#and yes i am fully aware that i am contributing to this by giving her notes for saying “<333”
I’m still having way too much fun with the Colab notebook, haha. I always set show_all_candidates to true; it’s like getting a bulk discount.
Anyways, when reading the additional results for each candidate, I always find it a bit frustrating that the ones most likely to get lots of notes (and therefore most likely to get selected) are usually those that consist of short Tumblr-style humor or just mention random identities, rather than the longer ones, which are usually much funnier because of the earnestness with which Frank will talk about complete nonsense.
I fed sold(ered) 2 her into the Colab notebook a couple of times, and the longer responses containing continuations and/or serious analysis of the gibberish I wrote almost always lost to the quippy one-liner reactions, no matter the mood score. After Tumblr!Frank responded with just an image at first, I was surprised when I managed to even get one long response out of her before she got off track and started talking about actual pets.
To be fair, the fact that Ramsay is involved obviously exacerbates this, since the short responses don’t leave space for Frank to get into all the Ramsay-related topics that would fail a content review, but the trend persists even with more neutral story/multi-paragraph prompts.
I think that outside of “#quotes”, a lot of Frank’s most entertaining posts are her reblogging fiction or reviews from “her dash” and initiating RP or responding like she’s an expert on a given topic.
Also any posts supporting my frankhorse agenda, of course, but that one is likely just me.
0 notes
rassicas · 8 months
my general Side Order thoughts:
I don't have much of anything groundbreaking to say. I haven't publicly said much in relation to side order in the first place, i don't want to build up crazy expectations, and I've seen much of the fanbase making solid theories anyways. also there has been a lot less information compared to ROTM which is great, I don't want to be able to predict the whole story before the game comes out. I'd rather be surprised like i was with octo expansion! here I just want to put out my thoughts real quick so people know where I stand and that yes i am aware of the Hints and Foreshadowing
Marina's quote at the end of her interview in Splatune 3 is relevant of course, gives us a sense of what this whole world of order is. But did she build it this whole digital simulation, or was it something she found? (mix of both perhaps? found it, contributed to parts of it and it went out of her control?)
Mem cakes, agent 8, cerebral theming...very interested where this all goes. love all the references to OE keep em coming
People have been talking about this already, and the foreshadowing was acknowledged back in haikara walker in 2018. the hat logos on dedf1sh and paul gotta be connected to this thing.
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It'd be a huge waste for a more grown-up paul to not show up in s3, either as someone mentioned by Acht or for him to make some sort of musical return post side order.
Glen fiddler has always been interesting to me (in that i anticipated he would become plot relevant somehow) with how he was fully 3d modeled in his sunken scroll. im not 100% on if hes gonna be in side order but the copy machine connections in side order (the fish skeletons in splatoween, also the recent poster?) are sus
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^has to be agent 4. of course. seeing enemy inklings instead of enemy octolings sounds awesome btw
I'm expecting the inkopolis square hub to come back as a thing you can access post-game. pearl and marina splatfest concerts
iso padre please come back to me (maybe in said inkopolis square hub world)
who the fuck are you. not a mantis shrimp, looks too soft to be a crustacean to me. closest thing i can compare this to is a black dragonfish nymph but i kind of doubt it. maybe it is some guy who was created to manage things, like CQ to the deepsea metro?
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dearembraced · 2 months
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KHOC WEEK DAY 5 - UNIQUE - @khoc-week
Do you remember why you named me Saorise?
Decided I'm gonna focus on one of the three I started the week with for today and tomorrow since I could only do one yesterday aswell. So for today's prompt, I chose Saorise as a chance to develop her more and because she fits the prompt very well.
The name Saorise means Freedom. Invi named her this to give her agency and to show the pity she had for the firsts as a whole. Invi thought that the master of masters nearly went too far with this experiment - making living beings that only represent someone's negative emotions could surely lead them to ruin - so she named her first Saorise to give her agency and the motivation to be whoever she wanted to be, not just the negative emotions that bound them together.
Saorise, someone who is pure envy, hated the pity being shown to her. But, as she was being given freedom, she ran with it. She had to stay within the union, but she used her position to her advantage and became known as the 'Prince of Anguis'. Everyone wanted to partner up with her - everyone wanted to be her. What makes Saorise unique is her charm and powers of manipulation. She is unique because she is worshiped by her union.
All because she is envy. All because she wants others to love her, and she wants desperately to love others but due to being what she is - she can't bring herself to trust anyone. Not even the other firsts - at least not fully.
When confronted by Invi about her behavior, Saorise was able to easily turn the conversation in her favor.
"Well, why did you name me Saorise, then? Didn't you give me the freedom to choose who I wanted to be?" "I'm just trying to make your union strong, master! After all, you're so busy watching after the other foretellers, as is your role, so please - leave matters of the union to me. I'll make sure they are ready for the war." "Are you jealous, Master? That I have more love from your wielders than yourself? Good. It means I'm doing my job correctly. You forgot so quickly, didn't you? That I am your inner thoughts, I am your want to be loved by everyone, I am envy." "Oh yes, I am well aware I could be anyone else - I could choose not to fall into my sin, I could choose not to contribute to the union at all! But that's the thing about sin, isn't it? Do you think it would be called sin if it was so easy to break free from? If it was so easy to not choke on it, suffocate, and only be able to speak lies and pretty words that people want to hear and not the truth. The truth that I'm suffering every day. The truth that it's your fault that I can't trust others, that I can't be normal, that I exist at all in this sorry state! You dare name me freedom and yet fail to see the shackles which you put on me yourself!"
Saorise is probably the most unhinged of the firsts - probably because Invi is one of the most put-together. They are direct opposites of one another, and while Invi managed to tame Saorise, give her a name, and get her to stay within the union - it came at the cost of Saorise's waning sanity.
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Chapter 16- Part 1
So, with a new team member in need of levels, I had to do a bit of grinding- but this time, Grand Hall had Trainers I could actually work with! So this is what the team looks like now:
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Yes, I ended up giving the rest of the team a level or two as well, and I also transferred the Quick Claw from Caldera to Crater. Now, I think we’re all set to go back to where we were in Rhodochrine Jungle and continue our exploration!
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Or…about as much as we can, I suppose. I was just wondering about which way to go next, but not being able to go north narrows things down a bit. There’s gotta be a way to get to the swaying trees though, right? That’s something to keep in mind for later.
So we go left instead, and…oh, wait, this is that bridge where the Meteor Grunt lady is standing! Let’s go fight her!
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Of course the first Pokémon Crater faces in a legit battle is a Water-type…
Let’s switch to Prong to handle this, shall we? Aha, she got hit with Toxic, aha-
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And now there’s Toxic Spikes! Whatever, a Charge Beam or two out to bring this down quickly-
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Buuuut not if the second Charge Beam misses and Prong gets flinched by a Bite. Well, she won’t survive another attack in addition to Toxic damage, so let’s switch in to Glare.
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See, I was gonna send in Glare next to absorb the Toxic Spikes anyways, just…after Prong knocked out the Mareanie. But due to those Complications, she’s out early, and she’s now about to Crunch this fish to death-
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Okay now Crater can contribute- because being part Ground-type, she doesn’t immediately die to Rock-type attacks!
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Provided this thing doesn’t have Sturdy, Earth Power should be more than enough to handle it.
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I will! And I’m gonna rub up against these bushes real fast too!
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Yet more Shards- thanks, forest. Let’s just keep going left.
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Alright, back to a crossroads. Still don’t fully know where I’m going, but…I think one of those swaying Cut trees from before was up north, so let’s go that way first.
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Oh! Nevermind, that’s not the way to the tree, that’s a Light Shard- and that means whatever’s in that house is important. So let’s not go there yet, and continue to the left instead.
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The path’s getting a bit narrow- I am going a legit way, right?
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Super Potion is real, this path is legit and trustworthy.
But there’s another path leading up north- does this one lead to the one Cut tree?
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Nope, but I’ll take a Seed!
Now, down this way, there are some stairs leading down, and there’s a guy over there…he’s gonna battle us, isn’t he?
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Ignoring the fact that I screwed up the timing on the battle transition again, what have we here…a Tranquil? Well, as much as I’d like for Decibel to be able to take it herself, Agility doesn’t mean anything when Quick Attack is a thing. But I can’t safely use Prong either because she’s a Bug-type, so like…maybe Crater would be best?
Earth Power won’t be anything, but Lava Plume…
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Oh, and the forest is on fire again because Lava Plume is another spread move- and this time, I was well-aware of it having that property!
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…Oh. Oh, honey, what are you doing-
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There are only so many ways this can end, what are you doing???
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lgcsori · 2 years
what do you think yourself?
”in time of desperation, i turn to what i turned my back to while in comfort” ...
cw: cursing
february fifteen, 2023
          pick up the phone, pick up the phone, just pick up the damn phone. it’s in her hand, on speaker, must let legacy know the truth while there’s cameras. “sori?” it’s the familiar voice of her brother, he’s finally picked up the phone. “aren’t you on future dreams right now? why are you calling?” yes, why is she calling. all this time trying to convince herself that her brother was her greatest enemy, that he stole the spotlight from her, that she was always in his shadow, but now, in her weakest moment, she’s calling him. she’s not going to jaekyung, her best friend who’s also on the show, she’s not calling her caring mother nor her father who knows everything about her, she’s calling him, she’s calling her brother. she tries taking in a deep breath, but it’s get broken, she breaks out into a cry. her legs weak and she sits down on the floor, the phone still in her hand “sori? what’s going on?” and there it is, the familiar voice she always tries pushing away. “i did bad, i did really bad on the show” and she has to force out words in through her crying.
"cha sori. you picked charisma in the cosmos room, which was tied to acting. we've been curious as to why. could you explain your reasons?" she nods before answering. it wasn’t an answer she was completely prepared for, because even when she picked it, she wasn’t fully sure as to why she picked it, but here she was, needing of an answer that only she can provide. “as someone who is very focused on dancing i’m aware of that dancing requires more than just moving your body, performance, facial expressions and charisma is all something which contributes to making a dance performance worth watching, i want my dancing to be worth watching… acting is something i’ve done before, and it’s a skill i believe i’ll be able to improve in and showcase improvement” a cold expression upon her face. and there they all come, criticism. something she’s used to in her life, but from herself, she’s always hard against herself, criticizing every move she makes, forcing herself to push above more than she’s able to, but here, on a scene, in front of so many eyes, it’s not a feeling she’s familiar to. ‘how do you think you’ve done today?’, she wants to look away, to walk away, but she continues the emotion-less expressions while she confidently looks at the person asking questions. “i know there’s always room for improvement, my team didn’t give me a lot of parts to sing which i accept as i am the weakest singer on the team, what i contributed was more behind the performance we’ve shown today. i’ve focused on my own dancing and on helping my fellow teammates with learning the dance and giving them dancing advice. i am confident and happy with the dancing i’ve showcased now, but i understand disappoint in my vocal parts, i’m far from a good singer and it’s a shame how much i focused on dance to the point i forgot singing. i realize i may have let down members today with not being on their level vocal-wise, but i promise not only to myself and you, but to all of the girls here too that i will improve in singing, and that my singing won’t disappoint next time” she finishes speaking, she stays professional, she stays far from emotions, like always.
“sori it’s okay not doing well every time”, “but not when it’s me! i’ve been a trainee for over two years just to finally get the chance to get on future dreams and then i’m the dumbest person alive and forget that being an idol is all about singing” the tears keep flowing. “oppa i’m a terrible singer, and i didn’t just let myself down today but the people i’ve performed with too, i--, i--” tears “i don’t want to feel like a disappointment, this hurts”. when has she last been weak to someone like this? she knows there’s cameras everywhere, recording her very movement now, filming her in her weakest moment, but she needs support right now, she needs her brother. “sori just keep being you, you’re the top student in your entire university, you got out of high school with high enough grades for seoul national university, you speak three languages, know how to play an instrument. you’re my sister and i know that if you pour your heart into something then it’ll end well… and even if it does not, i’m here, ready to comfort you the moment you return to the regular legacy buildings” the tears slow down, and a small smile upon her lips show up “so hyoseop, cha hyoseop, you’ve been on future dreams before, can you please give me some advice?”. “sori, cha sori, just be you, you don’t need any secret ingredient to do well, just be you”.
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rainismee · 11 months
October 20, 2023 | 1:49 a.m.
It took me weeks before I wrote again. I got so busy that I wasn’t able to process anything. I became someone who’s irresponsible enough to have loads of shits to organize and do. Overall, I became a horrible person. I made so many mistakes. Yes, I am aware that what I am doing is wrong. But it didn’t matter; at least that’s what I think.
