#and your askbox is off
zephyrrhiesfyrian · 20 days
Tiny formers seeker trine. You have to get all three because they will cry if separated
The seekers flying circles around you when you come back from work, before demanding food and cuddles
Thundercracker will literally wait by the door the entire day for you to come home. He hugs your leg when you leave and as soon as you open the door when you come home he's zooming up to your shoulder and hugging your face.
Skywarp will generally also come greet you when you come home, unless he's napping or has gotten stuck in something. He may need you to come rescue him.
Starscream is a little diva who will scream until you pick him up and then act like a perfect angel as he burrows under your chin for snuggles.
All three of them like to fly up to high places (on top of bookshelves, the fridge, inside wall mounted cabinets), so you may want to invest in some of those cat-platforms for them to climb on, that way you don't have to deal with sick tinies constantly sneezing and coughing because they've been scampering around on dusty shelves.
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hyolks · 7 months
FMA cat AU? (This is me wanting to see Al with kitty ears.)
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liesmyth · 1 month
💀 I'm in a very small fandom and mod an invite-only discord server for it. I invited someone in only to find out they are super pro AI and I wanna stab myself for not finding that out first. Now we got someone sharing AI images and talking about how it's sooooooo great that we have AI to make good stories now. To make matters worse, us mods can't just kick them bc we're all also on tumblr and the line is too blurry and they haven't done or said anything that overtly breaks the rules (yet). I just wanna tear my own teeth out bc it's my own damn fault and we're all suffering for it.
The hate is for the AI fuckbitch AND myself because I had a feeling in my gut about them and I didn't listen. FUCK.
SENDING U HUGS IF U WANT THEM. small groups when the vibes go OFF are a disaster :/
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pianokantzart · 1 year
Excuse my poor sense of humour but this has been on my mind ever since your recent comic installment.
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This is hilarious
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cybernatedbeholder · 4 months
Send a 🐛 in my inbox and names of 2 ocs, (at least one has to be mine) and I'll doodle a grub out of them!
Remember to specify for multi muse blogs and keep in mind not every submission will get a grub.
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quietwingsinthesky · 22 days
which is sort of but not really tied into why i’m sort of ???? about the particular kind of fic writers that will write like. Exclusively niche stuff that they enjoy specifically (rarepairs, weirds AUs, specific kinks) and then get upset that they don’t get much interaction in comments or kudos. like, my guy, this is what we signed up for when we wrote the ship only three people know about. you can’t be upset that you’re not raking in hundreds of clicks when you specifically chose to do the unpopular thing you were interested in. it’s fine not to have a lot of attention, you gotta get used to it happening, even if you think you worked real hard on a fic and it deserves it.
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dirtbra1n · 8 months
hello! its tashiro anon with another random idea, this time valentine flavoured since its everywhere and i cant escape
i think tashiro would try to make handmade goods for his friends,, maybe not immediately but like after seeing somewhere just how happy it can make someone to receive handmade sweets he would go 'oh i gotta try that' and what better day is it to give them then the chocolate day?
it definitely would take multiple tries to get it good but i can see him presenting them proudly to them. the shape is not perfect and neither is his packaging but his smile alone would be enough to make ones heart feel full i think,,, kuresawa would probably immediately send it to his gf with the caption 'someones trying to give me valentine chocolates'
he would make some to hanzawa too,, although if he would actually manage to give them is debatable, i think it could create a cute scenario
thats all have a great day!
TASHIRO ANON!!! HI!!! I do always love to be brain blasted into the wall
I’m writing this as thoughts develop Went and opened up the second years novel because there’s a chapter about white day. tashiro anon did you know this chapter is crazy There’s some really crazy stuff in here. kuresawa’s always got insanely Something things to say about his friends IIII’m suddenly dizzy okay anyway. kuresawa’s crazy ANYWAY
really really fun thing about tashiro is that he can kind of. do anything he puts his mind to. he sees what kind of expression someone can make when receiving chocolates and goes Oh I can do that. I need to do that. and he does. looks up a recipe at home jots it down and makes a day of going to the grocery store. browses aisles with his hands at the back of his neck. realizes he needs like, a basket at least. helps one of the bathhouse ladies with her stuff when they cross paths. laughs raucously when she jokes a little crassly about how busy her valentine’s day is gonna be.
