#and yea i think i can reach 5 months again
camelosuspeito · 24 days
yea, sometimes we do be going through it
(long ass vent in the tags so yea, maybe skip that)
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dirtypr0mises · 1 month
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I MISS YOU , IM SORRY ⋆ — b. eilish
in which; — you were tired of the confusing situation you and billie were in , i mean come on , you and billie would sometimes flirt , sometimes be bestfriends , sometimes hate eachother & make eachother jealous , some messy make out sessions , late night fun , only texting you after 11 some days and one or two drunken confessions . so you decided to walk out of this toxic , pointless.. you don’t even know what to call it . but billie wanted to show you what you really meant to her , i mean actions speak louder than words , right ?
billie eilish x fem!reader
cw: mean billie , makeout sesh , mentions of drinking , mentions of sexual intercourse , two women loving eachother (scaring the homophobes away)
yapyap: this is my first time writing on tumblr bare w me plsss
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you and billie were right in the middle of kissing, and your shirt was almost off. a call brightened the screen of billies phone which caused the both of you to look down, ‘madeline’s name ran across the screen, the name of her previous situationship, who’d been brought up every now and then. billie hurriedly, but softly pushed you away, grabbing the phone and answering, standing up.
“hey, mads” she said, making your eyes jolt up to hers. mads was a nickname she only ever used when her and madeline were talking again. weird.
“oh really? mm i’ll be there soon” she smiled and hung up the phone, leaving her confused. “gotta run, i have something to take care of” she said, barely making eye contact. you didn’t see the smirk on her face when she turned around and left, not even putting her shoes on, but you knew she had smirked.
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you made sure that as soon as she got back, you were on your way out. and so you did, you had everything in your hand, and the hello kitty key she had made for you was on the dresser by the apartment entrance.
your heart beat was practically reaching the other side of the door as you heard the door unlock, and you had starting walking out the apartment as soon as she finished walking in
“baby, where are you headed?” she slurred, she was drunk. you could smell it. she looked at you, eyebrows furrowed, confused as if she didn’t just hook up with her ex situationship
you scoffed, shaking your head. “i don’t know, but probably far away from your place” you said, continuing to walk. she was still confused. pathetic
“but why?” she asked, grabbing your hand, in which you yanked your hand back. “you just fucked madeline and your asking me why i’m leaving? i’m done with whatever we are, billie! i’m tired of this!” you said, your eyes now glossy.
“we’re just friends, my bad if you thought anything different” she laughed a little, putting her hands up mockingly
“and that’s your problem” and with that you left
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that was 3 months ago, you’d move on with your life. i mean yea you did think of her sometimes, but you were tired of whatever was going on between you two.
just then, you received a call from an unknown number, but you’d recognized the number because the last 3 digits were 222, yalls lucky number. you looked at your phone wide eyed.
you picked up, like an idiot. “hello?” you said, and then you heard the voice you dreaded hearing. “hey.”
it was a quick phone call, all she said was “please come to my apartment, maybe for like 5 minutes, that’s all i need” and all you said was “why so you can just fu- nevermind, i’m on my way” you said and hung up
and then you were on the way, hands shaking as you gripped the steering wheel, and when you looked out the passenger window, you saw her apartment. you took two deep breaths and walked into the apartment, going up to her floor, and knocking on the door.
she answered the door, you looked at her and she looked at you, your eyes met hers, you were actually looking at her. “hi, billie” you said, and she let you in
you paced around, and she just looked confused. “sit down” she said, and you sat down beside her, but there was enough room for someone to sit between yall.
“im sorry, my love. seriously so sorry. i know what i said that night was fucked up, but i seriously didn’t mean it.”
you didn’t know what to say, but then you remembered fully all that happened. “that doesn’t take back that you let her disrupt the time we were having, just so you can go touch and fuck on her.”
she nodded, fidgeting with her rings. when she fidgeted with her rings she craved to touch you. you looked down at her hand and when you looked back up, she was looking at you straight in the eyes. “please” she whispered, looking at your hands. you couldn’t help it, you slowly grabbed her hand and put it in your lap, holding it.
“i’m so sorry beautiful, we can just be friends if you want, but i feel so lost in life without you.” she spoke in a quiet, but convincing tone.
“how’d you go so long without talking to me then, why didn’t you reach out sooner?” you said, tears threatening to fall, and when one did, she reached her other hand out to wipe your tear. “because i felt like you’d been so much happier without me”
the truth was, you didn’t. you barely thought about her but when you did, she flooded your mind dangerously. you just didn’t know how quickly you could forgive her.
after a moment of silence, she spoke again. “i promise to never ever leave you, and to always treat you well, cross my heart” she said with a small smile, putting out her pinkie.
promising and crossing your heart was one thing between yall, but pinkie promises? that was the thing you two were known for.
you locked your pinkie with hers, kissing your end of the promise as she did hers. and that was the start of something beautiful.
moments later you were a lot closer. she had looked at your lips and you looked at hers, and yalls lips joined together, not in a steamy, sexual way, but in a way of understanding, and in a way that joined you two together, forever.
‘everywhere i go leads me back to you.’
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mimiyewaffles · 3 months
The worst thing one can do to someone who's still grieving is asking them to move on!
(Huge rant)
Like this friend of mine (we were besties back in the school days, now we are just close) reached out to me and asked if my boyfriend's demise still bothers me and to that I answered no, because I still believe he's alive. She doesn't know about me manifesting him back, I didn't tell her because ik she won't believe me, so I chose to stay sane in their eyes.
And then her next question was "have you moved on?" And the answer to this was "no" As well. I still love my boyfriend and I don't see a reason to move on that fast.
And yk what did she say? "It's been soooo long, you should've become normal by now" It's just been 5 months and I hate how people compare love to time likeeeeee girl what? 💀 and that shit alone gave me a huge "reality check"
Honestly I hate people who think asking someone who recently lost their partner when they will again start dating. Like let that person grieve and let the time flow. 5 months is nothing compared to how much one has to go through after losing someone.
Multiple of my friends have asked me when I'll be dating again, that too after a few days of that tragic incident only. Let me cry and clear my mind first, that is just so insensitive for fucks sake.
I'm okay with my friends asking about future relationships but when I have told them many times that I won't be consciously trying to forget everything that I had with my boyfriend just because he died and that I don't want to talk about any future relationship for now, yet again they would cross their lines. I want to fucking cherish all the moments first.
I went back to the old story and cried like a dying bitch for one day but yea, now I'm back. I'll get my boyfriend back no matter what 😤💗‼️
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rorywritesjunk · 9 months
Oh, go to sleep, Little Skylark. Fly up past the stars
After breaking your heart, Buggy is cursed to be a kid again. The last thing you want to do is be involved with this.
Rating: PG-13ish. Warning: Arguing adults, hurt feelings, apologies. A/N: Last chapter! Thank you all who have been reading it! It was fun to write something different for Buggy as a kid. <3
Title comes from “Little Skylark (safe at home)” by S.J. Tucker.
Chapter 1 + Chapter 2 + Chapter 3 + Chapter 4 + Chapter 5 + Chapter 6 + Chapter 7 + Chapter 8 TAGLIST: @lostfirefly @fluffybunnyu @plethora-of-fickleness @ane5e @valen-yamyam16 @lavanderdreamve  @jollycandyruins
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Chapter 8
“What?!” He looked shocked by that statement. “I… I never cheated on you!”
“Then who ever the flowers for?!” You demanded.
“I was getting them for you! To apologize!” He told you. He took a few slow, deep breaths again before taking a seat beside you on the bed. You scooted away from him, giving the two of you space. “I… I felt bad. I didn't think you would leave.”
“You… you thought I'd stick around after how you talked to me?! Buggy, you called me a useless cook and ridiculous!” You reminded him. “You thought stealing flowers from a witch was the way to go?!”
“I didn't know she was a witch at the time! And… and you like flowers and they were your favorite colors so I thought that would be a start!” He said. “I'm not good at this sort of thing, okay?! Having a relationship is still new and… weird. I don't know what to do “
“Fucking talking to your partner is a start.” You grumbled as you rubbed your nose. “Insulting them isn't really the best thing.”