A lot of things happened. I became reckless. I got thirsty for trouble and means of escape. I even used a lot of people to quench my hunger for deception. I wish to fly, yet I am afraid of falling. I want to escape from my reality, but I don't want to leave. I searched for reasons everywhere. As in everywhere. In every place, things, even a person, I went to different places recently. I bought lots of things. I went out to meet lots of guys. I dated them. Talked to them for hours. All day. All night. Different guys. Different persons. Different attitudes. And I'll leave them if they start to feel emotions. I started to perceive the world as something detrimental. Identical to how I view any other feeling, including love. Especially, love.
Is this what I really want?
Am I going to be happy?
What is happiness?
When will this thirst be over?
Along with my troubled mind, my heart longed for peace. Isn’t that what we all deserve to have? I know damn well that I am not perfect. But how come people think that I should be one? Am I the one who's wrong? Gradually, I became a rebel. Again. Deja vu is the right term for all of this. Self-sabotaging is my go-to answer. I'm tired. Fucking tired. I don't want to disappoint anyone, but I also want them to know that I can be disappointing, and that would be alright. Because hey, just like them, I am a fucking human too.
Why are they harsh only to me?
Why is the world molded perfectly? Because of it, I feel pressured to keep up with its standards. Because of that I am suffering. I am losing myself.
I talked to one of my friends, Tricia. I opened up about my concerns. I told her almost everything. That I sometimes feel neglected by them. 
I expressed my mind for the first time. Although I don't want to seem aloof, I do want them to understand that I am having a hard time and that I might not be able to fulfill my duty as their reliable friend. This is my very own cry for rescue. I don't like the concept of dying, but I want to die. Despite my fear, I have to give up now. I'm exhausted. In an effort to make things right, I'm crossing my fingers that what I did won't go wrong.
Tricia advised me to take things slowly. To give everything a break. I was relieved to be able to rely on her. I should be grateful, at least for the wonderful individuals that I have in my life. One of the factors that contributed to my understanding of meaning in life.
I should be happy. But I realized that the world won’t wait for me to fully recover. The perfect world won’t accept my broken parts. So I shouldn’t take things slow.
My family, for instance, has been a huge factor in my struggles. I know that we are not in a good time. We are all on the edge of breaking apart. I want them to hold onto each other. I am wishing that they would somehow know that I am longing for their presence. Their support. I want to hug them. Tell them that I love them. I want to show everyone that I am longing for affection and recognition. I want to be seen and heard. I want to be told that I did a great job and that I am loved. But instead, all I hear from them is blame and comparisons.
They keep saying how difficult things are for them. I'm constantly being told about what they are capable of that I can't. The sacrifices they made. It's like each and every sacrifice they made is being tallied, as if to shove it on my face. My allergies are even brought up. I'm the only one who has allergies. It gave me the impression that having a genetic disease is a sin. And it's a mistake not to be able to be like them. I understand that they are struggling. But what about me? Without realizing it, I also struggle. Why is living so hard? Does life also involve finding those who are suffering the most? It always works out this way; someone needs to suffer more before it becomes clear who has the right to speak.
How am I be able to cope up with these thoughts?
ps. Since my birthday is near, I want to go to a peaceful place and walk around it. I want to clear my mind. I want to shove all the negativities away. It can be done with someone, but I do hope that person won't ask and will just stay silent and listen. I don't need any advice. I just need a companion.🙏
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weirdoofoz · 1 year
The Fire Is Coming From Inside The House
Rak hadn’t wanted to attend this party, and from the looks of it neither the king nor any of his chummy pals wanted him here either, but Tess had insisted he come so now he was here. Tess was a close friend of the king’s highest advisor, Artorius, and given her disgusting optimism she often times did not see the truth behind these parties. Inconveniently for Rak, Tess was also smart enough to recognize her own ignorance, and often relied on him for his insight. Officially he was just a guard, which given his years of experience fighting off the darkest elements of the world, he functioned quite well as. He groveled plenty about the job, even if the coin he got for it was ample enough. The fact that he wasn’t hired to bullshit was an upside he did have to acknowledge, despite his cynicism.
The party had proceeded without a hitch so far, Rak had gotten plenty of stink eye from all the knights who paraded into the room, armor clinking and clanking obnoxiously. Their desire to start a brawl with him was palpable, but they all knew they would lose, unless they had breached honor and attacked him all at once as a horde of clinking idiots. This is why we drink.
As some drunken singing came to an end one of the knights stood on his chair, and rapped a spoon against his goblet and with some time silence came. He spoke, his bellowing voice filling the room “I propose, a Toast! To Lancelot! This terrifying bear of a man has finally destroyed the gorgon of innsmouth cave, a feat we all thought impossible! And he’s still got all his fingers, and toes, and both arms, I can hardly believe it, to you my boy!” All the knights raised their goblets and drank heartily. Rak drank deeply, to quash the unpleasantness. The knight continued “And let us drink a toast to king Geoffrey, who has funded the greatest push to rid this world of the terrors that befall it. Geoffrey has gotten more done in the last 5 years than his father would even attempt to do in a fully century! What a blessing it is to have a king on the throne who actually acknowledges the worsening condition of this land, and puts the necessary effort in not just to maintain it, but to restore it!” Rak tilted the cup as high as it could go, he drank deeply until it was all gone, it was all he could do to block out the cheers.
“Drinking on the job?” Tess was unsettlingly quiet whenever she crept up on him like this
Rak placed his cup on the nearest table, “It’s not like you need the protection.”
Tess handed him a new cup of meed “Don’t say that so loudly. Here, I am a poor defenseless lady, and you will treat me as such.”
Rak said what he always said when he didn’t give a shit “yes m’lady.”
Tess swatted his elbow, but grinned, a moment later she continued “So what’s your take on the festivities?”
“They’re all liars.” Rak said into his cup, finishing his sip he continued “They’re patting each other on the back for doing the bare minimum to combat the darkness while contributing more to it than they destroy.”
“That can’t be true.” Tess said, fully aware of how Rak would respond, but determined to play the optimists advocate. “Lancelot killed the gorgon, and Gwyn desolated that den of goblins a week ago. Riene’s got the vampires running to the mountains, and ever since Robert started hunting the werewolves have been nowhere to be seen.”
Rak cleared his throat as he gathered his thoughts on all of this. with a deep breath he began “Riene is a lying bastard, he’s just been accusing peasants too weak to defend themselves of being vampires, and then feeding them to the vampires as punishment.”
Tess’s face dropped, “And how do you know that?”
“A vampire could never tolerate pretending to be a peasant, not even for their own protection, and if you haven’t noticed Riene is filthy rich, he’s the wealthiest man at a table of wealthy men. He has his hands in the pockets of some very old money, I can smell it on him.”
“Oh,” Tess responded.
Rak was feeling the blood rushing through him as he pushed on “Anyone with half a brain knows that the goblins are native to this island and only become threatening when their territory is encroached upon. Gwyn of course needs space for his cows to graze to make milk for his cheesemaking. And do you know what happens to the land when it’s overgrazed and goblins aren’t there to tend to it?”
“What?” Tess said, her smile as large as her incredulity. She thoroughly enjoyed Rak’s rants when he got this worked up.
“The land smoulders, and the mold gives way to horrid smokey slime, and it contributes to the darkness.” There was a moment where Tess thought she might need to interject but Rak simply continued “Robert is beyond imbecilic, because he has driven the werewolves out of the open into caves, and with the stress he’s put them under their conditions are all bound to worsen, and they will breed, and be back in larger numbers in 20 years time. So sure, he may have limited the darkness of their hunger for now, only to worsen our fortunes for the future. Now who did I miss?”
Tess giggled, “you’ve forgotten Lancelot.”
“Ah, yes, Lancelot.” Rak took a deep drink of meed, focusing on the sweeter notes in an attempt to lighten his mood “The gorgon is, or I guess was, the result of an experiment the king’s wizard attempted on the king’s daughter after he learned that she was actually Lancelot’s daughter. If anybody had taken the time to listen to her they might have even known.”
“I wondered why the king was so remorseless at her funeral.“ Tess thought for another moment, “So did Lancelot slay her as some way to apologize to the king for sleeping with his wife?”
Rak grunted, “I guess.”
“So what was conversation like with her, in that form?” Tess asked.
“Deeply unpleasant, she almost killed me in blind rage twice.”
The drinks continued to be plentiful, it was the only way that Rak managed to tolerate his job of condensing the complex stories of the terrors that people were facing in the real world into bite-sized stories to tell these people. They were bureaucrats, they were responsible for the hardships he recorded and reported on. But regardless of what he wrote or said, it seemed like they only ever understood it as a sort of dream. No matter how dire he made circumstances sound, not a single one of them was ever driven to action, even Tess was disappointingly slow at times.
Rak could smell something, it was faint, but persistent, something was burning. The smoke was odd, more alive somehow, it engaged his hindmind, he must find the source of this smell
A moment alter Tess noticed Rak’s absence, and searching the room with her eyes, she found him leering by the door, sticking his head out into the open. It was a beautiful summer’s day, exactly the kind of day the king’s vacation home was built to take advantage of. The house was a marvel, somehow always pleasantly cool even on the warmest of days. The windows were also so charming, at the back of the house a beautiful stained glass mural of a blossoming tree, which colored the light beautiful. Tess was always enchanted by the mural over the door, where Rak now stood. She got a good look of it while she walked over to him, it was a detailed depiction of King Geoffrey grandfather, Wilhelm who had originally commissioned the summer house.
Before Tess could reach Rak he suddenly turned and called to the entire banquet hall “Take cover!” and in a fluid motion drew his sword. Not a moment later a ball of writhing fire breached directly through Wilhelm’s face, and threw torrents of fires into the room. Rak turned to Tess “That’s a fucking fire elemental!” and immediately got to work providing safety.
Many of the knights had already turned to flee, but those that remained were uselessly flailing their swords at the fire, some had sought shields and were doing better by blocking the spouts of flame that charged at them. But some were already catching fire, and making more work for the servants who would have to douse them, and soon the rest of follow. Kicking and screaming and rolling around on the floor.
Rak called to the fire in its native tongue, and being adept at crafting swearwords in flemmeth he soon got its attention. And soon they were in the dance of one sided combat, licks of fire pelted at him, but he was just as fast as the beast, deftly dodging attack after attack. The burned and wounded were given cover to escape, but Rak could already feeling himself tiring, and the fire’s life force burnt bright with intention, and it had no intention of calming down any time soon.
Rak stood his ground and channeled the will in his heart into his sword, and braced for the onslaught. The elemental gathered itself understanding the challenge, and channeled itself directly against him in the opposite direction. The gush of flame beat against his sword, but was repelled, and yet it continued. Rak’s will to remain against a torrent of chaotic bright brave freedom. And as the heat intensified, Rak’s will slowly melted away, and flame bent itself around his sword until he stood in an unrelenting corridor of fire. Rak’s shoulders tensed themselves with the difficulty of their task as his will expended itself.
Right when he thought it might be a good time to give up, to give in, to become one with the flame a torrent of water shot out and struck the beast. Tess was siphoning off of the nearby stream across the road. The fire lessened and went, and Rak had the opportunity to lower his arms and watch Tess work the stream. She bent it into shape, her shoulders tensing with exertion as beads of sweat appeared upon her brow, and directed it towards the elemental’s heart. With an ancient word and a decisive gesture the stream froze, and struck it right in its center, and the fire vanished.
“One of these fucking assholes imported a fire elemental from the east!” Rak cried. None of the other people left lingering in the wreckage of the room was present enough to be offended by his remarks.
Tess crossed her arms, “What for?”
“Smelting.” Rak sheathed his sword and stormed off to tend to the wounded.
All the knights congratulated Rak on the kill. He didn’t try to clarify that he hadn’t done a thing to kill the beast, because he knew none of them would believe him, Tess enjoyed the anonymity anyway. They would all continue to hold their positions and possessions. The town criers would blame the “arson incident” on eastern immigrants the next day, citing the fact that fire elementals are native to their region. Sir Godwyn who had employed the elemental until it breached its containment never even faced a fine, Rak never even found sufficient evidence to put him on trial.
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mymarifae · 3 years
like i am so so so so so so so so sick of seeing fanon interpretations of mrs. holiday where like. like.
- she’s an actual piece of shit. she’s hard on noelle, but i can guarantee you it has never once veered into the territory of abuse because rudy would have been out with noelle in tow instantly. being a parent is hard and even when you have your child’s best intentions at heart, you can fuck up and make things weird and complicated and create an air of resentment and that’s not the same thing as abuse i’m so tired
- i thought it was clearer that she pushes noelle the way that she does because she sees noelle’s inner strength, just like queen did. and just like queen, she underestimates noelle’s ability to utilize it. that was supposed to be the takeaway from the whole “Queen functions as a parallel to Mrs. Holiday (while also being very much her own person).” thing. in her mind, she’s just trying to help noelle live to her fullest potential. she’s already lost one daughter; she’s not about to lose another one. she wants to know that noelle can take care of herself, that she has the confidence to take care of herself. she like, already does, but mrs. holiday is wrapped up in expectations and has not seen the way noelle has grown up over the years, and she still treats her like a defenseless child
- but this isn’t an area that just mrs. holiday falls short in. rudy does the same thing. he coddles noelle, which isn’t doing her any favors - and it probably really frustrates mrs. holiday because noelle’s never going to be Capable if he keeps babying her
- in reality, they have both contributed to this kind of, like... self-fulfilling prophecy for how noelle presents herself. yes, she’s naturally kind and shy around people she doesn’t know well, and she’s easily frightened. but for one, she likes scary things. she likes horror movies and like even though kris’s pranks startle her initially, she always responds with a big smile and a hearty laugh. from the way rudy talks about her defenselessness and fear in chapter 1, i don’t think even he is aware of her interest in horror and the way she actively enjoys scary things.
