#OC 👤: Vivianna Amell
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djfatchip · 3 months ago
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Happy Dragon 4ge Day!
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djfatchip · 1 year ago
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I was tagged by the lovely @ratchsellsfornax thank you Dear! :D Here is Vivianna!
I tag: @erubadhriell @leysendris @dracoangel @arideya @katsigian and anyone else who wants to do it! :D
Here the link.
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djfatchip · 11 months ago
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AU OTP Instagram Edition ↳ Vivianna Amell married to Rikko Kinney
Fantasy OTP's: Eriella, Arjhann, Simoricia, Lucimy, Fengara, Thalelle Sci-Fi OTP's: Gustine, Braysica Instagram Template by Ivnderbrwn *All are face claims for OC's shown*
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djfatchip · 2 months ago
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"…to have met you in this lifetime is my greatest fortune…"
Ladies are my OC's: Vivianna | Celestine | Gissella Men are @erubadhriell's OC's: Rikko | Gustav | Erik Artwork top and bottom by @xla-hainex and middle by @atarial. Full work for top here | Full work for middle here | Full work for bottom here
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djfatchip · 1 year ago
What kind of suffering are you?
I was tagged by the amazing and wonderful @katsigian Thank you so much Dear! <3
How much your OC suffers by doing this quiz.
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Vivianna Amell
Yearning The pain in your chest bubbles knowing that what you want may never be yours. You're lost in a fantasy world, or consumed by what you wish you were or had as opposed to what you do. It's hard to appreciate what's around you when you're appreciating the hope of what could be instead.
This one is on point for Vivianna. Vivianna has a yearning for many things she wished she could go back in time and stay there for. Her Parents. Her friends in the Circle. Her freedom before becoming a Grey Warden against her will. She's tired of being on survival mode. Of the blood sheds. Of war. Of battle. She often daydreams and at times can be stuck there just wishing to have certain things, people, she yearns for. But it doesn't consume her, as she doesn't drag in the past. She moves forward. Always forward. To live for those that aren't. And the hope to one day see her parents again.
I tag: @erubadhriell @leysendris @dracoangel @arideya @ratchsellsfornax and anyone else who wants to do it! :D
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djfatchip · 3 years ago
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From a gift to a friend to now seeing his beloved, Rikko approached Vivianna, looking deep into her emerald eyes and took one of her soft hands to hold in his hand and spoke.
“Ragazza, mia ragazza, amore mio, since you came to my life everything became so clear. You gave the meaning to it that I was searching... you gave me reason to keep working hard, keep living and keep building something great for our future. And because of that, I want to expand this life together. I want to be one with you. One flesh, one mind... one soul. Some might think its too early for that... some might think we should “get to know each other better,” wait more and such. But not for me, im certain of what I feel with the same certainty that I breathe and that the sun will rise the next day. I love you and this feeling is true. And love is not about taking, but to give. That’s why I want to give myself to you, for as long as I live.”
Their companions watch with wide surprised eyes as Rikko continues.
“For as long as I breathe, in every moment. I give myself to you.”
He kneels before her, presenting the ring to her.
“Will you accept me? Will you marry me?”
A huge shoutout to Gerry Arthur on IG for bringing their engagement to life in such a breathtaking way! I am absolutely mesmerized! After Vivianna said “YES!” to him, he took her in his arms and spinned with her in his arms. Love the blur effect in the background and the hair in the wind, to show them spinning around the place happily! Absolutely in love with it! 
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djfatchip · 4 years ago
About Your OC
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Art by the lovely @aeradescence​
𝙽𝙾. 𝙾𝙵 𝚂𝙿𝙾𝙺𝙴𝙽 𝙻𝙰𝙽𝙶𝚄𝙰𝙶𝙴𝚂: 4. The common tongue, Orlesian, Tevene, A bit of Elven. 
𝚃𝙾𝙽𝙴 𝙾𝙵 𝚅𝙾𝙸𝙲𝙴:  high / average /  deep
𝙰𝙲𝙲𝙴𝙽𝚃:   yes /  no.
𝙳𝙴𝙼𝙴𝙰𝙽𝙾𝚁:  confident /  shy  /  approachable / hostile  / other
𝙷𝙰𝙱𝙸𝚃𝚂: head tilting / swaying / fidgeting /  stuttering  / gesturing /  arm  crossing /  strokes  chin /  er , um , or  other  interjections  / plays  with  hair  or  clothing (when nervous) /  hands  at  hips / inconsistent  eye  contact / maintains  eye  contact  / frequent  pausing  / stands  close / stands  at  distance.
