#and yet. aaaaand yet. boy.
himbeaux-on-ice · 2 years
how it started:
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how it's going:
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angeltism · 1 year
it is so incredibly hard to convince myself I am not cursed love-wise
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flamingpudding · 4 months
Bat dad meet Ghost dad
Several years earlier....
"JAAAAAAZZZZZZZZ!" Danny flew excited through the Ghost Zone with a little kid in his arms rushing past some of his former rogues as he made a B-Line for his sister that happened to be in the Zone too, currently in a deep conversation with Frostbite about something Danny hadn't cared to pay attention to long enough. But right now he had exciting news he really wanted to share with his sister. Even now as adults Danny tented to live out his childishness whenever he could especially when he and his family went into the Ghost Zone.
The Halfa came to a screeching halt as he grined brightly at his sister who looked back at him with a raised eyebrow, slightly amused at her younger brothers giddiness. "What is it Danny?"
"I got a son now!" Danny declared happily holding up a young ghost teen by the armpits into his sisters face.
The 'son' in Danny's hands stared at Jazz blinking owlishly as if the teen boy still needed a moment to catch up with what was going on and Jazz blinked back at the ghost and then at Danny. That was not a child but a teen ghost. Going by the size the kid was probably around 14 or 15 and he looked very much traumatised and Jazz could not tell if that was because of Danny or because of how the teen possible died.
"Danny what did you-" Her brother did not let her finish her question as he started rambling excitedly.
"He is a baby ghost Jazz! Look how young he is! I found him floating around aimlessly, his hunt hasn't even fully formed yet and when i picked him up there was that instant connection! You know the same-"
"I have with Clockwork and Pandora! I instantly knew he was mine! Mine to protect! Mine to guide! When I saw him I swear I just knew, I ghost adopted him the moment I made contact! He is family Jazz-"
"I just know he belongs with us! Look at him and tell me he doesn't have Fenton charms! I am sure Dan and Dani will love him too! He is such a cute little ghost! There is so much I can teach him! I will be the best dad ever to this wonderful little baby ghost! And-"
"Daniel William James Fenton!"
Danny bite his tongue instantly silenced when Jazz pulled out the full name call. Both him and the teen in his arms stared at her a bit shell shocked and in that moment Jazz couldn't help but hide a small amused smile at how similar Danny and the teen in his arms looked when they stared at her.
"Did you explain any of this to him?" She indicated to the teen, who's name she by the way still didn't know. Danny at least had the curtesy to look a little ashamed as Jazz pointed that out and let go of the teen so they could float on their own. She sighed with a fond smile before looking at the teen that looked a bit unsure between her and Danny now.
"What's your name?" She asked them with a friendly and encouraging smile.
Current time...
Jason was in a little bit of a predicament. Originally he really thought he never would end up in this kind of situation espacially since he didn't think he would patch up things with Bruce any time soon. But we'll here he was...
Life liked proofing him wrong.
Like with he fact that Jason could use a ghost wail in dire situation. And that something like that would naturally call his ghost dad onto the scene since he collapsed after it.
And like with how he woke up in the bat caves med bay with both Danny and Bruce standing over him and glaring at each other. Or at least he thought they were glaring at each other that looked like a pretty annoyed stare in his eyes from Danny and Bruce's jaw was really tense from what was visible and not covered by his cowl.
So all Jason could do was endure at the moment. Aaaaand refuse to make eye contact with any of his present siblings. Mainly Dick because he wasn't sure how to interpret the others' smiles. For a moment Jason wondered if he could hide out in his ghost-dad's castle in the Ghost Zone for a while until whatever storm was brewing with Bruce was over.
There was also a moment in which Jason wondered if there could have been anything done to avoid this... confrontation(?). Before feeling the need to face palm because his Aunt that sort of has been giving him free therapy told him repeatedly that communication was key. He never regretted not listening to her more than he was right now.
To be fair. Communication with Bruce espacially hadn't been his strong suit for a while now before and after his death.
"So you are his Bat-Dad?" Jason did not like the way Danny, his ghost dad was using the word 'dad' right now. Oh good was he trying to challenge Bruce?
"And you are his Ghost-Dad?" Bruce grunted, oh now Jason was sure Bruce was giving Danny a glare, and Danny was getting that protective look in his eyes Jason was all to familiar with from his time as a dead baby ghost.
He groaned loudly sinking lower onto the medbed. Why did these things always have to happen to him? At least he was lucky that his Ghost Aunt and Uncle didn't show up too.
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moreeels · 2 years
gary i need to talk about my ocs
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chuuya-kisser · 6 months
ANYWAYS ignoring that
so bc i adore skk to hell and back obviously im gonna explore their dynamic first
what kills me is how familiar they are with each other. they arent insulting each other in every sentence, which is still alright. and what struck me the most is how much dazai seems to trust chuuya. more so than anyone.
so far we know that dazai isn't exactly the most open person around. his entire cheerful joking persona is a facade, a fake. what you see is usually only what he wants to show you. his real emotions? ive only seen them very rarely, if at all. now look at these
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the way chuuya says what he does implies that he is already used to this habit of dazai's, which is only possible if dazai did this in his mafia days, AND even then, he was open and willing enough to let chuuya see it and know that dazai was anxious. which means that even before mersault, before dazai left the mafia, he and chuuya atleast were that close that the usually closed-off, know-everything demon prodigy could show his worry to his partner, multiple times.
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i think that over here, dazai really isnt hiding his emotions. you can see the shock and worry on his face and in his eyes clearly as he puts the pieces together. not only that, hes also laying out parts of his plan to chuuya, in addition to his theories. which he rarely does unless im wrong about that (its possible). he isnt worried about chuuya using his emotions and weaknesses against him, because he trusts him enough, although i think the trust between them was already shown when both of them fake-killed each other.
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its easy to see the panic in his eyes, and personally i feel that this is him showing a bit of weakness, which is perfectly alright. the thing is that again, hes letting chuuya see this. I very much doubt that he would have let down his facade enough to show this to absolutely anyone else.
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also the poor guy literally looks so stressed out here give him a goddamn break asagiri
aaaaand now chuuya.
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now what strikes me is that even in the last chapter/s, chuuya has multiple times tried to reassure dazai that fyodor is indeed dead to try and calm down dazai's worries. this can also be him also wanting a damn break but anyways.
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and these panels. while many ppl are agreeing that hes just sitting there being a pretty boy while dazai tows through helicopter debris (and i agree), and definitely chuuyas sadistic streak when it comes to dazai is showing itself clearly, its often been seen in both the official arts and animanga that whenever working together, chuuya always covers dazai's blind spots.
think about it. dazai has his back turned towards everything. if someone launched a surprise attack on him at this moment, the chances of him dodging, finding out abt it in time is pretty low. chuuya is directly behind dazai. i got this idea from another post i saw, but what if this is also chuuya covering for dazai yet again? protecting him?
anyways thats it folks maybe ill make another post on jesus- i meant fyodor soon
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ssspideysense · 7 months
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✧˖° pretty boy
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summary: peter’s a little bit of a people pleaser— mostly when you’re the person in question.
pairing: mcu!peter parker x reader
tags: fluff, undefined relationship, no pronouns used for reader
wc: 1.4k
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“Stay still.”
And he tried.
Peter tried to hold himself still like a statue as an unbelievably soft hand cupped the side of his cheek. Your fingers were warm and your skin was smooth and your face— it was right up in his face, twisted with a look of concentration.
He contemplated holding his breath, too, but he could smell your shampoo, and he wasn’t quite ready to give that up yet.
You carefully swept the black pencil along Peter’s bottom lash line. The foreign sensation startled him, forcing him to blink, but he tried to resist the urge to pull away.
Makeup. He was letting you put makeup on him.
It wasn’t the worst thing in the world. You’d shaped his eyebrows with the tiniest little brush he’d ever seen, drawn on him with a couple of different types of pencils, and patted some pink onto his cheeks. Peter didn’t really know what was going on, but it didn’t really matter once your face lit up and you scooted so close to him your knees smacked against each other.
The relative quiet in his room only did so much for his frayed nerves. What if May skirted in without knocking? What if Ned decided to come over unannounced again? Admittedly, Peter couldn’t work out which possibility was worse.
But he could count your eyelashes right now. He could see all the little flecks of color in your irises, even in the shitty lighting from his desk lamp. There wasn’t anywhere more appropriate for him to look as you painted on your canvas, and he thanked the universe that he had enough time to brush his teeth before running out the door that morning.
“Peter, hold still,” you warned again, shooting him a less than amused look.
He smiled and chuckled a bit, though it was more automatic than anything. “You’re literally in my eye.”
“I’m not in it— don’t be a baby.”
You shifted the hand on his cheek and instead laced it into his hair, holding him still while you added a few finishing touches to the smudged eyeliner.