“Well now I know.” Buggy shot back. “But I'm… sorry.”
You paused, making him wait a minute in silence before you turned to look at him. “Do you remember any of the conversation from this morning? Or… or what has taken place the last few days?”
“Yea.” He hesitated. “Thank you.”
“For?” You asked. You needed to hear him say it.
“Taking care of me. I probably would have ended up dead or kidnapped if you weren't around.” Buggy said as rested his hand on the bed beside you. “And… I'm sorry for how I spoke to you. And treated you. And everything else.”
You nodded and reached over, patting his hand gently. “Thank you for apologizing.”
“Just everything was stressful and crazy for a while and I took it out on you.” He mumbled. “I was a dick.”
“You really were. You hurt my feelings.” You told him. “And maybe I was a bit petty in how I left, but I felt justified. Richie deserved that steak.” You rubbed your nose and sniffed. “My things are still at the inn.”
“I'll send someone to grab it.” Buggy said. “We need a cook on the ship.”
“I don't know, Buggy. I spent the last few days planning to leave, but I don't know where I'd go.”
“Can you stay? You… you're the best cook. I wouldn't be able to find anyone else.”
“I want a pay increase.” You told him. He nodded. “And… that pantry in the kitchen? It's huge. We aren't even using it. That's going to be my bedroom.”
“Oh.” He frowned. He apologized, you two talked about it, but you wanted your own bedroom? “Yea, okay.”
“Buggy, we aren't a couple anymore. I'm not sharing a bed with you.” You said firmly. “At least… not now. I need space from you.”
“Well, how long do you need space from me?” Buggy asked with a frown. “A few months? Weeks?”
“Just give me my space.” You sighed. “This has been a hard week for me.”
“You?! What about me?!” He demanded. “I was a child and almost kidnapped!”
“And? I was dragged back into this by Mohji because he didn't know what else to do!” You snapped. “I took care of you while trying to make myself hate you, Buggy! I didn't want to do it!”
“Then why did you even bother?! You're obviously terrible with kids!”
“Because there's some part of me that still loves you, you idiot! I didn't want something bad to happen to you!” You stood up from the bed, seething as you started to pace back and forth. Your arm was throbbing, you were angry, and you wanted to lie down. You were feeling just a bit lightheaded. This wasn't how you wanted the conversation to go but it wasn't too surprising. This wasn't the best time to have this talk. “This is dumb.”
“You need to sit back down.” Buggy’s hands went to your shoulders, steering you back over to the bed. “Take it easy.”
“Don't tell me what to do.” You hissed as you sat back down. He grumbled something about being stubborn as he pushed you to lay down and lifted your legs onto the bed. You curled away from him while he tucked a few pillows under your injured arm to elevate it. You didn't want him taking care of you, you weren't even asking him to, but he wasn't saying anything as he checked your stitches again before pulling a blanket over you. 
“I'm going to check on the crew.” He said as he went to grab a shirt. “Just stay here.”
You didn’t want to listen, you wanted to get out of the comfortable bed and leave, but you were also just feeling drained. The last week was exhausting, the conversation had been exhausting, and just… you wanted to close your eyes just for a bit and maybe wake up in a few days. Maybe the last few months were just some nightmare you had to live through, and you’d wake up tomorrow and everything would be fine. 
Someone was touching your arm, poking at the stitches gently, which was disrupting your sleep. You lifted your head from the pillows, groggy and confused as you tried to figure out where you were. Buggy was sitting on the edge of the bed beside you, holding your arm carefully as he made sure your injury was healing okay. When he saw you waking up he lowered it back onto the pillows.
“I brought you something to eat.” 
“Who cooked it?” You mumbled as you buried your face back into the pillows. “I don’t want it.”
“It’s just soup.” He grumbled. “I made it.”
You lifted your head just a bit to look at him before sighing loudly. You gave yourself a moment before you started to sit up. He was trying. You had to give that to him. And he apologized, that was a start. You weren’t sure of your feelings on the matter still, but he was trying. Once you situated yourself against the headboard, he picked the bowl up and dipped the spoon in before holding it out to you. 
You could feed yourself but you were too tired to fight him. He gave you the first spoonful, waiting for a reaction, and it… was okay. It was just broth with some veggies, and at least the veggies were cooked. The broth was warm, making it easy to swallow without the risk of burning your mouth. You nodded at him, cradling your arm to your chest as he continued feeding you.
“It’s good, thanks.” You told him, trying not to react as a smug expression crossed his face. 
“Well, I was sleeping with the cook, so I learned a few things.” He teased as you rolled your eyes. “What? She was pretty handy with a knife.”
“I’ll show you how handy I am with a knife.” You shot back, though with no malice. “I’m glad you remembered how much salt to use, and you chopped the carrots evenly. I’m glad you were listening that day.”
“I listened.” Buggy muttered as he stirred the soup a bit before offering another spoonful for you. “Just not all the time. I’m trying, y’know.”
You didn’t want to get into another fight, you were too tired. You just nodded, reaching over to pat his arm gently as you let him feed you. 
“Thank you for the soup.” You said. 
“Are you going to stay for sure?” He asked. “We… can turn the pantry into your bedroom. I just want you to stay.”
“I mean, I don’t have a job lined up yet.” 
“I had Mohji get your things. They’re here in my room until we can get your room ready.” Buggy told you. “I just don’t want you to leave.”
“Well, if I’m not fired for feeding the lion a steak or being mean to you when you’re a kid… guess I can stay a bit longer.” You told him with a shrug. “And you owe me flowers that aren’t stolen from a witch.”
He looked just a bit hopeful and nodded. “I’ll steal them from someone else.”
“But we’re not together, Buggy.”
“Not yet, anyways.” He smirked. “But you’ll get some apology flowers. I’ll keep apologizing until you’re happy.”
That wasn’t really what you wanted, but you just nodded. You figured in a week he’d forget about getting you flowers, forget about all of this, and would go back to trying to get back together with you, or give up entirely, you weren’t sure. And you weren’t sure what you would want from him either, but you knew you needed space. For your own sanity you needed boundaries with him, to make sure there wouldn’t be any repeated arguments, fights, anything. 
Your room was ready a week later with a bed and some shelves put up. You didn’t specify what you actually wanted, but it worked. The first time you went into it when it was finished, you were surprised to see flowers everywhere in there. The smell was a little overpowering, but Buggy looked so proud of himself that you didn’t say anything.
You had taken to cooking for the crew again, but simple meals due to your arm, and no one complained, which was probably because Buggy would glare at them as you served the food. They wouldn’t make any comments in front of him, even if you served the same meal three days in a row while the ship was out at sea. And Buggy was back to saying your food was amazing, that it was the best meal ever, and you were okay with it. You knew he was wanting you to be happy, and you kind of were.
Until your room had been ready, Buggy was having you sleep in his bed, even allowing you to put a wall of pillows between them. You ignored the hurt expression on his face when you suggested it, but it was what you wanted and he begrudgingly allowed it. It wasn’t like he was going to cuddle, but you knew how much he could move in his sleep.
Your first night in the room was… different. It reminded you of being back at the inn when you were a miserable wreck. Cold, alone, empty. You tried for a few hours to sleep in there but to your own surprise and Buggy’s, you were knocking on his door after midnight.  He let you in without a word and went to grab pillows to create a barrier, but you hesitated.
“Don’t, it’s fine.” You muttered as you headed over to what was your side of the bed once more. 
“You don’t like your room?” He frowned. 
“It’s not that, just… didn’t want to be alone yet.” You told him. “I’ll sleep there tomorrow night, if that’s okay.”
“Whatever.” Buggy shrugged as he went to his side of the bed. You crawled under the covers and rolled onto your side with your back to him. This was fine, just one more night and then you would be able to sleep in your own room. It was what you wanted. You didn’t want to be doing this but you wanted to sleep, to feel comfortable, but you didn’t want the loneliness that came with having your own room. 