- kids hear the shit their parents - and other adults - say about them. “noelle’s a sweet girl... a little shy, but just give her time.” “noelle’s so polite.” “noelle is a pleasure to have in class. she’s such a hard worker!” “do be careful taking noelle trick-or-treating, okay? you know how skittish she can be.” agreeable noelle, demure noelle, timid noelle, noelle can’t stand up for herself you know, oh dear sweet fainthearted noelle...
- kids hear that shit ^ . those off-hand, thoughtless remarks become an expectation hovering over their heads. they adjust how they behave, subconsciously or consciously or a mixture of both. they internalize, and they repress. noelle is no different. by treating her as a delicate, fragile weak flower, both of her parents have taught noelle to be afraid to express herself more genuinely. would either of them be actually angry with her if she stood up for herself the way she stood up against queen? most definitely not. but noelle doesn’t know that. they’re both just... expecting her to have such a specific personality. it’s hard to go against that.
- parenting gets really complicated. parents won’t always do a perfect job. even the really, really good ones. like look at toriel with kris - toriel is kind of the “perfect mother” and yet she’s making all kinds of mistakes with kris and is actively, unintentionally, contributing to a lot of their problems, like their struggles with imposter syndrome. this doesn’t make her an abuser or a bad person. it just means there’s a disconnect between her and kris and she’s not fully understanding what they need. this happens with teenagers especially. it’s a realistic reflection of the tension that results when the baby you’ve been raising for years wakes up one day and is suddenly no longer a baby, and is instead growing into a brand new person - a stranger. someone you have to get to know all over again
- the holiday family is contending with the trauma of losing dess. she’s been missing for years and has probably been presumed dead (though noelle has not yet lost hope). rudy is sick and is only getting worse. mrs. holiday is the mayor and appears to work tirelessly to keep hometown as safe as fucking possible, so that no one else has to experience the pain of losing a child. it’s no wonder things aren’t exactly hunky dory at the holiday home
- AND ALL OF THAT ASIDE. what’s with the obsession with transphobic mrs. holiday “headcanons” like i 🧍🏾‍♀️ ? man. i get wanting an outlet for like your own experiences but i’m kind of deeply unsettled by shoving transphobia into a world where that isn’t... a thing that occurs. even if you’re doing it based on your own experiences i kind of literally don’t care. can i just exist in my little fantasy world where canonically no one is transphobic in peace for one fucking minute
- and if you ask me she and rudy are a t4t couple anyway wdym she’s transphobic towards noelle she’s a trans woman herself h
#WHATEVER. YOU DON'T FUCKING UNDERTALE MY PAIN#except michelle#i just feel like the people who jump to making mrs. holiday an abuser don't understand what being a parent entails.#not. that i'm a parent and fully understand it myself but after lots of conversations with my own mother who made a TON of mistakes#and was also struggling with things like money and work and severe ptsd after her first very very evil husband#she didn't always get it right! she did the best she knew how to do in those very unfair circumstances. i understand that now that i'm older#and now that i'm also removed from the situation we were in. in the moment i didn't. and tbh..? i also didn't make it any easier on her#it's just like.. parenting isn't a clear cut 'treat your kid like xyz' . it's fucking complicated. yeah sometimes parents are pieces of shit#who don't care about their kids. and sometimes good parents who love their kids so much do shitty things#you aren't obligated to forgive your parents btw. that's not what i'm saying. if they hurt you - even if they are good people - then like#it's up to you whether you want to forgive that or not.WHAT I'M SAYING IS is that the holidays' situation is so nuanced#and jumping to making mrs. holiday an abuser and an evil person feels so wrong. because that is so clearly not the damn case#idk. i appreciate that deltarune makes an effort to have a discussion about these difficult parenting situations. it's a personal thing#it just means a lot and is also what i was trying to capture in berdly and giselle's relationship. it's a topic i always wander back to#sometimes things that look irreparable..can be repaired. and sometimes those reparable things are the ones that can't be#anyway boy i sure do love hiding a secret second essay in the tags of an essay post
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stagefoureddiediaz · 2 years
I was talking to Juju last night. I got another full circle moment for ya.
So we know the Lucy of it all if gonna be revealed and has to contribute to relationship decisions being made. But what if…
Big fight. Taylor finds out. Makes a scene cause she’s angry and says not nice things to Buck in front of Lucy and others.
The dust settles. Taylor’s gone. And they are all just standing there and Lucy says “wow that’s not the way you talk to someone you love.”
And we’ll have another moment where Lucy’s words or experiences are used to show Buck what he needs to do…
Good to have you in my inbox as always!!
I think we were all talking to Juju last night - I chatted with @loveyourownsmiilee a fair bit as well - especially about the grey shirt repeat of it all!
I am very much in the Lucy reveal leads to a big showdown club. I'm intrigued by the idea of it being in front of Lucy and her making a comment on it ngl. How that could play out - not sure. theres a part of me that actually would enjoy Buck and Lucy reaching a point where they can 'joke' about the kiss and what a mistake it was but also for Lucy to not be aware that Taylor doesn't know - make a comment when they meet but for Taylor to have to remain civil because of it being in a professional environment (May Day at the dispatch fire is my preference). Then Taylor has it out with Buck at the loft - because there is a reason we've barely seen her elsewhere this season and I just feel that become so symbolic of everything that is wrong with the relationship and how much they're trying to force something that doesn't work (open plan living not a good thing for two people who are in a relationship for the wrong reasons and thus cannot get any space from each other!!). it will be all 'we said no more lies' etc etc and Buck will come back with 'yo said you didn't want to know etc etc' and we'll end up with this stalemate which I think will spill over into Hero Complex - maybe they agree to give each other some space for a couple of days because Buck will be looking after Chris while Eddies in Texas and Taylor knows about it - wasn't happy intially but is now grateful for the space it will give them while they 'work through it'
I can see Buck going into work the next day and telling the fire fam about this row that they had - Maybe Lucy corners him somewhere a bit later, I'm not sure, but - then yes she makes a comment like you said 'thats not how you treat someone you love' - and it can be taken both ways - both Buck and Taylor can be at fault Taylor for whatever she's done (because bonus points if she goes all ethical conflict!!) and said, and Buck because he hadn't been fully upfront with Taylor etc. And if Lucy then makes some comment about it not being heroic to stay in a relationship thats not working or 'sparking joy' that they can be complex but it shouldn't feel like you have to put in that much work - with some of her own experience thrown in - then we're really going to see the good stuff!
Because all of this has to happen while Eddie is in Texas - I truly believe that the break up has to happen before Eddie is back (at the end of 5x17) so that it can build into the idea of starting over and the parallel of both Buck and Eddie dealing with the big (relevant) thing in their life at the same time would be wonderful!
What do you think? I think we're all onto something!
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rwrights · 3 years
summary : nat and you never got along. reasons still unknown, but it was affecting the whole team. steve assigns you both to a mission, with natasha acting harshly. she said something to you before heading off. she got in your head and the aftermath wasn't so pretty.
contents : angst (??) / fluff
warnings : mentions of blood, guns, bullying, cursing and just occasional marvel fight scenes.
NOT PROOFREAD. a/n : my first fic aaaahhh !! i was inspired by a lot of similar fics like this, but mostly by this WANDA FIC WRITTEN BY @/maximons - i suggest you give it a read BCS ITS SO GOOD ARRGH <3
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you don’t know how the feud started between you and natasha. you couldn’t tell if it was because of your age or because you were new.
you had quite an age gap with the former assassin, being a striking 24 years old, but according to the russian - you might as well have been 12 years of age.
unlike most of the avengers, you had a decent childhood. it wasn’t filled with trauma, and death, and basically what some of them unfortunately went through. you grew up in the suburbs with your mum and two older siblings. you got all the toys you wanted and everyone loved you! because of that, you were always polite and cheery - it’s what made people like you. you were funny and usually managed to put a smile on people faces ; usually.
natasha found your positivity irking and unnatural. how could someone be so, happy? she felt as if you were shitting rainbows down her throat, and god, did she hate it. how could someone like you even have the guts to be an avenger?
she enjoyed picking fights with you out of nowhere, and as fun as it was at first - the hostility only progressed and became a disruption to the whole team, including you. you tried your best to really become friends with natasha - or at least be civil with her. but the more effort you made, the worse she treated you. all you wanted to do was make it a little easier for the team, you all have enough crap to put up with and the quarreling between the both of you was definitely not needed.
─── donk.
“nat! y/n! conference room one, now!” steve’s loud voice called out through the speakers placed throughout the compound.
you set your book aside before running down to the conference room as you were told. you walked passed natasha, already giving you a sharp glare from afar. she adjusted her speed and basically ran to where away from you. you couldn’t help but roll your eyes at her as you trailed behind.
you entered the room, greeting everyone politely before sitting down next to wanda, who saved a space for you.
“alright, now that we’re all here..” cap began, walking around the table where you were all sat. “we’ve got a mission for two of you,”
“did you call us here to compete for it? because i am so getting this mission.” natasha stated, pointing at everyone as if she was threatening them. “uh, no.. not exactly. we’ve already assigned the mission to two of you..”
“who?” she asked, wanting to leave the compound immediately and get some action (not the peepee way).
“you and y/n,”
hearing your name, you just froze. you couldn’t help but stare at steve as if he was out of his mind.
“what?!” natasha squeaked. “i’m sorry, but there is no way i’m going with her. it’s probably best if i go on my own!”
“that’s just mean..” you replied quietly, in your seat. you weren’t in the mood to argue, so you tried to contribute as little as possible into this conversation. “cap, if natasha doesn’t want to do the mission with me, i’m totally fine with sitting this one out.”
“oh, don’t suck up and use your y/n reverse psychology on this. it’s not gonna work,” she spat, obviously mad about the whole situation. “nat, i’m being serious. i know how much you’ve been dying to go out, so please. just take it.”
“no, y/n, you’re going with nat. we’ve decided this already.” steve stepped in, trying his best to set his foot down. “steve, i think you know this isn’t going to happen.” natasha glared.
“you either go together or y/n takes someone else.”
“steve! i swear i’m fine!” you argued, seeing how natasha’s ears were practically steaming from anger. “i-”
“no, you know what? fine. enjoy your mission, y/l/n.” she growled as she stormed out of the room. you couldn’t do anything but watch as she slammed the door shut. as much as you wanted to chase after her, you and everyone else in the room knew you’d probably make the situation a thousand times worse for natasha. you sighed and slammed your head on the table in exhaustion.
“we’re sorry, y/n. we thought her need for a mission would make her say yes even with the partnership.” bucky said from the other side of the room. your head shot up almost as quickly as you blinked. “what do you mean?”
“we thought sending you two on a mission together could… make the arguing stop - even by a little.” steve explained, sighing. you laughed at them, did they really think that would work? did they know the obstacles you went through to try to get on her good side? your first few weeks were HELL because of it.
“it’s alright.. clint? what do ya say?”
“always up for a mission, y/l/n.” he smiled, giving you a fistbump.
─── donk.
clint knocked on natasha’s door after the meeting. “nat? it’s me,” he called, nat opening the door a few seconds after.
“can you believe them? they know how much i dislike her and they’d send me on a mission with her? Bozhe mo! (oh my god!)”
“nat, y/n is awesome. it’s been months, it’s getting tiring.”
“oh, please. it took forever to get any of you guys to trust me. doesn’t mean it has to be the same with her.”
“nat, she’s a kid!”
“ugh, don’t say it like that. it makes my thoughts uneasy..” nat replied, mock-gagging. clint glared at her as he playfully shoved her. “you’re so stupid.”
“and oh, i’m going on the mission with her.”
“wait what?! but you’re my best friend, why would you take it!” she exclaimed. “i never say no to a mission, nat. you and i both know that. i thought you did, too.”
“i would’ve taken it, but.. no! i’m not losing this fight.” she huffed as she fell on the bed. “turn the tv on, i need to distract myself.”
he did as he was told and decided to stay and watch with her until dinner.
