was already turning pink but she met Das’ pale eyes and smiled demurely. Her shyness was clearly due to having the eyes of a crowd on her and not their proximity. Das was good at drawing her focus from all of them though, and it was warmly appreciated.
“May I, Princess Amell?” he inquired of her and she suppressed a little laugh before granting him permission. He smiled back brightly, raised the mistletoe and gave her a soft peck on the lips before drawing back to return her personal space. Alyss had turned red- and there were more cheers- but before Das could perceive any of this, a hand had grabbed his and raised it over his head along with the mistletoe. Das couldn’t even laugh at his enthusiasm before Kieran’s mouth was on his, the other gripping the upper part of his arm as he walked him backwards into a pillar.
As his back hit the stone, Das returned the kiss in earnest, free hand traveling up into the other man’s long hair. The whole room was in an uproar now with their hollers and even some applause. Snickering, and not being able to help himself, he tugged at the thin leather cord holding up Kieran’s bun and the cascade of raven-colored hair poured down Kieran’s back nearly to his thighs. Warden Tabris made a grunt of protest but would not break the fierce kiss- until a hand reached out and yanked him back by his robes.
“Quit hogging him, Tabris. It’s my turn.” the beautiful and intimidating Arlessa ordered sharply. With a friendly ‘You bitch, Mahri.’ at her and a wink at Das, Kieran yielded. Das looked surprised but intrigued- Isseya Mahariel hadn’t been in the room when he’d first spun the bottle so he hadn’t imagined she’d be on the proverbial menu.
“My Lady!” he exclaimed. He bowed to her nobly, and was delighted at the brief but clearly amused tug in the corners of her lips. She walked up to him purposefully, in her tall heels she was slightly taller than him and it was oddly thrilling, but paused an inch from his face. The crowd had quieted down slightly but looked more excited than ever. Isseya raised her large goblet of wine by one side of their faces and took his hand to hold the mistletoe up next to the other side. Their lips hidden from prying eyes, she leaned in and pressed her mouth to the corner of his, not truly kissing him, not intending to.
“Guess who returned early from her visit to Orlais?” she whispered, lips brushing against his skin. “She’s in the rookery. Hurry.” She pulled back and raised her goblet, smirking and announcing loudly, “Not bad, Davarris!” to a host of wild cheers. But Das could hardly hear them anymore; the breath had left his lungs and a lost look wavered over his mask of a party-face. She was here?
Excusing himself hastily and ignoring the protests, he escaped the party and made his way up the castle. By the time he’d ascended the final staircase he was terribly out of breath, but threw the door open anyways. A few of the ravens squawked, startled, but the woman sitting on the windowsill only looked up and smiled. Das fidgeted.
“You’re home!” he cheered, smiling then cursing at himself because yes that was very obvious but his damned bloody mouth operated faster than his bloody thoughts. But Warden Commander Blue Surana nodded once, rose to her feet and approached him. She looked into his eyes, the small smile still on her lips, and brushed her gloved hand against one of his. .
“I’m home.” she agreed, staring at him to convey that the idea had little to do with location. Das felt his chest tighten. Maker how did she always do this to him? Before he could muster up another not-well-thought-out reply, she tugged curiously at the plant still in his hand.
“Mistletoe?” she inquired. Das chuckled, the heat rising in his face a bit before he raised up the sprig and carefully explained what had gone on downstairs. She was going to hear it from someone eventually so he figured it might as well be him. She nodded, face unreadable but eyes clearly enjoying the story.
“I see. Did you come up here to kiss me too?” she asked, mildly, as if inquiring about the weather. Das nearly choked on his heart as it sprung up to his mouth. Well, not really, but it bloody well felt like it. He opened his mouth to respond when she continued with. “You may, if you like.”
A few moments of silence, then she shifted slightly and added, “Unless you’d rather not.”
Rather not? Great burning Andraste, of course he wanted... He regained himself, forcing himself to smile despite the nerves. She was looking doubtful now and there was no way he was allowing that. He assured her in enthusiastic and somewhat colorful language that he abso-fucking-lutely did. He raised up the mistletoe one last time, cursing the sudden shakiness of that hand. He’d kissed hundreds of people- maybe, he didn’t really count- but seldom did doing so make him this nervous. Das tried to remind himself she was not in fact made of roses and snowflakes and glass, but when he finally raised his other hand to cup her cheek he certainly held her like she was. He leaned in-
“Should I close my eyes to kiss?” she asked tentatively. He froze, blinked in surprise.
“You can if you like.” he replied chuckling. “Do you not usually?”
There was a long pause before she averted her eyes. Das paled.
“You’ve never..?”
“Nora kissed me once.” Blue answered, meeting his eyes again. “She was drunk and I don’t think she remembers. And Cassian and Kieran… sometimes kiss my cheek when they greet me.”
Das squatted on the floor with his head between his legs and hands on top of said head. Sheer panic washed over him. He was going to be her first real kiss? He didn’t deserve this honor- holy fucking shit he-
“Did you change your mind?” she asked, sounding a bit disappointed.
“Just give me a minute,” he requested hoarsely.
8 notes · View notes
9lph9tr0n5s · 7 years ago
Meet Rohan and Valkyrie (aka my take a stand au)
So, everyone in the zootopia fandom has seen all sorts of OC’s, fanships, stories, fanarts and other stuff that would be too much to remember. But, i’ve never seen someone create a fusion OC (even though they exist in other fandoms). So, without further addo, may I present you zootopia’s FIRST fusion character…
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This beauty is the merged character of Robyn and Hannah by @crewefox . After eight months of wait i’m finally glad and proud to introduce you all to my OC. what follows will be a bio of her charachter. Then I’ll put a link to her backstory and the whole series of events that led to her birth. Beware that the read more option may not work, both in the app and in the computer
Full name: Rohan Marheather Wildesavage
Species: fusion, fox/rabbit hybrid
Fusion components: Robyn Heather Wilde and Hannah Marian Savage
Date of first fusion: 28th of june 20344, Canary Islands
-Robyn: mechanic
-Hannah: radio host and ballet dancer
-Rohan: fitness and MMA trainer
-common jobs: superhero leader, dimensional traveller and peacekeeper
Physical description
-Age: same as Robyn and Hannah
-sex: female
-gender: bisexual with more intrest in females due to Hannah being lesbian
-height: 8.2 feet (around 2.5 meters)
-fur density: soft and smoother than silk, can get winter coats
-fur color: overall ginger with darker spots on the fingertips and the eartips, black eyebrows and tail tip and black and white stripes following hannah’s pattern. Rohan can change her fur color in any possible color scheme: from plain tan, to cream with red spots or patches, to black with yellow stripes (as a chevron) to even purple or shining blue silver
-paws: all have paw pads like a fox, the feet are as long as a rabbit and can stand up digitigrade and both hands and feet posses retractable, sharp claws
-tail: long, wavy, poofy, soft and capable of moving as a third arm thanks to more muscles in it. Rohan usually likes to smack unsuspecting targets to prank them
-Body shape: slender like Hannah with wider hips and strong muscles taken from Robyn
-eyes: right one teal and left one turquoise normally, can be changed in any color like the fur in any combination possible: red, green, pitch black, blue with orange shard… the eyes can also assume a plain colorization
-ears: longer than Robyn’s, slighty wider and capable of hearing further than any other mammal.
