#and with SO many tiny details. it's so artistic and nice to look at
gentle-hero-blog · 3 months
kind of niche but i can't wait to see how they style the title + game over screens in Prime 4. those two elements hold so much atmosphere in the previous prime titles i love comparing them all
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delirious-donna · 3 months
Baby, I Would Die For You [Toji Fushiguro]
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an: flirting with your boss is always dangerous but when you find that the feelings are reciprocated, it’s hard to resist the urge to give Toji everything.
pairing: Toji Fushiguro x female reader
warnings: boss/subordinate dynamic, flirting, lewd talk, pussy eating, reader is not a shy wallflower, biting and mark making, pussy drunk Toji, a little humour (I think)
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What you were doing was wrong. It surely broke every HR policy you could think of, and you should stop, walk away before you crossed that final line that could never be taken back or undone. The problem was… you didn’t want to. 
Toji Fushiguro might be your boss, but he was so much more than that to you. Seeing him as simply the man you reported directly to was impossible after months of not-so-subtle flirtations. Famed for his direct approach and no-nonsense attitude towards pretty much everything, others might be surprised by how coy he acted when the two of you were alone. 
Those long hours picking over every little detail in the latest performance reports or going over his schedule for the upcoming week were times you looked forward to, perhaps even the highlight of your week if you were totally honest. The smile that rose to his lips when you shimmied into his office, closing the door with your hip as you balanced two coffees and your notepad and pen, was one that never failed to tighten all the muscles in your lower half. 
With a thick head of midnight black hair that lay artistically messy and piercing green eyes that had a way of delving straight into your soul, you would be a fool not to find him attractive, but it wasn’t just that. His humour was wickedly sharp, so many times your sides had hurt from being folded over with laughter, sometimes at your own expense, but there was a kindness to him that piqued your interest. 
Every morning, without fail, he would deposit your favourite caffeinated beverage on your desk even though that really should be your duty to bring to him, and he always asked how you were. It wasn’t a pleasantry either, he really wanted to know how you were and took interest in your life outside of the walls of the office. Never had you shared so much of yourself with a superior and you didn’t think you ever would again, not if it came with the swelling feelings that took root in your heart. 
It didn’t help that he was possibly the most tactile man you had ever encountered, always finding the smallest reason to lay a hand on you and none of it you would consider inappropriate, or well, more inappropriate than it already was for a manager to touch his subordinate. His fingers grazed yours when you handed him files, he held doors open for you and the warmth of his palm would fit snugly at the small of your back. He would nudge your shoulder with his when you made him laugh in the lift, and he would hold out his hand expectantly anytime you got a fresh manicure, not happy until he had inspected the handiwork up close. “Nice colour. It’s better than the last set.” 
Of course, those touches didn’t help with smothering the flame that had long since ignited. Oh no, they only stoked them with gentle care until what was once a fledgling match struck and sure to die as soon as the stick was engulfed, was now a roaring bonfire in the pit of your stomach. It turned you just that little bit more cautious, and you were sure he had noticed but he never called you on it. 
You found yourself admiring the cut of his suits far more regularly, staring at the white expanse across his chest and back. His hands were their own source of fascination, how he always played with a pen between his fingers and the deliberate strokes he placed to the beads of condensation running down his favourite soda cans. How could you not wonder what they might feel like on your bare skin, on the sensitive inside of your thighs, cupping your sex or playing with your breasts?  
So many nights were spent alone in your tiny apartment, a toy pressed to your aching clit and your eyes screwed shut as you imagined the buzz being replaced by a hungry mouth with a sharp tongue and magnetic green eyes. That scar on his lip pulled taut at every flick delivered to your sticky folds, and his large palms full of the meat of your ass. The ghost of wet slurps filled your ears until the band of tension that had been growing all day long snapped clean in two and you came with a shout of his name, only to be brought back down to Earth with a bump. He wasn’t with you; you weren’t wetting up his ruggedly handsome face and he would never know that you wanted that more than anything. 
That was, until one evening where your flirtatious bantering finally came to a head… 
It was well past clocking off time, and you were still at your desk finalising some last-minute spreadsheets that found their way into your hands way too late on a Friday afternoon when you heard a rumbling call from the office at your back.  
“What you still doing here?” Toji’s voice rang out to the near-empty office, your finger hovering over the mouse poised to shut down and finally head out. Instead of yelling back, you stood and made the two-minute journey into the corner office. 
“I was just leaving, but I could ask the same of you, Mr Fushiguro.” 
The sleeves of his white button-up were rolled to his elbows, the sinewy strength of his forearms on display and distracting you from the attempt at an intimidating look in his direction. You swallowed, cursing the abundance of runny saliva coating the inside of your mouth. 
He clicked his tongue against his teeth. “Got nowhere better to be, but you on the other hand… don’t you got a date or something?” Toji let his cheek rest atop his fist, drinking in the sight of you after a long day. 
Your outfit was just the tiniest bit ruffled, blouse untucked in one place that you unlikely hadn’t noticed, and your hair had more than a strand or two out of place from all the times you had taken it down only to pull it back up moments later. The lipstick from earlier that day had long faded, but it only made your lips look all the more kissable, naked and in need of his slanted over yours. 
“Not that it’s any of your business, but no,” you asserted with a roll of your eyes, arms folding over your chest in a defensive gesture that wasn’t lost on either of you. 
Toji’s eyebrow lifted, and he beckoned you closer with a careful flick of his wrist until your legs shook, closing the distance until you were by the side of his desk looking down at him. His stance was spread wide, not a damn care in the world and you nervously glanced towards the door which stood wide open. 
An expansive hand roughened in a way you wouldn’t expect of a man who slaved away behind a desk, wrapped around your arm to pull it free from the way you had it hugged around your middle. It felt like a crackle of pure electricity when his fingers encircled your wrist, thumb delicately placed over the thumping pulse. There was air trapped in your throat, bubbling up but refusing to escape past your lips whilst the man you teasingly called ‘boss man’ manoeuvred you to sit on his desk, shining forest green eyes searching your face carefully. 
“Pretty little thing like you and you don’t have a date? That can’t be right.” 
His inky black hair looked so soft and relaxed given how late the hour was. His tanned skin seemed so intriguing under the low lighting emanating from the lone desk lamp flared to life, like you might find hidden secrets if you were to go peeking beneath the crisp cut of his shirt. There was a dusting of stubble gracing his cheeks and jaw, the sharp contour highlighting the masculine aura that swirled around him without effort, and it affected you more than you admitted to yourself. Your thoughts became a jumble, entirely wayward as you wondered how that sharp scratchy stubble would feel against your thighs. 
He wasn’t stupid, of that you should know by now, and your micro-expressions and breathy pants were more than ample evidence of the direction of your mind. Toji’s head canted further to this side, knowing what you wanted and wondering if he would have to voice them for you. His eyes fell to your hand, watching it slowly curl inward and then back out with little crescent moon indentations appearing on your palm. His mouth sloped open, ready to help you cross this final line at long last, but before he could, you surprised him. 
“Why would I be interested in anyone other than the man sitting before me?” 
Immediately, you gasped. Your brain caught up with the words that poured instinctually from your body, and dare he say… heart, with a sharp intake of breath. He could feel the heat rising from you, spreading outward in search of dry kindling to expand the fury of the inferno, but Toji was already aflame. He needed no encouragement to be consumed by the fire, he simply masked it far more adeptly than you. 
His cock thickened further against his thigh, the ache settling into the depths of his stomach and for once, he wouldn’t have to wait to relieve it by hand alone. For weeks he had found that his mind pinged back to you with worrying regularity, especially when he found the need to fist himself in the shower before the working day began. Long had he wondered if you would bite just as much as you did when he challenged you professionally. He wanted to know if you would give as good as you got because Lord knows he needed that. 
Gone were the days when he found the simpering doll eyes of painted young beauties more than a passing attraction. No more could he find it within him to chase after those who would roll over immediately for the dark flame that resided within his heart. There was no thrill in complete subservience. He could only wet his dick so many times to women that he shared no interests with, where there was no witty repertoire or conversation deeper than a puddle already drying after a rainstorm. 
You stood up to him when his mood darkened and others scurried away as fast as their legs would carry them, refusing to be a chew toy for his frustrations. You worked in the same manner he did, head down with complete diligence until the task was completed, but always to kick back when all the i’s were dotted and the t’s crossed. Work hard, play harder.  
Not only that, but you were receptive to his touch, drawn to it like magnetised water. Whether you were aware or not, your spine would arch subtly when his palm filled the space at your lower back, and your pupils dilated when his fingers skimmed yours in exchange of hot drinks or paperwork. He wanted to know, once and for all if they would dilate even further when he reached between your thighs to pet the pretty pussy he knew resided there, if you would lose the sharpness of your gaze or whether you would become even more calculating when he thumbed at your clit. His money was on the former, though he wasn’t known for making good bets. 
“So, what you’re saying is… you want me,” he conceded with a jerk of his wrist to bring you stumbling down onto his spread lap, the weight of you settling perfectly over his thighs. “I’m flattered, but I can’t deny that you’ve got good taste.” 
His voice mellowed, a hint of humour in the words but one daring look at his face told you everything you needed to know. This was no game, it was no laughing matter and if you wanted to escape, this would be your last chance. Toji was baiting you, and he should realise by now that you never backed away from a challenge, and certainly not when your nightly desires were being served up on a silver platter. 
Bracing both palms on his shoulders, you moved into a more comfortable position, which meant you were straddled over his lap and that did not go unnoticed.
“Like you haven’t thought about this, Mr Fushiguro,” you chided with a squeeze of your knees at his hips. “I bet you’ve spent a time or two imagining what it would be like to bend me right over this very desk.” 
“Little fucking minx… you’re speaking to your boss, y’know?” 
Despite his comment, his hands passed agonisingly slowly down your sides, mapping out the contours of your frame as your waist pinched in only to flare at the swell of generous hips. He throbbed from the knowledge he was gaining, intent on putting it to good use. 
“I’m well aware, boss man.” 
Toji chuckled at the long-standing nickname, a frisson on delight travelling down his spine at the new intonation behind it. Leaning back in his chair, you followed him, your face inches from his and sweeping over his features with interest. You couldn’t help but reach out, fingertips skimming the jagged scar bisecting the side of his mouth. He didn’t move, didn’t try to stop you, only focused on your eyes whilst you touched the raised skin. Maybe one day he’d share its origin, but for now he was content to let you dream up your own stories for how he acquired it. 
Your gaze bounced between his eyes. “Kiss me.” 
His large palm gripped at the back of your neck, eliminating the remaining distance until his lips met yours—finally. It was surprisingly soft, his hold determined but gentle and there was none of the rough urgency you had expected. You melted against his chest, the playful resistance ebbing out of your bones and turning you pliant into his mammoth hold. His whole upper torso dwarfed you, making you feel small for the first time in a world where you usually didn’t. 
There was coffee on his tongue, the bitter edge of the roasted beans softened by vanilla and a hint of chocolate, coaxing you to take more and more until you were satisfied, and everything was not how you expected, but in the best way possible. There was no pawing at your clothes, no impenetrable grip on your skin and absolutely no sense that he wanted to stop or change the pace. 
It was you who drove it harder, you who pushed against his chest and dove your fingers through his hair. His thumb stroked over the pulse in your neck from the hold he maintained, smiling against your open mouth and tasting your moans on his tongue. He’d stay like this a while if you’d let him, but there was an itch to be scratched and he’d be damned if he was going to let it go unaddressed. 
“Come ‘ere, darling, I know what you need,” he rumbled between little nudges of his nose along your cheekbone until you glanced at him with those spectacularly expressive eyes, desire not even thinly veiled any more. 
You found yourself spread like a feast on his desk, the clutter swept to the floor like you had seen play out in so many movies and never believed it happened in real life. Toji towered over you, clever fingers working to divest you of your blouse without jerking the sides clean apart and scattering the buttons across the floor. Your legs wound around his lean waist; skirt hiked up well above your hips and you were shameless in pressing your clothed pussy against the hard ridge of his erection. 