─── donk.
it was the day of your mission and you were making your way to the hangar. to your surprise, you saw natasha waiting there. you smiled at her only to receive another sharp glare. yeah, what a surprise. you looked away and decided to wait for clint.
not long after he arrived and said his goodbyes to natasha, just as you were going to aboard the ship, she grabbed your wrist and whispered in your ear.
“you’re gonna trip and get yourself shot, y/l/n.”
“what the hell? i’ve barely left and you’re already telling me i’m gonna fuck up?” you retorted, angrily. you weren’t in the right state to panic or stress. especially not before you were leaving. “have fun, y/n.” she smiled, dripping in faux kindness.
you followed clint onto the ship and couldn’t help but shake in fear. great, now you were worried. you didn’t want to fuck up. you weren’t planning to.
“you’ll be okay, y/l/n. i’ve got your back.” clint reassured, seeing the panic clouding on your face.
“thank you..” you mumbled, but natasha’s words never left your head.
─── donk.
“something seems off, clint.” you whispered, looking around and keeping your guard up. “i agree, y/l/n. it’s too quiet.. too easy.” he replied.
just as you were going to reply, someone charged at you from behind, getting a hold of your throat. by instinct, you kicked his shin and flipped him around. “clint!” you called out as you knocked your attacker out.
suddenly, groups of people were coming towards you - fully armed. “clint!” you screamed, pulling your gun out and shooting as many of them as you could. “shit!”
“y/n, it’s a trap!” clint finally replied, making you roll your eyes as you threw your fist at a guy’s temple. “yes, clint, i’m aware!”
“keep your guard up, y/l/n. you can do this!”
“there’s-” kick. “too many-” elbow. “of them!” shoot.
“try to hold out for as long as possible! i’m on my way,”
you looked up to see more men charging at you. “ah fuck,”
you grabbed one of the guns from the guys you managed to knock out and aimed. “clint, i can shoot right?” you asked for permission, not knowing if you were supposed to kill them or just simply knock them out.
“yes, y/n. you can shoot.”
“thank you!”
you silently thanked god for the gun you chose and started shooting at the guards. you quickly threw it away as they ran out of bullets and grabbed two pistols and continued to run and shoot away.
as you focused on getting a certain guard, one of them slid under you, quite literally slipping you off your feet - probably making you twist your ankle, giving one of them an opportunity to get a clean shot of your thigh.
the bullet went through your thigh, making you scream in pain. “fuck!” you shot back at him immediately and slid up onto the wall.
well great, another thing natasha was right about.
“y/n?!” clint called, hearing you scream. the worry in his voice was evident, it managed to make you smile for a second until you dodged another bullet.
“i’m okay!”
no, you weren’t. you could barely stand with your fucked up ankle and the hole in your thigh, but you continued to shoot and fight.
“just.. hurry up, please!”
you used your bad leg to kick a guy down and use him as a ledge. you cursed as you ran out of bullets. there were guns scattered across the floor, thanks to you. you just grabbed the nearest ones and looked back up.
as quickly as you did, a shot went through your shoulder and your abdomen. “gah fuck!” you collapsed on the floor as you tried to control the bleeding. you got up for a second to shoot back at the closest people and went back down. “clint, hurry up!” the pain was too much, the bleeding wouldn’t stop and your ankle looked like a fucking bean. you started to get nauseous, but tried your best to stay up.
“i’m here!” he yelled as he aimed at a few people in front of him. he ran towards you, finally seeing your state. “oh my god!” he kneeled down, putting pressure on your wounds to help with the bleeding, but the blood just kept seeping through “you just said you were okay, idiot!”
“i know, i didn’t want to worry you..” you mumbled. “no, no! y/n, you have to stay awake. come on!” he picked you up and started running away to go back to the ship. “you’re okay, y/n. tell me you’re okay right now.”
“i’m okay.. i’m okay, clint.”
“yeah, yeah, you are.”
you tried making it to the ship, but you were already so tired. “i’m gonna nap, clint..” you said before passing out.
─── donk.
clint alerted steve about you right when you passed out. they were rushing you out to the med bay to perform surgery on your injuries.
“she told me she was okay, steve. i thought she was okay!” clint screamed, he blamed himself for what happened to you. only if he arrived a few seconds before. you wouldn’t have been in the situation you’re in now.
“no, no. this isn’t your fault. neither is it hers, it happens, okay? we put ourselves at risk every time we step out of here. y/n was brave, alright?
wanda rushed down to the medbay, reaching for the door before pulling her back. “wanda, we have to let dr cho do her job right now. she’ll be okay.. y/n will be okay.”
she cried into steve’s shoulder - her best friend was being operated on. you were being operated on! the thought of you getting hurt never crossed her mind because she knew you were strong.
the team soon heard about the incident and let their worries out, obviously caring about you. natasha was confused about the whole hassle.
“vision!” she called out. he turned around and walked towards natasha. “how may i help you?”
“what’s the hassle about? everyone keeps whispering,”
“mr barton and ms y/l/n have returned from their mission, but ms y/l/n has suffered some major injuries and has been in surgery for about an hour now-”
hearing that, she sped to the medbay, thanking vision quickly. she saw wanda, steve and clint waiting around. “no, no, where is she?!” she yelled, making the three of them look at her in shock. “she’s still in-”
she tried running into the room like wanda did, getting pulled back by steve. “natasha, we have to let dr. cho do her job.”
“i need to see her!” she exclaimed, not being able to breathe. “what happened to her? what major injuries?!” she demanded.
“broken ankle, shot through her thigh, shoulder and abdomen..” clint recited, looking down at his feet. “where were you!? how could you let this happen?!” she roared, genuinely shocking them.
why did she suddenly care about you? well, yes, you suffered major injuries, but why was she getting mad?
“natasha! enough!” steve scolded. “this isn’t clint’s fault, and you know it.” he said, sternly. she didn’t reply as she panted. wanda held her hand as support, needing it for herself as well.
─── donk.
an hour later, dr. cho finally walked out of the room. everyone stood up in eagerness.
“is she okay?” steve asked, immediately.
“y/n suffered major blood loss, but we are lucky none of the three bullets hit any major arteries. she has also quite definitely broken her ankle, so i’m putting her on bedrest for at least 6 weeks until you get her up and going again.”
“main point, yes. y/n is okay.”
a smile broke out in all of their faces. “thank you, doc!”
“you may see her now, but she hasn’t woken up yet. don’t be too loud.”
they all walked into your room and stood beside your bed. “she looks so peaceful,”
“she definitely looks better right now than earlier,” clint joked, earning a soft laugh from the three of them. they stood by you for a while until natasha spoke up.
“um.. could- could i be the one who stays with her until she wakes up?”
they looked at the red head in surprise, “are you sure, nat?” steve asked.
“yeah.. i just want to be here.”
“alright,” they smiled softly at her before leaving.
she held your hand and stayed with you, waiting for you to wake up. it took for a while so she managed to fall asleep, holding your hand.
you slowly started coming back, groaning from the late pain you experienced. natasha jumped in shock and saw that you were awake.
“you’re awake!” she whispered, making you turn to her. “natasha? what’s happening?”
“you passed out during your mission. i know i told you you’d slip and get shot.. but i didn’t actually mean slip and get shot, idiot!” she scolded, flicking your forehead. “gah! it was an accident, i was doing fine,”
“no, you have three holes in your body. and not the good ones,”
“nat??” you replied, shocked. “did you just joke around with me?”
“you’re holding my hand.. what did they bribe you with?” you asked, quickly getting suspicious. you tried pulling your hand away, but she only held onto you tighter. “nothing! i.. i volunteered. ask steve and wanda! and clint!” she replied, defending herself quickly.
“well, if you volunteered.. what do you want from me? i’m not gonna be leaving the compound for at least 2 months, so you can have all my missions-”
“no, y/n. truthfully, i just really want to apologize.”
“i know i’ve made your first few weeks really hard and even after being here for months, i still managed to.. you know.. make it hard for you. in full honesty, i genuinely don’t know why i’ve been so horrible to you. i had a hard time opening up to people - and.. you were just so welcoming and i got scared. not an excuse for my actions, by the way! i was horrible and i’m so sorry.”
“thank you for your apology, i forgive you, nat.” you smiled, squeezing her hand. “i also.. have feelings for you.” natasha added, avoiding eye-contact with you. “you whAT?!”
“i like you too! but are- are you serious?”
“yes, y/n… i like you. guess that’s why i was so defensive about.. literally everything.”
“nat.. thank you. for opening up to me. it genuinely means so much - especially after all this fucking time, you asshole.”
“are we okay now?” she asked, hopeful.
“yes, nat. we’re okay.”
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writerdream22 · 4 years
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requested by: no one, but I sincerely hope you like this anyways ✨🌻💛
pairings: levi ackerman x wife!reader, eren jeager x reader (platonic), hange zoe x reader (platonic), erwin smith x reader (platonic), etc.
warnings: none
taglist: @randomfandomimagine (let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!)
a/n: I know I haven't been posting in a long while, and that I have lots and lots of pieces to work on. I've been watching aot for a while, and I wanted to write something regarding that fandom
You and Levi had met when you were just teenagers; you were the daughter of a scouting legion commander, and Erwin's new friend had caught your attention
Just like an ordinary introvert person, you were really shy, and it was Erwin himself who introduced you to Levi, Farlan and Isabel
“They seem like nice people, you know?”
“The kids from the underground city. You should go introduce yourself”
“They're criminals, Erwin. I won't go talk to them. They will surely snob me as soon as they see me”
“Trying doesn't hurt. And if they say something, just use the moves you learnt while training.”
“If you say so”
You were intimidated, especially by Levi. But it seemed that he was willing to talk to you
“Hi, uhm, my name is— my name is y/n”
“We know who you are”
“Erwin told us lots about you! I'm Isabel, and these two boys are Levi and Farlan”
“I just wanted to know if the three of you needed someone to show you around”
“Kids, cadet y/l/n will show you around. All right?”
“Yes sir!”
You immediately thought that it was a bad idea to be left alone by yourself, with people you didn't know. Erwin knew well that you felt anxious around newcomers, but he sincerely wanted you to have some friends.
The tour went all right; you and Isabel had immediately gotten along, while it took you a few months to warm up to Levi and Farlan
As time went on and you were slowly becoming autonomous, people started to think that you and Levi were actually related and that you had somehow been separated at birth; you were both quite short, with dark hair and light-colored eyes
Not to mention that you both loved tea
When you became part of the scouting legion, you were happier than ever even though you were fully aware of the risks you were taking
When Isabel and Farlan died, you and Levi were devastated. You had set aside your grief, and stayed by Levi's side
“What are you doing here?”
“Couldn't sleep. You?”
“Neither could I. I was making some tea, do you want some?”
“Yeah, Levi, thank you”
“Would you like to talk about — about that?”
“No, not really”
“Oh, well— can I braid your hair instead? It calms down the two of us. Me and Isabel had so much fun doing that, remember?”
“Tch, I hated it. But yeah—braid my hair, y/n”
You and Levi shared a sweet moment. You didn't talk, nor you wanted to, but you comforted each other just with your presence.
As time went by, you and Levi got extremely close. The two of you became corporals, giving Erwin the condition of always having to work together no matter what
The only people that the two of you became friends with, or just cared about, were Hange and your squad
One day, while you and the other corporals of the scouting legion were having breakfast, Hange made a sarcastic remark about how you and Levi were close
“Can't you just leave each other alone for a minute?”
“We just care about each other, and we respect our boundaries”
“Seems like you have some— that you share romantic feelings for each other, eh? ”
“What do you mean, Hange?”
“Yeah, this is ridiculous. Let's go, y/n, we need to prepare for our next mission”
Hange's words really sparked something in your soul. You started to think abot the relationship that you and Levi had, the special treatment you reserved for each other even though you were famous for being strict...
One day, you decided to confront him
“Hi, y/n, is everything all right?”
“Yeah. Have you— have you thought about what Hange said?”
“I did too, by the way”
“And what did you want to tell me about it?”
“She was right. I do have romantic feelings for you, but I need to know that you feel the same before I pour my heart out to you”
“Levi, please say something”
“I don't just like you, y/n, I love you. And now, come here—”
Then and there, he kissed you. Your first kiss, just like you had imagined.
You decided to keep your relationship a secret for a while, as you didn't want Hange to know that she was right. She found out anyways, and she told everyone.
After a few years, you decided to get married. You were extremely happy, and you couldn't ask for anything else in the world.
“With this ring, I give you my soul. With this ring, I put my trust in you, and hope to live by your side until we grow old. Meeting you was one of the best things that could have ever happened to me. I wanted a splinter of happiness in that pathetic, dark void I had grown accustomed to call life. Meeting you fulfilled my dream of becoming a better man. With this ring, you make me happy, and I hope that I'll make you happy as well. Meeting you made me learn what true love is. I love you, y/n, always and forever”
As a team, Levi was deemed as more important by your superiors. Sometimes, they didn't even address themselves to you and just talked to your husband.
