#and with this all starters are finished! WOO!
bookished · 2 years
( a collection of sentence starters. adjust phrasing as necessary.) feel free to make edits to better suit your muse, but please don’t edit or add on to the original post 💛
“You call yourself hero, but you are a shadow of what you were. I called you family… yet your pride and lust for glory overshadowed your morality and virtue. Now you call me enemy with no other reason than that I stood in your way. So come on, hero! Finish your path to the throne!”
"You haven't even listened to my side of the story yet. Shall I tell you, hm?"
“Since you hate heroes... i'll become the one you’ll hate the most.”
“One more dance?” “One last dance.”
“Ah. How fun to be a liar.” “I guess that makes two of us.”
“But, why not use that power to do good?” “My dear. To do good in a world that thrives on being bad would be a terrible waste.”
“What are you doing here?” “Thought I’d join the most alluring lady in the room for a dance.” “You tried to kill me!” “Please. I’d do no such thing.” “Really? Then, care to explain when you-” His left hand had found the small of her back, just low enough to make her breath hitch and any accusations towards him die in her throat. Silence. “Hm?” He was smirking.
“You see those guards stationed at the gate? They’ve been ordered to not let you leave this room alive. I thought we’d change that.”
“In my right breast pocket is a dagger. You will take it and use it on the guard. Do you understand me?”
“I will kill every single person in this ballroom while letting your father watch, and then I’ll kill him too. No one will ever hurt you.” A pause. “Ever.”
“I always thought this dress would look better in red. Bloody red.”
“She might be mad at me for the rest of her life, but at the end of the day, I'd be the one to keep her alive.”
“To breathe or die, dance and fight, these are the concepts that run with love and war.” “Are you always this poetic?” “Not always. Only when I’m trying to woo you, my dear.”
“Was this just a ploy for me to fall for you?” “Is it working?”
“You died.” “Oh, I missed you too.”
“We shouldn't be doing this.” “Yet here we are, doing this.” “But it's not right...” “Yet you're enjoying it.”
“You know the expression, right?” “A date with destiny...” “A dance with death.”
“I’m so glad that the lack of invitation didn’t deter you from attending. What drew you to it? The opportunity of spilling blood? The publicity of assassinating the king at the most public ball of the year? Or was it to have a fair little chat with the guards?” “What do you deduce, princess? From the scene before you? Would you still say that I am the villain?”
Your old friend turned enemy joins you in a dance after recognizing you, saying, “you have always liked red.”
“Remind me again, my love; which one of us do they believe is the hero and which is the villain?” “I’m afraid I’m not quite sure, dearest. The veil between those worlds grows thinner as we grow closer. Just hold me for this one last dance and promise me that when it’s all over that you’ll never forget the way we felt in each other’s arms…”
“I’ve been waiting for this moment,” he breathed against her skin. He twirled the knife in his hand and pressed it to her pulse. She did not beg him to stop or scream at his betrayal.
“My sweet, I do not want to destroy the world. I merely want you to stop wasting such a beautiful mind, body and soul trying to save it.”
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otpcutie · 8 months
Woo! Now that I’ve finished All In it’s time for more prompt shenanigans as promised🥳
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⭐Prompt game info⭐
I've reblogged some new prompt lists. Since there's more than one numbered list please specify which or send the whole prompt😇
They can be found here:
Drabble prompts
Platonic sentence starters
Jealousy prompts
Cute interactions
Concerned/worried prompts
Protective dialogue
OTP prompts
Any characters/ships I’ve written before are welcome, or I can choose if you’d prefer.
I’ll be keeping these poll results in mind too so if you want to request something from that just lemme know💚
**This round I’m also up for trying prompts that aren’t from those lists as well. So if you have an idea that isn’t covered or a request within one of my existing series/AUs ect, you’re welcome to send them :3
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lunewell · 4 months
(MerMay Story 2024)
In spite of final exams being a nightmare this year, I actually managed to post my MerMay story in the month of May! Woo!!!
This year I've written a short original psychological horror story from the perspective of the horror. I wanted to explore female violence and dehumanisation in particular, and what happens when we let ourselves get possessed by the greed to conquer.
As always, Tumblr is a HellsiteTM, so if you don't want to read this on here you can choose to read it on Google Docs here
Hope you enjoy (:!
CW: Rape, SA, a decent amount of violence. None of them in the sexy way. Dead dove, do not eat.
It’s Ben that spots them first. Today he’s been on lookout in our little fishing boat, the only one sober enough to spot a rock and give me a shout before I swerve Margret II into the same grave as her sister. Henry and Ben and I usually don’t drink more than a can on the job, but today has been a good catch, and a cause for celebration. We had followed a family of porpoises out to a remote spot close to three small isles on Ben’s insistence, and found a group of mackerel so large it could stock the shop for weeks. We would have turned around there and then if Henry hadn’t bought out some fire starter, the nice beer, and the crabs we caught earlier, and pointed out that there was an awfully pretty resting spot and an awfully pretty sunrise to catch on the leftmost isle. 
We were only meant to be there until the sky mirrored the blue of the sea, but one beer turned to two turned to a stock depleted. By the time we even thought about going homewards the sun sat at the top of the world, the village and shop seemingly seas away. Maybe they still are, for all I know; I didn’t have to spend long on the boat to realise the carefree breeze that flowed through me had cost my navigational skills.
Still, I tried to steer. Ben has his kids, Henry has… something, I’m sure, and I have my Clarissa, and more importantly, our young and perky maid. I would not let the waters claim me yet, and I would not do something as foolish as get lost in them. I wasn’t an idiot, and wouldn’t let myself be thought of as one.
Yet every stretch we went felt more and more unfamiliar to me. I didn’t recognise the islands, even as the warmth of the alcohol subsided. The water we were sailing through — previously a clear blue glass that lit the fish below — looked like it had sewage running through it, and the sky, so clear mere islands ago, had turned a foggy grey. Reeds popped up around us, though no land was in sight. I had tried to turn back, but by the time I had realised I was on the wrong path, all I could see around me was the shit-water and reeds.
There is a silence over the whole area, I realise, as I feel more lost than ever. The laughter and bantering have long subsided, replaced by a choking silence only interrupted by Henry’s snoring, and the water is as still as water could be. There are no chirping of birds, no splashes around us; even Margaret II seems to respect the silence, the chugging of her engine muffled in the reeds.
Right as the pressure of the silence has started growing too much for my heart, Ben speaks up. His voice is quiet and meek, barely audible even in the complete stillness: “Stop the boat.”
I oblige in an instant with immense relief. We slow not smoothly but lurch forward instead, as though we’re sailing through molasses. “What-” I start asking at my usual volume, though I don’t get to finish my question before Ben pales and shushes me, blowing my words away to sea. I look out past the reeds: nothing but rocks greet me.
“Listen,” Ben whispers, and stares into the nothingness. 
“What do you think I’ve been doing, jackass?”
“No, no,” Ben says, and I’d be concerned for his well being were it not for the manic smile plastered on his face, “really listen.”
And so I do.
At first I hear nothing. Truly nothing. Not even the waves, or the reeds, or Margaret II, as quiet shut down as she had been running. 
Then I hear it.
At first a single splash, salty drops jumping and returning to the sea. Then one splash turns to two turns to several, and between the drops there’s bubbles of laughter, so subtle I could have confused them for the wind. Voices murmur in the distance — light and airy and soft as dander — but distinctly voices. 
Ben thrusts me a pair of binoculars, and I waste no time pulling them up, my grin nearly as wide as his.
I have only seen a mermaid in person once before. A travelling circus had come to town when I was younger, boasting an impressive collection of the weird and the crippled, with the grandest entertainment and freak of all being a live mermaid originally captured by a lucky whaling crew with two deaf members who had caught on to what was happening as they watch their fellow men jump off the ship. She was supposedly alive for the first few days of the tour, albeit with a nasty gash on her throat, but by the time she reached our town she floated lifelessly in the middle of the tank, heavy cement blocks tied to her wrist so she didn’t float to the water's surface. 
Her mouth hung limp, bits of flesh stuck between her far too sharp teeth, her eyes were a dull grey, and her caramel hair was matted with blood at the roots from where she had allegedly bashed her head repeatedly against the tank, but she was still the most beautiful creature I’d ever seen — and still have ever seen, really. There was something ethereal about her, something that made me yearn to hold her, to touch her, to have her be mine, even if she was cold and limp in my hands. I had pressed my fingers up against the glass just to feel the chill of her; it was only upon my younger brother tugging at my sleeve that I tore my gaze away from her chest. I realised then that I’d never see something so beautiful, for to have her behind the glass was undoubtedly part of her beauty.
But here they are, two of them sitting in the distance, one on a rock with her grey tail out, the other barely sticking out of the water. Even blurry as they are, more paint splotches on the landscape than creatures living, I can feel that same want claw its way into my heart. “Holy shit,” I say to Ben, hitting the binoculars against his chest. “How much do you think we can sell them for?”
Ben muses at that, and goes quiet, though slowly a sly grin appears on his face, the corners of his mouth puppeteered upwards by images of riches. “Two grand for the brown one, endless entertainment with the blonde.” 
At that I smile brighter. The maid might have to go.
We wake Henry with a dowsing of ice cold water, and barely manage to quiet him before he chews us out. He seems doubtful of our ability to catch them, but Ben and I quickly reassure him. We still have enough cotton left to stuff all our ears, after all, and as long as their voices are silenced mermaids are ultimately pretty frail things.
The stillness of the area — now deemed truly unnatural by Ben and I — seems a blessing as we sailed closer. I stop the boat when we get close enough to see the scene in detail, both so we can put the cotton in our ears and get out the nets, though I find myself unwillingly admiring the two first. Despite the chill of the spring water and its murky state, the two have a sort of bliss about them usually reserved for lovers. The blonde one is braiding something into the brunette’s curly hair, though I’m too far away to see exactly what, while she’s laying still with her head relaxed against the grey tail. She hums as she braids, and the other girl seemingly melts into her, though every so often she’ll stop singing to speak, and one time she decides to tug on her hair instead, resulting in a playful splashing. Her tits, covered sparsely in scales, bounce as she laughs with her whole body.
“Dibs on the first go,” Henry says, stuffing the cotton in his ears before Ben or I can argue. We follow suit; negotiations can be made later. The three of us check that the trawler’s still in the water, just in case, Henry grabs a net, and I slip Ben our harpoon gun as I make my way to the edge of the boat. We all know our roles.
I can tell when Henry has turned the engine on based not only on the rumbling beneath my feet, but the way the two creatures snap towards us. We’re close enough to see their expressions now, and I catch the startled look on both their faces, and the rapidly moving mouths that end with the blonde one straightening her shoulders and the curly one cowering deeper into the water. She smiles coyly at us, pink lips closed so as to not show the fangs that lurk beneath, and waves. I put on my best smile back, aiming for small and friendly, hiding my own grin.
She cocks her head, black irises narrowing as she looks up at the boat, no doubt to estimate the size of our crew. Happy with whatever she sees, her lips part, and I get the slightest glimpse of blood stained teeth before her mouth is pursed into a perfect little hole and she begins singing. I make myself sway back and forth, pretending to fix my hair as I push the cotton balls deeper in their place.
Henry joins us, stumbling slowly to the best of his ability, as though he too can feel her pull. God, he’s a good showman when he needs to be. I have to fight hard to keep my eyes hazy, especially as the curly brunette gains enough confidence to swim closer to the boat and peek her head out. From this close up I can see the shells and glittery stones braided in half her hair. They glimmer even without any sunlight.
Bingo, I think, and am rewarded by the sight of a harpoon shooting past me.
The cotton doesn’t block its piercing scream as its face curls in agony. It wiggles frantically under the water, body twisting and contorting in a mix of pain and desperation. Blood pools beneath its torso, and every so often its muted green tail splashes above the water to give a view of its impalement: the harpoon has gone all the way through, glimmering in time with the shells and stones. The red of the wound makes its tail pop more. 
By the time the blonde one jumps in to help its friend, I finally allowed myself to smile: even if they look human, they’re really no smarter than an animal. Henry and I rush to get the net down before it frees the harpoon from the other's tail, and sure enough, neither move in time. 
We hoist them up slowly, revelling in their appearance in the net, a glass more wonderful than any other. They’ve both given up singing, Blonde glaring as she holds Curly, making no effort to hide its fangs now. The gills on its cheek flare up and down, the black of its iris have taken over its entire eye, and its face carries the wrath of all the sea's storms, and yet it makes it no less beautiful. There’s a thrill, I think, in the fact I would soon see the storms replaced with the winds of submission you only find in the innocent, a thrill in the fact it will be broken and wanting by my hand. I smile at it, not disguising my own grin.
Ben partially cuts open the net and retracts the harpoon, causing Curly to cry out again and blood to pool on its friend and the floor. It’s a messy thing, I think with a thrown; I would have thrown it to the waves were it not for the fact it was practically gold. Blonde smacks her powerful tail against the deck, scooting back and forth like a toddler, but it does nothing but shake the boat a bit; Henry is quick to get behind her with a knife and put it up to her throat before she can cause any real damage.
I slowly pull the cotton out of my ear, and find myself greeted immediately by heavy breathing and cries. “Quiet,” I growl, though neither stop. I glare at them, reminding myself that they would soon learn how to obey, and getting angry doesn’t help anyone. They are bitches in need of training, and I need to be patient with them.
“Quiet down or I’ll have him slit your throat,” I say instead, calmer. That gets them to shut up.
I walk over to Ben, ignoring Blonde’s death stare. It can look all it want; it will learn to keep its eyes down soon. With a newfound excitement I rip the cotton out of Ben’s ears, who has been staring at Curly since he got the harpoon out. He had always had a thing for curly hair, and the creature was woman clearly enough to spark it. “Ben’ll move you and secure you somewhere different now,” I say, knowing his rope skills are better than mine. “Try anything and you’ll regret it.”
Ben approaches slowly, hunter to two deer. Blonde is still, accepting its role as prey with a prideful grace that angers me more than it should, and for a moment I think it’ll go smoothly. They’re breaking, the two of them. I almost feel bad — or maybe disappointed is the better word. I was expecting them to fight harder. Curly even quiets, my ears sharing in my heart's relief. I watch as Ben leans over to separate the two, the thrill of the hunt seemingly far away.
All three of us jump as Curly leaps and reaches its disgustingly long claws towards Ben's throat. 
It gets rewarded with a knife right into its own.
