#and yes this was the skam fandom if anyone is still here from that time
kosegruppaa · 10 months
after hbomberguy's new video, i have been thinking about plagiarism and remembering the absolutely weirdest instance of it in my life.. someone in the fandom i was in at the time, straight up "plagiarized" tags here on tumblr?? it was so strange!
i remember first noticing her doing it to me. like i would read this person's tags on a gifset or whatever, and they would be the exact same as mine with just a few words changed slightly. and it felt so silly, so i was not about to go confront her about it or anything. but i did get curious and went to her blog and quickly found more examples of this blog doing it to both me and other blogs i followed. i remember talking to a few of them about it, and there were some vague posts about it that got circulated, but i don't think anyone ever directly confronted her or called her out or anything.
cause it was just tumblr tags, right?? like this is the definition of not that serious. we're talking about very very short texts, mostly just not thought out at all, commentary about the scene, the characters, the acting, or the choices of the gifmaker etc. and obviously there is very little to gain from stealing someone's tumblr tags, right??
this was is 2017, and at least in the fandom i am talking about, "peer reviewed" tags being posted and then widely reblogged in addition to the original post was quite common, so i guess there was some fandom clout to gain, as there were a few blogs i think were mainly well known because of this. but still, people have always joked about how even large followings on this site is actually not useful in any meaningful capacity.
ultimately, what i remember thinking was.. what is the point of being in fandom but just take other people's words to express yourself about the show?? like why not just reblog posts and gifsets and not add any tags?? it felt so weird to have this blog pop up everywhere and i always felt like 'why is she even here? does she like the show? what is she trying to do with this pretty obvious copying of other blogs' tags?'
i guess this whole james somerton thing reminded me in a weird way of this. when i first heard of this, when the hbomberguy video dropped, i was kinda thinking that it is a strange niche to plagiarize in. like if you actually don't have anything to say, why steal people's work to talk about lgbtq+ topics. why not go straight to something that is more popular or will likely get you more money? but idk then i remembered we had that "tag stealer" as i remember i used to call her, and i think this kind of thing (if you want to call it copying, stealing or plagiarism) is a lot more complex than just straight up gifting. i am willing to bet you will find people in all kinds of communities, big and small, who just don't have stuff to say or don't know how to say it, and the things they write and say are just other people's words, spat back out.
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michellejackson · 4 years
Prompt by @xphrnzrjh 💞
Fandom: Druck
Pairing: Fatou Jallow/Kieu My Vu
Wordcount: 2434
Acquaintances to study partners to friends to lovers AU
Chapter one 
So, Kieu My never meant to go this far. Too bad she was a hopeless slash desperate romantic with horrible, horrible ideas which she just happens to be stupid enough to follow through with.
Being at school after hours wasn’t unusual, many would use the library and study rooms for homework or to work on group projects. So no, that wasn’t unusual. What was unusual however, was stealing keys from the teachers’ lounge, sneaking into the classroom reserved for the English class, finding the paper where the English teacher has partnered up the students for a future team project, stealing it, sneaking out, copying it, swapping around the names in a way that won’t be noticeable, sneaking back in and leaving the altered paper.
Kieu My could admit that that was an out-of-character move for her, but hey, it worked didn’t it? You might think, that’s kind of drastic, don’t you think? Well, yes, but also… let’s just start from the beginning.
Kieu My was about a week into the school year when she noticed her. She was skating around the schoolyard in khakis, a thin purple see-through sweater and a yellow and purple Hawaiian shirt, looking like she owned the place. The look really shouldn’t have worked, but it did, and she looked so damn good. The sight of her had stopped Kieu My in her tracks, forcing her to pay attention as she swiftly skated through the crowds of students until she stopped before a familiar blonde. Nora. Zoe’s sister. Interesting…
Later that day, during lunch, Kieu My tried her best to subtly ask Zoe about her sister’s friend, but she didn’t seem to catch on. Like at all.
“So... how’s Nora? She settling in okay? Got some new friends?” subtle, Kieu My, real subtle.
“Oh, she’s great! She got this new boyfriend, have you seen him? His name is Josh, and he is hot, seriously, wait let me show you a picture.” Turned out it was subtle. Too subtle.
“Oh, good for her, uhm, how about-”
“He’s just the sweetest guy, she’s really happy-” so she spent the next ten minutes looking at pictures of Nora’s boyfriend and listening to her best friend talk him up. Not the way she planned this lunch to go. Before she knew it, they parted ways and she was none the wiser.
She did contemplate asking Nora personally, but decided it would be weird considering she didn’t know her that well. So instead, she spent the rest of that day daydreaming. None of her classes got as much of attention as the skater did. How had she never seen here before? School had been in full motion for a week, and she hadn’t seen any traces of the girl before today, which would mean that they had zero classes together. Sigh.
The weekend was spent trying to find her on Instagram, which was a tedious job. First, she went to Zoe’s account to find Nora’s, which was easy enough, but as it turns out, Nora has a private profile, so she had to improvise further. She spent half an hour trying to remember her boyfriend’s name, and when she remembered that his name was Josh, she looked through the people Zoe follows to find him.
Bad news: Zoe doesn’t follow him.
Good news: Zoe did show her his photos on Instagram, which means he has an open profile.
Bad news: She had to actually find that profile.
Initially, she was going to just write in the name Josh and look through every profile Instagram recommended, but then she came to her senses and realized that that’s a shit idea. So, she logged into the school’s website and looked up the list of current students to go through until she found every single person named Josh.
And bingo. Josh Zimmermann.
Kieu My let out a cry of happiness when she finally found his profile but was again let down when she didn’t see any pictures of the girl. She knew this had been a longshot, but she was still disappointed.
So yeah, she gave up. She took her defeat with stride, and started look through Josh’s pictures, because let’s face it, she had nothing else to do. Maybe she’d find a comment left by the girl or something. Josh was cute, she’d admit. If she wasn’t so hung up on a girl she saw once for five minutes, maybe she’d spent more time admiring, but she was, so she didn’t.
She stopped scrolling when she landed on about the fifth picture Josh had posted of this one girl, a pretty brunette woman. The curiosity got the best of her, so she clicked on her tag. Her name was Yara, and her profile was filled with pictures of her with Josh, and some other girls. Her heart skipped a beat. She had a picture with Nora and another brunette. She was friends with Nora.
She quickly scrolled down her profile, continuously looking for the skater girl. She found it almost at the bottom. The picture was taken from the side, but it was without a doubt her. She was wearing glasses and had white locks in her hair, and she was holding a tortoise in her hands. The caption read “meet Maike” . It took an embarrassingly long time before Kieu My realized that Maike was the name of the turtle, and not the skater girl, but let’s not dwell on that.
Yara, bless her soul, had tagged the girl. Kieu My was in such a rush to click on the tag, she accidentally liked the picture. A picture from four months ago. The only picture of Fatou on Yara’s profile that was posted four months ago. She’d liked it. She wished she could say that she unliked it right away, but she was frozen for so long she was sure Yara had gotten the notification. Well, better late than never, right?
She unliked the picture as she cursed herself, and proceeded to click onto Fatou’s profile, which of course, was private. But she wasn’t mad, nor that disappointed, because she had a name now. Her name was Fatou. She’d found her! Fatou. Fatou.
She went back to the list of students.
Fatou Jallow. She continuously spun the name around in her head in English class the following Monday, she’d chosen a window seat this time, which she looked out of while daydreaming yet again.
So when someone sat down next to her, with a quick hello, she was startled to say the least. She was even more startled when she looked up to see the girl. The skater girl. Girl of her daydreams. Fatou. Fatou Jallow.
She just looked at her, in shock mostly, did she just manifest this? Is she starting to have visions now? Is she going crazy? And while Kieu My came up with a hundred reasons to how this could’ve happened, Fatou seemed to shrink under her gaze, seemingly backing off. Wait, no, no, no, no. Goddamn resting bitch face.
She was just about to speak up when the teacher clapped his hands, demanding attention as he started the class, and she was left looking like an asshole. She would’ve physically banged her head into the table if that wouldn’t turn Fatou even more off her.
“And you must be Fatou, nice of you to finally show up-”
Five seconds ago, Kieu My wouldn’t be so sure that Fatou could get any smaller, but the teachers comment seemed to make her especially uncomfortable, and Kieu My found herself wanting to chop his head off. Respectfully.
But Kieu My didn’t say anything, she never did, and she always cursed herself for it. Instead, she found herself looking at Fatou’s hands, placed on the desk next to her. She was fumbling with her thumb ring, which was yellow, and while focusing longer on it, Kieu My realized it was a mood ring. She had half a mind to whip out her phone right then and there to look up the different colors and their meanings, but instead made a mental note to do that later.
“Kieu My? Are you paying attention?”
Her head whipped up as the teacher said her name, and she blushed as she looked to Fatou who had clearly noticed where her focus was as the teacher called her name. The girl displayed a knowing smile, and instead of looking bashful as she did before, she almost looked a little smug. Her ring had turned into a blue-green color and Kieu My’s blush deepened as she caught herself looking at her hands once again.
She just nodded to the teacher, willing him to move on.
“So, as I was saying, I’m pairing you up to work on a project that’s due at the end of the month. You and your partner will be tasked to pick a classic work, rewrite it, and then perform it in front of the class. Got it? Great. Before anyone asks, you will not get to pick your partner, I have already paired everyone up randomly-” he pulled out a paper from under the desk, quickly displaying it before putting it back into the drawer. Fatou groaned and Kieu My rubbed her forehead, already hating this assignment.
“You’ll get more info on Wednesday, but if you go onto page 16-”
Kieu My made sure to pay extra attention to the rest of the class and when it was over, she had almost forgotten about the girl next to her.
That was a lie, she didn’t forget, quite the opposite actually, but she wasn’t about to flaunt that. She took her time packing up her stuff, seeing if Fatou would try to talk to her. She couldn’t be sure if Fatou had left yet, seeing that Kieu My had used up all of her will power to not look her way, but when she’d finished packing up all of her stuff and went to leave, she could see Fatou spending even more time than her to pack her bag.
Fatou looked up from her bag when she finished, smiling at Kieu My. God, she had a beautiful smile. As she stood up to leave, she looked into her eyes and said, “too bad we can’t pick our own partners” . Kieu My doesn’t remember how she reacted, all she remembers is the heat taking over. However, the way she’d reacted had seemed to delight Fatou though, who grinned at her as she left the classroom.
At lunch she sat with Ismail, Zoe being off somewhere with Finn. Kieu My didn’t say much, her mind somewhere else, but that didn’t stop Ismail from talking their head off. As they were talking, Kieu My was only half listening while looking up mood rings on her phone. She looked through different type of mood rings until she found one that looked like Fatou’s, and quickly found the color chart.
So, it seemed like her mood ring consisted of seven main colors, black, gray, yellow, green, blue-green, blue and violet. She thought back to this morning, and what colors Fatou’s ring had been.
At first it had been yellowish, when Kieu My had accidentally blown her off with her deadpan. Okay, yellow; “nervous, mixed emotions, unsettled”. Great. She had unsettled her. She pinched the bridge of her nose as she reminded herself that mood rings weren’t necessary correct. She’d get a chance to fix it, it was fine. It’s fine.
“and you have English with Mr. Strauss, too right? That paired up assignment is already enough for him to be my least favorite person in the world-”
“yeah, and we can’t even pick partners…” Kieu My adds absentmindedly, just to keep them going. She thinks about what Fatou had said, and her smile.
The second color she’d seen on her finger was blue-green, after she’d caught her staring at her hands. Kieu My cringed at herself just thinking about it. Blue-green; “inner emotions, charged, somewhat relaxed” hmm…
“Right?! What an idiot. God, I swear, we should break into the classroom and swap the papers or something…” Ismail joked with a laugh. This got her attention though. She looked up from her phone as Ismail just kept on rambling, further joking about hacking into the school system or something, but she again wasn’t paying attention, because now she was stupid enough to form an even stupider plan.
And that’s how she ended up here. Broken into the classroom, swapping the papers. It seemed like a bad idea when she thought about it after Ismail had said it, and now that she’s doing it, she knows it’s an even worse one than previously imagined.
Kieu My wasn’t one to speak up when she wasn’t called for, or to do anything that would incriminate her, so to say that her hands were shaking and that she was freezing cold out of her own skin was an understatement. She cannot afford to be expelled. But the worst was over now. On the way out she didn’t even bother to drop the keys off where she found them, she was too scared to, so she simply dropped them right outside of the teachers’ lounge and didn’t stop running before the school was too far away to see.
That following Wednesday Kieu My was so paranoid and so sure that she would be found out. When the time for English class came around, she seriously contemplated skipping class for the first time ever. She didn’t though, but she purposefully came just a little late so that the teacher wouldn’t have time to speak to her before class. She was freezing and her hands were shaking.
When she entered the class, the only seat available was the same she sat in last, and she was confused at first, because Fatou sat at the same place at last too. Not the window seat, but the one next to it. She hesitated towards the seat, not sure if it was held off for someone or something, but when Fatou saw her she smiled. And Kieu My melted onto her seat.
The class was surprisingly uneventful, and towards the end she found herself relaxing. Or that was until the teacher decided to announce the partners. As he went through the list, she didn’t blink once.
“Kiey My and Fatou-” …he didn’t even flinch. Kieu My waited just a little longer before letting out a huge breath. Oh my god. He didn’t even notice.
She looked to Fatou, who was already looking at her, smiling.
This time Kieu My smiled back.
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hopetofantasy · 4 years
Culture, parallels & meta - S3 E1
Previous season Prologue: Vlogs (1) - Vlogs (2)
Zaterdag 21:43
The time lapse already showing us a string of places that will be important later, like the dark alley, the Meir with Noor’s workplace, the university neighborhood, the Scheldt river where the boys hang out, ...
Perfect parallel: 
The second season starts Zoë’s POV with a (washing machine) door, whilst the third opens with a door to a party that Robbe attends.
Robbe glances back at Noor passing through the shot this episode, an action he repeats when he spots Sander in the second episode. - A very subtle hint to where his love life may lead.
The first one starts with two unknown LGBT+ girls kissing at a party, the last episode shows two known LGBT+ boys (Sobbe) kissing at their own party.
The aerial shot through the floor to introduce us to Robbe’s POV here and the aerial shot through the roof to say goodbye to him in the last episode.
Moyo saying “No one would do you” to Aaron in this episode, Aaron realizing “No one here wants to do me!” in the last.
Where’s Wally? Noor greeting Marie, accompanied by Jana and Britt. Max dancing with Keisha in the crowd.
How ‘meta’ of you: Newsflash, yes you are!
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Nod to the OG: 
The deliberate messy POV: following everyone that we know already and then slowly settling on the Isak version in a tub.
Robbe saying Noor looks like ‘Natalie Portman’, which is what people said to the OG Emma when they flirted with her. Everyone, except Isak, that is.
Oop, there it is, the homophobia / heteronormativity: Moyo keeps pressuring Robbe into explaining what type of girl he likes. The boys laugh it off when he answers that ‘he doesn’t have a type’.
Lost in translation: Moyo mocks Noor’s Dutch accent, making his ‘g’ and ‘st’ sound harsher, while also adding ‘hoor’ at the end - a typical word used by the Dutch to emphasize a point.