𝚅𝙾𝙲𝙰𝙱𝚄𝙻𝙰𝚁𝚈:                      ⬛ ⬛ ⬛ ⬛ ⬜
𝙴𝙼𝙾𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽:                             ⬛ ⬛ ⬛ ⬜ ⬜
𝚂𝙴𝙽𝚃𝙴𝙽���𝙴 𝚂𝚃𝚁𝚄𝙲𝚃𝚄𝚁𝙴:      ⬛ ⬛ ⬛ ⬛ ⬜  
𝙵𝚁𝙴𝚀𝚄𝙴𝙽𝙲𝚈:                        ⬛ ⬛ ⬜ ⬜ ⬜
𝙲𝚁𝙴𝙰𝚃𝙸𝚅𝙸𝚃𝚈:                      ⬛ ⬛ ⬛  ⬛  ⬛
arse. ass. asshole. bastard. bitch. bloody. bugger. bollocks. chicken shit.  crap. cunt. dick. frick. fuck. horseshit. motherfucker. piss. prick. screw. shit. shitass. son of a bitch. twat. wanker. pussy
straightforward   or   cryptic? | finding  the  right  word or  using  the  first  word  that  comes  to  mind? |   masculinity ,  neutrality,  or   femininity?  |   formalities   or with   abrasiveness?  |  praise   or   equivocation?  |  frankness  or   lies?  |  excessive   or   minimal hand  gestures?   |   name – calling   or   magnanimity?  |   friendly or blunt?
𝙳𝙾 𝙿𝙴𝙾𝙿𝙻𝙴 𝙷𝙰𝚅𝙴 𝙰 𝙷𝙰𝚁𝙳 𝚃𝙸𝙼𝙴 𝚄𝙽𝙳𝙴𝚁𝚂𝚃𝙰𝙽𝙳𝙸𝙽𝙶 𝙾𝚁 𝙷𝙴𝙰𝚁𝙸𝙽𝙶 𝚈𝙾𝚄𝚁 𝙲𝙷𝙰𝚁𝙰𝙲𝚃𝙴𝚁?   almost  always / frequently  / sometimes / rarely / never.
𝙳𝙾𝙴𝚂 𝚈𝙾𝚄𝚁 𝙲𝙷𝙰𝚁𝙰𝙲𝚃𝙴𝚁’𝚂 𝙿𝙾𝙸𝙽𝚃 𝙲𝙾𝙼𝙴 𝙰𝙲𝚁𝙾𝚂𝚂 𝙴𝙰𝚂𝙸𝙻𝚈 𝚆𝙷𝙴𝙽 𝚃𝙷𝙴𝚈 𝚂𝙿𝙴𝙰𝙺?  almost always / frequently / sometimes  /  rarely  /  never.
𝚆𝙾𝚄𝙻𝙳 𝚈𝙾𝚄𝚁 𝙲𝙷𝙰𝚁𝙰𝙲𝚃𝙴𝚁 𝙸𝙽𝙸𝚃𝙸𝙰𝚃𝙴 𝙲𝙾𝙽𝚅𝙴𝚁𝚂𝙰𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽𝚂?   almost  always  /  frequently  / sometimes  / rarely / never.
𝚆𝙾𝚄𝙻𝙳 𝚈𝙾𝚄𝚁 𝙲𝙷𝙰𝚁𝙰𝙲𝚃𝙴𝚁 𝙱𝙴 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙾𝙽𝙴 𝚃𝙾 𝙴𝙽𝙳 𝙲𝙾𝙽𝚅𝙴𝚁𝚂𝙰𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽𝚂?   almost  always / frequently / sometimes / rarely  /  never.
𝚈𝙾𝚄𝚁 𝙲𝙷𝙰𝚁𝙰𝙲𝚃𝙴𝚁 𝚆𝙰𝙽𝚃𝚂 𝚃𝙾 𝙼𝙰𝙺𝙴 𝙰 𝙲𝙾𝚄𝙽𝚃𝙴𝚁𝙿𝙾𝙸𝙽𝚃. 𝚆𝙷𝙰𝚃 𝚆𝙾𝚁𝙳 𝙳𝙾 𝚃𝙷𝙴𝚈 𝚄𝚂𝙴?   but  /  though  /  although  / however /  perhaps /  mayhaps / maybe / yet
𝙷𝙾𝚆 𝙳𝙾𝙴𝚂 𝚈𝙾𝚄𝚁 𝙲𝙷𝙰𝚁𝙰𝙲𝚃𝙴𝚁 𝙴𝙽𝙳 𝙲𝙾𝙽𝚅𝙴𝚁𝚂𝙰𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽𝚂?   walk  away  / ask  if  that’s  everything /  say  that’s  everything /  give  a  proper  goodbye  / tell  their  company  they’re  done  here  / remain  quiet / they  don’t.