-muzzle and mouth: the muzzle lenght is between Robyn and Hannah’s and the nose has a very sharp smell range. The mouth is composed by sharp teeth and a razor buck tooth
-other peculiarities: Rohan can assume a feral form, standing on four legs, or just with her hind paws digitigrade; unlike most hybrids she’s fertile and this fertility has been transmitted to the components; her body is very flexible, but it can’t stretch like plastic
Robyn’s side:
-rash: Rohan can trip into dangerous situations without thinking twice, but always manages to get out alright, mostly
-crass: when Rohan is angry or really pissed, she can swear as instant reaction to an insult or a bad comment
-loyal and trustworthy: like Robyn, Rohan is loyal to her friends and, in no case, she can be corrupted or turn with the bad guys. She’s also extremely careful in respecting a promise or keeping a secret
-respectful: despite having the habit to center herself in rare situations, Rohan knows who’s in charge or is the most experienced on something. Many times, she asks for constructive criticism or honest thoughts about a certain subject and acknoweldges when she’s wrong
-hot tempered: strictly related to having a coarse tongue, Rohan has robyn’s short fuse when being pestered, mocked or scolded. This can occasionally lead to a fight when it happens and the one who insulted her heavily won’t go back home without a bruise… or a broken bone
-gold heart: deep inside, she cares about who she loves and is always willing to help for any problem
-energetic: Rohan as a carefree and upbeat personality just like robyn
Hannah’s side:
-empathetic: Rohan, like Hannah, instantly recognizes what somebody else feels and either joins someone in their happy moments or comfort sad mammals
-polite: from Hannah, Rohan has inherited her calm and collected demeanor, which strangely enough, doesn’t clash with Robyn’s short fuse
-focused: Hannah’s focused mind is another trait that distinguishes rohan: she can elaborate a good startegy, study someone from the outside and guessing the inside and never lose track of an individual or lose control of the situation
-clingy: when Rohan gets attached to someone, it’s hard to take said attachment away, and this can lead to rohan putting first him/her than her team if he/she’s in danger, just like Hannah with Robyn
-emotional: while this is mostly a trait taken from Hannah, Robyn has also a tender side: when sad, Rohan can easily burst into tears while trying to keep herself collected and this leads many people to believe she’s a crybaby
-romantic: Hannah’s romantic side shows up in Rohan when being courted by someone; this unfortunately has led to episodes of boys and girls chasing her for a date because they found Rohan “lovable as hell”
Common traits:
-dorky: both Robyn and Hannah are dorky af, so it’s normal to see Rohan being silly in a playful way
-adaptive: wheter the situation is a long wedding or a hard strike againts a crime lord gone wrong, Rohan quickly adapts to the situation and keeps up, just like Robyn and Hannah
-smart: although many see Robyn as a normal C student and Hannah as a top A mammal, both girls are extremely intelligent. Just don’t overestimate her
-loving: is there much to say about this? Rohan deeply cares about anyone and is always available for comforting or cuddling someone
Unique traits:
-tricking: Rohan seems dumb from shallow and small-minded individuals, but 75% of the time she’s just faking; she’s a cunning mammal and this shows in her ability to pull of tricks or turn the tide of a situation in a way neither robyn or hannah are capable of. This seems to be a recessive trait taken from Robyn’s father Nick.
-charismatic: this charismatic side the wildesavage couple has doesn’t show up very often; things change when rohan is in the game: thanks to her charisma, Rohan is a natural born leader, and everybody follows her or ask for her advice; this trait seems taken by both Nick and hannah’s father Jack
Favorite things in groups
-Favorite foods and drinks: everything KFC cooks, turkey meatballs, spaghetti with tomato sauce, masala cod, fried ginger crickets, pepperoni pizza, crispy mcbacon, oven pasta
-favorite movies and TV shows: Enter the dragon, the princess bride, Star Wars: the last jedi, black panther, karate kid, the big bang theory, steven universe, every disney princess movie, fantasia, the incredibles
-favorite games: the uncharted series, the last of us, overwatch, call of duty black ops 3, rise of the tomb raider, destiny 1, Star Wars battlefront 2 (the old and the new one), titanfall 2, horizon zero dawn, GTA 5, team fortress 2, god of war (the 2018 version)
-fandoms: disney princesses, Star Wars (the sequels side mostly), MCU, love stories, Overwatch (not the porn, nor the toxic side)
-favorite music: punk rock music, dancable music, Green Day, Ed Sheeran, Queen, the Pirates of The Caribbean, Star Wars, star trek, back to the future and the incredibles themes, Cole Rolland, Imagine Dragons
General Likes and dislikes:
-being petted, cuddled or having her fur stroked
-crude humor
-being a dork
-topping herself
-being nurturing and kind to everyone
-friends and family
-protecting zootopia for good
-comfortable clothes
-being pressured
-having a fight with a loved one
-being harassed just because of who she is
-small minded mammals
-corrupt people
-whoever threatens her city
-heavy junk food
-strobo lights
-nudity in public
-toxic mammals and fans
Robyn’s side:
-father: Nick Wilde
Occupation: mayor of zootopia
Status: alive
-mother: Judy Hopps
Occupation: police chief of the first precinct
Status: alive
-grandmother: Marian Wilde;
Occupation: former vigilante known as “the maid”, now hero trainer and supporter, mostly for hacking and I.T. professor at the zootopia university
Status: formerly dead, currently reanimated and alive
-grandfather: Robin Loxley Wilde
Occupation: former vigilante known as “hood”, now hero trainer and couple advisor
Status: formerly dead, currently reanimated and alive too
-Grandparents (Judy’s side): Bonnie and Stu Hopps
Occupation: carrot farmers
Status: alive
-Ryan, Ronan and Reginald (reggie) Wilde: Robyn’s triplet brothers; Ryan is a laid-back lover of yoga, Ronan is a pro gamer and Reggie is a panmusical mammal
Status: stillborn at the beginning, now brought back to life
-Luna Wilde (Robyn’s half sister)
Occupation: surgeon at the zootopia hospital by day and patroling zootopia by night as the vigilante Andraste
Status: alive
Hannah’s side:
-father: Jack Savage
Occupation: MCB agent (major crimes bureau)
Status: alive
-mother: Skye Winter
Occupation: MCB agent, works with Jack
Status: alive
-known grandparents:
Hannah Savage
occupation: pensionate
Status: deceased then brought back to life
-siblings: none
-Victoria Todd (luna’s mother)
status: dead, then reanimated
-Alice Kirabito-Wilde (Robyn’s sister in law)
Occupation: videogame and anime reactions youtuber, superhero, quartermaster and weapons assistant
Status: alive
After a year Robyn and Hannah adopted their first son Aaron, he wished to have siblings like her moms (who also wanted biological kids on thier own); this was possible through a pregnancy pen: a device invented by olivia dawson and crafted by her and luna which allows two blood drops and a drop of seed of each couple member (gay or hetero) to mix and create full embryoes and literaly plant them into the one who wants to be pregnant, but the “carrier” has to be female; from this union, five kits were concieved and born from robyn as aaron’s birthday gift, who decided to carry on the pregnancy and aaron welcomed to the family his new siblings. Also, after a foster home was shut down due to cruel personnel and heavy mistreating of the orphans, robyn and hannah decided also to adopt two mammals who were unwanted and left without a family. Needless to say: all those children made judy go on cloud nine… and it gave nick a heart attack.