“Toji,” he corrected. An unyielding finger and thumb captured your chin until you conceded with a nod. 
“Toji… I need you.” 
“Where do you need me, sweetheart?” He knew exactly where you needed him, but where was the fun in giving in so readily? You were strong-willed and perhaps just as stubborn as he was, it would be nice to see how much ground you were willing to concede. 
His lips skimmed your neck, traversed the expanse of your collarbone and down to the perfect spill of your breasts restrained by the flimsy gauze of your bra. You arched beautifully when his tongue grazed over the lace cup, nipple quickly peaking to be captured between his lips. You hadn’t yet answered his question and he bared his teeth, careful but deliberately biting at you through the thin barrier until you howled and snapped your head down. 
“Asked you a question, need an answer. You know how this shit works.” 
“Lower!” You huffed through your nose, panting at the delicious tug of his teeth and lips on your breast and wishing he’d do something about the bra. “I need you lower.” 
Toji tsked. Moving a hand around your back, he unclasped your bra and let it fall to the floor along with your blouse. He met you with glimmering eyes, a path of wet kisses decorating your skin until he stopped at your midriff. His tongue dipped into your navel, swirling around and around with sick satisfaction quirking his lips. Your stomach quivered from the action, jaw slack at something you had never experienced or expected. 
“Here?” He asked absently, sucking little bruises into the soft rolls that begged for his attention. Salt, soap and the faint remnants of perfume crept over his tastebuds, his antics at teasing you somewhat backfiring when he became intent on creating an image of his own on your stomach. 
“No,” you bit out. The worst of your ire melted away at the vision of the hulking man looming over your midsection, his eyes at half-mast and a satisfied grin each time his mouth left your skin long enough to witness. “Please…” 
Toji groaned at the hissed “please” you delivered through gritted teeth, your small fingers threaded through the tufts of his hair and offered a yank that might see a lesser man whimper like a pup, but you’d have to try harder than that if that was your goal.  
Massaging at your ample hips, he let himself sit once more and rolled the chair back, so his face was now level with the heat of your cunt. The seat of your underwear was soiled with arousal, the wet spot seemingly growing beneath his study. From this angle you couldn’t see his face, you had no way of knowing that he was committing this scene to memory and adjusting the troublesome trouser snake to be free of distractions for now. 
“Impatient as always. How many times have you taken the stairs ‘cause you couldn’t bear waiting for the lift to arrive any longer?” 
You baulked; caught in a moment of pure disbelief as he asked you the seemingly innocent question whilst tracing the outline of your labia through the cotton of your underwear. He hummed, smug in the knowledge he had made you speechless for the first time in months and determined to continue his winning streak. Leaning in, he inhaled the scent of you and let out a perverted exhale. 
“Fuck… yeah. I knew you’d smell like a whole fucking meal,” he breathed against the inside of your thigh. The points of sharp teeth bit with delicate care, the plush flesh trembling beneath the imprints of what would become his unique markings. 
Your upper arms shook from raising yourself up, determined that you watch his every action for as long as you could. Toji rummaged in the desk drawer, searching blindly as he huffed in your dewy scent with his nose pressed to your cunt. Without warning, the flash of a blade caught your eye, and you shrieked as he held it under one side of your panties, slicing through it before repeating the action on the other side.  
“Are you insane? You’ve got a fucking weapon in the office?” 
You failed to mention how wet you were, how tightly you were clenching around nothing and wanting to feel him buried deep in your belly. He gave a bark of laughter, lifting his hand with the offending item without so much as raising his head. He wasn’t buying your act one little bit, his nose brushing over the smattering of damp curls. 
“Oh.” You blinked at the letter opener held between two fingers, the blaze of your self-righteousness smothered immediately. 
Toji spread you open, peeling you apart like the petals of a flower to reveal the aching little bud at its core. He thumbed at it once, pressing the thick digit into his mouth and bringing it back dripping in spittle. This time, his tongue played along your folds, sucking the skin between his lips and driving tight circles around your erect little button. His nostrils flared at being buried in your essence, your thighs quaking on either side of his head and he palmed at the meat of your ass with his free hand—desperate for more. 
Whilst the urge to pull his cock free from his trousers was burning white-hot, he shook off the weight of his own relief in favour of ensuring yours. If you weren’t squealing his name to the ceiling, he wouldn’t be satisfied anyway, and wasn’t that the whole point of this? You asked for what you wanted when you wanted it and with how you were rolling your hips dangerously close to the edge of the desk, you had no qualms about being as direct as he craved. 
He massaged the ring of muscles at your entrance, dipping a finger deeper only to extract it again quickly. Your hole puckered and gaped, wanting more and he repeated the action but with two fingers this time. It was a squeeze when his knuckles brushed your walls, the velvet sides gripping and holding him hostage. 
“Look atchu. Pussy got a grip on her.” 
“Toji—mouth… want it on me. Want more,” you said with a broken whimper. 
His head fell back against his neck, cracking from side to side before he rose to lay over you, his fingers still pumping in and out of your cunt to the wet squelch of your slick on his skin. You could only blink as he captured your lips, tongue curling over your teeth to deposit the taste of yourself into your mouth. It was entirely teeth and tongue as he worked you harder, thumb poised to flick over your clit each time you tried to fight for the right to inhale lungfuls of the thick air. 
“—hng… not—fuck—not what I meant!”  
Toji sat with a loud creak of his chair, his not-so-insignificant weight groaning the leather and metal to within an inch of its life. His smile was pure predator, the ink of his pupils almost eating up the entirety of his irises.  
He huffed a dry laugh. “Yeah, but I like fucking with you.” 
He didn’t wait for your reply, diving for your cunt and the tendrils of heat luring him in like a siren calling to a lost sailor. His nose nudged at your hood, giving him ample space to graze the flat of his tongue over the surface and alternating to a pointed tip that poked and pressed it in each direction. The puffy, swollen lips of your labia demanded attention too, nipping with his eyes focused on your breathing and every bodily jerk for discomfort. When he found none, only the arch of your spine and a hand finding its way back into his hair, he doubled down until you were mewling beneath him. 
Your thighs tightened around his ears, their plushness muffling your lewd moans but only heightening the noises coming from his strong chest. He grunted like an animal at every fuck of his fingers, every lap of his tongue, emboldened by the reactions you so openly displayed. With a lewd pop, his fingers escaped your tight pussy to be replaced with his mouth. The second you rutted your cunt against his eager tongue, he was done.  
Never before had he been this close to busting in his trousers, especially without help, but the way you humped against his face brought out a younger, less controlled version of himself. A shiver coursed up his spine as you fucked yourself on his strong, wet muscle, chants of his name falling from your sinful little mouth. He could feel the tension in your limbs, the curl of your toes against his shoulders and the bough broke with one carefully aimed suck of your clit. 
The rush of adrenaline tore through you, mixed with dopamine and every reminder that this was completely wrong. You pinched at your nipples in turn, prolonging the first cresting wave as it broke over you. You felt limp, out of control and so fucking good you were certain you wouldn’t sleep for a week until this high wore off. Toji was a drug and you never wanted to be clean. His mouth slurped and guzzled, swallowing you down and it felt like if he could unhinge his jaw and devour you whole, he would. 
With a whine and a wince, you managed to shove against his heavy mass and buy yourself a reprieve. He looked as drunk as you felt, sluggish and kiss swollen as he brought his chin to rest against your lower abdomen. You wanted to ask for him to fuck you now; to flip you over and press you into the wood so he could fill your belly with all that he had taken and more, but he reached those sticky fingers up and tapped your lips before you could speak. 
“I haven’t spilled in my shorts since I was a teenager, shit…” He chuckled, admiring your tongue wrapped around the calloused edges of his fingers and cleaning him so efficiently, the perfect little worker bee that you were. 
“Guess I’m out of luck for a fuck, huh?” 
“Not here. I want your juices staining my sheets, not my paperwork,” he countered, kissing your stomach once more. His soft green bedroom eyes fixed raptly on your sweet face. 
“Sounds reasonable, Mr Fushiguro. We shouldn’t push our luck anyway. I’m surprised security didn’t catch us in the act!” 
Toji laughed, wiping a tear from his eye. “You’re right, sweetheart, but the cleaner has been past twice.” 
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hansoeii · 1 year
Several things: -LOVE your art, it’s amazing! Especially the one with Crowley and Aziraphale under the umbrella - which software do you use? Your art always look SO gorgeous (cheeky quote from GO right there lol) - how did you get so good at drawing?And thank you for encouraging other people to keep drawing and being so kind as I sometimes can’t help but compare my sketches to others and feel silly, but I guess it’s just a learning curve… Thank you so much for bringing your art to the world!😊
Thank you so much!!
I use Clip Studio Paint for drawing and Photoshop for small adjustments!
2. Haha thanks! Honestly...it's the hyperfixations. I managed to improve a lot in just a year because I've been drawing SO much cos there's so many shows and movies I became obsessed with that I wanted to create art for. So by drawing a lot I just naturally improved. For example these two Illustrations are just a year apart:
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I actually didn't actively try to improve, it's been a while since I did proper studies (I just don't really have the time for it between freelancing and art school), it just happened.
But I can absoluetly recommend going on YouTube and look for some art tutorials if you actively want to start improving! There's some channels that helped me so much back then:
Incredible shape language and super insightful tutorials on all kinds of topics! I learned so much from him.
Ahmed Aldoori
So many awesome tutorials on so many different areas of art. Love it.
Marco Bucci
Incredible tutorials on color theory and understanding how color works in general! Learned SO much from him!
Sinix Design
The OG tutorials I began learning from. I watched his videos religiously as a teen. I adore his painterly style and adopted it in some way, haha.
Ethan Becker
This dude sometimes drops these tiny art tips that just completely blow my mind and that I adopt immedietly. He's super entertaining but also such a great teacher.
And I can also recommend checking out this book by James Gurney if you want to get better at colors!
And for anatomy I highly recommend the Morpho books!
But improvement doesn't only come from drawing a lot. A lot of the time I don't draw for a while and just study the world and artists around me and suddenly I improved when I get back to drawing. Don't ever overwork yourself to the point that you don't enjoy what you do anymore. Take breaks and listen to your body!
I learned to try and not compare myself to other artists, which helped a lot. Through conventions and social media I made so many lovely artist friends and realized how we're all struggling in a very similar way. A lot of us don't even really know what we're doing most of the time, haha. But we help each other out, it's such a wonderful community. I think when you're not actively part of the community it tends to feel like other, more successful artists are some kind of art gods that have perfected the craft and never struggle. But believe me, all the artists you admire go through rough times all. the. time. Sometimes what they do feels easy and natural, other times (more often than not) it feels like you have to try and learn how to walk all over again and you start to doubt your abilities. I personally go through that so many times.
So what I'm trying to say is that instead of comparing yourself to the artists you admire, learn from them instead. Ask questions, befriend fellow artists, study the artists you enjoy and just have fun with it!
And finally I thought it would be fun to share some of my horrendous Johnlock fanart from a decade ago for some motivation:
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I hope my answer didn't overwhelm you, but I thoight it would be nice to give a more detailed answer!
Have a wonderful day and keep drawing! :)
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starillusion13 · 1 year
Like We Just Met!
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Alien AU ( Intro )
“No your MBTI is OURS.”
Pairing: nct dream(ot7) x reader
Genre: Alien au, Fluff
W.C: 5.7k
Warnings: This chapter contains just some emotions and some confusing meetings with the members.
Note: please I want to thanks to people for reading and reblogging. Reviews are always appreciated 😭. Applause to the ones who come up to me to interact and they know how friendly I am. Okay enough!
Network: @k-vanity @cultofdionysusnet
Girl let me explain (I will let NCT DREAM explain to me anything, Honestly.) I just love them so much!!!
