Shoulda Just Named You Laika
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Indie Selective & Private Makoto Niijima from Persona 5. Multiship/verse/etc. NSFW occasionally. Written By Kate. Please read rules before interacting. Manga Icons by @roleplayrecs.
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queenxfjustice ยท 11 months ago
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An Independent & Selective Multimuse Roleplay Blog. Canon & OC Friendly, Multiship & Multiverse, Minor AU Changes. Including characters from DanganRonpa, Persona, Dead Space, Resident Evil, Spy x Family, and more! Please read the rules page before interacting! Written & Loved by Kate! PSD Credit.
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queenxfjustice ยท 1 year ago
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An Independent & Selective Multimuse Roleplay Blog. Canon & OC Friendly, Multiship & Multiverse, Minor AU Changes. Including characters from DanganRonpa, Persona, Dead Space, Resident Evil, Spy x Family, and more! Please read the rules page before interacting! Written & Loved by Kate! PSD Credit.
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queenxfjustice ยท 1 year ago
Just a reminder that now all threads will be continued on @caramialunaestelle!!!
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queenxfjustice ยท 1 year ago
As Makoto's maids and medical staff attended to her, two guards approached Daichi and stood on either side of him. "The Lady of this manor will be here in a moment, so you may explain what happened to the young Mistress," One of the guards explained.
Makoto winced as she was whisked away from the grand entryway to a more private room. There she would be treated and her wound dressed properly. She gave Daichi a hopeful look as her maids tugged her along.
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And as soon as Makoto had disappeared from view a more imposing-looking woman appeared, dressed lavishly and face made up. Despite the extravagance of her appearance, she looked very similar to the younger Niijima sister, aside from being slightly older.
"I hear my foolish younger sister went and got herself nearly killed," The woman announced staring down at Daichi curiously. "But you must be her saviour. May I have your name so I may thank you for saving her more properly?"
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Despite the fact that they weren't very apart in age, he could already tell that this was going to be complex. He had to admit, there was a part of him that wanted to court her. But this was mostly about getting a job, and taking advantage of the situation in such a way that both of them benefitted.
Daichi made sure to observe all the normal protocols that came with being in such a space. He was knowledgeable about such things, after all, and showing understanding would prove his case.
Now, he just needed to hope that meeting her sister went smoothly.
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queenxfjustice ยท 1 year ago
Makoto couldn't help the pink that flushed her cheeks as he mentioned her embarrassing foray into spying on him. She hadn't noticed how she'd been holding the magazine at the time, but she remembered he'd caught her once and pointed it out to her. Makoto awkwardly rubbed the back of her neck and gave a rather nervous laugh, "I suppose I'm not cut out for espionage, huh?"
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"I think it's rather unfair that people, myself included, are so quick to judge you based on the rumours alone... You're one of the kindest and genuinely sweetest people I've ever met. I know the kind of fight you have in you, and I highly doubt you would ever use your power for the wrong reasons. You're not a bad person at all. You just... got a shitty hand dealt to you. I'm sorry people don't see you for the person you truly are."
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She gave him a warm grin as he settled into his seat and she draped the cloth napkin across her lap. "Sae might get jealous... I'm the first to go on a date of the two of us," she teased with a giggle. "So let's promise to keep it secret."
Makoto waited for him to start eating before bringing the first morsel to her lips. She watched for his reaction, satisfied when he didn't outright wince or gag. "I do enjoy cooking... Maybe I really would make a good wife one day," she joked.
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โ€œI mean, I kinda gathered that you couldnโ€™t trust me by the fact that you were following me aroundโ€ฆ if youโ€™re gonna try to hide behind a book while youโ€™re stalking someone, you might wanna try holding the book the right way up, even if youโ€™re not reading it.โ€ He teased, playfully.
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โ€œBut I mean, itโ€™s not like the main rumour about me was untrue, I did commit a crime, and I did assault someone, and I was arrested for it. But a lot of the details didnโ€™t come across. Heck, I donโ€™t even know if Kamoshida knew all the detailsโ€ฆ In fact, he probably didnโ€™t care. Not that he would have known anyway, given who I had assaulted and what happened after that.โ€
He pushed her chair in after she was seated, before taking a seat himself, giving a soft chuckle. โ€œWell if your sister ever asks me about it, I promise Iโ€™ll deny it. Iโ€™ll even say that I offered but you said that you had to study, if you want.โ€ He said, a small grin on his lips.