“Anyie’merts!” Blonde cries, a shrill dolphin pitch so far from the melodic tone it can sing, a true showing of its nature that washes the last of my doubts. It thrashes for Curly, but Henry thinks quick on his feet. He throws the knife out of reach, grabs its clawed hands, and digs them into its own back, causing it to weep and immobilising it. It's almost a pleasant sound, especially as the sobs soften and my heart responds to the reminder that the hunt is still there.
“Greedy,” I spit at it as I watch Ben drag its limp body towards a crate of fish and tie one of its hands to the railing with a short piece of thin brown rope. It slumps against the wood, weezing, blood pooling in its mouth. It doesn’t acknowledge my comment; just looks between the knife in its throat and its companion.
“I hope it doesn’t sell for less like this,” Ben mumbles, and grimaces down at his own hands. There’s blood coating his nails, and scales dug into his palm from when it thrashed and struggled. “Maybe this is the one we’ll keep.”
The look he gives it pulls me back to that day at the circus, and I realise he’s requesting rather than advising. “We’ll see,” I respond. I’m not quite willing to give up the blonde one’s tits.
Henry drags the other one by its tail, its hands already tied behind its back in white rope. Despite its attempts not to scratch itself there’s claw marks on its back. The tips of its claws are a distinct red, and one of them has partially cracked, swaying back and forth in the slight breeze.
As soon as Henry releases it it crawls towards Curly, throwing itself over its chest. Its breathing is laboured, as though it too was stuck with a knife, and it buries its scaly face into Curly’s neck like it’s a blanket. It murmurs squeakily into Curly’s ears, at first fast and panicked and angry, and then softens to the same small tone it sobbed in earlier. Its body puts pressure on Curly’s lungs. 
The quietness doesn’t last long. Still not taking its eyes off Curly, Blonde opens its mouth, this time not bothering to hide its fangs; a little piece of skin sticks out between its front teeth. It gets a single note out — melodic and deep, almost human — before Henry kicks it high up in its tail, the boot thudding heavily against the scales.
 “Hey!” he shouts, “no singing.” Blonde glares at him, but it lost the battle as soon as it shut its mouth. “And get the fuck off — you’ll just suffocate it.”
A light flickers in Ben’s eyes. He approaches the mermaids and crouches down, his tone softening, as though he was talking to a child: “Your friend here is hurt. We can help her. We just need some help back. Do you know Karpcombe?”
Blonde stills, and tentatively looks up at him. There’s a sceptical yet hopeful look in its eyes, a small child's curiosity. “A… aye,” it creaks, the words foreign on its tongue, and I recoil. It sounds wrong, an approximation of speech that creaks like floorboards on a sinking ship. It’s scratchy and rough, scratchier than the roughest chain-smokers I’ve met, and I find the warmth fades out of me as I’m once again reminded that this is a creature that needs to be claimed, not adored.
Ben is just as surprised as me, but he hides it much better: “Very good,” he says in the same tone, applauding the dog for performing a trick. Its eyes narrow, but it doesn’t respond. He pulls out an outdated map of the local area — stained in a mysterious liquid and aged by the sun — and hands it to Blonde. “That’s where we're from, and that’s where we need to get to. Show me where we found you, and when we get to somewhere we recognise we’ll patch her up.”
“You think it can read?” Henry pipes up from the back.
“It must know pictures, surely.”
I smirk: “If it didn’t it would be dumber than most bitches I met.”
Henry snorts, but Blonde doesn’t notice. It's scanning the old piece of paper like its scripture, eyes darting all over the place. All the white is gone now, leaving just a black void. After some seconds of silence, and as I’m starting to doubt if it can actually read, it slams its tail up and down so fast that I’m worried it’ll puncture a hole in the hull.
With an impressive flexibility, it contorts its body and points the tip of its tail to a patch of the sea much further out than we’d usually go, but not unreasonably far from home. Its tail clumps and folds on itself awkwardly, the heaviness of it obvious on Blonde’s face. The stretching leaves its slit visible, pink and small and assumedly tight, and I feel my mouth go dry: I’m not letting Henry ruin its hole first. 
Ben tries to move away, but it knocks him to his feet with its tail. It tries to crawl over, something pleading on its face, and this time I’m the one to pull it back from behind. I grab its tits and throw its body into me, holding it tight and scratching my uncut fingernails briefly into its slit causing it to whine; it's looser than I thought it would be, but will serve its purpose fine for the future. “Greedy,” I say, and it almost spits back, only reeling itself in when Curly squeezes its hand.
I let Blonde go, and it scampers over to Curly, and lays itself on its shoulder. It doesn’t speak this time; just breathes softly against its gills. Curly lifts its free hand to Blonde’s hair, the motion shaky and robotic. It tries to stroke Blonde, but the hand trembles with every twitch, and eventually it settles for simply holding Blonde close. Blonde whispers something slowly, and I wonder if it would sob, if I weren’t around. The thrill flares inside me at how they shiver.
Ben manages to negotiate himself to a resting spot thanks to his hand, and no one trusts me to steer, so Henry takes navigation by default. He’s not the best navigator, but we eventually hit clear blue water, and stones I recognise. I’m about to get up to help curly, but Ben stills my hand: ‘Wait,’ he mouths, and subtly drags a finger over his throat. Not that the subtle bit particularly matters: Blonde’s world right now is Curly, and Curly’s world right now seems vacant and small.
I don’t quite get what he’s waiting for until we reach the last bit of truly open water, and I hear, hidden between gulls and waves and the steady chugging of the boat, the first spoken word in an hour: “...Anyie’merts?”
Blonde sits up, gets itself off Curlys shoulders for the first time. “Anyie’merts?” it calls again, most desperate, and throws itself against its chest, misshapen ear pressed right against where its heart would be, and freezes from the chill as soon as it makes contact. It doesn’t scream, doesn’t make a sound, but the light that cracks in its eyes and tears that promptly follow are loud enough that they echo through the whole ocean.
I didn’t need her tears to tell me Curly was dead, though: it was obvious just by looking at her. She carries the same sort of etherealness that the mermaid at the circus did, this weightless serenity that transcends all else. She’s pretty — oh so pretty — small and meek and quiet in her state. There’s an undeniable femininity that springs to her, an awakening of sorts in her new state, not corrupted by blood or pain or screaming or crying. I look at her, really look at her, and I see what Ben saw: her hair is curled in cute coils like those my older sister had, her golden skin gleams softly as though it were the sun itself, and she curves in all the way a woman is supposed to. It’s a shame she died, though maybe that’s the price of transcendence.
Henry stops the boat and comes around to look: “Is it dead?” 
“She’s dead, yes,” Ben says, staring at her like she's a lamb. “We can maybe sell her scales,” he says with disappointment, though the way he bounces his leg is a quick tell that feigned is all it is. There’s a restlessness to him: he sees her now, and she’s all his to take. He just needs permission.
“We can cut her free, then,” I say. I turn to Henry: “Why don’t you cut her free and then you and Ben can do a little… inspection in the cabin. I can drive us to shore meanwhile: we have one good sale to make”
Blonde looks at us for the first time, though it still leans heavily over her. Henry pats himself up and down at the word knife for a bit, before smiling sheepishly: “I, uh, don’t know where I placed it.”
“I’ll do it,” Ben responds instantly, and he’s already on his feet before I can even mock Henry for his forgetfulness. He pauses right before he reaches them, stares down at Blonde with a warning of ire; he’ll do anything for his prize. The threat isn’t needed any longer, though, as all it does is kiss her once on the neck before rolling off without so much as a threat, and going limp as a ragdoll on the deck: seeing it makes my blood pump. There’s a fire in its eyes still, but it can now be quenched and lit on command, that I’m sure of: I’ll make sure it only burns for me.
They lift her up, the brown rope falling to the floor, and Ben can barely contain the smirk on his face. Henry’s not doing much better, finally having caught on, and finally seeing it as her too. “She’s heavy,” Ben grumbles, and I make my way over to help lift her. My prize isn’t going anywhere, anyway.
We lay her down on the floor gently, a precious gem that can’t be cracked. Still, the gentleness surely won’t last long, for I can already hear a zipper going down.
My own prize has wiggled its way to the other side of the boat, restless to get away from the blood pool of its friend perhaps, but lies perfectly still otherwise. Its eyes are blank, doll-like buttons, and its breathing is laboured, but I can still see the fire bubbling under the surface. The restraint, the submission, spreads the fire to myself. 
I feel Ben’s restlessness manifest inside me as I watch it transform. Its hair is silky and smooth, its lips the pink of a strawberry; their scaled chest is perky and soft, tits just waiting for me to grab, bouncing up and down with every breath; her slit is inviting and open for me, swollen and wanting after my finger. She wants me: she’s mine. All mine. I’ve earned her; I can be greedy. 
I recognise the beast for what it is now: possessiveness. There is a fire within me and it burns for her fuel, burns to consume and feast on all it can find. It cares little for if she remains unbruised, cares little for her sale, cares little for the fact her skin is scaled: she has submitted, she has given herself to me, and it's the flames to take. In its heat I don’t care about the grunts from behind me, or almost stumbling over a piece of white rope on the floor, or the waves that crash higher than they did before: she is my prize now, all mine to claim.
I scan her with my eyes. Scan her hair and eyes and lips; scan the throat with a knife indent, scan her tits and feel my body come alive; scan down to her perfect little soft waist, up to her small shoulders, to the rope that…
‘Rope…’ I realise, and stare, for there is nothing left to do.
I don’t scan her hands. I don’t have the time to.
The fire is back now, but this time not my own. I wonder if it ever truly left.
It's on me before I know it, its entire white tail crushing my ribs. Curly’s blood rubs off on my leg, and despite the cool air its body burns on me with the heat of a thousand suns. Henry’s knife is pointed to my chest, and a clawed hand on my throat: “Quiet,” its stammers, red-rimmed eyes like a knife to my soul, “quiet or slit your throat.” 
“Please,” I whispered to my captor, “please God have mercy.”
And at that it stills. It throws the knife away from my heart, though it keeps the bear trap of a hand gripped at my throat. It looks at me — really looks at me — and I recognise what was in its void eyes instantly: it was in my own mere moments previously.
I’ve asked for too much..
“Greedy,” is all she says, before the bear trap clamps on my throat. I try to scream, I try to cry, but I can’t hear either; all I can taste is the blood in my mouth.
She jumps off me, and her tail slams so hard against the deck that I can see her bones bend. My ears start ringing as I watch the waves crash around us, the sea itself caught in her flame. 
I know my fate as soon as I feel cold water on my back. The water is here to claim me, now. It’s here to swallow me whole. 
I close my eyes. I try not to cry, not to be too loud. The water is here for me now, and mixed with the iron and salt and fear are the strings of submission pulling me to my death.
And all I can do is let them.
Greedy thing.
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mischiefxmuses · 1 year
Post event starter call.
I will be dropping most pre-event and finishing up event threads but please requests new ones here! Also capping at 3 per writer and please spread requests out to share the love among all muses!!
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Henry Creel aka One / Aware / Stranger Things (2/5) - Robin, Alice
Angel / Unaware / Buffy The Vampire Slayer (3/5) - Buffy, William, Benjamin
Billy Loomis / Aware / Scream  (5/5)  - Jill, Mickey, Josh, Randy, tatum
Charles Xavier / Aware / X-Men  (2/5) - Lorna, Elliot
Cleo Mckinnon / Aware / Harry Potter (1/5) - Dale
Cordelia Goode / Aware / AHS: Coven (1/5) - Owen
Dream / Aware / The Sandman (2/5) - Doom, Irene
Fleur Delacour Weasley / Aware / Harry Potter (4/5) - Vic, Hagrid, Lily Luna, Dumbledore
Galadriel / Aware / Rings of Power (??/5) 
Harwin Strong / Aware / House of The Dragon (??/5) 
Hunter / Aware / The Bad Batch (1/5) - Rowena
Iorveth / Aware / The Witcher (??/5) -
Jorah Mormont / Aware / Game of Thrones (1/5) - Oliver
Kirby Reed / Unaware / Scream (2/5) - Quinn, Noah
Loki Laufeyson / Aware / Marvel (2/5) - Peter, Peggy
Peter Hale / Aware / Teen Wolf (1/5) - Derek
Rabastan Lestrange / Aware / Harry Potter (1/5) - Ron
Satine Kryze / Aware / Star Wars (4/5)
Silco / Aware / Arcane (2/5) - Adam,
Sion Val Palpatine / Unaware / Star Wars (??/5)
Tenel Ka Djo / Unaware / Star Wars (??/5)
Lyanna Mormont / Aware / Game of Thrones (2/5) - Auden, Jon
Bones Mccoy /Aware/ Star Trek (1/5) - Glenn
Yennefer of Vengerberg / Aware / The Witcher (3/5) - Satana, Sabrina, Geralt
Percy De Rolo / Aware / Vox Machine (1/5) - Eli
Hwang Jun-Ho / Aware/ Squid Games (3/5) - Kono, Euntak, Jung Woo
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reimagining-johto · 2 months
Woo! The starters are fully out now!
Expect to see one new Pokémon reimagining every day at 9:00am (Pacific) for the following days.
I have divided the mon into batches, and all art is already finished for the first one. I’ll first post every base stage and then the evos will come a couple days after, just like the starters did. I think that’s more interesting than seeing the same line for two or three days in a row.
I hope you continue in this journey with me until we reach Celebi. And who knows? Maybe one day we’ll sail east of New Bark and see what awaits in the neighboring region.
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shop-korea · 5 months
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THEN - FIND - A - WAY - 2 - ADD
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queenxfjustice · 2 years
I finished all my drafts here! Woo!!
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I still have an open starter call with 2 spots left that you certainly can like if we're mutuals!
0 notes
apocryphalfacade · 6 years
ωι¢кє∂ тнιηgѕ ☲ ¢ℓσѕє∂
         👹☲ With himself bundled for the night and the shades placed on his eyes he locked up his shop and made his way toward the bar Itori ran. Today was something of an indulge day. His mind running over the job he had half finished, the material and design was coming together perfectly. The intricate details he had placed into it and the embellishments that he was going to place in the end would end up in a perfect harmony with how slightly unnerving it would end up being.
        As he passed through the darkened alleyways and the low ends of life without much of a problem. Most ghouls that were in the 4th ward knew of him he had the slight advantage of his usefulness and peace keeper. Hands placed in the pockets of his jacket the Ghoul didn’t bother with the noises and small please of ghouls and their prey. It was no concern of his as his eyes glanced to the alley then moved on to his next location.