gets home three hours later with a few bags worth of stuff and things. headband keeping stray hair out of his eyes. squinting at his handwriting. chocolate! some a little lumpy others bigger than he meant them to be. takes a nibble and they taste fine. it’s not like he’s someone’s girlfriend doing this, anyway. a few lumps aren’t gonna kill anyone. except the lump in his throat, maybe, What kind of thought was that even? ha ha ha I have fun
brings them in the next day though, yeah, and kuresawa texts his girlfriend and she replies Reject them. and tashiro’s protests can be heard from the rooftop. miyano almost starts to argue before he looks at tashiro’s face, the barest trace of maidenly anticipation. and he takes them staring at the floor and his ears warm. Fine, he thinks. and he says thank you, and tashiro whoops.
shirahama gets his thrown at him, second he comes through the door. catches them last minute. starts sniffling with damp eyes.
and you’re so right tashiro anon…. some dedicated to hanzawa senpai. when’s he supposed to even give them to him? is the sort of question on his mind. he’s passing the packaging between his two hands, back and forth, on his way out of school. down the street. after practice, so the crisp not-yet-spring air is biting at him a little. downhill to the bathhouse.
serendipitous, hanzawa senpai standing in the middle of the street. it isn’t a steep decline but it feels like one.
Tashiro-kun, hanzawa senpai calls up at him. he looks small from up here but his voice is the same as ever—just a little surprised.
tashiro, eyes wide and earnest, holding his full hand up, calls back down, Chocolate!
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popstart · 5 months
Wait why don’t you like trans head canons of jo
i figured this one was coming
a big part of her story revolves around the fact that she is a masculine woman, so being all "oh ok so shes a trans man" is soooo strange. there is absolutely 0 canon evidence of her wanting to be a man, and saying she dresses masc meaning her gender must reflect that is enforcing binaries i dont like. she openly hates when lightning he/hims her and that is just straight up gender dysphoria (which cis people can have) and besides, masculine women get such little rep in media its kinda a spit in the face to say she would be better if she was a man. yes trans men obviously also don't get a lot of representation, but neither do any queer people and theres still an agreement that headcanoning canonical queer characters as something else is erasure for someone else.
as for the transfem side of things, i dont have as much as an issue because its not erasing anything it just kinda has less of an impact as a story, or a different impact or whatever. masculine cis women struggling to be seen in a society that both hates women and hates gender nonconformity is not the same as stories of transmisogyny and i just dont think its great to conflate them. there are other characters you could turn transfem if you want to explore those topics. also its very much not humorous when lightning he/hims her if shes a trans woman. Lightning is an idiot sure, but hes not a transphobic idiot. "i can see youre a dude" is like top 5 things you should not say to a trans woman
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tarisilmarwen · 1 year
Palpatine be like "Thrawn my homeboy I know I said that you'd get funding for your fighters. But I need to shift funds into the Death Star to get it finished up before that dumbass Krennic decides it needs a chocolate refinery or some other bs. Don't worry you'll get the funds next quarter, it's not like the Rebels can actually do anything to the factories now."
There was so much comedic potential that Treason skipped out on.
So much.
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buwheal · 3 months
you make it sound like youre drowning in asks that suck or something. if majority of ppl aren't getting it it's because it's either; not the same askers, new people, people who aren't going to read thru 70 something asks, ppl who saw a reblog and sent an ask and didn't go to og post to read your tags to get hints, or just generally ppl not understanding it
holding up asks and saying 'i dont want ones like this' and then not explaining why is just mean. 'nobody is learning' are you explaining it clearly, or are you just vaguely hinting and then getting mad when people don't get it?
and like. when you hold up ppls asks/show them off like 'this is wrong', what about that would make those anons want to come back? they see that and think 'well i fucked up and my ask i sent genuinely is not what the blog runner wants/I don't want my ask screenshotted to be picked apart or laughed at again, so i just wont send a new one', which leads to the kind of ppl who are observant but don't want to send you asks - because theyre afraid of getting it 'wrong', and having a screenshot made of them on a public post about how stupid/wrong they are
acgghh sorry,, i genuinely didnt realize how that came across,, i'll stop doin that!!! Sorry!!! It never occurred to me it probably looks mean asf </3 Ive (tried to) explain before when i do that but i may be doin it wrong,, thats my bad. I dont mean it to make them seem stupid but the way its presented looks like that i guess X-S its a little easier to understand when youre giving me another perspective, so thanks /gen
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wraenata · 1 year
psssssssst wren
who would you say is your overall favourite tmnt character? (this goes for any iteration) owo
Hmmmmmmmm that's a hard question!