-Ash, Sarah, Iris, Dylan and Mitchel Wildesavage (respectively M,F,F,M,M)
Species: fox/ rabbit hybrids
Date of birth: 8th of december 2039
-Aaron Wildesavage (this character is also by crewefox, he was so adorable i decided to keep him in my AU too)
Species: male koala
Date of birth: 31st of december 2033
Adoption date: 21st of december 2038
-Skylar Wildesavage
Species: non-binary otter
Date of birth: 24th of august 2033
-Penny Wildesavage
Species: female black labrador
Date of birth: 15th of february 2032
Both skylar and penny were adopted the 27th of october 2040
Side notes:
-i know dogs shouldn’t exist in the zootopia universe, but in mine they do
-Robyn and Hannah originally wanted one or two kits, but Robyn’s bunny genes let her have five kits in the end 
Since Robyn and Hannah are both superheroes, there had to be Rohan’s superheroine alter ego so, i present you VALKYRIE 
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 Now it’s time for the superhero part
Alias name: Valkyrie
Alligned to: team Ceartais, ZPD, MCB, Camelot
Role: leader
Hero suit: red carbon fiber jumpsuit with white parts, a dark red hood and cape made for gliding and flying when necessary, a dark turquoise chestplate, blue and white shin and forearm guards, a blue and white checked mask and a gem storage in the middle of the chest for the infinity fragments protected by a small sheild. The suit itself has tron-like lines as an attire choice. The suit, the cape, the armor plates, tthe mask, the lines and the weapons can change colors into everything and every pattern. The suit itself is resistant to fire, shocks, electricity, cuts and explosives; the problem is that some parts are left exposed and rohan has to be careful to those weak spots
Power level: supermammalian to god-like
Steel blood powers: Robyn and Hannah’s originary power both originate from some nanomachines called “steel blood” which helped them survive a severe case of sepsis and other damages occured during a tsunami that nearly killed them
-healing factor: Robyn’s primary power consists in a powerful healing factor which repairs and wound or damage instantly. This also renders her, and by proxy Rohan, immune to poisoning of any kind, by simple alchol and cigarettes to vast amounts of cyanide in her body. Unfortunately, the more poison enters her body, the more it takes to rohan to process it. Also, the healing process takes more time if Robyn or Rohan are shot to the head. Another good side though is that Robyn and Rohan can survive being grinded, having their head chopped off, being squashed by two walls and being liquefied
-super strength: the steel blood also strengthened Robyn’s muscles, giving rohan an immense physical force, at the point of being five times stronger than robyn normally is
-high jumping: strong muscles and an energic, athletic attitude is the perfect match to jump high. Rohan can jump about
-high stamina: the nanites powered up her whole skeleton and inner system, which means that rohan, and robyn in the first place, can fight for a long time, running over 100 miles, training in a gym for 24 hours straight without getting tired if put under pressure. Eventually in the aftermath of one of those things, Robyn (or Rohan’s) body feel and become more tired than usual and require more amount of sleep to return in shape
-faster reflexes and speed: since hannah was blind when she received the steel blood nanites, those should have supposedly healed her sight; instead they went on powering up her reflexes and speed. This makes rohan agile and fast on the battlefield
-ability to become blind and go back to full sight on command: this power was mastered during a time when Robyn and Hannah were left stranded. Hannah managed to get her sight back, but also practiced between shifting in full sight and blind. While seemingly useless, this power can come very handy if someone generates a strong light and rohan can still fight without necessarily closing her eyes, especially if she doesn’t have a protection
-super senses: when Hannah or Rohan go blind, all the other reflexes (hearing, taste, contact and smell) heighten up to compensate the lack of sight. Those senses can become handful depending on the situation
-pulse field generation: Hannah’s trademark power consists in “seeing” while blind. While tecnically what hannah sees is a blank world with no writings or images but just the primitive shapes of her surroundings, the nanomachines allow her heart to generate a pulse everytime it beats that detects all surfaces and objects in five miles. Rohan’s area is wider and can arrive up to 20 miles
-healing factor: Hannah also has a healing factor, but it works slower than Robyn’s. Rohan partially compensates this with a faster regeneration in case of sight or hearing loss
-memory link: Rohan’s memory is made up of all memories from robyn and hannah and her own, which are all stored into a neural, indestructible cloud. If one member loses all memories, just one tap on the body or fusing can make the lost memories come back. By proxy, the wildesavages share rohan’s memories and their own, this means no secrets between the couple in normal life
-feral state: if robyn is shot to the head, all her strenght and speed multiply by nine, but, as the name suggests, the nanomachines while healing the damage awaken her feral instincts, making her a savage beast. If this should happen to rohan, she would turn savage for a shorter time than robyn. Only few mammals and beings know how to tame while savage
infinity gems powers (they’re much more than the listed ones and some must be discovered): after being found out by Robyn and Hannah, six fragments of the infinity gems linked with them and grant more powers. while these powers are mostly used by rohah, robyn and hannah also use them separatly, abeit with less efficiency than their fusion. The fragments after rohan unlocked the infinity state, transformed into full gems
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power (red):
-energy control and manipulation: the power gem allows rohan to manipulate all sorts of energy in any form, from kinetic to nuclear, and any way: force fields, power sharing, recharge, power overload…
-laser, maser wave or pulse energy blast: most importantly, rohan can use that enery to mimic and use a certain energy primarly for a laser blast; said power can manifest in a powerful shockwave or a presence that burns and slowls incapacitates everyone near her. Rohan could kill someone with her powers, but she chooses not to unless there’s no other choice, or her foe is unpowered and defenceless. In that case, she uses the power for knockback
-energy and power share: Rohan can gift some of her power to anybody else who needs it to strenghent him or her. This also applies to electronic devices
-maximum power state: when rohan unleashes the full power of the power fragment her body becomes glowing red in color and physically a pure manifestation of energy. In this form rohan is surrounded by energy vamps like a sun and is totally invincible. This form consumes a tremendous amout of energy, leaving her helpless when she stops, so rohan must use this as a last resort
Time (orange):
-time manipulation and travel: thanks to the time gem, Rohan can control time around her and with others. She can freeze a single moment, create a loop, rewind her own time or a recent situation and even age or de-age every living being. With the right amount of focus rohan can also travel through time
-time mastress state: at full strenght, the time fragment turns Rohan’s body orange and magical gears appear. In this form rohan’s time powers are amped up to ridiculous heights at the point rohan BECOMES time itself and is able of creating or erasing some events or a complete timeline. In the aftermath Rohan dissociates temporarly for three hours before her molecules line up