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Jens is playing with the weed bag. Keisha is one of the girls that Moyo mentions as Jens’ ex-girlfriend or ex-fling. Not only did Noor nót flush the toilet, but she didn’t used any toilet paper either!
Zaterdag 22:44
C is for culture: 
Noor rescuing Robbe on her scooter - In Belgium, you’re allowed to drive a moped or scooter once you’ve reached the age of 16. Nothing is needed if the vehicle doesn’t go above 25 km/h. If it stays between the range of 25-45 km/h and max. 50 cc, you need to pass a theoretical exam, 4 hours of driver’s ed and a practical exam to get the license. Anything other than that, has a whole new set of restrictions, types of driver’s licenses and minimum ages.  Noor and Robbe are, however, still breaking the law. As long as you’re not 18, you’re not allowed to have an extra passenger with you. Especially if they’re not wearing a helmet. (Plus they ignored a red light. Those rebels!)
“You do know that you always have to have it with you?” - The Belgian law states that everyone above age twelve, has to get an ID to identify themselves. Some might have had a Kids-ID already - for travel purposes - but that’s not mandatory. However, once you're fifteen years old, you’re obligated to carry your ID with you at all times.
Perfect parallel:
Luca being all jealous whilst staring at Noor and Robbe making out in S3, her glaring at Maud and Robbe every chance she got in the last season.
Robbe and Noor having fun on the scooter while screaming and Robbe filming their adventure in this episode. Robbe and Sander doing a similar thing, but on their bikes in a later episode.
Wink to other remakes: Robbe sporting a brown jacket. (Eliott, anyone?)
Surprise bitch, guess who: It’s Willem Chanterie, the on-set costume designer and social media production assistant!
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Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Noor has a ‘Fuck Trump’ sticker on her helmet. Robbe says “Hey, it’s red” in a very clear Antwerp accent. 
Zaterdag 23:11
Hello from the outside: The garbage truck they sprayed, still drove around the city regularly. The art piece itself is named ‘#Genoeg mama' (= ‘#Enough mommy’). It blames the consumer society as toxic, making young people its victim.
Oopsie: Inside the graffiti den, Noor suddenly sports a tote bag with supplies, even though we never saw her wearing that in the previous shots.
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Noor has black combat boots. The photographer is obviously Sander, in case you have missed that subtle clue.
Zondag 13:41
Lost in translation/Oop, there it is, the homophobia / heteronormativity: 
“Check die pekie’s”. The word ‘pekie’ is actually Amsterdam slang for ‘beautiful girl, girlfriend’. In recent years, more and more Dutch slang are making their way into the Flemish dialect, because of the Dutch rap songs gaining popularity with the youngsters.
“Vamos, flikkers”. The word ‘flikkers’ can mean ‘wussie’ as well as a derogatory term for ‘homosexual’. Again establishing the fact that the boys use a lot of homophobic or toxic words for each other.
Robbe’s clumsiness meter: +1, him tossing the bag behind Jens instead of into his hands.
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: There is a football right next to the skateboards.
Maandag 16:04
C is for culture: “The whole art school was talking about it” - 
Secondary school is divided in four sections: general, technical, art and vocational. Which section you choose can have effect on further education. In one of these sections, you pick what you want to study from your first to last year (‘directions’). That means that you have some courses purely focused on the direction and others that are obligated for everyone, regardless.
Art high schoolers can choose to go to work or study a specialization afterwards. Their coursework isn’t solely art based, there are general required courses too. That’s why some foreigners - including the Dutch - come to Belgium, since they’ll get a more rounded and higher level of art education than in their countries. ‘de!KUNSTHUMANIORA’ is the high school in Antwerp Noor goes to and is known for having students with unique styles.
Perfect parallel: 
Noor waiting outside the school for Robbe and him reacting somewhat confused here, Sander doing the same and having an instantly happy Robbe in a later episode.
Robbe having no problem kissing a girl ‘as a straight guy’ in front of the gates in this episode and scared for what might happen if he kissed a boy ‘as a gay guy’ later on. 
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: The insta caption underneath the art work says ‘An inspirational message on a Sunday! Just discovered this in Antwerp city today. Artist unknown... Can you remember when you last called on your mother?’ (That last sentence, oooofff, the symbolism!)
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Dinsdag 14:57
C is for culture: 
“Yes, mini enterprises are so chill.” - Mini enterprises are often used as a tool for Economics in the fifth/sixth year. The goal of these is to ‘learn whilst doing it’. Like the name specifies, mini enterprises are actual miniature companies set up by a group of students. During the school year, they’ll try to work together on commercializing a product. All aspects of entrepreneurship are at play here: writing a business plan, holding meetings, doing bookkeeping, marketing the product, produce and sell it, ... If the enterprise idea is good or well executed, it might even win a national prize by the company making this education formula.
“What if he contacts child protection services” - Actually, those services doesn’t really exist in Belgium. There are, however, other youth organizations for these types of things, like JAC - Youth Advice Centre, CLB - Centre for Student Guidance and the Centre for Mental Healthcare.
Perfect parallel: The boys hyping Aaron up to walk over to Amber and talk to her - yet he fails in this episode, them doing the same and he succeeds (after some fails) in the last episode. 
Oop, there it is, the homophobia / heteronormativity: Jens saying “Damn, seems like someone is on his fucking period”, after Robbe snaps at him due to the difficult telephone call with his dad.
Lost in translation: Jens saying “Mijn kop staat er niet naar” (= “My head’s not standing there”) can actually mean different things: I’m not in the mood, it’s not the right time, I don't want to do it, my head’s all over the place, ... It depends on the context, on which interpretation would suit the situation the best. 
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: The girls are all fawning all over Britt’s cellphone, so there is a good chance that they’re discussing (pictures of) her boyfriend, Sander. Also, Jana’s braces are gone! 
Donderdag 17:13
Perfect parallel: Robbe stating that he can’t talk to his dad or he’ll fight and Zoë getting that, as she said a similar thing to an understanding Senne about her parents in S2. 
How ‘meta’ of you: Ah, yes, fandom ship names in SKAM. We applaud!
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Oopsie: If you look really hard, you see that the body type and hair of Robbe’s dad, doesn’t correspond with the version waiting at the restaurant later on.
Wink to other remakes: This shot reminding you of a certain S3 trailer?  👀
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Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: The numerous references to Zoënne’s relationship in their room (relationship pics, Senne’s guitar). The paper Milan gifts to Robbe is the written permission by his parent to live with them, as is obligated by law.
Vrijdag 20:04
Perfect parallel: 
Senne pulling Zoë up after a kiss here, just like with their first kiss in S2.
Robbe pushing Milan away after thinking he wanted to kiss him at the party in S2, them hugging it out in after talking about it in S3.
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Zoë and Milan making some healthy party snacks like cauliflower and cocktail sauce, cheese with tomatoes and salami squares. She pulls back the bottle of gin that Milan wants to steal. Senne also bought paprika and tortilla chips from Colruyt (a discount store).
Vrijdag 20:54
C is for culture: “Noor, Robbe’s girlfriend” - (Teen) dating culture is different in Belgium. Usually, if you have kissed, hung out, texted or just said/did something to show your mutual interest, you’d pretty much consider yourself in a relationship. It can go from 0 to 100 very quick. Unless there is, of course, an agreement that what you’re doing is no such thing. Also, nobody really ask you to be their gf/bf. It just implied or stated to their family or friends. 
Perfect parallel: 
A reluctant Robbe pushing himself to do stuff to Noor (playful dancing, kissing, riling her up) as far as putting his hands on her bra here. A totally different, excited Robbe not even thinking twice about doing these things to Sander, even licking his nipple during their reunion.
Noor pushing Robbe on the bed and climbing over him, whilst Robbe looks all sad in this episode. Him pushing Sander on the bed and being happy as Sander crawls over him during their reunion.
Oop, there it is, the homophobia / heteronormativity: Robbe tries to convince himself into liking heterosexual sex with Noor and fake laughs with his friends about having it.
Where’s Wally? Keisha laughing with Amber and later dancing with Marie.
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Jens is talking to Senne. The decorations behind Milan saying ‘Welkom Robbe’ (= ‘Welcome Robbe’). Noor has a beautiful tattoo of a pin-up girl covered with butterflies on her lower arm.
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ghostcat3000 · 4 years
SKAM season 3 talkback series: episode 2, “Du er over 18, sant?”
The SKAM season 3 rewatch talkback series was done in conjunction with a first-time watch for a small group of newbies. I talked to a cross-section of fans about each episode so our newbies could get a varied taste of what the SKAM fandom was about. 
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Talk back with the fantastic @irazor (aka MinilocIsland on AO3)
SKAM 3.2: Du er over 18, sant? conducted on 20, October 20 2019
@ghostcat3000: Hello! Hello!
@irazor: Hello!!
Ghostcat: Welcome!
irazor: Thank you. This is gonna be fun!
Ghostcat: It is a rainy day in NYC, no parade this time or hangovers so I am READY. Thank you so much for coming by and letting me ask you questions about episode 3.2 "Du er over 18, sant?" The first one is from our previous chat guest, the lovely @treehouse
@modestytreehouse​: (so lovely!)
Ghostcat: It is…”Do you really think Even forgot his ID?”
irazor: Ah!
Ghostcat: A very good question. I know how I sway on this one.
irazor: On first watch, I didn't. I was so immersed in Isak's POV and almost just as nervous and confused about who this tall hot weird guy was and what he wanted with him that I didn't pick up on much else than WHAT IS GOING ON? Hahaha.
Ghostcat: It is a very WHAT IS GOING ON MOMENT. At the time, I was like...I don't know if this is charming or just weird before settling on...both. It's kinda both
irazor: But, well, I guess it's no spoiler that I've watched this season multiple times...and I've also kind of settled on both.
@etal-later: (Halla)
Ghostcat: Hei. Ha ha ha, of course
treehouse: I agree with you. Can't decide either. He really is hot and confusing.
Ghostcat: It definitely, and quite brilliantly, I think, comes across as an off-the-cuff conversational gambit. It's just awkward enough to not seem pre-planned
irazor: I think one of the greatest powers of Skam is how it manages to immerse the viewer into the main's POV, and we're really feeling what Isak is feeling. Hence: confusion. 
irazor (cont.): Yes! Totally agree.
Ghostcat: Right, his face says it all. Just that flat expression and steady stare.
treehouse: The eyebrows.
irazor: Also at this point in the storyline, most things Even does seems like they're pulled out of his sleeve at the moment.
Ghostcat: Yes, and let's answer this question in such a way that we don't go too far in the future.
irazor: Yup
Ghostcat: Must be mindful of spoilers here at this extremely professionally run watch experience. Nothing but class.
irazor: Of course! Haha.
Ghostcat: So here's Mr. Jean Jacket...
etal: With very round eyes and a smile
Ghostcat: Ha, yes! And while we go into 3.2 with him in our minds as a possible "love interest"...we still don't know what he's about and neither does Isak so we-as-Isak bump into Mr. Jeans on the tram and ask the episode title.
@heihallohadet: Highly suspect.
@hakkepippern​: What kind of ID does even 18 year olds have?
heihallohadet: Not having Your ID on you in Norway is very strange, because it would be on your bank card which you need everywhere.
irazor: Ah, is that the same card in Norway? I had no idea!
heihallohadet: We have pictures on our bank cards.
irazor: Ohoo.
hakkepippern: Does anyone have a photo on their bank card? I don´t.
heihallohadet: I do!
treehouse: Oh, that's interesting! Haha.
hakkepippern: Hm.
heihallohadet: I travel with it, to Sweden and Denmark. That's enough of an I.D. Don't need my passport.
irazor: But Isak is too intrigued to question Even, at any rate. He just follows along.
treehouse: But it makes sense since the police ask Isak about a bank card or I.D. in episode one.
hakkepippern: Aha, yes it does!
treehouse: (I mean of course it makes sense if you Norwegians say so, haha!)
heihallohadet: Haha.
Ghostcat: If I may, bring it back to irazor though, everyone…(stern Vilde look)
irazor: (Vilde attentive smile)
Ghostcat: Did you think this was another gambit? Another improvised gambit? Or is he genuinely the kind of flaky stoner who leaves his shit at home?
irazor: I genuinely followed him as blindly as Isak did.
Ghostcat: Right, and that's the genius of this show―the ability to give you that you-are-there feeling. You-are-the-main or at least a benevolent being on their shoulders.
irazor: I was a bit like, okay, kinda odd to forget your ID but it has happened to me, and Isak was far too intrigued to question him and hence was I.
etal: Is the ID card a symbol though? For IDENTITY?
Ghostcat: Ha ha ha. or uh, a name as in “what's in a name?”
etal: Yes.
irazor: :eyes:
@newyearsirresolution​: I was a malevolent being on Isak's shoulder
Ghostcat: Ha ha ha, of course you were.
newyearsirresolution: Didn't trust Even at all. But I was like, yes, follow the pretty boy.
Ghostcat: The very tall boy. I don't think our first watch has quite fully taken in his height
irazor: Watching this clip the first time for me was kind of the epitome of how it is being Not Straight.
Ghostcat: And not knowing what a situation means? Is this...romantic? Or...just “bros”?
irazor: Exactly.
Ghostcat: Isak takes a cautious approach at first but then quite visibly blooms.
irazor: You meet someone who intrigues you deeply, you want to know more about them, and they take you home and smoke with you and you feel more relaxed in their presence than you thought possible, and maybe maybe could there after all be something? Or? No? Yes?
Ghostcat: Do you like me? Y/Y?
irazor: Anything can mean everything.
Ghostcat: Absolutely.
irazor: And so the blow when Sonja shows up hits double as hard.
Ghostcat. Oh yes. I do love how anyone who watches that scene reads it clearly as flirtation and not "bros."
irazor: And the thing is, it can be DANGEROUS.
Ghostcat: Even though they don't touch.
etal: Me?
Ghostcat: Or say anything that's suggestive
etal: Are you sure?
Ghostcat: "tastes like balls"-aside
irazor: Those looks on the windowsill? What are they? We think we can guess, but we have no idea
Ghostcat: They look like pure, undiluted interest.
irazor: Just as lost and endlessly fascinated as Isak. They do! But then... bam, there's the girlfriend.
Ghostcat: Now, my co-mod isn't here but she has a question about that moment on the windowsill
irazor: Shoot.
Ghostcat: When Even seems to worry and look away.
irazor: Ah, yes. I know which one
Ghostcat: Does that take him away from the flirtation vibe into something more bro-y (real word) or settle deeper into it?
irazor: I think I read it as bringing more depth to the flirtation. Because those looks WERE there, and then Even seems to ponder them.
Ghostcat: Yeah.
Irazor: As if he needs to take a moment to think about what really is happening
Ghostcat: Right.
irazor: And also, as the viewer/Isak you really wonder what's going in his head in that moment. And our guess is as good as anything. That's the beauty of it.
Ghostcat: Yes, he's beautiful and mysterious and Isak is well and truly interested in knowing more.
irazor: Just as the "it's going to taste like balls" remark - since it comes just a few clips after Eskild has, unknowingly, started turning the wheels in Isak's head with the "if you start talking to strangers about sucking dick" line
Ghostcat: Which Isak seems to remember, going by his maiden faire blush on the line.
irazor: Isak: Wait. Is it a good thing that he thinks this will taste like balls? Or not?
etal: LOL
Ghostcat: Hiding his face behind his phone.
irazor: Hahaha. He did NOT imagine someone's balls in that moment. Oh nooooo. Isak would never.