       Hidden eyes from those with prying eyes themselves he glanced to see something that shouldn’t have been there. He stopped for a moment turning to face the thing that shouldn’t be before speaking. ❝I haven’t seen your face. How are you still alive in a place like this?❞
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yeouiexpand · 4 years
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Name: Ryuu Hibiki -Ryuu meaning 'dragon' -Hibiki meaning 'sound,echo'
Age: 19-21   (may vary depending on the verse) Likes: anything cute/adorable, sweets and pastries, spicy food, music (listening, playing and creating), concerts, video games, animals, looking at constellations, the moon, camping, road trips, art (sketching and painting), situations with a hint of danger, the rising sun, fireworks, wearing mismatched and 'fun' socks, tattoos, piercings, comfortable silence, writing, theater. Dislikes: beating around the bush, hot weather, dishonestly, those who think they're above others, the feeling of anxiety, politics, sports, horror movies (he's a scaredy-cat), hot drinks, time constraints, complaining without putting in any effort to change, losing, not being good at something, ignorance, gossip, compliments (doesn't know how to just accept them). Personality/Traits: -On first impression, Ryuu has a bit of a prickly personality. He's a bit hard to get close to at first, and other's often state that he gives off an "unapproachable" vibe. In truth, he's just an anxious dude who does his absolute best to never let it show. -Despite this, Ryuu is willing to speak up for those in need even when no one else will. His demeanor is unwavering and unafraid when it comes to protecting others - willing to accept any consequences if a fight breaks out. He rarely every gets angry, but when or if he does it is almost always on behalf of someone else. -While Ryuu is used to and enjoys spending time alone, when he decides he likes someone he finds himself being unexpectedly clingy. He doesn’t like to admit it but he gets jealous quite easily.  -He has a soft spot for 'cute' things - like animals, plushies, small trinkets and accessories, etc. -He's got a bit of a foul mouth and doesn't try much to change it. However, on paper he is highly literate and able to seamlessly string together words to convey emotive images that connect deeply with those who hear them.
**If you made it this far and like what you see, like or reblog this post if you want to interact!!**
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incogniiita · 4 years
{ ✴ } 
0 notes
sang-woos · 3 years
blurred lines - cho sang-woo
word count; 6.5k. cw; smut, oral sex (f recieving), sex, dirty talk? authors note; please ignore any mistakes, i'm dyslexic and i haven't wrote in soooo long. please enjoy! this is my first sang-woo fic & it's most likely ooc but i don't mind too much. feedback is appreciated and requests are open but just for sang-woo at the moment as i'm feeling mega inspired to write for him. thank you for reading!
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You knew that you should have been concentrating on the work in front of you, the list of numbers slowly becoming nothing but jargon on a spreadsheet after around a minute but you simply couldn’t, the thought of your boss stuck in your brain and refusing to leave taking over the most of your working morning.
One of the first things that you noticed about your boss was his eyes, they were almost deadly. It was clear that he had a lifetime of stories behind him, the wrinkles on his forehead showing the stress of the last decade and running such an elite company in a abhorrant world that would do anything to throw him to the bottom of the ladder again. Sang-woo was strong though, Sang-woo had seen it all and he knew that he had power within his company, just his presence in the office enough to have everyone sitting up straight in their chairs and a good-natured smile on their face as their boss walked up and down, double checking the work of some of the employees he had his eyes on due to complaints and general bad feelings.
You can remember the first time you laid eyes on him. You had been working at his company for a mere two weeks and the infamous CEO was nothing but a rumour and a good conversation starter over lunch. It was clear that the people he had hired were gossipers, every aspect of Sang-woo’s life put on blast whenever he was out of town for a while. Did he have a wife? Did he have a child? Why was he always so miserable? It was questions that everyone wondered and asked but not you - you didn’t know him, you didn’t care for him and as long as your wages were in your bank account at the end of the month, you were completely fine with your boss being such a mystery like the others liked to make out. However, you kind of understood the obsessions around the older gentleman when you first saw him, your breath stopping for a brief second.
There was no doubt that Sang-woo was the boss. There was a natural aura that surrounded him, screaming dominance and fear. The gold watch on his wrist and the expensive suit a clear example of his wealth, his pout almost cute to you as he examined some spreadsheets in front of him, his assistant wobbling on about numbers which Sang-woo clearly did not appreciate judging by the creased eyebrows. You admired him for a moment, taking in the way his suit was tailored perfectly for his body, his groomed hair that was done professionally, his dark eyes that met yours and then, the pouted lips that turned into a small smirk when he noticed you staring.
“I think I’m going to go and read over all these in my office,” Sang-woo said, his eyes flickering back to yours briefly before returning back to his assistant. Sang-w0o started to walk off but he quickly stopped when he heard the pattering of feet behind him, “Alone,” he finished, his eyes glaring at his assistant who simply shook his head and nodded quickly, his black shoes banging against the wooden floor in the expensive looking working area.
There was a feeling of sadness when Sang-woo was no longer in your sight. You had enjoyed admiring the handsome gentleman, it was nice to have someone that was good looking in the same room as you. It made a change to the usual boys that you were stuck with day in, day out. They were kind enough but there was nothing exciting about the people that you worked with - they would do their shifts, go home, eat food and go to bed. In the two weeks that you had been there, there was no discussion of going out for food or doing some fun activities. Everyone that you worked with was boring essentially and they much preferred whispering about the boss over a cup of coffee when they got a break than being direct and asking them questions.
Maybe there was something more to Sang-woo that you didn’t know about. There was a reason that he was alone and the staff knew nothing about their boss. You understood that there had to be a fine line between all things - Sang-woo was your boss after all and you knew that he couldn’t be best friends with the employees on the floor but it didn’t change the fact that he didn’t acknowledge anyone, didn’t praise anybody for their hard work, didn’t check to see if anyone was okay. Sang-woo seemed rather introverted, his brain and expression cut off, cut off to everyone but you, that is.
Had there been any need for that smirk? What did it mean? Was he laughing at you because he had caught you staring at him like a girl with a teenage crush - your mother had always told you that your facial expressions gave you away whenever you tried to lie or deceive. Perhaps, most definitely, Sang-woo knew that you were checking him out. You weren't ashamed of it either, he was handsome and attractive and you would appreciate someone who looked good, boss or not.
“You seem slightly preoccupied,” one of the fellow employees said. You turned to look at her and waved your hand in the air at her smug expression, perhaps she had too caught the small interaction between yourself and Sang-woo. “He’s off limits, you know?”
“I do not know what you are talking about,” you said with a fake innocence - you knew exactly what she was talking about. “I was simply just admiring the new painting that has been put up on the wall, is that a crime now?”
Your employee scoffed and shook her head, your child-like manner not fooling her nor anybody else that was eavesdropping. “He’s the boss, do you want to lose your job? Don’t think you’re the first young girl to come in here and give him the heart eyed look - you're probably the forth. Want to know what happened to those girls after their first personal meeting with Mr. Cho?” You shook your head at the question, you didn’t particularly want to know but you knew that you were going to get an answer anyways. “They didn’t last another two weeks. Seemed that the boss fucked them so good that - “
“Watch your mouth,” you spluttered, covering your ears up as your fellow employee chuckled to herself. “What point are you trying to prove here?” you asked, sitting yourself down besides your friend finally. “I don’t want to have any sexual relationship with the big boss, thank you very much. I was simply just admiring - “
“They always admire and then they always find an excuse to stay late after work and then they always end up leaving. A quick fuck whilst being bent over the CEO’s desk is not worth your job - is that understood? I’m not saying all of this to criticise you or make you feel bad for your feelings, I’m telling you this because I care and I don’t want to see you in the same position that I saw all those other girls in.”
You shook your head at your employees words, she was clearly just being dramatic about a situation that hadn't even occurred. There was no way that Sang-woo would be interested in you further than business wise, he seemed like a man who liked to keep things focused on the job and to earn as much money as possible. You also doubt that he would be romantically or sexually interested in a young woman whose only appeal was her short black skirt and pouty lips.
The months passed and you found yourself becoming more of an asset at the company. You began to make friends with the fellow employees and saw the appeal in the conversation when it came to the boss - you were desperate to find out more about him. Sang-woo still remained a mystery, his eyebrows furrowed whenever he walked through the office area on his own, sometimes looking angry, sometimes looking calm. There was no in-between.
The two of you had not shared a conversation, only quick glances every kn0w and again whenever no-one else was looking. You felt like a school girl crushing over one of her teachers but you couldn’t help who you found attractive nor could you help the desire to have him whenever you could.
You can remember when you first caught him shouting at someone else, it shouldn’t have turned you on but it did, ridiculously. The poor gentleman who had messed up some work for Sang-woo clearly wasn’t happy or appreciative of the lecture that he was receiving but you admired from a distance, watching as Sang-woo raised his hands around the air in frustration and slammed the notes onto the desk until they spilled onto the floor.
“What’s wrong with him?” you asked one of your employees, the same girl who had warned you about your clear infatuation for the handsome boss months ago. You thought you had done well to hide your desire for the man but she saw right through you and it had become a daily joke between the two of you that you wanted to fuck the boss.
“He messed up the notes so he’s going to get in trouble for it, probably put us back by two days. Mr. Cho might just make him stay behind after we’ve all gone to write them back up properly and sort out his mistakes but suppose it depends on how he’s feeling today - the poor guy might end up being fired.”
You nodded your head, an idea coming to you as your friend continued to ramble on about the importance of getting everything correct. If messing up once meant that you were going to be bent over Sang-woo’s desk just like you had wanted for the last two months then you were willing to risk it - a part of you not even bothering to accept the fact that you could be sacked instead.
“Looks like he got sacked,” your employee said with a deep sigh. “Shouldn’t mess up important work, should you?”
You watched as the guy who had been at the hands of Sang-woo’s anger began to clear his desk.
“Isn’t there an important meeting happening this afternoon?” you asked, your brain ticking away as you came up with the perfect plan. “Maybe I could sit in 0n the meeting and write the notes up - I’m quite good with all that stuff.”
Your employee looked at you with a smirk, you weren't fooling anyone. “I warned you about this months ago, remember? Think about what I said to you before you go in there all guns blazing without being logical. If what you have planned is what I think it is then you could end up jobless.”
“Or I could end up with exactly what I want.”
“And what’s that then?”
“The boss, of course.”
And somehow you were successful with your plan.
Only a couple of hours later, you were sitting in the conference room watching as Sang-woo went over some agreements or something, you weren’t entirely sure what was going on, you just knew that he looked good. The business meeting was to do with big money and it should have been a good learning experience for you but how could you concentrate on anything else other than the way his fingers held onto the cigarette he had and how hashly he sucked on it when someone was irritating him.
Then there was the way he would occasionally slip a curse word into conversation. It was something so simple but all you could think about was how it would feel when he was on top of you and the curse words were slipping from his mouth because of your body and the things that you would eventually do to him.
Sang-woo had caught you staring of course, multiple times. He tried his hardest to ignore how pretty you looked with a short skirt and white blouse on, or the way your face twisted into confusion at some of the stuff being said. He thought you were pretty and it was one of the reasons why he agreed to have you sit in on the meeting after the last incompetent fucker had messed up.
Even though Sang-woo had never personally had anything to do with you, it didn’t stop him from finding himself becoming more attached to you than you would ever believe. There was no better part of his day then when the two of you would make eye contact briefly, so much being said silently between the two of you. Sang-woo knew that you wanted him but he knew better than to give you what you wanted, especially considering the fact that you was one of his employees and he didn’t want to blur the line to much but God, all he thought about in his office was how good you looked, your smile and spanking your ass until it was red and sore.
He had heard about you throughout your time at the business. Of course, he had seen you briefly at your interview but only from a distance, he found you attractive and your application was perfect. Sang-woo made sure that you were hired.
You had started off as the new girl with a laugh loud enough that it echoed into his office - Sang-woo decided earlier on that it was his new favorite sound. A part of him was even sad when he realised that he would be away on a business trip when you first started, he found himself wanting to look at you as often as he could. He admired everything about you - from your intelligence, kindness, the bratty attitude you had heard a couple of people mention, your legs, your ass, everything. Sang-woo wanted you desperately but he tried his hardest to be professional whenever he was around you. It didn’t change the fact that when he got home, he touched his cock whilst thinking of you being bent over in your work attire.
“Is that us all finished then?” One of the clients asked as he began to gather some information together.
You broke yourself out of your daydream and looked down at the notes you had made - you were definitely in trouble when Sang-woo looked through and saw the mistakes that you had made. There was hardly any information and when there was, it was littered with spelling and grammar mistakes. You panicked slightly - what if you did lose your job? But the thought of being fucked like you deserved to be outweighed the bad thoughts. You wanted him and you were stupidly willing to risk your job to get exactly that.
“A word,” Sang-woo stated, nodding his head towards his office door. “Now would be appreciated.”
You looked at him dazzled for a moment before nodding your head vigorously and practically rushing past him to enter the office that was his. There was a large brown desk at one end of the room, a sophisticated looking sofa on the other side and bookshelves, lots of bookshelves. In your opinion, it was a pretty office but a bit dated, you expected something modern from a businessman like Sang-woo. Maybe he didn’t have a taste for materialistic items like you had expected.
“How can I be of help?” you asked sheepishly, knowing full well the reason that he had asked you into the office. Maybe your plan had worked? Or maybe you was about to be fired on the spot for being purposely incomptent of your job.
“Well I was reading through the notes that I asked you to write out at today’s meeting and it seems that it's just mistake after mistake after mistake, was wondering what that was all about?” He asked with a raised eyebrow. He knew, Mr. Cho was not stupid in the slightest bit. He almost admired your attempt to get into his bad books. “My assistant told me that you was good at your job and I’ve not heard a bad word about you or your work ethic so you can see why it’s a bit of a surprise when this turns up on my desk,” he continued, throwing the pile of white papers that were covered in your handwriting onto the desk, you jumped back slightly at the action.
“I’m sorry, I’m clearly having a bad day when it comes to doing administration. Any chance that I can make it up to you?”
Sang-woo rolled his eyes, you weren't the first girl to enter his office with that look in your eye. They never got what they wanted but you, you could have whatever you wanted. “Yeah, you could rewrite them back up within the hour like the good employee I expect you to be.”