“I don’t know them.”
“Girl. You are literally giving me so many details on them since yesterday and now you are telling me that you don’t know them.”
“Trust me, I really don’t know them.”
It’s just like you are ranting about your sudden encounters with seven boys. Well, who are these boys? Your friend was out of town for one month and your life has new stories like it has come past one decade. Living in this new town with your friend is okay but you being all alone in this place seems very uncomfortable when you are literally an introvert and approaching someone or to go out often for every need is becoming unbearable. As an ISTJ, you are very independent girl, enjoy maintaining your responsibilities and duties to have a decent life than others. Your life was pretty much going usual until these random boys came across your path. You haven’t seen them before but the way they approached to you, smiling at you and helping you seems like they have known you for so long. If you have encountered them before then maybe you would have remembered them somehow but NO.
Your friend has cut the video call when she finds out how you are zoning out and her being overseas is not really possible to be on the call for too long because of the differ in time zone. You haven’t notice yet the blank screen before you as the screen turned black under being no use for more than thirty seconds. You turn to look outside the window, the wind blowing slowly but enough to wave your curtains and your locks dancing to the breeze. You inhaled sharply before drifting to the flashbacks of encountering the boys in different places.
The evening was pretty nice and so you thought to have some time for yourself, the activities you like to do on your spare time. Being in your room all alone was eating you of boredom so grabbing your skateboard from the rack, you made your way towards the skating zone of the park. You waited in a corner and kept yourself busy on the phone to kill some time before the place become a bit less populated and then you could have your skating time. Your skateboard kept leaning against the wall and you be watching some music videos of your favorite artist with your headphones on. Head bopping to the beats and feet tapping on the pitch, not taking in the surrounding how people were going back home with the passing of time. An add appeared on your screen and you took your eyes off of the screen to finally notice that you were out for so long. Locking the phone and fishing it inside your pocket, you grabbed your board and went towards your desired spot to ride your skateboard.
You just preferred it that way, away from all people and enjoying by yourself. Hairs flowing beside your face, hands spread wide and eyes focusing on the way in front and body keeping the balance on the board. A sweet smile adorning your face and you heard a ‘click’ sound with a flash from a side, you quickly looked towards the direction but didn’t see anyone. Getting distracted, you didn’t notice a tiny rock and you fell down.
Rubbing your elbows, you investigate your hands and legs for injuries and well, there were some scratches due to the fall and it’s stinging. Your butt is paining as you fell on it and you didn’t think you could walk anymore like this but its not like someone would carry you to your house so you have to do everything on your own. You tried to get up but it was all in vain when you saw an extended hand in front of you. Eyes followed the hand to his face and damn, the boy was so cute but he didn’t look like any common guy from the colony, he looks different than usual, maybe he is not from anywhere around. Also, when did he approach you? You didn’t hear any footsteps and did he see you fall down? Thinking this you felt shy in front of him. The boy suddenly gave you a smile and honestly you thought that you have never seen such a cute boy ever in your life. He gestured to hold his hand and when you hesitantly accepted the offer, he quickly pulled you up. Before you could say anything, he started to brush off your hands and legs and your shorts but keeping himself decent from maintaining not to touch anywhere private. You shyly tugged your hairs behind and thanked him. He laughed, shook his head and patted your head like you are his pet.
“Come on, dude its okay. I feel like you needed my help. Its pretty late and why are you out in this hour?”
“Uh, it’s fine as I live down the streets and I like being alone here.”
“You skate so good. Can you teach me someday?”
“Yeah sure. If only we meet again then I will teach you promise.”
“We will meet again fore sure, myself Mark.”
He extended his hand for a handshake and you just stared at it. Biting your lips, you were deciding whether you should accept it or not and with a final smile, you shook his hand.
“Y/N. Nice to meet you.”
“Such a pretty name. I hope we will meet again.”
He gave you a printed band-aid from his pocket and when you rejected it, he bent down to put it on your knees.
“Thanks Mark.”
“Just be careful on skateboard next time.”
With that you both parted your ways but somewhere you hoped to see him again. He helped you to reach your house because you were limping and he insisted. Turning your back to him, a smile appeared on your face again and you ran inside. Since that day, you met often near the park and deep inside, without any reason you felt like to go there even just to get a glimpse of him playing basketball with his friends. Well, skateboarding is not your hobby but you are addicted to it for him.
‘Blue waves’
Another day of your life and you feeling down for missing your parents. The memories of your happy moments all spent together running through your mind and tears running down your cheeks. You knew that if you spend some more time inside the house alone, you might think of all worst possibilities and so you made your way towards the bus stop. It was a calm afternoon with a pleasant weather and you made your mind to relieve yourself near a seaside. You took a bus to the nearest beach and meanwhile you noticed a child playing with her mother beside your seat. You sadly smiled at them and a tear fell from your eyes. Reaching to the desired location, you stood at the entrance of the path leading to the beach. Staring at the sea from afar somewhat felt like nostalgic. It reminded you of your father who used to wait with some candies or flowers for you and your mother near the shore and waving at both of you. Then, both of you used to run to him to give a tight hug to each other. Those bright happy days are just fading memories now.
Wiping your eyes, with slow footsteps, you walked towards the shore. Hands clutching your flowy knee length skirt. Pressing your teeth tightly and gulping the lump in your throat so that not a single sob could escape your lips. On reaching the shore, ears picked up the loud growling of the blue waves of the sea hitting the shore. You let your eyes closed to only listen to the sounds of the nature and how the breeze hitting your body as if it could take away all your problems away. The breeze caressing your cheeks as if your mother giving you some love after a stressful day.
“Mom...Dad…I miss you…” You whispered. It’s not like anyone could hear you as every other sound was getting lost due the loud waves.
“They miss you too, you know.”
Your eyes shot open on hearing the voice. Looking at the side, you could see a boy staring at you with a pitiful expression. His voice was so melodious as if a siren suddenly appeared from the sea to accompany you. You wanted to be alone but somehow you were appreciating his presence on your side. He had that calmness which can ease your racing mind and his voice was as if could just silence the loud waves. Well, when he spoke, the only sound you could hear was his and the shore was strangely silent.
Giving you a soft smile, he gave you a paper. Taking the paper from his hand, you could see how beautifully painted was the view with a girl facing the sea under the sun in an afternoon. Just like you. The difference was only you were in a gloomy mood and the girl in the painting was somewhat happy.
“Do you like it?”
“Hm. This is so nice. Have you painted it?”
“Yes. Just now when you were lost in your thoughts.”
“Uh y-yeah. The girl in this picture seems so lively unlike me.”
“Nothing is there to be sad you know. We should leave behind the past and stay happy with the ones you are currently with. Like these blue waves always washing the shore and keeping it look so refreshing so let your sad thoughts flow away with these waves and lock your memories safe.”
He came closer to your form, palm resting on your cheek, fingers brushing the dried-up tears.
“Let someone guide you to the right path when you are needed. Blue represents hope and let these blue waves give you some hope to be cheerful always.”
With a last glance, he went away leaving the piece of paper with you. Glancing to the corner of the paper, there was a signature with a name ‘Renjun.’
You have a new memory and interest to come to seaside often. Well, surprisingly everyday you would find that the boy be painting there as if he waiting for your arrival. The blue waves must have some magic with hopes.
‘pretzel’ and ‘yoghurt shake’
Craving for snacks is a daily part of your life. Glancing at the clock you found out its already late night but it didn’t matter when the convenience store would be open whenever you would go there. So, just picking up your phone and wallet, you made up your mind to head out. Locking the door, you walked down the streets towards the store. The night was chilly unlike other days and you hugged yourself, also your heart suddenly racing for how unusually the place was quiet and dark a bit. Calming yourself, you hurriedly made your way when the neo signboard of the store was in your sight.
Quickly getting inside the store, the bell ringing alarming the person at counter of your arrival. She frowned while getting up as why you were breathing heavily. Asking you if you needed any help, you shook your head and waved your hands in front, laughing awkwardly and told that how everything was fine. You were well aware of the place that how it was so safe to roam around in late hours but still you felt that someone was following you and you couldn’t ignore how your heart was racing. Was it due to the fear or it was signalling something else? Shaking your doubts, you went towards your usual snack centre.
Eyes taking in all the products available and you could see how some things were out of stock and many were newly arrived. Some things were very new to you as you haven’t seen them before so you squinted your eyes to read the names as it was on a top shelf and the way light was falling on it, making it difficult to read.
“Dream Pretzel.”
You got startled when a husky and dark voice spoke behind you. Your back hit his chest and you quickly turned around hoping he would move away a bit before you could reply him. But no. He remained on his place and now you were looking up to his height and him towering you with a dark expression. You looked around you to see if anyone was watching you or not but thankfully you were alone with him. Thankfully? Alone? No, I should tell him to move.
“Can you please move back a bit? Thank you.”
His eyes scanning your face and you could feel he was not having any intention to move. Gulping you tried to push him, hands on his chest over his black t-shirt. He quickly took a hold of your wrist and gripped it tighter, you winced under his strong hold.
“I have to take the item from that shelf so its you who is blocking my way.”
Releasing a heavy breath, you made your attempt to move to the side but before you could, he raised his hands and pressed his body in front to grab a packet from the top shelf. You panicked and your eyes went wide due to his actions. Getting the item in his hold, he scooted backwards, giving you some space to breathe finally. You were frozen and mentally screaming what just happened right now. He stared at you intensely and under his gaze, you were feeling so exposed even when you were fully covered in hoodie and trouser. You avert your eyes away from him and with slow steps, you went to the other shelf.
Deciding on the item you wanted to pick for your craving, your view got blocked when suddenly a snack was placed in front of your eyes. Annoyedly, you craned to look who was the person. And. that boy again, but he was gesturing you to grab the item from his hand. You hesitantly held it and without speaking a word, he turned around. You looked down to the item and it was the pretzel.
“Thank you……”
“Jeno…..it’s nice….you will like the taste.”
A smile appeared on your face and with that you went towards the drink section. Oblivion to you, he was smiling all the way out of the store. Arriving to the drink section, to your disappointment, your favorite drink was not available so you decided to leave the drink for that day and just go back with hot sauce snack or maybe some other snacks. Satisfied with your decision, you grabbed some other things in your way to the counter, the cashier smiled at you. Scanning the items, you noticed how she kept the pretzel packet on the other side with a yoghurt shake. A frown appeared on your face and the cashier told you about the total cost.
“That pretzel?”
“Oh sure. Its yours but the boy came here before has already paid for it and another boy who was with him paid for the shake and asked me to give it you.”
“Another boy?”
“Hm. They were together and they bought these for themselves too. You must be close to them that they bought these for you and they come here often but I haven’t seen you with them anytime. Are you, their girlfriend?”
“What? No no. I- I don’t know them. We just met few minutes back….”
“Oh. Here is your item ma’am. Have a safe night ahead.”
After greeting each other goodbye, you made your way back on the same road which seems more-lonely than before. You felt that creepy feeling rising up your spines and goosebumps appearing on your skin when you felt eyes on you. Someone might be watching from the dark. But who? And why? Isn’t this place safe for the people but that feeling of being watched could not be ignored. Your attempt to run was interrupted when you felt a hand resting on your shoulder from behind.
“Shhh. Wow. You scream so loud.”
“W-who are you?”
A ghost? A kidnapper? A murderer? No no no. please why me?  You just wanted to have some time for yourself with snacks and binge watch dramas but you didn’t think of getting yourself in such situation anyhow.
“I am not a ghost.” In a weird accent, the voice spoke up and you somehow hoped the person to be ghost.
“Please…let me go…I want to go home.”
“I wont hurt you. I just want to say you something.”
You slowly turned around to meet the voice. You stared to the smiling face and his shining eyes under the streetlight, he looking so cute with that smile. You nodded to tell him to proceed whatever he wants to tell you. He glanced at your hand which was holding the items you bought previously.