Reality (yellow):
-reality manipulation: the reality gem allows Rohan to bend the primary shape of everything around her at her will, always turning the situation to herself, like a wizard using magic. But if the power is used without limits, rohan could alter reality for a long time before fixing it, thus she has to be very careful when using the reality related powers
-creation of everything: this superpower allows Rohan to do everything she imagines: she can materialize a toy in front of her, turn water to fire of give herself new powers; the only things she can’t do are: copying powers related to the other gems (unless she temporarely gives new powers to other beings) and bring people back from the dead
-illusion and hologram control: rohan can create multiple copies of herself or turn temporarily a place in what she wants to with hard light
-reality bender state: this state renders rohan yellow and the surroundings in an area of 10 meters constantly shape. All the afromentioned powers are strengthened at the point rohan can create multiple universes at once. This state doesn’t consume much energy and it’s currnetly rohan’s most used super form
Soul (green):
-soul dislocation: with the power of the soul gem Rohan can either exit her body becoming a green ghost or force the enemy’s soul to exit the body, leaving both, rohan or the foe, numb and defenseless
-control and power over life: the soul power can also heal wounds, physical and broken morales, temporarely take back the dead as zombies or trap other souls into the fragment
-soul detector: Rohan can discover and make visible all ghosts (souls of dead beings), talk to the and even command them if necessary
-ability to travel to the soul realm: the soul gem hosts a pocket dimension called soul world; here all the souls of the dead live a neverending life of joy. Rohan can enter this world and take whoever she wants without turning them into ghosts and her soul powers within the world increase even more
-soul guardian state: in this state Rohan gets engulfed by green light and has total control over the spirits: she can evoke hordes of ghosts againts her foes, catch easily all souls within a certain range and gradually weaken everbody. The aftermath leaves Rohan internally weakened and unable to move, though she still can see everything happening around her with the same perception as someone in a dream
Mind (blue):
-mind control and other abilities: Rohan’s most basic abilities with the mind gem include: controlling the mind of the weak, shutting their mind down leaving them open for attacks, creating false memories, breaking brainwash and telepathic control on others and reading memories. Rohan is also immune to all mind-based powers; for example, she can’t be brainwashed
-mind link: Rohan can connect minds withan ally and see through its eyes. She can also talk to them in their mind by giving them advices and makes them immune to mind control. Usually though, Rohan uses this tecnique to calm down scared mammals since she can also alter emotions
-memory share: just by touching on the head somebody, Rohan can share her memories to other mammals
-brainstormer state: Rohan becomes all blue by entering this form and becomes able to access all the minds of a single planet she can go into. The aftermath isn’t as bad as the other, but it does leave her with a huge headache that lasts for five minutes after she exits this form
Space (purple):
-teleportation: Rohan can teleport herself in any place she wants. Where she goes depends on her memories of the place, or where she looks at. She can also teleport enemies or teammates away or where she wants too
-ability to control space and movements around: the space gem also allows Rohan to speed up, slow down or stop movements in a maximum area of three miles, usually by bloking foes in mid air or speeding her time up becoming faster from the eyes of the spectators. Rohan has also total control over gravity: she can increase it or decrease it to the point of nullification in a certain spot
-molecular dislocation: Rohan can phase out her molecules becoming intangible; while dislocated phisically, she can’t be hit or touched and can pass through any solid object. She can also phase out her opponents and stick them into solid objects, but she doesn’t use that power very often on normal, powerless criminals since she finds it brutal
-traveller state: Rohan’s last normal final state covers her body in purple light and nullifies gravity in an area of 50 miles. Rohan’s space powers heighten up exponetially at the point of teleporting an entire population on another planet or move planets herself. Rohan can also create gravity wells or black holes and dislocate entire armies. The aftermath leaves rohan intangible for one hour
-immortality: since the infinity gems are part of the universe itself, Rohan and by proxy Robyn and Hannah can’t die in any way. If they should be disintegrated, their bodies would simply regenerate and their aging becomes stuck at the age of 25
-self awareness: this doesn’t mean rohan has total control over her senses, instead, rohan is fully aware she is an original invented fusion character by me, that their components were born from the mind of an irish, bisexual assistant surgeon and that their parents come from a very beloved disney classic movie. In few words, she can break the fourth wall
-SECR (acronysm for supreme energy coalescence ray): rohan can channel the power of the six fragments into a powerful, multi colored beam which can totally erase existance where it hits; she swore to use this power only if the enemy outranks her or in apocalyptic, near failure scenarios as her goal isn’t to cancel life. Rohan doesn’t need to enter the infinity state to use the SECR
-the snap: Rohan’s most powerful move definitively constist into the snap, where rohan uses all six gems and snaps her fingers to make every wish of hers come true. This time the aftermath is a mix of all the other aftermaths of the singular powered state of the fragments: namely, rohan becomes intangible, dislocated in time and soul, physicaly and mentally weakened for eight hours. The only way to carry her to safety is trapping her into an electrostatic box. When the “hangover” effects vanish, rohan wakes up with a giant headache. The snap has a cooldown of a year
-infinity state: even if the snap is indeed powerful, Rohan can enter the ultimate state by unlocking all the ultimate power states of the fragments and combing them. In this form, Rohan becomes totally white in color with gold shades. her powers heighten up to god-like levels and she’s able to use any power, steel blood or infinity based, heightened up, while accessing to every mind in the universe, bending all matter and reality at her own will, moving entire galaxies, controlling time while also having vision of future and past events and powering up every ally, no matter where they are or which species they are, temporarely gifting her powers to them. The aftermath effects are the same of the snap, but the time for the relocation lowers to two hours, and there’s no headache
weaponry, gadgets and arsenal:
-mega nightstick: Robyn uses a titanuim telescopic baton 1 meter long in combat, formed by two nightsticks and two handles which can simply split in two or also form two tonfas with the two handles. When Rohan plays the baton (which becomes 2 meters long with her) and it’s subweapons become harder than diamond. Each stick also has a hidden blade made out damascus steel with a diamond tip in case of tougher opponents