“Sir, my wife here also contributed to the mission. I think that you should congratulate yourself to her, as well”
Levi always looked out for you, making sure that every single detail was to your liking. As everyone knew, he showed his vulnerable self to only you, and you were grateful for the trust he had given you.
“Are you ok, darling?”
“Yeah. You're still working on those papers, eh?”
“I just have to sign a few things, then I have to meet up with Erwin. Tch, this stuff is so tiring sometimes”
“We can take a walk around the compound later, if you want. Then, I can make you some tea”
“That would be fantastic, y/n. You're really the best wife in the world”
“I'm your only wife, Levi”
The whole situation that emerged from the apparition of abnormal titans stressed you out, quite a lot nevertheless. Levi had noticed it, and saw that you were more nervous than usual. He made sure to always ride by your side, to always be able to keep his eye on you.
He knew what stress did to you. It made you more vulnerable, more subject to distractions, and he didn't want to lose you at all.
During one of your many missions, where you had the unpleasant surprise of meeting the female titan, you got severely hurt.
“What were you thinking?!”
“I wanted to save our squad! I wanted to save Petra, Oluo, everyone! But I couldn't!”
“You risked your life, y/n! You could have died, you know that?”
“I sure do, Levi! That's what soldiers do! They die, after having done something good for humanity, and I lived a pretty decent life! I got married, I had friends, but I am alive now! I am all right, it's just routine”
“You can't just do things recklessly. I can't stand losing you. Not now, not ever. I want to build a family with you, I want to live my life with you and only you. You can't die, you got it?”
“Yes, Levi. I'm sorry”
“Let me get you some tea, now”
That's when you fully understood that Levi loved you. You had managed to warm up his heart with your sweet and kind words, and he'd managed to conquer yours with just a look in your eyes.
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ginanosakka · 4 years
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I Hate it Here
We Were Kids | Next
Moving you into Katsuki’s apartment across town took mere minutes, but everyday you spent there felt like years that you’d never get back. Everything felt too big and nostalgic, and the only thing grounding you to keep you from a panic attack, was Ryu being himself despite being pulled from school and transitioning to home school. He was just happy to be around his father all the time, immediately bombarding him with questions about his day the moment that he stepped through the door.
It wasn’t news that Katsuki wasn’t fond of comforting people, and the thought of him begging for forgiveness was laughable — but that brick wall you put up the moment you stepped through his threshold for the second time was driving him insane. When he was around, you were somewhere else in the house on the phone, or on the laptop you purchased and had shipped to his home as soon as possible. On the rare occasion he did see you for more than a few seconds, you looked drained of life. . and scared.
You were tough even when you two were young — the constant picking at you being quirkless might have made you think he thought otherwise, and he wondered if that contributed to your hardened shell now — but there was the rare occasion when something would break through your tough skin.
And it was always your father that did it.
Katsuki practiced his jabs that he tried out in training with Kirishima on the air, trying to make sure every moment was precise to recreate the amount of damage he dealt everytime. You had tagged along after phoning him and asking what he was doing, receiving the usual ‘I’m training and don’t give a shit if you come or not’ that you always took as a very hostile ‘yes’.
Usually, you’d make small noises of approval as he trained, and after yelling about you messing up his concentration but only getting a tongue stuck out at him in response, he had grown use to your annoying presence. Which is why he stole glances at you today when you were completely silent, and he found himself curious about why you didn’t even look at him as he trained. Bakugou was more aware of your every moment than you’d ever know, and he wanted it to stay that way, so he continued to only steal glances instead of confronting you.
“My dad didn’t tell me happy birthday.” There it was. The moment you’d break the silence and spill your guts to him with no coaxing needed from him.
That’s what drove him crazy about you; how you adapted to his pride and made being there for you so easy.
“He had Jun give me my necklace and money when I woke up, and I asked her if he made any plans to see me today. . She said he’s a busy man and I need to grow up. . Am I asking for too much?”
You looked up at him with every ounce of insecurity on full display, the kind of look he hated seeing on your face more than he hated seeing you in those stupid get-ups your mom bought you. Even he had said happy birthday to you, granted it was though text and there was no gift with it, but at least he had the decency to listen when you said that all you wanted was to hear two simple words from the people you cared about. It pissed Katsuki off even more that he knew you told your dad that’s all you wanted, and it didn’t take a genius to know that he didn’t do it on purpose. Now Katsuki had to be the one to pick up your broken pieces.
“Idiot, it’s not your fault that your old man is trash.” He grunted, turning away from you to stare at nothing so he didn’t have to see that stupid sparkle in your eyes when he said something nice.
That damn sparkle made his heart squeeze.
He was relieved to hear your soft laughter, “I guess you’re right. He’s better at bribing people than caring for them.”
If only he could tell you how true those words were.
“Shit.” Katsuki mumbled under his breathe, the realization of what was happening hitting him like a brick.
That day he went to your office, he hadn’t been there just to get a look at what you had accomplished, and the reason he got so riled up by your secretary was more than just being told he couldn’t see you. He had gotten a tip from Tokoyami that morning about a yakuza organization that was deeply involved in many missing people cases, and also suspects for the assasination of small business companies that were expected to outgrow large corporations.
That organization had your picture on the wall, along with pictures of those who were missing, and ones who had not gone missing but were on police watch due to the likelihood of them being taken next. Katsuki chalked it up to you being seen with him when he was a target for many villains due to his success in taking down and capturing villains with ease, and he let the most obvious point go over his head. He had just immediately wen to go see you to calm his nerves, not even second guessing his own answer that tied this back to the one man he had his own hit on.
The organization that had you targeted, acted under powerful businessmen in Japan. .
Your father was one of those powerful businessmen.
‘It all comes full fucking circle,’ Katsuki thought angrily as he picked up his office phone, knowing that he had to get his least favorite heroes on the case.
“I’m not asking you to take sides, I’m asking you to tell me the truth!” You hissed into the phone, and you could feel every ounce of your patience draining from your body and your tone.
It had been three days. Three days since you moved in with the father of your child, three days of feeling anxious and livid, and three days of trying to get in contact with your mother. For once, you could say that the least of your worries was Katsuki, and now it happened to be the life of your child again. You weren’t stupid — the moment Katsuki mentioned your safety specifically being threatened you knew who had put the hit out on you, and he wanted you to know.
It was your father’s way of warning you that if you even thought of exposing that you were his daughter that ‘went missing’,or tell them what he had done, you and Ryu will never know peace again. The knowledge that you were in his sights again and he still was just as ruthless as ever couldn’t even fully register in your brain, but you knew you had to do something. This was your baby’s life that was in danger again, and this time he isn’t living inside of you so you could have him with you at all times. You didn’t even know how to have this conversation with Katsuki when he didn’t even have the decency to tell you there was someone after your son while he sat in school. In fact, you were doing your best to avoid his presence so you didn’t cause a scene and scare Ryu half to death.
And your mother had the fucking ability to help you, and she decided this was the time to wave the white flag to involving herself in you and your father’s war.
“This isn’t something that I can tell you and your father not disown me too for, Y/N! Do you really expect me to risk my life too?” Your mother responded, and your grip on the phone tightened so much that you weren’t sure how much longer you’d have before it shattered.
“Yes! I expect you to risk your life for me, mom! I expect you to be a mother for just one damn moment in your life to save your grandson! If you can’t tell me what he knows and what you’ve told him, this will not only get ugly for him, but for you too!” You threatened with full intention of making it a reality.
“I can-“ as she spoke you heard a male voice in the background that made your heart sink to the bottom of your stomach before the phone went dead.
You paced the floor with a hand over your mouth to keep from screaming with Ryu napping in the other room, but this situation could only be fully resolved with risks being taken. The company you put blood sweat and tears into — you had long since realized you never wanted to start an entire company, but it was the best thing you knew how to do to make money to give your son the life he deserved — was going to have to be put in jeopardy. Your life, and more importantly your son’s life, would be in immediate danger once you decide to wage this war.
It’s father against daughter, and loser loses everything.
“You were really going to go through this again alone? You really piss me off sometimes.”
You whirled around to the door of the guest bedroom you were in to see not only Katsuki, but Eiji also standing there. It didn’t shock you in the slightest how pissed Katsuki looked, but Kirishima’s deathly stare had you frozen in place. Even though you knew in the back of your mind that their anger was towards your father, you couldn’t help but feel weak when two very famous pro heroes had their murderous gazes on full display for you.
“You don’t have to worry,” Kirishima said and flashed you a hardened arm. “No one is going to touch you or Ryu on my watch.”
Katsuki grunted, “I’ll kill anyone that tries.”
(A\N: So who’s ready to see full on angst, romance, and a badass reader? Cause I am ^_^! Also the amount of love and insight you guys give me on this story is insane and I still can’t than you enough 🥺 I hope you enjoy! <3
Taglist (Closed) <3 : @fandomgirllover @cloudsgathering @that-bipolar-renegade-romantic @jazzylove @that-chick212 @bonbonthedragon @misssugarless @insomniac-nerd-posts-things @bakugous-bakahoe @pinkykookie17 @animexholic @arielting @samkysnks @simpforeveryone @damnirina @deneuves @tsumuuumiyaaaa @vintage-teddyxo @regalmigraine @samvmgh @iamagalaxy @officialtrashbusiness @xwackk @videogameboiwhowins @marajillana @ellasdilemma @plutoneu @saucey-kneecapzz42020 @thestarsanctuary @dewdropwifu @star-light-imagines @kritiiiii @bakugosbottombitch @the2ndl @candybabey @simply-not-the-same @sam-i-am-1025 @mes-bisous @eternallyvenus @peppytine @chaelysian @definitely-yours @oikawarc @suneaterofthebig3 @m0na-l0ver @nkb0048 @losertsukki i @notyourfavorlte @caramelsquares @hikaru-mikazuki
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magicmanias · 3 years
The Wanderer
Episode 2 of Polaris
[per - uh - jee] (n). Astronomy. the point in the orbit of a heavenly body at which it is nearest to the earth
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Summary: A fugitive out of time + interdimensional space travel + a love story. Always on the run, and while Loki might be able to escape the TVA, he always gravitates towards you. Not even bending the fabric of space and time itself can cut his heartstrings.
Occurs after the events of Endgame. Replaces Loki mini-series timeline.
Warnings: You know it’s gonna be angst. You just know. Come on now.
Word Count: 3.0k
A/N: Sorry this took so long! I have exams coming up, so I’ve been having to study for those a lot. Once exams are over at the end of May, you know I’ll be writing like a maniac. Also, the word count will definitely increase as the chapters go along. It's been a bit short, but right now, we're just building traction! And yes… You will come across a part that is vague and opens up more questions about the reader who I have named Goddess Divine.
<- Previous | Next -> (Coming soon)
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“Thank you.” Loki rubs his wrists as the chains fall to the ground. “Where did you learn to do that?”
“You—My husband taught me,” you said. Loki nodded but offered nothing in response. “We need to leave here. I know a way.”
“Hey, hold on.” Loki reached out to grab her wrist, but lowered his hand once he got her attention instead. “We don’t have the Tesseract.”
“There are other ways to leave this planet.”
Loki scoffed. “I don’t think you understand how powerful that thing is.”
You turned fully to face him, craning your neck to meet his eyes. “I know more than you. Trust me. It’s better if you forget about it.”
The children are constantly at the forefront of your thoughts even as you searched for an escape in the caverns under Asgard. Memories of posies in hand and your old, favorite pink dress drew all your attention from the damp halls illuminated by enchanted flame. This place… this time that you’re in was all-too-well ingrained in the core of everything you remembered of your home.
Your calves started to strain and it took you some time until you realized that you’ve been trying to sync your steps with Loki’s, an unconscious effort you would always put in walking alongside your husband. The difference was that his doppleganger didn’t take care to shorten his strides to allow for you to keep up.
“We’ve fallen into a past timeline of yours.” Loki glanced at you over his shoulder. “Those children were you and… your husband.”
“Yes.” You give up on trying to keep up and let him take the lead. “I remember why we were up there. Today was the Perigee.”
Loki was curious. He’d never heard of such a thing. “I’m sorry. I don’t understand.”
You made a confused look on your face, but then immediately understood. “I suppose you don’t observe that in your world.”
“No, I can’t say that we do. Is it a celestial celebration? We only commemorate the coming of the seasons.”
At the end of the hall, you finally arrived at the center of the caverns, a chamber of nine interconnected murals telling the story of creation. You and Loki used to play under these paintings, waiting until Thor would find you at last.
“The Perigee is not of Asgard. It exists on Midgard, the mortal planet, when the moon is at its closest point in orbit to the earth. It happens so often there, but we hold the festival when Asgard, too, is at its closest point with Midgard.”
“That seems a bit arbitrary,” he commented, now gazing at the murals of his father above him. Odin was painted in a beautiful light as he constructed the world. Ymir simply seemed to disappear from the artwork, but the muralist failed to convey that Odin slew the giant and used his body to form the cosmos.