𝙷𝙾𝚆 𝙳𝙾𝙴𝚂 𝚈𝙾𝚄𝚁 𝙲𝙷𝙰𝚁𝙰𝙲𝚃𝙴𝚁 𝙰𝙳𝙳𝚁𝙴𝚂𝚂 𝙾𝚃𝙷𝙴𝚁𝚂?   titles  / first  names  /  surnames / full  names  /  nicknames
𝙸𝙽 𝚆𝙷𝙰𝚃 𝚆𝙰𝚈𝚂 𝙳𝙾𝙴𝚂 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝚆𝙰𝚈 𝚈𝙾𝚄𝚁 𝙲𝙷𝙰𝚁𝙰𝙲𝚃𝙴𝚁 𝚂𝙿𝙴𝙰𝙺 𝚂𝚃𝙰𝙽𝙳 𝙾𝚄𝚃 𝚃𝙾 𝙾𝚃𝙷𝙴𝚁𝚂? accent  / vocabulary  /  tone /  level  /  politeness /  brusqueness  /  it  doesn’t.
I tag: @leysendris​ @erubadhriell​ @arideya​ @slothssassin​ @badwolf626​ @thatonecurlygurl​ @dracoangel​ and anyone else who wants to do this for their OC :D
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djfatchip · 4 years ago
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“The righteous stand before the darkness, and the Maker shall guide their hand.”
LeeJun on DeviantArt is absolutely an amazing artist to work with! I commissioned them to bring forth my Canon Mage Warden, Vivianna Amell, in this epic and badass pose. I am absolutely in love with this! 
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djfatchip · 4 years ago
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“In all honesty, I don’t think it’s time that will heal my wounds, but forgiveness. I need to be forgiven in order to feel that I can finally move on from that. And that’s not something I can give myself. ‘Tis something that need to be given to me.” Rikko whispered as he looked at her.
Vivianna closed the distance between them, placing a hand on his chest. Right above where his heart laid and gazed into his eyes, “Then I hope that Andraste guides their hearts towards forgiveness so that when they look at you, they can genuinely forgive you and not judge you harshly for what you’ve done. I really hope all parties involved will be at peace,” she whispered with a serene smile.
Rikko touched her hands with his, sadness in his eyes as he gazed at her in return and whispered, “thank you... you are so sweet. But... but I fear I will never have my forgiveness. I’m chasing a ghost...”
@xla-hainex​ is just so amazing!!! Thank you so much for accepting my commission to bring my bestie @erubadhriell​ Book Character: Rikko and my Dragon Age OC: Vivianna, together in this beautiful and vulnerable moment between them. They look like a timeless couple... I’m mesmerized! I’m literally mesmerized! Thank you so much Maria! You’re an angel! Thank you! ♡ ♡ ♡ My bestie and I are in love with this gorgeous piece! ♡
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djfatchip · 4 years ago
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🌸🌹 I need a pretty little homegrown hometown girl 🌹🌸
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djfatchip · 4 years ago
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“It’s you. It’s me. It’s us. Just... us...” - Vivianna Amell to Rikko
Thank you so so much to @pookydraws for taking on my commission to draw @erubadhriell and my OC’s together in this peaceful moment. They look so at peace and warm with each other. They are totally smitten and beautiful couple! Their first art together and perhaps 2021 might get more, who knows. I tend to surprise my bestie at random! xD
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djfatchip · 4 years ago
OC Info Meme: Vivianna Amell
Tagging: @slothssassin @leysendris @dracoangel​ @erubadhriell @arideya​ @guidethisonekalahira​ @badwolf626​
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B A S I C S :
Full Name: Vivianna Amell
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Pronouns: She/Her
O T H E R :
Family: Her parents. Her cousins. Her War Hound, Sky. 
Birthplace: Jader, Orlais
Job(s): She is the Warden-Commander.
Phobias: Small places with a lot of people. 
Guilty Pleasures: Daydreaming. Bubble/Lavender Oil Baths. 
