#and young eleven
bebx · 1 year
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I used my last brain cell to make these
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leonardcohenofficial · 2 months
remember how in the third episode of series five eleven started beating a dalek with a wrench screaming about hatred and for it to kill him like. i feel like it is only in retrospect that people noticed the deep rage that eleven is carrying under the high energy almost fantastical youthful facade that matt smith brings so skillfully to his take on the doctor, but that darkness isn't even hidden, it is almost always moments away from the boiling point just under eleven's skin
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audiblehush · 5 months
Listen, I’m on the “I’ll believe it when I see it” train with all these inconsistent S3 rumors because 1) LOL the fucking Sun, people, really?! and 2) “Well, the friend of my friend said… and they’re really reliable! Trust me!” 🙄
But even if it all ends up being true: I’ve already seen a handful of great posts talking about no, it’s NOT actually harming Colin’s character, thanks, and would make a lot of sense from what we know about where he’s at mentally so far - I’ll try not to rehash stuff they’ve already argued really well… and probably fail once i get going 😬
But I would also like to throw out that canonically… Book!Colin ALSO had experience prior to his relationship with Penelope?? Not to rakeish levels, but yeah, he had sexual encounters with women… That he then specifically mentions as meaning NOTHING once he compares it to what he has with Penelope because with her there is actual LOVE built over YEARS of INTIMACY.
And since Show!Colin is markedly younger than his book counterpart, it would make sense that this is something he is exploring, whether the initial choice is through coercion from his brother(s), or because he is curious, or… whatever he reason is?? It doesn’t matter??
He’s YOUNG. Being young means being curious about sex! It often means learning over time the difference between mere physicality vs intimacy. Learning about sex can be messy, confusing, wonderful, terrible, mediocre, not what you thought it’d be, etc etc etc.
Regardless of if we’re taking about Penelope OR Colin: Context is everything and WE. DON’T. HAVE. ANY. YET.
Penelope has her own coping mechanism for what she’s dealing with on her own throughout the show with LW; why is Colin any different, whether that’s drinking, tea, sex, etc? He’s clearly exploring different aspects of himself and finding what appeals or doesn’t appeal to him. And that’s normal!!
The IRONY of people claiming they’re furious at Colin treating women like sex toys… when that’s exactly how some people view Colin for Penelope. He is more than a prop for her! Their whole story is that they choose each other after years of self discovery and recognition of each others true selves… ALL of their past experiences included.
Even if the rumored second instance is true… 1) it would clearly be used as a way to prove that he’s miserable and NEEDS love and Pen and intimacy and 2) characters make mistakes... often ones they learn from. Pen has made her fair share of poor choices, too. Colin has and WILL make mistakes because that is what interesting, developing characters do, yet y’all act like he is unforgivable for being given his own plot scenes. He is NOT just there to have sex with Penelope!! He is a character outside of his romance with his own struggles to grapple with!
Also, please be real - this was SO NORMAL for men during this era, especially at his age! Why are MODERN DAY AUDIENCES acting so fucking scandalized?? One or two instances doesn’t even make him a real rake, ESPECIALLY if it’s being framed as him realizing it isn’t what he ultimately wants! Why are you even watching this show if something like this is so offensive to you?!
If all this ends up being accurate (which again, I doubt), I will admit I’ll probably be picky about how it’s handled… but I’ve always felt that way about this pairing in the short time I’ve been in the fandom.
But I NEED people to chill the fuck out until the season actually airs. You’re lambasting something you HAVEN’T EVEN SEEN YET.
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dduane · 5 months
Does mechanical worldgating work differently between the YW canon and the STEKR canon? And can you gate from one to the other?
Probably the two universes' takes work differently, as—so far, anyway—Errantryverse worldgating tech is canonically routinely hybrid (i.e. containing both wizardly and non-wizardly tech solutions), whereas the ones in the Seven-Worlds sheaf (or eleven worlds if you're being completist about it...) seem routinely to be running on the "fairy gold"/room-temperature superconductor-based tech.
Regarding the possibility of gating between the two: "As of print time, the Stationmaster's Office at the Crossings on Rirhath B had not responded to a request for comment."
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thepunkmuppet · 4 months
new thomas video with only janus actually healed my heart I’m sorry cringe culture is dead idgaf it brought me joy when I was eleven and it brings me joy now I LOVE HIM HE’S MY FAVOURITE AUUUGGHGH HE’S SO SILLY
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s-wordsmith · 8 months
Something I really need Stranger Things fic writers to know is that no one in rural America was locking any doors in the eighties apart from the government and businesses. I remember when there was a big stink about "we gotta start locking our doors now how am I supposed to remember that every time I leave the house." People didn't lock the doors when they were home until at LEAST the mid-aughts, a lot of people STILL don't. "Oh we can't get into so-and-so's house/car because we don't have the keys!" You do not need the keys, just open the door. "I'm alarmed because I went over to so-and-so's house and their front door was unlocked so I instantly knew something was wrong." It would be much weirder if it was locked. If I showed up at my friend's house and the door was locked I would immediately assume something was wrong. If I lived in a town regularly invaded by monsters and patrolled by mobs of government agents/Russian spies/jocks with guns, I would assume my friend was currently being hunted.
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aquavierra · 3 months
I just realised I have very boring type of men. Blond, blue eyed, at least 5'11, preferably somewhat bisexual, has confidence showing his feminine energy, unattainable, smile lines/stretched dimples, great fashion sense, you know? The usual.