“Drink that shake. It is a rare one and I know that you will like it.”
You glanced at the plastic bag in your hand and in confusion, you look towards him. You were still thinking how he knew about the shake as it was not visible from outside then it’s only possible if he was stalking you. The eyes watching you all these times must be him. Oh wait. This shake was given by someone then maybe he is that person but why he is approaching you like a creep. He could have offered you in that store in person and not mentioning about it here in the lonely streets. Well, lonely…his presence was no more making you feel alone rather you were at ease and feeling…safe. I should not feel this right now.
“Are you the person who bought me this?”
His smile widened and he was grinning towards you like a little boy who got his candy after whining for too long. He nodded and pinched your nose.
“That’s a gift for you. We are neighbours and I thought I should start our friendship like this.”
“Oh thanks.” You offered a kind smile to him. “But you could have given me before then we would have been friends then and there.”
“well, I was scared of the rejection and I’m kind of shy and also my friend was in hurry for something.”
You nodded on his words. Suddenly, he came closer to you than before and you became cautious of the situation and scooted back. He noticed your action and a hurt expression appeared on his face but quickly he showed you his sweet smile. You awkwardly mimicked the smile when he offered his hand for a shake. Your mind recalled the situation with mark and a thought came across your mind that after that event how you are meeting so many new people in your life. Maybe, without your friend in the town, you are finally socializing with people. Unlike before, you gladly accepted his hand and shook with a shy and awkward smile.
“We are friends now. Myself Jaemin.”
“Nice to meet you Jaemin. This is Y/N.”
His grip tightened and he closed his eyes with a sly smile resting on his face. He was memorizing how you sweet voice voiced out his name and he could never be happier than hearing his name from you. Opening his eyes, he brought your hands up to his lips to press a soft kiss on your knuckles. You were lost in admiring his features that you didn’t notice his actions until you felt his cold lips against your skin. Shy? He is a damn flirt.
“Let’s head back home. Its pretty late. Even if the place is safe, you don’t know what mysteries are hiding behind the dark.”
Agreeing with him, you both went back to your way. Then, you noticed how he really was your neighbour but you didn’t come across with each other’s path before.
After that day, you somehow felt an eagerness to pass through the convenience store everyday after having the skating lesson with Mark in the park. On arriving everyday to the store, you could see Jaemin drinking a yoghurt milk and grinningly waiting for you and also, Jeno stealing glances from the side while being busy playing games on his phone. The must be very close with each other that they always being together.
Waiting. That’s what you were literally doing for past fifteen minutes but still not seeing any sight of the person. It’s quite a late afternoon and you were so happy today. Why? Just because you nowadays feel happy after coming from your daily tour from the seaside. And today, you spent a bit more time with that blue wave guy. You chuckled on your own thought as what a silly nickname you have given him. With a little pout, you shrink in your seat. He usually comes running to you when he would see you sitting there. You casted a glance to your skateboard and well you could see the teddy bear sticker on it and that was what Mark had sticked on it last day.
“So, who is that lucky person you are thinking about?”
Craning your neck, you could see a guy chewing a gum and giving you a teasing smirk and shielding his eyes with a sunglass. With striking a pose, he brushed his hairs backward and when he felt your eyes on him, his smirk became wide. With a striking walk, he came beside you and sat on the empty place.
“Who are you?”
“You don’t know me? That’s so bad.”
He asked you and fake gasped when you shook your head. He was reacting as if it’s your fault in not being aware of his status. A frown appeared on your face and your expressions were totally how you were judging his over dramatic self.
“Why is it important to know?”
Clearing his throat, he turned his body towards your direction, placing a hand on head of the seat and placing the leg over another, striking a sassy pose. You pressed your lips just to prevent yourself showing your annoyance to him and being rude on your first meeting.
“Everyone in this colony knows about me and I’m honestly surprised that you don’t know me.”
“Yah! Why are you so casual about it? Don’t I stand out among all the boys here.”
Honestly, he stands out. It was because you haven’t encountered any other boy with such a unique personality who acts like this on their first meeting even with a girl. Every guy tries to be formal or shy when interacting but this boy was totally over confident about himself and somewhere deep inside you were enjoying his company while waiting for Mark. You laughed lightly at his annoyed expression but quickly regained your composure when you saw him taking off his sunglasses and glaring at you.
“So how was your little ride from seaside?”
How does he know about you? You were literally scared when he asked it and you thought that he might be some kind of stalker who was acting dumb in front of you.
“I’m not a stalker. That’s a very cheap name for me. Haechan is my name. I’m friends with Renjun and Mark so I know you.”
“oh.” So, they have talked about me among themselves. Why? They haven’t mentioned about being known to each other. Oh wait. You haven’t told them about each other then why they will tell you. But this boy is telling that they have talked about you then they must know now.
“Take this, you are overthinking too much. It looks like you don’t interact with people that much and that’s how you think about all the worst possibilities of everything.”
You watched how he took out a gum strip from a small pocket sized box and offered you to take it. You stared at that.
“What if it’s poison and then you might kidnap me?”
“That’s true. But to your luck, I don’t carry those cheap and useless stuffs in my precious and luxury jacket’s pocket. You are the poison to my mind you know. When they talk about you, after that you are stuck in my head and it’s so relaxing to see the angel in person.”
Again, that damn smirk reappeared on his face.
“Also, I would not attempt to pull out such a stunt in front of these much of people, right my Y/N?”
Gesturing with his open palm to all the people spread across the park. He pointed with his chin to take the gum and you accepted it. Satisfied with you, he gave you a teasing grin and eyes scanned your form.
“Haechan. What are you doing here? And.... oh Y/N?”
“I was waiting for you Mark.” you smiled.
“And me being a gentleman was accompanying her unlike you who kept her waiting here for so long.”
“Oh me. I’m sorry. I was just stuck in an important work and couldn’t make it on time.”
Haechan made a ‘tsk’ sound and stared at him to which the latter glared at him and it was of no effect on him because he smiled back to him.
“it’s okay Mark. I was….enjoying his company.”
Damn. His smug face was mocking his friend whose coming late was up to his satisfaction that he got to spend time with you.
“I’m sorry Y/N but I cant spend time with you today as I have to go somewhere and I thought you must be here so I came running here to tell you.” He awkwardly smiled to you and shuffled his hairs and honestly you found it too attractive.
“it’s okay. I can understand.”
Hanging his arm around Haechan’s neck, he bid you goodbye and your eyes followed how they were fighting and bickering jokingly while making their way out of the park. Looking down to the gum in your hand, your eyes widen when a paper folded into tiny folds was attached to it. On unfolding it, you found out the scribbles on it and you giggled.
‘This is my number below. If he makes you wait again, call me and I will tell you about his whereabout. Save the number, ~Haechan.’
‘Broken Melodies’
Suddenly today you are feeling to go through the confession page of your office. One might wonder as if why you were suddenly wanting to go through that site when you are never really interested in those stuffs. Well, the real matter was that you heard a rumor that one of your mangers has proposed his employee and everyone was fangirling over the fact. Surprisingly, even you. You were not expecting something like that for you but was really curious on the fact that how does that page look like. How people actually confess there? As far as You heard, the manager was an anonymous character there then how come everyone knows about it? Did that girl inform them?
You took your laptop and sat comfortably leaning to the headboard with it on your lap. You remembered the name of the page and typed in your Instagram account. The account popped up and you quickly clicked on it. You opened the first post and read the confession. You giggled on the cute message. Eyes reading all the posts when suddenly a particular post made you stop. The person had mentioned his name, well only his account name on Instagram ‘Broken melodies’.
I fell in love again, with her...again. I tried everyday to teach me how to unlove someone. Looking up to the sky, I have told myself countable times that I am capable of leaving her there. But… I cant get her out of my mind even if I hate her. I hate when I see those eyes staring back at me as if I am a stranger and we never knew each other. Whenever she comes near to me, those memories come across my mind along with her presence. Huh! Then only I can realize how I have treasured every moment spend together. Maybe we have made some mistakes back then and I should keep in mind not to repeat them again when she is close to me again. Again, in my life. I want to keep her with me. She is my everything but I’m just a stranger to her. I want to spend my every seven days of a week with you. Can we turn it back again?
I want to sing to her and see her smile again. Those admiration for me in her eyes, I miss them. My songs were the most melodious tunes with her but they are just the broken melodies without her.
“Oh damn. Who is this? I want her to get back to him. I don’t want him to sing alone, she should see this. But I haven’t heard any break up story in our work place.”
Thinking on the gossips you heard all in the past and recently, you tried to remember any story like this. Oh wait. Then this person has a lover from outside the work place.
Smiling, you like the post and commented.
‘You will get her soon.’
Within two minutes, you got a notification from Instagram and it was of someone liked your comment and when you opened the banner, it was from ‘Broken Melodies’.
Somewhere in a cold room, a smiling boy smiling and staring at his phone in his hand on reading a comment. He quickly liked it and sent a follow request to the account. Found it. He shook his head when he realised how he was smiling like a fool, maybe a fool in love.
“Chenle…Why are you smiling at the screen? What’s there so interesting that you couldn’t hear me calling out your name?”
“I have found her profile.”
The latter boy just shook his head but not because he thought his friend was silly but he was going to ask him for the profile and the owner of that account later that night.
“Are you coming?”
“You didn’t have to scream so loud. Aish, my ears will bleed soon.”
Chenle started laughing on seeing his friend’s dramatic attempt to press his palms over his ears and fake crying that he couldn’t hear anything anymore.
You accepted the profile when you thought he must be another worker from your office as all other employees you know were already friends with him. This is how the story begins with the pages being turned over to the initial.
‘Starry night’
“Have you ever wondered if anybody is looking back to from up there?”
You turned to your supposed to be high school classmate. He was already staring at the sky and was attempting to count the stars. Your thoughtful expression glanced at him and avert your eyes back to the sky.
Is there?
“I don’t know….”
“There is someone or should say some people.”
His eyes taking in the view, how the moonlight falling over you and you were still managing to glow. To some other eyes, you might be a common person standing to the side leaning against the pillar on the bridge with your boyfriend but to him you were the most shining star under the night sky at that moment. He met you at the bus stand few days back when you were returning from your work and he was so happy to meet you after so many years. You were confused when he first introduced himself but you then realised that he was the quiet and nerdy boy in your class.
It was Sunday evening when you both decided to have a meet up to chat and relive those old school memories. He was still a shy boy but you saw how he has gained so much confidence unlike before because of which he could approach you that day.
“You are telling it the way as if you are sure and can prove it if possible.”
“I can.”
“There are many things you still don’t know, Y/N.”
“And you know?”
“Perhaps yes.”
“Have you lost someone to up there?”
Silence. That's what you got in return after you asked the question to him. You casted a worried glance towards him to see if you have crossed your boundaries and asked any question that might be too sensitive to him in some ways. When you were about to apologize to him, he turned around and cupped your face and you watched how a tear fell sliding through his cheeks, the end of tear line reflecting the moonlight.
“Yes. A very precious one.”
“Can’t you………get back them again?”
“I have got her back again. Very close to my heart and the person will be there with me all night long under this starry blanket of the night sky.”
“That’s really nice.”
Your hands went up to touch your cheeks and felt tears falling, similarly the way you had seen on Jisung’s face. Why are you crying? It was not you who lost someone except your parents but the way he was saying those words while staring directly to your eyes felt so real like as if he was directing the words to you.
You glanced at the clock and it was already so late and you looked at the snacks kept on the table which you bought from the store before calling your friend. When the clock shows how late you were and the nest day you need to wake up early for your work, you realised you were zoning out for too long, thinking about the encounters with these seven boys. The encounters were like a dream occurring in the reality.
Arranging everything as per your routine before bed, you went on to have a sleep to rest your mind and body after having your little trips to different places.