-constructo guns: Hannah’s primary weapons are two guns which can combine into other weapons after their upgrade: for example, a simple machine gun, a shotgun, a grenade launcher, a minigun and a small crossbow. They can also fire traquilizing pellets, laser shots or normal bullets
thanks to the realty fragment both weapons can combine into five other weapons, which also have powered up forms
- a baton with guns on each end; this doesn’t have a powered form, but it can still split and form two tonfa guns
- a javelin with a ninjato-like blade and a double barrel gun where the blade is placed. When powered, the guns spin in a circle and fire faster than a minigun while the blade knocks back enemies up to three miles
-a double sword with the central handle curved, a blade with an axe tip (like megatron’s sword on TF5) and a long barrel for sniping as long as the blade on each sword; normally it can also split up into two blades with curved handles, turn into a hi-tech bow or a giant boomerang. Powered up the guns shoot bullets and laser that pierce through everything, the blades cut even more (but not everything), the bow shoots further, its arrows strike harder and the boomerang locks onto the enemies until it gets them
-a halberd with a giant blade and a grenade barrel on top; this could be considered as a more brute version of the javelin since Rohan uses it for larger opponents. The powered form grants two additionals grenade launcher barrels and allows every strike to cut enemies or generate slices of pure red energy
-a baton that turns into a whip with a flick of the wrist and a double gun separated from the melee weapon unlike the previous four; the baton can let the tip and the rings of it’s whip form exit and let a yellow energy blade come out of the handle while the rings and the tip form a small shield. Powered up, the whip can generate small quakes where it lands, the shield assumes the aspect of a circual saw and the energy blade becomes able to slice through everything
(if you are confused and don’t know what the weapons look like, i can say that for some i got inspired from the weapons the praetorian guard from The Last Jedi wields)
volcano comet: while the nightstick, the guns and their combo forms are more than a match for any enemy, rohan wields a red, double bowed crossbow which can shoot tranq darts, arrows and laser beams at ligthspeed, for sniping attacks
concussion grenades: these grenades developed by Robyn and Hannah’s friend Olivia Dawson, create a shockwave that pushes everyone meters away from the explosion point
hacker spine: in honour of Marian Wilde “the Maid”, Robyn asked to graft into her suit a short-range hacking device which activates only whey she and hannah fuse and allows her to enter the enemies’ computers and devices, thus controlling them or shutting everything down
hyper goggles: Rohan’s domino mask contains many options into her lenses: x-rays, heat vision and ray beams
-fighting styles: boxing, MMA (mixed martial arts), blood ballet (a style invented by hannah which mixes dance styles and MMA), cloak and dagger strikes, teräs-kasi, shien, djem so and yuvo
small side notes:
-when dressed in civilian clothes, rohan sports her gems combined into a single rainbow gem embedded into a jade bracelet
 As for her backstory, the link is here
And there she is; after months of working on her bio i’m finally proud to welcome the first zootopian fusion to the fandom. I hope you like her and if you wish to use her for a story or a fanart, message me first. I may add extra info later.
And to finish, here are the credits:
thanks to @crewefox for allowing me to use robyn, hannah, scarlet, bullet, aaron and other characters (too many to name) and helping me with the correction of the post
thanks to @jafethortiz who made the arts and the coloring
special thanks to  @chickwithdreads and this post for giving me inspiration about the charater sheet
And last but not least, thanks to the whole zootopia fandom, who dedicate a bit of their time to admire the first zootopian fusion character
thank you and see you soon 
the infinity gems, iron man, namor, mister fantastic, black bolt, doctor strange, professor x, the skrulls, the super skrull, the kree and ronan belong to Marvel®
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thedragonagelesbian · 6 months ago
hey you know what being able to mod inquisition now means...
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+ fresh out of tranquility/pre crisis of faith messy ponytail
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terithetacticalunicorn · 6 years ago
The Royal Inquisitor by Nia Lavellan
Name: Princess Vexana Emerald Cousland-Theirin
Age: 24 but looks about 17
Race: Human/Elvhen
Roles: Sole heir to the Ferelden Throne, Warden-Commander and Teyrna of Highever, Herald of Andraste/Inquisitor/Hero of Thedas
Class: Mage/Rogue
Skillset: Proficient in many types of magic, Knight-enchanter, and Rift Mage. Also proficient with daggers. Very formal and poised in both speech and posture.
"I will fight for Thedas until my dying breath."
Appearance: Vex is more elf than human in appearance, she is only about five feet tall and weighs about 112 pounds. She has long pointed ears covered in piercings. She has a Warden’s Griffon tattooed on her abdomen and a white wolf tattoo on her right shoulder. She is pale, with bright teal eyes and white-blonde hair that extends nearly to her knees though she often keeps her hair in braids while traveling. She has scars that litter her face due to abuse by her grandfather, Teyrn Cousland. Her attire when not fighting is usually a formal dress and appropriate for her titles. She always has double-sided daggers strapped at her thighs when out in public.
Personality: At first meeting Vexana, she is usually quiet and reserved. Her speech and attitude are very formal and she dresses just as expected by a Princess of Ferelden. Her mabari Grey is always at her side. Vexana enjoys reading and her favorite author is the one and only Varric Tethras. She was made Inquisitor upon reaching Skyhold, joined by Sten and Zevran Arainai.
Romance/Spouse: TBD
Background: Vexana is the love-child of Fergus Cousland and an Elven housemaid that went by the name Lorena. Vexana's mother died in childbirth and was raised by her father and Step-Mother Oriana. She started showing magical ability at age five and was sent to the Circle of Magi in Ostwick by her grandfather. Teyrn Cousland had abused Vexana from a young age because she was elven-looking. When she was ten the fifth blight had begun and most of her family was killed when Howe’s men attacked the Teyrnir, save for her Aunt Elissa Cousland who escaped the castle with Warden Duncan. Four years later when Elissa discovered that Vexana yet lived she ordered her release from the Ostick Circle to join the Wardens when the announcement of her engagement to King Alistair was made public. Vexana took part in The Joining a year after leaving Ostwick when she was just fifteen. Queen Elissa and King Alistair claimed her as their sole heir soon after they were married. Vexana is now 24 years old and has since been named Warden-Commander and Teyrna of Highever along with being given the title of Royal Heir. She remains the first in line to inherit the Ferelden throne as her Aunt and Uncle have been unsuccessful in conceiving a child.
READ HER STORY HERE!  https://archiveofourown.org/works/15934745/chapters/37156157
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Image Credit: Bom R on ArtStation
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lavalampelfchild · 7 years ago
Sins of the Father?