Ghostcat: So if I can backtrack a little (and we'll return to that final twist).
irazor: Yup.
Ghostcat: Can you tell me a bit about how you started watching this show?
irazor: I was a bit late to the party here in Sweden - it seemed like everyone was watching Skam as s4 started airing. I think the episodes were available on-demand on Swedish state TV just as s3 ended and Skam became a thing here. I resisted for a while but then one of my best friends talked me into watching...and I binged it over a couple of weeks and then I only watched the final episode of s4 in real time.
Ghostcat: Wow.
irazor: S2 was huge here.
Ghostcat: So you probably watched this episode as part of a marathon?
irazor: Yeah, I think I watched one or two episodes a day. I didn't have time to binge it all at once.
Ghostcat: What did you think going into Isak's season? Did you have any expectations? or interest for that matter?
irazor: I honestly didn't have high hopes, haha. I was more like "okay...another guy..." and I wasn't super interested in him from before. But, my friends were wild about s3 and I knew I was bound to like it since it was Skam, so naturally, I started it.
Ghostcat: Ha ha ha. I love hearing about people being blasé about this season.
irazor: It took a clip or two and well. The rest is history.
Ghostcat: Was it this episode that did it?
irazor: It def did.
Ghostcat: Or rather the Mekke øl clip.
irazor: The first episode was intriguing, I felt for Isak from the start, just seeing him put on that het show in the bathtub.
Ghostcat: Which is a great clip.
irazor: But the Mekke øl clip twisted the knife around.
Ghostcat: "Het show" pretty much. Yes, I like to think that clip especially is the hook because all of sudden...here's this possibility.
irazor: It was for me. I was hooked from the start but from now on, I was HOOOOOKED.
Ghostcat: so much so (and here return to what you said) that when Even introduces Sonja, it really is a noooooooo! moment
irazor: It so is.
Ghostcat: Because we, as an audience, are so firmly in Isak's shoes. It's not what's supposed to have happened. What happens is: you keep hanging out and no one interrupts because this is all perfect.
irazor: It also makes us/Isak doubt his whole ability to read situations. Could I really be this wrong? Was this just a casual hangout after all and I misread this whole thing? And will I EVER be able to find someone/know if they're into me/not having to risk everything etc if THIS is the truth?
Ghostcat: Right. And it all plays out on his face.
irazor: Those microexpressions.
Ghostcat: I love that the camera stays on him with Even and Sonja all hazy in the foreground.
irazor: And macro, ha ha. It makes it seem like they make out so DEMONSTRATIVELY.
Ghostcat: He goes from real devastation to something more muted before the desultory check of his phone, where there's another hit...
irazor: Like, IN YOUR FACE, Isak.
Ghostcat: Yes, there's noises, smooch noises lol.
irazor: Another nail in the casket, yes.
Ghostcat: I was like, geeeeeeez, that's excessive.
irazor: Ha ha. Same.
etal: <quietly> Ebox, give me the beat
Ghostcat: Ha ha ha, oh yes. Isak's rapping: yea or nay?
Heihallohadet: Nay.
Ghostcat: Ha ha ha, he's very proud of his skills obviously.
newyearsirresolution: I'm so glad we didn't actually see him rapping, omg.
Ghostcat: If he's willing to share them with the cute boy... When you meet someone you like, you are putting all your good shit out there. That's Isak's good shit!
irazor: This is not a spoiler as far as I'm concerned, but apparently, for those who haven't heard, Tarjei Sandvik Moe rapped the whole of "Express Yourself" during the filming of this clip
Ghostcat: I think about that sometimes and feel uncomfortable.
newyearsirresolution: Of course he did.
Ghostcat: Release the tapes, Julie Andem!
irazor:  Anyway, it's funny how he actually is the one to bring up the subject of his rapping.
Ghostcat: Which I'll never watch because...secondhand embarrassment over white boy rapping. HE THINKS HE'S GOOD AT IT.
irazor: I could never resist. HE DOES.
irazor: "I don't know if you've heard the rumours about my rapping...?" Very casual
Ghostcat: Ha ha ha, now you guys have me thinking that Even pretended to suck at beatboxing so Isak wouldn't rap.
hakkepippern: Hahahahahaha
irazor: Hahahaha
Ghostcat: "Oh what a shame. Guess we can't do it."
irazor: And when Even says he HAS heard, Isak isn't late to show him.
Ghostcat: And how exactly has Even heard, you think?
irazor: I did wonder about this already the first time I saw the clip
Ghostcat: That made me think...boy, you done goofed. you just admitted to insta-stalking.
newyearsirresolution: Because he's so bad that people all over Nissen can't shut up about it.
Ghostcat: The FIRST thing I thought of HA HA HA.
irazor: Hahahahaa.
Ghostcat: It's bathroom grafitti! "Isak can't fucking rap. Make him stop."
irazor: Since I watched the episodes back to back, I hadn't seen any Insta content.
Ghostcat: It's in the Nissenhook! I'd seen the season one rapping on insta so I was uh, aware.
irazor: Yeah, if I had I'd probably been more like :eyes: At the time, I just took it as "go on, keep doing what you want, I'm just delighted to hang out with you."
Ghostcat: This only made the Sonja turn even more of a “huh?’ moment.
irazor: I can imagine!!
Ghostcat: Let's go back to the episode start to Eskild and Isak hanging out in Isak's smelly-according-to-Eskild room.
irazor: Yes!
Ghostcat: I love that intro because it says everything about the ease of their relationship without saying too much about it―it's that show-not-tell that SKAM does so well.
irazor: (This talk easily becomes a Mekke øl-talk since I just ADORE that clip, but this whole episode is so good!) Exactly,
Ghostcat: Because Isak, for all his no-homo conversation, is comfortable with Eskild. Feels safe seemingly.
irazor: Eskild is casually lying on Isak's bed, texting guys on Grindr, and it's obvious that this isn't the first time.
Ghostcat: Enough to be Google-stalking Even while Eskild’s on his bed on Grindr.
irazor: Hahaha.
Ghostcat: This is a regular hang.
irazor: Exactly.
Ghostcat: There is nothing weird or off about this moment, that's what happens.
irazor: Yeah, also this obviously isn't the first time Eskild asks Isak for his opinions on guys.
Ghostcat: Eskild barges in and makes himself at home and Isak keeps doing what he does.
irazor: And Isak is just casually exasperated as always
Ghostcat: I am obsessed with his body language in this conversation ha ha ha. When Eskild explains that a guy randomly talking about sucking dick is a SIGN.
irazor: Lifting a hand, letting it fall on the bed in a whatever
Ghostcat: (cue: Ace of Base's The Sign)
irazor: HAHAAH
Ghostcat: That hand lift is HILARIOUS to me...
irazor: (You know they're Swedish, right?)
Ghostcat: ...because you can see the wheels turning in his eyes
irazor: Oh yes, definitely.
Ghostcat: (of course, I do. I am a very deliberate person)
irazor: The dicksucking remark. (Of course you are, haha.)
Ghostcat: He's like...wait. Hold up. Huh. No. Yes. Maybe. And that hand up in the air. It’s as if he wants to argue with Eskild but he also wants him to be right
irazor: "Do you think I'd CARE anyway" Yes! He just doesn't want Eskild to know.
Ghostcat: And on Eskild's part, I love how he approaches this kid. His patience! His care! He seems like such a bulldozer of a human being most of the time...
irazor: He's very different with Isak compared to how he acts towards others.
Ghostcat: ...but his handling of Isak is so lovely.
irazor: Yes. He's so considerate.
Ghostcat: Careful without being condescending, and yes, so smart and considerate. See, without knowing their exchanges prior to Isak's moving in...I couldn't figure out how much Eskild knew because I assumed he'd be more aggressive about getting Isak to admit he was gay.
irazor: And it's so beautiful that he isn't.
Ghostcat: But this clip is the first to really suggest how wrong that is. It is.
irazor: Yes. It's very different from how shows usually treat young people coming out.
Ghostcat: Ack! Our time is almost up and I didn't even get to ask about the video! Or the courtyard slo-mo! The boy squad and Emma!
irazor: Go ahead!
Ghostcat: Before I try to cram it all in.
irazor: I can stay for a little while more! (Also, the first time I watched this, I was just as HUH by Eskild's "I'm giving you one year until you're out of the closet" as Isak was)
Ghostcat: anything about this ep that really got to you that you wanted to talk about?
irazor: GIMME the courtyard slo-mo questions!
Ghostcat: Ha ha ha.
treehouse: Please talk about the slo-mo!!
Ghostcat: So I love how this comes after Isak has found that video of Even and watched it with that stupid little besotted smile on his face.
irazor: YES.
Ghostcat: He WILLINGLY goes up to Vilde to ask about Kosegruppa.
irazor: Heart eyes if there ever were in the SCHOOLYARD where anyone could overhear him.
irazor: Hahahaaa.
irazor: He didn't bargain for hosting a vors.
Ghostcat: Ha ha ha, nope.
etal: Yes, yes, and then.
treehouse: Also "do you have party accessories, neon themed please?"
Ghostcat: And then the boys are there being...themselves.
irazor: He only wanted to know more about Even, and now he has a death penalty to his cool facade around his neck.
Ghostcat: Things are getting complicated.
irazor: The boys are like WHAT.
Ghostcat: Because there are too many friend groups or rather too many people to pretend to. A liar knows, you gotta keep it simple or else it all falls apart, but then...
irazor: Hence, he's awake at 3 am with his computer on his chest.
etal: Right?
Ghostcat: The opening notes of Talk Show Host.
etal: Aaaahhh.
irazor: Du-dum.
Ghostcat: Which―when I first saw it―I started laughing and couldn't stop...
irazor: So, I didn't recognize this as a Romeo + Juliet moment.
Ghostcat: ...because it's Romeo + Juliet, like burned into my head. Ah, you didn't!?!
irazor: I watched it a while ago but I hadn't watched it since.
Ghostcat: Well. There is Even, across the schoolyard, walking in slo-mo.
irazor: PIERCING Isak with his gaze.
Ghostcat: One of our first watchers thinks that slo-mo is a cheese move but I love it here.
irazor: It is, and I love it. Haha.
Ghostcat: And I love how that piercing look happens a few beats in because first he's just walking and then he turns and looks right at him. *Blam!*
irazor: Seeing this the first time, I couldn't decide if Even looked über cool or also a bit scared.
Ghostcat: I couldn't figure out if it was really happening or if Isak was daydreaming. Horny daydreaming, lol.
irazor: SAME tbh.
Ghostcat: Because the boy wouldn't look at him like that, surely? SURELY??
irazor: But it's so funny because EVERYTHING about him looks so calculated. The hair! The cigarette (Or joint?! Again?? Behind his ear)
Ghostcat: He is perfectly put together.
irazor: R I G H T?
Ghostcat: The sunglasses.
irazor: Oh yes, the sunglasses.
newyearsirresolution: The sunglasses.
Ghostcat: He looks costumed.
irazor: He does.
Ghostcat: For the role of "the cool guy" and Isak is just...
irazor: In a kitschy Baz Luhrmann movie.
etal: [Gif of Leonardo DiCaprio as Romeo Montague in Romeo + Juliet, looking at the camera.]
irazor: IIIIIIIH
Ghostcat: Ha ha ha. Right, that look and then blurry ole Emma cuts into the fantasy and is there a record scratch? Because it feels that way.
irazor: The funny thing is, this is BEFORE Isak has watched the R+J movie (if I'm correct)
Ghostcat: It is, it is before that.
irazor: I think there is a real record scratch sound, yes.
irazor: (LATER)
Ghostcat: (I'LL RETURN TO IT LATER) One last thing, irazor before I release you.
irazor: Sure!
Ghostcat: A first watcher who had previously been neutral on Isak had their opinion changed by something―Isak watching R+J and his reaction to it. What did you think of that moment?
irazor: I was actually deeply moved by it.
Ghostcat: It's a big moment
irazor: Up until that point, we had seen a LOT of the front Isak puts up to others. To his friends, to Eskild, and especially to himself
Ghostcat: Yes.
irazor: And here he is in the middle of the night, watching this epic love story for one single reason: he's seen Even mention it in an old movie he found on the internet. He's desperate to understand who this guy who has caught his interest is. So he goes for anything.
Ghostcat: And he really watches it.
irazor: Exactly, he really WATCHES it. From start to end.
Ghostcat: It's long ha ha ha! He starts watching at 1am, right? (I relate to Isak's terrible sleep habits)
irazor: And it's a love story, and he's absolutely mesmerized by it. We see him moving around on his bed, changing positions, never taking his eyes off the screen (this shuffling around part is such a favourite thing of mine because it's SO REALISTIC) and then the single tear.
Ghostcat: Ugh, that single tear.
irazor: It's like everything we've seen of Isak is washed away in that moment.
Ghostcat: And that devastated sprawl after.
irazor: Because he has his shield down completely he's so immersed in this that he lets himself CRY.
Ghostcat: Just lying in bed looking like he's been through something.
irazor: Yes!
irazor: SAME.
Ghostcat: “Must try and google some more, maybe I'll find him this time.”
irazor: I really really love that clip.
Ghostcat: Right back at it, the search for Even’s online presence, but this time with more urgency. It is a beautiful clip.
irazor: Also, no dialogue. middle of the night. on the surface, not much happens. but right underneath. MASSIVE ACTION
Ghostcat: It's amazing what you can do with a good director and a strong character performance. You don't need a lot.
irazor: Isak goes through how many stages of grief and confusion and feels in those minutes. He's such an amazing actor.
Ghostcat: You get so much story from a little. I remember rewatching it immediately because I was sure I missed something...
irazor: There's a lot to unpack there.
Ghostcat: ...some kind of trick or false move.
irazor: I don't know how many times I've seen it but I still pick up on subtle stuff in it...
Ghostcat: That scene is acted beautifully.
irazor: ...that I haven't noticed before. It's in his face.
Ghostcat: Yes, it rewards on repeats.
irazor: (okay, I'm gonna need to head to bed soon, but I also need to point out the girls at the very end of the schoolyard clip. "I'm so hungover from the weekend." "It's Wednesday?!")
Ghostcat: Okay, I'm going to stop harassing you with questions about 3.2. Thank you so much for coming by and chatting with me. It's been a pleasure!
irazor: It was my pleasure!
Ghostcat: Please send me your question for next week's guest chat guest: @newyearsirresolution who will talk to us about 3.3.
newyearsirresolution: That's me!
irazor: I love talking about Skam in general and this episode truly is one of my faves. Coool! Looking forward to your chat next week!
Ghostcat: I leave the room open to anyone who wants to continue discussing 3.2
skamskada: The watching R+J clip is magnificent, daring TV. Seriously.
irazor: It is! It really trusts the viewers to stay tuned.
Ghostcat: I am of a strong mind, and I say this to everyone at school, you could teach this season for a class. It is so brilliantly put together and that R+J clip is one of the many examples of its quality.
irazor: Definitely!
heihallohadet: So true. I hope someone is! Thank you, irazor and ghostcat!