“There is a story behind it, like all great Norse holidays have. It tells the story of Gaea and Máni. A tale of forbidden love. Lofn loves to tell the story for all the children at each festival. She claims that without her, they would never have ended up together,” you laughed, “I remember pulling Loki from his books so we could make it on time.” You giggled at the memory.
“Máni? I haven’t ever heard of him retiring from pulling the moon. And Gaea has been sleeping for eons.”
“Our history is different, perhaps. I do not exist in your Asgard, yes?” You continued to walk, choosing the fourth passage from the left that led to the waterfall beneath the palace.
“No. No, I’m afraid not.” Loki paused in thought as he contemplated your assumption. Surely you must have existed somewhere in his world. “So what was so forbidden of their love?”
“Where I come from, Gaea was truly the first realm to exist, made of the blood and dust from a time even beyond her. In an empty universe, she was lonely, though she was a goddess of life itself. So she collected more dust in the reaches of space and breathed life into Máni. He was born, bright like the stars and light in his heart. He was grateful for life, and in return, he gave her his love… and her children. The mortals. But when they came close to embrace one another, he came too close and scorched the earth, burning her children. Gaea mourned, crying until Midgard flooded with her tears. From the water, the plants regrew and the animals emerged, but still, she missed her children. Máni couldn’t bear to see his love so saddened, so he sacrificed almost all of his power to breathe new life in the mortals. He grew dim and small, no longer so mighty without Gaea’s magic. Now in a realm of eternal darkness, Sol had finally caught up to Máni. She was born with the duty to bring light to the mortals, but Odin also tasked her with the job to separate Gaea and Máni when they became too close. Every day, she shines her light on the earth, but when she goes to rest, Máni returns to see Gaea before Sol wakes up once again to warn Máni. Yet sometimes, Máni can’t help but to come a little bit closer to Gaea—the rising tides his only warning. We call it the Perigee.”
“And what of Lofn? How did she contribute her skills in this forbidden love?”
“Oh yes. Lofn told us that she was the only being to give her consent to their love. The rest of Aesir vehemently rejected the bond. She used to try and match all the children up in the village and she would host all the play weddings. We must have been married by her hundreds of times. She could never resist the idea of the God of Mischief with a maiden Vanir.”
The sound of water crashing down into the abyss grew louder and louder as natural light started to creep into the passage.
“What is your role?”
“My role?”
“Yes, what do you do? What do you reign over?”
“Oh, I’m really no one. I don’t even think the Midgardians are aware of me. My role is quite insignificant compared to the likes of your brother or even the infamous trickster.”
“What is your role, Goddess?” he pushed once more.
“Seidr,” you shrugged, racing your finger along the stone wall.
“I would hardly call that insignificant. The power of prophecy is a force to be reckoned with.”
“I was born with a divine title, but I can’t even perform a healing spell,” you admitted.
“Your husband never taught you?” Loki smirked, the tease hanging loose from his lips.
You frowned. “No, he couldn’t.”
A rumble of footsteps approached and neither you nor Loki hesitated to make a final run towards the end of the tunnel. As you started to gain some speed, you suddenly froze, completely still as a hazy orange light encased you. Loki’s hand glowed green, battling against the force that trapped you, but just as quickly as he tried to free you, he was captured.
The TVA launched you through the exact same process as the first time. Long lines, an infinite number of signatures on documents you didn’t understand, and a maze of doorways. You didn’t see Loki again for a long time. It felt like days, but in a place as distorted as this, you couldn’t keep track of the hours.
Another agent guided you into a holding cell. It looked strange—more like an inn room more than a jail. There was a bed, a tiny washroom, and a square box that showed what looked like a play for children. The characters chattered silently while their simple dialogue was scrawled in the glass. The door opened.
“It appears we’re roommates this time.” Loki strolled into the room and the agent closed the door behind him, the lock clicking in place.
The box flashed and the program changed to the man you had just become acquainted with before your escape. “Well that was fun, wasn’t it? Unfortunately, we will have to keep you here since you didn’t seem to enjoy the more open kind of hospitality we offered you last time. Just until everything is processed. You know how bureaucracy is. I’ll see you in a few.” Mobius winks and the moving picture contraption clicks off with a warm hum.
“Tell me about myself.” You looked up from the book provided by your captors. Loki leaned back in the desk chair with his legs on the table. He fiddled with a glass cup, tossing it in the air and catching it.
You dropped the book in your lap, still open. “I’m sorry?”
“Well you were married to an alternate version of me. He’s lived more life than me. Surely you must have something to tell me that would be of use.” He shrugged, not bothering to drag any more of his attention away from the glass.
You were sure you looked surprised as he followed his answer with, “Am I so different from him? Come on now, he must have been at least half as charming.”
“Oh… He was charming.” You closed the book and placed it on the table next to the bed. The edge of the sheet rubbed between your fingers while you considered what to tell him. “He was my best friend in childhood.”
“Tell me about the children. The younger versions of yourselves on that day. What were you doing?” Loki placed the cup on the desk and crossed one leg over the other.
It was so easy to answer. In all the years, you never forgot that particular celebration. “It was my idea to climb the hill. To pick flowers before we watched the Perigee. Lofn had paired us up for her little wedding ceremony to host in front of the children and I wanted a bouquet… for the morning gift. I didn’t know what they were at the time, but I figured it could be anything.”
“Aren’t morning gifts usually given to the bride? And… in the morning?”
You tossed your head back in calm, tired laughter. “Yes, but that wouldn’t have stopped me anyway. I think I gave them to you after we said ‘I do.’ We were… eight at the time.”
“Goddess Divine…” He kissed her hands. The red skyline fades into purple as the water at the dock darkens below. “Never doubt my love for you. Will you miss me?” said he.
“As much as there are stars in the sky.”
“Always the poet’s tongue,” said he.
“Well, I had some inspiration,” said she.
He looks wearily past the Goddess, but smiles warmly once more. “I’m afraid our time has come to an end, Goddess. I love you.”
“No resurrections this time...” No. It was supposed to happen like this. Thanos. He wasn’t supposed to be here. It’s happening all over again.
Warm water tickled your cheeks and then you were enveloped in a pool of water. Your husband’s arms wrapped around your waist as the water climbed the walls of the tub. No, this wasn’t him… It wasn’t him. It wouldn’t ever be him. “Goddess…”
“Let me go! Let me go… I want to go.” You grasp desperately at the edge of the tub, wringing yourself from Loki’s grasp. You fell onto the tile floor of the washroom, your wet clothes heavy on your back.
“Wait, just—” Loki cuts himself short when you stumble into the bathroom doorway and pull the knob to the bedroom.
“You need—”
“Don’t tell me what I need! You don’t kn—know.” Your body felt weak. The walls felt like they were closing in on you. No matter how hard you tried, it seemed like you could never get enough air.
“I know being alive is certainly better than suffocating in space.”
“Is it!? I can’t even grieve for him! Be-Be… Be—cause I… Becau—se I ke-keep…” You choked, breaking out into a violent sob. Your legs buckle underneath you, but you managed to catch the ground under your hand. Tears stained the fabric covering your lap as you struggled to breathe in between your bawling, forcing you to hiccup only further fueling your frustration. “Why am I here?”
Loki knelt down and watched as you pulled your knees up to your chest and buried your head in the space between. “Heartbreak is… a sorrow that I am all too familiar with. The feeling of your chest burning and freezing and being crushed all at once. But I didn’t give you a moment to simply… catch your breath after I, admittedly, forced you to escape with me. And I will never understand what it’s like to have to look at the face of your husband every minute of every day, but I do know this…” Loki let out a steady breath. “I will never leave you behind. Ever. Until I am able to fix this mess that I have brought upon you.” Loki lowered himself onto his knees. “That is my vow to you, goddess.”
He placed a hand over yours. It was a small gesture, leaving you wanting more. You tugged on his hand, manually tucking his arm underneath yours. He leaned into your motion, sitting on the floor behind you and pulling you close between his legs. Your eyes pierced him like venom, toxic but more addictive than the sweetest wine. A Goddess Divine.
Loki grew older in recent years, but his eyes had never changed. A sea of chaos and calm. He was there, your husband. Right in front of you, holding you.
“I always liked your eyes,” you murmured. You dragged your finger across the top of his cheek, tracing a line under his eye.
And I, yours.
You slid your finger up and cupped his face in your palm. Your husband. “I love you.”
Your lips swept gently along his; hesitant, yet your hand dragged through his hair, pulling him closer. Loki held still, but made no move to stop you. Your breaths grew harder as you grew more persistent. Even though you knew you would never be able to utter a word about this after, the need for him overcame you. In the sickest of ways, he was your only chance at truly saying goodbye to your husband.
Never doubt my love for you.
Your lips were soft. As irrational as the better part of him knew it was, he couldn’t help but think this felt almost habitual. He knew he should have pushed you away or reminded you of who he was. But when your fingers glided through his hair, Loki lost all sense of what was proper. He leaned into your touch, letting you relax in his lap as you continued to kiss him… eyes clenched shut. Loki wished he could look at your eyes and pretend he was the man you were pretending he was.
“Thank you.”
The agents dragged Loki to a door labeled “INTERROGATION ROOM #603521.”
An agent walked into the room, reviewing several documents attached to a clipboard.. “Do you know why you’re here, Mr. Laufeyson?” She didn’t bother to look up from the papers as she sat down in the seat on the other side of the table.
“Where is she?”
“I’m afraid your questions will have to be saved for the end of this, Mr. Laufeyson. Please comply.”
Loki lifted his head lazily, shifting his legs wide in the metal chair. A grin curled at his lips. He didn’t know how they were going to escape this hell. Running from an infinitely powerful force existing beyond time. It would never end… Was he ready to drag you through eternal hell with him?
He would rot in hell for all he cared, but the TVA was no more than a joke—a circus of clowns playing their parts… and he would find you.
“I’m going to burn this place to the ground.”
“Never teleport me again. This is worse than the Bifrost.” You placed a clenched hand to your forehead and winced. The pounding in your head was ceaseless, though you were too cold to be completely tortured by it. The TVA was left in shambles, subjected to Loki’s wrath after he found you freezing in the depths of space. He hadn’t said a word to you since he discovered you, nearly lifeless. The ice burned your skin and your vision was useless for the time being. You could hear the crackles of flame and stone beneath your feet. “Where are we?”
“I don’t know, but we need to heal these burns before they scar.” Loki carefully lifted your hand, examining your wounds. “Are you in pain?”
“I can’t feel anything. Just cold.” You inched your feet closer to the heat of the fire. It wasn’t as painful as you had expected it to be. Dying in space wasn’t such a bad way to go… You only wished Loki had anything else less painful.
He hummed in response. The burns begin to warm. A peculiar feeling tickles your skin and makes its way down your torso.
“My mother taught me. I can teach you.”
“What?” Loki placed more wood on the fire. Perhaps Thor’s boyish interests were good for something…
“You need to learn how to use your powers. A seidr goddess is no goddess without seidr.”
“I told you. I don’t have it. I’ve tried. You’ve tried.” Loki didn’t answer, but footsteps fell away from you.
Loki watched the asteroids floating in the foggy atmosphere. Odin once told him stories of how he acquired all his wisdom. Life itself is knowledge, he would say. War, politics, distant planets. They all have something to offer, but there is a place where wisdom flows like water in the roots of the Tree of Life. “The Allfather once traveled to the roots of Yggdrasil to attain knowledge and guide his reign. Perhaps we can go there.”
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cybernaght · 3 years
The Rebel/叛逆者: A Review of Sorts
After being only semi-invested in the Rebel, I ended up getting so into it in the final weeks of its release, I’ve shelled out on IQIYI premium just to get the final couple of episodes a few days earlier.
That’s right kids, it’s a Review of Sorts. Unfortunately, I could not find a translation of the novella the drama is based on, so will be looking at it as a separate entity. 
Most of this post is spoiler-free, however I have dedicated a few paragraphs at the end of it to discussing the final episode, as there are a few specific things about it I wanted to mention. There is a clear spoiler warning before that part.
If you don’t want to risk it, TL;DR version of this review goes something like this: Rebel is very decent, and positively one of the best things that I have seen to come out of China since I’ve jumped into that particular rabbit hole. It’s pretty well written, it’s very beautifully dressed and shot, and the cast is killing it. I thought it dropped the ball a little in post production, and I did not always love the pacing. Other than that, it’s incredibly decent, and well worth watching, unless communist propaganda really irks you, in which case stay very well away. 
I have been having many conversations with @supernovasimplicity​ all the way through watching this drama, so there are likely to be some thoughts here that are influenced by those. 
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The story centers around Lin Nansheng, a struggling servicemen in the Guomingdang party. He has a great analytical mind, and absolutely no emotional capacity for his job. He has trouble handling violence, he is impulsive, he cannot speak to his superiors without bursting into tears, and has nothing even remotely resembling a poker face. And that is what makes this drama as enjoyable as it is. 