Hobbies: Reading. Drawing. Labeling Drawings, Calligraphy, Crocheting. Origami. Singing. Herbology, Practicing the Lute, 
M O R A L S:
Moral alignment: Lawful Good
Sins: lust / greed / envy / gluttony / pride / wrath / sloth
Virtues: charity / chastity / diligence / humility / justice / kindness / patience
T H I S - O R - T H A T :
introvert / extrovert
organized / disorganized
close-minded / open-minded
calm / anxious / restless
disagreeable / agreeable / in-between
patient / impatient
outspoken / reserved
leader / follower / flexible
empathetic / unempathetic
optimistic / pessimistic / realistic
traditional / modern / in-between
hard-working / lazy
R E L A T I O N S H I P S :
OTP: Alistair x Vivianna
Acceptable ships: If you had asked me last year before October, I would have said none, as per usual because I don’t and didn’t see anyone with Vivianna as I am very reluctant to share her and then @erubadhriell Book Character, Rikko, basically exists and now they are shipped LMAO! xD But that’s the only ship i’ll allow with my very first OC i’ve ever created <3
OT3: None.
BROTP: Morrigan LOL that’s her best friend xD as well as my other OC’s, Citlali and Xylia.
NOTP: Anyone that isn’t Alistair or Rikko are a NOTP.
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djfatchip · 4 years ago
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She sighs happily, emerald eyes tearing her eyes away from the inked words and gazes at the pink blossoms in the trees. “How I wish to be with Rikko and be part of his journey with his companions...” her thoughts filter to daydreams of such adventures with the Unlucky, Sarcastic yet Charming Bard.
I commissioned Fayrine_Artist on Instagram to draw my main Canon Warden Mage, Vivianna Amell, enjoying a day of reading one of her favorite Dark Fantasy tales who is being written by my best friend @erubadhriell Echos of Awakening (Title is subject to change lol) but for this commission I wanted the easter egg there as im so excited she’s writing it! :D She looks so cute and so adorable like a fairy!
Vivianna is known as a bookworm and enjoys daydreaming, no matter what she is reading about, be it fiction or nonfiction, she will daydream about speaking with the author, speaking to the characters and/or going on adventures with them. This is her main Guilty Pleasures LOL xD
Her favorite characters in Echoes of Awakening are Princess Ukime, Valquiria and Rikko with his cute cat Takky! :D And she secretly ships the Protagonist, Rikko with the Fiery Warrior Princess, Ukime! xD
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djfatchip · 4 years ago
Live for Love
Another dream @erubadhriell
“How do you look at someone you love and tell yourself it’s time to walk away?”
That was a hard question to answer. No matter the words, the answer was still hard to be said. Out loud. And it always came with such a suffocating sense of pain. As if they really were the oxygen in which you breathed in and out every second turned to shards cutting your lungs as you swallowed trying to grasp that...
That when you awaken, his side of the bed will be empty. The cold now rests its head there. Where his arms encased you in safety, now a soft breeze touching your skin inviting the chills. Where his voice once brought laughter, it’s now absorbed within the walls. An echo bouncing memories as songs of a distant time. A time that was just yesterday. Or a few days ago. Or merely hours ago. Minutes ago. And this agonizing suffocation woke her from her slumber, yet still etched before her. Placing their most precious thing in the entire world in their own bed to continue to serenely sleep innocently away as her fingers traced their face looking past them to their bed. To his side. Her feet walked and she found herself sitting on his side, touching the cotton material of his pillowcase with the palm of her hand. “How do you look at someone you love and tell yourself it’s time to walk away?” “You don’t...” she answered in a whisper as her fingers left the touch of his pillow and went to the kitchen to boil water and make herself a cup of tea. And as she stared at the sunset through the window above the sink, the tears fell. One after another. “You just do it...” she whispered with a serene smile as another tear fell into her cup. Walking away, she knew how to do. Loss wasn’t just people dead. We all lose someone someway besides to death. And in all instances she had walked away from those she loved. She cared for. She cherished. The true question: “How do you still believe in love after losing so many times?” And the answer, was beyond the rim of her cup that connected with the wooden floor, matching the loud footfalls of her boots as she ran out of the door, into the warmth of the sunset and into the arms that vowed until death do us part. The deep rumble that came from him as he chuckled was the answer. “I was only gone for a few hours, Amore mío, you miss me that bad huh?” As he held her tight having her wrapped completely on him. The answer was in his teasing way. She pulled back to gaze into the eyes that she only seen in her dreams. That she visited due to circumstances