And you fell asleep without any problem shortly after, sleeping through the night and into morning. When you finally woke up, Buggy was behind you, fast asleep as he clung to you. Maybe you would ease into having space from him, considering ever since you said that, you two spent more time together. He was taking care of you, checking your injury, even helping you in the kitchen. If all it took was a witch’s curse to help your relationship, you wondered if you could enlist her help if there were problems again.
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sharksupermacy · 1 year
too many nights (ft sullyoon)
too many nights - trainee! sullyoon x trainee! reader
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synopsis: sullyoon knew too many nights like this would bound to never happen soon. So like any person she spent it like it was the last time
genre: fluff, crack, yoona actually being flirty, reader being lowkey (highkey) oblivious, not obvious two sided pining, terrible nicknames
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sullyoon knew nights with you would eventually come to an end.
that end coming sooner than she knew it in a month and 2 weeks on febuary 22 2022.
she knew that with this end came a new life of hers, which she would have to embrace, meanwhile you, on the other hand, could keep having these types of nights with other people. it wasn't like she envied other people for spending time with you; it was more like she disliked people intruding on yours and her little traditions.
she kept thinking about how she would break the news to you and about how she could manage her time with you and her debut.
"hey, thanks for waiting yoo," was the sentence that brought her back from her thoughts.
"yea, no problem. so beautiful, you got any plans?" she flirted with you not notching a small pink hue wraps over your cheeks.
"nope! not at all my plans are free for you my baby," you dauntingly flirted back amused by yoona flirtations.
meanwhile, sullyoon was having a full-on cardiac arrest just from a simple response that flew out of your mouth. you took her hands in yours and simply dragged her out of the jyp building. both of you ran down the streets of seoul to both of yours favorite convenience store.
nights like these made sullyoon reflect back on when you both started as jyp trainees years ago. both of you gravitatied together naturally after being exhausted from the audition and the extroverted people around you. a mutual understanding between the both of you not to talk to each other due to the feeling of lack of energy given off from the both of you.
here you guys are proudly 2 years later, goofing off in the middle of seoul. she knew that these times would come to an end, so when you guys were in a park nearby hers and your dorm on the swings eating your ice cream in the middle of winter.
the snow highlighted by the streetlamp a little ways off gave yoona and you a sense of comfort.
"hey," the beginning of the end sentence she hated coming out of her mouth as she reached over for your hand for comfort.
"what is it, yoona? you know, you can tell me anything, right?" as she worries as she watches the panic flash across your face.
"i know. you are just so reliable and just..." she looked down at the snow and then back at you saying, "i'm debuting."
when those words come out of her mouth, she flinched at how you sprung out of your swing with your arms up.
"OMG yoona!!!! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME!!! we gotta get a cake," she was surprised at how you switched back from your hyper demeanor back into a cool one so quick.
she smiles as she coaxes you to calm down by holding your hand and says, " yea, i would like that baby." it was those exact 5 words that led you to spring off the swings again while holding yoona warm hands heading down to the convenience store that both of you truly adore.
too many nights between you and yoona were spent like this, and she hopes that even when she debuts these types of nights will still continue. who knows, maybe she'll even find courage on one of these nights to tell you about her feelings. but that for another night; right now she is content where she is being dragged by you to a convenience store to buy cake.
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jizzlords · 6 months
knowing your partner can potentially make writing together a lot easier.
♡ NAME: helvetica
♡ PRONOUNS: he/him
♡  SEXUALITY: lesbian™
♡ i've had approximately two (2) individuals pay me more than once because they liked my writing. ( 〃 ..) it wasn't on this site. but it was fairly recent. and i'm always dumbfounded looking back at it. ♡ i've aspired to be an animator. idk how possible that is now, dark ages for artists. but i'll try. i'd like to be strong enough to pursue digital artistry. at least. this is where the cool artist friends i've met here and knew for a while come in. ♡ i think a lot of you are super fuggin cool. and are really inspirational and comedic. idk how possible it is to know everyone but i'd love to.
♡   HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?): 10-11 years on this site. i'm prone to sticking to muses for maybe a year to 4-5 years, it depends. :}
♡   PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED: facebook, chatango, tumblr, discord.
♡   BEST EXPERIENCE: i really like tumblr's way of rp and connecting. faulty platform aside, i've met a lot of memorable people. i have some on my twitter even though we don't write anymore, i still love seeing them. and i am fortunate enough to run into old friends again on here. sometimes we even run into the same fandom without realizing.
♡   FEMALE OR MALE: males ... it's usually the funky ones i'm stuck with. or the beautifully intimidating ones.
♡  FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT: hopeless romantic. but i like all 3. since one of you said all 3 make a good story in a thread, i haven't looked at this question the same.... it's true... it makes a nice balance.
♡   PLOTS OR MEMES: both. i rely on neither but i'll partake in both. if my partner has a preference, i'll work with it. easier for me lol.
♡   LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: a fine medium. it'll progress as replies keep going. pls don't make them too short, it leaves me reaching :{ and frying my own brain lol.
♡   BEST TIME TO WRITE: when i go back to work, nights (dead late nights). but now, it flows steadily.
♡ ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): yea. lol. :} natural big-hearted whores.
TAGGING: @girlishgiggle, @gctchell, @vanaglcria, @ladiesofhell, @lcftcult, @prnkill, @videoaux, @k1ttyb0t, @clwngasm, @edenpoise, @spyderdust, @pridetempt, @arachnaemboss, @xluciifer, @queenhells, @helluvaflames, @hazbintales, @damnedrainbows, @discoinfernos, @chthonicrage, @yukikorogashi, @l-ucitiel, @r-adio, @pridefell, @infernalight, @filejpg, @voxistem, @helldustedstories, @fizeroli, @fizziifrxg, @the-delightful-temptation, @houseofasmodeus, @bloominghands, @spiderslvts, @outforlve i kinda wanna tag everyone not wanting anyone left out. lol. steal this if you feel comfortable answering these, i wanna know.
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livingdeadmlm · 11 months
Day 5: Lingerie
Mens lingerie is so lame so i'm going to use things men wear that I think is slutty
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Sauls's law office was now empty and baren from the 10s of people who had been there just an hour ago. You were a fellow lawyer and visited Saul in his office for your bi-weekly chats. He had just walked in from winning a case that almost lasted three months so he was already feeling good when he swung open his office door to see you sitting on his desk in a white button halfway undone, sock guarders that went halfway up your calves, and a black pair of boxers that fit so tight not much was left to the imagination.
When you had to come to his office before for actual cases you’d tease him by undoing the top buttons of your dress shirt before walking in or purposely wearing a very, very form-fitting suit.
He practically drooled at the sight of you spreading your legs open just for him
He turned the door sign to close and the large amount of people waiting for him all groaned and made their way out the door. Saul could hardly yell out a small sorry before running back to his office door. Francesca exclaimed a small 'Woo!" as she began to pack her things to go home early. Saul couldn't wait before everyone was out to slam his door shut and lock the door.
It was good the room was soundproofed because right after the lock clicked he pounced on you. His lips locked against yours as he grabbed a handful of your ass in each hand to slot himself between your legs.
"Is this my reward for winning my case?" He gasped out as he moved down your neck taking some of the skin in his mouth and sucking harshly on it. You moaned wrapping your legs around his waist "I was going to be here no matter what either to get the frustration out or to celebrate."
Saul chuckled and made his way down your torso unbuttoning the rest of your shirt as his mouth stuck to your chest leaving three hickies across your chest. As his mouth was preoccupied both of his hands went to your thighs rubbing the insides of them and lightly ghosting over your needy shaft. Your hips bucked into his hands as he finally let go of your chest and unzipped his pants which did a poor job of hiding his ever-growing erection.
leaning back onto his desk you reached into the top drawer grabbing a bottle of lube and a fleshlight for the two of you. With age, it was harder to prep either if your body’s to take each other so this was the quick solution.