His heart had never beaten faster. Your firm, secure tangle into his wild locks kicked up a mass of butterflies in his stomach. You guided his head back, enough so he was looking up at you— his head tilted, his breath caught in his throat.
He wouldn’t exactly call it a relationship, the… thing you two were tangled up in. He would, if he could, because he really wanted to— but you hadn’t exactly discussed that sort of thing yet. Feelings were up in the air like party balloons, just waiting to burst from the building tension.
You were closer now than when you started, legs saddled on either side of his own, and you were unbothered, even when his hands accidentally brushed the sides of your thighs as he fidgeted. The light pressure of you perched on top of him while he sat stretched out over his Star Wars bed sheets was the grounding he needed to keep himself from floating away.
“Aaaaand… done,” you used your finger to smudge out some of the dark lines you’d carefully laid down on Peter’s face. You leaned back a tad, examining your handiwork with your fingers still intertwined into his curls. “See? It makes your eyes pop.”
Peter couldn’t care less what he actually looked like at the moment. He’d forgotten exactly what you’d said to get this to happen in the first place, but it didn’t matter. He just knew that he’d do it again, probably without question next time. The electric buzz of wild wings fluttering in his stomach was enough of a reason— your smile as you gently tugged on his hair was yet another.
A smile crept onto Peter’s face as he looked up at you. “And it only took you, like, forty minutes.”
You scoffed, releasing his hair. The bed creaked with the swing of your leg as you shifted to walk across the room to his desk. Casual as ever, like you hadn’t just stopped and restarted his heart about five times, you tossed the eyeliner pencil into your open backpack. “Well, it would’ve been faster if you didn’t fight me in the beginning,” you mused.
He’d opened his mouth to protest, but promptly closed it when his aunt’s voice filtered through his bedroom door. “It’s about that time, kiddos,” May called, rapping against the wood a few times for good measure.
Neither of you were kiddos anymore, but May never listened to Peter’s soft protests about the topic anyway. She’d just recently lifted the “keep the door cracked” rule after Peter’s birthday a few months ago. It wasn’t time to push it.
And you groaned, grumbling about the loss of time during your very focused mission. You began gathering your things — beauty supplies, a half-eaten bag of beef jerky, your notebooks that went completely unopened this entire “homework session” — and shoved them into your backpack.
Peter stood to his feet. “Wait, how do I wash this stuff off?”
In a show of faux offense, you clutched your imaginary pearls and gasped. “So eager to erase all of my hard work? You haven’t even seen how pretty you are yet,” your light laughter made the corners of his lips twitch up.
While you pulled on your jacket, Peter chanced a glance at himself in the mirror atop his dresser. To his surprise, there wasn’t some sort of clown staring back at him. He peered at his eyelashes and his cheekbones and his newly defined eyebrows— it was a little startling, pulling a chuckle from his chest, but he didn’t look quite as insane as he pictured in his head.
Your visage appeared behind him in the mirror, lips curled up with a wicked tinge of sweet amusement. “Do you feel bonita?”
“I feel bonita.”
“Wonderful, because you look bonita.” Your hand ruffled his hair, soft and playful, and the ghosts of your fingers gripping into his locks just minutes ago danced around his thoughts.
Peter chuckled and shook his head. “Am I stuck like this forever now?”
Behind him, you slung your backpack over your shoulder. “Do guys not wash their faces before bed? Just take a shower, stinky.”
He mocked your words under his breath which earned a firm punch to the shoulder and a stifled chuckle. He wanted to say more, more of something maybe smart or witty or funny, because you were always smart and witty and funny, but his brain was a useless piece of meat at the moment.
“I shower every day, thank you very much,” he managed.
“Oh, and now you’re lying to me? My heart can’t take this.”
Peter’s own heart thumped with your sarcasm.
“Never. You know I’m a bad liar,” he continued, because, despite himself, he couldn’t help but bounce off of the banter that felt so natural between you.
A small hum left your lips. You eased a bit closer, examining your artwork again on his heated face. “Yeah, you always get all blushy and stuttery when you’re nervous,” one of your hands graced his jaw, tilting his head from side to side as you spoke oh so casually, “plus, you talk a lot louder. It’s kinda cute.”
“That’s not true, I don’t do that,” Peter complained, proving at least two of your points immediately, and his adam’s apple bobbed with a thick swallow.
That hand that laid under his ear gently patted his flushed cheek a few times for emphasis.
“You sure about that?” you smiled, the light gloss on your lips glinting in the low light of his bedroom.
“Y—Yeah,” his voice cracked, and he cleared his throat immediately after, “yeah, yes. I’m sure. Totally sure.”
And you couldn’t tuck away your smile, even when you swept in to press a quick kiss to his lips.
Peter leaned in eagerly, humming a little in surprise. His eyes fluttered shut, his fingers jumped to your waist— this wasn’t exactly how he pictured your first kiss, but he sure as hell wasn’t gonna fight it just because he was in eyeliner.
But you pulled away all too soon, which could’ve been any amount of time, as far as Peter was concerned. He looked down at you with his doe eyes, that boyish grin crooked and giddy on his flushed face.
Your voice was honey, smooth and sweet just like the way you looked at him.
“Whatever you say, pretty boy.”
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anouchard · 3 months
Malevolent Liveblog: Episode 12
Spoilers under the cu(l)t ...
To your right. Take the door now y'all.
Lighter. I'm sure this will never mean anything.
"Anything look ... edible?" Get this man a proper meal, please.
LAUGHTER. I LOVE his laugh.
I am sure the ornate mirrors will not come back to haunt us in any way.
Gosh, I forgot how immersive this podcast was from the very beginning.
Laundry chute?
"Damn" indeed.
Oh I forgot about the paper! What's the deal with that?
Phonograph? Ooh.
Wait ... this doctor is Harlan?
That genuinely never registered, but ofc it is.
Harlan, how did you do this one? Harlan.
The King in Yellow!
Aaaaand cue the music.
Ohhhhhhh boy. Oh. Oh?
"See yourself framed in gold"? DO NOT GO BACK TO THE MIRRORS.
The DREAD I feel.
Getting closer ...
Harlan, how do you know that mirror horror is my worst nightmare. How. It is up there with eye horror. How dare you.
Uh, down we go.
"This isn't a mine".
"Then it's a secret we need to see". ARE YOU SURE ABOUT THAT.
"To the keenest form of fascination".
(This gives me chills. So many chills. John's description and tone is WONDERFUL).
CRASH. Well, that went well.
Very Lemony Snicket vibes here.
The city has eyes? THE CITY HAS EYES??
Ohhhh the vocal shifts. Lovely.
Lantern? River? Very Underworld.
No paddles? Something in the water? This feels like we are about to meet Gollum, folks.
"We're moving ... slowly".
Of course there's something down there. Of course there is.
The vibes are IMMACULATE.
"Do fish swarm?" Not the time, Artie.
"Arthur lie back down" ugh.
"ARTHUR ARE YOU MAD". Yes but maybe that's how he survived.
"It's over" ahahahahahahahahaha.
Anaesthetic? That was considerate.
John being speechless is ... well.
Is this Yhtill? Alar? Carcosa?
"You're here with me, John, and I need you. We're a team".
Oh of COURSE there's a corpse.
Large yellowish egg?
"I know this place".
Adore this. All of this.
"Are you willing?" Oooft.
Ah yes, the horror of being Known.
"You've come a long way to become whole again".
Oh boy oh boy oh boy
"Promise nothing will happen to him".
Ahahahahahahahaha YES
This is one HECK of a finale.
"My face is ... my own, once again ... I am The King in Yellow." Chills.
"Every instance of you is being erased." And yet he holds on.
Oh ...
Aaaaaaand SCENE.
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muchmossymess · 5 months
GUYS okay hear me out majoras mask boat boys au
I love legend of zelda I love boat boys this is like the ultimate combination of my interests you cannot understand the brainrot. Idk what to call it yet tho... majoras minecraft? Anyway prepare for an essay
OKAY so we have the Hero of Time, Etho, who stopped ganons plans before they started, and would be stuck in a child's body if not for the fact I think that'd be a lil weird for the more shippy aspects of this au that all the running through time aged his soul and his body followed suit (he's still got a young appearance, and the mask doesn't make him look older like he thinks). Same reason he has the scar over his eye (from the ganon fight); no matter how much the body may heal or rewind the mind will not forget.
Then navi (maybe bdubs?) left him, and he went with epona (maybe bdubs instead? (eponas a horse iydk)) and he sets out on a journey aka the beginning of mm:
Wandering through the woods on epona, gets jumped by skull kid. For those unaware, there is skull kid, a lonely lil sweetheart, and he wears the mask, an entity on its own. He also has two fairies, siblings tael and tatl.