You have to arrange the pieces to the puzzle of your life. These boys seem like the missing puzzle pieces and are to fix your life into a final piece.
Taglist: @mymoodwriting @justhere4kpop @vvshere @anyamaris @yeoobin @icchyi @jwnghyuns @piratequeen-queenofgames @dinonuguaegi @oreharuuu @eriny123 @jaehunnyy @is4b3ll3s @she-is-dreaming
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lightning-and-sparks · 2 months
Hey! Are you writing a prequel fic and don’t know much about spray paint?? I got you💅
Sparks Guide to Spray Paint
Spray paint is definitely a strange medium that depending on who you are you may not ever get to interact with much. Graffiti culture as a whole is super cool and something that’d add more depth to your fics.
Something I found that isn’t as common knowledge as I thought is that people don’t know spray paint is toxic. It’s loaded with cancer-causing chemicals that you can’t inhale too much of. Many muralists I know use what is called a respirator
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Respirators are probably the best layer of defense when dealing with spray paint but probably not something a runaway teenager would have. Which goes into what I have used/use. While it’s not as good as a respirator I have used a dust mask. They suck in the heat but are great at keeping stuff out of your airways and the next step of defense I’d recommend. They’re easy to find and more importantly, easy to carry.
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I’ve used them for construction stuff and that metal band is going to keep them put and even leave a mark when you're done. They’re disposable and usually because they’re always near me I’ll replace them more frequently because they gross me out.
Options that aren’t as good but better than nothing are your typical bandana or shirt pulled over your nose and mouth combo. Easily the most aesthetic which would make a better look but not as safe. (I have done these but irl I’d try and get something that would protect you especially if it's something you do frequently.
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Super great pro tip, don’t be stupid like me and put these in your hair after I don’t even know why I did that. Spray paint dries quick but somehow I managed to do that and get some black in my blonde highlights which sucked.
Okay! On to the paint.
Yes, they are runaways who probably don’t live in luxury but spray paint is pretty expensive, and rightfully so. There are cheap alternatives and even half cans which are super cute and tiny but totally inconvenient for tagging but can be used for tiny details.
Spray cans are heavy when they’re full so I like to keep my colors to a minimum. Usually, I have to walk far and into wooded areas so that’s my primary reason. Also, not as much paint as you think is there.
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One way to get around costs and just get tags up are black tags. They take significantly less paint because you only really need the one coat. Depending on where you are they kind of blend in IMO. (I've used the can on the right and it worked pretty good.)
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Had to pull out one of my own pictures because there aren’t many good ones on Google. There is a lot you can do with black and white. I’m a girly teen girl so I’d rather spring for a nice red, blue, or purple to go with it.
I think I could compare spray paint to nail polish. It has a similar rattle and needs to be shaken. There is a metal ball in each can. While you can control how you spray it, there still is a wild element especially if you don’t have different/angled tips but those aren’t necessary. Some people prefer to buy their own tips since the ones on the can usually suck. (especially cheap paint)
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I know that gun-shaped handle is not aesthetic but believe me, holding a can and pushing down on it hurts like hell. People usually use those to spray paint like furniture but I just thought they were worth mentioning.
You can't really spray paint in the rain or it looks like shit. It does dry fast but it's better to have that window of a dry period.
The purpose of Graffiti is usually political. It's a way to get a message across and protest something. It has morphed into more of an artistic outlet but the roots stem from expression. I've never really made something that was in protest to something specific but I feel the whole point of what I do is to combat the boring and lifeless urban look. (I live in a city)
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Tagging is the proper term for marking an area. A tag is usually between 3-5 letters and has creative liberties throughout. I used to use a three-lettered tag but I knew some people who knew it so I recently switched to a four-lettered one. I've seen longer and I've seen shorter. There aren't set rules for tagging and in some way, it is a free-for-all.
There are unspoken rules of tagging. realistically, it is bad sportsmanship to cover over tags but it happens. I know of people whose friend died and his tag got covered and they were devastated so I personally try to avoid that.
Contrary to popular belief, graffiti isn't illegal everywhere. There are areas where authority will "overlook" such as abandoned areas. Frequent hunts for me are usually underpasses (illegal) abandoned buildings (50/50 shot) and a semi-abandoned skate park (Legal; Sk8ter boi map cooked with that one)
Sometimes you can even get commissioned to do a piece. I've met a person or two who have.
Tagging for the most part isn't meant to be explicit or hagness. It is more so art. I like to take creative liberties with it like making "S" or "Z" into birds or other objects because, at the end of the day, it is about expression.
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Quick tagging, or as I've deemed it. Is kind of premade tags on stickers where you just kind of leave them where you go and are common in high-traffic spots where you can't pull out the cans. (Whoever started the "Hello My Name Is" stickers, I love you)
The Lookout.
Graffiti is unfortunately a two-man/woman job. If you are somewhere you aren't supposed to be you need a lookout. Mine have changed over the years and I used to work with other artists and we'd swap. Not everyone will jump at the chance to do something kinda illegal.
Just for shits and giggles, I'm pretty sure the duo in Wasabi Extreme are supposed to mimic an artist and lookout/spotter whatever. I think that was a cute detail.
There are so many different types of graffiti styles that I could never talk about to the proper extent. I think the biggest takeaway is that no two people really tag the same. They may look the same but it's different. The style of tag can also reveal their skill type.
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Where I am, graffiti is like a community almost. You meet people or recognize them by their artwork. your name and tag are one on the same and I've been called by my tag. It may seem punk or whatever but really it's just a bunch of artist that make their own gallery.
I've recently gotten back into it with a new name and look. It is really fun, very risky, but feels right. I'm not saying to go out and vandalize stuff but, ya know. Make something once in a while
I hope this is useful to anyone for fics or other stuff. I'd recommend like looking more into it if you're interested because this is definitely not a full guide.
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princeoferror · 2 years
Bowuigi: Domestic Bliss
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Inprnt: https://www.inprnt.com/gallery/princeoferror/bowuigi-domestic-life/
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Bowser somehow makes something as boring as washing the dishes really fun for Luigi. Since being together, he's gained a lot more confidence so he can point out how many pots have been broken. He finds it so amusing on how often this mighty king accidentally breaks a mug or two. Bowser enjoys how he's less tense around him now, it's nice.
Video process:
Artists note: I'm never drawing a kitchen again that took forever /hj
For this piece I wanted to push the prospective on the height difference. I did this by putting the two characters into a larger kitchen. Because of the scale of the environment, Luigi looks tiny in an amusing way.
The kitchen took the longest to draw and render, I made sure to include enough detail to show a medieval inspired kitchen for a king.
Step by step process:
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hollycircling · 1 year
would you consider dropping some tips on how you color? your art always has such a nice feeling to it
Thank you so much, and yes, absolutely! 
So... I have been agonizing over how to answer this question for over a week because I tend to make a lot of my major decisions based on what looks and feels good to me in the moment. It’s sort of hard to explain. Then I started getting philosophical with it (“how does one color? How do I explain aesthetic?”), and I started rambling, and had to cut the answer way, way, way down lol.
But here’s what I can help with right now. I think the most important part of how I color is my tools and what they allow me to do. These are currently my favorite brushes to use: 
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From top to bottom, I use Kyle T’s Gouache for just about everything. A lot of my recent pieces are done entirely in that– I love the chunky texture and how the pressure mimics traditional gouache. It’s great for children’s book illustrations, and filling linework, and realistic portraits. She is my soft wife and I love her. 
I practically never use the default hard round. Ignore that. 
The roller brush is another one I use for painting. It was my go-to before KT’s gouache, so you’ll find it a lot in my older work (and as a big texture thing in my current works). The “Sampled Tip” below that one I usually use for children’s book styled illustrations. It’s like a really dense, waxy crayon, so it’s fun for textured lines and details.
I always paint in my own shadows and highlights, but I like to use the soft round if I want to blow the shadow or highlight out. It’s for extra large areas.
And finally my pencil. I use it for sketching as well as linework, if I plan on doing a linework-centric piece. I don’t think there’s much of a difference between the two there… one is probably smoother than the other. 
The reason why I like textured, pressure-sensitive brushes so much is because they’re important to how I paint. When I blend, I don’t use a blender brush or a smudge tool. What I do is layer two colors– lightly– then use the eyedropper to select the color between them and continue painting with it. That’s probably the key to most of my work. I’ve gotten pretty fast at it, so I’m constantly selecting colors from the painting and reusing it throughout my painting. 
I still use the color-wheel to hand-pick what I think will look best, though. This is probably going to be a really frustrating answer, but I choose color palettes based on basic color/lighting theory combined with personal aesthetic preference. It can take some studying (of both theory and other artists’ work). If you’re ever looking for a really great reference on the former subjects, I highly recommend Color and Light by James Gurny. Even if you’re not into watercolor or dinosaurs or realism, the guy is a master at explaining all that different stuff in depth. 
Shape and negative space are also pretty important to me, but that's a whole other thing. And as a side-note, I recommend following more children’s book illustrators. Their work may look simple, but a lot of intention goes into how they use color, shape, space, and texture. 
Also, on texture, I hand-draw most of mine. I love to add little scratches and drops and splashes when the painting is almost over. It's one of my favorite things to do :')
Now, the other most important tip:
Once I’m happy with the sketch/linework, and once I’ve laid down the basic colors of my piece, I do a Really Terrible Thing. I become a graphic designer’s worst nightmare and collapse everything onto one layer. 
Then I paint directly on top of it, linework and all.
I do this for a lot of reasons, but mostly because 1) my tiny brain is overwhelmed by the clutter of too many layers, and 2) it forces me to approach a piece as if it was traditional media– a process which I find a lot more comfortable and rewarding. I paint right on top of the base colors, and right on top of the linework, effectively redoing and cleaning up what I already have there. Even if I'm working with a blank background, I'll paint a new blank one on top because it gives the feeling of a more unified piece, if that makes sense.
Basically, I approach my drawings as if I’m using traditional media. I like chunky brushes, utilizing (what I personally think are) interesting color combinations and textures, and smashing everything down onto one page so I can just paint. 
Anyway, please let me know if there’s anything specific you’d like me to go into detail on, any pieces of mine you’d like to know how exactly I went about it, etc etc etc. I’m happy to answer ^^
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andreabaideas · 2 days
First impression of each DJATS character after reading and watching?
Well interesting!
Let's see :
Book : chill funny one. Nice. Liked him. 8
Show: chill funny one. Nice. Good ethnicity change. Cool looks. Liked him. 8
Book : Annoying but dignified on the end and understandable. 7
Show : Annoying, childish and rancorous. Didn't like the Camila's Affair. Without dignity. 4
Book: seemed rancorous and was later an incel. Didn't get over Karen even after 40 years. 4 .
Show: nice, cute, understandable, a good man there that you could marry happily tbh (Warren is like that too, Eddie IS pathetic, and Billy IS an unfaithfull toxic drunkard, as much as i like him, and IS in LOVE with many people at once...the logic choice for a boyfriend IS Graham, lets be honest). 9.
Book : bossy. Kinda bitchy. Meh. 5
Show: father like figure, nice. I liked him better here. Ethnicity change works too. 8.
Rod :
Book : chill awesome and gay/bi. 9
Show: chill awesome . Sexuality non mentioned. 8 ( Its the scripters fault)
Book : feminist brunette tomboy rock star tired of everyone's shit. Not as good friend of Camila as you would think tbh. Did get over with Graham. Tough chick. 8
Show : Barbie Rock star. Feminist. Better friend to Camila at least she seemed to feel genuelly guilty about knowing but non telling Cami. Still in love with Graham. Less tough and nicer. I liked her better I guess? 9.
Book : genious but also insane. Very selfish and a bitch, not very lovable, in fact sometimes you may hate her, charismatic but annoying. Camila wakes her conscience. Doesn't really know what she wants. She's said to have ethereal beauty and essence about her that's intoxicating and IS a beautiful redhead with Big blue eyes. 7.