Pouring the lube into the rubber toy Saul got his pants completely off and hoisted you legs higher up his torso. The tight fabric of your boxers drove Saul crazy as he was able to see you twitch at his roaming hands. He snapped the fabric of your sock guarders before reaching into your boxers and pulling out your length.
He did the honors of squeezing the two of you into the toy by taking the toy from your hand. The squeeze of the toy had loosened due to the two of you putting it through hell, but it felt snug as it went up and down the two of you.
Grunts echoed in the room as the squelching sound was almost loud enough to stop you from hearing Saul whispering in your ear. Your hands held onto the back of his neck as you felt your legs start to go weak at the stimulation.
Sauls's voice shook as he swore to you that in just one year, the two of you would never have to work again. It would be just the two of you in some cabin by a tiny town. His hands made the toy thrust quicker. Twisting his hand the textured walls of the toy rubbed everything just right.
The sight of the large ceilings of his office became blurry, his whines didn't stop him from giving you his word that you were the best piece of ass in town and when he could he was going to scoop you both up into early retirement.
The pressure in your abdomen finally snapped as the toy movements got sloppy. Pulling Saul into a kiss you started to get overwhelmed by the fact that his hands were still pumping the toy on the two of you.
"You can hold out for me yea? Come on just a little longer.” His voice came out more as a beg then a demand. His free hand held onto your hip as his other didn’t falter.
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jonquilyst · 9 months
Top 10 Screenshots of 2023
Ty @akitasimblr for tagging me as always!! 💖 Here I have my top 10 screenshots and moments from 2023, ranked, and personally selected (because all of my most popular posts of the year are Total Drama Sims related)
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10. The Floating Festival
By far the strangest and funniest glitch I've seen in a while. Let this screenie be a toast to all the weird glitches I've had in my game this year!
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9. Wyatt Appreciation
I absolutely adore Wyatt. One of my favorite sims ever, but here's a fun fact: Wyatt wasn't originally gonna be in the story. It was originally just gonna be Megyn, Eva, and Jayden, but since we met Eva first, it wouldn't make the most sense if she only had one other friend to introduce to Megyn, so Wyatt came into existence! I also wanted an openly LGBTQ+ character in my story (Wyatt is nonbinary).
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8. My Broken Hand
Not Sims-related, but definitely worth mentioning since it was just a strange incident that disrupted my life in the strangest way possible. On the morning of September 15 I was walking down the hallway in my room (the basement) when I suddenly tripped and fell against the wall. I tried to catch myself but my hand landed in just an awkward enough position to break my 4th metacarpal (bone underneath the ring finger). I was in a variety of casts for 6 weeks and I was forced to put my story on hiatus again. I'm happy to say I am healed and completely back to normal, though it is still ever-so-slightly sensitive.
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7. Participating in community competitions for the first time
I submitted by sims Cylene Vinca (top) and Meredith Blakely (bottom) to both of @akitasimblr's bachelor challenges and had/am having an absolute blast! It inspired me to do my own community competition. I definitely plan on submitting my sims to more community things in the future!
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6. Megyn (in general)
Definitely my favorite sim ever at this point. Heck, I have a whole story about her!
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5. One Life Challenge
I started the One Life Challenge in March and finished it in October, and I had a lot of fun with it! The One Life Challenge is a challenge I invented myself, so if you wanna give it a try for yourself here's the rules post (I need to update the rules for For Rent though)
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4. Megyn reuniting with Eva
After being apart from her friends for a year, Megyn faced the reality that she would never lose a friend due to moving and separation again.
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3. Megyn reuniting with Sophia
Yea, it was definitely gonna happen, but when it happened I cried
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2. Megyn's first birthday with friends
You see that?? My girl has FRIENDS 😭
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Total Drama Sims
I still absolutely cannot believe how successful Total Drama Sims was when it launched. Of course it doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things, but I think it's significant how I reached triple-digit notes for the first time and got about 75 new followers within the last month.
Playing with other people's sims has been an absolute blast. Each and every sim has their own distinctive personality and it's been so fun get to know each one. I can also tell these sims were made by different people by how different they all look! From each other and from my own sims. Total Drama Sims is definitely my most successful endeavor yet, and I'm so happy all of you seem to enjoy it! So thank you 💖 I'm considering doing a season 2 down the road, because why not??
Tagging @holocene-sims @seyvia @aniraklova @micrathene-w (but feel free to ignore)
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icedmetaltea · 2 months
Making some progress this week!
Was able to begin doing little 5 min toning vids this week, might not seem like much but considering how out of shape and out of practice with exercise I am it's a lot.
I have felt like NAPPING multiple times this week, which is I haven't felt compelled to do since Fall- I assumed it was cause of the cool weather but now I think it's the exercise. Maybe I'll be able to drink green tea again! EVENTUALLY!!!
Want to work up to doing 30 mins of cardio like I could in highschool and considering 5 mins is enough to get me out of breath and I've specifically been doing strength stuff since it gets your heart rate up a bit but not nearly as much as cardio to ease myself back into things, it's going to be a long way from now. But honestly any kind of exercise should be very very good for the anxiety.
Did 20 mins of walking the past WEEK which again is rlly great, couldn't walk for 5 mins without getting out of breath and anxious just a couple weeks ago (guessing it was the PMDD but still) and by gods it does help with my mood and I think sleep too since I haven't been having as hard of a time... but I am due to PMS soon so maybe I'm getting my hopes up too high and too fast.
Also been 3 weeks straight that I've brushed my teeth and TMI but for like a year I'd brush them once or twice a week cause it just didn't seem worth it to take care of my body.
Still not able to fully walk around the courtyard cause last time I thought I'd have to run back to the apartment but instead I've been walking in different directions (only a couple feet mind you) so I can begin increasing the "safe" range hopefully. I assume that's progress?? It's definitely nice weather, we got some rain this past week so the grass is finally green again. ALSO been getting out every single day, even for 1 min, the past 2 weeks straight I think. Which is AMAZING considering even like 2-3 months ago I straight up couldn't go outside.
I've also had a couple of nightmares this week after not having any (that I can remember) for literal years, which might sound like a bad thing, but I think it may be therapy is beginning to dig up stuff that's been dormant. Religious trauma mainly most likely.
Been just cooking a lot and singing a bit here and there, and that's generally an indicator I'm doing better.
Know that I know I have adhd, but figuring out small ways to accommodate myself (chopping up veggies and freezing them, both cause I have time blindness and forget about basically veggies till they're rotten and cause if I have them pre-chopped I'm more likely to reach for them, walking in chunks of 5 mins at a time since it doesn't feel nearly as awful as a nonstop 20 min + doing something like cooking/cleaning while I walk, etc)
ALSO idk if I mentioned it but realized I've officially dropped 20 pounds since this time last year!! I still have about 40 to go but it's a big step for me. I gave up on my diet since like december since my mental health was going to such shite, but I realized I've been losing weight without even meaning to just by eating healthier and walking more. I literally thought I was dying + had cancer but um. You can just lose weight unintentionally by eating things that are lower calorie and moving more. You don't have to count every calorie. You don't have to do cardio. It's actually quite a natural process.
So yea just progress report!
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popcornforone · 3 months
From the Marcus Pike Fan Fic Diary
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Master List
I’ve written (well I say written) I actually spoke this because I wanted it to properly sound like an audio recording that had been converted into word for the diary. It was really random to do, so it’s not my best writing but I think it works for this situation.
Synopsis:- your on a girls holiday, when one night your trip takes an unexpected turn.
Word count:-1000
Warnings:- DONOT READ IF YOU ARE UNDER 18! Swearing fingering public displays of affection, piv sex, lots of moaning, alcohol.
Yea this isn’t my usual style & I don’t think I will do it again but It was a good learning curve. Thanks for the read peoples
Audio description for diary when I return home from the girls holiday in Florida, day 5.
One of the girls called me out today. Clare realised I’m sneaking off once every couple of hours to record this for my diary. She asked
“you doing a diary?” & I was like
“yes well you know why not?”