So I was a little unsure about this for a while, but I think I've decided on grian for the skull kid and Jimmy for tael, grian bc watchers and Jimmy bc skull kid is not very nice to tael (bc of the mask) and like a listeners reference or smth blah blah blah
TATL. that's who's interesting. At the beginning she gets separated from her friends and becomes your companion. So naturally for this au she is our favourite joel smallishbeans. It works so well. Tatl is mean but cares, and that's joels dynamic with the bad boys and with etho, guys it's literally perfect idc what you say
I think it doesn't change much throughout like the story of the game, but just taking dialogue tatl says to link and its so perfect for a sassy joel to a "can't believe I'm dealing with this shit again" etho. Uh one thing different though; in hylian form etho doesn't have an ocarina but instead a mini marimba. Just because. I think it's cool, and for potential things later on.
Now, fairies in this au are just tiny glowing people shaped things with wings. The glow around them is their magic, and depending on emotions/energy the brightness changes (thats why they look like flying balls of light). Some fairies have the ability to make projections of themselves, more hylian sized in nature. This can be intimidation or distraction or w/e, but they cant do it for long periods of time bc its exhausting. These forms aren't physical. Just sized up light projections of their actual bodies.
So for a lot of their journey, joel is just a cute pocket sized ball of rage and sarcasm, who helps with ethos aim for fighting. Bc that's a game mechanic and also ethos like half blind. But like when joel calms down imagine him crawling into ethos hat and just dozing off. He can fit in the palm of your hand like guys it's so cute. But he is also capable of being worse than a mozzie
Oh probably a good point to put in what I imagine etho looks like. So it's typical link green (maybe a bit dampened?), weird pointy hat, short hair (white ofc), his shirt is more of a jacket with a fluffy cold weather collar, it's a bit too big for him but he knows he'll grow into it, he's all knobbly and thin (underfed a lil, boy was never taught how to care for himself beyond basic survival). His injured eye is red bc of ganon, and often gives him phantom pains. It can't be healed.
Anyway, at some point in their journey together, etho and joel learn a song that let's fairies have a larger physical form, no wings, sorta like the great fairies (who they learnt it from prolly). It isn't permanent, slowly draining ethos magic meter, the spell ends when you run out of magic. This is because I want them to actually be able to stand side by side or maybe hug, and also bc its hard to block a blow with your body when ur tennis ball sized.
Aaaaand, this ties back in with with marimba. What if ethos injured, or unconscious, and he obviously can't defend himself, so joel panics and plays the marimba in what he hopes is the right order to give himself a body. I imagine that being that small, you could not play an ocarina. And hey maybe joel carries etho away after that, and when the spell ends he has barely any light emitting from himself because he spent nearly all his magic (what he is made of) saving etho.
But this song isn't used much, because of its draining nature, and you can't really do any other magic things while it's going. So it's mostly just in the final fight (over and over) or tough moments or maybe joel wants to experience something like hoe hylians do. It's obviously inferior to how he experiences things as a fairy, of course, he's just curious thats all. He totally doesn't want etho to do it more.
Okay I think ill sorta stop here, I am NOT done, I will probably post some art I've done for this later lol, and I want help with who everyone else is (mumbo is the moon. You cannot stop me nor change my mind) with mcyts to npcs
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nc-vb · 1 year
𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐚, 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐡𝐰𝐚, & 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐡𝐮𝐚 𝐑𝐞𝐜𝐬
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a long time coming that I've meant to compile a list, but it just kept growing and growing and growing...
the webtoon list includes my very personal & important in-my-heart recommendations. aaaaand the rest are mostly smutty, kinky, and even a little dark.......... do not perceive, just enjoy. and support the official author's work and translations if you can!!
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if there are any in this list you'd like a heads up about before reading, feel free to drop me an ask and I'll give you my honest opinion/review.
if you're having trouble locating anything, shoot me an ask (because i have most, if not all, of the links saved).
and feel free to gush to me if you liked any of them!! i'm always happy to talk about mmm's.
[updated july 3rd, 2023] - newly added titles are in green.
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𝐵𝐿 = boy's love genre 𝐆𝐋 = girl's love genre 𝟏+ = includes harems & poly relationships ❤ = absolute masterpieces, highly recommended! ! = proceed with extreme caution/heed all warnings
please heed all warnings and tags found within each of these recommendations, as well as my own warnings from the symbol legend above and found throughout this post.
some of these are sfw and some aren't. some of these aren't for the faint of heart and will be marked to be read at your own risk. additionally, not all are translated into English. 𝐵𝐿/𝐆𝐋 are separate from the general list.
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A Messy Fairy Tale 𝟏+
A Summer Night's Dream
Age Matters ❤
Back to You
Bailin and Li Yun BL❤
Bitten Contract
Boyfriend of the Dead
Castle Swimmer BL
City of Blank
Dating With a Tail
Daytime Star
Devil Number 4 ❤
Devilish Romance
Down to Earth
Dreaming Freedom
Ghost Wife
Ghostly Buddie
Harem of LuuAnh
Hello Baby ❤
I'm the Grim Reaper
I Love Yoo ❤
It's Mine
Jeff's Disorders
Kind of Confidential
Little Rain
Lore Olympus ❤
Love Advice from the Great Duke of Hell ❤
Mage & Demon Queen GL
Marry Me!
Maybe Meant to Be
Meow Man
Midnight Poppy Land
Midnight Rain
Mom, I'm Sorry
Morgana and Oz
Muse on Fame
My Beloved Emperor
My Dear Cold-Blooded King
My Four Husbands 𝟏+
My In-Laws are Obsessed with Me ❤
My Lovely Bodyguard
Nice to Meet You
Not Even Bones
Operation: True Love ❤
Pastel-colored Pages
Scorching Romance
See You in My 19th Life ❤
Selina ~ Moon Bride ~
Siren's Lament ❤
Space Boy
Strange and Wild
Swimming Lessons for a Mermaid ❤
Take Off BL
The Devil is a Handsome Man
The First Night With the Duke ❤
The Guy Upstairs
The Newlywed Diary of a Witch and a Dragon ❤
There Must Be Happy Endings
To the Stars and Back BL
Trapped ❤
Unlovable Replacement
When Jasy Whistles ❤❤
Winter Woods
Your Smile is a Trap ❤
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Abe-kun's Got Me Now! (Abe-kun ni Nerawaretemasu)
A Master, Who Woke Up As a Concubine ❤
And Yet, You Are So Sweet (Na no ni, Chigira-kun amasugiru)
Beloved in-Laws (poor transl.)
Bon Appétit ❤
Don't Blush, Sekime
Forget My Husband, I'll Go Make Money (Aug 2023)
Golden Forest !
I, My, Me, Mine ❤ (アイマイミーマイン)
I Became the Male Lead's Adopted Daughter
I Can't Keep Up With My Stallion Duke ❤❤
I Will Change the Genre
I Will Rewrite the Dead End Novel
In the Clear Moonlit Dusk ❤ (Uruwashi no Yoi no Tsuki)
It's My Destiny to Be the Hero's Saviour !
Kubo Won't Let Me Be Invisible
Love's in Sight!
Loving Yamada at Lv 999 ❤❤❤
Male Lead, I'll Respect Your Taste !
Ookami no Musume ❤❤
Pink and Habanero ❤ (Pink to Habanero)
Protected by My Dragon Knight (Seijo wa Ryuukishi-sama ni Mamorarete)
Scary Faced High Schooler and Miss Plain Jane
Second Life of a Trash Princess
Sinking too deep in your rabbit hole, now I'm drowning in your love
Stella Next to Me ❤ (Tonari no Stella)
The Cunning Princess and the Shark ❤
The Fragrant Flower Blooms With Dignity ❤ (Kaoru Hana wa Rin to Saku)
The Muscle Girl Next Door
The Obsessive Second Male Lead Has Gone Wild
The Reasons We Fall in Love ❤ (Watashi-tachi ga koisuru riyuu)
The Tyrant's Comfort Doll !
To the Dear F-Phantom of the Opera (Shinai naru F e: Opera-za no Kaijin)
Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun ❤ (Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun)
Vampire Lord's Greatest Wife ❤
Welcome to the Yandere Cafe (rating subject to change)
Yojouhan no Ibara Hime
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あざと可愛い✕くんの執着サド交尾は本物です x!!!
無能力巫女は狛犬の淫紋快楽漬け x❤!
2LDK IKEMEN Tsuki Bukken Arimasu !!
A Dream Between the Sheets ❤❤
A Gentle Sea Monster and a Lonely Girl !
A Predator in a Skirt !
A Sip of Poison !
Boy's Abyss (subject to change, new read) !!
Childhood Friend's Secret Massage !
Consort to the Fox Spirit Lord
Dark Fall !
Depths of Malice !
Devoured by a Bookworm Girl !
Fire in His Fingertips ❤
Former Delinquent Farmer's Sex Appeal is Dangerous!
From Him to Who? ~Sex With My Body-Snatched Husband ❤
Gokudou to Omega - Mukidashi no Katsuai
Hana's Demons of Lust !
Hare-kon 𝟏+
Heat 200 Meters Away (200 M Saki no Netsu)
Honey, I'm Going On a Strike!