I love all my rise boys. Every single one. It's too hard for me to pick a favorite!
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But 2k3 Donnie will always be my fav 2k3 turtle <3
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But for fav all time tmnt character? Have to go with my girl Alopex from tmnt idw! I just love her so much (and she doesn't get enough love!)
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Look at her. She deserves the world. <3
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dsm--v · 4 months
hi I didn't expect you to follow me, and i'm not sure why I hadn't followed you earlier because your posts are funny :)
WOAH !!!!!! meep thats so kind of you,,!!!
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realpokemon · 2 years
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My question for the one card pull is as follows:
What do I need to do to start feeling sacred again?
Alright so, I pulled the page of cups.
I would also like to mention that the cards were vibrating from your question, so I suspect that someone else wants you to know the answer as well, or the universe is trying to say something.
Where's your enthusiasm? Intuitive messages and creative oppurtunities are coming in. You are in a time of possibility and curiousity. Are you by chance an artist or a creative? There is a lot opened up to you at the moment, new paths to take and perhaps spiritual ventures to explore.
You're standing at the brink of opportunity with a lot available to chose from, but also take some due diligence and be smart about it!
One last tidbit, you might want to study the roots of your faith to feel reconnected again.
Hope this helps!
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qbwr · 8 months
I was more of a Joe/Ja’marr girlie but the angst in Buffalo is way more compelling to me rn
joe'marr is compelling in it's own right but there's something about josh and stef.... it's so.....
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unknown-lifeform · 6 months
I would take anything that vro0m posts with a screenshot with a grain of salt. There's a reason why she's not showing you the rest of those anon asks. In this particular instance of the anon asking why women can't have their own motorsport series where they can achieve the same success as Martina Navritolova, Serena Williams, or Simone Biles. All of these athletes are household names (rightfully so) and only compete with other women. Why is that viewed as a bad thing? Men are NOT superior to women physically. Having a different set of abilities does NOT make women inferior. In the case of gymnastics, women's gymnastics is significantly more popular than men's. Men are not as flexible as women and don't have the same sense of balance, so they can't perform the same gymnastic skills at the same level as women, which makes women's gymnastics popular. Same with cheerleading, which women also dominate.
F1Academy can be successful if the same women supporting F1 did the same for F1Academy. Female athletes can absolutely be successful in their own right, but we have to support them. This is the part of the ask that vro0m refused to share and dismissed with "sure, honey."
I'm absolutely howling in laughter because I have 0 fucking horses in this race. I'm not an F1 fan. I don't give a shit. I saw your ask and it made points so dumb that even I, with 0 stakes in it, couldn't help but point out you sound like an idiot. And since I guess you got blocked you now have to come and bitch at anyone in the replies huh
Yes (cis) men and (cis) women can have different natural skillsets. I used to do martial arts, I did it for close to ten years, I'm aware of how different bodies work, how a different center of mass can give you different advantages, and so on and so fucking forth. And as someone who got their fair fucking share of hits from people of varying age, gender, and size, I will tell you I am 100% in favor of male and female martial artists of the same weight class to be able to compete against each other
Also you absolute buffoon you want to know a statistic about cis women? They are on average shorter than cis men. And you know what being short does? It gives you a major fucking advantage at gymnastics, because short people are more flexible naturally. And also that no one fucking tells teenage boy to do stretches, I remember back in high school how all my male classmates said they barely did any kind of stretching at football or basketball practice, and that many of them regarded physical activity that included regular stretching (gymnastics, yoga, the likes) as a boring girl sport because to them if it didn't involve running after a ball it was a boring girl sport. No fucking wonder some guy that is 1.80 tall and has never done a stretch in his life can't bend as much as a 1.50 girl that does it regularly
Now go clown in someone else's askbox thank you
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