Cyrion had tried to keep his reservations to himself, at first. He had tried to keep quiet as Adaia had begun to teach little Ila the skills and tricks with her knives and swords and all those other things Adaia had taken with her from her previous life.  
At first, he had even tried to watch, because it was his daughter, and he had wanted to support her as she learned.
That hadn’t lasted long.  Watching Adaia methodically go about laying the foundation that would destroy their child’s innocence, that would stamp out that inquisitive nature of hers he loved so much, dampen her spirit and crush her imagination… Cyrion had been unable to continue watching for long, so he had left.  Seeing it had only made him irrationally angry, and he should never be angry with his wife, not for trying to help their child.
He had prayed to the Maker, to Andraste, reflected by the Vhenedahl, but the anger had not left him.
He knew Adaia’s fiery nature, knew that she was enraged by the injustices the elves faced daily from the humans, and he had thought himself remarkably patient for having tolerated it as long as he had.
It seemed he was not so patient as he’d thought.
So the frustration built, and the anger with it, until one day, Cyrion saw Ila burst through the door of their home, boasting of the techniques her mother had taught her, and he could no longer stand it.
“I just don’t see why she needs to learn these things,” he said in a low voice as Adaia entered the house after Ila, proud smile on her face.
The smile fell as soon as Cyrion spoke.  Luckily, Ila had moved away from them both, distracted with practicing the movements her mother had taught her.  She’d taken up their broom and was using it as a sword.  The anger clenched in Cyrion’s chest, mixed with sadness.
Adaia looked from her daughter to her husband, drawing a guarded expression over her features.
“We’ve talked about this, Cyrion,” she replied, careful to match the quiet tone of Cyrion’s voice.  
At least she has some control, Cyrion thought cruelly.  He winced in shame as soon as the thought finished.  
“You agreed that it would be a good idea to teach her a means to defend herself—” Adaia continued, frustratingly rational, and that angered Cyrion further.
“I know!” he hissed. “But it’s—I didn’t think—”  He turned his attention back to Ila, avoiding Adaia’s gaze. Their young daughter danced about with the broom, narrating a romantic yarn about a heroic elven princess – her favorite to tell and hear – using her mother’s skills to save the alienage castle from the evil mage bandits.
Cyrion shook his head, brow furrowing.  He turned to Adaia, gesturing tersely at Ila.
“She thinks it’s no different from dancing, Adaia,” he exclaimed, voice quivering with the effort to keep quiet.  Adaia stiffened.  Cyrion kept on, “She doesn’t understand what you’re trying to teach her, she doesn’t understand that you’re teaching her to hurt people!”
“I’m not teaching her to hurt people, I’m teaching her to defend herself!” Adaia hissed back.  
“She doesn’t need to be defended when she’s here!”  Cyrion’s voice rose for just a moment, and all it took for him to correct himself was a single flicker of Adaia’s eyes over to Ila and back.
Adaia’s eyes narrowed and her nostrils flared.  “Tell me you’re not that naïve.”
“I—” Cyrion began, helplessly waving his hand. “I just want her to have a chance to live her life without needing to—to…” Adaia let him run out of words, silent and still, and Cyrion hated it, felt patronized and embarrassed.  The frustrated and furious sadness only pulled a tighter knot in his stomach, roiling in its own helplessness.
“I know,” Adaia replied, suddenly sounding tired. “I know what you want for her, and I want it too.  But I’m not willing to lie to either one of us about it.  The world isn’t kind to people like us, Cyrion, but that doesn’t mean we should try to hide from it.”
“Why are you yelling?”
Cyrion jumped and whirled to see Ila facing them across the room, no longer dancing, broom still in hand.  She looked between them both, and Cyrion was struck by her in that moment, a sharp girl with sharp eyes, so like her mother.  He forced a smile onto his features.
“It’s nothing, princess,” he answered brightly.  Ila’s eyes continued to flit between him and Adaia. Cyrion reached for her hand and began to lead her outside.  “Come. Let’s go find Shianni, shall we? I’m sure she’d love to see how much better you’ve gotten.”  He leaned down conspiratorially.  “Do you think she’s practiced as much as you?”
Ila puffed out her chest.
“No, she probably just kept falling over.  She’s so clumsy on her feet.”
Ila began to pull Cyrion toward the door, newfound goal in mind, showing no sign she’d ever heard her parents arguing.  As he reached the door, Cyrion turned back to glance at Adaia. His heart clenched at the look on her face.
He knew she was right about the world, he knew that.  The elves were kept down because the humans declared it, and it wasn’t right, it wasn’t fair.  And no amount of quiet resistance would change that.
But why did it always have to be fighting instead?  Why did his little girl have to give up her fantasies and dreams to learn the truth?  Cyrion just wanted her to be happy, to have her place in the world, one that she deserved, without having to spill blood to get there.
Cyrion didn’t know if that made him naïve or not.
Turning his attention back to his daughter, Cyrion allowed her to lead him out of their home and into the blinding sunlight outside.
A/N: I love writing backstory stuff for my Wardens.  So much love for the families and friends of their prologues, and Cyrion was no different. I headcanon that he and Adaia disagreed about whether or not to teach Ila all of Adaia’s rogue (my Tabris was a duel-wielding rogue) skills, and they never really resolved any of it before Adaia was killed.  And after humans killed Adaia for her defiance, Cyrion was scared that he would lose his daughter too if she turned out too much like her mother, so he discouraged her from using those skills too much, and rarely spoke of Adaia.
It also just hurt to speak of her, and Cyrion couldn’t bear to bring her up in front of his daughter, and eventually years passed without him ever having mentioned her more than a few times to his child. There is so much potential for growth and struggle in Cyrion, and I love it.
I have some follow-up ideas floating around for this piece too, as well as maybe a piece from Adaia’s perspective, but this is definitely one I think would be fun to continue, if only because Cyrion’s individual dynamic and potential development is so interesting to me.
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zolanhras · 7 years ago
Tagged by @suzumicchi. I don't know why but I absolutely adore doing these things! Thanks for the tag!
Get to Know Zola:
Relationship Status: Single
Favourite Colour: Forest green, deep brown, poppy red
Top Three Ships: Solavellan (of course), Wesley and Buttercup (Princess Bride fans anyone??), Schmidt and Nick (from New Girl as a platonic ship)
Lipstick or Chapstick: I have 5 chapsticks and usually use them all at some point during the day
Last Song: Sweet Thing by Van Morrison
Last Movie: Disney's The Lady and the Tramp
Top Three Shows: New Girl, The Blacklist, Black Mirror
Top Three Bands/Artists: Josh Garrels, Cat Stevens/ Yusuf Islam, Hozier
Current Read: Mostly an assortment of fics. No 'real books'.
20 Questions
1. One thing you would change about your personality?
I feel as if I think of myself too much. Not in a haughty or superior way, just in general. I want more of my thoughts to be of others.