You stared at him with a long face - that didn’t go how you expected. Maybe the rumours about the boss just weren't true and a lie created by the rest of the employees to give them some enjoyment in their dull lives. God, you just wanted to be fucked by him. He raidated sex appeal as he stood in front of you, both his hands now in his suit jacket and a pissed off expression on his face.
It was home time, you didn’t want to stay behind and have to write up notes. You mentally cursed yourself for purposely fucking up earlier on. It was a friday night, you were supposed to be going out and having a large glass of wine with your friends but instead, you were going to be stuck in the office with a man who clearly couldn’t stand the sight of you.
“Fancy a smoke?” he asked as he nodded towards the chair in front of his desk, giving you a chance to look at him from the opposing side. Maybe you were being deluded but you swore you saw a glimmer of humour in his face for a brief second as you rolled your eyes at him.
“I don’t smoke,” you stated, making a point of not wanting to be there by obnoxiously dragging the chair from underneath the desk. “Smoking is bad for you.”
“So is purposely messing up important notes in hopes of spending time with the boss but hey, we all do things we shouldn’t do, don’t we?” Sang-woo said - you were right, he was finding this humorous. “Well, you do at least.”
“Don’t know what you are talking about,” you mumbled quietly, your heart racing at the thought of being caught. God, you really did feel like a child. There was something about Sang-woo that was just intimidating, you were sure it was the way he stared at you as he watched you begin to rewrite the notes all over again. “Want to know what else is bad for you?”
Sang-woo took a deep, loud breath before nodding. “Humour me.”
“Having girls come into your office, fucking them and then firing them two weeks later.” You looked up at him through your eyelashes and watched as he slowly shook his head. “What? Am I wrong?”
“You shouldn’t listen to what all those lot have to say,” he answered, the cigarette he had lit hanging loosely from his fingers. “People like to spread rumours and make up vicious lies, mainly out of jealousy and boredom. I thought you had more sense about you than to listen to stuff like that.”
“You clearly know nothing about me then.”
“And you know nothing about me.”
“So tell me. Tell me how you became the CEO of a company like this, the big boss, the man who runs everyone. I bet you have the same heartbreaking story as everyone else - a poor boy, brought up on the bread line with hardly any money yet a mother who adores him, bet you made your whole family proud, didn’t you?”
“And what are you? A spoiled brat who got this job because her precious daddy put in a good word with human resources,” Sang-woo tilted his head to the side as he waited for your response to his clear dig at you. You weren't hurt though by what he had to say, you knew that it wasn’t true.
“I got this job because I am clever and because I know what I’m doing. I’m going to make something of myself, just like you made something of yourself. However, i won’t be an arrogant prick about it when I do - “
“God, you really are desperate to be bent over this desk and fucked until the only thing you can say is my name on repeat, aren’t you?” Sang-woo said with a dark chuckle. God, he really was killing you slowly. There was a part of you that wanted to run out of the room and never return, just send your notice via email and forget about the whole situation. Maybe it would be better off just being a crude memory that you think about before you go to sleep. “What? Gone all quiet now. You know it's true so there’s no point sitting there and trying to look all innocent with me.” His voice was softer this time but there was still dominance there, something in his eyes that just told you that you were in for it when the two of you had finished your conversation. “Can I be honest with you?”
“Go on,” you practically whispered, the pen in your hand that was being used to write the notes up now discarded on the table along with your dignity and morals.
“You got this job because of your intelligence, your qualifications and your determination. I read your application and I thought it was the best one out of everyone’s, you do have the talent to go further than this and I want to help you along the way. I believe that you can become greater than your father, maybe even me. You know how to work a room, how to communicate, you're good with business and maths and yeah, your grammar is a little bit off but we will put that down to you just wanting to be in the same room as me so you can suck my cock for as long as i wanted you too,” he paused and watched as you smirked, he did bring you some humour, you wasn’t going to lie and you was enjoying the backwards and forwards tormenting that the two of you were participating in. “You also got the job because I saw you when you went for your interview and i thought you were the prettiest fucking girl i’d ever seen in my life.”
“You don’t mean - “
“I mean every single word that I have just said and I want to get a few things straight. I do not have women in this office and fuck them and then fire them, I also have no intentions of doing that with you - “
“You aren’t going to fuck me?” you asked suddenly, slightly ashamed at yourself due to how offended you sounded.
“Oh, i’ll fuck you.” Sang-woo stood up from his side of the desk and finally discarded the cigarette that had gone out long ago. You watched him slowly as he made his way around to you, the city lights in the background just making him look even more beautiful than he did the first time you had ever laid eyes on him. “I’m not going to fire you afterwards though.”
“Well, that’s good to know,” you barely managed to get out, your voice getting softer as you realised just how close he was to you. “I’ll be honest with you, I'm really struggling to focus on the notes.”
“I’m not really thinking about the notes anymore. I’m thinking about how your face would look even better with my cum all over it.”
Sang-woo reached down, grabbing your hands and pulling you up so your face was directly in front of his chest. You looked up at him, a mixture of nerves and excitement bubbling up inside of you at the thought of what was going to happen when one of you decided to make the first move. This was either going to be the best thing you had ever done and lead to even greater things or leave you jobless, homeless and without a reference. Either way, the feeling of Sang-woo’s hard cock against you was enough to make you think ‘fuck it, why not?’.
“What other dirty thoughts are you having about me then?”
“How lovely your neck would look covered in marks made by me..” he drifted off as his hand touched your neck, slowly and gently. You wanted him to be rough with you but you couldn’t deny the soft touches, how often would they come about with Sang-woo? “How pretty you would be bent over my desk with my hand in your hair and that mouth, that beautiful mouth…” At that, his thumb gently swiped over your plump lips, the feeling of his rough fingertips against your soft skin going straight in between your thighs. You were still unsure of what your next move would be until he opened his mouth once more. “Come on, I know you’ve been desperate to act like a filthy girl for me since you started so why don’t you just get on with it and show me how nasty you really can be?”
Pressing your lips against Sang-woo’s, you felt all the nerves go that you didn’t realise was even there. His arms wrapped around you and brought you in closer, no room between the two of your bodies as he deepened the kiss and poured all of his emotions into it. You felt alive for the first time in a while, his tongue against yours and his large hands working their way through your hair feeling more like a dream than reality. The other hand slipped from your waist and up your blouse, the feeling of his bare hand on your back fired up every nerve in your body and the way that his mouth fekt against yours as it moved like a perfect melody.
The temperature in the office heightened as you rolled your hips against Sang-woo’s crotch, a whimper slipping out of his mouth like silk as he wrapped his fingers in your hair and moved your head back so he could move his lips to your neck and lay kisses along the glistening skin. He took in the scent of your perfume, sweet like candy which was ironic in Sang-woo’s eyes considering your bratty attitude that you seemed to have whenever you were around him. You moaned blissfully as he sucked on the skin, leaving a mark so that in the morning when you were getting ready, you could look at it and be reminded of him all over again. He wanted to cover you in marks for as long as he could. He was already becoming obsessed with you and Sang-woo knew that was a dangerous game.
Pulling back slightly, Sang-woo took hold of your arms and spun the two of you around quickly so you were now leaned against the desk, the cold wood leaving goosebumps on your body as he laid you down across it. Sang-woo moved so he was hovering above you, his thumb travelling along your cheek and down to your mouth, just like he had done only minutes beforehand. This time, you tried your hardest to be seductive and you took his thumb in your mouth, sucking ever so gently to give him a taste of what he could have.
“Behave yourself,” he whispered, dominance slowly slipping as the thought of you on your knees raced through his mind like a rollercoaster.
“No, misbehave.” Was your simple reply, a chuckle from Sang-woo following shortly after.
“Let me make you feel good first and then I promise you, you’ll get exactly what you want.”
With one arm wrapped around Sang-woo’s neck, you pulled him down so he was practically laid across your own body and connected your mouths again, already missing and craving the feeling of his soft lips against yours. Sang-woo was becoming more desperate with his touches, your skirt was now hitched around your waist and his hands were running up and down your thighs in teasing touches.
“Love the skirt on you, makes me want to bend you over your desk in front of everyone and spank you until you say sorry for your bad behaviour,” he mumbled against your lips, his hand squeezing your thighs after finishing the comment.
You moaned at his words and tugged him back to your mouth by his hair, tilting your head to the side to deepen the kiss and be able to taste every single part of him. You didn’t want to detach yourself, you found your new safe haven and that was with Sang-woo’s lips on yours in a frenzied manner.
Sang-woo pushed himself up slightly before moving back off the desk, not forgetting to leave kisses along your now exposed stomach. He settled himself with his knees on the floor and his head between your thighs and he skillfully removed your underwear, his cock twitching at how wet you were.
“Please,” you whispered, your voice slightly shaking as you dared to move your hand to Sang-woo’s hair and tugged on it, hoping it would encourage him to place his mouth where you desperately needed him. You had never wanted any man as badly as you had wanted Sang-woo in that moment.
Sang-woo shushed you as he placed light kisses along the inside of your thighs, his shushing a signal for you to be patient and quiet but there wasn’t one part of you that was patient, you were completely desperate for him and you wanted to feel every part of him on your body. Sang-woo was slow with his movements though - despite your bratty attitude and your desire to be fucked hard by him, Sang-woo still wanted to take his time with you and make you feel special. There was plenty of time for him to fuck you into the mattress and make you sore.
With light touches, Sang-woo pushed your thighs further apart, fully exposing yourself to him. If you weren't so caught up in the moment, maybe a part of you would be slightly embarrassed. There was no time to feel anything other than pleasure however.
The feeling of his mouth on your clit almost didn’t feel real at first, his touch so delicate that you almost believed you were having some lustful dream but the way that his arms wrapped tightly around your thighs and dragged your body down the desk so that you was closer to him brought you back to real-life, he was there, on his knees, ready to make you feel like the best girl.
Without any warning, Sang-woo had pressed his tongue against your folds and was slowly moving up and down, bringing you enough pleasure to have you whimpering and desperate for more than just the light touches he was giving you. You wanted him to go wild, to taste every last inch of you and drink you all in so he would become addicted to having his head between your thighs. You wanted all of him.
Sang-woo lifted his eyes up to look at you and you felt his mouth turn into a quick smirk as he focused on your face. You were slightly flushed, the excitement of the situation getting to you and your mouth was slightly open, your chest moving up and down as he continued to use his experienced tongue in the best of ways but at an agonizing speed.
“Do you like that?” Sang-woo asked, moving away slightly so he could talk to you, his hands continuing to roam over your thighs.
You didn’t reply to his question and instead, you moved your hand to the back of his head and pushed him back as you continuously begged him for more. His tongue was sinful and was able to move in the most beautiful of ways, one suck on your clit had you flying back against the desk, your hair now messed up and flowing freely around you.
“Please, please give me more,” you finally answered, fingers tightening in Sang-woo’s hair. You loved how kind and gentle he was being with you but you knew that Sang-woo could give you more than what he was currently giving you and you also knew that it wouldn't be long before he let go and gave you everything that you had been craving since you had first laid eyes on him.
Sang-woo’s large palms were running across your thighs as he continued to work you with his tongue, your clit becoming sensitive already from the endless torture that Sang-woo was giving it. His fingers moved dangerously close to your entrance which sent a feeling straight to your lower stomach but of course, he did not satisfy you by giving you what you wanted. However, the noises coming from Sang-woo were enough to make up for his lack of willingness to slide his fingers into your tightness just yet. He sounded at peace as he improved his movements, no longer calm and collected as he tasted every inch of your soaking core, moaning in pure appreciation at the way you tasted and felt against his tongue. At this point you were going wild, your hands gripping his hair with such tightness that you were sure you were most likely hurting him.
“Are you alright, darling?” he asked, slightly out of breath as he moved his fingers to your clit and began to rub in soft circles, enough to keep you going but not enough to push you over the edge just yet.
“I just,’ you cut yourself off, your body jerking forwards as Sang-woo returned to your clit and sucked on it relentlessly as he did his very best to bring you to the edge of your pleasure. There was no better sight in Sang-woo’s eyes than seeing you with your mouth wide open, your hair stuck to your forehead, your breathing erratic as you came all over his tongue, his name on repeat as you gripped and moved about, sensitivity taking over your body with every lick and suck from Sang-woo’s tongue. Sang-woo could get used to seeing this daily and he was positive that if you asked, he would get on his knees for you whenever and wherever you wanted. He had found his new obsession. “I just want you,” you finally finished.
As much as it pained him to do so, Sang-woo slowly moved away until he was standing in between your thighs. You were fully sprawled out on the desk, your blouse unbuttoned and skirt still around your waist. Your breathing had not calmed down, if anything got worse, and your eyes were slightly caused due to the pleasure you had just received at the hands of your boss.
Sang-woo looked down at your open legs and he couldn’t wait any longer. Not even bothering to get fully undressed, he pulled his work trousers down enough so that his cock could be released from their confinements. He had never been this hard for a woman before, had never been as desperate as he was at that very moment.
“I’m going to fuck you,” he said, moving your legs until they were wrapped around his waist. He chuckled slightly at your quiet moan as the head of his cock rubbed against your clit. “I want you to be loud for me, I want you to scream my name if you really want to. Don’t hold back with anything, tell me if i’m doing anything wrong, tell me if it doesn’t feel good. I want you to be honest with me, I want to make you feel good.”
You opened your eyes wider and lolled your head to the side, a cheeky grin on your face. “I’ll feel good when your cock is inside me, Sang-woo.’
“You have me by the way,” he whispered, finally responding to your earlier statement. He leaned down and kissed you once more, another reminder to you of what was happening right here. “Have me for as long as you want me.”
Sliding into you slowly, Sang-woo almost came there and then. You were tight, wet and warm around him and the feeling was like heaven. The long, drawn-out moan that came from you gave him the encouragement to slide all the way in so your pussy was fully wrapped around his cock.
“Oh, fuck,” Sang-woo whispered, one hand pressing against your waist as he steadied himself. “Don’t think you realise how fucking good you feel. God, I'm so lucky.”
At his words, you began to move your hips to meet Sang-woo’s, not bothering to be silent with your moans as you wordlessly let him know how much pleasure he was bringing you, how you were breaking at the seams because of his mouth and now his cock. Sang-woo continued to whisper sweet nothings to you, praising you whenever he got the chance to speak normally, most of his words broken up into whimpers and moans whenever you clenched around his cock or it felt particularly good. His needs were becoming too much though and with one swift moment, he had moved you so you were sat on his lap and he was sat in the chair that you had once been sat in, the position seemed way more intimate than before.