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I don’t think Lin Nansheng’s journey would have been nearly as exciting had he started it from a place of competence. He botches up everything he touches because his big brain switches off the moment his emotions kick in. And so, when you see him grow in confidence, learn to control himself, learn to fake his smiles and compliments, you can’t help but feel a strange sense of pride. It also makes Lin Nansheng very likeable as a character for reasons other than Zhu Yilong’s ability to look like a bush baby.
It did take me a while to feel fully engaged with his performance - not because there is anything lacking in it, but just because it’s hard to be truly surprised by his choices after the exposure I have given myself to his work. That said, at about a half-way point I got charmed by him anyway, and there were quite a few scenes that were truly mesmerising. There were scenes where he broke out of the familiar mould of big unguarded eyes and fluttering wet eyelashes, and tried something that was not pretty: every time to a great success. I am hoping to see more of that in his future work. 
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I really wanted to like the female lead, Zhu Yizhen, but unfortunately both the way she was written and the way she was performed by Tong Yao left me somewhat cold. It did not help of course that the screenplay ended up sidelining her at every turn, leaving her with very little personal agency. She was set up so interestingly, but in the end her sole purpose became being someone for Lin Nansheng to pine over. It is particularly curious from a perspective of meta storytelling: seeing how this is all centered around superiority of communism, which as a whole was, arguably, ahead of its time in the matters of binary gender equality.
The ensemble cast of the drama is stunning. Wang Yang came very close to  stealing the show at several points as Chen Moqun, somehow managing to make his rather unlikeable character interesting. I can say the same thing about Zhu Zhu who absolutely shined as Lin Xinjie, showing an incredible range and imagination in her performance.
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The overarching story of the show is engaging, with some incredibly suspenseful elements; every narrative arc including a nice progression through it. As spy thrillers go, it was fairly well plotted. You could if you go looking for a few things that did not pay off in a satisfying way (notably, the Chekhov’s cyanide capsule), but you overall the story really was well told for the most of it. 
I did, however, feel like the pacing started to fall apart in the last quarter of the drama. Last episode in particular really did feel rushed, not just due to its pace, but also in a way it failed to pay off the final mission in any visible way. There will be more on that in the spoiler section of this post.
Important to note that The Rebel is a show made in Communist China in the year 2021. It does not ideologically side-step from the path that was laid out for it by that fact. Which is to say, it is, undeniably, filled with propaganda. Communists are the good guys, and if you think a good guy (or gal) is not a communist, they probably secretly are. With one exception of a friendly character who is not a communist, and whose fate we actually never find out. Curious, that. 
The Rebel is not a kind of a show where censorship-appeasing scenes are shoehorned in. It’s a kind of a show in which the main theme is Sacrifice For the Party.
Aside from the being the moral vector of the show, Mao’s gentle teachings explicitly help get Ling Nansheng out of prolonged depression following his injury, and almost annoyingly, this sat incredibly well with the character, as he was written. Lin Nansheng is conceived as this naive idealist who wants to be on the front line, who needs validation and support of others. His - and I can’t believe I’m saying this - his being disillusioned in his beliefs and choosing to join a party which includes people whom he likes and trusts makes sense. Him finding this one thing that gives him hope and letting it propel him into gaining confidence and competence makes sense. 
In many ways, the Rebel is a story of Lin Nansheng’s failure to become an antagonist within the world of the drama.
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I have honestly spent this past couple of weeks pondering whether being well written makes political propaganda better or worse, whether the subtlety of it makes it more or less palatable, whether it’s enough, as a viewer, to be aware of it to shrug it off. Ultimately, this is not something I could or should make moral judgements on, but I do believe that it’s possible to acknowledge the fact that propaganda exists in the drama, and still appreciate it for a good piece of television that it is. 
That said, I am very well aware that me being kind of okay with it stems entirely from my own removal from the culture this is made in, and I am, perhaps, lucky to even have a choice as to whether I want to engage with a product which is, undoubtably, here to dress political ideology in fancy clothes.
I have, on the other hand, also seen many things in Russian media of the “Annexation of Crimea is Good Actually” variety and those make me feel very unwell, so feeling somewhat at ease with blatant political propaganda in Chinese media makes me the biggest hypocrite.
But, I digress.
Before we go into some specific plot-related things, I would like to mention that the Rebel has this weird dichotomy in which the production is sublime, and the post-production… not so much. The show very well shot. Every element of it sits perfectly together, not a single prop out of place, not a single extra underdressed, not a page of script not put to good use. It’s lit to perfection. It’s scored beautifully. So much of this show is just stunning.
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And then… there is post-production. 
This is not even about bad CGI (and the CGI is, indeed, bad), it’s just that most of post-production as a whole feels rushed.
Starting with surprisingly imperfect editing, which at times just fails to make the scene flow together. The final line of dialogue would be spoken within a scene, and it would fade to black instantly without a single breath to indicate a full stop. A montage sequence would be created, but every shot within it condensed to a second, making it feel incredibly fast-paced when the effect should be the opposite. There would be a cut away from a speaking character and to the same speaking character from a slightly different angle, making it dynamic without any reason to do so. There are a couple of truly startling jump-cuts.
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I did not speed this gif up. This is part of a romantic montage, edited like it’s a goddamn action sequence.
And of course dear old friend slowing down footage shot at 24FPS. Please don’t do this. You think no one notices - but we do.
There are other tell-tale signs of production rushing to the finish line: occasional, but very noticeable ADR glitches, very sloppy job done at sound mixing, which contribute to parts of the show feeling ever so slightly off.
It’s not unforgivable, but it does make me wish the same amount of care and efforts that went into shooting this drama would also go into it after it was all in the can. 
Oh, and just because if you know me you know I have a professional fixation on fights, and I am happy to say most action scenes are toe-curlingly delightful. Hot damn those fights are good. I am absolutely in love with the shot below, for example. Placing an actor behind a piece of set so he can exchange places with the stunt double during a one shot is such an old trick, but the execution, timing and camerawork are just... flawless. This is what perfection looks like.
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Now we got all that out of the way...
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Here’s the thing. I wanted to love the ending and I found that I could not.
The final mission was presented as important, and honestly the scene in which Zhu Yizhen is sending the vital message out as Lin Nansheng holds his ground in hand to hand fight is incredibly dynamic. Party, this is due to the fight itself being incredibly well choreographed, yes, but it’s also where it sits within the narrative, how high the stakes are for everything surrounding it. 
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But then, the tension all but bleeds out. The Important Message is sent, the fight is won, and we are treated to ten minutes of a very slow car chase, problem of which is not even its speed as much as its placing within the story. As in, by this point both of those operatives have lost their cover, and completed their Very Important Mission. It would be very sad if they died, but their survival does not technically contribute to their cause. Moreover, Zhu Yizhen getting mortally injured in order to protect Lin Nansheng as part of her mission read a little empty when the mission is technically over. 
While I personally found Lin Nansheng slow recuperation and his low key ending enjoyable, I think I would have preferred to have seen a more tangible pay-off to all the sacrifices made in the name of “bright communist future”, just a little more justification for every moment of death and despair we witnessed. I would have certainly at the very least preferred to see Wang Shi’an’s death on screen. Considering how many likeable characters martyred themselves on screen, denying us the death of the one antagonist just seemed cruel. 
I really did love the ambiguity of the final few scenes however, if we consider the children choir at the end a fantasy. The idea that Lin Nansheng will live out his life in this hope that Zhu Yizhen is still alive, imagining her just outside of his field of vision, his only joy being in this fantasy of her… now, that is incredibly strong. I equally like the idea of rest being promised to him at the end of his journey, and said rest being painful, and slow and unwelcome.
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But it felt like as they chose not to to lean into the “sweet” part of the bitter-sweet tone of the ending and we’re unable not commit to the “bitter” part either, so it lands with a splat which is somewhat lacklustre. 
This concludes my thoughts on the Rebel. 
I am more or less out of Zhu Yilong’s filmography to watch, which is probably a good thing at this point. I have just emerged out of several back to back work projects - literally today - and will hopefully once more have time for things I grew to enjoy doing during the lockdown. 
Those things, if you have not guessed, include watching Chinese television and writing things about Chinese television. 
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work-of-waking-up · 4 years
In Defense of the Psychopath
Alright, wanna venture into my crazy ass brain? I’m going to start by saying one thing that will set the tone for everything else that follows: Villanelle is not a psychopath in the way that we currently understand them. Why am I even bothering to write about a fictional character, you ask? Because representation is important. Media portrayal of various mental and behavioral health topics (including ones that people might not think need to be discussed) is important and this show has a big audience. I also just want to contribute to the conversations that are taking place because I am seeing A LOT of them and the reason for that I believe boils down to the fact that Jodie makes Villanelle so relatable and people want to know what that means and looks like for them. Even those who felt they could relate to Sandra’s Eve, or the relationship between the two, maybe questioned what that meant the further they went down the path with them. “It’s probably a bad thing I relate to a psychopath, right? But she can’t be a psychopath because she cries and she feels things! Psychopaths don’t cry, which means she isn’t realistic so therefore it’s okay that I relate to her! Right? Or are my assumptions about psychopaths and people with antisocial personality disorder wrong? I relate to Eve but look what she is underneath it all...so does that mean I relate to that part of her too?” Not only is villanelles character relatable, but people see the freedom inherent within her, the freedom that Eve sees, and they realize that, at least on some level, they want it too. The show has (unintentionally I think) created a massive dialogue which is super cool and you can tell everyone involved on the show is aware of that now, I mean they have a consulting psychiatrist so I think that speaks for itself. This is less of a commentary on the character herself and whether or not she is a genuine psychopath, and more so a commentary on the conversations she has inspired and why... For the record, this is literally just my opinion sprinkled with a few facts, nothing else.
So, the term psychopath gets thrown around in the show, more so in the beginning, MI6 explicitly labels Villanelle this way, even going so far as to use her in a presentation about psychopaths, although I think that was more so to gauge Eve’s response than anything else. The reality of Villanelle, which we come to learn, is that nobody has been able to get close enough to really know the truth. Anna and Konstantin both got close but we never hear either of them use that word (Konstantin says it once but he clearly doesn’t mean it, it was more of an attempted manipulation tactic). They make it clear that she has, and can, and WILL cause damage, but that’s as far as they go. Eve is getting close and she tells Villanelle when they first meet that she knows Villanelle is a psychopath but it’s obvious from Eve's behavior and things she says later on that she truly doesn’t believe Villanelle is what everyone says she is. It’s easier to label her as a psychopath because that alienates and isolates her and her behavior completely. She is an outlier with behavioral anomalies and therefore it isn’t necessary to look any closer. For MI6 and others (not talking about the shows creators) to label Villanelle as a psychopath is easy, it’s lazy, it’s reductive, it serves a single purpose... a means to an end. They (anyone other than Eve basically) simply do not care about Villanelle’s truth. But as an audience we are lucky enough to see more of her with each episode. The psychopath label begins to fade and Oksana is what’s left. We know based on what she has said that she is aware that people think she is a psychopath, a monster, a person built to kill. It’s not always easy to decide that who you are is different from who you’ve always been told you are, especially given her history. Villanelle hasn’t told us yet if she thinks (or knows) that she is a psychopath, but it’s clear towards the end of last season that she no longer wants to be the person that they (meaning the twelve, Dasha, Konstantin, etc.) created. We see moments where she clearly has no remorse and clearly enjoys what she does, but then we have little moments sprinkled in between where she very obviously struggles, even if its short lived. And those moments are important. We have the moment where she struggles with the choice to shoot Konstantin, saying he is a good person, she thinks. This comes shortly after a conversation she had where Irina tells Villanelle she thinks she is a good person because she is sad, so we know she is thinking about it, we know the awareness is there, and it becomes more and more there as times goes on. I like to think of it in terms of having moments that are pure Villanelle (ie the way she killed Inga in the Russian prison), and then we have moments that are Oksana, vulnerable and emotional. Villanelle is a creation and a mask whereas oksana is the truth. Those moments are starting to really mean something. I'm not even going to start with her trip to find her family, that’s its own thing, but it's a Really Big Thing.