How to Make a Frigid Girl Cum
I'm in Love With Mr. Hanabusa
Lady K and the Sick Man ❤❤
Last Order wa Ojou-san de Dekiai Jouren Kyaku ni Kyuuai saretemasu
Junai - Pure Wet Love
Kuma to Tora ~Taikakusa Osananajimi no Hajimete kara, Kemono ni Naru 2-kakan made~ x
Madoka Exorcist ❤!
Mede Little Roy !
Mr. Tada is a Top Performer
Muttsuri Akazukin-kun kara wa nige rarenai
My Cold Co-worker Obsessively Loves Me
Pet Baby Doll
Pygmalion's Savior is a Big But Immature Love Monster !❤
Red Hot Proposal: Surrounded by His Tanned Body
Sadistic Beauty !!!!
Sakaki the Lazybones Shows His Talents at Night ❤❤
Sapphire Dew ~ Infatuated Gentlemanly Boyfriend Seizes the Initiative !
Seishun no Hekireki
Seriously can't pass this up. - Kohai's passionate sex won't stop until morning
Sinful Nun Pays Penitence to the Serpent ❤❤
Spring Amidst My Wintertide ❤
Superstitious Nine ❤
Sweet Lies Layered Like a Mille Feuille ❤
Tadano Renai Nanka de Kikkonai ❤❤
The Golden Forest !
The Goldfish’s Corpse Lies at the Bottom of the Swamp !!!!!!!!
The Greengrocer is a Carnivore in Bed!?
The Man Who Saved Me in My Isekai Trip Was a Killer!!!!!!!
The Neighbor in Room 203 Disappeared Leaving a Key Behind !!!!!!!
The Reincarnated Saint Falls for the Demon Lord
The Tainted Half !
The Virgin Witch
The Weird Senior in the Seat Next to Me ❤❤❤! (Tonari Senpai)
Toshishita Osananajimi ga Watashi o Shibatte Hanasa nai! x
Totem's Realm
Touching is Better Than Looking
Under the Oak Tree
Until the Obedient Bodyguard Exposes the Body and the Lie of the Fake Lady ❤
"Wanna Cum?" The Pure Taiga Advances Slow and Sweet ❤❤
Welcome to the Muscle Salon ❤❤❤
When Beauty Meets Beasts
When You Are Reincarnated As The villain NPC's Girl And Be Loved By The Strongest Prince Who Is Not A Capture Target !!
Wild Eyes
Will You Pledge Your Love to an Incubus?
Wish Upon a Husband
Yaba Ai Instructor !
You're Too Cute for Me to Be Gentle
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4 Week Lovers BL
A Handless Day BL!
A Hot Wet Job for Three -Adult Toy Tester- BL, 𝟏+
A Kiss for You, My Shinobi BL
A Tree Without Roots BL❤!
Angel Buddy BL❤❤
Bidou Wakadanna Koi Shitau Wa Koushoku Otoko BL❤
Bitten by Moonlight BL
Black Mirror BL!!!
Blind Play BL!!
Can't Think Straight BL
Cherry Blossoms After Winter BL
Confession Night BL
Dangerous Convenience Store BL
Dawn of the Dragon BL
Dear Door BL
Delinquent Omega Belongs to the Beast King BL
Demon of Lustful Hell BL
Desharow Merman BL❤
Die If You Aren't a Virgin BL
Eat Me Up, My Husband BL!
Eunsoo's Good Day BL
Eye Contact BL
Fake Fact Lips BL
Frenemies: Thicker Than Blood BL❤
Friends, Engaged
Fucking in the Dorms BL!
Ghost Gate BL!!!!!
Healing Paradox BL❤
He's a Better Top Than Me?! BL
Home Far Away BL❤!!!
Horeta Otoko wa Shin'yuu de BL!
Housekeeper's Love Affair BL
How to convince your best friend to sleep with you BL
Hyperventilation BL❤❤❤
I Didn't Ask You to Eat Me!
I Love You, Nothing Else Matters BL❤
In an Empty Classroom BL
Indigo BL
I Ship My Rival x Me BL
It's Just a Dream... Right? BL❤❤❤
Jinx BL!
Kabukicho Bad Trip BL
Kiss de Egaku Ittousei BL❤
Kiss Me, Liar BL!
Lala no Kekkon BL!
Liveta BL
Love in Kitsch BL
Love is an Illusion BL!
Love Jinx BL❤
Low Tide in Twilight BL!!
Mad Dog BL❤❤
Miscreants and Mayhem BL
Missing Love BL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (<I cannot express this enough.)
My Delicious Dream Boy BL❤
My Demon Crybaby, Maria BL
My Partner Suddenly Got Younger - An Omega Caretaker Plays Alpha BL!
Natsu no Teppen ni Saku BL
Old-Fashioned Cupcake BL❤❤ (has a j-drama)
Pain, Sweet Pain BL
Passion BL
Payback BL❤❤❤
Pearl Boy BL❤!!!!!!
Pink Heart Jam BL❤❤
Please, Candy! BL!
Roses and Champagne BL!
Sadistic Beauty: Side Story BL!!!!!!
Secret Inside My Head BL❤❤❤
Semantic Error BL (has a j-drama)
Sensei wa Nekketsu ga Areba Juubunda! BL!
Sick BL
Sign BL❤❤❤
Sketch BL❤
Speak of the Devil BL
Steel Under Silk BL❤
Surge Looking for You BL❤
Sweet Trap BL
Tabetemo Oishiku Arimasen BL
Tentacle Recipe BL(?)❤
The Blessed Life of a Retired Nian Monster BL
The Crybaby's at the Mean Devil's Mercy BL❤
The Foxy Mouse's Romance BL
The Origin of Species BL!
The Pizza Delivery Man and the Gold Palace BL
The Pure-Hearted Puppy and the Erotic Tattoo BL❤
The Silent Concubine BL!
The Unquenchable Mr. Kim BL❤
The Words in Your Snare BL❤❤❤
To Take An Enemy's Heart BL!
Tomodachi Engagement BL
Trick Turned Into a Threesome With the Tachibana Brother BL
Under the Greenlight BL
Unexpectedly Naughty Fukami BL❤
Unromantic Romance BL❤
Young Lover BL!!
Your Wish is My Command BL❤
Yours to Claim BL
Zenryaku, Onii-chan wa Seijo ni Narimashita BL!
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more recommendations will likely be added as time goes on! feel free to copy these recs for your own checklist of 'to reads'.
hope you enjoy them like i did! :)
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notabumbleb33 · 2 months
Transfemme Skwisgaar Thoughts
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I wanted to shares my transfemme Skwisgaar thoughts!! A little NSFW warnings because this will mentions sex a bit but nothings too explicit! So i specifically sees Skwisgaar as transfemme and usings both he/him and she/her. But i thinks she deals with lots of shame and represses that parts of herself and is deeply closeted about it. To the point of denyings it all together.
Before i continues….i dont believes in sluts shaming. As long as all parties ams consenting and ams adults then go them! So when I speaks about Skwisgaar's mom, Surfetta, and Skwisgaar himself and the amounts of sex they has….its not really that them hasing lots of sex in itself is bad, but more so how it can effects others/themselves.
i thinks Surfetta was never prepared to be a mothers or maybe she nevers wanted to be ones. I means she has a lots of sex and yet Skwisgaar ams her only child (i means that we knows of and its never hinted that she has other kids) so despites all her sleepings around…..for the most part she's been protected enough. I can't imagines Skwisgaar was a planned pregnancy. I do thinks Skwisgaar was loved as much as she coulds have loved him though. But love isn't enough to raise a child well or to be a good mother. Surfetta's promiscuity had negative effects on Skwisgaar. It led him to be bullieds and I personally thinks it skewed the ways he views women. I also thinks Surfetta unintentionally neglected him in ways. I'm not sure she knews how much he was being effecteds....or maybe she didn'ts care. I dunnos. I do really thinks she loves him, but just wasn't fit to be the mothers he neededs.
I thinks Skwisgaar growings up could never fully conforms to the idea of masculinity physicallys. I can imagine him as the types who would be called queer and the f slur….maybe evens the t slur….just because he ams a "pretty boy" and grows out hims hair long. He always felts different from other boys and men. I think later in hims life he excuses it as being a god amongst men and that beings why he doesnt feels the same as others. But clearly its not just that.
If he couldn't conform physically….he conformed to masculinitys in other ways. Having loads of sex with womens is pretty macho man of him i guess lol. I think he tries to carries himself in a way that seems confidents and suave and a real charmer because he associates that with beings a man ig.