“Doing it like this, are we?” you asked with a smirk, your hips moving backwards and forwards. You had your arms wrapped around Sang-woo’s neck, his mouth close to yours but the two of you didn’t kiss, instead just took in each other's breaths and moans.
“Doing it however I want to do it, understood?”
Sang-woo gripped your chin for a brief moment and kissed you roughly before he moved his hands back down to your hips and slammed you down on his cock, his smirk plastered on his face as you moaned into his mouth, Sang-woo drinking it in.
He looked beautiful.
His heart was now sweaty and stuck to his forehead, his cheeks flushed and mouth open against yours as he continued to thrust you down on his cock. You had become paralyised against Sang-woo’s body and you allowed him to use you however he pleased, your moans and whimpers along with his were the only thing to be heard in the big office space.
“Such a good girl,” Sang-woo mumbled as he kissed you harder, his hands wandering all over your body as he helped you move up and down. “My favourite girl,” he moaned, eyes squeezing shut as he pushed his head into your neck in an attempt to leave another mark on your neck like you deserved.
“I’m so - “
You were interrupted by Sang-woo flipping you back onto the desk, his hands gently pressed against your neck as he brought you closer to your orgasm, every thrust of his cock inside of your pussy sending you into a different world as you tried to hold onto him. The sound of your moans and groans and the way his name sounded as it rolled off your tongue was pure ecstasy, Sang-woo was officially in heaven. He could listen to you beg for him for the rest of his life. He could happily have his cock thrusting inside of you for the rest of his life and in that moment, he would happily have had you by his side for eternity.
Your orgasm took over before you could even think about it, your hands twisting in his hair as you allowed pleasure to take over. Sang-woo’s own breathing was becoming heavier but he released a final, deep groan and came inside you, his orgasm unreal and like nothing he had experienced before. Sang-woo had plenty of sexual encounters and used his hands frequently to get himself off between his meaningless lovers but he had never experienced anything like that, his vision had never gone blurred nor had he ever felt like he was going to keel over the moment it had finished.
“Now finish writing up those notes and I’ll fuck you however you want me too.”
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wandaromanova · 3 years
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader x Natasha Romanoff
Warnings: cussing, slight sexual suggestion
A/N: hello! this was a request! hope you all enjoy this! happy reading <3
@oncebit7 requested: could i please have some super fluffy domestic!wandanat x reader please!! (maybe some protective wandanat too..) i absolutely adore your fics,, they’re always so well written!! thank you in advance 💕
Summary: Wanda and Natasha get a little possessive when it comes to what belongs to them.
Word Count: 1.5K
| masterlist | request rules/guidelines | wips |
please do not repost or try and take ownership of my work. reblogs, likes, and comments are always welcome. <3
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You led a simple life. You were a barista at your local Starbucks and you were currently enrolled at New York University.
Your life was an endless cycle that was as follows; school, work, eat, sleep, and repeat. You seldom strayed from your vigorous schedule.
Although some may deem your life as a mundane one, there was one aspect of your boring life that brought joy and excitement; your relationship.
Even though you were an average person, there was nothing average about your relationship. For starters, you were in a polygamous relationship with two women. That in itself already is out of the ordinary.
However, the two women in question were Avengers. Yeah, you were dating none other than Wanda Maximoff and Natasha Romanoff.
While your girlfriends were off saving the world, you were off doing regular life things. But at the end of the day, Wanda and Natasha would stumble into your shared apartment and eat dinner with you while they cuddled up next to you on the couch.
They knew you better than you knew yourself at times. Whenever you’d be stressed out from exams, they’d take time off to help you study and review your notes. They’d take turns giving you massages to release the tension in your neck and shoulders which oftentimes led to more.
When you were upset, they’d cuddle you and shower you with kisses like there was no tomorrow. Wanda would cook you food. Natasha didn’t partake in this activity since she couldn’t cook to save her life. So, the assassin opted for picking a movie with you while waiting for Wanda to finish up.
When you were excited over something; they’d be just as, if not more, ecstatic than you were. They were proud of your achievements, even if the magnitude of your successes were nothing compared to theirs. Wanda and Natasha were the most supportive people in your life.
Your work lives didn’t necessarily clash with one another, though. It was rare that you ever knew what the two were up to, considering they wanted to keep you safe and out of harm’s way. You weren’t one to pry and understood that everything they did was for your well-being.
The only aspect of their crazy work lives that they would incorporate you into were the parties that Tony would hold. Wanda and Natasha always asked you to be their date to these parties and of course, you’d always agree.
Wanda and Natasha weren’t exactly possessive or necessarily jealous when it came to you being around other women. They knew that your heart lied with them. However, there was one exception to their seemingly nonexistent jealousy; Carol Danvers.
You were currently stood by the bar in Stark Towers. Natasha and Wanda were off trying to woo state delegates and get on their good side. You assumed this came with the territory of being an Avenger; having people of power to fund and support them. Tony was a billionaire, but it wouldn’t help to have other rich investors in their corner.
You leaned against the bad as you twirled the straw in your margarita as your eyes focused on the liquid. These parties could be extremely boring sometimes. The ones you’d been to in the past consisted of either actual celebration or work-related things you didn’t care to know.
Your eyes darted up from the condensation sliding across your glass when you heard someone clear their throat. Your eyes met dark brown ones.
“Hey, Y/N. You look excited to be here.” Carol joked sarcastically as she took in your blatantly obvious boredom. You straightened out your posture and stood upright at the sight of the blonde.
“Hi, Carol. Yeah, these parties can be a real treat sometimes.” You joked right back, prompting a laugh from Carol.
“I agree. They really are a treat when you’re around. Gives me something to look at.” You flushed red at Carol’s flirting. Remember how you mentioned that Wanda and Natasha didn’t like the blonde around you? This was why. She didn’t exactly hide her attraction towards you, even if she knew you were very much taken.
“I doubt anyone here would want to look at me. I’m just here in support of Wanda and Natasha.” You sent an awkward smile at Carol as you mentioned your girlfriends.
Carol raised her eyebrows at you as she leaned a little closer to you. She was now in your personal space and you shifted uncomfortably.
“Oh sweetie, that’s not true. You’re the main attraction in my eyes.” Carol placed her hand onto your forearm gently and slide her fingers down your arm.
Unbeknownst to you, Wanda and Natasha were watching this interaction from across the room, and they were not happy about it.
“I’m sorry, there’s something that requires our attention, but please enjoy your night and thank you for your time.”
Natasha sent the two men that she and Wanda were previously conversing with a fake smile. Their anger rose at the sight of Carol twirling a strand of your hair with her forefinger.
The two redheads stalked over to you just as you laughed awkwardly at something the blonde had said.
You jumped slightly when you felt an arm wrap around your waist. You almost let out a sigh of relief when you realized who it belonged to.
Wanda had securely placed her arm around your waist, her fingernails protectively pressing into your skin. You winced at the feeling as Natasha stood behind you, firmly placing her hands on your shoulders.
“Hey baby, everything okay over here?” Wanda asked you as she turned to face you. Your eyes met hers and you smiled brightly at her. You knew you were in deep shit and you were attempting to calm the anger of your girlfriends.
“Hi, everything is fine. Carol and I were just talking about how invigorating these parties can be.”
You turned your head around to look at Natasha and she looked displeased with the situation.
“Hey Danvers, how’re you doing?” Natasha’s face displayed interest, but her tone was uncaring. Carol got the messages as she pulled away from your vicinity.
“I’m doing well, just having a talk here with your gorgeous girlfriend here.” Carol sent you a smile and you were baffled. How could she flirt with you right in front of your partners?
“Yeah, our girlfriend. Ours. Don’t forget that Danvers. I won’t hesitate to hurt you if you ever try anything with her.” Wanda spoke as her eyes turned red for a split second before fading back to green.
“Aw, that’s cute. Did you really think I’m afraid of you guys? I’m more powerful than you, Wandy. And Natasha here doesn’t even have powers of her own.” Natasha’s grip on your shoulders tightened at the blonde’s words.
“If you ever want a real woman, you know where to find me Y/N.” Carol winked at you before walking away from your flustered form and your fuming girlfriends.
“That fucking bitch.” Wanda growled out as her Sokovian accent showed itself. She removed her arm from your waist and tried to follow after Carol. Natasha took her hands off of your shoulders and moved to go with Wanda. Your eyes widened as you quickly gripped their wrists.
You knew what they wanted to do. They wanted to fight Carol right here and right now. Obviously, you couldn’t let that happen.
“Guys, don’t cause a scene. Remember where you’re at and why you’re here. You need the people here to like you, not fear you.”
You pleaded them with your words and your eyes as Natasha’s face relaxed and Wanda’s red eyes turned emerald once more.
Natasha pulled you into a sloppy kiss and you were surprised, but not against it. You wrapped your arms around her neck, not caring about the other people in the room.
When Natasha pulled away, you didn’t have a chance to catch your breath as Wanda pulled you into a kiss as well.
By the end of your make-out session with them, your lips were red and swollen. You were panting heavily as they stared at you with lust-filled eyes.
“I think we did enough to appease Tony and Fury. Let’s get out of here and remind you about who you belong to, moya lyubov (my love).”
Natasha whispered into your ear before sucking softly on it, causing shivers to run across your spine. Wanda grabbed your hand in hers and dragged you out of the party, with Natasha trailing behind you.
You didn’t need a reminder from them. Your heart would always belong to these two women. They were the only people you could see yourself spending eternity with.
Wanda and Natasha were the only women who could make you feel things that you never thought you could feel before. The love you held for them was unbeatable.
Your girlfriends were the spark of light in your dull life that you so desperately craved.
You would never forget that you were theirs.
───────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ──────────
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617 notes · View notes
endstrats · 3 years
hbg being a mess during aa co-op (pt. 2 bc they're doing it again widepeepoHappy)
- 15 minutes of pure confusion of everyone trying to figure out who is participating
- dylan struggles: clothes pile that has been building up for a decade, trying to find socks, fein started the run and he wasn't even logged into minecraft
- fulham's call command: "dylon, freidburg, zy(unlce)nox, 11TEEx10^9, malfoy6, 100%ham"
- couriway logged into the server for 5 seconds, free wr for him
- draconix mic is just... bad (rip)
- switch waking up right before the run
- fulham muted himself in his own stream
- couriway, in chat: BOAT ON DA BABY
- fein threw gold at a hoglin, apparently for the second time
- "hopefully draconix can do something this time"
- "yes this is duos, duos with 7 people"
- this aa run is a roadtrip, fein is frontseating, dylan passenger seating, switch is sitting behind the frontseat, draconix is hanging halfway out the window, couriway is in the trunk
- "try not to die" "good advice" "what would we do without dylqn"
- the return of "server moment" whenever the server lags
- "if no one's doing anything, help me decimate this forest for emeralds"
- switch "i'm dying to every mob on this server" vs. fyroah "you motherfuckers are hogging the entire hostile mob cap"
- fein blinded into the starter staircase lfg
- "how does this guy have a job, i broke everything"
- laggy ender dragon messing up the one cycle madge
- scuffed end fight in general r i p
- "you guys mind if i murder this villager?" "ummmm... kinda?"
- "with no perception of time, i've been in this hole for like, three days, switch has to throw food and water on my head"
- villager escaped switch and dylan fjdklajfda
- home village organization is actually good holy fuck?
- "who's going 2x2?" at the same time, "switch" "eleventy"
- "we literally have everything left in the run to do in the run except for what we have" "i'm just trying to be positive damn"
- fulham vs. biomes (again)
- dylan: "i just love giving awful comms"
- "literally nobody cares about the verfiability of co op all advancements"
- literally all of them are playing on 2 rd bc vanilla server rip
- competition for mob cap
- "let me finish talking, then you can be disrespectul" "as long as i can be disrespectful"
- switch: [screams of anguish]
- tech support brb
- party house
- everyone is doing biomes ???
- "can i cheat and come to the party house?"
- "i have a name tag!" "shulkers don't need nametags?" "it's for the dolphin"
- "we're not finishing this run" "we might!"
- "can i- can i cheat and go to the party house?"
- "thers's a shell guy in front of the party house!" "can we keep him?" "yeah yeah yeah yeah"
- also the party house is deadass a shipwreck
- dylan and eleventy almost started a fist fight in the party house
- dylan blew up everyone in the party house
- party house ended in a sequence of murder
- fyroah keeps killing switch, dylan keeps killing eleventy
- (this was the dumbest but most beloved moment in hbg history and i stand by it)
- break for hypixel games woo
- mega skywars moment
- zy the soggy bicycle
- they are not good at skywars
- "society if balls was spelt with six letters"
- "i'm in the mind of a four-year-old"
- fein at one point, no mods, n3merald in chat, modded: i got this
- rad raddles joined for hypixel games!!
- eleventy vs. the ability to access creative mode
- rad: i wish we could punch people, i love killing people
- house builder gang actually building holy shit
- pagmanshat
- raddlez is very good at bridge build :D
- the dichotomy of switch, rad, and fyroah playing bridge build vs. feinberg, eleventy, and draconix troubleshooting the server
- ok they gave up on aa lol
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evertidings · 3 years
MAY 09, 2021
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have several mental breakdowns. ahem. jokes aside, i had a pretty bad week and was able to get through a lot less writing than i had hoped, but that doesn’t mean i didn’t do anything at all.
for starters, i finished writing the scene with Rylan from the beginning of the chapter (woo!) and got to work on the scene that comes after. unfortunately for me, there’s still branches in this scene that made me unmotivated to work, but as of this morning most of those have been written aside from a tiny portion. that means i’ll be reaching a merge point soon which is sooo much better than the little variables that drive me insane.
random note but even though this chapter hasn’t been the most action packed so far since it’s main function is to move the plot forward, i read some of Rylan’s lines this morning and found myself unconsciously smiling so i know it won’t be dull at least. look forward to those.
i also started writing some short stories for a future patreon this week and last. i finished one for A (which i feel so evil for holding back because holy shit, this would make some of you combust) and another one for N (which is so god damn sad, why am i like this). i’m not sure if i’m going to stop posting short stories on tumblr completely, but the romantic/crushing ones (which is what i wrote) are likely going to be behind a paywall, sorry!
finish the second scene in chapter four
begin the third scene (?)