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โ€œConsidering youโ€™ve talked about how long you and your sister have been living together, and that chances are youโ€™ve been making most of the dinners, due to how demanding her job is? Iโ€™m sure youโ€™re an excellent cook, with all the practice youโ€™ve gotten.โ€ He smiled reassuringly at her, before he picked up his utensils and started to eat.
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queenxfjustice ยท 1 year ago
"Well, it's a little late now... And we're alone up here, so no one will know so don't worry about it. Not that you've really worried about breaking laws before," She replied. Makoto wasn't judging him at all. She was used to his quirks and mannerisms and she was more than comfortable with it too.
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As she helped him drag the massive beast toward the cabin, she kept pace with him - he could definitely overpower her still, but after months of jogging along to stay at his side, she'd built up the endurance and strength to at least help him out. She smiled at him as they made it to the front steps. "Where do you plan on butchering it?" she asked. "Might be messy doing it inside..."
She nodded in understanding. "There's a few styles I read about. They all seem so vastly different from the last. Your style is what you want to teach me, correct?"
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"I didn't know there were laws that said that you couldn't eat bears." Man, he's got no concept of things like 'hunting restrictions.' "But it's a full grown male, so it shouldn't be an issue where I'm just orphaned bears or something." Amazingly, the bear seems to show no signs of wounds, save for a broken neck. Almost like it was killed suddenly and unexpectedly. Though the fact that Noburu has no wounds probably shows that too.
"I figure this will last us long enough. Butchering it will take some time, and preserving it will too, but I know plenty about avoiding the bad parts and inspecting for things like parasites. Also, there is a freezer in the cellar. So that should make it easier now that the power is on.
The mention of the journals makes him perk up slightly. "Ah, those. Yeah, those are the notes of those who came before me. Lots of them are meant for assassination; I know how to use them, but I don't exactly have a need to most of the time. Killing quickly is always an option for me, but that's not where I want to take the style. I suppose they probably seem all over the place though, since every new head makes changes to make it their own."
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queenxfjustice ยท 1 year ago
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An Independent & Selective Multimuse Roleplay Blog. Canon & OC Friendly, Multiship & Multiverse, Minor AU Changes. Including characters from DanganRonpa, Persona, Dead Space, Resident Evil, Spy x Family, and more! Please read the rules page before interacting! Written & Loved by Kate! PSD Credit.
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queenxfjustice ยท 1 year ago
I changed the url of my froppy blog cause I am converting it to my multiuse its @caramialunaestelle
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queenxfjustice ยท 1 year ago
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Persona 5 Icons
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queenxfjustice ยท 1 year ago
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Iโ€™m still thinking on how to use the content i got from p5t ESPECIALLY THE WEDDING OUTFITS
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queenxfjustice ยท 1 year ago
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queenxfjustice ยท 1 year ago
If you get a follow from the URL in the post above this is why!!!!!
I changed the url of my froppy blog cause I am converting it to my multiuse its @caramialunaestelle
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queenxfjustice ยท 1 year ago
As some of you may know, one of my family members has passed away on the 19 from cancer and i will be one who cover some of the cost. I'm currently broke and beyond heartbroken to do commissions and in physical pain for some others reasons. Donation would help me and greatly appreciated. ( it will cover the funeral, flowers, my transport etc ) If you want me to make you something you'd have to wait for a while. My paypal is here. Thank you in advance.
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queenxfjustice ยท 1 year ago
I changed the url of my froppy blog cause I am converting it to my multiuse its @caramialunaestelle
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queenxfjustice ยท 1 year ago
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*motorcycle noises*
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queenxfjustice ยท 1 year ago
I'll probably keep my current blogs/sideblogs. But the muses will most likely be moved to the multimuse. These blogs will just be archived/aesthetic & musing blogs??? Maybe.
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queenxfjustice ยท 1 year ago
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black and white
images from pinterest
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