Hims relationship with womens is a whole lots of things to me. Canonically, Skwisgaar represents life/fertility in the sames way Toki represents death so ofc he has lots of sex cause he ams spreading his seed and giving life. And I thinks that his mothers promiscuity rubbed offs on him. Aaaaand obviously rock stars are usually known as sluts lol. But I thinks if we are thinksing about my HC…..I also thinks sex with womens kind of acts as like…..experiencing their femininity and womanhood in a ways he feels comfortable. He could nevers admits part of him wants to be like them. He admires their bodies sexually ofc, but I thinks he also envies what they has. If he can'ts be thems then at least he can has sex with them and just admire thems that way. And at the ends of the day they leave. He can separates himself from thems and convince himself thats nothing changed. Nothing was permanent (hopefullys no STDS!!).
I also think Skwisgaar just has this fears that ifs she was her true self….she'd be no betters than hers mother. She's already neglectful to alls those kids she bears…..she sleeps around with random womens all the time…..Skwisgaar is holding on to any difference she has with Surfetta. They also looks alike in ways. And I means this probably goes withouts saying but she worries judgment and hate as does any trans persons. I don'ts know that she could trusts her bandmates to understands it or accepts it or that Dethklok fans would gets it either. She thinks it ams easier to just push it down forever. Hopefully my ways of typings wasn't too hards to read....my bad!! ^_^; Also the scene i posted withs this is so trans coded to me like omg....
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toboldlygohome · 9 months
Leonard McCoy x Reader
Summary: Leonard has it bad for you and doesn't know what to do about it. All he knows is that this little crush is getting out of hand.
Character(s): Leonard "Bones" McCoy, James "Jim" Kirk, Spock, Nyota Uhura, Pavel Chekov,
Warning(s): Wounds, Cursing, Slight Angst (Don't worry, there's fluff at the end)
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"Bones.... Bones.... Bones?...............Bones!"
Leonard snapped back to reality and returned his focus to the conversation he was having...well...supposed to be having.
"Seriously Bones, what's with you lately?" Jim raised an eyebrow.
"What are you going on about?" Bones scoffed.
"I've been trying to discuss this report with you and you're not even remotely paying attention to me."
"I'm paying attention!"
"Really? Cause it looked like you were staring at Lieutenant-Commander Y/L/N." Kirk crossed his arms.
"No I was not," Leonard frowned.
"Were too!"
"Was not!"
"Were t-" Jim was cut off by Uhura turning around in her seat.
"Boys, seriously. You bicker like an old married couple. Some of us actually have work to do." She scolded.
Leonard sighed and shook his head. "Look Jim, I was just spacing out. That's. All."
"Yeah, spacing out while your eyes are burning holes into Y/N's back. Sounds an awful lot like staring." Jim laughed
Leonard's eyes darted over to you as you patted Chekov on the back, said goodbye to him and Sulu, and made your way out of the bridge. When he turned back, he found three pairs of eyes watching him with amusement.
"Oh what now?" Leonard put his hand on his hips. "Seriously, do you all have nothing better to do with your time than speculate on where my attention's at?"
"There is no need to speculate doctor, you have your sights set on Lieutenant-Commander Y/L/N. It is perfectly natural, there is no need for you to feel ashamed," Spock said.
"I'm NOT ashamed! I'm a doctor, not some giddy little schoolboy with a crush," Leonard defended.
"Hey, no one ever said anything about a crush. We just said you have a staring problem," Jim laughed.
Leonard sputtered for some sort of comeback. Some way to deny any validity to the things they were saying. But the truth is that they caught him in a lie. He was staring. Bones had been watching as you talked animatedly to Chekov about an experiment you were doing in the botany labs. Leonard imagined it was him you were talking to, him you were laughing with. Just the thought of it made his stomach churn in a mixture of delight and grief.
"Aaaaand now we've lost him," Jim snickered, interrupting his thoughts again.
"Really doctor, it's not that big of a deal. We've all been in your predicament before...well... maybe not all of us." Uhura glanced at Kirk playfully, who shrugged in response. "Y/L/N is a great scientist, and an even greater friend-"
"Yes yes and very beautiful, with eyes like stars!" Chekov added, "Y/N has many admirers, you are not the only one."
"Chekov?" Bones asked
"Yes sir?"
"Stop talking."
"Yes sir." Chekov turned back to his screen.
"Look, Bones you don't have to admit it just yet. You have that whole brooding cowboy doctor thing going on, I get it! Just don't let it get in the way of your happiness," Jim reasoned.
"You are all delusional! Now are you all going to continue turning me into a spectacle, or can we get back to this mission report?" Leonard demanded.
"Whatever the doctor orders. Try to listen this time will ya?" Kirk teased.
Leonard was noticing it more and more. How his eyes searched for you every dinner, every meeting, in the hallways, even in the medbay. And once his eyes found you, they rarely strayed too far.
When you weren't around him, his thoughts always drifted back to you. How nice your hair looked, how fascinating your last report was, how enchanting your voice is, ...how soft your lips look. It was all getting out of hand. He was regularly staying later to finish paperwork because he was too lost in his own head.
Leonard was having one of those moments where his mind was far away, musing about you. He was so spaced out, he nearly didn't notice the tap on his shoulder.
When he turned around and saw you standing there smiling shyly at him, his heart nearly went up into his throat.
"Lieutenant-Commander, what can I do for you?" Leonard asked, finding a smile of his own.
"Can you take a look at my hand please?" You asked, holding one of your hands closed. Leonard noticed some red peeking from between your fingers.
"Oh boy, what did you do this time?" Bones asked as he led you to sit on one of the biobeds.
"You know those plants I picked up from Lainatha?" You asked
"The ones with the purple flowers that smell like a dead body?" He asked as he grabbed his kit.
"What about em?"
"They have VERY sharp leaves," You laughed.
Leonard shook his head and groaned, "Let me take a look."
You winced as you slowly opened your hand, revealing a cut that spanned the length of your palm.
Leonard lightly cradled the back of your hand as he inspected the minor wound. "Damn darlin' those leaves must be mighty sharp to nick you this deep." He murmured. "this plant ain't poisonous, right?"
"Not that I've found, doctor." You laughed. His ears welcomed the sound. He felt his cheeks warm as he admired you. When you laughed or smiled, it was contagious. Even to him.
"Leonard?" You asked gently, breaking from his daze once more.
"Sorry, just thinking that um... We're gonna want to keep an eye on this, just in case you have some unexpected reaction," He returned his focus to your hand. "I'm gonna clean this up, put some bandages on it and give you something to speed up the healing process," Bones explained.
He went straight to work on your palm, handling it as carefully as possible. Luckily it didn't need stitches. He bandaged it nice and tight before giving you a couple hypos to prevent pain and infection.
"I expect to see you here at least once a day, so I can see the progress and monitor for allergies or poison," Leonard instructed.
"Do you always worry this much?" You giggled.
"Only about my favorite patients," he said without thinking. Perhaps it was just a figment of his imagination, but he could have swore you were blushing. Impossible! You? Blush at him?
'In my dreams,' Bones thought.
"I promise I'll stop by," You said sweetly.
"You better. If I don't see you in here by the end of my shift tomorrow, I'm coming after you." He teased accusingly.
"I'm counting on it," You...did you just... wink at him? "Thanks for the help Bones, I'll see you tomorrow!" You lightly patted his shoulder with your uninjured hand and hurried back to your lab.
Leonard slumped in his seat and contemplated the mess of feelings he was experiencing. He wasn't sure if he was ready to love someone again. He wasn't even sure if he knew how to love anymore, but he was sure of one thing. You had him wrapped around your finger and you didn't even know it.
The next day, Leonard strove to keep his mind on work. When his thoughts drifted to you, he would immediately turn his attention to the task at hand. It worked for awhile, but toward the end of his shift he realized he had not seen you all day. You had promised to come in so he could take a look at your cut again, but of course you were nowhere to be seen.
Leonard asked around the medbay, but no one had seen you except for one nurse who claimed you were still in the botany lab. "That's just typical," Bones grumbled, grabbing his kit. "I'm always running around, gathering these officers like a cat chasing chickens."
The moment he stepped into the lab, he couldn't find it in his heart to be mad at you. You were totally engrossed in your work, testing the ph levels in some alien soil.
"How are the tests coming along, Lieutenant-Commander?" Leonard smirked.
You beamed at him, "wonderfully! I'm learning so many new things, it's crazy. I-" Your face fell. "Oh no! Forgot to meet with you! I'm so sorry Leonard," you hurriedly put down your soil container and made your way over to him.
"Yeah yeah you're so sorry, whatever. " He teased. "Get over here so I can see that hand."
The inspection went just fine. Your hand was healing nicely and there was no sign of infection or allergic reaction. He changed the bandages and gave you something for the pain.
"All finished. I still want to observe it, just to make sure it heals nicely... And wear gloves from now on! I don't want to have to keep chasing you around for injuries like this." Leonard quipped.
"Yes sir," you giggled, "I won't forget to come in next time."
"I'll believe it when I see it," he closed his medical bag.
"I mean it! i'm almost done testing all the samples, so I should have ample time for remembering... at least until we visit another unexplored planet." You shrugged playfully.