in which she felt so attuned to and she saw his smile fall as his thumb brushed away the tear that fell. “Hey, what’s wrong? What happen-“ The answer was in the way she silenced him with her lips, tasting dirt, sweat and blood from whatever work he found and yet her stomach wouldn’t churn at it. She cherished it. “Viví—“ “Just hold me,” she whispered as she broke the kiss and hid her face in his neck, wrapping her arms around again. “Don’t let me go...” It spoke volumes. Her small request. One in which he couldn’t keep. It would be unrealistic to have someone promise to not let you go when the vow was already made. And it wasn’t just the vow but how life was. We all have our time to go. And his answer still came in the way as he tightened his hold on her and he too buried his face in her neck. In the way he closed the door and bent forward to let her stand before him. In the way he didn’t care if he was a mess, leaving a path of clothes leading to their bed. “How do you still believe in love after losing so many times?” Love, created the world. Love started wars. Love ended them. Love paved way for generations to grow and evolve. “I love you...” she whispered as she gazed into his eyes that the sunset shined bright making it as though she was looking at the shores of the sea, of the waves softly greeting the sand. Love was in the cry of their dreams and hopes awakening to the rumble of want of food in their stomach. Love was the bright smile on his face as he picked up his entire world encased in one small person. Love was in the mismatch eyes laughing with honey ones as she told a joke to her new friend. Love was in the red eyes distant thinking of home. Love was in the sharp steel blue eyes drowning in the dark deep ocean ones as they competed in a video game. Love was in sky blue eyes yearning for amber ones. Love was in black eyes smiling at cornflower blue. Love was in the laughter of two gnomes being silly. Love was in the care of a daughter to her father. Love makes us alive. It hurts because it was real. He was real. All of them were real. “How do you look at someone you love and tell yourself it’s time to walk away?” You don’t tell yourself. You do it. Because love is also letting go. Love is healing. Love, is moving on. “How do you still believe in love after losing so many times?” Because what he said was true, “our time is eternal to us.” And that, that makes life worth living for. Live for love.
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djfatchip · 4 years ago
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Happy Dragon Age Day! @unofficialdragonageday
Vivianna Amell (Top): 
She is my canon Warden.
She currently “disappeared” off of the face of Thedas.
She is a Mage who wields a sword and shield that is made from the essence of the Fade.
Her main Primal is fire. Her main school is the Spirit School. Her secondary school is Entropy school. She specializes as a Shapeshifter, Battlemage and Arcane Warrior.
She romanced Alistair.
She a devoted Andrastian and prays only to Andraste.
She is known as a “Bookworm.” Her guilty pleasures consists of reading a lot and daydreaming. Her favorite colors are petal pink and soft green. 
Her nicknames are, Rosetti, Vivi, Viv, Firefly and Spitfire. 
Her pronouns are She/Her.
Lilyann Leandra Hawke (Middle): 
She is my canon Champion.
Lilyann at the current moment is Viscountess of Kirkwall.
She is a Mage who wields Bow and Arrows. Her main Primal is Lightning. Her main School is Arcane and her second School is Creation. She specializes as a Force Mage and Spirit Healer.
She romanced Fenris (Friendship Route).
Out of the twins, Carver is alive and became a Grey Warden.
She is known as the “Diplomatic One.” Her guilty pleasures consists of gardening. She is an alchemist so gardening goes hand in hand. Her favorite colors is Sky Blue and Petal Pink.
Her nicknames are Lily, Lil, Little Leandra, and Dove.
Her Pronouns are She/Her.
Gissella Trevelyan (Bottom):
She is my Canon Inquisitor.
She has disbanded the Inquisition so she is now a former Inquisitor.
She is a Mage and wields a staff. 
Her main Primal is ice. Her main school is Winter and her secondary school is Spirit. She specializes as a Knight Enchanter. 
Her romance is Solas (even if Bioware didn’t make him available for human Inquisitor, he is the most that suits her and I didn’t want to make an elf as I enjoy my human mage trilogy going on so I headcanon it this way). 
She is known as the “Ice Princess” as she is cold in the way she approaches people. Her guilty pleasures consists of reading and eating sweets. She is also a devoted Andrastian and only prays to Andraste. 
Her favorite colors are any color that is cool + metallic and deep red. 
Her nicknames are Ice Princess, Ella, G and Gigi. 
Her pronouns are She/Her.
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djfatchip · 4 years ago
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Ay, dime qué viste cuando me viste Sé sincera (sé sincero) Ay, dime qué pasa cuando te paso Por la cabeza
Rikko OC by @erubadhriell Vivianna Amell OC by Me OTP: Rianna
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