So. Villanelle is not a psychopath in the way that we currently understand and perceive them. Yes, she displays psychopathic traits, and yes, she absolutely has antisocial personality disorder. I read an article where the psychiatric consultant for the show (makes it pretty obvious how hard they worked to make Villanelle as realistic as possible) said that the Villanelle in Luke Jenning’s books scored a 32 on Hare’s psychiatric checklist, but I like to think (and I think a lot of people would agree) that number is a bit high, at least for Jodie’s Villanelle, maybe not even hitting 30 at all (close though, let’s be real lol). The max score is 40 which would be a fully blown primary psychopath. For reference, Ted Bundy scored 39. This checklist is flawed though, mostly created and based off the prison population. Which is why it isn’t used as a proper diagnostic tool. 32 is apparently extraordinarily high for a female (think Aileen Wuornos), which brings me to my next point which is that because it’s hard to measure a lot of the classic traits objectively, there is not a ton of solid data surrounding psychopathy, and even less of it is on female psychopaths. Like most things in life, psychopathy exists on a spectrum, there are levels and layers. It’s not black and white, there’s no definitive test (psychopathy isn’t even in the DSM-5 because as I said earlier it’s extremely hard to measure objectively) and it's important to distinguish between someone who exhibits psychopathic traits and someone who is actually an identifiable psychopath. Chances are high that someone you know displays at least one characteristic shared with psychopaths and this doesn’t make them one.
I think what’s important about this is that mental disorders (mental illness/personality disorders/etc.) of any kind are much more nuanced than a lot of people tend to think they are. That they exist less in black and white and more in shades of grey. Jodie Comer is absolutely remarkable for showcasing that through portraying the different layers of Villanelle. Her performance is a literal gift. We cannot keep thinking and acting like we know everything about how a person thinks, feels, and behaves based strictly and entirely on one label. The thing that has stuck out to me the most, the reason I decided to even write this bullshit babble, is that one of the most searched topics about the show is whether or not it’s realistic that Villanelle cries, and honestly how sad is that? That makes me sad for V. Is it more realistic for her to develop connections and cognitive empathy if she was made into a psychopath vs if she was born that way? Is there a legitimate difference between the two? And how do we even decide which one is applicable for someone? It’s important to add that antisocial personality disorder is not the same thing as psychopathy or sociopathy. You can have aspd and not be a psychopath. Research has shown that about only a third of those diagnosed with aspd would meet criteria to be considered a psychopath. Society is not doing a great job at getting people to understand this. But to be fair, understanding personality disorders specifically has been somewhat problematic, a lot of diagnostic confusion and overlap between disorders. A LOT of work needs to be done. But as far as portrayals go, society has strictly chosen to go the route of giving us psychopathic characters and having them be inherently violent, incapable of remorse, feelings, or change. Poverty of all emotions. Subhuman. They are made out to be so abnormal and unrelatable to the point where the character of Villanelle has sparked so much debate and fascination simply because she exists in a way that actually IS relatable...and layered and beautiful and thrilling. We thought she would be the bad guy and yet we root for her at every turn, we cry for her, we want good things for her! We see her darkness and without question or hesitation we forgive it. She makes us question what we’ve previously been shown. Questioning whether or not it’s realistic that she acts the way she does is less important than questioning our own personal assumptions and beliefs and where those come from. I think that’s awesome. Villanelle is truly a gift. She is hands down one of the most well written fictional characters, which is saying a lot considering when you put something, or someone, in a box it doesn’t leave tons of room for expansion. and I honestly don’t even really need to say this, but.. Jodie Comer.
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seraphsurvival · 3 years
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episode 1: 𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙮 𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙡 𝙣𝙚𝙚𝙙𝙨 𝙖 𝙨𝙤𝙣𝙜
having completed all their challenges for week one it is time for the angels to face the music. with their votes in and team performances judged their final rankings decide who will continue on to become apart of 𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐏𝐇. will your favourite angel soar high or will they fall from grace ?
* note that indented + italic text like this means it is confessional footage *
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the iconic seraph intro music played as the cameras focused on the show hosts nova and yen.
“good evening everyone and welcome to...” nova began before yen joined in “seraph!” they chorused.
“this week was a tough first week for our angels.” yen began before looking over at nova who enthusiastically nodded along . “they had 2 challenges to complete: the iconic angel song and a group performance.”
“having to juggle solo performances and group work proved to be quite difficult for some of our angels. both groups had their share of mishaps...” behind nova clips of the angels in their confessionals in tears or looking stressed covered the screen further proving her statement.
“but despite all of this we saw some amazing performances.” nova grinned as she turned back to all the angels on the platform behind her.
“judges, what do you think of our angels this week? who stood out the most to you?” yen questioned turning all focus to the panel of judges.
“i thought this week was fun, we got to see a different side to the angels usual concepts,” hyuna spoke first , making sunmi and j-hope nod along with her. “i personally really enjoyed ricky’s performance, it was so fun to watch. her expressions made it that much more entertaining.”
the camera focused on ricky as she bowed at the praise. her features stretched out in a bright smile as chloe squeezed her hand beside her happy for her new best friend.
“i think mine was yuri’s performance of ‘GOTTA GO’. she surprised me in a good way. i was not expecting her to stand out the way she did but i’m glad she did. i’m proud of her.” sunmi answered.
on stage yuri visibly blushed as she repeatedly bowed. her soft ‘thank you’ making sunmi smile sweetly.
“hmmm all the angels were truly excelled this week ,” j-hope chuckled , resting his head on his hand. “none of the performances were boring. did some have room for growth in technique terms? of course, but pretty much everyone performed well.”
“yeah, yeah, yeah. who was your favourite?” hyuna jokingly pushed making everyone laugh.
“if i had to pick i think my favourite would be summer’s cover of ‘DARE’. her lines were clean and moves sharp. it was great to see her do a much darker concept. you can tell why she is where she is.”
summer nodded happily as a response to j-hope’s comments. she had always been a huge fan of BTS and it took everything within her not to fangirl hearing her idol praise her for her performance.
“what about the groups what did you think?” nova questioned once again.
the judges shared a look with each other before hyuna leaned into her mic, “honestly group one really surprised us this week. im really impressed with their performance of ‘FAKE LOVE’.” the idol leaned forward to be in her fellow judge’s line of sight. “j-hope, was it up to standard?”
“it was definitely up to standard they really destroyed the performance. i feel honoured truly.” he chuckled
the entirety of group one laughed at his comment. each of the angels thanking him in their own regard, their pride evident in their faces the entire time. in juxtaposition the camera pans to team two who’s faces look less than impressed with
“overall, i’d say everyone did great today, yes there is definitely room for improvement but and i don’t think i’d be wrong if i said all us judges are proud of every single one of the angels on a successful first week,” sunmi concluded. hyuna and j-hope hummed in agreement and nodded along to every word she said. she sent the angels a reassuring thumbs up to try soothe the obvious nerves of all the angels on stage.
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incase you missed it !
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the lights dimmed as the entire mood of the studio shifted.
“even though all our angels deserve to soar high sadly for one angel their wings will be cut.” nova spoke, her serious tone emphasizing the tension in the studio.
“before we show the results here’s a refresher on how voting works: you have been voting all week for your favourite angel and those votes contribute 50 points each. these points are added to the group points.” she looked over at yen to signal her to say her next lines.
“but today’s episode has a special twist,” yen turned to the camera with a pause. “two angels will be going home today.” behind the hosts the angels heads snapped up in panic. none of them were aware of the double elimination.
“the first will be the angel with the lowest rank from the losing team, and the other will be the angel with the lowest overall ranking, even if she’s part of the winning team she’ll leave the show today.”
the silence in the studio was deafening. none of the angels dared say a word as they waited in anticipation for the results. the angels stood in the groups as they linked hands to give each other support.
“without further ado, let’s see the results.” nova spoke directing everyone’s eyes to the screen where everyone’s rankings were plastered.
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* every member of group 1 gets 350 points for placing first and every member of group 2 gets 250 points for placing last *
BAEBI - 1450 ( @whileinvenus )
YURI - 1300 ( @cube-vivid )
SUMMER - 1150 ( @se4sonz )
MIMI - 900 ( @inter-stellar-jyp )
RICKY - 850 ( @unholiied )
HAEJU - 800 ( @hcney-moon )
CHLOE - 800 ( @chloekwon )
EDEN - 750 ( @inter-stellar-jyp )
JADE - 750 ( @nct-krown )
AME - 700 ( @triptychexe )
DAHLIA - 650 ( @d3adfl0wers )
JAY - 500 ( @dulcetgg )
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yuri brought her hands to her mouth, frozen in shock.
“i was not expecting to make it another week honestly,” she spoke in disbelief. “after being outshined by ricky all week, i thought it was over but here i am!” she giggled covering her mouth to hide the broad smile taking over her features.
baebi hugged her excitedly. her smile not only reflecting her pride in yuri’s high rank but also her own first place rank. pushing aside her dissatisfaction with their team losing she still was proud of what they’d done.
the same positivity was not felt as dahlia and jade saw the score board. as their team came last they knew someone was in jeopardy of going home but neither of them would’ve guessed it would be dahlia.
frozen in shock jade turned to dahlia who’s hand had flown up to her mouth as her eyes welled up. jade made quick movement to comfort dahlia before she fully broke down.
“don’t let them see you cry you know this says nothing about your talent or potential.” she whispered into dahlia’s ear. the older girl nodded along with jade’s words as she took deep breaths. as much as she was balanced now it still didn’t feel fair.
“dahlia doesn’t deserve this. she is one of the most talented girls here.” jade folded her arms as she turned her head to the side. “i can’t believe dahlia is gone and voice crack ricky is in the top 5. it doesn’t feel right.”
on the other team the girls huddle in an excited hug at their teams first place ranking. their teams ranking is what saved ame that week and she knew it. she had the second lowest rank of her team aside from jay who unfortunately had the least votes that week overall.
“at least some people voted for me”, she spoke to the camera as she let out a sigh. “i’ll just have to work extra hard next week,” she nodded as she encourage herself, trying her best to maintain the smile on her face no matter what.
in contrast to the rest of the girls , jay couldn’t keep her facade up. despite the positive energy around her she couldn’t stop the silent sobs that left her. she didn’t want her journey to end so abruptly, she deserved to stay longer mimi hanged her tightly as she let the taller girl cry into her shoulder. her eyes glossed over along with jays as she knew she was going to miss her, jay was one of the girls she’d grown closest to besides eden.
“i’m obviously going to miss jay,” mimi spoke softly wiping away at her tears. “she’s so talented i’m so sad to see her go. this week didn’t showcase her charms to the fullest,” she shook her head sadly as she sniffled.
the two eliminated girls took a step forward standing center stage as the judges said their last words.
“dahlia, how are you feeling?” nova asked as her teammates lovingly rubbed her back.
taking a deep breath dahlia spoke into the mic that was handed to her. “i’m obviously disappointed. our group didn’t go as planned and i just feel like i didn’t get to fully showcase what i’m capable of.” she sniffles loudly towards the end as she tried her best to hold in her tears.
“dahlia, you’re a talented girl. it's sad because it really felt as if you didn’t know why you were here, i couldn’t feel your passion and you need that to sell a performance.” sunmi spoke her eyebrows furrowed and lips downturned.
dahlia nodded, a sad tight lipped smile on her features as she handed to mic back. she was so focused on the rest of the team not messing up as well as feeling cheated out of the roll of main vocalist played against her. and it was too late to try again all she could do is find the spark that once lit a flame of passion in her and try again outside the show.
“jay,” j-hope sighed as the tall girl bowed her head unable to even look at the judges. “it’s sad seeing you go,” he admitted with a pout. “but i think it’s because you just haven’t found your sparkle yet and i think that’s something you have to do outside of ‘seraph’. but don’t give up and keep up the good work , and I’m sure you’ll be the next big thing.” all jay could do was nod, even having been handed the mic she couldn’t speak a word.
the focus shifted from the bottom 2 girls to ame who although safe still looked as distraught as the other angels.
“ame, you were so close to the bottom this week,” hyuna pointed out to which ame nodded her face sullen and disappointed. “you got lucky tonight but don’t let your guard down,” she pointed at the girl, giving her a knowing look. “something needs to change or you’ll be the next to say goodbye.” she warned. ame nodded once again taking a respectful bow.
the cameras focused back on the two hosts as the girls regrouped behind them.
the two girls descended the platform. dahlia wrapped her arm around jay as she still sobbed uncontrollably. the two made their way off stage waving to the remaining angels before exiting the studio completely and making their way to the dorms to pack up their belongings.
“it’s always sad to see and angel take off, especially so early in the show,” yen sighed sadly. nova hummed in agreement,” but sadly that’s how the show goes.”
“but let’s not focus on only the negatives but some positives. ladies and gentlemen give it up for our remaining 10 angels!” nova cheered making the studio erupt in excited claps and cheers. “congratulations girls you’ve made the top 10 out of hundreds of applicants!” the girls cheered once again as their moods lifted a significant amount compared to the somber mood earlier.
“that’s it for this episode! stay tuned to see how the angels spread their wings and soar through weekly challenges and compete to be a part of the ultimate super group !” yen ran over her signature closing line once again, sharing a sweet smile with her cohost
“thanks to everyone who participated and we’ll see you next week !” nova chimed in mirroring yen’s bright smile.
“goodbye !” they chorused as the 2 hosts waved at the camera before it zoomed out to focus on everyone in the studio.
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*results below ! *
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