"Then you'll find some new plant to creatively injure yourself with. Razor sharp leaves... give me a break," Leonard ran his fingers through his hair.
"Oh! that reminds me, I have something to show you. Come on!" You nudged him with your leg and stood up, striding over to the 'plant nursery' as you so lovingly called it. Leonard grinned at your enthusiasm and followed.
"You're sure none of these are poisonous?" He asked
"We don't keep the poisonous ones here, silly."
"But you do have them?"
"What's your obsession with poisonous and allergy educing plants?"
"I wouldn't call it an obsession, a mild concern maybe," Leonard smirked.
"I'm not gonna poison you doctor, I want to show you this!" You proudly presented him with a somewhat unassuming plant. It had a black stem with thorns on it, as well as wide black leaves. On top was a bulb; the kind that usually holds flowers inside. He couldn't for the life of him understand what was so interesting about it, but he was sure he was about to find out if that dazzling smile on your face was any indication.
He loved when you ranted about your work. The joy in your voice was infectious, your ramblings were so passionate, and he always learned something new. He would listen to you talk all day if he could.
"What is it?" he raised an eyebrow at the plant and bit back a smile.
"Don't sound so unimpressed Len, this little guy is one of my favorite plants to date." You crossed your arms. "I found him during our exploration of Conate Ultima-A." Leonard nearly melted when you called the plant a 'little guy.'
"The planet orbiting the red dwarf star?" Leonard clarified.
"Mhm! he's black all over because black absorbs all available wavelengths of light. That's important for a plant feeding off such a dim star like Conate Ultima. He has these big leaves, you see." You lightly touched one of the leaves. "That's also for absorbing light. Not only that, but they've developed thorns to keep herbivores from eating them." You explained.
"Like Earth roses," Leonard smiled at the way your eyes lit up.
"Exactly like Earth roses!" You agreed, "They also have this really unique trait where if you pick the flower, it doesn't wilt. Instead, it sprouts roots at the bottom and you can transplant it!" You beamed "But that isn't even the best part."
"It isn't? Tell me darlin', what could possibly top that?" Bones asked.
"Technically, this is another defense mechanism, but..." You cradled the bulb in your hands. "When you caress the bulb like this," You delicately brushed the sides of the bulb with your thumbs. Slowly, the bulb opened to reveal the brightest yellow flower he had ever seen. It practically glowed against the black leaves. He had to agree with you, this was the best part."
"Wow..." Leonard tried it with another bulb. It slowly opened for him as well.
"I know, awesome right?" You lightly bumped his shoulder with yours.
"What do you call it?" Leonard inquired, pulling his hand away from the plant.
"Well, officially we call it Conate Rosaceae... but I've named this one Leonard." You looked up at him with those gorgeous eyes and he couldn't look away.
"You named it after me?" He asked.
"Yeah, it reminds me of you."
"How so?"
"Well, it's perfectly designed to find light in dark places." You chuckled, "no matter how many times you try to cut it down it just comes back bigger and stronger." You fiddled with your bandages sheepishly. "It has this intimidating exterior that most people try to avoid... but... on the inside, It's the brightest, most breathtaking flower. So bright, it stands out from all the others."
To say Leonard was flattered would be an understatement. He had received compliments before. On his work, his hands, maybe even his hair, but he couldn't recall the last time someone had told him something so meaningful. Bones didn't know what to say; he didn't even know what to do with his hands. This was ridiculous. He was a grown man for crying out loud! But here he was, nervous as a long-tailed cat in a roomful of rocking chairs.
He needed to say something, anything. A simple thank you didn't feel like enough. Nothing about him felt like enough after Jocelyn.
He swallowed.
You made him feel like enough.
"Y/N..." Leonard stepped closer. You looked up at him with those eyes again. Those eyes he loved to get lost in. Your gaze met his and it was like something clicked inside him. Your eyes flickered down just for a moment, but he caught it. His heart fluttered and his blood rushed to his face. It was now or never.
He leaned in.
You leaned in.
There were mere inches between you.
He could feel your breath on his lips.
"Lieutenant-Commander Y/L/N to the bridge," the intercom startled you both apart.
"Dammit Jim..." Leonard slid a hand over his flushed face and sighed, clearly displeased with his friend's interruption.
"The captain always has the most impeccable timing, doesn't he?" You smiled awkwardly, bouncing on your heels.
"That's one way to put it, yes" Bones frowned at ceiling. There was an awkward pause. He could sense your expectant gaze on him, but he could already feel his walls coming up again. The love would start off sweet, sure, but it wouldn't last. It never did. Leonard cared about you- no, that wasn't right, it was more than that. He couldn't bear it if this didn't work out.
Maybe this is for the best.
"Leonard?..." You said softly.
"It's okay Y/N. You'd better get up there, see what he wants," Leonard offered you a terse smile.
You nodded softly, "yes sir, I'll um.. I'll see you later." He didn't miss the disappointment in your eyes as you left.
He was disappointed too, but Leonard was used to disappointment.
Two weeks went by and Leonard seemed to be avoiding you. Your cut had healed, but another form of hurt took its place. Had you done something wrong? Pushed him away somehow? It made you sick to think that your almost-kiss had cost you a dear friend. You had tried to speak with him several times, but he always had somewhere else to be. He was busy immunizing security personnel for an upcoming mission. Your silly affair in the plant nursery was probably the last thing on his mind. Still, you felt incredibly lonely. You missed sharing meals with him, stopping in the hallway to chat with him. You missed his anecdotes about Georgia and his snide remarks about Jim's inability to stay out of trouble.
As much as it pained you to think this way, you wished you could take back what you said in the lab. You wished you had just kept it buried, then none of this would have happened. Leonard would have patched you up instead of Christine, and you wouldn't be left in this weird limbo between friends, lovers, and strangers.
"Lieutenant-Commander?" Spock interrupted your lamenting.
"Oh! I'm so sorry Commander, what can I do for you?" You forced a smile.
"I want to discuss your productivity. Can we speak in your office?" Spock asked.
"Of course, right this way." You led him to your office and shut the door behind you. You already had an idea of where this was going. You had been feeling anxious lately and your work was suffering because of it.
"Should we...have a seat?" You asked awkwardly.
"I do not believe that will be necessary, this will only take a moment." Spock pulled out his PADD. "Tell me, are you feeling well?"
You were a bit taken aback by the question. It wasn't often Spock inquired about your state of being. "I um... yeah, I feel fine. Why?" You lied.
"Your colleagues have informed me that you seem... fatigued during your experiments. I have also noticed your report was full of misspellings and grammatical mistakes, which is unusual for you. Additionally, you appeared distracted and dazed when I approached you just moments ago. Normally you greet me by the door." He slightly raised an eyebrow.
"I'm sorry Spock..." You sighed and sat on the edge of your desk, "I've just been feeling...uneasy I guess."
"Uneasy?" Spock inquired.
"Yeah, my anxiety has been really bothering me lately. I don't mean to worry you." You gave him a half smile.
"Have you spoken with the doctor?" Spock asked. Your stomach sank at the thought.
"I um... no, I haven't."
Spock studied you for a moment, scrutinizing you for any hints as to why you haven't sought medical assistance or counseling when both were readily available.
"I just...don't feel welcome there right now." You met Spock's gaze. A silent conversation passed through you.
"I see." Spock said and looked down at his PADD. "Well, Lieutenant-Commander Y/L/N, I was pleased with your research on the razor-leaf corpse flower. I have kept a watchful eye on your lab access logs and have determined you are due to have two cycles off."
You smiled. For real this time, "thank you Commander Spock. I will use them well"
"I trust that you will. Good day Y/N."
"Good day, Mr. Spock."
Leonard stared at his PADD in frustration. Everything had irritated him lately, even the blinking of the cursor on the screen. His irritation quickly turned into aggravation when Jim barged in unannounced.
"Bones! My good, good friend Bones!" Kirk shut the door behind him.
"What?" Leonard grunted.
"Yeesh, don't sound too excited to see me." Jim sat in the seat across from his desk.
"I'm busy, what do you want?" Bones refused to look at the captain. Maybe if he just didn't look at him, he would go away.
"Can't I just chat with a pal without wanting something from him?" Jim fiddled with a paperweight on the desk.
"Jim." Bones warned.
"You know doctor, it's very unprofessional to scare away patients, right?"
Defeated, Leonard looked up from his work. "What in god's name are you talking about?"
"Y/n" Jim crossed his arms and stared hard at him. Something about his expression put Leonard on edge.
"What about Y/N?" Bones narrowed his eyes at the captain.
"Spock just got done telling me that Y/N, and I quote, 'doesn't feel welcome here right now.' I wonder why that could be."
Leonard huffed and ran a hand through his hair for the umpteenth time that day. "Dammit..."
"What happened bones?" Jim leaned in.
"Nothing happened." Leonard snapped.