95,700 words (+ 5.6k)
that’s everything for this week! i want to say thank you for anyone who reached out to reassure me by saying i should put my mental health first. i really appreciate it.
on another note, to anyone who doesn’t have mothers or have mothers they don’t want to be with/dislike/are estranged from, just know i’m with you today <3
92 notes · View notes
slightlymore · 4 years
the cave
fratboy!jeno x fem reader
Genre: One-shot | Smut | Haters (kinda) to lovers (kinda) | a little fluff
Words: 5.7K 
Warnings: rough and dirty, semi-public setting (car)
For my 🍓 anon ❤️
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It was late afternoon and you were in Jeno Lee’s car. 
Yes, that Jeno Lee. 
How did that happen and where were you going? You had no idea. 
Just a few minutes ago you were walking through the parking lot, fuming and wanting to fight him. You had a stupid presentation for a terrible class and not only you were paired with him but you also did the majority of the work alone since he was “busy”, and he didn’t even show up.
This was the time you would choke him. 
You heard the voices of his friends first, loud and obnoxious, then you saw him. Sprawled on the hood of his car, Jeno Lee was smiling with not one single worry in mind. You tightened your fists. 
The chatter slowly died as you approached them like a bolt, and Jeno sat up, putting one leg down and keeping the one up manspreading as if he was the king of the world. 
God, you hated him. 
“Why didn’t you come to class?” you hit his foot with yours. 
A chorus of voices reacted to that with loud “woo”s, laughing, hitting each other in the ribs like children. The only one with a poker face was Jeno himself as he looked down at his now slightly dusty shoe then slowly at your figure. 
You were standing there, arms crossed on your chest and furious eyes. When he reached them he smiled. 
“Why? You missed me, doll?” he asked instigating a new flood of giggles. 
You rolled your eyes. 
He wouldn’t be so snarky without his group of frat boys to shield his back. 
You looked at them one by one, with their matching leather jackets and their friendship bracelets, with their weird chants and intricate handshakes, and you really wanted to hate them. 
And you did. 
But it would be a lie to say that they weren’t also somewhat intriguing. 
You would follow them with your eyes as they walked around the college campus, untouchable but weirdly friendly with everyone. Thoughts about their secret meetings and discussion topics would roam your head at night, as well as thoughts about - well, Jeno, because you hated him - and the main thing everyone was curious about: the Cave. 
The Cave was a place, god knows what kind, where they would spend most of their time when not illegally racing with their flashy cars in the city or flirting with girls at some party. 
The Cave was almost a legend, talked by all students and even professors. No one really knew what they were doing there but the rumors were wild: they had a giant trampoline, they had a fighting ring, they did blood sacrifices. The boys never tried to make them die and you were almost sure that they secretly created some of them themselves. 
“I don’t think you’d be so carefree if I told Mark that you messed up with his car last week,” you said nonchalantly while lazily picking at your nails. 
The chatter died. You smiled satisfied.
No one knew anything about the Dreamies but somehow everyone was aware of their first three rules. 
1. No one besides the Dreamies can know the Cave’s location. 
2. No one besides the Dreamies can enter the Cave. 
3. No one can touch Mark’s car. 
This Mark guy was the Dreamies’ leader but took off a semester for some family business leaving Jeno in charge. They’ve been good for a while, following the rules and behaving as usual. It was not until last week that you accidentally - or not so accidentally - overheard them talk about their plans to use Mark’s car for that day’s race. 
“But we didn-”. One of the guys, Chenle?, started to talk but Jeno stopped him by lightly hitting his chest with the back of his hand before he could complete his sentence. 
Then with a fluid movement, almost like a cat, he descended from the hood, landing on his feet right in front of you. 
Your breath hitched and you definitely jolted. He was as close as to kiss you if only you raised your head to look at him. But you kept it low, staring at his throat instead, trying hard to not step back and look intimidated. 
Jeno wanted to look at you in the eyes though, and he did as he pleased, dragging one of his fingers along your jaw before placing it under your chin and lifting it up to meet his gaze. 
His eyes were dark as one has when aroused or angry. The sudden tingle in your stomach indicated that you secretly wanted for it to be the first case but as soon as Jeno spoke, you knew that it was the latter one instead. 
“I can recognize a threat when I hear one,” his deep voice said almost in a whisper. “What do you want?” he asked soon after. 
You gulped. 
Staring at him like that you realized you lost your voice and if only he let his hand fall down to your neck Jeno would know just how fast your pulse was. 
“T- take me to the Cave,” you sputtered out trying to sound confident but ending up stuttering. 
The boys starter to chat loudly again, surprised and shocked, trying to convince Jeno to not do it. 
“Listen, what’s worse? Breaking the third rule or the first one?” one voice asked, probably Jisung. 
“Why are we even having this conversation? Tell her how to behave like a good girl,” the only lazy and unbothered voice said, definitely Jaemin. 
While the others yelled Jeno’s expression didn’t shift. His eyes stared at you as if trying to read something deep inside yours and after a while you found yourself sweating. 
“So?” you spoke up. “What’s your decision?” you asked faking fearlessness. 
“Ok,” he simply replied letting your chin go and stepping back. 
Everyone yelled, even more, surrounding both of you. 
“Jeno, I swear, you’re fucking dumb sometimes,” Renjun said crossing his arms on his chest. 
“Sometimes?” Haechan raised one eyebrow, amused. The boy hopped off the hood as well and smiled at you. 
“Let him do it,” he added getting closer and walking around your body until stopping behind you. 
“But...” Haechan placed his hands on your shoulders and leaned in as if wanting to whisper in your ear, “...we’re going to break only the second rule,” he added and from the tone of his voice, you could tell that he was smirking. 
Jeno, still standing in front of you, smiled as well looking at whatever expression Haechan was making. 
This was not a good sign. 
“Hop in the car, doll,” Jeno suddenly ordered, and before you could make a step Haechan was already pushing you towards the passenger’s seat while Jeno opened the door of the driver’s side. 
You looked at everyone’s expressions and by now, they were all smiling knowingly as if the message from before passed to their minds telepathically. Was this also a Dreamies thing?
Sitting down, Haechan put in the seatbelt for you. 
“Safety first, love, remember it,” he winked and in a second the door was closed and you were on the road.  ______
You’ve been driving in silence for a few minutes. The car was warm from being under the sun the whole day but the air conditioning kicking it gave relief to your hot cheeks. You’ve never been in a guy’s car before and you’ve never been alone with Jeno Lee. You dared him to take you to the Cave but you didn’t think he’d accept. You’ll go there and see it, then what? 
You shivered, feeling uneasy. 
Jeno was looking straight ahead and you weren’t able to decipher his expression. With the corner of your eyes, you kept on staring at his profile then quickly glancing at his hand placed on top of the wheel, then even quicker as if not letting even yourself notice it, at his thighs. 
Oh God. 
You looked away. 
You gulped down and breathed in and out to calm your nerves. 
Fuck, his car smells just like him. 
You closed your eyes annoyed. 
“Seriously, why didn’t you come to class today? I had to do the presentation all alone,” you said suddenly, hoping that talking with him would prevent your mind from roaming to dangerous places. 
“I wanted to make you angry,” he replied with a little smile. 
Your head snapped towards him. 
“And are you satisfied now?” you asked irritated. 
“I am very satisfied,” he glanced at you for a split second but it was enough for you to see his flirty eyes. 
You opened your mouth to continue with the bickering when he suddenly pulled over to the side and turned his whole body towards you. 
You felt your eyes widen and you looked outside the window. 
The Cave. 
“Is this it?” you asked gazing the anonymous buildings running along the street. But then you felt his body getting closer and the first thing you thought about was worrying that your breath wasn’t fresh enough for him to kiss you. 
You turned your head towards him and placing a hand on his chest you stopped him, embarrassed. He looked up surprised. 
“I’m-” you stuttered trying to say something, unable to look at him in the eyes. 
He chuckled and placed a hand on top of yours, caressing it for a second, pressing it on his body - and those were definitely some hard pecs - before forcing it down on your thigh. 
“I need to get-” he said leaning towards you again and moving your legs by touching your bare knees, “-this,” he finished the sentence as he opened the compartment in front of you and retrieving a black scarf. 
You jolted at his touch and jolted again when he straightened his back, getting behind the wheel and making you feel the soft material on your skin in the movement. 
“I would never kiss you without you asking me, doll,” he smiled seeing your embarrassed expression. 
“What?” you asked as a reflex, the hope of him not noticing that, vanishing. 
“I said,” he repeated slowly, “I would never kiss-”.
“I heard what you said,” you interrupted him.  “I meant, why do you think that-,” you went on with your question but Jeno talked on top of you as well. 
“Because I can see it”. 
Your words died in your throat. He was staring as if ready to eat you all up, with those eyes of his and that fucking smirk. 
“Well, it’s not true,” you finally replied then you cleared your throat. “What are we doing? Is this the place?” you added trying to deviate the discourse from kissing, looking around you, but Jeno didn’t budge.
“Tell me again”. 
The silence became the protagonist for a moment after he said that and air got suddenly warm and thick.
“What do you want me to say?” you asked. Your voice, previously high, imitated his tone.
“Tell me that you don’t want me to kiss you,” he explained. 
“I said it already”.
Jeno placed one arm around your seat and leaned in again, this time close to your ear. 
“Tell me ‘Jeno, I don’t want you to slowly taste my lips then grab my sides as I whine into the kiss from wanting more and I don’t want you to slide your tongue into my mouth as I climb into your lap and sit on those thighs that I definitely didn’t stare at the whole drive while your hands fall down to my ass and press me down hard as I start to grind-’”.
You kissed him. 
Just like that. 
You pressed your lips on his and you liked the way his breath hitched for a split second. 
He was teasing you and you hated him so much that you had to do it. Because he was irritating and mighty and obnoxious and you hated him. You would look at his long legs under the class desk or at his back, you would look at his hands twirling the pen on his long fingers, you would hear his laugh on the university corridors, you would look at his bare arms as he played basketball, and you hated him. 
So fucking much. 
But then the kiss didn’t go into the direction you hoped it would go. 
He broke it off after a little while making it more like a longer peck rather than kiss. 
You looked up at his face surprised and flustered. 
“Put this on your eyes,” he gave you the scarf. You looked down at it confused. 
Uhm? Hello? We were kissing. 
“I’ll show you the cave but you can’t know where that is,” he explained. 
You looked up at him again. 
Okay, but what does that have to do with you kissing? Was he playing? He just wanted to see you all worked up for nothing just like he wanted to see you angry? 
Yes, you hated him. 
You slid the material from his hands in a single movement, trying hard to not let him know how embarrassed you were from trying to kiss him while he refused. 
You stared him down daringly while bringing the scarf to your face and knotting it behind your head. 
“Is this alright?” you asked irritated mostly because you were feeling embarrassed out of your fucking mind and acting angry was better than letting him know just how weak that peck made you.
But Jeno didn’t reply. The only sounds were your breaths, yours - quicker and sharper, his - deep and relaxed. 
"Jeno? Are we goin-" but he shut you up by brushing his lips with your again instead, this time wrapping your jaw with his hand and placing the other one on your side, touching the bare skin on your lower stomach that the t-shirt revealed. 
You whined surprised putting your hands on his chest and whined again as you felt his velvety tongue on your bottom lip, nudging at it for you to open up, and you did, letting him slide inside, playing with your tongue. 
Fuck, you were kissing Jeno Lee. 
His fingers caressed the side of your face before letting them fall down to your shoulder and down even more. Wrapping your waist with his arm he pulled you closer and you let out a little yelp as you let yourself be dragged towards him. 
You sat down on his thighs and unable to see, you brought your hands up to feel his lips, caressing his neck and face in the process. 
You heard him chuckle as his hands went up and down on your back, sending shivers all over your spine. All of your other senses got sharper and your skin shivered under his touch, your ears picked up the notes of his voice, you breathed in his perfume feeling dizzy. 
When you finally reached his lips you couldn’t do anything but lightly moan as your finger got wrapped by their softness, sucked in, and played with. 
“Jeno,” your voice trembled surprised. He hummed back as a reply. 
You let him circle it with his tongue then kitty lick the tip and you were almost ready to deadass ask him to eat you out just like that when the car made a weird noise and you fell on his chest with a high pitched scream. 
“Jeno! Don’t recline your seat so suddenly,” you whined, sensing what just happened. 
Jeno chuckled on your lips and wrapped his arms around your body before kissing them again. 
“Say my name again just like that, doll,” he whispered. 
Your knees got weak. 
You were panting, adrenaline kicking in making your limbs trembling. His presence was so strong, overwhelming you. You were sitting on Jeno Lee's hard cock while he was making out with you and suddenly you remembered that you were supposed to hate him. 
Whining as he bit your lower lip and as his hands palmed your ass cheeks you broke off the kiss just enough for you to whisper. 
“Give me a reason to call your name like that,” you replied feeling brave, like a challenge. You wanted him to feel weak and hopeless in front of you as well. You wanted him to whine and moan as you made him feel good. 
But you regretted it the same second as the last syllable left your lips when Jeno’s fingers draped your stomach and got underneath the fabric of your jeans. 
“Jeno!” you shifted your body surprised. “Wait-” 
Jeno’s fingers stopped right on top of your clit. You moaned softly under your breath and hid your face in the crook of his neck at the sensation. 
No, no, this was no good. You had to stop. 
"Fuck, oh fuck, wait-" you mumbled. 
“Doll,” he chuckled, “you have to let my hand go if you want us to stop,” he added. 
You gulped realizing that his hand was trapped under your body weight and you tried to collect all the force you had to lift yourself up and just stop whatever he wanted to do to you. 
But your hips just started to move on their own and you whined fighting with yourself. 
Jeno chuckled again and nibbled at your neck. 
“Doll,” he warned you still keeping his hand still, “you said you didn’t want this,” he added as you rocked on his fingers slowly. 
“Shut up, I want this but you make me so angry so I hate that I want this,” you breathed into his ear. 
“Oh, so you hate me?” he grabbed your hips with the other hand stopping your motion while the other started to circle your clit slowly, getting in charge of the action. You buried your face into his neck even more to muffle the sounds you were starting to make. 
Fuck it felt so good. 
“Yes,” you replied. 
“Because I make you angry?” 
“Y-yes," your voice trembled. 
“Do you get this wet every time someone makes you angry?” he nudged with his nose at the side of your face before placing a kiss there. 
“No, it happens only with you-” you whined stretching the last word in a high moan as Jeno slid one finger inside of you with a soft groan. 
You had no idea why you were so honest with him. You dreamed about that situation happening so many times but you had no idea how good you would feel by having your body pressed on his, one hand caressing you while the other pumping slowly inside, touching places you didn't know could make you feel so dizzy. 