Ghostcat: Hey, thank you for joining up
treehouse: Thank you!!
irazor: Thank you so much for having me!
treehouse: You're both brilliant!
etal: Thank you!
irazor: It really was a pleasure. Aww, babe.
Ghostcat: :clown:
irazor: I'm gonna lurk in here next week and all the subsequent weeks, haha.
Join us next Friday to read our talkback with @newyearsirresolution​ about episode 3.3: “Nå bånder dere i overkant mye” aka a banging Robyn remix and some laser beam eyed staring, among other things.
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eohachu · 4 years
Post pictures of your first ever (fictional/celeb) crush to the latest one and tag five others to continue the game.
Ali tagged me, thanks. I guess 😘 @lanzhansmiles​
A’ight so I’m simply taking this as an opportunity to show off my frankly impeccable taste 😌 *coughs into the crook of my elbow with my mask on and from a safe distance* More under the cut, godspeed!
I’m tagging uhh I really don’t want to expose anyone but uh. @morifinwes​ @ttaechwita​ @sunshine304​ @treemaidengeek​ @flamingwell​ no pressure tho!!
Since 2006
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Janina Fautz: Die Wilden Kerle, anyone?? Tbh i had a crush on quite a lot of the characters/actors but in hindsight Janina was and is the most influential one. Also probably my first ever girl crush (again, in hindsight bc it took me until 3 years ago to finally find out i’m queer lol)
Eva-Maria May: Yeah well I’m not gonna talk about where I know her from let’s say it was an incredibly bad soap opera my mom used to watch. She was one of the reasons why I went Yeah I Have Always Been Into Girls. I was pretty obsessed with her to the point where mini me secretly printed out a photo of her to look at lmaooo the signs have always been there and it’s truly amazing how I had been missing them for years
Amy Adams: Her as Amelia Earhart in Night at the Museum was also definitely a huge Thing to young me. Again, I had been completely oblivious about this crush for years
David Luiz: HAH! This is the point where we do NOT get into my football/soccer crushes bc this list would get WAYYY too long hahaha. I had to cut loads of people from my list for this post bc I develop a new celebrity crush every 5 minutes basically but yeah. David Luiz was definitely my biggest football/soccer crush out of..... everyone else
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I don’t have a lot to say about any of them since I’m not into m*rvel anymore TFATWS makes me want to stick the tip of my toe back into m*rvel waters but otherwise NO THANKS
Sebastian Stan was, if my judgement of my archive is right, the longest highkey celebrity crush I’ve ever had. Mostly because I love Bucky a lot and he was so amazing in Captain America: The Winter Soldier. I must’ve had a crush on him for as long as I had been in the m*rvel fandom
Recent Past
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some celeb crushes from last year that were all more or less short-lived tbh
Ester Expósito: As it often goes I didn’t find her spectacular in the beginning but as Élite went on I started to develop a huge crush on her. I still find her pretty hot but I’m not invested in Élite so yeah..... I have no object permanence
Mina El Hammani: Got to know her through Élite, too. She’s so incredibly beautiful. Had a hard time choosing a photo of her bc I’d stare at every single one for ages. Wow.
Danger Days!Gerard Way: Hah! The ones of you who’ve been following me for longer might remember my posts about wanting to dye my hair neon red. Well, him’s the reason and also clinical depression. Ended up with natural red/ginger bc my hair is too thin for bleaching lel. ANYWAY
Maxence Danet Fauvel: Pretty short-lived crush from my Skam days
Ramy Moharam Fouad: So Ramy has a brother, Tamino-Amir Moharam Fouad, who makes INCREDIBLE music. Ramy made some of his music videos (directed them? not sure), that’s how he came to my attention. Idk man he’s just so incredibly beautiful.... gives me a hint of genvy, too......
Janelle Monáe: Became a fan when Make Me Feel came out, listened to the entire album for days and eventually inevitably crushed on her
Lera Abova: Saw her in ANИА and fell in love. I screamed to my friends for weeks about how she was the most beautiful human being I’d ever seen etc etc. Eventually my crush went away mostly, but I still think she’s stunning
Keiynan Lonsdale: Keiynan said FUCK gender and I said 😍😍😍 and that’s all you need to know.
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*deep breath* alright let’s gooo
Bright (Wachirawit Chivaaree): Crushed on him for as long as I watched 2gether/Still 2gether lmao. I still like him a lot and sometimes lose my mind over him but I’m not exceptionally Thirsty™
Tul (Pakorn Thanasrivanitchai) and Max (Nattapol Diloknawarit): If you search either of them on tumblr you will have to scroll for a long, long time to find seperate photos of them. However, I’m not patient enough so here we are. Re: Tul, actually I want to copy/paste what Ali said bc DAMN a man who is confident about his masculinity and sexuality really is kinda hot. Same goes for Max tbh. Also Max’ lips look so soft I [redacted]
Lukas von Horbatschewsky: Also known as Lukas Alexander. He did an amazing job in Druck and he’s just a person I admire in general. As one of the few out trans actors in Germany, he had a main role as a trans boy in Druck and also co-wrote Druck’s seasons 5 and 6. He’s just a huge role model to me and, apart from that, Big Crush Material (h i s  e y e s)
Li Wei: Someone suggested him as Hua Cheng for the TGCF live action and my life hasn’t been the same since. While I’m open for whoever will get that role in the end, I could look at his face for hours and not get bored. Major Genvy, too.
Li BoWen and Liu HaiKuan: I will have to deal with these two in one paragraph bc LanLan bc they have the exact same effect on me which is. that they’re not 100% my type but I WILL go absolutely feral about them at regular intervals, if you know what I mean
Song JiYang: ohh honey. oh honey.......... hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I have a natural affinity for aquarius ppl and this one lives in my heart rent free. I’d even make him soup if he’d ask.
Wang YiBo: WELL HOLY SHIT. listen. LISTEN! the hype around him is 100% justified imo he really is That Bitch and I love him so so much for it. Fucking ICON
Honorary Mentions: Gender Envy
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Here’s to the People I Thought I Had A Crush On But Not Quite until I learned the word Gender Envy:
Zhu YiLong: Man, this is the person who’s mainly responsible for me finding out AT ALL about not being entirely cis. The POWER he holds!!! His performance as Ye Zun in Guardian was like a breakthrough point for me which. certain people witnessed in real time hahaha oh I love this fandom!!
Zhu ZanJin: HIM. AAAH!! He’s literally so beautiful and whenever I see him I just go ZANZAN!! in my head and in the tags bc. well. hIM.
Xiao Zhan With Long Hair: Look, Xiao Zhan is always amazing but BLESS the person who made these manips. I can finally rest.
Wang YiBo: uhh what’s he doing here again?? Tbh YiBo is one of the few, if not the only person that gives me Major Gender Envy that I would also [redacted] if they asked. Do I want to be him or be with him? The answer is Yes.
I skipped the fictional characters bc I tend not to crush on them 👉👈 Instead I will just directly crush on the actors/actresses lol!
Thank you for bearing with me. As a prize, you can choose between a ladder supported forehead kiss, or a bowl of homemade soup. ❤
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sweeterthankarma · 3 years
Writing Tag Game!
I was tagged by @ghostcat3000 💛
Tagging @bensschwartz, @hallo-catfish, @xiangyu, @probablymyalgic, & @johnisntevendead (but no pressure!)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
275. How?!? (I write primarily short-ish one-shots, but like, still. How?!?)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
462,072. That seems like both a lot and not much at all.
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1) California Never Felt Like Home To Me (Until I Had You On the Open Road)
(To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before, Peter Kavinsky/Lara Jean Song-Covey, 2.1K, Rated G): https://archiveofourown.org/works/15779202
It’s summer, and Peter invites Lara Jean onto his family’s vacation to San Francisco a week before they go. She pokes fun at him because it’s so last minute and he’s always forgetting about things until right before they’re about to happen, but then she finds out that he’d only just convinced his parents to let them go alone, and now it’s entirely different.
2) You Are the Best Thing (That’s Ever Been Mine)
(Atypical, Casey Gardner/Izzie Taylor, 5K, Rated T): https://archiveofourown.org/works/25397293
Tori22ferrante requested, “5 times Izzie refers to Casey as ‘her girl’ and 1 time Casey does it for her.”
3) Don't Need a Ring for My Finger, Just Need a Steady Hand to Hold
(Sense8, Kala Dandekar/Wolfgang Bogdanow/Rajan Rasal, 1K, Rated G): https://archiveofourown.org/works/18231296
It’s Wolfgang, observant through Kala’s eyes while he shaves in the bathroom upstairs, who finally urges her to ask Rajan what he’s thinking about. “Marriage,” he responds simply and almost immediately. Nonchalant, he sets down the paper like the word he’d just uttered doesn’t hold the intense amount of weight that it most certainly does.
4) The Morning After (Is Both the Hardest and the Sweetest Part)
(Sense8, Kala Dandekar/Wolfgang Bodganow/Rajan Rasal, 2K, Rated T): https://archiveofourown.org/works/15154799
Thinking of her love and her husband as being the “same” in any sense is strange, and looking towards the bed, seeing them lying close, breathing slow, is even stranger. Kala's stomach churns, both hunger and anxiety, and she wishes she was still asleep, oblivious and unaware of the mess she’s gotten herself into.
5) Give Me a Museum & I'll Fill It With Our Love
(The Good Place, Eleanor Shellstrop/Tahani Al-Jamil, 1.6K, Rated G): https://archiveofourown.org/works/14206125
“Seems chill, I’d bang him,” Eleanor says while staring up at a portrait of an eighteenth century, heavily bearded man. “Eleanor, please, I’m trying to educate you,” Tahani says, smoothing her dress and giving her a pointed look. Eleanor smiles up at her, bright and innocent, and it’s all softness underneath Tahani’s irritated facade when she meets the gaze of those blue eyes.
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Probably this canon-adjacent Wyndolls fic, It's Lonely Where You Are (Come Back Down; I Won't Tell Them Your Name) (https://archiveofourown.org/works/16163222)
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
I write so much fluff...but something about the softness of Even & Isak in Shimmery & Golden (https://archiveofourown.org/works/27531607) and Come Run Your Hands Through My Hair (Cause That's Why It's There) (https://archiveofourown.org/works/28786659) live rent free in my mind, as the kids say.
7. Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
I do! My Kind of Party is basically just horny crack treated seriously, and I had so much fun basically throwing all caution to the wind while writing it. (https://archiveofourown.org/works/18690400)
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
LOL yes. Clearly. Lots of kinds. Usually the kind that ends up hopelessly romantic or at least with the tiniest bit of feelings, no matter how much I’m trying to avoid that for the sake of angst or pure horniness.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of! If anyone ever sees that happen, please report it and let me know.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! The Morning After (Is Both the Hardest and the Sweetest Part) has been translated into Russian, which is so cool! Here’s the link to the original-- https://archiveofourown.org/works/15154799 -- and the translation: https://archiveofourown.org/works/15522618.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! @bensschwartz and I wrote a sweet, angsty little Iggymartin thing, I’ll Be Scared (So By the Time You Wake I’ll Be Brave): https://archiveofourown.org/works/32370229
13. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I hate to say it...but Second Curse, Worse Than the First (https://archiveofourown.org/works/13378377/chapters/30639954). The Wynonna Earp fandom has since moved on from the plot of season 2, and so have I. Also, most of the Wyndolls shippers have seemed to move on overall, which won’t stop me from still writing them, but probably just from writing this particular fic. And also, if I’m honest? I have no idea where this fic was even going to go. I did not plan it out at all
14. What are your writing strengths?
Diving into character’s feelings. Details. Feeling the scene deeply as I write it.
15. What are your writing weaknesses?
Diving too much into a character’s feelings so that I tell rather than show. Unintentional repetition. Feeling the scene so much that I don’t approach it from a writing standpoint, and then it gets muddled; I know what I’m trying to say, but everyone who reads it gets bits and pieces.
16. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I love to throw it into my Skam, Sense8, and BTS fics-- especially for Maxel!-- but I feel like I’m incorrect 99% of the time with my translations. Google Translate can only get me so far. I accept that fate.
17. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Sonny with a Chance, in like, 2009. I don’t have any of the fic anymore, but it existed.
18. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
It’s so hard to choose, but Drugs & Money (I Can Hear the Birds Sing) is a SKAM fic I was sure people were going to eat up, and it didn’t get as much attention as I expected. It’s a fun one for sure, and though I don’t know what more I could say in this AU, sometimes I consider jumping back into this verse for a minute just to see what else this version of Evak is up to. Definitely  more crime. https://archiveofourown.org/works/26006290
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ayellowcurtain · 3 years
Hi! I'm sending you this message in hopes you take no offence whatsoever, because I LOVE your fics and I love you for taking the time to produce all this content for us!
This is about the last promt regarding Robbe not eating because he'd be bottoming later that night. That fic, although it was great, was just a little confusing. In the first paragraph, you switched from a present, to a past and back to a present event, with no notification. You maybe could have used "That WAS a pleasent surprise" to indicate that it was over. Shortening overly long sentences can also help with reader confusion.
Also, about that bit about "introduce him to his mother" and "a friend offerered me a room". Is this fic set before the start of canon season 3? If yes that's cool, but would Sander not be a little excited/relieved for his bf to live alone or maybe concerned that the situation at home is so bad that he has to move out?
Sometimes you work on prompts you receive and sort of miss the point a little bit. I understand that you do your own thing and maybe are not comfortable with the direction the promt was going... In this case it was Robbe’s friends teasing him for his obviously sexual plans with Sander and his reason for not eating (bottoming).
Again, I adore your content, and I can only imagine how much time and effort it all takes. It's just my suggestion that putting a few side notes before the fic to hint at the setting and rereading for just one more time to be save, would eliviate your stories even more!
I hope you will not be at all upset reading this... I would hate to troll, I just noticed this pattern in many of your fics and thought I'd point it out. If you disagree just ignore this message please!
Before I start, I’m just gonna say: Even if I feel all types of shame getting messages like this (not because of what you’re saying or how you’re saying it, it’s just that I feel dumb and ashamed when what I write isn’t as good as what I had thought) I would never not answer it because I don’t wanna be creating this bubble where I only share when people are happy with what I write or say. So yeah, I’ll take the good and the bad and roll with it ❤️
Now, these days I was thinking about changing what I have written as my bio because I wrote it a long time ago when I was really happy with how my relationship with the people that read my prompts was and I was mad at the time but then I didn’t change to something more “professional” because, well, my writing is messy.
I can’t promise you or anyone that what I write will always make sense or that’ll meet canon or anything. Because yeah, sometimes I will work harder, I’ll reread anything I write a million times, I’ll search on my doc of vocabulary to see if what I’m saying can be written in a better way, not the usual broken english. Last week I was reading, watching every possible video about how to improve my writing. So sometimes I’ll go that extra mile but it’s not always that I feel like doing that. Sometimes I’m overwhelmed and I’m just taking my word-vomit and posting it as it comes out of my brain. Sometimes my lack of enthusiasm will come from the little notes my prompts get, sometimes I will just not have the energy or inspiration to do better.
So: I’m not a planner, I have very little patience, my english is so far from perfect and sometimes I struggle and I just want to put some ideas out because I’m excited about it or I’m tired and if I work hard or not, the notes are basically the same.