"Clearly something happened for you to be so-"
"Nothing happened... that's the problem," Bones clarified. Leonard didn't realize it was even possible to feel so terrible. He hadn't felt this bad since the divorce, but at least with the divorce he wasn't the only one at fault. Leonard had been childishly avoiding you, and now you didn't feel comfortable in the one place you should always feel safe to go. "I'm a goddamned coward, Jim."
There was a long pause between them. Leonard didn't need to tell him what happened for Jim to understand. "What did I tell you about not letting the brooding cowboy act get in the way of your happiness?" The captain teased.
"Not helping." Leonard rested his face in his hands.
"Right, sorry." Jim shifted awkwardly. Bones was grumpy at the best of times, but he always had this undertone of playfulness. He could scold you about missing an exam or tell you your plan is trash, but it would be wrapped up in southern metaphors and clever insults. This was different, this was real. "You...you really love them, huh?"
Leonard nodded.
"Something happened and... now you aren't sure how to take that next step." Jim said.
"Something like that... I thought I knew what I was doing, but now I'm not so sure. I thought some distance would make it clear to me, but I'm more lost than ever... I've made a terrible mistake Jim, one I don't know how to fix," Leonard peered into his coffee mug to avoid the captain's piercing blue eyes.
"Look Bones, clearly you and Y/N are miserable, so why don't you do the both of you a favor and talk to them. I'm sure Y/N will understand if you just...explain how you've been feeling," Jim attempted to reassure his friend.
"I don't exactly have the best track record on talking about feelings, Jim. I'm a doctor, not a psychiatrist." McCoy frowned.
"First time for everything," Jim reached over and patted Leonard's shoulder. "Go make it right. That's an order."
Leonard took a long drink of his coffee, "can't believe I'm taking dating advice from James T. Kirk"
"Like I said. First time for everything."
You had spent the entirety of your day off attempting to read, but you really weren't in the mood for much of anything except sleep. Nyota had stopped by earlier and you greatly enjoyed her company, but the sick feeling in the pit of your stomach hadn't gone away.
You just really wanted to talk to Leonard, apologize for misreading the situation. You handled the unrequited love for years and you'd do it for many more as long as you knew you could still be friends.
You heard a buzz at the door and contemplated ignoring it. It was way past normal visiting hours and you were trying to wind down. Perhaps it was something important. You answered the door, expecting Chekov, Nyota, or maybe even Spock. Instead, you were greeted by an extremely exhausted looking Bones.
"Oh, doctor I um, wasn't expecting you." You said, feeling your heart-rate skyrocket.
"Can I come in?" Leonard asked with that rough, gravely voice you had always loved so much.
"Of course," you stepped aside "Come on in..."
Leonard hesitated a moment before stepping inside. Your room was homey, full of furnishings that were so you, it made his insides churn with affection.
"Len, are you okay?" You asked softly from beside the door, afraid to get any closer.
Leonard watched you for a moment, trying to find the words to say, but one look at you and all of his practiced lines had disappeared for good. All he could say was, "I'm sorry darlin'..."
"You're...sorry?" You asked.
"I've been acting like a kid... I'm sorry I haven't been around. We should have talked about this as soon as it happened."
You sighed. You knew this would be coming sooner or later. You were glad he at least wanted to do it in private. "I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have come onto you like that... I scared you off and made things awkward for us both professionally, and as friends-"
"No, no, wait a minute. That's not." Leonard took a deep breath to organize his thoughts. "Y/N, you are so beautiful and smart and dedicated, and funny. You light up every room you walk into."
You swallowed the lump in your throat and wondered if this was a dream. Leonard stepped closer and gave you a hesitant smile. "I'm damaged goods sweetheart. You deserve more than I can give, but it's only been two weeks and I'm a goddamned wreck." Leonard's voice was strained as he poured his heart out to you. "I can deny it all I want, but-" His breath hitched when you placed your hand on his cheek. You could feel the warmth of his skin, the sharp poke of his stubble.
"Leonard, please..." You whispered, eyes pleading with him.
"Please what, darlin'?" He drawled, bringing his hands to your face. He noticed the heat of your blush in his fingertips, he could feel you quiver, eager for him to close the distance.
"Please, just-" His lips were on yours before you could even answer. Your mind was fuzzy. All you could think about was how soft his lips were, how perfectly they fit with yours. His smell was everywhere, it was intoxicating.
He was intoxicating.
He hummed as your fingernails scratched the base of his neck. Leonard pressed you against the wall, desperate for some way to bring you closer. He couldn't remember how to breathe, how to think. All he could do was press his body against yours.
You sighed blissfully against his lips. His hands on your waist were your only anchor to the real world. You clung to him, crumpling his uniform, but you hardly cared. You just wanted him to keep kissing you.
Leonard suddenly remembered to breathe and pulled back, only to press his forehead against yours. Your breathing was shaky and your legs felt weak. You caressed his cheeks once more and placed another soft kiss to his lips, which turned to two, then five.
At last, Leonard pulled you into his chest. He didn't want to let you go just yet. You didn't want to let him go either.
"Darlin'?" He whispered.
"Hm?" You replied, face buried into his neck.
"I love you," Leonard kissed your temple. Your heart leaped in your chest and you held him a little tighter.
"I love you too Len," you whispered softly. Leonard smiled against your cheek and placed another kiss there. "Oh, and just so you know..." You started.
Leonard pulled back to look at you curiously.
"If I ever hear you call yourself damaged goods again, I will kick your ass." You grinned at him.
"Message heard loud and clear Lieutenant-Commander," he chuckled and captured your lips in another searing kiss. Leonard's communicator chimed in his pocket, but he ignored it. There was no code red, the captain could wait. After all, they could have been together by now if it weren't for him. There was a lot of lost time to make up.
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mclangel · 1 year
Some of my favorite Nathaniel moments, a compilation;
I’m incredibly emo about this gen of MCL coming to an end.
So here’s some of my personal favorite moments from Nath’s route in UL and LL (I have admittedly yet to play him in HSL, sue me I was a Castiel girl until bad boy Nath in UL came on the scene.  I have a thing for snarky blondes...)
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“A myth crumbles” the HOOT I let out when I read that.  Hilarity.  Amazing.  10/10.
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Even Nath has his downsides LMAO.  Poor Angel, she just wanted to enjoy NCIS or something
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“Jerk” - the way I have WRITTEN this text message
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Aaaaand miscreant Nath has entered the scene.
Angel being absolutely thrown by this scenario took me out.  Amazing.  10/10
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This dynamic also made me lose my shit.  Like poor Nath, he’s so emotionally stunted here and has no idea how to express his feelings, meanwhile Angel is just like “tough shit my guy” - too pissed off to even care.
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Again, I actually really liked that in UL you could really talk back to your love interest without immediate caution about LoM dropping.  This to me feels realistic and helped with immersion into the story.  I, too, was sick of his excuses!
Also, Angel breaking out the full name - Yeeeesh Nath you done goofed!
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Like I am not one to cry at games most often, but this one, wheeew this one had me bawling.
Specifically when she screams when he hugs her, like she’s believed he’s not even there and his touch proves his existence.
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This one just made me laugh so hard.
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And finally, the one that REALLY broke me, after Angel throws the bouquet.
As if she’s throwing it to us, those who have followed along on her journey.
Genuinely makes me smile but teary lol Feel free to share your favorite moments below!
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nogenderbee · 2 months
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝔼𝕪𝕖𝕤 𝕠𝕟 𝕞𝕖 ₊˚ˑ༄
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ @vodka-glrl request: Okay so yandere gaming x fem! Reader where the reader just loves hanging out with xingqui and chongyun and gaming gets jealous and yk the rest :>
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I did it with the oneshot aaaaand I guess it could be considered a but of a softer yandere-? BUT I STILL HOPE YOU'LL LIKE IT AT LEAST A BIT!!!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ TW: yandere, unhealthy obsession, threats(?)
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If Ga ming knew that by introducing you to his friends, he'd sign up to... all of this... he'd have never even mentioned them in the first place.
He was now sitting with his arms crossed as you enjoyed your meal and tea with Xingqiu and Chongyun.
"(Why must she be smiling to them like that... this smile was supposed to be reserved just for me... What do I even do...)"
His thoughts were interrupted by your voice though.
"I'm going to bathroom really quick. I'll be back in a second okey? Don't go anywhere!"
"I can go wi- I mean... Of course! I'll guard your stuff!"
He quickly corrected himself seeing the opportunity and waving to you gently as you left.
"Is there something on your mind, Ga ming?"
Xingqiu asked, visibly noticing the tension hanging in the air and how easily your boyfriend let you go despite usually following you everywhere.
"Yes... with me... You remember what I told you last time, right?"
"It was Y/N that offered us this meeting."
"Yeah, that's why I haven't burn you yet. I want my love to be happy... but you're pushing your luck..."
"By simply talking?"
"You're making her laugh too much."
"That just means she's just having good time with us-"
"Chongyun, I think it's time we take our leave."