Show : nicer, less selfish , she's not a bitch she is bitchy, but she isn't one you hate, she IS more like misguided but relatable main character with whimsical energy, Creative, artistic, she wants to be loved and a family aka what Camila have, her conscience wakes Itself, she regaings power and dignity in the end by walking away by herself tbh. Genious, slightly crazy, she also has ethereal beauty and essence about her that's intoxicating and IS a beautiful redhead with Big blue eyes. I loved her. 10.
Book : Hot and a decent dad. I didn't believe a Word he said about anything of the story..He was full of bullshit tbh. I found him unreliable, and a liar . But He was very truly charismatic. His Only reedeming quality was being a good dad apart of being a good musician. Suppossedly adores Camila with cute details like gifts , ice cream...etc But then threats her like crap cheating, falling for another and letting her raise 3 kids mostly by herself (playing with kids and being cute doesn't count, you should do the ugly parts too...Which he didn't do ever, first as a musician then as a composer/ song writer)
Something that bothered me a lot while reading was...If he truly wanted Daisy to find her "Camila" aka her water...why he messed with her??? Why he didn't throw her out the band ? Uh?
Cause he was a Liar!!!! He wanted to have her without the obvious repercussions (and Camila's complaints). Hadn't she left the way she did, prompted by Camila...They would had fallen into the affair hard.
Its just not real and It annoyed me a lot. No man is Schrodinger's cat unfaithfull (like unfaithfull and faithfull at once) , come on!! At least he IS entertaining to read XD . 7'5.
Show : im too biased here cause I love Sam. Hot and moderately decent dad, also a liar , but we saw what he did so...we are ready for his bullshit already XD.
Charismatic as fuck .
His true reedeming qualities are : Sam Claflin, Sam Claflin's singing voice, his fatherhood tiny moments with baby and kid Julia...and did i mention Sam Claflin being a hot rockstar?!...thats It. Whoever casted him did the Lord's job, cause had Billy been played by another actor everyone wouldn't be so in love or rooting for pairings ( Daisily or Camilly) everyone would hate him.
Sam has the talent to make you root for problematic people ( exceptions are in Nightingale and Peaky Blinders... for obvious reasons).
I liked that he relapses, I found It realistic. At least here he Only fuck Up (at the beginning, then he redeems) with one kid, not 3... If the bar for being a good dad consist in being there for the birth and to play a bit with your kid...Then the bar Its more than fucking under the ground, It IS as deep as the metro train!!! . He gets the 9, just because of Sam, excluding my Sam fangirlism... then 7'5 , and being generous, and Its for the relapse and the realistic infidelity approach...
Book : barely there. Super anecdotic. 6.
Show : my God, It was the best thing ever they did...They give her a soul!!! And interests outside Daisy!!! And a cool story. And a girlfriend...10. I couldn't love her more.
Camila...Brace yourself.
Book: Oh boy, I loved her. Patient , saintly, amazing strong traditional wife , awesome Mom. Good wife...not perfect (unfaithfull too and slightly manipulative) but very good overall. I loved her , so chill, strong and bossy. Tiny force to be reckoned with. 9.
Show: they sucked Camila's energy like vampires suck Blood ugh. They bared her of her strenght and made her say the cringiest quotes of the show , half of her dialogues were pure cringe. Camila Morrone Its so talented she Worked with that and made the changes watchable..
Taller and prettier, model like...it doesn't work as It should, as Camila was supposed to be less pretty than Daisy, here they are on the same level physically . Also Cami comes off as less cool and sometimes could come off even as bland. Her character IS now more realistic but IS the scorned wife™ , that here It doesn't really work, her peacefull confident behaviour with the literal quote "I hope I never see you again" as a prove translates as "I am the Queen and the King IS mine suck It Up bitch I won , go away"... I wish they respected her as she was , even with everything that they changed.
Had they kept her just like she was It would've been epic. But It wasn't. 7 . (For Camila Morrone's acting, not for her script).
Lisa and Julia are barely there, so i like them better in the show, as i'm seeing them, I guess? 7-8.
Nicky...i hated both versions, so yeah XD. - 10.
Thats It!!
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voluptuarian · 1 year
Favorite Movie Costumes (pt. 1)
Recently got the line-up-your-toys urge to list and discuss my favorite tv and movie costumes-- my favorites are many and tumblr's image limit is low, so I'm not sure how many posts this'll eventually spread to, but here's the first crop.
The Queen's red gown - The Brother's Grimm
I don't think anyone on earth wanted to love this movie more than I did when it came out-- sadly, the film itself was generally a letdown. However, its costumes absolutely delivered, which should come as no surprise since they were designed by Gabriella Pescucci. The costumes for Monica Belluci's queen are my favorites of all, but this piece, the one she wears for most of the movie, may be my favorite costume of all time.
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The costume has several iterations; it's paired most prominently with her enormous horned headdress (my fave), but she also wears it with a more delicate tiara.
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Marianne de Morangias' red riding habit - Brotherhood of the Wolf
Although Brotherhood of the Wolf is far from a good movie, I have a terrible soft spot for it, which is mostly due to its wonderful costumes, including a crowd of hunting costumes throughout, none more gorgeous than the one Marianne's debuts during the film's first hunt.
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I probably owe my love of riding habits to American Girl's Felicity and her swoon-worthy green velvet habit-- they are sadly underused in movies (meanwhile Marianne not only wears this red habit, but also shows off an equally beautiful green one later.)
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Christine Daae's masquerade dress - The Phantom of the Opera
Fun fact, I watched this movie as a teenager (after falling in with the inescapable junior high theater nerd crowd, who tried unsuccessfully to use this as a gateway drug to getting me hooked on musicals), then forgot about the vast majority of the costumes, and stumbled upon it again years later without realizing it was from a movie and completely fell in love with it.
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I'm very fond of the early 1870s silhouette in general, long trains in particular, and the back of this one is what really sold me. The frothy layers of chiffon?? the flowers?? the graceful tiered bustle?? Obsessed. (Another fun fact, this is one of the references I always bring up when discussing potential wedding dresses.)
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Imogen Spurnrose's red ensemble - Carnival Row
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I know, another red velvet number ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Imogen's wardrobe is full of lovely quasi-Victorian pieces, but this one had me GASPING when it came on screen. These pictures do not do the color or vibrancy of that jacket justice!
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Geilis Duncan's white ballgown - Outlander
I'm usually not a fan of stripped down historical styles, especially ones this anachronistic, but something about the minimalist design of this dress just charmed me.
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It reminds of in some way of artistic undress in 17th century portraits, and the lightness of the colors and material has this clean, airy, almost White Lady quality to it, and the simplicity and limited accessorizing really brings out the period silhouette. (Also I adore lover's eyes).
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Vanessa Ives' lace blouse - Penny Dreadful
Vanessa has a gorgeous wardrobe (Gabriella Pescucci hitting it out of the park again) containing a number of delicate black and white blouses, but this one is my favorite.
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The design is not that complex, but the wealth of tiny details, especially the petal shaped blackworked collar and cuffs, give it a huge visual punch; paired with the decorative belt and beautiful black skirt it's a very unique look that shows off some of the most beautiful elements of the period (last photo courtesy @periodcostumefantasylover)
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Lorna's church dress - Lorna Doone
YES another red number. And what a red!! This miniseries is so obscure I had to do my own (butt ugly) screencaps off Youtube, but despite being a fairly modest production, they do some nice 17th century looks in it.
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This dress is glimpsed for a moment as Lorna catches sight of her separated lover through the crowd-- very dramatic, but unfortunately it means getting a good look at the beautiful dress is hard, but I did my best: here's the actual scene, if you want a better look (and I'd recommend the series, too!)
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Virginia Wilson's Worth dress - 1899
Big shock, the replica House of Worth dress made it in *Oprah shrug* I've adored the original dress for years, so I went nuts seeing it on the show! On top of just top tier everything, the costuming on 1899 was great, and the fact that they decided to throw this dress in was just the cherry on top.
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There are some minimal differences between this dress and its inspiration, most notably the change in pattern-- Virginia's dress not only incorporates the alchemical logo like all the rest of the characters, but the rounded edges in the original are all made jagged to match it, as you can really see in the last photo.
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---- on to part 2!
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For the Love of Horror
(Dieter x horror-loving female reader)
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Summary: The reader is totally me; I love horror films and I usually watch them on my own as most of my friends are scaredy cats. There aren’t that many fics where the male character is the one scared of film and Dieter seemed to be the perfect fit.
Warning: no use of y/n, mentions of scary films, Dieter being scared of said scary films, slight euphemisms, saucy suggestions, lots of adorable fluffiness
Notes: I sort of ignore the ending of the film. In fact I wrote my own here also check out the masterlist for more of these two here
Dieter Bravo loved you, but you loved horror films, and he was the biggest scaredy cat in the world.
You’d first met the strange but handsome actor as his makeup artist for an indie film. On Sap of Justice, he played a man hunting down his wife’s killer while slowly being turned into a tree. He won a SAG or something for that, he didn’t care, but it required hours in the makeup chair.
You showed up on the first day wearing a bright yellow jumper, an even brighter smile and a Tupperware full of homemade cookies. He was instantly smitten.
His latest rehab stint actually worked this time, but he ended up developing a giant sweet tooth. While the rest of the crew did not appreciate your delightful treats, Dieter ended up consuming more than he should have, usually while he was sitting in his makeup chair, making a bit of a mess.
You then came up with the idea of giving him a piece of chocolate to slowly melt on his tongue so he could sit back and let you do you work. You’d slip in another piece onto his tongue when he ran out, it was probably the most sensual thing he’d ever experience.
He was happy to just sit and listen to you as you babbled on about films, most of which he’d never heard of. You knew a surprising amount, more than most directors he’s worked with.
He couldn’t help but smile at your bubbly enthusiasm and he just wanted to be around you. But that tiny colourful you had a dark interior: your love of horror films.
The first time you invited him over to watch a scary movie, he thought it was a euphemism for his favourite activity and he was excited.
But no.
You put on Hereditary.
He spent the rest of the night alone in his room with the lights on, his eyes never leaving the ceiling.
The following night he had a nightmare where he was stuck in a dollhouse with naked people.
He was so relieved when you wanted to have another movie night. He suggested maybe a romantic film this time round.
So, you put on Candyman.
Dieter couldn’t look at himself in a mirror for at least a week.
The third time he suggested watching a comedy film.
So, you put on An American Werewolf in London.
This time it was less scary as he mainly spent the time looking at you while you enthusiastically explained in detail how Rick Baker achieved the first transformation scene and how horror films lead to your career choice.
That was when he fell in love completely and utterly in love with you.
And he needed to come clean about his horror film phobia.
Thankfully, you didn’t kick him to the curb like the piece of garbage he believed he was. You apologized profusely for taking over film choices with your favourites and it was definitely his turn to choose his favourite.
Dieter shyly suggested Beauty and the Beast to which you sighed and said it was your favourite non-horror film and immediately put it on. You put your head on his shoulder as you watched it.
“So why is this your favourite film Dieter?”
“Well…I like to think that if a beast can fall in love and get a happily ever after, then that gives me hope”
Your reply was a hug and kiss on the cheek,
He could certainly get used to this. It was nice.
Eventually, you both found a compromise with your film watching together. No horror film before dark and not every time you got together. You hunted around to find the least scary horror films when it was your choice. And you suggested he watch Dead Meats Kill Count which helped because Dieter could at least anticipate when the scary parts would happen beforehand. You always made sure to turn the volume down when a jump scare was going to happen.
In the meantime, Dieter worked with his therapist to uncover the reason behind his scaredness of scary films. He suspected it was that donkey scene in Pinocchio was the cause of trauma but there was still work to do.
You saved him from your guilty pleasure films such as Snakes on a Plane and the Final Destination series, so you instead only subjected him to the good ones: the really good, critically acclaimed, award-winning ones. He finally watched The Shining and Get Out which ended up not being as scary as he thought.