Writing in a language that I’m used to but it’s still not my mother language is not easy. The grammar is completely different, the way of using words on a phrase are completely different and I struggle a lot with it, all the time. I NEVER know where to put commas in english, it makes absolutely no sense to me (with my portuguese brain).
Now about that fic specifically: it was one of those ideas where I just ran with it, had absolutely nothing planned, wrote it for fun and post it as I wrote it. It’s not exactly canon because the boys are not gamers, they weren’t online friends that quickly became lovers so I didn’t worry much about meeting S3 events but decided to nod at some of them. Robbe was living with his parents when they met, he was living with his parents when Sander invited him to spend a few days at his place. Since we were basically in Sander’s POV most of the time, he didn’t know but in between them talking while playing games and Robbe going to his place, “a friend” offered him a place to stay, so he’ll be moving out of his parents’ place on the weekend and he invited Sander to help him out. It’s a slice of life, so I wrote it as Sander already knowing Robbe isn’t happy living with his parents. He doesn’t ask because he knows Robbe uses their time together playing as a distraction and he doesn’t want to keep asking about a matter that Robbe doesn’t share naturally. I think this is what I was thinking while writing.
Missing or not missing the point is not something I think too much about these days, to be honest. I’ll read the idea and I’ll write as the idea comes to me when I read the prompts. It may be something similar to what the person asking wanted and it can be something completely different. I try not to think if I got it right or not because that would give me too much anxiety trying to meet goals of people I don’t know instead of my own that I do know.
If the person is not happy, anyone can come back as many times as they want to ask for it again (like I got the messages asking to get more in depth about Robbe’s sex conversation with the boys a few times, like I get people asking me to write protective Gio, etc). I’ll write the idea that comes to me at the time that I sit to write the idea, that’s why I have some prompts that have very similar core prompts, that’s why sometimes I just send people old prompts - because the idea they want me to write I already did and I can’t seem to find another way of writing it.
I promise you I’m working as hard as I can right now to not let these mistakes happen often or at all but there’s only so much I can do.
I try to reread my fics before posting but sometimes I don’t have the energy. I’m not a planner, I’m not a writing notes before writing (trust me, I tried with my SKAM NL S3 fic, and with the Druck chaptered fic and it’s not something that works FOR ME, I feel like when I write notes before writing the fic I lose the main idea in the middle and it’s even worse) I’m not a slow-burn type of writer (or reader) because my patience and my basic understanding of english can only take me so long.
I’ll really try to pay attention next time and work harder every time but I can’t promise it’ll be like that every time, I can’t promise to write things that make sense all the time because just as I am trying to write good, fun things for the fandom, I’m also trying to have with it myself.
Not that anyone cares about my proving what I'm saying but here's some of my notes
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lucidpantone · 4 years
Funny ask 🤣 rank your top 10 fic tropes from your favorite to you least favorite
Hey Anon, well I am assume you’re asking me this since am basically no.1 fan of all the wtfock fanfic writers (love you all please feed me wordcount am greedy). So let’s use the wtfock top 20 fanfics as an example (evaluations based on hits/traffic count since kudos have a one time max so they tend to give a distorted look on whats actually popular in Ao3. )
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☝🏽 Grrrrrrr why Ao3!! (I want deluge a million kudos) 
1-10 (1 being my fav/10 still a fav but am reading 1 first)
1. A rotten work (ANGST give me all the angst all the time) by @aholynight (Warning this fic explores heavy drug use as a coping mechanism and concepts around sex as self validation but its truly a masterpiece of the human condition and how one self can perpetuate a cycle of abuse onto one’s self)
2. You are safe here (trope would be original characters au/concept) by gayboy99 I really like the development of parental figures in this fic that skam lacks. Author thank you for highlighting the male on male dynamic of father/son.
3. Rough Magic (enemies to lovers) by @aholynight I already told you how amazing of an angst writer she is so slap on enemies to lovers too. The woman is incredible in every trope.
4. The night we met (college Au) by @dearrobbe. Since we are only including the front page of ao3 I gotta discuss the masterpiece concept introduced in this fic concerning a liminal space. A million kudos for creativity.I have so much fucking respect for you Jenna you are an incredible writer. Go check out paint me in trust too its due to end this weekend or next.
5. Unattainable (social au trope: aka instagram, youtube, text crafting concepts) by @ravenbrenna09. I was one of those old school peeps that was resistant towards the whole social au concept but Breanna’s amazing writing and creativity really sold me. Also unattainable is only one part of the pov. She flips it in the next installment of this fic world. She is so fucking creative it makes me sick! Also check out her new work Jij Verliest. 
6. Do I know you? (amnesia au) by @srta-pepa you know when you realize you didn’t know you needed something and then it appears and you’re like omg why didn’t I demand this before?!?! This fic is that for me it has had me anxious/worried/biting my nails. What a ride.... Thank you for attempting a trope that not many people do and killing it. Also you writing has grown so much I am so proud to read every chapter and see your development. It doesn’t go unnoticed how much you’re killing yourself for us. Thank you!!!! You’re crushing it know that.
7. the blood of both is my limbo @luludemauryyy / Rescue my heart by @skamsnake & @zaddyskam (am cheating because one is top of 2nd page but am combining fairytale/abo/soulmate au because both these fics are part of adaptive lit category). Say it with me people exposition, exposition, exposition. Did I know that I needed to know what a bar looks like in the 9th circle of hell? NO, but did luludemauryyy describe it in the most vivid unbelievable detail. Hell yes, they did. No one comes close to writing exposition like they do. They are literally masters of this style. Maybe the best in the fandom. Only people that come close to world descriptions and exposition building is snake and zaddy explaining concepts to me around abo because I didn’t even know what this was until I read their fic. Am a simple brain people. I stan all of you so much and I am looking at you for inspiration as I attempt a world fic in the future.
8. Vrijdag 21:37 (multiple pov shift au) by @wasteourdays​ Shut up, shut up, shut up. I am so jealous of your impeccably talented brain. I love this concept. I want to steal it. You killed it and if anyone ever says that its impossible to write the same scene 5+ times and keep it interesting needs to be sent this fic because they are simply lazy and need to be school by someone like you. Also its one of smoothest reads because I was engaged the entire time. 
9. Five out of Thirty (Future au) by @tyrusmwm You know what I respect a writer that consistently ask for feedback and adjust their style and takes on real time ideas from their readership. When you write characters many years into the future it’s so hard to capture the characters correctly because 16 yr old you and 30 yr old you are worlds apart. I love when someone takes a chance to write a character many years into the future and basically carve out an entirely original character in a way. Also personal note the growth I have seen in your writing when you are timely and detailed really wrecks my heart. 
10. All of you!! (Am cheating because its goes pass the front hit page) Every trope, every wacky idea, every leap of faith to be original. I stan each and every one of you that is brave enough to share your writing with us and some of your inner most intimate thoughts and experiences. You are all fucking crushing it, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. 
Please applause, kudos, comment, anon and dm all these writers. We are so damn lucky to have them creating content for us and they all literally inspire me on the daily to become a better writer. I love and respect all your talents so much. Thank you and a million kudos!!!!
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flying-elliska · 5 years
I’ve been thinking a lot about fandom dynamics those past few days after the whole debacle on Twitter around David’s treatment of his actors. It’s been...tiring, but interesting, too. 
I’ve been quite vocal about my dislike of some plotlines this season of Skam France. It would be hypocritical of me to criticize people for being negative. Also I believe it’s important - and enjoyable - to engage with the media we consume critically. And  as I blog about my experience watching live, I’m giving my honest reactions, and sometimes I’m plain angry or not enjoying it. 
But it worries me that there are a lot of people who don’t seem to see the difference between expressing dislike for a plotline/criticizing its potentially harmful effects on one hand, which I think is important and normal (especially when you’re directly concerned by the representation!) ; and spreading rumors about a director creating an abusive work environment for his actors and forcing them to do things they don’t want to do. On one hand we’re talking about fiction, on the other about real people ! The latter is the type of shit that ruins lives and careers ! That is nowhere near the same thing ! (Not to mention it’s patronizing as shit to have people wanting to ‘defend’ minority actors when they never expressed a demand for it in the first place and you weren’t even there.)
I get the feeling that there are a lot of people who seem to mix up media consumption and political activism. Yes, good representation is important and media stereotypes can be harmful, but - it’s still just fiction ! there should be a sense of scale here ! Your fave creator messing up doesn’t mean he’s suddenly responsible for all the bigotry in the world and doesn’t justify him being treated like an enemy to be destroyed or some shit. There is some misdirected anger going on there, a lot of powerlessness too, I understand the underlying motivations and emotions very well. Especially when it comes to Skam, which makes people feel heard in a way they almost never are, and is so emotionally loaded. But I feel some people would do very well with using that energy to affect change in the world a bit more directly, instead of expecting somebody else’s creative vision to do it all for you, because that is a very powerless place to be in. 
When real lives are at stake or will potentially be affected, you can’t just spread rumors around carelessly and blame it on misinformation. Social media is a public place. You can’t just act without any thought about consequences. You’re responsible for what you say. When receiving an information like that, you need at the very least to take a step back and check your sources.
That said, apparently the person who started those rumors also got a bit of a hate pile on too, which is nowhere near appropriate either, especially since she is a teenager. The fandom’s tendency to police itself by wildly overcorrecting in the other direction can feel so brutal at times. Instead of having a discussion, people start to treat each others as obstacles to eliminate. It’s so toxic. And I hate how much it happens around progressive media and how scary it makes it seem to be a creator nowadays. I don’t think it’s reasonable to expect any public facing person to cope with that sort of shit. 
My takeaway is this : on social media, and especially in fandom, you are not acting alone. You’re not one individual expressing their opinion ‘as is their right’.
You’re part of a collective dynamic in a public space. So before sending an agressive message or tweet, ask yourself : would this still be okay if I sent it to the receiver a hundred times ? A thousand times ? You might think that one message is not a big deal, but before you know it, the person on the other hand is receiving a wave of hate, and that is something that must be horrible and completely disproportionate no matter who you are. The power dynamics here are not you vs. allmighty creator anymore.  Are you comfortable with being part of a mob ?
I don’t think a lot of us are. It’s very easy to lose track of that aspect when you’re alone with your phone. And I’m not looking to blame anyone ; I’ve done and said things out of anger I am not comfortable with, looking back. I just hope this is something we can learn from going forward. Social media is still such a new thing, I think we’re all just learning as we go along. As long as we are learning. 
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flodaya · 5 years
What did you think of wtfock s3?? I just found your blog we share a lot of similar opinions on the skam remakes and stuff so i just wanted to know what u thought if it lol
about two months ago I made an elaborate post about what I think went wrong with wtfock (you can read it here) but I was told to “wait until the end of the season“ which I did, but my opinion didn’t change, I’d actually like to add a few points (as always this is my personal opinion, i am not forcing anyone to agree)
I want to start off by saying the aspects about s3 that I actually liked because that is what we’re taught in school, isn’t it? start of with some positive aspects 
I really liked that we got to see robbe move into the flat share, and the found family trope is really well done in this remake
Senne is (so far) my favorite William, and he was an absolute mood this entire season
the sander actor was good, and, although I think he is pretty much a copy of even, I still really liked his personality and his vibe
milan would be my favorite eskild remake if I closed both my eyes during two whole clips, the one where milan tries to kiss robbe, and the samsung add- sorry I meant the prank they pulled on moyo
for my negative criticism
1. writing, pacing, and characterization
they rushed sander and robbe’s development to a point where it just didn’t feel believable to me anymore. they met way later than other evaks, had less conversations on screen, and kissed earlier only to be separated again. they shoved a whole month of getting to know each other into less than 10 days
another rushed part was the redemption arc of the boy squad, jens was homophobic one second and absolutely chill with robbe coming out as gay the next (what a bicon……). even worse was moyo’s arc. it’s one thing to badly write his arc and redeem him within one clip (I’m not even going to get into moyo getting one of the most important lines of the season „minutt for minutt“ and how undeserved and meaningless it felt that way) it’s another that the writers chose to make one of your very few poc the most homophobic one
I’m not really getting into the whole britt discussion, I’m just saying that the writers making her into the stereotypical crazy ex-girlfriend is just boring, predictable, overdone, and lacks depth and layers. and half the fandom falling for that trope and calling her a b*tch just shows their true colors…. misogyny at its finest
their structure of the weeks doesn’t make much sense imo, wtfock stans love the fact that „not everything important happens on a friday“, I personally didn’t like it, it only made weekly episodes feel very jumpy and often made the ending of an episode unsatisfactory (most weeks I’ve watched not clip by clip but as a whole episode, so I know). and yes it’s realistic that not everything happens on fridays, but skam is fictional, the realism argument isn’t applicable to every single aspect of a fictional story (read more about the realism discussion here if you’re interested, @inmyarmswrappedin had some amazing and very valid points to add)
so i’ve only watched s1 and 2 shortly before s3 started but I’ve heard a lot about the „sleepover clips“ in s2 and I too thought the idea of splitting up clips into multiple ones throughout the day/night to make it even more “real time“ was very intriguing, only in s3 they took it to a whole new level to a point where it was simply unenjoyable for me, clips often just cut away only for you to be placed into a moment 10 minutes later. They also often used this technique for drama and shock value, most notably when robbe tired to have sex with noor, they made the viewer believe he went through only to reveal a few minutes later that he didn’t, that also meant they left out his immediate reaction and how he felt in that moment which brings me to my next point
2. robbe’s pov and social media
these are really self explanatory, from start to finish I never felt really connected to robbe, he feels very much like a blank slate of a character, I don’t know anything about him, his hobbies, his passions, his dreams, anything really. I honestly know more about sander than robbe after this season. I also didn’t knew what was going on inside robbe’s head half the time, which was probably due to a combination of the writing and the acting
we weren’t in his pov for a surprisingly large amount of time, we often followed other characters and saw scenes without robbe even present
the social media side was just a complete let-down in my opinion, but maybe I’m just spoiled by Druck and Skam españa
4. lgbt+ representation
like I said in my previously linked post, I will not argue about this point, but I hate the gay bashing, I think it was completely unnecessary and done solely to shock their audience. they didn’t address it properly at all. there was absolutely no lesson to be learned from it, it was just one of the many horrible traumatic things robbe and sander went through but did it really change them or make an impact on their story? no. it was brought up a couple of times, but more often than not it was only in relation to zoë’s sexual assault storyline which makes the whole thing even worse imo, because it seems like they only included the gay bashing to keep talking about a plot from the previous season
like I’ve mentioned before, I technically like milan but there are two clips in which he is written like a predatory gay as a joke. I have no idea who thought the prank they pulled on moyo was a good idea…. also, they once again bring up the out-dated and extremely toxic stereotype that all homophobes are just secretly gay, can we kill that misconception already? all it does is hurt the lgbt+ community. when we constantly perpetuate that homphobes are just secretly gay themselves, it invalidates that there are simply homophobic cishet assholes out there who hate us for no reason
robbe’s whole internalized homophobia arc was very much all over the place and not very consistent. one moment he is rather boldly flirting with sander and in the next he is calling sander a slur and accusing him of sexual assault……. yeah I still don’t know how anyone is over that. sure sometimes we say things we didn’t mean but tbh if someone called me a d*ke and accused me of sexually assaulting them I would not forgive them a few days later (not to mention robbe didn’t even really apologize!?), and I certainly wouldn’t want to date them. robbe has tainted their first very important moment together
wtfock really misinterpreted the pool metaphor, it was supposed to represent rebirth and cleansing yourself of past lies, no Isak ever went back to denying their sexuality after that first kiss, it’s supposed to be a metaphor and not an excuse to show boys getting naked
sexualizing gay teenagers…. I’m sorry but the shower scene is soft core porn. I’m all for showing the sexual aspect of a gay teen romance because fuck yes we can have sex just like straight teenagers, but there is a way to portray teenagers having sex appropriately and then there is showing naked boys in a shower moaning and very explicitly grinding etc (I feel wrong even writing this tbh); honestly I’d rather have another paint scene a la skamfr which at least was meant in a artistic way than whatever wtfock writers came up with
TLDR wtfock wanted to be different, and I guess they accomplished that with a lot of very questionable choices. after watching the whole season i can with absolute certainty say this was my least favorite isak season. skam isn’t about showing the absolute worst thing that can ever happen to you, skam is about hope and friendship and love and growth, at least to me it is about that. isak’s season made me accept i’m not straight and it encouraged me to come out to my family this year, i doubt wtfock would have had the same impact on me, i’m quite certain it would have had the opposite effect
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michellejackson · 4 years
Fandom: Druck
Pairing: Fatou Jallow/Kieu My Vu
Wordcount: 2754
Fatou is confused. Kieu My is cold. They are both sad.