“How long has it been going on all year?”They went.
oh but at least we’re gonna find out how good this time of our lives was I mean this is month five so far
Oooh Tara got off with Sam from that other bar & Vicky well you didn’t want to see Vicky this morning oh my God.
But yes, so far it’s going good. The tan is topping up. & I am on my second cocktail of the day as I lie by the poor reading the girl on the train.i can’t wait to see what happens next in the book, it is so full of suspense.
Oh God we are going to Michaels tavern tonight apparently it’s a 90s bar oh that means fancy dress doesn’t it? I’m not looking forward to it. I don’t do fancy dress unless it’s Halloween. Well I guess I just gotta make the girls happy & it is laylas night to pick what we do & she loves a bit of Backstreet Boys so I’m not gonna argue.
my nights coming up on night seven. I’m looking forward to that. That will also mean that there will probably be no more hangovers after night seven & then on night 12 we return home I get to get into my comfy bed & not have to share it with a girlfriend with cold feet & random snoring.
& I’ll have my Marcus to spoon me all night. oh I miss Marcus so so so much. I miss his kisses. I miss Little hugs
oh I should probably get out of the bathroom now, the girls are gonna wanna get in there next aren’t they? & I’ve got an outfit to prepare.
Wow. That was a right turnabout for the books oh my God
I am on a turning dancefloor busy reaching for the stars like S Club 7 all those years ago & suddenly I see this group & in they walk these lads, I say Lads men obviously, but they are all busy flirting their way through bar & I recognise one of them. It’s Jackson. I just shake my head. No I’m hallucinating I’ve had too much drink, oh God.
I’m saying this in the bathroom of the bar phone I’m sure you can hear the drum & based behind me. I went to the bathroom put some water on my face & head back to the bar & I go to the bar and I asked for 10 slushpuppy vodka shots in hope. that’s when I felt his arm go around my shoulder, I recognise that hand, so soft & large & it stroked my bra strap down & I just looked up at him & he looked down at me & we did the five shots each in unison & got to the last one & then the words escaped his Lips
“I miss you and I love you baby. “
Oh, you’re here & you ravaged me, the way your tongue flowed through my mouth hands caress my hips the way you held me close as my friends all cheered as we made out at the bar & they even turned on the sprinkler above us which the barman does when people are getting a little bit too intimate to break it up but didn’t Obviously. your hands went underneath my schoolgirl T-shirt & the way you made sure that I was being more than satisfied, damn, every single kiss every single toungue that invaded my own my tonsils feeling every inch oh Marcus oh Marcus. (Someone bangs on the bathroom door & Marcus shouts go away).
Waking up to you kissing my neck knowing that I ached knowing that you wanted some morning sex even though it was already noon. No way am I gonna be heading to the beach today because you are here in Florida spur moment with your friends because they got bored because we weren’t at home & now now you’re just… (muffled noise not picked up) Marcus, Marcus please oh you wanna you want some (gasp) oooh fuck yes oooh more baby oooh you missed this? Fuck oooh fucking fuck baby, more please please fuck baby, more (unable to detect the moaning) fuck yea like that just like ooooh fuck like that baby…
Marcus has just put on his shirt on, his holiday shirt obviously, they literally have come down here for Saturday & Sunday to make sure that we all remember all our boyfriends are like it’s a bit awkward for Tara but I’ll oh I never wanna leave Marcus side again the way in which he just made me cum so hard three times in a row he knows I’ve not bought anything with me to look after myself. oh, I’m gonna be thinking of nothing but his cock & the way in which he came, & the way that he sucked my nipples for the rest of the holiday I’m really looking forward to ripping my underwear when we get back next week & the way in which I will be laid on that bed & I won’t be able to go to work for next morning even though I should be there after having a few days off on holiday because I won’t be able to walk. Marcus it was a nice fly by drop in to make me feel good but now I’m lining for you more.
Yea diary that was last week when he arrived to make my trip memorable, I can’t believe it picked up some of our moans from the sex we had.
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tragedyofromance · 11 months
@woodswit thank you tagging me and yea this is abt me
1. are you named after anyone?
Yes I am, my mother names me after a famous Russian song writer Nikita bogoslovskiy ( not Russian lol so it was that was the reason why) but I like it as it mean victorious, or leader to victory
2. when was the last time you cried?
6 months ago, it's generally a pattern I do one big cry maybe a whole day or whole afternoon just silently im not really a sobber, unless im forced to talk about it then I guess its more obvious that im crying otherwise a watery esque eye my eyes doesn't get red, You really wouldn't have guess anything, which at times can be sucker since if it was a bit more obvious the ppl around me would ask even if i would have denied it. But that would have still felt nice. But since they usually cant tell and is being completely normal i just feel like i should go along with it, and then the next day its over i do try to cey again but i just cant, i always think i cried it out so theres nothing more and then when 6 months comes in the cycle continues. It's not necessarily healthy, but you know what, whatever,
3. do you have kids?
No, and thank God, right now I'm just not in the mental state or maturity level to look after, provide for another human,
In saying this I do want to have a child, 2 :D, but I want to be mentally capable, and have enough finance saved to create the village that my child would have, (baby sitters, night nurse, travel nanny, doula care, my afterbirth message therapy, postpartum in home care helping with cleaning or making meals) though I may not use these services I want money there so that if need it it'll be there in case of post partum depressiob, I work in childcare some parents and colleagues i work with do not have any help, or only grandparent help and that can also be taxing on the parents not necessarily financially. So it can be emotional struggle and which could lead to a strain in the emotional and physical relationship between the couples,, which I see can at times turn into into resentment when you think your partner is not doing enough, or not feeling supported. Which can lead to feeling too overwhelmed and not being able to enjoy being a parent ( like I don't understand why some ppl say have usually boomer grandparents say have back to back children and in the next 5 years it'll be easy and calm like what about during it, and also why do I want to struggle or look back and not have too fond memories like that never made sense 2 me
so yea before having a child I know I want money saved to cover all these for atleast the 8 months before even thinking of a having a child, I mean in my culture grandparents will look after and stay with with with mother for atleast 6 months to look after both child and mum but still for safety sake.
This was a really long statement lol
4. what sports do you play/have played?
Hockey, netball, tag rugby
5. do you use sarcasm?
Yup. It's the best
6. what's the first thing you notice about people? Whether or not they're performing or being genuine.
7. what’s your eye color? Brown
8. scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings get nightmares
9. any talents? Artistic creations, and cooking I'm very good :D
10. where were you born? Kuwait
11. what are your hobbies? Social media, sculpting with, creating art in many different ways, music i can literally drive for hours, just before reaching home i go the longest way possible, i also enjoy going for a walk when its windy for an hour or more, i want to do wood carving, and forging a knife, and learning to sow and create beautiful clothing
12. do you have any pets? Yep had two and one died
13. how tall are you? 5'3
14. favorite subject in school? History
15. dream job? Teacher for right now, im working on it now, and possibly a professer in the future
Tagging my mutuals i wanna know
@qinaliel @riahchan @trinuviel @tuesmonoxymore @inlovewithastark @tiny-little-bird @timeforwolvies @tubbylita @nutellaninja0001 @thelawyerthatwaspromised @fedonciadale @ben-barnes-is-my-husband @mediiciis @israfel00 @rissa-rey @yol101 @kitnjon
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fattestwriting · 2 years
Cynthia, but she's 500 pounds heavier and going through a gassy butch phase? Complete with an undercut of course, with the sides of her head shaven~
Cynthia had lost her Sinnoh champion spot some time ago, with Dawn being the champion for leaning on two years at this point. During this time, the blonde pokemon master had not exactly adjusted well. At first, she decided to get a basic haircut, your average 'I need a change in my life' response. But the undercut didn't make her feel any better, not any better at all.
"I was the champion of this region for three decades, how do I lose all of that to some, some stuck up teenager!"