Dieter discovered he had missed out on a huge amount of great films. You were both sobbing wrecks at the end of Train to Busan and he absolutely loved Willem Dafoe’s crazy ass monologue in The Lighthouse and immediately had to learn it himself.
You discovered that Dieter had a huge love for animated films and would sing along to every song, every time. Of course he knew all the lyrics to Under the Sea and Be Our Guest which you couldn’t help but smile at, he was just that adorable.
And you were roped into a duet of A Whole New World. Dieter was just a big romantic at heart. It was a side of the actor no one knew or cared about.
Whenever a new horror film came out at the cinema, you were more than happy to go by yourself as you were used to that. He survived watching A Quiet Place with the volume down and praised your bravery and madness for seeing it at the cinema alone.
But when there were times when you really wanted to see a film not in the cinema and Dieter didn’t want to be alone, something to do with his love of cuddles with you or something. This would be when you’d watch it with headphones one and Dieter would be hiding his head in your lap. Most of the time you’d run your fingers through his hair, and he’d fall asleep.
He liked this.
He could get used to this.
Two years later…
“Honey cakes, I’m home!”
You practically skipped across the hallway to give your boyfriend Dieter his well-deserved welcome home hugs and kisses.
This was the best part of his day.
You were now living together in his huge house, and both couldn’t be happier. Dieter was happy to wake up next to you every day and you were happy to finally be able to watch horror films on his huge TV.
“How was the meeting with your agent?”
“Not bad. Got given this script for a TV thing to read through.”
You perked your face in interest. “Oh? Thinking of moving away from films?”
“Well, I’m told this is a pretty good script. Written by some guy named Mike Flanagan…”
You promptly screamed.
Dieter almost flew across the room; he’d never heard you scream before. And he thought he did a pretty good job in the bedroom.
“Mike Flanagan?!!!”
“Is he good?”
“Is he good?!!!”
You proceeded to grab the collar of his shirt and started shaking him in excitement.
“He makes Stephen King good, that’s how good he is!”
You’d never been rough with him before, and he liked it. A lot.
Your tiny body was bouncing around like a jellybean, you were that excited.
“You remember that film Oculus? The one with the mirror?”
“Is that the one with the hook hand guy?”
“No, that was Candyman; the second film we watched together. Oculus has that one big mirror and Karen Gillan.”
He was surprised you remembered your second date.
“Oh yeah, that one”
“And Gerald’s Game was amazing!”
“I still occasionally have nightmares about that tall man”
“Aw, I’m sorry”
You immediately hugged him, and he rubbed your back in appreciation.
“So, you think I should read the script?”
“If you get to work with Mike Flanagan, I’ll marry you!”
But you had bounced away at this point. Pouting, Dieter immediately pulled out his phone and called his agent.
“Hey, that TV thing you gave me the script for: I’ll do it, sign me up”
“You’ve already read it? That was quick”
“No, but I have it on good authority from an expert that it’ll be good, so I’ll do it”
“Alright then, but still read the script”
“Yeah, yeah of course. Hey, um…are they needing any makeup artists by the way?”
“Probably. Are you recommending your girlfriend again?”
“Well, she’s the best, and if she got to work on this job, she’d probably have my baby which sounds…nice”
Dieter was lost in this happy fantasy until his agent interrupted him.
“What was that?”
“Nothing. Gotta go. Bye!”
He quickly hung as because you had returned by then and you had that look: the look that meant he was going to be subject to a new horror themed piece of media.
“Now, I’m thinking you should at least watch one of Flanagan’s series to help with your decision and we should definitely watch Midnight Mass”
“Hang on, I’ve heard of that one. That’s the one everyone on set wouldn’t shut up about”
“Because it’s good!”
“Hasn’t it got vampires in it?”
“Yes. But it also has monologues”
This piqued his interest.
“I like monologues��
“I know you do and there’s lots in this one.”
You got up on your tiptoes to give him a kiss.
“Now, get in your favourite comfy clothes. I want us to fit in a few episodes before it gets dark.”
“Yes ma’am!”
You gave his small butt a playful slap as he walked away.
He was going to have to get out that engagement ring from its hiding spot sooner than he thought.
Films referenced: Hereditary (2018), Candyman (1992), An American Werewolf in London (1981), Beauty and the Beast (1991), Snakes on a Plane (2006), Final Destination (2000), The Shining (1980), Get Out (2017), Train to Busan (2016), The Lighthouse (2019), The Little Mermaid (1989), Aladdin (1992), A Quiet Place (2018), Oculus (2013), Gerald's Game (2017), Midnight Mass (2021)
Lovingly tagging @cevans-is-classic
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xceanlynx · 10 months
Hi! It's me, waking up from a nice nap to give my lovely mutuals, but especially @khaofirsts @hushedstars @drama-nonsense (the amazing people who accepted my letter-delivering proposal lol) my detailed experience in the FirstKhao fanmeet in Brazil!
So, I only got there by 3:45pm, and the gates would open to the general audience by 4pm (only the people who got VIP1 — the ones y'all probably saw taking solo pictures with First and Khaotung — got to enter earlier) and oh my God the lines were LONG. It was a bit more organized than how it was earlier (in the morning there was only one giant line that was divided by sectors in the afternoon) and the temperature was very nice, not as nearly as hot as it was the day before. Here, it was just a few minutes before it started:
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One thing I want to emphasize so much is that there were so many different kinds of people there! Usually in events like this, with asian celebrities, the crowd tends to be more white, female presenting, more emo/punk vibes, and definitely more lgbtq+, but my guys, when I say there were people of all types, I MEAN IT. There were some nice ladies (that were probably 50+) cheering so much in the line, at first I thought they were mothers accompanying their kids but NO, they were fans! There were also a lot of men too, and gender non conforming people, trans people, you name it!
There were also many black and asian people, although white and white presenting people were still the majority (also, many photos may have you think there were only white and whiteish people but the lights that lit the crowd were so strong they basically made everyone look pale lol).
There were also many people from other countries. There were two guys (i believe they are a couple) that I have no idea where they were from, they only talked to staff in english but to each other they spoke some language I have no idea. There were also many latam groups, I saw some girls from paraguay, I know there was a group from Chile too, and there were probably more that I haven't seen. The crowd was DIVERSE!
But enough of all this pre fanmeet talk, let's get to the real stuff!
My moots. Dear moots. I almost lost my hearing /j. We were so loud, and we always are, it's basically cultural of Brazil to be louder than the artist, but last night was something else. Everyone was so excited, really, it is a different atmosphere.
The boys were so, so nervous! It was very easy to see how nervous they were in the beginning, but I think they got a lot more relaxed as the fanmeet went on. When they first entered singing, oh my god... They really got so surprised we were singing so loudly, I bet y'all have seen the footage already, it's all over twitter. They couldn't believe what they were seeing lol
Just a tiny video I took of part of their introduction (IN ALMOST PERFECT PORTUGUESE MIGHT I ADD) — bear with me I own a 6-year-old samsung and I was in the box seats, the quality won't be qualitying lmao (I made a friend while waiting in line and she'll send me some of her videos, thankfully)
I was kinda shocked, yet not really shocked, when I noticed that First wasn't singing live. Like I get it, we all know he isn't really a singer, and considering this was their largest event (by number of people: ~4k), they probably thought that it would be better that way. In any case, I don't think people really minded at all. We scream so loudly anyway that live or not, we would barely hear it lmao and he was such a charismatic performer, he interacted with everyone he could in the standing crowd. Mr. Kanaphan is a tease, you all!!!
Idk if that was just me but Khaotung sounded a little bit rough in his song, which he sang live. Maybe he had a sore throat? No idea, but by the last song (let's try) he sounded very good. Maybe it was recorded, but I really didn't noticed. Their stage presence got better and better at every song. AND RAPPER KHAOTUNG? OKAY! GIVE ME SOME MORE OF THAT!!!
The questions and games were very fun! I'm not the type that like much fanservice (all of this was fanservice, I know, but like, those obvious one, you get me?) but they were really nice and not much forced. The questions were also very nice and well-curated (no nonsense ship questions), although I think there were a couple of questions the translator didn't understand fully (also, we were screaming so much I can't blame her for not hearing) and she probably translated to them wrong/not complete, so their answers were a bit weird but we understood what they meant. Also, they tried to samba! The crowd singing Zeca Pagodinho! So random... poor boys were so, so awful lmao but we can forgive them because they're cute
The game interactions with the two fans were also really nice! The girls were very polite (one of them was very young and timid, poor thing) and yeah, it was cool *alexa, play "That Should Be Me" by Justin Bieber*
The surprise fan video was so wholesome. I was almost tearing up lol and when, in the video, a deaf fan appeared signing how much she loved them I lost it and just started crying. Really, they are such great people and their talent has entertained and inspired so many different groups, it really is heartwarming.
Okay, now for the picture: Look, I was in a trance like state. I have absolutely no idea how I got on that stage to take the photo. I was the last one of the group so I couldn't sit next to them, but I believe I got to be somewhat behind Khaotung? I remember seeing the top of his head. Oh my god I really blanked out
As for the hi touch, it was so fast I kinda also did not register much? My brain really was malfunctioning. What I can remember is: They aren't as tall as I thought? Like, I don't think they are lying about their height, I just realized I'm not as short as I thought lol I am 168cm and, with the shoes I was wearing I was probably ~171cm. Still shorter but not as short as I somehow thought I would be.
Their hands are soft. Very soft. Also, their skin literally is flawless, everyone was commenting how perfect it was, just like porcelain. I don't know what treatments they do, and what makeup they use, but I need the detailed list right now!
Also, fuck my life: I can try to say anything, literally anything, but when I get in front of celebs the only thing I can mutter is "hi" with a giant smile. What the fuck I couldn't even say something like "i love you" or "you're handsome".... NO. I JUST SAID HI AND LEFT 😭😭😭
Okay, that's pretty much how it went. Oh, and as I was waiting for my uber to arrive, and I was more distant from the venue so I could avoid the crowd. I was in the street right in front of the gates of the venue, but still more distant, there were probably like 10 people around me. I heard so many people screaming at the entrance of the venue — firstkhao were going back to the hotel (you can see the van in an earlier post of mine). They entered the van and then the van was signaling they were going to turn left to the same street I was waiting the uber. Oh. My. God. I started waving like crazy, they could not have missed me looking like those gas station inflatable men lmao I couldn't see them because the window was very dark but boy I just know they saw me again 😂😂😂😂
To finish up, as the official photo wasn't released yet, let me show where I am in the gmmtv pic. Look at top left where the arrows are pointing. See the two hands? That's me, baby
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journalsouppe · 11 months
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The Afternoon Tea DGS zine by @afternoonteazine!! Oh I absolutely adore this zine it is such a perfect theme for The Great Ace Attorney :') The art and writing and merch are all just gorgeous and made me so hungry, I can't get over how cute everything is
As a bonus I also ordered the sketchbook! I have a small review and test page of the sketchbook under keep reading but I am SO pleasantly surprised with the book. Any DGS or even Ace Attorney zine/stickers/spreads I make will now be in this sketchbook so commentary might be shorter because of it! (Game spreads will still be in my larger journal)
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Writing Typed Below! (As well as images of the merch and sketchbook notes)
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Sept 2023
Zine theme: An English and Japanese tea theme with DGS characters
Merch List:
TEA PARTY (Full bundle + Sketchbook)
Phys + Dig zine
digital emotes
cookie sticker sheet (lostkimin)
tote bag (ooowyn)
Steeping prints (jasminebythebay)
iris charm (jasminebythebay)
gina sticker (starjuicebox)
cups charm (pandalanachick)
coaster (merrymint)
pin (merrymint)
washi (replikayt)
herlock and yuujin stickers (replikayt)
sketchbook (replikayt)
+2 page art spreads turned into prints
This is such a perfect zine theme for this particular game duology. I absolutely love what everyone has made. The art and writing is all so cozy and sweet, it makes me want to have a tea party of my own. I am so pleasantly surprised by the quality of what I received, especially the notebook which is much thicker than expected! TYSM to all the artists, writers, and mods, y'all killed it. I love this sm.