2. What is your DA rare pair?
I don't know if you'd necessarily call this a rare pair, but I want anyone besides Bianca for Varric. (Okay, not anyone, someone fulfilling and perfect for him.) Varric deserves so much better than someone who is already taken and lies to him. Maybe some dwarf messenger he meets in Inquisition, or even Hawke! Just not Bianca.
3. A song that made you cry?
The song from Coco. I haven't even watched the movie yet and I almost full out bawled at the trailer.
4. The best movie ever?
Hmmm, I love all kinds of movies, but I'd have to say The Godfather Trilogy, Interstellar or The Shack
5. Food you will never eat?
Blood. I know that's weird, but I try I try a lot of weird foods but blood is where I draw the line.
6. Your celebrity crush?
More like an older sister (I'm not into girls), but Gal Gadot! She's so gorgeous and sweet!
7. Your favorite DA location and why?
Emerald Graves, hands down.
It really just encapsulates the beauty and what I love about elven culture. I actually think it's my background to my blog. It's sad that it's only a fraction of it once was, and a cemetery at that, but it emanates melancholy and sadness and in the words of Varric: "This place has a story that hasn't been told." (Or something to that effect.)
8. You’re a night or a morning person?
Honestly, both! If my work makes it so I have to wake up early: let me tell you, I won't be a happy morning person. But allowed some relaxation and a lax wake up time, I love to see sunrises.
However, I have found that around 1-4 am is my most productive writing time so there's that.
9. You have any tattoos?
Not yet! Although I am planning to get some! I'm thinking a henna tattoo inspired sundial for my back and a phrase in Hebrew on my wrist. Something like a bible verse.
10. How many languages you speak?
English only, I'm afraid. I can understand and speak some Spanish having grown up around it, by that's the extent or my knowledge.
11. Where would you most like to visit?
Ha! Everywhere. But most importantly, Israel and Italy. Both places just have so much culture and history!
12. What’s the best book you’ve read?
Best book I've read for enjoyment: Words of Radiance book 2 in the Stormlight Archive by Brandon Sanderson
Best book I've read that's changed and touched me: The Breadwinner by Deborah Ellis and also, Out of my Mind by Sharon M Draper
13. Who is your favourite BioWare character?
Solas or Dorian or Varric
14. Who’s your least preferred BioWare character?
Hmmm, I can't think of one. There's characters I don't enjoy as much as others but I can see their individuality and reason for their actions. Bioware does a pretty good job of character design.
15. What’s your favourite BioWare game?
Inquisition, hands down. If not that, then Mass Effect 3.
16. What’s your patronus?
Honestly probably a deer. I value my freedom like nothing else, but I'm also very close to my home and I feel like a deer reflects that.
17. Cake or ice cream?
Ice cream. (Vanilla with hot fudge)
18. Dogs or cats?
Dogs! Golden retrievers!
19. What was your favourite DA romance?
The Solas romance of course, but besides that... I really liked the scene with the counselors in the Iron Bull romance!! I love the romance just for that scene.
20. Do you prefer sunshine or are you a winter person?
I'm a person of extremes. Either give me snow or some 90 degree rays. At the moments the rays would be more welcome.
So here come some tags! Just a bit of a wave to some people I'd like to get to know better. :) @buttsonthebeach @fadedforyou @galadrieljones @irlaimsaaralath @sweet-holy-andraste @dreadhobo @crystalgraced @princessbatteringram
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mysdrymmumbles · 7 years ago
Writer’s Questions
I was tagged by the amazing @ma-sulevin! Thank you muchly :D
1. How many works in progress do you have? Hmmm, technically there’s quite a few: Tales of Mysdrym Book I second edition, Tales of Mysdrym Book II edits, The Keepers first draft, Andraste’s Witch, Modern Magic, Impervious, Burning Legion II and...I feel like I’m forgetting one, lol. 
Atm, though, I’m just working on The Keepers and Andraste’s Witch because I’m trash who sleeps all day. 
2. Do you/would you write fan fiction? Fanfiction and original fiction both :3
3. Do you prefer paper books or ebooks? Paper, though I have a lot of trouble reading these days. I don’t know why, but I can’t concentrate. I can barely focus for a short chapter. 
4. When did you start writing? I’ve been telling stories since forever, wrote about princesses who pushed princes into pools and vampire school librarians. 
5. Do you have someone you trust that you share your work with? I have the amazing @rederiswrites helping me with my book I rewrites, but aside from them, I don’t really have anyone to look over my stuff atm. 
6. Where is your favorite place to write? My room.
7. Favorite book as a child? Maybe Crown Duel? Lord of the Rings? I dunno.
8. Writing for fun or publication? both
9. Have you taken any writing classes? Yar, I even have a degree in professional writing :D
10. What inspired you to write? Sometimes it’s just a story in my head that wants out, and sometimes I want to tell a story the way it would make sense to me, with my fanfics and whatnot.
I’m gonna tag @reaping-cain, @slothquisitor, @scootscootscotty, @queenmelisende, @queen-squids, @rederiswrites and @ellenembee
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dragonagecompanions · 8 years ago
Companions and advisors singing lullabies to child inquisitor please 🎶🎶🎶
Cassandra: The request throws her, at first. The Seeker has never wanted to be a mother, never had the care of a child entrusted to her. Her own parents died when she had grown out of lullabyes, but young enough that the memories had faded. Indeed it would be almost impossible for her, had she not had the very few songs that Anthony had sung her. Even though his voice had been changing he had still done his best, and it’s those old Navarran songs that come to mind when the Inquisitor asks.
And if after they are asleep she drops a kiss on their forehead the way her brother always had, well. No one needs to know.
Varric: He’s better at stories, and tells them so. His parents weren’t the touchy feely type and listening to Bartrand sing would have woken the dead rather than encouraged slumber. But the Herald has lost enough in their young life, and the fact that they are reaching out for such a small thing melts his heart. His voice is a little scratchy when he settles into a long- and highly edited- sailor song from the Hanged Man, but the thought it was counts.
Solas: It is a rare sight, to see the Dread Wolf sing ancient Arlathan songs to a child. And yet the Inquisitor suffers daily with a power that he should never have been so careless with. Solas knows too that the mark pains them, and yet they make decisions and take on duties that most adults would shrug from. If this small thing is what they want from him then the mage would be callous indeed to deny them. And it draws a kind of connection through ages untold, when he whispers the same songs to them that his own father ushered him into the Fade with.
Sera: Lady Emmald and her shitty cookies were stupid and she never liked them, and that is the end of it. But there were nights and memories best left in the past when the woman would slip into the young elf’s room after a nightmare and sing the loveliest songs about castles and princesses and love forever. And noble stuck up nobs can stuff it for all she cares, but…well, those songs are some of the only lullabies she knows. And when she sings them to the Herald who gave her a chance and trusts her with the faith only a child can muster … maybe those songs hurt a little less.