Fatou had absolutely no idea what just happened. None. Zero. Nada.
She was left standing in her hallway, confused as to what just happened, what to do, and most importantly, how the hell she ended up in a romantic relationship with Yara. She couldn’t follow Kieu My out the door, she was frozen. She should’ve followed her out the door. Instead, she just stood there for a minute, willing for her friend to come back, to let her try to confess her love one last time.
Minutes went by, but she didn’t move an inch. Not before the handle on the door moved and the door opened. That’s when she sprung to action, quickly moving closer to door,
“Kieu My-”
It wasn’t Kieu My. It was Ilai.
“Ow” he backed away from her while carrying multiple grocery bags.
“Expecting Kieu My? I thought she was already here?”
After just looking at him in disbelief, she took some bags from him, leaving him standing the doorway and moved towards the kitchen to unload the groceries. At least that’s one way to get her mind off things. Ilai took a notice of her silence and followed her close behind.
“Hey, are you okay? Did something happen?”
Fatou ignored him and continued to load the fridge. Ilai just stood behind her in silence, waiting for her to speak. She didn’t. She knew she wasn’t being fair, but right now she didn’t care. Fuck being fair. Kieu My wasn’t being fair to her when she raced out of her house in the middle of her trying to open up.
Tears started to fill her eyes, and for a moment she felt irrationally angry. Why wouldn’t Kieu My let her finish? She had finally decided to tell her, why wouldn’t she just let her tell her?
“What? Did you reveal your undying love for Kieu My and get rejected?” he laughed teasingly, but Fatou dropped a jar of pickles to the floor.
“FUCK” she exclaimed as she fell to the floor with it.
She could feel the tears overflowing and start to run down her face as she raised a hand to wipe them off. Uncontrollable sobs escaped her, and she wanted to laugh. This was pathetic. She couldn’t even hold a glass jar. She was a mess. She couldn’t do anything right. This is why Kieu My left. She knew Fatou was about to confess and tried to let her down gently the only way she could think of, by leaving. Of course Kieu My wouldn’t want her. Where did all of her confidence even come from? She couldn’t believe that for a second, just a second, she actually thought Kieu My had understood, and that she had felt the same way, but then she pushed her into a fake relationship with Yara and ran out.
Could they even come back from this? Not once had Fatou thought about what would happen if Kieu My didn’t feel the same way, and now she had to live with the consequences. How did she even think this would go? Did she really believe that Kieu My would reveal that somehow, she loved her too? She felt so stupid.
“Shit, I’m sorry” she let out as Ilai asked if she was okay. She could feel his arms going around her as he cradled her while she cried.
“What’s going on?” he asked, more serious now that he’d finally read the room.
“I tried to confess my undying love for Kieu My and got rejected” she said in what was supposed to be a mocking tone, but instead sounded pitiful. She tried to laugh at the situation, but the sobs wouldn’t stop.
“Oh honey.”
Fatou spent the next day looking for Kieu My while at the same time trying to avoid her. The embarrassment from the day before was still consuming her. She wouldn’t know what to say even if she saw her, but she knew she had to apologize. She hadn’t slept all night, she looked like a mess and felt even worse. She realized that it had been unfair of her to spring all of this on Kieu My when she knew she had something else going on. The anger that consumed her last night had all evaporated. Ilai had calmed her down and she’d realized that she wasn’t at all mad at Kieu My, she was mad at herself.
Instead of Kieu My, she spotted Yara waving at her from the ping pong table. Fatou looked around one last time before walking over to her. She didn’t bother to greet her friend, instead she just laid down on the ping pong table and shielded her face from the sun with her arm.
“What’s got you in a mood?” Yara asked as she laid down beside her.
“We’re dating”
“Babe, not that I don’t think you’re an absolute catch, but Ava just broke up with Marc and I’m living with a false hope that she’ll realize that he was trash all along and that her relationship with him was just a way for her to unconsciously get over the fierily love she has for me.”
Fatou blinked at Yara’s playful expression before she sat up.
“I talked to Kieu My last night.”
Yara’s eyes widened, “oh my god, did you finally tell her? why didn’t you start with that? How did it go?” she talked so fast, Fatou didn’t even have a chance to get a word in. Yara looked so excited it broke her heart. She really believed it would go well. However, her excitement disappeared when she saw the look on Fatou’s face
“Fatou, please tell me that you didn’t chicken out and instead decided to tell her we’re dating? I’m a shitty actor.”
Fatou laughed at this, and Yara grinned, then she took Fatou’s hands in hers and kissed them as a sign of support.
“No, really. What happened?”
She sighed, “ugh, I don’t know, I thought we were having a moment, I thought it was the right moment, you know? So I told her I wanted to talk about my feeling regarding her and then she just closed off. Her whole expression changed, and she just started talking about how happy she was for me, for us, US, as in ME and YOU…”
Yara looked at her funny as Fatou continued,
“I don’t even know where that came from? I… I think she tried to let me down easy or something? But… she didn’t even give me a change to tell her the truth! She just left right after.” She took a deep beath before continuing, “and now I feel horrible, because I just sprung it on her even though I knew she had something else going on… she didn’t need this right now, I should’ve realized that.”
She talked so fast; she wasn’t sure if Yara even knew what she was saying. She looked around again for Kieu My while Yara jumped down from the ping pong table to stand between Fatou’s legs, sighing as she moved closer and cupped her face. Fatou didn’t move, she took comfort in Yara’s close proximity, and she knew Yara didn’t feel for her like that, just like she didn’t feel that way for her. She smiled at her, and Fatou tried to smile back as she spoke,
“she said she saw us on New Year’s and ‘knew’ since then.”
Yara didn’t say anything for a while, but when she did, it was clear she was done, “lord help me y’all are so clueless”
She now moved to put her hands around Fatou’s neck and hugged her close.
“Fatou, you should find her and tell her that you’re in love with her, I’m sure yesterday was just a huge misunderstanding, if you thought Kieu My were dating someone else, would you still confess your feelings for her?”
Fatou sighed. “The universe hates me”.
“The universe doesn’t hate you, it’s not its fault you and Kieu My can’t get your shit together” Yara laughed and let go off the hug to look Fatou in the eyes as she spoke, “and you’re not in the wrong for wanting to share your feeling with your best friend, so stop feeling bad about it.”
“What if this isn’t a good idea? I don’t want to add to her problems... I don’t want to become a problem.”
Yara moves away from her and throws her hands up in the air,
“Please! I literally thought you were dating the second I saw you! You’re always hanging out, always holding hands or leaning on each other or literally doing anything to touch each other, Fatou, honestly, you cannot tell me that you think Kieu My isn’t into you, she ran out because she’s sad because she THINKS you don’t like her back! Her eyes turn into literal hearts just looking at you!”
She slowed down,
“try one last time, Fatou, okay? She’s worth that, isn’t she?”
Kieu My didn’t show up at school that day. Or the next one. Fatou had tried to call her and message her multiple times the last few days to no avail. So… she did what any creep would do. She showed up at her place.
Not without warning though, Kieu My knew she was coming. She hoped. She’d sent a message what went unanswered and possibly unseen, but she did tell her. This didn’t make her less nervous. Kieu My would expect this, right? No one has heard from her in days, she’d texted both Zoe and Ismail, and they said they hadn’t heard from her either. She must know that someone was bound to check up on her. That she would check up on her. Fatou was really starting to worry, so before she could overthink it some more, she rang the doorbell.
It took a while before anyone answered, and Fatou would be lying if she said she didn’t almost run away in that time,
“yes?” uhm well, it’s still time.
Kieu My’s voice sounded muffled over the comms, and Fatou could hear that she was tired, maybe this was a bad idea-
“who is this?”
Well, it’s now or never.
“It’s me, can we talk?”
It went quiet again, and Fatou was getting unsure of whether Kieu My would decide to let her in or not. She jumped when the buzzer rang, symbolizing that the door was open. Despite everything, she didn’t hesitate before going inside.
She tried not to run up the stairs, but when she reached the right floor her breath was uneven. Taking a moment to herself, she tried to hype herself up. She could do this. She just needed to say the words, and to let Kieu My know. It would be fine if she didn’t feel the same way. She just wanted her to be okay and to know the truth. It’s fine that she doesn’t feel the same way. You’ll still be friends; she’ll still care about you-
The door to her apartment opened and there she was.
Kieu My was wearing baggy sweatpants and a neon green tank top. Her hair was tied up in a bun and she looked breathtaking as always. Fatou tried to smile at her as she slowly walked into the apartment, closing the door behind her. She didn’t take her shoes off, not sure if she would be kicked out or not.
They stood face to face now.
Fatou had been right. Kieu My was tired, the bags under her eyes were proof of that. She hugged herself, shivering. It wasn’t cold, so it made Fatou wonder if maybe she really was sick, and that’s why she’d been staying home. Fatou tried to ask if she was okay, but were cut off by Kieu My’s low voice,
“Why are you here?”
“I wanted to see if you’re okay”
“I’m fine.”
This was going great. Fatou started to fumble with a pack of gum she had in her pocket, working out her nerves.
“Do you maybe want to sit down?”
“We can do this here” her back straightened, and instead of cradling herself, she now crossed her arms. Putting up a front.
“What do you want, Fatou?”
Right to it then. “I want to talk to you about the other day”
“What’s there to talk about” she didn’t phrase this as a question, more like a there’s absolutely nothing to talk about, please stop talking. Fatou didn’t stop talking though.
“Kieu My, you practically ran out on me”
“I didn’t feel well”
“I realize that, but why haven’t you been answering any of my messages or calls? I’ve been worried about you, and I really need to tell you something-”
“GOD, Fatou! I don’t have to talk to you all the time! Can’t you take a hint? I didn’t want to talk to you! I don’t want to talk to you! I need some space, okay!? I NEED to be alone. Go talk to your girlfriend or something…”
Kieu My sounded so distressed, it shocked Fatou into a silence while she took in her outburst. While her words hurt, Fatou could see that Kieu My was tearing up, and with that her worry only grew.
“Kieu My, what’s going on with you? Did something happen?”
Tears started to roll down Kieu My’s face as she started to laugh and continued to laugh until it turned almost manic.
“Please just talk to me” Fatou moved closer to Kieu My and took her hand in hers. Kieu My snatched it back.
Fatou looked up at her. Her expression had turned cold. Fatou knew that look. She had never been on the receiving end of it, but she’d always pitied those who were. The tears continued to fall down, but Kieu My acted like they weren’t even there. She took a step back.
“You’re not my mom, Fatou, just leave it. I don’t need you hovering over me all the time, it’s exhausting, okay?-”
“Kieu My-”
“No, you listen, okay? I don’t want to talk about the other day, I don’t want to talk about your feelings and I ESPECIALLY don’t want to talk about your girlfriend! I’m tired, Fatou, I’m TIRED, okay? Leave. Just leave.”
Fatou was silent. She couldn’t even feel the tears running down her face. Kieu My sounded so angry, and while Fatou still worried for her, it also made her mad. What right did Kieu My have to be mad? Why did she suddenly think that pushing her away was fine? They’d been friends for forever, and now she just wants to cut her off? And for what? She didn’t do anything! or she didn’t know if she had done anything, because Kieu My wouldn’t talk to her!
Yeah, she was getting angry. Fuck this.
“You know what? I will leave. I can tell that you’re not in the mood for civil conversation, so I won’t make you talk to me.”
Kieu My looked relieved, but she wasn’t done.
“But I will make you listen to me. This is not a one-sided friendship, Kieu My, I’ve been trying to talk to you about my feelings twice now and both times you’ve cut me off. I don’t know if it’s because you don’t care about me or if you’re just trying to avoid an awkward situation, but I don’t think either of those reasons make up for you talking to me like this.”
Fatou looked at Kieu My as the hold she had on herself tightened, trying to hide her shame. She still looked at Fatou with a stone-cold expression, but the eyes did not match the rest of her face. She wasn’t going to apologize now, but she would. Fatou knew that. They were both silent as Fatou turned to walk out of the apartment.
“And for the record, I’m not with Yara, I never was with Yara. No matter how much you want me to be with her I never will, I only made out with her on New Year’s to make you jealous, which obviously was a ridiculous idea in the first place, because I know you’ll never feel for me the way I feel for you, and that’s okay, but I just wish that you would just tell me that instead of ignoring me and pushing me away and making me feel like absolute shit!”
She didn’t look at Kieu My once as she talked, she was too scared to.
And then she left, not looking back.
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Just wanted to comment on your last post - there was no frustration and drama for me when I was watching Elu and Skam and Skam France before I made the huge error of looking for the fandom and joining it. Now I realise it was a big mistake, I have to constantly block people on Tweeter for hating on my faves and I've come to really hate another remake which I only didn't care about before having to deal with its stans. So I totally understand what you're saying. Me, I wish I'd never joined.
So this got long af so I’m gonna put it under the cut lol
Oh I absolutely feel you, when I say frustration and drama, I am refering to the live-watching experience and all the fandom drama that comes with that. I have a very polarizing feeling about being in the online fandom personally. For me the positive aspects have been so big that I can’t say that I wish I’d never joined personally, but especially if the positive aspects I’ve experienced haven’t been part of your fandom-experience I definitely see how you can get to the point where you wish you never joined in the first place, especially in the past year, because the negative aspects...they’re rough, and they do make the experience of the actual show different from if you just watched it on your own or you watched it as a casual viewer in the country it’s airing in, rather than as a part of the fandom on Tumblr and/or Twitter.  