Xingqiu sent Ga Ming one more glare, noticing how insane their friend is beginning to bebqns how this situation may end unpleasingly for them...
"Tell Y/N we're sorry."
Both of them left, not even paying for themselves. Maybe they forgot? Or maybe it was just way to pay back Ga ming for how he's treating them? Doesn't matter to the lion dancer tho! All he can think of is you...
"Okey I'm back! Huh? Where's Xingqiu and Chingyun?"
"They're sorry..."
"Hm? Oh, were they busy?"
Ga ming stayed silent for a little while thinking of his options... but despite being very tempted to make you hate those two boys, he didn't wanted to make you and in the process...
"Yes... We can just treat it as our date now, sunshine!"
@bleachtheidiot @vodka-glrl @miya-akane - come get your dim sum lover!
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yuttikkele · 4 months
please tell me more about gen z lotf au 🙏🙏
OFCCC!! i wrote a lot more about this than i thought i could, and i feel like i could keep going but i do wish to go to sleep! ty for the ask! (there was also an anon ask with this question, idk if it was you, but i'm just gonna answer this one lol)
the choir boys all know each other irl (obvi they still have choir together). everyone lives roughly in the same vicinity, but no one knows that.
they all met online during the pandemic. possibly through video games, twitter, or tiktok
how did this ragtag group of people all become friends? idk fortnite probably
i don't know much about fortnite, but it seems like it would start some friendships and/or rivalries. maybe minecraft or roblox too.
how they met and became friends is hazy, like how the beta kids became friends in homestuck. point is: they're all friends. pretty much.
some boys are closer friends than others, but they're all mutuals. they're all in like the same community. what community? that is a good question i should probably think of an answer
piggy uses the nickname people bullied him with as his online name. he gets cyberbullied and has ended up on many a cringe account, but it doesn't really bother him anymore. he likes to spread information, but he was a little self-righteous about it before he quit twitter. now he argues with people on instagram. piggy's also a redditor.
ralph usually just watches other people's content, but sometimes he'll post something and it'll get pretty popular because he's ralph and being well-liked is an innate part of his character. ralph does prefer to go out and do stuff than being online all the time.
simon is chronically online. being shy, he gravitated towards the internet. he's definitely a fandom girlie and has a tumblr (hi tumblr). he spreads positivity on the internet all the time. he's one of the good ones fr. i do hc simon as a Christian, so he does spread the Word a lot as an lgbtq affirming Christian dude
jack doesn't spend too much time on the internet. he also isn't allowed a lot of these medias by his parents, so that may have something to do with it. he does get upset when his posts don't get as many likes as ralph's
roger ragebaits and leaves hate comments all the time, but he has moments where he's nice. maurice memer obviously. sam and eric are the voros twins. i don't have too many thoughts about these guys just yet
they voice chat and sometimes video call
meeting each other irl for the first time led to the utter disgust at ralph's blindness in the fashion department
ok onto them reading lord of the flies cause i think this is such a funny concept
they all miraculously start reading lord of the flies as a class assignment at the same time
they all tell each other this and they're all like "loooool that's crazy we're all reading the same book at the same time"
i saw someone on my last post ab this say exactly what im about to say. it is truly the only way to go with this.
everyone's all "oh haha ralph's got the name of the first character AND he's blonde!" "piggy has the same name as peter's online name! haha how sill-" "WHY IS MY FULL LEGAL NAME IN THIS BOOK???"
the last person is jack btw if you couldn't tell
the exact names and character descriptions matching up a little too well with the boys startles them, but they still joke about it A LOT.
i mean, think about it, if you were forced to read this book in class and you find out you and your friends are basically the main characters, you would NOT stop cracking jokes about it.
"'ugly without silliness.' wow jack, william golding really DID put you in his story!"
they do start to get a little more freaked out when, yk, stuff starts going down in the book and they have to analyze it.
piggy's eventually like "OK we, or at least i, have got to figure this out." and he goes and does some research.
aaaaand that is all i can tell you for now :))
i do headcanon a lot of the boys as queer, but my hcs of them as gen z-ers do differ a little from my hcs of them as gen silencers.
piggy is a strict ally, his aunt is an ally, allies all around, until he realizes he is not so straight as he seems and is not really just an ally. bisexual
ralph knows nothing about the sexuality and gender biz he just does what feels right. he's pretty much demisexual/romantic tho.
simon is a gay dude. he is gnc and on the trans spectrum somewhere
jack is the only one using queer slurs, everyone gets onto him for it. he's gay, but he doesn't know it/won't accept it (because everyone in his life is HOMOPHOBIC!!!). when he does finally accept it, he is still using those slurs as slurs he is not reclaiming them.
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tablefourtyone · 2 months
I should have ranted about this much, much sooner. And I'm only doing it now bc I haven't done the new summer event yet, aaaaand because I can't stop listening to Bohemian Rhapsody 🫠
After suffering through all of his bratty betrayal diatribe, I felt such vindication when Scaramouche found out about Dottore's deception in Irminsul, and how he was the one that killed his first and only ever friend and tore his heart out literally before shoving it into Scara's hand. The emotional-psychological breakdown Puppet Boy underwent was chef's kiss, to the point that he tried to erase himself and save all the dead people in a final and desperate act of self redemption, and an attempt to escape himself.
I'm glad that his infantile impressions about betrayal were adjusted accordingly simply by letting him experience deceit and true betrayal, and at the hands of a twisted psycho no less. Not exactly the same as being left by a terminally ill child or a mom that he didn't even know all that well, is it?
The other caveat is that he still acts like a standoffish asshat (hah) wc indicates that he owns up to how much he fked up for the last 500 years over one little lie that he bought without looking into it, that he's a POS that deserves to be berated or hated, while showing compassion to those in need (Tighnari) and slapping around Hoarder baddies in his spare time without taking credit for it (more or less).
Aside from Arlecchino, he's one of the best written villains in Genshin. He's provided with a complexity unheard of in a puppet wc is the crux of his je ne sais quoi. "Orders" are ingrained in his circuitry. Combine that with an ego that wanted to be useful or obtain an ambition of his own, and you have a three dimensional character trying to be a real boy who embraces his sordid past and makes a compromise by letting his past self be part of him instead of discarding it...all while trying to obtain self-contentment and better himself in his rebirth.
That act defines him as a human being, instead of a shiftless puppet with a hollow existence.
And he could have been the latter if none of what he did, said, or cared about really mattered to him. Experiences are what give meaning to our lives as humans and defines us as humans. And he found his heart by considering his past experiences valuable.
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naamahdarling · 2 years
I got permission to post pics of my boyfriend's Giftmas present!
It's customized Littlest Pet Shop kitties to match our Magical Kitties Save the Day characters! I hope you like them!
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Top, Boogie, bottom left Little John, middle Silas, right Notch.
These lil guys are like 2" tall, so they are really little and fiddly to work on.
More below the cut!
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Silas, my boyfriend's PC, a lovely boy good at solving problems and helping others feel better. His magical power is aura reading. He lives in an occult bookshop and I painted him after one of my favorite breeds, the Somali (aka longaired Abyssinian). I sculpted extensively around his eyes to change their shape.
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Boogie/Bougainvillea/Boogs, the heart of the party. Scrappy little tough girl, brave, silly, very young and so full of life and joy. She loves humans and craves adventure. My fave NPC in a REALLY long time. She has sonic/sound powers she doesn't know about yet. She's the one I made Fat and Even Cuter. Also note her snaggletooth and funny half-squint. I sculpted that! I also bobbed her tail, which you can't see. Please note how little she is compared to the others. Her body is the size of the last joint of my thumb!
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Notch, originally Firefly. He can fly on magical shimmery wings. He grew up in one of the wild prides surrounding town but a change in leadership had him heading into human habitation. He drifts around the town now, belonging to no one...but his new kitty family of Boogs and Silas. Despite being a former champion for his pride, he is thoughtful, quiet, and kind. And around Silas, he is very very shy. 🎶 Whoa-oh-oh, caught in a cat romance! 🎶
I sculpted him a stronger chin and put a notch in his ear but he's otherwise unchanged.
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Aaaaand Little John. He's a crotchety, ancient Persian who lives in Treehouse Toys as a shop cat, where he spends most of his time sleeping amid the plush toys, for which he is frequently mistaken. His grumpy nature means few kitties visit to hear the tall tales of adventure he tells, and fewer still believe them, but know this: Little John was once a hero.
Little John was extensively altered. I altered his muzzle and chin for the Persian look, made him bulkier in the body, doubled his ruff, gave him old man eyebrows, and gave him a lot more sculpted fur on his head.
I want to do a few more if there's time (merkitty himbo Tiptoe, wise old seer Briar, cheerful champion Kindlebright, brave pride leader and mother Vix, eyeless quasi-feline shadow entity Asphodel) but my big concern is making a little forest display for them so they can sit on a bookshelf together.
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