“You get so worked up that you want me to fuck you? Huh? Perhaps I should have taken you right when you came up angrily at me, in front of everyone,” he said and you moaned as a reply, not stopping your mind from imagining all of that, you bent over the hood of his car, Jeno thrusting inside of you-
“Oh, you like that? You want everyone to watch?” he added a second finger as he felt you clenching, making your whole body shudder on top of him. 
You nodded and he let out the air through his teeth, picking up the pace and ending up rubbing himself in the process as well. 
He pumped hard inside of you, letting his other hand rise under your t-shirt and palm your breasts on top of your bralette. He definitely liked the thin material of that as a second soft groan escaped his lips while rolling one of your nipples with two fingers. When he pinched it and sat up to reach it with his teeth you let your head fall back and intertwined your fingers in his hair. He pulled your bra down and sucked on your nipples, biting down, then sucked on the skin above that, then on your soft neck. 
“Jeno- I’m about - I’m - I think - fuck,” you stuttered about to cum but you probably shouldn’t have said that as he retrieved his fingers from you in the same moment. 
You gasped about to whine for edging you like that but you didn’t manage to as he shoved his fingers inside your mouth. You sucked on them, tasting your own arousal. 
“Get back to your seat,” he ordered. 
“Jeno-,” you lifted your hands to your face as to remove the scarf from your eyes but he stopped you by grabbing your wrists. 
“Be a good girl and maybe I’ll make you cum.”
“You wanted to see the Cave, now you’ll going to see it.”
In a second your ass touched your own seat and the engine of the car rumbled indicated that Jeno started to drive. You still couldn’t see but you were sure that you were going very fast. 
“If you touch yourself I’m going to spank you,” he warned you seeing one of your hands glide between your legs. You were so close before that your mind was all foggy. You didn’t stop at his words and let out the dirtiest moans instead fingering yourself on the passenger seat. 
“Perhaps I would like that,” you replied breathlessly. 
Jeno swore quietly and you would have loved to see his expression. 
“Doll, stop or I’m going to lose control of the wheel.” His voice was low and threatening. 
“Then stop driving and fuck me,” you replied, and right at that moment, the wheels screeched and you heard Jeno getting out of the car slamming the door. 
You were breathing so heavily from edging yourself for the second time and for the excitement of what was about to happen. 
You jolted as your door got opened and your wrist grabbed by his strong fingers. Jeno dragged you out of the car and made you walk hurriedly into a certain direction. As a door creaked after the sound of keys and the air suddenly changed - leather and men - you knew you were entering the Cave. 
You walked a few steps on what seemed concrete then the sound of your shoes got muffled as you stepped on something resembling a rug. Jeno pushed you towards what seemed like a couch, your face met a leathery surface, your jeans got dragged down and your ass got spanked, all in a second. 
“Here you go, doll,” he groaned after the second slap making you jolt. "Do you like this? Hm?" 
You clenched your jaw and you felt your core dripping. 
After the third slap, his hand wrapped your ass, kneading the softness of it and his fingers slid inside of you again. This time he didn’t play, and finger fucked you the way you wanted. You whined, the new angle making your whole body quiver. You felt exposed, unable to see and it was an assault on all of your nerves. 
Your toes curled just like his fingers did inside of you and he drove you insane until your body trembled and your throat hurt from moaning his name, coming all over his fingers. 
Trying hard to catch your breath and come down from your high you whined when Jeno suddenly took the scarf from your eyes. You narrowed them, hurt by the sudden exposure to light, and tried to focus on what was around you but didn’t manage to see anything as Jeno made your turn around and sit down,  coming up in front of you, hands slowly unbuttoning his jeans. 
You sat upright, looking at his face first, showing how fucked up you were, then at his fingers as they dragged his boxers down and wrapped his hard cock. Jeno let out a relieved moan, stroking it slowly for a few seconds then with the other hand he cupped your face. You opened your mouth, staring at him and letting your tongue out. 
"Fuck," he swore through his teeth as he made his cock bounce on your tongue a few times, hitting it lightly. You let him do that then licked the tip, slowly and delicately, teasing him. He hissed, breathing sharply through his teeth. 
"I've always wanted to see you like this," he said, caressing your cheek with his thumb as you had his cock like a lollipop. “Teary-eyed, fucked dumb, sucking me off,” he added caressing your skin. 
You whimpered and took him in as much as you could, giving him a deep suck and he reacted just the way that you wanted, eyes closed, head fallen back, a low moan escaping his lips. 
You went on fast, wanting to drive him insane just like what he was doing to you. 
"Slower, doll," he breathed out and seeing him like that, with hooded eyes, you knew that you could break him if you wanted. 
Or so you thought. 
Because after you ignored his order again he yanked your face away and grabbing your wrists he made you stand in front of him before turning you around. Your bare ass was against his cock and his arms wrapped you tight, bending you down until your hands reached the couch arm and you pressed your fingers into it to sustain yourself. 
"I said," his dangerous voice sending shots of adrenaline through your body, "to slow down. If you're so eager I'm going to fuck you on my terms," he slapped your ass again and you felt your back snap as a response. 
Jeno dug his fingers into your flesh and slowly slipped his cock between your thighs, right below your dripping pussy but without touching it. He groaned and held your waist, thrusting slowly, fucking himself. 
You whined clenching.
"Jeno," you begged him. 
"You want my cock?" he groaned and you nodded. 
"You should have been a good girl and I might have let you bounce on it," he added, accompanying his words with another slap on your ass. You moaned again feeling him so close yet without giving you any friction and you shifted your body to grind on it but his fingers kept you in place. 
"Stay put doll," he warned with a low voice. You ignored him again and slid one hand on your stomach, directing it towards your clit, aching for release. 
Jeno growled and grabbed your arms, making you hit your face on the soft couch not being able to sustain yourself anymore. He held your wrists with one hand and put them behind your back, his hips never finishing chasing his high, rubbing his cock between the soft skin of your thigh, and - fuck - it was so hot, it was driving you insane. You were feeling it, hot and thick, and looking down, you could see how the tip of it would poke out, wet thanks to your dripping pussy above it. 
"Jeno, I hate you," you whimpered. "I want to cum." 
"I don't think you hate me, doll," he chuckled with a short breath. 
"I do," you replied tightening your legs around him and making Jeno moan deeply for the first time.
He grabbed your ass and in a second he was on his knees. You shivered in anticipation as his fingers caressed your lips, opening them up and licking a long stripe along your core. Your lips parted in a silent moan.
"You still hate me?" he asked and his breath on your plump pussy made you shudder. 
"Yes," you replied with a muffled voice as you were pressing it on the couch. 
Jeno clicked his tongue as if disappointed and suddenly buried his face into you, eating you out just the way he sucked on your finger before. 
You were fucking gone. 
The moans you let out were the dirtiest you've ever made and the wet sounds of your arousal mixed with Jeno's saliva made you light-headed. 
"I love it, yes, fuck, I love it, Jeno, Jeno-" you cried out, your hands gripping the couch until your knuckles got lighter from effort. 
You came a second time, trembling hard, and Jeno didn't stop. He fucked you with his tongue through your orgasm, making you jolt, making you scream, then he got up leaving you a second to breathe, too short for you to get down from your high. 
You wanted to look back, to see his face but he grabbed your arms again, pushing your body into the couch, filling you all up with his cock until his balls hit the back of your thighs. 
You cried out, almost sobbing. 
His thrusts were deep and quick loading the air of your moans and his grunts. Your whole body was bouncing and the side of your face was rubbing on the rough leather of the couch. 
"Do you hate me, doll?" he groaned, moving his hips in short and controlled hits. 
"I don't," you replied weakly, all force leaving your body. 
He hummed pleased and slowed down with a deep rumble of his throat making you feel every inch of his cock. 
"You've been frustrated for a long time, right, doll? You wanted my cock so badly, didn't you?"
You nodded. "Yes, yes, please" you wailed. 
"Is this why you wanted to come to the Cave? To beg me to fuck you?" 
Your body shivered, aching for him to go faster. 
"Yes," you breathed out. "Fuck me harder, please". 
“Shit, you’re so fucking hot,” Jeno mumbled. 
He yanked you by the arms, lifting your torso again and holding your wrists with one hand he wrapped the other around your throat. You moaned as he picked up the pace, finally letting himself go, messily thrusting into you. 
You screamed as you reached your third orgasm, this one even stronger than the others and your voice got accompanied by Jeno's groan as he released into you as well. 
You were on the verge of passing out when he pulled out slowly, limbs weak and blood boiling. 
He let go of your arms gently and you sunk into the couch on your stomach, breathing heavily.
Jeno was panting as well as he sat down beside you, letting his head fall back to catch his breath. 
You both rested, with closed eyes until you were able to raise your head and look at him. 
"I didn't notice you were wearing a condom," you said with a hoarse voice and Jeno opened up his eyes to look back. 
"Of course I would wear a condom, you silly," he replied quietly. His voice was tired and soft while his hand approached your head to caress your hair slowly. Then it went to your swollen and abused lips, touching them delicately. 
You felt your cheeks heat up. 
Both empty and burnt-out, you suddenly felt embarrassed for everything you've said before. Also, you've never seen Jeno like that, with no smirk on and without flirting. Your heart fluttered seeing him with rosy cheeks and feeling his fingers play with your hair like that. 
"Well, I-" you started but got embarrassed even harder trying to get up, unsure of what to do next. 
He smiled and pulled you closer to make you rest your head on his lap, then leaning down he pressed his lips on yours. 
"Why? You wanted me to fill you all up with my cum?" he whispered and you froze for a second before lightly hitting his chest. He chuckled at your reaction. 
Yeah, you still kinda hated him and no, he wasn't soft at all. 
Jeno was about to open his mouth to say something snarky again when the sound of multiple cars made you both look towards the door. 
"Must be the others," he just said unbothered. 
"Fuck," you sat up in a hurry and grabbed your jeans. 
Your legs were all wobbly as you tried to get dressed before the boys entered the cave. Looking at Jeno you rolled your eyes. 
"Hurry up!" you ordered and he chuckled again, lazily buttoning his pants. 
The sound of the Dreamies' voices made you turn around your head. Your heart was pumping blood at a crazy speed. 
"Knock knock, may we come in?" Renjun asked amused. 
You sat down beside Jeno as he replied that yes, they may, and tried hard to stop yourself from panting. 
The boys entered laughing and looking around curiously. 
"Everything alright?" Haechan asked with a smirk. 
You acted nonchalantly. "Yes". Your voice came out too high pitched for it to be considered casual though. 
Haechan raised his eyebrows once at you then looked at Jeno. You jerked you face to Jeno to see his expression, afraid that he would give everything away, but whatever face he made it was already gone as he looked at you as well with an innocent face. But Haechan was satisfied since he chuckled. 
"I hope that seeing the cave was a nice experience," Jaemin sat down on the couch beside you. 
"Oh yes, I had a good time," you replied, suddenly unable to carry on a normal conversation. 
The others spread around the room and you looked around, finally being able to see what the Cave was even about. A garage, full of the weirdest things such as expensive motorcycles and arcade games, but also normal stuff, a low table, chairs, food, empty bottles of beer, a fridge, a guitar, drums, blankets, videogames. No trampoline, no blood. 
You had to admit, you were a little disappointed but it was definitely a cozy place. 
You were about to relax, listening to the boy’s chatter as the conversation went away from you when Jaemin looked down near his foot, keeping it up a few centimetres from the ground as if not wanting to step on something. 
"Oh, I bet you had a good time," he commented amusedly. 
You looked down as well and you felt your world collapse as you noticed the used condom. Haechan turned around and laughed at the scene. 
"I'm glad you took my advice," he joked. 
Everyone giggled. 
You sat up, dying from the embarrassment and mumbled that you had to go. You made a few steps as everyone tried to stop you. 
"Y/N, wait," Jaemin spoke up. You turned around. 
"You forgot these," he smiled with your panties draped on one of his fingers. 
Your eyes widened and in a second you yanked them from his hands. Jeno had the courtesy of looking embarrassed as well. 
"Oh, they're still damp," Jaemin commented rubbing his index and thumb together. 
"Shut up!" you said putting them away from their eyes. 
Jeno chuckled and got up. "Leave her alone Jaemin," he straightened his pants and walked towards you. "Wait, I'll drive you," he said to you. 
"I don't need you. I can go home alone," you crossed your arms on your chest. 
Jeno's smile didn't flatter and he took your hand, pulling you towards him. 
"This act is useless now. I know you don't hate me, doll. On the contrary," he whispered on your temple before placing a kiss on your forehead. 
Fuck it. 
You bit your lower lip and let him wrap your shoulders, walking towards the door showered by the Dreamies' cheers. 
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sweetsweetkpop · 4 years
Her little Hohoho
Pairing: Boyfriend!Jungwoo x Fem!Reader
Rating: 18+
Genre: Smut
WC: 3.5k
Warnings: Femdom, Toys, Anal Play, Bondage, Face Riding, Oral (Giving & Receiving), 69, Marking, Fingering, Hair Pulling, Pegging, some Corruption Kink if you blink, Dirty Talk
Prompt: #12-Wrapped in ribbons and lace for @kdiarynet Winter heart event
Notes: This is something I just decided to write and it was supposed to come out on Christmas, but ended up being posted now. Also, first time writing a femdom reader, so I hope I did good! Enjoy!
**Taglist at the bottom**
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You weren’t expecting this surprise when you got home.
Happy to come back home, knowing very well that you won’t have to come in for a few days for the holidays, it was nice to step foot in the door and shrug the heavy coat off of your body.
“ Jungwoo!~ I’m back home!” You yell as he stepped out of the bathroom with a robe on, “ Did you just get out of the shower?”
He nods, “ Yeah I just came out. I felt sweaty after dancing today.” He frowned his face before he walked up to you, leaning down to give you a quick kiss, “ They let you out early today?”
“ Yup and I’m glad that they did. I wanted to hurry home so I can see you.” You smiled, kissing him once more before letting him go.
“Well, that’s good. I have an early Christmas present for you, but you would have to wait for me to finish up before you see it.” He told and it made you curious.
“Oh? Did you plan something just for me? Now I’m eager to see.” You wiggle your brows and it made him laugh, a sound that you enjoyed hearing.
“Well, wait down here until I tell you to come up okay?” Jungwoo starts heading to the stairs, handing combing through his tawny-colored hair.