I watched the original Skam as a casual Norwegian viewer, I was in a Facebook-group with other casual Norwegian viewers, there was never any drama about anything, not the clips, not the characters, not the actors and not the creators of the show. It was just watching the clips, often someone commenting about how the clip was cute, funny, sad ect, and then everybody moved on with their day. There would sometimes be a thread with questions like “Where do you think William is?” or “What do you think is up with Even?”, but it was always very casual. Sometimes I think the online fandom forget that the majority of the remake-viewers are the casual local viewers, the ones who only casually watch that one remake as a show on it’s own, not as a part of the “Skamverse”. The international Twitter/Tumblr-fandom is just a little part of the people watching the show and the opinions we see here don’t necessairily reflect those of the more casual audience (as one can often see in for example reaction-videos on Youtube where the reactors watch alot of shows at the same time and might not even blink at something that might’ve been a big deal in the online fandom). 
Being a casual viewer worked so well for me with Skam, the whole viewing experience was very chill and enjoyable. I did the same thing with Skam France S1 and S2, I watched the first episode of every remake, and Skam France was the only one I felt compelled to continue watching. It wasn’t the most exciting experience plotwise since it was just the exact same as the og, but I love the cast, I love the French language and it was overall pleasant and fun enough that I kept watching both seasons all the way through. As someone who has no attention span for TV-shows, the fact that they did keep my attention without anyone to push me to keep watching is enough for me to not concider them bad in the way alot of people do. Not very exciting after having watched the og, sure. Do I prefer the og S1 and S2? Yes. But bad? I personally wouldn’t say that. If I came into the fandom before I started watching on my own I know I would’ve been told to either skip S1 and S2 or skip Skam France altogether, and that obviously wouldn’t have been very good advice in my case, although it might be for someone else. That is why, when someone shows up on Tumblr saying they wanna start watching the remakes and ask for advice, I never ever tell them not to watch a remake. I could be robbing them of something that might deeply touch them, just because it didn’t touch me. 
This brings us into one of the aspects of being in the online fandom that can be both really positive and really negative, that being the way it can affect your experience of the show itself. On the positive note, there’s no way I could’ve gone through Skam France S3 in the casual way I went through the original Skam or S1 and S2 of Skamfr. No way. Having someone to talk to about all the amazing moments with was an actual need for me. Hell, two years later and I still need that. Not to mention the fan art and fics that has kept Elu alive for me ever since S3. There was this whole detective-work in the fandom about finding Eliott’s Instagram during S3, finding out about the Instagram-posts David and Niels made about the S3 clips, being in the online fandom actually added to the experience of watching S3 for me, and even now almost two years after S3 I’m left with some actual friends, friends that aren’t even in the fandom anymore but who I still talk to almost daily, as well as some lovely bloggers who are still invlolved in the fandom and who’s blogs I prefer to visit rather than visiting the tag.
But then there’s the negative side of this. While being in the online fandom certainly can add to the experience, it can also affect it negatively. That was what happened with S5 and S6 for me, to the point where I had to switch between staying completely off Tumblr and delete the Twitter app from my phone. While S5 had a couple of plotlines I didn’t like, it also had alot of amazing moments when it actually was dealing with the main theme of the season. S6 did not give their plotlines the proper exploration and conclusion they deserved, but on the other hand the reason why that was so frustrating to me was because I found those plotlines so interesting and actually wanted to see them explored properly. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t have cared if the plotlines were dropped out of nowhere, like ofc it would’ve been weird but if the whole Tiff-plot suddenly disappeared I wouldn’t complain. While they were flawed and nowhere near the level of S3 for me, I did enjoy so many of the clips and Skamfr S3, S5 and S6 are the only remake-seasons I have downloaded on my computer knowing I will rewatch them regularily. If I didn’t overall enjoy them, I wouldn’t wanna rewatch them. I don’t hate-watch anything. I could barely get through Skamfr S4 (a season I genuinely didn’t like) and I could not get through Wtfock S4, (which I liked even less). So the flaws Skamfr S5 and S6 had didn’t turn the seasons as a whole into trash for me, but I know they did for alot of people and going to the tags while in the middle of the live-watching experience couldn’t just be a bummer, it could almost transfer some feelings and opinions that weren’t my own onto me just from seeing them repeated so many times. I appreciate nuanced discussion, which does include constructive criticism, and there was alot of that too, but there were also alot of posts that I would not concider that. In this case, when I got some time and distance away from the live-watching experience and got the space to think for myself, I realized that as often is the case, my feelings about the seasons weren’t black and white, or in this case, masterpiece vs trash. Yes, I don’t like certain plotpoints (like the love triangle and car-scene from S5 or the Tiff-plot and the overly rushed conclusions to the otherwise interesting plotlines in S6), but that doesn’t mean that I personally think S5 or S6 as a whole are trash, not when the good episodes and clips were as good as they were to me personally. The online fandom experience has also, just like for you, completely turned me off from another remake that I otherwise felt neutral about and at one point even liked, which really is a shame.
So yeah this turned into a long ass essay just to say, the online fandom-experience is a true mixed bag for me. Although the positive experiences I’m taking from it, mainly the lovely and talented people, the friends I made and the full Skam France S3 experience, ultimately made it worth it for me, I can totally see how, especially if you didn’t have those experiences, you would simply wish you never joined. When it’s a pain, it’s a pain.
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stevethehairington · 4 years
Tagged by: the lovely @scimitar-and-longsword  💕💕
Name(s): my name is Mack, and if this also includes like usernames too then my ao3 is macksdramaticshenanigans and obviously yall can see my tumblr url lol. i have a fandom twitter but i hate twitter so i barely go on it lmao.
Fandom(s): oh boy haha this is a loooong list. as of right now, the main fandoms i’m involved in are The Old Guard and Trust FX, but in the past i’ve written for Skam, Marvel, Good Omens, Love Simon/Simon vs., Shameless, and IT. and ofc there are some fandoms i have not written for that i casually enjoy as well.
Where you post: all my fics are posted on ao3! or are sitting in my wips folder lol. i’ve ocsasionally posted some snippets of writing here to tumblr, but none of those are like full on, proper fics, mostly just me rambling off some thoughts i had about whatever characters in whatever scenarios
Most Popular One Shot (by kudos): Imagine Being Loved By Me (918 kudos) ((so close to 1k holy shit!!!! if it got to 1k i think i’d actually die of happiness omg)) this is my Good Omens smut fic lmfao, crowley is fantasizing and aziraphale makes it a reality skgjsd. i’m actually pretty damn pleased with how this one turned out, and i never expected it to get that many kudos so that makes me ridiculously happy sfjgfg. (and also podfixx made a podfic of this fic which made me INSANELY happy like that is the coolest thing ever)
Most Popular Multi-Chapter (by kudos): I Have Hella Feelings For You (697 kudos) ahhh this one!! this one is actually my very first ever chaptered fic!! it’s a skam fic, and i have the most distinctive memory of me sititng in my dorm bed freshman year of college, furiously typing away at my laptop everyday for a week because i somehow managed to post a chapter every day until it was finished, which meant i was writing a new chapter everyday. like damn, i really peaked with that huh? lmao
Favorite story you’ve written so far: ahh okay not to like. toot my own horn kgfldg but this question is HARD bc i have a lot of favorites. i’m going to pick a favorite from each of my main fandoms i’ve written for because i’m an Indecisive Hoe okay fdjdf.
- From Marvel: Just Called To Say I Love You this one is my wrong number stucky fic and i actually adore this one so much, and also it actually ended up being WAY more popular than i expected it to? like i was lowkey shook by how many people liked it 
- From Skam: If You Love Me, If You Hate Me so. about this one. it’s probably my favorite skam fic that i’ve written. but. it also is the utter bane of my existence bc this is the one and only fic i have ever written and posted that i haven’t fnished gskgjfdlfs. it’s going on soon to be a little over 2 years of sitting on my account as an unfinished wip, but i REFUSE to mark it as abandoned bc i really genuienly DO want to finish it, i just havent written for this fandom in a while and inspiration/motivation is tricky yknow? but anyways. this fic is my soccer au!! it was a gift for a secret santa exchange i believe to a dear friend of mine and i still feel awful that i never finished it but. one day!!
- From Love Simon/Simon vs.: Where I Like You Best i am actually obsessed with this one. is that weird to say about your own fic? i enjoy reading a good soulmate au, but writing them has always been SO daunting to me bc i never feel like my ideas are original enough or like things that havent been done a lot for that trope. but for this one!!! omg i found the BEST prompt for it and it fit these characters SO well and i wrote it and i ended up absolutely loving how it turned out, and i was so proud of myself for writing a pretty successful soulmate au.
- From Shameless: Wooden Floors, Walls, and Window Sills so this one was my second ever gallavich fic, and it’s probably my favorite because i think it’s the best characterization i got of them in all of my fics, and good characterization is one of the most important things to me when i write fic. 
- From IT: To What We Might Do is my favorite reddie fic i’ve written! i definitely projected onto richie a teeny tiny bit in it for some parts lmfao, but yeah idk i just love how this one turned out a whole lot, and i enjoyed how i ended it too (esp since endings can be very difficult for me lol). ((BUT also a special shoutout to my fic Imagine Me and You, I Do bc that one is just pure fluff and i adore the concept of someone being just so absolutely in love with someone doing something so incredibly simple and it just rocks their world)
- From Good Omens: I Want To Know What Love Is (did i use the most cheesy title ever? absolutely. do i love it? absolutely.) anyways this fic is one where crowley the demon experiences love and promptly thinks he’s dying. 
Fic you were nervous to post: ooh, i mean i’m always pretty anxious about any fic i post because i never know if it’s going to be recepted well or if people are going to like it or hate it or if anyone is even going to read it or repsond to it. especially if the fic is a gift for someone, because i just really want that person to like it yknow? but yeah idk if theres one in particular i was more nervous to post than any others... i guess maybe any smut fic? just bc i never know if the smut is even any good lol
How do you choose your titles?: eaaaaasy, i usually pick song lyrics lol, ocassionally i’ve used lines from a poem, and a few times i’ve gone with a pun, but mostly it’s song lyrics. i usually find a song with lyrics that i think will fit, or if there’s a particular song that vibes well with the fic or that i listened to repeatedly while writing the fic i’ll try to pick the best lyric from that one.
Do you outline?: yes and no lol. it honestly depends. sometimes i outline extensively, but other times i just sit in front of a doc and let whatever happens happen.
Complete: on my ao3 account i have 80 works completed (will be 81 once i finally finish that one single unfinished wip i have posted gahhh). but i know in my wips folder i have a at least one finished fic that i have not and probably will not post. there are also some other things in my wips folder that like technically could be conisdered finished too, but it’s not up to my posting standards so until i fix it so it is it’ll just sit there lol.
In-Progress: honestly there are too many to count lol. i have a shiiiiiit ton of wips (as yall will know if you saw that one ‘tell us about ALL your wips’ tag game post that was going around that i did lol). 
Coming soon/not yet started: tbh see above answer bc it’s pretty much the same lol. 
Prompts?: so the thing about prompts is that i would LOVE to take them, but it’s very very tricky bc i’m a super specific kind of gal and if i don’t vibe with the prompt it’s very difficult for me to write anything for it. but then there’s also the fact that inspiration/motivation are fickle bitches and they come and go as they please and so taking prompts is hard bc i never know if the stars will align and all that jazz for me to be in the ~ right mood ~ to work on a prompt. this is the exact reason why i have SO MANY sitting in my inbox right now, and i feel so bad for just letting them sit there but ughhh brain function?? how?? lol
Upcoming work you’re most excited about: sooooo i don’t necessarily have any specific works in progress right now (i’ve been so busy lately that writing has been the last thing on my mind and so i haven’t touched anything in weeks) but. i guess if i can ever get my shit together and finish the primo fic i’m close to finishing i’m pretty excited to post that! or honestly if i can actually get myself to finish any of the tog wips i have i’d be suuuper excited to post any of those bc i have not yet posted any tog fics!!
anways!! if you made it to this point thanks for sticking w me and reading through my long winded rambly answers lmao
Tagging: @peachykoya @wandering-scholar-lad @raynertodd @cluelessheroes @pinesboi @thewolvesrunwild @1derspark 
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jojiship · 4 years
Why Isak is my least favourite main in Skam OG?
Before some of you come here with pitchforks and insults, I just want to say a few things. First, this is my PERSONAL opinion. You can see from the title what this is about, so if you don’t agree with it, don’t read it. Second, I don’t hate Isak. He’s just not my favourite main in Skam OG and I think at times, he is overrated. I do like him, but I like the girls more than him and enjoyed their characters more. Also, in a show where William exists, who will hate Isak more than him? Now, let’s start with it. Third, his season is my second favourite out of all four, but Isak being main isn’t the reason why. 
.Sorry for any mistakes. English isn’t my first language. (Also, want to tag @poweratsea because they were interested to read this. I hope you enjoy it)
Most of the reasons I enjoy Isak the least out of the mains and dislike at some points, it’s his treatment of Eva. During season one, he annoyed me the first episodes. Both him and Jonas were condescending and mean to her when it came to her grades. In the first few episodes, they continuously make jabs about her intelligence, especially in the cabin episode. I always hate when characters do this to others, especially when the characters are men and the person whose intelligence they are mocking, is a woman. They did it too many times for my liking. 
I started to like Isak more as the season progressed. He seems to be there for Eva at times and I found that very cute. Boy, I was wrong. Isak knew what Jonas was doing. Everytime, he ‘helped’ Eva, he chose to make Eva’s insecurities about her relationship even worse. He manipulated Eva. The way he responded to her questions and treated her made her more insecure. While the relationship between Jonas and Eva was extremely fucked up, you can’t deny that Isak played a factor in that relationship’s downfall. His conversations with Eva, especially in the cabin episode, played such a big part in Eva thinking that Jonas was cheating on her with Ingrid. Eva trusted him and Isak returned that trust by manipulating and lying to her causing her to become more distrusting towards Jonas.
Eva trusts him with the secret that she kissed Penetrator Chris. Isak promised not to tell Jonas and he didn’t. He didn’t tell Jonas. No, he decided to tell the whole school that she hooked up with Penetrator Chris. Most importantly, he humiliated Eva and to an extent, he humiliated Jonas as well. I get that love makes us do stupid things, but nothing can excuse Isak’s actions. I don’t know if he thought about the consequences of what he did, but I’m sure that he knew they were going to be consequences that will hurt Eva. I just think he didn’t care about her. Let’s not forget that she was supposed to be a close friend of his. Who does that to their friend, huh? Someone who doesn’t care about them. He took a private matter and made it public to the rest of the school. It would have been better to tell Jonas what happened rather than what he did. He choose to tell everyone because not only did he want to break them up, he wanted to hurt them as well. No, you can’t change my mind about that. The fact that the fandom joke about this and call him a snake just blows my mind. Hold your favourites accountable for their shitty actions (especially since Isak never suffered the consequences of it). Also, Isak isn’t a snake, that action reminds me of a rat.
It pisses me off that after everything blows, he goes and comforts Eva. It makes the situation even worse. He goes and calls her weak for wanting to leave Nissen. How did he even have the audacity to do that? Of course, she was thinking about leaving. She was being treated horribly. She was getting letters written in period blood, was being called a slut by everyone and everyone was turning their backs on her. When Eva is told by Iben that it was Isak who did it, I wasn’t surprised. I didn’t expect anyone else to be. From the scene in the skate park, I knew he was going to rat her out. Though, it hurt that Eva didn’t expect him to do it. She was so shocked when she found out and that made the situation worse.