Vivienne: Madame de Fer does not sing lullabies. She is the Grand Enchanter of a powerful circle, the bane of imperial politics and the ardent champion of controlled magic. Her days and nights are too full and too important for such things.
And yet Vivienne, who was once a young child in a strange plae, has no qualms about singing the lilting Orlesian love songs that Bastien once serenaded her with.
Blackwall: When the Inquisitor asks them, tentatively, for a lullabye that first time the would be Warden can’t seem to breathe. Never again had he imagined himself worthy of the trust of a child- of anyone- and yet here was the greatest hope of Thedas staring at him like he hung the moon.
His voice is rusty and a note or three off the melody, but song he sings of Lady Honorine Chastain holds memories of happier days.
Iron Bull: If an outsider is the one who asks, they will be told that there are no lullabies under the Qun. That Qunari children are taught from a young age what there is and is not to fear, and that even if terror comes in the night they simply repeat the Cantos quietly to themselves until they fall asleep or the fear fades.
In reality, of course, every Tamassran knows how to sing. Soft gentle songs that lull kits back into dreamland, melodies that are designed to combat fear and promote sleep. It is these songs that  Bull reaches for when asked, and if he has left the Qun the memories can be a balm to still healing wounds.
Dorian: It might throw someone off, to hear the son of a Tevinter magister singing Mir Da'len Somniar to a young Inquisitor, but the simple fact is that all the lullabies Dorian knows are elvish. All of his caretakers were slaves, and until his magic manifested and he’d gone to the circle he’d spent more time with them then with his own parents. More than once he’d had nightmares wake him up, and the only thing that would soothe him would be his au pair stroking his hair and singing in words that he didn’t understand and yet cherished all the same.
Cole: “It hurts to hear the songs, because they aren’t the right songs, but it helps too because you know they care. The ones who sang to you first would want you to be happy, and they would be happy that you have new songs.” When the Inquisitor is ready for them again Cole unerringly sings the songs that absent caretakers used to sing, and always knows when they wake up from a nightmare.
Cullen: The quintessential older brother Cullen knows a song or three for going to bed-- but it has been a lifetime since he’s sung them. And yet when the Inquisitor asks him a part of him that misses Honleath desperately melts, and though his rendition of ‘Andraste’s Mabari’ is not perfectly on key it is still a fast favorite.
Josephine: Oh, how many nights did she do this for Yvette? Stroke her younger sister’s hair and sing the Antivan songs that their mother had sung to the older Montiliyet? It brings a kind of comfort to have such a role again, especially in such uncertain times, and it would not be uncommon for the diplomat to fall asleep curled next to the child-- both completely content.
Leliana: Late at night, when Skyhold sleeps and the tasks of Spymaster can be set down for a moment, the side of Leliana who once sang for her own pleasure comes out again. Sometimes it’s hyms and sometimes it tavern songs, and one in a great while it is the songs that her mother sung long ago. But each one is gentle and soft, and builds the trust between young inquisitor and Spy Master who has seen too much.
– Mod Fereldone
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vvakarians · 7 years ago
6 and 2 for any of your DA kids (I love them all)
I’ll do it for all my mains, just for you :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
What is their preferred weapon?
Original Canon kids:
Warden-Commander Tauriel Mahariel (Hero of Ferelden and Queen Consort): Big Mama Bear has a Giant Fucking Sword, which is really just a big Greatsword named Arlathvhen.
Senior Warden Cassiopeia Cousland (Queen of Ferelden): Local Blind Bard prefers her daggers most of the time over her bow, their names are Diplomacy and Mercy. 
Ophelia Hawke (Champion of Kirkwall): Lovable Asshole has an actual Halberd as a staff, and it’s name is Justice (they wanted to name it Little Shit but Fenris forbade them from doing so).
Halcyon Hawke (Former Knight-Captain, Princess of Starkhaven): Eldest Hawke Sib uses a sword and shield. The shield is the Amell crest one given to her by Leandra, and her sword is some Kirkwall noble sword she looted when they came to the City of Chains, aptly named after her late mother. 
Hero Hawke (Former Tranquil, Pirate): Twin to Ophelia uses a dagger and her fists almost 1000% of the time, her staff is usually just for show. Her daggers name is Bloodletter because it’s a terrible pun since she’s a blood mage.
Calliope Lavellan (Herald, Inquisitor, and Reincarnation of Falon’Din): White Haired Death God has a few preferred weapons depending on the time of the story. During Inquisition and Trespasser it’s a Sulevin Blade named Enasalin that has a Master Dragon Slayers rune embedded into it. In between DAI and whatever the next game will be, they train with a halberd to which they name it Felassan.
Second Canon kids: 
Warden-Commander Aviel Tabris (Hero of Ferelden, Lover of Divine Victoria):  Small Nb Bard Boy prefers his bow given to him by Leliana before he left to find a Cure for the Blight, it’s name is Heartstring. 
Warden-Constable Heracles Cousland (Right Hand to the Commander): this Big Man loves his sword looted off of Howes body, it belonged to his father and he calls it Second Chance. 
Valentyne Hawke (Champion of Kirkwall): Fast Rogue Boy loves his Daggers that his father left him in Lothering, they are named Silvertongue and Toothpick, can you tell he has a bad sense of humor.
Sybyll Hawke (Viscount of Kirkwall): Gentle Blood Mage actually doesn’t use much of their staff, which is pretty menacing even when strapped to their back; unless it’s an emergency they have a set of sewing needles that are really sharp along with a razor blade that they pilfered from Varric’s shaving set that they use their blood magic with. 
Hezekiah Hawke (Hunter of Slave Masters): Lean Beef NB uses a Valo-Kas Iss that they won in a game of knivesies in the Hanged Man, they didn’t name it yet and are always open to suggestions, as long as they aren’t...vulgar (looking at Valentyne)
Honi “Honey” Adaar (Herald, Lady Inquisitor): Everyone’s Favorite Qunari Babe uses a Archon Staff that she hasn’t really come up with a name for, but her spirit sword that she uses she has come to call Andraste’s Fire. 
Ayashe Lavellan (First of Clan Lavellan, Inquisition Spy): Inquisitors Best Friend uses the Accusers Staff that you can get in the Jaws of Hakkon DLC, and has named it Harellan. 
What kind of fighter are they: defense focused, offense focused, balanced, or flexible?
Offense focused: Calliope Lavellan, Honi Adaar, Heracles Cousland Valentyne Hawke, Halcyon Hawke, Tauriel Mahariel, and Ophelia Hawke.
Defense focused: Sybyll Hawke, Aviel Tabris
Balanced: Ayashe Lavellan, Hezekiah Hawke, Hero Hawke, and Cassiopia Cousland 
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