But, you know what did help? Food. Lots and lots of food. Cynthia found herself scraping the very bottom of her fifth XXXL tub of Super Chunk Chocolate Ice Cream that day. She tossed it with the others in the pile next to her couch, and struggles to get up. At this point, Cynthia was 500 lbs., if you're being generous, and yet she had someone failed to notice her change in size.
Or manners. Yes, indeed her constant binging had made her plenty gassy, and she couldn't care enough not to release it whenever she felt like it. This resulted in a number of things, a visual miasma of stink that lingered around her home, a several mile wide uninhabitable zone surrounding her abode, all the ice cream containers she orders directly to her house melting almost immediately, and, oh yea, she smelt absolutely fucking rancid. And yet despite all of this, and the fact she hadn't gotten off of her sweat and stench drenched couch in months, Cynthia she had had enough.
"What am I doing with my life?"
She grabbed her belly, a small monument to her legacy of fat, making up maybe 50 lbs. of her 500+lbs. total.
"I'm Cynthia, dragon queen, the champion of champions! I should reclaim my title! Surely it was just a fluke."
She had come to this conclusion in the past, in a desperate bid to convince herself her life still held meaning, but now? Now that she had delved so completely into her life of hedonism? She meant it. So she- after upwards of 3 hours of struggling- pried her sweaty hot ass off of her leather couch. She picked up her six trusty pokeballs, tried to put on her old coat, realized it would never fit again, and settled for a beyond-stained white tee and five-sizes-too-small sweat pants.
After she collected every thing she felt she would need, she opened her front door. A wave of hot dank air blew from her home like it was a popped balloon, tainting the last of the otherwise fresh air within the area. And so, with the sun glaring on her back, she set out on her grand adventure to get back her legacy!
And made it about 5 feet. She was doubled over, panting like she'd run a marathon, which for her cardiovascular system? She might as well have.
"Well, *pant*, in hard times like the- *wheeze* like these, you have to think smarter, not *gasp* harder. GARCHOMP, I CHOSE YOU!"
She reaches into her stained pants pockets with her beyond chubby little fingers and felt around until she found the ball for Garchomp. It was gross, covered in mystery stains and stickier than a string shot. She pressed the middle button to open the ball, and as it opens up, a physical film of gunk can be seen struggling to keep the ball closed, until finally the automatic mechanism pries it open and forces our Garchomp.
The dragon pokemon looked as healthy and happy as the day it's owner quit battling years earlier. It's face shifted as it focused on its owner, however. It was clearly worried at seeing it's once beauty-model thin owner suddenly bloated into a 500 lbs. whale of a woman.
"Great, Garchomp! I need you to- *huff* to carry me! All the way to the champion hall."
The reptile would have assumed she was joking if not for her outstretched bingo arms and constant wheezing. Not to reject an order from its master, the Garchomp reluctantly sighed and then began lifting.
Several hours later, as the sun finally ducked beyond the horizon, they had made it to champion hall. At this point, Garchomp collapsed under it's owners weight, before returning to it's pokeball.
This wasn't the only thing collapsing, however, as soon as Cynthia began walking towards the hall itself, it began to wither, and eventually, fall apart. Cynthia's passive stench was ruining the building before her very eyes. Instead of feeling any form of panic or fear, she felt powerful and confident. Confident enough to turn her back to the champions hall and let out a trumpeting
"*sigh*, it felt so good to let that out."
And as she turns around to face the hall once again, all she sees is an enormous pile of rubble. A very expensive, very satisfying pile of rubble where once the most prestigious establishment in the region stood.
Cynthia began to walk over the rubble, slipping farts as she m9ved her jiggly body over the rough terrain. After about ten minutes of walking (and an additional hour for her to sit and wheeze until she could walk again) she saw something amidst the rubble. On her knees, palms and hat on the ground, sat Dawn. She had grown into quite the desirable young lady since she beat Cynthia, with a fat ass and huge tits framing her thin torso.
Cynthia spoke up.
"I challenge you for the spot of champion of Sinnoh."
Almost as if to punctuate her challenge, Cynthia let loose another small fart, which sent tons of debris flying in all directions.
Dawn said, as she stands up and puts her hat back on. She's still smaller than Cynthia, by about two feet. Being an adult doesn't change her height, she supposed.
"On one condition."
Cynthia's ears perked up at this demand.
"You face me, in a battle of flatulence."
At that Cynthia's stomach roared. She didn't even need to say yes for the agreement to be made.
"Well Dawn, it's only fair you go f-"
Before Cynthia could finish her sentence, Dawn had let loose. She put her whole body into it, forcing it out of her as fast, hard, and sloppily as possible. The path of destruction was incalculable, easily reaching hundreds of miles past her ass. The entire region was aware of this fart, if not for the sound or the stench, from how it instantly melted all of Sinnoh's iconic snow and ice. Before anyone could worry about a potential flood, Cynthia responded.
She didn't even flench, barely letting out a toot. And yet still this miniscule release evaporated all of the water in Sinnoh, as well as in... Well. Every ocean. Her expulsion reached every corner of the planet, killing plants, coroding buildings, and evaporating water. If Dawn hadn't passed out from the pure concusive force, she'd have her jaw to the floor.
"Hah! I still got it! Cynthia's back, bitches! Say hello to your new champion! Me!
So Dawn, let's say we go down to a champion building that isn't in shambles and make this baby official!
Dawn? Hello?"
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rorywritesjunk · 5 months
There's no race, no ending in sight
pg-13 rating. title comes from "two of us on the run" by lucius
((⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠) hehehehh)
pt 1 + pt 2 + p3 + p4 + pt 5 + p6 + pt 7 +Pt 8 + Pt 9 + Pt 10 + Pt 11 + Pt 12 + Pt 13 + Pt 14 + Pt 15 + pt 16 + Pt 17 (End)
Pt 2
Buggy was still alive. For now.
Sunny was in the tent's kitchen, making sandwiches for the two of them. No discussions to be had over an empty stomach. Was she going to poison him? He didn't expect the wife of Sir Crocodile to... Be kind of nice and offer to make him lunch. He didn't expect she could cook. Didn't she have helpers to do that sort of thing?
He stood by, watching her every movement, ready to fight but he wasn't sure he could win against her. He had apologized profusely when he realized who she was. On his knees, hands clasped, begging for forgiveness and his life. Sunny asked if he was hungry. She liked cooking. It was something her husband liked her to do for him.
As terrified as he was of her, Buggy still had to admit that she was quite pretty. Blonde hair, blue eyes, freckles. Going off of looks alone he wouldn't place her as the type for Crocodile. No glamor, she didn't come off as uptight. If anything - and Buggy felt disgusted for thinking this - she would almost be with someone like Shanks, perhaps. Not some dangerous man like Crocodile.
"So, you owe me husband money." Sunny said as she put the sandwiches on plates before holding one out to him. "A lot, by the sounds of it."
"I-I'll get it paid back!" He assured her as he took the plate from her.
Sunny shrugged. "How soon? I want him to buy me these nice cake pans. He's stingy with money, even for me." She cocked her head to the side. "Which makes it all the more interesting that he loaned someone like you money."
Buggy held the plate in his hand, trembling. The top slice of bread slid off the sandwich, resting on the plate, from his shaking. "S-Soon, ma'am, I promise."
Sunny picked her sandwich up and took a bite. "Yea?"
She narrowed her eyes for a moment, taking a few more bites before setting the plate down and wiping her hands on her overalls. "Do you know any funny jokes or tricks since you're a clown?"
"Jokes?" He squeaked. "I-I know some! Yes! And card tricks!"
"Can you do a card trick?" She grinned. "If it's good I'll convince my husband to go easy on you."
Was this some kind of trick? Have Buggy let his guard down for her to do something? It could be worth it, though, to impress her enough that Crocodile wouldn't bash his skull in.
"Well, you're, uh, in luck!" Buggy said as he reached into his pocket. "I just so happen to have a deck of cards on me!" He pulled it out and took them out of their case, letting his hands shuffle around as he tried to turn on his showman's charm for her. He leaned against the counter as his hands floated nearby, shuffling the cards. "So, how are you liking it on the island so far? A nice romantic getaway for you and the husband? I know some great spots for smoochin' under the stars."