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stxr-bxy · 2 months
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moodboard for when you’re clearly a lesbian but the whole fandom is delusional
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Gente, me llamaron loca, pero con @raiberryz concluimos que en esta escena Axel no tiene 22 años, si es que parece un crío. Posiblemente sea el mismo caso que Vlad (parecer adolescentes teniendo 18), pues hasta 2022 la mayoría de edad en Japón era a los 20. En resumen: es muy probable que Axel se uniese al Sector Quinto siendo menor de edad o nada más cumplir los 20 años.
Eng: People, they called me crazy, but along @raiberryz we concluded that in this scene Gouenji doesn’t have 22 years, he still looks like a kid. Probably same case as Yuuichi (look like teens but they are in their 18’s) and this is because until 2022 legal adulthood in Japan was when someone turned 20 years old. Summarizing: its very likely that Gouenji joined Fifth Sector while still being legally a minor or as soon as he reached his 20’s
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fan-kingdoms · 9 months
god i wish we had gotten more of twelve with river song. he just meshes so well with her and since their time streams are finally (almost) synced up you don’t feel the imbalance of maturity/knowledge that you get in a lot of eleven’s time with her, and less general timeline “where are they right now what the fuck is happening” fuckery to sort through. just a husband and wife who have lived so much together and know it’s coming to an end very soon so they have to relish it (even if river doesn’t have the knowledge of her own death the way the doctor does, she knows it’s almost over because her diary is running out of pages). and i love watching this older, less theatrical, more rough-around-the-edges doctor with her because it develops their dynamic and the passage of time for the doctor so well. he's not eleven, trying to hide the pain and damage anymore. he doesn't spin off lies and deflections. he wears the hurt and is comfortable in it, and river is there to bring the joy and wonder out. they just have a more mature, beautiful relationship to me.
more thoughts and elaboration under the cut bc i care for your dash <3
twelve and river were such a delight to watch because (this is getting into hot take territory here sorry) once capaldi took over from matt smith, the show basically gave up on the whole “the doctor is very attractive and all the women want him” narrative that it pushed for eleven. of course it was there with ten but i think it got Egregious with eleven. moffat really wanted us to believe matt smith was the hottest man in the universe (and he’s not unattractive! i admit i thought he was attractive when i first watched doctor who years and years ago! the writing was just over the top with it!) twelve is not some young whimsical prettyboy anymore— he’s abrasive, blunt, and old. the show doesn’t treat him like he’s supposed to be attractive, which makes him and river’s relationship feel so real.
first off i want to point out that river is still very much attracted to the doctor in his new body which was so exciting for me because how often to we get to see romance and desire and (sexually) intimate relationships in people past the age of 35??? hardly ever! how often do we see a beautiful woman expressing desire for a man that’s not young or conventionally handsome NOT because she has ulterior motives or we’re supposed to believe he’s actually the sexiest man alive but because she simply loves him? how often do we see relationships where no matter how much change they go through, even when one of them has turned into an entirely different person (figuratively or literally), the love stays steady and unchanged? especially when these changes involve aging? there isn’t nearly enough. and seeing it is kind of healing for me, just a reminder that you can have love and intimacy and passion even when you’re not “young and beautiful” anymore
twelve and river’s relationship is just charged with so much shared experience and trust and i wish we had gotten to see more of it. in conclusion i want a special that recaps the 24 years on darillium thank you and goodbye
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munsonstyle · 2 months
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updated it a wee bit!!!
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fishnetinsides · 9 months
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unproduciblesmackdown · 3 months
one more instagram takeover post: "almost!"
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butchreyes · 1 month
grief week! (omg such a morbid title)
tagged by @lonestar-s5countdown and @reyesstrand <3
which character death in 911 lone star hit you the hardest? — definitely gwen, because it was such a shock (to me at least, some people said they saw it coming but i really didn’t think they would take it there) and also i just love her so much. like that’s mother to many.
what is your favorite grief-related moment in the show? — carlos in that guy’s garage is one of my favorite moments of the show period. i love to see characters pushed to their absolute limit psychologically, and rafael ate downnn.
do you think there will be a character death in season 5? if so, any guesses about who it might be? — i don’t think they would kill another major character in the last season, but if they did, i think owen would be the best choice. it would be a pretty bittersweet ending: he finally gets what he set out for in the pilot (rebuilding the 126, saving his son) and now he can have ghost sex with gwyn. DEFINITELY NOT MATEO THOUGH HE WILL NEVER DIE.
which living character's death would destroy you the most? — tk or carlos would of course destroy me because of the double whammy effect (i lose a blorbo and have to witness another blorbo grieve) but if we’re talking maximum impact, contained blast radius of one single charlie: my sister mateo… he’s just too innocent.., blame @tellmegoodbye for even putting this idea in my head
which character's childhood trauma do you think was most significant in shaping them? — the miasma of emotional damage is like a dense fog around carlos. as soon as he cooked tk that fucking red snapper i knew there was something seriously wrong with that man. any other character i could meet out of context and assume they had a completely normal middle-class childhood. not carlos though… one look at him and i just knew someone had cooked here.
tagging: @tellmegoodbye @paperstorm @alrightbuckaroo
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Scaramouche: I don’t see why I couldn’t stay home. Ei: ‘Cause we’re having a fun family outin’. Scaramouche: Can I at least drive? Yae: She said fun, not tragic
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msnihilist · 4 months
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