The cookie stickers are so cute and look so yummy
tea cups ride charm :') :') :')
nyasked disciple cake pin... I'll eat him ngl
AHHH the case names but with tea puns
All of the art is gorgeous and making me so hungry
LOVE the tote, I really like the size of it too omg
I'd love to frame the tea prints and hang them near my tea area
all the stickers are so cute and silly
ryuu with onigiri rice on his face on the coaster omg
that washi is so perfect for this zine omg
steep for 2 minutes is going to make me cry T^T!
love all the tiny and homey details on the cover :')
had to take a snack break before working on this more lol
love the poison iris is brewing <3<3
the gregson, stronghart, and sithe piece is such a cool idea
klimt and lady baskerville are so cute
Sketchbook Review
The cover is printed well and very durable. The pages are thick and I was surprised at how big the sketchbook is! I have a few mini square sketchbooks and they don't have nearly as many pages as this sketchbook. It also includes a back pocket, a ribbon, and an elastic clasp. Another surprising bit is the pages are honestly some of the smoothest pages I've ever felt. It's not a bad thing at all but I have just never touched paper this nice before lol. That does mean the way some materials react to the paper will be different, but none of my test materials bled through the pages. (only faint outlines/shadows but not full bleed). I genuinely adore this sketchbook and am so happy to have snagged one during preorders
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ladywynneoutlander · 1 year
Thoughts on 703 - Death Be Not Proud
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Jumping right in to episode three. The story is flying along, but with so much to cover I can see why. It makes me glad to know there is one more season on the way.
What a thrill to see Jemmy's box arrive.
The 1980's look really great onscreen. Honestly I don't remember people in the US looking so nice and cozy. My parents forced us into loud geometric prints, but I digress. : ) This show must be a literal dream for the set designers, costume designers, hair, and makeup artists that get to recreate so many different eras.
I'm glad they expanded on the house fire scene. It needed it for clarity as to what exactly happened and as to who exactly died (i.e. all the bandits). The fire itself was a true spectacle, and very moving. It was fitting for the importance of the event in terms of character's lives, story moving forward, and the settling of the newspaper article plot that brought Bree to the 18th century way back in season 4. "Bloody newspapers. Never get anything right." Good job Brianna. Mission accomplished.
The aftermath of the fire is a visual that struck me. Love amidst ruin.
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Mr. Bug speaks at last. I am glad that the Bugs were finally fleshed out as characters, and tie-ins to the Rising are always interesting. These connections past to present give the story so much depth. However, they did leave out some of Mr. Bug's personal vendetta against Jamie's family, and I was a little confused about why he thought he and Mrs. Bug deserved the gold.
The moment of Mrs. Bug encouraging and supporting Arch was simply lovely. It highlighted the complexity of the situation and was completely necessary for what comes next to have the impact it deserved.
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Ian, poor lad. I'm not getting into the plot holes here. Ignoring "what ifs" for the sake of time and sanity.
The funeral. Caitriona Balfe really did sing the Ave Maria. She has such a beautiful voice!
Mr. Bug's face as he laid Murdina to rest was enough to break your heart; and then moments later, his face as he threatened Ian was enough to chill it. Wow.
It was a minor thing but I liked the slight drizzle throughout the episode, especially the funeral. So appropriate. I wonder if they created it or just went with the weather?
I love Jamie's dream. How special, and this one confirmed he truly has a connection with the future.
Adso, dearest, you represent the Ridge. This made me hate so much that Claire has to leave her home. As excited as I am for what is to come, I was almost angry at Jamie for making her go.
Finally, the little transitional pictures are perfect emotional cues. I know it is a really tiny detail, but I noticed them this episode particularly. They set the scenes, make everything flow, and reinforce the scenic beauty that has been part of Outlander from season one. And they weren't always used, sometimes transitions are fade outs, so very nice.
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I like the little moments of domestic happiness woven throughout this episode, which give it kind of an even keel. Yes, there was tragedy, but there was also calm. There was love through mourning. We even see this in the future with Bree and Roger at Lallybroch, longing for their loved ones. It is very Outlander.
Enjoyed this episode. It felt like time with friends. : ) Wishing everyone the best and a very happy fourth to those in the US. 🧡
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aureus-ignis · 1 year
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Some of the props I made for my Tutu many many years ago!
Top left: The wings. Made from steel gauge wire and organza (for that nice glittery finish). I sewed the edges over the wire, then added a small white felt piece with feathers (not pictured here) to go over the adjoining wire loop between the wings. The whole thing is light enough to be safety pinned onto the tutu.
Bottom left: I took a little artistic liberty to add some detailing to the crown. It's made from craft foam, hot glue, and pearls, and I added a little comb to attach it to her wig.
Right: Tutu's very specifically shaped fan. It was impossible to modify a regular folding fan, and the ones that do work like that don't come in such a design, so I ended up making it from scratch by cutting holes out of really, really thick cardboard. To create the illusion of 'spokes', I painted cast shadow lines along them.
Pendant: Crafted entirely by me from a whole lot of materials such as craft foam, ribbon, wire, resin, nail polish, rings. I wanted it to look as authentic and as pretty as possible, so I decided to forgo using clay (a material I'm far more familiar with), and instead what looked more like jewellery. I made all the gems out of resin, because shop bought gems were likely to be oddly faceted, and because I wanted them all to be size proportionate. The clear blue wings were also made from resin; I'm so glad it worked and is now blue and transparent and pretty ;w;
The gold wire was originally very yellow and gaudy (as seen in the first pic), so I sprayed it over with a warmer gold and then painstakingly began to cut and bend them into shape, sanding the edges so they wouldn't cut my poor Tutu's skin when she wore it. I've never done such tiny jewellery work before, so it was difficult and fairly painful to get some of the smaller pieces to do exactly what I wanted (gem hanging at the bottom, I'm looking at you). But I succeeded in the end! o/
The base and others are made from layers of craft foam, with nail polish over to make it glittery and shiny (although it doesn't really show up well in photos), because a flat colour would look too plain next to all the shiny gems. Ribbon is just ribbon. I stared at so many reference pictures and COULDN'T UNDERSTAND WHAT ON EARTH THAT THING WAS SUPPOSED TO BE. It looked like strips of hard metal fastened about her neck at first, but when she took it off at the dramatic-wails-no-Ahiru-WHY episode it fell like soft ribbons. Argh.
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ksbbb · 10 months
ur okay to answer all of the questions? 🤭😅😆
😂😂😂 for you? I will 🫂
list 3 positive things about your current fandom(s)? A lot of material to work with considering we have to fill in gaps. Multiple characters to use. Lost of works to explore and plus there’s so many head canons that you can get lost and have a whole day to fill. 😂 they finished the show too. I will add that. Some shows get canceled.
A head cannon you weren’t sure about at first but you have come to like?
Liam not being able to cook. It sounds silly but at first I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt and I enjoy the thought of Theo being the cook and perfectionist with it.
a character that fandom has helped you appreciate?
Derek Hale. LISTEN. Don’t come for me. Originally I didn’t like Derek because he was mean to Scott at first and I didn’t like how he threw Isaac out of the loft with no place to go. 😤 however, I’ve come to the conclusion through the fandom that he has grown and he went through a lot. He also did come back to help Scott.
say something nice about a ship you don't ship (it can be another ship in your fandom, a mutual's OTP, etc)
Stalia. Stiles helping Malia and them looking out for each other was always really sweet to me.
Something you see in fics a lot and love
Theo moving in with Liam. I think we have established this happened for real in our teen wolf world.
Something you see in art a lot and love
Theo and Liam in Theo’s truck driving around.
your favorite tropes to read/write/draw
Enemies to lovers
Sharing a bed
Reluctant friends/allies
you hope more people will come to appreciate ___ (a ship, a trope, an episode, etc)
Season 5 . Yes it was a little rough and a lot of holes, but we got Theo and the chimera pack. It also gave a horror type vibe which I loved .
Plus plus… we were introduced to
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A ship that isn’t your OTP but you enjoy
Scisaac. I don’t think anything else needs to be said.
a blog (mutual or one you follow) that has made your fandom experience brighter
@thiamsxbitch @wolfboy88
If you’re a writer or an artist what work are you proud of making? 
Hmmm. I think I always come back to this but
your favorite type of fandom event (gift exchange, ship week, secret santa, prompt meme, etc)
Thiam gift exchange was fun. I also liked the thiam reverse big bang and seeing all the artwork
Compliment someone else in your fandom
Well… that’s hard fjfjfj. I like everyone but I will say that green zone is the best written fic I’ve read in a long time. @chasing-chimeras
A ship that always makes you smile 
Scira . 💙💙 so wholesome
A character that always makes you smile
A thing in canon that everyone loves that you also love
Morey. I mean, Jeff didn’t screw that up in in the show. The movie we won’t discuss .
tiny detail in canon that you want more people to appreciate
The development of Derek and Scott’s relationship from angry stand offish allies to brothers. I think it’s cute and now that I like Derek I love it. 😂
Your first fandom
Vampire diaries but I wasn’t a writer or artist for it
Your current fandom
Teen wolf
All American
Shadow and bone
a fandom you're not active in anymore but that you still really like
Vampire diaries
A fandom friend you have known the longest
@waterloou 🫂
the fandom you're curious about because of a mutual
Hmm 🤔 idk. I’d have to think but one tree hill has been on my mind to watch because of you @thiamsxbitch
how has fandom positively impacted your life?
I met some fantastic people and for that I will be eternally thankful
A piece of advice for taking care of yourself in fandom spaces?
Take breaks and don’t look at numbers. It’s easy to get lost in it but what’s important is that you enjoy what you’re doing. If you don’t like it and it becomes a constant stress for more likes or comments, then it’s time to step away.
It should be fun
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nyoomerr · 7 months
2, 8, 11, 16 and 23 for the fandom ask!!!
2. a headcanon you weren't sure about at first but have come to like!
ahhjhg honestly i'm pretty picky about headcanons, i sat here for like five minutes trying to think of one i ever changed my mind about... i either like it right away or i don't ever like it 😂 but one of my favorite headcanons is the classic 'chronic illness sy' one - it lines up very nicely with his general non-reactions to massive pain and crippling injuries
8. you hope more people will come to appreciate _ (a ship, a trope, an episode, etc)
bingwife my beloved…. a lot of people tend to conflate bingwife with bottom bing, and although i don't want to ever go near top/bottom discourse w a ten foot pole, it does make me sad that people who are very against bottom bing end up usually disregarding bingwife, too ;A;
look into your heart... imagine it... picture binghe making dinner like always, except this time sqq is tired and he isn't thinking, and when binghe sets the table sqq says "thank you, wife" - imagine it!! can't you see in your heart the way binghe would light up!! it's been his dream since he was a disciple to be shizun's kept wife!!! wives can still top if that's your preference!!
11. if you're a writer or artist, what fic or piece of art are you proud of making?
i try to be proud of all the stuff i make - even if i’m unhappy with it in the moment i finish it, usually if i just give it some space then i can come back in the future and appreciate the work i did on it. but specifically.... hm, i think that 'take me home, bury me there' is the fic i was proudest of at the time of posting! idk what i'm most proud of now tho 🙈
16. a tiny detail in canon that you want more people to appreciate
we talk about how devastating bingge's "come with me" line is but y'know what's equally as heartbreaking? lqg's "i'm right here" line....
23. the fandom you're curious about because of a mutual
i’m always a bit curious of 2ha since so many svsss fans love it, but every time i think about picking it up i end up chickening out since it seems so intense and angsty... maybe when the eng TL is complete i can give it a try!
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