Sunny looked amused by his words. "My husband isn't really the type to 'smooch under the stars'." She took a bite of her sandwich, glancing around the kitchen before looking back at him. "I went to the circus once as a kid. It was amazing."
"Yea?" Buggy stopped shuffling and fanned the cards out in front of her. "Pick a card, memorize it, then put it back in the pile." He watched her carefully, making sure she did as she was instructed but also to keep his guard up. "I went ages ago as a kid. Guess it made an impact on me."
"Looks like it did." She chuckled as she put her card back in. "I was seven and my parents and I lived on Cantaloupe Island. Some troupe set up there and I begged to go so they took me."
Buggy started shuffling the cards around once again. "You don't say. That's where I saw a show. The crew I was on stopped there for a month to resupply."
"Really! Small world." She laughed softly. "Well, Buggy, where's my card?"
He paused for a moment before cutting the deck. "This is it, right? Ace of Spades?"
She shook her head. "Wrong."
"Huh." He shuffled them a few more times before pulling out another one. "King of Clubs?"
"You're not really good at this." She commented as he continued shuffling through the deck. She allowed herself to watch him, just for a moment, noticing that even covered in grease paint, sweat, and dirt, he was kind of handsome. His blue hair was eye-catching and his nose definitely stood out. The stubble along his jaw made her want to run her fingers across it. Apart from the scar across his face, Crocodile kept his face clean of such things.
"Well, you try next time then!" Buggy huffed as he held up another card. "Well?"
"That's the Joker card, clown."
Sunny rolled her eyes and put her hands in her pockets as she waited, only to pause when she felt something in there. She withdrew her hand, holding a card between her fingers as Buggy looked at her with a big grin on his face.
"Is that your card?"
"Queen of Hearts." She nodded, looking it over curiously. "You slipped it into my pocket. How?"
"A magician can't reveal his secret." Buggy chuckled as he took the card from her and shuffled the deck.
"My husband won't be pleased that some clown snuck his hand in my pocket..." Sunny mused as Buggy's jaw dropped. "But I won't tell him. You're no use to him dead after all."
The charm turned off. Buggy looked nervous again. "So, are you going to talk to your husband?"
"Mmm... About what?" She asked. Buggy stared at her. She couldn't be serious. "Oh, right. You still have to pay him back somehow. I'll just tell him to be a bit more patient."
"Patient?! What makes you think I even have that kind of money?!"
"You're a clown. Open up your circus and charge people." Sunny shrugged. "I don't really care but I'm tired of him."
That was a weird way to end the sentence and she seemed to realize that because she cleared her throat and continued, "I'm tired of him being such a grouch over this."
"It's not my fault I haven't paid him back yet!" Buggy shot back. Sunny crossed her arms and looked at him. "I have men to feed! It's a lot!"
"Pay my husband back or else, clown." She warned as she grabbed her sandwich. "I'll come back in a few days to work it out with you if Crocodile hasn't killed you yet."
Buggy grabbed her arm before he could leave but immediately regretted it by the look she gave him. He let go, knowing he was a dead man now. "Look, Miss, we can come to an agreement, right?"
Sunny turned to face him. "For payment? Maybe."
"I'll do your suggestion. Get a show going under the tent." Buggy hoped this could work. "If it wows and amazes you, wipe the debt in half."
"One quarter."
"One third." Buggy suggested. "One third of the debt gone if you like the show, how about it? You can even bring that husband of yours! I can work reptiles into the show!"
Sunny stared at him, letting the suggestion sink in before taking a step towards him. He backed up to the counter as Sunny reached up to grab him by the face, pinching his cheeks, causing his lips to pucker like a fish. She tried to ignore the feeling of his stubble underneath his fingers.
"I'm not easily impressed, clown." She said through gritted teeth. "If you are serious, then wow me. My eyes better sparkle in amazement by whatever show you want to put on." She released him. There was grease paint on her fingers so she wiped it on his shirt, making a note not to think about how firm his chest felt under it. "I'll be back tomorrow then. You better have something to show me."
"D-Deal!" Buggy didn't know why she had to touch him but he wished she'd do it again. "Tomorrow! Come by in the afternoon and I'll have something! M-Maybe I can get Richie to jump through a ring of fire!"
"Whatever." Sunny took a step back from him. "I'll be back tomorrow then."
Buggy nodded, watching as she turned and left. He managed to survive somehow but he hated how his heart slipped a beat when she touched him. If Crocodile found out that Buggy thought his wife was easy on the eyes then he would for sure be a dead clown.
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lover-girl-estxx · 18 hours
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*not my gif*
I was now it Vegas the boys fights we're in 5 days so now I was in my hotel room editing for Conor from training this morning.
Conor: going out,ya coming?
Y: i'm still working maybe tomorrow night
Nate<3: can I come to the hotel?
Y: yeah i'm workin though just so ya now
Nate <3: sounds good be there in a bit
I opened the door "hi" I smiled wrapping my arms around him "hey" he smiled and pecked my lips walking us into my room "how was your training?" "good....did BJJ with my brother" "nice you feeling good though?" "yeah i'm good you've been asking that alot?" "I know I just Don't want you to get hurt" "you think i'm gonna get hurt?" "well its a fight your gonna get hurt... you took a fight on short notice just want to make sure your good" "I'm good and ready I promise" he smiled again "okay" I kissed his cheek and laid my head in his shoulder.
"you hungry babe?"he asked from the bed while I worked at the hotel desk "yeah I won't mind eating," I turned in the chair he walked over and leaned back on the desk handing me the menu "mm burger and fries what do you want?" "the lemon salad" "okay" I called in the order before going back to work.
I was washing my makeup off in the bathroom when room service knocked "babe will you get that?" "yeah" he got off the bed, "oh shit" he said "wheres Y/n? what are you doing in here?" I hear Dee say "fuck," I whispered I wiped my face I moved nate by his shoulder "Dee come inside" I pulled her in and shut the door "you can not tell my brother promise please?" "y/n I have too your dating who he's gonna be fighting" "Dee please just till after the fight he hates Nate Right now after they fight they'll be no bad blood I swear he will want nothing to do with me if he finds out before the fight" she sighed and looked over to Nate "how long?" "5 months that's why I went to California and have been" "fine but ya have to tell him after or I will" "okay promise" "he's still gonna be pissed" I nodded "I know thats why I haven't told him"she sighed "well I came to tell you that Conor what's to meet in the lobby at 7am" "okay" I nodded "see ya in the morning" she said walking out just as food came.
"shes gonna tell him" I said taking a bite of my burger "she won't she knows he's in a fight camp you wouldn't tell me something crazy while I was in camp" "yeah true" "it's fine babe I'd all work out" he rubbed my shoulder I smiled and laid my head on his shoulder. We laid back on the bed after eating and I looked up to him "you want a face mask you'll skin will look great for your interview tomorrow" he chuckled "no mamas i'm okay" "no come on you'll look so cute please?" he looked down at me for a minute "fine go get it" I smiled going to get it, I sat over his lap his hands on my waist "it's gonna be a little cold okay?" he nodded I opened the face mask and laid the sheet over his face "shit" he hissed "I told you," I giggled "cute" I pecked his lips and lined over and grabbed my phone to take his picture. I sat behind him and rubbed his shoulders "how long do I have to keep this on?" "like 15 more minute" "dude" "your skins gonna look great" he chuckled.
After 15 I looked down and he was dead asleep so I slowly took the mask off him and set it aside just letting him sleep. "mmm sorry" he sat up a bit "it's okay" I rubbed his back "can I stay here?" he said half asleep "yea" he turned around and laid his head on my chest "wake me up at 5:30?" "yeah babe" I turned the light off and put my hand in his shirt scraching his back.