Eva does cut Isak some slack because of what happened with his dad. It’s understandable for her to do that. Isak didn’t need more problems at that point. When she faces him with the truth, he seems so unapologetic and doesn’t seem to care. His apology seems so fake in my eyes. It didn’t seem that he cared for what he did. He apologized three times to her. The only time I found some sense of sincerity in the apology was in season three (a year after all that happened). I didn’t know hoe Eva forgave him because if I was in her place, I would never have forgiven a friend who betrayed me like that. It would have been different if he told Jonas rather than the whole school. Also, I want to say that Eva acted quite shitty with Isak too in season 2. Her interest in his sexuality was just appalling and disgusting in my eyes. I get that he hurt her, but no one should meddle in someone’s private life no matter what.
Another thing that bothers me is that Jonas never found out what Isak did. Some of you probably will say that some things are left buried, but I disagree. I liked that Eva didn’t tell him, but I wanted Isak to tell him. I wanted Isak to be honest with his friend of years. In my eyes, the friendship between Jonas and Isak would never be good because of that. Imagine if you were in Jonas’ place. Wouldn’t you like to know something like that? I really wanted for Isak to tell Jonas what he did in season 3. I thought that he would one day, but it was never mentioned. It was forgotten until the last minutes of the last episode.I was disappointed because I wanted that to happen since season one. Jonas never found out that it was Isak who told everyone. He needed to be told that. He needed to know that his best friend told everyone that his girlfriend cheated on him. Yes, Isak did it because he was in love with Jonas and that would make things awkward. However, it’s better to live in awkwardness rather than in a lie. That’s why I never liked the dynamic between the boy squad that much. This big detail always bothered me. If Isak told Jonas, it would have shown more growth and development in Isak’s character. Also, let’s not forget that Jonas and Eva ended up together. Does that mean what Isak did was going to remain buried and unsaid forever? Probably. I hate that Isak  never suffered the consequences of what he did in season one. 
Also, when he points out to Eva why they have drifted apart in season three, it was so dumb. Maybe most of the fandom forgot what he did, but I sure as hell didn’t. The show made it seem like Eva did too. Isak, her close friend of years, betrayed her like that and Eva just shrugs about it. I wish there were more scenes with the two of them. I would have loved to see those scenes more than hearing Magnus talk about sex. I wish Isak offered her a proper apology. Even the one in season three that seemed the most sincere, lacked so much in my eyes.
Now, in Isak’s season, I started to like him more. Before it, I hated him and found him annoying. His season did make him look better in my eyes, but I’m still bothered by the fact that he never told Jonas what he did. Also, the fact that he started the season by trying to screw Eva all over again. We love consistency in characters. His relationship with Even was interesting and beautiful to watch, but Isak wasn’t as exciting as a main. I liked his relationship with his parents, but we didn’t get enough of that and his internal homophobia was handled well in my opinion. That’s it. Besides that, I wasn’t impressed by him, especially with all the lies he told with no regard of other people’s feelings and the way he used other people as well. His lies were lazy and he didn’t even think them through. I just hated when Isak (and Noora in her season) constantly lied and sometimes, for no reason at all. 
In the fourth season, Isak was just a fanservice prop in my eyes. He and Even became one in season four and all of their troubles was just forgiven. Honestly, I forgot that Even suffered from bipolar disorder in season four. I wonder if Julie Andem did too. It was as if Even’s MI was cured by being in a relationship with Isak. Also, the bench scene with Sana wasn’t IT in my opinion.
That’s all I have to say about Isak. The fact that most of his actions had no real consequences pissed me off. He could and should have been written better. Y’all cal Noora a Mary Sue when Isak is right there.
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maddiesup · 4 years
Tag game!
I was tagged by @ohbabycupcakes thank u💖
RULES: Name 10 favorite characters from 10 different things then tag 10 people + leave comments on all of them
This is gonna be hard, where do I even start?
1) Keith (Voltron: Legendary Defender)
Okay I'm- trying not to laugh too hard because oh boy, this show was a complete mess. BUT Keith still stays as one of my favorite characters ever just because no matter how badly I was hurt by vld he'll always be precious to me 💖 He's hotheaded, cool and a lone wolf, but needs affection more than anyone else on the team. He's easy for me to relate to as I am more likely to push someone away than to keep them close just to avoid being hurt as well. His development is amazing tho and I love love him so much 😭 also it might be just that I have a soft spot for emo characters lmao
2) Todoroki Shoto (Boku no Hero Academia)
This just reinforces my statement earlier since Todoroki is pretty emo too :') But in a different way than Keith. If you are a part of bnha fandom you know he's generally a little bit overrated, but I couldn't help falling in love with him at first sight anyway lol His backstory is tragic but he keeps pursuing his dream and damn is he good at it. Also the combo of fire and ice is aesthetic goals. However, what I admire the most about Shoto is probably his loyalty to his friends, his will to fight and sometimes his goofy attitude (even if he probably isn't aware that he's being goofy lol) In conclusion: I love him, let's move on.
3) Uenoyama Ritsuka (Given)
Can I just stop to say how much I love given for a moment? Like I've never seen a bl anime/manga that would portray gay characters so respectfully 😭❤️ Ue is basically me gay panicking, I feel the boy so much :') OH also what's up with gays & guitars bc first given, then why r u and now also 2gether :') (I might be falling in love with this trope help) okay so: Ue is panicking when he starts liking Mafuyu but he handles it so well in a way? He doesn't deny his crush even if he is slow to notice it lol He's straightforward and sometimes a little bit rough around the edges, but even if he's supposed to be "the cool guy" we see him in the most hilarious settings and that just makes me love him all the more 💖 he respects Mafuyu and his boundaries and I want more of that in bl anime please
4) Eiji & Ash (Banana Fish)
Uhhhh this anime,,, I CANNOT choose between Ash and Eiji, I'm gonna forever see them as a pair and that's simply it. Ash is another emo one I would like to say that but he's actually not. He's backstory is heartbreaking and the life he has to live is dangerous and scary. He gets used to this reality where he has no one to rely on and no one to trust but then Eiji appears tearing his walls down and making him finally be able to show his soft and sensitive side to someone. Eiji is like a salve for his wounds and yes, I'm still emotional about it bc their relationship is one of the best developped I've ever seen. Their bond is so strong it's beautiful, they would literally die for each other. It's so apparent that they love each other and care for each other so much (don't mind me crying in the corner)
5) Percy Jackson (Percy Jackson & the Olympians)
PJ technically got me into fantasy/sci-fi in elementary school and it stays at the top of my favorite book series list ever (big props to Uncle Rick 👏) The whole series is funny and I would say pretty light-hearted even tho you know,,, Percy saves the world several times, lol, usual demigod things™. He's lovable. Son of Poseidon so he has seaweeds instead of a brain (or so you thought, he is brilliant at strategic planning and has a charisma to be a great leader), has a very good sense of humor, is loyal and would risk everything for his friends. Also he loves his girlfriend very much and I was crying while reading the House of Hades but no one needed to know that oh well. I'm also gonna mention Nico de Angelo here, since he fell in love with Percy (didn't we all tho) and was the first gay character I saw portrayed in the book and oh do I love him 😭💖
6) 707 (Mystic Messenger)
Was I losing sleep over this game? I was. Do I regret anything? Absolutely not. I think my choices are pretty boring tho, since Seven is literally everyone's favorite but oh boy there's a reason for that. Apart from being a talented hacker who knows too much (and I think is cautious of us the most at the start) he has a lovely happy-go-lucky personality composed of all the lame jokes, questions "have you eaten already" and anxiety (another emo one). He's that type of a character who will always try to make you laugh but you never know what's going on inside his head. He's mysterious and we don't get to know him well till his route so pretty much till the end of the game lol. Also he loves his brother, phd pepper, honey buddha chips and Elizabeth 3rd the most in this entire world and I love him for that
7) Evan Hansen (Dear Evan Hansen)
ANOTHER EMO ONE okay but hear me out Evan has social anxiety and its portrayal is almost too real for me. He makes a big oopsie which at the start seems like a little innocent lie but then snowballs to enormous sizes. He gains everything in this bargain, a best (dead) friend, a caring mother, a father, a girlfriend even - and then everything falls apart since it all is built on one fat lie. He makes a lot of mistakes and then some more but you get it and you feel for him, and you cry with him and you're happy for him. And when all of this is over you're glad that he's still there trying his best, taking it one day at a time. And sidenote: Ben Platt's voice is angelic and I love him as Evan 💖💖💖
8) Isak (SKAM)
Another gay panicking one. I'm starting to realize there's a set of traits that I particularly like in fictional characters lol But ye, when I was watching skam ofc it was the third season which gripped me the most and kept me on the edge, bc yet again Isak taking an "are you gay" test was way too real for me. He makes a lot of mistakes along the way of figuring out his sexuality and sometimes stuff with Evan becomes really messy (for both of them) but he stays with him nevertheless ❤️ Skam is literally so good in its portrayal of the characters :') Anyways: alt er love 💖
9) Viktor & Yuuri (Yuri on Ice)
Em, another one that I absolutely can't break up to just one bc how could I? Yuri on ice got me into skating ❤️ I went to an ice rink for the first time bc of this anime and I almost died but now look at me actually finishing my first three months of ice skating training and watching real life figure skating competitions :') Little did I know then. But they're not only my favourites bc of that, I genuinely love the development of their relationship from fan - idol through skater - couch to lovers and history makers in the end. I love how Yuuri is a ball of insecurities and how Viktor manages to reassure him. I love how Viktor fell in love with drunk Yuuri clinging to him. I love how at first Yuuri wasn't able to get too close to Viktor without getting flustered and it changes so drastically to them basically always holding onto each other. I love how Viktor was stuck with no inspiration but then Yuuri came and turned his world upside down. I love how they support and respect each other. I could probably go on into eternity like that and Yuri on ice isn't even the best anime I've ever seen but it's certainly my favourite one ❤️
10) Tutor (WHY R U)
I can't believe I'm so obsessed with thai dramas rn and I'm only gonna include Tor on this list smh He's mental attitude inspires me. He's able to hold so much and appears totally unfazed even if he's barely holding on inside. He's hardworking and doesn't want others to pity him since he can manage it all just fine. He has a kind heart, he's a wonderful friend (especially to Hwa, he always listens to her, gives her pieces of advise, supports her and tries to cheer her up). He never forgets to say thank you when he genuinely feels grateful. But as we've seen he also is passionate and when he loves he LOVES. Also he's the biggest tease to Fighter and I love him for that :') I am so satisfied just by seeing him happy, please do not change that whyru gods 🙏
As it appears I'm done .-. I have no idea what have just happened and if my rambling even makes sense but not that I care at this point. If you read this far, please drink some water now, that was a lot of reading to go through ❤️
Tagging: @wir-ro, @saecookie and any other 8 people who might want to ksks (im too tired to tag lmao)
Don't be like me and go to bed at reasonable hours despite this whole quarantine thing .-. thank again Doreen for tagging since it was really fun 🥺❤️
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cph-dreaming · 4 years
A Sander Season 5, what story would we want to be told?
Amidst petitions for a Moyo Season 5 (you go @hoptetofantasy and @lucidpantone) and after having watched that beautiful trailer for a Sander season by @theloseyourmindnb (and yes, that is some wonderful work as are so many gifs, videos, drawings, paintings and writings in this incredible fandom!!) I want to try and share some thoughts about it.
As we all know for now it is not going to happen until Julie Andem and NRK decides to go for it or gives some other production company the rights to do so. It is what it is. And still so many of the Skam fandoms keep asking for that Even season in their favourite remake. Of course we do. So many of us still here on tumblr and other social media outlets following that little Norwegian show with a budget not even a 100th of what a Netflix production costs these days to produce were not only touched by the story of Isak and his coming to terms with his sexuality in a setting of divorced parents, hardcore protestantism, and teenage troubles in general. What so many of us reacted so strongly about was the inclusion of that one tall blond character that not only became the love interest of Isak but from an outside perspective gave us viewers one of the first real and honest representations of a person living with an MI in a show. Wow! I for one cannot believe that it is only four years ago. At the same time it seems like yesterday.
When we were told that Skam France and Druck were going beyond the first four seasons of the original, the cries for an Even season in their respective fandoms went up. For different reasons though, as Elliot and David are two very separate characters. But no, we all had to accept that it wasn’t going to happen. In this our fabulous fandom we didn’t really want to accept that and kept on hoping that we would be able to get what we deserved (oh the joy of being a fan). Because Sander! Come on, forget all the other Evens out there, this bleached goof of a character with his art, his love for Bowie, his one liners taken to the extreme deserves a season of his own! And Willem DS could carry it, couldn’t he? Well, in my mind there is no doubt, I see him as a better actor than Henrik... (and now I am ducking from all the knives and swords and axes being thrown at me).
It is not going to happen.
Still I cannot keep asking myself what that season would entail. What would Sander’s shame be all about? I keep reading posts in this fandom about how sweet it would be to just witness Sander and Robbe be in love and that people would not want them to have drama and break up and whatnot if a Sander season came true. But imagine that. Just watching Sander and Robbe be in love. For ten weeks. With daily clips. Ok. To me that would be vomit inducing emotional porn of the worst kind. Like being forced to witness your best friend being in love. Sitting next to him. Watching him kiss. And kiss. For ten fucking weeks. No. Just no. And it would be a very bad way to use that money that a season would cost in production.
So what story then? In answering my own question I have to go back to that one thing that has always irked me in Skam Season 3, whatever version we are talking about. That love cures everything. While I am a romantic at heart I have always been so provoked by that sentiment we have been shown. Ok, in the original there are those words by Isak telling Even that he doesn’t know how the future will ever play out. In Skam France there is an extra scene that therapists have applauded of Elliot telling Lucas how it will be living with him in the future. In wtFock? Hmm... my own personal favourite of the remakes jumped from a cinematically perfect OHN to a short morning clip of “Always”, from “you’re my angel” to “life is now”. Sander’s depressive state was simply ‘cured’ by that beautiful boy with chocolate brown eyes. Hope and catharsis for all of us! But is that really the message we want to see, teenage show or not?
In the original script there is this horrendous scene where Even and Isak visit Even’s parents. Thankfully it was never included in the show. It was just another superficial attempt at giving his MI a pseudo psychological reason. And that is what I fear the most if anyone was given the chance to do an Even season. Tropes of trauma, past abuse, every attempt imaginable at trying to explain the inexplicable.
I have done some very stupid things in my life, to myself, but they are not the reason for me having an MI, they are a byproduct of my illness. I have dreamed so many years of being rescued by that beautiful prince in his white Tesla. Slowly but steadily coming to terms with what my MI actually means to the life I have to live, I realise that I will never be rescued. This is my lot in life. And there is no explanation for it. These are just the cards I have been dealt. Take it or leave it.
I don’t know how to show that in a season 5. But I would love for that story to be told. How Sander finally accepts his MI, even though it might mean heartache and breakup (oh, they have to get back together, Sobbe needs to be endgame, I also want hope!) To show how someone actually deals with living with an MI that is not curable, that cannot be rescued by falling in love. All the ups and downs. For ten weeks. I have no idea how it would have to be done. I just wish someone with a knowledge and with a brain was given the chance to do it. Until then I will have to rely on all of those extremely talented fanfic writers out there.
What are your thoughts? Holler at me!
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