“ Okay okay, I’ll listen for now. Just don’t take too long.” You promised as he smiled and rushed up the stairs to the room.
You occupied yourself by going to get comfortable, grabbing a quick snack as you scrolled on your phone. Although, you weren’t paying attention to what appeared on your social media page. You wanted to know what Jungwoo was planning for you.
You don’t remember telling him what you wanted as a present, so your mind went blank. You started to get anxious because you wanted to know what he had planned.
“ You can come upstairs now!” You heard Jungwoo yell and you tried your hardest not to seem so eager as you went up the stairs, slowly heading down the hall to your shared bedroom as you reached the door.
“ Close your eyes when you come inside.” You did as he asked, shutting your eyes before turning the handle and walking inside the room. You shut the door behind you as you walked inside, taking tiny steps until you felt your knees touch the edge of the bed. “ Okay open your eyes.”
You slowly opened them to look at the view in front of you, mouth dropping open as you took in the view.
There in the center of the bed, Jungwoo was laying there in this scarlet-colored teddie. The front having a plunging v-neckline that showed so much of his chest. You were admiring how the lingerie was made completely out of lace before your eyes noticed his wrist tied with a red ribbon to match with the piece of lingerie he chose.
“Merry Christmas~” His voice was low and a bit timid, though your mind barely registered what he said. Jungwoo’s nervous movements are what brought you out of your daze with a shake of your head.
“ What..is this?” You slowly ask as he shifts a bit, legs tucking underneath himself.
“Well, I remembered how you mentioned that you had topped before and wanted to do it to me when I’m ready and I decided that I’m willing to try that with you.” Jungwoo played with his fingers, eyes staring at the ribbon around his wrist.
You leaned onto the bed, lifting his chin so he would look up at you, “ Jungwoo baby, are you sure this is okay? I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable and I’m perfectly fine with being a bottom for you.”
“I know, but I’m-” he stops speaking for a second, face feeling hot in your hand, “ I’m curious about how it would feel to…”
You felt yourself swallow as you glanced over his outfit once more, “ Then give me a safe word.”
“Give me a safe word, so I know when to stop if you feel uncomfortable.” It was hard to stay calm about this.
Yes, you did say that you wanted to pound your boyfriend into the bed with a strap, but you never expected that he would give you the opportunity to make those sinful thoughts real.
But for the simple fact that he said he was curious to try it, along with that flushed face of his, you couldn’t wait to see what else he had in store for you.
“How about nectar?” He asked and it made you smile. You pulled back from him, slowly peeling off your clothes, feeling his eyes on you as you strip down to your underwear. He watched as you went over to one of your dressers.
You pull out some lube, the strap harness and after carefully looking through your toys, you pull out a good starter dildo to use on him later, if you do get that far. You looked behind to see him watching you and you gave him a warm smile. “ You think you would be okay with something like this? This is one of my smaller ones.”
Jungwoo squeezed his thighs a bit together, feeling a bit embarrassed from the hard-on that was starting to grow underneath the teddie.
You got back onto the bed, bringing the items you took out along with you before getting yourself comfortable and straddling his lap. You smile as you comb your fingers through his brown hair, before pulling them tight in his hand, a sound leaving his throat from the sudden pull. It was quickly swallowed down as you kissed him.
Jungwoo didn’t hesitate to kiss back, nipping your lips before groaning when you pulled his hair a bit harder. You pushed your tongue past his lips, muffling any other sounds that he would make, grinding your hips down as you felt his length grow underneath you.
You managed to get his bound hands above him as you made him lay down on his back. You pulled your lips off of him and made way to his neck, nipping and biting his skin as he leaned his head off to the side to let you. “ I don’t think you understand how sexy I find you Woo~ Doing all of this for me?” You teased, a hand trailing down to rub a nipple through the lace. His back arching off the bed slightly as the material rubbed against his sensitive nipple.
“ I just wanted to try this out for you.” He mumbled before letting out a gasp from a harder bite to the side of his throat.
“ Are you sure you weren't thinking about yourself?” You sat up, straddling his body and looking down at him, enjoying the blooming red marks alongside his neck and shoulder. You reached your hand back to grope at his cock, smiling when he rolled his hip upwards to your touch. “ Maybe you got all dressed because you wanted to look good for yourself. I mean, I know this isn’t my lingerie, so you went and bought this yourself.”
You continued to tease and you crawled down his body, inching further down until your head was leveled with his cock. You could feel his eyes on you as you pulled him out from underneath the teddie, subconsciously licking your lips as you watched some pre-cum leak from the tip.
“ You're already so eager for this to happen and I barely did anything to you.” You taunt, licking up the underside of his length, keeping your eyes with his. Tongue circling leisurely as he twitched.
“ Don’t tease me.” He whined, reaching down to put his fingers in your hair, but you smacked them away.
“ No, you don’t. You will listen to what I tell you to do and you will keep your hands to yourself. I’m only stopping if I hear you say the safe word. Do you understand?” You gave him a sharp look and it shouldn’t have made his cock jump. It made you smile.
“ You want me to keep talking to you like that? You seem to like when I order you around.” You playfully press a finger into his slit.
“ It’s because I don’t see you like this often.” He panted as you had grabbed the lube and warmed it up in your hand to stroke his cock. Jungwoo’s eyes were glued to your hand as you kept a nice pace going as you rubbed some more onto your free hand.
You continued your ministrations to keep him distracted, watching his face as his eyes were closed and slowly relaxing under your palm. You wanted to keep him as relaxed as possible as you moved his teddie over more to expose his tight rim. “ Relax as much as you can baby,” You tell him as your mouth covered his tip at the same time you pressed a finger inside of him.
You felt him clench around you, making you stop your actions, swallowing more of him down to help him loosen up. When you felt him relax a bit more, you managed to press the rest of your finger inside of him.
“ How are you feeling right now?” You asked after pulling your mouth off of his length. His brows a bit furrowed as he looks down at you, “ Does anything hurt?”
As much as you want this, you knew very well that you had to take your time in stretching him open and prepping him well to take the toy that you had set out for him. If he doesn’t feel comfortable with just this, then you were willing to stop it now.
“ It feels...weird, but…” Jungwoo started to speak as you looked at him with a tilt of your head.
“ But?”
“ I kind of like how it feels.” Jungwoo's eyes were cast to the side as he spoke. His eyes were quickly back on you the moment you swallow his length back down your throat as your finger started to slowly press in and out of him. When he looked back at you, your eyes were hooded and focused on preparing him well.
How could he say something like that, looking as bashful as he does when you finger him open? It just made you want to get more reactions out of him.
You focused on making Jungwoo feel good. By now, your lips were reaching closer to the base of his cock, and managed to press a second finger inside. Jungwoo’s voice kept getting louder the more you worked his insides to stretch open. His groans continued to motivate you to keep going. Your own moans vibrating through his length, fingers flexing as he wanted to touch you again, but remembering your words from earlier.
Jungwoo whined loud enough to get your attention, “ What’s the matter?”
“ I want to taste you too~” He mumbled and you decided to cut him some slack, gently pulling your fingers out of him before standing up.
“ You want to have a taste of me too?” You asked him as you tugged your panties down your legs, ignoring the small wet stain on them as you straddled your lower body over his face. You saw him lick his lips as he stared at your core. “ Make sure you eat me well Jungwoo~”
“ Now when have I ever done a bad job at that?” Jungwoo got snarky for a split second and it made you laugh.
“ Don’t get all big and bad when I have you moaning for two fingers.'' You rebuked as you lowered your body over his face. Leaning back down to put him back in your mouth, you felt Jungwoo’s tongue eagerly peeking out to taste you.
It felt like you were both competing with one another to make the other feel good and moan against each other. Jungwoo buried his face as deep as he could go, lips wrapped around your clit, giving harsh sucks to have you cry out. But you made sure it wasn’t just yourself moaning.
Your lips had reached the base of his cock by now, you scissored him open enough to the point you were able to fit three fingers inside of him and he clenched around them. You fingered him a bit faster than before as he started to lose concentration in eating you out.
Wanting to toy with him a bit longer, you curled your fingers inside of him and his cock twitched again in your throat. His head leaned back as his tied hand gripped at your leg, “ What was that?”
You lifted your mouth off of him, looking over your shoulder, “ That’s your prostate baby.”
“ ...Press it again.”
You curled your fingers again and he bucked his hips. Giving him a steady pace with fingering him and hitting his prostate each time, Jungwoo was moaning at the feel of your fingers curling inside of him. His back arching off the bed and blunt nails slighting digging into the leg he was holding.
You were enjoying yourself, making a mess out of his hole when you heard him call out for you.
“ I want more than your fingers.”
You stopped your actions as you listened to what he said.
“ You want me to do more than just fingering?” You asked him just to be sure. You pulled your fingers back out of him and got off of him to see his face. Jungwoo’s face was covered in a rosy tint, his chest was rising up and down at a fast pace and his eyes were glossy as he looked up at you.
“ Yes...I want more.”
You smiled at him as you leaned your face down to kiss his lips that made him keen, before pulling away, “ Okay baby, I’ll give you more.”
Jungwoo anxiously watched you put on your harness, attaching the toy on as well making sure it’s on correctly. He watched you coat the toy with lube thoroughly before climbing back in bed. Pouring more onto your hand as you reached down and covered his rim. You spread his legs apart even more and had his long legs resting on your hips. You stared up at him as you brought the tip of the toy to his hole. “ You still wanna keep going?”
He reached for you as you leaned over his body. Jungwoo kissed you and you couldn’t help but kiss him back with the same amount of passion that he gave you. You pulled away to look at you and gave you a comforting smile.
“ I trust you. I know you won’t intentionally hurt me and I’m just as eager to have you do this to me, so just make me feel good.” Jungwoo told you and it honestly made your heart swell. Just hearing him say that he trusts you to do this to him for the first time made you fall in love with him even more.
You leaned back down to kiss him as you slid a hand down between you two to hold the toy steady before pressing it slowly inside of him. You heard his breath hitch as you tried your best to go slow and steady and let him get accustomed to the foreign feeling. His bound arms wrapping around your neck as you continued to push inch by inch inside of him until you managed to bottom out.
You stayed still as you pulled your mouth away, hearing Jungwoo’s shaky breaths as his muscles squeezed around the toy. Trying his best to relax his body from the slight sting of the stretch.
“ How are you feeling baby?” You ask him, peppering kisses along his face as his arms kept you close. You moved his hands and untied the ribbon from his wrist. His free arms covered his face as he spoke.
“ I think...you can move now,” Jungwoo said in a breathy voice, moving his arms from his eyes to look up at you.
With that, you pulled your hips back before pushing back inside, earning a moan from your boyfriend’s lips. You kept a steady pace, keeping your thrusts shallow for the time being, just so he could get comfortable from the feeling of having something this big inside of him.
You watched his face as you fucked him. His brows knitted together, his eyes closed and mouth slightly agape as his body rocked with your movements. His moans were music to your ears as he would moan with each thrust.
“ More...” He panted out as he looked at you with glossy eyes, his ankles locking behind your back to keep you close and it was fogging your brain with sinful ideas.
“ I’ll give you more baby. I’ll give you as much as you want.” You told him as you started to snap your hips faster into him.
The change in speed made his voice get higher as you fucked into him at a quicker speed, holding his legs in your arms as you did. His cock tapping against his stomach from the force as he watched you from below.
Your face staring down at him, watching for his reactions as you pounded into him. Your bottom lip tucked between your teeth as your only focus was to make sure that he felt good. Your breast bouncing with each thrust you gave and it made him want to reach up and touch, but just staring at the image of you dominating him and making him feel good in such a new way had pre-cum oozing onto his stomach.
“ Jungwoo, you don’t understand how good you look right now. Moaning all loud and making the cutest faces as I fuck you. It’s your first time taking anything in this tight ass of yours and you’re swallowing me up with no problem. Maybe I should have asked you to do this before.” You pant as you moved his legs to press against his chest. Angling your hips at a different angle, you smiled at Jungwoo as you now started to thrust into his prostate.
Jungwoo's head was thrown back the moment the toy had rubbed against his prostate at a fast pace. His moans were becoming more desperate. It looked like tears were brimming his eyes as you started to become unforgiving in the way you thrust into him.
“ Fuck! That feels good! It feels really good!~” Jungwoo cried, the sound of skin slapping deafening any other sounds as the continuous hits to his prostate was making his head melt. Complete sentences slowly starting to drift from his mind. His mouth hanging open as broken moans echoed in the room. His hands loosely holding onto you. Jungwoo barely registered that you were kissing his neck again as he made himself swallow his moans to speak.
“...Gonna...cum...” He groans out, watching as your hand reaches down to stroke his length in time with your thrust, each one hitting his prostate as his walls clenched around the toy.
“ You can cum whenever you want baby. I want you to feel as good as possible. Cum for me Jungwoo,” you tell him as you rolled your hips up into your boyfriend, motivated by his facial expressions and sinful moans.
Jungwoo was focused on the coil deep in the pit of his stomach. His brain was fuzzy as he felt it coil tighter and tighter before feeling right at the edge of cumming but he couldn’t. Feels like he was so close, yet so far from cumming and it made him whine.
He reached for you once more, pressing another deep kiss to you, nipping his lips and stuffing your tongue inside as your thumb pressed into his slit and his eyes rolled back into his head. Back arching off the bed and his body stiffening as he came into your hand. Rolling your hips slowly to milk his orgasm longer before finally stopping when his body goes limp.
You pulled your mouth away as you both caught your breath, Staring at his face, you felt proud of yourself for making Jungwoo feel that good. You brought his legs back down, rubbing his hip as you slowly pulled the toy out of him. You took off the harness and laid down beside him.
“ You okay?” You ask him as you watched his chest slow down as his breathing started to even out. He turned his head over to look at you. For a split second his face was unreadable until he broke out into a smile.
“ That was better than what I thought it was. Maybe I should have let you do that sooner.” He grinned as he pulled you closer to his body, kissing your forehead.
“Jungwoo you can’t say something like that to me. Do you want me to fuck you again?” You joked with him as you laughed with him.
“ I mean, I wouldn’t mind you doing it again, but just not now. I can’t feel my legs.” Jungwoo said in a nonchalant tone and it only made you shake your head as you leaned back to kiss him.
“ What am I going to do with you?”
Taglist: @nocturne-overtures @queen-of-himbos @jacksons-goddess-gaia @kimnamshiks @angel0taiyo
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