The alarm went off at 5:30 I groaned hitting my phone "Nate babe" he sighed dinging his head into my neck "I know i'm awake I don't wanna get up" "you want coffee?" he nodded I reached over grabbing the phone calling up coffee. he sat up a bit leaning down to kiss me his one hand on my hip "I have morning breath" "I don't care" he leaned down and kissed me I put my hand on the side of his face. I pulled away "okay sadly we have jobs" I got up going to the bathroom.
"thank you" I took the coffees and handed him his "okay I gotta head out" "okay love you" "love you" he kissed me "i'll see you on the presser" "k" he smiled "be nice to each other" "can't promise" he said walking out the door I chuckled.
"your playing touch butt with that dork in the park with the ponytail and I ain't got no training partners I don't think so, you seem to got it all figured out when your fighting midgets" I put a hand over my face to stop the smirk. "He's like a little cholo gangster from the hood but he gos on bike rides with the elderly....gang signs with left hand animal balloons with the right hand" I slightly chuckled "I gotta go" I said to Dee going to the bathroom because they were arguing like 5-year-olds and I thought it was pretty funny.
I got in the car with Conor and the team "fuck that guy" Conor said I sighed as Dee looked over to me "you wanna see the pictures I got?" I said trying to change the subject "yeah" I handed my camera to him "I ordered ya a better one" "oh thank you Con I was gonna get a new one".
Y: you good babe?
Nate <3: yeah! I'll see you tomorrow though I'm really tired today is that cool?
Y:yeah whatever you need to do I have to work then I'm gonna go to sleep anyway! I love you 🖤
Nate <3: okay love you🖤
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yoonyia · 23 days
If you get this, answer w/ three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs. anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog! (no pressure! ❤️)
im not comfortable sending questions right now (bad mental state, cant dm strangers on the internet for some reason, makes me breakdown)
but i will give you 3 fun facts about myself
hello quick introduction, my name is Yoonseo Chang (no middle name, but my parents spell my name Yoon Seo for some reason but that isnt correct) my korean name is 장윤서, phonetically translates to jang yoon seo but its written as chang because my grandpa lived in china as a factory worker for a long time then decided to go with the chinese version of my last name
im in middle school but ill graduate this winter (again)
oh yea fun fact, im going to graduate middle school twice for the same grade but in 2 different countries and between 6 months
dont think about it a lot
i was born in korea and moved to sejong at around 4 but i didnt really live here then, i was with my grandma in 고령 (i dont know how to translate that, just know its a really really rural area)
fun fact number 2! my grandma owns a pig farm with over 3000 pigs, she also has blue pigs but no one believes me when i say theyre real
they might just be pigs painted blue but i swear i saw them AND SHE TELLS ME SHE DOES HAVE BLUE PIGS IM NOT INSANE
then when i was 5 me and my dad followed mom to singapore for her extra studies
we lived there for a year then she went to america as an exchange student and took us with her again and there i witnessed racism ✨️
it was fun tho thats where i learned english, had a best friend with really cool elastic hair rings who really liked pbjs (i never got the appeal but i remember them fondly because of her) i have a vaguely new haven accent cause i lived there
then i came back to korea for elementary school and stayed until i graduated, met my favorite teacher ever in the school (neulbom-늘봄- means always spring) called teacher sophie, she was an english teacher from canada and i love her dearly, probably should reach out to her again, and i also had like 4 friends there, they all left me but honestly thats fine, theyre all korean kids who went international and they just went international again (lia please if you find this i love you and i need you in my life again please why did you stop getting my emails IS IT BECAUSE YOUR DAD WORKS FOR THE FBI?) i also had a few neighborhood friends but i stopped talking to them when i was leaving
then i went and stayed in thailand for nearly 3 years
i went to an international school called NIST (new international school thailand) and i made quite a few friends there
oh yea and before i forget shout out to @charlee0915 for being the first ever friend of mine to stay with me for longer then 3 years, thank you so much for still talking to me even after i left the country, it means a lot.
then now im in korea and i get to experience thw wonders of seasons and an inhumane concentration of stress on the general population
Fun fact not for me but for my country, we have the highest suicide rate in the world, not only that we have crushing devastating suicide rates for students and elderly, but mostly for the same reasons
we are a society where efficiency is your worth, your skills your abilties what you can be of help for others faster and better then everyone else is your reason to live
for students the fear is that they wont be of use, because they cant keep up and fall behind their peers, so the stress piles up quickly as the competition worsens as one gets older and closer to graduation
the fear for the elderly is largely the same fear of not being of worth, that they can no longer serve their lives purpose of being effcient and skillful and they cant bare being alone (koreans have an increasing neglect for previous generations) and cant bare being alone doing nothing being worth nothing and slowly aging, forgetting and dying
so i feel like you can get a grasp on what type of society korea is just from that
we also have so much racisim
like more then america but we're so monogonous that no one knows its wrong
people call each other the n word and make jokes like "if a 19th century england man saw you he would make you a slave" and then they would laugh about it
this is refering to other koreans who are comparatively tanner
i want to burn my classmates sometimes
last fun fact, i have probobly undiagonsed shizophernia, its a pretty big part of my life and honestly i just want people to know that im a person that you know with a condition that is often fantasized and antagonized but im just a person (a horrible one but it has nothing to do with my condition)
and also maybe a bonus funner fact is im an artist and a writer and a dungeon master, and im very tired because of it (chronic pain woooooooo genetic migranes are horrid)
anyways i talked for way too long thank you for the ask!!
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nathank77 · 4 months
8:06 p.m Edited/Added to
So Erin canceled on me again..... she offered tomorrow but I have things to do. I can fit it in but I woke up at 3:30 for her to cancel on me and I had awful sleep last night.
I closed my eyes for over 2 hours and accomplished nothing...the first hour I was on Hydroxyzine 25mg and half a mg of xanax. And I know factually I did not sleep.
Then I opened my eyes and took a Benadryl 25mg. Closed my eyes at 7:39 a.m and next thing I knew it was like 9 a.m... I don't think I slept cause I didn't dream and that's my only give away except when hours ago by.. all I know is my eyes were closed for a very long time...
I popped another Hydroxyzine 25mg.. and slept until 3:30 p.m and I could have fallen back to sleep if I peeded and took another Benadryl but I woke up to make it to my 4:30 appt that Erin canceled last minute....
So today has just been awesome. I called an attorney and idk if they'll take my case but they might. I await them responding and the DHP got my Kristen report per the tracking number.
Bo4 is going awfully... and I'm pissed caused I only get two weeks of fun out of a 14 week rotation. I'm actually about to play something else bc I'm clearly wasting my time.
I'm miserable. Okcupid is okstupid... I'm fucking alone.
I really needed therapy.. but I mean tomorrow I was going to return shitty shoe soles that i replaced for my adidas and the hdcp bypasser that doesn't work... and pick up a chicken so I can stay in the house Saturday and Sunday. As well as pick up some perscriptions from cvs.. I probably won't bother with therapy tomorrow.
I'm on her schedule for today every week. Why can't she just honor that, I could have gotten a full night of sleep if I knew she was going to cancel.
Why doesn't anyone talk to me? Why am I so alone? Why is everything so shitty? Why can't I play bo4 when I'm trying just as hard as I do any other day?
Sunday I lose the bo4 day to mothers day bc it's, "easier" earlier in the day. Less sweaty people play and there are more lobbies. Beyond that I didn't go see my grandmother today.
Oh yea and I'm still hallucinating! Yay!
I'm also going to message someone on mother's day and worry she will block me but idk if shes here and it's important to me to say happy mother's day to her.
Beyond that, I have heart palpitations all the time. And sometimes chest pain now...Scheduling this mri is impossible idk how I'm supposed to get it done by the 28th and I have to wait for my cardiologist appt for over so month. I'm sick of taking care of myself for nothing.
I'm not joking I looked at settlement amounts and like people win millions and I don't even care.... nothing will give me my silence back. Nothing will give me my quality of life back.
I also don't have it in me to be rejected by 5000 therapists to replace Erin... so I may just see Mike once a week maybe twice if he can fit me in... and I'd rather see a female two days a week but I can't handle reaching out to 500 different therapists outing myself and being discriminated against.
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